Block 1

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Introduction to Object


Structure Page Nos.
1.0 Introduction 7
1.1 Objectives 7
1.2 Object Oriented Modeling 8
1.3 Basic Philosophy of Object Orientation 10
1.4 Characteristics Object Oriented Modeling 11
1.4.1 Class and Objects
1.4.2 Links and Association
1.4.3 Generalization and Inheritance
1.5 An Object Model 16
1.6 Benefits of OO Modeling 17
1.7 Introduction to OOA& Design Tools 17
1.8 Summary 19
1.9 Solutions/Answers 19

Object oriented design methods emerged in the 1980s, and object oriented analysis
methods emerged during the 1990s. In the early stage, object orientation was largely
associated with the development of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and a few other
applications became widely known. In the 1980s, Grady Booch published a paper on
how to design for Ada, and gave it the title, Object Oriented Design. In 1991, Booch
was able to extend his ideas to a genuinely object oriented design method in his book
with the same title, revised in 1993 (Booch, 1994) [sic].

The Object Modeling Technique (OMT) covers aspects of object oriented analysis and
design. OOT provides a very productive and practical way of Software development.
As object oriented Technology (OOT) is not language dependent, there is no need for
considering a final implementation language, during Object Oriented Modeling
(OOM). OOT combine structural, control and functional aspects of the system. We
will discuss the structural, control and functional aspects of the systems in great detail
in block 3 of this course.

In this unit, we will discuss the basic notions of object orientation. This unit will cover
discussion on objects, classes, links, association, generalization, and inheritance. We
will discuss the basics of an object model with the help of an example. Towards the
end of this unit we will cover the benefits of OOM. In this unit, you will also be
introduced to some OOAD tools.


After going through this unit, you should be able to:

explain basics of object oriented Modeling;
define Objects and Classes;
explain the concepts of links and Associations;
explain the concept of Generalization and Inheritance;
describe benefits of Object Oriented Modeling, and
explain the use of some OOAD tools.

Object Oriented

Object oriented modeling is entirely a new way of thinking about problems. This
methodology is all about visualizing the things by using models organized around real
world concepts. Object oriented models help in understanding problems,
communicating with experts from a distance, modeling enterprises, and designing
programs and database. We all can agree that developing a model for a software
system, prior to its development or transformation, is as essential as having a blueprint
for large building essential for its construction. Object oriented models are represented
by diagrams. A good model always helps communication among project teams, and to
assure architectural soundness.
It is important to note that with the increasing complexity of systems, importance of
modeling techniques increases. Because of its characteristics Object Oriented
Modeling is a suitable modeling technique for handling a complex system. OOM
basically is building a model of an application, which includes implementation details
of the system, during design of the system.
Brooks observes that the As you know, any system development refers to the initial portion of the software life
hard part of software cycle: analysis, design, and implementation. During object oriented modeling
development is the identification and organization of application with respect to its domain is done, rather
manipulation of its essence than their final representation in any specific programming language. We can say that
due to the inherent OOM is not language specific. Once modeling is done for an application, it can be
complexity of the problem, implemented in any suitable programming language available.
rather than the accidents of
its mapping into a particular OOM approach is a encouraging approach in which software developers have to think
language, which are due to in terms of the application domain through most of the software engineering life
temporary imperfections in cycle. In this process, the developer is forced to identify the inherent concepts of the
our tools that are rapidly application. First, developer organize, and understood the system properly and then
being corrected (Brooks-87). finally the details of data structure and functions are addressed effectively.
In OOM the modeling passes through the following processes:
System Analysis
System Design
Object Design, and
Final Implementation.
System Analysis: In this stage a statement of the problem is formulated and a model
is build by the analyst in encouraging real-world situation. This phase show the
important properties associated with the situation. Actually, the analysis model is a
concise, precise abstraction and agreement on how the desired system must be
developed. You can say that, here the objective is to provide a model that can be
understood and criticized by any application experts in the area whether the expert is a
programmer or not.
System Design: At this stage, the complete system architecture is designed. This is
the stage where the whole system is divided into subsystems, based on both the
system analysis model and the proposed architecture of the system.
Object Design: At this stage, a design model is developed based on the analysis
model which is already developed in the earlier phase of development. The object
design decides the data structures and algorithms needed to implement each of the
classes in the system with the help of implementation details given in the analysis
Final Implementation: At this stage, the final implementation of classes and
relationships developed during object design takes place a particular programming
language, database, or hardware implementation (if needed). Actual implementation

should be done using software engineering practice. This helps to develop a flexible Introduction to Object
Oriented Modeling
and extensible system.
Whole object oriented modeling is covered by using three kinds of models for a
system description. These models are:
object model,
dynamic model, and
functional model.
Object models are used for describing the objects in the system and their relationship
among each other in the system. The dynamic model describes interaction among
objects and information flow in the system. The data transformations in the system are
described by a functional model. All three models are applicable during all stages
of development. These models bear the responsibility of acquiring implementation
details of the system development. It is important to note that you cannot describe a
system completely until unless all three modes are described properly. In block 3 of
this course, we will discuss these three models in detail.
Before we discuss the characteristics of object oriented modeling, let us see how
object oriented development is different from structured development of the system.
In the structured approach, the main emphasis is on specifying and decomposing
system functionality. Structured approach is seen as the most direct way of
implementing a desired goal. A structured approach has certain basic problems, such
as, if the requirements of system change then a system based on decomposing
functionality may require massive restructuring, and, the system gradually become
unmanageable. In contrast to the structured approach, the basic focus of object-
oriented approach is to identify objects from the application domain, and then to
associate procedures (methods) around these identified objects.
You can say that object oriented development is an indirect way of system
development because in this approach a holistic view of application domain is
considered, and objects are identified in the related problem domain. A historic
view of application helps in realizing the situations and characteristics of the system.
Taking a holistic view of the problem domain rather than considering functional
requirements of a single problem give an edge to object oriented development.
Once the objects are created with the needed characteristics, they communicate with
each other by message passing during problem solving.

& Check Your Progress 1

1) What is OOM?

2) List different steps involved in OOM process.

3) Differentiate OO development from structured development.

Object Oriented
There are several characteristics of object-oriented technology. Some of these
characteristics have been discussed in course MCS-024. We have also implemented
some of them in Java programming language, although these characteristics are not
unique to object-oriented systems in the sense that they vary from object based
systems to object oriented systems. However, most of the properties are particularly
well supported in object oriented systems.

Now, let us discuss about the basic characteristics around which object oriented
systems are developed.
Abstraction is one of the very important concepts of object oriented systems
Abstraction focues on the essential, inherent aspects of an object of the system. It does
not represent the accidental properties of the system. In system development,
abstraction helps to focus on what an object is supposed to do, before deciding how it
should be implemented. The use of abstraction protects the freedom to make decisions
for as long as possible, by avoiding intermediate commitments in problem solving.
Most of the modern languages provide data abstraction. With the abstraction, ability
to use inheritance and ability to apply polymorphism provides additional freedom and
capability for system development. When you are using abstraction during analysis,
you have to deal with application-domain concepts. You do not have to design and
make implementation decisions at that point.
Encapsulation, or information hiding, is the feature of separating the external aspects
of an object, from the internal implementation details of that object. It helps in hiding
the actual implementation of characteristics of objects. You can say that encapsulation
is hiding part of implementation that do internal things, and these hidden parts are not
concerned to outside world. Encapsulation enables you to combine data structure and
behaviour in a single entity. Encapsulation helps in system enhancement. If there is a
need to change the implementation of object without affecting its external nature,
encapsulation is of great help.
Class hierarchy is the deciding factor in the case of more than one implementation of
characteristics. An object oriented program to calculate the area of different Figures
would simply call the Find_ Area operation on each figure whether it is a circle,
triangle, or something else. The decision of which procedure to use is made implicitly
by each object, based on its class polymorphism makes maintenance easier because
the calling code need not be modified when a new class is added.
Sharing of Structure and Behaviour
One of the reasons for the popularity of object-oriented techniques is that they
encourage sharing at different levels. Inheritance of both data structure and behaviour
allows common structure (base class) to be used in designing many subclasses based
on basic characteristics of base class, and develop new classes with less effort.
Inheritance is one of the main advantages of any object oriented language, because it
gives scope to share basic code.
In a broader way we can say that object oriented development not only allows
information sharing and reuse within an application, but also, it gives a base for
project enhancement in future. As and when there is a need for adding new
characteristics in the system, they can be added as an extension of existing basic

features. This can be done by using inheritance, and that too, without major Introduction to Object
Oriented Modeling
modification in the existing code. But be aware that just by using object orientation
you do not get a license to ensure reusability and enhancement. For ensuring
reusability and enhancement you have to have a more general design of the system.
This type of design can be developed only if the system is properly studied and
features of proposed system are explored.

Emphasis on Object Structure, not on Operation Implementation

In object orientation the major emphasis is on specifying the characteristics of the
objects in a system, rather than implementing these characteristics. The uses of an
object depend highly on the facts of the application and regular changes during
development. As requirements extend, the features supplied by an object are much
more stable than the ways in which they are used, hence software systems built on
object structure are more secure.
While developing a system using the object oriented approach, main emphasis is on
the essential properties of the objects involved in the system than on the procedure
structure to be used for implementation. During this process what an object is, and its
role in system is deeply thought about.


In object oriented modeling objects and their characteristics are described. In any
system, objects come into existence for playing some role. In the process of defining
the roles of objects, some features of object orientation are used. In this section we
will discuss these features, which include:

Class and Objects

Links and Association
Generalization and Inheritance
Let us start our discussion with Class and Objects.

