Healthmedicinet I 2016 12
Healthmedicinet I 2016 12
Healthmedicinet I 2016 12
Job No. 1 for a New Congress? Undoing On Washington: House Republicans RECENT POSTS
Obamas Health Law Fret About Winning Their Health Care
?This Woman Just Achieved a Major Milestone on
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Suit American Ninja Warrior
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Why Are Women Putting Wasp Nests in Their Vaginas??
This Is Whats In Store For Your Sex Life This Month,
Fighting For Real Hope In 2017 "Obamacare" Three Keys for According To Your Zodiac Sign
New York boy born with severe genetic mutation is
In the days after the election, I read (and re-read Improvement thriving
many times) a short but poignant essay in the New How, then, do we get costs under control? I would Injections of young blood may protect against
Yorker responding to... propose the kind of plan that Dr. Ben Carson has Alzheimers
championed that... Boy diagnosed with childhood Alzheimers on Mothers
Nevada patients offered suicide pills instead of treament
Asthma risk reduced by 29 percent for Planned Parenthood asks judge to halt US officials OK option for men with HIV to father children
children born to mothers taking omega- Texas Medicaid cuts Trendy workout gear does NOT improve your
3 supplements performance
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Planned Parenthood has
Babies exposed to lead in womb have high risk of autism
A Danish study has recommended that expecting asked a federal judge to stop Texas from cutting it Breastfeeding lowers endometrial cancer risk, study says
mothers take omega-3 fatty acid supplements to from the states... President Trump Decides To Pull U.S. Out Of Paris
reduce the risk of their children... Climate Agreement
China Steps Forward As Unlikely Leader In Fight Against
Rural New Mexico exports mentoring When Bats Squeak, They Tend To Climate Change
California State Senator Doubles Down On Efforts To
model for physicians Squabble
Fight Climate Change
ESPANOLA, N.M. (AP) The heart of an unborn An Egyptian fruit bat flies in an abandoned quarry President Trump Decides To Remove U.S. From Paris
child beat strong and steady through an amplified near the village of Mammari, Cyprus, in 2007. ... Climate Accord
monitor, as physician... U.S. Intelligence Warns Against Security Implications Of
Leaving Paris Accord
Montana Town Exemplifies Coal Countrys Uncertain
A Skeptic Fact-Checks Yogas Health Scientists Stumped By Thousands Of Future
Claims And Goes With The Om Dead Fish Off Nova Scotia Using Music And Rhythm To Help Kids With Grammar
I did not want to join yoga class. I hated those soft- Besides a tsunami of dead and dying herring, And Language
Mars Incorporated Criticizes Trumps Decision To Leave
spoken, beatific instructors. I worried that the creatures that have washed ashore include
Paris Climate Accord
people... lobsters, starfish, scallops, crabs,... New evidence challenges popular hypothesis for how
anesthesia works
Fat used to be celebrated in Guatemala, Closer look at marijuana illness CHS Why antibiotics failbiologists correct a flaw in the way
now unhelpful obesity advice is and top medical news of 2016 bacterial susceptibility to these drugs is tested
causing weight anxiety Neuroscientists rewire brain of one species to have
December 31, 2016, 7:36 AM| CBS News chief connectivity of another
Fatness in Guatemala has long been a marker of medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook takes a Heavy-drinking Lithuania bans alcohol ads, raises
health, beauty and prestige. In recent years, body look... minimum age
weight scales have appeared... Some vaginal bacteria may weaken anti-HIV gel: study
Wild death cap mushroom seriously sickens 14 in
Endometrial cancer mutations are College student status not linked to
Quadriceps exercise relieves pain in knee osteoarthritis
detectable in uterine lavage fluid excessive drinking, study shows Certain breast CA patients benefit from adjuvant
before a cancer is diagnosed Research Society on Alcoholism capecitabine
New Electrical Brain Stimulation Technique Shows
Today, there are no effective screening methods
Promise in Mice
for endometrial cancer, which is increasing in both Outrage Of The Month: House Passage Of Trumpcare
incidence and... All Scientific Hands On Deck To End The Opioid Crisis
Trump Wants To Roll Back Birth Control Access. Women
College student status not linked to Useful tips to help improve sleeping Arent Having It.
excessive drinking, study shows habits of children This Father-Son Selfie Is Going Viral For The Sweetest
Research Society on Alcoholism Overall, studies indicate that 15 to 20 percent of Mom Takes Joy-Filled Photos Of Son Who Likes To Wear
one to three year olds continue to have Dresses
nightwakings. According to Stephanie... An Open Letter To Gwyneth Paltrow About GOOP
When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay
Useful tips to help improve sleeping Put your phone away: An addicts guide The Price
MS-related brain changes may affect social skills
habits of children to unplugging Addiction risk high at elite schools, study finds
Overall, studies indicate that 15 to 20 percent of Earlier this year, at a concert in Italy, Adele paused Patient records stolen from plastic surgery clinic
converted by W
one to three year olds continue to have in the middle of her set to ask a fan: Can you stop Poor understanding of ratios leads to bad shopping
nightwakings. According to Stephanie... filming me?... decisions, says University of Miami study
Rover findings indicate stratified lake on ancient Mars
Georgia State neuroscientists rewire brain of 1 species to
Put your phone away: An addicts guide From Psychedelics To Alzheimers, 2016 have connectivity of another
to unplugging Was A Good Year For Brain Science Whats powering your devices?
Earlier this year, at a concert in Italy, Adele paused With a president-elect who has publicly supported Instantly rechargeable battery could change the future of
in the middle of her set to ask a fan: Can you stop the debunked claim that vaccines cause autism, electric and hybrid automobiles
New consensus document for appropriate use of drug
filming me?... suggested...
testing in clinical addiction medicine
Ethnicity and breastfeeding influence infant gut bacteria
By Returning To Farmings Roots, He Researchers create molecules with Uncovering why playing a musical instrument can protect
Found His American Dream potential to deliver healing power to brain health
stressed cells Meet the most nimble-fingered robot ever built
Eighteen years ago, on New Years Eve, David New model deepens understanding of the dynamics of
Fisher visited an old farm in western Molecules with the potential to deliver healing quark-gluon plasmas
Massachusetts, near... power to stressed cells such as those involved in 10 Meditation Apps That Will Help You Totally Zen Out
heart attacks ... 24 Ways to Fight Without Destroying Your Relationship
Does the Time of the Month Affect Your Workout Results?
Study examines how ApoE gene may AAV-based gene therapy to treat liver Catch of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet
Metals and nutrients in baby teeth tied to autism risk
function differently in infectious disorders advances into human testing Tiny blood vessel damage tied to depression among
environment Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News older adults
Youve likely heard about being in the right place at Strict bedtime rules can help kids get enough sleep
Breastfeeding linked to lower endometrial cancer risk
the wrong time, but what about having the right
L.A. health officials misstated some cases of childhood
genes in the... lead exposure
Catch of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet
New study finds limited information on Clarity Pointe announces First mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus in Illinois
role played by primary care providers in groundbreaking of new memory care Zinc May Be Key to Fighting Liver Disease
Gluten-Free: Pros, Cons, and Hidden Risks
care of cancer survivors community in Tallahassee
Short, high-intensity exercise sessions improve insulin
For more than a decade, there has been a focus on Clarity Pointe production in type 2 diabetes
involving primary care providers in the follow-up Exposure to specific toxins and nutrients during late
care of cancer survivors.... pregnancy and early life correlate with autism risk
Immunology: How ancestry shapes our immune cells
Why antibiotics fail
March of Dimes provides New Years Pediatric dentist performs laser lip- and
Video shows invasive lionfish feasting on new Caribbean
resolution for moms-to-be to help have tongue-tie releases for infants fish species
healthy baby Dr. Martin Kaplan, DMD, DABLS How the Nazis invented nerve agents like sarin (video)
Omega-3 fatty acid stops lupus trigger, but how?
If youre a woman whos pregnant or planning a
Wayne State awarded over $460K from the Michigan
baby this season, make a New Years resolution to Health Endowment Fund
be as... A better dye job for roots in plants
Smithsonian scientists release frogs wearing mini radio
200th live donor kidney transplant What Type of Orgasm Feels Best: transmitters in Panama
offers promise of new life for the New Vaginal or Clitoral? Beyond broke bones, CTs also detect frailty and predict
Year But a new study, authored by Prause, actually puts Phagocytes in the brain: Good or bad?
In late December in San Antonio, Texas, a 36-year- that myth to rest. Researchers surveyed 88 women Specific neurons distinguish between reality and
old mother of three from Jefferson City, Missouri, about what type of... imagination
gave her best friend... Social laughter releases endorphins in the brain
How to attack Africas neonatal mortality problem
Gut microbiota plays a key role in treatment with classic
Why Your Skin Is Suddenly So Sensitive Top China coal province vows 20 diabetes medication
1. You Overdid It with the Scrubbing Exfoliating can percent cut in pollution by 2020: Xinhua Vibrating, cold device enables quick IV insertion while
bring more glow-y, softer-looking skinbut a little SHANGHAI (Reuters) One of Chinas top coal- reducing kids pain in emergency room
goes a long... Puberty hormones trigger changes in youthful learning
producing provinces has vowed to slash its level of
Common class of chemicals cause cancer by breaking
fine particle... down DNA repair mechanisms
Costly Drug for Fatal Muscular Disease Fighting Haitis cholera outbreak
Wins F.D.A. Approval requires more funds: UN TAGS
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Port-au-Prince (AFP) The cholera outbreak that hit
Haiti after Hurricane Matthew slammed the island FDA Health News psychology
has been contained... social
French workers win right to Role for immune cells in cancers ability
disconnect to evade immunotherapy
Paris (AFP) French companies will be required to Tumor cells cause extensive expansion of MDSCs,
guarantee a right to disconnect to their which are associated with poor prognosis in
employees... patients with various types of...
converted by W
Norovirus at highest levels for five The Institute of Science and
years: Reports of the illness are up by Technology Austria set out to find the
12 per cent mechanism that creates sharp wave
Public Health England data shows reports of the ripples
illness have reached 2,435 This is 12 per cent Sharp wave ripples play a key role
more than the average for... in strengthening memories But the mechanism
that forms their shape and rhythm had not...
6 illnesses you never knew were Americas top face scrub in court case
caused by stress over claims dermatologists do NOT
Stress can take a real toll on your body. recommend it
Headaches may become more frequent, it may be St Ives Apricot Scrub is the most popular and
difficult to get the right amount... widely stocked scrub in the US But two women
claim it damages the skin and...
This Move Burns Way More Calories 6 Ways to Make Treadmill Running Less
Than a Traditional Squat Torturous
Check out Womens Healths FitGIF Friday every The Calgary, Alberta, Canada-based ultrarunner,
week for fun and challenging new moves to make marathoner and coach says he does a couple
your sweat sesh... runs a week on a treadmill,...
Honour for 83-year-old Samaritans Panda Grandpa Pan Pan Dies In China
volunteer Pan Pan sniffs a birthday cake made of ice for his
An 83-year old volunteer charity worker who has 30th birthday, at the China Conservation and
been helping vulnerable people for 57 years has Research...
been appointed MBE. Alan...
Moving Forward Into 2017: Four Whats Your Word For 2017?
Resolutions If You Are Grieving Ive spent the last 12 months really exploring what
As the New Year approaches, we reluctantly add that means to me. I asked: How do I allow myself to
one more year to the list of years spent without our receive? Where...
loved one. Whether you...
Yvette Bowser Joins Less Cancer It Aint Over Til Its Over
Board Look at Don and me. Hes still practicing law, and
Yvette joins the Less Cancer board which includes Im a professor at a university. Were working,
Thomas M. Sherman, MD, chairman; (myself) Bill paying...
Couzens, founder and president;...
"A bit of the sadness goes away": Debbie Reynolds Stroke Highlights
converted by W
Brazilian hospital offers therapy dogs When People Follow Loved Ones in
BRASILIA, Brazil Each week, patients at the Death
Support Hospital of Brasilia receive visits from a 0 Shares The death of actress Debbie Reynolds a
special breed of therapist:... day after daughter Carrie Fisher died has put a
How to Survive Your New Years Day How Alcohol Affects the Body in Cold
Hangover Weather
With New Years Eve on the horizon, you may be Popping a bottle of champagne during a New
planning on downing a few glasses of champagne, Years Eve bash may be a tradition, but drinking in
festive punch or other... excess while ringing...
How DO you live to 100? 9 oldies in NYC agency issues first known intersex
Spains hub of centenarians give their birth certificate in the US
tips on staying young, fresh and healthy A New York City agency has issued the nations
With more than 100,000 people aged 100 or over, first intersex birth certificate to a 55-year-old
Spain is the country with the greatest life individual born with male...
expectancy after Japan, OECD...
CDC considers lowering threshold level Mom of triplets dies after babies go
for lead exposure home for Christmas
NEW YORK The U.S. Centers for Disease A UK mother who made the news for having
Control and Prevention is considering lowering its extremely premature triplet girls who all survived
threshold for elevated childhood... has herself died unexpectedly....
Spread of volunteer and feral maize Human splicing diversity and the extent
plants in Central Europe: recent data of unannotated splice junctions across
from Austria human RNA-seq samples on the
Maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) is an annual Sequence Read Archive
monoecious crop frequently grown in many Received: 13 June 2016 Accepted:
countries. In 2014, a total area of 184... 29 November 2016 Published: 30 December 2016
Obesity and sedentary behavior: Which Develop Goals To Help Manage Your
is chicken, which is egg? Fears
This is an image of a weight scale. Credit: Developing goals will help you manage your fears
CDC/Debora Cartagena If you dread the prospect... because goals help us not to focus on our fears.
For instance, lets...
converted by W
you have learned. In my particular case, I made it a tendency to ostracize...
point that...
The Perfect New Years Pose, Straight U.S. Melanoma Rates Keep Rising
Up with a Twist For the current study, Glazer, along with coauthor
1. Improves Spinal health Twisting rotates the Dr. Aaron Farberg of the Icahn School of Medicine
spine and stretches the muscles of the back, both at Mount Sinai in New...
of which help to retain...
2016 Only Seems Like The Worst Year 5 Of The Most Powerful Pieces Of
Ever For Celebrity Deaths Advice In Oprah Show History
Surprisingly, theres little information to indicate Over the course of 25 years, The Oprah Winfrey
that 2016 was a particularly deadly year for artists Show hosted more than 30,000 guests ? and five
and performers.... of them shared pieces...
Why New Years resolutions fail and Researchers urge caution around
how to make them stick psilocybin use
Every year, millions of Americans make New Years In a survey of almost 2,000 people who said they
resolutions, but research suggests only a fraction had had a past negative experience when taking
actually keep them. Things... psilocybin-containing magic...
Grandparents who help care for Gender Disparities Persist Among Heart
grandchildren live longer than other Doctors
seniors Although cardiologists are generally satisfied with
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) their careers, disparities between men and women
Grandparents who help out occasionally with point to ongoing concerns...
childcare or provide support...
CDC Considers Relaxing Lead Standard Why Obese People Struggle to Exercise
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Overweight mice may provide a hint as to why its
Prevention is considering lowering its threshold for so hard to start and stick to your New Years...
elevated childhood blood lead...
New class of hydrogen sulfide donor Using fire to fight fire to combat
molecules disease could make it worse, tests
The research done at a cellular level in the lab show
and far from medical reality involves the design A treatment billed as a potential breakthrough in
of organic... the fight against disease, including cancer, could
back-fire and make the...
How chair yoga could become the go-to Health tourists who give birth in Britain
treatment for arthritis sufferers but dont pay have doubled
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of the Majority of mothers came from outside the EU and
converted by W
debilitating condition in adults Currently the only did not qualify for NHS care Barts Health in London
treatment revolves... amassed unpaid bills...
Bill Gates warns world is NOT prepared Chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies
for a flu epidemic amid recent surge repeats warnings about festive
Health organisations are unprepared for a major drinking
flu pandemic, Bill Gates warned yesterday. The Dame Sally Davies cautioned of the link between
billionaire philanthropist... alcohol and breast cancer She was accused of
being a nanny earlier this...
QUIZ: Test Your Knowledge Of NPRs Did Debbie Reynolds die of broken-
Tech Stories From 2016 heart syndrome?
How long do Americans, on average, keep a phone Dying of a broken heart is real. When Debbie
before buying a new one? ... Reynolds passed away this week, her son said the
stress of his sister Carrie...
Ontario jail giving naloxone to inmates New research may offer hope for post-
upon release traumatic stress treatment
Inmates released from the Hamilton Wentworth Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a debilitating
Detention Centre are being equipped condition. Its estimated that it affects nearly one in
with naloxone kits to combat opioid overdoses. 10 Canadian...
Bulgaria to cull more poultry as bird flu Risks are serious when parents dont
outbreak spreads cut small fruits for children
SOFIA Bulgaria will cull more ducks and chickens (Reuters Health) Children under age 5 could
in the southern Plovdiv region and has banned choke on grapes and similarly-shaped foods, and
fishing in lakes and wetlands... parents should cut them...
Popular St. Ives apricot scrub faces Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of
lawsuit heart disease and diabetes
An iconic drugstore skin care product is under fire A diet rich in magnesium found in foods like leafy
after two women filed lawsuits against St. Ives, greens, fish, nuts and whole grains may help
claiming the product... lower the...
Growth hormone deficiency drug from Device can detect 17 diseases by our
OPKO and Pfizer fails study breath, study says
converted by W
OPKO Health Inc said its experimental drug for What if detecting cancer was as easy as breathing
growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults failed in and out? According to a study published last
to provide a statistically... week in American Chemical...
More work lies ahead to fight Zika, Dogs provide therapy in a Brazilian
other threats: CDC chief hospital
CHICAGO A year ago, the mosquito-borne Zika BRASILIA, Brazil Each week, patients at the
virus was only beginning to reveal itself as a threat Support Hospital of Brasilia receive visits from a
to pregnant women... special breed of therapist:...
Debbie Reynolds death: Can you die of How many women can have baby in
a broken heart? your city? SKorea shuts site
Actress Debbie Reynolds died from a stroke on Among American adults who have a serious
Dec. 28, just one day after her daughter, actress mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar
Carrie Fisher, died from... disorder or clinical depression, 57...
Survey shows lower rate of impaired Pot may restrict blood flow to brain:
driving in U.S. for 2014 study
Among American adults who have a serious (HealthDay)Marijuana appears to hamper blood
mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar flow to the brain, which theoretically could affect
disorder or clinical depression, 57... your...
Making New Years resolutions that last Is it a cold or the flu? Heres how to tell
One of the most common New Years resolutions (HealthDay)Its a miserable feelingyoure
is to eat healthier. Here, Christine Clark, dietitian exhausted, your throat hurts, and youre...
for Northeastern...
Home remedies: Dealing with dry skin How to Nurse Your Hangover (and Head
Dry skin is often a temporary or seasonal problem One Off)
one that you experience only in winter or summer, Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
for example...
2017: Wellness, Health and Happiness 16 Kids Who Restored Our Faith In
Kim-Elizabeth Hanson, the founder of Pure Living Humanity In 2016
Wellness in Montego Bay, Jamaica, taps her skills In a year marked by rising hate crimes, political
in yoga, Pilates, Barre,... turmoil and the deaths of beloved icons, its easy to
lose hope for the...
Gene therapy for liver disease Verily and Nikon join forces to fight eye
advancing with the help of adeno- disease
associated viral vectors The former Google Life Sciences division Verily
New Rochelle, NY, December 30, 2016Liver- and the technology manufacturer Nikon are
directed gene therapy delivered using adeno- working together to improve methods...
associated viral (AAV) vectors...
More work lies ahead to fight Zika, Ancient DNA can both diminish and
other threats: CDC chief defend modern minds
By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) A year Phoenix, AZ Youve likely heard about being in
converted by W
ago, the mosquito-borne Zika virus was only the right place at the wrong time, but what about
beginning to reveal itself... having the...
New Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy AARDA recognizes AARDA founder and
Institute reports explore impact of longtime staff as its latest Autoimmune
MACRA on radiologists Heroes
A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute American Autoimmune Related Diseases
series of reports explores the impact of the Association (AARDA) announced today its latest
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization... Autoimmune Heroes Founder and...
Mylan announces U.S. launch of You CAN think your way out of a broken
generic Zovia Tablets heart: Study reveals how you can make An AZoNetwork Site ... yourself fall in (or out) of love
They say you shouldnt listen to your head when it
comes to matters of the heart, but a new study
finds your mind has a...
Take the test to find out if different Mother loses 100lbs after discovering
sounds transform your tastebuds cheating husband and lover called her
High pitch notes from piano or flute and harmonies FAT
enhance the sweetness Lower pitch tones made Betsy Ayala, 34, from Houston, Texas, tipped the
by brass instruments makes... scales at 262lbs (18st 7lb) She discovered her
husband was having an affair...
converted by W
according to tracking conducted... Carrie Fisher, died from...
Popular St. Ives apricot scrub faces Our news predictions for 2017
lawsuit Friday December 30 2016 New Year newspapers
An iconic drugstore skin care product is under fire are chock-full of predictions Climate change
after two women filed lawsuits against St. Ives, continues to impact...
claiming the product...
Amidst fury, South Korea shuts down Texas ice cream maker Blue Bell wants
website showing number of precautions eased
childbearing women HOUSTON The Houston Chronicle is reporting
SEOUL, South Korea South Koreas government Texas-based ice cream maker Blue Bell wants
closed its website that drew fury for showing the federal regulators to ease precautions...
number of women...
The Wrong Eating Habits Can Hurt Your As A Rough Year Ends, We Turn To The
Brain, Not Just Your Waistline Cosmos For Some Perspective
Being overweight can raise your blood pressure, Humans have pointed their telescopes toward the
cholesterol and risk for developing diabetes. It heavens, and in the process theyve managed to
could be bad... figure...
Hong Kong reports second human case Hybridized mosquitos advance malaria
of bird flu research
A Hong Kong man infected with the deadly H7N9 Credit: CDC In December 2016, the American
bird flu died late Monday, less than a week after he Journal of Vector Ecology published two articles...
was confirmed to be infected...
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Op-Ed Columnist: Snatching Health Well: Can Psychiatric Drugs Blunt the
Care Away From Millions Mother-Baby Bond?
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
The New Old Age: Loneliness Can Be On Balance, 2016 Was A Pretty Garbage
Deadly for Elders; Friends Are the Year For Mental Health
Antidote And Trump wasnt the only one who classified a
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here mental health disorder this way. House Speaker
Paul Ryan tweeted back in...
HuffPost Headline Quiz: Dec. 23 to Dec. Doctors share their inspiring New
29 Years resolutions
From Secretary of State John Kerrys speech on Unlike most of us, physicians spend their days
Israel to the heartbreaking deaths of beloved (and many nights) immersed in issues of human
actress Carrie Fisher and... life and death. How do those...
Tips from Spains centenarians on how Most doctors ignore one of the most
to live to 100 potent ways to improve health
By Andrea Comas CANGAS DE ONIS, Spain Spouses and friends are more likely to be around
(Reuters) With more than 100,000 people aged patients when they are making decisions that affect
100 or over, Spain is the country... their health...
Experts call for expansion of molecular Forget paleo, gluten-free or the 5:2
imaging in precision cancer care diet: VEGANISM was the most searched
Precision cancer care focuses on identifying the for dietary trend of 2016
specific biomarkers of a patients cancer, which This year has seen a surge in popularity in a
can help doctors... number of fad or trendy diets According to Google
Trends, most people wanted...
NHS will be left powerless to perform NHS maternity wards are riddled with
checks if the UK stays in the single cockroaches, rats, and maggots
market Thousands of pests including cockroaches and
Brussels bans the safety checks saying they violate rats have been found in NHS hospitals in each of
freedom of movement rules Says it has drawn up the last five years as the...
tests for EU doctors...
Yes, you CAN die of a broken heart Newcastle woman beats her balloon
American actress Debbie Reynolds was phobia thanks to Skype session with a
photographed on a beach in 1955 Just hours hypnotherapist
before Debbie Reynolds suffered... A woman who has spent her life being terrified by
balloons is set to enjoy New Years Eve
celebrations for the first...
New fish calculator determines just how Are YOU happy with the size and shape
many toxic compounds youre eating of your body?
It asks users for their age, how much fish they eat Around 2,000 women were asked about how happy
each week and which species The calculator then they were with their bodies Some 41% reported
determines someones... trying a new diet in 2016 to...
Woman who was told shed never 9 Thoughts Weve All Had About Our
conceive a child gives birth to baby girl New Years Resolutions
Annmarie Bowen was just 21 when she was If youve ever made a resolution, youve probably
diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer She had one of these universal thoughts about itno
immediately was given chemotherapy and... matter how...
