Characteristic Coastal Habitats

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Characteristic Coastal Habitats

Choosing Spill Response Alternatives


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Service
Office of Response and Restoration
Emergency Response Division June 2010
Characteristic Coastal Habitats: Choosing Spill Response Alternatives

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Ocean Service Office of Response and Restoration Emergency Response Division

June 2010

Characteristic Coastal Habitats is based upon information contained in Environmental Considerations for
Marine Oil Spill Response, published in 2001 by the American Petroleum Institute, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Introduction 4 Peat Shores 46
How To Use This Document 5 Sheltered Tidal Flats 49
Salt to Brackish Marshes 52
Intertidal and Ice Environments 6 Inundated Lowland Tundra 58
On-Water and Subtidal Environments 10
INTERTIDAL Coral Reefs 61
Exposed Rocky Shores 12 Seagrasses 64
Exposed, Solid Man-made Structures 15 Kelp 67
Exposed, Wave-cut Platforms 18 Soft Bottom 70
Sand Beaches 21 Mixed and Hard Bottom 73
Tundra Cliffs 24
Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches 27 ICE
Gravel Beaches 30 Accessible and Inaccessible 76
Riprap 33
Exposed Tidal Flats 36 ON-WATER
Sheltered Rocky Shores and Scarps 39 Offshore 80
Sheltered, Solid Man-Made Structures 43 Bays and Estuaries 83
Oil on coastal waters, shorelines, or subtidal habitats can harm the environment, intrude on recreational activities, cause
economic hardship, disrupt commercial activities, and be expensive to clean up. Decisions about if, where, when, and how to
remove oil from coastal habitats affect each of these potential spill consequences.
Sound cleanup decisions depend on accurate information about the types of habitats that the oil affects, the degree of oiling,
and the location of oiling. Characteristic Coastal Habitats illustrates typical physical and biological attributes of North Ameri-
can coastal habitats at risk from oil spills. The text describes each habitat and discusses both how oil is likely to behave there
and considerations for treating oil.
The Characteristic Coastal Habitats collection was originally designed as a companion to Environmental Considerations for
Marine Oil Spill Response, published in 2001 by the American Petroleum Institute, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (although this document is not readily
available as of 2009). The Response Method table for each habitat is based on information contained in the NOAA Shoreline
Assessment Manual and the job aid entitled Characteristics of Response Strategies A Guide for Spill Response Planning in Marine
Environments. Refer to these publications for complete information on proper use and caveats regarding the guidelines pre-
sented in the Response Method tables.
In April 2010, NOAA revised this version of the Characteristic Coastal Habitats to reflect the current knowledge on oil spill
behavior and impacts of response options.
The Characteristic Coastal Habitats collection is a useful job aid for training people who will be participating in cleanup assess-
ment as part of an Environmental Unit within the Incident Command System. It also complements NOAAs Shoreline Assess-
ment Manual and Shoreline Assessment Job Aid. Visit the Office of Response and Restorations home page at http://response. for copies of the manual and job aid. Characteristic Coastal Habitats is available in a digital version at this

How to use this document
This document summarizes the technical rationale for selecting response methods for four categories of oil in specific habi-
tats. As a companion to Environmental Considerations for Marine Oil Spill Response, Characteristic Coastal Habitats can help you
select appropriate response options to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of a marine oil spill. The guide discusses
intertidal, subtidal, ice, and on-water habitats. Specific response options include natural recovery; mechanical, chemical, and
biological treatment; and in-situ burning.
When choosing effective response options, including natural recovery, you must consider trade-offs affecting the options po-
tential environmental impact, its appropriateness for the habitat, and timing of its application. Environmental Considerations
for Marine Oil Spill Response discusses these considerations in detail; you may wish to consult it and other documents such as
the NOAA Shoreline Assessment Manual (2009), Oil Spills in Coral Reefs (2003), and Oil Spills in Mangroves (2007), before using
this guideline. Remember that the benefits and impacts of response options depend upon incident-specific conditions and
affect the suitability of the option for use in a habitat during any spill. For example, dove-tailing multiple methods simultane-
ously throughout an incident might produce a more effective response and fewer adverse environmental impacts.
Each section of this guide includes information about methods currently in use during oil spill responses in marine environ-
ments. The two tables following this section present information on the relative environmental impact of methods in the
absence of oil for each habitat. These tables will help you understand the impact of a response option independent of oil ef-
fects. Following this section is the Habitat section with descriptions of intertidal, shallow subtidal, ice, and on-water habitats.
For each of the four habitat categories there is a picture, a description of the habitat type, and a table describing the relative
impact of the different response methods to the environment for different oil types. These tables will help you understand
the impact of the response option and oil together for each habitat.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: Shoreline Intertidal and Ice Environments

Mixed Sand and

Gravel Beaches

Gravel Beaches
Exposed Wave-
Exposed Rocky

Exposed Solid

Sand Beaches
cut Platforms

Tundra Cliffs

Tidal Flats

The following categories are used Response Method
to compare the relative environmental
Natural Recovery A A A A A A A A A
impact of each response method in a
specific environment and habitat. The Booming
codes in each table mean: Skimming
A = The least adverse habitat impact. Barriers/Berms B* D B* C C
B = Some adverse habitat impact.
C = Significant adverse habitat impact. Physical Herding B
D = The most adverse habitat impact. Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B B D B B A C
I = Insufficient information - impact or
effectiveness of the method could Mechanical Oil Removal C* D C* C C C
not be evaluated. Sorbents B B B B C B B A B
= Not applicable.
Vacuum B B B D B B A B
Debris Removal B B B A B B A B
Sediment Reworking/Tilling C* D C* C C
Vegetation Cutting/Removal C* D C* D
Flooding (deluge) B B C B B B B

This table provides information on the relative environmental impacts of response methods in the absence of oil in shoreline
intertidal and ice environments.

* - Special biological need consideration - if birds and turtles are nesting, the ranking would be D.

