SSP 208 - Air Conditioner in The Motor Vehicle

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Self-Study Programme 208

Air Conditioner in the Motor Vehicle










-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Temperature o
air dition

Air conditioning systems have long ceased to be The design of the refrigerant circuit of an
regarded as luxury equipment. air conditioner is identical in all vehicles.
Air conditioners have become a factor in active Air conditioner refrigerant circuits only vary in
safety, and today can almost be considered as respect of how they are adapted to meet
an integral part of a vehicle's safety refrigeration requirements.
In this Self-Study Programme, you will familiarise
10 years ago, only about 10 percent of yourself with the basic purpose and design of an
all newly registered vehicles were fitted with an air conditioner.
air conditioning system. By 1996, air conditioners You will learn the functions of the component
were being installed as standard in more than parts in the refrigeration process, the special
one in four newly registered vehicles. characteristics of the refrigerant and why air
conditioners require special service
Customer demand for air conditioning is rising specifications.
The component parts shown in the following SSP
are common to most air conditioners.

Please note that the figures specified

are given by way of example only.
Depending on refrigeration requirements, the
absolute values vary from vehicle to vehicle.

New Important

The Self-Study Programme Please always refer to the relevant Service Literature
is not a Workshop Manual! for all inspection, adjustment and repair instructions.
Service literature.
Table of Contents

The in-car climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Why air conditioning?

The physics of the cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Applied physics

The refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 134a
The principle of the refrigerant circuit
Refrigerant circuit with expansion valve
The compressor
The mode of operation of the compressor
Magnetic clutch
The condenser
The fluid container and drier
Expansion valve
Expansion valve new generation
The evaporator
Refrigerant circuit with restrictor
The restrictor
The collecting tank

System control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Components of the safety system
t" p
Cooling fan circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Fan circuit for engine/condenser cooling
Radiator fan control unit J293

Temperature control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Manual control
Automatic control
System overview
Control unit with operating and display unit
The main temperature sensors
Auxiliary signals for temperature control
Positioning motor
Air ducting
Air distribution
Air recirculation mode

Technical service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Safety precautions
General information on function influencing factors
Fault diagnosis through pressure testing
Fault diagnosis through self-diagnosis

Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Key cooling system terminology

The in-car climate

Why air conditioning?

People feel comfortable at a certain ambient In strong sunlight in particular, the heated
temperature and atmospheric humidity. cabin air can only be exchanged for air with
ambient temperature.
As a component part of active safety, the driver's In addition, the air temperature usually rises
well-being is a key factor in driving ability. en route from the intake point to the air outlet.
Opening a window or sliding roof or setting a
The in-car climate has a direct bearing on the higher fan speed for greater comfort will
driver, fatigue-free driving and driving safety. usually result in a draught and expose the
occupants to other nuisances such as noise,
A comfortable interior temperature is dependent exhaust gases and pollen.
upon the prevailing ambient temperature and
upon sufficient air flow:

Low ambient temperature, e.g. 20 oC

Higher interior temperature 28 oC Comfort curves
High air flow rate: 8 kg per min.
"C kg/min

High ambient temperature, e.g. 40 oC 28 8

Interior temperature

Low interior temperature 23 oC

High air flow rate: 10 kg per min. 26 6

Air flow rate

Moderate ambient temperature, e.g. 10 oC 24 4
Low interior temperature 21.5 oC
Low air flow rate: 4 kg per min. 22 2

Even modern heating and ventilation systems 20 0

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 "C 208_043
have difficulty maintaining a pleasant climate
inside a vehicle at high ambient temperatures. Ambient temperature

High levels of atmospheric humidity put the body
under considerably greater physical strain.

Temperatures in a mid-range passenger car

where: driving time 1 h
ambient temperature 30oC
sunlight penetration into car
with without
Area air conditioning air conditioning

Head 23 "C 42 "C

24 "C 40 "C

Feet 28 "C 35 "C

Effects of an unfavourable vehicle interior
temperature on humans
Comfort range
Scientific studies conducted by the WHO (World
Health Organization) have shown that one's
ability to concentrate and reactions are impaired Transpiration
when under stress.

Heat puts a strain on the body.

The best temperature for the driver is between

20 and 22 oC.
This is equivalent to climatic load A, the "comfort

Strong sunlight can increase the interior Body temperature

temperature by more than 15 oC above the
ambient temperature particularly in the head Climatic load
low moderate high 208_042
This is where the effects of heat are most
The air conditioner - a system which keeps the air
The body temperature rises and the heart rate temperature at a level comfortable to humans,
increases. as well as purifying and dehumidifying the air -
Heavier perspiration will typically occur, too. was created in order to reduce or eliminate
The brain is not receiving enough oxygen. completely such stress.
Also refer to "climatic load range B".
With the help of an air conditioner it is possible
Climatic loads in range C put an excessive strain to produce at the air outlets a temperature which
on the body. is much lower than high outside air
Physicians specialising in traffic-related illnesses temperatures.
refer to this condition as climatic stress. This is possible both when the vehicle is at a
standstill and when it is in operation.
Studies have shown that an increase in
temperature from 25 to 35 oC reduces one's A technical side-effect of air conditioning is that
sensory perception and powers of reasoning by the air is dehumidified and cleaned at the same
20%. It has been estimated that this figure is time. However, this is just as important as the
equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration of reduction in temperature.
0.5 millilitres alcohol level. The pollen filter and activated charcoal filter also
help to clean the air entering the vehicle.
People with allergic illnesses benefit greatly from
being able to breathe clean air.

- a real safety element

In-vehicle air conditioning is
- a functional accessory not only for expensive tastes

Physics of the cooling system

Applied physics


Ice solid
Many substances are known to exist in three
aggregate states.

Take water for example: solid liquid vapour. 208_039

The principle of cooling follows this law.

Even in ancient times there was a need for

cooling. One of the first methods used to cool
foodstuffs was to store them in an icebox. Ice becomes
a liquid when it absorbs
The ice (water in a solid aggregate state) heat
absorbs the heat of the foodstuffs, thereby
cooling them down. 208_040

The ice melts as a result, assuming another

aggregate state, namely that of a liquid (water).

If the water is heated further, it will boil and

evaporate. AES
Water becomes
The water is now in the gaseous state. a gas when it absorbs heat

The gaseous substance can be converted back to

a liquid by cooling it and will become a solid 208_041
again if cooled further.
This principle is applicable to almost all

A substance absorbs heat when it is conver-

ted from a liquid to a gas.

A substance gives off heat when it is conver-

ted from a gas to a liquid.

Heat always flows from the warmer substance

to the colder substance. Freezing point,
e.g. water becomes ice,
Air conditioners utilise the effects of heat
Boiling point
exchange, a process in which a substance
e.g. water becomes steam
changes state at certain points.

Pressure and boiling point

If the pressure is changed using a liquid, the The evaporation process is also used in vehicle

boiling point changes. air conditioners.
All liquids behave similarly. A substance with a low boiling point is used for
this purpose. o

Boiling point H2O/water o This substance is known as a refrigerant.

= 100 C
Machine oil = 380 - 400 oC Boiling point Refrigerant R12 29.8 oC
Refrigerant R134a 26.5 oC
The lower the pressure, the lower the
temperature at which water boils (evaporates). (The boiling points specified for liquids in the
table always refer to an atmospheric pressure of
0.1 MPa = 1 bar.)

Vapour pressure curve Vapour pressure curve

H2O R134a R12

1,7 17 4,0 40

1,5 15 3,5 35

1,3 13 3,0 30


1,1 11 2,5 25
Liquid Liquid
0,9 9 2,0 20


0,7 7 1,5 15

0,5 5 1,0 10
Gaseous Gaseous
0,3 3 0,5 5

0,1 1 0 0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature "C Temperature "C

208_006 208_005

What does a vapour pressure curve tell us?

We can draw the following conclusions from the vapour

pressure curve for the two refrigerants R134a and R12
(R12 is no longer used) and water:

At a constant pressure, the vapours become a liquid The refrigerant goes from a liquid state to a vapour
through temperature reduction (in the air conditioner state through pressure reduction (in the air conditioner
circuit, this process takes place in the condenser = circuit, this process takes place in the evaporator).

The refrigerant

The refrigerant with a low boiling point used

Refrigerant R 1 2 Dichlordifluormethane
for vehicle air conditioners is a gas.
chem. formula CCl2F2
As a gas, it is invisible.
a chlorinated hydrocarbon (CCFC)
As a vapour and as a liquid, it is colourless like
harmful to the environment!

R Refrigerants may not be combined with each Refrigerant R 1 3 4 a Tetrafluorethane

chem. formula CH2F-CF3
134a other. Only the refrigerant specified for the
system in question may be used.
a fluorocarbon (FF C )
environmentally friendly!

With regard to vehicle air conditioners, the sale

and filling of refrigerant R12 were banned in
Germany with effect from 1995 and July 1998
Ordinance banning halogens
In current automotive air conditioners, only
refrigerant R134a is used.

R134a a fluorocarbon contains no chlorine

atoms - unlike refrigerant R12 - which cause
depletion of the ozone layer in the earth's
atmosphere when they split.

The vapour pressure curves of R134a and R12 R134a

are very similar.
R134a has the same refrigeration capacity as

It is possible to adapt air conditioners which

now may no longer be filled with R12 to R134a
with a special conversion kit 16
(Retrofit method). 14

The systems converted in this way are no lon-
ger able to match their original refrigeration


Depending on the pressure and temperature 2

conditions in the refrigerant circuit, the 0
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
refrigerant will either be a gas or a liquid.
Temperature o

Vapour pressure curve of R134a


State of refrigerant R134a The energy content is a key factor in the design
in the cycle in an air conditioner of an air conditioner.
It shows what energy is required (evaporator
In addition to the vapour pressure curve, the heat, condenser heat) to achieve the intended
cycle shows the change of state of the refrigerant refrigeration capacity.
under pressure and temperature in addition to
the energy balance at which the refrigerant Physical data of R134a:
returns to its original state. R
The diagram is an excerpt from the state
diagram of refrigerant R134a for a vehicle air
Boiling point:
Freezing point:
conditioner. Critical temperature: 100.6 C
Different absolute values are possible in Critical pressure: 4.056 MPa
dependence upon the demand of a vehicle type (40.56 bar)
for refrigeration capacity.