Dame Sally Davies: I enjoy a glass of Health chiefs alcohol advice could
wine too have been better
Our guest editor, Chief Medical officer for England Media captionDame Sally Davies tells Radio 4s
Dame Sally Davies, made headlines earlier this Today there is a direct line between alcohol and
year when she revised... breast cancer Englands...
Food poisoning alert as salmonella Ice, Zika and babies from three people
found in Aldi king prawns Media captionInnovations that will change peoples
Supermarket chain Aldi is recalling a king prawn lives This year has seen the birth of the first three-
product after two batches were found to contain person baby,...
salmonella. The bacterium,...
China bird flu has not spread, no impact Fish oil during pregnancy reduces
converted by W
on poultry market: government babys asthma risk: study
BEIJING Chinas Ministry of Agriculture said on A Danish study of 695 pregnant women is raising
Friday the recent outbreaks of bird flu have been the possibility that fish oil supplements begun in
handled in a timely... the final three months...
Phase III evaluation of the insecticidal SORL1 gene, plasma biomarkers, and
efficacy and durability of a the risk of Alzheimers disease for the
deltamethrin-treated polypropylene Han Chinese population in Taiwan
long-lasting net LifeNet, in The present study confirmed SORL1 as a
comparison with long-lasting nets made susceptible gene for LOAD and MCI in the Han
from polyester and polyethylene: study Chinese population in Taiwan. The SNP...
A recent WHO consultation to review the evidence
on the fabric strength of LNs concluded that the
current data on the durability...
Drug discovery approach predicts 7 Myths About Your Labia That Are
health impact of endocrine-disrupting Totally Bogus
chemicals In reality, they vary in size depending on the
Environmental estrogens work by binding to the woman. The labia majora is the outermost lips,
estrogen receptor, a protein in cells that guides and their size is...
sexual maturation and reproduction....
The 8 Emotional Stages of Going Gray Why You Should Never Walk in a
1. Blissful Ignorance Your parents casually Running Shoeand What to Do Instead
mentioned at Thanksgiving that they went gray in Theres a reason you can now find footwear made
their 20s. But that wont... specifically for lifting weights, for CrossFit, for
running, even...
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A year in health Therapy dog Leo helping patients
Media captionInnovations that will change peoples recover
lives This year has seen the birth of the first three- 30 December 2016 Last updated at 05:47 GMT
person baby,... Nurses say having a therapy dog in hospital helps
patients physically recover...
Primary school children make anti- Debbie Reynolds death puts spotlight
smoking packaging on broken heart syndrome
Primary school children in Coventry are at the Debbie Reynolds. Photo: Facebook (HealthDay)A
centre of a nationwide anti-smoking campaign. stroke claimed the life of actress Debbie...
Pupils from Earlsdon Primary...
Chair yoga helps older adults manage Zika fears, opioid abuse crisis top
osteoarthritis pain health news for 2016
(HealthDay)Yoga is associated with decreased (HealthDay)When news reports first began to
bowel symptoms, disease severity, and anxiety in emerge of mysterious, severe birth defects in
patients with irritable... Brazilian...
Hong Kong confirms 2nd human bird flu Shanghai confirms new human case of
infection this winter H7N9 bird flu
HONG KONG (Reuters) Hong Kong authorities BEIJING (Reuters) Shanghais health authority
on Friday confirmed the citys second case of has confirmed a new human case of infection by
human bird flu infection... the H7N9 strain...
New way to defeat therapy-resistant Love really IS all you need! Friends and
prostate cancer family are more crucial to health than
The study, led by TSRI Associate Professor Jun-Li we think
Luo, was published online ahead of print in the Studies have shown good relationships improve
journal Molecular Cell. A... patients recovery But experts warn too many
doctors do not incorporate...
Video shows penis implant get erect I Masturbated Every Day for a Week
INSTANTLY when dropped in a warm Heres What Happened
bath When I was younger, masturbation was an exciting
Viagra and Cialis do not work for thousands of men part of discovering my sexuality. Two husbands
with erectile dysfunction The alternatives can be and five years later,...
difficult to implant...
Simone Biles Just Shut Down Her Body Ariana Grande Just Got REAL About
Shamers with a Single Tweet What Its Like to Be Objectified by Men
But, because its social media, haters are Went to pick up food with my boyfriend tonight and
surfacing. Ur so ugly Simone Biles even I look a young boy followed us to the car to tell Mac that
better than u,... hes a big fan,...
Innovations that will change lives Bill Gates: We are vulnerable to flu
30 December 2016 Last updated at 00:06 GMT epidemic in next decade
Here are some of the pioneering treatments that Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates says he is
scientists developed this year. crossing his fingers that a deadly flu epidemic
does not strike in the...
Olympic champions share the best With A Leap Second, 2016 Promises To
exercises to prepare for the slopes Linger Just A Little Bit Longer
Whenever you start a new fitness activity or Your obligatory shot of a clock with this crucial
program, you should always make sure youre reminder: The ineluctable march of time will...
physically ready for the challenge....
converted by W
Debbie Reynolds and her daughter, Carrie Fisher, Nations, say chiefs
at the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards in The suicide rate for Indigenous youth requires
2011... urgent action, not more squabbling between the
provincial and federal governments,...
Biking in bed is good for ICU patients, Fish oil during pregnancy can reduce
says new McMaster study babys asthma risk, study suggests
A McMaster University study says cycling in bed is A new study says taking fish oil during the third
safe for patients in an intensive care unit, and can trimester of pregnancy could reduce a babys risk
aid in recovery... of developing asthma...
Many misuse OTC sleep aids: survey Weight gain worsens post-discharge
(HealthDay)People struggling with insomnia prognosis in acute HF
often turn to non-prescription sleep remedies that Most people lose, gain and maintain their weight
may... inconsistently, and those who lose the most weight
are most likely to keep...
Luseogliflozin effective for T2DM with Home remedies: helping a hoarse voice
low-carb, high-carb diet Youve likely had days when your voice sounds
Three low-carb meals within 24 hours lowers post- excessively husky, raspy or weak. You may have
meal insulin resistance by more than 30 percent, even lost your voice...
but high-carb meals sustain...
You Can Actually Die From Grief How To Create Quiet Spaces In Your
Shes now with Carrie, and were all heartbroken, Home
Reynolds son, Todd Fisher, said from Cedars- To combat this, Ive tried incorporating more quiet
Sinai Medical... spaces into my home. I turn off unnecessary
deviceslike DVD players,...
converted by W
buyers go Brexit bargain hunting experiences may make new diets less
By Pamela Barbaglia and Guy Faulconbridge effective
LONDON (Reuters) Britain avoided a collapse in Your microbiota may not be on your side as you try
mergers and acquisitions... improving your diet this New Years. In a study
published December...
Languages still a major barrier to global How the brain processes faces from
science, new research finds sight to recognition
English is now considered the common language, Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are
or lingua franca, of global science. All major closer than ever before to understanding the neural
scientific journals... basis of facial identification....
When metal implants in your body can Connie Johnson pens honest post to
leave you in even MORE pain highlight how cruel and relentless the
After years of back pain, Pat Taylor thought a high- disease is
tech implant would finally bring relief. The retired While this time of year is all about celebrating the
secretary had... holidays, for those struggling with cancer it can be
challenging to...
Girl may never be able to eaTagain after Skeleton of starved Stone Age girl
stomach left paralysed from reveals she died in pain from
gastroparesis tuberculosis
Lily Tock has not been able to eat since January as The Stone Age skeleton was discovered
a result of her gastroparesis It has caused her to in Thuringia, Germany last year A study of her
suffer from dizziness,... bones suggests she died from lung...
Zika to weed: 8 huge health stories Gender disparities persist among heart
from 2016 doctors
From the elimination of measles in the U.S. to the (Reuters Health) Although cardiologists are
advance of potential new treatments for generally satisfied with their careers, disparities
Alzheimers disease, 2016... between men...
U.S. melanoma rates keep rising A treatment for Zoe: Inside the race to
(Reuters Health) The number of diagnosed build a therapy for a devastating rare
melanoma cases and related deaths in the U.S. disease
has been steadily... CHULA VISTA, Calif. If Zoe Dewaghe wants ice
cream for breakfast, she gets ice cream for
breakfast. Theres a different...
converted by W
for critically reviewing the manuscript. Study
Aflibercept rescues vision after laser Case report: Adoptive T-cell Tx shows
for diabetic macular edema promise in glioblastoma
The anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs In an early-phase clinical trial of a new oral drug,
ranibizumab and aflibercept, used to treat vision selumetinib, children with the common genetic
loss from diabetic macular... disorder neurofibromatosis...
New Medicare rules should help high Scientists uncover new way to defeat
need patients get better treatment therapy-resistant prostate cancer
Doctors have complained for years that theyre not Micrograph showing prostatic acinar
paid adequately for time-consuming work adenocarcinoma (the most common form of
associated with managing... prostate cancer) Credit:...
Times Staff Member Gets All Choked Up Did Debbie Reynolds Die of a Broken
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Heart?
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
A Gut Makeover for the New Year Common Weight Loss Surgery Linked
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here To Lasting Digestive Issues
The most common gastrointestinal problems
included indigestion, stomach gurgling, flatulence,
belching, and hard or loose...
Siri and Alexas future: Health and Could Debbie Reynolds have died of a
emotional support? broken heart?
A year ago, a researcher tested Samsungs S Hollywood icon Debbie Reynolds died Wednesday
Voice digital assistant by telling it he was at the age of 84, just one day after her daughter, 60-
depressed. The robot offered this... year-old Carrie Fisher...
Cells dripped into brain help man fight The rhythm that makes memories
deadly cancer permanent
A man with deadly brain cancer that had spread to Every time we learn something new, the memory
his spine saw his tumors shrink and, for a time, does not only need to be acquired, it also needs to
converted by W
completely vanish after... be stabilized in a process...
Many smokers with serious mental Famous artworks showed early signs of
illness want to kick habit disease: study
Among American adults who have a serious Brushstrokes in paintings could help early
mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases,
disorder or clinical depression,... according to a study published on Thursday...
States face off over future of Obama Boxing-I tried to kill myself, says former
global warming plan world champion Hatton
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Two weeks after officials in LONDON, Dec 29 (Reuters) Former world boxing
two dozen states asked Donald Trump to kill one of champion Ricky Hatton tried to kill himself when he
President Barack... suffered from depression...
I tried to kill myself, says former world Gang-ravaged Mexico stuck in weed
champion Hatton ban as U.S. opens up
LONDON (Reuters) Former world boxing By Joanna Zuckerman Bernstein MEXICO CITY
champion Ricky Hatton tried to kill himself when he (Reuters) Mexican advocates for drug reform are
suffered from depression... voicing alarm about the...
converted by W
cancer understanding of worm brain
JUPITER, FL December 29, 2016 A new study Understanding how this dramatically simpler
led by scientists from the Florida campus of The nervous system works will give insights into how
Scripps Research... our vastly more complex brains...
Gastric bypass keeps weight off but Expert Gary Amers shares ten definitive
leaves patients with indigestion and signs that show you are in love
food intolerance Relationship expert Gary Amers tells FEMAIL the
Weight loss surgery can leave patients with life- ten signs that youre in love Includes lighting up
long gastrointestinal problems and food every time you...
intolerance, a new study claims. Researchers...
High levels of iron helps to prevent Dont want your child to have asthma?
hearing loss study finds Then take fish oil supplements in the
Up to 30% of the worlds population are anaemic last few months of pregnancy
mainly due to a lack of iron But research has found Experts believe a lack of 2 ingredients in fish oil
a link... leaves children vulnerable But taking supplements
towards the end of...
Why being a couch potato is a vicious Dont bother dieting in the New Year if
cycle: The more inactive you are, the you ate loads this Christmas
less motivation you have to exercise Eating lots of processed foods causes people to
Putting on weight can make it harder to exercise, have a low diversity of gut bugs This means they
scientists have discovered But not because will be less successful...
someone is heavier ...
Mother dies week after bringing Marine veteran wiggles his fingers just
premature triplets home for Christmas 4 months after receiving double arm
Rachel Park, 39, passed away in early hours of transplant
Tuesday at her home in Cumbria Days earlier she We all take for granted the ability to move our
and her husband had celebrated... fingers. But for Marine sergeant John Peck,
watching his left hand wiggle...
The Lost Ancestral Peanut Of The South Florida family sues hospital after
Is Revived toddler swallows battery
African runner peanuts were once a defining flavor MIAMI A Florida family sued a hospital for
of the South, memorialized in songs, peanut malpractice on Wednesday, saying their baby
fritters,... suffered severe burns because...
About 13,500 turkeys culled after bird Another reason not to smoke while
flu found on German farm pregnant
HAMBURG Another 13,500 turkeys have been (Reuters Health) Women who smoke during
culled after a suspected case of bird flu was found pregnancy may be more likely to have children with
on another farm in the major... kidney damage than...
converted by W
UK-funded drone deliveries aim to save Another reason not to smoke while
mothers, babies in Tanzania pregnant
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Women who smoke during pregnancy may be
Drones delivering blood and medicine to rural more likely to have children with kidney damage
areas of Tanzania could help to save... than mothers who steer clear of cigarettes,...
New nutritional strategy gives a boost Scientists 3-D print human of the future
to tiny premature babies Interactive 3-D models of human joints, showing
Full-term babies receive natural protection from how common medical complaints have arisen and
their mothers that helps them fight off dangerous how we...
infections. However, babies...
Most doctors ignore one of the most Puerto Rico receives $2M to fight Zika
potent ways to improve health, experts epidemic in mountains
say US health authorities on Friday declared a public
Escalating rungs of social support. Credit: Penn health emergency in Puerto Rico due to the
Medicine Leveraging existing relationships... outbreak of Zika, which has...
Penn experts call for expansion of Iron deficiency anemia associated with
molecular imaging in precision cancer hearing loss
care In a study published online by JAMA
The left image is pre-therapy. The right image is Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Annie N.
after three days of treatment. Credit: Penn... Simpson, Ph.D., of the Medical University...
32 Happy New Year Wishes and Images As God Is My Witness, I Shall Never Diet
Ring in the New Year by enjoying and sharing this Again. Part 1.
collection of happy New Year wishes and New Year And maybe you are in the same boat. Maybe some
images. The New Year... of this, or even all of this, sounds very familiar to
you. Perhaps you are...
How to Reach your Weight Loss Goals Make Your 2017 New Years Resolution
in 2017 Stick: Heres How
The #1 New Years resolution is to lose weight. 4. Recognize that your habits will fight you. You
The amount of weight youd like to lose will dictate havent gotten to where you are overnight. In fact,
how many... your brain is...
Do You Hit Below the Belt When You How to Create a Life-Changing Vision
Fight? for 2017
But when scarring continues and the relationship For many, the end of a busy December results in a
is transformation-stagnant, the relationship will certain New Year neurosis when the void within
ultimately... can take center...
Aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer: Most doctors ignore one of the most
Advantages over tamoxifen in early- potent ways to improve health, Penn
converted by W
stage disease experts say
The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in PHILADELPHIA Leveraging existing relationships
Health Care (IQWiG) investigated whether and with friends and family may be a more effective way
what advantages drugs from... to improve patients...
With Trumps victory, GOP hopes to Cells Dripped Into the Brain Help Fight
overhaul Medicaid Deadly Cancer
ATLANTA (AP) When President-elect Donald A man with deadly brain cancer that had spread to
Trump takes office in January, Republicans will his spine saw his tumors shrink and, for a time,
have the opportunity to... completely vanish after...
Fish Oil May Cut Asthma Risk: Study Burger King, Tim Hortons to Cut
Children whose moms took high doses of fish oil Antibiotics
during their last three months of pregnancy were Restaurant chains Burger King and Tim Hortons
less likely to develop chronic... plan to switch to chicken raised without antibiotics
considered critically...
Weight Loss Surgery Tied to Digestive Zika, Drug Overdoses Top Health News
Issues of 2016
A common weight loss surgery is associated with When news reports first began to emerge of
long-term gastrointestinal problems and food mysterious, severe birth defects in Brazilian
intolerance, a recent study... newborns, few could have imagined...
Coping with arthritis: What you do isnt Omega-3 supplements can prevent
associated with how much information childhood asthma
you want Taking certain omega-3 fatty acid supplements
Chapel Hill, NC Arthritis patients were more likely during pregnancy can reduce the risk of childhood
to be high monitors (health detail oriented) than asthma by almost one third,...
high blunters...
Bicycle exercise may benefit ICU Taking hourly breaks at work to walk for
patients, shows study just 5 MINUTES improves your mood
Early bicycle exercise during their stay in a hospital and energy, and can even squash food
intensive care unit (ICU) may help some patients cravings
recover more quickly. Researchers... Spending hours a day sitting at a desk is known to
have consequences for your health but, scientists
now say just five-minute...
converted by W
Photograph captures moment mother Breast implants being given barcodes
discovers her baby is finally by NHS to try and revolutionise patient
breastfeeding safety
Ashley Rockhill decided she would breastfeed her The Department of Health will give every surgical
third child, a baby boy She hadnt done so for her item a barcode to track it Products are scanned
first two kids... alongside a patients...
Woman gives birth to 4 babies in 11 County drops DUI charge on man who
months tested positive for caffeine
A mom from Wales experienced the miracle of life In August 2015, a California man was charged with
four times over in just 11 months. Becky John, of a DUI after testing positive for caffeine even
Swansea, thought it would... though his blood tested...
Counselor slams photo editing, fashion The 10 most popular stories from 2016
industry in viral Facebook post as picked by you
converted by W
A Kansas womans Facebook post in which she Thursday December 29 2016 2016 has been an
urges young girls to reject societal expectations eventful year for news 10: Ibuprofen-like painkillers
clothing sizes has gone viral,... linked to...
UK-funded drone deliveries aim to save FDA rejects Cempras antibiotic for
mothers, babies in Tanzania pneumonia, shares sink
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Cempra Inc said on Thursday the U.S. Food and
Drones delivering blood and medicine to rural Drug Administration had rejected its antibiotic for
areas of Tanzania could help... community-acquired bacterial...
Cells dripped into the brain help man German hospital uses graphic image to
fight a deadly cancer promote safe fireworks
A man with deadly brain cancer that had spread to BERLIN A German hospital is using
his spine saw his tumors shrink and, for a time, a graphic picture of a mangled hand to warn
completely vanish after... people against buying or using illegal...
After states legalized medical Will New Years resolutions ruin your
marijuana, traffic deaths fell relationship?
Legalization of medical marijuana is not linked with Samia Mounts had always been heavier, and the
increased traffic fatalities, a new study finds. In talented singer and actress felt plagued by self-
some states, in... doubt because of it. So,...
Counselor slams photo editing, fashion County drops DUI charge on man who
industry in viral Facebook post tested positive for caffeine
A Kansas womans Facebook post in which she In August 2015, a California man was charged with
urges young girls to reject societal expectations a DUI after testing positive for caffeine even
clothing sizes has gone viral,... though his blood tested...
Fish-oil fatty acids in pregnancy cut Investigation into new molecules for
wheeze, asthma risk in child potential Alzheimers treatment
Scientists at the Immunology Frontier Research Scientists investigated two molecules that have a
Center (IFReC), Osaka University, Japan, report a high pharmaceutical potential and low toxicity....
new molecular mechanism...
FDA rejects Cempras antibiotic for Novel diet therapy helps children with
pneumonia crohns disease and ulcerative colitis
(Reuters) Cempra Inc said the U.S. Food and reach remission
Drug Administration rejected its antibiotic for Today, he finally has the answer: yes. In a first-of-
community-acquired bacterial... its-kind-study led by Suskind, published today in
the Journal of Clinical...
Ageing UK faces 13bn black hole in How our hospitals betray patients by
social care bill by 2030: So why cant we doing deals with parking cowboys
use ballooning foreign aid budget to Hospitals were last night accused of treating
pay for it? patients as cash cows as extraordinary details
Cost of caring for a rapidly ageing population will emerged of deals with...
tip Britains social care service A centre-Left think-
tank has...
How sex can be so much better for the NHS to axe revolutionary cancer drug
over-50s: Mature lovers draw on their that extends life for thousands because
life experiences to make them better 90,000 cost per patient is deemed to
partners be too high
Scientists found that sex improves as we age Drug Kadcyla has been available to women in
because sexual wisdom grows More mature England for the last three years NHS watchdog
lovers tend to focus on quality... NICE said the average price of...
converted by W
An hour earlier I was in tears: Breast implants are being given
Photograph captures the incredible barcodes by the NHS in an attempt to
moment an elated mother discovers revolutionise patient safety
her baby is finally breastfeeding after The Department of Health will give every surgical
two days of trying in vain to give him item a barcode to track it Products are scanned
milk alongside a patients...
Ashley Rockhill decided she would breastfeed her
third child, a baby boy She hadnt done so for her
first two kids...
Slimmers who give themselves an Why you could face a four-week wait to
ambitious goal lose twice as much as see your GP this winter
those who dont GPs will be so busy trying to firefight urgent cases
Research has found that dieters who set tough others will be pushed back Professor Helen-
goals shed more pounds Patients should aim for Stokes Lampard...
their dream weight...
Are Googles top-searched diets for Switching to diet soda probably wont
2016 healthy? help you cut calories
When I saw Googles Year in Search 2016, I have Ditching sugary drinks is a smart move for your
to admit I did a double take. When I think back on health, not to mention your waistlinean average
the nutrition and weight... can of soda packs in about...
Raw eggs, bacon, wine: Weird diet Switching to diet soda probably wont
secrets of the worlds oldest people help you cut calories
Doctors attribute longevity to a combination of diet, Ditching sugary drinks is a smart move for your
genetics, and environment, but they are yet to health, not to mention your waistlinean average
discover any one single... can of soda packs in about...
Raw eggs, bacon, wine: Weird diet Are Googles top-searched diets for
secrets of the worlds oldest people 2016 healthy?
Doctors attribute longevity to a combination of diet, When I saw Googles Year in Search 2016, I have
genetics, and environment, but they are yet to to admit I did a double take. When I think back on
discover any one single... the nutrition and weight...
FastMed Urgent Care opens new walk- Fenofibrate drug may reduce risk of
in clinic in Zebulon, North Carolina cardiovascular events in patients with
FastMed Urgent Care type 2 diabetes
WHAT: A new study shows that the drug fenofibrate
might reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in
patients with type 2...
Carrie Fisher Put Pen and Voice in Can paint strokes help identify
Service of Bipolar Pride Alzheimers?
converted by W
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here A new University of Liverpool study published today
(29 December 2016) in Neuropsychology shows
that it may be possible to...
Exactly How Running Can Help You Get 8 Women of Color Share The One Night-
Zen After a Crazy-Stressful Day Out Makeup Product They Swear By
Would you guess that Ive been meditating this Lashes always give me an extra boost of
whole time? Meditation is a practice of focusing confidence. My natural lashes are not lengthy, so
attention in order to... I love being able to throw...
Diabetes takes biggest bite out of U.S. Healthy snacks can be smart part of a
health care spending diabetes diet
(HealthDay)Diabetes leads a list of just 20 (HealthDay)Insulin, a life-saving medication
diseases and conditions that account for more used to treat diabetes, was discovered nearly 100
than half of all spending on... years ago, yet the price...
Gastric bypass associated with reduced Optimal timing IDd for flu shot during
risk of psoriasis three-week chemo cycle
Gastric bypass surgery has better outcomes than In an early-phase clinical trial of a new oral drug,
gastric banding for long-term weight loss, selumetinib, children with the common genetic
controlling type 2 diabetes and... disorder neurofibromatosis...
Flu shots are worth it Dont let germs spoil your holiday
(HealthDay)This years flu season may not quite getaway
be over, but its clearly winding down and will be Our hands are one of the chief ways we interact
recorded... with our environment. Think about what you touch
daily ? doors, desks, food,...
Men dont know about risks to fertility, Zebrafish might hold key to fighting
survey finds leukemia
The first large-scale study of its kind has revealed The key to early detection of childhood leukemia
that Canadian men generally lack knowledge about might be found in thousands...
the risk factors contributing...
Carrie Fishers Other Legacy: Honesty U.S. FTC requires divestitures in $13.53
About Bipolar Disorder billion Boehringer-Sanofi deal
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here WASHINGTON (Reuters) German
pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim
agreed to divest five types of animal health...
converted by W
A protein originally discovered at The Scripps geniuses
Research Institute (TSRI) appears to be involved in Scientist James Kozubek says altering human
how the body controls... genes to cure diseases and disorders could stop
the rise of geniuses like Stephen...
Smartphone radiation WONT kill sperm How to achieve your New Years
as radio waves do not produce enough resolutions: Expert says keep them
energy realistic and expect small changes
A minor craze in mens underwear fashions these From losing weight to quitting smoking, each
days seems to be briefs that shield the genitals December people around the world vow to stick to
from cellphone radiation. The... their New Years resolutions. But...
