Succession Bar Exam Questions With Answers
Succession Bar Exam Questions With Answers
Succession Bar Exam Questions With Answers
D, an Overseas Filipino Worker, was
on his way home to the Philippines M, single, named his sister N in his
after working for so many years in will, as a devisee over a certain
the Middle East. He had saved parcel of land that he owned, with the
₱100,000.00 in his local savings obligation of preserving the land and
account which he intended to use to transferring it, upon N's death, to her
start up a business in his home illegitimate daughter 0, who was then
country. On his flight home, tragedy only a year old.
struck as a suicide bomber blew up
the plane. All the passengers, Is the condition imposed on N to
including D, died. He left behind his preserve the land and to transmit it
widowed mother M; his common-law upon her death to O a valid case of
wife, W, who is the mother of his twin fideicommissary substitution?
sons, T and S; and his brother, B. He Explain. (3%)
left no will, no debts, no other
relatives, and no other properties Suggested answer: (see 2008
except the money in his savings question on fideicommissary)
account. Yes, the condition imposed upon N to
preserve the property and to transmit it
Who are the heirs entitled to inherit upon her death to O is valid because it
from D and how much should each is tantamount to fideicommissary
receive? Explain. (5%) substitution under Art. 863 of the Civil
Suggested answer: (we need to qualify Code.
the status of the mother of the twin
sons, no mention of marriage/legal B.14.
spouse we assume that she is also NOT
a legal wife) Prior to his death, H, married to W,
with children X, Y, and Z, executed a
The mother of D and his twin sons are holographic will entirely written,
entitled to inherit from D. dated, and signed by him. In his will,
H instituted W, X, and Y as his heirs,
The widowed mother gets ½ share while and consequently, made
D’s twin sons will get ¼ each of the testamentary dispositions in their
estate. favor. H, however, expressly
disinherited Z on the ground that the
Thus, the widowed mother gets latter once filed a civil case against
P50,000.00 while the twin sons shall him in order to collect a particular
receive P25,000.00 each. The common- sum of money he previously owed Z.
law wife cannot inherit from him
because when the law speaks "widow or (a) Was the disinheritance of Z
widower" as a compulsory heir, the law proper? Explain. (3%)
refers to a legitimate spouse (Art. 887,
par. 3, Civil Code). Likewise, the brother (b) Assuming that the disinheritance
cannot inherit from D since he is of Z was improper, how will it affect
the institution of heirs and any property or right, which a
testamentary dispositions made in compulsory heir, who succeeds with
H's will? Explain. (3%) other compulsory heirs, may have
received by way of donation or any
Suggested answer: other gratuitous title from the
a) No. A sufficient ground for decedent during the lifetime of the
disinheritance is when a child or latter, but which is understood for legal
descendant has accused the testator of purposes as an advance of his legitime.
a crime. Here, the case filed by Z (NOTE: The above answer may be
against H is a civil case. stated substantially).
(b) The improper disinheritahce shall
annul the institution of W, X, and Y as Succession; barrier between
heirs insofar as it may prejudice Z, the illegitimate and legitimate relatives
person disinherited.. 1984 No. 9
Succession; collation 1978 No. VII-a (NOTE: The above answers are
based on Arts. 1066 and 1069 of
Are the following subject to the Civil
collation? Explain fully your answers. Code and on the view sustained by
1. Gifts bestowed by the deceased practically all commentators on the real
father during his lifetime for the debts meaning of collation under Arts. 1061,
of a son, et seq., of the Civil Code.)
2. Money paid by the deceased
parent during his lifetime for the Succession; disinheritance 1999 No
debts of a son. VIII,
Under Article 819, it is void with (a) Luis was survived by two
respect to Manuel whose joint will legitimate children, two illegitimate
remains void in children, his parents, and two
the Philippines despite being valid brothers. He left an estate of P1
where executed. million. Who are the compulsory
heirs of Luis, how much is the
Succession; legal separation; effect legitimate of each, and how much is
1982 No. 5 the free portion of his estate, if any?
The husband was granted a decree
of legal separation on the ground of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
adultery on the part of the wife. May the (a) The compulsory heirs are the two
wife inherit from the husband — legitimate children and the two
(a) By intestate succession? illegitimate children. The parents are
(b) By will? Reasons. excluded by the legitimate children,
Answer while the brothers are not compulsory
(a) The wife in the instant case cannot heirs at all. Their respective legitimate
inherit from her husband by intestate are:
succession. According to the Civil (1) The legitimate of the two (2)
Code, the offending spouse shall be legitimate children is one half (1/2) of the
disqualified estate (P500,000.00) to be divided
from inheriting from the innocent spouse between them equally, or P250,000.00
by intestate succession. each.
(b) It depends. If the will was executed
prior to the legal separation, it is clear (2) The legitimate of each illegitimate
that in effect the wife cannot inherit from child is one-half (1/2) the legitimate of
her husband. According to the Civil each legitimate child or P125,000.00.