1.4.1 Class and Objects

A class is a collection of things, or concepts that have the same characteristics. Each
of these things, or concepts is called an object.
We will discuss, in the next unit of this block, that the class is the most fundamental
construct within the UML.
Classes define the basic words of the system being modeled. Using a set of classes as
the core vocabulary of a software project tends to greatly facilitate understanding and
agreement about the meanings of terms, and other characteristics of the objects in the
Classes can serve as the foundation for data modeling. In OOM, the term classes is
usually the base from which visual modeling toolssuch as Rational Rose XDE,
Visual Paradigm function and design the model of systems.
Now, let us see how the characteristics that classes share are captured as attributes and
operations. These terms are defined as follows:
Attributes are named slots for data values that belong to the class. As we have
studied in MCS-024, different objects of a given class typically have at least
some differences in the values of their attributes.
Operations represent services that an object can request to affect the behaviour
of the object or the system itself.

Object Oriented In unit 3 of this block, we will cover the standard UML notation for OOM in detail.
Modeling and UML
Here, we will mention about standard notation of class. The notation for a class is a
box with three sections. The top section contains the name of the class in boldface
type, the middle section contains the attributes that belong to the class, and the bottom
section contains the classs operations as you can see in Figure 1.




Figure 1: Class notation

You can, also show a class without its attributes or its operations, or the name of the
class can appear by itself as shown in Figure 2.

Class Class
Operations attributes

Figure 2: Alternate class notations

The naming convention for classes are as follow:

Class names are simple nouns or noun phrases.
Attribute names in a class are simple nouns or noun phrases. The first word is
not capitalized, but subsequent words may be capital.
Operation names are simple verbs. As with attributes, the first word is not
capitalized and subsequent words may be capital.
The notation for an object is the same in basic form as that for a class. There are three
differences between the notations, which are:
Within the top section of the class box, the name of the class to which the object
belongs appears after a colon. The object may have a name, which appears
before the colon, or it may be anonymous, in which case nothing appears before
the colon.
The contents of the top compartment are underlined for an object.
Each attribute defined for the given class has a specific value for each object
that belongs to that class.
You can see the notion of an object you can see in Figure 3.

Object: Class :Class

Attribute 1 = value 1 Attribute 1 = value 1

Attribute 2 = value 2

Figure 3: Notation of object

If you look around you will find many examples of real world objects such as your
books, your desk, your television, etc.
Everything that the software object knows (state) and can do (behaviour) is expressed
by the variables and the methods within that object. In other words, all the objects
share states and behaviour. Let us say that a software object that models your real-
world bicycle would have variables that indicated the bicycles current state: its speed
is 20 mph, and its current gear is the 3rd gear, etc.

Communication by Message Passing Introduction to Object
Oriented Modeling
You will agree that a single object alone is generally not very useful. Objects usually
appear as a components of a larger program or a system. Through the interaction of
these objects, functionality of systems are achieved. Software objects interact and
communicate with each other by message passing to each other. When object X wants
object Y to perform one of methods of object Y, object X sends a message to object
Y. Message passing provide two significant benefits:
An objects characteristics are expressed through its methods, so message
passing supports all possible interactions between objects.
It closes the gap between objects. Objects do not need to be in the same process,
or even on the same machine, to send and receive messages back and forth to
each other.
1.4.2 Links and Association
Links and associations are the basic means used for establishing relationships among
objects and classes of the system. In the next subsection we will discuss links and
associations which are used for representing relationship.
General Concepts
A link is a physical or conceptual connection between objects for example, a student,
Ravi study in IGNOU. Mathematically, you can define a link as a tuple that is an
ordered list of objects. Further, a link is also defined as an instance of an association.
In other words you can say that an association is a group of links with a common
structure and common meanings, for example, a student study in a university. All the
links in an association connects objects from the same classes. A link is used to show
a relationship between two (or more) objects.
Association and classes are similar in the sense that classes describe objects, and
association describe links. Figure 4a shows us how we can show the association
between Student and University
association name

Student Registered in University

Class Class
Figure 4a: Association

Note that every association has roles. For example, in Figure 4b you can see that two
classes, Student and University, have their defined roles. Here you can also see that
binary association has two roles, one from each class.

Student University

Study Teach

Figure 4b: Roles in association

Associations may be binary, ternary, or have higher order. In exercise, the vast
majority of association are binary or ternary associations. But a ternary association is
formed compulsion; they cannot be converted into binary association. If a ternary
association is decomposed in some other association, some information will be lost. In
Figure 5 you can see a ternary association.

Object Oriented
Modeling and UML Student Teacher


Figure 5: Ternary association

Multiplicity in an association specifies how many objects participate in a relationship.
Multiplicity decides the number of related objects. Multiplicity is generally explained
as one or many, but in general it is a subset of the non-negative integers.
Table 1: Multiplicity Indicators.
Indicator Meaning
0..1 Zero or one
1 One only
0..* Zero or more
1..* One or more
n Only n (where n > 1)
0..n Zero to n (where n > 1)
1..n One to n (where n > 1)
In associations, generally movement is in both the directions of the relationships but if
you want to be specific in any particular direction, you have to mark it by an arrow as
given in Figure 6.


Student 1 0* Program


Figure 6: Association and movement

Aggregation is a special form of association, which models the part-whole or a-
part-of relationship as an aggregate (the whole) and parts. The most considerable
property of aggregation is transitivity, that is, if X is part of Y and Y is part of Z, then
X is part of Z. Aggregation is seen as a relationship in which an assembly class is
related to component class. In this component objects are not having separate
existence, they depend on composite objects as you can see in Figure 7 Exam
Schedule is not having separate existence.

Whole Part

Candidate Exam Schedule


Figure 7: Association and whole-part relationship

Introduction to Object
& Check Your Progress 2 Oriented Modeling

1) What is abstraction?

2) What is association? Give example of association.

3) What is multiplicity in associations? Give example to explain multiplicity?

1.4.3 Generalization and Inheritance

In this section we will discuss the concepts of generalization, inheritance, and their
uses in OOM.
Generalization and inheritance are powerful abstractions for sharing the structure
and/or behaviour of one or more classes.
Generalization is the relationship between a class, and it defines a hierarchy of
abstraction in which subclasses (one or more) inherit from one or more superclasses.
Generalization and inheritance are transitive across a subjective number of levels in
the hierarchy. Generalization is an is-a-kind of relationship, for example, Saving
Account is a kind of Account, PG student is kind of Student, etc.
The notation for generalization is a triangle connecting a super class to its
subclasses. The superclass is connected by a line to the top of the triangle. The
subclasses are connected by lines to a horizontal bar attached to the base of the
triangle. Generalization is a very useful construct for both abstract modeling and
implementation. You can see in Figure 8, a generalization of Account class.


SavingAccount CurrentAccount

Figure 8: Generalization of account class

Inheritance is taken in the sense of code reuse within the object oriented development.
During modeling, we look at the resulting classes, and try to group similar classes
together so that code reuse can be enforced. Generalization, specialization, and
inheritance have very close association. Generalization is used to refer to the
relationship among classes, and inheritance is used for sharing attributes and
operations using the generalization relationship. In respect of inheritance,
generalization and specialization are two phases of a coin in the sense that if a

Object Oriented subclass is seen from a superclass the subclass is seen as a specialized version of
Modeling and UML superclass and in, reverse, a superclass looks like general form of subclass.
During inheritance, a subclass may override a superclass feature by defining that
feature with the same name. The overriding features (the subclass feature with the
same names of superclass features) refines and replaces the overridden feature (the
superclass feature).
Now let us look at the diagram given in Figure 9. In this diagram, Circle, Triangle,
and Square classes are inherited from Shape class. This is a case of single inheritance
because here, one class inherits from only one class.

Draw ()
Erase ()

Circle Triangle Square

Figure 9: Single inheritance

Multiple inheritance is shown in Figure 10. Here, one class is inherited from more
than one class.

Fly Things Run Things

Aeroplane Helicopter Car

Figure 10: Multiple inheritance


In object oriented modeling system understanding and on the basis of that
identification of classes. Establishing relationship among different classes in the
system are the first and foremost activity. Here, we have a simple model of a
University System with respect to different levels of courses offered by the
University. As you can see in Figure11, we have given the basic classes of this

This diagram covers different levels of students in the hierarchy. Similarly, for other
classes, such as Administration and Faculty, hierarchy level can be drawn to give a
broader view of whole system.

University Introduction to Object
Oriented Modeling

Administration Faculty Registration and



PG Student Diploma Student UG Student


PG Diploma UG Diploma

BCA B. Sc BA B.Com

Figure 11: Object model for university system


There are several advantages and benefits of object oriented modeling. Reuse and
emphasis on quality are the major highlights of OOM. OOM provides resistance to
change, encapsulation and abstraction, etc. Due to its very nature, all these features
add to the systems development:
Faster development
Increased Quality
Easier maintenance
Reuse of software and designs, frameworks
Reduced development risks for complex systems integration.
The conceptual structure of object orientation helps in providing an abstraction
mechanisms for modeling, which includes:
Association etc.


Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a well accepted language for OOAD. It is used
for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and in final documentation. The basic
building blocks of UML used for OOAD are things, relationships, and diagrams.
Basically, the Unified Modeling Language focuses on the concepts of Booch, OMT,
and Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE). The result of these concepts is a
single, common, and widely usable modeling language for users of these and other
Object Oriented methods. The Unified Modeling Language also promotes the concept of what can be
Modeling and UML done with existing methods.
Many modern applications are being developed based on object oriented principles
such as classes, methods, and inheritance. To fulfil the needs of such developments,
CASE tools offer many benefits for developers building large-scale systems. CASE
tools enable us to abstract away from the mess of source code, to a level where design
and propose become more clear and easier to understand and modify.
For making and representing these features of the systems to be developed, some tools
are used. These tools support UML features and building blocks. Object modeling
CASE tools provide support for object oriented modeling notations and
methodologies, and they also generate parts of object oriented applications. New
versions of many object oriented CASE tools are beginning to address new languages
such as Java. Many of these object modeling CASE tools also support relational
databases by performing arts of logic, and in some cases, physical database modeling
and design, including schema generation and reverse engineering of RDBMS tables,
and other elements.
Here, we have tried to give a list collected from many sites and individual searches,
for UML modeling tools. Since UML is a fast growing engineering this list may keep
on changing all the time.
Action Semantics: This is a group of firms that have responded to the OMGs
RFP to define the action semantics for UML.
ArgoUML: This is a domain-oriented design environment that provides cognitive
support of object oriented design. ArgoUML provides some of the same
automation features of a commercial CASE tool.
ARTiSAN Software: This provides a variety of UML based CASE tools,
including a real time modeling tool.
BridgePoint : This provide features of a real time UML modeling tool.
GDPro : this is a full suite of UML and code management tools.
MagicDraw UML: This has Full support for all UML diagrams: MagicDraw
RConverter allows you to convert these UML diagrams into MagicDraw: Activity,
Class, Collaboration, Component, Deployment, Sequence,State chart, Three-tiered,
and Use Case diagrams.
Rational Rose: IBM Rational RequisitePro is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for
requirements and use case management.
Visio 2000 Enterprise: It contains a UML suite that can build diagrams within
Visual Paradigm: Visual Paradigm for the Unified Modeling Language
(VP-UML) is a UML CASE suite. The suite of tools is designed for a wide range
of users, including Software Engineers, System Analysts, for building large scale
software systems reliably through the use of the object oriented approach.

& Check Your Progress 3

1) What is inheritance?

2) Give an example of multiple inheritance.


Introduction to Object
3) Explain the benefit of OOM. Oriented Modeling

In this unit we have discussed the basic notions of object orientation, and the need
for object oriented modeling. It is the basic characteristic of object orientation
which makes it possible to develop systems in such a way that the system is open
for reusability. In this unit, concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism
and sharing of structure and behaviour are discussed.

Further, in this unit, we have discussed notions of class and object. We saw that
how inheritance, generalization/specialization, and associations are represented.
In this unit, a hierarchy of classes representing different levels of students in a
University system is representated, reuse and quality are mentioned as benefits of
OOM, and in the last section, some tools, which support UML designs are

Check Your Progress 1
1) Object oriented modeling is a approach through which modeling of the
systems are done by visualizing the system based on the real world concepts.
Object oriented modeling is language independent and generally used for
complex system development.
2) Steps involve in OOM are:
System Analysis
System Design
Object Design and
Final implementation.
3) Structured approach of problem solving is based on the concept of
decomposition of system in to subsystem. In this approach of system
development readjustment of some new changes in the system is very
difficult. On the other hand in object oriented approach holistic view of
application domain is considered and related object are identified. Further
classification of objects are done. Object oriented approach give space for
further enhancement of the system without too much increase in systems
Check Your Progress 2
1) Abstraction in object orientation is a concept which provide opportunity to
express essential properties of the object without providing much details of
implementation of these properties.
2) Association is used for establishing relationships between classes. Association
describe links between (among) classes. For example, if a professor works in
a university then it can be represented as

Object Oriented
Modeling and UML Association name

Works for
Professor University

Figure 12: Association of professor and university

3) Multiplicity in an association indicate the number of objects participate in a

relationship. For example in the association given in Figure 13 you can see that
one player can play for one team at a time so here multiplicity is 1.


Player 1 1 Team

Can play for

Figure 13: Multiplicity in association

Check Your Progress 3
1) Inheritance is an object orientation concept which allow reusability of
design/code. Basic meaning of inheritance is that if one class is already defined
than another class which also passes the property of existing class can be
defined and inherit the property of existing class. For example, if a class named
student is defined and another class for Post Graduate students is to be defined
then PG Student class can inherit student class.

2) One example of multiple inheritance is a committee for students affair which

consist of faculty and administrative staff member.

Faculty Administration


Figure 14: Multiple inheritance

3) Major benefits of object oriented modeling is that development of the system

become fast, quality of the system is increase. It give freedom of use of existing
design and code. Help in development of complex system with less risk due to
the basic properties of object orientation which include class, objects and

Object Oriented Analysis
Structure Page Nos.
2.0 Introduction 21
2.1 Objectives 21
2.2 Object Oriented Analysis 22
2.3 Problem Statement: An Example 25
2.4 Differences between Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis 26
2.5 Analysis Techniques 27
2.5.1 Object Modeling
2.5.2 Dynamic Modeling
2.5.3 Functional Modeling
2.6 Adding Operations 34
2.7 Analysis Iteration 36
2.7.1 Refining the Ratio Analysis
2.7.2 Restating the Requirements
2.8 Summary 36
2.9 Solutions/Answers 37

Object oriented analysis (OOA) is concerned with developing software engineering
requirements and specifications that expressed as a systems object model composed
of a population of interacting objects. The concept of abstraction in object oriented
analysis (OOA) is important. Abstraction may be defined as: the characteristics of an
object which make it unique and reflect an important concept. Analysis is a broad
term, best qualified, as in requirements analysis (an investigation of the requirements)
or object oriented analysis (an investigation of the objects of the problem domain).
OOA views the world as objects with data structures and behaviors and events that
trigger operations, for object behavior changes. The idea is to see system as a
population of interacting objects, each of which is an atomic bundle of data and
functionality, (the foundation of object technology) and provides an attractive
alternative for the development of complex systems.
The problem statement is important for any analysis. It is a general description of the
users difficulties, and desires. The purpose of problem statement is to identify the
general domain in which you will be working.
In this Unit you will study various analysis techniques: object modeling, dynamic
modeling and functional modeling. You will also learn how add operations in system
and how to do refining of the analysis model.

After going through this unit, you should be able to:
define the concepts of the objects in the system;
express required system behaviour in terms of business objects in the system,
and actions that the user can perform on them;
understand how to define and analyze the problem statement;
explain the purpose of object modeling;
explain dynamic modeling;
describe the event flow between objects and how to draw state diagrams of real
world problems;
explain and understand the importance of functional model;
explain how operations can be added in various analysis techniques, and
explain the importance of iterating or refining the analysis model.
Object Oriented
In this section we will discuss basics of object oriented analysis with the help of object
oriented features.
Analysis is not a solution of the problem. Let us see what actually object oriented
(OO) analysis. Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and
requirements, for example, if a new online trading system is desired by a trader, there
may be questions such as, how will it be used? What are its functions?

If you start a project the first question about that project will be how do we get
started? Where do we begin?

The starting point for object oriented analysis is to identify candidate objects and their

The first stage can be a simple brain-storming of the possible objects. Then one
method is to go through all the nouns in any documentation about the world you are
analysing, and considering these as candidate objects of the system. Also, you can use
the alternative technologies for developing software engineering requirements and
specifications that include functional decomposition, essential systems analysis, and
structured analysis.
The Process of Development
The approach to development can be an iterative one. It involves repeated refinement
of the object model. The process needs to be controlled by an appropriate project
management process, involving reviews and check pointing at the levels of:
Post Implementation Review
Object Orientation and Analysis
An Object is something that exists within the problem domain that can be identified
by data and/or behaviour. An example of an object is a car. The data of a car could be
the wheel, brake, seat, etc. The behaviour of the car would be to drive on roads, its
speed, etc.
Object oriented analysis is the concept which actually forces you to think in terms of
the application domain when its behaviour and data known to you.
In OOA the primary focus on identifying objects from the application domain, then
fitting procedures around them.
For example, in the case of the flight information system, the objects would include
Plane, Flight, and Pilot, etc.
The object model has many aspects, which are associated with OO concepts.
Now we will discuss the following principle of OO.
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Identity, Modularity, Hierarchy,
Typing, Concurrency, and Persistence
You understand the term object. Now, let us see how problems are seen as objects,
and find their associated data and behaviour. You will notice that an object is a real
life entity, or abstraction.

Object Oriented Analysis
In our daily life we deal with complexity by abstracting details away.
Let us see this with an example of:
Driving a car does not require knowledge of internal combustion engine. It is
sufficient to think of a car as simple transport.
In simple term, abstraction means to focus on the essential, inherent aspects of an
entity, ignoring its accidental properties. Abstraction is a normal process that we do
everyday. When you view the world, you can not possibly take in every minute detail,
so you concentrate on the aspects that are important.
An abstraction is a simplified description of a system that captures the essential
elements of that system (from the perspective of the needs of the modeler), while
suppressing all other elements.
This separates the interface of an abstraction from its implementation. Taking the
above example of a car, we can now categorize as:
Abstraction Car
Interface Steering, pedals, controls
Implementation Generally, you dont know
Encapsulation also means data hiding, which consists of separating the external
aspects of an object, which are accessible to other objects.
Now let us take a example of the Stack.

