6 Melendrez Vs Decena

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Melendrez vs Decena 4. failing to inform complainants of the import of the

real mortgage documents and inducing them to sign
A. M. No. 2104 August 24, 1989 those documents with assurances that they were
merely for purposes of "formality";
5. failing to demand or refraining from demanding
payment from complainants before effecting
Petitioner spouses charged Reynerio I. Decena, a member of the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgaged property;
Philippine Bar, with malpractice and breach of trust. The complainant and
spouses alleged, among others, that respondent had, by means of
fraud and deceit, taken advantage of their precarious financial
6. failing to inform or refraining from informing
situation and his knowledge of the law to their prejudice, succeeded
complainants that the real estate mortgage had
in divesting them of their only residential lot in Pagadian City; that
already been foreclosed and that complainants had
respondent, who was their counsel in an estafa case against one
a right to redeem the foreclosed property within a
Reynaldo Pineda, had compromised that case without their authority.
certain period of time.
constitute deception and dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a
member of the Bar. The Supreme Court agreed with the Solicitor
Whether respondents overall acts constitute malpractice and breach
General that the acts of respondent "imply something immoral in
of trust and therefore may be disbarred. themselves regardless of whether they are punishable by law" and
that these acts constitute moral turpitude, being "contrary to justice,
Held: honesty, modesty or good morals." The court stressed that the
standard required from members of the Bar is not, satisfied by
Yes. Respondent is disbarred. conduct which merely avoids collision with our criminal law. The
respondent's conduct, in fact, may be penalizable under at least one
The following acts of respondent: penal statute the anti-usury law.

1. making it appear on the 5 August 1975 real estate Generally, a lawyer should not be suspended or disbarred for
mortgage that the amount loaned to complainants misconduct committed in his personal or non-professional capacity.
was P5,000.00 instead of P4,000.00; Where however, misconduct outside his professional dealings
becomes so patent and so gross as to demonstrate moral unfitness
to remain in the legal profession, the Court must suspend or strike
2. exacting grossly unreasonable and usurious
out the lawyer's name from the Rollo of Attorneys. The nature of the
office of an attorney at law requires that he shall be a person of good
moral character. This qualification is not only a condition precedent to
3. making it appear in the second real estate admission to the practice of law; its continued possession is also
mortgage of 7 May 1976 that the loan extended to essential for remaining in the practice of law, in the exercise of
complainants had escalated to P10,000.00; privileges of members of the Bar. Gross misconduct on the part of a
lawyer, although not related to the discharge of professional duties
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as a member of the Bar, which puts his moral character in serious In his answer dated 18 March 1980, respondent denied all the charges
doubt, renders him unfit to continue in the practice of law. levelled against him and prayed for the dismissal of the complaint.

In the instant case, the exploitative deception exercised by By resolution dated 14 April 1980, the administrative complaint was
respondent attorney upon the complainants in his private referred to the Office of the Solicitor General for investigation, report
transactions with them, and the exacting of unconscionable rates of and recommendation.
interest, considered together with the acts of professional
misconduct committed by respondent attorney, compelled the Court Accordingly, the Solicitor General forthwith deputized the City Fiscal of
to the conviction that he has lost that good moral character which is Pagadian City, Jorge T. Almonte, to conduct the necessary investigation,
indispensable for continued membership in the Bar. with instructions to submit thereafter this report and recommendation
thereon. Fiscal Almonte held several hearings on the administrative
case until 15 July 1982, when he requested the Solicitor General to
release him from the duty of investigating the case.
Republic of the Philippines
SUPREME COURT On 10 September 1982, the Solicitor General granted Fiscal Almonte's
Manila request and in his stead appointed the Provincial Fiscal of Zamboanga
del Sur, Pedro S. Jamero, who resumed hearings on 15 June 1983.
Respondent filed with this Court on 9 June 1987, a motion seeking to
A. M. No. 2104 August 24, 1989 inhibit Fiscal Jamero from hearing the case followed by an urgent
motion for indefinite postponement of the investigation. Both motions
NARCISO MELENDREZ and ERLINDA DALMAN, complainants, were denied by the Court in a Resolution dated 21 September 1987
vs. with instructions to the Solicitor General to complete the investigation
ATTY. REYNERIO I. DECENA, respondent. of the administrative case and to render his report and
recommendation thereon within thirty (30) days from notice.

