UNO Support System 201203

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Type UNO

Being first is good, being smart is better, being both is Simply the Best! 1
glnd System tilbyr opphengssystemer Oglaend System offer a broad range of cable
tilpasset alle faggrupper, kabelstiger, support systems for all applications, e.g.
kabelbaner, koblingsboksstativ, cabIe Iadders, cable trays, junction box
rrklammer, kabelklammer (trefoil cleats), racks, tubing clamps, cable cleats, heating
varmekabler, styringssystemer m.m. cables, control systems etc.
Har du sprsml? If you need further information,
Vennligst ta kontakt. please do not hesitate to contact us!
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Subject to minor changes without notice.
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MATERIAL NAVN / MATERIAL TYPES: Katalogservice / Catalogue service 2
PG = Pregalvanisert stl Pre galvanized steel 20 my zink

Symbolforklaring / Explanation of symbols 3
HDG = Varmgalvanisert Hot Dip Galvanized NS/ISO 1461*
SS = Rustfritt stl Stainless Steel AISI 316L** UNO Support System Skinner / Channels 4
AL = Aluminium Aluminium 5052 H22/H32
*) Steel quality for HDG: Steel grade EN 10130 Grade DC01 Fjrmuttere/ Spring Nuts
**) Steel quality for SS: EN 1.4404 Anbefalt boltlengde/ Recommended length of screws 5

Andre kvaliteter p foresprsel / Other material qualities on request. Konstruksjonsdetaljer/ Fittings and accessories 5

Symbolet viser skruetype, This symbol shows type of
minimum antall og screw, the number Eksempel p oppheng til stlbjelker/stendere
typebenevnelse. needed and name. Example of beam support 10
Bestillingsnummer er 2(4) For order no.
p s. 14. M10x25 see page 14. Skinne- og veggkonsoller
Cantilever Arms and Channel Brackets 11

Ekspansjonsbolter Expansion bolts ETIN overgangsbrakett til rrklammer
Behov: 2 stk. 2 2 pcs. needed. ETIN tubing brackets 12
Type M10x55 M10x55 Type M10x55.
Case story A-Hus, Norway 12
Lseskrue m. linsehode Locking screws
Behov: 1 stk. 1 1 pcs. needed. Perforerte Profiler / Perforated Profiles 13
Type M10x20. M10x20 Type M10x20.
Skruer / Screws 14

Sekskantskrue Hexagonal screws Salgskontorer / Locations 15
Behov: Min. 2 stk. 2(4) Minimum 2 pcs. needed.
(4) Kan brukes*. (4) May be used*.
Type M6x12. M6x12 Type M6x12.

Selvborende skrue Self tapping screw

Behov: 6 stk. 6 6 pcs. needed.
Type 4x32. Type 4x32.
Standard: Standard:
Skruer er inkludert! Screws are included!
Oppgitt skrueantall fr The number of screws and nuts
parentesen leveres standard before the brackets are included
med delene. when ordering the part.
(4) Skruer i parentes er (4) Screws in brackets are
IKKE inkludert! NOT included!
Ved spesielle forhold sikres The number in brackets represents
montasjen med antall oppgitt i the number of screws that can be
parantes. Disse ekstra skruene fitted to fix the part. These must be
bestilles separat. ordered separately.

Skruer IKKE Screws NOT

inkludert! Included!
SNI: Skuer ikke inkludert. SNI SNI: Screws not included.

Patenter og mnster- Patents and design

beskyttelser applications
Mange av glnd Systems Many of Oglaend System s
produkter er patentert eller products are patented or
mnsterbeskyttet. En komplett protected by design applications.
liste er tilgjengelig ved A complete list is available on
henvendelse. request.
UNO Support System Skinner / Channels:

Materialkvaliteter UNO skinner:

9,5 22,5 9,5
HDG = 2,5mm. SS = 2mm. Tekniske data p foresprsel.
7 Material qualities UNO Channels:
41 HDG = 2,5mm. SS = 2mm. Technical data available on request.

Skinner Type U-41 Standard lengde 6m.
Channels Type U-41 Standard lengths 6m.
U-41-1 HDG SS PG Weight
Type (single) Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS(kg/m)
S-UNO-41-1(6m) 1302233 1371865 70702 2,2
S-UNO-41-1(3m) 1302227 1371859 2,2
U-41-2 U-41-2
Type (double)
S-UNO-41-2(6m) 1302235 1371867 4,5
S-UNO-41-2(3m) 1302229 1371864
Skinnene er sveist sammen med ca. 3mm pning for gi god
galvanisering mellom skinnene.
Sveisepunkt hver 200 mm forskjvet The channels are welded together with a 3mm opening
p andre side med 100 mm. 41
in order to allow zink to penetrate.
Spot welding every 200 mm shift
100 mm on the other side.
20 mm
Hull/Holes: Perforerte UNO skinner Standard lengde 6m.
11 x 35 Perforated UNO Channels Standard lengths 6m.
HDG SS PG Weight
U-41-1-3P Type (triple perf.) Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS(kg/m)
S-UNO-41-1-P3(3m) 83969 1,9
20 mm Type (single perf.)
Hull/Holes: S-UNO-41-1-P(6m) 1302234 1371866 81829 2,1
13 x 30 S-UNO-41-1-P(3m) 1302228 1371863


9,5 22,5 9,5 Skinner Type U-21 Standard lengde 6m.

