Things You Never Knew About Logistics:: A Detailed Guide On How To Ship by Air and Sea From China
Things You Never Knew About Logistics:: A Detailed Guide On How To Ship by Air and Sea From China
Things You Never Knew About Logistics:: A Detailed Guide On How To Ship by Air and Sea From China
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Smart Border - Although negotiable bills of lading are in common use,
Open Harbor - some countries do not allow them or make it difficult for
Nextlinx - them to be used. You have to be sure that a negotiable
B/L is accepted in your country; otherwise, a non-negotia-
3. Shipping Documentation ble B/L is issued.
A. Airway Bills
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An insurance certificate is a representation of the insur- ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the
ance policy taken out by the buyer or the seller (depend- world's largest developer of standards. ISO has built a
ing on the Incoterms) for a shipment. strategic partnership with the WTO (World Trade Organi-
zation) having the common goal of promoting a free and
Blank insurance certificates are supplied by the fair global trading system. Between 1947 and the present
insurer pre-signed and bearing the open policy day, ISO has published more than 15,000 International
number of the exporter. For an air shipment, an Standards.
air waybill serves as an insurance certificate.
For a sea shipment, an insurance certificate Although ISO's principal activity is the development of
is issued as evidence of the existence of the technical standards, ISO standards also have important
marine insurance policy. economic and social repercussions. ISO standards make
The marine insurance policy is a contract a positive difference, not just to engineers and manufac-
between the insured and the insurer which de- turers for whom they solve basic problems in production
fines the terms of the agreement between the and distribution, but to society as a whole.
insured and the insurer.
ISO: 9000 is concerned with quality manage-
E. Packing Lists ment. This means what an organization does
to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting
The packing list indicates the number of items in the customer and applicable regulatory require-
contents of each pack, along with individual weights and ments and continually to improve its perfor-
dimensions. This list enables you to check that the cor- mance in this regard.
rect number of units has been received. Customs authori-
ties can also easily identify a specific pack if they wish to
inspect it.
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