Calorie limits should be cut to reflect Expert reveals how timing of your
our couch potato lifestyles bathroom rituals can help you beat
Guidelines suggest an average man in Britain stress
requires 2,500 calories a day But these were Study found morning showers could induce
drawn up a hundred years ago... creativity in stressed workers Evening washing can
help those who find it hard...
Art and dementia Dieter tells how son calling him fat
At her art therapy class in Leeds, Joyce Cope is prompted health drive
carefully painting a tree. Despite living with Public Health England wants people to turn over a
dementia, her brushstrokes... new leaf in 2017, and hopes a quiz which allows
users to gauge their fitness...
We Ranked the Best and Worst Fast- 5 Ways to Practically Guarantee You
Food Burgers for Weight Loss Orgasm During Oral
This article was written by Caroline Weinberg and If the dude in your life has already mastered the
provided by our partners at Mens Health. If youre basicstaking his time, varying his pressure and
eating a... speed, and resisting...
There Might Be a Love Triangle Big Battles Over Farm And Food
Between J.Lo, Drake, and Rihanna Policies May Be Brewing As Trump Era
On Tuesday night, Jennifer Lopez posted a photo Begins
converted by W
on Instagram of herself and Drake cuddling on a Many large-scale farms rely heavily on immigrant
couch. There was no caption,... labor. And many farmers are opposed to Donald
Danish Study Links Fish Oil During Senators Ask Trumps EPA Pick To
Pregnancy With Lower Asthma Risk In Disclose His Connections To Energy
Kids Industry
Studies of fish oil and health are like studies about Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is
coffee theres plenty of contradictory President-elect Donald Trumps pick to lead the
information... EPA....
Platelet-rich plasma superior for lumbar 755-nm diode laser safe, effective for
facet joint syndrome hair removal
(HealthDay)For patients with facet joint (HealthDay) For patients with telangiectatic leg
arthropathy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has a veins, treatment with indocyanine green (ICG)-
short-term positive impact, according... augmented diode laser...
Case report: Ustekinumab for Crohns For Heart Health, the Most Dangerous
continued in pregnancy Time of the Year
There is a substantial gap in knowledge of Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
pharmacokinetic changes in pregnancy and their
clinical consequences, according...
Times Staffer Gets All Choked Up Taking Fish Oil During Pregnancy Is
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Found to Lower Childs Asthma Risk
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Obi Wan Kenobi Is Not Our Only Hope Carrie Fisher Was An Advocate For
Writer Mary Karr described people who live with Women With Mental Illness And
mental illness as perhaps having more Addiction
bandwidth. Others have described... In the day since Carrie Fishers passing was
announced on Tuesday morning, the actress,
author, comedienne, script doctor,...
New Years Resolutions Are Bound To Want to Lose Weight? Add This One
Fail. Try This Instead. Thing to Your Diet
Resolving not to eat something anymore, such as Learn the secret to losing weight and improve
pasta, may not be the most practical goal, Anding your overall health at the same time. Fiber. Its not a
told The Huffington... sexy...
Skin cancer trend in one region defies Why some women still get acne as
national stats adults
converted by W
A decline in melanoma cases and deaths in Why does acne still plague some women into
Northeast states bucks a national trend for the adulthood? A new study offers some hints.
deadliest skin cancer and may reflect... Researchers from Italy who looked at...
Cells dripped into the brain help man Prompting helps doctors ask teens
fight a deadly cancer about gender identity
A man with deadly brain cancer that had spread to By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health)
his spine saw his tumors shrink and, for a time, Prompting doctors to ask adolescents and young
completely vanish after... adults about their gender identity...
Fish oil pills for pregnant moms may cut Through reclusive Wa, Chinas reach
asthma risk in kids extends into Suu Kyis Myanmar
Children whose moms took high doses of fish oil By Antoni Slodkowski and Yimou Lee PANGSAN,
during their last three months of pregnancy were Myanmar (Reuters) China is extending its sway
less likely to develop chronic... over an autonomous enclave...
Searching for next word while Man whose 4 STONE leg left him unable
maintaining gaze becomes too much for to work and causes him excruciating
brain to handle pain
Researchers discovered a neurological reason to Boonthing Namphet is believed to have suffered
why we avoid eye contact The brain cant find the from lymphoedema for 10 years The chronic
right words and... condition causes swelling in the...
ME & MY OPERATION: New laser that Toby Amidor reveals replacing oil with
kills prostate cancer and spares a ale when cooking halves the calories
mans love life Beer has around 75 calories per tablespoon while
Around 40,000 men are diagnosed with prostate oil has up to 120 calories Food fans suggest
cancer each year. Gerald Capon, 69, a lawyer from braising your meat in dark...
Felbridge, West Sussex,...
The test that could have saved Sir Researchers discover mutated protein
David Frosts son from tragically dying in deceased addicts persists for more
from heart condition than a week
For a time, Wilf and George Frost seemed to be A protein in the reward center of the brain is
living through one tragedy only to encounter modified in drug abusers Researchers discovered
another. Within the space... it was still modified in...
Millionaire businessman Tim Ferriss Yogurts that ARE good for you and not
reveals diets of worlds rich and packed full of sugar
powerful Public Health England recently raised concerns
An entrepreneur has revealed the secrets of about the huge amounts of sugar in some of our
success of the worlds rich and famous and its favourite flavoured yoghurt...
converted by W
all to do...
Fish oil during pregnancy reduces Burger King, Tim Hortons to curb
babys asthma risk: study antibiotics used in chicken
(Reuters Health) A Danish study of 695 pregnant CHICAGO/LOS ANGELES Restaurant chains
women is raising the possibility that fish oil Burger King and Tim Hortons plan to switch to
supplements begun... chicken raised without antibiotics...
US posts rules for addressing cyber Protecting your heart during the
bugs in medical devices holidays
The U.S. government on Tuesday issued rules for Its officially the holiday season but just remember,
addressing cyber vulnerabilities in medical knocking back a few too many cocktails at holiday
devices, providing manufacturers... parties can...
Weight loss surgery tied to lasting Critical illness events linked to delayed
digestive issues discharge from hospital for neighboring
A common weight loss surgery is associated with patients
long-term gastrointestinal problems and food In a research letter published Dec. 27, 2016, in
intolerance, a recent study... JAMA, University of Chicago physicians describe a
new concern for patients...
Report examines MACRAs impact on Dirty job shows why cholera still kills in
radiologists Haiti
A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute In this Dec. 22, 2016 photo, Dieusel Gerlin,
series of reports explores the impact of the abayakou, or waste cleaner, uses candles...
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization...
Cycling in bed is safe for ICU patients: Scripps first in West to treat heart
Hamilton study attack with new supersaturated oxygen
Dr. Michelle Khos research uses the RT-300 therapy
converted by W
supine bicycle which allows patients... A Scripps researcher is using the TherOx system to
test the effectiveness of supersaturated oxygen...
Meditation for Real Life: How to Have a Fentanyl Outpaces Heroin as the
Mindful New Years Kiss Deadliest Drug on Long Island
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Carrie Fishers Death Highlights The Your brain on alcohol, and more
Reality Of Heart Disease In Women science for New Years
Of course, most risk factors apply to both genders. Ever wonder what happens inside your brain when
High cholesterol, triglyceride levels, blood pressure youre toasting in the New Year? Or perhaps its a
and blood sugar... question youre...
Official: Ban the lie that is the "vegan" Quasi noise-free digital holography
meat label Digital Holography is a powerful imaging technique
BERLIN Germanys agriculture minister has leapt for 3D vision and display systems. However, the
to the defense of meat lovers, calling for a ban on use of coherent light...
names such...
NASA Maps Typhoon Nock-tens lifetime Study unmasks the genetic complexity
rainfall as storm fades of cancer cells within the same tumor
NASA has added up the large amounts of rainfall LOS ANGELES (Dec. 28, 2016) A new study led
generated throughout the life of the once Super- by Cedars-Sinai investigators dramatically
typhoon Nock-ten from its... illustrates the complexity...
Fenofibrate may reduce heart disease Cancer: depriving the lymphatic system
risk in some patients with type 2 of fat could stop metastasis
diabetes Belgian researchers have presented new data on
WHAT: A new study shows that the drug fenofibrate the role of fats in the migration of cancer cells to
might reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in new sites. Their findings...
patients with type 2...
converted by W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) The U.S. Federal Trade A decline in melanoma cases and deaths in
Commission said on Wednesday that German Northeast states bucks a national trend for the
pharmaceutical company Boehringer... deadliest skin cancer and may reflect...
Is this why you take fewer risks as you Wife tricks her husband into losing
get older? weight by secretly swapping their
The young are notoriously impulsive and with PLATES
age we become much more risk averse. But dont One wife tricked her husband into losing weight by
flatter yourself... secretly swapping their outsized dinner plates for
smaller versions, and...
Scientist re-wires frogs to grow extra Is this why women are more likely to get
limbs says he could use the technique arthritis? Scientists have identified a
on HUMANS master switch gene that causes their
The idea of re-wiring humans to make them immune system to attack itself
capable of re-growing limbs sounds like an Some 8 out of 10 cases of autoimmune diseases
experiment from Dr Frankensteins... are believed to affect women Researchers have
pinpointed the key gene that...
China Announces Its Largest-Ever The Stories NPR One Listeners Loved
Seizure Of Trafficked Pangolin Scales The Most In 2016
An undated photo, released Wednesday, shows Listeners of our NPR One app rated these stories
Shanghai customs officers checking pangolin as the most liked, recommended and shared in
scales at a... 2016. ...
converted by W
Weight loss surgery tied to lasting Oklahoma family spans 6 generations
digestive issues with birth of great-great-great-
(Reuters Health) A common weight loss surgery granddaughter
is associated with long-term gastrointestinal A 107-year-old woman who welcomed her first
problems and food... great-great-great-granddaughter in October
recently hosted six generations at...
A possible explanation for why people Single? Here are six ways to beat the
find it hard to maintain eye contact holiday blues
when talking (HealthDay)With all the parties, outings and
(Medical Xpress)Researchers Gary Lupyan and family gatherings during the holidays, its easy for
Emily Ward from the University of Wisconsin and kids to get overwhelmed...
Yale respectively, have run...
Fans Tweet About Mental Illness to Star Wars Actress Carrie Fisher Was
Honor Carrie Fisher Tireless Mental Health Advocate
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here December 28, 2016, 7:32 AM| Carrie Fisher, who
died Tuesday at age 60, openly talked about her...
Nigerias Senior Muslim Cleric Rejects 6 Foods To Eat When Youre Stressed
Gender Equality Bill AF
Nigerias most senior Muslim cleric has rejected a Research suggests nutrients in oily fish and
new gender equality bill, which proposes that certain nuts may help you feel more calm, Young
women and men inherit... said. Omega-3 fatty acids have...
Latest spoke in the wheel drives This week from AGU: Random
brain-mapping advances, reports temperature fluctuations may have
Neurophotonics journal made Earth habitable
BELLINGHAM, Washington, USA, and CARDIFF, GeoSpace Random temperature fluctuations may
UK Advances in microscopy techniques have have made Earth habitable Random temperature
often triggered important discoveries... fluctuations in the mantle and...
New neiman health policy institute Manila residents speak out about
reports examine MACRAs impact on Dutertes war on drugs
radiologists By Ezra Acayan MANILA (Reuters) Philippine
Reston, VA A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy President Rodrigo Duterte completes six months in
Institute series of reports explores the impact of the charge on Friday, with...
converted by W
Medicare Access...
Gascoigne taken in hospital after hotel About 16,000 turkeys culled after bird
row flu found on German farm
LONDON (Reuters) The former England HAMBURG (Reuters) About 16,000 turkeys have
footballer Paul Gascoigne was involved in a fracas been culled after bird flu of the high risk H5N8
in a London hotel, several... strain was found on...
Antipsychotic Drugs Boost Dementia- Stress, Poor Diet Tied to Adult Acne in
Related Deaths Women
Taking antipsychotic drugs significantly increases Why does acne still plague some women into
the risk of premature death among Alzheimers adulthood? A new study offers some hints.
patients, a new study... Researchers from Italy who looked at...
Magnetic stem cells for gene The late effects of stress: New insights
engineering into how the brain responds to trauma
Scientists from the Tomsk Polytechnic Universitys Mrs. M would never forget that day. She was
Laboratory of Novel Dosage are developing a walking along a busy road next to the vegetable
technology to control... market when two goons zipped...
Light treatment can help increase Study reports volume and cost of in-
anthocyanin production in turfgrasses home care for children with special
Anthocyanins, plant pigments known for their medical conditions
health-promoting properties, are in demand for U.S. families provide nearly $36 billion annually in
medicinal and industrial uses.... uncompensated medical care at home to children
who have special health...
Einstein awarded more than $160 Fred Hutchs new Evergreen Fund to
million NIH grant in federal fiscal year promote commercialization of research
2016 into lifesaving therapies
Investigators at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
were awarded more than $160 million from the announced its first-ever grants from its newly
converted by W
National Institutes of... established Evergreen Fund to spur...
Monday Resolutions can help people Article reports increase in health care
stay on track with 2017 New Years spending on children
health resolutions The JAMA Network Journals
Health-related goals such as losing weight,
exercising and quitting smoking tend to top the list
of New Years resolutions...
German scientists find sticking to beer Family lawyer Zahra Pabani gives
can stop your New Years Day hangover advice for couples planning on
Hops in beer can lessen the harm done to the liver surrogacy
after a night of heavy drinking They reduce the Its a story that will make all would-be parents
production of toxins... shudder; when Modern Family star Sofa Vergara
split from fianc...
26 Dutch women may have been The biggest celebrity weight loss
fertilised by the wrong sperm cells transformations of 2016
Sperm cells from 1 couple may have ended up with With the festive season drawing to a close, many of
the egg cells of 26 others The University Medical us are feeling the pressure to put down those
Centre in Utrecht have... mince pies and sign up...
Dying man granted last wish to hold Why do some women have acne in
hands with wife of 66 years in China adulthood?
The terminally ill man, from China, wanted to die A diet low in fruit and vegetables can trigger acne in
peacefully at home He wished to see his wife for adults, research has found While high stress
the last time before... levels may also be responsible,...
Model fights back after wildfire buns 65 US posts rules for addressing cyber
percent of her body bugs in medical devices
In 2011, Australian model Turia Pitt was competing The U.S. government on Tuesday issued rules for
in a 100K ultramarathon through the outback when addressing cyber vulnerabilities in medical
a wildfire severely burned... devices, providing manufacturers...
Wrong sperm may have fertilized eggs Boy gets official adoption letter for
of 26 Dutch women in IVF mix-up Christmas
A Dutch IVF lab has launched an investigation after Imagine the joy of discovering after six years that
discovering that up to 26 women may have been youve finally got the present you always dreamed
fertilised by sperm cells... of. This 11-year-old...
Mom donates 18.5 gallons of breast Model fights back after wildfire buns 65
milk after newborn son dies percent of her body
A grieving mother whose son died only 11 days In 2011, Australian model Turia Pitt was competing
after birth resolved to donate as much breast milk in a 100K ultramarathon through the outback when
as she could, which wound... a wildfire severely burned...
Serial testers and cursory checks: Why more heart-related deaths happen
Indias flawed generic drug trials around the holidays
business Deaths from heart-related causes tend to spike
HYDERABAD Vasudeva Prakash left his job as a around the holidays, and the cold weather may not
mechanic in Hyderabad three years ago for what really be to blame, a recent...
he calls a more lucrative...
Antheras cystic fibrosis drug fails late- Many women get double mastectomy
stage study, shares tank when only one breast has tumors
Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc said on Tuesday that Women with cancer in one breast may opt to have
its drug to treat certain cystic fibrosis patients failed both breasts removed even though a double
a late-stage study,... mastectomy isnt always linked...
converted by W
Wrong sperm may have fertilized eggs Boy gets official adoption letter for
of 26 Dutch women in IVF mix-up Christmas
A Dutch IVF lab has launched an investigation after Imagine the joy of discovering after six years that
discovering that up to 26 women may have been youve finally got the present you always dreamed
fertilised by sperm cells... of. This 11-year-old...
Ingenuity helps when health challenges Why acne can strike women after the
get in the way of doing laundry, tying teen years
shoes, buttoning shirts (HealthDay)Why does acne still plague some
For Betty Harper and Bill Harvey, its the simple women into adulthood? A new study offers some
things that matter like doing their own laundry. hints. ...
Both live at...
Tailoring medical care for the homeless Learn how to recognize and take
Margot Kushel, MD, visits David Sandow at his control of seasonal affective disorder
home in the Mission Creek Senior Community.... Credit: Rush University Medical Center With 5 p.m.
sunsets, erratic temperatures and...
Portrayal of womens drinking habits in Tips to embrace the outdoors and enjoy
the media offers biased, judgemental running in cold weather
view With arctic blasts moving in, time to closet trendy
Credit: University of Glasgow Women who binge clothes and cover up to avoid frostbite. Drawstring
drink are depicted more... casual pants, shorts,...
Hospitals in Safety Net Brace for Health Op-Ed Contributors: How Donald
Care Laws Repeal Trumps Health Secretary Pick
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Endangers Women
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Talk: Vivek Murthy Thinks We Need to Phys Ed: Work. Walk 5 Minutes. Work.
Learn How to Deal With Stress Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Fighting Dry Skin: 10 Tips for Beating Fertility: Out of gas and low on sperm?
the Itch of Winter So-called Myc genes play an important role in
Winter is a great time of the year for feeling toasty stem cells ability to self-renew, explains Kyoto
warm, wrapped up in a blanket by the fireplace. But Universitys...
frigid temperatures,...
How brain begins repairs after silent Cochlear implant allows young girl, 8, to
strokes hear her voice for the first time in four
White matter stroke is a type of ischemic stroke, in years
which a blood vessel carrying oxygen to the brain is Tamzin Stockdale lost her hearing at 4 due to a
blocked. Unlike... rare virus picked up in the womb Doctors switch
her new hearing aid on...
Hips hurting? Its because we evolved Inside the BRAIN museum which boasts
from walking on four legs to standing nearly 3,000 exhibits where even the
up hardiest observers are driven to faint
converted by W
Orthopaedic problems may be a hangover from and vomit
when humans began standing up straight on two A brain library in Peru which has collected more
legs, according to a study The... than 3,000 of the most complex organs in the
human body over...
Drug abusers still crave the stimulus Calorie limits should be cut to reflect
AFTER death: Researchers discover our couch potato lifestyles because
mutated protein in deceased addicts they come from First World War when
persists for more than a week we walked to work and didnt text
A protein in the reward center of the brain is Guidelines suggest an average man in Britain
modified in drug abusers Researchers discovered requires 2,500 calories a day But these were
it was still modified in... drawn up a hundred years ago...
Bedblocking costs NHS 500m in a year IVF mix up: Up to 26 Dutch women may
as thousands of patients are trapped in have been fertilised by the wrong
hospital because nobody can care for sperm cells
them Sperm cells from 1 couple may have ended up with
Bedblocking is costing the NHS half a billion the egg cells of 26 others The University Medical
pounds a year, figures reveal. The rate at which Centre in Utrecht have...
patients are becoming trapped...
Hospitals rake in a record 120 million This Woman Hiked a Marathon in the
in parking charges Snow to Save Her Family Over the
The amount for parking charges has soared by 5 Weekend
per cent in 12 months Hospitals say that they need I said, Ill go, Ill just walk up to the main road. Im
the cash to maintain car... a runner,' she told NBC...
7 things your OB-GYN wont tell you New study finds overuse of hospital
There are some things that are a given when it ICUs
comes to your regular ob-gyn appointments: youll Intensive Care Units (ICUs), which provide the
probably get pee shy, the... most expensive and invasive forms of care in a
hospital setting, are being...
Military health system to test U-M- New database of PCR primers enables
developed V-BID approach effective detection and identification of
A health care reform idea originated by University of RNA viruses
Michigan faculty will get a major test among Scientists at Koreas Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of
members of the nations... Science and Technology (DGIST) scientists have
compiled a comprehensive...
Study highlights lack of nutritional Myc genes play key role in self-renewal
standards for premixed infant cereals of spermatogonial stem cells
in lower-income countries Sperm are constantly replenished in the adult male
For parents around the world, premixed infant body. Understanding the workings of stem cells
cerealsalso known as complementary foodscan responsible for this replenishment...
be a vital source...
The legacies of slavery in and out of How Large are Earnings Penalties for
Africa Self-Employed and Informal Wage
converted by W
4.2 The USA Slavery was introduced in the Workers?
territories that today represent the USA in the 2.1 Theoretical In a standard neo-classical model
sixteenth century, much later... in which labor markets are perfectly competitive,
labor is free to move...
Wage rigidities and business cycle Wage inequality, skill inequality, and
fluctuations: a linked employer- employment: evidence and policy
employee analysis lessons from PIAAC
Understanding what drives wage dynamics is The variation in wage inequality across developed
important in order to explain why aggregate wages countries has puzzled economists for many years,
tend to be much less volatile... and different theoretical...
Womens rights face a daunting new Now Chinas Wuxi to suspend poultry
year worldwide, campaigners warn trade amid bird flu fears
By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters BEIJING (Reuters) The eastern Chinese city of
Foundation) Womens rights face enormous Wuxi will suspend poultry trade from Thursday
challenges worldwide... amid fears about bird...
Smoking while pregnant may The 10 Best Ways to Stay Fit on Your
compromise childrens kidney function Next Trip to Las Vegas
Because smoking is a well-known risk factor for This article was written Karen Cicero and provided
kidney failure in adults, a team led by Koji by our partners at Mens Health. Fitness and Sin
Kawakami, MD, PhD, Maki Shinzawa,... City dont sound...
6 Doctors Share the Morning Routines RIP Carrie Fisher: We Salute Your
They Swear By to Feel Great All Day Advocacy for Mental Health Issues
Rona Heublum-Colton M.D., an urgent care and Fisher, who played the iconic role of Princess Leia
internal medicine doctor based in Monroe, New Organa in the original Star Wars trilogy (1977-83)
York, brews a cup of organic coffee,... and last years...
Womens binge drinking given more Kids restaurant meals need slimming
coverage then mens, says study down: nutritionists
Women who binge drink are portrayed more Eating meals from restaurants has become routine
negatively by the media than men who do the same for many American children, often contributing
thing, according to new research. Glasgow... excess calories, solid fats,...
Police referral without arrest lets opioid What I Would Have Said To My Friend
abusers seek help Who Died By Suicide
In rural states like Vermont, opioid-dependent One incident a year before she died landed me at
adults desperate for treatment often find her house with others, convincing her she needed
themselves stuck on a wait list,... to go to the hospital to...
Scientists identify sugar molecule that DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Amid the
reduces inflammatory response and gloom I see the human spirit at its best
converted by W
COPD progression in hospitals at Christmas
Using a mouse model, scientists from the RIKEN- Two very different Christmases take place in
Max Planck Joint Research Center for Systems hospitals. First, there is the one on childrens
Chemical Biology and a number... wards. Despite the awfulness...
Louise Parker reveals the top 7 foods Beat winter cold by eating more
to boost your metabolism sauerkraut, taking geranium tablets and
Christmas. The time of year when its perfectly fine thinking yourself fit
to tuck into sweets, biscuits and a generous Virtually any expert will say the top tip for avoiding
helping of roast... colds is washing your hands Take advantage of the
colder evenings...
Dutch IVF centre probes suspected NHS hospitals break parking fees
sperm mix-up record
A Dutch IVF treatment centre has said that 26 NHS hospitals appear to be making more money
women may have been fertilised by sperm cells than ever from parking fees. A report from the
from the wrong man. The Utrecht... Press Association says hospitals...
My Husband and I Threw a Sex Party to Remembering Vera Rubin, Who Made
Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary Dark Matter Matter
It was our first time hosting such an event. We had Scientist Vera Rubin made the theory of dark matter
some spillover experience from my birthday a reality and, many say, created modern
ladybang,... astrophysics. NPRs Ari...
Pregnancy brain shows up big time in Kids landing in ERs after drinking
brain scans, study says parents e-cig nicotine liquid
Pregnancy may trigger changes in the structure As the use of e-cigarettes has risen dramatically in
and size of regions in a womans brain that are the United States in recent years, so have calls to
involved in responding... poison centers about...
Rifaximin effective for repeat treatment Is dementia in older women tied to 20-
of IBS with diarrhea year rate of weight loss?
(HealthDay)For patients with liver cirrhosis, low- (HealthDay)For veterans with dementia, Veterans
dose rifaximin is comparable to high-dose rifaximin Affairs (VA)-Medicare Part D (dual-system) users
for reducing serum... have increased rates...
