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Chiang Mai J. Sci.

2010; 37(1) 55

Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1) : 55-63

Contributed Paper

Gas Atomization of Low Melting-Point Metal Powders

Monnapas Morakotjinda* [a], Kittichai Fakpan [b], Thanyaporn Yotkaew [a],
Nattaya Tosangthum [a], Rungthip Krataithong [a], Anan Daraphan [a], Pisarn Siriphol [a],
Pongsak Wila [a], Bhanu Vetayanugul [a], and Ruangdaj Tongsri [a]
[a] Powder Metallurgy Research and Development Unit (PM_RDU) National Metal and Materials Technology
Center (MTEC), Thailand Science Park, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand.
[b] Department of Production Technology, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkuts Institute of Technology
North Bangkok, Bangkok 10800, Thailand.
*Author for correspondence; e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 1 March 2009

Accepted: 27 April 2009

A pilot-scale gas atomizer, with capacity of 35 kilograms of metal charge/batch,
was developed for producing low melting-point metal powders. Its components such as
structure, melting furnace, nozzle system, atomizing chamber, powder collector and cyclone,
were designed and assembled. The gas atomizer had been tested experimentally by productions
of tin and tin alloy (Babbitt metal) powders. Tin and tin alloy (Babbitt metal) powders had
been produced experimentally with varied processing factors such as nozzle design, melt flow,
atomizing gas pressure and melt superheat. Yield, particle size and microstructure of the
powders were analyzed. Particle size distribution of the powders was compared to a mean
particle size calculated by using Lubanskas equation. It was found that the calculated mean
particle size was closer to the experimental one when a constant K of Lubanskas equation was
varied. Microstructures of tin and tin alloy powders indicated that solidification phenomena
occurred via nucleation and growth.

Keywords: Gas atomizer, atomization, low-melting metal powders.

Growth of powder metallurgy (P/M) [2]. However, there are a few powder
industry in Asia has been being increased production industries in the Kingdom.
contentiously due to its superior benefits Shortages of human resources and metal
compared to conventional ingot metallurgy powder manufacturing technology in this
[1]. The benefits include high productivity, raw country are big burdens for Thai P/M
materials and energy saving and near net-shape industry development and competitiveness
character. In Thailand, most P/M parts have improvement.
been consumed by electronics (54%), followed Atomization means disintegration of
by automobile (44%) and other (2%) industries liquid metal into fine droplets, which are
56 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1)

simultaneously cooled down and solidified to of melt stream wave

form metal powders. To break up the liquid (iii) ligament further discomposes into
metal into droplets, there must be a force droplets (primary atomization)
exerting to a liquid metal. The force can be in (iv)melt droplets are further disintegrated
the forms of atomizing media impingement, (secondary atomization)
centrifugal force or liquid metal explosion. (v) satellite formation by crashing
Atomization may be classified into 3 methods between melt droplets.
including two-fluid atomization, centrifugal In a gas atomization process, there are
atomization and vacuum atomization. In the important factors controlling particle size and
two-fluid atomization, a liquid metal stream size distribution of the powders. The factors
(the first fluid) is impinged with high-velocity/ include nozzle design, atomizing gas flow rate,
high-pressure gas or liquid (the second fluid) metal melt flow rate, type of metal melt and
to form droplets, which are then cooled to melt superheat. Investigation of processing
be powders [3]. In centrifugal atomization, parameters on powder particle size is very
the liquid metal is disintegrated by rotating useful because information, correlation and
a melting metal electrode or crashing the prediction models are needed by powder
metal melt with the rotating disk [4, 5]. The production industry [10].
pressurized liquid metal is exploded when it Investigation on atomization of water
is released to a vacuum chamber. This is and oil yielded an equation which could be
known as vacuum atomization [6]. The used for metal melt atomization [11]. The
additional details of atomization have been equation is as follows;
reviewed by some authors [7, 8].
Powder production, using a gas atomization (1)
process, has been being widely investigated
and applied in industry, due to its advantages where U g = (Pg / g ) 0.5
including high capacity, high flexibility for both d m = averaged size of metal powder
elemental and prealloyed powder production particles
and capability for rapidly solidified metal = diameter of melt feed tube
powder production [9]. The rapidly solidified g = gas density
metal powders usually exhibit superior m = kinematic viscosity of the melt
properties caused by fine microstructure, M = melt flow rate
chemical homogeneity, extended solid solution A = atomizing gas velocity
and metastable phase formation. Therefore, P g = gas pressure.
metal parts produced from the rapidly
solidified metal powders show superior One of the famous studies on processing
mechanical properties. parameter-powder particle size correlation
In principle, when the metal melt is caused was carried out by Lubanska [11]. Investigation
unstable by any forces it will be broken into on production of metal powders (iron, alumi-
forms of smaller pieces or droplets. Melt nium and tin) resulted in Lubanskas equation
disintegration mechanism in a gas atomization as follows;
process includes five steps as follows;3
(i) impingement of atomizing gas on the
melt causes unstable wavy melt stream (2)
(ii)ligament formation occurs at the end
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1) 57