Temperature curve Critical point Temperature curve

Saturated liquid (pressure/temperature) Saturated vapour

4,0 40

90 90

80 80

70 70
2,0 20
C 60
1,6 60 16
50 50

1,0 40 10

0,8 30 8

0,6 20 20 6

10 10
0,4 4

0,3 0 C 0 C 3
0,2 2
200 240 280 320 360 400 440

Energy content kJ/kg


A B Compression in the compressor, pressure and temperature rise,

gaseous, high pressure, high temperature

B C Condensation process in the condenser, high pressure, temperature reduction,

the liquid leaves the condenser slightly cooled

C D Expansion = sudden pressure relief, results in evaporation

D A Evaporation process (heat absorption) in the evaporator.

Transition path from vapour state to gaseous state (low pressure)

Temperature curve at point B For a glossary refer to page 72.

The refrigerant

Refrigerants and ozone layer

Ozone protects the earth's surface against

UV radiation by absorbing a large proportion of km
these rays. UV
200 UV
UV rays split ozone (O3) into an oxygen 100
molecule (O2) and in an oxygen atom (O).
Oxygen atoms and oxygen molecules from other 60

134a reactions combine again to form ozone.

This process takes place in the ozonosphere, a
part of the stratosphere at an altitude of between + = ClO
Cl O3 20
20 and 50 km.
Like R12, chlorine (Cl) is a constituent of a CFC 5
refrigerant . FCKW
Global warming
If handled improperly, the R12 molecule will rise FCKW 1
up to the ozone layer since it is lighter than air.

UV radiation liberates a chlorine atom in the

CFC, and this atom reacts with the ozone.
In the process, the ozone decomposes leaving an
oxygen molecule (O2) and chlorine monoxide
(ClO), which then reacts again with oxygen and
liberates chlorine (Cl). This cycle can repeat itself
Reaction between CFC and
as many as 100,000 times.
ozone in the atmosphere
However, free oxygen molecules (O2) cannot
absorb UV radiation.

Refrigerants and global warming

The sunlight impinging upon the earth's surface

is reflected in the form of infrared radiation.
However, trace gases most importantly CO2 FCKW
reflect these waves in the troposphere. R12
Ozone depletion potential

This causes the earth's atmosphere to heat up, a 1

phenomenon which is commonly referred to as
"global warming". CFCs are heavily responsible
for the increasing trace gas concentration.
1 kg of R12 has the same greenhouse effect R134a
as 4000 tons of CO2.
0 1 2 3 4
Greenhouse potential
R134a only makes a small contribution
to global warming. 208_052
Its ozone depletion potential is nil.

Refrigerant oil

A special oil the refrigerant oil free of
impurities such as sulphur, wax and moisture is
required to lubricate all the movable parts in the
air conditioner.
The refrigerant oil must be compatible with the
10% 10%
refrigerant itself, because some of the refrigerant
oil mixes with the refrigerant in the refrigerant 10% 20%
circuit. In addition, the refrigerant oil must not
attack the seals used in the system. Condenser Suction hose

No other oils may be used, as they lead to Fluid container Evaporator

copper plating, the build-up of carbon deposits
and the formation of residues which can cause
Distribution of oil quantity in the refrigerant circuit
premature wear and irreparable damage to
movable parts.
The filling quantity of refrigerant varies according to
the design of the units used in a particular type of
A special synthetic oil is used for the R134a
refrigerant circuit. This oil may only be used for
this particular refrigerant, since it does not mix
with other refrigerants.

Also, the refrigerant oil can only be adapted to a

specific compressor type.

The refrigerant for R134a

Designation: P A G = Polyalkylene glycol

Important notes:
Do not store in the open (highly hygroscopic).
- high solubility in combination with Always keep oil tanks closed to protect them
refrigerant against the ingress of moisture. Close opened
- good lubrication properties drums immediately.
- acid free Do not use old refrigerant.
- highly hygroscopic (water-attracting) Dispose of as toxic waste.
- cannot be mixed with other oils Refrigerant may not be disposed of together
with engine oil or gear oil because of its che-
N.B.: mical properties.

- must not in be used in older refrigeration

filled with refrigerant R12,
since it is incompatible with R12

The cooling system

The principle of the refrigerant circuit

The cooling process and the technical conditi-


We know that:
Too cool down an object, heat must be given off.
A compression refrigeration system is used in
motor vehicles for this purpose. A refrigerant
circulates in the closed circuit, continually
alternating changing from a liquid to a gas and
vice versa. The refrigerant is:

compressed in the gaseous state,

condensed through heat dissipation
and evaporated through pressure reduction
and heat absorption.

Cool air is not produced, heat is

extracted from the air flow in the vehicle. Low-pressure side

High-pressure side

How does this process work?


The c o m p r e s s o r induces cold, gaseous
refrigerant at a low pressure.

The refrigerant is compressed in the

compressor, causing it to heat up.
The refrigerant is pumped into the circuit on
the high-pressure side.

In this phase, the refrigerant

Cooling air
is in a gaseous state, Condenser
has a high pressure and
a high temperature.

The compressed liquid refrigerant continues to
flow up to a narrowing. This narrowing can be in
the form of a restrictor or an expansion valve.
Once the refrigerant reaches the narrowing, it is
Valve injected into the evaporator causing its pressure
Cooled fresh air to drop (low-pressure side).

Inside the e v a p o r a t o r, the injected liquid

refrigerant expands and evaporates. The
evaporation heat required for this purpose is
extracted from warm fresh air which cools down
when it passes through the evaporator fins.
The temperature inside the vehicle is reduced to
a pleasant level.

In this phase, the refrigerant

is in a vapour state,
under low pressure and
208_004 at low temperature.

Warm fresh air

208_072 208_074
The refrigerant follows the short path to the Now in the gaseous state again, the refrigerant
c o n d e n s e r (liquefier). emerges from the evaporator.
Heat is now extracted from the compressed, hot The refrigerant is again drawn in by the compressor
gas in the condenser by the air flowing through and passes through the cycle once again.
(headwind and fresh air blower). Thus, the circuit is closed.
The refrigerant condenses and becomes a liquid
when it reaches its melting point (pressure-

In this phase, the refrigerant In this phase, the refrigerant

is therefore is again
in a liquid state, gaseous,
has a high pressure has a low pressure
and a medium temperature. and a low temperature.

The cooling system

Refrigerant circuit with expansion valve

I H G Working pressure HD = High-pressure

ND = Low pressure

In technical documents such as Workshop

Manuals, the components are represented in a
diagrammatic form.

A B C D E F 208_032



The refrigerant circuit is activated
when the vehicle engine is
running. For this purpose, the
compressor has a magnetic

1 MPa = 10 bar
The absolute values are
always vehiclespecific.
Please observe the
Workshop Manual.
1 2
Pressures and
Compression ratio Condensation
temperature in
at approx. 1.4 MPa (14 bar) Pressure approx. 1.4 MPa (14 bar)
the circuit
Temperature approx. 65 oC Temperature reduction: 10 oC
14 (example)
Legend The components:

High pressure A Compressor with magnetic clutch

B Condenser
Low pressure C Fluid container with drier
D High-pressure switch
E High-pressure service connection
F Expansion valve
G Evaporator
H Low-pressure service connection
I Damper (vehicle-specific)

The refrigerant circuit may not be

opened for safety reasons.
If it is necessary to open the
3 refrigerant circuit in order to
perform repair work on the
4 vehicle, the refrigerant must be
drawn off beforehand using a
suitable service station.


The refrigeration capacity of a vehicle air The pressures and temperatures in the circuit are
conditioner is dependent upon the car-specific always dependent on momentary operating
installation conditions and the vehicle category state. The specified values are intended as a
(passenger cars, vans). rough guideline only. They are reached after
20 min. at an ambient temperature of 20 oC and
The components A to H exist in every circuit. at engine speeds of between 1500 and 2000
Additional connections can be provided for rpm.
service work, temperature sensors, pressure
switches in the high- and low-pressure circuit and At 20 oC and when the engine is at a standstill, a
oil drain screws depending on the circuit design pressure of 0.47 MPa (4.7 bar) will build up
and requirements. The layout of components inside the refrigerant circuit.
within the circuit also differs from one vehicle
type to another. The components of the refrigerant circuit with
Some systems have a damper before the expansion valve will now be examined more
compressor in order to dampen refrigerant closely (for details of the refrigerant circuit with
vibrations. restrictor refer to page 28).

3 4 1
Expansion Evaporation 208_033
from approx. 1.4 MPa (14 bar) to approx. 0.12 MPa Pressure: approx. 0.12 MPa (1.2 bar)
(1.2 bar), Temperature: from approx. 55 oC to 7 oC Temperature: approx. 7 oC
The cooling system

The compressor
The compressors used in vehicle air conditioners
are oil-lubricated displacement compressors.
They operate only when the air conditioner is
switched on, and this is controlled by means of a
magnetic clutch.

The compressor increases the pressure of the

refrigerant. The temperature of the refrigerant
rises at the same time.

Were there to be no pressure increase, it would

not be possible for the refrigerant in the air
conditioner to expand and therefore cool down
subsequently. 208_028

A special refrigerant oil is used for lubricating

the compressor. About half of it remains in the
compressor while the other half is circulated with
the refrigerant.
A pressure shut-off valve, which is usually
attached to the compressor, protects the system
against excessively high pressures.

The compression process

The compressor draws in cold, gaseous

refrigerant through the evaporator under low
pressure .

It is "vital" for the compressor that the

refrigerant be in a gaseous state, because liquid
refrigerant cannot be compressed and would
destroy the compressor (in much the same way
as a water shock can damage an engine).

The compressor compresses the refrigerant and

forces it towards the condenser as a hot gas on
the high-pressure side of refrigerant circuit.
Compressor Magnetic clutch
The compressor therefore represents the
interface between the low-pressure and high-
pressure sides of the refrigerant circuit.

Mode of operation of compressor

Compressors for air conditioners operate

according to various principles:

Reciprocating compressors
Coiled tube compressors
Vane-cell compressors
Wobbleplate compressors

Wobbleplate compressors will now be examined

in more detail.

The turning motion of the input shaft is converted

to an axial motion (= piston stroke) by means of
the wobbleplate. 208_027
Depending on compressor type, between 3 and
10 pistons can be centred around the input shaft. Suction/
Input shaft pressure
A suction/pressure valve is assigned to each
piston. Wobbleplate valve
These valves open/close automatically in rhythm Piston
with the working stroke. Wobbleplate compressor (non-self-regulating)
An air conditioner is rated for the max. speed of Angle of wobbleplate constant
the compressor. Displacement constant
However, the compressor output is dependent on
engine rpm.
Compressor rpm differences of between 0 and
6000 rpm can occur.
This affects evaporator filling as well as
the cooling capacity of the air conditioner.
Controlled-output compressors with a variable
displacement were developed in order to adapt
compressor output to different engine speeds,
ambient temperatures or driver-selected interior

Compressor output is adapted by adjusting the

angle of the wobbleplate.