Code, Since the total legitimate of the
provisions in favor of the offending compulsory heirs is P750,000.00, the
spouse made in the will of the innocent balance
one shall of P250,000.00 is the free portion.
Succession; legitime 1997 No. 12: A- (son who repudiated his inheritance)
None (Art. 977)
"X", the decedent, was survived by B - (Granddaughter) None
W (his widow). A (his son), B (a C - (Acknowledged illegitimate child)
granddaughter, being the daughter P45.000.00 (Art.998)
of A) and C and D (the two D - (Acknowledged illegitimate child)
acknowledged illegitimate children of P45,000.00 (Art. 998)
the decedent). "X" died this year The acknowledged illegitimate child
(1997) leaving a net estate of gets 1/2 of the share of each
PI80,000.00. All were willing to legitimate
succeed, except A who repudiated child.
the inheritance from his father,
and they seek your legal advice Succession; legitime 1982 No. 12
on how much each can expect to
receive as their respective shares in The testator has three children "A",
the distribution of the estate. "B", and "C"; a wife "W"; a father "F";
Give your answer. an acknowledged natural child "N";
and an adulterous child "T". "A"
Answer: is a handicapped child, and the
The heirs are B, W, C and D. A inherits testator wants to leave to him as
nothing because of his renunciation. much of his estate as he can legally
B inherits a legitime of P90.000.00 as do under the law. State the specific
the nearest and only legitimate aliquot parts of the estate that the
descendant, testator can leave "A", "B", and "C",
inheriting in his own right not by as well as to his other
representation because of A's aforementioned relatives. State how
renunciation. W gets you arrive at the result. (Assume a
a legitime equivalent to one-half (1 / net estate of P1,200,000.00 and
2) that of B amounting to P45.000. that all of the
C and D above named relatives survived the
each gets a legitime equivalent to one- testator.)
half (1/2) that of B amounting to
P45.000.00 each. But since the total Answer
exceeds the entire estate, their legitimes Under the law on legitime, the
would have to be reduced survivors shall be entitled to the
corresponding to P22.500.00 each (Art. following legitime:
895. CC). 1. "A", "B" and "C"-one-half of the
estate which they shall divide in equal
The total of all of these amounts to shares. Since the net value of the
P180.000.00. estate is Pl,200,000.00 each of them
Alternative Answer: shall,
INTESTATE SUCCESSION therefore, be entitled to P200,000.00.
ESTATE: P180,000.00 2. "W" — the same as each of the
W- (widow gets 1/2 share) legitimate children, or P200,000.
P90.000.00 (Art. 998)
3. "F" — none.- "F" cannot With regard to the 1/2 already owned at
participate in the succession because the time of the execution of the will,
he is C alone will get the property by right
excluded by the legitimate children of of institution and accretion.
the testator. 2. The half of the property existing
4. "N" — one-half of the legitime at the time of the execution of the
of each of the legitimate children, or will should go to C, the portion
P100,000.00. pertaining to him in his own right
5. "T" _ four-fifths of the legitimate of and the portion pertaining to B by right
"N" or two-fifths of the legitime of either of accretion.
"A" or "B" or "C", or P80,000.00
Thus, the disposable free portion is The other half acquired after the
P220,000. If the testator so desires, execution of the will passes by
he intestacy, equally to C in his own right
can leave this disposable portion to his and to D in representation of B.
son "A".
(Note: The above answer is based on 3. The whole estate will go to the
Art. 888, 892, 895, 897 and 898 of the second brother C by right of accretion
Civil Code,) and B gets nothing.
No. II. At age 18, Marian found out that Succession; Rule on Survivorship
she (2009)
was pregnant. She insured her own life No. II. Dr. Lopez, a 70-year old widower,
and named her unborn child as her sole and his son Roberto both died in a fire
beneficiary. When she was already due that gutted their home while they were
to give birth, she and her boyfriend sleeping in their air-conditioned rooms.
Pietro, the father of her unborn child, Roberto’s wife, Marilyn, and their two
were kidnapped in a resort in Bataan children were pared because they were
where they were vacationing. The in the province at the time. Dr. Lopez left
military gave chase and after one week, an estate worth P20M and a life
they were found in an insurance policy in the amount of P1M
abandoned hut in Cavite. Marian and with his three children ---
Pietro were hacked with bolos. Marian one of whom is Roberto --- as
and the baby delivered were both found beneficiaries. Marilyn is now claiming for
dead, with the baby's umbilical cord herself and her
already cut. Pietro survived. children her husband’s share in the
(B). Between Marian and the baby, who estate left by Dr. Lopez, and her
is husband’s share in the proceeds of Dr.