temperature of the atomizer melting system

where We = was designed to be 1,000oC. In this research,
nitrogen gas was used as an atomizing
K = constant
g = kinematic viscosity of a gas medium. The design also allowed atomizing
We = Weber number. media to be a compressed air or other gases.
Flexibility of the atomizer components, such
In this investigation, results obtained as nozzle system and metal melt delivery tube,
from tin and tin alloy (Babbitt) powder was given in order that those components
production have been analyzed compared to could be adjusted or changed. On the
the Lubanskas equation. atomizing chamber front view, a transparent
window was attached, so liquid metal
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS disintegration could be observed from
2.1 Gas Atomizer Specification outside. The structure of the gas atomizer is
Sketches of gas atomizer parts were shown in Figure 1.
drawn, fabricated and assembled at the Pilot
Plant Building of the National Metal and 2.2 Materials and Equipment
Materials Technology Center (MTEC) in Materials employed for this investigation
Thailand Science Park. The gas atomizer were tin and tin alloy (Babbitt). Their chemical
design was similar to that given in [3, 8]. Its compositions, analyzed by X-Ray fluorescence
capacity was designed for producing metal (XRF), are shown in Table 1. A gas atomizer
powder of 35 kg/batch. This gas atomizer used for metal powder production is shown
was expected to be suitable for research works in Figure 1. Two types of nozzles namely
on metal powder production. Maximum confined and free-fall nozzles (Figure 2) were
Table 1. Chemical compositions of tin and Babbitt.

Sn (%) Sb (%) Al (%) P (%) Cu (%) Others (%)
Tin 99.6 - 0.0157 0.0158 0.274 0.0945
Babbitt 83.04 10.19 - - 5.50 1.27

Figure 1. Sketch of the pilot gas atomizer.

58 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1)

used. Effect of nozzle design was determined. in formation of flakes, ligaments and spherical
(2.3) Atomization procedure. Tin and Babbitt powder particles. All the atomized products
were melted in a furnace (Figure 3). Superheat were sieved. The quantity of powders with
temperature of both metal melts were 68oC. particle size less than 180 mm was used for
The melt was released through a melt feed weight fraction calculation and powder particle
tube. When it emerged from the tube, it was characterization. Experimental procedure is
crashed with high-velocity nitrogen gas. illustrated in Figure 4.
Impingement between gas and melt resulted

(a) (b)
Figure 2. Sketches of confined (a) and free-fall (b) nozzles.

Figure 3. Metal melting equipment. Figure 4. A flowchart of experimental


3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The lower floor was where the whole structure
3.1 Gas Stomization Unit and gas supply system stood. On this floor
The structure was designed to have 3 workers could collect metal powders. The
working floors (Figure 1). The upper (3rd) dimensions of the atomizer pilot plant were
floor was used for installing of control and 5.14 m (width) 3.00 m (length) 3.20 m
melting units. Just below the melting unit, a (height).
nozzle equipped with a heating element was In this investigation two designs of
attached. On the middle floor, observation nozzle, namely confined and free-fall nozzles
of melt disintegration was possible through a (Figure 2), were chosen for producing metal
transparent window. This floor was also powders. The confined nozzle (Figure 2(a))
designed for facilitating of nozzle installation. was designed in order that a high-velocity
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1) 59

