Signs of Qiyamah
Signs of Qiyamah
Signs of Qiyamah
Foreword by
(Fromer Shaykh al-Hadith and Principal of the Fiqh Specialisation Department at Allama
Binnori Town)
Sayyiduna Rasulullah has foretold the ummah regarding all the trials and
tribulations that befell the Muslims like calamities and also showed the way to tackle
them. The ulama1 of the ummah in all the eras, acting rightfully as the inheritors of
the Prophet have hauled out the ship (of faith and deeds) of the people of Islam
from the whirlpool and guided it to its destination. Furthermore, they educated the
Muslims about the ill intent of fallacious powers and Fitan2. Today, even after almost
1500 years, the teachings of Islam are free from any alterations and all those
necessary matters on which Emaan is based are still in the same shape as the Noble
Prophet presented them to the ummah. This in reality is the outcome of the hadith
which prophesised that one Jama'ah will always remain on the truth.
In present times many Fitan have been instigated regarding the belief of the Mahdi,
which tried to mislead the Muslims. This book ‘Signs of Qiyamah and The belief
regarding the Mahdi in the Light of Ahadith3’ is an excellent book countering such
Fitan written by dearest Molvi Sohail Bawa. In this book the belief regarding the
emergence of Mahdi has been compiled in sections according to the sahih ahadith and
sayings of the ulama. Plus in the beginning of the book the signs of Qiyamah have
also been complied in brief to make it easier to understand the belief regarding Mahdi.
This servant prays that Allah Ta’ala rewards the author of this book and makes this
book a means of guidance for the readers. Ameen.
Nizamuddin Shamzai
The scholars of Islamic knowledge
This is the plural of Fitnah, which means trial or tribulation.
Plural of Hadith
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful
All praise belongs to Allah and peace and blessing be on the Noble Prophet
The Prophet had a deep concern for his ummah so much so that he would always
remain worried. Hence, in a hadith it is reported:
The Prophet was always worried and engrossed in deep thought and it felt as if
he was occupied by grief.
Was this worry and concern about collecting money or was this concern about gaining
a high status? In fact this concern was about how I can save the nation that I have
been sent to, from the hell fire and bring them on the true path from error. And due to
this excessive worry, Allah Ta’ala revealed verses in the Qur’an preventing
Rasulullah from excessive worrying.
In one hadith the Prophet is reported to have said, my example is of that person
who ignites a fire and moths attracted by the fire start to fall in it. On seeing that he
strives to prevent those moths from falling in the fire. Similarly, I am trying to save
you from the fire of hell, gripping your backs to stop you however you are still
heading towards the hellfire.
This was the concern that the Prophet had for his ummah, and it was not just for
those people who were in his time but also for the people yet to come.
Therefore, the Prophet told the people yet to come about the state of affairs in
their time. Almost, all the books of ahadith contain a separate chapter titled “Babul
Fitan” in which ahadith where the Prophet warned about the upcoming Fitan are
collected. Hence in a hadith, the Prophet said: “Soon there will be terrible Fitan
like the darkness of the night” (Mishkaat, p. 464)
Meaning, at night the human eye is blinded and cannot see its destination or the path
to the destination. Similarly, in the times of Fitnah a person will not be able determine
what to do and what not to do. These Fitan will engulf the whole society and the
environment and it will appear as if there is no safe haven. The Prophet ordered
us to seek refuge in Allah Ta’ala from these tribulations and make the following
Hence, we should seek refuge from both types of Fitan and this du’aa was in the
regular practice of the beloved Prophet . In this time of Fitnah protecting one’s
Emaan4 is becoming very important and difficult even more than before. From
Musailama al-Kadhab5 to Musailama of Punjab Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiani6, all the
false claimants of prophet-hood have been challenged by the ulama of the ummah and
were proven wrong in their claim.
After prophet-hood, the people who used to fool the masses disguised as Awlia of
Allah have now begun claiming to be the promised Mahdi. The agents of the Kuffar
have supported these false Mahdis in the past and even now they assist them.
It was faqir’s (author’s) wish that in these circumstances a book should be compiled
that contains comprehensive information regarding the appearance of Sayyiduna
Mahdi (alayhir-ridhwan) in the light of the Qur’an and Ahadith, furthermore it
contains the counter argument to the claims of all the enemies of Islam.
For example, what will be the name of Sayyiduna Mahdi? What will he look like?