Note: Table continues on pages 79

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: Shoreline Intertidal and Ice Environments

Sheltered Rocky

Lowland Tundra
Shores & Scarps

Inaccessible Ice
Sheltered Solid

Accessible Ice
Peat Shores



Tidal Flats

Response Method
Natural Recovery A A A A A A A A A
Booming B
Skimming B
Barriers/Berms C C C B
Physical Herding B
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B C C C D B
Mechanical Oil Removal D D D B
Sorbents B A B B C C C B
Vacuum B B B C C D B
Debris Removal B A B C C C D B
Sediment Reworking/Tilling B D
Vegetation Cutting/Removal D C D D D
Flooding (deluge) B B B B B C

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: Shoreline Intertidal and Ice Environments

Mixed Sand and

Gravel Beaches

Gravel Beaches
Exposed Wave-
Exposed Rocky

Exposed Solid

Sand Beaches
cut Platforms

Tundra Cliffs

Tidal Flats

The following categories are used to Response Method (cont.)
compare the relative environmental
Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B* D B* B B C
impact of each response method in
the specific environment and habitat. High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C C C C* C C
The codes in each table mean: Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D D D D D D
A = The least adverse habitat impact. High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D D D D D
B = Some adverse habitat impact.
C = Significant adverse habitat impact. Steam Cleaning D D D D D D
D = The most adverse habitat impact. Sand Blasting D D D D
I = Insufficient information - impact or
effectiveness of the method could Dispersants
not be evaluated. Emulsion-treating Agents
= Not applicable.
Elasticity Modifiers
Herding Agents
Solidifiers B B C B B B B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B C* B B
Nutrient Enrichment B C B B B C
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I I I
In-situ Burning D C C C D

This table provides information on the relative environmental impacts of response methods in the absence of oil in shoreline
intertidal and ice environments.

* - Special biological need consideration - if birds and turtles are nesting, the ranking would be D.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: Shoreline Intertidal and Ice Environments

Sheltered Rocky

Lowland Tundra
Shores & Scarps

Inaccessible Ice
Sheltered Solid

Accessible Ice
Peat Shores



Tidal Flats

Response Method
Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B C B B D B
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C C
Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D B _
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D
Steam Cleaning D D B _
Sand Blasting D D
Dispersants B _
Emulsion-treating Agents B _
Elasticity Modifiers B _
Herding Agents B
Solidifiers B C C C C B _
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B I
Nutrient Enrichment B B I B I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I I I I I
In-situ Burning D C D B

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: On-water and Shallow Subtidal Environments

Hard Bottom
Soft Bottom
Coral Reefs


Mixed and
Bays and

The following categories are used to Response Method
compare the relative environmental
Natural Recovery A A A A A A A
impact of each response method in
the specific environment and habitat. Booming A B C B B A A
The codes in this table mean: Skimming A B B B B A A
A = The least adverse habitat impact. Barriers/Berms
B = Some adverse habitat impact.
C = Significant adverse habitat impact. Physical Herding B B B B B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact. Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B D C B B C
I = Insufficient information - impact or
effectiveness of the method could Mechanical Oil Removal D D D C
not be evaluated. Sorbents A B C B B B C
= Not applicable.
Vacuum C C B B C
Debris Removal B B B B B B B
Sediment Reworking/Tilling
Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C
Flooding (deluge)

This table provides information on the relative environmental impacts of response methods in the absence of oil in on-water
and shallow subtidal environments.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE ABSENCE OF OIL: On-water and Shallow Subtidal Environments

Hard Bottom
Soft Bottom
Coral Reefs


Mixed and
Bays and

Response Method (cont.)
Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Dispersants B B D D D C C
Emulsion-treating Agents B B I I I I I
Elasticity Modifiers B B C C I I I
Herding Agents B B C C I I I
Solidifiers B B C C I I I
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment
Natural Microbe Seeding
In-situ Burning B B B B C B B

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Rocky Shores

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Rocky Shores

The intertidal zone is steep (>30 slope) and narrow with very little width.
Sediment accumulations are uncommon because waves remove debris that has slumped from the eroding cliffs.
There is strong vertical zonation of intertidal biological communities.
Species density and diversity vary greatly, but barnacles, snails, mussels, polychaetes, and macroalgae can be abundant.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil is held offshore by waves reflecting off the steep, hard surfaces.
Any oil that is deposited is rapidly removed from exposed faces.
The most resistant oil would remain as a patchy band at or above the high-tide line.
Impacts to intertidal communities are expected to be short-term. An exception would be where heavy concentrations of a light refined
product came ashore very quickly.

Response Considerations
Cleanup is usually not required.
Access can be difficult and dangerous.

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Rocky Shores
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents B A A A
The following categories are used to Vacuum A A A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge)
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact. High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
effectiveness of the method could High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Shoreline Cleaning Agents C C C
Nutrient Enrichment
Natural Microbe Seeding
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Solid Man-made Structures

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Solid Man-made Structures

These are solid, man-made structures such as seawalls, groins, revetments, piers, and port facilities.
Many structures are constructed of concrete, wood, or metal.
They are built to protect the shore from erosion by waves, boat wakes, and currents, and thus are exposed to rapid natural removal
Often there is no exposed substrate at low tide, but multiple habitats may be present.
Attached animals and plants are sparse to common.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil is held offshore by waves reflecting off the steep, hard surfaces in exposed settings.
Oil readily adheres to the dry, rough surfaces, but it does not adhere to wet substrates.
The most resistant oil would remain as a patchy band at or above the high-tide line.

Response Considerations
Cleanup is usually not required.
High-pressure water spraying may be conducted to remove risks of contamination of people or vessels or to improve aesthetics.

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Solid Man-made Structures
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents B A A A
The following categories are used to Vacuum
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in this Vegetation Cutting/Removal B B B
table mean:
Flooding (deluge)
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B
Nutrient Enrichment
Natural Microbe Seeding
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Wave-cut Platforms

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Wave-cut Platforms

These shores consist of a bedrock shelf or platform of variable width and very gentle slope.
The surface of the platform is irregular; tide pools are common.
Along headlands, they have only small accumulation of sediments, mostly at the high-tide line.
They often co-occur with gravel beaches; the gravel beach can be either at the upper or the lower half of the intertidal zone, depending
on the nature of the bedrock outcrop.
Species density and diversity vary greatly, but barnacles, snails, mussels, and macroalgae are often abundant.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil will not adhere to the wet rock surface, but could penetrate crevices or sediment veneers.
Oil persistence is usually short-term, except in wave shadows or where the oil was deposited high above normal wave activity.

Response Considerations
Cleanup is usually not required.
Where the high-tide area is accessible, it may be feasible to manually remove heavy oil accumulations and oiled debris.