Most postpartum moms OK with self- More years lost for whites versus
converted by W
administered pain meds South Asians, blacks with T2DM
(HealthDay)For women in the third stage of labor, (HealthDay)For patients with type 1 diabetes, the
misoprostol administered with routine oxytocin incidence of hospitalization for hypoglycemia (HH)
does not reduce the rate... decreased over time...
Single Fathers Report Low Physical and 8-Year-Old Transgender Boy Asked to
Mental Health Leave Cub Scout Pack
By Carolyn Crist (Reuters Health) Single dads SECAUCUS, N.J. The family of an 8-year-old
are twice as likely to report poor physical and New Jersey boy says he was kicked out of Cub
mental health as fathers... Scouts because he is transgender,...
Young Men More Attuned To Partners These Are The Lives That Obamacare
Birth Control Than You Might Guess Helped Save
Race, ethnicity, education, even religious The overall perception of the law has been mixed at
affiliations didnt appear to affect the results, best, thanks to botched website rollout and
Garbers said, but what really... recent premium increases....
Syrian Medical Facilities Were Attacked Can you really "catch up on sleep" over
More Than 250 Times This Year vacation?
Perhaps one of the defining facets of the conflict Finally, after months of non-stop work or school
since its outset has been making attacks on and busy family schedules, perhaps youre lucky
medical care a part of... enough to get a whole...
Chinas giant cow farms leave Antheras cystic fibrosis drug fails late-
neighbours up milk creek stage study, shares tank
Giant piles of black manure towering over (Reuters) Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc said on
cornfields, while rancid-smelling effluent from Tuesday that its drug to treat certain cystic fibrosis
thousands of cows spills onto the... patients failed...
Serial testers and cursory checks: Did Drug Addiction Boost Carrie
Indias flawed generic drug trials Fishers Heart Risk?
business Actress Carrie Fishers death from a heart attack is
Over the past two years, international regulators a cautionary tale about the ways that long-term
have suspended or banned medicines tested by drug addiction can...
four major Indian CROs after...
converted by W
Soya damages sperm: Vegetarian diet How long do leftovers last? Experts
heavy in tofu can affect mens chances reveal how carving meat off the bone,
of becoming a father adding salt to your eggs and storing
Fertility experts have found that natural chemicals cakes in the freezer could make your
in soya could be detrimental They think these meals last months
chemicals damage sperm... No matter how hard you try, chances are youll still
be looking at some leftovers from Christmas
dinner this week. But...
Why being chubby could help you live Number of patients waiting 12 hours in
longer and other reasons why fat isnt casualty TREBLES
your enemy At least 185,000 patients had to wait for 12 hours in
Poor fat! So reviled, so shameful, so unloved. We AE last year, figures reveal Many of those affected
want only to annihilate it, or at least keep it to a are frail elderly...
barely visible minimum....
Patients with dyspraxia and diabetes Study finds brain state caused by
reveal humiliation at being called drunk experiences affects way you process
Every festive season the streets fill with the merrily future events
tipsy tripping over kerbstones. But appearing to be Researchers measured responses in the skin and
drunk can also... brain after emotional stimuli They found brain
states tied to the emotional...
Americas toughest mudder eats bugs Why more heart-related deaths happen
to stay fit around the holidays
At 2 a.m., Stefanie Bishop had to slow down. She (Reuters Health) Deaths from heart-related
had been running laps through a grueling 5-mile causes tend to spike around the holidays, and the
obstacle course for 14 hours... cold weather may...
Things people got stuck in themselves: Americas toughest mudder eats bugs
2016 roundup to stay fit
Americans just cant stop sticking things in At 2 a.m., Stefanie Bishop had to slow down. She
themselves and each other. Renewing an inward- had been running laps through a grueling 5-mile
looking annual tradition, Deadspin... obstacle course for 14 hours...
The dawn of mRNA-based therapeutics Hong Kong records winters first bird
for brain diseases flu death
We have treated mice with a new type of drug, and A Hong Kong man infected with the H7N9 strain of
found that these drugs can not only improve bird flu died on Thursday, the first such death in the
symptoms of brain degeneration,... city since the virus...
Shift work and sleep problems Our Brains Are Guided More By
converted by W
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Dear Mayo Clinic: I Empathy Than Selfishness
started working a night shift six months ago,... In addition, the findings suggest a path toward
treating people with conditions that lower their
ability to understand others:...
Garry Shandling Died Of A Blood Clot, Tired Of New Years Resolutions? Try
According To Autopsy Report This Instead
Garry Shandling died from a blood clot, TMZ For example, instead of making a New Years
reported on Tuesday after it obtained a copy of the resolution to go to the gym more often, I set an
comedians autopsy report.... intention to keep my body...
How Fitness Experts Make The World A Be a ManifestorReach Goals and Make
Better Place Dreams Happen in 2017
You get to impact so many lives, by helping your The best way to determine your intentions is by
clients become healthier, fitter, happier and asking yourself questions. As Ive mentioned in my
possibly even live longer.... new journal, The...
Japan culling 90,000 more birds for U.S. posts rules for addressing cyber
avian flu bugs in medical devices
Japan began killing some 90,000 chickens on By Jim Finkle (Reuters) The U.S. government on
Tuesday to contain another outbreak of a highly Tuesday issued rules for addressing cyber
contagious strain of avian flu,... vulnerabilities in medical...
converted by W
Osaka, Japan Before cell division when a parent 2 PLOS
cell divides into two daughter cells, each with an Genome study reveals widespread gray zone of
identical... animals transitioning from one species to two.
There is usually...
Lack of standards for infant cereals Capsule for severe bleeding disorder
threatens child nutrition in lower- moves closer to reality
income countries Such a pill is what Nicholas Peppas, Professor of
BOSTON (Dec. 27, 2016)For parents around the Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
world, premixed infant cerealsalso known as and Medicine and his team...
complementary foodscan...
Early Alzheimers Gene Is A Curse For Georgia couple drops 400 pounds
Families, A Gift For Science combined
Rosemary Navarro, 40, looks through old A Georgia couple who used to struggle to get out of
childhood photographs at her home in La Habra, bed have worked to lose a combined 400 pounds,
Calif. Her mother,... and said 2017 may be their...
Teens view of pot changed in 1 state FDA places some Seattle Genetics drug
after legalization trials on hold after 4 deaths
After marijuana was legalized for adults in the U.S. Seattle Genetics Inc said four people had died in
state of Washington, younger teens there perceived trials testing its experimental cancer drug,
it to be less harmful... prompting the U.S. Food and...
Sanofi sues Novo Nordisk over Word Clouds comfort families and
diabetes drugs in the U.S. doctors of dying patients
Frances Sanofi has filed a lawsuit in the United (Reuters Health) To humanize the intensive care
States accusing Novo Nordisk of falsely claiming unit and comfort families of the dying, Canadian
that Sanofi insulin... doctors have...
The health benefits of perfect posture Foods to eat for a better skin
Smartphones, computers, desk jobs, shoulder We have long heard that carrots are good for our
bags, and endless commutes: we have become a eyesight and walnuts are good for our brains. But
generation of slouchers. In the... did you know food can...
converted by W
bed have worked to lose a combined 400 pounds, Hospital Center in New York City may be the
and said 2017 may be their... quintessential American destination...
FDA places some Seattle Genetics drug Teens view of pot changed in 1 state
trials on hold after 4 deaths after legalization
Seattle Genetics Inc said four people had died in After marijuana was legalized for adults in the U.S.
trials testing its experimental cancer drug, state of Washington, younger teens there perceived
prompting the U.S. Food and... it to be less harmful...
Out of gas and low on sperm? Team Shoulder pain linked to increased heart
uncovers genetic key to self-renewal of disease risk
reproductive cells After all the lifting, hauling, and wrapping, worn out
Finding a genetic key for sperm-producing stem gift givers may blame the seasons physical strain
cells in mice. Credit: Kyoto University Sperm... for any...
Study finds hospital Intensive Care Did teen perception, use of marijuana
Units overused change after recreational use
Researchers from Northwest Hospital and legalized?
Lifebridge Critical Care in Randallstown, Maryland, A dried flower bud of the Cannabis plant. Credit:
conducted a study of patients... Public Domain Marijuana use significantly...
New Head of Nutrition Gives Liverpool How Complaining Rewires Your Brain
a Taste of Premier League Success For Negativity
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here While its not an exaggeration to say that
complaining leads to brain damage, it doesnt stop
there. When you...
Study finds hospital ICU overused Shift in some teens use and
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 27, 2016) Intensive Care perceptions of marijuana after
Units (ICUs), which provide the most expensive recreational marijuana is legalized
and invasive... Marijuana use significantly increased and its
perceived harm decreased among eighth- and
10th-graders in Washington state...
Control algorithms could keep sensor- The high cost of home care for special-
laden balloons afloat in hurricanes for a needs children
converted by W
week U.S. families provide nearly $36 billion annually in
Controls engineers at UC San Diego have uncompensated medical care at home to children
developed practical strategies for building and who have special health...
coordinating scores of sensor-laden...
Diabetes, heart disease, and back pain Russia opens criminal case into official
dominate US health care spending after 77 die of alcohol poisoning
Just 20 conditions make up more than half of all MOSCOW (Reuters) Russian investigators said
spending on health care in the United States, on Tuesday they had opened a criminal case into a
according to a new comprehensive... senior regional official...
Germany culling some 77,000 poultry as Teens view of pot changed in one
bird flu found on farms state after legalization
HAMBURG (Reuters) The culling of about 77,000 By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) After
turkeys, chickens and ducks is underway after bird marijuana was legalized for adults in the U.S. state
flu of the highly... of Washington, younger...
FDA Puts Genetics Cancer Drug on Hold Hong Kongs First Bird Flu Patient Dies
After Deaths An elderly Hong Kong man died on Christmas Day
Seattle Genetics Inc said four people had died in from bird flu, the government said on Tuesday, the
trials testing its experimental cancer drug, first human infection in...
prompting the U.S. Food and...
Treating cancer with drugs for diabetes Campus composting programs effective
and hypertension in educating students
A combination of a diabetes medication and an SAN MARCOS, TX As food waste becomes a
antihypertensive drug can effectively combat cancer growing concern on college campuses, colleges
cells. The team of researchers... and universities across the...
This is your brain on alcohol (video) Bat calls contain wealth of discernible
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27, 2016 Its almost time to information
ring in 2017. And since most New Years Bats, like humans, are extremely social mammals.
celebrations... They enjoy an average lifespan of 20-30 years,
settle in large colonies,...
Burning more fat, less glucose could ACA financial penalties lead to
lead to diabetes, mouse models reductions in hospital readmission
indicate rates for common conditions
Mouse muscles use glucose (carbohydrate) as American College of Physicians
fuel when the animals are awake and active and
switch to fat (lipid) when they...
converted by W
Potential drug could become first Reduced radiation can maintain high
effective treatment option for Prader- cure rates in patients with HPV-related
Willi syndrome oropharyngeal cancers
Duke Health researchers have identified a drug- Human papillomavirus-positive oropharynx
like small molecule that, in animal experiments, cancers (cancers of the tonsils and back of the
appears to be an effective... throat) are on rise. After radiation...
Study identifies new mechanism of how NYU scientists find that emotional brain
inhibitory brain cells develop states can persist for long periods of
Scientists have discovered that networks of time
inhibitory brain cells or neurons develop through a Emotional experiences can induce physiological
mechanism opposite to the... and internal brain states that persist for long
periods of time after the...
Foods to eat for a better skin The health benefits of perfect posture
We have long heard that carrots are good for our Smartphones, computers, desk jobs, shoulder
eyesight and walnuts are good for our brains. But bags, and endless commutes: we have become a
did you know food can... generation of slouchers. In the...
Seattle Genetics cancer drug put on Quicker weight bearing may be safe
clinical hold after four deaths with knee cartilage surgery
Seattle Genetics Inc said four people had died in People receiving a graft of their own knee cartilage
trials testing its experimental cancer drug, cells may be better off returning to full weight
prompting the U.S. Food... bearing after six weeks...
Beijing buyers club? Chinas cancer Over the counter painkillers linked to
patients gamble on gray market hearing loss
SHANGHAI When her fathers lung cancer Regular use of pain relievers over many years
worsened, Yin Min, a 51-year-old financial broker may increase the risk of hearing loss, a recent
from Shanghai, faced... study suggests. Researchers...
Migraine drugs may repeat rheumatoid FDA approves Biogen drug for lead
arthritis success genetic cause of infant death
Nearly two decades ago, several drugs to treat The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday
rheumatoid arthritis hit the shelves in rapid said it has approved Biogen Incs drug to treat
succession, opening up a huge... spinal muscular atrophy,...
Early Alzheimers Gene Spells Tragedy How Do You Keep From Getting Bored?
For Patients, Opportunity For Science Researchers Have An Answer
Rosemary Navarro, 40, looks through old Social science research suggests that boredom, or
childhood photographs at her home in La Habra, satiety, has a lot to do with the mind. When we
Calif. Her mother,... imagine variety in the...
Sugar element of keratan sulfate halts New PCR primer database to combat
the progress of emphysema RNA viral epidemics
Decrease in keratan sulfate by cigarette smoking. Credit: luchschen via 123rf Stockphoto Scientists at
Credit: RIKEN Using... Koreas Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute...
converted by W
Family squabbles over Christmas? Re- Preventing too much immunity
playing arguments in detail may be the Credit: Osaka University Scientists at the
best way to cope with them Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC),...
Psychologists have found that recalling the detail of
shouting matches and...
Novel insights into neuronal activity- How to Find Clinical Trials for
dependent gene expression by CREB Experimental Cancer Treatments
In findings that show the effectiveness of a new Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
strategy for treating multiple sclerosis (MS),
researchers are reporting...
Chinese investors buy stake in Hong Kongs first bird flu patient this
mapping firm HERE winter dies
FRANKFURT (Reuters) Chinese mapping firm HONG KONG (Reuters) An elderly Hong Kong
NavInfo, internet group Tencent and Singapores man died on Christmas Day from bird flu, the
sovereign wealth fund... government said on Tuesday,...
Linking human genome sequences to The top 20 fitness trends for 2017
health data will change clinical A new year symbolizes a fresh startand the
medicine, says expert perfect chance to reboot your stale workouts with
Their commentary accompanies two linked studies one of 2017s top fitness...
on the topic in the same issue. One reports on
whole-exome sequencing of...
4 signs you have a vitamin or mineral Germany culling some 55,000 poultry as
deficiency at how to overcome it bird flu found on farms
According to the Center for Disease Controls HAMBURG The culling of about 55,000 turkeys,
Second Nutrition Report, less than 10 percent of chickens and ducks is underway after bird flu of the
the U.S. population has... highly contagious H5N8...
The top 20 fitness trends for 2017 Experimental drug improves survival,
A new year symbolizes a fresh startand the growth outcomes in mouse model of
perfect chance to reboot your stale workouts with Prader-Willi syndrome
one of 2017s top fitness... Drugs capable of activating silenced genes
improve survival and growth outcomes in a mouse
model of Prader-Willi syndrome...
New discovery could lead to effective People with increased risk for heart
drugs to prevent excessive lymphatic disease could more likely have
growth in cancer shoulder problems
Cancer cells spread to other sites in the body After all the lifting, hauling and wrapping, worn out
through promoting the growth of new roads to gift givers may blame the seasons physical strain
travel on. In a... for any shoulder...
New research points to lncRNAs key Novel investigational drug may help
role in helping control cellular restore cardiac function after heart
processes failure
Scientific research over the past decade has Cimaglermin, a new experimental drug, may help
concentrated almost exclusively on the 2 percent of restore cardiac function after heart failure,
the genomes protein... according to a first-in-man...
converted by W
New findings about key cellular protein Nanodiscs deliver customized
could lead to treatments for therapeutic vaccine for treatment of
neurodegenerative diseases colon, melanoma cancers
New details learned about a key cellular protein Researchers at the University of Michigan have had
could lead to treatments for neurodegenerative initial success in mice using nanodiscs to deliver a
diseases, such as Parkinsons,... customized therapeutic...
Realistic training for extreme flight Indian state orders poultry cull after
conditions bird flu outbreak
Missions at sea, in mountainous regions or close By Jatindra Dash BHUBANESWAR, India (Reuters)
to skyscrapers are extremely risky for helicopter An eastern Indian state ordered the cull of more
pilots. The turbulent... than 2,500 chickens...
Gay rights groups brave abuse, The No-Diet Way to Lose Weight Easily
violence to fight HIV in Cameroon About 45 million Americans one in six go on
By Anne Mireille Nzouankeu YAOUNDE (Thomson diet each year, often as part of a New Years
Reuters Foundation) Sitting in a circle with resolution, while the...
several other young men...
Expert: Gene Modification Could Wipe Quicker Weight Bearing Better After
Out Geniuses Knee Surgery
It is a blessing with a curse. The same People receiving a graft of their own knee cartilage
technology that allows geneticists too weed out the cells may be better off returning to full weight
genes that cause cancer and... bearing after six weeks...
Do Single Fathers Face Greater Health Cancer Patient Donates Years Worth of
Risks? Pizza to Food Bank
Single dads are twice as likely to report poor A Pennsylvania man going through treatment for
physical and mental health as fathers with colon cancer won a pizza parlors raffle for a years
partners, according to a new Canadian... worth of...
China Uncovers 500,000 Food Safety Animal biology, human health dominate
Violations in 9 Months 2016 EurekAlert! trending news list
China, rocked in recent years by a series of food News releases about the fight against Zika, a
safety scandals, uncovered as many as half a happy sex life, and dogs were among 2016s most
million illegal food safety... popular on EurekAlert!,...
converted by W
Vera Rubin, pioneering U.S. dark matter Vera Rubin, pioneering U.S. dark matter
astronomer, dies at 88 astronomer, dies at 88
(Reuters) Vera Rubin, a U.S. astronomer who (Reuters) Vera Rubin, a U.S. astronomer who
pioneered work on invisible dark matter in the pioneered work on invisible dark matter in the
universe and who some... universe and who some...
The Worst Time to Eat Lunch If Youre 7 Things You Need to Do Before
Trying to Lose Weight Couples Counseling
The study looked specifically at the perilipin protein, Another relationship bites the dust. Its an
which is found in human cells and is essential in occupational hazard for a couples counselor, but
moving and burning... still, its...
Sculpt Your Whole Bod with Just 3 Carey Mulligan on dementia and music
Dumbbell Moves As part of her guest editorship of Today, Carey
Were taking it back to the basics for this super- Mulligan explores the stigma associated with
simple dumbbell workout that will challenge your dementia and asks if more can...
entire body in...
The garden shed full of helping hands Hip pain may be hangover from
Media captionWATCH: Team Unlimbiteds 3D- evolution
printed limbs are changing lives At first glance, the Scientists at the University of Oxford say a hangover
shed, in a back garden... from evolution could help explain why humans get
so much shoulder,...
Vera Rubin, Who Confirmed Existence Atlantic blood inventory takes hit from
Of Dark Matter, Dies At 88 storms before Christmas
Vera Rubin works at the Lowell Observatory in Every holiday season, Canadian Blood Services
Flagstaff, Ariz., in 1965. ... finds itself sharing a similar message it needs
blood donors. But this...
Common silent strokes go undetected, Single dads rate their physical and
raise concerns about dementia and full- mental health low
blown strokes Single dads are twice as likely to report poor
Peter Chaban was up early doing dishes one physical and mental health as fathers with
morning in 2012 when he noticed there was water partners, according to a new study...
flowing over his hand but...
converted by W
NORTHAMPTON, Pa. (AP) A Pennsylvania man Dr Deirdre Hollingsworth, who leads the Neglected
going through treatment for colon cancer won a Tropical Diseases (NTD) Modelling Consortium,
pizza parlors raffle for... led an international team...
Few young men are unable to report Medicaid expansion tied to employment
last partners contraceptive use among people with disabilities
(Reuters Health) Most young men say they know (Reuters Health) Obamacares expansion of
whether their last sexual partner used birth control Medicaid coverage to people living just above the
and what kind it... poverty line may be...
UPV/EHU researchers develop coatings MMJ Labs to launch new wearable pain
to prevent potential bacterial infections therapy device at runDisney Health and
in dental implants Fitness Expo
The UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country is MMJ Labs LLC.
developing coatings for dental implants to provide
them with capabilities...
6 Things You Can do to Improve Your Forget Your Weight In 2017. Get Fit For
Health & Wellbeing in 2017 Your Life.
Getting a massage or a facial shouldnt be a treat Let me tell you about anger. I lost my late husband
that you give yourself maybe once a year. In fact, in a small plane crash at 36 with a one and two-
there are plenty... year-old at home. Damn...
George Michaels heart failure death First state to ban common germ-killer in
sparks questions soap
A day after the sudden death of long-time pop icon Minnesotas first-in-the nation ban on soaps
George Michael, many fans are struggling to containing the once ubiquitous germ-killer triclosan
understand how the fit-looking... takes effect Jan. 1,...
Engineers create programmable silk- Novel drug may help repair failing
based materials with embedded, pre- hearts
designed functions Cimaglermin, a new experimental drug, may help
MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. (December 26, restore cardiac function after heart failure,
2016) Tufts University engineers have created a according to a first-in-man...
new format of solids made...
converted by W
Quicker weight bearing may be safe Single fathers rate physical and mental
with knee cartilage surgery health low
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) People By Carolyn Crist (Reuters Health) Single dads
receiving a graft of their own knee cartilage cells are twice as likely to report poor physical and
may be better off returning... mental health as fathers...
Could disease tolerance genes give Ash dieback: Insect threat to fungus-
new life to UK ash trees? resistant trees
Researchers at the University of York have Ash trees which can resist the killer dieback fungus
identified genetic markers for disease tolerance may be more vulnerable to attacks by insects,
that suggest UK ash trees may... according to new research. Scientists...
Stanford manufactures gene- Fat fuels the road to cancer cell spread
engineered cells to cure the incurable Killer T cells surround a cancer cell. Credit: NIH
Credit: CC0 Public Domain To the list of cool new Cancer cells spread...
things made in Silicon Valley, add this:...
8 Tips For Avoiding Information Can cats spread bird flu to people?
Overload A veterinarian appears to have been infected with a
Even though there are greater flows of information strain of avian flu known as H7N2 that spread
flying around, we think the fact that people have among more than 100 cats...
more tools to help...
Ash tree genome aids fight against Potential drug appears to ease effects
disease of Prader-Willi syndrome
Tens of millions of ash trees across Europe are DURHAM, N.C. Duke Health researchers have
dying from the Hymenoscyphus fraxinea fungus identified a drug-like small molecule that, in animal
the most visible signs... experiments, appears...
converted by W
mixture of cells...
A Dying Mans Wish To Donate His Feeling Less Than Grateful? Some
Organs Gets Complicated People Are Just Wired That Way
Dave Adox, right, and his husband Danni Michaeli Female hands giving a surprise present to a loved
at their home in South Orange, N.J., in the fall of... one Simone Golob/Getty...
Does Santas diet, lifestyle earn him a Fecal calprotectin levels ID severity of
stocking full of coal? Crohns in small bowel
(HealthDay)Santa might want to put a ho-ho-hold (HealthDay)A new guideline by the American
on some of his potentially damaging lifestyle Urological Association, published in the January
habits,... issue of The Journal of Urology,...
Report: Drug price spikes threaten Greece reports H5N8 bird flu in wild
patient health, economic stability swan: OIE
Staggering hikes as high as 5000% in prices of PARIS (Reuters) Greece has reported a case of
some prescription drugs threaten the health of the highly contagious H5N8 bird flu virus in a wild
Americans who cant... bird, the World...
Study identifies key indicators linking Pennsylvania cancer patient wins years
violence and mental illness worth of free pizza; donates it to food
This work builds on an earlier study that found bank
almost one-third of adults with mental illness are NORTHAMPTON, Pa. A Pennsylvania man going
likely to be victims... through treatment for colon cancer won a pizza
parlors raffle for...
The Daily Mile program promotes 5 nasty skin conditions you can pick up
fitness in schools at the gym
Elaine Wyllie, headteacher of St. Ninians Primary Next time you hunker down on that bench, consider
School, was shocked to see that her students were all the other guys who sweated their way through
unfit. A class of 11-year-olds... their workouts there,...
Ionis announces FDA approval of first New study shows efficacy of Ebola
SMA drug in the U.S for pediatric and vaccine in offering protection against
adult patients disease
converted by W
Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: IONS) An experimental Ebola vaccine was highly
announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug protective against the deadly virus in a major trial in
Administration (FDA) has approved... Guinea, according to a new...
