Chenming Hu Ch1 Slides
Chenming Hu Ch1 Slides
Chenming Hu Ch1 Slides
in Semiconductors
1.1 Silicon Crystal Structure
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Silicon Wafers and Crystal Planes
1.1 eV
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GaAs, III-V Compound Semiconductors, and Their Dopants
Energy states of Si atom (a) expand into energy bands of Si crystal (b).
The lower bands are filled and higher bands are empty in a semiconductor.
The highest filled band is the valence band.
The lowest empty band is the conduction band .
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1.3.1 Energy Band Diagram
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Measuring the Band Gap Energy by Light Absorption
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1.3.2 Donor and Acceptor in the Band Model
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1.4 Semiconductors, Insulators, and Conductors
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1.5.1 Effective Mass
The electron wave function is the solution of the three
dimensional Schrodinger wave equation
2 + V ( r ) =
2m 0
The solution is of the form exp( k r)
k = wave vector = 2/electron wavelength
For each k, there is a corresponding E.
q d 2 E F
accelerati on = 2 2
dk m
effective mass 2
d E / dk 2
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1.5.1 Effective Mass
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1.5.2 How to Measure the Effective Mass
mn v 2
= qvB
fcr is the Cyclotron resonance frequency.
v= It is independent of v and r.
mn Electrons strongly absorb microwaves of
v qB
f cr = = that frequency. (MW, 2.54 GHz)
2r 2mn By varying B until a peak in absorption fcr,
mn can be found.
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1.6 Density of States
number of states in E 1
Dc ( E ) 3
E volume eV cm
8mn 2mn (E Ec )
Dc ( E )
8m p 2m p (Ev E ) Derived in Appendix I
Dv ( E ) 3
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1.7 Thermal Equilibrium and the Fermi Function
1.7.1 An Analogy for Thermal Equilibrium
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Appendix II. Probability of a State at E being Occupied
There are g1 states at E1, g2 states at
E2 There are N electrons, which
constantly shift among all the states
but the average electron energy is
fixed at 3kT/2.
There are many ways to distribute
N among n1, n2, n3.and satisfy the
3kT/2 condition.
The equilibrium distribution is the distribution that
maximizes the number of combinations of placing n1 in g1
slots, n2 in g2 slots. :
ni/gi =
Ef + 2kT
( )
E f E kT E E f << kT
f (E) 1 e
Ef + kT
Ef kT
Ef 2kT There is only one Fermi
Ef 3kT
( )
E f E kT
level in a system at thermal
f (E) 1 e
f(E) equilibrium
0.5 1
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1.8 Electron and Hole Concentrations
1.8.1 Derivation of n and p from D(E) and f(E)
top of conduction band
n= f ( E ) Dc ( E )dE
8mn 2mn ( ) kT
EE f
n= E Ec e dE
h3 Ec
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Electron and Hole Concentrations
Nc is called the effective
( Ec E f ) / kT
n = Nce density of states (of the
conduction band) .
2mn kT
It is as if all the energy states in the
N c 2 conduction band effectively squeezed
h into a single energy level, Ec, which can
hold Nc electrons ( cm-3) and the
probability that an energy states at EC is
( E f Ev ) / kT
p = Nve occupied.
2m p kT
32 Nv is called the effective
N v 2 2 density of states of the
h valence band.
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits (C. Hu) Slide 1-20
Remember: the closer Ef moves up to E c , the larger n is;
the closer Ef moves down to Ev , the larger p is.
For Si, Nc = 2.8 x1019 cm-3 and Nv = 1.04 x1019 cm-3 .
( )
Ec E f = kT ln (N c n ) = 0.026 ln 2.8 1019 / 1017 = 0.146 eV
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1.8.2 The Fermi Level and Carrier Concentrations
( Ec E f ) / kT
n = Nce
E f = Ec kT ln ( N c n )
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits (C. Hu) Slide 1-25
1.8.3 The np Product and the Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
( Ec E f ) / kT ( E f Ev ) / kT
Multiply n = N c e and p = Nve
( Ec Ev ) / kT E g / kT
np = N c N v e = Nc Nve
Indep. of EF
np = ni
Doped or un-doped
E g / 2 kT
ni = N c N v e
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EXAMPLE: Carrier Concentrations
Question: What is the hole concentration in an N-type semiconductor
with 1015 cm-3 of donors?
Solution: ni
10 20 cm -3
n= 17 3 = 103 cm -3
p 10 cm
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits (C. Hu) Slide 1-27
1.9 General Theory of n and p
EXAMPLE: Complete ionization of the dopant atoms
Nd = 1017 cm-3. What fraction of the donors are not ionized?
Solution: First assume that all the donors are ionized.
n = N d = 1017 cm 3 E f = Ec 146meV
45meV 146 meV
Ed Ec
1 1
Probability of not = = 0.04
1 ( E E ) / kT 1
being ionized 1+ e d f 1 + e((14645) meV ) / 26 meV
2 2
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume complete ionization, i.e., n = Nd .
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1.9 General Theory of n and p
Charge neutrality: n + Na = p + Nd
np = ni
1/ 2
N a N d N a N d 2
p= + + ni
2 2
1/ 2
N d N a N d N a 2
n= + + ni
2 2
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1.9 General Theory of on n and p
I. N d N a >> ni (i.e., N-type) n = Nd Na
p = ni n
If N d >> N a , n = Nd p = ni N d
n = ni N a
If N a >> N d , p = Na and
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits (C. Hu) Slide 1-30
EXAMPLE: Dopant Compensation
What are n and p in Si with (a) Nd = 61016 cm-3 and Na = 21016 cm-3
and (b) additional 61016 cm-3 of Na?
n = 41016 cm-3
(a) n = N d N a = 4 1016 cm 3 ++++++
Nd = 61016 cm-3
p = ni / n = 10 20 / 4 1016 = 2.5 103 cm 3
16 -3
. . . .N.a.=. .210
. . . cm
Nd = 61016 cm-3
n = ni / p = 10 20 / 2 1016 = 5 103 cm 3
Na = 81016 cm-3
-------- ......
p = 21016 cm-3
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1.10 Carrier Concentrations at Extremely High
and Low Temperatures
( Ec E f ) / kT
intrinsic regime n = Nce
E g / 2 kT
Slope = e E f = Ec kT ln ( N c n )
ln n
n = Nd
freeze-out regime
EF may rise above Ed
Slope = e
( Ec Ed ) / 2 kT non-ionized
High Room temp Cryogenic temp
E g / 2 kT
high T: n = p = ni = Nc Nv e
1/ 2
low T: n =
N c N d ( Ec Ed ) / 2 kT
2 e
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Infrared Detector Based on Freeze-out
To image the black-body radiation emitted by tumors
requires a photodetector that responds to hs around 0.1 eV.
In doped Si operating in the freeze-out mode, conduction
electrons are created when the infrared photons provide the
energy to ionized the donor atoms.
photon Ec
Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits (C. Hu) Slide 1-33
1.11 Chapter Summary
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