1. Course Description:
Course description per unit is as follows; where each concept of prescribed units
takes off from first fundamentals.
Unit I describes the principles of energy conversion and its significance in singly and
doubly excited systems. In Unit II, conversion of mechanical energy to electrical
energy is emphasized by a device termed as DC generator consisting commutator,
brush, armature winding (lap and wave) and field winding. Operating characteristics
of the different kinds of generators are analyzed. Unit III explains speed control and
performance curves a device termed as DC motor that converts electrical energy to
mechanical energy. The various tests (direct and indirect) are discussed to evaluate
the efficiency of DC machines. Lucidly, various parameters like phasor diagram,
equivalent circuit, regulation and efficiency of a static device i.e. transformer is
presented in unit IV. Poly phase connections of 3-phase transformer are illustrated in
V. Importance of T-T and V-V connections are highlighted.
3. Books:
(i) Textbook:
1. T1. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari “Electric Machines” TMH.
2. T2. P. S. Bhimbra “Electrical Machinery” Khanna Publishers.
4. Syllabus:
electromechanical energy conversion, Basic aspects and physical phenomena
involved in energy conversion, Energy balance.
DC GENERATORS: Construction, Types of DC generators, EMF equation, lap &
wave windings, equalizing connections, armature reaction, commutation, methods of
improving commutations, demagnetizing and cross magnetizing MMF, inter-poles,
internal and external characteristics of various DC generators, parallel operation,
Rosenberg generator.
DC MOTORS: Principle, back EMF, types of DC motor, torque equation, armature
reaction, inter-poles, characteristics of shunt, series & compound motor, DC motor
starters, Speed Control of DC Motor: Armature voltage and field current control
methods, Ward Leonard method. Braking, losses and efficiency, direct & indirect
test, Swinburne’s test, Hopkinsion test, field & retardation test.
TRANSFORMERS: Construction, types, EMF equation. No load and load conditions.
Vector diagrams, OC and SC tests, Equivalent circuits, Sumpner’s back-to-back test,
losses & efficiency. Voltage regulation, effect of frequency, parallel operation, auto-
transformers, separation of losses.
POLYPHASE TRANSFORMERS: Single unit or bank of single-phase units, poly-
phase connections, Open delta and V connections, Phase conversion: 3 to 2 phase
conversions, Effect of 3-phase winding connections on harmonics, 3-phase winding
transformers, tertiary winding
5.Course Plan:
7 Understand the principle of Introduction to DC T3 123
operation of generator generator
8 Understand the functions Construction and operation T3 162
of various parts of
9 Understand principle of Construction and operation T3 162
10 Design Lap winding T3 178
the lap winding drawing
11 Design Wave winding T3 187
the wave winding drawing
12 Understand the internal Armature reaction T3 204
behavior/operation of DC
13 Understand the internal Armature reaction T3 204
behavior/operation of DC
14 Understand the internal Commutation and its T3 211
behavior/operation of DC improvement
15 Understand the internal Commutation and its T3 211
behavior/operation of DC improvement
16 Discriminate the various Types of generators T3 227
17 Evaluate the factors EMF build up process and T2 410
governing the emf causes for failure to build
generation up
18 Discriminate the Characteristics of T2 407
performances of generators
19 Understand the principle of Introduction to motor T3 291
DC motor
20 Discriminate the Characteristics of motors T2 429
performance of DC motors
21 Analyze the various Speed control of DC motor T2 454
methods of speed control
22 Analyze the various Speed control of DC motor T2 454
methods of speed control
23 Analyze the starters Necessity, design and T2 444
working of starters
24 Evaluate Power flow, losses & T2 489
the efficiency efficiency and various
25 Evaluate the losses and Brake’s test T2 495
26 Evaluate the losses and Swinburne’s test T2 496
27 Evaluate the losses and Hopkinson’s test T2 499
28 Evaluate the losses and Field’s test T2 502
29 Evaluate the losses and Retardation’s test T3 432
30 Understand the principles Introduction to transformer T1 39
of operation of transformer
31 Understand the functions Construction, operation T1 40
of various parts of and classification of
transformer transformer
32 Understand the functions Construction, operation T1 40
of various parts of and classification of
transformer and principle transformer
of operation
33 Understand phasor Emf equation, phasor T1 45
diagram diagram on no load and
34 Analyze the equivalent Equivalent circuit T1 52
35 Analyze the parameters Regulation and efficiency T1 74
affecting performances of
36 Analyze the parameters Regulation and efficiency T1 74
affecting performances of
37 Evaluate the transformer’s OC and SC tests T1 64
38 Evaluate the transformer’s Sumpner’s test and all day T1 68
performances efficiency
39 Differentiate between two Auto transformer T1 85
winding and auto
40 Understand the various Parallel operation of T1 103
conditions for parallel transformers
41 Analyze 1- ph and 3-ph 3-ph transformer and bank T1 89
transformer of transformers
42 Understand significance of Off load & on load tap T2 100
tap changers changers
43 Analyze the balanced and Scott and open delta T1 114
unbalanced systems connections
44 Distinguish poly phase Star and delta connections T1 89
connections and its phasor diagram
45 Understand importance of Harmonics and its T1 109
power quality suppression by tertiary
6.Self learning material:
7.Evaluation Scheme:
9. Notices: All notices regarding the course will be put in E-learning website.
10.Tutorial: Tutorial will be conducted by the respective in charge faculty. The
tutorials are planned to supplement the material taught in the lectures and clear
doubts. Student must attend registered section for tutorial in the respective
classroom. Class assignment, class tests and other evaluation components will also
be conducted during tutorials. Students must actively participate in the tutorial and
come prepared for it.
Course Coordinator