The Lamplighter: Zion United Church of Christ July 2017 Inside This Issue

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The Lamplighter

Zion "Our Great Comforter"
United Church "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
of Christ Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all
July 2017
comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that
we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort
we ourselves have received from God." 2 Corinthians
Inside This Issue In the midst of tragedy many of us turn to God;
many don't. Myriad emotions can seemingly consume
1 Pastors Peace our every waking moment, whether we are directly
involved or not, family, friends, coworkers, relatives,
2 Palm of Prayer etc. It can seem as if the world has changed forever,
and it truly has, when a loved one dies unexpectedly
3 Worship Ways and tragically. This happens every single day--the
4 This Months Events news is full of tragedy and heartbreak and our hearts
go out to those who mourn, who have lost so much.
5 Community & Conference Clamor But nothing prepares us when it hits close to
6 Butterfly Room On Monday, June 19, Mayview lost a very kind
7 Celebration Occasions and loving soul to tragedy, and another was severely
injured, facing surgery and a difficult recovery. Our
8 Worship Whirl thoughts and prayers surround the families of those
who have been affected by this horrible accident. Our
No matter who you are or where you are hearts and minds may ache with wondering how to
on life's journey, you are welcome console families and friends, and how to gently but
here. We believe in extravagant wel- firmly thank Mayview Fire Protection in the midst of
come. This is why we insist that God's com- their dedicated service, even when the horrific accident
munion table is open, not closed, and took place.
God's gift and claim in baptism are ir-
revocable. We advocate justice for
When we reach out to protect citizens and one
all. Our congregations extend hospitality another, there is risk. The risk is great in relationship,
as a sign of God's inclusive love. We work, and spirit. A missed, or unkind word, failure
teach that evangelism - offering bread to those when we have tried so hard to cover every angle,
in search of it - is God's mission. Our perspec- something missed when it should have been so sim-
tive is global, not provincial. We work with - not
against - people of other faiths. Why?
ple... We are imperfect people in such an imperfect
Because God is still speaking! world filled with heartbreak and tragedy.

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 1

105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355
Yet there is hope! Even in the depths of The Lamplighter
such a dark time God is with us! God reaches to PALM of PRAYER
comfort us in our most difficult times as we re- Concerns Please continue to surround in
member the deep deep love of Christ who love and prayer, those experiencing health
reaches out to us, to comfort us, even while difficulties & or recovering from surgery, the
hanging on a cross! loss of family and friends, & those adjusting
No matter what we believe, or how we to new seasons in their lives: Dale Parson
believe, we can be comforted by God's love retiring; Josephine Ryan, 2nd hip surgery;
through Christ in the sometimes awkward reach- Margie Couch Hooks husband passed;
ing out of friends with continuous prayers, with Grace Niemeier; Elaine Hudsons son-in-
food, with phone calls, with cards, with listening laws brother, Dean, has stage 4 brain
ears when those most affected are ready to cancer; Jay Dailey had open heart surgery;
speak. And it is so important to talk about our tragic death of Jeff Sanders; severe injuries
own experiences of this tragedy with one an- of Jake Hayward; first responders; military
other, so that healing can begin to take place, one personnel and their families; families around
day at a time, and sometimes one hour at a time. the world that are in the midst of tensions,
Most of all we must listen for the still, conflicts, acts of violence and wars which
small voice of Love that is within, among and are going on in different parts of the world.
around us, that will show us how to begin to Joys
heal. Listen to the Spirit; listen to each other. Let Carolyn West is home from the
there be forgiveness of self and each other as we hospital; we celebrate birthdays,
are able, one day at a time, and sometimes one anniversaries, graduations,
hour at a time. weddings, and expectations! We are
Let us move together into God's comfort beloved children of God, made with
through this difficult time. a divine purposeLOVE!
With Christ's Never-Ending Love, Special Request!
Pastor Kristin On Monday June 17th tragedy was felt
across the community. We would like to
STEPPINGSTONE AUXILIARY raise money to help out the Hayward and
Sanders families. If you would like to donate
The Steppingstone Auxiliary was busy money, please make checks out to Zion
being helpful to the Steppingstone Program in UCC and make a note that the check is for
June. Through the generosity of Western Asso- the families.
ciation churches involved, we were able to do- Thank you.
nate $3,700 for an AED, office chairs, school
supplies for August, and supplies for a dorm for Treasurer
one industrious young lady of Steppingstone,
who will be studying and interning in New
York. It is so exciting to be a part of helping a
program that empowers young people to make it
on their own!