presumed to have died ahead? (1%) Lopez’s life insurance policy. Rule on
the validity of Marilyn’s claims with
SUGGESTED ANSWER: reasons. (4%)
The baby is presumed to have died
As to the Estate of Dr. Lopez: Marilyn is Cancellations (2012)
not entitled to a share in the estate of
Dr. Lopez. For purpose of succession, No.VII.a) Natividad’s holographic will,
Dr. Lopez and his son which
Roberto are presumed to have died at had only one (1) substantial
the same time, there being no evidence provision, as
to prove otherwise, and there shall be first written, named Rosa as her sole
no transmission of rights from one to the heir.
other (Article 43, NCC). Hence, Roberto, However, when Gregorio presented it
inherited nothing from his father that for probate, it already contained an
Marilyn would in turn inherit from alteration,
Roberto .The children of Roberto, naming Gregorio, instead of Rosa, as
however, will succeed their grandfather, sole heir, but without authentication
Dr. Lopez ,in representation of their by Natividad’s signature. Rosa
father Roberto and together Roberto will opposes the probate alleging such
receive 1/3 of the estate of Dr. Lopez lack of proper authentication. She
since their father Roberto was one of the claims that the unaltered form of the
three children of Dr. Lopez . Marilyn will should be given effect. Whose
cannot represent her husband Roberto claim should be granted?
because the right is not given by the law Explain. (5%)
to a surviving spouse. As to the
proceeds of the insurance on SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the life of Dr. Lopez: It depends. If the cancellation of Rosa’s
name in the will was done by the
Since succession is not involved as testator himself, Rosa’s claimed that the
regards the insurance contract, the holographic will in its original tenor
provisions of the Rules of Court (Rule should be given effect must be denied.
131, Sec. 3 , [jj] [5] ) on survivorship The said cancellation has revoked the
shall apply. Under the Rules, Dr. Lopez, entire will as nothing remains of the will
who was 70 years old, is presumed to after the name of Rosa was cancelled.
have died ahead of Roberto who is Such cancellation is valid revocation of
presumably between the ages 15 and the will and does not require
60. Having survived the insured, authentication by the full signature of the
Roberto's right as a beneficiary became testator to be effective. However, if the
vested upon the death of Dr. Lopez. cancellation of Rosa’s name was not
When Roberto died after Dr. Lopez, his done by the testator himself, such
right to receive the insurance became cancellation shall not be
part of his hereditary estate, which in effective and the will in its original tenor
turn was shall remain valid. The effectively of the
inherited in equal shares by his legal holographic will cannot be left to the
heirs, namely, his spouse and children. mercy of unscrupulous third parties. The
Therefore, Roberto's children and his writing of Gregorio’s name as sole
spouse are entitled to Roberto's one- heir was ineffective, even though written
third share in the insurance proceeds. by the testator himself, because such is
an alteration that requires authentication
Wills; Holographic Wills; Insertions & by the full signature of the testator to be
valid and effective. Not having an
authenticated, the designation of For purposes of probate in the
Gregorio as an heir was ineffective, Philippines, an alien testator may
(Kalaw v. Relova, G.R. No. L-40207, observe the law of the place where the
Sept28, 1984). will was executed (Art 17, NCC), or the
formalities of the law of the place where
Wills; Holographic Wills; Probate he resides, or according to the
(2009) formalities of the law of his own country,
No.VI. or in accordance with the Philippine
Civil Code (Art. 816, NCC). Since Dr.
On December 1, 2000, Dr. Juanito Fuentes executed his will in accordance
Fuentes executed a holographic will, with the Philippine law, the Philippine
wherein he gave nothing to his court shall apply the New Civil Code in
recognized illegitimate son, Jay. Dr. determining the formal validity of the
Fuentes left for the United States, holographic will. The subsequent
passed the New York medical change
licensure examinations, resided in the citizenship of Dr. Fuentes did not
therein, and became a naturalized affect the law governing the validity of
American citizen. his will. Under the new Civil Code, which
was the law used by Dr. Fuentes, the
He died in New York in 2007. The law
laws of enforced at the time of execution of the
New York do not recognize will shall govern the formal validity of
holographic wills the will (Art. 795, NCC).
or compulsory heirs. (B). Assuming that the will is probated in
the Philippines, can Jay validly insist
(A). Can the holographic will of Dr. that
Fuentes he be given his legitime? Why or why
be admitted to probate in the not?
