Aaa 1
Aaa 1
Aaa 1
Perfomance Evaluation of
AAA / Mobile IP Authentication
A. Hess, G. Schfer
This document1 studies the performance of the current IETF approach to authenticating mobile nodes
by means of an integrated Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) infrastructure. The
report first describes the procedures and message formats of the Diameter Base Protocol and its ap-
plication to Mobile IP as specified by the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF) in detail. After
describing the simulation model for the protocols operation, developed in the course of this study,
we present and discuss results for a variety of parameter settings. The main findings of this study
are: 1) the delay experienced by a mobile node in case of a full authentication dialogue involving
entities of the mobile nodes home network is largely determined by the end-to-end delay between
the foreign and the home network, 2) the workload of AAA servers remains moderate in case of a
load- and mobility model inspired by established values of GSM networks [14] as well as in case
of a more progressive mobility model [16], and 3) the workload of AAA servers grows infinitly un-
der both mobility models if cryptographic algorithms are used that require about 100 (30) times the
processing capabilities of algorithms currently envisaged by the IETF (cryptographic hash functions
and symmetric encryption). An important consequence of this finding is that the use of asymmetric
cryptography would possibly lead to overload situations under the investigated conditions.
This work has been supported by a grant from Siemens AG.
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Relation of this Report to other Work at TKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Overview of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bibliography 59
Upcoming next generation mobile communications networks aim not only to offer Internet Protocol
(IP) connectivity to customers, but also to be designed themselves on the basis of the Internet Protocol
suite. One important development in this direction is the deployment of the Mobile IP protocol
[17, 18, 22] in the Radio Access Network (RAN) of next generation cellular networks. However, there
still remain some open questions regarding the realization of the authentication of mobile devices
during handover operations, which are currently subject to intensive research and development efforts
inside and outside the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF).
The principal approach of the IETF in this respect is to integrate authentication during Mobile IP
registration with a general Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) infrastructure based
on the so-called Diameter protocol [6].
This report has been written in the context of the project Mobility in Multi-Domain, Multi-Technology,
IP-based Networks that is founded by Siemens AG, department Information and Communication
Network (ICM N MC ST 3). The project is devided into three subprojects, one dealing with mobility
mechanisms in All-IP mobile networks, the second one dealing with Quality of service in All-IP
mobile networks, and the third subproject dealing with authentication in All-IP mobile networks.
The main focus of the authentication subproject is the problem of securely identifying entities for IP
access in a mobile network with roaming capabilities. Strongly related to this problem is the task
of managing the cryptographic keys that are needed for secure entity and data origin authentication.
A special requirement to the authentication infrastructure arises out of the fact that mobile devices
require frequent handovers from one access point to another. These handovers can either occur be-
tween access points of one single network provider ("intra-domain handover") or between access
points of different network providers ("inter-domain handover"). An important issue in this context
is the performance of the (re-)authentication during a handover operation.
While the first TKN report on authentication in All-IP based mobile networks [21] analyzed and
compared authentication methods in wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11), GSM, UMTS Release 99, and
the preliminary specifications of the IETF Mobile IP and AAA working groups with focus on the
cryptographic protocols involved, the main objective of the present report is to get performance esti-
mates for authentication-induced handover latency and the cryptographic processing requirements in
intermediate nodes caused by authentication processing. This goal is accomplished by building and
studying a discrete event simulation model of authentication processing during handover operations.
This report is organized as follows: the next chapter introduces the current concepts of the Internet
Engineering Taskforce (IETF) regarding authentication for Mobile IP with the help of an AAA infras-
tructure, and explains the exchanged protocol data units in detail. Chapter 3 describes the simulation
model and the two different mobility models that have been used in order to evaluate the models per-
formance under various assumptions on user mobility. Chapter 4 presents the results of the simulation
study and chapter 5 summarizes the key findings and draws some conclusions.
The current standardization efforts of the IETF promote the use of the Diameter protocol [6, 9] for
authenticating mobile nodes during Mobile IP registration. This protocol allows peers to exchange a
variety of messages, whose basic format is specified in the base protocol that provides the following
capabilities negotiation,
The Diameter base protocol provides the minimum requirements needed for an AAA transport pro-
tocol, as required in [2, 5, 13, 15]. The base protocol is not intended to be used by itself, and must be
used with a Diameter application, such as Mobile IP [9, 17].
This chapter will give a brief description of the basic Diameter message formats and the attribute
value pairs needed for AAA / Mobile IP authentication. The next section describes the base format
as specified in [6]. Sections 2.2 and 2.3 discuss the messages including their attribute value pairs to
be exchanged during a Mobile IP registration procedure according to [9]. The detailed formats of
Mobile IP registration messages are explained in section 2.4, and section 2.5 describes the format of
ESP-protected IP-packets exchanged between Diameter entities. In section 2.6, finally, the lengths of
the Mobile IP and Diameter messages transmitted during a Mobile IP registration are summarized.
Figure 2.1 shows the common message format of all Diameter messages. Every message starts with
a version field of length 8 bit with the current version being 1. This is followed by the message
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Ver | Message Length |
|R P r r r r r r| Command-Code |
| Vendor-ID |
| Hop-by-Hop Identifier |
| End-to-End Identifier |
| AVPs ...
length field (its length is specified to be 2 octets even though the figure from [6] suggests 24 bit),
that indicates the total length of the Diameter message including all header fields. The next field of
length 8 bit is supposed to hold command flags. Up to now two flags have been defined: the request
flag (R) which indicates a request messsage as opposed to an answer message, and the proxiable
flag (P) which indicates that the message may be relayed (proxied) to another diameter server for
procesing as opposed to requiring that the message needs to be processed locally. The remaining
six bits of the command flag are reserved for future use and must be set to zero. The next field,
command-code specifies the type and purpose of the message. Its 24 bit address space is managed
by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The vendor-id field of length 32 bit allows for
vendor specific Diameter commands provided that the vendor sets this field to his IANA assigned
SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code. For all commands defined in IETF standards
this field is set to zero. The hop-by-hop-identifier field is of length 32 bit and helps to match requests
and replies. The sender of a request must ensure that this identifier is locally unique. The end-to-
end identifier, also of length 32 bit, serves a similar purpose in an end-to-end relation, that is while
the hop-by-hop identifier may be changed by relaying nodes (e.g. Diameter brokers) the end-to-
end identifier uniquely identifies a request for the processing entities. The information relevant to a
Diameter command is encapsulated in attribute value pairs (AVP). For each command the required
and optional AVPs are listed in the command definition.
Diameter commands are usually not specified by listing the exact message format as in figure 2.1,
but by defining their content in Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [11]. Figure 2.2 shows the
generic ABNF format for specifying Diameter messages (for a complete description please refer to
A Diameter command definition always begins with the command name followed by ::= and the
diameter message specification. A diameter message is specified by defining its header, followed by
a specification of zero or more fixed AVPs (which have to be present at some fixed position inside
the message and are specified inside < >), zero or more required AVPs (specified inside { }),
min = 1*DIGIT
; The minimum number of times the element may
; be present. The default value is zero.
max = 1*DIGIT
; The maximum number of times the element may
; be present. The default value is infinity.
avp-spec = diameter-name
; The avp-spec has to be an AVP Name, defined
; in the base or extended Diameter specifications.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| AVP Code |
|V M P r r r r r| AVP Length |
| Vendor-ID (opt) |
| Data ...