Cancer patient donates years worth of China smog war moves to courts with
pizza to food bank range of crimes to widen
NORTHAMPTON, Pa. (AP) A Pennsylvania man By David Stanway SHANGHAI (Reuters) Chinas
going through treatment for colon cancer won a courts will widen the range of offences that
pizza parlors raffle... constitute environmental...
5 warning signs that you have an Retired Virginia nurse couldnt save
alcohol problem daughter from opioids
Am I an alcoholic? If youve ever asked yourself that TULLAHOMA, Tenn. Her daughter had nine
question, youre definitely not alone. People who broken ribs and had a blood clot that required
enjoy... surgery to remove it. So,...
China detains 11 for dumping garbage South Korea mobilizes army to speed
in Yangtze: Xinhua up extended poultry cull in worst bird
SHANGHAI (Reuters) China has detained 11 flu outbreak
people for dumping more than 2,900 tonnes of SEOUL (Reuters) South Korea on Monday
garbage into the Yangtze river... mobilized armed forces to play an active part in its
biggest-ever poultry cull...
Publicist: British Singer George Michael Recovery from brain injury, better sleep
Dead at Age 53 go hand in hand
George Michael, the British pop superstar who These results suggest that monitoring a persons
reached early fame with WHAM! and went on to a sleep-wake cycle may be a useful tool for
solo career lined with controversies... assessing their recovery...
Global Warming Is Reshaping The Wine- E.U. Agency in Limbo as Hidden Costs
Making World of Brexit Continue to Mount
Countries that used to be too cold to produce wine Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
are now able to do so, in part due to global
warming. Lee Hannah of Conservation...
Carrie Fisher stable after cardiac Beijing buyers club? Chinas cancer
incident, mother says patients gamble on gray market
By Daniel Trotta and Bob Chiarito NEW By Adam Jourdan SHANGHAI (Reuters) When
YORK/CHICAGO (Reuters) Hollywood actress her fathers lung cancer worsened, Yin Min, a 51-
converted by W
Carrie Fisher was in stable condition,... year-old financial...
Final Test Results Confirm Ebola Carrie Fisher in Stable Condition After
Vaccine Highly Effective Suffering Cardiac Arrest on Plane
Final test results confirm an experimental Ebola Carrie Fisher is now in stable condition after
vaccine is highly effective, a major milestone that suffering a full cardiac arrest on Friday while
could help prevent the... aboard an airplane headed...
If Youre Not In the Holiday Spirit, Try To The Many Faces and Phases of
Remember These 12 Things Addictive Behaviors
However, for many people, this time of the year Humans have been using drugs, alcohol, tobacco,
brings feelings of stress, anxiety, and other excess food and other substances for centuries.
emotional challenges. As beautiful... When taken to extreme levels,...
12 things to try before turning to IVF 12 things to try before turning to IVF
If youve been trying to get pregnant month after If youve been trying to get pregnant month after
month without any success, you might think that IVF month without any success, you might think that IVF
will be your only... will be your only...
Thinking with our hands can help find Chinas Suzhou city to halt live poultry
new ways of solving problems, trade on bird flu concerns
research reveals BEIJING (Reuters) A Chinese city said on Sunday
Have you ever tried to solve a complicated maths it will suspend trade of live poultry in the interests of
problem by using your hands, or shaped a piece of public...
clay without planning...
converted by W
generating Leydig cells by means of direct cell biomedical research journal Nature Medicine, a
reprogramming,... team of researchers led by Wayne...
How Kitchen Sounds Influence Food Health care funding deal draws mixed
Flavor reaction from N.S. groups
Molly Birnbaum and Dan Souza are the editors of The health care funding deal made between the
Cooks Science magazine. Birnbaum has written Nova Scotia government and Ottawa is getting
an article called Taste... mixed reactions from politicians...
Children can catch social bias through After Baton Rouge Flood, Some
non-verbal signals expressed by adults Displaced Families Stick Out The
But new research from the University of Holidays In A Hotel
Washington suggests that preschool-aged In August historic floods damaged more than
children can learn bias even through nonverbal... 60,000 homes in Louisiana. We check in with
displaced families still living in...
Big Leaps In Gene Editing Raise Ethical American Hearing Loss In Decline
Questions About Human Application Despite the ubiquity of headphones these days, a
A new technique that enables scientists to edit new study indicates hearing loss among American
DNA much more easily stirred big hopes this year is in decline. Our host...
for medical breakthroughs....
Lucy Hales Response to Her Nude This Big-Hearted Kid Therapist Offers
Photos Being Leaked Is So Powerful Emotional Support To Stressed Out
Once again, a woman in the public eye was Adults For $2
violated, stolen from, and her private life and body Ever since the New York Post featured Ortiz and his
were exposed for anyone... inspiring work, people from all over the world have
expressed their eagerness...
Europe on Christmas high alert after Process cells use to destroy damaged
truck attack in Berlin organelles now identified
By Philip Pullella ROME (Reuters) Security was Understanding how this process works could
heightened for the Christmas weekend in Italy and potentially lead to new treatments to prevent certain
at the Vatican on... illnesses and even some...
Bundle up and get outdoors: The health The best and worst US states for your
converted by W
benefits of outdoor winter play for kids health
As winter and cold weather approaches, childrens How healthy is your state? The United Health
play is often limited to the indoors. Adult fears Foundation knows: For nearly three decades, the
about safety and negative... organization has been comparing...
Bundle up and get outdoors: The health The best and worst US states for your
benefits of outdoor winter play for kids health
As winter and cold weather approaches, childrens How healthy is your state? The United Health
play is often limited to the indoors. Adult fears Foundation knows: For nearly three decades, the
about safety and negative... organization has been comparing...
Sleeping with Someone Who Has 6 Trainers Share the One Workout
Herpes? Heres What You Need to Move They Cant Live Without
Know This combination of two tried-and-true moves
So what are your chances of getting it from them? the plank and the pushupoffers a time-efficient
Theyre actually very slimas long as youre smart and effective exercise option...
about it. While...
6 Midwives and Doulas Share the Crazy How That Holiday Song Becomes An
Birth Stories Theyll Never Forget Inescapable Earworm
I ran down the hall, opened the labor room door, Santa tell me? Ariana Grande performs at the
and my patient was in the shower, leaning back Jingle Ball concert at Madison Square Garden on
and pushing in a semi-squat... Dec....
MDA celebrates FDA approval of new Johns Hopkins scientists find link
spinal muscular atrophy drug between sleep/wake cycles and core
The Muscular Dystrophy Association today body temperature
celebrated news of the U.S. Food and Drug A clump of just a few thousand brain cells, no
Administrations decision to grant... bigger than a mustard seed, controls the daily ebb
and flow of most bodily...
Sight Sciences receives Health Canada FDI Dental World Federations new
approval for TRAB 360 Trabeculotomy definition of oral health announced
System An editorial in the December issue of The Journal
Sight Sciences, Inc. of the American Dental Association (JADA)
discusses the FDI Dental World...
converted by W
have been identified... causes of cancer-related mortality [1]. About 50 %
of all CRC patients will...
Increase in circulating Th17 cells during Cholesterol levels and long-term rates
anti-TNF therapy is associated with of community-acquired sepsis
ultrasonographic improvement of In this large, prospective cohort study we have
synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis demonstrated that baseline cholesterol levels may
We conducted a longitudinal investigation of be associated with long-term...
patients with RA during the initial 12 weeks of anti-
TNF treatment using clinical,...
Theres still time for your flu shot Bird flu strain may have jumped from
(HealthDay)Flu neednt spoil the start of the new cat to human
year, say U.S. health officials who urge children... (HealthDay)A veterinarian appears to have been
infected with a strain of avian flu known as H7N2
Six things PCPs need to know about China uncovers 500,000 food safety
glaucoma violations in nine months
(HealthDay)Primary care physicians are in a SHANGHAI (Reuters) China, rocked in recent
position to help with glaucoma diagnosis and years by a series of food safety scandals,
management,... uncovered as many as half a...
Ant-like bees among new desert 7 Signs Your Partner Might Be Having
species identified by Utah State an Emotional Affair
University entomologist 1. Your Sex Life Has Drastically Improvedor
LOGAN, UTAH, USA Though declines in bee Dropped Off When a person is having an emotional
populations have heightened awareness of the affair that hasnt...
importance of pollinating insects...
converted by W
(HealthDay)Additional predictors, such as (HealthDay)Surgery that preserves the lung,
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) density and extent when combined with other therapies, appears to
of cancer on biopsy, help... extend...
Head off holiday heart syndrome PPI cuts risk of warfarin-related upper
Heart-related deaths spike during Christmas, but GI bleeding
the effect may have nothing to do with the cold In a study published online by JAMA Cardiology,
winter season, according... Fredrik Bjrck, M.D., of Umea University, Umea,
Sweden and colleagues evaluated...
PPI cuts risk of warfarin-related upper CDC announces $10 million grant to
GI bleeding four Florida universities for Zika
In a study published online by JAMA Cardiology, research
Fredrik Bjrck, M.D., of Umea University, Umea, Florida has been the epicenter for Zika in the
Sweden and colleagues evaluated... United States and is now poised to become a
national hub for efforts to fight...
CDC announces $10 million grant to Actress Carrie Fisher suffers medical
four Florida universities for Zika emergency on London-to-L.A. flight
research By Steve Gorman and Alex Dobuzinskis LOS
Florida has been the epicenter for Zika in the ANGELES (Reuters) Hollywood actress and
United States and is now poised to become a writer Carrie Fisher, best known...
national hub for efforts to fight...
This One Movell Help You Get Sexy FDA approves first drug for spinal
Thighs AND a Better Butt muscular atrophy
Check out Womens Healths FitGIF Friday every The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today
week for fun and challenging new moves to make approved Spinraza (nusinersen), the first drug
your sweat sesh... approved to treat children and...
Dont let food poisoning ruin your Impact of complex medication regimen
holiday celebration in elderly unclear
With the holidays approaching, you want the turkey (HealthDay)Thirty-seven percent of premature
and stuffing or whatever youre preparing to be infants receive gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
safe to... medications, with more than...
As more women drink, some states take In battle against ovarian cancer, a new
action focus on fallopian tubes
As the holidays approach, state and local Two thin tubes that connect the ovaries to the
governments are gearing up for a predictable uterus have assumed an outsize role in the battle
surge in drunken driving and emergency... against ovarian cancer. ...
Fair Game: To Stop Price Spikes on Cornerstone: The Rise and Fall of a
Prescription Drugs, a Widening Radar Health Care Experiment
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
converted by W
Many Brazilian Women Are Avoiding Deaths from Fentanyl Overdoses
Pregnancy Over Zika Fears Double In A Single Year
The Brazilian government must place reproductive Whats more, the report revealed that many people
health concerns at the center of its response (to who died of overdoses had taken multiple drugs.
Zika), including reviewing... Of the 36,667 drug overdose...
What Donald Trump Could Learn From 29 Of The Most Incredible Birth Photos
Barack Obamas Experts On The From 2016
Addiction Epidemic Every year, birth photographers around the world
How will Donald Trumps first 100 days impact capture exquisite images. In some ways, the
YOU? Subscribe, choose the community that you moments are so small ? a woman...
most identify with or want...
Sales Of Livestock Antibiotics Are Still Simple & Soulful Self Care Practices for
Growing the Busy Holiday Season
Dr. David Wallinga, senior health officer of the I know that your whole life may seem crazy at the
Natural Resources Defense Councils health moment. And even though you really enjoy the
program, said he was deeply... holidays, it can be hard on...
Innovative skull surgery helps baby FDA under pressure from dairy industry
celebrate first Christmas to regulate alternative milks
For one New York family, its a very special holiday December 23, 2016, 6:46 PM| Thirty-two
as 7-month-old Vincent Bono celebrates his first congressmen from dairy-producing states are
Christmas. His parents... urging the...
FDA OKs first treatment for rare genetic The ideal number of sexual partners for
disorder men and women revealed
WASHINGTON (AP) The Food and Drug A study conducted in the UK has revealed the ideal
Administration on Friday approved the first number of sexual partners After surveying 188
treatment for children and adults with... people, the researchers...
Men think women like tattoos but Anastassia Ontou becomes worlds
actually they find it a turn-off oldest surrogate mother after carrying
New research has found women think men with daughters child
tattoos are more masculine Masculinity has Anastassia Ontou gave birth to her daughters baby
previously been linked to having... girl earlier this week She was born six weeks
premature via a Caesarean...
Why scuba-diving could damage your Pregnant women should AVOID beauty
TEETH and lead to dental problems products as BPS can affect mothering
Research found 4 in 10 people who go diving in instincts
their own time suffer jaw pain Fluctuations in Low doses of BPS found to impair a mothers
pressure underwater build... ability to adjust to childs needs Raises concerns
as maternal behaviour...
FDA approves Biogen drug for lead UCLA-led consortium receives $8.6
genetic cause of infant death million NIH grant to map the hearts
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday nervous system
said it has approved Biogen Incs drug to treat University of California Los Angeles Health
spinal muscular... Sciences
converted by W
Clemson researchers focus on Researchers develop novel
improving overall safety of football membranes whose selectivity can be
helmet facemasks tuned dynamically with light
A team of Clemson University researchers and an Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Upstate businessman believe they can help make (KIT) and Uni-versitt Hannover developed novel
football a little safer by... membranes, whose selectivity...
Study focuses on improving facemasks Two babies in Puerto Rico born with
to help reduce football brain injuries Zika-related defects
Alex Bina (right) discusses results of tests being The U.S. territory of Puerto Rico has reported 1,914
conducted on football helmet facemasks with... new Zika cases over the past week.
Q&A: Dont Count on Vitamins for Better 7 Tips To Lower Diabetes Risk in
Sleep Menopause During the Holidays
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here 1. Get tested. Women in menopause are at
particular risk and every woman over 45 who is
overweight should be screened and...
Hospital Surprises Kids With Window- Celebrate Your Nice List: Heres Your
Washing Santa And Elves Holiday Shopping Guide for Loved
There were a lot of giggles at Nemours thanks to Ones in Recovery from Addiction
our window washers, Josh Wilson, Nemours A blank journal. Writing in a journal at night before
Childrens Health System... bed is a great way to process the events of the day
as well as a nurturing,...
Holiday Black and Blues 9 Makeup Hacks to Get Ready for This
The holiday season began with Thanksgiving. We Christmas and New Years Party
took a deep breath and stepped on the roller 7. Eyebrows on fleek Of course, all makeup ideas
coaster ride that will zip us... are pointless if you cant complete your look with
beautiful face-framing...
10 Ways to Beautify the Holiday Season Babys first Christmas after innovative
It is quite easy to get caught up in the spirit of the skull surgery
holiday season, whether it is the spirit of giving or December 23, 2016, 12:19 PM| Seven-month-old
converted by W
the spirit of... Vincent Bono and his family have special reason...
Migraine drugs may repeat rheumatoid CDC Award $184 Million for Zika Fight
arthritis success The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
By Natalie Grover (Reuters) Nearly two decades (CDC) are sending $184 million in funding to U.S.
ago, several drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis hit states and territories...
the shelves in...
Five ways Christmas affects YOUR Men think women like tattoos but
converted by W
brain actually they find it a turn-off and turns
Christmas can be an intense rollercoaster of them into cheaters
activity and emotions so it may be no surprise that New research has found women think men with
it actually has a major... tattoos are more masculine Masculinity has
previously been linked to having...
Why scuba-diving could damage your Heroic grandmother, 67, becomes the
TEETH: Clenching of the jaw while worlds oldest surrogate mother after
underwater can lead to dental problems carrying her daughters child
Research found 4 in 10 people who go diving in Anastassia Ontou gave birth to her daughters baby
their own time suffer jaw pain Fluctuations in girl earlier this week She was born six weeks
pressure underwater build... premature via a Caesarean...
Scientists Announce Ebola Vaccine My bun, her oven: St. Johns woman
Scientists announced Thursday that they created a becomes mom, thanks to sister
safe, effective vaccine to prevent Ebola.... After 10 years of trying, Karen and Chris Lester are
finally holding their newborn baby girl, thanks to
Karens sister...
Smiths Falls residents fight for A few of our favourite health stories
guaranteed income pilot project from 2016: CBCs Health Newsletter
While other Ontario communities are angling to be Looking back, 2016 was clearly the year of the Zika
chosen as a test site for a dramatically different virus. The epidemic began with a mysterious
approach to alleviating... cluster of microcephaly cases...
Coping with fear of missing out over Cardinal Health in $10M US settlement
the holidays over painkiller orders
Have you heard the phrase Fear of missing out? NEW YORK A Cardinal Health Inc unit has
Its commonly known by its acronym, FOMO, and agreed to pay $10 million to resolve claims that it
while many say it comes... failed to report to the...
FDA suggests limiting lead found in Oklahoma mom says she was shamed
lipstick, shampoo for using handicap spot while carrying
The Food and Drug Administration issued new disabled son
draft guidance Thursday suggesting a limit on the An Oklahoma mother who claims she was
amount of lead contained in... shamed for using a handicapped parking spot
while shopping with her disabled son has...
Summer may be the most fattening time Antibiotics sales for use in US farm
of year for kids animals rose in 2015, FDA reports
(Reuters Health) Children are more likely to LOS ANGELES U.S. sales and distribution of
become overweight or obese during summer antibiotics approved for use in food-producing
vacation than during... animals increased 1 percent...
10-year-old girl with autism stuns social Oklahoma mom says she was shamed
media with rendition of Hallelujah for using handicap spot while carrying
A 10-year-old girl with autism who was too shy to disabled son
speak in class a year ago has taken the internet by An Oklahoma mother who claims she was
storm with her powerful... shamed for using a handicapped parking spot
converted by W
while shopping with her disabled son has...
Greek gran becomes worlds oldest Internet nail-varnish dare nets sick
surrogate mum Dutch 6-year-old a million
A 67-year-old Greek grandmother has given birth to A terminally ill Dutch six-year-old boy, who hoped to
her daughters baby girl, becoming the worlds raise a few hundred euros for other sick children by
oldest such... daring people...
New Coloring Book Introduces Kids Of The Terrifying Way Not Sleeping
All Genders To Menstruation Enough Actually Changes Your Gut
What would you say to someone who says this is Studies link insufficient sleep to some pretty scary
inappropriate for children or that they dont want consequences, including an increased risk of
their kids seeing/using... stroke, heart disease,...
Meet Kids Who Gave Their Elders The Hospital Security Footage Shows Kids
Ultimate Gift That Santa Will Always Find Them
Lewis, Daniel, Jonathan, Eunique and Darian are Amanda Wade, Public Relations Director of
all 16 or younger, all learned CPR, and all had the Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta, wrote in a press
presence of mind and... release for the video, Childrens...
converted by W
Tropical Storm Yvette was being battered by vertical (SACRAMENTO, Calif.) In a study that could have
wind shear when NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP significant impact on how disease outbreaks are
satellite passed over the... managed, researchers...
Angola declares end to deadly yellow Over the counter painkillers linked to
fever epidemic hearing loss
Luanda (AFP) Angola on Friday declared the end By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Regular use
of a yellow fever outbreak that killed at least 400 of pain relievers over many years may increase the
people, after... risk of hearing...
Cardinal settles with U.S. over painkiller New tag revolutionizes whale research
shipments to pharmacies and makes them partners in science
By Nate Raymond NEW YORK (Reuters) A drug NEWPORT, Ore. A sophisticated new type of tag
distributor owned by Cardinal Health Inc has on whales that can record data every second for
agreed to pay $10 million... hours,...
Christmas pizza from Pizza Express Does pineapple juice really change the
topped with cauliflower contains 1,524 taste of semen?
calories Theres no need to drink pineapple juice right
Cauliflower e Carne pizza contains 76 per cent of before having sex, experts say Consuming sugary
womans daily calorie intake It also has 89.4g of fat foods and drinks wont...
Identical tablets sold for 3 TIMES the 8 Things You Never Knew About
price at Boots compared to 95p at Kellyanne Conway
budget store Wilko Kellyanne Conway has been a trusted advisor and
An investigation tracked identical tablets being sold strategist who played a crucial role in my victory.
converted by W
at 4 high street retailers They found Boots were She is a tireless...
selling their own-branded...
10-year-old girl with autism stuns social Want to feel happier? Take a break from
media with rendition of Hallelujah Facebook
A 10-year-old girl with autism who was too shy to Friday December 23 2016 Facebook has more
speak in class a year ago has taken the internet by than 1.5 billion users Facebook lurking makes you
storm with her powerful... miserable,...
Angola declares end to worlds worst Older women with breast cancer still
yellow fever epidemic in decades left out of medical trials
LUANDA Angola declared the end of the worlds Older women are still underrepresented in medical
worst yellow fever epidemic in a generation on trials evaluating treatments for breast cancer,
Friday after a U.N.-backed... according to a new study. Of...
China reports first two human fatalities Cats, Veterinarian Come Down With A
from bird flu this winter Rare Bird Flu In New York
BEIJING Two people in the Chinese province of Updated Dec. 23, 2106: CDC and New York City
Anhui have died of bird flu infection, the first health department officials and the Centers for
fatalities among this... Disease Control...
FOJBI Friday: Meet Lori Dajose, Why willpower isnt enough to keep the
Aspiring Author pounds off
FOJBI Lori Dajose Michael Wong/Courtesy of Lori Have you been dreaming about that second
Dajose ... helping of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and
gravy? Are you planning to eat...
Final trial results confirm Ebola vaccine Russia works to shake off bootleg
provides high protection against vodka hangover
disease In a snowy field outside Moscow, an abandoned
The Ebola virus, isolated in November 2014 from barn conceals an illicit vodka distillery that
patient blood samples obtained in Mali. The virus... produces thousands of bottles...
When the Sun Sets Early, Its a Race to In Cancer Trials, a Lopsided Shot at
Prepare for Shabbat Hope for Minorities
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
converted by W
A stem cell strategy for boosting These dinosaurs lost their teeth as they
testosterone levels tested in rodents grew up
Male hypogonadism is a condition that diminishes By comparing the fossilized remains of 13
testosterone levels in approximately 30% of older ceratosaurian theropod dinosaurs known as
men, but currently available... Limusaurus inextricabilis collected...
Prior kidney damage may pose risks for FH and other findings from Geisinger-
pregnant women and their babies Regeneron genomics studies
Highlight Women with a history of recovered acute DANVILLE, Pa. A study conducted by Geisinger
kidney injury had an increased rate of Health System in collaboration with the Regeneron
preeclampsia and delivered infants... Genetics Center...
Mass insect migrations in UK skies 1.5C Paris Agreement target could net
As Britain voted for Brexit amid furious debate over six million tons of fish annually
migration, trillions of migrants were coming and Meeting the Paris Agreement global warming target
going, unseen by all... of 1.5C will have large benefits to fisheries, finds a
new Nippon Foundation-Nereus...
Chinas war on smog sends shivers China to require tougher new vehicle
across commodities sector emission standards for 2020
By Josephine Mason and Muyu Xu BEIJING SHANGHAI (Reuters) China will require all light
(Reuters) Chinas crackdown on exhaust- vehicles to adhere to tougher new China VI
spewing factories that shut or... emission...
The rupture pregnancy that left an Why Christmas is the most TOXIC day of
unborn babys foot OUTSIDE the uterus the year
Mother developed a 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) tear in An expert has warned families could breathe in
the wall of her uterus Part of the amniotic sac harmful particles this Christmas The danger
popped out through... comes from cooking a roast as...
8 Women Share What They Learned This Triple-Threat Workout Will Sculpt
from Dating Mr. Wrong Your Butt, Arms, and Core
I learned not to put myself last. The only serious When we say this video delivers a total-body
boyfriend I had before meeting my now-husband workout, were not messing around. In just three
taught... rounds, youll...
Successful Ebola vaccine will be fast- 5 warning signs that you have an
converted by W
tracked for use alcohol problem
An experimental vaccine that guards against the Am I an alcoholic? If youve ever asked yourself that
deadly Ebola virus could be available by 2018, say question, youre definitely not alone. People who
experts. Trials conducted... enjoy...
Angola declares end to worlds worst China reports first two human deaths
yellow fever epidemic in decades from bird flu this winter
LUANDA Angola declared the end of the worlds BEIJING Two people in Chinas Anhui province
worst yellow fever epidemic in a generation on have died from H7N9 bird flu, the first fatalities in
Friday after a U.N.-backed... China among this...
Blocking protein that initiates immune Strong social connections may help
response against viral infections may improve outcomes in breast cancer
help combat HIV patients
In findings they call counterintuitive, a team of New research suggests that women with stronger
UCLA-led researchers suggests that blocking a social connections while being treated for breast
protein, which is crucial... cancer may fare better than...
