Tharc - 16-087
Tharc - 16-087
Tharc - 16-087
1 February 2016
Congratulations! The SOAR-THP THARC 2016 Committee is pleased to inform you that your
has been accepted for ORAL PRESENTATION at the Tourism and Hospitality Annual
Research Convention (THARC 2016) to be held on February 22 to 24, 2016 at the Selah
Garden Suites, Pasay City.
The exact time and room for your session will be specified in the final program which will be
sent to your email in 2nd week of February 2016.
Please note that everyone who participates in the conference must register. Only one presenter
will present each accepted paper, co-authors who would like to participate in the Forum will
be billed separately. You are requested to register or confirm your intention to attend the
conference on or before 2nd week of February, 2016.
Your abstract will be published in the proceedings after your registration. We encourage you
to reserve your hotel rooms, and submit your registration fee as soon as possible if you have
not done so. If you have co-authors, please inform them of this acceptance.
Congratulations on the acceptance of your proposal! Your participation will help make the
THARC 2016 a great success. Together, let us further raise the quality of the Philippines
Tourism-Hospitality education through suitable, valid and reliable assessment and