Where will he be born, migrate and die? How old will he be? What will he do in his
life? Where will the pledge on his hand take place and how long will his rule last etc.
Insha Allah after studying “Signs of Qiyamah7 and the belief regarding Mahdi” every
upright Muslim can easily challenge the false sects and similarly every Muslim can
protect their Emaan.
True faith in Islam
Musailama claimed to be Prophet during the time of the Prophet Muhammad , and was declared
to be al-Kadhab (a liar) by him.
Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiani claimed to be prophet in the last century in India during the British
rule. He and his followers were declared kafir by the consensus of the Muslims all over the world.
The day of judgement when every soul will have to give it’s accounts to Allah Ta’ala
Signs of Qiyamah
Sayyiduna Umar ibn Khattab (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that once we (the Sahabah)
were seated in the blessed company of the Prophet and suddenly a person came
who’s clothes were incredibly clean and white and his hair was dark black (and
shiny). He did not have any signs of travel (so it could not be presumed that he was a
stranger who travelled here from distant land); neither did any of us recognise him
(meaning that he was not a local or someone’s guest). Nevertheless, he came and sat
so close to the Prophet that he aligned his knees with the Prophet’s knees
and placed both of his hands on his own thighs. (Just like an auspicious student would
sit with respect in front of his teacher ready and focused to learn).
This hadith is known as Hadith of Jibraeel8. The fifth question that Jibraeel asked the
Prophet was that could you tell us the signs that will indicate its proximity.
The Prophet gave two signs:
i. First sign is that a maidservant will give birth to her mistress. The Ulama
have interpreted this in different ways. The best interpretation seems to be
that this statement indicates towards the disobedience of parents. Meaning
that near the time of Qiyamah the children will become so open in
disobedience to their parents that even girls who in their nature are
obedient to their parents especially to their mothers, will disregard their
The Prophet told the Sahaba after the stranger left that he was the angel Jibraeel who came in the
form of a human to teach the Sahabah their religion.
parents’ advice just like how a master does not take into account his
slave’s view. As though the position of the parents in the house will
become that of a slave.
ii. The second sign that he mentioned is that those bare footed and
unclothed people who had no status in the society, who till yesterday
herded goats in the countryside, will compete in high buildings. Meaning
that disgraced people will become privileged.
Apart from these two signs of Qiyamah many other signs have been mentioned in the
Ahadith. However, these are the ‘Minor signs’ but there are also Major signs and
when they occur there will not be much delay in the advent of Qiyamah.
ii. The coming of the one eyed Dajjal and him spreading mischief (during the
reign of Mahdi) for forty days.
vi. The sun rising from the west and this will be the greatest sign before
From this sign it will become apparent to every person that the coordination of the
universe is about to disintegrate and there isn’t much time left in the destruction of the
whole system and the advent of Qiyamah. The people will be frightened and in a state
of shock. That will be the beginning of the death of the universe, just like at the
beginning of human’s death his repentance is not accepted similarly when the sun will
rise from the west the door of repentance will be closed.
The Prophet has foretold some other major signs as well. Qiyamah is a very
fearsome event, may Allah Ta’ala give all of us the ability to prepare for it and
provide us His protection from the persecution and the horror of the day of Qiyamah.
The beast that will surface from the Earth
The Three Types of Signs of Qiyamah
The majority of the signs of Qiyamah mentioned in the holy Qur’an are those which
will occur just prior to it and the Prophet has mentioned all the signs (recorded in
the ahadith) Major or Minor that will occur long time before its advent or just before
Allama Muhammad bin Abdurasul Barzanji (rahimahullah: died 1040 Hijri) has
divided the signs of Qiyamah into three types in his book “Al Isha’a li Shiraat as-
1. Alamat-e-Ba’eeda
2. Alamat-e-Mutawassita (also known as the Minor signs)
3. Alamat-e-Qariba (also known as the Major signs)
These are the signs, which have come to pass long time ago. They are called
‘Ba’eeda’ because there is a long time between these signs and the advent of
Qiyamah. For example, the emergence of the Prophet , the splitting of the moon,
the demise of the Prophet , and the battle of Siffeen. All of these events in the light
of the Qur’an and the hadith are the signs of Qiyamah and these signs have occurred
Amongst the Alamat-e-Ba’eeda is the Fitnah of the Tartars, which was foretold in the
sahih (Authentic) ahadith. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, and ibn Maja
have recorded these narrations.