Toy sellers and makers offer more MyCode study finds familia
options for autistic kids hypercholesterolemia is under
In this Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016, photo, owner diagnosed, under treated
Bethany Mathis stands near a number of Family networks in the Geisinger-Regeneron
interactive... Genetics Center DiscovEHR Study Cohort. Credit:
Celebrate the holidays, but not while Public Speaking? Theres An App For
drinking and driving That
(HealthDay)With all the parties, outings and And then theres VirtualSpeech (iPhone and
family gatherings during the holidays, its easy for Android), a virtual reality app that allows you to use
kids to get overwhelmed... your smartphone to simulate...
converted by W
preserving fisheries migrate overhead
Limiting temperature increases to 1.5C over pre- A decade of monitoring aerial insect migration
industrial levels, as outlined in the Paris reveals that trillions of individuals travel above us
Agreement, will significantly... each year. Migration...
Plastics compound bps alters mouse Researchers estimate time since death
moms behavior and brain regions using necrobiome
AMHERST, Mass. In the first study of its kind, Currently, when a deceased human is discovered,
environmental health scientist Laura Vandenberg the forensic techniques for estimating time
and neuroscientist... elapsed since death is not very...
Global climate target could net Champagne owes its taste to the finely
additional six million tons of fish tuned quality of its bubbles
annually Ever wondered how the fate of champagne
If countries abide by the Paris Agreement global bubbles from their birth to their death with a pop
warming target of 1.5 degrees Celsius, potential enhances our perception of aromas?...
fish catches could increase...
Blood test to detect Creutzfeldt-Jakob Chinas name and shame campaign fails
disease could be in the pipeline to deter polluters
Researchers in the US have developed a potential By David Stanway SHANGHAI (Reuters) China
means of detecting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has publicly named more than 20 enterprises it
commonly known as mad... says broke environmental...
Bird flu infects 7 people in China this Guinea trial shows "historic" success
month, killing 2 for Ebola vaccine
BEIJING (AP) China has reported at least seven LONDON, Dec 23 (Reuters) A vaccine developed
cases of bird flu in humans across the country this by Merck is the first shown to be highly effective in
month, including two... preventing human...
China reports first two human fatalities Specific molecular events that could
from bird flu this winter explain allergic reactions to air
BEIJING (Reuters) Two people in Chinas Anhui pollution
province have died from H7N9 bird flu, the first Photos of cities darkened by pollution are
fatalities in... becoming evermore common. These same cities
are seeing a rise in cases of asthma...
Why Cant I Stop Farting During The 6 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When
Workouts?! Going Paleo
The second issue is that your sweat sessions tend Well, as with any diet, there are a number of pitfalls
to speed up the digestive process. Aerobic that you need to watch out for if youre taking up a
exercises help move food... caveman...
The Best Starbucks Order for You, Phenomenal news: Large clinical trial
According to Your Zodiac Sign confirms Ebola vaccine is highly
As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you like to effective
connect with others and show off your charming, An experimental Ebola vaccine partially designed at
graceful energy. Youll... Canadas National Microbiology Laboratory was
found to be highly...
Final test results confirm experimental China to relax foreign investment rules
Ebola vaccine highly effective for aged care: State Council
GENEVA Final test results confirm an BEIJING China is set to relax regulations for foreign
experimental Ebola vaccine is highly effective, a elderly care firms in an effort to attract investment,
major milestone that could... the State...
Final test results confirm experimental Celebrate the holidays, but not while
Ebola vaccine highly effective drinking and driving
GENEVA Final test results confirm an (HealthDay)With all the parties, outings and
experimental Ebola vaccine is highly effective, a family gatherings during the holidays, its easy for
major milestone that could... kids to get overwhelmed...
converted by W
Readmission from skilled nursing How to ship food gifts without risk
facility often avoidable (HealthDay)Food is a big part of many Fourth of
In an international, multicenter study researchers July celebrations. But take care when making and
have found that the HOSPITAL score, an acronym storing your meal, so...
created to identify the...
Antiseptics not needed for cord care in New Ebola Vaccine Gives 100 Percent
developed nations Protection
(HealthDay)Evidence supports the benefits of Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
delayed umbilical cord clamping for preterm
infants, while for term infants,...
Eye Contact Can Be Really Intense For How To Best Deal With A Separation
Your Brain Near The Holidays
For the study, participants were asked to watch a While you may feel like you do not want to spend
video screen with a persons face on it, and were another day with your partner, it is likely that the
asked to stare into... idea of separation...
Emma Stone Opens Up About Dealing The Trouble with Trigger Warnings
With Childhood Anxiety A trigger warning, on the other hand, refers
I started acting at this youth theater, doing improv specifically to psychological triggers that might
and sketch comedy, Stone said. You have to be cause an extreme...
present in improv,...
How loud is too loud when listening to Ebola vaccine highly effective, WHO
music? says
NEW YORK Noise is everywhere, but for many GENEVA Final test results confirm an
young people these days, its all in their heads. And experimental Ebola vaccine is highly effective, a
with many children... major milestone that could...
Using super-slow motion movie, Heres why you dont feel jet-lagged
scientists pin down the workings of a when you run a fever
key proton pump A clump of just a few thousand brain cells, no
Using powerful new tools, scientists from the bigger than a mustard seed, controls the daily ebb
RIKEN SPring-8 Center and collaborators have and flow of most bodily...
demonstrated how bacteriorhodopsin,...
Heart-related deaths spike at Christmas The Lancet: Final trial results confirm
DALLAS, Dec. 22, 2016 Heart-related deaths Ebola vaccine provides high protection
spike during Christmas, but the effect may have against disease
nothing to do with the... An experimental Ebola vaccine was highly
protective against the deadly virus in a major trial in
Guinea, according to results...
Special Report: How hospitals, nursing Five good news stories you might have
homes keep superbug outbreaks missed in 2016
secret By Magdalena Mis LONDON (Thomson Reuters
converted by W
But while they require that outbreaks be reported, Foundation) As 2016 draws to a close with news
most states do not provide an explicit definition of dominated by bloodshed, disasters...
the term. Instead,...
Final test results confirm Ebola vaccine Study highlights importance of treating
highly effective mental-health problems to reduce
GENEVA (AP) Final test results confirm an community violence
experimental Ebola vaccine is highly effective, a New research from North Carolina State University,
major milestone that could... RTI International, Arizona State University and Duke
University Medical...
TSRI scientists shed light on how Gene testing could help predict ovarian
antiviral drug stops influenza infections cancer patients sensitivity to new class
A new study led by scientists at The Scripps of drugs
Research Institute (TSRI) is the first to show exactly Testing for a gene commonly mutated in ovarian
how the drug Arbidol... cancers could pick out patients who will respond
well to a promising new class...
Insights into immune system pathways UConn researchers develop new test
may be key to developing effective TB to identify hidden hearing deficits
vaccine Two researchers at UConn School of Medicine
New research findings provide insight into the have developed a new hearing test that can identify
immune system pathways that may be key to hearing loss or deficits...
developing an effective tuberculosis...
Older women with breast cancer still Back pain tied to increased fall risk for
left out of medical trials older men
Older women are still underrepresented in medical Back pain is the most common type of pain older
trials evaluating treatments for breast cancer, men complain of, and it could signal a greater risk
according to a new study. Of... of falling, even...
6 Women Who Actually Lost Weight 7 Quiet Sex Positions for Getting Down
Over the Holidays Share How They Did on the DL
It Whether you share a bedroom wall with your kids,
This is my first holiday season while on Weight youre visiting your in-laws, or youre just the strong,
Watchers Smart Points, and it has helped me enjoy silent...
parties while still...
To Cook A Holiday Turkey in Kolkata, It Bugs Abound: If You Think The Skies
Takes A Village, 2 Butchers And 3 Cabs Are Crowded, You Have No Idea
Turkeys at an organic farm in Tona village, an hour The marmalade hoverfly might not be the flashiest
from Kolkata, India. ... bug under the sun, but researchers say it does
Rare Snowfall Blankets Dunes in The Twist Of Fate Leads Musical Prodigy To
converted by W
Sahara Pursue Social Sciences
Snow fell in and around the town of Ain Sefra, Maya Shankar was on her way to being an
Algeria, on Monday. ... accomplished concert violinist, but a twist of fate
led her to the social sciences...
Despite Pledges To Cut Back, Farms Watch these nurses soothe a preemie
Are Still Using Antibiotics baby with a Christmas carol
Antibiotic- and growth-hormone-free cattle gather at Amid the rush of last-minute shopping, its easy to
a farm in Yamhill, Ore. Despite farmers pledging... forget that not everyone is spending Christmas at
home with their...
History of kidney injury increases risk More than 50 percent of women are
of pregnancy complications avoiding pregnancy due to Zika in Brazil
A study by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Transmission electron microscope image of
investigators finds, for the first time, that women negative-stained, Fortaleza-strain Zika virus (red),...
with a history of acute...
Four Steps to Feeling Better about When Women Are More Likely to Lie
Yourself We found that when women act on their own
This step was really hard for me. I discovered that behalf, they maintain higher ethical standards than
some of my core needs were not being met. It was men. However, women...
easier in many ways...
The Easy Trick That Helps Athletes Disability Rights Advocates Champion
Power Through Tough Workouts Tom Perez For DNC Chair
We had them try to go as long as they can, When you think about the role of DNC chair, thats
Stephen Cheung, professor and Canada research tasked with building local and state parties, thats
chair at Brock University,... tasked with...
People Who Feel Excluded Are Can Mindfulness Help You Be More
Susceptible to Conspiracy Theories Authentic
Feeling socially excluded might lead one to Values-based action reflects how much progress
endorse superstitious beliefs and conspiratorial youre making toward the things that matter to you
ideas, they write.... your goals,...
converted by W
If youve ever searched for ways to curb your cars Scientists at the Immunology Frontier Research
gas-guzzling appetite, youve probably heard that Center (IFReC) at Osaka University, Japan have
running... pinpointed a specific molecular...
Helping pays off: People who care for Deadly sleeping sickness set to be
others live longer eliminated in 6 years
Older people who help and support others are also Gambian sleeping sickness could be eliminated in
doing themselves a favor. An international research 6 years thanks to University of Warwick research
team has found that... Combination of active...
Enhanced energy: ONR global seeks The hidden inferno inside your laser
more powerful electronic devices pointer
ARLINGTON, Va. Groundbreaking energy If you thought that a kids room, a Norwegian Nobel
research from the United Arab Emirates, Laureate and a laser pointer had nothing in
sponsored by the Office of Naval Research... common, two UA physicists...
Parents in the U.S. Tend to Accept Pope orders probe over dismissal of
Transgender Kids Identity by Age 3 Knights of Malta deputy head
By Daniel Trotta NEW YORK (Reuters) Jodie By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) Pope
Pattersons 3-year-old, Penelope, was brooding Francis on Thursday ordered an investigation into
and angry until one... the ousting of the...
converted by W
A team of researchers and fishermen has directly In the last 10-15 years, neuroscience evidence
observed for the first time how Hawaiian false killer that, for example, the brain is still maturing, is a
whales remove fish... very persuasive...
Store and supply: How the brain saves Cant hear what the people around you
time are saying over Christmas dinner? Tilt
Our brain is not only the most complex organ of the your HEAD, say scientists
human body, it is also the most flexible. But how do Moving your head by 30 degrees increases sound
neurons in the brain... of speech by four decibels For some this can be
the difference between hearing...
Womans obsession with spinach and Babies fed with mothers breast milk
kale smoothies almost caused her to go become used to her diet
BLIND Children who were breastfed were more willing to
An Asian woman in her 60s was found to have high try new foods, a study found They were also more
levels of lutein in her eye She was taking likely to enjoy them by...
supplements with her daily smoothies...
Many health news stories lack Antibiotics sales for use in U.S. farm
independent sources animals rose in 2015: FDA
News stories about medical research rarely LOS ANGELES U.S. sales and distribution of
include objective comments from experts who antibiotics approved for use in food-producing
werent involved in the work,... animals increased 1 percent...
Living kidney donors often pay their Sheriffs deputy donates kidney to
own expenses fellow officer
Most living kidney donors pay at least some of the Two officers with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs
expenses related to donation themselves, which Department (LASD) who started off as mentor and
may limit how many people... student said they now...
converted by W
A new proof-of-work mechanism for Dirichlet type problems for Dunkl-
bitcoin Poisson equations
If pooling works, we can make pooling as part of a In mathematics, a Dirichlet problem for Laplaces
new consensus mechanism described as below. equation can be stated as follows: Given a function
The essential of the new mechanism... f that has values...
Plastics compound BPS alters mouse Exercise may be real medicine for
moms behavior and brain regions Parkinsons disease
Vandenberg says, that uncovering effects of Man on recumbent bike (HealthDay)Almost any
environmental chemicals that might influence exercise is good medicine for someone with...
Iron deficiency tied to worse response, Many ignore fire safety at home, survey
remodeling after CRT reveals
Iron deficiency is a worldwide problem, especially (HealthDay)Christmas lights, ornaments and
in developing countries and among infants and other festive decorations are beautiful to look at, but
pregnant women. In infancy,... parents need to remember...
CDC allocates $184 million for Zika Risk of pedestrian collisions IDd in
protection peripheral visual field loss
(HealthDay)Nearly $184 million has been More than a million Americans suffer from
earmarked to protect Americans against Zika virus hemianopia, or blindness in one half of the visual
infection,... field in both eyes as the result...
Life in China, Smothered by Smog The Reason Jews Eat Chinese Food On
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Christmas Is Rooted In Solidarity
Today, the occasion has become such a tradition
that Chinese restaurants fill up quickly and see
business boom for the day. New...
These Tricks Will Make Your Bed Look Japan Is Putting Stickers On The Elderly
Like A Dreamy Store Display In Order To Track Them
Keeping your sheets and comforter simple allows Yet for some, the QR code stickers feel more
you to have fun with accent pieces, Charles said. dystopian. As one commenter noted, The New
Plus, youre never married... World Order is rising, and...
5 Things Not To Say To People Who Are Shaky Stats on Weight Gain
Grieving At The Holidays Finally, because of something called the
converted by W
Acknowledging a persons loss is crucial. Instead, confidence interval its possible that the
try asking the grieving individual about any supposed weight gain...
traditions they used to...
This Is The One Thing Keeping You People with dyslexia have other brain
From Truly Enjoying The Holidays differences, study finds
In order to manage holiday stress, its important to People with the reading disability dyslexia may
have a plan in place but be wary of going have brain differences that are surprisingly wide-
overboard. The challenge... ranging, a new study suggests. Using...
Serious yoga injuries, though rare, are Whos at risk for missing "silent" heart
on the rise attack signs?
More and more Americans have been taking up People who are less sensitive to pain may be at
yoga in recent years and their rate of yoga- increased risk of having a silent heart attack, a
related injuries has also climbed,... new study hints. Chest...
Choking on grapes can kill young Hidden hearing loss revealed by UConn
children, doctors warn School of Medicine researchers
Young children can choke to death on whole Two researchers at UConn School of Medicine
grapes, warn the authors of a new report. Doctors have developed a new hearing test that can identify
in Scotland describe three choking... hearing loss or deficits...
Mouse models indicate burning more TSRI study: Protein monitors lung
fat and less glucose could lead to volume and regulates breathing
diabetes LA JOLLA, CA Dec. 22, 2016 A protein originally
Making muscles burn more fat and less glucose discovered at The Scripps Research Institute
can increase exercise endurance, but could (TSRI) appears...
simultaneously cause diabetes,...
Living kidney donors often pay their Getting kids to eat veggies when
own expenses theres no time for family meals
By Lisa Rapaport Most living kidney donors pay at By Lisa Rapaport Eating meals as a family is a
least some of the expenses related to donation proven way to get kids to follow healthier diets, but
themselves, which may limit... there are other tricks...
U.N. warns of water crisis in Nigerias In world first, man born without hand
megacity Lagos gets one
converted by W
GENEVA (Reuters) Nigerias commercial capital Warsaw (AFP) Surgeons in Poland said
Lagos faces a water crisis that is creating Thursday they had successfully attached a hand
unacceptable conditions... from a deceased donor to a man...
Syrian army retakes full control of 3 Ways to Cut Your Risk of Getting Sick
Aleppo: statement While Traveling 50 Percent
BEIRUT (Reuters) The Syrian army said it had Theres nothing worse than being sick, except
retaken Aleppo completely and brought security being sick far from home. And it happens a lot
and safety... because travel can be tough...
China Confirms Third Human Bird Flu Zika Vaccine Shows Promise in Early
Infection Human Study
China has found two more cases of human bird flu Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. said its experimental
infection, bringing this weeks total to three and Zika vaccine induced robust immune responses in
stoking fears the... an early-stage study in...
CDC Awards $184 Million for Zika Fight Wayne State University leads
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention groundbreaking research on preterm
(CDC) is sending $184 million in funding to U.S. birth
states and territories to... DETROIT Preterm birth birth before 37 weeks
of pregnancy affects up to one in every six births
UTSW identify process cells use to Jujube genome study sheds light on
destroy damaged organelles, with links fruit trees domestication
to diseases ITHACA, NYThe high quality genome sequence of
DALLAS Dec. 22, 2016 Researchers at UT the dry jujube, along with sequences from trees
Southwestern Medical Center have uncovered the throughout its range,...
mechanism that cells...
converted by W
Quiz reveals there are eight different The easy way to diagnose concussion?
personality types in the world The simple test works by attaching an electrical
Are you a self-sufficient loyalist, or an insightful and sensor to someones brain It allows for experts to
curious individualist? A new colour perception quiz see how the persons...
from Playbuzz has...
Man born without a hand undergoes How one womans obsession with
world first surgery to have a new limb spinach and kale smoothies almost
The man, who is known as Piotr, has spent his caused her to go BLIND after a build-up
entire life without his left hand It is believed a of a healthy compound clouded her
congenital birth defect... vision
An Asian woman in her 60s was found to have high
levels of lutein in her eye She was taking
supplements with her daily smoothies...
8 Lung Cancer Symptoms You Should How to Have the Most Amazing Bath of
Know About Even if Youre Not a Your Life
Smoker Bath time is a wonderful way to reset your energy,
This article was written by Stephanie Booth and and my favorite way to do this is with sea crystal
provided by our partners at Prevention. Chest pain bath salts, essential...
is the most obvious sign...
New Brunswick secures $230M more Obese cat covered in pounds of matted
for health care from Ottawa over 10 fur recovering in new home
years Relatives of an 82-year-old Alzheimers patient
New Brunswick has secured $230 million more for were under the impression that only one beloved
health care from the federal government over the pet cat had to be looked...
next decade, Premier Brian...
Nurse credited with saving student who Woman who received donor lungs after
had blood clot near brain stem 2 years of waiting dies
A Tennessee school nurse is being credited with A Massachusetts family is mourning the loss of
saving the life of one of her students after the their daughter who made headlines last week
seventh-grader collapsed... when she received a pair of donor...
Alan Thickes cause of death: Is hockey New drug proves effective for both
to blame? types of MS
Authorities released actor Alan Thickes official Thursday December 22 2016 Multiple sclerosis
cause of death Wednesday, revealing the that the affects the brain and spinal cord A drug that alters
69-year-old suffered... the...
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Missouri hospital dresses up preemies OB-GYNs urge colleagues to create
as holiday gifts welcoming environments for trans
Families at a Kansas City, Missouri, hospital got teens
the cutest gifts of all this year photos of their Obstetricians and gynecologists should create
preemies dressed up... welcoming environments in their offices for
transgender adolescents and should...
Nurse credited with saving student who Obese cat covered in pounds of matted
had blood clot near brain stem fur recovering in new home
A Tennessee school nurse is being credited with Relatives of an 82-year-old Alzheimers patient
saving the life of one of her students after the were under the impression that only one beloved
seventh-grader collapsed... pet cat had to be looked...
Woman who received donor lungs after Alan Thickes cause of death: Is hockey
2 years of waiting dies to blame?
A Massachusetts family is mourning the loss of Authorities released actor Alan Thickes official
their daughter who made headlines last week cause of death Wednesday, revealing the that the
when she received a pair of donor... 69-year-old suffered...
In world first, man born without hand Cancer-stricken Jeopardy! player wins
gets one: surgeons $103K before death
The worlds first face transplant recipient, In this Aug. 31, 2016 photo provided by Jeopardy
Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire, died in April after a Productions, Inc., Cindy Stowell, right, appears...
long illness,...
Running With Sherman: Becoming a What Doctors Can Learn From Looking
Pack Leader of Dogs and Donkeys at Art
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Out of Sorts Around the Holidays? It Coming of the Light: The 2016
Could Be Family Jet Lag Integrator Top 10 for Policy and Action
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here in Integrative Health and Medicine
If the present misfit of business models in #5 is a
problem, then the critical response is to prepare
leaders to understand...
Alex Trebek Honors Jeopardy! Seeing The World Through The Eyes Of
Contestant Who Died Of Cancer With A Child
Touching Tribute Have you ever noticed at a certain age we stop
Host Alex Trebek paid tribute to the 41-year-old playing and become more attuned to
contestant with a touching video clip during the responsibilities and to things that need...
show, calling her a...
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These 3 Stories Are All-Too-Relatable If How Creative Achievement Eases Your
You Share A Bed With Someone Fear Of Dying
Sleeping with someone (and we do mean Creative luminaries have spoken over the years of
sleeping) can be, well, a challenge. Oftentimes its how death and a desire to live on through their art
hard-fought compromise: youre... is a driving force...
Ex-pharma execs accused of scheme to Republican says sons broken arm was
prescribe opioid drugs poor health care point
December 22, 2016, 7:41 AM| A new criminal case WASHINGTON A conservative GOP lawmaker
raises questions about how some in the medical... says he made a poor choice of words when citing
a decision to delay...
Hubble chases a small stellar galaxy in NASA spots Tropical Storm Nock-ten
the Hunting Dog intensify
On a clear evening in April of 1789, the renowned NASAs Aqua satellite flew over the Northwestern
astronomer William Herschel continued his Pacific Ocean and captured a visible image of
unrelenting survey of the night... Tropical Storm Nock-ten...
Feeding the supermassive black hole New precision medicine tool helps
at the center of the Milky Way optimize cancer treatment
Scientists at Princeton University and the U.S. NEW YORK NY (December 22, 2016)Columbia
Department of Energys (DOE) Princeton Plasma University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers
Physics Laboratory... have created a computational...
U.N. envoy calls for Syria ceasefire to Back pain tied to increased fall risk for
avoid next Aleppo older men
GENEVA (Reuters) A cessation of hostilities By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) Back
across Syria is vital to avoid another deadly battle pain is the most common type of pain older men
like the one in... complain of, and it...
Brain wave: using sound to diagnose Teva to pay U.S. government $519
concussion million over foreign bribery charges
Paris (AFP) From blows to the head on the sports (Reuters) Israels Teva Pharmaceutical
field, to car crashes and playground falls, Industries Ltd TEVA.TA TEVA.N, said on Thursday it
concussion is a common... had agreed to pay...
converted by W
fibrosis Microfluidic platforms have revolutionized medical
Scientists at the Immunology Frontier Research diagnostics in recent years. Instead of sending
Center (IFReC) at Osaka University, Japan, report a blood or urine samples...
new group of monocytes...
Simple listening tactic could benefit Majority of GPs do not offer full range
cochlear implant users in noisy social of contraceptive methods to patients,
settings survey finds 98% of GPs surveyed by sexual health charity FPA
do not offer the full range of contraceptive methods
A survey of more than...
WHOs new report reveals children, TSRI scientists identify microbial natural
pregnant women in Africa have better products as abundant sources of
access to malaria control potent anticancer drugs
The World Health Organizations (WHO) World Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps
Malaria Report 2016 reveals that children and Research Institute (TSRI) have developed an
pregnant women in sub-Saharan... efficient process to rapidly...
The best food and drink for when Jackfruit and plant water are the foods
youve over-eaten revealed to help you lose weight
Lets face it: we will be be eating and drinking until This year we couldnt get enough of coconut water
our clothes dont fit anymore over the Christmas and baobab thanks to their slimming properties
break. But... but if experts...
Watch the heart-warming moment a The science behind why you should
blind toddler sees Shrek, Donkey and stop stalking your ex on Facebook this
Kung Fu Panda for the first time Christmas
Patrick Heaton was diagnosed with cerebral visual Scientists reveal Facebook lurking can affect your
impairment at 6 months old He is deemed severely emotional well-being Issue worse at Christmas
partially sighted and... when...
Boy who lost his legs and one of his Mother gives birth to her twin boys 6
hands to meningitis is now walking WEEKS apart after going into labour
again twice
An eight-year-old boy who lost his legs and left A mother gave birth to her twin boys six weeks
hand to meningitis is standing tall after learning to apart after going into labour twice. Kim Vaughan,
walk on his prosthetic... 37, from Bedford, was...
