Excel Example Boms

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Are Excel BOM templates right for YOU?

We've done our best to create a useful BOM template that you can start using today. But rememberwhile Excel BOM templates are a good place to start, they can ultimately work AGAINST
business goals and not for them. Check out the chart below to see how Excel BOMs stack up against a BOM and change management solution.

Excel BOMs compared to Arena BOMControl.

High-Level Excel Arena BOMControl Details
Excel BOMs can be exported from a CAD or ERP system, but cannot be shared in a controlled
environment. When complex or multiple linked BOMs must be managed and shared, control is easily
BOM Management Poor Excellent lost. Arena is designed to help manufacturers capture product data and share accurate up-to-date bill
of materials with partners, suppliers and contract manufacturers.


BOM Where-Used Poor Excellent It can be difficult to tie multiple product BOM spreadsheets together to analyze and understand
assembly relationships, and making repetitive and tedious data entries wastes time. With Arena, it
takes no time at all to view immediate and top-level assembly relationships for an item or assembly.

With Excel it's difficult to track changes and determine the overall impact a change has on other
BOM Redlining Poor Excellent assemblies. Arena provides manufacturers with a way to view differences between adjacent or
discontinuous revisions of a specific assembly, and track changes to quantity, name, number,
reference designators and more.

Comparing multiple Excel BOMs can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Because Arena is
built on a relational database, it's easy to compare differences like quantity, reference designator, and
BOM Comparison Poor Excellent substitute items between an items BOM and any number of other items BOM.

Pulling cost data from an Excel BOM spreadsheet is a laborious and frustrating process. Arena
Costed BOM Poor Excellent provides a way to track your fully costed BOM and/or product for prototype and production costs on
assemblies and products. Manufacturers can use quotes or estimates to calculate the percentage
costs of various components or assemblies for complete products within Arena as well as view price,
target cost and standard cost for each item.

With Excel BOMs, it's difficult to identify which spreadsheet file is the latest version and whether the
Versioning Poor Excellent revision is correct. In Arena, manufacturers can visually track item, assembly and product status as it
moves from concept to design to production.

When BOMs are built in a spreadsheet, there are limited ways to manipulate the data, and it can be
BOM Views Poor Excellent difficult to create personalized views for everyone who needs access. Arena offers role-based views of
the product structure (e.g., indented, flat, sourcing, custom) based on a user's specific business

With Excel, product revisions are tracked with spreadsheets and controlled file shares. BOM
BOM History Poor Excellent management capabilities in Arena help manufacturers retain product history with redline
comparisons between current and previous revisions. This allows complex product history and
changes to be viewed quickly and easily.

Spreadsheets can be locked and password protected, but the data can be edited and re-saved easily,
Security Poor Excellent putting intellectual property at risk. With Arena, you can control who has access to the product data,
as well as how much access and interaction each user has.

Want more information on BOM management best practices?

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Column Name

Multi-Level BOM
BOM Level
Part Number
Part Name

Unit of Measure

Procurement Type

BOM Notes
Example BOM courtesy of Arena
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Content Description
This example shows a multi-level BOM for a GPS product. Each subassembly is listed along with the components that
make up that subassembly. Ann individual part may be listed in the BOM multiple times if it is included in more than one
BOM Level shows the hierarchy of the parts and assemblies sin the BOM. Level 0 (zero) is the top assembly being
Part number lists the unique company part number. Do not place manufacturers part numbers here.
Part Name is the unique part name.
Revision is the revision of the part used in this assembly.
Phase describes where this part is in the lifecycle. For products in production, this will generally be 'In Production',
however for new parts which have not been approved these may be listed as 'Unreleased' or 'In Design'.
A detailed description of the part.
Commonly, the number of parts needed in the assembly or subassembly. However, when used with the unit of measure,
it can describe the amount of something needed- like 2 inches or 3 pints.
Unit of measure describes how you use or buy the part. Most commonly UOM is each, but it can also be standard
measures like feet, inches, pints, drops, box

Describes how the part is bought/made. OTS - Off-the-Shelf or MTS - Made-to-Specification

Used with PCBAs, this lists the location on the board of the part on the BOM.
This is an open note field to describe part information which is specific to this BOM.
Example BOM courtesy of Arena
Visit us at http://www.arenasolutions.com

