Wills and Succession Reviewer 2
Wills and Succession Reviewer 2
Wills and Succession Reviewer 2
1. A instituted his 2 children B and C in his will for his 8. T died leaving 5 legitimate children, 10 illegitimate
property worth 3 Million provided that B should first pass children and spouse married under articulo mortis. T died
the Bar Exam and C should pass the Medical Board 2 days after marriage
Exam. 3 months later A died. Articulo mortis immaterial (relevant only if spouse is sole
a. Are such conditions valid? heir)
Art. 872. No, deemed not made or instituted with Answer is same as number 4
respect to the legitime, but with respect to the free
portion the testator can validly impose the condition Reserva Troncal
b. How much will each heir receive as legitime? 9. U inherited from his father V property as illegitimate son.
B and C shall receive P 750,000 each as legitime, the U died later on, will his mother W inherit the same
P 1,500,000 shall be the free portion property upon his death?
c. What if A imposed a condition that C shall pass 10. X acquired property from his father Y. When X died, is
the Board Exam in only 3 tries but C failed to his mother Z required to reserve the same should she
comply, who shall receive the part of the free succeed to the property of X.
portion allotted to C? 11. Is it necessary that the ascendant from whom the property
In this case, the property can go to either A provided acquired through gratuitous title be already dead for the
that A also complies with his condition, or in default same to take effect
to the other legal heirs. a. No, death of the descendant is necessary which is
2. D instituted his 2 children E and F as sole heirs but what is referred to as operation of law.
imposed a disposition captatoria with respect to E. What 12. A acquired property from B by gratuitous title. A died and
will happen to such disposition? the property was inherited by his mother C. C now seeks
- Art. 875 in relation to Art. 872 to transfer the property in her own name but D a relative
3. G died and left his father H, his children J and K, spouse of direct line within third degree opposes. Can C validly
L and three grandchildren M, N, and O. transfer the title to her own name?
a. Who are the compulsary heirs? a. Yes, but it must be annotated in the title that the
All of them are compulsary heirs but of unequal same is reserved (See Edroso vs. Sablan)
rights. Only in default of J and K can M, N, and O 13. Suppose E, who has a son F, was able to get life
receive legitime. And in default of the grandchildren, insurance. When he died, F obtained the proceeds from
shall H receive legitime (Art. 887). the insurance. If F dies, may his mother G obtain the
b. Who shall receive from legitime G and at what proceeds? What if E won the lotto and F obtains the
proportion? proceeds of the lotto, may G obtain the same if F dies?
J and K - of the estate, divided equally among a. No, it does not cover insurance and lotto
themselves. 14. H has a half-brother J. J died with a son K inheriting a
L - of the estate parcel of land. When K died, L succeeded K to the
(Art. 892, par 1) property, where the title was annotated to show that it
4. P died with 3 illegitimate children and 1 legitimate child, reserved for J. L subsequently married M, who sought to
parents and spouse. Who shall receive legitimes and under cancel the annotated alleging that since J is merely a half
what proportion? brother, L is not bound to reserve the same for J. Is L still
(Art. 892, par 1 and last paragraph). Spouse has preference bound to reserve the property?
over illegitimate children
Leg. Child- of the estate Future Inheritance
Spouse- of the estate 1. May future inheritance be waived?
Illeg. Children- of the estate divided among themselves 2. N owed O 1 million pesos, O stated that since his father P
5. Q died leaving legitimate parents, 12 illegitimate children is close to death and that he may inherit huge amount of
and spouse money, he will pay O should be inherit. Can the same be
(Art. 889, 896 and 899) validly done?
Parents - of estate a. No, see Art. 1347
Illeg. Children - of estate 3. Q has 3 children with whom he bequeathed 18 hectares
Spouse- 1/8 of the estate out of 20 hectares of land, the remaining 2 hectares left to
6. R died leaving only 5 illegitimate children and spouse his caretakers. The 2 hectares were portioned among the
(Art. 894) caretakers in Qs lifetime. Is the partition valid
Illeg. Children- 1/3 of estate, divided equally
Spouse- 1/3 of estate Collation of Donation
7. S died leaving spouse as sole heir 1. R has 3 legitimate children, his father S and his wife T. He
(Art. 900) donated a property worth P 300,000 to his father, leaving
Spouse- of estate, 1/3 if marriage in articulo mortis and an estate worth P 700,000. Who are the compulsary heirs
deceased dies within 3 months - The children and legitimate spouse
2. Will be donation from the father be deducted?
- No, since the total legitime is only P 666,667
For personal use only. Unauthorized distribution prohibited 1
WILLS and SUCCESSION Finals Richard Allan A. Lim
3. What if R has 2 legitimate children? - No, it must be specific to the disinherited heir
- Yes, since the legitime is more than the and the act under Art. 922
remainder. Hence the donation to the father shall
be reduced as a stranger. Legacies and Devises
1. If there are several heirs, and only one charged. Is he
Disinheritance validly bound?