The Hour will not be established until you fight with the
Turks (who will have) small eyes, red faces, and flat
noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with
leather. The Hour will not be established till you fight
with people whose shoes are made of hair.
In another hadith the Prophet said among the signs of Qiyamah is that you will
fight against a nation whose faces will be wide.
And in a hadith in Sahih Muslim another attribute of that nation is mentioned that
they will be wearing clothes made out of hair. (Muslim vol. 2, p. 395)
In these ahadith the nation that has been mentioned are the Tartars that came from
Turkistan and fell on the Muslims in the form of punishment from Allah. All the
details that the Prophet foretold regarding this nation came true in the Fitnah of
the Tartars. This Fitnah was at its peak in the year 656 Hijri when the Tartars
humiliatingly besieged Baghdad. They killed the last Khalifah of the Banu Abbas
Musta’sam and took control of many countries of the Islamic Empire.
The commentator of Sahih Muslim Allama Nawawi (rahimahullah) saw that period
with his own eyes because he was born in 631 Hijri and died in the year 672 Hijri.
Another one of the Alamat Ba’eeda is the great fire of Hijaz, which was prophesised
by the Prophet . Bukhari and Muslim have narrated this on the authority of Abu
Huraira (radiyallahu anhu):
And in Fath al Bari (commentary of Bukhari written by Hafidh ibn Hajr) there is a
more detailed narration.
Sayyiduna Umar ibn Khattab (radiyallahu anhu) has reported that the Prophet
The day of Qiyamah will not be established until a valley
from the valleys of Hijaaz will be flooded with fire, which
would illuminate the necks of the camels of Busra. (Fath
Al-Bari vol. 13, p. 68, reference from Al-Kaamil ibn ‘Adi)
Busra is a famous city of Sham (present day Iraq) between Madina and Damascus.
Busra is situated 3 Marhalas (almost 48 miles) from Damascus.
This great fire emerged from the surrounds of Madina Al Munawwara with the same
attributes as mentioned in the ahadith almost a year before the Fitnah of the Tartars.
This fire started on the day of Jumuah the 6th of Jamadi at-Thani 654 Hijri and spread
for miles turning the mountains in its way into a stack of ash and it constantly
invigorated until the 27th of Rajab (for almost 25 days) and took three months to cool
The light from this fire was seen from Makkah, Yamboo’, Teema even in places as far
as Busra as prophesised in the hadith. The news of this fire became so widespread in
the Islamic world that the Muhadditheen, the Muarrikheen (Historians) and the poets
have mentioned it in great detail in their works.
Hence, Allama Nawawi (rahimahullah) a noble scholar of that time mentions in the
commentary of the preceding hadith:
The fire mentioned in the hadith is a sign from the signs of Qiyamah and in our time a
fire spread from Madina in 656 Hijrah, which was enormous, it spread from the east
of Madina behind Hurra. It has become widely known to all the people of Sham and
its knowledge has spread widely in all the cities and I myself have heard reports from
people who were present there.
The famous commentator of the Qur’an Allama Muhammad bin Ahmad Qurtabi
(rahimahullah) is also from the same era. The great scholar of Islam mentions the fire
in more detail in his book “Attazkira Bi Amoor al-Akhira”. He discusses regarding
the hadith from Bukhari and Muslim (mentioned earlier):
“A fire has just spread from Madina in Hijaaz, it began with a fierce
earthquake on the night of Wednesday the 3rd of Jamadi-ul-Thaani 654
Hijrah after the Esha prayer which continued until Chaasht (morning) of
Friday. And the fire appeared at Quraiza near Hurra. It seemed like a great
city with a wall built around it with ridges, cupolas and minarets built on it.
Some people could also be seen fuming it. Every mountain that came in its
way was flattened and dissolved. From this cluster arose a red and blue part
that flowed like a stream and which roared like a cloud that used to engulf
every rock face in front of it and it used to reach the station of the Iraqi
travellers. Due to which a mountain of ash was collected. Then the fire
spread towards Madina and yet a cool breeze still blew in Madina. It was
witnessed that this fire had the vigour of the oceans. One of my companions
told me that he saw the fire rise up to 5 days distance in air and I have heard
that it was seen from the peaks of Makkah and Busra.” Allama Qurtabi
further says, “This incident is from the proofs of the prophet-hood of
Rasulullah .”