zero or more optional AVPs (specified inside [ ]), and again zero or more fixed AVPs. For each
AVP the possible number of its occurence may be futher qualified (e.g. 0*3 preceding an AVP
name specifies that zero to 3 AVPs of that type may be contained in the message). If this qualification
is omitted exactly one AVP of that type must be present in the message with the exception that
optional AVPs do not need to be present. The message header of a command is specified with the
string <Diameter Header: followed by its command-id (24 bit command code, usually assigned by
IANA), the specification of the Diameter command flags (Request and/or Proxiable) and a trailing
Figure 2.3 illustrates the generic message format of Diameter AVPs. Every AVP starts with an iden-
tifying AVP code of length 32 bit, followed by a field of AVP flags. Up to now three AVP flags have
been defined: the vendor-specific flag (V) indicates that this is a vendor specific AVP and so the
optional vendor-id field is present in the AVP header. The mandatory flag (M) indicates that pro-
cessing of this AVP is mandatory. If a Diameter node receives a message with an unknown AVP that
has the mandatory flag set, it must reject the message. If a Diameter node receives a message with
an unknown AVP that has this bit cleared, it may simply ignore the AVP. The protection flag (P)
specifies that an AVP may not be modified by intermediate Diameter nodes (e.g. relay nodes, brokers,
etc.) as it is protected by another AVP that encapsulates a signature in Cryptographic Message Syntax
(CMS). The basic idea behind this is to provide end-to-end security for some AVPs as the basic Diam-
eter security model just provides for hop-by-hop security (please refer to [7] for further details). All
other bits of the AVP flags field are reserved for future use and have to be set to zero. After the AVP
flags the header contains the AVP length field (24 bit) that indicates the length of this AVP including
the AVP header. It is followed by the optional vendor-id field and the AVP specific data field.
The Diameter base protocol specifies the following base data types to be used in the data field of an
OctetString: arbitrary data of variable length which must be aligned to a 32 bit boundary,
Float32, Float64, Float128: a floating point value of the specified length in network byte order,
Grouped: the data field is specified as a series of AVPs which are contained in the grouping
AVP with their headers, data and padding. Grouping of AVPs may be nested, i.e. a grouped
AVP may contain grouped AVPs in its data field. If one of the contained AVPs is marked as a
mandatory AVP, the mandatory flag of the grouping AVP must be set.
A Diameter application may further derive new data types from the above types, e.g. a commonly
used derived data type is IPAddress which is derived from the OctetString data type and contains either
an IPv4 or an IPv6 address with the most significant octet first. Other commonly used data types are
Time, UTF8String, DiameterIdentity, and Enumerated (please refer to [6] for further details).
Figure 2.4 recalls the overall message flow for an AAA / Mobile IP authentication in case the home
agent is allocated in the home network as described in [21]. This section explains the format of the
exchanged messages in more detail than [21] which was more focussed on a comparison of crypto-
graphic protocols for mobile node authentication than on the exact message formats.
Foreign agents include random number challenges in their Mobile IP advertisement messages in order
to allow for replay detection of Mobile IP registration messages send by mobile nodes. A mobile node
wishing to register includes this random number challenge together with its network access identifier
(NAI) and a so-called MN-AAA authentication extension in its registration message. The format of
this authentication extension is defined in RFC 3012 and shown in figure 2.5 [8].
The type field of this extensions is set to 36 (to denote the generalized authentication extension) and
the subtype field to 1 (to indicate the MN-AAA authentication subtype). The length field contains
4 plus the number of bytes in the authenticator. The SPI fields identifies the security association used
to create the content of the authenticator field.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Subtype | Length |
| SPI |
| Authenticator ...
Upon reception of a Mobile IP registration message the foreign agent creates an AA-Mobile-Node-
Request (AMR) message. The format of this message is defined in [9] which constitutes the base
specification of the Diameter AAA / Mobile IP authentication procedure.
Figure 2.6 shows the ABNF definition of the AMR message. The message starts with a Diameter
header whose command-code is set to 260 and that has the request- and the proxiable-bit set to one.
Directly after the header follows the Diameter Session-ID AVP and the following mandatory AVPs:
User-Name: is of type UTF8String and contains the user name in a format consistent with the
NAI specification [1],
Destination-Realm: is of type UTF8String and contains the realm of the destination Diameter
server, i.e. the part of the users NAI following the @-sign,
Origin-Host: identifies the endpoint which originated this Diameter message and is of type
DiameterIdentity, a data type that uses UTF8 encoding and that has been derived from the base
type OctetString,
Origin-Realm: contains the realm of the originating Diameter entity and is encoded like the
Destination-Realm AVP,
MIP-MN-AAA-Auth: is of type Grouped and contains data to simplify processing of the au-
thentication data in the Mobile IP request by the target AAA server (usually the home AAA
server AAAH). The contents of this AVP are the security parameter index (SPI) indicating the
security association to be used to verify the authentication data, the length of the input to the
authentication algorithm, the length of the authentication data, and an offset indicating the start
of the authentication data inside the MIP-MN-AAA-Auth AVP.
The mandatory AVPs described so far may be followed by several optional AVPs:
MIP-Mobile-Node-Address: is of type IPAddress and contains the mobile nodes home address.
MIP-Home-Agent-Address: is of type IPAddress and contains the mobile nodes home agent
MIP-Feature-Vector: is of type Unsigned32 and is added wih flag values set by the foreign
agent or the foreign AAA server. It allows to specify if the assignement of a home address
for the mobile node is requested, if this address must be allocated in the home domain, if the
assignment of a home agent is requested, if a suitable home agent is available in the foreign
domain, if and for which of the possible keys MN-HA-key, MN-FA-key, FA-HA-key a key
should be provided by the home AAA server, if the home agent has to be allocated in the
foreign network, and if the mobile node is acting with a co-located care-of-address.
Authorization-Lifetime: is of type Unsigned32 and contains the number of seconds before the
authorization and eventually distributed registration keys expire.
MIP-FA-MN-Preferred-SPI: is of type Unsigned32 and contains the SPI the foreign agent
would prefer to have assigned by the home agent in the MIP-FA-to-MN-Key AVP (see below).
MIP-FA-HA-Preferred-SPI: like above but for the security association between foreign agent
and home agent.
MIP-Previous-FA-Addr: is of type IPAddress and contains the IP address of the mobile nodes
old foreign agent.
MIP-FA-Challenge: is of type OctetString and contains the challenge advertised by the foreign
agent to the mobile node. This AVP must be present in the AMR if RADIUS-style authentica-
tion is used.
Destination-Host: the identity of the home AAA server in case the AMR generated is for
continuation of a session that has previously been authorized by that AAA server.
After receiving and procesing the AMR message the home AAA server generates a Home Agent
Request message (HAR) and sends it to the home agent. The ABNF declaration of this message is
shown in figure 2.7. The Diameter header of the message has the Command-Code field set to 262
and the Request- and Proxiable-bit set to one. In addition to some AVPs which are taken from the
corresponding AMR message the HAR message may contain the following AVPs:
Figure 2.8: ABNF Definition of the Home Agent Answer Message (HAA)
Filter-Rule: is of type UTF8String, and provides filter rules that need to be configured on the
Foreign or Home Agent for the user (please refer to [9, section 4.10] for more details).
The home agent responds to the HAR message with a Home Agent Answer message (HAA). The
format of this message is specified in the ABNF definition shown in figure 2.8. The message starts
with the normal Diameter header which has the command-code field set to 262 and the Proxiable-
bit set to 1. In addition to AVPs that have already been explained above, the message contains the
following AVPs:
Result-Code: is a required AVP that is of type Unsigned32 and indicates whether a particular
request was completed successfully or whether an error occurred. For the Mobile IP application
of Diameter five new values have been defined that indicate Mobile IP specific error conditions,
e.g. authentication failure, failure of processing a registration request in the home agent, no
home agent available, etc.
