15b Settings Overcurrentrelays

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Relay Setting calculations for

220/33/25 kV DMRC substation

Over Current & Earth Fault Relays

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 1
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Section 2.1 Time and Current grading calculation
Load and Fault currents for 500 kVA Transformer Feeder (RCCB1 and RCCB2)
Table B. Fault and load currents at various relay location
Data for 500 kVA and 50 MVA transformer given below
500 kVA - 33/0.415 kV, Z=4 %, +/- 5% tapping range
50 MVA 220/33 kV, Z=12.5 %, +10%/-15% tapping range
CT Fault at F1 Fault at F2 Fault at F3 Load current

Phase Fault Earth Fault Phase Fault Earth Fault Phase Fault Earth Fault
Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec. Pri. Sec.
Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Curren Current Curren
t t t t t t t t t t t t in A t
in kA in pu in kA in pu in kA in pu in kA in pu in kA in pu in kA In pu In pu
CT1 800/5 18.29# 22.86 18.29 22.86 - - - - - - - - 695# 0.868
CT2 25/1 0.230 9.2 - - 8.21 328.4 1 40 - - - - 9.2 0.368
CT3 600/5 0.230 0.38 - - 8.21 13.68 1 1.66 - - - - 151* 0.251
CT3 300/5 0.092 0.306 - - 8.21 27.36 1 3.32 - - - - 151* 0.502
CT4 1000/5 0.230 0.23 - - 8.21 8.21 1 1 - - - - 874 ** 0.874
CT5 150/1 0.0345 0.043 - - 1.232 8.21 0.150 1 20 133.3 20 133.3 131.2 ** 0.874
CT6 800/1 0.0345 0.043 - - 1.232 1.54 0.150 0.1875 20 25 20 25 209.9*** 0.262

Notes :
* Feeder RCCB1 has following load connected to it: 8.63 MVA (1 Nos 2 MVA, 2 Nos 1 MVA, 1 Nos 630 kVA,
8 Nos 500 kVA transformers)
** Assumption: Full load current of 50 MVA Transformer
*** Assumption: Total load on DVB Feeder 80 MVA
# Load current and fault currents are calculated on the lowest tap

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 2
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Setting calculation for Phase Fault (500 kVA Transformer feeder)

Relay at CT-1, Thermal magnetic relay (49 + 50) Make PULSAR Crompton Greaves

Thermal element (49)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 695 = 764.4 A
Setting of thermal relay = 750 A

Instantaneous element (50)

Fault current at F1= 18.29 kA

Magnetic short circuit setting range available in relay = 3-6-9 kA
Set Magnetic relay at 3 kA
Operating Time = Instantaneous

Relay at CT-2, Overcurrent relay (51+ 50/2) Make SPAJ 140C

Three phase low-set phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (51)

Plug setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.368 = 0.4048 pu
Minimum available PS in relay = 0.5
So set plug setting PS=I>/In=0.5

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.2 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-1 in order to get correct grading w.r.t relay at CT-1)

CT current for the fault at F1=9.2 pu

CT current for the fault at F2=328.4 pu

PSM |for fault at F1 =9.2/0.5=18.4

PSM |for fault at F2 =328.4/0.5=656.8 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time |for fault at F1 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.2=0.14 x TMS / 18.40.02-1

Set TMS=k=0.1
Actual Operating time |for fault at F1 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.1/ 18.40.02-1=0.233 Sec

Operating time for the fault at F2 for the above settings

Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.1/ 200.02-1=0.226 Sec

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F1=9.2 pu

CT current for the fault at F2=328.4 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 19 pu. This setting has been done so that DMT relay will not pick up for
the fault at F1 but it will pick up and operate for the fault at F2. Now, the time of operation of this relay can be set
instantaneously in order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays. This setting will also make sure that relay
will not pick up for the transformer inrush.