In another letter it is stated that its light and glow was so widespread that people
from Makkah saw it. This fire remained for months before cooling. It has
become clear to me that the fire mentioned in this hadith is the very fire that
arose from the periphery of Madina.”
Allama Simhuri (rahimahullah) has recorded in his book “Wafa al-Wafa” the
statements of the people of that time that during the time (of the fire) in the surrounds
of Madina the sky had become so polluted with smoke that the sunlight and moonlight
became so faint that it seemed as if there was a lunar and a solar eclipse and he relates
the following statement of Abu Shama (rahimahullah):
“And here in Damascus the affect of it was that the sunlight faded on the
walls and we were curious about its cause until we heard of the fire.”
Another scholar of that time Allama Qutb-ud-Deen Qastalani (rahimahullah) who was
present in Makkah at the time had exhausted himself in researching about it and even
wrote an entire book on the subject in which he gathered accounts of eyewitnesses.
“A trustworthy person told me that he saw a large rock from the rocks of
Hurra that lay half outside the Haram of Madina which was burning with the
fire and when the fire reached the boundary of the Haram and the part of the
rock which lay inside the Haram then it faded and cooled down.”
This is the miracle of the Prophet that such an enormous fire could not enter the
Haram of Madina although it burnt half of the rock which lay outside the Haram and
stopped and cooled by itself when it reached the side which was inside the Haram.
Allama Simhuri (rahimahullah) is a famous historian who has written the details of all
the places including the sacred sites of Madina in his book “Wafa al-Wafa” with such
exertion that its equivalent cannot be found. He has written the details of the fire in
almost 13 pages and he has recorded statements of the people of that time indicating
that the glow of the fire was seen from distant places such as Makkah, Teema,
Yamboo’, Jibaal Saariya and Busra.
Another pious scholar of that time Qadhi-ul-Qudhat Sadar-ud-Deen Hanafi who ruled
Damascus was born in 642 Hijrah. Prior to becoming a Chief Justice he was a lecturer
in a Madrasa in Busra and was present in Busra at the time of the fire. He told the
famous commentator and historian Hafidh Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah) that:
“The time the fire had begun I heard a villager in Busra tell my father that
they saw necks of camels in the glow of the fire”
This is precisely what the Prophet had foretold in the sahih hadith that with this
fire the necks of camels in Busra would be illuminated.
All of these attributes of the fire came true word by word. Meaning that these are the
miracles of the Prophet that came to pass after many centuries after his departure
from this world and all those events yet to appear that he has foretold will indeed
appear one by one and they will be the fresh reminders of the truthfulness and
legitimacy of the Prophet to the future nations.
In this way there is a long list of Allamat-e-Ba’eeda that were foretold by the Noble
Prophet that came true already. Allama Barzanji (rahimahullah) has recorded
many other signs in his famous treatise “Al Isha’a”. We have only discussed a few
examples and the discussion lengthened beyond our intention but Insha Allah this
prolonging will not be void of benefit.
The Minor signs of Qiyamah are those that have appeared but have not reached their
peak, they are increasing daily and will continue to do so until the third type of signs
begin to appear. The list of minor signs is also extensive.
For instance, the Prophet has said that a time will befall on the people in which
the person trying to keep steadfast on the deen will be like that person who is holding
a burning cinder in his hand. The most prosperous person in terms of the worldly life
will be the one who is wicked and whose father is also wicked. There will be many
leaders but few will be trustworthy, community leaders and leaders of the nations will
be hypocrites and Fasiq (open sinners), market leaders will be libertines. There will be
a huge numbers of police (who will aid the oppressors). High ranking posts will be
given to unsuitable people, boys will begin to lead, trade will spread so far wide that
even the women will assist their husbands however due to the market slump it would
not be profitable. There will be unfairness in weighing and measurement, writing
(skill) will become widespread but knowledge will be gained solely for worldly gain.
The Qur’an will be used as a tool of music. There will be an abundance of people who
will recite the Qur’an in the manner of singing merely for showing off, fame and
financial gain. And there will be a shortage of the Fuqaha (Islamic Jurists). The
Ulama will be murdered and will come under such torment that they will prefer death
more than red gold and the later people of this ummah will scorn and slander the
previous people. (Tirmidhi, vol. 2, p. 45)
The honest will be called deceitful and the dishonest trustworthy. Liars will be
labelled truthful and the truthful as liars. Good will be known as bad and bad as good.