atomizing gas impinged on a melt stream at design, the melt flow, caused by gravitational
the end of the melt feed tube. Due to a short force, could be varied by changing the tube
distance between the gas releasing and the diameter.
impingement points, lose of kinetic energy Infrastructure system, including atomizing
of the atomizing gas was minimized. The free- gas and power supplies, was designed and
fall nozzle (Figure 2(b)) allowed the melt to installed. The atomizing gas was pure nitrogen
flow with a certain distance before being (99.9%) compressed in two packs of cylinders
disintegrated by the atomizing gas. For both (16 cylinders/pack) under the pressure of 200
nozzle designs, the melt feed tube had a bar. The pressure, the factor controlling of
declined end in order to minimize lose of gas velocity, of the gas could be adjusted by
kinetic energy of the atomizing gas. The using a regulator. The power supply used in
declined-end feed tube was previously this project was not complicated because only
studied by Anderson et. al. [12]. It was found the melting unit was necessary controlled. A
that a high-velocity atomizing gas showed simple control box for power and current
higher powder production efficiency when the regulation was designed and assembled.
declined-end feed tube was used.
The atomizing chamber had height of 3 3.2 Atomization of tin and Babbitt
meter and diameter of 1 meter. The chamber materials
was constructed using stainless steel grade 304. Experimental values of tin and Babbitt
On the front view of the chamber, a powder particle sizes were obtained by using
transparent window was attached. It was a powder particle size analyzer. Calculation of
linked with a cyclone, made of stainless steel the powder particle sizes was carried out by
grade 304, by a tube. Flow of the atomizing using Lubanskas equation (Equation (2)).
gas and some fine metal powders would pass Materials property (Table 2) and nozzle
through the tube and enter the upper end of constant (Table 3) were taken for calculating
the cyclone. To ensure complete powder of the powder particle size. The constant K
collection, the second cyclone was sequentially in Lubanskas equation was recommended to
linked to the first one. At the bottom of each be in the range of 40-50 [11]. The gas flow
cyclone, a metal powder collector was rate (A) and melt flow rate (M) were calculated
attached. according to equations (3) and (4) [10],
A melting furnace was designed as given respectively.
in Figure 3. Inside the steel shell, a refractory
ceramic was lined in order to keep heat inside
(insulation). Next to the lining, heating element (3)
was wound around a ceramic tube. Numbers
and location of heating element sets were
designed in order that the generated heat was where a = gas exit area
used efficiently. Temperature fluctuation was kT = ratio between specific heat capacity
limited in the range of 20oC. The space in of an atomizing gas at a constant pressure
side the furnace was able to fit a crucible with and specific heat capacity of the atomizing
a capacity of 35 kilograms of iron. At the gas at a constant temperature (Cp/Cv)
bottom of the crucible, a melt feed tube was g = gravitational acceleration
attached. The end of the tube was extended R = gas constant
into an atomizing nozzle. Due to this simple T = gas temperature.
60 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1)

Table 2. Materials property.

Materials property Tin (300oC) Nitrogen (25oC)
Density (kg/m3) 6958.316 1.15
Molecular weight (kg/kmol) - 28.013
Kinematic viscosity (m2/s) 2.4458712 10-7 1.55 10-5
Surface tension (N/m) 0.53925 -
kT (Cp/Cv) - 1.41

Table 3. Nozzle constant.

Parameter Value
Gas exit area of the confined nozzle 1.79x10-5 m2
Gas exit area of the free-fall nozzle 4.0x10-5 m2
Melt exit area (3 mm) 7.07x10-6 m2

(4) of the calculated one, particularly when the

constant K = 40 was used.
Figure 5 indicates that the experimental
where am = melt exit area powder particle sizes are smaller than the
m = melt density calculated ones. The powder particle size
h = height of melt in a crucible difference may be attributed to some reasons.
P = pressure difference between a The first is an error arisen from Weber number
crucible and an atomizing chamber. miscalculation. The second comes from the
nature of the nozzle. A distance between the
Plots of experimental and calculated gas exit and impingement points is short so
values of powder particle size against gas kinetic energy loss is low. Low lost kinetic
pressure for confined and free-fall nozzles are energy means high energy impingement of
presented in Figures 5(a) and 5(b), respectively. gas molecules on metal melts. This causes
When the confined nozzle was employed smaller powder particle formation. The last
the plots of experimental powder particle reason is attributed to the input data (materials
sizes of tin and Babbitt (Figure 5(a)) were property) for calculation. In this study, only
similar to the plots between the calculated property of tin was used due to lack of
powder particle size against gas pressure. information about Babbitt. Tin property
When the constant K = 40 was used, the plot cannot represent Babbitt one.
of the calculated data moved closer to the The gas-atomized tin and Babbitt
plot of experimental ones. When the free-fall powders particles (Figures 6(a) and 6(b)) were
nozzle was employed, the plot of tin powder typically spherical. Some particles showed
particle size (Figure 5(b)) was close to the plot evidences of satellite formation, which was
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1) 61

Figure 5. Plots of powder particle size against atomizing gas pressure for (a)
the confined and (b) the free fall nozzles.

