The Robustness of Various Test Compression Techniques
The Robustness of Various Test Compression Techniques
The Robustness of Various Test Compression Techniques
Larger designs and the growing population of non-stuck defects have led many companies to
adopt test compression techniques. In fact, the Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) technology
within TestKompress has now been used in over one billion production chips. There has been a
surge of compression techniques promoted in the industry since TestKompress was released in
2001. So, why has TestKompress become the standard approach in industry? This paper will
explain the technology behind the various compression techniques and their robustness in the
presence of Xs, false and multicycle paths, low pin access, and other design factors.
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 2
Why Compression .........................................................................................................................................2
Goals of Scan Compression ..........................................................................................................................2
COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................... 3
Virtual Scan ...................................................................................................................................................3
Adaptive Scan ................................................................................................................................................5
On-Product Multiple Input Signature Register (OP-MISR):....................................................................7
Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT)...........................................................................................................8
Compression Limits.....................................................................................................................................10
X Sources......................................................................................................................................................10
Design Flow Flexibility................................................................................................................................11
Area Overhead and Layout Constraints ...................................................................................................11
MANUFACTURING TEST................................................................................................. 12
Impact of Compression on Test Quality ....................................................................................................12
Diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................................12
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 14
Copyright © Mentor Graphics Corporation 2007 All rights reserved
This document contains information that is proprietary to Mentor Graphics Corporation. The original recipient of this
document may duplicate this document in whole or in part for internal business purposes only, provided that this
entire notice appears in all copies. In duplicating any part of this document, the recipient agrees to make every
reasonable effort to prevent the unauthorized use and distribution of the proprietary information.
Design-for-Test Whitepaper
Executive Summary
Scan compression has become a necessity for meeting test costs and quality requirements of
today’s nanometer designs. When considering a scan compression technology, several key
factors should be considered in order to ensure that the compression technology does not take
anything away from the existing high quality, low cost test. Some of the key areas are:
- Impact on test quality (test coverage)
- Data and time compression (tolerance to X sources)
- Low pin count testing (to enable multi-site testing)
- Design intrusion
- Area and layout overhead
- Diagnostics and impact on manufacturing flow
This paper examines several proposed and commercial compression solutions and determines the
advantages and limitations of each technology in these areas. An effective compression
technology must maintain the same high quality of test that can be obtained with uncompressed
patterns. Low test quality in terms of coverage and fault models considered, has a direct impact
on test escapes (DPM) and the ability to address yield issues. Additionally, achieving high
compression of test data and time should not be intrusive to the design nor result in large area
and routing overhead. Finally, in order to ensure successful and rapid defect analysis for parts
that fail test on the tester, fast and accurate diagnosis of compressed test patterns is essential.
Although all methodologies address some of these key issues, only TestKompress’ Embedded
Deterministic Test (EDT) technology is able to simultaneously address the requirements of high
data and time compression, ability to handle X states, and suitability of compressed patterns for
diagnostics while maintaining the same high quality test as uncompressed ATPG. TestKompress
can achieve more than 100x compression in test data volume and testing time, in addition to
maintaining high test coverages around 99%.
TestKompress (EDT)
Decompressor Encoding capacity Very High
Coverage loss Very Low
Compactor coverage X Masking None
loss due to Aliasing None
Compressed Pattern Diagnosis Yes
Minimum channels for 10x compression 1
Test Time Reduction 100x
Data Volume Compression 100x
TestKompress can deliver the same high quality test patterns through a single scan channel,
making it more suitable for modular and hierarchical DFT methodologies in large designs that
are pin limited for test. For more details and a summary of each technology’s performance, see
the table at the end of this paper.
Why Compression
Originally, companies realized a need for compression because of rising tester costs. The test
pattern data volume exceeded the tester memory, requiring pattern reloads and excessive test
application time. Over time, that need has been supplemented with the necessity to improve test
quality. New fault models and additional test patterns are needed to detect new types of defects
and meet the quality levels of nanometer designs. The undesirable option of pattern truncation
results in lower test coverage and ultimately an increase in defective parts per million (DPM)
that are shipped to customers. Therefore, in order to avoid an increase in test escapes due to low
test quality, the industry has recognized an inevitable need for test pattern compression.
