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The Standardized Professional Encounter:

A New Model to Assess Professionalism Scott D. Lifchez, MD
Carisa M. Cooney, MPH
and Communication Skills Richard J. Redett III, MD


Background Physician-patient communication is vital to prior experience with nurse-physician conflict

patient care, and physician-nurse interactions are management, and we assessed postencounter for
equally critical. Conflict between nurses and physicians collaborative skills and conflict resolution.
can greatly impair communication, increasing the risk of Results All residents (n 5 18) observed at least 1 physician-
treatment errors, yet physicians receive little education nurse conflict in front of patients. Eleven (61%) reported
during training on recognizing and resolving being involved in at least 1 conflict. Twelve residents
professional conflicts. (67%) had 2 or fewer prior education experiences in
Innovation We created and implemented the interprofessional conflict management. Faculty assessment
Standardized Professional (S-Pro) Encounter to improve and S-Pro scores demonstrated high agreement, while
training and provide opportunities to evaluate resident resident self-assessment scores demonstrated low
professionalism and communication with health care agreement with faculty and S-Pro scores.
team colleagues. Conclusions Participants and evaluators found the
Methods The standardized patient model is well encounter to be reasonably authentic. There was strong
established for teaching and assessing clinical and agreement between the faculty and S-Pro assessment of
communication skills. Using the standardized patient resident performance when using the Boggs scale. The
concept, we created a nurse-resident encounter with 2 S-Pro Encounter is easily adapted for other clinical
professionally trained medical portrayers (1 nurse, situations or training programs, and facilitates the
1 patient), in which the nurse disagrees with the assessment of professionalism and communication skills
residents treatment plan. Residents were surveyed for between residents and other health care professionals.

Editors Note: The online version of this article contains ment of rapport with patients.25 Sessions are recorded, and
the survey instrument, and the clinical scenario and learners review their performance to promote ongoing
guidelines for the Standardized Professional Encounter. improvement. The SP model is also effective for teaching
and assessing learner skills in professionalism and inter-
personal communication.6
Standardized patients (SPs) have been used in medical
Physician-nurse interaction plays a critical role in
school and graduate medical education for decades.1 patient care. Misunderstandings in physician-nurse com-
Learners are taught and assessed for physical examination munication can lead to medication administration errors
skills, performance of clinical treatments, and establish- and other problems in patient management.7 Conflicts
between nurses and physicians, particularly at the resident
Scott D. Lifchez, MD, is Residency Program Director, Department of Plastic level, can globally impair health care team communication,
and Reconstructive Surgery, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; Carisa M.
Cooney, MPH, is Director of Education Innovation, Johns Hopkins Department increasing the risk of errors that may harm patients.8
of Plastic Surgery; and Richard J. Redett III, MD, is a former Program Director, Previous publications have described education sessions
Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland Plastic Surgery
Residency. to address management of nurse-physician conflict, in-
Funding: The authors report no external funding source for this study.
cluding didactic sessions and small group discussions,810
but did not include assessments of resident skills. Profes-
Conflict of interest: The authors declare they have no competing interests.
sionalism and interpersonal and communication skills are
Corresponding author: Scott D. Lifchez, MD, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical
Center, Department of Plastic Surgery, Room A518, 4940 Eastern Avenue,
gaining importance in view of the Accreditation Council
Baltimore, MD 21224, 410.550.0407, [email protected] for Graduate Medical Education Review Committees
Received April 29, 2014; revisions received September 30, 2014, and November Program Requirements, with all specialty milestones
18, 2014; accepted November 24, 2014. containing assessments in these competencies, including the
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-14-00275.1 ability to work effectively with allied health professionals.11

230 Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015


The SP format is an opportunity to assess and teach

What was known and gap
resident professionalism and interpersonal communication
Physician-patient communication is important to the quality of care.
skills with colleagues. Using a PubMed search with the
terms standardized patient conflict, standardized patient What is new
collaboration, patient simulation conflict, and patient An encounter using standardized patients (S-Pro Encounter) provided an
simulation collaboration, we did not find prior reports opportunity to evaluate resident professionalism and communication
skills with team members.
using SPs to model interprofessional communication. For
these reasons, we created the Standardized Professional Limitations
(S-Pro) Encounter. Single program, single specialty study may limit generalizability.