INTERTIDAL: Exposed, Wave-cut Platforms
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents B A A A
The following categories are used to Vacuum A A A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D C C C
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents C C C
Nutrient Enrichment
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning D D D

INTERTIDAL: Sand Beaches

INTERTIDAL: Sand Beaches

These beaches are flat to moderately sloping and relatively hard-packed.
There can be heavy accumulations of wrack.
They can be important areas for nesting by birds and turtles.
Upper beach fauna include ghost crabs and amphipods; lower beach fauna can be moderate, but highly variable.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Light oil accumulations will be deposited as oily swashes or bands along the upper intertidal zone.
Heavy oil accumulations will cover the entire beach surface; oil will be lifted off the lower beach with the rising tide.
Maximum penetration of oil into fine- to medium-grained sand is about 10-15 cm, up to 25 cm in coarse-grained sand.
Burial of oiled layers by clean sand can be rapid (within one day), and burial to depths as much as one meter is possible if the oil comes
ashore at the beginning of a depositional period.
Organisms living in the beach sediment may be killed by smothering or lethal oil concentrations in the interstitial water.
Biological impacts include temporary declines in infauna, which can affect important shorebird foraging areas.

Response Considerations
These beaches are among the easiest shoreline types to clean.
Cleanup should concentrate on removing oil and oily debris from the upper swash zone once most of the oil has come ashore.
Manual cleanup, rather than road graders and front-end loaders, is advised to minimize volume of sand removed from the shore and
requiring disposal.
All efforts should focus on preventing vehicular and foot traffic from mixing oil deeper into the sediments.
Mechanical reworking of lightly oiled sediments from the high-tide line to the middle intertidal zone can be effective along exposed

INTERTIDAL: Sand Beaches
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A B B C C
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D B A A A
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D B B B B
Sorbents B A A B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling D B B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A A B C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents C C C
Nutrient Enrichment A A B B
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning C C C

INTERTIDAL: Tundra Cliffs

INTERTIDAL: Tundra Cliffs

These are erosional features with tundra vegetation overlying peat and exposed ground ice or permafrost.
Cliff heights range from less than 1 meter to as much as 5-10 meters.
There may be a narrow beach present or just a vertical scarp.
As the cliffs erode at rates of 0.5-4 meters/year, the vegetation and peat accumulate as fragmented and irregular blocks at the base of the
cliff until they are reworked by waves.
The vegetation on the tundra is a living plant community that is sensitive to disturbances.
Large numbers of migratory birds can use these shorelines during the summer months.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil could be stranded onshore only during the ice-free summer season.
Oil is not likely to adhere to exposed ground ice, unless air temperatures are below freezing.
Oil persistence on the vegetation and peat substrates would be short in most cases, due to natural cliff erosion, provided that the oil is not
stranded at the onset of freeze-up.
If the oil mixes with the peaty substrate or accumulated peat, it could create sheens until the oiled area erodes.
Biological risks would be greatest to birds feeding along oiled cliffs in summer.

Response Considerations
Natural peat can be used as a sorbent as long as it is taken from beach peat deposits and not the living tundra.
Manual or mechanical removal of oil or oiled tundra/peat may be the most practical method if oil removal is required, though the peat
substrate is soft and readily trampled.
Hot-water washing or even low-pressure flushing is not appropriate because they may accelerate thermal and mechanical erosion of the
ice in the cliff, triggering unexpected block falls, slumping, or mud flows.
The cliffs are commonly undercut and naturally unstable, so worker safety is a primary concern.
Cleanup occurs only in the short arctic summer, a very limited window of intense ecological activity.

INTERTIDAL: Tundra Cliffs
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A B B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D B B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal C C C C C
Sorbents B A A B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling D B B B C
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D D D D
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A A B C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C B B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment B B C C
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Sand and Gravel Beaches

INTERTIDAL: Sand and Gravel Beaches

Because of the mixed sediment sizes on these moderately sloping beaches, there may be zones of pure sand, pebbles, or cobbles.
There can be large-scale changes in the sediment distribution patterns depending upon season, because of the transport of the sand
fraction offshore during storms.
Desiccation and sediment mobility on exposed beaches cause low densities of attached animals and plants.
The presence of attached algae, mussels, and barnacles indicates beaches that are relatively sheltered, with the more stable substrate sup-
porting a richer biota.

Predicted Oil Behavior

During small spills, oil will be deposited along and above the high-tide swash.
Large spills will spread across the entire intertidal area.
Oil penetration into the beach sediments may be up to 50 cm; however, the sand fraction can be quite mobile, and oil behavior is much
like on a sand beach if the sand fraction exceeds about 40 percent.
Burial of oil may be deep at and above the high-tide line, where oil tends to persist, particularly where beaches are only intermittently
exposed to waves.
In sheltered pockets on the beach, pavements of asphalted sediments can form if oil accumulations are not removed, because most of the
oil remains on the surface.

Response Considerations
Remove heavy accumulations of pooled oil from the upper beachface.
All oiled debris should be removed; sediment removal should be limited as much as possible.
Low-pressure flushing can be used to float oil away from the sediments for recovery by skimmers or sorbents. High-pressure spraying
should be avoided because of potential for transporting contaminated finer sediments (sand) to the lower intertidal or subtidal zones.
Mechanical reworking of oiled sediments from the high-tide zone to the middle intertidal zone can be effective in areas regularly exposed
to wave activity. However, oiled sediments should not be relocated below the mid-tide zone.
In-place tilling may be used to reach deeply buried oil layers in the mid-tide zone on exposed beaches.

INTERTIDAL: Sand and Gravel Beaches
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A B B C C
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms C C C B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D C B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D C B B B
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling D B B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A B C C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B A A B C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact. High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C D D
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
I = Insufficient information - impact or
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D D
not be evaluated. Steam Cleaning D D D
= Not applicable. Sand Blasting
Solidifiers B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents C C C
Nutrient Enrichment A A B C
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning C C C

INTERTIDAL: Gravel Beaches

INTERTIDAL: Gravel Beaches

Gravel beaches can be very steep, with multiple wave-built berms forming the upper beach.
The degree of exposure to wave energy can be highly variable among gravel beaches.
Density of animals and plants in the upper intertidal zone is low on exposed beaches, but can be high on sheltered gravel beaches and on
the lower intertidal zone of all beaches.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Stranded oil is likely to penetrate deeply into gravel beaches because of their high permeability.
Rapid burial can occur at the high-tide and storm berms.
Long-term persistence will be controlled by the depth of routine reworking by the waves.
On exposed beaches, oil can be pushed over the high-tide berms, pooling and persisting above the normal influence of wave washing.
Along sheltered portions of the shorelines, chronic sheening and the formation of asphalt pavements is likely where accumulations are

Response Considerations
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil should be removed quickly from the upper beach.
All oiled debris should be removed.
Sediment removal should be limited as much as possible.
Low- to high-pressure flushing can be effective if all released oil is recovered with skimmers or sorbents.
Mechanical reworking of oiled sediments from the high-tide line to the mid beachface can be effective in areas regularly exposed to wave
activity; the presence of multiple storm berms is evidence of wave activity. However, oiled sediments should not be relocated below the
mid-tide zone.
In-place tilling may be used to reach deeply buried oil layers along the mid-tide zone on exposed beaches.

