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ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited A by DIKTI, Decree No: 58/DIKTI/Kep/2013
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v14i4.3714 1493
Siswo Wardoyo*, Anggoro Suryo Pramudyo, Erika Diana Rizanti, Imamul Muttakin
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Km 3 Cilegon 42435, telp/fax: +62-254-376712 (ext 20)/ +62-254-395440
*Corresponding autjor, e-mail: [email protected]
Diabetic Retinopathy is one of the retina complications caused by diabetic disease with
observable symptoms such as emergence of exudate and new blood vessels. The tool used to screen it is
a fundus camera. However, analyzing the fundus image should be done by doctor who is an expert and
will require a lot of time. Therefore, automatic feature detection can assist doctor in processing the retinal
image in analyzing diabetic retinopathy disease. The proposed method has been tested on the
morphological operations of the fundus image from Cicendo Eye Hospital, Bandung. The calculation
results on feature extraction exudate area has a range of 0 pixels for normal retinal image, 17-21213 pixel
for retinal image NPDR, and 125-12299 retinal image pixel for PDR. The calculation results on the
extraction area of blood vessels has a range of 13319-46681 pixel to the normal retina, the retinal image
7435-49938 pixel for NPDR, and 13.81-53.802 retinal image pixel for PDR.
Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Exudate, Blood Vessel, Morfology Operation, Area Centroid
1. Introduction
One of the chronic diseases among the growing number of today's society is a diabetic
with a high number of people in the world. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the
number of diabetic cases in the world was about 171 million people in 2000, and Indonesia was
fourth by the number of people with diabetes is 8.5 million inhabitants in 2000. This number is
expected to reach 21.3 million by 2030 [1].
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the complications diabetes that is the leading cause of
blindness in adults. Research in America, Australia, Europe and Asia reported that the numbers
of diabetic retinopathy patients will increase from 100.8 million in 2010 to 154.9 million in 2030
with 30% of them are threatened with blindness [2]. The DiabCare Asia 2008 Study involved
1,785 diabetes patients in 18 primary and secondary health centers in Indonesia and reported
that 42% of people with diabetes had retinopathy complications, and 6.4% was proliferative
diabetic retinopathy [3].
The main problem is the delay in treatment of diabetic retinopathy diagnosis because
most of the patients in the early stages are not impaired vision [4]. Screening program for
diabetic retinopathy need computer assistance to analyze fundus images obtained from the
fundus camera. Detection system requires a computational model to transform pixel retinal
image into a retinal feature of diabetic retinopathy indicated by exudate and blood vessels that
appear using morphological operations. Thus, with early detection of diabetic retinopathy, it can
prompt the healing action quickly.
Received April 6, 2016; Revised August 27, 2016; Accepted September 13, 2016
1494 ISSN: 1693-6930
vision [5]. Diabetic retinopathy is generally classified into nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
(NPDR), which comprises the early stages of the disease, and proliferative diabetic retinopathy
(PDR), which is the most serious and vision-threatening stage [6]. It can be tedious and time
consuming to decipher subtle morphological changes in optic disk, microaneurysms,
hemorrhage, blood vessels, macula, and exudates through manual inspection of fundus images.
A computer aided diagnosis system can significantly reduce the burden on the ophthalmologists
and may alleviate the inter and intra observer variability. The review in [7] discussed the
available methods of various retinal feature extractions and automated analysis.
Image recognition for the screening of diabetic retinopathy was explored in [8]. The
presence of exudates within the macular region is a main hallmark of diabetic macular edema
and allows its detection with a high sensitivity. Therefore, detection of exudates is an important
diagnostic task. Exudates are found using their high grey level variation, and their contours are
determined by means of morphological reconstruction techniques. A new algorithm for detection
of exudates was presented and discussed in [9].
In another study [10], a technique based on morphological image processing and fuzzy
logic to detect hard exudates from DR retinal images was proposed. At the initial stage, the
exudates were identified using mathematical morphology that includes elimination of the optic
disc. The fuzzy output for all the pixels in every exudate was calculated for a given input set
corresponding to red, green and blue channels of a pixel in an exudate. This fuzzy output was
computed for hard exudates according to the proportion of the area of the hard exudates.
Similarly, report [11] discussed a hybrid fuzzy image-processing system for situation
assessment of diabetic retinopathy to support the early detection of diabetic retinopathy in a
primary-care environment.