(a) Morphology of gas-atomized tin powders (b) Morphology of gas-atomized Babbitt powders

(c) Microstructure of a gas-atomized tin powder (d) Microstructure of gas-atomized Babbitt

particle powder particles

Figure 6. Morphology and microstructure of the gas-atomized powders.

62 Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1)

caused by attachment of smaller solid powder addition [14]. Admixing of Ni powder was
particles onto larger melt droplets. The attach- found to improve some mechanical properties
ment was in turn attributed to turbulent flow of sintered 316L stainless steel. However, Ni
of particles and gas in the atomizing chamber. powder addition is not economically feasible
Cross section of a gas-atomized tin due to its high cost. A metal powder, designated
powder particle exhibited polycrystalline as PMTEC1 which is gas-atomized tin powder,
structure. In a coarse tin powder particle, there was employed as an alternative admixing
were some fine equi-axed grains (grain size < powder for performance improvement of
20 m) (Figure 6(c)). Formation of this the sintered 316L stainless steel. It was found
microstructural type is resulted from that the factors, such as N2 content in the
nucleation sites on the melt droplet surface. atmosphere, Ni and PMTEC1, showed some
After nucleation, competitive growth of effects on some properties. Particularly,
several nuclei occurs. When the solid/liquid addition of the PMTEC1 significantly
interfaces of each nucleus meet, grain increased sintered density, yield strength and
boundaries are formed. hardness with severely sacrificed elongation.
Cross section of a gas-atomized Babbitt The PMTEC1 powder caused grain growth,
powder particle exhibited very fine precipitates no matter the sintering atmosphere
of intermetallic Sn-Sb and Sn-Cu compounds compositions employed. Nitrogen content in
homogeneously distributed in the matrix the atmosphere caused formation of nitride.
(Figure 6(d)). The presence of intermetallic The presence of PMTEC1 not only accelerated
compounds causes difficulty for grain and grain growth, but also activated nitride
grain boundary observation. eutectoid formation.

3.3 Application of Tin and Babbitt Powders 4. CONCLUSIONS

as Sintering Activators for Densification The pilot scale gas atomizer, which was
316L Powder Compacts designed and constructed, showed effective
Recently, the gas-atomized tin and Babbitt capability on producing of low-melting metal
powders, with powder particle size of less powders. Tin and tin alloy (Babbitt) were
than 32 mm, were admixed with 316L powders experimentally gas-atomized with various
[13]. The mixed powders were processed via factors such as nozzle design, melt flow,
a press and sinter technique. Density of the atomizing gas pressure and melt superheat
sintered 316L material was increased signifi- affected yield and particle size of the powders.
cantly when added tin and Babbitt amounts The powders showed typical spherical shape
of gas-atomized powders. Design of the
were higher than a specific content. Addition
pilot-scale powder production plant was
of tin and Babbitt also affected microstructure
flexible for further development of medium
of sintered materials. Grain growth was an
to high melting-point metal powders.
obvious evidence of microstructural change.
For experimental gas-atomization of
Most mechanical properties, such as ultimate
low-melting point metal powders, its conclusive
tensile strength, yield strength and hardness, remarks include;
excluding elongation, were improved when (1) Lubanskas equation is useful for prediction
4 and 6 wt. % of tin and Babbitt were added. of tin atomization when the constant K = 40
For densification improvement of the is employed.
316L powder compacts, effect of tin powder (2) Gas-atomized tin and Babbitt powders
addition was comparable to that of Ni powder exhibited spherical shape.
Chiang Mai J. Sci. 2010; 37(1) 63

(3) Microstructure of a gas-atomized tin [8] Yule A.J. and Dunkley J.J., Atomization of
powders clearly indicates that solidification melts for powder production and spray deposition,
occurs via nucleation and growth. In a gas- Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994: pp. 1-
atomized Babbitt, precipitation of intermetallic 397.
compounds occurs in addition to matrix [9] Dunkly J.J. Gas atomization a review of
solidification. the current state of the art. Advances in
The gas-atomized tin and Babbitt powders Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials,
could be used as a sintering activator for 1999, 55-66.
densification of 316L powder compacts. [10] Fakpan K., Morakotjinda S., Tosangthum
N., Coovattanachai O., Krataitong R.,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mata S., Daraphan A., Vetayanugul B.,
The authors would like to express their Srisukhumbowornchai N. and Tongsri
sincere gratitude to National Metal and R., Production of Tin Powder by a Gas
Materials Technology Center (MTEC) for Atomisation. NSTDA Annual Conference
financial support for this investigation. 2005, Pathum Thani, Thailand, March 28-
30, 2005.
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