The document outlines the contents and objectives of the Engineering Physics 1 course. The contents include topics on interference, polarization, diffraction, elements of material science, and special theory of relativity. Practical experiments covered include Fresnel's biprism, Newton's rings, using a polarimeter, diffraction gratings, and experiments involving diodes, thermo-couples and lasers. Review questions and numerical problems are included at the end of each topic section.
The document outlines the contents and objectives of the Engineering Physics 1 course. The contents include topics on interference, polarization, diffraction, elements of material science, and special theory of relativity. Practical experiments covered include Fresnel's biprism, Newton's rings, using a polarimeter, diffraction gratings, and experiments involving diodes, thermo-couples and lasers. Review questions and numerical problems are included at the end of each topic section.
The document outlines the contents and objectives of the Engineering Physics 1 course. The contents include topics on interference, polarization, diffraction, elements of material science, and special theory of relativity. Practical experiments covered include Fresnel's biprism, Newton's rings, using a polarimeter, diffraction gratings, and experiments involving diodes, thermo-couples and lasers. Review questions and numerical problems are included at the end of each topic section.
The document outlines the contents and objectives of the Engineering Physics 1 course. The contents include topics on interference, polarization, diffraction, elements of material science, and special theory of relativity. Practical experiments covered include Fresnel's biprism, Newton's rings, using a polarimeter, diffraction gratings, and experiments involving diodes, thermo-couples and lasers. Review questions and numerical problems are included at the end of each topic section.
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Engineering Physics 1
1. Interference
Objectives, Introduction, Superposition, Basics of Interference, Types of
Interference, Coherent Sources, Conditions for Interference of Light, Youngs Double Slit Experiment, Analytical Treatment of Interference of two Coherent Beams, Average Intensity and Energy Distribution, Double Slit Interference Experiment and Fringe Width, Illustrative Examples, Fresnels Biprism, Theory of Fringes, Experimental Set-up and Measurements, Illustrative Example, Determination of Thickness of Thin Transparent Sheet (Displacement of Fringes), Illustrative Examples, Interference by Division of Amplitude, Interference in Thin Film, Illustrative Examples, Interference by Wedge Shaped Films, Types of Fringes Exhibited by Thin Films, Illustrative Examples, Newtons Rings, Newtons Rings in Reflected Light, Newtons Rings in Transmitted Light, Pattern of Newtons Ring, Determination of Wavelength of Monochromatic Light using Newtons Rings, Determination of Refractive Index of a Liquid by Newtons Rings, Newtons Rings with Both Surfaces Curved, Newtons Rings with White Light, Newtons Rings with a Bright Centre, Illustrative Examples, Michelsons Interferometer, Formation of Fringes and Shapes of Fringes, Difference Between Newtons Rings and Michelsons Fringes, Applications of Michelsons Interferometer, Illustrative Examples, Application of Interference, Antireflection (AR) Coatings, Multilayer Antireflection (AR) Coating, Dielectric Mirrors, Interference Filters, Testing of a Lens Surface, Revision at a Glance, Review Questions, Numericals.
Some Important Definitions, Methods of Production of Polarised Light, Polarisation by Reflection, Polarisation by Refraction, Polarisation by Double Refraction, Polarisation by Selective Absorption (Dichrosim), Polarisation by Scattering, Illustrative Examples, Law of Malus, Nicol Prism, Calcite Crystal, Principle, Construction, Theory, Working, Limitations of Nicol Prism, Nicol Prism as Polariser and Analyser, Illustrative Examples, Huygens Theory of Double Refraction, Huygens Construction of Wavefront, Phase Retardation Plate, Quarter Wave Plate (QWP), Half Wave Plate (HWP), Elliptically and Circularly Polarised Light, Experimental Arrangement to Produce Elliptically and Circularly Polarised Light, Illustrative Examples, Detection and Analysis of Polarised Light, Action of Rotating Nicol, To Distinguish Between Elliptically and Partially Polarised Light, Distinction Between Quarter wave Plate, Plane Glass Plate and Half Wave Plate, Illustrative Examples, Optical Activity, Laws of Optical Activity, Fresnels Explanation of Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Polarimeter, Construction, Working, Laurents Half Shade Polarimeter, Biquartz Polarimeter, Illustrative Examples, Revision at a Glance, Review Questions, Numericals.
3. Diffraction
Objectives, Introduction, Definition, Conditions of Diffraction, Difference
between Interference and Diffraction, Classification of Diffraction, Fraunhofers Diffraction Due to Single Slit, Experimental Diagram, Theory, Intensity Distribution of Diffraction Pattern, Diffraction Pattern, Width of Central Maximum, Fraunhofers Diffraction at Circular Aperture, Illustrative Examples, Plane Transmission Grating, Experimental Diagram, Theory, Intensity Distribution, Diffraction Pattern, Formation of Spectra by a Grating, Characteristics of Grating Spectra, Determination of Wavelength of Light by A Plane Diffraction Grating, Theory, Adjustments, Illustrative Examples, Resolving Power, Rayleigh Criteria of Resolution, Resolving Power of a Telescope, Resolving Power of a Plane Diffraction Grating, Illustrative Examples, Diffraction of XRays, Braggs Law, Xray Spectrometer, Illustrative Examples, Revision at a Glance, Review Questions, Numericals.
4. Elements of Material Science
Objectives, Introduction, Bonding in Solids, Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bond,
Metallic Bond, Origin of Band Gaps in Solid, Classification of a Solid as Insulators, Semiconductors and Metals, Insulators, Semiconductors, Metals, Difference between Insulators, Semiconductors and Conductors, Semiconductors, Types of Semiconductors, Fermi Distribution Function f (E), Electrical Conductivity in Semiconductors, Determination of Energy Gap of Semiconductor, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Braggs Law, Derivation of Braggs Law, Braggs X-ray Spectrometer, Hall Effect, The Quantum Hall Effect, Revision at a Glance, Review Questions, Numericals.
5. Special Theory of Relativity
Objectives, Introduction, Frame of Reference, Michelson-Morely Experiment,
Explanation of the Negative Results, Illustrative Examples, Galilean Transformations, Illustrative Examples, Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, The Lorentz Transformation, Illustrative Examples, Relativity of Length, Illustrative Examples, Time Dilation, Experimental Verification of Time Dilation, The Twin Paradox, Illustrative Examples, Relativity of Velocities (Relativistic Addition of Velocities), Illustrative Examples, Relativity of Mass: Variation of Mass with Velocity, Illustrative Examples, Relativistic Mass Energy Relation, Non Relativistic Kinetic Energy of Particle, Relativistic Energy Momentum Relation, Kinetic Energy Momentum Relation, Particle with Zero Rest Mass, Experimental Verification of Mass Energy Relation, Illustrative Examples, Revision at a Glance, Review Questions, Numericals.
Practical Semester Ist
Fresnels Biprism, Newtons Rings, Polarimeter, Diffraction Grating, Conversion of Glavanometer into Ammeter, Conversion of Glavanometer into Voltmeter, P-N Junction Diode, Thermo-Couple, Laser.