Test Cost
• Reduce the requirement of scan data memory
• Reduce test application time per part
• Reduce the number of required scan channels
• Reduce simulation time for serial load patterns
Test Quality
• Ability to support and compress all pattern types to fit within tester memory
• Ability to support and compress patterns for several different fault models
• Ability to maintain high at-speed test coverage in the presence of many X sources
• Diagnostics of compressed scan patterns
The key requirement of any compression technology is preservation of high test quality when
compared to standard (uncompressed) ATPG. In practical terms, this means that the same faults
should be detected regardless of the ATPG technique used. Fault detection is achieved by
specifying certain bits within the scan chains to deterministic values and fault simulating the
pattern in order to determine the detection level achieved. In standard ATPG, every scan cell can
be specified to the desired value simply by shifting in the scan cell value. In scan data
compression technology, fewer bits are loaded so the compression hardware must be able to
deliver the desired values to the appropriate scan cell in order to facilitate detection. Therefore,
higher compression can be achieved by compression technologies that have greater encoding
capacities, meaning that they are capable of specifying a larger percentage of the scan cells. We
will utilize the concept of “encoding capacity” in this discussion and examine the design
characteristics which may reduce a compression technology’s ability to specify bits and
consequently compress scan data and test application time.
Compression Technologies
Several technologies have been developed over the years in order to meet the compression goals
outlined in the previous section. We will briefly explore some of the better-known
methodologies and highlight their advantages and disadvantages in the following section.
Virtual Scan
The Virtual scan architecture consists of an Illinois scan type decompressor on the scan chain
inputs and an XOR tree based compactor on the scan chain outputs. Named after its birthplace at
the University of Illinois [3], the Illinois scan decompressor reduces test data volume by
broadcasting the same input data to several scan chains. Figure 1 shows 4 scan chains driven by
the same scan-in pin. If any of these 4 chains require a logic value different from the logic values
on the other 3 chains at the same scan-in cycle, then such a pattern cannot be applied on the
tester. This restriction may result in patterns requiring such faults to be left undetected, resulting
in a need for top-up ATPG using the uncompressed bypass mode. Whenever there is any such
constraint on pattern generation, it will also result in more patterns for the same fault list. The
biggest advantage of Illinois scan decompressor is its simplicity and low area overhead.
The scan chain outputs are compacted using an XOR tree as shown in Figure 1 below.
Channel 1 Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 2
Fault effects captured on any of the four scan chains connected to an output channel can be
observed through the XOR tree compactor, as long as the there are no Xs captured on the same
scan_out cycle. Presence of Xs will result in loss of fault coverage, or result in generating more
test patterns. If a fault effect is captured in more than one scan cell, and an even number of those
fault effects appear on the inputs of an XOR tree in the same scan_out cycle, none of them will
be observed on the scan_out channel. This is called fault aliasing, and results in loss of coverage,
or increase in number of patterns.
Table 1 below shows results of regular ATPG with FastScan and the two compression techniques
using TestKompress and Illinois Scan decompressor. The scan chain outputs were observed
directly (without using any XOR tree compactor) in these experiments. In all cases, Illinois scan
shows higher data volume compared to TestKompress.
Adaptive Scan
The adaptive scan technology uses a modified Illinois scan structure at the inputs and a modified
XOR tree structure at the outputs. The decompressor is very similar to Illinois scan, but uses
multiplexers ahead of the scan chains [4,5]. The select data for the multiplexers are also loaded
from the tester allowing some flexibility in the data loaded onto the scan chains from a single
scan channel. Figure 2 below shows one implementation of adaptive Illinois scan.
Ch_in 1
Ch_out 1
Ch_in 2
Ch_out 2
Ch_out 3
Ch_in 3
increasing the number of scan channels, resulting in a reduction of compression that can be
Test Coverage
40% TestKompress
Adaptive Scan
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
Percentage of Xs in Scan Cells
Scan Chain
Scan Chain
Scan Chain
mske Mask
mrst MISR
Advantages of OP-MISR
• Deterministic ATPG patterns delivered directly from the tester.
• No test points required, and no loss in coverage due to encoding capacities or linear
• Good compression of data volumes.
Limitations of OP-MISR
• Test time reduction limited to 2x in OP-MISR, and about 11x in OP-MISR+.
• Failure diagnosis requires retesting with MISR bypassed.
C o m p re s s e d C o m p a c te d
s tim u li A
E re s p o n s e s
Test patterns are generated by targeting individual faults in the core, and are converted to
compressed stimuli and compacted responses to be applied through the TestKompress logic. The
pattern generation algorithm and the fault models used are totally independent of the
TestKompress logic. Since the patterns are generated deterministically, we can obtain very high
coverage of the modeled faults with a very compact set of test patterns. There is also no need to
add any test logic in the core to improve testability, as the patterns are generated
The decompressor consists of a ring generator (unlike a Type I or Type II LFSR) as shown in
Figure 6.
15 14 + 13 12 11 10 + 9 8 7 6 + 5 4 3 2 + 1 0
16 17 + 18 19 + 20 21 + 22 + 23 24 + 25 + 26 27 28 29 + 30 31
The outputs of the ring generator flops will connect to scan chain inputs through a phase shifter
consisting of XOR gates. Creation of the compressed stimuli from a test pattern consists of
solving a set of linear equations based on the ring generator polynomial and the phase shifter
connections. Inputs to the ring generator are driven from the compressed stimuli on the ATE.
