Learning Needs Analysis Form Occupational Analysis Year: 2004 Division/Department: Qa/Qc Dept. Job Title: QA/QC Engineer
Learning Needs Analysis Form Occupational Analysis Year: 2004 Division/Department: Qa/Qc Dept. Job Title: QA/QC Engineer
Learning Needs Analysis Form Occupational Analysis Year: 2004 Division/Department: Qa/Qc Dept. Job Title: QA/QC Engineer
Year: 2004
1. To prepare & update Project Quality Able to prepare the PQP independently 3 1. Understanding of ISO 9001 QMS Standards Refer to Attachment
Plan (PQP).
2. To conduct QA Awareness & GPT Able to conduct the training effectively on 4 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager and Specialist
Training and update training records. Structural & Architectural trades 2. Train the Trainer Course
3. Presentation Skills Training Course
3. To prepare Project Quality Appraisal Able to identify potential problems & quality 4 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager
Report. risks during site walks and propose
corrective & preventive actions
4. To conduct In-House Quality Able to use the relevant QC tools for 5 1. CONQUAS 21 training (by CITI)
Assessment. assessment. Understanding of relevant 2. Relevant seminar / short courses related to QC
Quality requirements
5. To monitor the implementation of Able to identify non-conformance and 5 1. Internal Quality Auditor Course
Quality Management System. And to potential quality risks and provide
conduct internal Quality Audit. suggestion on corrective & preventive
6. To identify areas for improvement. Able to preempt problems and highlight 5 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager & Site Manager
areas for improvement 2. Relevant seminar / short courses related to construction
7. To administer Defective Work / Able to follow-up with concerned staff / 4 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager
Goods Report / Sub-Contract subcontractor on effectiveness of
Violation / ICAR Reports. corrective and preventive actions taken for
non-conformance raised
8. To compile Building Material Data Able to comment on method statement & 4 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager
Sheet. material chosen for the Structural & 2. Relevant seminar / short courses related to construction
Architectural trades technologies
Rating Scale
0 - No ability
1- Conceptual with no working knowledge Approved by:
2 Novice or Introductory-level ability Name/Designation
3 Developing; need regular help or reference Date:
4 Mostly functional; need occasional help
5 - Totally capable; fully self-reliant
Year: 2003
9. To conduct QC inspection. Able to orgainse QC inspection and lead 5 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager
the QC team. Able to investigate the cause 2. Relevant seminar / short courses related to QC
of defects and propose corrective and
preventive actions
10. To handle CONQUAS 21 / Quality Able to co-ordinate & prepare the project to 5 1. CONQUAS 21 training (by CITI)
Mark Assessment (where Applicable). achieve the target score set by the 2. Relevant seminar conducted by BCA related to
management CONQUAS and QM
11. To co-ordinate Work Demo & Trade Able to co-ordinate & organise the work / 5 1. In-house training by QA/QC Manager and Specialist
Demo (where applicable). trade demo as per plan. Able to answer
queries raised by Client/Consultants during
traded demo
Rating Scale
0 - No ability
1- Conceptual with no working knowledge Approved by:
2 Novice or Introductory-level ability Name/Designation
3 Developing; need regular help or reference Date:
4 Mostly functional; need occasional help
5 - Totally capable; fully self-reliant
Woh Hup (Pte) Ltd
QA/QC Department
3 to 4 years
in-charge of two projects and
achieve the target set by the management
(From internal promotion only)
4 to 5 years
with at least two projects
(From internal promotion only)
QA/QC Engineer
3 to 4 years
Able to work independently as QA/QC Engineer
Further study to obtain higher qualification
QA/QC Supervisor