Channels Type U-21 Standard lengths 6m.
HDG SS PG Weight
41 Type (single) Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS(kg/m)
S-UNO-21-1 1302230 1371860 1372860 1,6

Type (double)
S-UNO-21-2 1302232 1371862 3,2
Skinnene er sveist sammen med ca. 3mm pning for gi god
U-21-2 galvanisering mellom skinnene.
U-21-2 The channels are welded together with a 3mm opening
in order to allow zink to penetrate.

Sveisepunkt hver 200 mm forskjvet

p andre side med 100 mm.
Spot welding every 200 mm shift
Perforerte UNO skinner Standard lengde 6m.
100 mm on the other side. Perforated UNO Channels Standard lengths 6m.
20 mm HDG SS PG Weight
Hull/Holes: Type (single) Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS(kg/m)
U-21-1-P 13 x 30
S-UNO-21-1-P(6m) 1302231 1371861 1302199 1,7
S-UNO-21-1-P(3m) 83977 1,7

P bestilling kan forskjellige kombinasjoner leveres.

Ta kontakt ved behov for spesielle lsninger.
Different combinations can be supplied on request.
Contact us when special solutions are needed.

Fjrmuttere for UNO skinner
for U 21
Spring Nuts for UNO Channels
channel HDG SS Weight in
UNO Card has Patent No. 301353 Type Dim. Art. no. Art. no. SSx100(kg)
S-UNO NU-M-2106 M 6 1302246 1371868 2,2
NB! Bestill UNO Card: S-UNO NU-M-2108 M 8 1302247 1371869 2,0
Et alternativ til M-31--
for U 21 S-UNO NU-M-2110 M 10 1302248 1371870 3,0
spiralfjr. and U 41 S-UNO NU-M-2112 M 12 1302249 1371871 3,5
channel S-UNO NU-M-3106 M 6 1302250 1371872 2,0
S-UNO NU-M-3108 M 8 1302251 1371873 2,7
D S-UNO NU-M-3110 M 10 1302252 1371874 2,7
CAR S-UNO NU-M-3112 M 12 1302253 1371875 2,5
S-UNO NU-M-4106 M 6 1302254 1371876 2,2
NB! Order M-41-- S-UNO NU-M-4108 M 8 1302255 1371877 2,0
UNO Cards: for U 41 S-UNO NU-M-4110 M 10 1302256 1371878 3,0
Replace coil springs. S-UNO NU-M-4112 M 12 1302257 1371879 3,5
When using UNO Cards you only
need one type of UNO nut: M 31.

UNO muttere / UNO Nuts

Leveres i plastboks med 100 muttere, 50 UNO cards og en
1 monteringspinne.

50 Supplied in a plastic box including 100 nuts, 50 UNO cards and
one fixing pin.
UN Type Dimension Art. no. Art. no.
S-UNO Nu-Card M6 M6 1302236 1302240
One type tapered
10 mm pin in plastic S-UNO Nu-Card M8 M8 1302237 1302241
12 mm fits all nuts. S-UNO Nu-Card M10 M 10 1302238 1302242
8 mm S-UNO Nu-Card M12 M 12 1302239 1302243
6 mm En type Monteringspinne
i plast passer til alle
gjengepninger. Installation of
card and nut. Bestilling av enkle / Ordering single Uno Cards: Art. no.
Installasjon av kort S-UNO NU-Card 1302244
og mutter Monteringspinner / Fixing Pins Art. no.
S-UNO NU-FP 1302245

Anbefalt boltlengde Recommended length of screws

ved montering av diverse utstyr for assembling various parts
For skinner av type U-21 er anbefalt boltlengde ved montering av For channels of type U-21 is recommended length of the screw
5 mm plate eller konsoll 25 mm. 25 mm when mounting parts with material thickness of 5 mm.

For skinner av type U-41 er anbefalt boltlengde ved montering av For channels of type For U-41 is recommended length of the
5 mm plate eller konsoll 30 mm. screw 30 mm when mounting parts with material thickness of 5
k boltelengde tilsvarende ekstra tykkelse utover 5 mm.
For andre dimensjoner se skruelisten side 14. Increase the length of the screw accordingly when mounting part
with more than 5 mm extra material thickness.
For other dimensions see the list on page 14.