INTERTIDAL: Gravel Beaches
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D C B B A
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D D C C C
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling D B B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A B C C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A A B C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C B B
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B
Nutrient Enrichment A A B B
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning C C C



Riprap structures are composed of cobble- to boulder-sized blocks of granite, limestone, concrete, or other materials.
Riprap structures are used as revetments and groins for shoreline protection, and as breakwaters and jetties around inlets and marinas.
Attached biota are generally sparse at the upper intertidal zone, but more common in the lower intertidal zone.
They are common in highly developed waterfront areas.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Deep penetration of oil between the blocks is likely, with oiling of associated debris.
Oil adheres readily to the rough surfaces of the blocks.
Uncleaned oil and debris can cause chronic leaching until the oil hardens.

Response Considerations
When the oil is fresh and liquid, high pressure spraying and/or water flooding may be effective if all liberated oil is recovered.
Heavy and weathered oils are more difficult to remove, requiring manual scraping and/or high-pressure, hot-water flushing.
Removal of oiled debris deep in the crevices will be difficult.

Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning A A A A
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal C C C
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum A A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C B B
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A B C C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B C C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B B C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C C
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Solidifiers B B
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B
Nutrient Enrichment A A B B
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning D D

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Tidal Flats

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Tidal Flats

Exposed tidal flats are broad intertidal areas composed primarily of sand and minor amounts of gravel or mud.
The presence of sand indicates that tidal currents and waves are strong enough to mobilize the sediments.
They are usually associated with another shoreline type on the landward side of the flat, though they can occur as separate shoals; they
are commonly associated with tidal inlets.
The sediments are water saturated, with only the topographically higher ridges drying out during low tide.
Biological use can be very high, with large numbers of infauna, heavy use by birds for roosting and foraging, and use by foraging fish.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil does not usually adhere to the surface of exposed tidal flats, but rather moves across the flat and accumulates at the high-tide line.
Deposition of oil on the flat may occur on a falling tide if concentrations are heavy.
Oil does not penetrate water-saturated sediments, but may penetrate coarse-grained sand and coat gravel.
Biological damage may be severe, primarily to infauna, thereby reducing food sources for birds and other predators.

Response Considerations
Currents and waves can be very effective in natural removal of the oil.
Cleanup can be done only during low tide, thus there is a narrow window of opportunity.
The use of heavy machinery should be restricted to prevent oil mixing into the sediments.
Manual removal methods are preferred.

INTERTIDAL: Exposed Tidal Flats
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning C B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D C C C
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum C B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling C C C
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D D D
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A A B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B C C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment C C I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Rocky Shores

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Scarps

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Rocky Shores and Scarps

Sheltered rocky shores are characterized by a rocky substrate that can vary widely in permeability. Of particular concern are rocky shores
that have a semi-permeable veneer of angular rubble overlying the bedrock.
Sheltered clay scarps are characterized by a steep, usually vertical scarp in hard-packed and stiff clay. Vegetation usually occurs landward
of the scarp.

Predicted oil behavior

Oil will adhere readily to dry, rough, rocky surfaces, particularly at the high-tide line, forming a distinct oil band.
The lower intertidal zone of rocky shores is usually algae-covered and stays wet, preventing oil from adhering.
Oil will not adhere to the wet clay sediment surface, but could penetrate dry sediment.
Stranded oil will persist because of the low-energy setting.

Response Considerations
Low-pressure flushing of rocky shores at ambient temperatures is most effective when the oil is fresh and still liquid.
Extreme care must be taken during flushing operations in the upper intertidal zone to prevent oily effluents from impacting biologically
rich lower tidal levels.
Do not cut oiled, attached algae; use sorbents to recover oil as it is remobilized by tidal action.
Where the high-water area of scarps is accessible, it might be feasible to manually remove heavy oil accumulations and oiled debris.
The muddy substrate of scarps cannot support heavy equipment, and even foot traffic could disrupt the sediments and mix oil deeper.

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Rocky Shores and Scarps
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning C B C C
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents A A B C C
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B C
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D D
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) A A B C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A A B C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C B B C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D D
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing D D D
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B
Nutrient Enrichment A B C C
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning D C C C

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered, Solid Man-made Structures

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered, Solid Man-made Structures

These are structures such as seawalls, groins, revetments, piers, and port facilities, constructed of concrete, wood, or metal.
Most structures are designed to protect a single lot, thus their composition, design, and condition are highly variable.
Often there is no exposed beach at low tide, but multiple habitats may be present.
There can be dense attachments of animal and plant life.
They are common in developed waterfront areas.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil will adhere readily to the rough surface, particularly along the high-tide line, forming a distinct oil band.
The lower intertidal zone usually stays wet (particularly if algae-covered), preventing oil from adhering to the surface.

Response Considerations
Seawalls are usually cleaned for aesthetic reasons or to prevent leaching of oil.
Low- to high-pressure spraying at ambient water temperatures is most effective when the oil is fresh.

