Group 2 Summary ANOVA
Group 2 Summary ANOVA
Group 2 Summary ANOVA
Group 2
ANOVA is a statistical technique used as a test of means for two or more populations. The null
hypothesis, is that all means are equal. Analysis of variance must have one dependent variable
(metric) and one or more independent variable. Moreover, at least one of the independent
variables must be categorical, and the categorical variable must have more than one categories.
Categorical independent variables are also called factors. If the set of variables consists of both
categorical and metric variable, this technique is called analysis of covariance and metric
variable are called covariates, categorical variables still referred to as factors.
One-way ANOVA: It involves one categorical variable. Statistics associated with one-way
analysis of variance:
c = no. of categories
The Null hypothesis may be tested by the F-statistic based on the ratio between those two
F = MSx / MSerror
5. Interpret the result based on a comparison between F statistic and critical value which
level of significance.
Categories of the independent variable are assumed to be constant which is referred to as a fixed-
effect model. Other models are also available like:
In repeated measures analysis of variance, respondents are exposed to more than one treatment
condition and repeated measurements are obtained.
Nonmetric analysis of variance examines the difference in the central tendencies of more than
two groups when the dependent variable is measured on an ordinal scale.
Multivariate analysis of variance is similar to ANOVA, except that instead of one metric
independent variable, two or more variables can be used. MANOVA can examine group
difference across multiple dependent variables simultaneously. In MANOVA, the null
hypothesis is that the vectors of mean on multiple dependent variables are equal across groups.