In constant-displacement compressors, Piston Wobbleplate

compressor output is adapted to the demand for
refrigeration by switching the compressor on and Wobbleplate compressor (self-regulating)
off periodically via the magnetic clutch. Angle of wobbleplate variable
Displacement variable

The cooling system

The self-regulating compressor

runs continously in air condition mode

Control range of compressor

All control positions between upper stop (100 %)

and the lower stop (approx. 5 %) are adapted to the required delivery rate
by altering the chamber pressure.
The compressor is on continuous duty during the control cycle!

Calibrated Regulating valve Wobbleplate Slide rail

restrictor bore

Input shaft
High pressure

Low pressure

Upper side Lower side Springs

Piston Chamber pressure Drive hub

The turning motion of the input shaft is C h a m b e r p r e s s u r e is dependent upon the

transmitted to the drive hub and converted to high and low pressures acting upon the
axial motion of the piston via the wobbleplate. regulating valve and by the calibrated restrictor
The wobbleplate is located longitudinally in a bore.
slide rail.
High pressure, low pressure and chamber
The piston stroke and the delivery rate are pressure are equal when the air conditioner is
defined by the inclination of the wobbleplate. off.
The springs before and after the wobbleplate set
I n c l i n a t i o n dependent on the chamber it to a delivery rate of about 40%.
pressure and hence the pressure conditions at The advantage of output control is
the base and top of the piston. that it eliminates compressor cut-in shock, which
The inclination is supported by springs located often manifests itself in a jolt while driving.
before and after the wobbleplate.

High delivery rate for high cooling capacity - low chamber pressure

Regulating valve Bellows 2 Bellows 1

Chamber pressure

Chamber pressure
Restrictor bore

Spring 1 Spring 2

High pressure Low pressure

The high and low pressures are relatively high. The combined force resulting from the low
pressure acting upon the upper sides of the
Bellows 2 is compressed by the high pressure . piston and the force of spring 1 is greater than
the combined force resulting from the cham-
Bellows 1 is also compressed by the relatively ber pressure acting upon the lower sides of
high low pressure. the piston and the force of spring 2.

Regulating valve opens. Chamber pressure is Inclination of wobbleplate

reduced via the low-pressure side. increases
= large stroke with high delivery rate

The cooling system

Low delivery rate and low cooling capacity - high chamber pressure

Regulating valve Bellows 2 Bellows 1

Chamber pressure

Chamber pressure
Restrictor bore

Spring 1 Spring 2 208_049

High pressure Low pressure

The high and low pressures are relatively low. The combined force resulting from the low
pressure acting upon the upper side of the
Bellows 2 opens out. piston and the force of spring is greater than
the combined force resulting from the cham-
Bellows 1 also opens out as a result of the ber pressure acting upon the lower sides of
relatively low pressure. the piston plus the force of spring 2.

Regulating valve closes. Inclination of wobbleplate

The low-pressure side is closed against the decreases
chamber pressure. = small stroke with low delivery rate.

Chamber pressure rises via the calibrated

restrictor bore.

Magnetic clutch Schematic diagram of clutch switched off

The drivetrain is connected between the A Belt pulley with bearing

compressor and vehicle engine while the engine
is running by means of the magnetic clutch.

Input shaft
The clutch comprises

Belt pulley with bearing

Spring plate with hub
Spring plate
Magnetic coil
with hub

The hub of the spring plate is permanently

mounted the compressor input shaft. The belt Compressor
pulley is mounted in a pivot bearing on the housing,
housing of the compressor at the shaft output. Magnetic coil
The magnetic coil is permanently connected to 208_002
the compressor housing. There is an open space
A between the spring plate and the belt pulley.

Function Schematic diagram of clutch switched on

The vehicle engine drives the belt pulley (Arrow)

by means of the ribbed V-belt.
The belt pulley follows on freely when the
compressor is switched off.

When the compressor is connected, voltage is

present at the magnetic coil. A magnetic force
field is created. This force field draws the spring Force flow
plate towards the rotating belt pulley (the open
space A is bridged) and makes a positive
connection between the belt pulley and the input
shaft of the compressor.
The compressor runs on.
The compressor runs on until the electrical circuit
to the magnetic coil is opened.
The spring plate is then retracted by the belt
pulley by means of springs.
The belt pulley again runs without driving the
compressor shaft. For compressor switch-on and switch-off
conditions refer to Air conditioning
function control.

The cooling system

The condenser

The condenser is the cooler of the air


Design of condenser

The condenser comprises a tube coil which is

securely attached to fins creating a large cooling
surface which facilitates heat transfer.
The condenser cooled by the cooling fan after
the air conditioner is switched on in order to
ensure that the refrigerant is circulated. The
condenser is always installed upstream of the
This increases the efficiency of the condenser.

Heat is exchanged in the condenser through air

cooling. The air is cooled by the headwind and
by the cooling fan an auxiliary fan may still be
in use depending on type. The fan usually starts
up when the air conditioner is switched on. This is
not the case if pressure sender G65 is fitted; in Ambient air,
this case, fan switch-on will then be delayed until heated
a specific pressure is reached.
Impurities in the condenser reduce air flow and
can also impair condenser capacity and engine
Function of condenser gaseous
Hot, gaseous refrigerant coming from the
compressor at a temperature of approx. 50 -
70 oC is injected into the compressor.
The tubes and fins of the condenser absorb Ambient air, cool Liquid
heat. Cooling fan refrigerant
Cool ambient air is ducted over the condenser,
absorbing heat in the process and thereby 208_024
cooling down the refrigerant.
When the refrigerant cools down, it condenses
at a specific temperature and pressure and
becomes a liquid. At the bottom of the
The condenser is often referred to as
compressor, the refrigerant emerges from the
liquefier in regard to its working
condenser as a liquid.

The fluid container and drier

In the refrigerant circuit with expansion valve, the

fluid container serves as a refrigerant expansion
tank and reservoir.

Different amounts of refrigerant are pumped

through the circuit when operating conditions
such as the thermal load on the evaporator and
condenser and compressor rpm are variable.

The fluid container is integrated in the circuit in

order to compensate for these fluctuations.

The drier binds chemically moisture which has

entered the refrigerant circuit during installation.
The drier can absorb between 6 and 12 g of To
water, depending on type. The amount of water expansion valve
that can be absorbed is temperature-dependent.
The amount of water absorbed increases as the
temperature drops. Abraded material from the
compressor, dirt arising from installation work
and similar is also deposited.


The liquid refrigerant coming from the condenser

enters the container at the side. The refrigerant is
collected in the container, then it flows through
the drier and along the riser to the expansion
valve in an uninterrupted flow containing no


The fluid container is replaced every 208_025

time the refrigerant circuit is opened.
From Filter
The fluid container must be kept closed
condenser strainer
as long as possible prior to installation
in order to minimise absorption of
moisture from the ambient air in the

The cooling system

Expansion valve

The expansion valve is the point where the

refrigerant in the evaporator expands and cools
down. It forms the interface between the high-
pressure side and low-pressure side of the
refrigerant circuit.

The expansion valve is used to regulate the

refrigerant flow to the evaporator in
dependence upon the temperature of the
refrigerant vapour at the evaporator outlet.

No more refrigerant than is necessary to 208_022

maintain a steady refrigerating climate in the
evaporator is expanded in the evaporator.

The closed control loop

Thermostat with sensor line
The refrigerant flow is controlled by the and refrigerant
expansion valve in dependence upon
temperature. PF

When the temperature of the refrigerant

leaving the evaporator rises, the refrigerant in Membranes
the thermostat expands. The flow rate of the
refrigerant to the evaporator at the globe To compressor (low From evaporator
valve increases. pressure) (low pressure)

When the temperature of the refrigerant

leaving the evaporator drops, the refrigerant
volume in the thermostat decreases. The flow
rate to the evaporator at the globe valve is To evaporator
reduced. From condenser (low pressure)
(high pressure)
There are three forces at play in the thermostatic PFe
expansion valve:
Globe valve
1. The pressure in the sensor line is dependent
on the temperature of the superheated Regulating spring 208_015
refrigerant. This pressures acts upon the
membrane as an opening force (P F).

2. The evaporator pressure (PSa) acts upon

the membrane in the opposite direction. The expansion valves are set.
Their settings may not be altered.
3. The pressure exerted by the regulating Do not bend the sensor line, because it
spring (PFe) acts in the same direction as the is filled with a special gas.
evaporator pressure.
Expansion valve new generation

This expansion valve is also positioned between

the high-pressure side and low-pressure side of
the refrigerant circuit directly upstream of the

To compressor Evaporator outlet

(low pressure) (low pressure)


Thermal head with

Push rod
special gas filling

hole To evaporator
(low pressure)
From condenser
(high pressure)


Regulating spring Globe valve

The expansion valve is heat-controlled. It has a The expansion valve is always fitted with thermal
control unit with a thermal head and a globe insulation.
The thermal head on one side of the membrane
has a special gas filling. The other side is
connected to the evaporator outlet (low pressure)
via pressure-equalising holes.
The globe valve is push rod actuated. Fitting the valve without thermal
The pressure of the special gas, and therefore insulation will alter the set control
also the amount of refrigerant injected, is characteristic.
dependent upon the temperature on the low-
pressure side.

The cooling system

A increase in cooling load increases the

temperature at the evaporator outlet
the pressure (pa) of the gas filling in
thermal head to rise pa

The globe valve cross-section is 208_018

via diaphragms and the push rod.

Refrigerant flows to evaporator and

absorbs heat at the transition from high
pressure to low pressure

Heat is extracted from the air flowing

through the evaporator

When the temperature of the

refrigerant at the evaporator outlet
drops, the
pressure (pb) in the thermal head drops


The cross-section of the globe valve,

and therefore also the flow rate to
evaporator, will again be reduced.


The valve opening ratio is dependent upon the

temperature at the evaporator outlet (low
Pressure equalisation is controlled.

The evaporator

The evaporator operates according to the same

principle as a heat exchanger.

It is an integral part of the air conditioner in the

heater box. When the air conditioner is switched
on, heat is extracted from the air which flows
through the fins of the cold evaporator. This air is
cooled, dried and cleaned in the process.