Philippines? (3%)
Why or why not? (3%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Jay cannot insist because under
Yes, the holographic will of Dr. Fuentes New
may be admitted to probate in the York law he is not a compulsory heir
Philippines because there is no public entitled to a legitime. The national law of
policy violated by such probate. The the testator
only issue at probate is the due determines who his heirs are, the order
execution of the will which includes the that they succeed, how much their
formal validity of the will. As regards successional rights are, and whether or
formal not a testamentary disposition in his will
validity, the only issue the court will is valid (Art 16, NCC). Since, Dr.
resolve at probate is whether or not the Fuentes
will was executed in accordance with the was a US citizen, the laws of the New
form prescribed by the law observed by York determines who his heirs are. And
the testator in the execution of his will. since the New York law does not
recognize the concept of compulsory probate because a joint will is
heirs, Jay is not a compulsory heir of Dr. expressly
Fuentes entitled to a legitime. prohibited under Art. 818 of the Civil
Code. This provision applies since
John and
Wills; Joint Wills; Probate (2012) Paula became Filipino citizens after
No.VII.b) John Sagun and Maria Carla their
Camua, British citizens at birth, acquired marriage.
Philippine citizenship by naturalization
after their marriage. During their
marriage Wills; Joint Wills (2008) (B). Are the testamentary
No. XI. John and Paula, British valid? (2%)
citizens at
birth, acquired Philippine citizenship SUGGESTED ANSWER:
by No. The testamentary dispositions are
naturalization after their marriage. not valid because (a) omission of Mary,
During a
their marriage the couple acquired legitimate child, is tantamount to
substanial landholdings in London preterition which shall annul the
and in Makati. Paula bore John three institution of Peter and Paul as heirs
children, Peter, Paul and Mary. In one (Art. 854, Civil Code); and, (b) the
of their trips to London, the couple disposition that Peter and Paul could not
executed a joint will appointing each dispose of nor divide the London estate
other as their heirs and providing that for more than 20 years is void (Art. 870,
upon the death of the survivor Civil Code).
between them the entire estate ,
would go to Peter and Paul only but the couple acquired substantial
the two landholdings in London and in Makati.
could not dispose of nor divide the Maria begot three (3) children, Jorge,
London Luisito, and Joshur. In one of their trips
estate as long as they live. John and to London, the couple executed a joint
Paul will appointing each other as their heirs
died tragically in the London Subway and
terrorist attack in 2005. Peter and providing that upon the death of the
Paul survivor between them, the entire estate
filed a petition for probate of their would go to Jorge and Luisito only but
parent's the two (2) could not dispose of nor
will before a Makati Regional Trial divide the London estate as long as they
Court. live. John and Maria died tragically in
(A). Should the will be admitted to the London subway terrorist attack in
probate? 2005. Jorge and
(2%) Luisito filed a petition for probate of their
parents’ will before a Makati Regional
No. The will cannot be admitted to
Court. Joshur vehemently objected but only for 20 years. Under Arts 1083
because and
he was preterited. 494 of the NCC, a testamentary
(1) Should the will be admitted to disposition
probate? of the testator cannot forbid the partition
Explain. (2%) of
all or part of the estate for a period
No, the will should not be admitted to than twenty (20) years.
probate. Since the couples are both
Filipino citizens, Art 818 and 819 of the
NCC shall apply. Said articles prohibits
the execution of joint wills and make Wills; Prohibition to Partition of a Co-
them void, even though authorized of Owned Property (2010)
the country where they were executed. No.I. True or False.
(2) Are the testamentary dispositions (B) X, a widower, died leaving a will
valid? stating
Explain. (2%) that the house and lot where he lived
cannot be partitioned for as long as
Since the joint will is void, all the youngest of his four children desires
testamentary disposition written therein to stay
are also void. However, if the will is there. As coheirs and co-owners, the
valid, the institutions of the heirs shall other
be annulled because Joshur was three may demand partition anytime.
preterited. He was preterited because (1%)
will receive nothing from the will, will SUGGESTED ANSWER:
receive nothing in testacy, and the facts FALSE, The other three co – heirs may
do not show that he received anything not anytime demand the partition of the
as house and lot since it was expressly
an advance on his inheritance. He was provided by the decedent in his will that
totally excluded from the inheritance of the same cannot be partitioned while his
his parents. youngest child desires to stay there.
Article 1083 of the New Civil Code
(3) Is the testamentary prohibition allows a decedent to prohibit, by will, the
against partition of a property and his estate for
the division of the London estate valid? a period not longer than 20 years no
Explain. (1%) matter what his reason maybe. Hence,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the three co-heir cannot demand its
Assuming the will of John and Maria partition at anytime but only after 20
was years from the death of their father.
valid, the testamentary prohibition on the Even if the deceased parent did not
division of the London estate shall be leave a will, if the house and lot
valid constituted their family home, Article
159 of the Family Code prohibits its
partition for a period of ten (10) years, or Wills; Testamentary Disposition;
for as long as there is a minorbeneficiary Period
living in the family home. to Prohibit Partition (2008)
Wills; Notarial Wills; Blind Testator; No. XI. John and Paula, British citizens
Requisites (2008) No. XIV. at
birth, acquired Philippine citizenship by
Stevie was born blind. He went to naturalization after their marriage.