Figure 2.9: ABNF Definition of the AA Mobile Node Answer Message (AMA)
Error-Reporting-Host: in case the host setting the Result-Code is different from the one en-
coded in the Origin-Host AVP, this optional AVP contains the identity of the Diameter host that
sent the Result-Code AVP to a value other than 2001 (Success). The data type of this AVP is
MIP-Reg-Reply: is of type OctetString and contains the Mobile IP registration reply message
sent by the home agent to the foreign agent. In case the home AAA server generates keys to be
used between the mobile node and the foreign or the home agent, these keys are included by
the home agent into appropriate extensions to the Mobile IP registration message.
After receiving the HAA message from the home agent (in case the home agent is allocated in the
home domain) the home AAA server generates and sends a AA-Mobile-Node-Answer message (see
also figure 2.9) to the foreign AAA server. The command-code field in the Diameter header is set to
260 and the Proxiable flag is set to 1. For further explanations regarding specific AVPs please refer
to the sections above, as all possible AVPs of the AMA message have already been explained.
Concerning the AVP Destination-Host which is specified to be mandatory in AMA-messages, it has
to be mentioned, that the Diameter base protocol explicitely states that this AVP must not be present
in answer messages [6, section 5.6].
As already been stated in [21] a full AAA authentication is not needed for every handover of a mobile
node from one foreign agent to another foreign agent. Three different situations can be distinguished:
1. The mobile node registers at a foreign agent that belongs to the same administrative domain
like the foreign agent at which it is currently registered, and both foreign agents are served by
the same AAA server. For this situation the current internet draft of the Diameter Mobile IP
application [9] proposes an optimized procedure, in which the foreign AAA server provides
the new foreign agent with the session keys that have been established for the old foreign
agent, so that the new foreign agent can directly take over the role of the old foreign agent.
In the remainder of this document we will refer to registration events of this type as a type-1
2. The mobile node registers at a foreign agent that belongs to the same administrative domain
like the foreign agent at which it is currently registered, but both foreign agents are served by
different AAA servers. This kind of handover events will be called type-2 handovers.
3. The mobile node wants to register at a foreign agent that belongs to an administrative domain
where the mobile node has not registered before, or the session lifetime of the last AAA regis-
tration has expired, respectively. In this case a full AAA registration with involvement of the
home AAA server is required. Handover events of this class will be called type-3 handovers.
Tables 2.1 to 2.4 summarize which AVPs are assumed to be necessary for each of the above types of
handover events. Please note, that in the cases of type-1 and type-2 handovers, not all of the mandatory
AVPs are really needed for the task of distributing the already established session keys for a mobile
node to the new foreign agent. As the standardization of the Diameter protocol and its application
for Mobile IP is not yet finished, the analysis in this report is aimed at evaluating the performance
of handover authentication with an optimized approach that on one hand follows the present IETF
standardization, but that on the other hand also tries to find an optimized mode of operation according
to these standards.
For reasons of clarity tables 2.1 to 2.4 list the AVPs in the same order like the ABNF definition, but do
not list optional AVPs that are not assumed to be necessary in any of the three handover event types
and that follow the last AVP that occurs in at least one handover type.
This section explains the formats of the Mobile IP registration messages and the Mobile IP registration
extensions necessary for authentication based on an AAA infrastructure.
Figure 2.10 shows the format of the basic Mobile IP registration message according to [17]. It contains
the following protocol fields:
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type |S|B|D|M|G|V|rsv| Lifetime |
| Home Address |
| Home Agent |
| Care-of Address |
| |
+ Identification +
| |
| Extensions ...
Figure 2.10: Format of the fixed part of the Mobile IP Registration Request
Type: this field contains the value 1 to identify a registration request message.
The flags following the type-field allow to specify the following options:
S: Simultaneous bindings, if the S bit is set, the mobile node is requesting that the home
agent retain its prior mobility bindings.
B: Broadcast datagrams, if the B bit is set, the mobile node requests that the home agent
tunnel to it any broadcast datagrams that it receives on the home network.
D:Decapsulation by mobile node, if the D bit is set, the mobile node will itself decap-
sulate datagrams which are sent to the care-of address. That is, the mobile node is using
a co-located care-of address.
M: Minimal encapsulation, if the M bit is set, the mobile node requests that its home
agent use minimal encapsulation for datagrams tunneled to the mobile node.
G: GRE encapsulation, if the G bit is set, the mobile node requests that its home agent
use GRE encapsulation for datagrams tunneled to the mobile node.
V: The mobile node requests that its mobility agent use Van Jacobson header compression
over its link with the mobile node.
rsv: Reserved bits, sent as zero.
Lifetime: The number of seconds remaining before the registration is considered expired. A
value of zero indicates a request for deregistration. A value of 0xffff indicates infinity.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Code | Lifetime |
| Home Address |
| Home Agent |
| |
+ Identification +
| |
| Extensions ...
Figure 2.11: Format of the fixed part of the Mobile IP Registration Reply
Identification: A 64-bit number, constructed by the mobile node, used for matching Registra-
tion Requests with Registration Replies, and for protecting against replay attacks of registration
Extensions: The fixed portion of the Registration Request is followed by one or more of the
Figure 2.11 shows the format of a Mobile IP registration reply message. It contains the following
protocol fields [17]:
Type: this field contains the value 3 to identify a registration reply message.
Code: the value contained in this field indicats the result of the registration request.
Lifetime: If the Code field indicates that the registration was accepted, the Lifetime field is set
to the number of seconds remaining before the registration is considered expired. A value of
zero indicates that the mobile node has been deregistered. A value of 0xffff indicates infinity.
Identification: A 64-bit number used for matching registration requests with registration replies,
and for protecting against replay attacks of registration messages. The value is based on the
Identification field from the registration request message from the mobile node, and on the style
of replay protection used in the security context between the mobile node and its home agent.
Extensions: The fixed portion of the registration reply is followed by one or more extensions.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Length | SPI ....
... SPI (cont.) | Authenticator ...
The common format of Mobile IP authentication extensions is depicted in figure 2.12. It contains the
following protocol fields [17]:
Type: the value contained in this field identifies this extension as one of the following MN-HA,
MN-FA, or FA-HA authentication extension.
SPI: the security parameter index identifying the security association that has to be used to
check the contained authenticator.
Authenticator: a cryptographic check value, that allows to check if any protocol field prior to
this extension and including the type- and the length-field of this extension has been modified
on its way from the peer that created this extension to the verifying peer entity (MN, FA,
or HA). The default method for computing the authenticator is MD-5 in prefix+suffix mode.
However, the actual method to be used is specified in the context of the security association that
is identified by the SPI-field.
Figure 2.13 shows the common format of the Generalized Key Request Extensions. There are three
extensions of this type, one for each of the MN-FA key, the MN-HA key and the FA-HA key. In the
context of key distribution for Mobile IP with the help of an AAA infrastructure only the former two
are used, as the FA-HA key is directly communicated to the FA and the HA by appropriate Diameter
AVPs. The key request extensions contain the following protocol fields:
Type: an identifier for this Mobile IP extension, multiple values have been assigned to identify
MN-FA, MN-HA, and FA-HA key requests.
Subtype: number assigned to identify the way in which the key request data is to be used when
generating the registration key, e.g this field carries the number 7 for the MN-FA key request
from AAA.
Mobilie Node SPI: the security parameters index that the mobile node will assign for the secu-
rity association created for use with the registration key.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Subtype | Length |
| Mobile Node SPI |
| MN-(FA/HA) Key Request Subtype Data (not used with AAA) ...
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Subtype | Length |
| Lifetime |
| (FA/HA) SPI |
| Algorithm Identifier | Key Material ...
Subtype Data: this field may contain data needed to carry out the creation of the registration
key on behalf of the mobile node. It is not used in the context of AAA key distribution.
The common format of the Unsolicited Key Material From AAA Extensions is depicted in figure 2.14.