Dim. Type Art. no. Art. no.
L = 25mm for U-21 M 8 x 25 S-M HE-M8x25 1371302 1371322
M 8 x 30 S-M HE-M8x30 1371303 1371323
L = 30mm for U-41
M10 x 25 S-M HE-M10x25 1371305 1371326
M10 x 30 S-M HE-M10x30 1371306 1371327
M12 x 25 S-M HE-M12x25 1371311 1371332
M12 x 35 S-M HE-M12x35 1371312 1371333

UNO Fittings
and accessories
Material thickness Frihull HDG SS Weight
SS = 5 mm HDG = 6mm Clear hole Type Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)
42 7 mm S-UNO D-123 89723 89623 0,01
UNO U-plate
9 mm S-UNO D-124 89724 89624 0,01
UNO bracket 21,5 11 mm S-UNO D-125 89725 89625 0,01
40 13 mm S-UNO D-126 89726 89626 0,01

Firkantskive 7 mm S-UNO D-21-6 1302258 1371887 0,05

9 mm S-UNO D-21-8 1302259 1371888 0,05
Square washer 11 mm S-UNO D-21-10 1302260 1371889 0,05
40 13 mm S-UNO D-21-12 1302261 1371890 0,05

To hulls plate
Two hole plate
13 mm S-UNO D-22 1302262 1371891 0,11

Tre hulls plate

Three hole plate 13 mm S-UNO D-23 1302263 1371892 0,17

Fire hulls plate

13 mm S-UNO D-24 1302264 1371893 0,21
Four hole plate
Fire hulls U-skjt 13 45
Four hole U-splice 13 mm S-UNO D-24-B 84759 89324 0,74

Fem hulls plate

Five hole plate 13 mm S-UNO D-25 1302265 1371894 0,28

L-bracket 13 mm S-UNO D-31 1302266 1371895 0,18


T-brakett 88
13 mm S-UNO D-32 1302267 1371896 0,24
Tee bracket

Trekant brakett 12 mm S-UNO D-33 1302268 1371897 0,21
Three bracket


T-brakett 13 136 13 mm S-UNO D-111 89711 89611 0,40

Tee bracket
Kryssbrakett 13 13 mm S-UNO D-110 89610 0,37
Cross bracket
UNO Konstruksjonsdetaljer
Fittings and accessories
Material thickness Frihull HDG SS Weight
SS = 5 mm HDG = 6mm Clear hole Type Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)
Ekstra kraftig kryssbrakett 13 mm S-UNO D-107 89536 1,48
Heavy Duty cross bracket

Vinkelbrakett 39 39
13 mm S-UNO D-41 1302269 1371898 0,11
Right angle bracket
S-UNO D-42 }
60 60

39 39 13 mm S-UNO D-43 1302270 1371899 0,17

S-UNO D-44 }
Right angle bracket
107 36 107 36

Vinkelbrakett 13 mm S-UNO D-45 1302271 1371900 0,23
Right angle bracket S-UNO D-46 }

Right angle bracket 91 13 mm S-UNO D-47 1302272 1371901 0,23
13 mm S-UNO D-48 }
104 104

Vinkelbrakett 13 mm S-UNO D-49 1302273 1371902 0,17

Right angle bracket
55 91

Skinneholder 88 13 mm S-UNO D-51 1302274 1371903 0,24

Channel support bracket

88 49

Skinneholder 53 13 mm S-UNO D-52 1302275 1371904 0,24

Channel support bracket

Skinneholder 13 mm S-UNO D-53 1302276 1371905 0,24

Channel support bracket 88

49 88

UNO Fittings
and accessories
Material thickness Frihull HDG SS Weight
SS = 5 mm HDG = 6mm Clear hole Type Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)

21 42 For U-21-1 13 mm S-UNO D-64 82235 82236 0,25
U-formet brakett
U-shaped bracket For U-41-1 13 mm S-UNO D-61 1302277 1371906 0,31
Same bracket for single U-41 or double U-21 use
41 42
U-formet brakett,
For U-21-2 13 mm S-UNO D-61 1302277 1371906 0,31
For U-41-2 13 mm S-UNO D-62 1302278 1371907 0,33
U-shaped bracket, 171
41 42


82 42

Z-bracket 13 mm S-UNO D-71 1302279 1371908 0,16

Vingebrakett 134
Wing fitting

13 mm S-UNO D-96 1302298 1371929 0,65

43 43
NB! Material thickness 4 mm

Vingebrakett 90
Wing fitting 13 mm S-UNO D-76 1302315 1302317 0,30
105 41 13 mm S-UNO D-78 1302316 1302318 0,30
Type Type
D-76 D-78
left right

90 20
Brakett 140
Bracket 22 35x11mm S-UNO D-105 1302299 81334 0,17

Vinkel A:
Spiss vinkel brakett 88
Angle A:
Acute angle bracket 45 13 mm S-UNO D-91-05 1302288 1371917 0,14
60 13 mm S-UNO D-91-07 1302289 1371918 0,14
53 75 13 mm S-UNO D-91-09 1302290 1371919 0,14

Stump vinkel brakett 92 15 13 mm S-UNO D-92-01 1302291 1371920 0,18
Obtuse angle bracket 42 30 13 mm S-UNO D-92-03 1302292 1371921 0,18
45 13 mm S-UNO D-92-05 1302293 1371922 0,18
60 13 mm S-UNO D-92-07 1302294 1371923 0,18
75 13 mm S-UNO D-92-09 1302295 1371924 0,18

Deksel / Cover
Dekklist 3m for kanal PG PVC White SS Weight
Cover 3m for channel Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS(kg/m)
S-UNO D-93 1302287 85966 1371916 0,10