BOM Unit of Procurement

Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Reference Designators BOM Notes
0 20-0001 EveryRoad GPS, Shippable, US Model 300 B each MTS Complete packaged unit
1 20-0002 EveryRoad GPS Car Navigation Unit - Model 300 B 1 each MTS Product Only - no packaging
2 20-0003 EveryRoad, Front Bezel Assembly A 1 each OTS
3 40-0011 LCD A 1 each OTS
3 50-0012 EveryRoad, Front Bezel B 1 each MTS
3 50-0080 Gasket, Screen, 3.5in A 1 each MTS
2 20-0004 EveryRoad, Rear Assembly B 1 each MTS
3 20-0015 EveryRoad, PCBA, Model 300 B 1 each MTS
4 40-0035 EveryRoad, Circuit Board A 1 each MTS
4 40-0038 GPS Micro controller A 1 each OTS U2
4 40-0039 USB Connector A 1 each OTS J4
4 40-0041 0.1uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor A 5 each OTS C15, C6, C10-12

R1, R5, R11, R12, R14, R16,

4 40-0042 10k Resistor A 8 each OTS R23, R24
4 40-0043 1k Resistor A 4 each OTS R25, R38, R31, R32
4 40-0044 1.0uF Ceramic Capacitor, 1206 A 1 each OTS C3
4 40-0045 Low-dropout 5.0V 100mA Voltage Regulator A 1 each OTS VR1
4 40-0046 100ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS R44
4 40-0047 51k Resistor A 1 each OTS R4
4 40-0048 470k Resistor A 2 each OTS R8, R13
4 40-0049 500mW NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS Q5, Q9
4 40-0050 Small-signal PNP Transistor A 2 each OTS Q2, Q4
4 40-0051 470 ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS R15
4 40-0052 Tantalum Capacitor 10uF@16V,B pkg A 1 each OTS C9
4 40-0053 Tantalum Capacitor 4.7uF@4V,A pkg A 3 each OTS C1, C4, C8
4 40-0054 Voltage Detector CMOS 4.3V SOT23 A 1 each OTS VD1
4 40-0055 220k Resistor A 1 each OTS R40
4 40-0056 1M Resistor A 2 each OTS R2, R9
4 40-0057 0.01uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor, 0603 A 2 each OTS C5, C7
4 40-0058 47 ohm Resistor A 2 each OTS R3, R17
4 40-0059 Small-single NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS Q1, Q8
4 40-0061 N-Chn Enhan-Md MOSFET A 1 each OTS Q6
4 40-0062 3k Resistor A 1 each OTS R29
4 40-0063 Exclusive Or Gate single A 1 each OTS U1
4 40-0064 Speaker w/drive circuit 3-15volts A 1 each OTS P1
4 40-0066 Signal Diode A 2 each OTS D8, D10
4 40-0067 2M Resistor A 2 each OTS R7, R30
4 40-0068 P-Chan MOSFET SOT-223 A 1 each OTS Q12
4 40-0069 HE 2 Channel solid state relay (B form) A 1 each OTS RY1
4 40-0070 Schottky Diode, 320mV@1mA A 2 each OTS D1,D2
4 40-0071 Millmax 0666 Socket for 0.020 pins A 2 each OTS J1 ,J3

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BOM Unit of Procurement
Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Reference Designators BOM Notes
4 40-0072 2.7k Resistor A 2 each OTS R41, R42
4 40-0073 4.0 MHz Fixed oscillator A 1 each OTS X1
4 40-0074 Miniature Pushbutton Switch, Right Angle A 1 each OTS SW1
4 40-0075 Single Logic Level P-Channel FET A 1 each OTS Q3
4 40-0076 Red/Green SM LED A 1 each OTS LD1
4 40-0077 Molex 4-pin 0.079 RA Header A 1 each OTS J2
4 40-0078 IR 40Khz Integrated Receiver Siemen A 2 each OTS IR1, IR3
3 50-0016 EveryRoad, Rear Panel B 1 each MTS
3 50-0089 Screw, M2 x 5, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS Torx Drive Screw
2 50-0010 Screw, M3 x 6, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS
2 50-0018 EveryRoad Model 300 Safety Label A 1 each MTS Label has US and EU safety marks
1 20-0005 Package Documentation A 1 each OTS
2 90-0006 Manual - Model 300/500 B 1 each MTS
2 90-0007 Warranty Card A 1 each OTS
1 30-0085 Packaging A 1 each MTS
2 50-0087 EveryRoad Model 300 US Boxed Product Label A 1 each MTS Barcode label
2 50-0088 Box with EveryRoad Logo, 5 in x 5 in x 5 in B 1 each MTS Box logo
1 40-0009 Power Supply, US A 1 each OTS
1 40-0081 USB A/A Cable, Black A 1 each OTS
To be included in both the EU and
1 40-0084 USB to Car Power Adapter A 1 each OTS US models
1 50-0083 Hook & Loop (Velcro), Black, 2" wide A 2 inch OTS To be applied to GPS by customer