Two extensions of this kind are included in the Mobile IP Registration Reply Messages in order to
communicate the MN-FA and the MN-HA session keys. The data fields of these extensions are as
Type, Subtype: This extension uses subtype 7 (for MN-FA key), or subtype 1 (for MN-HA
key), respectively, of the Generalized MN-FA Key Reply Extension [20] which is indicated by
a value of 40 in the Type field.
Lifetime: This field indicates the duration of time (in seconds) for which the contained key is
AAA SPI: A 32-bit opaque value, indicating the SPI that the mobile node must use to determine
the algorithm to use for establishing the FA security information.
0 7 15 23 31
Protected Data
FA SPI: A 32-bit opaque value, which the mobile node must use to index all the necessary
information established for the FA security information after it is decoded.
Algorithm Identifier: This field indicates the algorithm to be used for future computations of
the MN-FA Authentication Extension
The messages exchanged between two Diameter peer entities have to be protected, in order to attain
a minimum level of security. The Diameter base specification advocates the mandatory use of a hop-
by-hop security model, so that messages are protected between directly communucating Diameter
entities. As a consequence, intermediate Diameter entities can modify the messages they relay and/or
process. If end-to-end security is needed, an optional Diameter security application [7] can be used.
The Diameter base specification mandates the use of the IPSec security protocols to protect Diameter
messages between FAs/HAs and AAA servers and the use of either IPSec [4] or the Transport Layer
Security (TLS) protocol [12] to protect messages between Diameter servers (AAA servers, brokers,
etc.). For reasons of simplicity, we assume the homogenous use of IPSec between all Diameter
entities, more precisely the use of the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol [3] of IPSec
with message authentication and encryption.
Figure 2.15 shows the format of ESP-protected messages:
The protected payload contains the user payload of this packet, e.g. a TCP-fragment or an
UDP-packet including the appropriate header.
padding of the payload up to the required block length of the cipher in use, and
padding of the payload to right-justify the pad-length and next-header fields into the high-
order 16 bit of a 32-bit word.
The next-header field of the ESP header indicates the encapsulated payload.
2.6 Summary
This chapter discussed the various message formats relevant to the AAA / Mobile IP registration and
authentication procedures. Table 2.5 summarizes the lengths of the messages exchanged during a
handover operation according to the classes distinguished in section 2.3. These values are used in the
simulation model, described in the next chapter, that was build in order to evaluate the performance
of AAA / Mobile IP authentication under various circumstances.
The simulation model was developed under Linux, using C++ and OMNeT++, which is an object-
oriented modular discrete event simulator. The name itself stands for Objective Modular Network
Testbed in C++. The description file of the network is written in the NED language of OMNet++.
The NED language supports modular description of a network. A network consists of modules,
connections and messages.
Modules are the active entites of a network (e.g. FA, HA, AAAL, ...). The functionality of each
module is defined inside a single file, that is written in C++. Modules are linked together via con-
nections of different types, which are described later on. Modules have the ability to communicate
with each other by sending and receiving messages. There are two different types of messages that
could be used inside OMNet++. Normal messages, which are transmitted over connections and self-
messages which are sent from one module to the same module, so that transmitter and receiver are
identical. Furthermore, self-messages are received at the same point of time as when they were sent.
Self-messages could be scheduled at a certain point of time in future. We use this feature to model
the different processing times of each module. For instance if an AAA local server needs 50 s to
de- and re- encrypt a message, we model this through scheduling a self-message at the corresponding
point of time in future. When the AAA local server receives this self-message, it continues with the
next step in the correct processing order.
Figure 3.1 shows the network we used for the simulations. The complete model consists of one
Home Agent (HA), one AAA Home server (AAAH), two AAA Local server (AAAL), twenty Foreign
Agents (FA) and twenty Mobile Environments (MOBEN). A MOBEN represents a cell of the network
containing 4000 mobile nodes (see also section 3.2). The modules are connected with each other as
Foreign Agent AAA Local Server via Local link (2 MBit/s datarate).
AAA Local Server AAA Local Server via Backbone link (100 MBit/s datarate).
AAA Local Server AAA Home Server: delay is dominating 20, 50, 100 ms.
AAA Home Server Home Agent via Local link (2 MBit/s datarate).
The data rate is specified in bits/second, and it is used for transmission delay calculation. The sending
time of a message normally corresponds to the transmission of the first bit, and the arrival time of a
message corresponds to the reception of the last bit. Furthermore, we take the end-to-end delay into
account during the simulations.
In the following we differentiate between three different types of handover processes implemented
inside the simulation model (see also section 3.7).
Handover-Type 1: The standard handover, a mobile node changes its foreign agent, but keeps
the same AAA local server.
Handover-Type 2: An intra domain handover. A mobile node changes its foreign agent and
its AAA local server.
Handover-Type 3: A full authentication process involving the AAA home server and home
Counter Reg_Reply
A mobile environment represents a cell with 4000 mobile nodes. Each mobile environment is con-
nected via a wireless link with exactly one foreign agent. A counter inside a mobile environment
stores the amount of already invoked handover processes. If the counter equals the former determined
amount of handover processes to be simulated per mobile environment, no new handover events are
generated. The simulation ends when no more messages reside inside the network.
Figure 3.2 depicts the model of a mobile environment. The straight line indicates request messages
and the dashed one answer messages. At the beginning of the simulation the handover arrival process
is initalized through the sending of Handover-Type(1/2/3) messages. Then later on, each mobile
environment schedules its handover events on its own.
A mobile envrionment is able to send and to receive the following messages:
Registration Reply.
Registration Request
FA_Request_queue = empty?
FA_Answer_queue = empty?
Take out first msg of FA_Request_queue Take out first msg of FA_Answer_queue
set msg-type tp send_FA_AAAL_AMR set msg-type tp send_Registration_Reply
scheduleAt(msg, now + processTime1) scheduleAt(msg, now + processTime2)
send_FA_AAAL_AMR send_Registration_Reply
Send(FA_AAAL_AMR) Send(Registration_Reply)
ScheduleAt(check_FA_Request_queue, now) ScheduleAt(check_FA_Request_queue, now)
check_FA_Request_queue check_FA_Answer_queue
FA_AAAL_AMR Registration_Reply
A foreign agent (see also figure 3.4) processes registration request messages in one direction and
AAA server answer messages (AMA) in the other direction.
In the following section the single steps executed inside a foreign agent are explained and could
also be seen in figure 3.3. Each foreign agent possesses two queues of type first-in-first-out (FIFO)
and of unlimited length. If a foreign agent receives a registration_request_message from a mobile
environment, the message is inserted into the fa_request_queue. In a next step, the foreign agent
sends immediately a check_ fa_ request_ queue self-message to itself. Receiving this message, the
foreign agent first checks the fa_request_queue. If there are messages waiting to be processed the
foreign agent takes the first message out of the fa_request_queue. In the other case that there is no
message inside the fa_request_queue the foreign agent controls the fa_answer_queue.
But following the first scenario (there was a message inside the fa_request_queue), the message then is
transformed into a send_FA_AAAL_AMR self-message. The analysis and encryption of the message
is represented through a defined period of processing time. After the expiration of this period of time,
later on called process time, the self-message is sent.
Finally, if a send_FA_AAAL_AMR message is received by a foreign agent, the message type is set to
FA_AAAL_AMR. After this, the message is immediately sent to the corresponding AAA local server
and at the same time another check_fa_request_queue message is sent.
In the other direction, if a foreign agent receives an AA-Mobile-Node-Answer message, the proce-
Registration Request Registration_Request_Queue
dure is analogous to the one described above. The AA-Mobile-Node-Answer is inserted into the
FA_Answer_queue and a check_FA_Answer_queue self-message is scheduled. Receiving a message
of this kind, first the foreign agent tries to get a message out of the FA_Answer_queue (otherwise
the other queue is checked). Then the message type is set to send_registration_reply and the message
is scheduled. After expiration of the corresponding process time the message is sent. Consequently,
after receiving the send_registration_reply message, a registration_reply message is sent to the corre-
sponding mobile environment and the next check_FA_Answer_queue self-message is scheduled.