The Lamplighter


Sunday School9:00 A.M.
Worship10:00 A.M.
June 10, 2017 Dear Members and
July 4, 2016
Independence Day Friends of the Missouri Mid-South
July 6, 2016
Pastor Relations Committee (PRC) 10am When I began planning my sabbatical last
year, I used as a framing theme The Third-
July 8, 2016
Parade and Mayview Picnic
Third of My Life. This phrase comes from the
UCC Pension Boards retirement seminar in
July 9, 2016 which participants are encouraged to think
Service in the Park 10am about the third-third of life. I realized then
as I do nowthat it was important to ponder
July 10, 2016 how to invest in the third-third: work commit-
Council 7pm ments, family priorities, focus on health, and
engaging in experiences that add value
July 25, 2016 and meaning to ones life. I have been
SAIL 7pm led in recent weeks and months to a
growing awareness that it is time for
me to retire although I really dont fully un-
derstand what that means! It is both exhilarat-
ing and a little frightening to come to this
place of discernment.
In July 1996, I began my ministry as Associ-
ate Conference Minister of the Missouri Con-
ference (now the Missouri Mid-South Confer-
ence.) My call was extended by the Confer-
ence and it has been an immensely rich and
rewarding (and sometimes, challenging!) min-
istry for the past twenty-one years. During this
time, I have had opportunity to serve with
three called Conference Ministers, three in-
terim Conference Ministers and at least eight
Associate Conference Ministers (called and
transitional). In addition, there have been
three directors of outdoor ministries and at
least fifteen support staff! I am deeply and
Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation humbly grateful for this opportunity to serve
with you in the life of the Conference! There
have been so many seasons in our life to-
getherseasons of change and challenge,
seasons of celebration and joy, seasons of
disappointment and loss.
It is true: For everything there is a season.
And this is the season for me to take my
leave and say farewell. My call agreement in- The Lamplighter
cludes a 90-day time of notification. Leaders of
the Conference will discuss with me these days courageously, to live generously, to re-
of closure and leave-taking. It is certainly my sist evil, and to listen for the still speak-
intention to engage fully in those ministries with ing voice of your Spirit.
which I have been entrusted, to remember and Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ in our midst,
celebrate significant relationships and to help teach us to listen to you and to frame
prepare the way for my successor(s). You have our actions according to your voice.
become part of the fabric of my life and minis- Living, triune God, we live in a chang-
try. I am grateful. I have been honored to serve ing time, a startling time when our
among and with you. I am blessed and shall hearts often seem to fail us. Too easily
carry that blessing with me. do we forget that you have been with
Always. Blessings & Peace, us in ways we did not guess, led us
Rev. F. Dale Parson Associate Conference along paths we had not marked, and
Minister met us around turns that we had not
Copy: Rev. Dr. David Mehl, Moderator foreseen.
Rev. Dr. Ginny Brown Daniel, Conference Min- Living God, living Christ, living Spirit,
ister be with us still as we live into a tomor-
row we cannot predict, and become the
This Sunday, June 25 will be the Sixtieth Anni- Church that you would shape and use.
versary of the Uniting General Synod of the As you used us yesterday and are us-
United Church of Christ. Actions toward unifica- ing us today empower us and use us
tion began as early as 1937 with meetings be- tomorrow. Amen. -- Rev. Dr. David
tween Dr. Samuel Press, President of Eden Beebe, for The Heritage Covenanted
Theological Seminary and Dr. Truman Doug- Ministry Team, Missouri Mid-South
lass, Pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church Conference
in St. Louis. Twenty years of angst and discern-
ment led to the formation of the United Church
of Christ as the Evangelical and Reformed BUTTERFLY ROOM
Synod united with the Congregational Christian 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
Church in organic union. Rev. Dr. David Beebe again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
was present at that uniting Synod, and has writ- there ye may be also. John 14:3 (KJV)
ten this litany to reflect the faithful heritage of
the uniters and honor our sixty years of service Coping With Guilt After Surviving
thus far. a Traumatic Event
A Litany for the Sixtieth Anniversary of the
United Church of Christ. Floods, tornadoes, fires, airplane
Sixty years! It is our diamond anniversary. The crashesthey happen, and sometimes we sur-
United Church of Christ, both young and old, vive! So we start shopping again, check out the
movies and meet friends for dinner. But we feel
has been alive for sixty years!
guilty. How can we enjoy ourselves when so
Living God, we praise you for the witness we many have died? What if it had been me or
have been granted to make in our nation and someone I loved? What could I have done to
our world. Sixty years since that day, June 25, prevent it? How can I properly mourn?
1957, in Cleveland, Ohio when we said we These are natural questions for people
would be one. suffering from a traumatic event. We usually as-
Living Christ, we declared that you alone are sociate such survivor guilt with war veterans,
the head of the Church. May we learn again victims of violent crime or survivors of life-
and more fully what it means to be the United threatening diseases. But we dont have to be
Church of Christ. directly involved in a traumatic event to be af-
For sixty years we have been led, sometimes
surprisingly, always as a heady mix, to stand 4
fected by it. Many experience a kind of collective sur- CAG 2017 - OCWM Challenge - Lorin Cope
vivor guilt after repeatedly viewing images of any dis-
aster. Many of us are unable to come up with a suit- Our Church's Wider Mission giving
able reaction, and thus, a sense of guilt emerges. funds the work done by the United Church of
Therapists view survivor guilt as a secondary Christ in the Missouri Mid-South Conference
symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in
and in the national and global church. Our
that it doesnt come directly from the original experi-
ence. It occurs later when a person who was some- Church's Wider Mission funds are invested in
how traumatized tries to get back to normal life, only programs, resources, and tools needed to keep
to be sidetracked by such secondary feelings as guilt. local United Church of Christ churches strong,
If it goes unchecked, excessive guilt can lead effective, and growing. For the local church,
to other problems such as depression, apathy or gen- Our Church's Wider Mission funds the pastoral
eralized anxiety. We need to remember that guilt is a placement process; provides education and re-
common reaction to loss and as such, it can ultimately sources for church leaders; makes available wor-
be part of the healing process. These tips can help ship materials and materials for theological inter-
you cope with guilt: pretation; gives us challenging stewardship and
fundraising tools, and so much more.
Acknowledge that you are feeling guilty. To deal
with negative feelings, you must first recognize their
symptoms. In 2017, Our Church's Wider Mission
giving goal, in the Missouri Mid-South Confer-
Take time to mourn. Attend a religious or commu- ence is $594,631.00.
nity ceremony or plan your own way to recognize the
suffering of others. As of June 15, 83 churches had responded, that
is 58% of 143 local churches. They have indi-
Turn your negative feelings into positive action. cated their intention to give 451,481.00 toward
Make a contribution, hold a fundraiser, take part in a Our Churchs Wider MissionBasic Support or
rally, give blood or participate in any volunteer action 76% of the total which is $594,631.
that makes you feel that you are serving the greater
Thank you for your generous support of Our
Seek out other people. Isolation worsens guilt, so Churchs Wider Mission giving.
turn to friends, family or support groups.

