The Lamplighter: Zion United Church of Christ March 2017 Inside This Issue
The Lamplighter: Zion United Church of Christ March 2017 Inside This Issue
The Lamplighter: Zion United Church of Christ March 2017 Inside This Issue
Lent, Again?
March 1, 2017, is Ash Wednesday, which pre-
Zion cedes the official start of the season of Lent, the 40
days before Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday, and
United Church Easter, when we celebrate Jesus resurrection. This
of Christ
season symbolizes the time after Jesus' baptism
when he went into the wilderness and was tempted by
March 2017 Satan. We will have our Ash Wednesday Service
here at 7pm, with, Communion and imposition of
ashes. This time is a beginning...
Because he
bends down and listens, I will pray as long as
I breathe! Psalm 116:2 (TLB)
Concerns Please continue to surround in love and
prayer, those experiencing health difficulties & or
recovering from surgery, the loss of family and
friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in their
lives: Annette Dittmer, Chester Fox, Ron Begemann,
Roger & Mary Ellen Thomson, Grace Werning, Lisa
Werning, Marty Begemann, Teresa Begemann,
Emily Coen, Gary Glover, Joyce Schemmer; friends
and family of Ivan Tankesley, William Rinne, Betty
Heidbrink, Steve Long; first responders; victims of
random acts of violence; military personnel and their
families; families around the world that are in the
midst of tensions, conflicts, acts of violence and
wars which are going on in different parts of the
Dallas Walls achieved his Boy Scout Eagle rank
Congratulations!. The wedding of Ian (Faigh) and
Noriko Amari. Austin Aardema Faigh is undefeated
Odessa Middle School Spelling Bee champion!
Spring is in the air!
Ash Wednesday Service will be
March 1st at 7 PM.
The youth will be participating in the Sunrise ser-
Zion UCC has a webpage. It is https://
vice with the Men of the church, providing a break- .
fast following the service.
The Board of Trustees is in the process of getting
Austin and Donovan Aardema Faigh are beginning
bids for the new building roof and then a congre-
to work on their Confirmation Testimonials, which
gational meeting will be called.
will be shared on May 28, before their Confirmation
on Pentecost, June 4.
Members of SAIL will host a church clean up You're my place of quiet retreat; I wait for
at 9am on Thursday, March 16, followed by lunch your Word to renew me. Psalm 119:114 MSG
together at Michelle's Place. Come join us!
Our regular meeting will take place on Tuesday,
March 28th at 7 PM. COMMUNITY, COUNTY &
At the Annual Meeting in January the Youth laid CONFERENCE ANNUAL GATHERING
out a fine taco buffet, with all the fixins, chips, des- While it may only be March, it's not too early to
sert, and drinks. And kudos as always to our mark your calendar for our 2017 Conference Annual
Youth Leaders, Amy and Robert Hoefer and Gathering (CAG)! We will once again meet in Co-
Tresina and Scott Alvested! lumbia, MO on June 8-10 at the Holiday Inn.
We also had a roller-skating party in Higginsville at
the end of February and had an absolute blast!
A shower for Steppingstone will be held March 13,
Special congratulations to Austin Aardema Faigh
at 9:30 AM. Apartment furnishings and baby items
for being UNDEFEATED in the Odessa Middle
are always needed.
School Spelling Bee for three years in
a row! Woo hoo Austin!
Sunday, March 12, 12:30pm SALEM UCC Fellow-
Youth Easter Egg Hunt will be held at ship Hall Youth on Mission Pie & Cake Auction.
the Mayview park Saturday, April 15. 3
The Lamplighter
March 1, 2017
Ash Wednesday
March 4, 2017
World Religions-Levasy 8:30 AM4 PM
March 5, 2017
Lenten Study 6:30 8 PM at Zion
March 8, 2017
Choir 7pm
March 9, 2017
BCE 7:15pm Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation
March Anniversaries
3 Glenn & Beth Wagner
Administrative Affairs
12 Darrell & Lori Fiegenbaum
Reverend Home(660) 237- 4902
Kristin Aardema Faigh Church (660) 237-4355
[email protected]
Cell (660) 641-1038
Juanita Wright
Council President (816) 633-8818
[email protected]
Cole Courtway (660) 237- 4355
Reminder! Admin. Assistant [email protected]
The deadline for submissions for the Jenny Holt (660) 237 - 4923
April newsletter is Newsletter [email protected]
Monday, March 20, 2017.
Teresa Begemann (816) 633 - 4133
Send your submissions to: Organist [email protected]
[email protected] or
[email protected] Dawn Stuart
Custodian (660) 237 - 4355
Or Call (660) 237-4923
Zion United Church of Christ
105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
The Lamplighter
March 2017