As a summary we can state that there is a queue checking process which lasts until both queues of the
foreign agent are empty.
The network possesses two AAA local servers, which are connected with each other. Further on,
they are both connected the AAA home server and each AAA local server is connected to its own ten
foreign agents. Each AAA local server possesses two queues of type FIFO and of unlimited length.
The sequence of the steps executed after the reception of a message are similar to the steps described
above. Only the names and the process times differ.
The received (AAAL_AAAL_ or FA_AAAL_)AMR message is put into the AAAL_Request_queue.
Then again by sending a self message a new queue checking process is invoked. Assumed that the
AAAL_Request_queue is not empty the first message is taken out of the queue. The subsequent
processing is dependent on the handover type and is further discussed in section 3.7.
The network contains one AAA home server. This AAA home server is connected with the home
agent and with the two AAA local servers. The AAA home server receives an AAAL_AAAH_AMR
message from one of the both AAA local servers and inserts it into the AAAH_Request_queue.
Immediately after this, the AAA home server sends a check_AAAH_Request_queue message. The
sequence of the scenario following does not differ from these described above. The first message
of the AAAH_Request_queue is taken out. Then a send_AAAH_HA_HAR message is scheduled
according to the corresponding process time. Receiving the send_AAAL_AAAH_AMR message, the
message type is converted into AAAL_AAAH_HAR. After this, the message is sent to the connected
home agent.
The case of receiving a HA_AAAH_HAA message is skipped, as the sequence of the steps is the
same as already described.
The home agent possesses one FIFO queue of unlimited length. The received AAAH_HA_HAR
messages are inserted into this queue. Then the home agent invokes a queue checking process. One
after the other of the messages inside the queue are processed and sent as HA_AAAH_HAA messages
to the AAA home server.
In the following section the three types of handover events which could take place inside the sim-
ulation model are decribed in detail. In the following we deal the three cases of handover events
seperately. During a simulation the three handover types may be processed in a mixed fashion. Thus
the case could happen as pictured in figure 3.8
A standard handover is, if a mobile node changes from one cell to another one, which belongs to the
same domain as the first one. Hence the same AAA local server is responsible for the mobile node as
before. The message flow of a handover process of type 1 is shown in figure 3.9.
Remark: In the following list there is a jump from step 8 to step 21. The missing steps will be
described in the next two subsections. Using this numeration, identical sub-processes have the same
step number through all three handover operations.
7. 8.
3. 4. 5. 6. AAAL
23. 22.
2. The mobile environment creates a new Handover_Type1 message and schedules it correspond-
ing to the Poisson distribution described in section 3.9.1.
3. The mobile environment sends the registration_request message to the responsible foreign
4. The foreign agent receives a registration request message and inserts it into the
FA_Request_queue. The foreign agent sends a self message to check the FA_Request_queue.
5. Receiving a check_FA_Request_queue message the first message (assumed that there is one)
is taken out of the queue. This message is then transformed into a send_FA_AAAL_AMR
self-message and scheduled.
6. Receiving the send_FA_AAAL_AMR self-message the foreign agent transforms the message
into an FA_AAAL_AMR message and sends this message to the connected AAA local server.
7. Receiving the FA_AAAL_AMR message the AAA local server inserts the message into the
AAAL_Request_queue and sends a check_AAAL_Request_queue message.
21. Receiving a send_AAAL_FA_AMA message the AAA local server transforms the message
into an AAAL_FA_AMA message and sends this message to the correct foreign agent.
22. The foreign agent receives an AAAL_FA_AMA message and inserts this message into the
FA_Answer_queue. At the same time a check_FA_Answer_queue message is sent.
23. The foreign agent receives a check_FA_Answer_queue message, the first message (assumed
that there is a message inside) is taken out of the queue. Now the foreign agent creates a
send_Registration_Reply message and schedules this message.
24. The foreign agent receives a send_registration_reply message. The message type is set to regis-
tration_reply and sent to the connected mobile environment. The mobile environment receives a
registration_reply message. Now the handover process with the identification number included
in the registration_reply message is complete.
11. 10.
7. 8.
3. 4. 5. 6. AAAL1
MOBEN FA 21. 20.
23. 22.
The handover process of type 2 takes place if a mobile node changes the AAA local server area
of responsibility. In this case a new AAA local server is supervising the authentication process of
the mobile node. Therefore the new AAA local server has to communicate with the old AAA local
server. The message flow of a handover process of type 2 is shown in figure 3.10. The steps 1 to 6 of
a handover of type 2 do not differ of those from an standard handover. Hence we start here with step
7. The AAAL1 receives a check_FA_AAAL_queue message. The first message is taken out of
the queue. Then the server transforms the message into a send_AAAL_AAAL_AMR message
and schedules this self-message.
8. The AAAL1 server receives a send_AAAL_AAAL_AMR message and transforms this into an
AAAL_AAAL_AMR message. After this, the message is sent to the connected old AAA local
9. AAAL2 receives an AAAL_AAAL_AMR message and inserts this message into the corre-
sponding AAAL_Request_queue. At the same time a check_AAAL_Request_queue message
is sent.
10. Receiving a check_AAAL_Request_queue message, the first message is taken out of the queue.
The old AAA local server creates a send_AAAL_AAAL_AMA message and schedules this
18. Receiving a send_AAAH_AAAL_AMA message the AAA home server transforms the mes-
sage into an AAAH_AAAL_AMA message and sends this message to the correct AAA local
19. AAAL1 receives an AAAL_AAAL_AMA message. Then message is inserted into the corre-
sponding AAAL_Answer_queue. At the same time the AAA local server sends a message of
type check_AAAL_Answer_queue.
14. 18.
13. 9.
12. 11. 10.
7. 8.
3. 4. 5. 6. AAAL
1. 19.
MOBEN FA 21. 20.
23. 22.
20. Receiving a check_AAAL_Answer_queue message, the server takes out the first message of the
queue. Subsequently the server transforms the message into a send_AAAL_FA_AMA message
and schedules the message.
21. The AAA local server receives a send_AAAL_FA_AMA message. Now the proceeding is the
same as already described above.
A complete authentication process (see figure 3.11) takes place when a mobile node registers for the
first time or when the session keys expire. In this case also the AAA home server and the home agent
are involved. The description of the complete authentication process starts with step 11, the steps
before are similar to those described above.
11. Receiving a check_AAAH_Request_queue message, the first message is taken out of the queue.
Then the AAA home server creates a send_AAAH_HA_HAR message and schedules this mes-
12. Receiving a send_AAAH_HA_HAR message the AAA home server transforms the message
into an AAAH_HA_HAR message and sends this message to the connected home agent.
13. The home agent receives an AAAH_HA_HAR message, first the message is inserted into the
HA_Request_queue. Then a check_HA_Request_queue message is sent.
14. The home agent takes the first message out of the queue. Then the home agent creates a
send_HA_AAAH_HAA message and schedules the message.
15. The home agent receives a send_HA_AAAH_HAA message and transforms this message into
an HA_AAAH_HAA message. The message is sent to the AAA home server.
16. The AAA home server, receives a HA_AAAH_HAA message and inserts this message into the
AAAH_Answer_queue and sends a check_AAAH_Answer_queue message.
17. Receiving the check_AAAH_Answer_queue message the first item inside the queue is taken
out. Then the AAA home server creates a send_AAAH_AAAL_AMA message and schedules
this message. The further steps are identical to those already described above.