In publication [12], classifiers such as the Gaussian Mixture model (GMM), k-nearest
neighbor (kNN), support vector machine (SVM), and AdaBoost were analyzed for classifying
retinopathy lesions from nonlesions. An algorithm to detect the presence of exudates
automatically was proposed [13]. Research in [14] presented a method for automated
identification of exudate pathologies in retinopathy images based on computational intelligence
techniques. The color retinal images are segmented using fuzzy c-means clustering following
some preprocessing steps. A genetic-based algorithm is used to rank the features and identify
the subset that gives the best classification results. The selected feature vectors are then
classified using a multilayer neural network classifier.
Segmentation method without initialization process was proposed in [15]. The
segmentation was conducted by using the maximum value selection results of convolution 8
directions. Publication [16] showed a method for vascular pattern ehnacement and
segmentation. An automated system which uses wavelets to enhance the vascular pattern was
proposed and then subsequently applied a piecewise threshold probing and adaptive
thresholding for vessel localization and segmentation respectively. In this article [17], a method
to improve the quality of input retinal image was presented and considered as a preprocessing
step in automated diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. The preprocessing consists of background
estimation and noise removal from retinal image by applying coarse and fine segmentation.
Exudate and Blood Vessel Feature Extraction in Diabetic Retinopathy (Siswo Wardoyo)
1496 ISSN: 1693-6930
, (1)
. , . ,
, ; (2)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Original image; (b) Exudate extraction result
After obtaining the results, the centroid area can be calculated and the results obtained
from the exudates. It can be described as shape of vertical sampling in every 15 pixels of 720
pixels to obtain 48 samplings in a vertical; while horizontal sampling process in every 14 pixels
of 576 pixels. So it obtained 39 numbers of horizontal sampling of exudates using a fast Fourier
transform. Figure 3 illustrates sampling results.
0.8 0.8
M a g n itu d e
M ag nitud e
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sampling Count Sampling Count
It can be seen from Table 1 that the characteristic of exudates can be extracted using
morphological operation method. In normal eyes, there are no exudates, so the results of the
calculation will produce a characteristic with a value 0 in the area. In the eyes of patients with
diabetic retinopathy disease in NPDR class, there will be more exudates with characteristic area
that is producing around 17-21.213 pixels, and in PDR class of the resulting characteristic range
is 125-12.299 pixels. The result of centroid value indicates the position of exudates in the retinal
The result of sampling in vertical and horizontal uses the FFT in exudates. It shows that
there is a similarity pattern between the results of image extracted that contain exudates with
Exudate and Blood Vessel Feature Extraction in Diabetic Retinopathy (Siswo Wardoyo)
1498 ISSN: 1693-6930
those that do not contain exudates. So, it will be difficult to distinguish image with the exudates
or without the exudates.
Feature extraction of blood vessels performed by using morphological operation. At the
final stage, generated candidates of blood vessels is done through median filter process. It aims
to remove unnecessary noise. Results are shown in Figure 4.
(a) (b)
After obtaining the results, the centroid area can be calculated and the results obtained
from the blood vessels. Then, it can be translated into form with the vertical sampling process in
every 15 pixels of 720 pixels to obtain 48 sampling in a vertical; and horizontal sampling
process in every 14 pixels of 576 pixels to obtain 39 horizontal sampling of blood vessels by
using a fast Fourier transform. Figure 5 illustrates sampling results.
Blood Vessels Vertical Sampling Results Blood Vessels Horizontal Sampling Results
1 1
0.8 0.8
M agnitude
M agnitude
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sampling Count Sampling Count
It can be seen from Table 2 that the characteristic of exudates can be extracted by
using morphological operation. The calculation results may indicate that the more severe
diabetic retinopathy disease, the more characteristics value are count in blood vessels areas.
Especially in PDR class, the range characteristic is 13.319-46.681pixels on a normal class,
7.435-49.938 pixels on NPDR class, and 13.891-53.802 pixels on PDR class. Because in PDR
class new blood vessels emerge, it causes many areas that counted. The resulting of centroid
value indicates the position of the blood vessels in retinal images. The result of sampling in
vertically and horizontally by using the FFT of the blood vessels shows similarity between the
results of extracted image pattern of each class. Therefore, it will be difficult to distinguish
normal eyes image, NPDR, and PDR.