On 19 July 1988, the Solicitor General submitted his Report and

Recommendation 2 dated 21 June 1988. In as Report, after setting out
the facts and proceedings held in the present case, the Solicitor General
presented the following:
In a sworn complaint 1 dated 25 September 1979, the spouses Erlinda
Dalman and Narciso Melendrez charged Reynerio I. Decena, a member
of the Philippine Bar, with malpractice and breach of trust. The
complainant spouses alleged, among others, that respondent had, by
means of fraud and deceit, taken advantage of their precarious financial Complainants allege that on August 5, 1975, they
situation and his knowledge of the law to their prejudice, succeeded in obtained from respondent a loan of P 4,000.00. This
divesting them of their only residential lot in Pagadian City; that loan was secured by a real estate mortgage (Annex C,
respondent, who was their counsel in an estafa case against one Complainants' Complaint, p. 16,
Reynaldo Pineda, had compromised that case without their authority. records).lwph1.t In the said Real Estate Mortgage
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document, however, it was made to appear that the Complainants, relying on the assurance of the
amount borrowed by complainants was P5,000.00. respondent that the second Real Estate Mortgage was
Confronted by this discrepancy, respondent assured but a formality, neither bothered to ask from
complainants that said document was a mere respondent the status of their lot nor tried to pay their
formality, and upon such assurance, complainants obligation. For their failure to pay the obligation, the
signed the same. The document was brought by respondent on October 12, 1976, applied for the
complainant Narciso Melendres to a Notary Public for extrajudicial foreclosure of the second real estate
notarization. After the same was notarized, he gave the mortgage (Exhibit 16, Respondent's Position Paper).
document to respondent. Despite the assurance, All the requirements of Act No. 3135, as amended, re
respondent exacted from complainants P500.00 a extrajudicial sale of mortgage were ostensibly
month as payment for what is beyond dispute usurious complied with by respondent. Hence, finally, title was
interest on the P5,000.00 loan. Complainants transferred to him, and on June 20, 1979, respondent
religiously paid the obviously usurious interest for sold the involved property to Trinidad Ylanan for
three months: September, October and November, P12,000.00.
1975. Then they stopped paying due to financial
reverses. In view of their failure to pay said amounts as When informed of the above by one Salud Australlado
interest, respondent prepared a new document on May on the first week of March 1979 (see Sworn Statement
7, 1976, a Real Estate Mortgage (Annex D, Complaint, of complainant Narciso Melendres, p. 6, Folder No. 2 of
p. 18, records) over the same lot 3125-C, replacing the case), and not having known the legal implications of
former real estate mortgage dated August 5, 1975, but the provisions of the second Real Estate Mortgage
this time the sum indicated in said new contract of which they had executed, complainants could not
mortgage is P 10,000.00, purportedly with interest at believe that title to their lot had already been
19% per annum. In this new Real Estate Mortgage, a transferred to respondent and that respondent had
special power of attorney in favor of respondent was already sold the same to a third person.
inserted, authorizing him to sell the mortgaged
property at public auction in the event complainants Upon learning of the sale in March, 1979,
fail to pay their obligation on or before May 30, 1976. complainants tried to raise the amount of P10,000.00
Without explaining the provisions of the new contract and went to respondent's house on May 30, 1979 to