A Stack abstraction provides methods like push (), pop (), isEmpty(), isFull(). The
Stack can be implemented as a singly linked list, or a doubly linked list, or an array, or
a binary search tree. This feature is called encapsulation. It hides the details of the
implementation of an object.
The Benefits of Encapsulation
To hide the details of a class, you can declare that data or implementation in its private
part so that any other class clients will not be able to know about. It will have the
ability to change the representation of an abstraction (data structures, algorithms)
without disturbing any of its clients. The major benefit of encapsulation is that you.
By Encapsulation
You can delay the resolution of the details until after the design.
Keep your code modular.
Object Identity
Object identity is a property of an object that distinguishes the objects from all other
objects in the applications. With object identity, objects can contain, or refer to other
objects. You can create an object identity in three ways:
1) You can refer as memory address in programming languages.

2) Assign identifier keys in the database.

3) By user-specified names, used for both programming and database.

In a complete object oriented system each object is given an identity that will be
permanently associated with the object irrespective of the objects structural or state
transitions. The identity of an object is also independent of the location, or address of
the object. Object identity provides the most natural modeling primitive to allow the
same object to be a sub-object of multiple parent objects.

Object Oriented Modularity
Modeling and UML
Modularity is closely tied to encapsulation; you may think of modularity as a way of
mapping encapsulated abstractions into real, physical modules. It is a property of a
system that has been decomposed into cohesive and loosely coupled modules.
Cohesion and coupling gives two goals for defining modules. You should make a
module cohesive (shared data structures, similar classes) with an interface that allows
for minimal inter-module coupling.
It is important to remember that the decisions concerning modularity are more
physical issues, whereas the encapsulation of abstractions is logical issues of design.
This is ranking or ordering of abstraction.
Hierarchy is decided by using the principle of divide and conquer. You can describe
complex objects in terms of simpler objects. This is the property of object oriented
analysis (OOA) which enables you to reuse the code.
You can place an existing class directly inside a new class. The new class can be made
up of any number and type of other objects, in any combination that is needed to
achieve the desired functionality. This concept is called composition (or more
generally, aggregation). Composition is often referred to as a has-a relationship or
part-of relationship, for example, in automobile has an engine or engine is part
of the automobile.
This enforces object class such that objects of different classes may not be
interchanged. In other words, class can be visualized as a type. Remember that there
are two kinds of typing. This typing does not mean the way you usually type the
Strong Typing: When any operation upon an object (which is defined) can be
checked at compile time, i.e., type is confirmed forcefully.
Weak Typing: Here, operations on any object can be performed, and you can send
any message to any class. Type confirmation is not essential, but in these type of
language more errors at execution time may occur.
The fundamental concept in computer programming is the idea of handling more than
one task at a time. Many programming problems require that the program be able to:
1) Stop what its doing
2) Currently deal with some other problem, and
3) Return to the main process. There is a large class of problems in which you
have to partition the problem into separately running pieces so that the whole
program can be more responsive. Within a program, these separately running
pieces are called threads, and the general concept is called multithreading.
Currently, if you have more than one thread running that is expecting to access the
same resource then there is a problem. To avoid this problem, a thread locks a
resource, completes its task, and then releases the lock so that someone else can use
the resource. It can lock the memory of any object so that only one thread can use it at
a time. It is important to handle concurrent running programs/threads properly.
When you create an object, it exists for as long as you need it, but under no
circumstances do object exist when the program terminates. While this makes sense at
first, there are situations in which it would be incredibly useful if an object could exist
Object Oriented Analysis
and hold its information even while the program is not running. When, next time you
start the program, the object would be there and it would have the same information it
had the previous time the program was running. Of course, you can get a similar effect
by writing the information to a file or to a database, but in the spirit of making
everything an object it would be quite convenient to be able to declare an object
persistent and have all the details taken care of for you.


You must understand here that you are looking for a statement of needs, not a
proposal for a solution. OOA specifies the structure and the behaviour of the object,
that comprise the requirements of that specific object. Different types of models are
required to specify the requirements of the objects. These object models contain the
definition of objects in the system, which includes: the object name, the object
attributes, and the objects relationships to other objects.
As you know, an object is a representation of a real-life entity, or an abstraction. For
example, objects in a flight reservation system might include: an airplane, an airline
flight, an icon on a screen, or even a full screen with which a travel agent interacts.
The behaviour, or state model describes the behavior of the objects in terms of the
states of the object and the transitions allowed between objects, and the events that
cause objects to change states.
These models can be created and maintained using CASE tools that support the
representation of objects and object behaviour.
You can say that the problem statement is a general description of the users
difficulties, desires, and its purpose is to identify the general domain in which you will
be working, and give some idea of why you are doing OOA.

It is important for an analyst to separate the true requirements from design and
implementation decisions.
Problem statement should not be incomplete, ambiguous, and inconsistent. Try to
state the requirements precisely, and to the point. Do not make it cumbersome.
Some requirements seem reasonable but do not work. These kind of requirements
should be identified. The purpose of the subsequent analysis is to fully understand the
problem and its implications, and to bring out the true intent of the Client.

L Check Your Progress 1

1) Give two benefits of Reuse of Code.

2) Give an example of enforcement in Typing.


3) What are the benefits of OOA technology?


Object Oriented 4) Briefly explain what is to be done while defining the problem statement.
Modeling and UML


You are already familiar with structured analysis. Now, this is the appropriate time to
have a comparison of OOA and Structured analysis.


Object oriented analysis design (OOAD) is basically a bottom up approach which
supports viewing the system as a set of components (objects) that can be logically
kept together to form the system.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Analysis and Design
The OO approach inherently makes each object a stand alone component that can be
reused not only within a specific stat problem domain, but also is completely different
problem domains, having the requirement of similar objects.
The other main advantage of object oriented (OO) is the focus on data relationships.
You cannot develop a successful system where data relationships are not well
understood. An OO model provides all of the insight of an ER diagram and contains
additional information related to the methods to be performed on the data. We will
have more detailed discussion on this aspects in Block 3 of this Course.
You know that OO methods only build functional models within the objects. There is
no place in the methodology to build a complete functional model. While this is not a
problem for some applications (e.g., building a software toolset), but for large
systems, it can lead to missed requirements. You will see in Unit 3 of this course.
Use cases addresses this problem, but since all use cases cannot be developed, it is
still possible to miss requirements until late in the development cycle.

Another disadvantage of the object oriented analysis design (OOAD) is in system

modeling for performance and sizing. The object oriented (OO) models do not easily
describe the communications between objects. Indeed, a basic concept of object
oriented (OO) is that the object need not know who is invoking it. While this leads to
a flexible design, performance modeling cannot be handled easily.

The object oriented (OO) analysis design itself does not provide support for
identifying which objects will generate an optimal system design. Specifically, there is
no single diagram that shows all of the interfaces between objects. You will study
object oriented analysis design (OOAD) diagrams in Unit 3 of this course. As you
know, coupling is a major factor in system complexity, not having this information
makes architecture component selection a hit or miss proposition.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Structured Analysis
With experience, you will come to know that most customers understand structured
methods better than object oriented (OO) methods. Since one of the main reasons of
modeling a system is for communication with customers and users, there is an
advantage in providing structured models for information exchange with user groups
or customers.
Object Oriented Analysis
In fact, specifications are typically in the form of a simple English language statement
of Work and Requirement Specification. Therefore, the system to be built, must be
understood in terms of requirements (functions the system must perform), that is why
this naturally leads to a structured analysis, at least at the top level. Specifically
structured methods (functional decomposition) provide a natural vehicle for
discussing, modeling, and deriving the requirements of the system.

The disadvantage with structured methods is that they do not readily support the use
of reusable modules. The top down process works well for new development, but does
not provide the mechanisms for designing in the use of existing components. The
top down process of functional decomposition does not lead to a set of requirements
which map well to existing components.

When the requirements do not map cleanly, you have two choices: either you do not
use the existing components, or force fit the requirements to the existing components
and somehow deal with the requirements which are only partially covered by the
existing components, which does not lead to a good successful system. Now, we will
discuss how actually object oriented analysis (OOA) system is performed.


In this section we will see how classes re identified, and their applications with the
help of basic modeling techniques.
2.5.1 Object Modeling
Object modelling is very important for any object oriented development, object
modeling shows the static data structure of the real world system. Basically, object
modeling means identifying objects and classes of a system, or you can say that it
describes real world object classes and their relationships to each other. You can
develop an object model by getting information for the object model from the problem
statement, expert knowledge of the application domain, and general knowledge of the
real world. Object model diagrams are used to make easy and useful communications
between computer professionals and application domain experts.
To develop an object model first identify the classes and their associations as they
affect the overall problem structure and approach. Then prepare a data dictionary.
i) Identify associations between objects.
ii) Identify attributes of objects and links.
iii) Organise and simplify object classes using inheritances.
Then you verify that access paths exist for likely queries
iv) Iterate and refine the model, and
v) Group classes into modules.