Methods Bottom line

Using a survey instrument (provided as online supplemental The S-Pro Encounter can be adapted to different clinical situations and
facilitates assessment of residents professionalism and communication
material), we assessed plastic surgery residents prior skills.
experiences with physician-nurse conflict and determined
how much prior education they had received in managing
such conflict. Participating residents were in postgraduate unit, with a resident and a nurse transferring a patient to a
year (PGY)-2 through PGY-6. We modeled an encounter lower level of care. The instrument showed to have
simulating nurse-physician conflict in a common clinical construct and criterion validity, as well as 93% interob-
situation: cross-covering a patient who has been in the server reliability.12 Residents completed a self-assessment,
hospital for several days after surgery and now has and were assessed by the S-Pro (nurse role) and faculty who
uncontrolled pain. Residents were informed several weeks were blinded to the residents prior experience with nurse-
in advance about the simulated encounter but not about its physician conflict. After completing the assessments,
purpose (assessment of interprofessional communication residents met individually with the standardized profes-
skills). Residents were provided the clinical scenario sional and the SP. Residents were informed whether or not
15 minutes prior to the start of the encounter. Nurse and they were successful in creating collaboration between
patient roles were portrayed by trained medical actors. themselves and the nurse. Faculty raters were not present
Role training consisted of (1) a planning meeting between at the encounter; they viewed encounter recordings shortly
the training program faculty and the simulation center after the completion of all encounters.
director; and (2) meeting with medical portrayers for role- Of 22 eligible PGY-2 to PGY-6 residents, 18 completed
specific training, discussion of the rating instrument, and the pre-encounter survey and participated in the S-Pro
modeling of the postencounter feedback session. The latter Encounter. Residents were allowed up to 15 minutes for the
step took 2 hours, including 30 minutes for discussion of encounter. Portrayers were allowed to conclude the
the use of the Boggs instrument. Faculty observers were encounter sooner if the resident had addressed all of the
given 30 minutes to review the Boggs instrument. The nurse patients and nurses concerns. All encounters were
and patient portrayers were given the clinical scenario and completed in 1 morning over a 2K-hour period during
guidelines (provided as online supplemental material), but protected resident education time. Residents were kept
were allowed flexibility to respond in the encounter based separated from each other to prevent discussion of the
on resident performance. encounter until all had completed it.
During the encounter, the nurses role was to disagree The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutional Review Board
with the residents plan, but remain professional at all deemed this study exempt from review.
times. The patients role was to manifest uncontrolled pain Resident self-assessments were compared to those of
that has prevented sleep for 24 hours but maintain the S-Pro and faculty using a paired t test and intraclass
emotional control at all times. Residents were assessed for correlation coefficient. Relationship to prior learning
their ability to resolve the conflict. sessions on physician-nurse conflict management was
Assessments were performed using the Boggs scale for compared to performance using Fisher exact test. All
collaboration and satisfaction about care decisions, in calculations were performed using the statistical package
which the observer rates the encounter on 6 collaboration within Microsoft Excel 2010.
and 3 satisfaction items. Each item is scored on a scale of 1
to 7 (where 7 is highest), with the average of all 9 items Results
reported as the score. The instruments validity evidence All residents ultimately created collaboration and
was studied within a setting of a medical intensive care passed, with encounters lasting from 9 to 14 minutes.

Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015 231


TABLE Summary of Responses to Prior Education Survey and Boggs Score for Standardized Professional
(S-Pro) Encounter

Resident Prior Experience With RN Conflict n (%) P Value

Witnessed disagreement in front of a patient 18 (100)

Witnessed . 5 disagreements in front of a patient 6 (33)

Involved in a disagreement in front of a patient 11 (61)

Felt such disagreements are due to RN inexperience 10 (56)

PGY $ 5 (N 5 9) 8 (89) .015a

PGY 24 (N 5 9) 2 (22)

Prior training in MD-RN conflict

None 7 (39)

12 sessions 3 (16)

. 3 sessions 8 (44)

Boggs Score

3 or more prior training sessions in MD-RN conflict 6.60 + 0.31 .032b

02 prior training sessions in MD-RN conflict 5.23 + 1.69

ICC for Boggs Score ICC

FacultyS-Pro Encounter 0.945

ResidentS-Pro Encounter 0.372

Residentfaculty 0.367

Abbreviations: RN, nurse; PGY, postgraduate year; MD, physician; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient.
Fischer exact test.
Two-sample, unequal variance t test.

Pre-encounter survey results demonstrated that all residents There was a high level of agreement between faculty
had previously witnessed a nurse-physician conflict in front and S-Pro assessments of resident performance in the
of a patient. A majority of senior ($ PGY-5) residents encounter using the Boggs scale, indicating that our model
(89%, 8 of 9) felt that nurse-physician disagreements were has interrater reliability between rater types (faculty
due to nurse inexperience, compared with a minority of surgeon versus professional actor). There was a positive
junior (# PGY-4) residents (22%, 2 of 9). However, when association between prior resident education in physician-
dichotomized by junior (, PGY-4) versus senior (. PGY- nurse conflict management and performance, as rated by
5) training level, no significant association between ability the faculty and the S-Pro using the Boggs scale. Resident
to collaborate with the nurse and training level was found self-assessment showed poor correlation between the S-Pro
(P 5 .58, Fisher exact test). There was a significant positive and the faculty ratings on the Boggs scale.
association between prior education residents had received The Boggs scale was originally studied in medical
in physician-nurse conflict management and performance intensive care unit patient transfers to lower levels of
by the Boggs scale (0.032). Results are summarized in the inpatient care.12 Our study suggests the scale also can be
T A B L E. used to assess collaboration in an inpatient surgical setting.
There was a significant association between the amount of
Discussion prior education in physician-nurse conflict and the perfor-
The S-Pro Encounter was feasible and acceptable to all mance in the S-Pro Encounter as rated by the Boggs scale.
residents who participated. Residents rated the encounter Disagreement between resident self-assessments and the
from neutral to helpful in terms of helping them identify S-Pro assessments may relate to the communication style of
their skill level in professionalism and communication. the resident. A previous study demonstrated that plastic

232 Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015


surgery residents have different communication styles from assessments of residents demonstrated a high level of
the lay public.6 Because faculty raters were uninvolved interrater consistency.
observers of the S-Pro Encounter, they may have detected
residents failure to pick up on clues from the SP or the S- References
Pro when communication and building of collaboration 1 Norman GR, Tugwell P, Feightner JW. A comparison of resident
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similar communication style to that of the resident. 2 Harden RM, Gleeson FA. Assessment of clinical competence using an
Our training program continues to include an annual S- objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Med Educ.
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relatively long (7 years for residents who match directly out 4 Williams RG, Barrows HS, Vu NV, Verhulst SJ, Colliver JA, Marcy M, et al.
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several years. Future S-Pro encounters assessing interpro- 6 Lifchez SD, Redett RJ III. A standardized patient model to teach and assess
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This study has several limitations. Although our among healthcare providers. Surg Neurol Int. 2013;4(suppl 5):375382.
8 Rogers DA, Lingard L, Boehler ML, Espin S, Mellinger JD, Schindler N, et al.
program is relatively large for a plastic surgery residency, Surgeons managing conflict in the operating room: defining the
our sample size may limit the power to detect differences. educational need and identifying effective behaviors. Am J Surg.
All residents performed relatively well; no resident was 9 Hanyok LA, Walton-Moss B, Tanner E, Stewart RW, Becker K. Effects
rated below 4 either by faculty or the S-Pro. The findings of a graduate-level interprofessional education program on adult
nurse practitioner student and internal medicine resident physician
may not generalize to other specialties. Trained medical attitudes towards interprofessional care. J Interprof Care.
portrayers and/or a live simulation center may not be 2013;27(6):526528.
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Conclusion 11 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Milestones.
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Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015 233

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