Strangers will be treated courteously and relatives’ rights will be abused, wives will
be obeyed and parents disobeyed. There will be clamour and worldly talk in the
Mosques, salam (greetings) will only be given to familiar people (whereas in other
ahadith it is mentioned that salam should be given to every Muslim even if he is a
stranger), there will be an abundance of divorces. Righteous people will take cover
and cruel people will hold sway. People will compete with one another in erecting
high buildings just for boasting and showing off. (Tirmidhi vol. 2, p. 45)
Alcohol, usury and bribery will be considered halal by naming alcohol as a blend,
usury as trade and bribery as gift. Gambling, musical instruments, alcohol
consumption and adultery will be on the high. Apart from food women will be
presented at feasts, unforeseen and accidental deaths will be on the high, people will
travel on soft cushions to the mosque doors, their women will be exposed despite
being clothed (because the clothing will be tight and thin), their heads will resemble
the humps of a stumpy camel. They will walk in a sinuous manner and lure people
towards them. They will not enter paradise and neither will they smell its fragrance.
And a Mu’min (true believer) will be inferior to a housemaid in peoples’ eyes. A
Mu’min will see these transgressions but will fail to prevent them due to which his
heart will boil inside. There will be many trials and tribulations. (Bukhari vol. 2, p. 1055)
There are still many Allamat-e-Mutawassita (Minor signs), which the Prophet
foretold at a time when they were beyond imagination, but we are now witnessing
them with our own eyes. Some signs are at their peak and some are still at the
beginning of their development. When all of these signs reach their peak then the
major and closest signs of Qiyamah will begin to appear. May Allah Ta’ala protect us
from the harms of these Fitan and lead us to our grave with our Emaan safely. Ameen.
These signs will appear one after the other very close to the day of Qiyamah. These
will be worldwide events thus they are also called ‘Alamat-e Kubra’ (The Major
Signs). For example the appearance of Mahdi, emergence of Dajjal, descending of
Prophet Eesa (alayhi salam), emergence of Yajuj Majuj (Gog Magog), the rising of
the sun from the west, Daabat-ul-Ardh and the fire of Yemen etc. When all of these
types of signs have appeared then suddenly Qiyamah would take place.
The lexical meaning of ‘Mahdi’ is ‘the guided one’. According to the lexical meaning
any guided person could be called Mahdi. However, the Mahdi that is mentioned in
the ahadith is referring to a particular individual who will appear in the final times just
prior to the descending Prophet Eesa (alayhi salam).
The narrations regarding the promised Mahdi number so many that they reach the
level of Tawatur10 and they are so clear in meaning that they leave no room for doubt.
For example, what will be the Mahdi’s real name? What will he look like? Where he
would be born and where he will migrate to and where he will die? How old he will
be and what he would do in his life. Where he will take bay’a (pledge of allegiance)
and how long he will rule? And so on and so forth. Hence, detailed signs have been
mentioned in the ahadith regarding the promised Mahdi.
Almost all the books of hadith include narrations regarding Sayyiduna Mahdi in a
separate chapter. Allama Jalaludin Suyuti (rahimahullah) has compiled a separate
article “al-Urf al-Wardi Fi Athar al-Mahdi” regarding Sayyiduna Mahdi in which he
has collected all the ahadith regarding Sayyiduna Mahdi. Allama Safarini in “Sharah
Aqida Safarina” has summarised all those ahadith and has stated them in a particular
order. (People of knowledge please refer to Aqida Safarina vol. 2, p. 67)
1. In a hadith it is mentioned that the promised Mahdi will be from the progeny of
Sayyida Fatima (radiyallahu anha). (Abu Dawood vol. 2, p. 588)
And narrations mentioning this number so many that they reach the level of Tawatur.
(Sharah Aqida Safarina vol. 2, p. 69)
2. In a hadith the Prophet says the world will not end until a person from my
Ahlul Bayt becomes the ruler of Arabia. His name will be like mine and his father’s
name will be like my father’s name. (Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi vol. 2, p. 47)
Whatever the Prophet has mentioned regarding Sayyiduna Mahdi on which all
the Ahl-e-Haqq (People of Truth) are united is summarised below. That he will be
from the progeny of Sayyida Fatima (radiyallahu anha), and he will be a Sayyid from
both of his parents, his name will be Muhammad and his father’s name will be
Abdullah. Just as a son resembles the father in appearance and character similarly he
will resemble the Prophet in appearance, form and personality and character. He
will not be a prophet, neither will he receive revelation and neither will he claim
prophet-hood and nor will anyone believe in him as a prophet.
