The Performance of The Model 7400 VSM Sensitivity

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The Performance of the Model 7400 VSM: Sensitivity

B. C. Dodrill*
Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
575 McCorkle Blvd.
Westerville, OH, 43082, USA
Please address correspondence to [email protected]

Introduction - Vibration isolation of the mechanical head

Measuring the magnetic properties of thin assembly from the electromagnet and VSM
magnetic films and hetero-structures that sensing coils
comprise current and future generation magnetic - Minimization of environmental mechanical and
recording materials is becoming increasingly electrical noise sources that can deleteriously
difficult owing to the decreasing magnitude of affect VSM sensitivity
the magnetic moment signal that is to be
measured. In addition there are continuing The voltage induced in the VSM sensing coils is
demands for higher and higher field strengths. given by:
Many VSM manufacturers specify a best case Vemf = mAfS
noise/sensitivity and field range without clearly
stating the conditions under which such Where: m = magnetic moment
specifications are achievable. In this application A = amplitude of vibration
note we will discuss these issues and present f = frequency of vibration
measurement data on the new Lake Shore S = sensitivity function of VSM sense coils
Model 7400 VSM which features sensitivity of
1 10-7 emu (0.1 emu). The trade-offs in VSM It is clear from this expression that increasing A,
performance based on noise, field, and sample f, or S will improve moment sensitivity. S may be
size are discussed. increased by either increasing the coupling
between the sense coils and the sample under
The Model 7400 includes three different models test (i.e., minimize gap spacing), or by
based on variable-gap 4-inch, 7-inch and 10-inch increasing the number of windings contained in
electromagnets. These magnets allow for simple the sense coils. The former places constraints
reconfiguration of the magnet gap to on the physical size of the sample that may be
accommodate varying sample sizes (up to measured while the latter requires more
25 mm), or to achieve maximum field strengths of sophisticated electronics, owing to impedance
1.8, 2.3, and 3.1 T, respectively, for small sample matching considerations (i.e., between coils and
specimens (up to 3 mm). The Model 7400 also electronics), and capacitive and inductive effects
features patenteda technology that leads to that increase with increased windings.
stability of 0.05% per day, which surpasses the
stability of any other commercial VSM. The Model 7400 VSM may be configured with
interchangeable sense coils, one optimized for
small samples (740EMSC), and one optimized
Noise/Sensitivity for large samples (740ESC). To show the effects
The sensitivity of a VSM depends on a number of sense coil coupling on VSM sensitivity, noise
of factors: measurements were conducted at various
- Electronic sensitivity sensing coil gaps for both coil sets. These noise
- Noise rejection through signal conditioning measurements were also conducted at various
- Amplitude and frequency of mechanical drive sampling rates to gauge the effect of signal
- Thermal noise of sensing coils averaging on VSM noise. These test results are
- Optimized coupling (proximity) of sensing coils tabulated in Table 1 and Table 2 for the
to the sample under test 740EMSC and 740ESC coils, respectively.

Patent pending: Electromechanical Drive for
The Performance of the
Model 7400 VSM: Sensitivity

Table 1: 740EMSC RMS noise vs. gap vs. average-

time-per-point 10
Sensing Coil 10 s/pt 1 s/ptc 0.1 s/ptd,e 9
Gap (mm) (emu) (emu) (emu) 8

3.5 0.070 0.232 0.439

RMS Noise (microemu)

5 0.129 0.356 0.690 6
7.5 0.153 0.495 1.020 5
10 0.259 0.784 1.600 4
15 0.628 1.896 3.852
20 0.843 2.802 5.617
25 1.427 4.367 8.814

Table 2: 740ESC RMS noise vs. gap vs. average- 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
time-per-point Sensing Coil Gap (mm)
Sensing Coil 10 s/pt 1 s/ptc 0.1 s/ptd,e 10 s/pt
1 s/pt
Gap (mm) (emu) (emu) (emu) No Averaging
3.5 0.161 0.500 1.250
Figure 2: RMS noise vs. sensing coil gap and vs.
5 0.203 0.597 1.491 sample averaging for 740EMSC sense coils
7.5 0.231 0.708 1.825
10 0.302 0.993 2.549
15 0.495 1.721 4.048
20 0.787 2.400 5.727 RMS Noise (microemu)
25 1.349 3.748 8.973 7

Figure 1 shows typical results of a noise test 5

at 3.5 mm sensing coil gap using the 4

740EMSC sense coils. This noise test consisted 3
of 60 points at 10 s/pt sampling (i.e., 10 min

300 0
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Sensing Coil Gap (mm)

200 10 s/pt
1 s/pt
No Averaging

Figure 3: RMS noise vs. sensing coil gap and vs.
sample averaging for 740 ESC sense coils

Figure 4 shows the 740EMSC and 740ESC coil

results superposed for sample averaging
periods of 10 s/pt and 1 s/pt. Note that the
740EMSC coils produce superior RMS noise
characteristics for gaps less than 12 mm, while
the 740ESC coils perform marginally better at
100 200 300 400 500 600 larger gaps.

