The Lamplighter: Zion United Church of Christ March 2017 Inside This Issue

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The Lamplighter

Lent, Again?
March 1, 2017, is Ash Wednesday, which pre-
Zion cedes the official start of the season of Lent, the 40
days before Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday, and
United Church Easter, when we celebrate Jesus resurrection. This

of Christ
season symbolizes the time after Jesus' baptism
when he went into the wilderness and was tempted by
March 2017 Satan. We will have our Ash Wednesday Service
here at 7pm, with, Communion and imposition of
ashes. This time is a beginning...

Inside This Issue Need some time to regroup?

Need some down time? Want to get rid
of a nasty habit? Well, now's the time!
1 Pastors Peace Do not be afraid!
2 Palm of Prayer Typically this is the time when
winter is beginning to wane a bit toward
3 Worship Ways spring, but it seems like this February
has been spring plus. Beautiful blue skies, walking
4 This Months Events weather, time to romp around outside with children or
pets--what's up with the weather? This is not at all
5 Community & Conference Clamor like it's "supposed" to be! Well, one might say,
"things, they are a changin," in many different ways,
6 Butterfly Room so this is a perfect time to at least reflect.
Some questions we might ask during Lent in
7 Celebration Occasions particular might be, 'where am I in my faith journey?'
'What questions do I have about God, Jesus, the Holy
8 Worship Whirl Spirit?' 'Why do I come to church?' 'Why have I not
been coming to church?' 'How can I deepen my rela-
No matter who you are or where you are tionship with Jesus?' 'How can I deepen my relation-
on life's journey, you are welcome ship with my spouse--children--friends...?' 'What have
here. We believe in extravagant wel- I gotten myself into in my personal life, and how can I
come. This is why we insist that God's com- change it?' 'Do I have any spiritual gifts, and if so,
munion table is open, not closed, and what are they and how can I use them?' 'How do I get
God's gift and claim in baptism are ir-
out of this mess I'm in?' And on and on...
revocable. We advocate justice for
all. Our congregations extend hospitality Or maybe there's something in your heart try-
as a sign of God's inclusive love. We ing to get out, like 'hhheeELLLPPPPP ME!'
teach that evangelism - offering bread to those Maybe you're frustrated because you already
in search of it - is God's mission. Our perspec- blew your New Year's Resolutions, maybe there are
tive is global, not provincial. We work with - not other questions or feelings lurking beneath the surface
against - people of other faiths. Why? of your psyche and you just need to talk to someone.
Because God is still speaking! Maybe it's your pastor you want to talk with; maybe it's
a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, a boss, a stranger...

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 1

105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355
The Lamplighter
Maybe it's time to stop the frantic pace of life
and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to your
heart. The Church Year, 2017
Maybe it's time to reconnect with someone
Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary
you have been thinking about for awhile and just
haven't gotten around to calling.
Maybe...maybe...maybe... Epiphany (and Ordinary Time until Lent)
This Lent I invite you to listen to what Spirit is (January 6 - March 4, 2017)
saying to you. You might feel a nudge, a theoretical Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras
kick in the pants, or nothing. I would like to invite (February 28, 2017)
you to embrace these 40 days, step back, listen, talk Ash Wednesday (March 1, 2017)
with someone, and see what God does in your life.
Lent (March 5 - April 15, 2017)
Then I dare you to share it.
Holy Week (April 9 - 14 [15], 2017)
In Christ's love, Maundy Thursday (April 13, 2017)
Pastor Kristin Good Friday (April 14, 2017)
Easter (April 16, 2017)
Pentecost (June 4, 2017)
Pastoral Visits and Prayers Please feel free to
contact me at any time if a pastoral care visit or Ordinary Time (June 7 - Dec 2, 2017)
prayer request is in your heart. The best way to
reach me is at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and
the next best option is my cell @ 660-641-1038.
Blessings! Pastor Kristin