In a hadith he is described to have a wide forehead and with a nose that is a little
pointed from the front and flat from the middle. (Abu Dawood vol. 2, p. 240)
Sayyida Umme Salma (radiyallahu anha) reports the saying of the Prophet
“After the death of a ruler there will be some dispute (on his succession)
between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madina)
and go to Makkah (he will be the Mahdi and will flee to Makkah so that he
Tawatur is defined as "a hadith, which has been handed down, by a number of different channels of
transmitters or authorities, hence ruling out the possibility of forgery."
is not nominated as the Khalifah). While in Makkah, certain people will
approach him between Hajr-ul-Aswad and Maqaame Ibrahim, and forcefully
pledge their allegiance to him.
Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they
will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be
swallowed into the ground.
On seeing this, the Abdal of Sham as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will
come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraysh,
whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe, will send an army to attack him, only to
be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani
Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the
Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He
will lead the people according to the Sunnah and during his reign Islam will spread
throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will
pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salah.” (Mishkaat p. 471 from Abu
Dawood and Imam Suyuti (rahimahullah) in “al-Urf al-Wardi Fi Athar al-Mahdi” p. 59 from Ibn Abi
Shaiba, Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Abu Ya’la and Tabrani)
According to a hadith Sayyiduna Mahdi will fill the world with justice and equity as it
was filled with tyranny and oppression before him. According to another hadith when
Sayyiduna Mahdi will arrive in Makkah the people will recognise him and give bay’a
on his hand and make him their king and a voice will be heard from the unseen
When will Sayyiduna Mahdi come and for how long will he stay
No particular time has been mentioned in the Qur’an and hadith regarding the
emergence of Sayyiduna Mahdi meaning no century and year has been mentioned.
However, we have been told in the ahadith that his emergence is the beginning of the
Major signs of Qiyamah, which will occur very close to Qiyamah and after them there
will be very little time left in the event of Qiyamah.
Where will Sayyiduna Mahdi be born? Regarding this a saying has been reported
from Sayyiduna Ali (radiyallahu anhu) that he will be born and raised in Madina. He
will be inaugurated as Khalifah in Makkah and he will migrate to Bait al-Maqdis.
According to the narrations and the Athar11 when people will give bay’a of Khalifah
on his hand he will be 40 years old. In the seventh year of his reign the one-eyed
Dajjal will emerge and to kill him Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will descend from
the heavens. Sayyiduna Mahdi will spend 2 years in the companionship of Sayyiduna
Eesa (alayhi salam) and will pass away at the age of 49.
The Ahl-e-Haqq (the rightly guided people) are united that Sayyiduna Mahdi will
emerge, there is no difference within the Ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah regarding his
birth, arrival and advent. There will be tyranny and treachery prior to Sayyiduna
Mahdi’s birth and advent. After taking charge, with the blessing and favour of Allah
Ta’ala he will establish peace and justice in the land under his control and eradicate
injustice. During that period Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will descend from the
heavens and Sayyiduna Mahdi will serve and aid Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) in
Jihad and the killing of Dajjal.
Apart from this there are numerous narrations substantiating the jihad of Sayyiduna
Mahdi (alayhir-ridhwan) against the disbelievers and his rule over the world.
It is mentioned in a hadith that: He (Sayyiduna Mahdi) will have fierce battles with
the disbelievers. In his time the one eyed Dajjal will emerge, and he will be
surrounded by the army of Dajjal. Precisely at the time of Fajr salah Sayyiduna Eesa
(alayhi salam) will descend from the heavens and will perform Fajr salah following
Sayyiduna Mahdi. After the prayer Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will head towards
Dajjal who will flee. Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will pursue him and will kill him
at Bab-e-Lud. Dajjal’s army will be put to the sword and every sign of the Yahood
and the Nasara will be eliminated.
Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiani ought to possess at least a minor attribute of Sayyiduna
Mahdi so that his claim to be the promised Mahdi can fit on him else its like claiming
to be Mahdi whilst having characteristics of the Kuffar (disbelievers) and deviants.