7 Signs Youre with the Right Person, I Thought I Was Just Having Heavy
According to Couples Married 30+ PeriodsUntil I Was Diagnosed with
Years Fibroid Tumors
You love and like each other. After 39 years, my But the problem didnt go away, and she started
husband and I still like each other a lot. In fact, right experiencing extremely heavy periods, so she went
now were... back to the doctor...
converted by W
Approximate Calories Burned Per Hour: 600 to 800 We demonstrate our method by applying it to
Hitting the indoor rowing machine is a killer way to simulated data with 742 genotypic sequences of
give calories the... Diversity Outbred (DO) Mice and...
St. Judes annual giving campaign lets Researchers: Nearly 400 drug addicts
you shop and share helped in police effort
With Americans set to spend more than $900 A novel drug addiction program developed in a
billion shopping this holiday season, according to small Massachusetts fishing town and since
the American Research Group,... replicated in dozens of cities nationwide...
Tissue, organ research institute to China confirms 2nd human bird flu
benefit injured soldiers infection this week
CONCORD, N.H. The Department of Defense is BEIJING Chinese authorities have confirmed a
providing $80 million to establish a bio-research second case of human bird flu infection this week,
and manufacturing institute... state media reported...
Inside the DEA: A chemists quest to Dont cut the cord too fast; a pause
identify mystery drugs benefits most newborns
No one knew what was in the baggie. It was just a Dont cut that umbilical cord too soon: A brief pause
few tablespoons of crystalline powder seized back after birth could benefit most newborns by
in April, clumped like... delivering them a...
High pain tolerance may mask heart Gene test could pinpoint patients
attack symptoms sensitive to new type of cancer drug
This is the cold pressor test that measured pain Credit: National Cancer Institute Testing for a gene
converted by W
tolerance as participants placed their hand... commonly mutated in ovarian cancers...
Scientists show how drug binds with Overweight affects DNA methylation
hidden pocket on flu virus Credit: Fotolia/SSilver The extra pounds you gain
Professor Ian Wilson (left) and Senior Research during the holidays will not only show...
Associate Rameshwar U. Kadam led the study at...
NHS hospitals that outsource cleaning The pain of chronic loneliness can be
linked with higher rates of MRSA detrimental to your health
Rates of MRSA infection in hospitals that outsource Paula Dutton, a 71-year-old retiree, experienced a
cleaning higher than those using in-house... panic attack after feeling anxious and...
Human Touch: How Social Isolation Is Trilobites: Your Liver Doesnt Know Its
Killing Us the Holidays
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
IKEA Agrees To Pay $50 Million In How to make the most of your holiday
Dresser Tip-Over Case, Lawyers Say break
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) IKEA has agreed to pay a Whether youre going on vacation, heading to a
total $50 million to three families in the United relatives house, or spending quiet nights at home,
States whose children... the holidays are a...
Former drugmaker execs accused of Could Rudolph and friends help to slow
bribing doctors to push pain meds down our warming climate?
A new criminal case raises question about how Reindeer may be best known for pulling Santas
some in the medical community are pushing the sleigh, but a new study suggests they may have a
use of addictive painkillers.... part to play in slowing...
Survey: Cardiology workforce is aging, Blood test for prion disease could make
male-dominated blood supply safer
Cardiologists are highly satisfied in their careers; A blood test accurately diagnosed a total of 32
however, disparities remain between the career patients with a rare form of prion disease, two new
experiences of men and... analyses report, offering...
4,000 fighters have left Aleppo in latest U.S. parents accept childrens
stage, thousands await evacuation: Red transgender identity by age three
Cross By Daniel Trotta NEW YORK (Reuters) Jodie
GENEVA (Reuters) More than 4,000 fighters were Pattersons 3-year-old, Penelope, was brooding
evacuated overnight from east Aleppo to and angry until one...
opposition-held areas, under...
converted by W
Temperature drives biodiversity Artificial intelligence to generate new
The diversity of plants and animals in Earths arctic cancer drugs on demand
regions is moderate. Tropical latitudes in contrast Summary: Clinical trial failure rates for small
are teeming... molecules in oncology exceed 94% for molecules
previously tested in animals...
Former meth and heroin addict Dejah Mother describes painful chronic
Hall shares transformation photos on lymphoedema cause leg to swell to 30
Facebook kilos
A 26-year-old woman has highlighted the Helen Madden noticed her leg swelling up after
harrowing effects of drug addiction by sharing her treatment for melanoma It turned out to be a
before and after photos on social... chronic condition caused by...
Bionic eye that restores sight to the Father killed by blood clot days into
blind is made available on the NHS: hospital trial to reduce casualty
150,000 device uses tiny video camera admissions
to transmit images to a chip on the back David Birtwistle, 44, had a blood clot in his lung
of the eyeball which was missed by medics He went to his GP in
The system beams images to patients who have November after suffering...
been blind for decades NHS England will fund the
Argus II for ten patients...
Social care crisis means woman dying Marie Stopes abortion clinic was like
from cancer is refused pain relief being on a conveyor belt says one
Lack of communication between hospitals and mother
local councils blamed for issues A damning report Jade Stevens said the Marie Stopes clinic in
has warned vulnerable patients... Maidstone was like a beauty clinic She said she
attended the clinic 7 times...
Brazils Hypermarcas in talks to sell China confirms third human bird flu
diaper unit to Belgiums Ontex infection, stirs fears of spread
SAO PAULO Belgiums Ontex Group NV BEIJING China has found two more cases of
(ONTEX.BR) said on Thursday it is in advanced human bird flu infection, bringing this weeks total
talks to buy the diapers business... to three and stoking...
Combined genetic disruptions can New research finds link between state
counteract premature aging, TSRI study tort reforms and radiography orders
suggests Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute
In a new study, scientists from the Florida campus
of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have
converted by W
shown how two genes balance...
Risk factors for erectile dysfunction in Unravelling the glass trade bead
end-stage renal disease patients with sequence from Magoro Hill, South
short- or long-term hemodialysis Africa: separating pre-seventeenth-
therapy century Asian imports from later
As a result of improvement in HD therapy and European counterparts
small number of kidney transplantation due to Site history and archaeological context Between
extreme shortage of kidney donation... 2010 and 2012, a series of archaeological
excavations were...
Short Physical Performance Battery and Resistance training program for fatigue
all-cause mortality: systematic review management in the workplace: exercise
and meta-analysis protocol in a cluster randomized
Our meta-analysis suggests that poor performance controlled trial
on the SPPB is associated with an increased risk Fatigue is a nonspecific symptom associated with
of all-cause mortality... chronic health problems and functional
deterioration at work. It is complex...
How Many U.S. Adults Identify As Study Finds Large Racial Disparities in
Transgender? Death from Police Use of Force
One of the first comprehensive surveys on the Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out
subject estimates that about 1.3 million American whats happening in the world as it unfolds.
adults currently identify...
New disease could signal hope for Calculating 1 billion plasma particles in
sufferers of brain aging conditions a supercomputer
A new genetic disease which results in Background to the Research The generation of
neurodegeneration has been discovered by fusion energy utilizes the fusion reaction that
experts at the University of Sussex. In a... occurs inside a high-temperature...
Chemistry research breakthrough that Fewer children per man than per
could improve nuclear waste recycling woman
technologies Research on mens birthrates have so far been
Researchers from The University of Manchester rather a blind spot. Max Planck researchers have
have taken a major step forward by describing the now calculated the...
quantitative modelling of...
converted by W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) The U.S. State confirms the link between the immune system and
Department has approved the possible sale to brain function. Researchers working...
Norway of five P-8A surveillance...
Lake Chad most neglected crisis in Vehicles still leaving Aleppo after
2016 despite hunger on "epic scale" overnight evacuation: U.N. official in
By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters Syria
Foundation) The humanitarian catastrophe in By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters)
Lake Chad basin, where conflict... Vehicles were still streaming out of eastern Aleppo
on Thursday morning after...
Alan Thicke Died from Ruptured Aorta Know thy enemy: Kill MRSA with tailored
Alan Thicke died after his aorta artery tore then chemistry
ruptured last week, according to his death UConn medicinal chemists have developed
certificate released Wednesday. The... experimental antibiotics that kill MRSA, a common
and often deadly bacteria that...
Amazing difference that little bit of light Facebook lurking makes you miserable,
can make says study
NHS England are rolling out bionic eye implants to Too much Facebook browsing at Christmas and
10 blind patients. Keith Hayman lost his sight in the seeing all those perfect families and holiday
1980s, but he says... photos ...
Ten people to get NHS bionic eyes Multiple sclerosis drug a landmark
Media captionAmazing difference that little bit of A drug that alters the immune system has been
light can make The NHS will pay for 10 blind described is big news and a landmark in
patients to... treating...
The 5 Yoga Moves That Helped Kaley Why the Move to Defund Planned
Cuoco Get THOSE Abs Parenthood in Texas Is a Direct Attack
From downward dog, shift forward to high plank on Women
pose, feet hip-width apart, and roll your weights off Thats because Texas health officials ruled
to the side of your... Tuesday that Planned Parenthood will no longer
receive funding through...
converted by W
hemorrhage from proliferative diabetic retinopathy
(PDR), the probability of vitrectomy...
Trumps Doctor Harold Bornstein Has A How To Get A Date When Youre An
Blas Attitude Toward Presidential Introvert (Or Just Hate Small Talk)
Health Clearly state (with pride) that you are an introvert
Bornstein inherited his job as Trumps personal and dont be afraid to ask someone if he or she is
doctor from his father, Jacob Bornstein, who an introvert,...
started the medical practice....
New drug gives hope for those with One more piece in the puzzle of liver
progressive multiple sclerosis cancer identified
As many as 400,000 Americans are believed to The most common type of liver cancer, called
suffer from multiple sclerosis a debilitating Hepatocellular carcinoma (short: HCC), is one of
disease of the central... the most prevalent tumours...
Artificial leaf as mini-factory for drugs Tattoos mark the spot for surgery
To produce drugs sustainably and cheaply, then disappear
anywhere you want. Whether in the middle of the Tattoos arent just for body art. They can have
jungle or even on Mars. A mini-factory... medical applications, too. Doctors are using them
on patients to mark...
NASA looks at rainfall rates in Tropical NASA spots Tropical Depression 30W
Cyclone Yvette form in Northwestern Pacific
Tropical Cyclone 02S formed in the Indian Ocean NASAs Aqua satellite flew over the Northwestern
northwest of Australia on Dec. 19 as the Global Pacific Ocean and captured infrared data on newly
Precipitation Measurement... formed Tropical...
Study finds striking use of double Actelion re-enters talks with J&J,
mastectomy sidelining Sanofi
ANN ARBOR, Michigan Nearly half of early stage By John Revill and Ludwig Burger
breast cancer patients considered having double ZURICH/FRANKFURT (Reuters) Swiss biotech
mastectomy and one... company Actelion has turned back to prospective...
Brazils Hypermarcas to sell diaper unit Shanghai says treating man diagnosed
to Ontex, source says with bird flu
By Guillermo Parra-Bernal SAO PAULO (Reuters) BEIJING (Reuters) Shanghais health authority
Hypermarcas SA , Brazils most diversified has confirmed it is treating a man diagnosed with
pharmaceutical firm,... H7N9 bird flu,...
Australian police say blast at Christian China confirms third human bird flu
groups HQ not politically motivated infection this week
By James Regan SYDNEY, (Reuters) Australian BEIJING (Reuters) China has found two more
police said on Thursday an explosion caused cases of human bird flu infection, bringing the total
when a van drove into the... this week to three,...
converted by W
phenomena occurring in a single... cancer cells spread from...
Array of nanoscale sensors can sniff Targeted alpha therapy shows promise
and diagnose several types of diseases in treatment of metastatic prostate
American Chemical Society cancer
Nearly three years of research have brought about
remarkable results for the majority of 80 patients
subjected to targeted...
Fly study shows RNA pathway plays Study shows effectiveness of pelvic
major role in normal health and floor muscle training for prevention of
longevity prolapse symptoms
Humans and other animals carry rogue sequences Researchers, including several University of Otago
of DNA in their genomes called transposable academics, have conducted the first trial of pelvic
elements (TEs). To prevent passing... floor muscle training...
Visual impairment can affect physical Optical fibers can identify and control
and cognitive abilities of older adults neuroreceptors to rapidly inhibit
Nearly 65 percent of adults aged 50 and over have chronic pain
vision problems. Although we know that poor vision CNRS (Dlgation Paris Michel-Ange)
can lessen an older...
Scientists unravel novel role of Doctors warn under fives can choke on
signalling protein in common type of GRAPE packaging
liver cancer Grapes may be a fun and easy finger food for your
University of Vienna child, but those age 5 and under can choke to
death while eating them whole,...
Multiple sclerosis drug is landmark China confirms second human bird flu
A drug that alters the immune system has been infection this week
described as big news and a landmark in BEIJING Chinese authorities have confirmed a
treating... second case of human bird flu infection this week,
state media reported late...
For Young Kids Ear Infections, Longer Better than any medal: The lessons this
Antibiotic Treatment Works Better athlete learned after a kidney
Researchers looking into whether a shorter course transplant
of antibiotics would treat young childrens ear Jonathan Hickman had big plans after his surgery
infections... and recovery. The St. Johns man had just
undergone a kidney transplant...
Mothers of kids with severe birth Canadian Blood Services head says
defects may have shorter lives clinics that pay for donations put public
A mother raising a child with a major birth defect at risk
may face a higher risk of dying early compared with The head of Canadian Blood Services (CBS) says
a mother whose child... the agency plans to open dozens more collection
facilities in the coming...
converted by W
Incidence of nontyphoidal Salmonella Recovery from brain injury and better
infections estimated sleep go hand in hand
Salmonella infections in the bloodstream, caused After a traumatic brain injury (TBI), people also
by Salmonella enterica bacteria, are still the cause experience major sleep problems, including
of many deaths in southern... changes in their sleep-wake...
A novel approach: Fighting painkiller After worry, joy arrives for mother of
addiction at home quintuplets
University of Vermont Psychologist Stacey Sigmon Margaret Baudinet, right, is congratulated on the
holds a tamper-proof electronic pill dispenser... birth of her quintuplets by Santa Claus,
Holiday season a hazardous time for Tis the season for heart troubles,
heart health doctors warn
December 21, 2016, 3:32 PM| Heart attack deaths The holidays are a time for celebrations with loved
are more common than average around ones, but the abundance of the season excess
Christmas... food, alcohol and stress...
"Red alert" smog in China will soon New drug provides hope for those
clear, state media say suffering with MS
BEIJING The dense smog that has smothered December 21, 2016, 6:46 PM| Some 400,000
much of China for five days may finally soon clear, Americans are believed to have multiple sclerosis,
forecasters and state... a...
Dont cut the umbilical cord too fast, HIV patients have nearly twice the heart
doctors advise attack risk
converted by W
WASHINGTON Dont cut that umbilical cord too Proportion of deaths for HIV patients due to heart
soon: A brief pause after birth could benefit most disease tripled in past 15 years Accurately
newborns by delivering... predicting risk is vital...
Study finds state tort reforms linked to Challenges remain in HIV care in Africa
decreases in radiography utilization Barriers to diagnosis and lack of access to modern
Reston, VA According to new research from the medications have combined to place caregivers
Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute, state tort and HIV-positive patients...
reform has been...
Reducing antibiotic duration does more JDR studies examine the trends and
harm than good for ear infections in impact of NIH research funding to
young children dental schools
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 21, 2016 In a landmark trial Alexandria, Va., USA Today, the International and
conducted at Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh of American Associations for Dental Research
UPMC and... (IADR/AADR) published...
Toeing the line: Study finds brain cells Shorter treatment proves worse for
that signal path of travel kids with ear infections
Imagine youre navigating a city like New York, or A study that tested a shorter course of antibiotics
any other thats laid out on a grid. Suppose you run for ear infections in children under age 2 finds that
into... kids do better...
Dont cut the cord too fast; a pause Obamacare holding its own: 6.4M
benefits most newborns signed up so far
WASHINGTON (AP) Dont cut that umbilical cord WASHINGTON (AP) Obamacare seems to be
too soon: A brief pause after birth could benefit holding its own. The administration said
most newborns... Wednesday that 6.4 million...
Body image problems in teen girls tied Lake Chad most neglected crisis in
to alcohol use 2016 despite hunger on epic scale
By Lisa Rapaport High school girls who have By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters
issues with body image and weight are more likely Foundation) The humanitarian catastrophe in
to be drinkers than ) their... Lake Chad basin, where conflict...
Inside the world of cell signaling: A G- Crop Science Society celebrates two
converted by W
protein breakthrough UTIA turf specialists
CHAPEL HILL, NC Scientists from the UNC Among the awards presented by the Crop Science
School of Medicine have developed a new tool for Society of America (CSSA) at its November 6-9
studying a key process in... annual meeting in Phoenix,...
Study shows discrimination interacts Cancer cells transition can drive tumor
with genetics and impacts health growth, UF Health researchers find
Its no secret that discrimination is stressful for GAINESVILLE, Fla. As cancerous tumors fester
those who experience it, but turns out the issue is in the body, they need an ever-increasing blood
more than skin... supply to deliver...
The 20 Guys We All Googled Naked FDA permits marketing of new tissue
Pictures of This Year expander for women undergoing breast
Confession time. Deny it all you want, but the data reconstruction following mastectomy
doesnt liewe know youve been using the The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today
powers of the internet... allowed marketing of a new tissue expander
system for soft tissue expansion in...
Supporters create fundraiser for Texas U.S. says 6.4 million signed up for
boy with uncontrollable epilepsy Obamacare from November 1: Dec. 19
After trying to get pregnant for 16 years, Shannon NEW YORK Roughly 6.4 million consumers signed
and Robert Contreras decided to adopt a baby from up for Obamacare insurance on
an acquaintance who... from Nov. 1 to Dec. 19 indicating...
Researchers find effective cure for MedUni Vienna scientists show that
social anxiety disorders addictive cravings can be detected
Social phobia is the most common anxiety disorder after death
of our time. But the current treatment regimen for A protein known as FosB in the reward centre of the
patients with this diagnosis... brain alters in chronically ill people suffering from
an addictive disorder...
Latest advances in medical imaging for Rice bioengineers reveal how heart
personalized healthcare valves use different strategies to
By Alina Shrourou, BSc After the first ever MediSens handle oxygen starvation
conference, 2016, it is fair to say that there is much As the valves in a heart stretch with each beat, their
excitement in... cells take in life-giving oxygen. But if the supply is
cut off, aortic...
converted by W
percentage is even higher...
New appropriate use criteria for Research could lead to blood test to
coronary revascularization released detect Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Nihar R. Desai, M.D., M.P.H., of the Yale School of Claudio Soto, Ph.D., is in his lab at McGovern
Medicine, New Haven, Conn., and colleagues Medical School at UTHealth in Houston. Credit:...
examined trends in percutaneous...
Matter: Youre an Adult. Your Brain, Not Experimental Zika Vaccine Successfully
So Much. Induces A Robust Immune Response
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Inovios DNA vaccine is injected along with a brief
low voltage electronic pulse that induces cell
membranes to open, making...
This Nasty T-Shirt Has Raised Over Obamacare Insurance Expansion Tied
$100,000 For Planned Parenthood To Faster Emergency Care
Two months later, Google Ghost has raised over By focusing in particular on non-discretionary
$100,000 for Planned Parenthood. I didnt think Id conditions such as poisoning, femur fractures, etc.
sell very many,... that is,...
Do We Sleep Better On The Solstice? These Kids In The Hospital Had No Idea
I would say that, yes, the changing day length [over Their Santa Pics Would Be This Magical
the year] does influence sleep, said Brant Hasler, Alsop worked on the photo series through an
a sleep expert... initiative she helped create called The heART
Project, which uses photography...
Reality Star Shares Moving Post About How many U.S. adults are transgender?
Miscarriage The Day Her Baby Was Due One of the first comprehensive surveys on the
With her post, Otis shared what she expected subject estimates that about 1.3 million American
months ago to be doing on that day: Today Im adults currently identify...
suppose[d] to have a sweet,...
Report calls for improved methods to Vitamin D improves gut flora and
assess earthquake-caused soil metabolic syndrome
liquefaction It is well known that a diet high in fat can trigger a
WASHINGTON Several strong earthquakes metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that
around the world have resulted in a phenomenon pose as risk factors...
called soil liquefaction, the...
converted by W
Huntingtons disease linked to Light powers new chemistry for old
dysfunction of brain structure enzymes
CHICAGO Northwestern Medicine scientists Enzymes are natures tools for catalyzing lifes
identified a link between Huntingtons disease and essential reactions. Though unrivaled in their
dysfunction of... efficiency...
Study: Children can catch social bias New drug could help prevent artery
through non-verbal signals expressed disease in high-risk patients
by adults According to the American Heart Association,
Most conscientious adults tend to avoid making approximately 2,200 Americans die each day from
biased or discriminatory comments in the heart attacks, strokes and...
presence of children. But new research...
Kids in poor countries have higher Free sanitary pads help African girls
death rates from abdominal surgery stay in school
By Lisa Rapaport Children who have emergency Miami (AFP) Giving schoolgirls in the developing
surgery for conditions like appendicitis may be up world lessons on puberty and free sanitary pads
to seven times more likely... can help boost their...
Senators urge action to block drastic DuPont hit with $2 million verdict over
drug price hikes Teflon-making chemical
WASHINGTON (AP) Angered by skyrocketing By Erica Teichert (Reuters) A U.S. jury in Ohio on
drug prices, a pair of senators on Wednesday Wednesday ordered DuPont to pay $2 million to a
urged Congress to block companies... man who said he...
Cured Meats Could Aggravate Asthma Pelvic Floor Exercises Help Prevent
Regularly eating cured meats such as ham and Prolapse
salami might aggravate asthma, researchers An international trial found that pelvic floor
report. Looking at close to 1,000... exercises help prevent prolapse symptoms in
women. Pelvic organ prolapse...
Sniff Test May Root Out Early A library for food security
Alzheimers Disease Tim Close has found himself, happily, stuck in a
A simple sniff test to evaluate an individuals library. But its not your typical library with shelves
sense of smell is gaining credence as a means of and books....
diagnosing early...
converted by W
Penn: Epigenetic change ties Researchers confirm molecules role in
mitochondrial dysfunction to tumor kidney formation
progression Research in the laboratory of Rebecca Wingert, the
Mitochondria, the mighty energy factories of the cell, Gallagher Family Associate Professor of Adult
often malfunction in cancer, as well as in other Stem Cell Research in...
conditions such...
Why big brains are rare New insight for developing more
As a species were so brain-proud it doesnt occur effective drugs to combat inflammatory
to most of us to ask whether a big brain has bowel disease
disadvantages... RIVERSIDE, Calif. Inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the
intestine that includes...
Spicy ingredient in curry helps to slow Mother reveals how her intuition led to
growth of aggressive tumours her babys Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer
Capsaicin is the ingredient responsible for the fiery diagnosis
sensation after eating chilli New research found it Baby Penelope was born with a bruised lump on
helped to inhibit... her back, which grew bigger Doctors told her
worried mother Emily it was...
Cats Come Down With A Rare Bird Flu In Why Does A Frozen Lake Sound Like A
New York City Shelter Star Wars Blaster?
A rare strain of bird flu has infected at least 45 cats This winter brings the latest installment of the Star
in a Manhattan animal shelter, according to the Wars franchise, full of familiar costumes, familiar
New... villains, and the...
We in Canada are at risk, Canadian Health of young and old hit by China
Blood Services head says about clinics smog
that pay for donations People in Beijing in China have been outlining their
The head of Canadian Blood Services (CBS) says health concerns at the citys smog problem. Near-
the agency plans to open dozens more collection record levels...
facilities in the coming...
Turning your ear helps you hear, Cardiff Wife wins right to let minimally
Uni study finds conscious husband die
It may seem obvious but, turning your ear towards Lindsey Briggs says her husband, a UK police
a person when they talk can improve the officer and veteran, no longer recognizes or
understanding of speech in noisy... responds to her, and on Tuesday...
Sugar guidelines unreliable says study Top athletes may suffer low sleep
funded by sugar industry quality
converted by W
Wednesday December 21 2016 Most people in the (Reuters Health) Though regular exercise tends
UK eat too much sugar A study challenged to improve sleep for mere mortals, up to half of elite
recommendations... athletes...
North Carolina legislature renews battle Texas moves to cut Medicaid funding
over LGBT bathroom law for Planned Parenthood
RALEIGH, N.C. Prominent Republican opposition AUSTIN, Texas Texas plans to block about $3
clouded the start of a special session of the North million in Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood
Carolina legislature... operations in the state,...