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered, Solid Man-made Structures
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal
table mean:
Flooding (deluge)
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing A B C C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B C C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing C C C
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning D D D
Sand Blasting D D D
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B B
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning



This shoreline type includes exposed peat scarps, eroded peat, and peat slurries.
Exposed peat scarps occur where the peat is frozen.
They are highly erosional (>1 meter/year), resulting from wave action, ice scour, and melting of the frozen peat.
The intertidal zone is often very complex, with slumped peat blocks and a thin (and temporary) sand layer on the peat.
Eroded peat occurs as a peat mat or veneer in a dewatered state, deposited on a sand or gravel beach; it is usually less than 20 cm thick and consid-
ered to be relatively transient.
Peat slurries (which have the appearance of coffee grounds) are up to 50 cm thick and 10 meters wide.
Peat slurries are found at the foot of eroding peat scarps and in depositional areas; they are relatively permanent features that move along the shore
with the currents.
Peat shorelines comprise about 70 percent of the Beaufort Sea coast of Alaska.
The intertidal zone of this shoreline type is not particularly important as biological habitat.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil could be stranded onshore only during the ice-free summer season.
Oil penetration and persistence are expected to be very low in frozen peat scarps.
Light oil can penetrate peat slurries, especially when the peat is dry.
Peat resists penetration by heavy oils, even when dry.
Peat slurry reacts with oil like loose granular sorbent and will partially contain and prevent the oil from spreading.

Response Considerations
The peat substrate is soft, thus cleanup will be difficult; trampling is less of concern where peat is frozen or work is conducted from boats.
Substrate disruption is of limited concern because of high erosion rates so long as adjacent tundra is not disturbed.
Peat slurry may be used as a natural sorbent; sorption will be more effective with liquid and fresh oils.
With high erosion rates, stranded oil will have a short residence time.
Tundra cliffs are commonly undercut and naturally unstable, so safety is a primary concern during response operations.
Hot-water washing or even low-pressure flushing activities are not appropriate because large quantities of peat could be eroded from the treatment

Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning C B B B B
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D D D D D
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal C B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling C C B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) C B B C D
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C B B C D
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment B B C C
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Tidal Flats

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Tidal Flats

Sheltered tidal flats are composed primarily of mud with minor amounts of sand and shell.
They are usually present in calm-water habitats, sheltered from major wave activity, and frequently backed by marshes.
The sediments are very soft and cannot support even light foot traffic in many areas.
There can be large concentrations of bivalves, worms, and other invertebrates in the sediments.
They are heavily used by birds for feeding.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil does not usually adhere to the surface of sheltered tidal flats, but rather moves across the flat and accumulates at the high-tide line.
Deposition of oil on the flat may occur on a falling tide if concentrations are heavy.
Oil will not penetrate the water-saturated sediments, but could penetrate burrows and desiccation cracks or other crevices in muddy sedi-
In areas of high suspended sediment concentrations, the oil and sediments could mix, resulting in the deposition of contaminated sedi-
ments on the flats.
Biological impacts may be severe.

Response Considerations
These are high-priority areas for protection since cleanup options are limited.
Cleanup of the flat surface is very difficult because of the soft substrate; many methods may be restricted.
Low-pressure flushing, vacuum, and deployment of sorbents from shallow-draft boats may be attempted.

INTERTIDAL: Sheltered Tidal Flats
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms D C C C C
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D C C
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents A A B B
The following categories are used to Vacuum C B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D D
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) B B B C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing C C D D
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Salt to Brackish Marshes

INTERTIDAL: Salt to Brackish Marshes

Intertidal wetlands contain emergent, herbaceous vegetation, including both tidal and muted tidal marshes. Depending on location and interannual
variations in rainfall and runoff, associated vegetation may include species tolerant or adapted to salt, brackish, or even tidal freshwater conditions.
The marsh width may vary from a narrow fringe to extensive areas.
Sediments are composed of organic muds except where sand is abundant on the margins of exposed areas.
Exposed areas are located along bays with wide fetches and along heavily trafficked waterways.
Sheltered areas are not exposed to significant wave or boat wake activity.
Abundant resident flora and fauna with numerous species and high use by birds, fish, and shellfish.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil adheres readily to intertidal vegetation.
The band of coating will vary widely, depending upon the water level at the time of oiling.
Large slicks will persist through multiple tidal cycles and will coat the entire stem from the high-tide line to the base.
Heavy oil coating will be restricted to the outer fringe of thick vegetation, although lighter oils can penetrate deeper, to the limit of tidal influence.
Medium to heavy oils do not readily adhere to or penetrate the fine sediments, but can pool on the surface or in animal burrows and root cavities.
Light oils can penetrate the top few centimeters of sediment; under some circumstances oil can penetrate burrows and cracks up to one meter.

Response Considerations
Under light oiling, the best practice is to let the area recover naturally.
Natural removal processes and rates should be evaluated before conducting cleanup.
Heavily pooled oil can be removed by vacuum, sorbents, or low-pressure flushing. During flushing, care must be taken to prevent transporting oil to
sensitive areas down slope or along shore.
Cleanup activities should be carefully supervised to avoid damaging vegetation.
Any cleanup activity must not mix the oil deeper into the sediments. Trampling of the plants and disturbance of soft sediments must be minimized.
Aggressive cleanup methods should only be considered when other resources (migratory birds, endangered species) are at greater risk from oiled
vegetation left in place.

INTERTIDAL: Salt to Brackish Marshes
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D D C C C
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D D D D D
Sorbents A A A B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling D D D D D
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D C C C
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) B B B B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents B B I
Nutrient Enrichment A B B B
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning B B B C



The roots and trunks are intertidal, with only the lowest leaves inundated by high tide.
The width of the forest can range from one tree, to many kilometers.
The substrate can be sand, mud, leaf litter, or peat, often as a veneer over bedrock.
Wrack accumulations can be very heavy.
They are highly productive, serve as nursery habitat, and support a great diversity and abundance of animal and plant species.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil can wash through mangroves if oil comes ashore at high tide.
If there is a berm or shoreline present, oil tends to concentrate and penetrate into the berm sediments or accumulated wrack/litter.
Heavy and emulsified oil can be trapped in thickets of red mangrove prop roots or dense young trees.
Oil readily adheres to prop roots, tree trunks, and pneumatophores.
Re-oiling from resuspended or released oil residues may cause additional injury over time.
Oiled trees start to show evidence of effects (leaf yellowing) weeks after oiling; tree mortality may take months, especially for heavy oils.

Response Considerations
Oiled wrack can be removed once the threat of oiling has passed. Wrack can actually protect the trees from direct oil contact.
Sorbent boom can be placed in front of oiled forests to recover oil released naturally.
In most cases, no other cleanup activities are recommended.
Where thick oil accumulations are not being naturally removed, low-pressure flushing or vacuum may be attempted at the outer fringe.
No attempt should be made to clean interior mangroves, except where access to the oil is possible from terrestrial areas.
It is extremely important to prevent disturbance of the substrate by foot traffic; thus most activities should be conducted from boats.

Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A A
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms B B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D C C C
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal
Sorbents A A A B
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal A A A A
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) B B B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B C C C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents C C C
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning

INTERTIDAL: Inundated Lowland Tundra

INTERTIDAL: Inundated Lowland Tundra

This shoreline type occurs where very low-lying sections of the Arctic shoreline have been recently flooded by the sea, due to subsidence.
Also includes areas that are not normally in the intertidal zone but can be frequently inundated by salt water during spring tides or wind-
induced surges.
They have complex and convoluted shorelines comprised of tundra, vegetated flats, river banks, peat mats, brackish lagoons, and small streams.
These shorelines have high ice content; the surface material is mostly peat with little mineral sediments.
Where present, the vegetation is salt-tolerant and may be more adapted to drier conditions than the salt marshes.
The tundra is a living plant community and provides important feeding areas for migrating birds in the summer.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil could be stranded onshore only during the ice-free summer season.
During storm surges, spilled oil could strand hundreds of meters inland.
During the summer months, the surface sediments/peat deposits are usually water-saturated, so stranded oil is likely to remain on the surface.
Physical removal rates of medium to heavy oils will be slow.

Response Considerations
In summer, the substrate will be too soft to support foot or vehicular traffic; any work will require construction of walkways or roads.
In winter, such work will be less damaging when the load-bearing capacity of these low-lying areas is increased.
Excessive physical disruption can completely alter the substrate, hydrology, and vegetation patterns for many years.
Avoid raking and trampling oil into living plants.
Peat may be used as a natural sorbent; sorption will be more effective with liquid and fresh oils.
Low-pressure, ambient-water flood and/or flushing could raise the local water table to float and direct oil towards a boomed area for collection.
If salt-tolerant species are present, seawater may be used; use fresh water only if freshwater species are present.
Consider burning only where there is an insulating water layer to protect roots and prevent deeper penetration into the substrate. Peat with a
high water content may make burning ineffective, leaving a persistent surface residue that is more difficult to remove than the spilled oil.

INTERTIDAL: Inundated Lowland Tundra
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A B B
III Medium grade crudes and Barriers/Berms
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning D C C C C
V Non-floating oil products Mechanical Oil Removal D D C C C
Sorbents C C C
The following categories are used to Vacuum B B B C
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Debris Removal C C C C
the specific environment and habitat Sediment Reworking/Tilling
for each oil type. The codes in each Vegetation Cutting/Removal D D D D D
table mean:
Flooding (deluge) C C C D
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing D D
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
High-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
effectiveness of the method could
High-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Steam Cleaning
Sand Blasting
Solidifiers C C
Shoreline Cleaning Agents
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning C C C

SUBTIDAL: Coral Reefs

SUBTIDAL: Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are structures created and maintained by the establishment and growth of populations of stony coral and coralline algae.
Coral reefs are mostly subtidal in nature, although the most shallow portions of some reefs can be exposed during very low tides.
Broad, pavement-like platforms formed by reefs when they reach sea level are a special concern.
Many coral species spawn simultaneously over a very short time period (days), a behavior that makes the entire recruitment class very

Predicted Oil Behavior

Coral reefs vary widely in sensitivity to spilled oil, depending on the water depth, oil type, and duration of exposure.
There are three primary exposure pathways: direct contact with floating oil; exposure to dissolved and dispersed oil in the water column;
and contamination of the substrate by oil deposited on the seafloor.
Reef-associated community of fishes, crustaceans, sea urchins, etc. can experience significant mortality.

Response Considerations
Caution is needed when deploying and anchoring booms near reefs to prevent physical damage to the reef.
Foot and vehicular traffic should not be allowed across a reef flat; access must be from the seaward side via boats.
The use of dispersants directly over shallow reefs is likely to have significant impacts to the reef community. Their use in offshore areas
can reduce impacts to highly sensitive intertidal environments.
In situ burning outside of the immediate vicinity of reefs can protect sensitive intertidal environments. Burn residues can sink; the poten-
tial effects of these residues will depend on the composition and amount of oil.

SUBTIDAL: Coral Reefs
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A A B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming B B B
V Non-floating oil products Physical Herding
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
The following categories are used to Mechanical Oil Removal D D
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents A A A B
the specific environment and habitat Vacuum B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Debris Removal
table mean:
Vegetation Cutting/Removal
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water B B B C C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Dispersants C C C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or In-situ Burning B C C
effectiveness of the method could
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

SUBTIDAL: Seagrasses

SUBTIDAL: Seagrasses

Seagrasses are highly productive habitats that occur on intertidal flats and in shallow coastal waters worldwide from arctic to tropical
Water temperature, light penetration, sediment type, salinity, and wave or current energy control seagrass distribution.
Seagrasses provide a food source for green turtles, manatees, and waterfowl, who graze on seagrasses.
Seagrasses are used by fish and shellfish as nursery areas.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil will usually pass over subtidal seagrass beds, with no direct contamination.
Oil that is heavier than seawater can become trapped in the beds, coating the leaves and sediments.
Oil readily adheres to the vegetation, and the oiled blades are quickly defoliated when intertidal beds are oiled.
Floating oil stranded on adjacent beaches can pick up sediment and then get eroded and deposited in adjacent beds.

Response Considerations
Be careful when deploying and anchoring booms to prevent physical damage to seagrass beds.
Be careful to prevent sediment suspension and mixing with the oil, and disturbance of roots and vegetation by foot traffic and boat activ-
Do not cut seagrass unless species like sea turtles, manatees, or waterfowl are at significant risk of contacting or ingesting oil.
Dispersant use directly over subtidal seagrass beds may impact the highly sensitive communities. However, use in offshore areas can re-
duce impacts to highly sensitive intertidal environments, as well as prevent shoreline stranding in mangroves that can be a chronic source
of re-oiling of adjacent seagreass beds.
In situ burning can be considered outside the immediate vicinity of seagrass beds to protect sensitive intertidal environments. Burn
residues can sink; the potential effects of residues will depend on the composition and amount of the oil to be burned.

SUBTIDAL: Seagrasses
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming B B B
V Non-floating oil products Physical Herding B B B
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
The following categories are used to Mechanical Oil Removal D D D
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents A A A B
the specific environment and habitat Vacuum B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Debris Removal B B B
table mean:
Vegetation Cutting/Removal C C C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Dispersants C C C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or In-situ Burning B C C
effectiveness of the method could
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.