Identifying Object Classes

You should always be careful while identifying relevant object classes from the
application domain. Objects include physical entities in a system like buildings,
employees, department, etc. Classes must make sense in the application domain. At
this stage you should avoid computer implementation constructs, such as linked lists
and subroutines.
Some classes are implicit in the application domain, so you need to find out by
understanding the problem well.
Action-object matrix: A matrix showing how update actions affect objects. It may be
considered to be part of the user object model, as it summarizes user object action
definitions in a tabular view.
Object Oriented Process of this whole activity is like:
Modeling and UML
Check for multiple models
Identify objects
Create user object model diagram
Define user object attributes
Define user object actions
Create action-object matrix
Check for dynamic behavior
Review glossary.
Some notations for user object model:
Notation Meaning

Object name Object Type

Subtype Object subtype


Association relationship
Relationship name

One- to-many





Figure 1: User Object Model Notations

Let us see the example in which we will discuss how concepts are implemented:
To illustrate the object modeling technique to you by taking the very common
example of the tasks associated with using a telephone set:
Answer the phone
Hear the phone ringing. [Ringer]
Identify the ringing phone. [Receiver Unit]
Pick up the handset. [Handset]
Talk to the caller. [Other party]
Replace the handset. [Handset]
Make a phone call.
Pick up the handset. [Handset]
Listen for the dialing tone. [Exchange]
Object Oriented Analysis
Dial the number. [Dial]
Listen for the ringing tone. [Receiver Unit]
Talk to the person answering. [Other party]
Replace the handset. [Handset]
On the basis of above information, the objects/actions that may be identified from
this are:
Receiver Unit
Pick up
Other party
Talk with
Listen to
Enter number
The attributes of these identified objects are identified as:
Receiver Unit
Identity (phone number)
Status (ringing, engaged)
Ringing (true, false)
Hook (on, off)
Other party
Status (caller, answered)
Tone (dead, dialing, other)
Status (empty, number entered)
You can see the User Object Model diagram produced from this given in Figure 2.
Connected to
Unit Exchange

Connected to

Ringer Handset Dial Other party

Figure 2: User object Model for Telephone set

2.5.2 Dynamic Modeling

You know that computer systems are built from objects which respond to events.
External events arrive at the boundary of the system; you understand the concept of
For example, whenever you click with your mouse on the desktop or the canvas area
some action is triggered (you get some response back).
Object Oriented In Dynamic modeling you examine a way of describing how an individual object
Modeling and UML
responds to events, either internal events triggered by other objects or external
events triggered by the outside world.
Dynamic modeling is elaborated further by adding the concept of time: new attributes
are computed as a function of attribute changes over time.
Before you define the dynamic behaviour of user objects. You should know the
The Inputs are:
User object model which comprises objects, attributes, actions and relationships.
Task model: from which significant object states may be identified.
Dynamic model: A model of the dynamic behaviour of a user object. It defines
significant states of the user object, the way that actions depend on the state, and
affect the state.
The dynamic model consists of a dynamic model diagram, showing states and
transitions and supplementary notes, specifying states and actions in more detail.
Process of Dynamic modeling:
Analyse applicability of actions
Identify object states
Draw dynamic model diagram
Express each state in terms of object attributes
Validate dynamic model
Dynamic modeling: state diagrams
We will study this in detail in Block 3 of this course.

Generally, a state diagrams allows you to further explore the operations and attributes
that need to be defined for an object. They consist of sets of states which an object is
in, and events which take the object from one state to another.

State: An object may have one or more statesstable points in its life, expressed by the
objects attributes and relationships.

Event/action: Something that happens to an object. Atomic, in that it either has

happened or it hasnt. An event causes an action.
A jump between states, labeled with the corresponding action.
Notations for state diagram are shown below in Figure 3:

Statename A state

A transition
An initial State
A final state

Figure 3: Notation for State Diagram

Object Oriented Analysis
A simple example using these notation is shown below in Figure 4.

Acquire Sell
In Library

Return Borrow

On Loan

Figure 4: A simple State Diagram

States may be seen as composite states: a collection of states treated as one state at a
higher level on analysis. In the example above, the state In Library is actually
composed of a sequence of sub-states which the library staff, if not borrowers would
need to know about.


In Acquisitions



Withdrawn On Shelves

Return Borrow

On Loan

Figure 5: Composite States

Basically any system which you can reasonably model on a computer jumps from
state to state.
The level of state decomposition must be decided by judgement. A too fine grained
model is inappropriate; for example, modeling all the possible ages of an employee as
individual states. Also, a gross decomposition is useless; for example, modeling an
employee as employed or not.

You can ask whether all objects of world have behaviour which can be modeled.
Of course, not all objects have behavior worth modeling. Consider our example from
the field of object oriented nursery rhymes, the sad story of Humpty Dumpty. Clearly,
you would not like to model such trivial examples.
Basically you need to construct a state transition diagram for every object with
significant behaviour. You need not construct one for anything with trivial behaviour.
The reason for doing this is to identify further operations and attributes, to check the
logical consistency of the object and to more clearly specify its behaviour.

Object Oriented All the best notations can be used to describe the process they facilitate.
Modeling and UML
Now we have the basic ideas of object models and dynamic models, our approach to
analysis and design (so far) can be summarised as:

Describe Objects

Describe event traces Describe state


Figure 6: Objects and State transitions

Note: You should also match the events between state diagrams to verify consistency.
Till so far, you have been introduced to object modeling, and dynamic modeling.
Now, we will see what Function modeling is:
2.5.3 Functional Modeling
You know that Data flow modeling is a common technique used for the analysis of a
problem in software engineering. It is exceptionally useful for analyzing and
describing systems where there is a large amount of calculation involved.
Data flow models consist of a number of processes which exchange information. A
process transforms information it receives, and passes the transformed information on
to other processes or to objects in the system. Data flow models can be used to
uncover new operations and new attributes for the object model. Sometimes, new
objects can be discovered too.
Basically you can state that the functional model shows how values are computed. It
describes the decisions or object structure without the regard for sequencing.
It gives you dependency between the various data and the functions that relate them,
giving the flow of data.
Each process needs to be implemented as an operation in one or more of the objects.
Each data item arising from an object must have a corresponding attribute, or set of
attributes in the source object. The data flow diagram (DFD) corresponds to activities
or actions in the state diagrams of the classes.
That is why it is suggested to construct the functional model after the object and
dynamic models.
Now, let us discuss about the creation of the DFD and the functional model.
The approach to data flow diagramming should be as follows:

Create a data flow diagram for each of the major outputs of the system
Work back from the outputs to the inputs to construct the diagram
Add new objects where necessary to the object model as you discover the need
for them in the data flow modeling add new operations and attributes to the
object model as you discover the need for them in the data flow modeling.
One thing you have to remember is that the data flow diagram is not used as a basis
for devising the structure of the system.
Steps in constructing a Functional Model
Identify input and output values
Build data flow diagrams showing functional dependencies
Describe functions
Identify constraints
Specify optimisation criteria.

Object Oriented Analysis
Identifying Input and Output Values
First, identify what data is going to be used as input to the system, and what will be
the output from the system. Input and output values are parameters of events between
the system and the outside world. You must note that Input events that only affect the
flow of control, such as cancel, terminate, or continue. They do not supply input
values. For example, supplier code, name, product description, rate per unit, etc. are
the inputs to a sales system.
Build data Flow diagrams showing functional dependencies
Data flow diagrams are useful for showing the functional dependencies. In data flow
diagrams processes are drawn as bubbles, each bubble containing with the name of the
process inside. Arrowhead lines are used to connect processes to each other, and to
objects in the system. The lines are label with the information that is being passed.
Objects are drawn as rectangular boxes, just as in the object model, but usually with
just the name of these objects and not the attributes and operations.

i) Sales iii) Product

Quantity delivered name price vat rate
Calculate quantity delivered to customer

ii) Customer iv) Invoice

Product line discount

quantity discount Calculate line item discount
Calculate total
Calculate product discount Deduct quantity discount
calculate quantity discount Print

Figure 7: Some objects in figure 7: a simple DFD is given for sales system

Let us look at a simple example:


Total Deliveries
Product Price Product

Calculate order
line basic cost
Product VAT Rate

Product Discount Rate

Calculate order
line discount
Line Total

Product Discount

Discounted Line
Quantity Total
Discount Rate Calculate

Discount Discount and invoice Final

Figure 8: DFD for Sales System

Object Oriented The next stage is to devise operations and attributes to support the calculations.
Modeling and UML
Describe functions
After you have roughly designed the data flow diagram, you can write a description of
each function, and you can describe the function in any form such as, mathematical
equations, pseudo code, decision tables, or some other appropriate form. You need not
know the implementation of the function, but what it does. The description can be
declarative or procedural.
A declarative description specifies the relationship between the input and output
values, and relationship among the output values.
A procedural description specifies a function by giving an algorithm to compute it.
The purpose of the algorithm is only to specify what the function does.
Identifying Constraints Between Objects
In a system, there are some boundaries to work on. Boundaries or Constraints are the
functional dependencies between objects which are not related by an input-output
dependency. You have to find out the constraints between the objects. Constraint has
different behavior at different times. It can be on two objects at the same time,
between instances of the same object at different times (an invariant), or between
instances of different objects at different times.
You can define constraints as Preconditions (input values) and PostConditions (output
values). Preconditions on functions are constraints that the input values must satisfy.
Post conditions are constraints that the output values must satisfy to hold. State the
conditions under which constraints hold.
Specifying Optimisation Criteria
Specify values to be maximized, minimized, or optimized. You can understand it as
the way you normalize the data in the database. For example, you should minimize the
time an account is locked for concurrency reasons. If locks are needed, then it is
extremely important to minimize the time that an entire bank is locked for
concurrency reasons.

& Check Your Progress 2

1) Explain how you can define an object model of a system.

2) Show the basic dynamic model of telephone.



Whenever you look at the operations in OOPs you find queries about attributes or
associations in the object model (such as, to events in the dynamic
model (such as ok, cancel), and to functions in the functional model (such as update,
You can see operations from the object model. It includes reading and writing
attribute values and association links. In the object model operations are presented
with an attribute. During analysis nothing is private, you assume that all attributes are

Object Oriented Analysis
Accessing from one object to another through the object model can be referred to as
pseudo-attribute like Account.Bank, where account and bank are two separate
objects of their respective classes.
Operations from events
During analysis, events which are sent to the target objects. An operation on the object
are presented as labels on transitions and should not be explicitly listed in the object
Events can be expressed as explicit methods.
You can also implement events by including event handler as part of the system
Operations from State Action and Activities
You must see that State actions and activities are actually functions, which can be
defined as the operations on the object model.
Operations from Functions
As you know, function are actually operations on object. These
functions should be simple and summarized on the object model. Organise the
functions into operations on objects. For example, the select operations are really path
traversals in the object model. The operations like withdrawal-money, verify-
password are the operations on class Account of Bank Management system.
You can write as:
account: withdraw (code, amount)->status
account: deposit (code, amount)->status.