Endeplate for kanal

End cap for channel
S-UNO D-97 1371927

Type E-3 43
91 for U-41-1
Endestykker for UNO skinner
End pieces for UNO Channels
159 159 PG HDG SS Weight

Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)

S-UNO E-1 1302296 1371925 1,45
50 13 S-UNO E-2 1302297 1371926 1,85
92,5 S-UNO E-3 1304473 1304474 1304475 0,80
Type E-1 11x35
Type E-2
for U-41-1 for U-41-2

Bjelkeklammer / Beam Clamps

Material thickness Frihull HDG SS Weight
SS = 5 mm HDG = 6mm Clear hole Type Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)

Skinnebrakett inklusive 80
spiss skrue M 10-40 24
Beam clamp included
spice screw M 10-40 13 mm S-UNO D-81 1302280 1371909 0,32

Skinnebrakett inklusive 40 38
spiss skrue M 10-40
Beam bracket included 13 mm S-UNO D-82 1302281 1371910 0,14
spice screw M 10-40 25

Skinnebrakett inklusive
spiss skrue M 10-40 S-UNO D-85 1302283 1371912 0,13
Beam clamp included 24
spice screw M 10-40

Skinnebrakett inklusive 6 8,5

spiss skrue M 10-40
Beam clamp included 24 S-UNO D-86 1302284 1371913 0,28
spice screw M 10-40

Skinnebrakett med 1 stk. 80 30

U-bolt inkludert.
S-UNO D-87-A 1302285 1371914 0,30
Beam clamp with 1
U-bolt included. 6

Skinnebrakett med 1 stk. 80 30

U-bolt inkludert.
Beam clamp with 1 6 S-UNO D-87-B 1302286 1371915 0,35
U-bolt included.

Self-Lock nuts Eksempel p oppheng til
Pressure sleeve
Beam Clamp
material thickness 6 mm UNO bjelkeklammer for tykke flenser (0-30mm).
U-bolt UNO M8 Anbefalt maks last er 500 kg pr. klammer.
for channel UNO 41-1 Laget i 6mm syrefast stl (SS).
U-bolt UNO M8 Leveres p foresprsel som komplette sett (ogs i HDG):
for channel UNO 41-2
Example of beam support*
UNO Beam clamp for thick flenges (0-30mm).
Recommended max load is 500 kg each.
Made of 6mm Stainless steel (SS).
Complete sets are supplied on request.

110 43 SS
Type Art. no.
S-UNO BC-30-1 (for UNO 41-1 channel) 1304498
S-UNO BC-30-2 (for UNO 41-2 channel) 1304499
13 x 30

11 x 35
Perforated UNO channels
and other UNO profiles 13 x 30
see page 4.

Channel type UNO 41-1-3P

as ladder support.
CH100-1 used as travers*.

*) Be om vr katalog for multidisipline opphengsystem.

*) Ask for our multidiscipline support catalogue.

Skinne- og veggkonsoller / Cantilever Arms and Channel Brackets

Konsoller for UNO skinner

L Sikkerhetsfaktor 2. Maks last i kg. Type angir lengde.
Type CA-40 50
Cantilever Arm for UNO Channels
Safety factor 2. Max. load in kg. Type states length.

90 HDG SS Maks last Weight

L Type Art. no. Art. no. Max. load SS (kg)
S-UNO CA-40-200 1302300 1371880 500 0,7
S-UNO CA-40-300 1302301 1371881 500 0,9
S-UNO CA-40-400 1302302 1371882 360 1,1
Type CA-80
S-UNO CA-40-500 1302303 1302311 230 1,3
S-UNO CA-40-600 1302304 1371883 180 1,5
110 S-UNO CA-40-800 1302305 1302312 145 1,9
S-UNO CA-40-1000 1302306 1302313 115 2,4

13 x 25 L HDG SS Maks last Weight

Type mm Art. no. Art. no. Max. load SS (kg)
50 S-UNO CA-80-450 523 1302307 1302314 400 2,4
Monteringseksempel S-UNO CA-80-600 673 1302308 1371884 300 3,4
How to use S-UNO CA-80-750 823 1302309 1371885 200 4,0
S-UNO CA-80-900 973 1302310 1371886 175 4,7

Festes med / Fix with: 1 bolt max 12mm Veggkonsoll for LOE-, RZ-stiger og SPB- baner.
Material thickness: 6-8 Type nr. angir stigebredde. Sikkerhetsfaktor 2.
Hull / Holes 12 x 25 Cantilever Arm for LOE, RZ ladders and SPB trays.
10 Type no. indicates ladder width. Safety factor 2.
Side 14 HDG SS Maks last Weight
Page 14 L Type L Art. no. Art. no. Max. load (kg) SS (kg)
S-M CA-35-100 1372689 1302442 350 0,4
S-M CA-35-200 1372690 1302443 250 0,5
S-M CA-35-300 1372691 1302444 200 0,6
H = 94 (100-300) S-M CA-35-400 1372692 1302445 175 0,8
H = 113 (400-600) 50
S-M CA-35-500 1372693 1302446 150 0,9
L = Type Bredde/Width + 40mm S-M CA-35-600 1372694 1302447 125 1,1