Table 2. The results of feature extraction area and centroid of blood vessel
Input Input Input
Area Centroid Area Centroid Area Centroid
image image image
(pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel) (pixel)
(Normal) (NPDR) (PDR)
x x
:405,3196 :424,1475 x :407,0451
1-1 36906 2-1 10837 3-1 26858
y y y :280,0814
:244,7290 :265,2343
x x
:372,5667 :402,7450 x :410,7888
1-2 20719 2-2 34175 3-2 32279
y y y :282,9373
:248,4841 :258,4805
x :361,7148
:360,9906 x :412,5977
1-3 13514 2-3 25850 y 3-3 19807
y y :273,4354
x x
:369,9941 :360,5881 x :404,3489
1-4 24206 2-4 22185 3-4 37408
y y y :297,0878
:260,1239 :259,8978
x x
:396,5987 :344,9586 x :297,4377
1-5 41902 2-5 49338 3-5 13778
y y y :314,0909
:284,8464 :290,8033
x x
:302,4817 :359,0540 x :317,2044
1-6 37586 2-6 19981 3-6 38343
y y y :296,8401
:255,4885 :263,8233
x x
:325,7313 :417,6603 x :379,5169
1-7 46681 2-7 7435 3-7 53506
y y y :257,6657
:255,7115 :311,7155
x x
:412,8072 :332,7163 x :311,3984
1-8 20467 2-8 41878 3-8 32485
y y y :283,1197
:253,6530 :267,7692
x x
:376,3872 :313,9823 x :326,3494
1-9 14084 2-9 46033 3-9 13891
y y y :291,8200
:248,6167 :260,7691
x x
:383,6021 :322,5687 x :384,4850
1-10 14075 2-10 35486 3-10 29823
y y y :285,2604
:233,9169 :242,7940
x x
:416,5386 :356,8534 x :404,6880
1-11 23564 2-11 26369 3-11 20350
y y y :254,8547
:238,4146 :284,8482
x x
:418,8456 :354,0234 x :414,7340
1-12 26488 2-12 27378 3-12 20803
y y y :278,0944
:229,3821 :306,7256
x x
:374,1127 :399,5387 x :341,5023
1-13 33852 2-13 32927 3-13 53802
y y y :257,0063
:267,8125 :265,7998
x x
:309,1946 :368,3261 x :406,4070
1-14 20610 2-14 40259 3-14 21170
y y y :203,8502
:286,9788 :275,4682
x x
:360,2306 :386,2624 x :446,0674
1-15 13319 2-15 23552 3-15 14110
y y y :228,9484
:283,2986 :258,8777
:404,7231 x :404,1395
1-16 40691 :343,3053 2-16 20736 3-16 37273
y y :297,5277
y :2702422
x x
x :419,9178
1-17 26634 :336,0672 2-17 35798 :326,8952 3-17 19087
y :219,6311
y y
Exudate and Blood Vessel Feature Extraction in Diabetic Retinopathy (Siswo Wardoyo)
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5. Conclusion
Morphological operation has been used as feature extraction method. It can be used to
extract the characteristic of diabetic retinopathy disease that is exudates and blood vessels. The
results obtained from the extraction of feature area exudates has a range 0 pixel for normal
eyes, 17-21.213 pixels for retinal image with NPDR class, and 125-12.299 pixels for retinal
image with PDR class. Centroid calculation result obtained in the exudates of feature extraction
has a range of x=0; y=0 for normal eyes, x=150.9715-568.9565; y=167.0133-445.8784 pixels
for retinal image with NPDR class, and x=187.1098-535.2328 pixels; y=176.0333-468.7908
pixels for retinal image with PDR class.
The results obtained from the extraction of feature area blood vessel has a range
13.319 - 46.681 pixel for normal eyes, 7.435 - 49.938 pixel for retinal image with NPDR class,
and 13.891 - 53.802 pixel for retinal image with PDR class. Centroid calculation result obtained
in the blood vessel of feature extraction has a range of x = 295,5133 - 489,0853 pixel ; y =
222,4509 - 365,1226 pixel for normal eyes, x = 309,8893 - 454,2538 pixel ; y = 167,118 -
317,1532 pixel for retinal image with NPDR class, and x = 302,4443 - 443,2236 pixel ; y =
202,8827 - 315,6003 pixel; y=176.0333-468.7908 pixel for retinal image with PDR class.
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