06/26/2017 BOM template example brought to you compliments of Arena Solutions - www.arenasolutions.com Page 5 of 11
Example BOM courtesy of Arena
Visit us at http://www.arenasolutions.com
Assembly Number: 20-0001
Assembly Name: EveryRoad GPS, Shippable, US Model 300
Assembly Revision: B
Approval Date: 24-Jul-10

BOM Unit of Procurement Reference

Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Designators BOM Notes
Base Product only , No
1 20-0002 EveryRoad GPS Car Navigation Unit - Model 300 B 1 each MTS packaging
2 20-0003 EveryRoad, Front Bezel Assembly A 1 each OTS
3 40-0011 LCD A 1 each OTS
3 50-0012 EveryRoad, Front Bezel B 1 each MTS
3 50-0080 Gasket, Screen, 3.5in A 1 each MTS
2 20-0004 EveryRoad, Rear Assembly B 1 each MTS
3 20-0015 EveryRoad, PCBA, Model 300 B 1 each MTS
4 40-0035 EveryRoad, Circuit Board A 1 each MTS
4 40-0038 GPS Micro controller A 1 each OTS
4 40-0039 USB Connector A 1 each OTS U2
4 40-0041 0.1uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor A 5 each OTS J4
4 40-0042 10k Resistor A 8 each OTS C15, C6, C10-12

R1, R5, R11, R12,

4 40-0043 1k Resistor A 4 each OTS R14, R16, R23, R24
4 40-0044 1.0uF Ceramic Capacitor, 1206 A 1 each OTS R25, R38, R31, R32
4 40-0045 Low-dropout 5.0V 100mA Voltage Regulator A 1 each OTS C3
4 40-0046 100ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS VR1
4 40-0047 51k Resistor A 1 each OTS R44
4 40-0048 470k Resistor A 2 each OTS R4
4 40-0049 500mW NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS R8, R13
4 40-0050 Small-signal PNP Transistor A 2 each OTS Q5, Q9
4 40-0051 470 ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS Q2, Q4
4 40-0052 Tantalum Capacitor 10uF@16V,B pkg A 1 each OTS R15
4 40-0053 Tantalum Capacitor 4.7uF@4V,A pkg A 3 each OTS C9
4 40-0054 Voltage Detector CMOS 4.3V SOT23 A 1 each OTS C1, C4, C8
4 40-0055 220k Resistor A 1 each OTS VD1
4 40-0056 1M Resistor A 2 each OTS R40
4 40-0057 0.01uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor, 0603 A 2 each OTS R2, R9
4 40-0058 47 ohm Resistor A 2 each OTS C5, C7
4 40-0059 Small-single NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS R3, R17

06/26/2017 BOM template example brought to you compliments of Arena Solutions - www.arenasolutions.com page 6 of 11
Assembly Number: 20-0001
Assembly Name: EveryRoad GPS, Shippable, US Model 300
Assembly Revision: B
Approval Date: 24-Jul-10