Festes med / Fix with:

1 bolt max 12mm Veggkonsoll for LOE-, RZE-stiger og SPB-baner.
Type angir stigebredde. Sikkerhetsfaktor 2.
12,5 x 25 Cantilever Arm for LOE, RZE ladders and SPB trays.
Type states ladder width. Safety factor 2.
L c/c 53 HDG SS Weight
94 Type -L Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)
Hull / S-M CA-30-100 86275 86270 0,35
Holes: S-M CA-30-150 86276 86271 0,42
7 x 20
9 x 30 S-M CA-30-200 86277 86272 0,48
Side 14 L S-M CA-30-300 86278 86273 0,67
Page 14 S-M CA-30-400 86279 86274 0,81

L = Type length + 40mm

Skinnekonsoll for LOE, RZE-stiger og SPB-baner.

L Type angir stigebredde. Sikkerhetsfaktor 2.
Channel Bracket for LOE, RZE ladders and
SPB trays. Type states ladder width. Safety factor 2.
HDG SS Maks last Weight
Side 14 Type H+L Art. no. Art. no. Max. load SS (kg)
Page 14
S-M CB-30-100 38 + 129 1302437 1371791 180 kg 0,40
H S-M CB-30-150 38 + 179 1302438 1371792 180 kg 0,45
How to use: S-M CB-30-200 38 + 229 1302439 1371793 200 kg 0,50
Fits both S-M CB-30-300 50 + 329 1302440 1371794 200 kg 0,60
Mekano S-M CB-30-400 50 + 429 1302441 1371799 200 kg 0,70
and UNO

D 100 for lengthwise
ETIN for UNO skinner
Overgangsbraketter til rrklammer
11 x 11
7x7 ETIN Tubing Brackets for UNO Channels
HDG SS AL Weight
Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)
M6x15 A-UNO D-100 1302190 1371849 0,13
A-UNO D-101 1302191 1302193 0,13

D 101 for

HDG SS AL Weight
Free 360 Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg)
A-UNO D-102-B 1302192 1302194 0,1

7mm Be om spesialbrosjyre p ETIN tubing produkter.

Ask for special brochure for ETIN tubing products.

UNO skinner som rammeverk for multidisipline oppheng UNO channels as frames for multidiscipline support

glnd System er meget stolt av Oglaend System is very proud of

Akershus Universitetssykehus Akershus University Hospital
I oktober 2008 flyttet Akershus Universitetssykehus inn i nytt In October 2008 Akershus University Hospital moved into a
bygg og et av Europas mest moderne sykehus ble pnet. new hospital building, which is one of Europes most modern
Det nye sykehuset har en pen arkitektur med korte avstander
mellom sengeposter og behandlingsomrder, med omgivelser The hallmark of the hospital is openness and open architecture
som kommer pasienter, prrende og publikum i mte. with short distances between bed-posts and treatment areas.
Akershus University Hospital works in new ways. Modern and
Akershus universitetssykehus fungerer p nye mter. Moderne efficient solutions that secure the patients the best possible
og effektive lsninger sikrer pasientene best mulig behandling care and the personnel a simpler day at work.
og personalet en enklere arbeidsdag.
Oglaend System has supplied a thought-through support
glnd System har bidratt med en gjennomtenkt multidisiplin solution for pipes, HVAC, sanitary installations and sprinkler
opphengslsning for rr, ventilasjon, VVS og sprinklersystem. system. In addition the support system also works as support
Opphengssystemet fungerer ogs som feste for himlinger, slik system for the tailored ceiling panels. These were easily
at alle himlinger kunne festes med minimalt av stv. En viktig mounted without generating any dust, which is highly
detalj ved installasjonsarbeid i hygieniske rom. important in Clean Room facilities.

PR = Primet / Primed Perforerte profiler
HDG = Varmgalv./ Hot Dip Galvanized Benyttes til diverse oppheng og feste for baner, stiger og annen
SS = Rustfritt stl / Stainless Steel EN 1.4404 utrustning. Videre til skapskinner, tavlebygging ol.
ALU = Aluminium Leveres i 3m lengder.
Perforated Profiles
For various support of trays, ladders and electrical installations.
Available in 3m lengths.

