Steam Turbine Stage Design: Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P
Steam Turbine Stage Design: Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P
Steam Turbine Stage Design: Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P
Abstract – Nowadays, there are many kinds of generator that convert some kind of energy into the
other form of energy, one of a kind is steam turbine. Steam turbine is a machine that convert thermal
energy from high temperature steam to mechanical energy on a rotating shaft. A new concept was
introduced for blade saturation temperature and a non-simplistic groupset was established so that
the best comparison with the measured ventilation power can be achieved. There has been a
comparison of exisiting ventilation power approximations which showed a clear better correlation
than existing ones. Finally, a simplified method is presented which can predict ventilation power
and maximum flow temperature.
Keywords: Steam turbine, Low load operation, Ventilation power, Experimental analysis, Non-
dimensional analysis, Physics based approach
Manuscript received January 2007, revised January 2007 Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
On plane 61, only over 70% of the blade length is and the activity area, Fig., along the blade span, is
measured by temperature. There is a different temperature representative of the mass flow distribution. Ten. The flow
profile than the last. There is a clear peak in height of the reverse flux is defined as the area where the
correspondence of the tip section. The temperature flow recirculates and the corresponding axial speed is zero
gradient above 90% of the blade span is rather steep, and or adverse. The active area is the flow region, described
increases as soon as the condenser pressure increases, by Steltz [7], above the reverse flow height. The detailed
Fig.4 This was noticed in all the tests carried out. analysis of the measurements of velocity fields on planes
62 in test 1 and test 2 reveals a certain similarity between
fluid dynamics. Despite the measured mass flow
distribution in plane 62 along the span of the blade, it
seems that the reverse flow height is almost constant, as
illustrated in Fig. 6 In fact, between S06 and S07.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
with or without mass flow more conveniently. If the steam During the stage, it could be possible to estimate the
turbine runs at or below the inlet temperature, the mean flow temperature on the stage input or output via a
maximum flow temperature for the LSMB is always simple 1-D energy balance. To correlate the average
below the blade temperature, regardless the flow temperature with the maximum flow temperature (i.e. the
coefficient. In this case, it is always convenient, in place temperature relevant to the mechanical integrity
of a zero mass flow, to run the steam turbine using a measurment of the blade in the tip section), the transfer
certain mass flow (Fig. 6). On the one hand, the maximum functions are required. In the following parts the reverse
flow temperature of the steam turbine can be greater than flow height is indicated by the average temperature, where
the "bladder saturation" if the inlet temperature runs 3 or the temperature is pretty constant as shown.
above, depending on the flow coefficient. The steam At LSMB Outlet, a similar correspondence was found,
turbine with zero mass flow is more comfortable to run. Fig. 7. With regard to the blade metal temperature, it
The "blade temperature" knowledge allows us to detect the shows that the maximum flow tempers at the LSMB outlet
divide between the ease of operation of the steam turbine are constantly offset against the metal blade temperature
with or without mass flow. at the tip. All the tests carried out are representative of this.
This offset also depends on the flow rate. This is the
transfer function used to evaluate the tip of the blade
The two different components of the ventilation force, In this paragraph all the correlations shown can provide
the inlet and flux coefficients could be explained by this a reasonable mapping of the temperature distribution
phenomenon. The flow coefficient change is analyzed to during low flow operations in the final stages of the steam
ensure that the condenser pressures remain constant and turbine. The mathematical relations derived from this
the mass flow varies. The tests performed with different model can be very usefully understood and modelled by a
mass flow, but the same inlet temperature and condenser simplified models, both in terms of ventilation and
pressure, have been plotted versus the measured temperature distribution along the blade length.
ventilation power. Whereas the ventilation power versus The dynamic fluid similarity found in the previous
the inlet temperature has been plotted keeping the mass paragraph encourages authors to seek the relation between
flow and condenser pressure constants. the height of the reverse flow and the flow coefficient. The
When mass flow decreases from 3 percent to 1.5 two quantities have been found to have a almost linear
percent of the reference value, ventilation power increases relationship as shown in Fig. 8. This finding is consistent
by around 30 kW. This ventilation power is equal to a with Steltz's work [7].
temperature increase of approximately 40 ° C inlet.
Therefore, it is reasonable to think of the point where a
higher ventilation power is associated with a lower flow
rate (i.e. the flow coefficient) compared to the increase in
the inlet temperature for a certain condenser pressure.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
Fig. 12. The difference between the flow temperature maximum on the
plane 62 and the flow coefficient tip of the metal temperature.
Sprinkling of the cap
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
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Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.
Author information
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember (ITS), Surabaya - Indonesia.
Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.