to complainants, respondent insisted that pay their obligation, hoping that they could redeem
complainants sign the same, again upon the assurance their property, although three years had already
that the document was a mere formality. Unsuspecting lapsed from the date of the mortgage.
of the motive of respondent, complainants signed the
document. Complainants Narciso Melendres again
brought the same document to a Notary Public for Respondent did not accept the proffered P10,000.00,
notarization. After the document was notarized, he but instead gave complainants a sheet of paper (Annex
brought the same to respondent without getting a copy B, Complainants' Position Paper), which indicated that
of it. the total indebtedness had soared to P20,400.00. The
computation was made in respondent's own
handwriting. Complainants went home with shattered
hopes and with grief in their hearts. Hence, the instant
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competent for disbarment against respondent filed on Mortgage, P6,000.00 was applied to interest
October 5, 1979. considering that not all the P6,000.00 but only
P4,000.00 was applied to interest, computed as
Respondent DENIES all the allegations of follows: the first loan of P5,000.00 was supposedly due
complainants. He maintains that what appears on the on August 31, 1975. Complainants paid 10% monthly
two documents allegedly executed by complainants, interest or P500.00 on September 30, 1975, October
i.e., that they obtained a loan of P5,000.00 on August 5, 31, 1975 and November 30, 1975. Consequently,
1975 and another P10,000.00 on May 7,1976, is beginning December 31, 1975 up to May 31, 1976 (the
allegedly the truth, and claims that he in truth date of the execution of the second Real Estate
delivered the alleged amount of P5,000.00 to Mortgage) a total of six (6) months lapsed. Six (6)
complainants and not P4,000.00. With respect to the months at P500.00 equals P 3,000.00, which amount
second loan, respondent claims that he delivered to plus the P2,000.00 complainants' loan to one Engr.
complainants P8,000.00, plus the P2,000.00 loan Villanueva (indorsed to respondent for collection)
previously extended [to] complainants [by] one Regino totals P5,000.00. Adding this amount to the previous
Villanueva, which loan had been indorsed to P5,000.00 indicated loan secured by the first mortgage
respondent for collection, thus making a total of results in P10,000.00, the amount appearing in the
P10,000.00, as appearing on said document. second Real Estate Mortgage. Section 7, Rule 130 of the
Respondent denies that he exacted usurious interest of Rules of Court provides:
10% a month or P500.00 from complainants. He
asserts that the fact that complainants were able to SEC. 7. Evidence of written agreements. When the
secure a loan from the Insular Bank of Asia and terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing, it
America (IBAA) only proves the truth of his allegation is to be considered as complaining all such terms, and,
that the title of the property, at the time complainants therefore, there can be, as between the parties and
obtained a loan from IBAA on April 1976, was clear of their successors in interest, no evidence of the terms
any encumbrance, since complainants had already of the agreement other than the contents of the
paid the original loan of P5,000.00 obtained from writing, except in the following cases:
respondent; that complainants knew fully well all the
conditions of said mortgage; and that his acquisition of (a) Where a mistake or imperfection of the writing, or
the property in question was in accordance with their its failure to express the true intent and agreement of
contract and the law on the matter. Thus, he denies the parties, or the validity of the agreement is put in
that he has violated any right of the complainants. issue by the pleadings;