Flattstl / Flat Iron

Perforert p tvers / Crosswise perforated
7 10


Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. HDG (kg)
20 mm
Fl-CW-7x20-30x5x3000 1372104 1372130 2,6
Fl-CW-7x20-40x5x3000 1372105 1372131 3,8
7 mm
15 Fl-CW-7x20-50x4x3000 1372101 1372103 4,0
Perforert p langs / Lengthwise perforated SS (kg)
11 mm 30 Fl-LW-7x35-25x5x3000 1372107 1372111 1371930 2,4
30 Fl-LW-7x35-30x5x3000 1372108 1372112 1371931 78173 3,0
Fl-LW-7x35-40x5x3000 1372109 1372113 1371932 78229 4,2
11 mm Fl-LW-7x35-50x5x3000 1372110 1372114 1371933 5,5
Fl-LW-11x35-40x5x3000 81477 81484 86858 3,9
Fl-LW-11x30-50x5x3000 81485 1371935 5,4
7 10
Fl-LW-11x30-40x6x3000 1371984 5,0
Fl-LW-11x30-40x8x3000 1372100 1372102 6,6
16 mm

Vinkelstl / Angle Iron
Perforert p tvers / Crosswise perforated
7 mm
Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. HDG (kg)
30 AI-CW-7x16-30x30x3x3000 1372132 1372134 1371942 78228 3,9
AI-CW-7x16-40x40x4x3000 1372133 1372140 1371943 6,9
11 mm Perforert p langs / Lengthwise perforated
AI-LW-7x30-30x30x3x3000 1372115 1372117 1371939 3,9
15 AI-LW-7x30-40x40x4x3000 1372116 1372118 1371940 6,9
AI-LW-7x30-50x50x3x2000 78045 1,5*

AI-LW-11x30-50x50x5x3000 1372119 1372120 1371941 10,7

7 mm
Perforert dobbelt p langs / Double lengthwise perforated
AI-LW-7x30-40x40x4x3000 1371945 6,6
30 AI-LW-11x30-50x50x5x3000 78662 1371946 10,1
AI-LW-11x35-49x49x4x3000** 88349 88348 7,4
11 mm
AI-LW-7x35-49x49x4x3000** 88347 88342 7,9
AI-LW-7x35/11x35-49x49x4x3000** 88346 88344 7,7
15 AI-LW-13x40-54x54x4x3000** 88351 7,8
*) Weight in ALU
**) Eksakte lengder opp til 3m (i 100mm steg) leveres p foresprsel.
11 mm Predefined lengths up to 3m (in 100mm steps) are supplied on request.

Sveiseprofil for tubingklammer
For rask og enkel tubing installasjon med ETIN tubingklammer.
Leveres i lengder p 3m.
7 mm Welding Channel for tubing clamps
For quick and easy tubing installation with ETIN tubing clamp.
15 Available in 3m lengths.
Type Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. Art. no. SS (kg/m)
7 mm
15 RZ- WB 78463 78497 1
11 mm 35