Kelps are very large brown algae that grow on hard subtidal substrates in cold temperate regions.
Kelps have a holdfast that attaches to the substrate, a stem-like or trunk-like stipe, and large, flattened, leaf-like blades called fronds.
Because kelps require constant water motion to provide nutrients, they are located in relatively high-energy settings.
Kelp forests support a diverse animal community of fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals as well as important algal communities.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Kelp has a mucous coating that prevents oil from adhering directly to the vegetation on the water surface.
Oil can be trapped in the dense surface canopy, increasing the persistence of oil within the kelp environment.
Oil persistence in kelp increases the risks of exposure to organisms concentrated in kelp forest habitats.

Response Considerations
Cleanup efforts are often hampered by the difficulty of recovering oil from the dense canopy.
Heavy oils could accumulate in sheltered pockets on the bottom, refloat during storms and re-expose resources to the oil.
Use caution when anchoring vessels and boom to minimize mechanical damage to the kelp.
Cutting kelp abruptly changes the light regime to the seafloor below.
Cutting can be more appropriate for some kelp (Macrocystis and Cystoseria) than for others (Nereocystis).
The impact of dispersed oil is likely to be greater on the community of organisms associated with the kelp habitat than on the kelp itself.
In situ burning would be conditional on the absence or removal of mammals and birds in the immediate area. The kelp canopy might act
as a natural boom against and within which oil can concentrate to burnable thicknesses.

Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming B B B
V Non-floating oil products Physical Herding B B B
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning
The following categories are used to Mechanical Oil Removal
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents A A A
the specific environment and habitat Vacuum B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Debris Removal
table mean:
Vegetation Cutting/Removal B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Dispersants C C C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or In-situ Burning B C C
effectiveness of the method could
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

SUBTIDAL: Soft Bottom



SUBTIDAL: Soft Bottom

Soft-bottom, subtidal habitats consist of various percentages of sand, silt, and clay, occurring in sheltered bays and estuaries, and deeper
offshore areas.
The presence of fine-grained sediments indicates that the substrate is not exposed to significant wave or tidal energy.
Biological resources associated with this habitat include shrimp, crabs, clams, fish, and the pelagic and benthic communities that support
them (e.g., plankton, worms, amphipods, isopods).

Predicted Oil Behavior

This habitat is not often exposed to spilled oil. The greatest risk of exposure is from the sinking oil or the sorption of dispersed oil onto
suspended sediments that are then deposited on the bottom.
Significant natural dispersion of oil and sediments into the water column occurs only during large storms and nearshore oil spills.
Shoreline cleanup can suspend oil and fine-grained sediments, causing deposition of oily sediments in nearshore habitats.
Concerns about seafood contamination from dispersed oil or oiled sediments can become a significant issue. Real, potential, or fear of
contamination can close seafood harvesting activities.

Response Considerations
Removal might be needed where significant amounts of oil have sunk and formed mats or concentrations of tarballs on the sediment
Special efforts will be needed to control suspended sediments and resuspended oil during recovery operations.
Dispersants can be used over soft subtidal habitats in order to protect more sensitive intertidal environments. Effects on biota are less for
applications in deep water or high dilution rates.
In situ burning can be used to protect sensitive intertidal environments. When burned, some oils can produce a sinkable residue; the
potential effects of these residues will depend on the composition and amount of oil to be burned.

SUBTIDAL: Soft Bottom
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming A A A A
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming A A A
V Non-floating oil products Physical Herding B B B
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
The following categories are used to Mechanical Oil Removal C C
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents A A A B
the specific environment and habitat Vacuum B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Debris Removal
table mean:
Vegetation Cutting/Removal
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Dispersants C C C
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or In-situ Burning B B B
effectiveness of the method could
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

SUBTIDAL: Mixed and Hard Bottom

SUBTIDAL: Mixed and Hard Bottom

This habitat consists of subtidal substrates composed of rock, boulders, or cobbles, though there can be patches of sand veneer covering
a hard bottom.
There may be rich, diverse communities of attached and associated algae and animals; often there is little open space.
Some of these habitats form a relief (reef or bank) several meters high that attracts a diversity of fish.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Mixed and hard-bottom habitats are usually considered to have low risk of exposure to oil spills.
Oil in the water column seldom reaches toxic levels and benthic organisms have little exposure.
There is little risk of deposition of oil or oiled sediments in these habitats.
There could be a short-term exposure as oiled sediments are transported through the habitat into deeper areas.
Concerns about seafood contamination from dispersed oil or oiled sediments can become a significant issue. Real, potential, or fear of
contamination can close seafood harvesting activities.

Response Considerations
Natural cleansing is expected to occur quickly, especially in the higher-energy environments.
Avoid anchoring booms in known sensitive areas, such as unique live-bottom areas.
Dispersants can be used directly over these habitats to protect sensitive intertidal areas. The deeper the water, the greater the dilution,
and hence the lesser effect it will have on the mixed and hard-bottom habitats.
In situ burning can be used directly over these habitats to protect sensitive intertidal environments. When burned, some oils can produce
a sinkable residue; the potential effects of these residues will depend on the composition and amount of oil to be burned.

SUBTIDAL: Mixed and Hard Bottom
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A A B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming A A A
V Non-floating oil products Physical Herding A A A
Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning B B B
The following categories are used to Mechanical Oil Removal
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents A A A B
the specific environment and habitat Vacuum B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Debris Removal B B B B
table mean:
Vegetation Cutting/Removal
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Dispersants B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or In-situ Burning B B B
effectiveness of the method could
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

ICE: Accessible and Inaccessible Ice








ICE: Accessible and Inaccessible Ice

Ice forms on the sea surface during winter in cold climates and can persist for several months.
Most sea surface ice is floating but can be frozen to the bottom or stranded in intertidal areas during low tide.
Accessible ice can safely support the personnel and equipment suitable for response to a particular oil spill on, in, under, or adjacent to
solid ice.
Inaccessible ice cannot safely support response personnel and response equipment.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Ice along the shoreline or in the adjacent nearshore water can act as a natural barrier, reducing the amount of oil that might otherwise
make contact with the shoreline substrate.
During the ice growth phase, oil in or under the ice can become encapsulated within the ice.
During a thaw, or if the surface of the ice is melting and wet, oil is unlikely to adhere to the ice surface and will tend to remain on the water
surface or in leads.
In the spring, before the ice becomes inaccessible, oil in or below sea ice will often migrate through brine channels to the surface.