So Set I>>/In=19
Set operating time t>>=0.04 Sec (Instantaneous)

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 3
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Relay at CT-3, Overcurrent relay (51+ 50/2) Make SPAJ 140C

For CT Ratio 600/5

Three phase low-set phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (51)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.251 = 0.2761 pu
Minimum available PS in relay = 0.5
So set plug setting PS=I>/In=0.5

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.4 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t relay at CT-2)

CT current for the fault at F2=13.68 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =13.68/0.5=27.36 ~ 20( IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20 )

Operating time|for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.4=0.14 x TMS / 200.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.17
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.17/ 200.02-1=0.385 Sec

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=13.68 pu

Full load current = 0.251 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 3 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
So Set I>>/In=3
Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t.
50/2 relay at CT-2)
Set operating Time t>> = 0.2 sec

For CT Ratio 300/5

Three phase low-set phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (51)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.502 = 0.5522 pu
So set plug setting PS=I>/In=0.55

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.4 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t relay at CT-2)

CT current for the fault at F2=27.36 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =27.36/0.55=49.74 ~ 20( IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20 )

Operating time|for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.4=0.14 x TMS / 200.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.17
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.17/ 200.02-1=0.385 Sec

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 4
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=27.36 pu

Full load current = 0.502 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 6 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
So Set I>>/In=6
Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t.
50/2 relay at CT-2)
Set operating Time t>> = 0.2 sec

Relay at CT-4, Overcurrent relay (51+ 50/2) Make SPAJ 140C

Three phase low-set phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (51)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.874 = 0.9614 pu

So set plug setting PS=I>/In=1.1

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.58 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-3 in order to get correct grading w.r.t 51 relay at CT-3)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =8.21/1.1=7.46

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.58=0.14 x TMS / 7.460.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.15
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.15/ 7.460.02-1=0.512 Sec

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

Full load current = 0.874 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 1.8 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
So Set I>>/In=1.8
Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-3 in order to get correct grading w.r.t
50/2 relay at CT-3)
Set operating Time t>> = 0.45 sec

Relay at CT-5,Overcurrent relay (51+ 50/2) Make SPAD 346C1 (O/C and E/F module

Three phase low-set phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (51)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.874 = 0.9614 pu

So set plug setting PS=I>/In =1.1

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.70 sec ( Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-4 in order to get correct grading w.r.t the relay at CT-4)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 5
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =8.21/1.1=7.46

PSM |for fault at F3 =133.33/1.1=121.1 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.70=0.14 x TMS / 7.460.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.2

Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 7.460.02-1=0.682 Sec

Operating time for the fault at F3 for the above settings

Actual Operating time |for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 200.02-1=0.45 Sec

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

CT current for the fault at F3= 133.33 pu
Full load current = 0.262 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 10 pu. This setting has been done so that DMT relay will not pick up for
the fault at F2 but it will pick up and operate for the fault at F3. Now, the time of operation of this relay can be set
instantaneously in order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays (DVB side). This setting will also make
sure that relay will not pick up for the transformer inrush.

So Set I>>/In=10
Set operating Time t>> = 0.04 Sec (Instantaneous)

Relay at CT-5,Overcurrent relay (67+ 50/2) Make RAPDK -67

Three phase low-set directional phase over current unit with IDMT characteristic (67)

Current setting (PS) = 1.1 x Full load current =1.1 x 0.874 = 0.9614 pu

So set plug setting PS=I =1.1xIs where, Is=1 A

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.70 sec ( Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-4 in order to get correct grading w.r.t the relay at CT-4)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =8.21/1.1=7.46

PSM |for fault at F3 =133.33/1.1=121.1 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.70=0.14 x TMS / 7.460.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.2

Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 7.460.02-1=0.682 Sec

Operating time for the fault at F3 for the above settings

Actual Operating time |for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 200.02-1=0.45 Sec

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 6
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Other settings to be made =40 0

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=8.21 pu

CT current for the fault at F3= 133.33 pu
Full load current = 0.262 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 10 pu. This setting has been done so that DMT relay will not pick up for
the fault at F2 but it will pick up and operate for the fault at F3. Now, the time of operation of this relay can be set
instantaneously in order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays (DVB side). This setting will also make
sure that relay will not pick up for the transformer inrush.

So Set I>>=10 x Is where, Is=1 A

operating Time = 0.03 Sec (Instantaneous)

Relay at CT-6 (DVB), Overcurrent relay (51+ 50/2) Make REL 511

Three phase definite time over current unit (50/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1.54 pu

CT current for the fault at F3= 25 pu
Full load current = 0.524 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 0.8 pu.

