Think You're A Leader? Take The Test and Find Out.
Think You're A Leader? Take The Test and Find Out.
Think You're A Leader? Take The Test and Find Out.
Do you believe youre a gifted, effective leader? If youre looking to benchmark your leadership
ability the following self examination will give you a baseline to build from. While this test is
not as detailed as more comprehensive assessments, I have nonetheless found it to be fairly
thorough. That said, any self exam is only as good as the honesty of those taking the test. If you
check your ego at the door and give a thoughtful, introspective evaluation of your ability, it is
likely youll learn something about your leadership abilities or lack thereof. Better yet, for those
of you bold enough to place yourself under what might be the harsh scrutiny of others, you can
get the benefits of a mini leadeship 360 review by asking your co-workers to rate you as a leader.
If youre game to test your leadership ability read on to take the exam
The examination is broken down into 10 sections, each worth 10 points. If you believe you
possess a fully developed competency in a section give yourself 10 points. If you possess no
competency whatsoever give yourself 0 points. Grade your examination as follows:
A = 90 100 points
B = 80 89 points
C = 70 79 points
D = 60 69 points
F = 59 & below
As I mentioned above, use the results of the exam to determine your strengths and weaknesses as
a leader. If you find you lack skill sets and competencies in certain areas seek help to shore-up
your weaknesses, and more importantly, use your professional advisors to assist you in
leveraging your strengths. On with the exam.
Section I: Character.
Great leaders do the right thing regardless of circumstances, situational context or other
influencing factors. They will not compromise their value system and personal ethics for
temporary gain. Without a consistent and enduring display of sound character youll find it
difficult to earn the trust and respect of those you lead. While your character will be tested often
as a leader, great leaders know there is no substitute for the truth.
Section V: Focus.
Great leaders are focused on the mission at hand. They dont bite-off more than they can chew by
falling prey to initiative overload. Great leaders dont major in the minors and understand that
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Great leaders are committed to not losing
focus and not giving-up.
Section X: Results.
The proof of great leadership is ultimately found in the results being attained. Leaders can be
extremely strong in any of the areas above, but if they are not leading effectively or productively,
if they are not meeting performance expectations, then they have work to do. Great leaders get
There you have itrate yourself from 1 10 in each of the above sections, tabulate your score
and assess the outcome based upon the grading schedule contained above. Now that you have
your grade in hand, create a plan for consistent and sustainable growth in your leadership ability
and review it regularly taking measure of your progress or lack thereof.
Sidebar For full disclosure purposes I want to share my personal bias with regard
to leadership testing. I am often called in to evaluate the leadership ability of
Boards and C-level executes, and my firms leadership development practice
designs and administers a wide variety of comprehensive leadership examinations
these tools have a place. That said, Im also a bit juxtaposed to many of my
colleagues because I believe testing has in some cases replaced common sense.
What I mean by this is those who test well dont always lead well. While I will from
time-to-time use assessments as a diagnostic component of a leadership
evaluation, I much prefer to evaluate on the job actions and performance than test
scores. You can read more about my thoughts on the downside of leadership
assessments here.