school for the blind, and learned to During
read in their marriage the couple acquired
Baille Language. He Speaks English substanial landholdings in London and
fluently. Can he: in Makati. Paula bore John three
children, Peter, Paul and Mary. In one of
(A). Make a will? (1%) their trips to London, the couple
SUGGESTED ANSWER: executed a joint will appointing each
Assuming that he is of legal age (Art. other as their heirs and providing that
797, Civil Code) and of sound mind at upon the death of the survivor between
the time of execution of the will (Art. them the entire estate
798, Civil Code), Stevie, a blind person, would go to Peter and Paul only but the
can make a notarial will, subject to two
compliance with the "two-reading rule" could not dispose of nor divide the
(Art. 808, Civil Code) and the provisions London
of Arts. 804, 805 and 806 of the Civil estate as long as they live. John and
Code. Paul
died tragically in the London Subway
(B). Act as a witness to a will? (1%) terrorist attack in 2005. Peter and Paul
SUGGESTED ANSWER: filed a petition for probate of their
Stevie cannot be a witness to a will. Art. parent's will before a Makati Regional
820 of the Civil Code provides that "any Trial Court. (C). Is the testamentary
person of sound mind and of the age of prohibition against the division of the
eighteen years or more, and not blind, London estate valid? (2%)
deaf or dumb, and able to read and
may be a witness to the execution of a No. the testamentary prohibition against
will. the division of the London estate is void
(Art. 870, Civil Code). A testator,
(C). In either of the above instances, however, may prohibit partition for a
must period which shall not exceed twenty
the will be read to him? (1%) (20) years (Art. 870 in relation to Art.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: 494, par 3, Civil Code).
If Stevie makes a will, the will must be
read to him twice, once by one of the
subscribing witnesses, and again, by the Wills; Witnesses to a Will, Presence
notary public before whom the will is required; Thumbmark as Signature
acknowledged (Art. 808, Civil Code). (2007)No.VI.
direction (Jaboneta v. Gustilo, 5 Phil
Clara, thinking of her mortality, 541, 1906; Nera v. Rimando, 18 Phil
drafted a will and asked Roberta, 451, 1914). Therefore, the testatrix
Hannah, signed the will in the presence of only
Luisa and Benjamin to be witnesses. two witnesses, and only two witnesses
During the day of signing of her will, signed the will in the presence of the
Clara fell down the stairs and broke testatrix and of one another.
her arms. Coming from the hospital,
Clara insisted on signing her will by It is to be noted, however, that the
thumb mark and said that she can thumb mark intended by the testator to
sign her full name later. While the will be his signature in executing his last will
was being signed, Roberta and testament is valid (Payad
experienced a stomach ache and kept v.Tolentino, 62 Phil 848, 1936; Matias v.
going to the restroom for long Salud, L-104 Phil 1046, 23 June, 1958).
periods of time.
Hannah, while waiting for her turn to The problem, however, states that Clara
sign the will, was reading the 7th "said that she can sign her full name
Harry Potter book on the couch, later;" Hence, she did not consider her
beside the table on which everyone thumb mark as her "complete"
was signing. Benjamin, aside from signature, and intended further action on
witnessing the will, also offered to her part. The testatrix and the other
notarize it. A week after, Clara was witness signed the will in the presence
run over by a drunk driver while of Hannah, because she was aware of
crossing the street in Greenbelt. her function and role as witness and
May the will of Clara be admitted to was in a position to see the testatrix and
probate? Give your reasons briefly. the other witnesses sign by merely
(10%) casting her eyes in the proper direction.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Donations; Formalities; In Writing
Probate should be denied. The (2007)
requirement that the testator and at least No. VIII.
three (3) witnesses must sign all in the
"presence" of one another was not In 1986, Jennifer and Brad were
complied with. Benjamin who notarized madly in love. In 1989, because a
the will is disqualified as a witness, certain Picasso painting reminded
hence he cannot be counted as one of Brad of her, Jennifer acquired it and
the three witnesses (Cruz v. Villasor, 54 placed it in his bedroom. In 1990,
SCRA 31, 1973). The testatrix and the Brad and Jennifer broke up. While
other witnesses signed the will not in the Brad was mending his broken heart,
presence of Roberta because she was he met Angie and fell in love.
in the restroom for extended periods of Because the Picasso painting
time. Inside the restroom, Roberta could reminded Angie of him, Brad in his
not have possibly seen the testatrix and will bequeathed the painting to Angie.
the other witnesses sign the will by Brad died in 1995. Saddened by
merely casting her eyes in the proper Brad's death, Jennifer asked for the
Picasso painting as a remembrance
of him. Angie refused and claimed descendants, brothers, and sisters,
that Brad, in his will, bequeathed the nephews and nieces, she gets the
painting to her. Is Angie correct? entire estate.