Because he
bends down and listens, I will pray as long as
I breathe! Psalm 116:2 (TLB)
Concerns Please continue to surround in love and
prayer, those experiencing health difficulties & or
recovering from surgery, the loss of family and
friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in their
lives: Annette Dittmer, Chester Fox, Ron Begemann,
Roger & Mary Ellen Thomson, Grace Werning, Lisa
Werning, Marty Begemann, Teresa Begemann,
Emily Coen, Gary Glover, Joyce Schemmer; friends
and family of Ivan Tankesley, William Rinne, Betty
Heidbrink, Steve Long; first responders; victims of
random acts of violence; military personnel and their
families; families around the world that are in the
midst of tensions, conflicts, acts of violence and
wars which are going on in different parts of the

Dallas Walls achieved his Boy Scout Eagle rank
Congratulations!. The wedding of Ian (Faigh) and
Noriko Amari. Austin Aardema Faigh is undefeated
Odessa Middle School Spelling Bee champion!
Spring is in the air!

Ash Wednesday Service will be
March 1st at 7 PM.

Lenten Study Curriculum on White

Privilege, beginning first Sunday in
Lent, March 5, 6:30-8pm. "White Privi-
lege--Let's Talk", by Traci Blackmon,
John Dorhauer, DaVita D. McAllister,
John Paddock, and Stephen G. Ray,

Mayview Alliance Good Friday Ser-

vice will be at Zion AME, with Rev.
Kristin Aardema Faigh preaching
on Friday, April 14--time yet to be de-
termined. A potluck will follow.

The youth will be participating in the Sunrise ser-
Zion UCC has a webpage. It is https://
vice with the Men of the church, providing a break- .
fast following the service.
The Board of Trustees is in the process of getting
Austin and Donovan Aardema Faigh are beginning
bids for the new building roof and then a congre-
to work on their Confirmation Testimonials, which
gational meeting will be called.
will be shared on May 28, before their Confirmation
on Pentecost, June 4.
Members of SAIL will host a church clean up You're my place of quiet retreat; I wait for
at 9am on Thursday, March 16, followed by lunch your Word to renew me. Psalm 119:114 MSG
together at Michelle's Place. Come join us!
Our regular meeting will take place on Tuesday,
March 28th at 7 PM. COMMUNITY, COUNTY &
At the Annual Meeting in January the Youth laid CONFERENCE ANNUAL GATHERING
out a fine taco buffet, with all the fixins, chips, des- While it may only be March, it's not too early to
sert, and drinks. And kudos as always to our mark your calendar for our 2017 Conference Annual
Youth Leaders, Amy and Robert Hoefer and Gathering (CAG)! We will once again meet in Co-
Tresina and Scott Alvested! lumbia, MO on June 8-10 at the Holiday Inn.
We also had a roller-skating party in Higginsville at
the end of February and had an absolute blast!
A shower for Steppingstone will be held March 13,
Special congratulations to Austin Aardema Faigh
at 9:30 AM. Apartment furnishings and baby items
for being UNDEFEATED in the Odessa Middle
are always needed.
School Spelling Bee for three years in
a row! Woo hoo Austin!
Sunday, March 12, 12:30pm SALEM UCC Fellow-
Youth Easter Egg Hunt will be held at ship Hall Youth on Mission Pie & Cake Auction.
the Mayview park Saturday, April 15. 3
The Lamplighter

Sunday School9:30 A.M.

Worship10:30 A.M.

March 1, 2017
Ash Wednesday

March 4, 2017
World Religions-Levasy 8:30 AM4 PM

March 5, 2017
Lenten Study 6:30 8 PM at Zion

March 8, 2017
Choir 7pm

March 9, 2017
BCE 7:15pm Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

March 11, 2017

MMF St. Pattys Day Supper 5-7:30pm

March 12, 2017

Daylight Saving Time Begins
Min. Alliance meeting, First Baptist, 1pm
Lenten Study 6:308pm

March 13, 2017

Steppingstone Shower 9:30am
Council 7pm

March 15, 2017

Choir 7pm

March 16, 2017

SAIL church clean up 9am
Michelles place lunch

March 17, 2017

St Patrick's Day

March 19, 2017

Lenten Study 6:308pm

March 22, 2017

Choir 7pm

March 25, 2017

Blue Springs Terrace breakfast 8am-1pm
Conduct yourselves with all humility,
March 26, 2017
Lenten Study 6:30-8pm
gentleness, and patience. Accept each
other with love,
March 28, 2017
SAIL 7pm Ephesians 4:2 (CEB)