The output response compactor consists of an XOR tree and the masking logic, as shown in
Figure 7.
Chain 1
Chain 2
... ...
Chain N
pattern mask
The masking logic consists of a pattern mask register, decoder, and AND gates before the XOR
tree. The logic values for the pattern mask register are loaded from the compressed pattern data
on the ATE. The masking logic and the XOR tree compactor have the ability to handle any
number of unknowns (Xs) from the scan chains without any modifications to the functional
logic. The masking logic will also eliminate the effects of fault aliasing through the XOR tree.
The decompressor/compactor logic implemented in TestKompress can also perform fault
diagnosis using the same compressed patterns that is used on the ATE.
The TestKompress logic architecture is highly scalable. The ratio of internal scan chains to
external scan channels gives an indication of the possible reduction in testing time and test data
volume, compared to conventional scan testing with deterministic test patterns. There are other
factors that also determine the actual amount of compression that any design can obtain.
Advantages of EDT
• Best encoding capacity.
• Linear dependencies are completely eliminated by the phase shifters.
• A single scan channel can be used to obtain time and data compressions of more than
• No routing congestion, as there are no high fan-out nets. Modular implementation can be
used for easy block-level implementation.
• All faults that propagate to scan cells are guaranteed to be detected by the automated
masking capability of the compactor, even in the presence of any number of Xs and fault
• No need to generate any top-up ATPG patterns as the test coverage in the compressed and
bypass mode are the same.
• Compressed patterns can be directly diagnosed for failures found on the tester, and there is
no loss of diagnostic resolution compared with bypass mode patterns.
Limitations of EDT
• The ring generator, phase shifter, XOR tree compactor and the x-masking logic contributes
to an area overhead of up to 1% generally.
X Sources
Unlike standard ATPG, any logic that produces unknown (X) states can result in difficulties for
compression technologies. All MISR-based methodologies, such as OP-MISR, require additional
masking logic in order to prevent any unknown states to be captured into the scan chains and
ultimately the MISR. Sources of Xs include un-initialized and uncontrollable flip-flops, bus
contention, floating buses, multiple clock domains, false and multicycle paths, and inaccurate or
incomplete simulation models.
Compactors without X masking are greatly impacted by X sources and will have lower coverage
because they must use bypass (uncompressed) patterns to achieve high test coverage.
Compression may be “good enough” for stuck-at faults but for transition faults, the introduction
of false and multicycle paths introduces many more X sources to the design. Compression will
greatly suffer as a result of the additional X sources. The following table 2 shows the actual
compression obtained by TestKompress logic, in row labeled Comp. for several industry designs
of various types and sizes. The table also shows the maximum number of specified bits and the
number of unknown value sources (#Xs) within the design. The the row labeled Channels:Chains
indicates the number of channels and chains used in that design.
The Virtual scan architecture does not have any logic gates on scan chain inputs, but has a huge
fan-out net from every scan channel to the scan chains, resulting in a large area overhead due to
routing. The adaptive Illinois scan adds a multiplexer in front of every scan chain, in addition to
the huge fan-out nets and the routing overhead.
The area overheads due to the XOR tree-based compactor architectures depend on the number of
XOR gates added on the scan chain outputs. The adaptive scan compactor logic also has huge
fan-out nets from each scan chain output to multiple points in the XOR tree.
Manufacturing Test
Impact of Compression on Test Quality
All the test compression techniques discussed above rely on the fact that not all scan cells need a
defined logic value to detect any fault. The defined logic values on scan cells is also referred to
as a test cube for the targeted fault. As long as the number of defined scan cell values is a small
percentage of the total number of scan cells, most of the decompressor logic options discussed in
this paper will be able to deliver those values without much impact on test coverage and the
number of test patterns. The undefined scan cells will be defined by the values that can be
delivered by the decompressor logic used. The ability of the decompressor to deliver any set of
values on the defined scan cells is also known as the encoding capacity of the decompressor.
Decompressors with low encoding capacity will not be able to deliver certain test cubes required
to detect a fault, resulting in lower test coverage, and requiring the application of test patterns in
the compression bypass mode.
In addition to controllability, an effective compression methodology must be able to observe the
circuit responses through the compactor logic. The ability to handle a large number of unknown
states while maintaining high observability will greatly impact the compression solution’s ability
to achieve high test coverage while maintaining a high compression ratio.
Of all the compression technologies discussed in this paper the TestKompress decompressor
(ring generator) has the highest encoding capacity while the patented masking logic in
TestKompress provides for guaranteed observability of fault effects. This has been demonstrated
on hundreds of designs which show no loss in test coverage when generating highly compressed
patterns, compared to generating patterns in bypass mode.