Refrigerant return 208_029

line (gaseous state)
Refrigerant supply
line (vapour state)

Tubular evaporator



The refrigerant released by the expansion valve Moisture in the cooled air collects at the
expands in the evaporator, cooling the evaporator in the places where the air
evaporator down considerably. temperature drops below the dewpoint
temperature, i.e. it condenses. Condensation
The refrigerant becomes a gas (boiling point). water is produced.
The air is dried.
When the refrigerant in the evaporator boils, the This improves the climate and air quality inside
temperatures are well below the freezing point the vehicle noticeably.
of water. Deposits of matter suspended in the air build up
at the evaporator in addition to moisture.
The refrigerant extracts the heat required for The evaporator also "purifies" the air.
evaporation from its surroundings which is the
air flowing through the evaporator in this case.

This air is channeled into the passenger cabin in Pools of water below a stationary
a cooled" state. vehicle (condensation) are therefore not
an indication of a fault.

The cooling system

Refrigerant circuit with restrictor

I H G F Working pressure HD = high pressure

ND = low pressure

Schematic diagram of a refrigerant circuit with



208_034 I


2 C

1 MPa = 10 bar

Pressures and
in the circuit
1 2
Compression ratio Condensation
Max. pressure 2 MPa (20 bar) Max. pressure 2 MPa (20 bar)
28 Max. temperature 70 oC Temperature reduction: approx. 10 oC
Legend The component parts:

High pressure A Compressor with magnetic clutch

B Low-pressure switch
Low pressure C Condenser
D High pressure service connection
E Restrictor
F Evaporator
G Low-pressure switch
H Low-pressure service connection
I Collecting tank


In contrast to the circuit with expansion valve, the All other components are identical to those used
liquid refrigerant is injected into the evaporator in the circuit with expansion valve.
through a restrictor.
Additional connections for service work or
In restrictor-regulated air conditioners, a sensors for monitoring functions can be
collecting tank is fitted at the low-pressure side in integrated in the circuit, depending on circuit
place of the fluid container on the high-pressure design and necessity.
The pressures and temperatures are dependent
This collecting tank serves as a reservoir and upon the momentary operating state of the
protects the compressor (fluid shock). Also refer refrigerant circuit. The specified values are
to page 31. achieved after a specific period depending on
the ambient temperature (refer to Workshop

3 4 1
Expansion Evaporation 208_033
from 2 MPa (20 bar) to > 0.15 MPa (1.5 bar) Max. pressure > 0.15 MPa (1.5 bar)
Temperature: from 60 oC to > 4 oC Temperature: > 4 oC 29
The cooling system

The restrictor

The restrictor is a narrowing in the refrigerant

circuit located directly upstream of the
evaporator. This narrowing restricts the flow of
the refrigerant.

The refrigerant is warm under high pressure

upstream of the restrictor.

The pressure of the refrigerant drops rapidily

when it passes the restrictor.
The refrigerant is cold at low pressure.

The restrictor is therefore the interface between

the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the
refrigerant circuit. A seal ensures that the
Strainer for atomising the
refrigerant only passes the restrictor at the

Tasks To evaporator Calibrated bore

To determine the flow rate of the refrigerant

by means of a calibrated bore. The amount of
refrigerant which can flow through this bore is
limited by the pressure in the refrigerant
Dirt strainer
To maintain the pressure on the high-pressure 0-ring, seals the high-pressure
side of the refrigerant circuit and keep the side off from the low-pressure
refrigerant in a liquid state when the side
compressor is running.
The pressure in the restrictor drops. The
refrigerant cools down before it enters the Please note the installation position!
evaporator through partial evaporation. The arrow on the restrictor points to the
Atomisation of the refrigerant.

The restrictor has a dirt strainer upstream of the

A strainer for atomising the refrigerant before it
reaches the evaporator is located downstream
the narrowing.

The collecting tank

There is a collecting tank in the low-pressure part

of air conditioners with restrictor. This tank is
installed in a warm location in the engine
compartment (post-evaporation).

It serves as an equalising vessel and reservoir for

the refrigerant and refrigerant oil and also
protects the compressor.

The gaseous refrigerant coming from the

evaporator enters the tank. If there are traces of 208_036
moisture in the refrigerant, they are bound in the
integrated drier.

The refrigerant collects in the upper part of the

plastic cap and is certain to be in a gaseous state
when it is drawn in by the compressor through
the U-tube. Intake point for gaseous refrigerant

Plastic cap
As a result, the compressor draws in gaseous
refrigerant only, and no liquid droplets.
Protection of the compressor against damage is
thereby ensured.

The refrigerant collects at the base of the

collecting tank.

The refrigerant drawn in by the compressor

absorbs refrigerant through a hole in the U-tube. To
From compressor
A filter strainer prevents the ingress of impure evaporator
refrigerant through this hole.


The collecting tank must be kept closed

as long as possible prior to installation U-tube
(leave the sealing plugs on the
connections) in order to minimise Filter strainer
moisture absorption from the ambient Hole for refrigerant 208_037
air in the drier.

System control

10 9 7


3 208_054

t" p An air conditioner will only function if all system The air conditioner does not necessarily
components are working properly. Failure of one have to have all the components shown
of these components could cause the working in the diagram. Neither do these
pressures to change. In this case, it is not possible components have to be connected in
to rule out consequential damage to the system this way.
and the engine. To avoid this, there are The diagram shows the system control of a
monitoring devices in the refrigerant circuit. simple manual air conditioner.

A control unit processes the signals from the 1 Air conditioner switch
monitoring devices and controls the periodic 2 Pressure relief valve at compressor
switch-off and switch-on of the compressor and 3 Radiator fan
the speed of the fan. This ensures that the 4 Air conditioner pressure switch
pressure level in the refrigerant circuit always 5 Coolant temperature sender
adapts itself to the normal values. 6 Radiator fan thermo switch
In systems equipped with an open-loop 7 Evaporator temperature sender
compressor, the signals from the monitoring 8 Fresh air blower
device are also used for adaptation to demand 9 Engine control unit
for cooling. 10 Magnetic clutch
(switch-on and switch-off the air conditioner in
accordance with demand for refrigeration. Air conditioner control unit
Icing of the evaporator is avoided at the same (and/or radiator fan
time.) control unit,
The diagram shows the basic layout of the air depending on system type)

30 30
15 15
31 31

J 257 J 257

E 35

J 301

J 32 t1 t2
F 18
A -t" G 153 G 62

N 25
p2 p1
F 129

J 101

31 31 208_055

t" p
A Battery Simple functional example showing how the
E35 Air conditioner switch compressor (via magnetic clutch N25) and radiator
F18 Radiator fan thermo switch fan are switched on and off.
t1 = 95 oC
t2 = 103 oC
F129 Pressure switch for air conditioner Colour codes:
P1 = 0.2 MPa (2 bar)/3.2 MPa (32 bar) Positive
P2 = 1.6 MPa (16 bar) Negative
G62 Coolant temperature sender Input signal
G153 Evaporator temperature sender Output signal
J32 Air conditioner relay Bidirectional signal
J101 Radiator fan 2nd speed relay
J257 Mono-Motronic control unit
J301 Air conditioner control unit
N25 Air conditioner magnetic clutch
V7 Radiator fan
S Fuse
In the new-generation air conditioners,
there is a high pressure sender in place
of the pressure switch for air conditioner
(refer to page 36).

System control

Components of the safety systems Switch for switching on the air conditioner the
magnetic clutch makes the connection to the
Air conditioner switch E35
In automatically controlled systems, the radiator
fan and the fresh air blower start simultaneously.
In manual air conditioners, the fresh air blower
must be switched to the 1st speed.
A signal indicating that the air conditioner has
been switched on is transmitted to the engine
control unit, and engine idling speed is increased
(to compensate for load resulting from
compressor work).
208_068 The switch may be located downstream of an
ambient temperature switch.
This ensures that the air conditioner cannot start
when the temperature is below 5 C.

The valve (previously: bursting seal) is attached

Pressure relief valve directly to the compressor or fluid container. The
valve opens at a pressure of approx. 3.8 MPa
(38 bar) and closes when the pressure drops
(approx. 3.0 - 3.5 MPa/30 - 35 bar).
Depending on type, a plastic disc which ruptures
as soon as the valve lifts can be attached.
t" p
In this case, the cause of the excess pressure in
the system must be determined.
The bursting seal should only be replaced when
the system is empty.

208_056 The evaporator temperature sender measures

Evaporator temperature sender G153 the temperature between the cooling fins of the
evaporator. The sender signal is transmitted to
the air conditioner control unit. When the
evaporator temperature drops too low, the
compressor is switched off.
The compressor is switched off at approx. 1 C
to 0 C and switched on at approx. +3 C
Icing of the evaporator by freezing condensation
water is prevented.

In some systems, evaporator temperature switch

E33 is used in place of this sender. The power
supply to the magnetic clutch is opened directly
by means of this switch.

Other systems control this function by means of

an ambient temperature switch.

Pressure switch F129 To monitor and/or limit the pressure conditions in
the closed refrigerant circuit, high-pressure and
low-pressure switches are installed on the high
pressure side.

If unacceptable pressures build up inside the

system, the compressor will be switched off via
the magnetic clutch.

The pressure switch can be directly integrated in

the line or attached to the fluid container.

Pressure switch F129 is a 3-way combination

switch for:

safeguarding the cooling air flow (fan circuit)

208_057 safeguarding the pressure conditions.

The pressure switch operates in the following


it switches off the magnetic clutch via the air

conditioner control unit at an excess pressure
p > 3,2 MPa = of approx. 2.4 to 3.2 MPa (24 to 32 bar). This t" p
excess pressure can be caused by a dirty
208_058 condenser, for example.

it switches off the magnetic clutch via the air

conditioner control unit when the pressure
p < 0,2 MPa = drops below a minimum value (0.2 MPa/
2bar) . This can be caused by loss of
208_059 refrigerant, for example.

p > 1,6 MPa = it switches the fan one speed higher at 1.6
MPa (16 bar) excess pressure. As a result,
condenser performance is optimised.

System control

High pressure sender G65 A new generation of senders for monitoring

the refrigerant circuit.
Air conditioner pressure switch F129 has been
replaced by an electronic pressure sensor.
The evaluation electronics in the air conditio-
ner and engine control units have been adap-
ted accordingly.
Like pressure switch F129, the high pressure
sender is integrated in the high pressure line.

