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Steam Turbine Stage Design: Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P

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International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. xx, n.

Steam Turbine Stage Design

Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

Abstract – Nowadays, there are many kinds of generator that convert some kind of energy into the
other form of energy, one of a kind is steam turbine. Steam turbine is a machine that convert thermal
energy from high temperature steam to mechanical energy on a rotating shaft. A new concept was
introduced for blade saturation temperature and a non-simplistic groupset was established so that
the best comparison with the measured ventilation power can be achieved. There has been a
comparison of exisiting ventilation power approximations which showed a clear better correlation
than existing ones. Finally, a simplified method is presented which can predict ventilation power
and maximum flow temperature.

Keywords: Steam turbine, Low load operation, Ventilation power, Experimental analysis, Non-
dimensional analysis, Physics based approach

one-stage turbines and multi-stage turbines that have 30

stages or more. Therefore, the range of capacity of one unit
NOMENCLATURE: is very wide, from hundreds of classes of kW to class
P : power (kW) 1900-MW, and various applications of steam turbines are
Aactive : Active flow region also very vast [3].
Aexit : Exhaust Outlet Zone
At present there are general requirements to keep
Arev : Return area of flow running steam turbines at very low loads. In the current
Hrev : Height back of the blade energy market situation, the flexibility of all power
LP : Low Pressure generation systems must increase to accommodate
LSMB : Movable blade last stage intermittent renewable sources. This certainly has an
LVF : Flow of low volume influence on the operations of conventional power plants
PSMB : Move blade of the penultimate stage whose number of ramps is required to grow to become
Q : Blade outlet volumetric flow rate more numerous. Not a few combined single-shaft and
R : Radius coal-fired power plants throughout the world need to
operate at reduced loads for a long time. In some Asian
countries, steam turbines remain silent for at least 30-40
minutes before synchronization. As a result, low load
I. Introduction
operations and part loads are needed to get the ideal
The need for sufficient and sustainable power solutions thermal economy from the power plant. This leads to a
for a multi-type and ever-changing market is a challenge reconsideration of today's steam turbine design, taking
faced by steam turbine producers more than ever before. into account the partial load conditions [4].
In the past few years, concern in the field of environment Increased temperature and proceedings at low loads
and energy economics has been an important factor in could cause some mechanical problems unless properly
encouraging cleaner and more productive power plants, assessed and monitored:
providing major advances in turbo technology and leading
 unwanted time restrictions for turbine operations
to sophisticated steam turbines and advanced gas turbines
with low load ;
that are more energy efficient and environmentally
friendly [1-2].  possible uneven heat of the exhaust containers
The first generation of steam turbine was used for leading to significant distortions and adverse
power plants designed and built by Sir Charles Algernon effects on turbine alignment ;
Parsons in 1884 in England. Steam turbines have been a  blade tip rubbing ;
major component of electric power development since the  Continuously activated exhaust sprays leading to
19th century and are one of the typical results of the trailing rim Erosion
industrial revolution [3].  lifespan reduction of final blades
Steam turbines are turbo engines and rotating and In addition, the rear stages absorb mechanical energy,
accelerating blades that accept the reaction force and called ventilation power. As the power dissipation
impulse force of accelerated and stirred vapor, then the increases, the temperature exceeded by the fluids and
rotating blades give the torque produced by steam to their therefore by the blades raises. It is shown that the turbine
rotor. The turbine stage consists of a pair of blade blade stage begins to produce negative power as:
lines and a rotating stator line. Steam turbines consist of

Manuscript received January 2007, revised January 2007 Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

A continuous state was assumed when the temperature

measurements in the turbine were all smaller than 0.5 ° C
/ min, including those in the inner casing.
As explained by Sauchev et al.[5], it is well-known that
the "surgery" flow separates from the hub. Therefore, as
shown, for example, by Megerle et al [6], in large zones
of recirculation are generated in rotor vanes. Steltz [7] has
shown that the main recirculation zone is extended with
low load testing, when the volumetric flow rate is reduced.