In this chapter the dimensioning of the parameters is explained. The following assumptions were
Hostname: 20 Bytes
Key: 16 Bytes
ESP-Header: 8 Bytes
As written in [6] Diameter clients, such as Network Access Servers (NASes) and Foreign Agents
MUST support IP Security. Diameter servers MUST support TLS, but the administrator MAY opt to
configure IPSec instead of using TLS. Operating the Diameter protocol without any security mech-
anism is not recommended. We assumed the usage of IPSec, more precisely the IP Encapsulating
Security Payload (ESP).
In table 3.1 all process times are depicted.
In the following, we describe two alternative mobility models that have been integraded into the
simulation model.
Each cell represents a portion of 4000 mobile nodes. Mobile nodes are just modeled at moments
when an authentication operation has to be performed.
In every cell (mobile environment) three idependent processes generate handover operations of the
three handover types:
In the first realised handover traffic model the inter arrival of handover operations is modeled with a
Poisson process leading to exponentially distributed inter arrival times.
Within the area of a single cell, the average number of mobile nodes is invariant and therefore, the
rate of incoming mobile nodes equals the rate of outgoing mobile nodes.
Mobile nodes enter/leave a certain cell area accroding to a Poisson random process.
In figure 3.12 the exponentially distributed interarrival times for handover type 1 are pictured. We see
that with a high probability we receive small interarrival times and with a much smaller probability
long interarrival times.
The second traffic model is a simplified version of the model described in [16]. We adopted the idea
of three different moving environments, but we did not include a map as a base for moving directions
and decisions. In this traffic model a cell has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 1000m. From
the mobility viewpoint, we consider the following mobile node categories:
pedestrians with a speed following the Gaussian distribution with mean value 5 km/hr and
variance 30%
car passengers with a speed following the Gaussian distribution with mean value 20 km/hr and
variance 30%
users located in buildings.
The 2000 mobile nodes which are located inside buildings invoke only handover processes of type 3.
We assume that these mobile nodes move inside the area of one cell and do not cross any cell borders,
so they do not invoke handover processes of type 2 or type 3.
Further on, for the handover processes of type 1 we determine for each moving mobile node a distance
(Gaussian distribution mean 500m and variance 500m) which the mobile node has to travel to reach
a cell border and a speed corresponding to the adequate environment (pedestrian, car). Then the time
needed to travel this distance is calculated and the handover process is correspondingly scheduled.
This means if a mobile node moves in one direction (without turning), the distance could be maximal
1000m until the mobile node crosses a cell border, if we assume that the mobile does not change its
moving direction. So we represent the distance a mobile node has to travel until reaching a cell border
through a Gaussian distribution. Regarding the Gaussian distribution pictured in figure 3.13, we can
see that it is unlikely that a mobile node has to travel only a bit more than 0m or 1000m to reach a
cell border but that it is much more common that a mobile node has to travel (including changing the
direction) a few hundred meters to change cells.
Handover processes of type 2 are handled in the same manner, beside that the mean value and the
variance of the Gaussian distribution used in this case differ. We assume that a mobile node has
got to travel a mean distance of 2500m to change the responsible AAA local server. So we use a
Gaussian distribution with a mean value of 2500m and a variance of 100% to represent the distance
each moving mobile node has to travel to change the AAA local server area of responsibility.
3.10 Summary
As a short summary of this chapter we state that our simulation model comprises two traffic models.
The first one uses Poisson distributions to simulate the interarrival of handover processes. The second
one differs between three types of mobile users (mobile users inside buildings, pedestrians and car
passengers) and uses Gaussian distributions for describing the car and the pedestrian speed. Further
on, we can choose between the two combinations DES + MD-5 or 3DES + SHA-1 for cryptographic
operations In the following chapter we show the results for each traffic model in combination with
the two combinations of cryptographic algorithms.
probabilty density
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
interarrival times of HO-Type 1 in s
probabilty density
0 200 400 600 800 1000
distance to cell border in m
The main goal of the simulation model is to evaluate the performance of integrated AAA / Mobile IP
authentication according to the following measures:
Authentication delay, that is the time between the client starting to create a registration request
until the completion of the registration after the last successful signature verification by the
mobile node,
Throughput of an AAA server, that is the number of finished authentication tasks per Second.
Further more, we examine the queues that are involved in the authentication process, focusing on the
lengths of the queues and on the time spend inside these queues.
4.1 Evaluation
In order to get results out of the simulation model we analyse and store different vaules at each entitiy
of the model (see table 4.1). At each involved module we store the arriving time (the sending time) of
each incoming (outgoing) message. With these stored values, we are able to calculate the complete
authentication delay as well as the transmission time of each authentication process. Furthermore, we
store the time each message spends in each visited queue. If a message is inserted into or taken out of
a queue we store the length of the queue. And finally we have a look on the number of authentication
tasks each AAA server executes per second.Analysing these values we get some information about
the state of the model.
Traffic Model 2
Rel. percentage of HO events 83% 14.5% 2.5%
Mean interarrival time [ms] 107.9 607.5 3600
In this subsection we compare both traffic models with each other using different parameters, in order
to show the differences between them. This is helpful regarding the later evaluation of the results. In
table 4.2 we can see some basic differences between both models.
First we give a short summary of both traffic models:
Each cell is assumed to handle 4000 mobile nodes and each mobile node performs:
1.8 Type 1 handover operations
0.2 Type 2 handover operations
1 Type 3 handover operation every 4 hours
Mobile nodes are just modeled at the moments when an authentication operation has to
be performed.
In every cell three independent processes generate handover operations of the three types:
Mean inter-arrival time of type 1 HO: 0.5 s
Mean inter-arrival time of type 2 HO: 4.5 s
Mean inter-arrival time of type 3 HO: 3.6 s
Mobile nodes are just modeled at the moments when an authentication operation has to
be performed.
Each cell has the shape of a circle with diameter of 1 km.
In each cell there are:
1000 pedestrians moving with a speed described through a Gaussian distribution with
a mean value of 5 km/h and a variance of 30 %.
1000 car passengers moving with a speed described through a Gaussian distribution
with a mean value of 20 km/h and a variance of 30 %.
2000 mobile nodes that reside inside buildings and do not move.
To invoke an authentication process of type 1, the moving mobile node has to travel a
distance described through a Gaussian distribution with mean value 500 m and a variance
of 100 %.
To invoke an authentication process of type 2, the moving mobile node has to travel a
distance of 2500 m with a variance of 100 %.
Authentication operations of type 3 are generated in the same manner as in traffic model
Before running the simulation model we determined a simulation end, that is reached when one cell
has finished a certain amount of handover operations. In other words, we do not define a sharp end
of the simulation, but an upper limit of handover processes. If one cell has reached the determined
amount of successful handover operations the simulation is immediately stopped. Therefore, not
every cell has executed the same amount of handover operations.
Examining several runs of the simulation modul with both traffic models and using MD5/DES for
the cryptographic operations, we receive the values (simulation end 320.000 handovers) of table 4.3.
Running a simulation using traffic model 2, the execution needs only about a fourth of the simulation
time compared to running the model with the first traffic model. Consequently we receive only about
a fourth of handover operations of type 3, when using traffic model 2. Further more, we can see that
the differences between the mean authentication delays for the corresponding handover types of each
traffic model are infinitesimal. Thus we can conclude that the time spent inside waiting queues does
only differ about the same quantity. This conclusion agrees with figure 4.1. There we can see the
mean total waiting time for all handover operations of type 2 (the upper line corresponds to traffic
model 2). In figures we receive the following results (mean value / standard deviation):
Traffic Model 2
Mean authentication delay [ms] 4.94512 5.39541 5.25238
Standard deviation [ms] 1.34515e-05 5.41181e-06 2.92187e-06
HO-2 Traffic Model 1
HO-2 Traffic Model 2
Waiting time [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Simulation time [s]
The difference between both mean values is about 2.5 s, which is not very much compared to the
mean authentication delay over all handovers of type 2 (5.38846 ms).
