Syllabus of KTU Network Theory
Syllabus of KTU Network Theory
Syllabus of KTU Network Theory
To study time domain, phasor and Laplace transform methods of linear circuit analysis
Reference directions for two terminal elements - Kirchhoffs Laws - Independent and Dependent
Sources Resistance Networks: Node and Mesh analysis of resistance networks containing both
voltage and current independent and dependent sources Source Transformations Superposition,
Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems applied to resistance networks
Capacitors and Inductors Current-voltage relationships Step and Impulse functions Waveshapes
for Capacitor and Inductor Series and Parallel combinations Coupled coils Mutual Inductance
First order Circuits: Excitation by initial conditions Zero input response Excitation by sources
Zero state response Step and impulse response of RL and RC circuits - Excitation by sources and
initial conditions Complete response with switched dc sources
Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Review of complex numbers Rectangular and Polar forms
Phasors and the sinusoidal steady state response - Phasor relationships for R, L and C Impedance
and Admittance Node and Mesh analysis, Superposition, Source transformation, Thevenin and
Nortons theorems applied to Phasor circuits Sinusoidal Steady State power Average Power
Maximum power transfer theorem Phasor analysis of Magnetically coupled circuits