Disclosure Statement 1989
Disclosure Statement 1989
Disclosure Statement 1989
Per: May , 1989
Na g Lochhead Date
Director, L-/
Namel~ Director
May ~ , 1989
WFM/ 137 4k
Act and the amendment to
L & C Developments Ltd.
For property described as:
PID No. 004-545-583
Lot 64
District Lot 385
Group 1
New Westminster District
Plan 72147
I, CRAIG LOCHHEAD, of Coquitlam, British Columbia, DO
1. I am a Director of L & C Developments Ltd., the Developer
referred to in the above amendment to disclosure statement dated
May 9th, 1989.
Vancouver, ) , l
I i
c . I . !
British Columbia, on this
<J/Lda y of May, 1989.
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davits. }
WILLl/\M F. Ht5'r;/I,Y
[jOlI is 8: OJ, c
WFM/ 137 4k
Lot 64
Group 1
Plan 72147
WFM/ 137 4k
(Section 26)
:1 c::
repealed and be replaced with By-Laws numbered 1 through 17 inclusive 1 u;:.
~ i ·i~l ~r.:
attached as Appendix 'A' to the Notice of the Annual General Meeting of '" -',
December 8, 1988."
The Common Seal of The Owners, Strata Plan No. N.W.2671, was hereunto
affixed this 2.J day of U~ fi3c::R 1988, in the presence of:
10.1 At any General Meeting a resolution by the vote of the meeting shall be
decided on a show of hands, unless a poll is demanded by any O\\uer
present in person or by proxy.
10.6 On a show of hands, each Owner shall indicate his/her vote by showing
his/her voting card.
10.11 Where Owners are entitled to successive interests in a lot. the Owner
entitled to the first interest is alone entitled to vote, whether on a
show of hands or a poll.
10.12 Where an Owner is a Trustee, he/she shall exercise the voting rights in
respect of the lot to the exclusion of persons beneficially interested
in the trust, and those persons shall not vote.
11.3 The Strata Corporation may recover from an Owner by an action for debt
in any Court of competent jurisdiction any sum of money which the Strata
Corporation is required to expend as a result of any act or omission by
the Owner. his/her employees, agents. invitees or tenants. which
violates these By-Laws or any Rules and Regulations established pursuant
to these By-Laws. and there shall be added to any amount found due, all
costs of such action including costs as between Solicitor and Client.
11.4 Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit any right of any Owner to bring
an action or proceeding for the enforcement and protection of his/her
rights and the exercise of his/her remedies.
12.1 All cheques drawn on any account of the Strata Corporation shall, except
where a Manager has been appointed and authorized to make expenditures,
be signed by at least two Members of the Strata Council, and all cheques
or other negotiable instruments for the credit of any such account may
be endorsed by anyone Member of the Strata Council.
12.2 Prior to the first day of December in each calendar year, the Strata
Corporation shall cause to be prepared a Budget setting out by
categories its best estimate of the common expenses of the Strata
Corporation for the next calendar year. The Budget shall include a
reasonable provision for contingencies and future replacements.
12.3 Prior to the 15th day of December in each calendar year the Stt'ata
Corporation shall deliver or mail to each Owner at the municipal alidress
of his/her Strata Lot a copy of the budget for the ensuing calendar year
i:.ogether with a notice of monthly assessment for his/her contribution
towards the common expenses for that year.
12. It The common expenses set forth in each assessment shall be payable to the
Strata Corporation. or to any other person. firm or corporation to whom
the Strata Corporation shall direct payment to be made from time to
time, in twelve equal consecutive monthly installments. in advance. the
first installment to be made on the 1st day ()f January immediately
following receipt of such notice of assessment.
12.5 Assessment payments are due and payable on the first day of each lllonth
in advance. Assessment payments not received by the 15th day of the
month in question will be subject to a Ten Dollar ($10.00) penalty, and
if not received by the 15th day of each following lllonth will be subject
to an additional Ten Dollar ($10.00) penalty.' each month. If any
assessment becomes three months in arrears. a Lien will be placed on the
Title of the Strata Lot involved. and at the Owner's expense for the
total monies due. including all costs involved in collecting the
outstanding amount.
12.6 Within ten days following written application therefore by an Owner the
Strata Corporation shall furnish to such Owner a statement setting forth
as of its date the amount of any unpaid assessments then due from such
Owner and the amount outstanding. if any, in the uJntingency reserve
fund and belonging to the Strata Corporation but contributed by such
13.1 The prOV1Slons hereof shall be deemed independent and severable and the
invalidity in whole or in part of any By-Law does not affect the
validity of the remaining By-Laws. which shall continue in full force
and effect as if such invalid portion had not been included herein.
14.1 use or permit the strata lot to be used for any purpose other than as a
private dwelling-house for one family;
14.2 make or permit noise in or about any strata lot or the common property
which. in the opinion of the Strata Council. is a nuisance or
unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of a strata lot or
the common property by any other Owner. No instrument or other device.
shall be used within a lot which. in the opinion of the Strata Council.