So Set phase measuring element of REL511 to 80% of Ib where Ib=1 A.

Desired operating time of this relay > 0.45 sec (Operating time of this relay should be at least 0.15 sec more then
relay at CT-5 in order to get correct grading w.r.t 51 relay at CT-5)
Set operating Time at = 0.6 sec

Another option is to set over current unit at 150 % of Ib and operating time at 0.4 sec. This setting of the relay will
not be able to pick up for fault on 33 kV side.

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 7
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Setting calculation for Earth Fault (500 kVA Transformer feeder)

Relay at CT-1, Thermal magnetic relay (49 + 50) Make PULSAR Crompton Greaves

Instantaneous element (50)

Fault current at F1= 18.29 kA

Magnetic short circuit setting range available in relay = 3-6-9 kA
Set Magnetic relay at 3 kA
Operating Time = Instantaneous

Relay at CT-2, Earth Fault relay (51N+ 50N/2) Make SPAJ 140C

Low set non-directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (51N)

Plug setting (PS) has to be done so that relay will not operate for the unbalance current. Also it should not pick up
for transformer inrush cuurent
So set plug setting at PS=I0>/In=0.2

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.2 sec

CT current for the fault at F1=0 pu (33/0.415 kV transformer is Delta/star connected, hence no reflected fault
current on primary (delta) side of transformer in case of earth fault at secondary side)
CT current for the fault at F2=40 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =40/0.2=200 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.2=0.14 x TMS / 200.02-1

Set TMS=k=0.1
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.1/ 200.02-1=0.226 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F1=0 pu

CT current for the fault at F2=40 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 3 pu. The time of operation of this relay can be set instantaneously in
order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays.
Set PS=I0>>/In=3
Set operating Time t0>> 0.04 Sec (Instantaneous)

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 8
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
Relay at CT-3, Earth Fault relay (51N+ 50N/2) Make SPAJ 140C

For CT Ratio 600/5

Low set non-directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (51N)

Plug setting (PS) has to be done so that relay will not operate for the unbalance current. Also it should not pick up
for transformer inrush current
So set plug setting at PS=I0>/In=0.2

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.4 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t relay at CT-2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1.66 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =1.66/0.20=8.3

Operating time|for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1
0.4=0.14 x TMS / 8.30.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.12
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.12/ 8.30.02-1=0.388 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1.66 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 0.5 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
Set PS=I0>>/In=0.5
Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t.
50/2 relay at CT-2)
Set operating Time t0>>0.20 sec

For CT Ratio 300/5

Low set non-directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (51N)

Plug setting (PS) has to be done so that relay will not operate for the unbalance current. Also it should not pick up
for transformer inrush current
So set plug setting at PS=I0>/In=0.4

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.4 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t relay at CT-2)

CT current for the fault at F2=3.32 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =3.32/0.40=8.3

Operating time|for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1
0.4=0.14 x TMS / 8.30.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.12
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.12/ 8.30.02-1=0.388 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=3.32 pu

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 9
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 1 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
Set PS=I0>>/In=1
Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-2 in order to get correct grading w.r.t.
50/2 relay at CT-2)
Set operating Time t0>>0.20 sec

Relay at CT-4, Earth Fault relay (51N+ 50N/2) Make SPAJ 140C, Stand by Earth Fault
Relay Make -SPAJ 115C

Low set non-directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (51N)

Plug setting (PS) has to be done so that relay will not operate for the unbalance current. Also it should not pick up
for transformer inrush current

So set plug setting at PS=I0>/In=0.18

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.6 sec (Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-3 in order to get correct grading w.r.t 51 relay at CT-3)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

PSM |for fault at F2 =1/0.18=5.55

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.6=0.14 x TMS / 5.550.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.15
Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.15/ 5.550.02-1=0.6 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 0.3 pu. This setting will also make sure that relay will not pick up for the
transformer inrush.
Set PS=I0>>/In=0.3

Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then DMT relay at CT-3 in order to get correct grading w.r.t
50/2 relay at CT-3)
Set operating Time t0>>0.45 sec

Relay at CT-5, Earth Fault relay (51N+ 50N/2) Make SPAD 346C1 (O/C and E/F module

