Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer During Drying of Green Coffee Beans Using Prolate Spheroidal Geometry
Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer During Drying of Green Coffee Beans Using Prolate Spheroidal Geometry
Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer During Drying of Green Coffee Beans Using Prolate Spheroidal Geometry
Received 3 April 2007; received in revised form 19 August 2007; accepted 30 August 2007
Available online 25 September 2007
A heat and mass transfer model in prolate spheroidal coordinates system was proposed to describe the drying of green coee beans.
The model describes the 3D moisture and temperature proles inside the bean. The results were integrated over volume in order to obtain
a drying kinetic equation for prolate spheroidal geometry. The average eective diusivity of water as function of temperature and mois-
ture was estimated at 45 and 60 C by slope method from experimental drying kinetic of green coee beans. The expression obtained
applied to drying kinetic equation reproduced approximately the experimental behavior.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 W.N. Hernandez-Daz et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 86 (2008) 19
jR oW2 Ph oW1
nbc eu nbc p eu sinh2 u R sin 1 Du
i 2 j
sinhuRsin1 ou gu; 1 ou i;j;k i;j;k1
W1 W1
PhR oW1 PhR oW1 R2 Du
nbc p e1 nbc eu BiW2 17
gu; 1 o1 sinhuR sin1 ou sinh2 u R sin 1j Du
i 2
Fig. 1. Spheroidal prolate coordinate system representing a coee bean. (a) General representation. (b) A plane at u constant. (c) A plane at u constant.
(d) Two planes at B constant.
Table 2
Thermophysical properties used for solving Eqs. (11)(20)
Properties Value or expression Reference
aw a0 = 100.103, a1 = 17.75, a2 = 0.88 Fitting Eq. (21) to Iglesias and Chirife (1982) data
kb (W m1 s1) 0:49 0:443e0:206X b Perez-Alegra et al. (2001)
kc (Wm1 s1) 8.4044 105T + 4.63 105, T in K Geankoplis (1978)
DHw0 (J kg1) 2.501 106 Geankoplis (1978)
C pc (J kg1 K1) 1000.0 Geankoplis (1978)
C pb (J kg1 K1) 1652:2 5835 1Xb b Perez-Alegra et al. (2001)
C pwv (J kg1 K1) 1608.92 Geankoplis (1978)
C pw (J kg1 K1) 4185 1=2 Geankoplis (1978)
1:86107 T 3=2 1 1
Dwc pr2 XD;wc
wc Mw Mc ChapmanEnskog equation
M = molecular weight Geankoplis (1978)
r2wc = Collision average diameter (in Tables) Tables in Bird et al. (1960)
XD,wc = collision integral (in Tables)
DHw (J kg1) 2.501 106 2.26 103T 1.7T2, T in C Geankoplis (1978)
qc (kg m3) 352.961/T, T in K Ideal gas law
lc (Pas) 5.87 106 + 4.25 108T, T in K Geankoplis (1978)
6 W.N. Hernandez-Daz et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 86 (2008) 19
Fig. 2. Dimensionless moisture proles inside the half prolate spheroid at Fig. 5. Dimensionless temperature proles inside the half prolate spheroid
u = p/2 and s = 0.15. at u = p/2 and s = 0.4.
In order to validate our results, the obtained heat and changed. The temperatures show the inconsistencies dis-
mass transfer coecients (hb and kcb) were introduced in cussed above, but the general tendency is predicted. These
the following coee bean xed bed system, which was results show that the internal heat and mass transfer coef-
solved under constant air conditions, cients (Eqs. (26) and (30)) approximately represent the
dqb X bavg phenomena involved, and therefore could be generalized
k cb qb ab X bavg X bi 31 to other conditions, like multi-layer bed drying.
dqb C pb T bavg
hb ab T bavg T i 32 5. Conclusions
k cc qc X ci X c k cb qb X bavg X i 33 The nite dierence equation for mass transfer 3D
hc T c T i hb T i T bavg k cb qb X bavg X i DH 34 model of Eqs. (7)(12) provides valuable information
about the moisture distribution proles inside the grain
The simulation results obtained with Eqs. (26), (29) and during drying. Thus, allowing us to predict the zones more
(30)(34) and the variables and conditions listed in Tables 1 susceptible to contamination or to mechanical stress and
and 2 are plotted in Figs. 8 and 9 jointly with experimental cracking. The integrated drying kinetic equation, along
data. The simulated behavior approximates the experimen- with the estimated water eective diusivity, reproduced
tal one, taking into account that simulated kinetics are not the experimental drying kinetics of a monolayer xed bed
individually tted, and the treatment 4 was not used for of coee beans. This model may be used in the optimal
diusivity calculation. Some deviations were observed but design of coee dryers.
it is important to note that Eqs. (31)(34) can reproduce
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