Figure 1: 740EMSC RMS noise test at 3.5 mm

sensing coil gap and 10 s/pt sampling note that the
At a gap of 3.5 mm the measured RMS noise for
moment (vertical) axis scale is in nemu the 740EMSC coils is 7 10-8 emu at 10 s/pt
averaging which approaches the sensitivity
Figures 2 and 3 graphically show the results achievable using SQUID and force-based
presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. magnetometers. Further, even at 1 s/pt the RMS
noise is better than 0.25 emu.
RMS value based on 10 min measurement
consisting of 60 points at 10 s/pt.
RMS value based on 10 min measurement
consisting of 600 points at 1 s/pt.
RMS value based on 10 min measurement
consisting of 6000 points at 0.1 s/pt.
This is defined as no averaging by some
The Performance of the
Model 7400 VSM: Sensitivity

5.0 The Model 7400 includes three different models

4.5 based on variable-gap 4-inch, 7-inch and
10-inch electromagnets. Maximum field
strengths versus magnet gap and versus
RMS Noise (microemu)

maximum sample size are tabulated in Table 4
3.0 for each configuration.
Table 4: Field Strength vs. Magnet Gap

Magnet Gap (mm) 16 23 38


1.0 Maximum Sample Size (mm) 3 10 25

0.5 4-inch EM (51 mm) 1.8 T 1.45 T 1.0 T

0.0 7-inch EM (76 mm)j 2.3 T 2.1 T 1.65 T

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
10-inch EM 50 mm)j 3.1 T 2.85 T 2.15 T
Sensing Coil Gap (mm)

740ESC: 10 s/pt
740ESC: 1 s/pt Typical Measurement Results
740EMSC: 10 s/pt
740EMSC: 1 s/pt for Low Moment Samples
Figure 4: RMS noise vs. sensing coil gap and vs. As an illustration of the performance capabilities
sample averaging for 740EMSC and 740ESC sense of the Model 7400, typical low moment
coils measurement results are presented below for
three different thin film samples.
This means that very fast loop measurements
are possible without significant degradation in Figures 5, 6, and 7 show M(H) loop data at a
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A hysteresis loop sensing coil gap of 3.5 mm for a thin film sample
consisting of 180 points at 10 s/pt will take with saturation moment of only 12.5 emu.
30 min, while at 1 s/pt only 3 min is required to These loops were recorded at sampling times of
execute the measurement. 10 s/pt, 5 s/pt, and 1 s/pt, corresponding to total
loop measurement times of 35 min, 17 min, and
Sample Size: Noise vs. Field 3.5 min, respectively. These are measured
results with no corrections (i.e., linear or
Strength background corrections) applied to the data. The
In some circumstances it may be preferable to peak-to-peak noise in Figures 5 and 7 is better
measure samples with larger physical dimensions than 1 emu and 3 emu, respectively, and is
as they produce larger moment signals and are completely consistent with the RMS noise
easier to handle. This however must be balanced values tabulated in Table 1 at a sensing coil gap
against the increased noise, and the reduced field of 3.5 mm at 10 s/pt and 1 s/pt sampling,
strengths at larger gaps. Consider a hypothetical respectively.
example three film samples with identical 20

thickness t but with different areas. Table 3

shows that the signal-to-noise-ratio improves as
the sample area increases. 10

Table 3: Sample area vs. Signal to Noise Ratio


Sample Area (mm2) 3 3 = 9 6 6 = 36 10 10 = 100 0

Ms (emu) 10 40 111
RMS Noise (emu) 0.07f 0.15g 0.28h
SNRi 28.5 53.3 79.3 -10

This, however, must be balanced against the

field strengths required to fully saturate any -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
given material, e.g., high anisotropy materials. Figure 5: M(H) at 10 s/pt sampling

Assumes 3.5 mm sensing coil gap at 10 s/pt sampling
Assumes 7 mm sensing coil gap at 10 s/pt sampling
Assumes 11 mm sensing coil gap at 10 s/pt sampling
i j
SNR defined here as Ms/(5 x RMS) Pole cap diameter
The Performance of the
Model 7400 VSM: Sensitivity

Figure 9 shows M(H) loop results for a patterned
NiFe (permalloy) film sample with saturation
moment of only 7 emu. These data were
recorded at a 5 mm sensing coil gap at 10 s/pt
sampling, and the data that is shown is the raw

0 data without any manipulation or background

correction applied. The peak-to-peak noise in
this measurement is less than 1 emu.

These results show the excellent sensitivity that

is achievable with Lake Shore Model 7400 VSM
-90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 6: M(H) at 5 s/pt sampling







-200 -100 0 100 200 300


-90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 9: M(H) at 10 s/pt for a patterned NiFe film
Figure 7: M(H) at 1 s/pt sampling

Figure 8 shows M(H) loop results for a CoPt thin Summary

film sample with saturation moment of only Many VSM manufacturers cite noise/sensitivity
11 emu. These data were recorded at a and field range specifications without qualifying
3.5 mm sensing coil gap at 10 s/pt sampling, the conditions under which such specifications
and the results have been corrected for signal are achievable. In this note we have presented
contributions arising from the VSM sample noise/sensitivity and field range data of the
holder, i.e., M = M(sample + holder) M(holder). Model 7400 VSM as a function of sensing coil
The peak-to-peak scatter in these results is gap, sample averaging and sample size. The
somewhat higher than the scatter in figure 5 utility of the Model 7400 VSM for measurement
(i.e., at the same sampling rate) because the of low moment magnetic materials has been
noise in the processed data goes as the square demonstrated with the presentation of
root of the sum of the squares of the RMS noise measurement results for low moment thin films.
in each data set, i.e., M(sample + holder) and The Model 7400 features:
1. Better than 0.1 emu sensitivity at 10 s/pt
20 sampling and 16 mm air gap
2. Better than 0.4 emu and 0.75 emu at
1 s/pt and 0.1 s/pt, respectively, allowing
faster data acquisition cycles without
significant sacrifices in signal-to-noise
3. Variable-gap magnets provide for

maximization of either sample size or
applied field strength

-8000 -7000 -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000

Figure 8: M = M(sample + holder) M(holder) for a

CoPt thin film

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