After weighing the evidence of both complainants and (b) Where there is an intrinsic ambiguity in the
respondent, we find against respondent. writing. The term "agreement" includes wills.

While complainants are correct in their claim that they There is no dispute that the two documents
actually obtained an actual cash of P4,000.00, they are denominated Real Estate Mortgages covering the
only partly correct in the claim that out of the supposed original loan of P5,000.00 and the inflated
P10,000.00 appearing in the second Real Estate P10,000.00, respectively, were voluntarily signed by
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the complainants. The general rule is that when the the IBAA loan to the bank immediately on April 30,
parties have reduced their agreement to writing, it is 1976, considering that the net proceeds of the loan
presumed that they have made the writing the only from said bank was only P4,300.00 and not enough to
repository and memorial of the truth, and whatever is pay the indicated loan from respondent of P5,000.00,
not found in the writing must be understood to have which per computation of respondent would already
been waived and abandoned. have earned interest of P2,500.00 for five (5) months
(December 1975 to April, 1976).
However, the rule is not absolute as it admits of some
exceptions, as aforequoted. One of the exceptions, that Respondent claims that complainants had paid him the
is, failure to express the true intent and agreement of original loan of P5,000.00, and that this was the reason
the parties, applies in this case.From the facts why complainants were able to mortgage the lot to the
obtaining in the case, it is clear that the complainants bank free from any encumbrance. This claim is
were induced to sign the Real Estate Mortgage incorrect. The reason why the title (T-2684) was free
documents by the false and fraudulent representations from any encumbrance was simply because of the fact
of respondent that each of the successive documents that the first Real Estate Mortgage for the indicated
was a are formality. loan of P5,000.00 (the actual amount was only P
4,000.00) had not been annotated at the back of the
While it may be true that complainants are not at all title (see Annex B, p. 14, rec.).
illiterate, respondent, being a lawyer, should have at
least explained to complainants the legal implications Respondent also denies that complainants offered to
of the provisions of the real estate mortgage, him the amount of Pl0,000. 00 as payment of the loan,
particularly the provision appointing him as the alleging that if the offer were true, he could have
complainants' attorney-in-fact in the event of default readily accepted the same since he sold the lot for
in payments on the part of complainants. While it may almost the same amount, for only P12,000.00, a
be conceded that it is presumed that in practice the difference of a few thousand pesos. Respondent's
notary public apprises complainants of the legal denial is spacious.
implications of the contract, it is of common
knowledge that most notaries public do not go through Indeed, complainants made the offer, but respondent
the desired practice. Respondent at least could have refused the same for the simple reason that the offer
informed the complainants by sending a demand letter was made on May 30,1979, three (3) years after the
to them to pay their obligation as otherwise he would execution of the mortgage on May 31, 1976. With its
proceed to sell the lot at public auction as per their lapse of time, respondent demanded obviously the
contract. This respondent failed to do, despite the fact payment of the accumulated substantial interest for
that he knew fully wen that complainants were trying three years, as shown by his own computation in as
their best to raise money to be able to pay their own handwriting on a sheet of paper (Annex C,
obligation to him, as shown by the loan obtained by Complainants' Position Paper, Folder No.
complainants from the IBAA on April 8, 1976. In this 2).lwph1.t
connection, it may be stated that complainants, per
advice of respondent himself, returned the proceeds of
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In view of all the foregoing, the observation made by Going now into the second charge, complainants
the Hearing Officer is worth quoting: alleged that respondent, who was their counsel
(private prosecutor) in Criminal Case No. 734, for
In the humble opinion of the undersigned the pivotal estafa, against accused Reynaldo Pineda, compromised
question with respect to this particular charge is the case with the accused without their consent and
whose version is to be believed. Is it the version of the received the amount of P500.00 as advance payment
complainants or the version of the respondent. for the amicable settlement, without however, giving to
the complainants the Id amount nor informing them of
In resolving this issue the possible motive on the part said settlement and payment.
of the complainants in filing the present complaint
against the respondent must be carefully examined Again, respondent denies the allegation and claims
and considered. At the beginning there was a that the amicable settlement was with the consent of
harmonious relationship between the complainants complainant wife Erlinda Dalman Melendre[z].
and the respondent so much so that respondent was
even engaged as counsel of the complainants and it is We are inclined to believe the version of the
but human nature that when respondent extended a complainants.
loan to the complainants the latter would be grateful
to the former. However, in the case at bar, It is admitted that complainants were not interested in
complainants filed a complaint against the respondent putting the accused Reynaldo Pineda to jail but rather
in spite of the great disparity between the status of the in merely recovering their money of P2,000.00. At this