Low set non-directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (51N)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

So set plug setting at PS=I0>/In =0.2

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.80 sec ( Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-4 in order to get correct grading w.r.t the relay at CT-4)

PSM |for fault at F2 =1/0.2=5.0

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 10
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
PSM |for fault at F3 =133.33/0.2=666.65 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.8=0.14 x TMS / 50.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.2

Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 50.02-1=0.85 Sec

Operating time for the fault at F3 for the above settings

Actual Operating time |for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 200.02-1=0.45 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 4 pu. This setting has been done so that DMT relay will not pick up for
the fault at F2 but it will pick up and operate for the fault at F3. Now, the time of operation of this relay can be set
instantaneously in order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays (DVB side). This setting will also make
sure that relay will not pick up for the transformer inrush.

Set PS=I0>>/In =4
Set operating Time t0>>0.04 sec (Instantaneous)

Relay at CT-5, Earth Fault relay (67N+ 50N/2) Make RAPDK-67

Low set directional E/F unit IDMT characteristics (67N)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

So set plug setting at PS=I =1 X Is where, Is=0.2 A.

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.80 sec ( Operating time of this relay should be 0.2 sec more then relay at
CT-4 in order to get correct grading w.r.t the relay at CT-4)

PSM |for fault at F2 =1/0.2=5.0

PSM |for fault at F3 =133.33/0.2=666.65 ~ 20 (IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20)

Operating time =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.8=0.14 x TMS / 50.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.2

Actual Operating time |for fault at F2 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 50.02-1=0.85 Sec

Operating time for the fault at F3 for the above settings

Actual Operating time |for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 200.02-1=0.45 Sec

Definite time earth fault unit (50N/2)

CT current for the fault at F2=1 pu

CT current for the fault at F3=133.33 pu

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 11
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
The current setting of 50/2 relay can be 4 pu. This setting has been done so that DMT relay will not pick up for
the fault at F2 but it will pick up and operate for the fault at F3. Now, the time of operation of this relay can be set
instantaneously in order to reduce the grading time of upstream relays (DVB side). This setting will also make
sure that relay will not pick up for the transformer inrush.

Set PS=I0>> =20 X Is where, Is=0.2 A.

Set operating Time t0>>0.03 sec (Instantaneous)

Relay at CT-6 (DVB), Earth Fault relay (51N) Make REL 511

IDMT element (51N)

Set plug setting PS=0.2 In=20% of Inb

The PS has been done such that the relay will not pick up for the fault at F2.

Desired operating time of this relay = 0.4 sec (Operating time of this relay should be at least 0.3 sec more then
relay at CT-5 in order to get correct grading w.r.t 50 relay at CT-5)

CT current for the fault at F3=25 pu

PSM |for fault at F3 =25/0.2=125 ~ 20 ( IDMT characteristic saturates at PSM=20 )

Operating time|for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1

0.4=0.14 x TMS / 200.02-1
Set TMS=k=0.2
Actual Operating time |for fault at F3 =0.14 x TMS /PSM0.02-1 = 0.14 x 0.2/ 200.02-1=0.45 Sec
Minimum operating time for dependent time delay function = 100 msec

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 12
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
C U R R EN TIN A M P S X1 0 @ 3 3 0 0 0 V O L TS
1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1,000 3,000 5,000 10,000
1,000 1,000
220kVI/c (at CT-5
Incomer 33 kV (at CT-4) ABB
500 ABB IDM T Normal Inv.
CT 150/ 1
A BB 500
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
CT 1000/ 5 Tap =1.10 ( .5 - 2.5)
300 Tap =1.10 ( .5 - 2.5) Time Dial =0.20 DVB IDM T (at CT-6) 300
Time Dial =0.15 3 x Tap =1.29 sec ABB
3 x Tap =?? sec Inst = 10.0 ( .5 - 40) REL511 Normal Inv.
Inst = 1.8 ( .5 - 40) CT 800/ 1
Tap =0.80 ( .5 - 2.5)
Time Dial =0.30
100 3 x Tap =1.92 sec 100
33 kV Corridor600 (at CT-3) Inst = ( None)
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
CT 600/ 5 DVB DM T (at CT-6)
50 Tap =0.50 ( .5 - 2.5) 50
Time Dial =0.17 REL 511Definite Time
3 x Tap =1.10 sec CT 800/ 1
30 30
Inst = 3.0 ( .5 - 40) Tap =0.80 ( .5 - 2.5)
Time Dial =0.60
33 kV Corridor300 (at CT-3) 3 x Tap =?? sec
A BB Inst = 0.8 ( .5 - 40)
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
10 CT 300/ 5 10
Tap =0.55 ( .5 - 2.5)
Time Dial =0.17
3 x Tap =1.10 sec
Inst = 6.0 ( .5 - 40) 33 kV Fault ( F2) : 8210 A
5 5