causes a disturbance or interferes with the comfort of other Owners;
14.3 keep animals on the strata lot or the common property after seven (7)
days' notice in that behalf from the Strata Council;
14.6 hang or permit to be hung any laundry or washing on the common property
or in or about the strata lot in any manner which would permit the same
to be visible from the outside of the strata lot;
14.7 erect or hang over or outside any window or door of a strata lot or on
the common property. awnings. shades or screens without the consent in
writing of the Council first had and obtained. No television antenna or
similar structure or appurtenances thereto shall be erected on or
fastened to any unit except in connection \.ith a common television
antenna or cable system as authorized by the Strata Council;
14.10 do or permit anything to be done that may cause damage to trees. plan
bushes, flowers or lawns and shall not place chairs. tables. or other
objects on the lawns and grounds so as to damage them or to prevent
growth or to interfere with the cutting of the lawns or the maintenan
of the grounds generally;
14.11 deposit household refuse and garbage in other than proper containers
directed by the Strata Council and the Owner shall place such contair
for collection of refuse as directed by the Strata Council from time
time. Any material other than ordinary household refuse garbage shal
be removed from the common property or the Owner's Strata Lot at the
expense of or by the individual Owner;
14.12 erect. place. allow. keep or display signs, billboards. advertising
matter or other notices or displays of any kind on the common propert
or in or about any strata lot in any manner which may make the same
visible from the outside of a strata lot. except a temporary notice t
let or sell the strata lot:
14.13 use any part of the common property except roadways. driveways and
parking areas for the parking or operation of motor-vehicles except i
accordance with permission in writing from the Strata Council. provic
however the sidewalks. walkways. passages, roadways. driveways and
parking areas shall not be obstructed by any Owner. his/her family,
guests or visitors;
14.14 shake mops or dusters of any kind nor throw anything out any window 0
door on the strata lot or on common property. nor permit anything of
this kind to be done;
14.15 allow the strata lot to become unsanitary:
14.16 make or cause to be made any structural alteration or addition to thE
strata lot without first having the design and specifications of suct
alteration or addition approved in writing by the Strata Council. Ar
alteration or addition made by an Owner without such approval may be
restored or removed by Councilor its duly authorized representative
representatives and any costs incurred by the Strata Corporation as
result thereof shall forthwith be paid by such Owner to the Strata
14.17 permit any member of his/her household. guests or visitors to trespa~
on any property to which another Owner is entitled to exclusive
occupation or use:
14.18 when the purpose for which a strata lot is intended to be used is shl
expressly or by necessary implication on or by the registered strata
plan. use the strata lot for any other purpose or permit the same to
so used;
Owners, and
ii) in such place and at such time as the Strata Council may from time
to time direct j
14.21 allow the area around his/her premises to become untidy. The Strata
Council shall be at liberty to remove any rubbish or clean up the common
area in close proximity to an O~ner's premises to its satisfaction and
charge the expense to the Owner.
15.1 The Owner of each Strata Lot shall have the right in common with the
Strata Corporation as herein provided but to the exclusion of all others
to use as a patio/balcony that portion of the common property designated
as limited common property on the strata plan. This use shall be
subject to all the restrictions on the use of common property contained
in these By-Laws and shall be subject to a right of entry in favour of
the Strata Corporation for the purposes of carrying out all of the
powers and duties reserved to the Strata Corporation with respect to the
common property. The Owner shall not make or cause to be made any
alteration (including painting of the patio or balcony railing) or
addition to such common property without first having the same approved
in writing by the Strata Council. Any alteration (including painting of
the patio or balcony railing) or addition made by an Owner without such
approval may be restored or removed by the Strata Councilor its duly
authorized representative or representatives and the cost incurred by
the Strata Corporation as a result thereof shall forthwith be paid by
such Owner to the Strata Corporation.
16.1 The Owner of each strata lot shall have the right in common with the
Strata Corporation as herein provided but to the exclusion of all others
to use for parking of motor-vehicles on that portion of the common
property comprising the driveway adjacent to and connecting with his/her
strata lot. This use shall be subject to all the restrictions on the
use of common property and all restrictions concerning motor-vehicles
contained in these By-Laws and shall be subject to a right of entry in
favour of the Strata Corporation for the purposes of carrying out all of
the powers and duties reserved to the Strata Corporation with respect to
the common property. The Owner shall not make or cause to be made any
alteration or addition to such common property without first having the
same approved by the Strata Council. Any alteration or addition made by
an Owner without such approval may be restored or removed by the Strata
Councilor its duly authorized representative or representatives and the
cost incurred by the Strata Corporation as a result thereof shall
forthwith be paid by such Owner to the Strata Corporation.
17.1 Subject to By-Law 17.2 and Section 31 and 32 of the Condominium Act. the
number of Strata Lots that may be rented/leased within the Strata
Corporation shall be limited to zero save and except those rented/leased
at the date of adoption of this By-Law (December 8th, 1988) and
subsequent thereto the sale (to persons other than immediate family
members) of those Strata Lots rented/leased at the date of registration
of this By-Law will negate further rental/leasing privileges by the
Strata Corporation.
c) The address and telephone number of the Owner which will apply after
the commencement of the lease.
e) h'hether the Owner or the tenant will remit the Owner's share of
common expenses to the Strata Corporation.
a) In the event the tenant or tenants named by the Strata Lot Owner
cease to occupy the Strata Lot as their principal residence. or
b) In the event that the Owner or-tenant has failed to comply with the
provisions of the Condominium Act. the By-Laws. Rules and
Regulations of the Strata Corporation for a period of thirty (30)
days after Notice of the non-compliance has been mailed to the Owner
and the tenant by the Strata Corporation, or
Any Strata Lot Owner who rents or leases his/her Strata Lot without
first obtaining Strata Council approval pursuant to By-Law 17 shall be
liable to pay to the Strata Corporation a fine in the amount of Ten
Dollars (SIO.OO) for each day during which the Strata Lot is so rented
or leased.