28,5 25

13 mm

15 35 50
35 50
5 36,5

HUSK: Skruer er inkludert!
REMEMBER: Screws are included!
STD. packs PG. HDG SS
SKRUER / SCREWS TYPE PG+HDG / SS Art. no. Art. no. Art. no.
M 6 x 12 * S-M LS-NU-M6x12 200 1372750 1371981
LSESKRUER M 6 x 16 * S-M LS-NU-M6x16 200 84487
LOCKING BOLT SETS M 6 x 20 * S-M LS-NU-M6x20 200 1371982
*) Low m/linsehode og flensmutter M 6 x 30 S-M LS-NU-M6x30 200 1372749 1371361
With pan head and flange nuts M10 x 20 * S-M LS-NU-M10x20 100 1371983
M10 x 25 * S-M LS-NU-M10x25 100 1371980 1371437
Self-Lock only in SS M10 x 50 S-M LS-NU-M10x50 50 1371589 1371362
M 6 x 12 * S-M LS-M6x12 200 1372167 1372161
LSESKRUER M 6 x 16 * S-M LS-M6x16 200 84493
M 6 x 25 DIN 603 S-M LS-M6x25 200 / 100 1372169 1372162
M 6 x 50 DIN 603 S-M LS-M6x50 200 / 100 1371360 85520
*) Low M10 x 20 * S-M LS-M10x20 200 / 100 1372163
M10 x 25 * S-M LS-M10x25 100 / 50 1372765
M10 x 30 DIN 603 S-M LS-M10x30 100 / 50 86008 89821
M10 x 35 DIN 603 S-M LS-M10x35 100 82709
High M10 x 50 DIN 603 S-M LS-M10x50 50 89822
M10 x 70 DIN 603 S-M LS-M10x70 50 81396
M 6 x 12 DIN 933 S-M HE-M6x12 200 1372780
SEKSKANTSKRUER M 6 x 16 DIN 933 S-M HE-M6x16 200 1372171 1371318
HEXAGONAL BOLTS M 6 x 20 DIN 933 S-M HE-M6x20 200 1372172 1371319
M 6 x 30 DIN 933 S-M HE-M6x30 200 1371320
M 8 x 20 DIN 933 S-M HE-M8x20 200 1371301 1371321
M 8 x 25 DIN 933 S-M HE-M8x25 200 1371302 1371322
Lengre utgaver M 8 x 30 DIN 933 S-M HE-M8x30 200 1371303 1371323
leveres i DIN 931 M10 x 16 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x16 100 1372178 1371324
delgjenget. M10 x 20 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x20 200 / 100 1371304 1371325
M10 x 25 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x25 200 / 100 1371305 1371326
Longer lengths M10 x 30 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x30 200 / 100 1371306 1371327
in DIN 931 M10 x 35 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x35 100 1371307 1371328
M10 x 45 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x45 100 1371308 1371329
partly threaded. M10 x 50 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x50 100 1371309 1371330
M10 x 55 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x55 100 / 50 1371310 1371331
M12 x 25 DIN 933 S-M HE-M12x25 100 1371311 1371332
M12 x 35 DIN 933 S-M HE-M12x35 100 1371312 1371333
M12 x 45 DIN 933 S-M HE-M12x45 100 / 50 1371313 1371334
Spisset / Cone point M10 x 40 DIN 933 S-M HE-M10x40 100 1371314 1371335
M 6 x 16 DIN 7985 S-M PS-M6x16 200 1372164 1372156
LINSESKRUER M 6 x 20 DIN 7985 S-M PS-M6x20 200 1372842 1372157
PAN HEAD SCREWS M 6 x 25 DIN 7985 S-M PS-M6x25 200 84954 1372158
With Torx T30 M 6 x 30 DIN 7985 S-M PS-M6x30 200 1372166 1372159
M 6 x 40 DIN 7985 S-M PS-M6x40 100 1372168 1372160
BITS for torx T30 conical Bits conical Torx T30 1371417
FLENSMUTTERE 6 mm DIN 6923 S-M NU-FL-M6 200 1372843 1371971
FLANGE NUTS 8 mm DIN 6923 S-M NU-FL-M8 200 1372831 1371972
10 mm DIN 6923 S-M NU-FL-M10 200 1372832 1372180 1371973
Self-Lock only in SS 12 mm DIN 6923 S-M NU-FL-M12 200 1371343
SEKSKANTMUTTERE M 6 x 10 DIN 934 S-M NU-M6 100 1372844 1372781
M 8 x 13 DIN 934 S-M NU-M8 100 1372176 1371340
HEXAGONAL NUTS M10 x 17 DIN 934 S-M NU-M10 100 / 50 1372845 1371341
M12 x 19 DIN 934 S-M NU-M12 100 / 50 1372179 1371342
5x30.5x1.5 S-M WA-5x30.5x1.5 200 84394
SKIVER 6x12x1.6 DIN 125 S-M WA-6.4x12x1.6 200 1372782
WASHERS 6x18x1.6 DIN 125 S-M WA-6.4x18x1.6 200 1372175 1371349
OD Type codes: 6x25x1.5 S-M WA-6x25x1.5 200 1372848 1371350
t= 8x16x1.6 DIN 125 S-M WA-8.4x16x1.6 100 1372849 1371345 1371351
8x40.3x1.5 S-M WA-8x40.3x1.5 200 84345
10.5x20x2 DIN 125 S-M WA-10.5x20x2 100 1372850 1371352
10.5 x 20 x 2
12x24x2.5 DIN 125 S-M WA-13x24x2.5 100 1371346 1371353
7x30.4x1.5 S-M WA-7x30,4x1,5 200 84562
11x32x1 S-M WA-11x32x1 200 1371354
7x35x2 S-M WA-7x35x2 200 1371594
10x(29x33)x3 S-M WA-10x(29x33)x3 200 84110
M6 DIN 6798 S-M SW-M6 200 1372852 1371355
STJERNESKIVER M8 DIN 6798 S-M SW-M8 100 1371356
STAR WASHERS M10 DIN 6798 S-M SW-M10 100 1372854 1371357
M12 DIN 6798 S-M SW-M12 100 1371359 1371358
EKSPANSJONSBOLTER M 6 x 40 S-M AC-6x40 100 1372767
M 6 x 52 S-M AC-6x52 100 1371368
M 8 x 50 S-M AC-8x50 100 1372768 1371369
Kvaliteter: V.G. = 5.8 M 8 x 60 S-M AC-8x60 100 1371364
Qualities: S.S. = A4-70 M10 x 60 S-M AC-10x60 50 1372769 1371365 1371370
P.G. = 5.8 M10 x 92 S-M AC-10x92 50 1371366 1371371
M12 x 110 S-M AC-12x110 25 89823
SELVBORENDE SKRUER i 100-pakn. / SELF-TAPPING SCREWS in packs of 100
Inntil/Up to 1 mm stlplate/steelplate 4,2 x 13mm 32-PH 100 1349417