Why or why not?(10%)
Barrier between illegitimate &
SUGGESTED ANSWER: legitimate relatives (1993)
NO. Angie is not correct. The Picasso
painting is not given or donated by A is the acknowledged natural child
Jennifer to Brad. She merely "placed it of B who died when A was already 22
in his bedroom." Hence, she is still the years old. When B's full blood
owner of the painting. Not being the brother, C, died he (C) was survived
owner of the Picasso painting, Brad by his widow and four children of his
cannot validly bequeath the same to other brother D. Claiming that he is
Angie (Art. 930, NCC). Even assuming entitled to inherit from his father's
that the painting was impliedly given or brother C. A brought suit to obtain
donated by Jennifer to Brad, the his
donation is nevertheless void for not share in the estate of C. Will his
being in writing. The Picasso painting action prosper?
must be worth more than 5,000 pesos.
Under Art. 748, NCC, the donation and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
acceptance of a movable worth more No, the action of A will not prosper. On
than 5,000 pesos must be in writing, the premise that B,C and D are
otherwise the donation is void. The legitimate brothers, as an illegitimate
donation being void, Jennifer remained child of B, A cannot inherit in intestacy
the owner of the Picasso painting and from C who is a legitimate brother of B.
Brad could not have validly disposed of Only the wife of C in her own right and
said painting in favor of Angie in his will. the
legitimate relatives of C (i.e. the children
SUCCESSION of D as C's How will you rule on Jorge's
Amount of Successional Rights opposition to the probate of legitimate
(2004) nephews inheriting as collateral
relatives) can inherit in intestacy. (Arts.
Mr. XT and Mrs. YT have been 992, 1001, 1OO5 and 975, Civil Code)
married for 20 years. Suppose the
wife, YT, died childless, survived only ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
by her husband, XT. What would be The action of A will not prosper. Being
the share of XT from her estate as an illegitimate, he is barred by Article
nheritance? Why? Explain. (5%) 992 of the Civil Code from inheriting ab
intestato from the legitimate relatives of
Under the Civil Code, the widow or
widower is a legal and compulsory heir
of the deceased spouse. If the widow is Barrier between illegitimate &
the only surviving heir, there being no legitimate relatives (1996)
legitimate ascendants,
Cristina the illegitimate daughter of v. Reyes, 27 January 1992, 206 SCRA
Jose and Maria, died intestate, 437). However, the donation should be
without any descendant or collated to the hereditary estate and the
ascendant. Her valuable estate is legitime of the other heirs should be
being claimed by Ana, the legitimate preserved.
daughter of Jose, and Eduardo, the
legitimate son of Maria. Is either, ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
both, or neither of them entitled to Yes, the action against Joaquina Roxas
inherit? Explain. will prosper, but only
to the extent of the aliquot hereditary
SUGGESTED ANSWER: rights of the legitimate
Neither Ana nor Eduardo is entitled to children as heirs. Joaquina will be
inherit of ab intestate from Cristina. Both entitled to retain her own
are legitimate relatives of Cristina's share as an illegitimate child, (Arts. 1440
illegitimate parents and therefore they and 1453. Civil
fall under the prohibition prescribed by Code; Art. 176, F. C.)
Art. 992, NCC (
Disinheritance; Ineffective;
Collation (1993) Preterition (2000)
In his last will and testament, Lamberto
Joaquin Reyes bought from Julio 1) disinherits his daughter Wilma
Cruz a residential lot of 300 because "she is disrespectful towards
square meters in Quezon City for me and raises her voice talking to me",
which Joaquin paid Julio the 2) omits entirely his spouse
amount of P300,000.00, When the Elvira, 3) leaves a legacy of
deed was about to be P100,000.00 to his mistress Rosa and
prepared Joaquin told Julio that it be P50,000.00 to his driver Ernie and 4)
drawn in the name of institutes his son Baldo as his sole heir.
Joaquina Roxas, his acknowledged How will you distribute his estate of
natural child. Thus, the P1,000,000.00? (5%)
deed was so prepared and executed SUGGESTED ANSWER:
by Julio. Joaquina then The disinheritance of Wilma was
built a house on the lot where she, ineffective because the ground relied
her husband and children resided. upon by the testator does not constitute
Upon Joaquin's death, his legitimate maltreatment under Article 919(6) of the
children sought to recover New Civil Code.
possession and ownership of the lot,
claiming that Joaquina Roxas was Hence, the testamentary provisions in
but a trustee of their father. Will the the will shall be annulled but only to the
action against Joaquina Roxas extent that her legitime was impaired.
prosper? The total omission of Elvira does not
constitute preterition because she is not
SUGGESTED ANSWER: a compulsory heir in the direct line. Only
Yes, because there is a presumed compulsory heirs in the direct line may
donation in favor of Joaquina under Art. be the subject of preterition. Not having
1448 of the Civil Code (De los Santos
been preterited, she will be entitled only 50,000 50,000 TOTAL 750,000 50,000
to her legitime. 200,000 1,000,000
The legacy in favor of Rosa is void Heirs; Intestate Heirs; Shares (2003)
under Article 1028 for being in Luis was survived by two legitimate
consideration of her adulterous relation children, two illegitimate children, his
with the testator. She is, therefore, parents, and two brothers. He left an
disqualified to receive the legacy of estate of P1 million. Luis died intestate.
