Tense Soruları 1
Tense Soruları 1
Tense Soruları 1
1. Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect the 6. Until recently, some scientists ---- that many
values and traditions of the European individuals of the same species ---- specific tasks
immigrants who ---- in the country during the better than the same number of individuals from
nineteenth century.. different species..
2. With few exceptions, most totalitarian 7. Recent excavations in Algeria ---- that Homo
governments ---- more liberal since 1989 when erectus ---- there between 500, 000 and 750, 000
the Berlin Wall ----.. years ago..
D) had become / was falling D) could have indicated / had been residing
3. Investigations by modern doctors ---- that 8. North Korea still ---- a vast police state that ---- a
Catherine the Great of Russia ---- from syphilis.. network of concentration camps spanning the
E) declined / were
11. The nuclear accident that ---- at the Chernobyl 16. The latest scientific studies ---- small children
reactor in April, 1986, ---- to new fears about the usually ---- greater taste sensitivity than adults..
safety of nuclear reactors..
13. The authorities in India ---- that the countrys 18. The book ---- a surprisingly interesting account of
highly qualified young researchers ---- by the geography of Great Britain and there ---- a
multinational companies as cheap labour.. need for such a book for a long time now..
A) have worried / will have been used A) would give / had been
14. Coal, which at one time ---- vital to the British 19. Although she ---- properly yet, the recipient of
economy, ---- in importance with the gradual the worlds first face transplant ---- well,
increase in use of other sources, such as oil and according to the first scientific report of the
natural gas.. operation..
15. Until recently, people ---- that the global system 20. Meteorites ---- the best available record of the
for mobile communication network ---- the most chemical and physical processes that ---- during
secure method of long-distance communication, the first million years of our solar systems
but this is not so any longer. . history..
22. The price of crude oil ---- by 40% this year due to
the continuing risk of disruption in the Middle 27. Some African countries ---- a great variety of
East, which ---- for one-third of global natural resources like oil and minerals, but they
production.. still ---- from poverty..
23. Although constipation usually ---- lifestyle habits, 28. The wolves that ---- in Ethiopia some 100, 000
in some cases it may be a side effect of years ago ---- into a separate and rare species..
medication or may reflect a medical problem
such as tumours that ---- the passage of waste..
A) had arrived / will have evolved
32. The United States ---- expensive high-tech 37. People in England ---- books about Turkey since
solutions to the problem of land-mine clearance, the 15th century, but unfortunately an increase
but simpler methods ---- more preferable.. in quantity ---- by an increase in quality..
D) would pursue / would have been D) have been writing / has not been matched
33. When American independence ---- in 1776, two- 38. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people ---- some
fifths of all settlers ---- of non-English origin.. form of excessive mood disturbance during their
lifetime, only about 10 per cent ---- a disorder
severe enough to require medical attention..
A) was declared / were
E) may have been declared / must have been D) will have experienced / would have
E) experience / have
34. By the early 20th century the local
ceramic industry of Ktahya ---- more or less to
an end, but now the city ---- the focus of a 39. To the astronomers of the Middle Ages, the most
revival of this skilled art.. important classical authorities on natural
philosophy ---- Aristotle and Ptolemy, since both
---- frameworks that explained the whole
A) had come / is universe..
35. When Charles ll ---- king in 1660, the theatres, E) may have been / were creating
which ---- by Cromwell, were opened again
and new dramatists appeared..
40. Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that
Germany ---- the greatest contribution..
A) would become / had closed
D) was becoming / will have been closed C) has been / had made
E) would have become / could have been closed D) was / will have made
43. Although the commercial banks ultimately ---- as 48. Recently, some anthropologists ---- that
a link between millions of lenders and borrowers, Australian totemism, because of its taboos
they still ---- with other financial intermediaries against killing and eating one's totem, ---- as a
to attract their deposits.. conservation device, helping people adapt to
their natural environment..
B) does / will be
A) have agreed / had fabricated
C) was doing / has been
B) agreed / could fabricate
D) had done / could be
C) had agreed / have fabricated
E) has done / might be
D) agree / will fabricate
1 C 41 D
2 E 42 C
3 B 43 E
4 E 44 C
5 B 45 B
6 E 46 C
7 A 47 E
8 D 48 C
9 D 49 A
10 E 50 E
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40 B