II. Material and Method

In order both to provide the information and the
correlations necessary to develop a physical model that
can predict ventilation power and maximum flow Fig. 2. Variable measurements of flow and metal temperature during a
temperature at low charge, the experimental campaign has condenser pressure change.
been conducted. Fig. 3 shows a typical behavior in this so - called
The main objective is to identify and analyze the permanent condition of measured ventilation power.
possible similarities of fluid mechanics among blades of Torque measurements are characterized by strong
various sizes and geometry. In a scaled steam turbine, such variations around an average value with a very low
as the one described by Megerle, the whole low-volume volume flow.
flow campaign took place [8]. Four stadiums and a radial
diffuser characterize the steam turbine. The front and rear
stadiums are combined with different shafts called the
front and rear shaft to perform low-volume flow checks.
A water breaker is applied to the front shaft, whereas the
rear shaft is driven by a Curtis turbine. This special set -
up enables the mechanical power (hereafter the ventilation
power) absorbed by the rear stages to be measured for
various low load driving conditions.
The vulnerability related to the Curtis control as a
determined amount from the torque and the rotational
Fig. 3. Variation of the air output for the particular test case.
speed has been evaluated to be about ± 5%. Temperature,
weight and speed dispersions along the sweep were
This is mainly because the low mass flow at the steam
estimated on various planes 52, 61 and 62 as appeared in
turbine inlet is difficult to control. Furthermore, the
Fig. 1. The dynamic weight tests highlight a Kiel head plan
presence of large zones of recirculation tends to prevent
and are situated to look into the stream bearing. They are
and pulsate the flow through the turbine. This also clearly
situated amid the tests to gauge a stream overwhelmingly
reflects the behavior of all the quantities measured. In
circumferential. Stream temperature estimations are taken
view of the fact that the flow rate at LVF is only a few
by means of thermocouples of sort K with an estimation
percentage points at design conditions, it is additionally
vulnerability of about ± 3 °C. Cross estimations required
problematic to measure the mass flow rate. This explains
to decide the stream speed parts along the edge range are
the value of the above measuring uncertainty. Despite this,
taken by means of a five-opening test.
however, the mass flow produced by the steam turbine is
After measurement of the mass flow by a water
relatively large and leads to very small absolute values.
controller placed on the exhaust pipe, it has been estimated
This can be primarily due to the troubles of controlling
to be around ± 10 percent of its measuring uncertainties.
the low mass flow at the channel of the steam turbine.
Multiple set of last stage move blades operating at
Moreover, the nearness of extensive recirculating zones
different rotational speeds have been used to conduct LVF
tends to form the stream through the turbine nonstationary
and throbbing. Typically clearly moreover reflected on the
The condenser pressure changes were performed each
behavior of all the measured amounts. Considering
time and the mass flow and inlet temperature were
moreover that at LVF the flow rate is few rate focuses of
maintained constantly. Various mass flow and inlet
the stream rate at plan conditions, the estimation of the
temperature values have been taken into account.
mass stream rate is encourage risky. This explains the
For instance, fig. 2 indicate the comportement in a
esteem of the estimation vulnerability specified above.
condenser pressure variation test of some measured
However, in spite of this esteem is moderately huge, the
parameters. The condenser pressure in this case varies by
mass stream elaborated by the steam turbine is
approximately 25 mbar. It takes around four minutes for
exceptionally moo driving to exceptionally little supreme
the condenser pressure to vary. It takes about 3 minutes to
reach heat soaking conditions due to a' time delay,'

Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

On plane 61, only over 70% of the blade length is and the activity area, Fig., along the blade span, is
measured by temperature. There is a different temperature representative of the mass flow distribution. Ten. The flow
profile than the last. There is a clear peak in height of the reverse flux is defined as the area where the
correspondence of the tip section. The temperature flow recirculates and the corresponding axial speed is zero
gradient above 90% of the blade span is rather steep, and or adverse. The active area is the flow region, described
increases as soon as the condenser pressure increases, by Steltz [7], above the reverse flow height. The detailed
Fig.4 This was noticed in all the tests carried out. analysis of the measurements of velocity fields on planes
62 in test 1 and test 2 reveals a certain similarity between
fluid dynamics. Despite the measured mass flow
distribution in plane 62 along the span of the blade, it
seems that the reverse flow height is almost constant, as
illustrated in Fig. 6 In fact, between S06 and S07.

Fig. 4. Flow temperatures profile for various capacitor pressures on

plane 61 (flow coefficient test between 0.1 to 0.04).