It registers the refrigerant pressure and converts

the physical quantity of pressure to an electrical
Unlike the air conditioner pressure switch, the
sender registers not only the defined pressure
208_062 thresholds, it also monitors the refrigerant
pressure throughout the working cycle.

Signal utilisation These signals indicate the load being exerted on

in the engine control unit the engine by the air conditioner and the
in the radiator fan control unit pressure conditions in the refrigerant circuit. The
next higher stage of the cooling fan and the
magnetic clutch of the compressor are activated
and deactivated via the radiator fan control unit.
t" p
Substitute function If the radiator fan control unit fails to detect any
signals, then the compressor will be switched off
for safety reasons.

Advantages The idling speed of the engine can be

adapted exactly to the power consumption of
a specific compressor.
The radiator fan speed activation and
deactivation cycles are staggered with a short
time delay.
As a result, changes in the speed of the
cooling fan are barely perceptible at idling
speed. This enhances comfort especially in
vehicles with engines with low power outputs.

Self-diagnosis fault message The fault in the high pressure sender is stored to
the fault memory of the e n g i n e e l e c t r o n i c s .

e.g.: 00819 high pressure sender G65

Signal too low

Function of high pressure sender The refrigerant pressure is applied to a silicon
crystal. Depending on the pressure level, the
2V/Div 5ms/D
crystal will be more or less deformed.
The silicon crystal, together with a
microprocessor, is integrated in the sensor and
supplied with voltage.

One of the properties of the silicon crystal is that

0 its electrical resistance changes when it is
deformed. Depending on the pressure
208_109 characteristic, a test voltage picked off at the
silicon crystal also changes as a result.

The test voltage is conducted to the

microprocessor and converted to a pulse-width
At low pressure modulated signal (A = pulse width, B = signal

At a low pressure, the crystal undergoes minimal

Pulse-width The voltage applied is therefore only opposed to
modulated a low electrical resistance.
The voltage change is small. t" p

Test voltage

Silicon crystal

Pulse width signal The microprocessor of the high pressure sender

outputs a small pulse width at low pressures.

Period duration 20 ms Pulse width signals are generated at a frequency

of 50 Hz per second.
This is equivalent to a period duration
of 20 ms = 100%.
Pulse width 2.6 ms
At a low pressure of 0.14 MPa (1.4 bar), the pulse
width is 2.6 ms.
This is equivalent to 13% of the period duration.

System control

At high (increasing) pressure At high (increasing) pressure, the crystal is

deformed more, so the change of resistance is
larger. The test voltage decreases



Test voltage

Silicon crystal

t! p Pulse width signal The pulse width increases in proportion to the

increasing pressure.

Period duration 20 ms At a high pressure of 3.7 MPa (37 bar), the pulse
width is 18 ms. This is equivalent to 90% of the
period duration.
Pulse width 18 ms

Using the digital memory oscilloscope
of the new vehicle diagnosis system
VAS 5051, it is possible to visualise the
pulse width signal.

Disconnected safety switch in the In the refrigerant circuit with restrictor, the low
refrigerant circuit with restrictor pressure and the high pressure are often
monitored by two separate safety switches.

Low pressure
Air conditioner low-pressure switch F73 switches
off the compressor when the pressure drops
below approx. 0.17 MPa (1.7 bar) in the
F73 refrigerant circuit, for example.
(This pressure drop can occur if the refrigerant
level in the circuit is too low.
The compressor is protected.)

High pressure
Magnetic clutch high-pressure switch F118
switches off the compressor when the pressure
exceeds approx. 3.0 MPa (30 bar) for example.

The absolute values should always be regarded

F118 as being system-specific.

Coolant temperature switch with pilot lamp The compressor constitutes an additional load
for the engine.
t! p
To avoid overheating the coolant when the
engine is under heavy load, e.g. when travelling
uphill, the additional compressor load is
switched off.
For this purpose, the coolant temperature is
monitored additionally by a coolant temperature
switch with a pilot lamp.
(The primary monitoring device is the coolant
temperature sender with indicator lamp in the
dash panel insert.)
The compressor cuts out at approx. 119 C and
cuts in at approx. 112 C.

In vehicles with extended electronic Various switches with pilot lamp are used
sensor evaluation via the depending on vehicle type, e.g.
control unit combination of the vehicle,
this additional check is no longer F18 - Radiator fan thermo switch
necessary. The signal generated by the F163 - Air conditioner
primary monitoring device is utilized. cut-off thermo switch.

Cooling fan circuit

Circuit connecting fan to engine/

condenser cooling system
shown using the VW Golf/Audi A3 as an

Fan operation is a basic condition for proper These fans provide the necessary fresh air flow
functioning of an air conditioner (refrigerant circuit) through the radiator and condenser.
and the engine (coolant circuit). Condenser The fan control regulates radiator fan control unit
performance will be impaired if there is no cooling. J293
Proper functioning of the air conditioner is no depending on the temperature of the coolant and
longer assured. In air conditioning, a second or the pressure in the refrigerant circuit.
third fan is often also used. The absolute values are always vehicle-specific!

Cooling fan 1st auxiliary fan 2nd auxiliary fan

Radiator fan control unit J293

Air conditioner pressure

Thermo switch F18
switch F129

Example: Check functions Example: 2-fan combination

The air conditioner is switched on, therefore

Coolant temperature the compressor is switched on and the
The signal generator is radiator pressure in the refrigerant circuit is greater
fan thermo switch F18. than 0.2 MPa (2 bar).
The thermo switch is located in the vehicle = both fans run at speed 1
Speed 1 ON 92 .. 97 oC High pressure in the refrigerant circuit is
OFF 84 .. 91 oC greater than 1.6 MPa (16 bar) and/or coolant
Speed 2 ON 99 .. 105 oC temperature is above 99 oC
OFF 91 .. 98 oC = both fans run at speed 2

If the pressure in the refrigerant circuit drops

Pressure in refrigerant circuit below 1.6 MPa (16 bar) and the coolant
The signal generator is temperature is below 99 oC
air conditioner pressure switch F129 or the high = both fans will again run at speed 1
pressure sender G65.
F129 switches the fan(s) to speed 2at a pressure When the engine is being operated without
of approx. 1.6 MPa (16 bar) (also refer to the air conditioner, only the cooling fan will be
page 35). running. The fan will be running at speed 1 or
2 depending on coolant temperature.

Radiator fan control unit J293

The radiator fan control unit is integrated in the

vehicle control system.

Incoming signals in the basic version:

from thermo switch F18
from pressure switch F129
from operating and display unit E87 (with
automatic air conditioner)


To convert the incoming signals

208_070 To switch the cooling fan on and off
To switch the compressor magnetic clutch on
and off.

Expanded functions of a new generation:

Radiator fan control unit J293 has been

developed technically and adapted functionally
to the new high pressure sender G65.

New generation It is fitted together with the high pressure sender

and, as a distinguishing feature, has modified
plug connections.

The control unit evaluates the pulse-width

modulated signal from the high pressure sender.
The overall pressure range of the refrigerant
pressure is monitored continously in this way.

There are also circuit variants where the
functions of the control units are To switch the radiator fan speeds and the
assumed by an air conditioner control magnetic clutch of the air conditioner com-
unit. pressor on and off
Integration in their control system is Bidirectional signal interchange with the
always vehicle-specific. engine and gearbox control unit
For details, please refer to the current Monitoring the coolant temperature
flow diagram. with timer module for activating coolant run-
on pump V51 (e.g. 1.8-ltr. 5 V engine 165 kW)

Temperature control

Manual control

Fresh-air flow
Fresh air blower

Refrigerant circuit
interior air

Heat exchanger 208_075


Why temperature control? What is regulated?

The fresh-air flow cooled down at the Registration of actual values, i.e. temperature
evaporator is pumped into the passenger sensing.
cabin by means of the fresh air blower. Setpoint/actual value comparison, i.e. the
This air is usually cooler than necessary driver performs an individual evaluation. The
(blower capacity is designed for maximum driver defines the comfort temperature, i.e.
cooling, however the prevailing ambient whether too warm or too cold.
temperatures are usually moderate). Based on the evaluation, the driver decides
To attain a pleasant interior temperature, a whether
portion of the cold fresh air flow is therefore the temperature needs to be adjusted
ducted over the heat exchanger the heating in what direction
system and heated up. by how much
Temperature fluctuations can also be caused and makes this adjustment manually.
by different ambient temperatures, road
speeds, coolant temperatures, fresh air The driver is, in the figurative sense, both the
supplies etc. controller and the actuator.
In the case of simple manual air conditioners, The driver adjusts the temperature flap.
the driver has to regulate the temperature.

Automatic control

Sunlight penetration
Fresh air intake duct Dash panel temperature
temperature sensor sensor

Control unit

Ambient temperature
sensor 208_076
Footwell vent
temperature sender

Automatic air conditioners relieve the driver of The diagram shows the positions of the sensors.
this task.
The digital control unit is the master station.
They have the advantage that they can include It processes all input signals from the sensors
many more parameters in the control system and (information sender), interference-suppresses
calculate the thermal result of your adjustment in them and feeds them to the microcomputer in the
advance. control unit.

Various names are used to describe electronic The microcomputer calculates the output signals
air conditioner controls: in accordance with the pre-programmed
Digital temperature control setpoints.
Air conditioner with automatic control The output signals are fed to the actuators via
output stages.
What they all have in common is: The actuators are the positioning motors on the
a control unit heater/air conditioner.
ambient temperature sensor (one or two) Suitable positioning motors are assigned to the
interior temperature sensor flaps.
additional senders (not in every system), e.g.
sunlight penetration sender Air conditioners of the current generation are
Positioning motors on the heater/air conditio- linked to other vehicle control units either directly
ner or via the CAN-BUS. Information on road speed,
on engine speed and on time parked are also
included in the evaluation of the air conditioner
control unit in this way.

