Seneca V Manual V02en

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The document provides information about starting procedures and cockpit instruments of the Piper Seneca V aircraft in the flight simulator Fly!

The Piper Seneca V is a twin-engine propeller aircraft that is detailed in the flight simulator Fly.

The main instruments on the Piper Seneca V cockpit include the airspeed indicator, altimeter, artificial horizon, heading indicator, engine gauges, and other flight instruments as shown on page 5.

Piper Aircraft SENECA V


FLY! is the only simulator which proposes a true and complete instrument panel, a cockpit including all elements we find in the real plane and a
completely realistic starting.

Naturally, as in any consumer simulator, a key (in Fly! it is the key " E ") allows to jump this stage and to find yourselves engines started only with
radios to be set. It is a pity! The starting of your plane is a stage, of the greatest importance, included in the flight preparation. It is also the stage
which allows, by its rigour and the breaking down of its actions, to make sure that everything is correct and that the flight safety is ensured.

More the plane is sophisticated (several engines, turboprops, reactors) more this stage is long and complex. It must be carefully made. To jump
some steps, to rely only on your memory or on your habits, can be at the origin of serious accidents.

This manual, useful exclusively for flight simulation, has for only purpose to allow the in simulation SENECA V user to dive into the real
manipulations of the check list enumeration for starting the plane. The SENECA V is a magnificent plane, to start it is a true pleasure.

Ren Birot
Fly.Simvol president
Simvol Webmaster
ROTW coordinator
Private pilot

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

Table of contents

1- Piper Seneca V conducted tour in Fly!

1-1 Outside views
1-2 Instruments panel
2- Plane features
3- Performances
3-1 Speeds
3-2 Other performances
4- Engines starting
4-1 Preparation
4-2 RH engine starting
4-3 LH engine starting
4-4 Engines shutdown procedure
5- Seneca in some pictures
5-1 Internal views
5-2 One bonus in the Seneca: special ROTW Navigator Display
5-3 ROTWs plus points
6- Credits

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

1- Piper Seneca V conducted tour in FLY!

1-1 Outside views (at Gap airport)

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V
1-2 Instruments panel

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

1 - Clock 39 - Radio Com Nav 1

2 - VOR 40 - GPS
3 - Airspeed indicator 41 - DME
4 - Turn coordinator 5 - Radar altimeter 42 - Radio Com Nav 2
6 - Artificial horizon 43 - ADF
7 - HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) 44 - Transponder
8 - Pilot contol stick axis 45 - De-icing ammeter
9 - Altimeter 46 - Switches
10 - Vertical speed indicator 47 - Throttle control lever
11 - ADF indicator 48 - Propeller pitch control lever
12 - Oxygen pressure 13 - Emergency locator beacon 49 - Mixture control lever
14 - Parking brake 15 - Switches lighting rheostat 50 - LH Alternate Air
16 - Instrument panel lighting rheostat 51 - RH Alternate Air
17 - Instruments lighting rheostat 52 - Switch et voyant de la synchronisation des hlices
18 - Auxiliary oxygen 53 - LH engine cowl flaps
19 - RH warning panel (see below) 54 - RH engine cowl flaps
20 - LH warning panel (see below) 55 - Engines control lever friction handle
21 - Digital display 56 Flaps switch
22 - LH manifold pressure 57 Flaps indicator
23 - RH manifold pressure 58 - Switches
24 - LH RPM 59 - Airspeed indicator
25 - RH RPM 60 - Artificial horizon
26 - LH TIT 61 - Altimeter
27 - RH TIT 62 - Turn coordinator
28 - LH Fuel Flow and temperature cylinder 63 - RMI
29 - RH Fuel Flow and temperature cylinder 64 - Vertical speed indicator
30 - LH temperature and oil pressure 65 - Engine hour meter
31 - RH temperature and oil pressure 66 - 28 VDC power point
23 - Vacuum 67 - Co-pilot control stick axis
33 - Fuel quantity 68 - Switches
34 - Landing gear down indicator 69 - Fuses panel
35 - Emergency landing gear 70 - Warning lights rheostat switch
36 - Landing gears control lever 71 - Warning lights test
37 - Audio panel 72 - Compass
38 - Autopilot 73 - Windshield de-icing

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

2- Plane features
2-1 Engine

- 2 (ea) 220 HP, 6 cylinders Teledyne Continental TSIO-360-RB engines

2-2 Propeller

- 2 (ea) three blades Hartzell propellers, constant speed type

2-3 Dimensions

- Length = 28.6 ft/8.7 m

- Wing span = 38.9 ft/11.9 m
- Height = 9.9 ft/3.0 m

2-4 Weights

- Standard empty weight = 3,413 lbs/1548 kg

- Standard useful load = 1,337 lbs/606 kg
- Maximum take-off weight = 4,750 lbs/2155 kg