Several test cases have been conducted using similar

flow factors; the temperature distribution over the blade
Fig. 5. Axial velocity distribution and reverse flow height
span has been observed to be very similar. For a measurements at various circumferential points for tests conducted
representative case, this is shown in Fig. 5. Test 1 and test using the same flow factor.
2, but with different mass flow and condenser pressure,
were performed with the same inlet temperature Table 1. For a certain rear phase operating at the same flow rate
Test 2 has an approximate doubling of the mass flow and and input temperature, it is not only possible to determine
condenser pressure compared to test 1. univocally the temperature distribution over the blade, but
the speed field as well.
These extra findings are crucial to assume that in
calculation of a mean flood temperature the uniformity of
the flux field along the circumferential direction can be
Given some papers on zero mass flow tests, these tests
were initially linked and used to understand whether the
steam turbine is more convenient to run with or without
mass flow. When the steam turbine runs at or below inlet
temperature 1, the maximum flow temperature of the
LSMB is still below the blade saturation temperature
independently of the flow coefficient. In that case, the
Fig. 5. Temperature Flow profile on plane 62 in different boundary
conditions for the same coefficient of flow.
steam turbine must always be operated by some mass flow
The temperature difference between the two test cases instead of a zero-mass flow. If the steam turbine, on the
is below 5 ° C (Fig. 5), which represents all tests other hand, runs at or above the inlet temperature, the
performed. maximum flow temperature of LSMB may be higher than
This shows that the main driver of the temperature the' blade saturation temperature,' depending on the flow
profile is the flux coefficient of a given LSMB set. coefficient. The steam turbine with zero mass flow is
Therefore the same tempering profile is generated better operated in this case. The knowledge of the "blade
throughout the blades with the same flow coefficient and temperature saturation" enables us to identify the division
inlet temperature. of the comfort of the steam turbine with or without mass
TABLE I It is therefore appropriate to think of a point in respect
OPERATING MAIN PARAMETERS SUMMARY of a given condenser pressure where the increased air
Test Inlet Temp Condenser Inlet Mass Flow force associated with a reduction in mass flow (e.g., the
(Tinlet/TRev) Pressure Flow Coefficient
flow coefficient) is lower than the increase in the inlet
1 1.5 0.064 1.02 0.08
2 1.5 0.128 2.04 0.08 temperature.
Despite the publications on several papers dealing with
The axial speed is the physical quantity of great zero mass flow tests, these tests have been correlated for
interest. Distinguishing between the reverse flow height the first time to show when the steam turbine can be used

Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

with or without mass flow more conveniently. If the steam During the stage, it could be possible to estimate the
turbine runs at or below the inlet temperature, the mean flow temperature on the stage input or output via a
maximum flow temperature for the LSMB is always simple 1-D energy balance. To correlate the average
below the blade temperature, regardless the flow temperature with the maximum flow temperature (i.e. the
coefficient. In this case, it is always convenient, in place temperature relevant to the mechanical integrity
of a zero mass flow, to run the steam turbine using a measurment of the blade in the tip section), the transfer
certain mass flow (Fig. 6). On the one hand, the maximum functions are required. In the following parts the reverse
flow temperature of the steam turbine can be greater than flow height is indicated by the average temperature, where
the "bladder saturation" if the inlet temperature runs 3 or the temperature is pretty constant as shown.
above, depending on the flow coefficient. The steam At LSMB Outlet, a similar correspondence was found,
turbine with zero mass flow is more comfortable to run. Fig. 7. With regard to the blade metal temperature, it
The "blade temperature" knowledge allows us to detect the shows that the maximum flow tempers at the LSMB outlet
divide between the ease of operation of the steam turbine are constantly offset against the metal blade temperature
with or without mass flow. at the tip. All the tests carried out are representative of this.
This offset also depends on the flow rate. This is the
transfer function used to evaluate the tip of the blade

Fig. 6. Saturated blade temperature at the prescribed condenser

Fig. 7. Difference from the flow coefficient between maximum and
average aircraft Flow Temperature. Sprinkle the hood.

The two different components of the ventilation force, In this paragraph all the correlations shown can provide
the inlet and flux coefficients could be explained by this a reasonable mapping of the temperature distribution
phenomenon. The flow coefficient change is analyzed to during low flow operations in the final stages of the steam
ensure that the condenser pressures remain constant and turbine. The mathematical relations derived from this
the mass flow varies. The tests performed with different model can be very usefully understood and modelled by a
mass flow, but the same inlet temperature and condenser simplified models, both in terms of ventilation and
pressure, have been plotted versus the measured temperature distribution along the blade length.
ventilation power. Whereas the ventilation power versus The dynamic fluid similarity found in the previous
the inlet temperature has been plotted keeping the mass paragraph encourages authors to seek the relation between
flow and condenser pressure constants. the height of the reverse flow and the flow coefficient. The
When mass flow decreases from 3 percent to 1.5 two quantities have been found to have a almost linear
percent of the reference value, ventilation power increases relationship as shown in Fig. 8. This finding is consistent
by around 30 kW. This ventilation power is equal to a with Steltz's work [7].
temperature increase of approximately 40 ° C inlet.
Therefore, it is reasonable to think of the point where a
higher ventilation power is associated with a lower flow
rate (i.e. the flow coefficient) compared to the increase in
the inlet temperature for a certain condenser pressure.

III. Result and Discussion

As already mentioned, both the temperature and
velocity profile are similar for a given rear step, with the
same flow coefficient and inlet temperature. The value of
this non-dimensional parameter should therefore be based
Fig. 8. Reverse flow height vs flux coefficient measured blade.
on the empirical correlations that are useful for the
development of a physical model for the ventilation Fig. 9 shows the test data. are representative of 50, with
phenomenon. Correlations between certain physical different condenser pressures, inlet mass flows,
amounts and the flow coefficient characterizing the stage temperature inlet at different rotational speeds. The LSMB
operation are demonstrated below. is tested in size between 1.0 and 1.2 m2. The average pitch

Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

to chord ratio of the tested blades is around 10 %.

