Design Checklist-8 Water-Efficient Landscaping

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This form is required for all landscaping projects requiring review and approval by the
Planning Division. For more details on landscaping, irrigation and usable open space
requirements, see SMC 19.37.
Site Address:
Landscaped area means a portion of a site planted
with vegetation utilized for screening or
APN: Zoning: ornamentation. Landscaped areas may include
decorative rock or stone, provided that such
Planning Project #: materials are incidental and do not comprise more
than thirty percent of the area. For purposes of
computation of landscaped area as that term is
Total Project Landscaped Area (sq. ft.): used in this title, automobile parking areas, storage
areas, vehicular ways and specifically permitted
unenclosed uses shall not be considered as
Check all that apply to the project: Turf means a ground cover surface of mowed grass.
Single-Family/Duplex Multifamily Nonresidential Special landscaped area means an area of the
landscaping dedicated solely to edible plants,
% Native, low water or no water use plants installed: recreational areas, areas irrigated with recycled
water, water features using recycled water, and
areas dedicated to active play such as parks,
sports fields, golf courses, and where turf provides
a playing surface.
**Note: The landscaping and irrigation plans shall be prepared by, and bear the signature of, a certified professional,
unless the total landscaped area is less than 2,500 square feet.
Certified Professional Name (if different from applicant):

Phone: Email:
License or Certification #:
( )

I am aware of available informational resources regarding native and water-wise plants, irrigation efficiency, and
other aspects of water-efficient landscaping. I certify that the information provided on this checklist is correct,
and that the landscaping project meets the specified requirements of Chapter 19.37 of the Sunnyvale Municipal


REQUIREMENT (Applicant to complete) REVIEW
Water Efficiency Landscaping design and plant selection is based on one of
Design two options: Option 1
Option 1: No turf/lawn or high water use plants; at
least 80% of plants installed are native, low water or Option 2. Completed
no water use plants. Water Budget Calculation
Option 2: Landscaping design is based on water Worksheets included.
budget calculations.
Plant Material Variety Landscaping includes trees, shrubs, vines, flower, ground
covers or a combination
Size Proposed plants are sized and spaced to achieve immediate
effect in accordance w/ horticultural industry practices
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REQUIREMENT (Applicant to complete) REVIEW
Trees One (1) tree per 1,000 sq. ft. of required landscaped area (per Yes
SMC 19.37.040) in addition to required parking lot shading trees Not applicable
Protected trees (SMC 19.94.030) proposed for removal will be Yes
replaced per Citys Tree Replacement Policy Not applicable
Turf/Lawn Turf is tall fescue or similar Yes
(Option 2 Water Not
Turf is planted on slope < 10% if slope is adjacent to hardscape Yes
Budget Calc. Only)
No turf in areas less than 10 ft. wide adjacent to impervious area Yes
Hydrozones Plants with similar water needs are grouped together Yes
Areas that mix plants with different water needs are captured in
the water budget calculations, except that high water use plants
Not applicable
are not mixed with low water use plants
Water features not using recycled water and any pools/spas are Yes
included in the high water use hydrozone Not applicable
Soil Mulch will cover all exposed soil areas at a min. depth of 3 inches Yes
Management Soils will be amended for selected plants and compacted soils will
be transformed into a friable condition
Compost will be incorporated at a minimum 4 cubic yards per
1,000 sq. ft. to a depth of 6 inches
Grading is designed to minimize soil erosion, runoff and water
Water Features Uses recirculating water system; uses recycled water if available
Not applicable
Pools/Spas Yes
(Option 2 Water Included in high water use hydrozone and will include a cover
Not applicable
Budget Calc. Only)
Irrigation All landscaped areas will have a permanent irrigation system Yes
System Design (required for all projects except for single-family and duplex) Not applicable
Designed and will be maintained to meet or exceed 81% irrigation Yes
efficiency for drop systems and 75% efficiency for overhead spray Not applicable
Drip irrigation (non-spray) used for trees, shrubs, mulched areas, Yes
areas with slope >10% and areas less than 10 ft. wide Not applicable
If used, overhead spray irrigation is used for clustered shrubs and
turf areas at least 10 ft. wide, and devices meet ANSI Landscape
Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standards
Not applicable
Valves and control circuits are separated based on water needs of
a hydrozone and master and manual shut-off valves are
Not applicable
Irrigation controllers utilizing evapotranspiration or soil moisture Yes
sensor data and capable of dual or multiple programming are used Not applicable
Sensors that suspend irrigation during unfavorable weather Yes
conditions or if the soil is still moist are incorporated Not applicable
Pressure regulators are incorporated if the water pressure does Yes
not meet the recommended pressure of the devices Not applicable
Flow sensors installed for any landscaped areas 5,000 sq. ft. or Yes
larger Not applicable
Irrigation controllers and backflow devices are screened from Yes
public view Not applicable

One-Stop Permit Center City Hall 456 W. Olive Avenue (408) 730-7444
Planners and Building Division staff are available 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. /
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