4. U, in an argument against his father V, took a bolo knife a. Yes, Art. 926
and caused injury to V. Thus, V filed a complaint for 2. There are 3 heirs charged to deliver an indivisible legacy
attempted parricide against U but the case was dismissed. to K, can K demand only one perform?
V then disinherited U on the ground of the attempt on his a. If indivisible, there should be reimbursement
life. If such disinheritance valid? b. If divisible, liable only for their proportionate
- No, it must be based on conviction part
5. What if U posted on the internet of the bad character of 3. If L, M, N and O are in possession of a car to be delivered
his father, thus V disinherited him for maltreatment by to P. L volunteered to deliver the car to P but the car was
word. Is the disinheritance valid damaged due to an accident caused by Ls overspeeding.
- No, provisions on disinheritance provide on Who will be liable?
maltreatment by word refers to slander. a. Art. 927
6. W who has a lawyer, failed to provide support for his b. All three heirs are answerable without prejudice
father X who was advanced age. X won the lottery and to right to reimbursement from guilty part
disinherited W due to failure to support him. Is the 4. What if L undertook delivery without the consent of the
disinheritance valid? other heirs?
- If there is no justifiable cause, then yes 5. What if the car was damaged due to a lightning strike?
7. Y, the son of Z, committed multiple falsification of public a. If determinate, not bound to deliver
documents in order to obtain Zs property. May Z validly b. If indeterminate, still liable
disinherit Y 6. Q in his will is giving a car belonging to R to his friend S.
- No, not under the grounds stated under Art. 919 5 days after executing the will, Q died.
8. What is civil interdiction? What if person penalized with a a. What is the effect insofar as the car is
crime carrying civil interdiction is granted executive concerned?
clemency? i. The administrator must acquire the car
9. What are the requisites for false accusation to be a valid from R and deliver it to S
ground for disinheritance? b. What if Q believed that the car belongs to him?
10. When A had an argument with his father B, he slapped i. The provision is void
and punched him several times causing B to state in his c. What if despite the fact that Q believed that the
will that he is disinheriting A. When B passed away, his car is his, Q paid for the value of the car?
heirs submitted the will for probate, but A contends that d. What if S acquired it gratuitously from Q
there should be final conviction for maltreatment to be a i. Void as to the legacy, If onerous, S can
ground for disinheritance. Is As argument valid? demand reimbursement from Q. If
- No, conviction not necessary for maltreatment, gratuitous cannot claim reimbursement
what is necessary is the same is intentional or ii. If it originally belonged to the testator
voluntary and was subsequently acquired by the
11. C found out that his wife D has been living in with the devisee, the disposition is not effective
common law spouse of his son E. Can C validly disinherit Right to Representation
his wife D? 1. Does the person representing succeed the person
- No, there must be final conviction. And likewise, represented? Why?
it must be the legal spouse. 2. Does the law allow representation by illegitimate
12. F and G are married. In their argument, F beat up G descendants if the person to be represented is illegitimate?
causing injury to her. G thus filed a complaint for a. Yes
violation of R.A. 9262. F filed a petition for nullity of 3. What if the person to be represented is legitimate?
marriage which was granted. F was later convicted for a. No
violation of R.A. 9262. F executed a will disinheriting G, 4. Can the legitimate descendants of the adopted child
can he validly do that? represent the former?
- No, since the marriage is a nullity, G is no longer a. No
a compulsary heir that can be disinherited. Intestate Succession:
13. H was found guilty of violation of R.A. 9262 for 7. T executed a will where he made his close friend U as his
psychological incapacity. In her will, J disinherited H but heir to 1/3 of the estate. What will govern the 2/3 of the
before she died she forgave all those who wronged her. H estate?
now claims that there has been reconciliation since J a. Intestacy
forgave her. Is that reconciliation valid?