Since Mirza Qadiani does not possess any of the characteristics of Sayyiduna Mahdi
mentioned in the ahadith. Sayyiduna Mahdi (alayhir-ridhwan) will be from the
progeny of Sayyiduna Hassan bin Ali (radiyallahu anhu) whereas Mirza was Mugal
and Patthaan not a Sayyid.
Sayyiduna Mahdi’s name will be Muhammad, and his father’s name Abdullah and
mother’s name Amina, contrary to that Mirza’s name was Gulam Ahmad and his
father’s name Gulam Murtaza and mother’s name was Charag Bibi.
Sayyiduna Mahdi will be born in Madina and migrate to Makkah, whereas Mirza
Qadiani never even saw the blessed cities of Makkah and Medina since he was certain
that there was an Islamic Government in Makkah and Medina and that Musailama of
Punjab will be dealt in the same way as Musailama al-Kadhab of Yamaama was dealt
with. As it is illustrated from the writings of Mirza Qadiani that due to this reason he
could not perform Hajj and pay a visit to Madina, in reality Allah Ta’ala deprived him
of this favour.
Sayyiduna Mahdi will rule the earth and will fill the world with peace and justice
whereas Mirza Qadiani was not even a chief of his own town Qadian (let alone a
king). Whenever he had a dispute over land he used to claim through the court of
Gardaspur. He could not even resolve the dispute himself because he would have been
Sayyiduna Mahdi will proceed to Sham and will combat the army of Dajjal, at that
time Dajjal will have an army of 70,000 Jews. Sayyiduna Mahdi will prepare the
Muslim army and will make Damascus the headquarters. Which army of Dajjal did
Mirza Qadiani fight? He did not even get to see Damascus and Bait al-Maqdis.
Besides these many affairs of Sayyiduna Mahdi have been mentioned in the ahadith,
none of which can be associated to Mirza Qadiani.
From amongst the books of ahadith Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim do not mention
Sayyiduna Mahdi. However, the narrations of other reliable books are so many that
the Muhadditheen have accepted their Tawatur and it is agreed upon that Bukhari and
Muslim have not collected all the sahih ahadith therefore a hadith cannot be held
unreliable purely because it is not found in Bukhari and Muslim. Musnad Ahmad,
Sunan Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and other books contain hundreds of such narrations
that do not occur in Bukhari and Muslim.
Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) and Sayyiduna Mahdi are two different
The ahadith regarding the emergence of Mahdi and the descent of Sayyiduna Eesa
(alayhi salam) are very clear that Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) and the Mahdi are
two different individuals. From the time of the Sahabah and Tabi’een till today no one
has held that the Masih ibn Maryam who is going to descend and the Mahdi will be
one person except Mirza Qadiani who says that I am Eesa and Mahdi and then he also
claims that he is Krishna Maharaj, king of the Arians, Hajr-ul-Aswad, Baitullah, a
pregnant woman, and the child she gives birth to. We firmly believe that he is
everything but not a Muslim.
The ahadith of the Prophet are crystal clear that Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam)
and Sayyiduna Mahdi are two different persons.
(1) Sayyiduna Eesa ibn Maryam is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah and the
promised Mahdi is the final guided Khalifah of the ummah of Muhammad who
in status according to the majority of the Ulama comes after the rightly guided
Khulafa Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) and Sayyiduna Umar (radiyallahu
anhu). From the ummah only Imam Ibn Sireen (rahimahullah) is uncertain whether
Sayyiduna Mahdi is higher in status amongst the ummah than Sayyiduna Abu Bakr
and Sayyiduna Umar or equal to them.
In (Sharah Aqida Safarina, vol. 2, p. 81) Allama Jalaludin Suyuti (rahimahullah) says:
It is established from the authentic ahadith and the Ijma (consensus) that
after the Prophets and the Messengers (Alayhum-us-salam) Sayyiduna
Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna Umar have the highest statuses.
Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) was born from the belly of Sayyida Maryam without a
father (through the breath of the angel Gibraeel) in the Bani Israeel 600 years before
the Prophet . Sayyiduna Mahdi will be from the progeny of the Prophet , he
will be born in Madina near the time of Qiyamah, and his father’s name will be
Abdullah and mother’s name Amina. Thus, it is clear that Sayyiduna Eesa bin
Maryam (alayhi salam) and Sayyiduna Mahdi are two different individuals.
