The CC-version of Stewart's Theorem: Ozcan Geli Sgen and R Ustem Kaya

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The CC-version of Stewarts Theorem

Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya

Abstract. E. F. Krause [8] asked the question of how to develop a metric

which would be similar to the movement made by playing Chinese Checker.
Latter G. Chen [1] developed the Chinese Checker metric for plane. In
this work, we give a CC-analog of the Theorem of Stewart and the median

M.S.C. 2000: 51K05, 51K99, 51N20.

Key words: Metric, Chinese Checker Distance, Stewarts theorem, Median Property.

1 Introduction
The CC-plane geometry is a Minkowski geometry of dimension two with the distance

dc (P1 , P2 ) = max {|x1 x2 | , |y1 y2 |} + 2 1 min {|x1 x2 | , |y1 y2 |}

where P1 = (x1 , y1 ) , P2 = (x2 , y2 ) . That is, Chinese Checker plane R2c is almost
the same as the Euclidean analytical plane R2 . The points and lines are the same,
and angles are measured in the same way. However, distance function is different.
According to definition of dc -distance the shortest path between the points P1 and P2
is the union of a vertical or horizontal line segment and a line segment with the slope
1 or 1. CC-analogues of some of the topics that include the concept of CC-distance
have been studied by some authors [1], [2], [3], [11], [12] and [5] which generalizes the
CC-distance; the group of isometries of the CC-plane has been given in [6]; and two
different CC-analogues of the Pythagoras theorem have been introduced in [4]. In
this work, we give the CC-versions of Stewarts theorem and the median property.

2 Preliminaries
Let R2c denote the CC-plane. The following proposition and corollaries give some
results of R2c .

Proposition 2.1. Every Euclidean translation is an isometry of R2c .

Applied Sciences, Vol.11, 2009, pp.

c Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2009.

The CC-version of Stewarts Theorem 69

Corollary 2.1. If A, B, X are any three collinear points in the analytical plane R2 ,
d(X, A) = d(X, B) if and only if dc (X, A) = dc (X, B)
where d stands for the Euclidean distance.
Corollary 2.2. If A, B and X are any three distinct collinear points in R2c , then
dc (X, A)/dc (X, B) = d(X, A)/d(X, B) .
Proof of the above assertations are given in [6].
We need the following definitions given in [7] and [9]:
Let ABC be any triangle in R2c . Clearly, there exists a pair of lines passing through
every vertex of the triangle, each of which is parallel to a coordinate axis. A line l is
called a base line of ABC iff
1) l passes through a vertex,
2) l is parallel to a coordinate axis,
3) l intersects the opposite side (as a line segment) to the vertex in Condition
1. Clearly, at least one of the vertices of a triangle always has one or two base lines.
Such a vertex of a triangle is called a basic vertex. A base segment is a line segment
on a base line, which is bounded by a basic vertex and its opposite side.
Finally, we consider the following separation of R2c to eight regions Si (i=0, 1, . . . , 7)
such that

S0 = {(x, y)|x y 0}
S1 = {(x, y)|y x 0}
S2 = {(x, y)|y |x| 0 , x < 0}
S3 = {(x, y)| |x| y 0 , x < 0}
S4 = {(x, y)|x y 0}
S5 = {(x, y)|y x 0}
S6 = {(x, y)| |y| x 0 , y < 0}
S7 = {(x, y)|x |y| 0 , y < 0}

Figure 1
as shown in Figure 1. In what follows Si+1 , Si+2 , Si+3 and Si+4 stand for Si+1(mod 8) ,
Si+2(mod 8) , Si+3(mod 8) and Si+4(mod 8) , respectively.

3 A CC-Version of the Stewarts Theorem

It is known for any triangle ABC in the Euclidean plane that if X BC and a =
d(B, C), b = d(A, C), c = d(A, B), p = d(B, X), q = d(C, X), x = d(A, X), then
b2 p + c2 q
x2 = pq
which is known as Stewarts theorem.
The next theorem gives a CC-version of the Stewarts theorem.
70 Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya

Theorem 3.1. Let the sides of a triangle ABC in the R2c have lengths
a=dc (B, C), b=dc (A, C) and c=dc (A, B). If X BC and p=dc (B, X), q=dc (C, X)
and x=dc (A, X), then x=(bp+qc-)/(p+q), where is as in the following table:

Proof. Without loss of generality, the vertex A of the triangle ABC in R2c can
be chosen at origin by Proposition 2.1. Let B=(b1 , b2 ), C=(c1 , c2 ), X = (x1 , x2 ),
The CC-version of Stewarts Theorem 71

|b1 | = , |b2 | =
, |c1 | = and |c2 | = . Thus b=max {, }+(
2 1) min {, } ,
c=max {, }+( 21) min {, } and x = max {|x1 | , |x2 |}+( 21) min {|x1 | , |x2 |} .
Three main cases are possible for the base line through the vertex A:
Case I: Let ABC be a triangle which has no base line through the vertex A. Since
vertex A is at origin, AB and AC are in same quadrant. So one can easily obtain

q( ) = (p + q)( x1 ) , p( ) = (p + q)(x2 ),
by the Corollaries 2.2 and Corollaries 2.3. Thus x1 = p+q and
x2 = p+q . According to the positions of AB, AC and AX, one can obtain
dc (A, X) = x as follows:
If the AB, AC and AX are in Si as in Figure 2, then x= p+q .
If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+1 as in Figure 2, then

(b(2 2)||)p+qc bp+qc 2( 21)||p
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+1 as in Figure 2, then

bp+(c(2 2)||)q bp+qc 2( 21)||q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

