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LM 1815

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LM1815 Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor Amplifier

February 1995

LM1815 Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor Amplifier

General Description Features
The LM1815 is an adaptive sense amplifier and default gat- Y Adaptive hysteresis
ing circuit for motor control applications. The sense amplifi- Y Single supply operation
er provides a one-shot pulse output whose leading edge Y Ground referenced input
coincides with the negative-going zero crossing of a ground Y True zero crossing timing reference
referenced input signal such as from a variable reluctance Y Operates from 2V to 12V supply voltage
magnetic pick-up coil. Y Handles inputs from 100 mV to over 120V with external
In normal operation, this timing reference signal is process- resistor
ed (delayed) externally and returned to the LM1815. A logic Y CMOS compatible logic
input is then able to select either the timing reference or the
processed signal for transmission to the output driver stage.
The adaptive sense amplifier operates with a positive-going Y Position sensing with notched wheels
threshold which is derived by peak detecting the incoming Y Zero crossing switch
signal and dividing this down. Thus the input hysteresis var-
ies with input signal amplitude. This enables the circuit to
Y Motor speed control
sense in situations where the high speed noise is greater Y Tachometer
than the low speed signal amplitude. Minimum input signal Y Engine testing
is 100 mVp-p.

Connection Diagram Truth Table

Signal Input Timing Gated
Input Select Input Output
Pulses L X Pulses
X H Pulses Pulses

TL/H/7893 1
Top View
Order Number LM1815M or LM1815N
See NS Package Number M14A or N14A

C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/H/7893 RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.

Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Storage Temperature Range b 65 C to a 150 C
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Junction Temperature (Note 2) a 125 C
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Input Current g 30 mA
Supply Voltage 12V
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260 C
Power Dissipation (Note 1) 1250 mW
Operating Temperature Range b 40 C to a 125 C

Electrical Characteristics (TA e 25 C, VCC e 10V, unless otherwise specified, see Figure 1 )
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Operating Supply Voltage 2.5 10 12 V
Supply Current fIN e 500 Hz, Pin 9 e 2V,
3.6 6 mA
Pin 11 e 0.8V
Reference Pulse Width fIN e 1 Hz to 2 kHz 70 100 130 ms
Input Bias Current VIN e 2V, (Pin 9 and Pin 11) 5 mA
Input Bias Current VIN e 0V dc, (Pin 3) 200 nA
Input Impedance VIN e 5 Vrms, (Note 3) 12 20 28 kX
Zero Crossing Threshold VIN e 100 mVp-p, (Pin 3) 25 mV
Logic Threshold (Pin 9 and Pin 11) 0.8 1.1 2.0 V
VOUT High RL e 1 kX, (Pin 10) 7.5 8.6 V
VOUT Low ISINK e 0.1 mA, (Pin 10) 0.3 0.4 V
Input Arming Threshold Pin 5 Open, VIN s 135 mVp-p 30 45 60 mV
Pin 5 Open, VIN t 230 mVp-p 40 80 90 % of V3 Pk
Pin 5 to V a 200 mV
Pin 5 to Gnd b 25 25 mV
Output Leakage Pin 12 V12 e 11V 0.01 10 mA
Saturation Voltage P12 I12 e 2 mA 0.2 0.4 V
Note 1: For operation at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on a 125 C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 80 C/W
(DIP), 120 C/W (SO-14) junction to ambient.
Note 2: Temporary excursions to 150 C can be tolerated.
Note 3: Measured at input to external 18 kX resistor. IC contains 1 kX in series with a diode to attenuate the input signal.

TL/H/7893 2
FIGURE 1. LM1815 Adaptive Sense Amplifier

Schematic Diagram

TL/H/7893 4

TL/H/7893 3
FIGURE 2. LM1815 Oscillograms

Application Hints
Input Clamp idly as the input signal amplitude increases, and decays by
virtue of the resistor connected externally at pin 7 to track
The signal input at pin 3 is internally clamped. Current limit
decreases in the input signal.
is provided by an external resistor which should be selected
to allow a peak current of 3 mA in normal operation. Positive Note that since the input is clamped, the waveform ob-
inputs are clamped by a 1 kX resistor and series diode, served at pin 3 is not identical to the waveform observed at
while an active clamp limits pin 3 to b350 mV for negative the variable reluctance sensor. Similarly, the voltage stored
inputs (see R4, Q12, Q11 in internal schematic diagram). at pin 7 is not identical to the peak voltage appearing at
pin 3.
Operation of Zero Crossing Detector MODE 2, Pin 5 connected to V a . The input arming thresh-
The LM1815 is designed to operate as a zero crossing de- old is fixed at 200 mV minimum when pin 5 is connected to
tector, triggering an internal one shot on the negative-going the positive supply. The chip has no output for signals of
edge of the input signal. Unlike other zero crossing detec- less than 200 mV peak, and triggers on the next negative-
tors, the LM1815 cannot be triggered until the input signal going zero crossing when the threshold is exceeded.
has crossed an arming threshold on the positive-going
MODE 3, Pin 5 grounded. With pin 5 grounded, the input
portion of the waveform. The arming circuit is reset when
arming threshold is set to 0V ( g 25 mV maximum). Positive-
the chip is triggered, and subsequent zero crossings are
going zero crossings arm the chip, and the next negative
ignored until the arming threshold is exceeded again. This
zero crossing triggers it.
threshold varies depending on the connection at pin 5.
Three different modes of operation are possible: The one shot timing is set by a resistor and capacitor con-
nected to pin 14. The output pulse width is
MODE 1, Pin 5 open. The adaptive mode is selected by
leaving pin 5 open circuit. For input signals of less than pulse width e 0.673 RC (1)
135 mVp-p, the input arming threshold is typically 45 mV. In some systems it is necessary to externally generate puls-
Under these conditions the input signal must first cross the es, such as during stall conditions when the variable reluc-
45 mV threshold in the positive direction to arm the zero tance sensor has no output. External pulse inputs at pin 9
crossing detector, and then cross zero in the negative direc- are gated through to pin 10 when Input Select (pin 11) is
tion to trigger it. If the signal is less than 30 mV peak (mini- pulled high. Pin 12 is a direct output for the one shot and is
mum rating in Electrical Characteristics), the one shot is unaffected by the status of pin 11.
guaranteed to not trigger. Input/output pins 9, 11, 10 and 12 are all CMOS logic com-
Input signals of greater than 230 mVp-p cause the arming patible. In addition, pins 9, 11 and 12 are TTL compatible.
threshold to track at 80% of the peak input voltage. A peak Pin 10 is not guaranteed to drive a TTL load.
detector (pin 7) stores a value relative to the positive input Pins 1, 4, 6 and 13 have no internal connections and can be
peaks to establish the arming threshold. Input signals must grounded.
exceed this threshold in the positive direction to arm the
zero crossing detector, which can then be triggered by a
negative-going zero crossing. The peak detector tracks rap-

Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)

14-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (M)

Order Number LM1815M
NS Package Number M14A

LM1815 Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor Amplifier
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) (Continued)

Molded Dual-In-Line Package (N)

Order Number LM1815N
NS Package Number N14A



1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component is any component of a life
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant support device or system whose failure to perform can
into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
failure to perform, when properly used in accordance support device or system, or to affect its safety or
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can effectiveness.
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.

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National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.

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