Measures refer to either the moving lamp of the last step
(LSMB) or the moving lamp of the penultimate stage

Fig. 10. Schematic depiction of the proposed ventilation approach for

both the ventilation force and the maximum flow temperature
Fig. 9. Power vs flow coefficient of non-dimensional ventilation.
In addition, the condenser pressure was assumed to be
The link suggested by the authors to the ventilation at the exit of the LSMB. This is reasonable since the
power calculation is best suited to the measures for not just diffuser is virtually unresolved. The calculation process
moving blades of the final stage but also moving blades of described in (Fig. 10) allows for the calculation of the
the penultimate phase. For the last stage, the measured calculated thermodynamic quantities for the active area:
ventilation power is always compared to BBC and English mean heat via (Fig. 11), and heat metal through (Fig. 13).
Electric Equations [9]. For fast turbines with a relatively As shown in Fig. 29, a comparison has been made between
large blade height, Usachev and Neuimin [9] proposed calculated and measured temperature. The measurements
equations underestimate ventilation strength for all the test are good for the calculated maximum flow temperature for
cases after processing. Stodula and Sutter-Traupel [9] PSMB and LSMB; in comparison to the measurements the
equations, on the other hand, have clearly exaggerated the calculated temperature is always within ± 20 ° C. This
power of ventilation. A comparison of the calculated value is in line with the precision for a simplified physics
ventilation power for the moving blades of the penultimate approach
stage reveals that the equation proposed by Usachev and
Neuimin matches the measurements well. It seems that
this equation was derived and calibrated more like a
penultimate phase moving blades than last stage moving
blades for blades. The measured ventilation power is not
as high as last stage moving blades in the BBC and English
electrical equations. In this case, the ventilation power is
actually overpredicted. Even when it is applied to the
penultimate stage, the Stodola and Sutter-Traupel
equations seem conservative.
The number of ventilation forces together with the
previously defined empirical correlations can be used to Fig. 11. Differentiation from flow coefficient from maximum to
average flow temperature on plane 62. Sprinkle with the hood.
assess the maximum flow temperature of blades during
low flow. The simplified approach proposed (Fig. 10) is
based on the link between the reverse flow height and the
flow coefficient. The area of the diagram in h-s where
steam turbines typically operate with low loads showed
that a change in the calculated temperature of about 20 °
C was caused by an assumption of using the full enthalpy
as a static enthalpy. The authors however decided to
approach the mainly tangential kinetic energy component,
with u2/2

Fig. 12. The difference between the flow temperature maximum on the
plane 62 and the flow coefficient tip of the metal temperature.
Sprinkling of the cap

Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

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Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.
Aldiansyah Fahmi I., Antonius Vicky D. S., Denny Darmawan P.

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Author information
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember (ITS), Surabaya - Indonesia.

Antonius Vicky was born in Bekasi, West

Java, 26th June 1999. First, he started his
study from Core Kid School kindergarten in
Bekasi, West Java. Then he continued his
study in Pamardi Yuwana Bhakti elementary
school, Bekasi, for six years, then Pamardi
Yuwana Bhakti JHS for three years. After
graduated form JHS, He continued his study
in Gonzaga SHS, Jakarta for three years.
Next, he took Marine Engineering
Department, Faculty of marine technology,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya. His favorite
courses are fluid machinery and ship designing.
For correspondence: Phone: +6282264853640
Email: [email protected]

Denny Darmawan Pratama was born in

Tulungagung, East Java, 25th October 1998.
First, he started his study from TK
Dharmawanita Kedungwaru in Tulungagung,
West Java. Then he continued his study in
Kedungwaru 1 elementary school,
Tulungagung, for six years, then
Tulungagung 3 JHS for three years. After
graduated form JHS, He continued his study
in Kedungwaru 1 SHS, Jakarta for three
years. Next, he took Marine Engineering
Department, Faculty of marine technology,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya. His favorite
courses are fluid machinery and machinery system.
For correspondence: Phone: +6282142084552
Email: [email protected]

Aldiansyah Fahmi Ilmiawan was born in

Surabaya, East Java, 04th January 2000. First,
he started his study from TK ITS in Surabaya,
East Java. Then he continued his study in
Luqman Al-Hakim elementary school,
Surabaya, for six years, then 19 JHS for three
years. After graduated form JHS, He continued
his study in 16 SHS, Surabaya for three years.
Next, he took Marine Engineering Department,
Faculty of marine technology, Sepuluh
Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya.
His favorite courses are electrical and
machinery system.
For correspondence: Phone: +6287751286099
Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2007 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. xx, n.

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