complainants and the respondent. Admittedly, stage, relationship between complainants and
respondent is in a better position financially, socially respondent was not yet strained, and respondent, as
and intellectually. To the mind of the undersigned, counsel of the complainants in this case, knew that
complainants were only compelled to file the above complainants were merely interested in said recovery.
entitled complaint against the respondent because Knowing this, respondent on his own volition talked to
they felt that they are so aggrieved of what the accused and tried to settle the case amicably for
respondent has done to them. It is for this reason P2,000.00. He accepted the amount of P500.00 as
therefore that the undersigned is inclined to believe advance payment, being then the only amount carried
the version of the complainants rather than of the by the accused Pineda. A receipt was signed by both
respondent. In addition thereto, the respondent as a respondent and accused Pineda (Annex M, p. 34,
lawyer could really see to it that the transaction record). However, respondent did not inform
between the complainants and himself on papers complainants about this advance payment, perhaps
appear legal and in order. Besides, there is ample because he was still waiting for the completion of the
evidence in the records of its case that respondent is payment of P2,000.00 before turning over the whole
actually engaged in lending money at least in a limited amount to complainants.
way and that the interest at the rate of ten per cent a
month is but common among money lenders during At any rate, complainants saw accused Pineda give the
the time of the transactions in question' abovementioned P500.00 to respondent, but they
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were ashamed then to ask directly of respondent what received said amount from the accused without the
the money was all about. knowledge and consent of the complainants. If it is
true as alleged by the respondent that he only received
On June 27, 1979, barely a month after May 30, 1979, it for and in behalf of the complainants as advance
when the complainants had already lost their trust and payment of an amicable settlement why is it that the
respect and/or confidence in respondent upon same was questioned by the complainants? Why is it
knowing what happened to their lot and, more so, that it was not the complainants who signed the
upon respondent's refusal to accept the Pl0,000.00 receipt for the said amount? How come that as soon as
offered by complainants to redeem the same, Narciso complainants knew that the said amount was given to
Melendre[z] saw the accused Pineda on his way home the respondent, the former filed a motion in court to
and confronted him on the P500.00 that had been relieve respondent as their counsel on the ground that
given to respondent. Accused then showed they have lost faith and confidence on him? If it is
complainant Melendres the receipt (Annex M, Id.) really true that complainants have knowledge and
showing that the P500.00 was an advance payment for have consented to this amicable settlement they
the supposed settlement/dismissal of the case filed by should be grateful to the efforts of their private
complainants against him. prosecutor yet the fact is that they resented the same
and went to the extent of disqualifying the respondent
Sensing or feeling that respondent was fooling them, as their private prosecutor. Reynaldo Pineda himself
complainants then filed a motion before the court executed an affidavit belying the claim of the
which was trying the criminal case and relieved respondent.'
respondent as their counsel.
Clearly, the complained acts as described and levelled
The Investigating Fiscal, who heard the case and saw against respondent Decena are contrary to justice,
the demeanor of the witnesses in testifying, had this to honesty, modesty, or good morals for which he may be
say: suspended. The moral turpitude for which an attorney
may be disbarred may consist of misconduct in either
his professional or non- professional attitude (Royong v.
With respect to the second charge, the fact that Oblena, 7 SCRA 859). The complained acts of respondent
respondent received P500.00 from Reynaldo Pineda is imply something immoral in themselves, regardless of
duly established. Both the complainants and the the fact whether they are punishable by law. The doing
respondent agreed that the said amount was given to of the act itself, and not its prohibition by statute, fixes
the respondent in connection with a criminal case the moral turpitude (Bartos vs. U.S. Dist. Court for
wherein the complainants were the private offended District of Nebraska C.C.C. Neb] 19 F [2d] 722).
parties: that Reynaldo Pineda is the accused and that
the respondent is the private prosecutor of the said
case. The pivotal issue in this particular charge is A parting comment.
whether the respondent received the amount of
P500.00 from Reynaldo Pineda as an advance payment All the above is not to say that complainants
of an amicable settlement entered into by the themselves are faultless.
complainants and the accused or the respondent
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Complainants should likewise be blamed for trusting G. Santos. Respondent also filed his counter-affidavit and affidavits of
the respondent too much. They did not bother to keep his witnesses, with several annexes in support thereof In the healing of
a copy of the documents they executed and 28 October 1987, which had been set for the cross examination of the
considering that they admitted they did not complainants and their witnesses by respondent, the complainants
understand the contents of the documents, they did refused to submit themselves to cross-examination on the ground that
not bother to have them explained by another lawyer the order of the hearing officer dated 17 December 1986 declaring