3 3

1 1

0.415 kV Fault (F1) : 230 A

.5 Relay at pri. of 500 kVA Transf ( at CT-2) .5
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
.3 CT 25/ 1 .3
Tap =0.50 ( .5 - 2.5)
Time Dial =0.10
3 x Tap =0.66 sec
Inst = 19.0 ( .5 - 40)
.1 .1

.05 .05

.03 .03

.01 .01
1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1,000 3,000 5,000 10,000

C U R R EN TIN A M P S X1 0 @ 3 3 0 0 0 V O L TS

AB B TIM E C U R R EN TC U R V ES P a g e 2
C ircui t Fo r5 0 0 kVA Tra ns f o rm er Fa ul t (Pha seFa ul t)
Pro ject DMR C co ntra ctR C 7 A Da te 1 7 /0 3 /2 0 0 3
Fa ci lity Eng ineer C TR

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 13
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11
C U R R EN TIN A M P S X5 @ 3 3 0 0 0 V O L TS
1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1,000 3,000 5,000 10,000
1,000 1,000
Incomer 33kV (at CT-4)
Relay at pri.of 500kVA transf. ( at CT-2)
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
CT 1000/ 5 A BB 500

A BB Tap =0.18 ( .1- .8)

300 SP AJ 140C Normal Inv. Time Dial =0.15 DVB (at CT-6) 300
CT 25/ 1 3 x Tap =?? sec ABB
Tap =0.20 ( .1- .8) Inst = 0.3 ( .5 - 40) REL511Normal Inverse
Time Dial =0.10 CT 800/ 1
3 x Tap =0.66 sec Tap =0.20 ( .1- .8)
Inst = 3.0 ( .5 - 40) Time Dial =0.20
220kV I/C (at CT-5) 3 x Tap =1.29 sec
100 100
A BB Inst = ( None)
IDM T Normal Inv.
CT 150/ 1
33kVCorridor600 (at CT-3) Tap =0.20 ( .1- .8)
50 Time Dial =0.20 50
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv. 3 x Tap =1.29 sec
30 CT 600/ 5 Inst = 4.0 ( .5 - 40) 30
Tap =0.20 ( .1- .8)
Time Dial =0.12
3 x Tap =?? sec
Inst = 0.5 ( .5 - 40)
33 kV Fault (F2) : 1000 A
10 33kVCorridor300 (at CT-3) 10
SP AJ 140C Normal Inv.
CT 300/ 5
5 Tap =0.40 ( .1- .8) 5

Time Dial =0.12
3 x Tap =?? sec
3 Inst = 1.0 ( .5 - 40) 3

1 1

.5 .5

.3 Unbalance current : 3 A .3

.1 .1

.05 .05

.03 .03

.01 .01
1 3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1,000 3,000 5,000 10,000

C U R R EN TIN A M P S X5 @ 3 3 0 0 0 V O L TS

AB B TIM E C U R R EN TC U R V ES P a g e 7
C ircui t 5 0 0 kVA Ea rthFa ul t Fa ul t G ro und
Pro ject DMR C co ntra ctR C 7 A Da te 1 7 /0 3 /2 0 0 3
Fa ci lity Eng ineer C TR

Checked by B S Palki Relay Coordination for 220/33/25 kV Substation DMRC

Prepared by Kalpesh Order Ref AUTAUT1039 Rev 01 Sheet 14
Dept. PTPS Yr. Wk Drg. No. YN1M 300453-SET1 Yr. Wk
03 11

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