BOM Unit of Procurement Reference

Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Designators BOM Notes
4 40-0061 N-Chn Enhan-Md MOSFET A 1 each OTS Q1, Q8
4 40-0062 3k Resistor A 1 each OTS Q6
4 40-0063 Exclusive Or Gate single A 1 each OTS R29
4 40-0064 Speaker w/drive circuit 3-15volts A 1 each OTS U1
4 40-0066 Signal Diode A 2 each OTS P1
4 40-0067 2M Resistor A 2 each OTS D8, D10
4 40-0068 P-Chan MOSFET SOT-223 A 1 each OTS R7, R30
4 40-0069 HE 2 Channel solid state relay (B form) A 1 each OTS Q12
4 40-0070 Schottky Diode, 320mV@1mA A 2 each OTS RY1
4 40-0071 Millmax 0666 Socket for 0.020 pins A 2 each OTS D1,D2
4 40-0072 2.7k Resistor A 2 each OTS J1 ,J3
4 40-0073 4.0 MHz Fixed oscillator A 1 each OTS R41, R42
4 40-0074 Miniature Pushbutton Switch, Right Angle A 1 each OTS X1
4 40-0075 Single Logic Level P-Channel FET A 1 each OTS SW1
4 40-0076 Red/Green SM LED A 1 each OTS Q3
4 40-0077 Molex 4-pin 0.079 RA Header A 1 each OTS LD1
4 40-0078 IR 40Khz Integrated Receiver Siemen A 2 each OTS J2
3 50-0016 EveryRoad, Rear Panel B 1 each MTS IR1, IR3
3 50-0089 Screw, M2 x 5, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS Torx Drive Screw
2 50-0010 Screw, M3 x 6, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS
Label has US and EU safety
2 50-0018 EveryRoad Model 300 Safety Label A 1 each MTS marks
1 20-0005 Package Documentation A 1 each OTS
2 90-0006 Manual - Model 300/500 B 1 each MTS
2 90-0007 Warranty Card A 1 each OTS
1 30-0085 Packaging A 1 each MTS
2 50-0087 EveryRoad Model 300 US Boxed Product Label A 1 each MTS Barcode label
2 50-0088 Box with EveryRoad Logo, 5 in x 5 in x 5 in B 1 each MTS Box logo
1 40-0009 Power Supply, US A 1 each OTS
1 40-0081 USB A/A Cable, Black A 1 each OTS
To be included in both the EU
1 40-0084 USB to Car Power Adapter A 1 each OTS and US models
To be applied to GPS by
1 50-0083 Hook & Loop (Velcro), Black, 2" wide A 2 inch OTS customer

06/26/2017 BOM template example brought to you compliments of Arena Solutions - www.arenasolutions.com page 7 of 11
Example BOM courtesy of Arena
Visit us at http://www.arenasolutions.com
Assembly Number: 20-0001
Assembly Name: EveryRoad GPS, Shippable, US Model 300
Assembly Revision: B
Approval Date: 24-Jul-10

BOM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit of Procurement

Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Reference Designators BOM Notes
1 * 20-0002 EveryRoad GPS Car Navigation Unit - Model 300 B 1 each MTS Base Product Only
2 * 20-0003 EveryRoad, Front Bezel Assembly A 1 each OTS
3 * 40-0011 LCD A 1 each OTS
3 * 50-0012 EveryRoad, Front Bezel B 1 each MTS
3 * 50-0080 Gasket, Screen, 3.5in A 1 each MTS
2 * 20-0004 EveryRoad, Rear Assembly B 1 each MTS
3 * 20-0015 EveryRoad, PCBA, Model 300 B 1 each MTS
4 * 40-0035 EveryRoad, Circuit Board A 1 each MTS
4 * 40-0038 GPS Micro controller A 1 each OTS
4 * 40-0039 USB Connector A 1 each OTS U2
4 * 40-0041 0.1uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor A 5 each OTS J4
4 * 40-0042 10k Resistor A 8 each OTS C15, C6, C10-12