It is established from Mutawatir12 ahadith that Sayyiduna Mahdi will appear first and
fill the world with peace and justice then Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will descend
and he will uphold Sayyiduna Madhi’s method of rule.
(Kaza fil A’lam be-Hukm Eesa Alayhisalam vol. 2, p. 162, Min al-Havi)
It is clear from this as well that Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) and Sayyiduna Mahdi
are two different individuals.
It has been narrated from Sayyiduna Ali (radiyallahu anhu) that Sayyiduna Mahdi will
be born in Madina. Madina will be his birthplace and Bait al-Maqdis will his emigrant
home of hijrah.
He will pass away in Bait al-Maqdis and will be buried there and Sayyiduna Eesa
(alayhi salam) will lead his Janazah salah. Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will pass
away after some time and will be buried in Madina inside the Raudha of Prophet .
(Sharah Aqida Safarina vol. 2, p. 81)
It is mentioned in the ahadith that Sayyiduna Mahdi will be standing on the Musalla
in the central Masjid of Damascus ready to lead the Fajr salah when on the eastern
minaret of the Masjid Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will descend from the heavens,
Sayyiduna Mahdi will draw back from the Musalla and will say “Oh Prophet of
Allah! Lead (the people in prayer)” Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will reply, “No,
you lead as the Aqamah has been said for you”. Sayyiduna Mahdi will lead the salah
and Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will pray behind him to prove that he has not
come as a Rasul but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad and as a reviver.
(Al-Urf al-Wardi vol. 2, p. 84 and Sharah Aqida Safarina vol. 2, p. 83)
(2) Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will be the head and Sayyiduna Mahdi will be like
his minister and all matters will be dealt with consultation.
(Sharah Aqida Safarina vol. 2, p. 91/92)
This hadith seems to indicate that Mahdi and Eesa is one person.
Mutawatir ahadith are those that have reached the level of Tawatur and so are indisputable.
Firstly, this hadith is not sahih. In fact according to the Muhadditheen it is Dha’ef13
and invalid. Secondly it contradicts the numerous authentic ahadith, which make it
clear as the sun that Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) and Mahdi are two different
Even if we accept this hadith to be sahih momentarily it implies that, at that time there
will be no one more guided than Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) since he is a Prophet
and Sayyiduna Mahdi will be a guided Khalifah and not a prophet and it is clear that a
non-prophet cannot be as highly or completely guided as a prophet. Because a
prophet’s guidance is Ma’soom ‘Anil khata (infallible) and infallibility is specific to
Prophets whereas the Awlia are mahfooz.
The meaning of this hadith is that no youngster is equal to Sayyiduna Ali (radiyallahu
anhu) in bravery. It does not mean that there is no youngster except Sayyiduna Ali
(radiyallahu anhu) in the world likewise the hadith mentioned earlier would mean that
no mahdi and guided person is equal to Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) in infallibility
and virtue. (Kaza fi al-Urf al-Wardi vol. 2, p. 85)
A hadith that is not authentic according to the rules of the science of hadith.
Mahdi. Furthermore, the Prophet said: ‘The world will not end until
Allah Ta’ala sends a person from my progeny, his name will be the same
as my name and his father’s name will be the same as my father’s name.
He will fill the earth with peace and justice instead of oppression and
tyranny’ and it is reported in a hadith: ‘Ashab-e-Kahf (the people of the
cave) will be the helpers of Sayyiduna Mahdi (alayhir-ridhwan) and
Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) will descend from the heavens in his time
and Sayyiduna Mahdi will assist Sayyiduna Eesa (alayhi salam) in the
killing of Dajjal and during Sayyiduna Mahdi’s reign on the 14th of
Ramadhan there will be a solar eclipse and on the 1st of Ramadhan there
will be lunar eclipse which is contrary to the norm and the calculations of
the astronomers.’
One should judge with an open mind whether these signs existed in that
dead person or not, apart from these there are many signs which the
Prophet has mentioned.
Allama Ibn Hajr Asqalani (rahimahullah) has compiled a treatise, in which
two hundred signs have been documented. It is due to grave naivety and
ignorance that people are still going astray although the state of the
promised Mahdi is clear.
May Allah Ta’ala guide them to the correct path” (Tarjuma Maktubat, Dafter 2,
letter no. 67, p. 220)