Figure 2

Case II: Let ABC be a triangle which has only one base line through the vertex
A. Since vertex A is at origin, AB and AC are in a neighbor quadrant. That is,
b1 c1 < 0 or b2 c2 < 0 . According to the positions of AB, AC and AX, one can obtain

p + q p q p + q
x1 = and x2 = or x2 =
p+q p+q p+q
p q p + q p + q
x1 = or x1 = and x2 = .
p+q p+q p+q
Now using these values, dc (A, X) = x is obtained as follows:
If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+1 , then

bp+q(c2( 21) min{,}) bp+qc 2( 21) min{,}q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .
72 Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya

If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+1 as in Figure 3, then

(b2( 21) min{,})p+qc bp+qc 2( 21) min{,}p
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+1 , Si+2 for i {1, 3, 5, 7} , respectively, then

(b2( 21)||)p+q(c2( 21) min{,}) bp+qc 2( 21)||p+2( 21) min{,}q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+2 for i {1, 3, 5, 7} , then

(b 2 max{( 21),( 21) })p+qc bp+qc 2 max{w,w}p
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+2 for i {1, 3, 5, 7} , then

bp+q(c 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) }) bp+qc 2 min{+w,+w}q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+1 , Si+2 for i {0, 2, 4, 6} as in Figure 3, respec-

tively, then

(b2( 21) min{,})p+q(c(2 2)||) bp+qc 2w min{,}p+ 2w||q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+2 for i {0, 2, 4, 6} , then

bp+q(c 2 max{( 21),( 21) }) bp+qc 2q max{w,w}
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+2 for i {0, 2, 4, 6} , then

(b 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) })p+qc bp+qc 2 min{+w,+w}p
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+2 , Si+3 , respectively, then

(b(2 2)||)p+q(c 2 max{( 21),( 21) })
x = p+q

bp+qc 2w||p+ 2q max{w,w}
= p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC in Si , Si+1 , Si+3 as in Figure 3, respectively, then

(b 2 max{( 21),( 21) })p+q(c(2 2)||)
x = p+q

bp+qc 2p max{w,w}+ 2wq||
= p+q p+q .

If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+3 , then

bp+q(c2 max{,}) bp+qc 2 max{,}q
x= p+q = p+q p+q .
If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+3 , then
(b2 max{,})p+qc bp+qc 2p max{,}
x= p+q = p+q p+q .
The CC-version of Stewarts Theorem 73

Figure 3

Case III: Let ABC is a triangle which has two base line through the vertex A.
Since the vertex A is at origin, AB and AC are in opposite quadrants. According to
the positions of AB, AC and AX, one can obtain
p + q p q p + q p q
x1 = or x1 = and x2 = or x2 = .
p+q p+q p+q p+q

Using these values of x1 and x2 , dc (A, X) = x is obtained as follows:

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+1 , Si+3 as in Figure 4, respectively, then

(b 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) })p+q(c2( 21) min{,})
x = p+q

bp+qc 2p min{+w,+w}+2wq min{,})
= p+q p+q .

If AB and AX are in Si and AC is in Si+3 , then

(b 2(+))p+qc bp+qc 2p(+)
x= p+q = p+q p+q .
If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+2 , Si+3 , respectively, then

(b2( 21) min{,})p+q(c 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) })
x = p+q

bp+qc 2wp min{,}+ 2q min{+w,+w}
= p+q p+q .
74 Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya

If AB is in Si and AX and AC are in Si+3 , then

bp+q(c 2(+)) bp+qc 2q(+)
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+1 , Si+4 for i {1, 3, 5, 7}, respectively, then

(b2 max{,})p+q(c2( 21) min{,}) bp+qc 2p max{,}+2wq min{,}
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+2 , Si+4 for i {1, 3, 5, 7} as in Figure4, respec-

tively, then

(b 2 max{( 21),( 21) })p+q(c 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) })
x = p+q

bp+qc 2p max{w,w}+ 2q min{+w,+w}
= p+q p+q .

If AB, AX and AC are in Si , Si+3 , Si+4 for i {1, 3, 5, 7}, respectively, then

(b(2 2)||)p+q(c 2(+)) bp+qc 2wp||+ 2q(+)
x= p+q = p+q p+q .

If AB and AC are in Si , Si+4 and AX is in Si+3 , Si+2 , Si+1 for i {1, 3, 5, 7},

(b2( 21) min{,})p+q(c2 max{,}) bp+qc 2wp min{,}+2q max{,}
x = p+q = p+q p+q ,

(b 2 min{+( 21),+( 21) })p+q(c 2 max{( 21),( 21) })
x = p+q

bp+qc 2p min{+w,+w}+ 2q max{w,w})
x = p+q p+q ,

(b 2(+))p+q(c(2 2)||) bp+qc 2p(+)+ 2wq||
x = p+q = p+q p+q ,

If AB and AC are in Si , Si+4 , respectively, and AX is in Si or Si+4 , then

bp+qc 2pb , AX in Si
|bpqc| p+q p+q
x = p+q =
bp+qc 2qc , AX in Si+4 .
p+q p+q
The CC-version of Stewarts Theorem 75

Figure 4

If X is the midpoint of BC of any triangle ABC in the Euclidean plane with

a=d(B, C), b=d(A, C), c=d(A, B) and Va =d(A, X), then

2Va2 = b2 + c2 a2 /2

which is known as the Median property. The following corollary gives a CC-version
of this property, for p = q in Theorem 3.1:

Corollary 3.1. Let the side of a triangle ABC in R2c have lengths a=dc (B, C),
b=dc (A, C). If X is the midpoint of BC and Va =dc (A, X), then 2Va can be given as
in following table:
76 Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya

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Authors addresses:
Ozcan Gelisgen and Rustem Kaya
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Faculty of Science and Arts,
University of Eskisehir Osmangazi,
26480 Eskisehir, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

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