2-5 Fuel/Oil

- Fuel 100LL
- Usable capacity = 122 gal/462 l
- Oil capacity = 8 qts/7.6 l

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

3- Performances

3-1 Speeds

- Gross weight maximum speed (18,500ft) = 218 kts/404 km/h

- Normal cruising speed = 176 kts/326 km/h (10,000 ft), 190 kts/351 km/h (18,500 ft)

- Stall speed (flaps full down 40) = 61 knots/113 km/h

- Vertical speed with 2 engines = 100 ft/mn up to 25,000 ft (max. approved altitude)
- Vertical speed with 1 engine = 50 ft/mn up to 16,500 ft

3-2 Other performances

- Take-off distance (ground roll) = 1,143 ft/348 m

- Take-off distance (total over 50 ft/15m obstacle) = 1,707 ft/520 m (flaps 25)

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

4- Engines starting
4-1 Preparation

Starting sequence will be detailed here below with commented pictures. It is necessary to follow it exactly; it is the same that the one detailed with
the key "E".
It is also important to have every realism parameter activated:

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

A large part of the starting takes place on the superior panel, it is thus important to study it beforehand

LH engine Power supply RH engine

starting starting

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

4-2 RH engine starting

Check that lightings are switched off

Main battery ON

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

Parking brake On Power 10%, LH propeller forward, LH mixture to max. Fuel open (L and R)

Note: Click right your mouse to move all various engine control levers

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

Both magnetos ON , RH electric fuel pump ON

Engage RH engine starter

Once RH engine started, RH alternator ON

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V
4-3 LH engine starting

Propulsion block adjustment (power, propeller, mixture)

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

Engine starting

Both magnetos ON , LH electric fuel pump ON

Engage LH engine starter

Once LH engine started, LH alternator ON

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

Both electric fuel pumps OFF

Avionics starting, Radio Master switch ON and DME

Check of warning panels (LH and RH)

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

4-4 Engines shutdown procedure

- Radio master switch OFF

- Mixture control lever IDLE CUTOFF
- Fuel control levers OFF
- Both magnetos switches OFF
- Main battery switch OFF
- Both alternators switches OFF

Naturally, wing flaps are retracted, electric fuel pumps are switched off and parking brake is ON .

And to come down, key F10 will open you doors!

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

5- Seneca in some pictures

5-1 Internal views

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

5-2 One bonus in the Seneca: special ROTW Navigator Display

The ND (Navigator Display) is usable on all planes with some adaptations. It appears in a pop-up
window by pressing keys Shift + X .

It allows showing on a single screen all standard EFIS information with TCAS features included
(anti-collision system which shows the others planes located in the close environment, with their
altitude difference).

Every button allows to show a type of information (Airport, VOR, NDB, Waypoint, TCAS and Flight
plan) several pressures allowing to show the various pages linked to the type of information
(except the FPL page).

Button in top on the left allows zooming.

The TCAS displays in red dangers with less than 6 Nm and less than 1,000 ft of altitude difference.

Flight plan (FPL) display requires to have prepared and to have saved it (file situation ) with as
name rotw_fpl.sit from thumbnail saved simulations

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V
5-3 Others ROTWs plus points

- Complete electrical power management (voltage changes according to the charge), with batteries decreasing if an alternator failure occurs
(according to used equipments)

- Opening and closing of left, right and cargo doors (key F10 )

- Instruments panel true to the original one by Peter Sidoli, project initiator (ex Real Air Simulation)

- More than 90% of switches are operative

- Complete instruments panel lighting management

- Note: as for all ROTW planes, you need to set sensitivity parameters (100% for controls and 1% for Trim ).

- NAV-COM2 and the transponder, are adjustable in right lateral view.

- Outside textures lighted during night

- New button added to adjust the auto pilot: an operative rocker up/down , correcting a TRI bug.

A first pressure cuts the ALT function

Following pressures fix the rate of descent (DN) or ascent (UP) for the autopilot, by
step of 500 ft. The stop is either automatic in APR function as soon as the "glide"
is intercepted, or manual by activating the ALT button.

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Piper Aircraft SENECA V

6- Credits

Project initiator Peter Sidoli

Digitized pictures TJ

3D model Jarno Deken (F2FD)

Instruments panel TJ

Internal views TJ

Flight model Laurent Claudet

Electrical connexions Laurent Claudet and TJ

POD files integration Laurent Claudet

Navigator Display Laurent Claudet

Specific modules (DLL) Laurent Claudet

Real flight tests Peter Sidoli

Simulated flight tests all ROTW team

French flight manual Ren Birot and TJ

English translation Jean-Marie Reuter

SENECA V is a Peter Sidoli, F2FD and ROTW common project

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