March 29, 2017

19 things to give up for Lent that
Retirement: As long as you are still breathing, you
aren't chocolate
are here for a reason. You have a purpose to influ-
19 things you might consider giving up this Lent
ence others for Christ. That does not come to an
and beyond:
end until the day we die.
Fear: God is on my side. In Him I am more than a
Excuses: A wise man once said, if you need an ex-
conqueror. (See Romans 98)
cuse, any excuse will do.
The need to please everyone: I cant please
Lack of counsel: Wise decisions are rarely made in
everyone anyway. There is only one I need to
a vacuum.
strive to please.
Pride: Blessed are the humble.
Envy: I am blessed. My value is not found in my
Worry: God is in control and worrying will not help.
possessions, but in my relationship with my
~Monsignor Keith Derouen, Ponder These Things
Heavenly Father.
Impatience: Gods timing is the perfect timing. Editor's note: Since the initial publication of this col-
Sense of entitlement: The world does not owe umn, it's been noted that the following suggestions
were originally published as part of "40 Things to
me anything. God does not owe me anything. I Give up for Lent: The List" by Rev. Phil Ressler at
live in humility and grace. To find the full list and a
link to Ressler's book "40 Things to Give up for Lent
Bitterness and Resentment: The only person I and Beyond," visit https://
am hurting by holding onto these is myself.
Blame: I am not going to pass the buck. I will
take responsibility for my actions.
Gossip and Negativity: I will put the best con-
struction on everything when it comes to other Thank Yous
people. I will also minimize my contact with peo- Dear friends at Zion,
It has been my pleasure to serve you over
ple who are negative and toxic and bring other
the past five years publishing your news-
people down.
letter. In early February, I provided no-
Comparison: I have my own unique contribution tice to Pastor Kristin and the Church
to make and there is no one else like me. Council that I would be stepping down
Fear of failure: You dont succeed without ex- from this position. Your kind and gener-
periencing failure. Just make sure you fall for- ous support of my efforts are etched in
my heart, and I am appreciative that
you allowed me a spiritual and creative
A spirit of poverty: Believe with God that there
outlet. As you continue
is always more than enough and never a lack. on in your witness of Je-
Feelings of unworthiness: You are fearfully and sus Christ, I hope that
wonderfully made by your creator. (see Psalm you will still feel a spark
139) every now and then
from my efforts and re-
Doubt: Believe God has a plan for you that is
member with a smile in
beyond anything you could imagine. The future is your heart. Thank you
brighter than you could ever realize. for letting me serve you.
Self-pity: God comforts us in our sorrow so that In Christian Love,
we can comfort others with the comfort we our- Jenny Holt 5
selves have received from God.
The Lamplighter
BUTTERFLY ROOM woman in front of her perhaps in her 80s
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I was staring at the cover of a magazine that
will come again, and receive you unto featured an adorable baby boy. A smile grew
myself; that where I am, there ye may be on the womans face.
also. John 14:3 (KJV)
He looks like my son, she said to no
The Wound Time Wont Heal one in particular. The clerk ringing her up paid
Weve all heard it. Time heals all little notice.
wounds.Sounds incredibly hopeful for some- He was so beautiful, she said with
one whos drowning in grief. Except when pride. Then her tone changed. He died
timedoesnt heal your wound. when he was a baby.
The clerk looked bewildered; said
What is the numerical value of nothing and continued ringing her up.
grief? My friend tried to comfort her by ac-
Later this year will mark eight years knowledging her son and her loss. But the
since my 4-year-old daughter, Margareta, died. woman was lost in the simultaneous love and
She died exactly 29 days after her fourth birth- grief she had for her child who was only in her
day. That means we had 1,489 glorious days to life a few short years well over half a century
spend with her the only daughter in a family ago.
full of boys. I can see myself in that woman. Forever jug-
One of my grandmothers died last year gling the overwhelming love of her precious
at the age of 98. My other grandmother is in child with the crushing pain of having lost him
her 90s. Based on those genes, I can probably so long ago. I can feel her despair; the need
expect to live until close to a century old. If that to tell complete strangers that he existed.
is true, Margareta will have been alive for about That he mattered.
4% of my life. Can time really heal all wounds?
4%. 0.04. A small fraction by most
No. Not this wound. Not in this life-
measurements. A blip in my overall life. Except
that shes anything but.
But reallyits ok. It doesnt have to
Coming up on eight years since her death, she
relegate us to a lifetime of depression and
will have been gone twice as long as she lived.
The small details of her life are already being
The wound that wont heal can transform itself
lost to time. And yet I still think of her every
into a continual reminder that this life of ours
day, multiple times a day. This isnt a bad thing.
should be lived. Not just in a get-through-each
Every time I think of her is an opportunity to
-day kind of life, but a life that recognizes the
celebrate the love between us.
gift that each day bringsbecause we know
But lying just under the surface of my
all too well that the next is never guaranteed.
day-to-day life is the endless pain that sur-
With dedication and intention, we can turn a
rounds the memories of my daughter. Anything wound that forever remains open
can trigger it. My chest tightens. My breath- into fertile ground. From that fertile
ing pauses. The tears begin to well up be- wound grows new meaning for our
hind my eyes. life. The warmth and depth of our
I find myself suspended in a bubble of love is the brilliant sun that shines
torment while the world goes on around me down on our fertile ground. The
not caring that my daughter is dead and that I tears we shed is the rain that helps our gar-
have to live in that reality for the rest of my life. den grow.
A glimpse of the future? We grow resilience. We grow compassion.
A friend told me a story once. She was We grow purpose.
waiting in line at the grocery store. An elderly We grow.
We grow for our children who didnt get to. 6
~by Maria Kubitz
The Lamplighter
Celebration Occasions
March Birthdays
Office Hours
Date Birthday Pastor Admin. Assistant
2 Ross Morgan
Amy Burns
6 8:00 AMNoon
Brooklyn Murry
Mallory Smith
12 Wednesday Wednesday
Glenn Wagner
6:008:00 PM 24pm
24 Makenzie Koch
Brandon Bayless Thursday
Scott Hoeppner 8:00 AMNoon
28 Mary Ellen Thomson
31 Jeff Sanders



