ICT - MM Team

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Phases Activity
I. Problem Analysis -Programmer will interview client what they need
Phase -Programmer get the information of input, process and output
-Programmer will refer to the website in internet or book or
expert person
-Programmer will choose the suitable programming language to
solve the problem

II. Program Design - In program design, there are three popular tools used:
Phase i) Top-down design model - This top-down model consists
of three modules, namely input module, process module
and output module
ii) Pseudocode - the programmer writes the pseudo code
for the program based on the top-down design model
iii) Flow chart- the programmer draws the flow chart that
shows the data flow of the program.
- Choossing and design the user interface

III. Coding Phase - Programmer translate the pseudocode to programming

- Key in the programming language into the computer

IV. Testing and - Programmer test the program to search for any error
debugging - Programmer will debug if there is any error.

V. Documentation - Programmer write the purpose of the program

- Programmer write the guideline on how to use the program to
the client
- Programmer write the type of input and expected output

Phase Activity
Analysis Phase - The multimedia developers interview the clients to find out their
- The multimedia developers will identify the project title,
problem, objectives, possible solution and target users.
- The multimedia developers write the a Proposal for a multimedia
- The multimedia developers will use analysis tools:
 Questionnaire to find the needs of target users.
 Content Analysis Form to choose the contents for
the multimedia program
 Goal Analysis Form to guide multimedia
developers to set up the focus of the project.

Design Phase - The multimedia developer will design :

 Flow Chart which is a lay out the flow of a multimedia
 Storyboard which is a rough sketches of everything that
are included in a multimedia program. based on the Flow
- consider the content of the program, navigational system
to be used and the layout of the program.
- In this phase, CASPER design principles are used.

Implementation Phase -The process of converting the design plan such as a Storyboard
into a multimedia program
- The multimedia developers will use the authoring tool such as
Toolbook Assistant 2004 to integrate the multimedia elements.
- The multimedia developers will :
 creating texts
 inserting graphics
 inserting animation
 inserting audio
 inserting video
 inserting hyperlink

Testing Phase - The purpose of testing is to ensure that the program runs
correctly without errors
- The multimedia developers will use a Checklist to test the
multimedia program. If there are any errors, the programmer will
fix the program..
- In this Checklist the aspects focused are :
 Content ( refers to the goals of the program, text, graphics,
audio, video, animation, language used and how
informative the program is)
 Interface (CASPER principles are used )
 Navigation (navigation aids and consistency )

Evaluation Phase - The Evaluation Phase focuses on overall presentation and

effectiveness of the multimedia
- Selected users will use an Evaluation Form to try out the
program and give feedback and will focus in 2 aspects content
and user interface.

Publishing Phase - When the multimedia program is completed, it will be published

in two option mediums:
• Web pages - multimedia program to be a Web-based
• Compact discs ( CD ) - multimedia program to be a CD-
based multimedia.

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