Inntil/Up to 3 mm stlplate/steelplate 4.2 x 14mm 34-PH 100 1372820
Inntil/Up to 3 mm stlplate/steelplate 4.2 x 25mm 36-PH 100 1372821
For opptil 2.5mm tykkelse 4.8 x 13 mm MARUTEX M4.8x13 SS in A2 quality 100 1371373
For up to 2.5mm thickness 4.8 x 25 mm Marutex M4.8x25 SS in A2 quality 100 1371374
Bits for Marutex Bits 1371375
Maks tiltrekningsmoment / Max tightening torque for Self-Lock Flange Nuts: M6 = 8-10Nm, M8 = 20-23Nm, M10 = 40-45Nm, M12 = 80-85Nm
14 PG = 4-7 my zink. HDG = 40-70 my zink. SS = A4-70 (Hex = A4-80)
glnd Industrier AS Oglaend System Russia AGENTS - DlSTRlBUTORS Smith & Norland
P.O. Box 133 Tel.: +7(812) 313 1580 Abu Dhabi Tel.: + 354 52 03 000
NO-4358 Kleppe Fax: +7(812) 313 1580 Proserv Albadie LLC Fax: + 354 52 03 011
Tel.: + 47 51 78 81 00 Email: [email protected] Tel.: + 971 26 27 73 70 Email: [email protected]
Fax: + 47 51 78 81 60 Fax: + 971 29 27 79 72 Email: [email protected]
Singapore (South East Asia) lndonesia
DATTERSELSKAP/SUBSIDIARY Oglaend System Singapore Pte. Ltd. PT. Multi Tarex MuIia
Norway Tel.: + 65 67 48 82 78 Australia Tel.: + 62 21 3983 5337
glnd System AS Fax: + 65 67 48 86 15 J. T. Day Pty. Ltd. Fax: + 62 21 3983 5340
P.O. Box 133 Email: [email protected] Tel.: + 61 8 9303 2248 Email: [email protected]
NO-4358 Kleppe Fax: + 61 8 9303 2446
Tel.: + 47 51 78 81 00 Sweden Email: [email protected]
Fax: + 47 51 78 81 60 glnd System AB Italy
Fax sales office: + 47 51 78 81 61 Tel.: + 46 40 45 74 60 Piemme Broker S.R.L.
Email: [email protected] Fax: + 46 40 45 67 25 Brazil Tel.:+39 02 906 33621 Email: [email protected] M.O.TECH do Brazil Fax +39 02 906 32036
Tel.: + 55 21 2532 2101 Email: [email protected]
Denmark UK Fax: + 55 21 2517 2437
glnd System AS Oglaend System UK Ltd. Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +45 86 88 66 66 Tel.: + 44 121 552 9662 Malaysia
Fax: +45 86 88 66 67 Fax: + 44 121 544 6627 Offshore Industries Sdn Bhd
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Brunei Tel.: + 60 3-9284 0613
Shinba Integrated Engineering Services Fax: + 60 3-9284 1051
Dubai (Middle East) USA Tel.: + 673 333-1489 Email: [email protected]
Oglaend Industries Middle East Oglaend System USA Fax: + 675 333-6333
Tel.: + 971 4 887 8134 Tel.: +1 832 288 4452 Email: [email protected] Poland
Fax: + 971 4 887 8143 Email: [email protected] Nd Service Sp. Z.O.O.
Mobile: + 971 50 55 86 183 Canada Tel.: + 48 665 070 111
Email: [email protected] Korea Apel/CSA Enterprises Email: [email protected]
Oglaend System Korea Co Ltd Tel.: + 1 902 450 5647
Malaysia Tel.: + 82 518 320 761 Fax: + 1 902 450 5286
Oglaend Industries SDN BHD Fax: + 82 518 320 762 Email: [email protected] Thailand
Tel.: + 60 3 51 922 049 Email: [email protected] Probity International Co Ltd.
Fax: + 60 3 51 922 039 Tel.: + 66 2 710 6146 Ext. 107
Mobile: + 60 1 26 85 57 65 SALGSKONTORER/SALES OFFICES NOSO Ltd. Fax: + 66 2 710 6147
Email: [email protected] Norway Tel.: + 1 709 782 2645 Email: [email protected]
[email protected] glnd System AS, Division Oslo: Fax: + 1 709 782 0534
Tel.:+ 47 22 25 15 10 Email: [email protected]
The Netherlands Fax: + 47 22 25 25 21 The Baltic States
Oglaend System BV Bastini O
Tel.: + 31 1804 14 204 glnd System AS, Division lesund: Finland Tel.: + 372 660 5811
Fax: + 31 1804 19 395 Tel.: + 47 70 19 09 50 Elmarino - Shipping OY Fax: + 372 660 5812
Email: [email protected] Fax: + 47 70 19 09 51 Tel.: + 358 22 54 61 00 Email: [email protected]
Fax: + 358 22 54 62 76
glnd System AS, Division Trondheim: Vietnam
Tel.: + 47 73 80 99 70 Finn H&T Group Oy MT Corp.
Fax: + 47 73 80 99 77 Tel.: +358 45 630 4004 Tel.: + 848 821 0373
Fax: +358 3 5752550 Fax: + 848 821 0358
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Dette har vrt vrt motto helt siden firmaet ble grunnlagt i 1977.
Ved flge dette mottoet har vi blitt markedslederen innen vre felt globalt.

glnd Systems ml er utvikle systemer som er de beste, enkleste og mest

konomiske p markedet.

This has been our motto since the company was founded in 1977. By living up
to the motto we have become the market leader in our field worldwide.

Oglaend Systems goal is to develop systems that are better, simpler and more
economic overall.

Konsern/Holding company:
glnd Industrier AS

glnd System AS
Hovedkontor fabrikk/Head Office factory:
P.O. box 133, NO-4358 Kleppe,
Tel.: +47 51 78 81 00, Fax: (47) 51 78 81 60
Fax sales office: +47 51 78 81 61

16 Email: [email protected] 0.12

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