Response Considerations
The ice habitat presents unique safety issues in terms of cold, ice stability, and wildlife interactions.
Oil spills on, in, under, or adjacent to brash ice, small or fast moving floes, or other ice types which are inaccessible must be treated from
the air or from vessels working in, or alongside, the ice.
Some methods, including flooding, debris removal, sediment reworking, vegetation cutting and removal, high-pressure flushing, sand
blasting, solidifiers, and shoreline cleaning agents, are not considered suitable for use in these environments.

ICE: Accessible Ice
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A B B C C
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming A A A
V Non-floating oil products Barriers/Berms B B B
Physical Herding B B B B
The following categories are used to Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning A A A A
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Mechanical Oil Removal B B B B
the specific environment and habitat Sorbents B B B
for each oil type. The codes in each Vacuum A A A A
table mean:
Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing B B B B C
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing B B B C
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Steam Cleaning B B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Dispersants B B
effectiveness of the method could
Emulsion-treating Agents I I I I
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Elasticity Modifiers A
Herding Agents I I I
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning B B B B

ICE: Inaccessible Ice
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming B B B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Skimming A A A
V Non-floating oil products Barriers/Berms
Physical Herding
The following categories are used to Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Mechanical Oil Removal
the specific environment and habitat Sorbents
for each oil type. This method may Vacuum
Low-pressure, Ambient Water Flushing
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Low-pressure, Hot Water Flushing
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Steam Cleaning
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Dispersants B B
effectiveness of the method could
Emulsion-treating Agents I I I I
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable. Elasticity Modifiers
Herding Agents I I I
Nutrient Enrichment I I I I
Natural Microbe Seeding I I I I
In-situ Burning B B B

ON-WATER: Offshore




ON-WATER: Offshore

Offshore waters are those where the water depth is > 30 feet (10 meters) with no surrounding land.
Evaluation of environmental impacts to open water habitats is focused on water column organisms and those which inhabit or use the sea
Animals include marine mammals, sea turtles, pelagic birds, and many commercially and recreationally important fish and pelagic inverte-
Organism densities in this habitat are low on average.
Localized high densities can occur in areas such as convergence zones and upwelling areas.
Pelagic birds are at greatest risk when large numbers are concentrated for feeding, migration, overwintering, or breeding.
Biological resources in the water column are less vulnerable to spills than those at the water surface.
The sea surface microlayer is important for biochemical processes; the organisms most vulnerable to exposure are poor or passive swim-
mers (planktonic forms).

Predicted Oil Behavior

Spilled oil transport is controlled more by wind and ocean currents than by tides and mixing with freshwater outflows.
Most of the soluble and toxic components of the spilled oil are lost through weathering within hours and days.
Dissolved or dispersed oil concentrations are likely to be greatest in the top few meters.

Response Considerations
Response activities are focused on removing oil from the water surface.
Spill response is not conducted from a shoreline, but from water-based vessels or aircraft.
Weather and sea conditions can significantly hamper response operations.
Category V oils are likely to submerge and most of the response methods can only be used on the surface of the water.
Special equipment might be needed for some products (e.g., containment booms which extend at least 9 ft.).
Use of certain response options is seasonally limited to protect sensitive life histories.

ON-WATER: Offshore
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A A B B B
III Medium grade crudes and Booming-Containment A A A
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Booming-Deflection/Exclusion A A A A
V Non-floating oil products Skimming A A A
Physical Herding B B B B
The following categories are used to Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents B B B
the specific environment and habitat Debris Removal A A A
for each oil type. The codes in each Dispersants B A A A
table mean:
Emulsion-treating Agents B B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Elasticity Modifiers B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Herding Agents B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Solidifiers B B
effectiveness of the method could
In-situ Burning A A A
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

ON-WATER: Bays and estuaries









ON-WATER: Bays and estuaries

Near coastal waters partially surrounded by land and more sheltered than offshore habitats.
Limited circulation and flushing, with depths frequently <30 feet.
Suspended sediment concentrations can be high.
Highly sensitive to oil spills, particularly where flushing rates are low and the probability of contact increases.
Many species spawn in these habitats during spring, and their sensitive early life stages can persist in shallow waters.
Large numbers of migratory or wintering waterfowl, wading, and diving birds are often found here. Bays and estuaries are also home to
marine mammals and sea turtles.
Estuaries and bays are used by commercially or recreationally important finfish, shellfish, and other organisms that migrate seasonally.

Predicted Oil Behavior

Oil can impact bottom habitats (benthic organisms) when water is shallow.
Stranded oil on nearby shorelines can become a prolonged source for oil re-released to the water column.
Tides and fresh water can substantially influence spilled oil movement.

Response Considerations
Reducing impacts to organisms that live on or in the sea surface is often a high priority.
Reducing the extent of impacts to sensitive nearshore subtidal or intertidal habitats should be considered.
Spill response is not conducted from a shoreline, but from water-based vessels or aircraft.
Use of certain response options is seasonally limited to protect species with sensitive life histories.
Adverse effects to birds would be greatest during migration and overwintering when the birds form large flocks.

ON-WATER: Bays and estuaries
Oil Category
Oil Category Descriptions Response Method I II III IV V
I Gasoline products
II Diesel-like products and light crudes Natural Recovery A B B C C
III Medium grade crudes and Booming-Containment A A B
intermediate products
IV Heavy crudes and residual products Booming-Deflection/Exclusion A A A B
V Non-floating oil products Skimming A A A
Physical Herding B B B B
The following categories are used to Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning C B B
compare the relative environmental
impact of each response method in Sorbents B B B
the specific environment and habitat Debris Removal A A A B
for each oil type. The codes in each Dispersants B B B B
table mean:
Emulsion-treating Agents B B B
A = The least adverse habitat impact.
B = Some adverse habitat impact. Elasticity Modifiers B B
C = Significant adverse habitat impact.
Herding Agents B B
D = The most adverse habitat impact.
I = Insufficient information - impact or Solidifiers B B
effectiveness of the method could
In-situ Burning A A B
not be evaluated.
= Not applicable.

U.S. Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

U.S. Department of Commerce

Gary Locke, Secretary

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce
for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator

National Ocean Service

David Kennedy, Acting Assistant Administrator
for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management

June 2010

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