Design of Vacuum System
Design of Vacuum System
Design of Vacuum System
Steam jet ejectors have historically been accepted as being the log-
ical and economical means of pulling vacuum on towers in
refinery service. To produce the high vacuum required, they are
staged together in two, three, or four stages depending on the
level of vacuum. Ejectors can be single element or multi element
systems (i.e., twin 50% element, twin 1/3 - 2/3 elements, triple
element with each 1/ 3 capacity), or triple element with each
50% capacity. Multi element systems allow for flexibility in vary-
ing load situations. Along with the ejectors, special designed shell
and tube heat exchangers are utilized to condense the steam and
hydrocarbons, and in addition cool the gases at the various opti-
mum interstage pressures. (Refer to Fig. 1 and 2 for typical
schematics of equipment.) The primary stage(s) vary in size and
are generally in the range of 15 to 70 feet long. They are either
mounted on top of the tower pointing vertically down or located
at the same platform elevation as the intercondensers, which is
approximately 45 feet minimum above the condensate seal pot
liquid level. Steam jet ejectors have no moving parts and are
probably one of the most trustworthy pieces of equipment that
function in a vacuum system. This does not mean they can be
ignored indefinitely. Routine inspection, maintenance, and repair
is usually taken care of during the normal turnaround.
The liquid ring seals the space between the impeller blades and
the casing. The chambers at the top most part of the impeller hub
are filled with liquid. As the impeller rotates, the liquid ring
moves away from the hub, increasing the space in the pumping
chamber. This draws the gas into the chambers. As the impeller
continues to rotate, any gas in the impeller chambers is com-
pressed by the liquid ring and expelled through the discharge
port. This sequence is repeated with each revolution. The seal liq-
uid absorbs the heat of compression, friction and condensation.
The pump is driven by an electric motor at speeds varying from
400 RPM to 1750 RPM. Energy costs for the electricity to oper-
ate the motor and for the seal liquid fluid vary quite widely from
one part of the country to the other, the same as with ejectors.
The actual electrical costs are generally easy to identify in a cer-
tain locality. The cost of the seal liquid (usually water) can almost
be ignored for an energy analysis, since the consumption is very
small. Also, a complete recirculation type system or partial recir-
culation system could be utilized in which the costs are negligible.
Electrical costs vary from $.02/KW-HR to as high as $.10/KW-
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps have only been sparingly used in the
United States in conjunction with steam ejectors for vacuum
tower applications in the past. They are a rotating piece of equip-
ment that can operate singly, or they can be paralleled to be
consistent with any combination of ejectors. Routine inspection,
maintenance and repair is required and is also accomplished dur-
ing the normal scheduled turnaround. As with rotating
equipment, some special consideration has to be given to items
such as proper lubrication, vibration due to a faulty motor, poorly
designed baseplate or pumps not mounted firm and level on the
The curves shown in Fig. 6 compare the cost of steam and elec-
tricity. Observe that rates are listed, since as previously stated the
costs for generating these utilities vary widely from one locality to
Due to the scrubbing action of the liquid ring, there are cases,
depending upon the molecular weight and vapor pressure of the
hydrocarbons, that result in less pollutants being discharged to
the atmosphere as compared to the discharge from the third stage
ejector, even with a shell and tube aftercondenser.