5 Brooklyn Murry Matthew Elder & Adam Hoefer

Community Breakfast 12 Austin Faigh Roger & Mary Ellen Thomson
2nd & 4th Saturday
Jan, Feb, Mar and
2nd only in Apr 19 Donovan Faigh Ron & Diane Wagner
7:00 am 9:00 am
26 Trinity Alvested Juanita Wright & Judy Pragman

March Anniversaries
3 Glenn & Beth Wagner
Administrative Affairs
12 Darrell & Lori Fiegenbaum
Reverend Home(660) 237- 4902
Kristin Aardema Faigh Church (660) 237-4355
[email protected]
Cell (660) 641-1038
Juanita Wright
Council President (816) 633-8818
[email protected]
Cole Courtway (660) 237- 4355
Reminder! Admin. Assistant [email protected]
The deadline for submissions for the Jenny Holt (660) 237 - 4923
April newsletter is Newsletter [email protected]
Monday, March 20, 2017.
Teresa Begemann (816) 633 - 4133
Send your submissions to: Organist [email protected]
[email protected] or
[email protected] Dawn Stuart
Custodian (660) 237 - 4355
Or Call (660) 237-4923
Zion United Church of Christ
105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224

Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians

Sunday School 9:00 am

Worship at 10:00 am


The Lamplighter
March 2017

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be:
To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacra-
ments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congre-
gation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Winter Worship Whirl

Traditional Worship 10:30 AM Sundays
Come As You Are Service 10:30 AM Monthly - 3rd Sunday
Sunday School 9:30 AM Sundays
Communion 10:30AM Monthly 1st Sunday & Special
Church Council 7:15 PM Monthly
Board of Christian Education 7:15 PM Monthly
SAIL (Serving All in Love) 7:00 PM Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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