Temperature control

System overview of an electronically controlled air conditioner

(the temperature is regulated evenly at the left- and right-hand sides of the passenger cabin as shown
using the Golf as an example. An identical system is used in the Audi A3)
(for system control and temperature
Sunlight penetration
photo sensor G107
Temperature sensor
Dash panel CLIM

Temperature sensor G56 AUTO


Blower V42


Ambient temperature
sensor G17

Temperature sensor
Fresh air intake duct temperature
sensor G89

Footwell vent
temperature sender

Air conditioner
pressure switch F129

Auxiliary signals: v
- road speed signal
- engine speed signal
- 'time parked' signal th

Coolant temperature warning switch

(overheating) F14

Radiator fan
thermo switch F18

(for system control and
temperature control)

Footwell/defroster flap
positioning motor V85
with potentiometer G114
Climatronic control unit J255
and Air conditioner/Climatronic
Central flap
operating and display unit E87
positioning motor V70
with potentiometer G112

Temperature flap
O positioning motor V68
with potentiometer G92

Air flow flap

positioning motor V71 and air
recirculation flap
with potentiometer G113

Fresh air blower

Control unit J126
and fresh air blower V2

Auxiliary signals:
- engine control unit
- control unit with display
unit in dash panel

Diagnosis plug connection Magnetic clutch

T16 N25

Radiator fan control unit


208_077 Radiator fan, right V7 and

auxiliary fan V35
Temperature control

Control unit with operating and

display unit

Control unit 208_078




208_102 208_101

Dash panel temperature Operating and Dash panel temperature

sensor G56 display unit E87 sensor G56

Climatronic control unit with Control unit with operating and

operating and display unit display unit of Audi TT Coup


The control unit is combined with the operating The control unit is equipped with a fault memory.
and display unit which is adapted to the design Failure of a component or an open circuit can be
of the vehicle in question. detected quickly via the self-diagnosis.

A vehicle interior temperature sensor is also No matter what fault occurs, the control unit will
integrated in the control unit. remain in operation and maintain the
temperature settings in emergency mode.

The control unit receives information from the

electrical and electronic components (sensors).
These signals are processed by the control unit in
accordance with the setpoints. The output signals
of the control unit then control the electrical

Actuators/sensors on a heater/
air conditioner

Fresh air intake duct

temperature sensor

Footwell/defroster flap
positioning motor Air flow flap positioning
motor and air recirculation

Fresh air blower

Fresh air blower

control unit

Central flap
Footwell vent Temperature flap
positioning motor
temperature sender positioning motor

A positioning motor is assigned to each flap for In this case, the fresh air blower and fresh air
air ducting in the heater/air conditioner. blower control unit are separate components.

The air flow flap and air recirculation flap are However, they can also be combined to a unit.
driven by a positioning motor. These flaps are
adjusted separately by a driving pulley with two
guide rails.

In other systems, the air recirculation flap can

also be adjusted by means of vacuum and
solenoid valves.

Temperature control

The main temperature sensors

Ambient temperature sensor G17

The temperature sensor is positioned in the

vehicle front section.
It registers the actual ambient temperature.

Signal utilisation
The control unit controls the temperature flap
and the fresh air blower in dependence upon the

Effects of signal failure

If the signal fails, the measured value of the
second temperature sensor (temperature sensor
in fresh air intake duct) is utilised.
If this signal also fails, the system continues to
operate by assuming a substitute value of
+10 oC. Air recirculation is not possible.
The temperature sensor has self-diagnostic

Fresh air intake duct

temperature sensor G89

The temperature sensor is located directly inside

the fresh air intake duct.
It is the second actual ambient temperature
measuring point.

Signal utilisation
The control unit controls the temperature flap
and the fresh air blower in dependence upon the

Effects of signal failure

If the signal fails, the measured value of the first
temperature sensor (ambient temperature
sensor) located in the vehicle front section is
utilised. The temperature sensor has self-
diagnostic capability.

Both temperature sensors always
process the lowest value.

Dash panel temperature sensor G56 with
temperature sensor blower V42

The temperature sensor is usually integrated

directly in the control unit and transfers the
actual interior temperature to the control unit. AUT

It is located in the air stream of a fresh air blower NIC N

which is used to draw off interior air. CLIM

The fresh air blower is activated by the operating

and display unit. Fresh air blo-
It draws off the interior air in order to avoid wer
measurement errors at the temperature sensor.
Signal utilisation sensor
The measured value is used for comparison with
the setpoint.
The temperature flap and the fresh air blower
are controlled accordingly.
Effects of signal failure
In the event of signal failure, a substitute value of
+24 oC is assumed. The system remains in
The temperature sensor has self-diagnostic

Footwell vent
temperature sender G192

The temperature of the air flowing out of the

heater/air conditioner (and into the vehicle
interior) is measured. The temperature is
registered with a temperature-dependent
The electrical resistance increases as the
temperature drops.

Signal utilisation
The signal is evaluated by the control unit. The
signal is used to control the defrost/footwell air
distribution and the volumetric capacity of the
fresh air blower.

Effects of signal failure

In the event of signal failure, the control unit 208_084
calculates a substitute value of +80 oC.
The system remains in operation.
The sender has self-diagnostic capability.

Temperature control

Sunlight penetration photo sensor G107

Air conditioner temperature is controlled by

means of photo sensors.

They register the direct sunlight exposure of the

vehicle occupants.

Depending on air conditioner type, they can

measure sunlight penetration via one or two
sensors and separately for the left- and right- 192_093
hand sides of the vehicle.

The sunlight passes through a filter and an
impinges upon an optical element on the photo
diode. The filter functions in much the same way Housing
as sunglasses and protects the optical element cover
against UV radiation.
Photo diodes are light-sensitive semiconductor
elements. When there is no incident light, only a
small current can flow through the diode. This Optical
current increases when the photo diode is element
exposed to sunlight. The stronger the incident
sunlight, the higher the current. Photo diode

When the current increases, the air conditioner

control unit recognises that the sunlight is Housing,
stronger and regulates the interior temperature
accordingly. The temperature flap and fresh air
blower are controlled accordingly.
In the version with two sensors, the side of the
vehicle exposed to stronger sunlight is cooled
more (refer to page 58).
Effects of signal failure
The control unit utilises an assumed fixed value
for sunlight penetration.

Electrical circuit

Air conditioner control unit

G107 Photo sensor
A 1 sensor G107 G107

B 2 sensors 208_088

Auxiliary signals for temperature con-

4 100
Engine control unit
3 5
1/min x 1000 80 km/h 160
6 40
60 180

1 20 220

Combination processor in
dash panel insert th n v

control unit
Air conditioner
control unit
To air flow flap
To temperature
flap Compressor


With regard to temperature control, additional Changes in measured data (e.g. due to radiant
information enhances comfort and is utilised for heat) are disregarded for control purposes.
system control. The comfort temperature is set quickly and
These auxiliary signals are supplied by other exposure to subnormal temperatures is avoided.
vehicle control units and are processed by the air
conditioner control unit. Road speed signal v
Important signals are:
Is required to control the air flow flap.
Time parked th The signal generated by the speedometer sender
Road speed v is utilised and implemented in the control unit. At
Engine speed n higher road speeds, the cross-section of the fresh
air inlet is reduced in order to keep the air flow
'Time parked' signal th into the passenger cabin as steady as possible.

Time parked=the time between switching off the Engine speed signal n
ignition and restarting the engine
This signal is utilised for adjusting the This signal provides information to the air
temperature flap. When the engine is restarted, conditioner control unit on actual engine
the control unit processes the ambient operation. It is required for system control (to
temperature values stored before turning off the switch off the magnetic clutch), e.g. if there is no
engine. engine speed signal, the compressor is switched

Temperature control

Positioning motor

In a manual air conditioner, air-ducting flaps

such as

the temperature flap

the central flap
the footwell/defrost flap

are adjusted individually by the driver by means

of Bowden cables.
In the automatically controlled air conditioner,
the flaps are operated by electrically activated
positioning motors. The air recirculation flap is
also positioning motor operated.

The positioning motors are always positioned

level with the flap axis on the heater/air
conditioner . 208_115

1 positioning motor
All motors receive the corresponding control
each for
signals from the air conditioner control unit.
- temperature flap
- central flap
Each positioning motor has a potentiometer. The 208_116
- footwell/defrost
potentiometer signals the position of the flap to
the control unit in the form of a feedback value. Positioning motor for fresh air
recirculation flap and air flow flap
Thus, the electrical output signals are converted
to mechanical quantities by means of positioning
motors (actuators). Electrical circuit
Air conditioner
control unit

The flaps have different adjustment Sender

mechanisms. information
The arrangement of the cranks and
angle of rotation are always referred to - + 5V
a particular flap. motor with


Fresh air
Air ducting Dash panel
Air flow flap
The heater/air conditioner

Fresh air/air
Defrost flap

Fresh air blower

Fresh air


Heat exchanger Air flow flap

Fresh air/
air recirculation

Fresh air blower

outlet Evaporator
Dash panel
Air ducting in the heater/air conditioner
Undivided air ducting diagram
for maximum refrigeration output

Very warm fresh air is ducted to the air outlet

Air conditioning mode via the evaporator. The channel to the heat
exchanger is closed.

Air ducting and distribution are always A basic distinction is made between
dependent upon the design of the heater/air undivided air inflow into the passenger cabin
conditioner and by the required level of driving divided air inflow for the left- and right-hand
comfort. sides of the passenger cabin.
The latter version, of course, requires more
sensors, actuators and air flaps.

Temperature control

Fresh air

Heat exchanger
Temperature flap



Air ducting in the heater/air conditioner

Undivided air ducting diagram
for maximum heat output

Very cool fresh air flows through the evaporator;

Air conditioner OFF, evaporator is not working.
heating ON Fresh air is passed over the heat exchanger and

All heaters/air conditioners are basically Air inlet for ambient air
designed as shown in the diagram: Air inlet for air recirculation mode (if provi-
Fresh air blower
Evaporator (for cooling the air down)
Heat exchanger (for heating the air up)
Regulating flaps and ducts for selective air
ducting (footwell, defrost, dash panel outlet).

Fresh air


Air ducting in the heater/air conditioner

Undivided air ducting diagram
for mixed operation

Warm fresh air flows through the evaporator in order to

Air conditioner ON, cool down. The fresh air is too cool, therefore a partial
heating ON air flow is ducted over the heat exchanger in order to
attain the individually selected vent temperature.

Air conditioning mode can be selected

= individual even if the fresh air is cool and moist.
adjustment range The fresh air passing over the
evaporator is dehumidified and the
windows are demisted.

Temperature control

Different ambient temperatures Automatic flap control and

Constant interior temperature switching the air conditioner on and off

208_094 208_095

208_096 208_097

208_098 208_099

Air distribution
split into two separate air flows in the
automatic system
(example: Audi A6)

In this case, air distribution inside the vehicle is

regulated by air-side flaps in the air conditioner
(in the Audi A8, air distribution is regulated on
the water side).

Depending on flap control, the air flow is ducted

to the individual air outlets.

All flaps are actuated electrically by the

positioning motors.