Figure 4.2 depicts the number of authentication tasks per second, that AAAL1 fullfills according to
the traffic model. We can see that both graphs possess at the beginning a transient phase. The mean
value of authentication tasks per second the AAA local server has to accomplish is 32.146 for traffic
model 1 and 155.605 for traffic model 2.
AAAL1 - Traffic Model 1
AAAL1 - Traffic Model 2
No of authentication tasks per second
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Simulation time [s]
To summarize this section, we state that both traffic models in combination with MD5/DES do not
lead to a bottle-neck situation. The contrary is the case. During both scenarios the mean queue time
over all handover operations of each type is so low that an influence on the authentication delay is
not noticeable. Running the simulation model using traffic model 1, the values to be measured stay
invariant after a short starting phase. On the other hand, using traffic model 2 the inital phase lasts
much longer. Furthermore the usage of traffic model 2 results in a higher demand to the modules
involved in handover operations of type 1 and type 2 compared to traffic model 1.
We have the choice between using MD5/DES and using SHA-1/3DES for cryptographic operations
during a simulation run. The combination SHA-1/3DES needs more time to encrypt and sign a mes-
sage than the combination MD5/DES. In this section we start with a comparison of both cryptographic
proceedings. Figures 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 depict the mean authentication delay for all three handover types
and for both available cryptographic proceedings using traffic model 1. If we take a look at the figures
of table 4.4, we can see that for example the difference between both cryptographic examples for han-
dover type 1 counts 456.9e-6 s. Then in the last line we see that the additional time needed for using
SHA-1/3DES instead of using MD5/DES already counts 404e-6 s. Further on, we should consider
that the SHA-1 algorithm produces a message digest which is four bytes longer than the message
digest produced by MD5. Thus the transmission time for an handover operation increases. Taking
the wireless link between mobile node and foreign agent with a datarate of 2 Mbit/s, the additional
Authentication delay HO-1 MD5/DES
Authentication Delay HO-1 SHA-1/3DES
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
transmission time caused through four bytes counts 16e-6 s. If we take the additional transmission
time the difference of the two mean values is explained.
Recapitulating we can say, that besides the higher processing times of SHA-1/3DES the usage of the
more expensive cryptographic method results in slighly longer transmission times but far away from
effectuating a bottle-neck situation. In both tested scenarios not one of the AAA servers is forced to
work with full capacity.
Thus in a next step we started to multiply the processing times (based on the SHA-1/3DES processing
times and message lengths) with different factors until a bottle-neck situation occured. The following
results were received with the usage of traffic model 1.
Figures 4.6 and 4.7 depict the mean authentication delay of handover processes of type 1 for different
multiple of the processing times for SHA-1/3DES. In table 4.5 the according values can be found. We
see that the model stays stable until reaching a factor of 100. For factors bigger than 100 more and
more messages are waiting to be processed inside the queues. The same behaviour is obeservable for
handover operations of type 2 and type 3. Therefore, it is not possible to determine a mean value for
the authentication delay for a factor of 100 or bigger.
The bottle-neck situation is caused through both AAA local servers. In figure 4.8 the average queue
length of the AAAL_Request_queue and the AAAL_Answer_queue of AAAL2 could be seen. The
length of the displayed queues stay stable. But if we now add the graph of the AAAL_Request_queue
for a factor of 100 (see figure 4.9) we see, that the system is not stable anymore. For factor 100
only the AAAL_Answer_queue is depicted in figure 4.8, and not the AAAL_Request_queue which is
Authentication Delay HO-2 MD5/DES
Authentication delay HO-2 SHA-1/3DES
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
Authentication delay HO-3 MD5/DES
Authentication delay HO-3 SHA-1/3DES
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
Authentication Delay HO1: SHA-1/3DES
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 10
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 30
Authentication Delay HO1 : factor 50
1.2 Authentication Delay HO1: factor 80
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 90
Authentication delay [s]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Simulation time [s]
Figure 4.6: Authentication delay of HO1 for different processing times [Traffic Model 1]
Authentication Delay HO1: SHA-1/3DES
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 100
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 90
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 200
Authentication delay [s]
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Simulation time [s]
Figure 4.7: Authentication delay of HO1 for different processing times [Traffic Model 1]
AAAL2 Req Length: factor 80
AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 80
45 AAAL2 Req Length: factor 90
AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 90
AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 100
Queue length
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Simulation time [s]
Figure 4.8: AAAL2 queue lengths for different processing times [Traffic Model 1]
AAAL2 Req Length: factor 80
AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 80
AAAL2 Req Length: factor 90
3500 AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 90
AAAL2 Req Length: factor 100
AAAL2 Answer Length: factor 100
Queue length
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Simulation time [s]
Figure 4.9: AAAL2 _Request_queue length for a factor of 100 [Traffic Model 1]
AAAH Req Length: factor 90
AAAH Answer Length: factor 90
AAAH Req Length: factor 100
AAAH Answer Length: factor 100
Queue length
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Simulation time [s]
Figure 4.10: AAAH_Request_queue length for the factors of 90 and 100 [Traffic Model 1]
depicted in figure 4.9. There we see that the request queue of the local AAA server grows constantly.
Furthermore, in figure 4.10 the lengths of the request queue and of the answer queue of the AAA
home server are depicted. There we see that the effect of an infinitely growing request queue does not
occur at the home server for a factor of 100.
Furthermore, we see that for a factor of 90 or bigger the mean authentication time for handovers of
type 2 is bigger than the mean value for handovers of type 3. The reason for this is the accumulated
queue time of the AAAL_Request_queue. An handover operation of type 3 resides twice in this queue
compared to three times of an handover operation of type 2. We see that the AAAL_Request_queue
is starting to dominate the behaviour of the system.
Remark: In a next step we ran the simulation model using traffic model 2 for traffic generation.
The behaviour of the simulation model resembled the behaviour described above, except that the
bottle-neck situation was reached already at a factor of 30. Running the simulation model with the
processing times corresponding to the factor of 30, again the length of both AAAL_Request_queues
grow constantly. Already at factor of 20 the mean authentication processing time for handover oper-
ations of type 2 is bigger than the mean value of handover operations of type 3. Using traffic model
2 for the traffic generation, the system earlier gets unstable. The enlargement of the processing times
while using traffic model 2, has an obvious effect on the system. This is due to the higher arrival rate
of handover requests compared to traffic model 1.
To summerize this chapter, we state that the simulation model starts to get instable at a factor of 100
for traffic model 1 and at a factor of 30 for traffic model 2.
Remark: In figures 4.6 and 4.8 we can see a strong overshoot at the beginning of the transient phase
of the graph for the factor of 90. This is due to the manner in which initialize the simulation. In
each cell we have one generator for each handover process. At the beginning of the simulation we
schedule at once 20 handover processes of type 1, type 2 and type 3. So there are 60 scheduled events
in total. Having now high cryptographic processing times, the queue length (authentication delay)
rises quickly at the beginning of a simulation run. But if the cryptographic processing times are not
too high, the system will level off.
Designing our model we assumed that between AAAL and AAAH not the datarate is the dominating
factor for the transmission time but the end to end delay from the local domain to the home domain.
Hence we examined the influence of different end to end delays on the behaviour of the model.
Therefore, we ran the model using both traffic models and both variants of cryptographic processing.