& Check Your Progress 3

1) Describe how you can simplify Operations.


2) Give an example of operations from State Actions and Activities.


3) Give an example of Operations from functions of a bank.


4) How do you see the final model after iterative analysis?


5) Why is iterative analysis of any problem needed?


Iteration of analysis is important. Let us see how OOA apply iteration

Object Oriented
To understand any problem properly you have to repeat the task which implies that
analysis requires repetition. First, just get the overview of the problem, make a rough
draft, and then, iterate the analysis according to your understanding. Finally, you
should verify the final analysis with the client or application domain experts. During
the iteration processes refining analysis and restating of requirement takes place.
2.7.1 Refining the Ratio Analysis
Basically, refinement leads to purity. So to get a cleaner, more understandable and
coherent design, you need to iterate the analysis process.

Reexamine the model to remove inconsistencies, and imbalances with and

across the model.
Remove misfit, and wrong concepts from the model.
Refining sometimes involves restructuring the model.
Define constraints in the system in a better way.
You should keep track of generalizations factored on the wrong attributes.
Include exceptions in the model, many special cases, lack of expected
symmetry, and an object with two or more sets of unrelated attributes, or
You should remove extra objects or associations from the model. Also, take
care to remove redundancy of objects and their extra attributes.
2.7.2 Restating the Requirements
To have clarity of the analytical model of the system you should state the
requirements specific performance constraints with the optimization criteria in one
document verify in the other document. You can state the method of a solution.
Verify the final model with the client. The requirement analysis should be confirmed
and clearly understood by the client.
The impractical, or incorrect, or hypothetical objects that do not exist in the real world
should be removed from the proposed system.
You must note that the analysis model is the effective means of communication with
application experts, not computer experts. In summary, the final model serves as the
basis for system architecture, design, and implementation.

In this Unit you have learned that the goal of analysis is to understand the problem
and the application domain, so that you come out with a well cohesive design. There
is no end or border line between the analysis and the design phase in software
engineering. There are three objectives of the analysis model:

Object oriented analysis (OOA) describes what the customer requires, it establishes as
basis for the creation of a software design, and it defines a set of requirements that can
be validated.
You also remember that the requirement analysis should be designed in such a way
that it should tell you what to be done, not how it is implemented.
The object model is the principal output of an analysis and design process.
Dynamic modeling is elaborated further by adding the concept of time: new attributes
are computed as a function of attribute changes over time. In this unit, after defining
the scenario of typical and exceptional sessions, identify events followed by the
building of state diagrams for each active object showing the patterns of events it
Object Oriented Analysis
receives and sends, together with actions that it performs. You should also match the
events between state diagrams to verify consistency.
You have learned that a functional model shows how values are computed; it
describes the decisions, or object structure without regard for sequencing.
It gives you dependency between the various data and the functions that relate them,
giving the flow of data. Here you construct the data flow diagram which interacts with
internal objects and serves as, data stores between iterations. You also specify the
required constraints, and the optimisation criteria.
You have seen that refining and restating will give you more clarity of the analytical
model of the system.


Check Your Progress 1
1) Reusing the implementation. Place an existing class directly inside a new
class. The new class can be made up of any number and type of other objects, in
any combination that is needed to achieve the desired functionality. This
concept is called composition (or more generally, aggregation). Composition is
often referred to as a has-a relationshp or part-of relationship, as in
automobile has an engine or engine is part of the automobile.
Reusing the interface. Take an existing class and make modifications or
additions to achieve desired functionality. This concept is called inheritance.
The original class is called the Base class or Parent class and the modified class
is called the Derived or Inherited or Sub or Child class.
2) You can understand the concept of enforcement as it make sure objects of
different classes may not be interchanged as follows:
Example: Vegetable v; Fruit f; Mango m;
This implies v is variables of class Vegetable, f of class Fruit and m of
class Mango. Typing ensures that value of f cannot be assigned to v.
However, if Mango extends Fruits, then f can be assigned a value of m. The
variable of a sub class can be assigned to variable of super class, but not the
other way around, and m cannot be assigned a value of f.
3) Using the OOA technology can yield many benefits, such as:
i) Reusability of code
ii) Productivity is gained gains through direct mapping
iii) Maintainability, through this simplified mapping to the real world is
4) To define the Problem Statement of a system, define what is to be done, and
how you are going to implement that. Your statement should include the
mandatory features, as well the optional features of the system to be developed.
You should include:
What is the problem and its scope,
What is needed
Application context
Performance needs.
Check Your Progress 2
1) A list of terms which will be used by end users to describe the state and
behaviour of objects in the system.

Object Oriented Different user classes may require different mental models of the objects in the
Modeling and UML
system. This includes:
What type of objects there are (user objects).
What information the user can know about an object of a particular type (user
object attributes).
How the objects may be related to other objects (relationships).
Object types with subtypes which have additional specialised actions or
attributes, i.e., User object, Container objects, User object action, User object
A model of the business objects which end users believe interact with in a GUI
Pick Up

Put Down
Ring in
On Hook On Hook Pick up Off Hook Hung up on Off Hook
Inactive Ringing Connected Inactive
Time Out

Pick Up

Off Hook No Dialing tone Engaged

Dialing Tone
Pick down
Off Hook
Time out

Off Hook
Ringing Ringing
Tone Out

Figure 9: Dynamic Model of Telephone

Check Your Progress 3

1) To simplify the operation, one should use inheritance, where possible, to reduce
the number of distinct operations. Introduce new superclasses as needed to
simplify the operations, but they should not be forced or unnatural.
Locate each operation at the correct level in the class hierarchy.
2) For example, in the bank the activity, verify account code and verify password
3) For the creation of a saving account, you may write:
bank::: create savings-account (customer)->account.
For the operation of checking account, you can write:
bank:: :create-checking-account
4) The final model serves as the basis for system architecture, design, and
5) The iterative analysis is required to get cleaner, more understandable, and
coherent design.

Using UML
Structure Page Nos.
3.0 Introduction 39
3.1 Objectives 40
3.2 UML: Introduction 40
3.3 Object Modeling Notations: Basic Concepts 41
3.4 Structural Diagram 47
3.4.1 Class Diagram
3.4.2 Object Diagram
3.4.3 Component Diagram
3.4.4 Deployment Diagram
3.5 Behavioral Diagrams 50
3.5.1 Use Case Diagram
3.5.2 Interaction Diagram
3.5.3 Activity Diagram
3.5.4 Statechart Diagram
3.6 Modeling with Objects 55
3.7 Summary 56
3.8 Solutions/Answers 56

One of the major issues in software development today is quality. Software needs to
be properly documented and implemented. The notion of software architecture was
introduced for dealing with software quality. For successful project implementation
the three essential components are: process, tools and notations. The notation serves
three roles:
as the language for communication,
provide semantics to capture strategic and tactical decisions,
to offer a form that is concrete enough to reason and manipulate


Process Tools

Figure 1: Components of project implementation

Architectural description languages (ACLs) have been developed for architectural

description in analysis and design process. Important architectural description
languages are Rapide, Unicorn, Asesop, Wright, ACME, ADML and UML. Currently,
Universal Modeling Language (UML) is a de facto standard for design and
description of object oriented systems, and includes many of the artifacts needed for
architectural description, such as like processes, nodes, views, etc.

Object Oriented
Modeling and UML 3.1 OBJECTIVES
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
trace the development of UML;
identify and describe the notations for object modeling using UML;
describe various structural and behavioral diagrams;
list the characteristics of various static and dynamic diagrams, and
understand the significance of different components of UML diagrams.
In this Unit we will discuss object modeling notations, structured diagrams and
behavioral diagrams of systems.


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to express the construct and the
relationships of complex systems. It was created in response to a request for proposal
(RFP) from the Object Management Group (OMG). Earlier in the 1990s, different
methodologies along with their own set of notations were introduced in the market.
The three prime methods were OMT (Rumbaugh), Booch and OOSE (Jacobson).
OMT was strong in analysis, Booch was strong in design, and Jacobson was strong in
behavioral analysis. UML represents unification of the Booch, OMT and OOSE
notations, as well as are the key points from other methodologies. The major
contributors in this development shown in Figure 2.
UML is an attempt to standardize the artifacts of analysis and design consisting of
semantic models, syntactic notations and diagrams. The first draft (version 0.8) was
introduced in October 1995. The next two versions, 0.9 in July 1996 and 0.91 in
October 1996 were presented after taking input from Jacobson. Version 1.0 was
presented to Object Management Group in September 1997. In November 1997, UML
was adopted as standard modeling language by OMG. The current version while
writing this material is UML 2.0.
Jacobson Development







Figure 2: The Input for UML development

The major features of UML are:

defined system structure for object modeling
support for different model organization
strong modeling for structure and behavior
clear representation of concurrent activities
support for object oriented patterns for design reuse.
The model for the object oriented development could be shown as in Figure 3. It
could be classified as static/dynamic and logical/physical model.
Using UML
Dynamic Model

Static Model

Class Structure
Logical Model Object Structure

Physical Model Module Structure

Process Structure

Figure 3: The Model for Object oriented development

The Logical view of a system serves to describe the existence and meaning of the key
abstractions and the mechanism that form the problem space, or that define the system
The Physical model describes the concrete software and hardware components of the
systems context or implementation.
UML could be used in visualizing, specifying, constructing and documenting object
oriented systems. The major building blocks of UML are structural, behavioral,
grouping, and annotational notations. Let us discuss these blocks, one by one.
a. Structural Notations: These notations include static elements of a model. They
are considered as nouns of the UML model which could be conceptual or
physical. Their elements comprises class, interface, collaboration, use case,
active class, component, and node. It also includes actors, signals, utilities,
processes, threads, applications, documents, files, library, pages, etc.
b. Behavioral Notations: These notations include dynamic elements of a model.
Their elements comprises interaction, and state machine. It also includes
classes, collaborations, and objects.
c. Grouping Notations: These notations are the boxes into which a model can be
decomposed. Their elements comprises of packages, frameworks, and
d. Annotational Notations: These notations may be applied to describe,
illuminate, and remark about any element in the model. They are considered as
explanatory of the UML. Their elements comprised of notes which could be
used for constraints, comments and requirements.
UML is widely used as it is expressive enough, easy to use, unambiguous and is
supported by suitable tools.