100,000 pesos. The legacy of 50,000 Who are his intestate heirs, and
pesos in favor of Ernie is not inofficious how much is the share of each in his
not having exceeded the free portion. estate?
Hence, he shall be entitled to receive SUGGESTED ANSWER:
it.The institution of Baldo, which applies The intestate heirs are the two (2)
only to the free portion, shall be legitimate children and the two (2)
respected. In sum, the estate of illegitimate children. In intestacy the
Lamberto estate of the decedent is divided among
will be distributed as follows: the legitimate and illegitimate children
Baldo-----------------450,000 such that the share of each illegitimate
Wilma---------------250,000 child is one -half the share of each
Elvira-----------------250,000 legitimate child.
Ernie-----------------50,000 Their share are : For each legitimate
1,000,000 child –
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: P333,333.33 For each illegitimate child
The disinheritance of Wilma was –
effective because disrespect of, P166,666.66
and raising of voice to, her father
constitute maltreatment under Article Intestate Succession (1998)
919(6) of the New Civil Code. She is, Tessie died survived by her husband
therefore, not entitled to Mario, and two nieces, Michelle and
inherit anything. Her inheritance will go Jorelle, who are the legitimate children
to the other legal heirs. The total of an elder sister who had predeceased
omission of Elvira is not preterition her. The only property she left behind
because she is not a compulsory heir in was a house and lot worth two million
the direct line. She will receive only her pesos, which Tessie and her husband
legitime. The legacy in favor of Rosa is had acquired with the use of Mario's
void under Article with the testator. She savings from his income as a doctor.
is, therefore, disqualified to receive the How much of the property or its value, if
legacy. Ernie will receive the legacy in any, may Michelle and Jorelle
his favor because it is not claim as their hereditary shares? [5%]
inofficious. The institution of Baldo, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
which applies only to the free portion, Article 1001 of the Civil Code provides,
will be respected. In sum, the estate of "Should brothers and sisters or their
Lamberto shall be distributed as follows: children survive with the widow or
Heir Legitime Legacy Institution TOTAL widower, the latter shall be entitled to
Baldo 500,000 200.000 700,000 Elvira one-half of the inheritance and the
250,000 250,000 Ernie brothers and sisters or their children to
the other half." Tessie's gross estate illegitimate child as much of his
consists of a house and lot acquired estate as he can legally do. His estate
during her marriage, making it part of has an aggregate net amount of
the community property. Thus, one-half Pl,200,000.00, and
of the said property would have to all the above-named relatives are still
property. The other half, amounting to living. Emil now comes to you for
one million pesos, is her advice in making a will. How will you
conjugal share (net estate), and should distribute his estate according to his
be distributed to her intestate heirs. wishes without violating the law on
Applying the above provision of law, testamentary succession? (5%)
Michelle and Jorelle, Tessie's nieces,
are entitled to one-half of her conjugal SUGGESTED ANSWER:
share worth one million pesos, or P600,000.00 — legitime to be divided
500,000 pesos, while the other one-half equally between Tom, Henry and
amounting to P500,000 will go to Mario, Warlito as the legitimate children. Each
Tessie's surviving spouse. Michelle and will be entitled to P200,000.00. (Art. 888,
Jorelle are then entitled to P250,000 Civil Code) P100,000.00 --
pesos each as their hereditary share. share of Ramon the illegitimate child.
Equivalent to 1/2 of the share of each
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: legitimate child. (Art. 176, Family Code)
INTESTATE SUCCESSION P200,000.00 — Adette the wife. Her
ESTATE: P180,000.00 share is equivalent to the share of one
W- (widow gets 1/2 share) P90.000.00 legitimate child. (Art. 892, par. 2, Civil
(Art. 998) A- (son who repudiated his Code)
inheritance) None Art. 977) B - Pepe and Pilar, the parents are only
(Granddaughter) None secondary compulsory heirs and they
C - (Acknowledged illegitimate child) cannot inherit if the primary compulsory
P45.000.00 (Art.998) heirs (legitimate children) are alive. (Art.
D - (Acknowledged illegitimate child) 887, par. 2, Civil Code) Brother Mark
P45,000.00 (Art. 998) The and sister Nanette are not compulsory
acknowledged illegitimate child gets 1/2 heirs since they are not included in the
of the share of each enumeration under Article 887 of the
legitimate child. Civil Code.