Figure 4.11 depicts the results for the usage of traffic model 1 in combination with MD5/DES for
cryptographic operations. The figure shows the mean authentication delay of handover processes of
type-3 for three different transmission delays between the local and the home area over the simulation
We can see that the starting phase behaviour does not differ from the further run of the curve. For this
scenario we received the following authentication delay values:
If we subtract the mean value of case 20 ms from the mean value of case 50 ms, we receive a difference
of 0.06 s which equals exactly two times the additional transmission delay of 30 ms. It is the same
with the third case (100 ms). So if we look at the figures of table 4.7, we can see that in all three cases
the mean waiting time is very small and the differences between them are most minimal. Further on, if
we compare the mean number of authentication tasks each AAA server has accomplished per second,
no distinctive features could be detected. For example we receive a mean value of 5.6 authentication
tasks per second for the AAAH with a standard deviation of 5.6. Thus we can conclude that the
Queue 20 ms 50 ms 100 ms
Mean AAAH_Request_queue time [s] 1.80876e-07 1.31068e-07 1.59301e-07
Standard deviation [s] 2.26831e-11 1.53807e-11 2.19202e-11
Mean AAAL_Answer_queue time [s] 1.93764e-07 2.05934e-07 1.98173e-077
Standard deviation [s] 1.60362e-11 1.8572e-11 1.59238e-11
AAAH server is not running at full capacity, or in other words both queues of the AAAH server are
empty from time to time.
We can state that for this scenario the influence of the transmission delay between local and home
domain on the system is not noticeable.
In a next step we examined, what happens if we enlarge the cryptographic processing times. Figures
4.12 and 4.13 depict the mean authentication delay for handover operations of type 1 for an end to
end delay of 50 ms between home and local domain and for different cryptographic processing times
(based on SHA-1/3DES). Again we see that till a factor of 90 the system is stable and if we look at
the graph for the factor 100, we see that the mean authentication delay starts to grow constantly.
So we can state, that an influence of the end to end delay between local and home domain on the
system just increases the overall authentication delay experienced by a mobile node but has no further
noticeable effect on the work load of the system.
In this section we examine the behaviour of the simulation model while increasing the number of
mobile nodes per cell. In figure 4.14 we see the mean authentication delay for handover operations
of type 2 for 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000 and 64000 mobile nodes per cell using traffic model 2. We
see that the mean authentication delay increases slightly but that the system even can handle 64000
mobile nodes. 64000 mobile nodes in an area of 0.785 km2 is already an enormous amount. The
results for handovers of type 1 and 3 are similar. We focused our observations on handover processes
of type 2, as the request queues of both AAA local servers are the most sensitve parts of the simulation
model and handovers of type 2 reside three times inside these request queues. Thus we would early
remark an effect on the system.
4.7 Conclusion
We have seen that neither the usage of MD5/DES nor the usage of SHA-1/3DES causes any problems.
In both scenarios the queues of the AAA servers still get empty from time to time. Then in a next step
we increased the cryptographic processing times taking the SHA-1/3DES processing times as base
element. At a factor of 100 for traffic model 1 the simulation model gets unstable, due to a constantly
Authentication Delay HO-3 AAAL-AAAH: 20 ms
Authentication Delay HO-3 AAAL-AAAH: 50 ms
Authentication Delay HO-3 AAAL-AAAH: 100 ms
Authentication Delay in [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation Time in [s]
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 80, 50 ms
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 90, 50 ms
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 80, 50 ms
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 90, 50 ms
Authentication Delay HO1: factor 100, 50 ms
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
Authentication Delay HO2: 4000 mobile nodes per cell
Authentication Delay HO2: 8000 mobile nodes per cell
Authentication Delay HO2: 16000 mobile nodes per cell
Authentication Delay HO2: 32000 mobile nodes per cell
0.0068 Authentication Delay HO2: 64000 mobile nodes per cell
Authentication delay [s]
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Simulation time [s]
growing AAAL_Request_queue. For a factor of 100 or bigger the incoming rate of messages arriving
at the AAA local server is higher than the outgoing rate. Thus the request queue starts to grow
infinitely. Using traffic model 2 for traffic generation, this situation already occurs at a factor of 30.
Following this we examined the influence of the transmission delay between home and local domain
on the simulation model. We ran simulations using different end to end delays between AAAL and
AAAH. But no influence on the system was noticeable, even when we increased the cryptographic
processing, except the bigger authentication delay corresponding twice the end-to-end delay between
Finally, we examined the influence of the amount of mobile nodes per cell. We doubled the amount of
mobile nodes per cell, starting at 4000 up to 64000. The mean authentication delay grew slightly but
far away from causing a bottle-neck situation. The system reacts more or less insensitive to a higher
amount of mobile nodes inside a cell or to a bigger distance between local and home domain.
To summarize this section, we can state that the AAA local servers are the modules which may cause
a bottle-neck situation, if the processing times are high. For example, making use of asymmetric cryp-
tography in the authentication dialogue may already result in processing times that are high enough
to cause overload situations.
This report has studied performance issues of the IETFs current approach to authenticate mobile
nodes during Mobile IP registration on the basis of the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
(AAA) protocol Diameter.
The Diameter protocol, its message formats and the interworking with the Mobile IP registration
procedure have been examined in detail in order to identify parameters for the performance study. As
a result three types of handover operations and the lengths of the messages to be exchanged during
these operations have been identified: a type-1 handover occurs when a mobile node changes into a
radio cell which is handled by a different foreign agent which itself is connected to the same local
AAA server. All draft versions of the Mobile IP application of the Diameter protocol up to version
draft-ietf-aaa-diameter-mobileip-07.txt [10] include support for an optimized authentication dialogue
which re-uses previously established session keys between the foreign agent and the mobile node, as
well as between the foreign agent and the home agent. A handover of type-2 occurs when a mobile
node moves to a radio cell, that is managed by a foreign agent which is connected to a different local
AAA server, but both the old and the new local AAA servers belong to the same administrative domain
(e.g. network operator). While this case is not explicitely specified in the Diameter standardization
drafts, it is a natural extension to the type-1 handover and it reflects current practice from other cellular
networks, e.g. GSM. The third type of handover operations occurs when a mobile node registers for
the first time in a foreign network, changes into a foreign network of another administrative domain or
when a security context previously established with a visited foreign network expires. This handover
type requires involvement of the AAA server of the mobile nodes home network resulting in an
increased delay to complete the handover due to one Internet roundtrip time. Thus, by minimizing
the number of type-3 handover operations a better overall performance can be experienced by mobile
However, it has to be stated, that during the course of ongoing discussions in the IETFs AAA working
group, the support for optimization of local handover operations has been eliminated from the current
set of Diameter specifications. The reason for this is mainly, that there are a couple of open questions
of local handover optimization for Mobile IP that need to be resolved before Diameter can support
this feature, and that the Diameter specification has to be finished in order to get RFC status for it. As
a consequence, the current set of Mobile IP and Diameter specifications requires a full authentication
also involving the home AAA server for every handover performed by a mobile node.
Nevertheless, it is expected that support for local handover optimization will be integrated into the
Diameter specifications as soon as the remaining issues are resolved in the Mobile IP standards.
Therefore, we examined the performance of the three types of handover operations when deployed in
a representative network configuration with two different mobility models.
The results of the simulation study show, that:
1. The delay experienced by a mobile node in case of a full authentication dialogue involving enti-
ties of the mobile nodes home network is largely determined by the end-to-end delay between
the foreign and the home network.
2. The workload of AAA servers remains moderate in case of a load- and mobility model inspired
by established values of GSM networks [14] as well as in case of a more progressive mobility
model [16].
3. The workload of AAA servers grows infinitly under both mobility models if cryptographic
algorithms are used that require about 100 (30) times the processing capabilities of algorithms
currently envisaged by the IETF (cryptographic hash functions and symmetric encryption).
An important consequence of the third finding is that the use of asymmetric cryptography would
possibly lead to overload situations under the investigated conditions, as those operations often require
processing capabilities in this range.
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