A system is a collection of subsystems organised to accomplish a purpose and
described by a set of models from different viewpoints.
A model is a semantically closed abstraction of a system which represents a complete
and self-consistent simplification of reality, created in order to better understand the
A view is a projection into an organisation and structure of a systems model, focused
on one aspect of that system.
A diagram is a graphical presentation of a set of elements.
Object Oriented A classifier is a mechanism that describes structural and behavioral features. In UML
Modeling and UML
the important classifiers are class, interface, data type, signals, components, nodes, use
case, and subsystems.
A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attribute, operations,
relationships, and semantics. In UML, it is shown by a rectangle.
An attribute is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that
instances of the property may hold. In UML, they are listed in the compartment just
below that class name.
An operation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object
of the class to affect behavior. In UML, they are listed in the compartment just below
that class attribute.
The notation for class, attribute, and operations is shown as:

Class Name
Attribute: Type = initial Value
Operation (arg list): return type

Figure 4: Class with attributes and operations

An interface is a collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class

or a component.

Message Comparable

Figure 5: Realizing an interface

A signal is the specification of an asynchronous stimulus communicated between

A component is a physical and replaceable part of the system that confirms to, and
provides the realization of a set of interfaces. In UML, it is shown as a rectangle with
tabs. The notation for component and interface is shown as:

Figure 6: Component



Figure 7: Components and Server

A node is a physical element that exists at runtime, and represents a computational

resource generally having a large memory and often process capability. In UML, it is
shown as a cube. The notation for node is shown as:

Node Name Node Node

Figure 8: Node and relationship between nodes

Using UML
A use case is a description of a set of sequence of actions that a system performs to
yield an observable result that is of a value to an actor. The user is called actor and the
process is depicted by use case. The notation for use case is shown as:

Use Case Use Case

Use Case

Use Case

Use Case

Use Case

Figure 9: Relationship between actor and use case

A subsystem is a grouping of elements of which some constitute a specification of the

behavior offered by other contained elements.
An object is an instance of a class. The object could be shown as the instance of a
class, with the path name along with the attributes. Multiple objects could be
connected with links. The notation for unnamed and named objects, object with path
name, active objects, object with attributes, multiple objects, and self linked object is
shown as:
Object name: Class

Object name: Class

: Class

Unnamed object

Object name: Class :: Package Object name: Class

Named object with path name Active object

Object Name: Class

Attribute type = Value

Attribute type = Value
Attribute type = Value
Attribute type = Value
Object name: Class

Object with attributes Multiple Object


Links Object name: Class


Figure 10: Different types of objects

A package is a general purpose mechanism for organising elements into groups. It

can also contain other packages. The notation for the package shown contains name

Object Oriented and attributes as shown in Figure11. Packages are used widely in a Java based
Modeling and UML
development environment. You may refer to the Unit 3 of Block 2 of the MCS-024
course for more details about packages.


Package Name

+Attribute 1
+Attribute 2
-Attribute 3

Figure 11: Package Diagram

A collaboration is a society of classes, interfaces and other elements that work

together to provide some cooperative behavior that is bigger than the sum of its parts.
A relationship is a connection among things. In object models, the common types of
relationships are inheritance, dependency, aggregation, containment, association,
realisation, and generalisation. The notation for relationship between use cases is
shown as:

Use case

Actor <<uses>>

Use case


Use case Use case

Figure 12: Relationship between different use case

Relationships exists in many forms. The notation for different form of relationship is
shown as:







Figure 13: Common relationship types

Using UML
A dependency is a relationship that states, that a change in specification of one thing
may affect another thing, but not necessarily the reverse. In UML, it is shown as a
dashed directed line. The notation for dependency between components and packages
is shown as:




Figure 14: Dependency between components

Package Name

+Attribute 1
-Attribute 2

Package Name

+Attribute 1
-Attribute 2

Figure 15: Dependency between packages

A generalization is a relationship between a general thing and a specific kind of

thing. It is also called is-a-kind-of relationship. Inheritance may be modeled using
generalization. In UML, it is shown as a solid directed line with a large open arrow
pointing to the parents.

An association is a structural relationship that specifies that the objects of one thing
are connected with the objects of another. In UML, it is shown as a solid line
connecting same or different class. The notation for association between nodes is
shown as:

Node Course


Node Course Node Course



Figure 16: Association between nodes

Object Oriented The four enhancements that apply to association are name, role, multiplicity, and
Modeling and UML
aggregation. Each class participating in an association has a specific role which is
specified at the rear end of the association.
Multiplicity specifies how many objects may be connected across an instance of an
association which is written as a range of values (like 1..*). The notation for roles and
multiplicity between classes is shown as:

Class A name Class B

Class A role Class B


1 no more than one Company

0..1 zero or one

* many

0.. * zero or many

1.. * one or many

Figure 17: Various roles and multiplicity defined with association

An aggregation is a structural relationship that specifies that one class represents a

large thing which constitute of smaller things. It represents has-a relationship. In
UML, it is shown as association with an open diamond at the large end. The notation
for aggregation is shown as:

1 *
Message Queue Message

Figure 18: Aggregation

A state encompasses all the properties of the object along with the values of each of
these properties.
An instance is a concrete manifestation of an abstraction to which a set of operations
can be applied and which has a state that stores the effect of the operation.

A transition is a relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first
state will perform certain action and enter the second state when a specific event
occurs and specific conditions are satisfied.

A note is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an

element or collection of elements.

& Check Your Progress 1

1) Which of the following is not a valid Architectural Definition language?
a) Rapide b) ACME
c) UML d) Pascal


Using UML
2) OMT is
a) Object Methodology Gateway b) Objective Methodology Gateway
c) Object Management Gateway d) Object Management Group

3) Object Oriented Software Engineering is given by
a) Booch b) Rumbaugh
c) Jacobson d) None of these

4) Booch was strong in

a) Analysis b) Design
c) Implementation d) Software engineering

5) Which of the following is not a valid UML notations?
a) Behavioral b) Grouping
c) Transactional d) Annotational

For object modeling some standard notations are used. Now let us discuss these basic
notations. A well-defined logical notation is important in the software development
process. It helps the software architect to clearly establish the software architecture
and implement module integration. In order to define the commonly used diagrams in
UML, it is essential to understand the basic concepts of the object modeling.


The main purpose of structural diagram is to visualize, specify, construct and
document the static aspects of a system. Their elements comprised of class, interface,
active class, component, node, processes, threads, applications, documents, files,
library, pages etc. The four main structural diagrams are class, object, component and
deployment diagram.
3.4.1 Class Diagram
A class diagram is used to support functional requirement of system. In a static design
view, the class diagram is used to model the vocabulary of the system, simple
collaboration, and logical schema. It contains sets of classes, interfaces,
collaborations, dependency, generalization and association relationship. The notation
for classes and the relationship between classes is shown as:

Class Name 1 Class Name 2

Attribute Attribute
Attribute: type Association name Attribute: type
Attribute = Value Attribute = Value
Stat Operation () Rolename 1 Rolename 2 Stat Operation ()
Operation (x: T) Operation (p: T)
Operation (y): T Operation (q): T

Figure 19: Relationship among classes

Object Oriented If in any college, there are limited classrooms that have to be allocated to different
Modeling and UML
classes and instructors are fixed for all classes, then the class diagram for the
allocation of classrooms and instructors is shown as:

Interface Controller Reservation Repository

addreservation ()
Login () removeReservation ()
add student () makeweeklyschedule()
1 1 makeinstructorSchedule()
add instructor ()
remove student () 1
removeinstructor () 1 1
removeRoom () Instructor *
* Name class Reservation

1 date


Name Room
* 1
Batch Location

Check Class capacity

Check Batch()

Figure 20: Class diagram for a class room scheduling system

3.4.2 Object Diagram

An object diagram shows a set of objects and their relationships at a point of time. In a
static view, the object diagram is used to model interactions that consist of objects that
collaborate the without any message passed among them. It contains name, graphical
contents, notes, constraints, packages and subsystems. The notation for objects and the
relationship between objects is shown as:

Name: Classname1 Name: Classname2

Association Name
Attribute = value Attribute = value

Rolename1 Rolename2

Figure 21: Relationship among objects

3.4.3 Component Diagram

A component diagram shows a set of component and their relationships. In a dynamic
model, the component diagram is used to model physical components such as
executable releases, libraries, databases, files or adaptable systems. It contains
components, interfaces, packages, subsystems, dependency, generalization,
association, and relationship. The notation for components and relationship between
components is shown as:

Using UML
Specification Body



Figure 22: Relationship among components

The component diagram for ATM is shown as:


Card Packet Cash Disposer


Card Packet Cash Disposer


Figure 23: Component diagram for ATM

3.4.4 Deployment Diagram

A deployment diagram shows all the nodes on the network, their interconnections, and
processor execution. In a dynamic model, a deployment diagram is used to represent
computational resources. The notation for nodes and relationship between processors
and devices is shown as:

Processor Device

Name Name

Name Processor

Figure 24: Relationship among nodes

Object Oriented The deployment diagram for student administration is shown as:
Modeling and UML

<http> < display > ODBC

application server/ DB Server Solar
Serial Persistence
Client start e.g. container infrastructure


Web services


Figure 25: Deployment diagram for Student Administration

Now you are familiar with structured diagram. To represent dynamic aspect of the
structured system, behavioral diagrams are used. In the next section, we will study
various behavioral diagrams.