or by any knowledgeable person in their locality. respondent's right of cross examination as having been waived, had
Likewise, for a period of three years, they did not become final and executory. Respondent questions now the evidentiary
bother to ask for respondent the status of their lot value of the complainants' position paper, not having passed through
and/or their obligation to him. Their complacency or any cross-examination and argues that the non-submission of the
apathy amounting almost to negligence contributed to complainants and their witnesses to cross-examination constitutes a
the expedient loss of their property thru the legal denial of his right to due process.
manuevers employed by respondent. Hence,
respondent's liability merits mitigation. (Emphasis We do not think respondent's right to confront the complainants and
supplied) their witnesses against him has been violated, Respondent in fact cross-
examined complainant Narciso Melendrez and some of the witnesses
and made the following recommendation: which complainants had presented earlier. As pointed out by the
Solicitor General, the record of the proceedings shows that respondent
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended that had all the opportunity to cross-examine the other witnesses of the
Atty. Reynerio I. Decena be suspended from the complainants (those whose affidavits were attached to complainants'
practice of law for a period of five (5) years. 3 position paper) had he wanted to, but had forfeited such opportunity by
asking for numerous continuances which indicated a clear attempt on
The Office of the Solicitor General, through Fiscals Almonte and Jamero, his part to delay the investigation proceedings. Respondent had in fact
held several hearings during the investigation of the present requested a total of twenty three (23) resettings during the
administrative case: City Fiscal Jorge T. Almonte was able to hold six (6) investigation proceedings: he had eight (8) under Fiscal Almonte and
actual hearings out of twenty-five (25) resettings 4 While only five (5) fifteen (15) under Fiscal Jamero. There were also instances where
actual hearings, out of forty (40) resettings 5 were held under Provincial respondent asked for postponement and at the same time reset the
Fiscal Pedro S. Jamero. In those hearings, the complainants presented a hearing to a specific date of his choice on which neither he nor as
number of witnesses who, after their direct testimony, were cross- counsel would appear. That attitude of respondent eventually led the
examined by the counsel for respondent; complainant Narciso hearing officer to declare his (respondent's) right to cross-examine the
Melendrez also testified and was accordingly cross-examined. complainants and their witnesses as having been waived in his order of
Considering the long delay incurred in the investigation of the 17 December 1986. Respondent can not now claim that he had been
administrative case and having been pressed by the Solicitor General deprived below of the opportunity to confront the complainants and
immediately to complete the investigation, Fiscal Jamero posed a their witnesses.
change of procedure, from trial type proceedings to requiring the
parties to submit their respective position papers. The complainants After carefully going through the record of the proceedings as well as
immediately filed their position paper which consisted of their separate the evidence presented by both parties, we agree with the findings and
sworn statements, (that of Narciso Melendrez was in a question and conclusions of the Solicitor General.
answer form), their documentary exhibits and an affidavit of one Jeorge
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The following acts of respondent: The second charge against respondent relates to acts done in his
professional capacity, that is, done at a time when he was counsel for
1. making it appear on the 5 August 1975 real estate the complainants in a criminal case for estafa against accused Reynaldo
mortgage that the amount loaned to complainants was Pineda. There are two (2) aspects to this charge: the first is that
P5,000.00 instead of P4,000.00; respondent Decena effected a compromise agreement concerning the
civil liability of accused Reynaldo Pineda without the consent and
2. exacting grossly unreasonable and usurious interest; approval of the complainants; the second is that, having received the
amount of P500.00 as an advance payment on this "settlement," he
failed to inform complainants of that advance payment and moreover,
3. making it appear in the second real estate mortgage did not turn over the P500.00 to the complainants. The facts show that
of 7 May 1976 that the loan extended to complainants respondent "settled" the estafa case amicably for P2,000.00 without the
had escalated to P10,000.00; knowledge and consent of complainants. Respondent informed
complainants of the amicable "settlement" and of the P500.00 advance
4. failing to inform complainants of the import of the payment only after petitioner Narciso Melendrez had confronted him
real mortgage documents and inducing them to sign about these matters. And respondent never did turn over to
those documents with assurances that they were complainants the P500.00. Respondent is presumed to be aware of the
merely for purposes of "formality"; rule that lawyers cannot "without special authority, compromise their
clients' litigation or receive anything in discharge of a client's claim, but
5. failing to demand or refraining from demanding the full amount in cash. 6 Respondent's failure to turn over to
payment from complainants before effecting complainants the amount given by accused Pineda as partial
extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgaged property; "settlement" of the estafa case underscores his lack of honesty and
and candor in dealing with his clients.