* R1, R5, R11, R12, R14, R16,

4 40-0043 1k Resistor A 4 each OTS R23, R24
4 * 40-0044 1.0uF Ceramic Capacitor, 1206 A 1 each OTS R25, R38, R31, R32
4 * 40-0045 Low-dropout 5.0V 100mA Voltage Regulator A 1 each OTS C3
4 * 40-0046 100ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS VR1
4 * 40-0047 51k Resistor A 1 each OTS R44
4 * 40-0048 470k Resistor A 2 each OTS R4
4 * 40-0049 500mW NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS R8, R13
4 * 40-0050 Small-signal PNP Transistor A 2 each OTS Q5, Q9
4 * 40-0051 470 ohm Resistor A 1 each OTS Q2, Q4
4 * 40-0052 Tantalum Capacitor 10uF@16V,B pkg A 1 each OTS R15
4 * 40-0053 Tantalum Capacitor 4.7uF@4V,A pkg A 3 each OTS C9
4 * 40-0054 Voltage Detector CMOS 4.3V SOT23 A 1 each OTS C1, C4, C8
4 * 40-0055 220k Resistor A 1 each OTS VD1
4 * 40-0056 1M Resistor A 2 each OTS R40
4 * 40-0057 0.01uF Ceramic Chip Capacitor, 0603 A 2 each OTS R2, R9
4 * 40-0058 47 ohm Resistor A 2 each OTS C5, C7
4 * 40-0059 Small-single NPN Transistor A 2 each OTS R3, R17
4 * 40-0061 N-Chn Enhan-Md MOSFET A 1 each OTS Q1, Q8
4 * 40-0062 3k Resistor A 1 each OTS Q6
4 * 40-0063 Exclusive Or Gate single A 1 each OTS R29
4 * 40-0064 Speaker w/drive circuit 3-15volts A 1 each OTS U1
4 * 40-0066 Signal Diode A 2 each OTS P1
4 * 40-0067 2M Resistor A 2 each OTS D8, D10
4 * 40-0068 P-Chan MOSFET SOT-223 A 1 each OTS R7, R30
4 * 40-0069 HE 2 Channel solid state relay (B form) A 1 each OTS Q12
4 * 40-0070 Schottky Diode, 320mV@1mA A 2 each OTS RY1
4 * 40-0071 Millmax 0666 Socket for 0.020 pins A 2 each OTS D1,D2
4 * 40-0072 2.7k Resistor A 2 each OTS J1 ,J3
4 * 40-0073 4.0 MHz Fixed oscillator A 1 each OTS R41, R42
4 * 40-0074 Miniature Pushbutton Switch, Right Angle A 1 each OTS X1

06/26/2017 This BOM template is available compliments of Arena Solutions - www.arenasolutions.com page8 of 11
Assembly Number: 20-0001
Assembly Name: EveryRoad GPS, Shippable, US Model 300
Assembly Revision: B
Approval Date: 24-Jul-10

BOM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unit of Procurement

Level Part Number Part Name Revision Quantity Measure Type Reference Designators BOM Notes
4 * 40-0075 Single Logic Level P-Channel FET A 1 each OTS SW1
4 * 40-0076 Red/Green SM LED A 1 each OTS Q3
4 * 40-0077 Molex 4-pin 0.079 RA Header A 1 each OTS LD1
4 * 40-0078 IR 40Khz Integrated Receiver Siemen A 2 each OTS J2
3 * 50-0016 EveryRoad, Rear Panel B 1 each MTS IR1, IR3
3 * 50-0089 Screw, M2 x 5, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS Torx Drive Screw
2 * 50-0010 Screw, M3 x 6, ST, PH, Torx A 4 each OTS
2 * 50-0018 EveryRoad Model 300 Safety Label A 1 each MTS Label has US and EU safety marks
1 * 20-0005 Package Documentation A 1 each OTS
2 * 90-0006 Manual - Model 300/500 B 1 each MTS
2 * 90-0007 Warranty Card A 1 each OTS
1 * 30-0085 Packaging A 1 each MTS
2 * 50-0087 EveryRoad Model 300 US Boxed Product Label A 1 each MTS Barcode label
2 * 50-0088 Box with EveryRoad Logo, 5 in x 5 in x 5 in B 1 each MTS Box logo
1 * 40-0009 Power Supply, US A 1 each OTS
1 * 40-0081 USB A/A Cable, Black A 1 each OTS
1 * 40-0084 USB to Car Power Adapter A 1 each OTS To be included in both the EU and US models
1 * 50-0083 Hook & Loop (Velcro), Black, 2" wide A 2 inch OTS To be applied to GPS by customer

06/26/2017 This BOM template is available compliments of Arena Solutions - www.arenasolutions.com page9 of 11
Example BOM courtesy of Arena

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Revision Summary of Changes Made
01 Initial Release to Design
02 Release to Prototype - complete design, no draft on plastic parts.
A Production Release
B Changed Phillips Screws to Torx head screws
Approval Date

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