Shear and Moment Diagrams For Frames

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The key takeaways from the document are how to analyze frames by determining internal reactions and drawing shear and moment diagrams.

To determine the internal reactions of a frame, you first find the external reactions, then cut the frame into its component members and apply equations of equilibrium to solve for the internal forces at each joint.

The steps to draw the shear and moment diagrams for a frame are to first find the external and internal reactions, then solve the equations of equilibrium for each member, and finally draw the shear and moment diagrams for each member remembering to draw the moment diagram on the compression side.

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Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

for Frames for Frames
A frame is a structure composed of several Procedure for analysis - the following is a
members that are either fixed or pin procedure for constructing the shear and
connected at their ends. moment diagrams for a frame

It is often necessary to 1. Determine the support reactions for the frame, if possible.
draw shear and moment 2. Determine the support reactions A, V, and M at the end of
diagrams to design each member using the method of sections.
3. Construct both shear and moment diagrams just as before.

We will use the following sign convention: always draw the

moment diagram on the compression side of the member.

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

for Frames for Frames
Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the First, find as many external reactions as possible.
following frame (see notes page 38):
16 k MA = 0
0.8 k/ft
0.8 k/ft = 9.6k (8ft ) 16k (10ft ) + Dy (20ft )
0.6 k/ft

20 ft
B 20 ft C Dy = 11.84 k
9.6 k
16 ft
16 ft Fy = 0 = Ay + Dy 16k

Ax Ay = 4.16 k
0.6 k/ft
Ay Dy
Fx = 0 = Ax + 9.6k

Ax = -9.6 k

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

for Frames for Frames
Second, cut the frame into its component members and find the Next, solve the equations of equilibrium for each member. Lets
internal reactions start with member AB.
By 16 k By
0.8 k/ft Cy MB =0 = MB + 9.6k (8ft ) 9.6k (16ft )
MB = 76.8 k ft
Bx Bx Cx Cx Bx
20 ft
9.6 k
16 ft
16 ft
9.6 k
16 ft Fy = 0 = 4.16k + By

By = -4.16 k
0.6 k/ft 9.6 k 0.6 k/ft 9.6 k
Fx = 0 = Bx 9.6k + 9.6k
4.16 k 11.84 k 4.16 k
Bx = 0
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Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

for Frames for Frames
Next, solve the equations of equilibrium for member CD. Now, lets draw the shear and moment diagram (remember to draw
the diagram on the compression side of the member).

Shear Diagram Moment Diagram

Cy MC =0 = MC MC = 0
dV 87.6 k ft
= w V (x ) = 4.16 0.8x
MC dx 76.8 k ft
Cx V (x ) = 4.16 0.8x = 0
4.16 k
76.8 k ft
16 ft
Fy = 0 = 11.84k C y Cy = 11.84 k 5.2 ft

4.16 11.84 k
x = = 5.2ft

Fx = 0 = Cx Cx = 0
11.84 k

9.6 k

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

for Frames for Frames
Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the
following frame (see notes page 40): following frame (see notes page 41):

15 k
4 ft 4 ft 2 ft
3 k/ft
4 k/ft

3 ft
12 ft

60 k ft
4 ft 4 ft

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

by Superposition by Superposition
We have learned how to construct a moment diagram Most loadings on beams and frames in structural analysis can be
from either writing the moment as a function of x or formed as a combination of the following loadings:
from the slope relationship with the shear diagram. P

If the beam or frame is linearly elastic, we can use the

principles of superposition to construct moment V V
diagrams from a series of parts rather than from a
single complex shape.
(k) (k)
x x
(k ft)
(k ft)
CIVL 3121 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Frames 3/4

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

by Superposition by Superposition
Most loadings on beams and frames in structural analysis can be Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the
formed as a combination of the following loadings:
following beam using superposition (see notes page 43):
w0 w0

L L 5 k/ft 10 k
w 0L
w 0L

(k) (k)
x x
10 ft 10 ft
(k ft) (k ft) x

w 0 L2 w 0 L2
2 3

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

by Superposition by Superposition
The shear diagrams using superposition The moment diagrams using superposition
10 k V 10 k
5 k/ft 5 k/ft (k ft) x

10 -450
10 ft 10 ft x 10 ft 10 ft
(k ft)
50 x
5 k/ft 5 k/ft

+ 10 k
V + 10 k
(k ft)
10 x
(k) x

Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

by Superposition by Superposition
Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the
following beam using superposition: following beam using superposition:

= +

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Shear and Moment Diagrams Shear and Moment Diagrams

by Superposition by Superposition
Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the Example: Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the
following beam using superposition: following beam using superposition (see notes page 43):

= +
4 k/ft
300 k ft

10 ft 10 ft

End of Internal Loads Part 4

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