6. failing to inform or refraining from informing Generally, a lawyer should not be suspended or disbarred for
complainants that the real estate mortgage had misconduct committed in his personal or non-professional capacity.
already been foreclosed and that complainants had a Where however, misconduct outside his professional dealings becomes
right to redeem the foreclosed property within a so patent and so gross as to demonstrate moral unfitness to remain in
certain period of time. the legal profession, the Court must suspend or strike out the lawyer's
name from the Rollo of Attorneys. 7 The nature of the office of an
constitute deception and dishonesty and conduct unbecoming a attorney at law requires that he shall be a person of good moral
member of the Bar. We agree with the Solicitor General that the acts of character. This qualification is not only a condition precedent to
respondent "imply something immoral in themselves regardless of admission to the practice of law; its continued possession is also
whether they are punishable by law" and that these acts constitute essential for remaining in the practice of law, in the exercise of
moral turpitude, being "contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or good privileges of members of the Bar. Gross misconduct on the part of a
morals." The standard required from members of the Bar is not, of lawyer, although not related to the discharge of professional duties as a
course, satisfied by conduct which merely avoids collision with our member of the Bar, which puts his moral character in serious doubt,
criminal law. Even so, respondent's conduct, in fact, may be penalizable renders him unfit to continue in the practice of law. 8
under at least one penal statute the anti-usury law.
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In the instant case, the exploitative deception exercised by respondent 24,1982; April 29 & 30,1982; June 10 to 11, 1982; and
attorney upon the complainants in his private transactions with them, June 28 to 29, 1 982 (Total-25).
and the exacting of unconscionable rates of interest, considered
together with the acts of professional misconduct committed by 5 June 15, 1983; November, 1983; December 12, 1983;
respondent attorney, compel this Court to the conviction that he has February 24,1984; March 1, 1984; April 17,1984; May
lost that good moral character which is indispensable for continued 9 & 16,1984; June 20 to 21, 1984; July 16, 1984;
membership in the Bar. September 5, 1984; October 3, 1984; October 22,
1984; December 27, 1984; February 18, 1985; March
WHEREFORE, respondent Reynerio I. Decena is hereby DISBARRED and 13, 1985; April 29, 1985; May 9, 1985; May 28 to 29,
his name shall be stricken from the Rollo of Attorneys. Let a copy of this 1985; July 17, 1985; September 27, 1985; October 10,
Resolution be FURNISHED each to the Bar Confidant and spread on the 1985; November 13, 1985; January 27, 1986; February
personal records of respondent attorney, and to the Integrated Bar of 20, 1986; October 16, 1986; November 7, 1986;
the Philippines. November 11, 1986; December 17,1986; December
24,1986; January 9, 1987; February 26, 1987; March
Fernan, (C.J.), Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., in Cruz, Paras, 26, 1987; April 24, 1987; May 18, 1987: June 8, 1987;
Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortes, Gr;no-Aquino, October 16, 1987; October 21, 1987; October 26, 1987;
Medialdea and Regalado, JJ., concur. and October 28,1987 (Total-40).

Footnotes 6 Section 23, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court.

1 The complaint was originally filed on 29 August 7 Manolo v. Gan, 93 Phil. 202 (1953).
1979 with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(Zamboanga del Sur Chapter) and was referred to this 8 Caballero v. Deipairan 60 SCRA 136 (1974); Balinon
Court on 17 November 1979. v. De Leon, 94 Phil. 277 (1954).

2 Rollo, p. 94; Report and Recommendation, pp. 42-59.

3 Id., pp. 52-53.

4 December 22, 1980; January 9, 1981; January 24,

1981; February 7, 1981; February 21, 1981; February
28, 1981; March 7, 1981; March 26 & 27,1981; April 9
& 10, 1981; April 27 & 28,1981; May 12, 1981; May
13,1981; July 2,1981; July 3,1981; August 17 &
19,1981; October 5 & 8, 1981; October 7 to 8, 1981;
November 23 to 26, 1981; February 22 to 26, 1982;
February 22, 1982; February 23, 1982; February

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