The remaining balance of P300,000.00
Legitime; Compulsory Heirs vs. is the free portion which can be given to
Secondary Compulsory the illegitimate child Ramon as an
Heirs (2005) instituted heir. (Art. 914, Civil Code) If so
given by the decedent, Ramon would
Emil, the testator, has three receive a total of P400,000.00.
legitimate children, Tom, Henry and
Warlito; a wife named Adette; parents Preterition; Compulsory Heir (1999)
named Pepe and Pilar; an illegitimate
child, Ramon; brother, Mark; and a (a) Mr, Cruz, widower, has three
sister, legitimate children, A, B and C. He
Nanette. Since his wife Adette is well- executed a Will instituting as his
off, he wants to leave to his heirs to his estate of One Million
(P1,000,000.00) Pesos his two City, where he had a mansion and
children A and B, and his friend F. where two of his youngest children now
Upon his death, how should Mr. live and work. Two of his oldest children
Cruz's estate be divided? Explain. are farmers in Sulu, while the two
(3%) middle-aged children are employees in
Zamboanga City. Finding that the
(b) In the preceding question, deceased left no will, the youngest son
suppose Mr. Cruz instituted his two wanted to file intestate proceedings
children A and B as his heirs in his before the Regional Trial Court of Cebu
Will, but gave a legacy of P City. Two other siblings objected,
100,000.00 to his friend F. How arguing that it should be in Jolo before a
should the estate of Mr, Cruz be Shari’a mother, in favor of another
divided upon his death? Explain, (2%) sister, with their mother not
court since his lands are in Sulu. But
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Adil’s sisters in Pakistan want the
(a) Assuming that the institution of A, B proceedings held in Lahore before a
and F were to theentire estate, there Pakistani court. Which court has
was preterition of C since C is a jurisdiction and is the proper venue for
compulsory heir in the direct line. The the intestate proceedings? The law of
preterition will result in the total which country shall govern succession
annulment of the institution of heirs. to his estate? (5%)
Therefore, the institution of A, B and F
will be set aside and Mr. Cruz's estate SUGGESTED ANSWER:
will be divided, as in intestacy, equally In so far as the properties of the
among A, B and C as follows: A - decedent located in the Philippines are
P333,333.33; B - P333.333.33; and C - concerned, they are governed by
P333,333.33. Philippine law (Article 16, Civil Code).
Under Philippine law, the proper venue
(b) On the same assumption as letter for the settlement of the estate is the
(a), there was preterition of C. domicile of the decedent at the time of
Therefore, the institution of A and B is his death. Since the decedent last
annulled but the legacy of 100.000.00 resided in Cebu City, that is the proper
to F shall be respected for not being venue for the intestate settlement of his
inofficious. Therefore, the remainder of estate. However, the successional rights
P900.000.00 will be to the estate of ADIL are governed by
divided equally among A, B and C. Pakistani law, his national law, under
Article 16 of the Civil Code.
Proceedings; Intestate Proceedings;
Jurisdiction (2004) BAR 2017
In his lifetime, a Pakistani citizen, ADIL, Don Ricardo had 2 legitimate children-
married three times under Pakistani law. Tomas and Tristan. Tristan has 3
When he died an old widower, he left children. Meanwhile, Tomas had a
behind six children, two sisters, three relationship with Nancy, who was also
homes, and an estate worth at least 30 single and had the legal capacity to
million pesos in the Philippines. He was marry. Nancy became pregnant and
born in Lahore but last resided in Cebu gave birth to Tomas, Jr. After the birth of
Tomas, Jr., his father, Tomas, died. classification Indeed, the equal
Later, Don Ricardo died without a will protection clause permits classification.
and Tristan opposed the motion of
Tomas, Jr. to be declared an heir of the XX: RESERVA TRONCAL
deceased since he is an illegitimate
child. Tomas, Jr.countered that Article Princess married:Roberto and bore a
992 of the Civil Code is unconstitutional son, Onofre. Roberto died in a plane
for violation of the equal protection of crash Princess later married Märk
the laws. He explained that an and they also had a son-Pepito.
illegitimate child of an illegitimate parent Onofre donated to Pepito, his half-
is allowed to inherit under Articles brother, a lot in Makati City worth
902,982 and 990 of the Civil Code while p3,000,000.00. Pepito succumbed to
he-an illegitimate child of a legitimate an illness and died intestate. The lot:
father-cannot. Civil Law commentator given to Pepito by Onofre was
Arturo Tolentino opined that Article 992 inherited by his father, Mark. Mark
created an absurdity and committed an also died intestate. Lonely, Princess
injustice because while the illegitimate followed Mark to the life beyond. The
descendant of an illegitimate child can claimants: to the subject lot emerged-
represent, the illegitimate descendant of jojo, the father of Princess; Victor,
a legitimate child cannot. Decide the the father of Mark; and Jerico, the
case and explain. (5%) father of Roberto.
a. Yes, the doctrine of relative
revocation will apply.