Keep healthyeat right, exercise and get enough

sleep. Dont drown your feelings in alcohol, drugs or
junk food; it will only compound the problem.

Take advantage of the many organizations offering

advice on coping with disasters.

American Psychological Association
The Brain Tumor Society, What Long-Term Survivors
Dont Talk About
The National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disor-
National Institute of Mental Health
By Amy Fries 2001 Achieve Solutions

The Lamplighter
Celebration Occasions
July Birthdays
Office Hours
Date Birthday Pastor Admin. Assistant
5 Tyler Sanders
9 Dalton Koch 8:00 AMNoon
Connie Sanders
Scott Avlested Wednesday
15 Garrett Fiegenbaum 6:008:00 PM

17 Marvin Schemmer
Thursday Friday
20 Kenneth Jungerman 8:00 AMNoon 10amNoon
ElDean Dickmeyer
Martha Hawthorne
30 Wayne Hoefer
Serving Souls

2 Trinity Alvested Brian & Rachel Murry

9 Macey Begemann Norma M. & Jeanette S.

16 Alyssa Hoefer Matthew E. & Adam H.

23 Calle Hoeppner Roger & Mary Ellen Thompson

30 Brooklyn Murry Ron & Diane Wagner

July Anniversaries

5 Brad & Rachel Begemann

Administrative Affairs
Reverend Home(660) 237- 4902
Kristin Aardema Faigh Church (660) 237-4355
[email protected]
Cell (660) 641-1038
Robert Hoefer
Council President [email protected]
(660) 584-3804
Reminder! Cole Courtway (660) 237- 4355
Admin. Assistant [email protected]
The deadline for submissions for the Newsletter
August newsletter is
Wed. July 21, 2017. Teresa Begemann (816) 633 - 4133
Send your submissions to: Organist [email protected]
[email protected]
Dawn Stuart (660) 237 - 4355
Or Call (660) 237-4923 Custodian

Zion United Church of Christ
105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224

Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians

Sunday School 9:00 am

Worship at 10:00 am


The Lamplighter
July 2017

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be:
To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacra-
ments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congre-
gation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Summer Worship Whirl

Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sundays
Come As You Are Service 10:00 AM Monthly - 3rd Sunday
Sunday School 9:00 AM Sundays
Communion 10:00AM Monthly 1st Sunday & Special
Church Council 7:00 PM Monthly
Board of Christian Education 7:15 PM Monthly
SAIL (Serving All in Love) 7:00 PM Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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