The flaps are adjusted either automatically

according to program flow, or manually at the
operating and display unit.


Air distributor housing

The temperature flaps

Evaporator In this version, the temperature for the left- and

right-hand sides of the passenger cabin can be
adjusted independently.
Heat exchanger
In the air distributor housing, the air flow is
divided into cold/warm and passenger cabin

Depending on temperature requirements, the

proportion of warm and cold air for the
passenger cabin can be adjusted with the
temperature flaps.

The temperature flaps are actuated by

Passenger cabin, left Passenger cabin, right a positioning motor for the left-hand side of
the passenger cabin
208_100 a positioning motor for the right-hand side of
the passenger cabin.

Temperature control

System overview a electronic regulated air conditioner

(with separate air-side temperature control for the left- and right-hand sides of
the passenger cabin, as shown using the Audi A6 as an example)


Sunlight penetration
photo sensors G107

Dash panel
temperature sensor G56
with temperature sensor
blower V42

Ambient temperature
sensor G17

Temperature sensor
Fresh air intake duct G89

Vent temperature sender, right


Vent temperature sender, left


Footwell vent temperature sender


Air conditioner pressure switch F129

Auxiliary signals

The temperature can be set differetly for the left- The temperature flaps for left/right temperature
and right-hand sides to between 18 oC and distribution are located in the air distributor
29 oC. housing


Air flow flap positioning motor

Control unit J255 or and fresh air/air recirculation flap
air conditioner operating and V71
display unit E87 with potentiometer G113

Defrost flap positioning motor

with potentiometer G135

Left temperature flap

positioning motor V158
with potentiometer G220

Right temperature flap positioning

motor V159
with potentiometer G221

Central flap and footwell flap

positioning motor V70
with potentiometer G112

Fresh air blower V2 and

fresh air blower control unit J126

Magnetic clutch N25

Diagnostic connection
Auxiliary signals

194_072 59
Temperature control
Air recirculation mode
What do we mean by air recirculation mode?

The air conditioner processes two types of air,

namely ambient air and cabin air (air 30

Air recirculation mode
In air recirculation mode, the air used for cooling 20

the passenger compartment is not extracted from

T [ C[
the outer atmosphere, rather from the vehicle 10

interior. Fresh air mode

Therefore, the system only recirculates and 0

controls the temperature of the air which is

available inside the vehicle. -10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
t [ min ]
Why air recirculation mode?

Air recirculation mode is the quickest way to cool Average values for vehicle temperature reduction/
down the vehicle interior. This is done by increase in the air recirculation and fresh air modes
recycling the cabin air, which is always cooler.
When heating the vehicle interior, the converse
effect occurs, i.e. the air is heated more rapidly.
An advantage of air recirculation is that the
Fresh air flap
evaporator output or compressor drive output Vacuum box
required is more than halved in air recirculation
In addition to rapid cooling/heating, air
recirculation mode can be used to avoid
breathing in polluted ambient air (unpleasant
odours, pollen).

Does air recirculation mode have any draw-


In air recirculation mode, there is no air

exchange. The air will be used up.
Therefore, air recirculation mode should not be
used any longer than is necessary, and for no
more than 15 minutes.
In air recirculation mode, the atmospheric Cabin air
humidity in the passenger cabin rises due to
moisture released with the air respired by the Air recirculation flap
occupants. When the dew point of the interior air
exceeds the temperature of the windows, the
windows will inevitably mist up.

In the Defrost setting, therefore, air Vehicle air conditioning

recirculation mode is automatically in air recirculation mode pneumatically operated

Manual air recirculation mode

With the manual air conditioner, the driver is

responsible for controlling and operating air
recirculation mode.
The driver decides on when and for how long.
After pressing the air recirculation button, the
flaps are adjusted pneumatically with vacuum. Air recirculation button manual air
With automatic air conditioners, too, air
recirculation mode is mainly selected manually
by the driver.
In this case, the fresh air/air recirculation flap is
adjusted electrically by means of a positioning OFF

motor. ECON

What both systems have in common is Air recirculation button automatic air
Fresh air flap closed conditioner
= air recirculation flap open
Fresh air flap open
= air recirculation flap closed
Positioning motor
The air recirculation flap positioning motor is
also used to adjust the air flow flap.

Air flow flap

Fresh air
recirculation flap

Several versions of automatic air conditioners

already control air recirculation mode
As soon as pollutants enter the ambient air, the Cabin air
fresh air supply is blocked.

These systems have additional system



Vehicle air conditioning

in air recirculation mode electrically operated

Temperature control

Automatically controlled air recircula-

tion mode Air quality
Combination filter sensor G238 Signal to
Fresh air operating and
intake display unit E87
NO x
CS 2 H2S +

C 6H14 -

C 6H6
Airborne pollutants

In systems with a manually operated air Manual function switch on/off

recirculation mode, the changeover is logically button
not performed by the driver until an odour
nuisance occurs, by which time the air inside the
vehicle will have already been fouled.
In systems with an automatic air recirculation
mode, the vehicle ventilation system will be
closed as soon as pollutants in the air have been
detected (by a sensor), i.e. before an odour
nuisance occurs. The automatic air recirculation 208_108
function can be switched on and off manually. Operating and display unit with automatically
controlled air recirculation mode
The system components

Air quality sensor G238

An electronic component which is located in
the area of the fresh air intake upstream of
the combination filter.
Combination filter What pollutants are detected?
The combination filter replaces the dust and
pollen filter. It comprises a particle filter con- The primary pollutants contained in the exhaust
taining activated charcoal. gases of the petrol engine are:
CO - Carbon monoxide
The operating principle C6H14 - Hexane
C6H6 - Benzene
A gas sensor detects pollutants in the ambient C7H16 - n-heptane
air. When a high pollutant concentration occurs,
the air conditioner control unit implements the In exhaust gases of diesel engines:
signal which the gas sensor generates by NOX - Nitrogen oxides
changing over from fresh air mode to SO2 - Sulphur dioxide
recirculation mode. H2S - Hydrogen sulphide
If the pollutant concentration drops below a CS2 - Carbon bisulphide
given threshold, then fresh air is again supplied
to the vehicle interior.

Air quality sensor G238

The sensor operates, in principle, in much the

same way as a lambda probe.
The metering element is a mixed oxide sensor
which uses semiconductor technology (stannic
oxide - SnO2).
The sensitivity of the air quality sensor is
increased by catalytic additives of platinum and
palladium. 208_106
The operating temperature of the sensor is Air quality sensor G238
approx. 350 oC. Its power consumption of
0.5 watts is very low. + -

The evaluation electronics in the sensor

Air quality
The evaluation electronics integrated in the
ultrasonic sensor module react to changes in Digital
sensor conductivity. G238
High sensitivities are achieved. signal

The system is self-learning. Air conditioner

The electronics determine the average pollutant control unit
concentration in the ambient air and sends Positioning motor for
information on the type and quantity of the air recirculation
materials by means of a digital square-wave mode
signal to the air conditioner control unit. M

The control unit now closes the air recirculation
flap at peak pollution levels depending on the
ambient temperature and air pollution level. Ambient Air pollution Air recircula-
temperature level tion
This ensures that the ventilation system does not > +2 oC Low yes
remain stuck in air recirculation mode in heavily rise min. 25 sec.
polluted areas.
> +2 oC Low no
oC oC
+2 ... 5 Higher yes
Regardless of the electronic evaluation, several
systems switch to air recirculation mode when the
wash/wipe system is operated. < 5 oC Higher max.
rise 15 sec.
ECON mode max.
Service compressor off 15 sec.
Defrost mode no
The air quality sensor is wear-free.
The combination filter must be replaced after
Warm-up phase of sensor no
service intervals.
approx. 30 sec.

Technical Service

Safety precautions for working on

air-conditioned vehicles and hand-
ling refrigerant R134a

Set codes of conduct and safety precautions

must be observed when working on air-
conditioned vehicles and handling refrigerants in Wear protective gloves
order to ensure that no-one is endangered by
leaking refrigerant.

Work performed incorrectly can also damage

the air conditioner itself and should therefore be
avoided at all costs in the interests of proper
customer care.

Wear protective Naked flames, exposure to direct

goggles sunlight and smoking are prohibited.



General servicing work on the vehicle should What is the correct code of conduct
be prepared when refrigerant discharged accidentally from
and performed in such a way that the vehicle the refrigerant circuit comes into contact with
refrigerant circuit is not opened (e.g. radiator/ the skin?
engine removal).
Direct contact with refrigerant should be avo- If liquid refrigerant comes into contact with the
ided at all costs in order to avoid skin damage eyes, rinse eyes thoroughly with water for
(frostbite). 15 minutes.
Escaping refrigerant has a temperature of Then apply eye drops and contact a doctor even
26 oC. if no eye irritation has occurred.
If it is necessary to open the refrigerant circuit Inform the doctor that refrigerant was the cause.
in order to perform repair work on the vehicle,
bring the vehicle to a service station for air In the event of skin contact, remove wet clothing
conditioners. At the service station, the refri- immediately and rinse the areas of skin affected
gerant circuit will be emptied by expert per- with copious amounts of water.

These are the only workshops which have the

equipment required to draw off refrigerant
properly. The refrigerant will also be processed
in an environmentally friendly manner and can
be reused.

Neither welding or brazing or soldering work
may be performed on parts of the filled air

This also applies to welding and brazing/

soldering work on the vehicle if there is a danger
of parts of the air conditioner heating up.
During spot painting work, the object
temperatures in the drying oven or preheating
zone may not exceed 80 oC.

Why not?

Heating produces a higher excess pressure in the

system which can cause the pressure relief valve
to open. During electrical welding work, invisible
ultraviolet rays can penetrate the refrigerant
hoses and degrade the refrigerant. 208_119

What is the correct code of conduct? Although refrigerant is not highly flammable, it is
not permitted to smoke or performe welding or
Damaged or leaky parts of the air conditioner soldering or brazing work in a room filled with
may not be repaired by welding or brazing/ refrigerant.
soldering them. Such parts must always be
renewed. Draw refrigerant out of the refrigerant Why?
circuit with the service station beforehand.
The high temperature of an open flame or a hot
Work may only be performed on the object will cause chemical fission of the
refrigerant circuit in well-ventilated rooms. refrigerant gas. Inhalation of the resulting toxic
Refrigerant may not be stored in shafts or at fission products will lead to dry coughing and
basement windows. nausea.

Why not? What is the proper code of conduct?