The main purpose of behavioral diagrams is to visualize, specify, construct, and
document the dynamic aspects of a system. The interaction between objects indicating
the flow of control among them is shown using these diagrams. The flow of control
may encompass a simple, sequential thread through a system, as well as complex
flows that involves branching, looping, recursion and concurrency. They could model
time ordering (sequence diagram) or sequence of messages (collaboration diagram).
The four main behavioral diagrams are: use case, interaction, activity and statechart

3.5.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram shows a set of use cases, actors, and their relationships. These
diagrams should be used to model the context or the requirement of a system. It
contains use cases, actors, dependency, generalization, association, relationship, roles,
constraints, packages, and instances. The use case diagram makes systems,
subsystems, and classes approachable by presenting an outside view of how the
elements may be used in context. The notation for use cases and relationship among
use cases, base cases and extend cases is shown as:
Use Cases Base Cases


Extend Cases

Figure 26: Relationship among use cases

Using UML
3.5.2 Interaction Diagram
An interaction diagram shows an interaction, consisting of a set of objects and their
relationships, including the messages that may be dispatched among them. These
diagrams should be used to model the dynamic aspect of the system. It includes
sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams. Here we will discuss two interaction
diagrams, sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams. Sequence Diagrams
A sequence diagrams are interaction diagrams that emphasize the time ordering of
messages. In UML it is shown as a table that shows objects arranged along the X axis
and messages, ordered in increasing time, along the Y axis. It has a global life line and
the focus of control. An object life line is the vertical dashed line that represents
existence of an object over a period of time. The focus of control is tall and thin
rectangle that shows the period during which an object is performing an action. The
notation for depiction of sequence among objects with certain conditions is shown as:

Role: baseClass

Message (x) BaseClass () : Baseclass

: Baseclass

[Condition] Message (x)

Return y

<<Message (x)


Return (Y)

Figure 27: Sequence diagram

The sequence diagram for sending the document along the network is shown as:

Network Listener Request Processor File loader CGI Script Network Writer

Request ()

load Files ()

send Error ()

send Document ()

[CGI] process ()
send Error ()

sendDocument ()

Figure 28: Sequence diagram for sending document

Object Oriented Collaboration Diagrams
Modeling and UML
Collaboration diagrams are interaction diagrams that emphasize the structural
organisation of an object that send and receive messages. There is always a path in
collaboration diagrams to indicate how one object is linked to another, and sequence
numbers to indicate the time ordering of a message. The notation for depiction of a
collaboration diagram is shown as:

1: y=message (x)
Role: BaseClass

1.2: message (x)

1.1: BaseClass ()

1.3 <<Distroy>>

: BaseClass

Figure 29: Collaboration diagram

The collaboration diagram for the execution using J2ME and EJB from the remote
database is shown as:

1: Request

J2ME (View) Serviet (Controller)

6: Response
5: Response 2: Request

EJB (Modal)

4: Response 3: Request


Figure 30: Collaboration diagram for execution using J2ME, Servlet and EJB

3.5.3 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams show the flow from one activity to another. An activity is an
ongoing non atomic execution within a state machine. Activity ultimately results in
some action, which is made up of executable atomic computations that result in a
change in state of the system, or the return of a value. It contains activity states, action
states, transition states, and objects. The activity diagram for encryption of a message
send through e-mail is shown as:

Using UML

Establish E-mail

Send E-mail Receive

Receive Response

See Subsidiary R
Activity Diagram
else control
Wait 1 hour
after sending

[no reply] (error)

Encrypted Send
E-mail E-mail
End Flow

Proper reply


Figure 31: Activity diagram for E-mail encryption

3.5.4 Statechart Diagram
A state chart shows a state machine, emphasizing the flow of control from one state to
another. A state machine is a behaviour that specifies the sequence of states that an
object goes through during the life time in response to events together with its
response to those events. A state is a condition/situation during the objects life which
performs some activity, or waits for some event. It contains simple states, composite
states, transitions, events, and actions. The notation for multiple states depending on
events/action based on set of activities is shown as:
Event (Good) Action

State State
do activity do activity

State State
do activity do activity

Event (Good) Action Event (Good) Action

Figure 32: State diagram for multiple activities

Object Oriented
Modeling and UML & Check Your Progress 2

1) In a class diagram, a class is denoted by

a) rectangle b) circle
c) ellipse d) oval

2) An actor in use case diagrams is a
a) process b) subprogram
c) users d) comments

3) Which of the following diagram have to be numbered to understand their order?
a) Object b) Collaboration
c) Component d) Deployment
4) Which of the following diagram is used for physical layer?
a) class b) object
c) use case d) component

5) A particular state in a statechart diagram is denoted by
a) rectangle b) circle
c) ellipse d) oval
6) A bulls eye icon is used to represent ______________ in a statechart diagram
a) initial state b) action
c) final state d) event
7) Which of the following diagrams is used for dynamic modeling?
a) class b) object
c) use case d) interaction
8) Which view plays a special role integrating the contents of other views?
a) Use case view b) Process view
c) Design view d) Implementation view


Using UML
A model is an abstract representation of a specification, design or system from a
particular view. A modeling language is a way of expressing the various models
produces during the development process. It is a collection of model elements. It is
normally diagrammatic. It has

syntax the rules that determine which diagrams are legal

semantics the rules that determine what a legal diagram means.

A model is a semantically closed abstraction of a system compose of elements. It

could be visualized using any of the following five views:

Logical View

Programmers Software
Analysts/Designers End-users

Use-Case View

Process View
Deployment View

System Integrators
System Engineering System
Performance Scalability
Topology Delivery
Installation Communication

Figure 33: 4+1 View of Software Architecture

a. Logical view This view is concerned with the functional

requirements of the system. It is used early in the
elaboration phase with the creation of class and
packages, using a class diagram which may reflect
the strategic dimension of the system.
b. Implementation view This view focuses on the actual software module
organisation within the developmental environment.
It includes taking the derived requirement, software
management, reuse, and constraints imposed by the
program tools. The physical partitioning is done in
this phase.
c. Process view This involves the runtime implementation structure
of the system. It contains requirements such as
performance, reliability, scalability, integrity,
synchronization, etc. Executable components are
used here to show runtime components to map
classes such as java applet, activeX component or
d. Deployment view This view demonstrates mapping software to process
nodes showing the configuration of runtime
processing elements. It takes into account,
requirements such as availability, reliability,
performance and scalability. Major issues here are
processor, architecture, speed, along with inter
process communication, bandwidth and distributed
Object Oriented e. Use case view This view addresses and validates the logical,
Modeling and UML
process, component, and deployment view.
For an iterative and incremental life cycle, the two criteria are time and process. The
major components of showing a project development along with time scale, inception,
elaboration, construction and transition. When the project is structured along with the
process scale, then the major steps are business modeling, requirements, analysis and
design, implementation, testing and deployment. The mapping between time and
process scale can be shown diagrammatically for more clarity.

Using UML, it is possible to generate code in any programming language from UML
model (called forward engineering) and reconstruct a model from an implementation
into UML (called reverse engineering) as show in the Figure 34 given below.

UML Model Object Structure

Abstract view of
Abstract view of

Programming Source Code Executing

Language Program

Compile time Run Time

Figure 34: The relationship between models and code

& Check Your Progress 3

1) Create a use case diagram for a cell phonebook.

2) Create a sequence diagram for a logon scenario.


This Unit provides an introduction to the basic concept of object modeling notations.
The major diagrams used with UML have been discussed. An idea has been provided
about different views and the corresponding diagrams. This Unit only contains the
introduction of various diagrams, and the student is not expected to be an expert in
designing every diagram.


Check Your Progress 1
1. d) 2. d) 3. c) 4. b)
Check Your Progress 2
1. a) 2. c) 3. b) 4. d)
5. d) 6 .c) 7.d) 8. a)

Using UML
Check Your Progress 3
0.1 0.1 Entry Manipulate
Search Phone

Add New
Entry 0.1
1 0.1
Add New Edit Entry Contact Delete Entry
Entry Person
Cell Phone
User 0.1
Delete Entry

Edit Phone Please Call Send
Book Option Message

Figure 35: Use case diagram for a cell phonebook


Start Program

Display login

Name Password

Logon (name pass)

Is valid-in
Database (name)

alt true

[Is Valid = Report error message


user Type = is User Or

Admin (name Pass)
User Type

Display Administrator

[(user Type)
admin] user
Display user Interface

[(user Type) users]

Figure 36: Sequence Diagram for logon scenario


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