Diagnosis is the process of identifying defects or fault locations that resulted in failures caught
on the tester. The test patterns generated for different fault models are applied to the
manufactured device on an Automatic Test Equipment (ATE). If the measured logic value on the
device outputs does not match with the expected logic values in the test patterns, it is due to a
manufacturing defect. Diagnosis tools like YieldAssist can identify the fault locations that
resulted in those failures. Inputs to YieldAssist could be regular ATPG patterns, or compressed
ATPG patterns from TestKompress.
YieldAssist analyzes (by simulation) the actual responses from the tester and determines which
faults might have caused the observed failure effects. This method does not require building a
huge database fault dictionary, and is very effective in diagnosing both compressed and
uncompressed test patterns [7].
In an experiment on 70 manufactured devices and 10K failing patterns, it was found that 68 out
of 70 devices had perfect or good matching behavior between TestKompress and regular
uncompressed pattern diagnosis [8]. Several other experiments have shown that the diagnostics
resolution for direct compressed pattern diagnosis is at least as good as the diagnostic resolution
achieved in bypass mode with uncompressed patterns [8]. YieldAssist enabled engineers at
TSMC to improve the yield by 24% for one device. The diagnosis was completed in 2 days,
significantly improving the failure analysis productivity [11].
In this paper we discussed several test data and test time compression techniques. All the
techniques require on-chip decompression and compaction hardware adding to area overhead in
terms of logic gates or high fan-out routing nets or both. Any MISR based compression
technique, like the OP-MISR, also requires additional logic to block Xs from propagating to the
MISR, and bypass mode re-testing for failure diagnosis. Some of the compressors like adaptive
Illinois scan require more than one scan channel to achieve any compression of test data and
time. As shown in the section on adaptive scan (Figure 3), Xs captured on scan cells will result in
significant loss of coverage, requiring a top-up ATPG in compression bypass mode. Unknown
(Xs) will always be present in designs with false and multicycle paths, and cross clock domain
logic. Any pattern generated in bypass mode will result in an overall reduction of total
compression obtained.
The following Table 3 gives a quick overview of the topics discussed in the paper.
Table 3: Comparison summary of compression techniques discussed
Virtual Scan Adaptive OP MISR+ TestKompress
Scan (EDT)
Decompressor Encoding Low Moderate Moderate Very High
Coverage Moderate Low Low Very Low
Compactor X Masking High* High* Very High* None
coverage loss
due to Aliasing High High Very High None
* results may suffer significantly when using at-speed test due to Xs introduced with false and multicycle
paths, and cross clock domain logic.
As shown, the EDT based TestKompress logic can achieve very high compression of test time
and data even with a single scan channel, making it more suitable for modular compression
methodologies and very low pin count testing. Direct compressed pattern failure diagnosis is
possible with XOR tree based compactors. TestKompress effectively works with YieldAssist to
provide direct diagnostics of compressed patterns and is proven in production lines. For some
more information on different compression techniques please refer to [9] and [10].
1. Carl Barnhart et al., “OPMISR: The foundation for compressed ATPG vectors”, Proc.
Int’l Test Conf., pp. 748-757, 2001.
2. Carl Barnhart et al., “Extending OPMISR beyond 10x scan test efficiency”, IEEE Design
and test of computers, pp. 65-73, Sept-Oct 2002.
3. I. Hamzaoglu and J. H. Patel, “reducing test application time for full scan embedded
cores”, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on fault tolerant computing, pp. 260-267, 1999.
4. Samitha Samaranayake et al., “A reconfigurable shared scan-in architecture”, Proc. IEEE
VLSI test symposium”, 2003.
5. ESNUG article No: 442 item 11 on,
6. Janusz Rajski et al., “Embedded deterministic test”, IEEE Trans. on CAD of ICs and
systems, vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 776-792, May 2004.
7. Wu-Tung Cheng et al., “Compactor independent direct diagnosis”, Proc. Of the 13th
Asian test symposium, pp. 204-209, Nov 2004.
8. Andreas Leininger et al., “Compression mode diagnosis enables high volume monitoring
diagnosis flow”, Proc. Of Intl. test conference, session 7, paper 3, 2005.
9. Tom Lecklider, “Test pattern compression saves time and bits”, Evaluation engineering,
July 2005.
10. Michelle Lange, “Adopting the right embedded compression solution”, Evaluation
engineering, May 2005.
11. Will Hsu, Y. S. Chen, Wu Yang, Wu-Tung Cheng and Nagesh Tamarapalli, “Scan
Diagnostics in the Nanometer Design Era”, Semiconductor Manufacturing Magazine,
March 2006.