Refrigerant is a colourless and odourless If a person breathes in refrigerant vapours in a

substance. It is also heavier than air, and high concentration, bring the victim out into the
therefore displaces oxygen and can flow down open air immediately.
into lower regions. If refrigerant escapes even Contact a doctor.
though all the applicable safety precautions If the victim is having difficulty breathing,
have been observed, there is an unforeseeable provide the victim with oxygen.
risk of suffocation in badly ventilated rooms or If the victim has impaired breathing or is no
assembly pits. longer breathing, bend the victim's head back
and administer artificial respiration.

Technical Service

The refrigerant circuit is in a closed system.

To ensure that the system functions properly:

the refrigerant must be clean

the refrigerant may not contain any moisture
Why service station for air the piping must be evacuated and dry before
conditioners being filled
and only refrigerant resistant original spare parts
may be used.
special equipment?
To avoid damaging the environment and
physical injury,

the refrigerant circuit may not be filled in the

open air
the refrigerant must be disposed of in an
environmentally friendly manner.

The equipment developed specially for air

conditioners conforms to these requirements.
This equipment is expensive, however, and is
therefore not available nationwide rather only at
service station for air conditioners.

Working on the refrigerant circuit calls for

What equipment does the service station a special knowledge of proper

for air conditioners have for carrying out repairs
work expertly and in an environmentally a knowledge of the safety regulations and the
friendly manner? Pressure Vessel Code
verification of appropriate qualifications

This specialist personnel at the service station for

The leak detector for inspection work on the air conditioners meet the above requirements.

A possible cause of insufficient cooling output is

loss of coolant due to leaky lines.
Minor leaks (external damage) can only be
verified by means of suitable leak detecting
equipment, due to the minute quantity of
refrigerant which is discharged. Leaks with less
than 5 grammes of refrigerant loss per annum
can be detected using this equipment.


An all-in-one system for checking, drawing
off, evacuating and filling
the Service Recycling Station

This station meets all the requirements relating to

the maintenance, testing and commissioning of
vehicle air conditioners in refrigeration terms.

Various makes of station are available.

A station comprises various individual units:
Filling cylinder, pressure gauges, vacuum pump,
shut-off valve, filling hoses.
Quick-connect adapters for the service
connections in the high- and low-pressure areas
of the refrigerant circuit.

The stations can be used to empty, evacuate and

fill the vehicle air conditioner.
The extracted refrigerant is recycled (dried and
cleaned by removing suspended matter) in the
station and refilled after being repaired. 208_113

Under the government ordinance

prohibiting the use of CFCs and halogens,
it is not permitted to perform work on air
conditioners without the recycling station.
Recycling stations may only be operated by
expert personnel.

For refrigerant disposal

the recycleable bottle

Refrigerant which contains excessive amounts of

impurities, e.g. due to internal mechanical
damage to the compressor, should not be
cleaned. This refrigerant is drawn off in a
separate extractor station with a recycleable
bottle, which is evacuated on delivery and then
disposed of.

Recycleable bottles may only be filled up to 75 %

of the specified filling weight (expansion of the
refrigerant upon exposure to heat must be 208_086
possible). Therefore, they must be weighed using
a calibrated weigher while being filled (observe
the Pressure Vessel Code).
Technical Service

General information on function

influencing factors

Mechanical faults (e.g. damage to the

compressor) can reduce the cooling capacity of
the air conditioner, as can chemical or physical
The refrigerant in particular can have an effect
on the functioning of the air conditioner by virtue
of its properties. Therefore, a knowledge of
general relationships is also important to
everyday servicing, and not only for the
specialists working at the service station for air

Refrigerant and moisture

Only small amounts of water can be dissolved in

the liquid refrigerant. However, refrigerant
vapour and water vapour will mix in any

If the drier in the fluid tank or collecting tank has
already absorbed 6 - 12 grammes of water, i.e.
a relatively small quantity, it may not function
properly depending on type. Any existing water
is entrained into the refrigerant circuit. This water
reaches the nozzle of the expansion valve or the
restrictor and freezes.
This will reduce the cooling output of the air
Water will damage the air conditioner
irreparably because it combines with other
impurities to form acids at high pressures and
high temperatures.

Refrigerant + refrigerant

Refrigerants may not be mixed with one another

(their chemical and physical properties are
different and they contain different oils).
Only the refrigerant specified for a particular air
conditioner may be used.
Air conditioners which can no longer be supplied
with R12 according to the ordinance prohibiting
the use of halogens must be converted in
compliance with special guidelines.

Refrigerants and plastics

Refrigerant can dissolve certain plastics. These

dissolved plastics can be deposited in the
expansion valve or at the restrictor after they
cool down.
The valve will become obstructed.
Therefore, always use original spare parts at

Refrigerants and metals

Refrigerant R134a is chemically stable in its pure

state. It does not attack iron and aluminium.
Contamination of the refrigerant, e.g. with
compounds of chlorine, however, can lead to
certain metals and plastics being attacked. This
can result in obstruction, leaks or deposits at the
compressor piston. Therefore, always use R134a
compatible original spare parts. Always use original spare parts.

For this reason, air conditioners can only be

converted from refrigerant R12 to R134a,
including refrigerant oil, according to special
guidelines of the manufacturer (retrofit-process). Conversion from
refrigerant R12 to R134a
Refrigerant circuit and impurities

A refrigerant circuit filled with refrigerant R134a

can be cleaned:
in order to remove impurities, moisture or old
refrigerant, the refrigerant circuit is cleaned with
dried compressed air and then demoisturised
with nitrogen.

This is necessary when

the refrigerant circuit was opened during its
normal lifetime (e.g. after an accident),
there is doubt regarding the amount of refri-
gerant oil contained in the circuit, 208_121
the compressor has to be replaced due to
internal damage.

The gas mixture emerging from component parts

of the refrigerant circuit must be drawn off using
workshop suction apparatus.

Technical Service

Fault diagnosis through pressure


For service work, there are terminals for the

Service Recycling Station in the low-pressure and
high-pressure ranges

for filling
for emptying 208_010
for evacuating and High-pressure service connection
for pressure testing.

To perform a pressure test, the pressure gauges

of the station are connected. The pressure test is
performed with the air conditioner switched on. Tolerance range
of system with expansion valve
A pressure test involves intervening in

the refrigerant circuit via the service

The hoses of the pressure gauges will
Low pressure

always contain residual refrigerant.
Therefore, pressure tests may only be
performed at air conditioner service
points by specialist personnel. Tolerance range of

system with restrictor

0 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20
The ambient temperature when the engine is not High pressure bar

running always affects the pressure in the

refrigerant circuit. 208_104

Using the test data for the high-pressure side

and the low-pressure side, the system can
identify whether an air conditioner is operating
properly when the engine is running.

The measured values must be compared with

the test data of the vehicle-specific refrigerant
circuit according to the Workshop Manual, as
they vary greatly from one vehicle type to 208_011
another. Low-pressure service connection

The pressure diagrams show the tolerance

ranges for systems with an expansion valve and
systems with a restrictor.

Fault diagnosis through self-diagnosis

Not all air conditioners have self-diagnostic


Self-diagnosis is used very little in the case of

manual air conditioners (they have either no or
very few sensors/actuators/control units).

In some manual air conditioners, however, the

circuit for the compressor and the sensors of the
safety cut-out are registered by the self-

Automatic air conditioners with control units

usually have self-diagnostic capability.

The address word for the self-diagnosis:

08 - Air conditioner/heating electronics

Self-diagnosis can be performed with

Vehicle Diagnostic, Testing and Information
System VAS 5051,
with Vehicle Systems Tester V.A.G 1552 or with
Fault Reader V.A.G 1551.

Faults which impair the operation of an

air conditioner are stored in the fault memory of
the air conditioner control unit.
In some systems, e.g. CLIMATRONIC, faults of
this type are indicated on the display unit when
the ignition is switched on (all the symbols flash 208_122
for several seconds).

The self-diagnosis functions and the

self-diagnosis procedure are explained
in detail in the Workshop Manual
for the heating and air conditioning
system of the vehicle type.
Self-diagnosis can be performed by any
workshop, because the refrigerant
circuit is not affected by this procedure
(i.e. it is not opened).


Key cooling system terminology

The cooling system air-conditions the vehicle The principles of cooling engineering are
interior using the laws of physics. A chemical easier to understand with a knowledge of the key
medium, the refrigerant, is used for heat terms:

Heat an energy form measurable by the temperature in degrees

by the quantity of energy in Joules (calories)
can be stored or
states can change = slight temperature rise (heat absorption)
or = slight temperature decrease (heat dissipation)
= always propagates towards
lower temperatures.

Cold is in fact only a low degree of heat.

Temperatures below the freezing point of water
are generally referred to as cold.

Critical point above this point, there is no interface between liquid and vapour. A
substance is always in a vapour state above the critical point. If a gas is
heated above the critical point, liquefaction will no longer be possible.

Boiling point The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. The
boiling point is pressure-dependent; the boiling point increases as pressure

Dew point the temperature at which the saturation point is reached as the result of
cooling of a gas with a specific water vapour content. When the gas cools
down further, some of its vapour content precipitates on the cooling surface
in the form of a "condensate.
Condensation this time the change of state is from a gas to a liquid.

Refrigerant the chemical medium used for the heat exchange process.
Depending on the pressure and temperature
conditions, the refrigerant exists in a gaseous or liquid state in the air
conditioner. The refrigerant cools down when it expands.
through if pressurised gas can suddenly expand via a valve,
expansion it will cool down in the process, e.g. when deflating the tyres.
The pressurised air flowing out of the valve is cool.

Water vapour content of the air

Saturation quantity of water vapour in air at

100% relative humidity and normal air pressure

Temperature Quantity 30
C (g/m3)
-5 3.25
0 4.85

5 6.80
10 9.41 20
15 12.84
18 15.39
Saturation quantity

19 16.32
20 17.32
21 18.35 10

22 19.44
23 20.61
24 21.81
25 23.07
26 24.41 0
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
27 25.79
28 27.26 Temperature !C


atmospheric (g/m3) is the water content in 1 m3 of air.

Relative given in %, the ratio of water vapour quantity in the air to max. possible
atmospheric water vapour quantity in air.

re table The table shows how many g of water per m3 the air can hold at various
temperatures. 100% saturation is shown. The higher the temperature, the
larger the quantity of water in the air.
The rule of thumb is: at a temperature of 10 to 30 oC, the water content in the
air in g/m3 is roughly the same as the temperature in oC.




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