Wife wins right to let minimally Inovios Zika vaccine evokes robust
conscious husband die response in human study
Lindsey Briggs says her husband, a UK police Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc said its experimental
officer and veteran, no longer recognizes or Zika vaccine induced robust immune responses in
responds to her, and on Tuesday... an early-stage study in...
Merrimack ends breast cancer drug Sleep apnea tied to diabetes and
study over likely futility hypertension during pregnancy
Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc said it would stop Pregnant women who experience certain breathing
a study testing its drug in advanced breast cancer problems during sleep may be more likely to
patients, after an analysis... develop complications like high...
Top athletes may suffer low sleep 7 Women on the So-Real Struggles of
quality Building Ikea Furniture with Your S.O.
Though regular exercise tends to improve sleep for I thought I was smart enough to assemble Ikea
mere mortals, up to half of elite athletes may be furniturewrong. I thought my husband was smart
getting too little sleep... enough. Double wrong....
Rejuvenating the brains disposal Uninsured rate hits new low due to
system Obamacare: report
We have treated mice with a new type of drug, and (HealthDay)More Americans now have health
found that these drugs can not only improve insurance than ever before, with the uninsured rate
symptoms of brain degeneration,... declining...
Young doctors could work 28 hours Meditation for Real Life: How to Be
straight under new plan, despite Mindful Wrapping Presents
possible dangers Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
The private group that oversees physician training
in the United States has proposed rolling back
rules so that young doctors...
Kids TV Ads For Unhealthy Food One Pose Away From an Excellent Life
Skyrocketed In Just 4 Years Mutuality and curiosity inspired the pioneer
converted by W
Your childs TV programming is a lot higher in adventure to the city of roses, for former Solid Gold
sugar, fat and sodium than it probably should be. A dancer turned business...
new study showed that...
Are You Living Your Best Life? Author Gretchen Rubin Reflects on
Journaling each day or so, adding more depth and Memories, Resilience, and Happiness
detail to the plan, is a brilliant way to constantly I recently interviewed New York Times bestselling
inspire yourself, keep... author Gretchen Rubin, which was fascinating
given that I focus on grief...
How to truly connect with those around Melanoma diagnoses, deaths steadily
you climbing
OK, youre right. This question isnt as easily The average Americans chances of developing the
answered as one might think, especially today. We most serious form of skin cancer have been
live in a hyperactive... steadily rising over the last...
Winds may finally clear scary pollution Human traffickers preying more on
from Chinas skies children, men, laborers: global study
BEIJING (AP) The dense smog that has By Ellen Wulfhorst UNITED NATIONS (Thomson
smothered much of China for five days may finally Reuters Foundation) The face of human
soon clear, forecasters and state... trafficking is changing with more...
Norway slightly eases mass killer About 70 employees get sick after
Breiviks jail isolation health department party
By Alister Doyle and Stine Jacobsen OSLO SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) The New Mexico
(Reuters) Norway has slightly relaxed the jail Department of Health says dozens of its
isolation of mass killer... employees became sick after its holiday party.
Sleep apnea tied to diabetes and Aleppo evacuation resumes after day-
hypertension during pregnancy long hold-up
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Pregnant By Ellen Francis BEIRUT (Reuters) Buses
women who experience certain breathing carrying Syrian civilians and fighters began leaving
problems during sleep may be more... the last rebel-held...
Texas Moves to Cut Medicaid Funding Strict Rest May Not be Best for Kids
for Planned Parenthood Concussions
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) Texas plans to block Strict rest may not be the best medicine for kids
about $3 million in Medicaid funding for Planned with concussions, a Canadian study found,
Parenthood operations... challenging the idea that physical...
Gift an Experience not a Possession for Antibiotic Cream Could Prevent Lyme
Stronger Bonds Disease
converted by W
If you have still to do some last-minute Christmas A simple antibiotic cream has proven highly
shopping, then you might want to avoid the shops, effective in the fight against Lyme disease, a
as new research suggests... serious tick-transmitted illness...
Scientists Develop Vaccine Against Pets Can Help Owners Manage Mental
Salmonella Illness
American researchers have developed a vaccine Pets could play an active role in the treatment of
against salmonella (bacteria found in the digestive their owners long-term mental health problems,
tracts of animals) which... according to authors...
Magnetic force pulls baby reef fish Researchers reveal the secret code
back home language of bacteria
Baby reef fish have an internal magnetic compass Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a
that directs them home at night, world-first growing global challenge. Danish researchers
research has... have now discovered that...
Sniff test may be useful in diagnosing Regular aspirin use may reduce risk for
early Alzheimers disease pancreatic cancer
The sniff test also appears to be useful for Data from the new study and meta-analysis of data
diagnosing a pre-dementia condition called mild from 18 other studies suggest that over the past
cognitive impairment (MCI),... two decades, as the general...
Bold steps needed to protect global UCLA study shows how the brain
standing of UK science, says Lords initiates repair by generating
report replacement cells after stroke
Government must attract leaders to pursue career University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),
in the UK Bold steps are needed to ensure UK Health Sciences
science has a prominent place...
converted by W
helped her finally get pregnant yourself this Christmas to ward off
A new mother who went through six failed fertility depression
treatments and suffered the agony of a stillbirth, Studies show men who have regular sex are at
claims wheatgrass drinks... lower risk of prostate cancer But these findings
could also be applied to males...
Hog jowls and clementines: A bid to Florescent light helps surgeons target
awaken cancer patients ruined sense brain tumors
of taste Lily Snowden looks like any other young mother in
LEXINGTON, Ky. The medicines were rich and the park with her son, but the 22-year-old has had
strange, their active ingredients so particular they two bouts with brain...
sounded fictional. One...
Mouthwash may kill gonorrhea bacteria How chiropractors can make your back
The bacteria that cause gonorrhea can be found in worse
a persons throat, but stopping the growth of these Samantha Slaven was just following the advice of
germs may be... her pilates instructor when she walked into a
chiropractors office. The...
Colombia cuts price of Novartis cancer Inovio Zika vaccine evokes robust
drug by 44 percent response in early human study
BOGOTA Colombias government has lowered the Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc said its experimental
price of Novartis cancer drug imatinib by nearly half Zika vaccine induced robust immune responses in
in a bid to cut... an early-stage study...
How to cope with grief during the Florescent light helps surgeons target
holidays brain tumors
Its that time of year againthe holidays. Lights, Lily Snowden looks like any other young mother in
gifts, celebrations, and parties surround us, filling the park with her son, but the 22-year-old has had
many people... two bouts with brain...
Lots of teen screen time tied to obesity Babies shouldnt drink unscreened
Too much television time has long been linked to donor breast milk, doctors warn
childhood obesity, but a U.S. study suggests that Donor breast milk thats screened, pasteurized and
the connection holds true... distributed through milk banks can protect
converted by W
preemies against serious...
Sales executive pleads guilty in fatal Strict rest may not be best medicine for
meningitis outbreak kids concussions
BOSTON Two men facing multiple murder CHICAGO Strict rest may not be the best
charges stemming from a national meningitis medicine for kids with concussions, a Canadian
outbreak that killed 64 people will... study found, challenging the...
These Non-Paleo Foods Might Actually 11 Reasons Why Your Pee Smells Weird
Help You Lose Weight 2. You Ate Something Weird If youre part of the 40
RELATED: 7 Things No One Tells You About Going percent of the population that can smell
Paleo For the study, researchers had 43 young asparagus pee,...
men eat three different meals...
Epigenetic changes promoting cancer Young and old use different strategies
metastasis identified to estimate passage of time, study finds
Latest University of Otago research is shedding New research suggests songs also can distort
new light on why and how cancer cells spread from memories of past events, setting us up to miss...
primary tumours to other...
One in three children investigated for Cutting through the clamorhow the
abuse/neglect by 18 brain helps us understand spoken
By the time they reach age 18, about 12% of words in noisy settings
American children experience a confirmed case of Credit: Rice University Humans are exquisitely
maltreatment in the form of... skilled at perceiving spoken words, even when...
Why you cant fry eggs (or testicles) Cancer-Free: One Recovery Inspires
with a cellphone Another and Could Help Thousands
Pocket your phone without worry. Credit: Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here A minor craze in mens...
Phys Ed: Savings, Longevity and the 17 Easy Ways To Become A Happier And
Year in Fitness Calmer Person In 2017
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Sleep is a magical elixir when it comes to mental
health. Research shows that losing Zs can make it
difficult to regulate...
converted by W
performance of players and teams, which results in have made a landmark finding, taking them one
performance-based hierarchies.... step closer to answering the...
Aging and cancer: An enzyme protects Clues from past volcanic explosion
chromosomes from oxidative damage help Manchester-led team model future
EPFL scientists have identified a protein that caps activity
chromosomes during cell division and protect Researchers led by The University of Manchester
them from oxidative damage... have developed a model that will help civil defence
agencies better judge...
Sex evolved to help future generations First light for band 5 at ALMA
fight infection, scientists show ALMA observes radio waves from the Universe, at
Why does sex exist when organisms that clone the low-energy end of the electromagnetic
themselves use less time and energy, and do not spectrum. With the newly installed...
need a mate to produce offspring?...
New Japan bird flu outbreak brings North Carolina lawmakers mull repeal of
fresh cull of chickens transgender bathroom law
By Osamu Tsukimori and Manolo Serapio Jr By Marti Maguire RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) The
TOKYO/MANILA (Reuters) A virulent strain of North Carolina legislature was due to meet on
airborne bird flu extended its... Wednesday to consider...
Artificial leaf copies nature to RNA pathway plays key role in health,
manufacture medicine lifespan, fly study shows
By Ben Hirschler (Reuters) Dutch scientists have PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] Humans
developed an artificial leaf that can act as a mini- and other animals carry rogue sequences of DNA
factory for... in their genomes called...
Glue that makes plant cell walls strong Threading the RSV vaccine needle
could hold the key to wooden Crafting a vaccine against RSV (respiratory
skyscrapers syncytial virus) has been a minefield for 50 years,
Molecules 10,000 times narrower than the width of but scientists believe...
a human hair could hold the key to making
possible wooden skyscrapers and...
Adorable moment baby boy hears his How reproducing sexually makes us
parents voices for the first time much more resistant to infections
Taryn and Drew Ruiz found out son Archer had Birds do it, bees do it, and of course, humans. But
permanent moderate-severe hearing loss in both exactly why we all have sex has been one of the
ears when he was three weeks... mysteries of science. Now...
Lyndi Cohen shares tips to beat the Marie Stopes abortion clinics found to
festive bulge have 2,600 safety flaws
Between the mince pies, the decadent cheese Inspectors also found that nurses were failing to
boards, roast turkey, Christmas pudding and explain to women the full consequences of their
mulled wine, its fair to say... actions while doctors...
Eating ham or sausages four times a Some crumpets contain more salt than
week could worsen asthma three packets of crisps
New study in a Paris hospital tracked 971 people 48% of crumpets were above the Government
with asthma over four years 14% of people who target of 1.13g of salt per 100g Gluten-free
ate processed meats once... products were also high in salt content,...
Proud parents reveal how their 41-day- Abolish routine herpes tests, health
old babys lungs were used to save the officials say
life of a 5-month-old girl after he died Herpes tests are pointless, US health officials
converted by W
Theo Ormondi died just weeks after being born claim in newly-updated guidelines. The U.S.
following a sudden illness But his lungs were Preventive Services Task Force...
donated to Imogen Bolton ...
Tugging at cells with molecules and Scientists discover new natural source
light of potent anti-cancer drugs
Irradiation with green light from below induces a (Left to right) Ben Shen led the study with Hindra,
vibration of the signalling molecules (RGD).... Jeffrey D. Rudolf, Ivana Crnovccaron;i?, Dong...
Serious concerns over Marie Stopes How to cope with grief during the
abortion services holidays
Inspectors raised serious concerns about patient Its that time of year againthe holidays. Lights,
safety at one of Englands main abortion providers. gifts, celebrations, and parties surround us, filling
Some... many people...
8 ways low testosterone affects your China to ban more poultry imports from
body countries with bird flu outbreak
Testosterone is crucial for building muscle and BEIJING China will ban imports of poultry and
fueling your sex drive. But receptors for the related products from countries where there are
hormone actually exist throughout... outbreaks of highly pathogenic...
Ono warns on profit after government TPC toxicologists warn about hidden
halves price of cancer drug Opdivo dangers of button batteries to children
TOKYO Ono Pharmaceutical Co cut its annual profit Button batteries are small round batteries found in
outlook by a quarter on Wednesday, hit by the items such as toys, greeting cards, watches,
Japanese governments... hearing aids, games and...
Simple sniff test can enhance accuracy TSRI scientist receives Outstanding
of diagnosing Alzheimers disease Investigator Grant to focus on memory
Tests that measure the sense of smell may soon formation research
become common in neurologists offices. Ron Davis, chair of the Department of
Scientists have been finding... Neuroscience on the Florida campus of The
Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has been...
converted by W
shows ligaments, tendons and bones
Scientists at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer University of California Davis
Center at the University of Miami Miller School of
Medicine, the Veterans Affairs...
Once Dubbed the Worlds Ugliest Exploring the in vivo wound healing
Woman, Lizzie Velazquez Shuts Down effects of a recombinant hemolin from
Viral Memes Shaming Her the caterpillar Lonomia obliqua
Lizzie Velazquez suffers from neonatal progeroid Wound healing is a complex biological process
syndrome, an extremely rare condition that affects that involves several physiological events, such as
her heart, eyes, bones... hemostasis, inflammation,...
Exploring the in vivo wound healing A review on the Scorpaena plumieri fish
effects of a recombinant hemolin from venom and its bioactive compounds
the caterpillar Lonomia obliqua Studies conducted on SpV have shown the
Wound healing is a complex biological process enormous diversity and complexity of its biological
that involves several physiological events, such as activities. SpV was found to...
hemostasis, inflammation,...
converted by W
Sexual violence-related pregnancies in Impact of pneumococcal conjugate
eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: vaccines on pneumococcal meningitis
a qualitative analysis of access to cases in France between 2001 and
pregnancy termination services 2014: a time series analysis
Findings from the study highlight womens The first evident benefit of the cumulative effects of
experiences related to termination of SVRPs in PCV7 and PCV13 on the entire French population
eastern DRC. The qualitative data... appeared 11 years...
Sharp fall in GP visits for acute Should Medicare Allow Outpatient Knee
gastroenteritis after rotavirus Replacement? Doctors Are Deeply Split
vaccination introduction Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
The study, led by the London School of Hygiene
Tropical Medicine with Public Health England,
found that the fall in visits...
Should Medicare Allow Outpatient Knee Senate Aims to Stop Firms From Buying
Replacement? Doctors Are Deeply Split Up Drugs and Jacking Up Prices
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Senate Aims to Stop Firms From Buying New test could detect ovarian cancer
Up Drugs and Jacking Up Prices patients who are strongly responding
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here to treatment
Scientists might be able to quickly predict how
ovarian cancer patients are likely to respond to
chemotherapy treatment using...
converted by W
help with transition needed analysis
COLUMBIA, Mo. According to the latest data from (Washington, DC) A new scientific study reveals
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the critical role that dialect unfamiliarity and
one in 45 children... prejudice against...
Black language matters: A linguistic Pittsburgh teen girls take barely half
analysis the steps recommended for health
(Washington, DC) A new scientific study reveals PITTSBURGH, Dec. 20, 2016 Teenage girls in
the critical role that dialect unfamiliarity and Pittsburgh lag far behind the expected levels of
prejudice against... physical activity for...
Pittsburgh teen girls take barely half Declining male offspring further imperil
the steps recommended for health endangered flycatchers in southern
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 20, 2016 Teenage girls in California
Pittsburgh lag far behind the expected levels of A new study in The Condor: Ornithological
physical activity for... Applications documents the steep decline of a
population of endangered Southwestern...
U.S. executions hit 25-year low as U.S. executions hit 25-year low as
capital punishment wanes: study capital punishment wanes: study
By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) The By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) The
number of U.S. executions fell to a quarter-century number of U.S. executions fell to a quarter-century
low in 2016 as... low in 2016 as...
Eggs in short supply as South Korea Eggs in short supply as South Korea
battles worst bird flu outbreak battles worst bird flu outbreak
By Jane Chung SEOUL (Reuters) Moon Hong- By Jane Chung SEOUL (Reuters) Moon Hong-
nam, a pastry chef in Seoul, needs at least 15,000 nam, a pastry chef in Seoul, needs at least 15,000
eggs a day to bake cakes,... eggs a day to bake cakes,...
China says smog blanketing cities may China says smog blanketing cities may
finally soon fade finally soon fade
BEIJING (AP) Chinese weather forecasters and BEIJING (AP) Chinese weather forecasters and
state media say the dense, gray smog that has state media say the dense, gray smog that has
smothered much of China, closing... smothered much of China, closing...
New Japan bird flu outbreak brings This Winter Sport Burns an INSANE
fresh cull of chickens as Asia spread Number of Calories
fears grow Consider this a wilder, more adventurous version
TOKYO/MANILA A virulent strain of airborne bird flu of hiking that enables you to truly take the path less
extended its shadow across northeast Asia as traveled. Way up...
Japan launched a new...
This Womans Reaction to a Couple 6 Nice Sex Positions to Try This Holiday
Getting Engaged in Front of Her Is The Seasonand Their Naughty
Best Thing Youll See All Day Counterparts
RELATED: 8 Marriage Proposals That Probably Be Nice While the girl on top position usually
Should Have Been Thought Out Better But first, a screams hot (you get to show off your moves while
little backstory: Law student... he enjoys the view), its...
Case volume impacts re-op rates after Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty offers
penile prosthesis Sx option for select patients
In a study published online by JAMA Surgery, Art In the fight against obesity, bariatric surgery is
Sedrakyan, M.D., Ph.D., of Weill Cornell Medical currently the most effective treatment; however, only
College, New York, and... 1 to 2 percent of...
converted by W
MicroRNAs 203 and 205 are prognostic Daily text messaging ups ART
in cutaneous SCC adherence in youth
(HealthDay)The risks of metastasis and death As his title implies, for David Margolis, MD, director
associated with cutaneous squamous cell of the UNC HIV Cure Center, treating the virus and
carcinoma (CSCC) are low, but significant,... its symptoms simply...
Feeling blue? Taking a break from Study finds ideal method to minimize
Facebook might help waffle loss in industrial production
New Rochelle, NY, December 20, 2016A new CHICAGOJust under half of U.S. households
study shows that regular use of social networking (48%) opt for frozen varieties of waffles, pancakes,
such as Facebook can... and French toast as...
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone 02S VLA, ALMA team up to give first look at
develop in Southern Indian Ocean birthplaces of most current stars
NASAs Aqua satellite flew over Tropical Cyclone Astronomers have gotten their first look at exactly
02S in the Southern Indian Ocean and infrared where most of todays stars were born. To do so,
imagery showed that... they used the...
Nepali girl suffocates to death after Antibiotic cream could prevent Lyme
being banished for menstruating disease: research
By Gopal Sharma KATHMANDU (Thomson Reuters Vienna (AFP) A simple antibiotic cream has
Foundation) A 15-year-old girl in western Nepal proven highly effective in the fight against Lyme
converted by W
suffocated to death after... disease, a serious tick-transmitted...
South Carolina lawmakers propose Strict rest may not be best medicine for
pornography block on new computers kids concussions
By Brendan OBrien (Reuters) Computers and CHICAGO (AP) Strict rest may not be the best
devices sold in South Carolina that can access the medicine for kids with concussions, a Canadian
internet would... study found, challenging...
Sex exists to avoid disease, study Sales executive pleads guilty in fatal
shows meningitis outbreak
Paris (AFP) From an evolutionary perspective, BOSTON (AP) Two men facing multiple murder
sexual reproduction could be seen as a non- charges stemming from a national meningitis
starter. Compared to cloning,... outbreak that killed 64 people...
History of head injuries increases risk Simple blood test may help predict
of negative outcomes for homeless ovarian cancer patients response to
adults with mental illness chemotherapy treatment
Among homeless adults with mental illness, Cancer Research UK
having a history of head injuries is associated with
a greater risk of adverse...
Experts say using painkillers all the Bizarre robot lips let you kiss long-
time is pointless and dangerous distance lovers from anywhere in the
Reaction: Ginny Davis, 61, suffered an allergic world
reaction to over-the-counter painkillers Minutes A robot set of lips is promising to put the passion
after taking... back into long-distance relationships. The Lovotics
Kissenger is a silicone...
Whole Foods predicts purple food to be Abolish routine herpes tests, health
big trend in 2017 officials say: New guidelines declare
Keeping a healthy diet can feel like a full-time job. early detection causes more harm than
Eat more kale, cut out meat, cut out sugar, eat this good
fat not that... Herpes tests are pointless, US health officials
claim in newly-updated guidelines. The U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force...
Processed meat may be bad for FDA bans its 2nd medical device ever
asthma The Food and Drug Administration has banned
Eating processed meat might make asthma only the second medical device ever, and its sort of
symptoms worse, say researchers. Consuming an unlikely one:...
converted by W
more than four portions a week is a risk,...
Missing Malaysian Aircraft Is Likely Opioids Can Derail The Lives Of Older
Outside The Search Area, Report Finds People, Too
For two years, vessels have been scouring the John Evard, 70, at the Las Vegas Recovery Center
southern Indian Ocean for signs of the missing in Las Vegas last July. Evard, a retired tax
jetliner.... attorney,...
Traffic fatalities decline in states with Black males nearly three times as likely
medical marijuana laws to die when police use force, study
States that enacted medical marijuana laws, on finds
average, experienced reductions in traffic fatalities, A new Drexel University study found that black
according to a study... males are nearly three times as likely to be killed
by police action as white...
Study identifies a way to prevent burn High dietary processed meat intake
injury infectionwithout antibiotics linked to worsening asthma symptoms
(left to right) Dr. Steven Wolf, Dr. Kim Orth, and Dr. A high dietary intake of cured and processed
Ryan Huebinger. Credit: UT Southwestern ... meats, such as ham and salami, is linked to
worsening asthma symptoms, reveals...
Young children can choke to death on Heart valves strive to get oxygen one
whole grapes, doctors warn way or another
Very young children can choke to death on whole Rice University graduate student Matthew Sapp
grapes, warn doctors writing in the Archives of sets up an experiment to test the effects of
Disease in Childhood. ... hypoxia...
7 Tips For Those Dealing With Grief How To Keep Your Kids Safe During
During The Holidays Holiday Travel Season
This post is part of Common Grief, a Healthy Living Traveling during the holidays is stressful enough
editorial initiative. Grief is an inevitable part of life, without adding kids to the mix, and a new survey
but that doesnt... suggests that when children...
How Leafy Greens May Protect The Prince Harry Gets Heartbreakingly
Brain From Aging Honest About Dealing With Grief
Leafy greens are often touted as superfoods with Prince Harry is honoring his mother by opening up
miraculous health benefits ranging from preventing about his own grief over her death. The prince
cancer to warding off... spoke with U.K.-based television...
converted by W
Festive nebulae light up Milky Way Learning by listening: Penn physicians
Galaxy satellite say online reviews can improve health
The sheer observing power of the NASA/ESA care
Hubble Space Telescope is rarely better illustrated PHILADELPHIA Online platforms that allow users
than in an image such as... to read and write reviews of businesses and
services afford health...
For geriatric falls, brain speed may UTSW study identifies a way to prevent
matter more than lower limb strength burn injury infection without
ANN ARBOR, Mich. Why does a 30-year-old hit antibiotics
their foot against the curb in the parking lot and DALLAS Dec. 20, 2016 A new way to fight
take a half... multidrug-resistant bacteria by blinding them rather
than killing...
Vatican asks Beijing for positive signs Police are more likely to kill black men,
to help dialogue study finds
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) The Vatican said on By Ronnie Cohen Are police officers more likely to
Tuesday it hoped Chinas communist government shoot an African-American man than a white one?
would give Catholics... A new analysis of death...
Airbus delays delivery of A321neo jets Lots of teen screen time tied to obesity
to Hawaiian Air By Lisa Rapaport Too much television time has
NEW YORK (Reuters) Hawaiian Holdings Inc long been linked to childhood obesity, but a U.S.
HA.O has announced an anticipated three-month study suggests that the connection...
delay on a delivery of A321neos...
Red Meat May Be Heart OK After All A social network for fish
Before you wave away that steak consider this Researchers have won a major new grant award
latest study which finds that red meat may not for a study that will help to improve the welfare of
contribute to heart disease. Conventional... live fish used in scientific...
converted by W
Bright future for energy devices 2 women would rather have botox in
A little sodium goes a long way. At least thats the their feet than give up stilettos
case in carbon-based energy technology. High heel obsessive: Emma English, 30,
Specifically, embedding... wears 4in heels to her sales job every day For
many women, the spate...
Laser therapy technique that can wipe ME & MY OPERATION: The pioneering
out prostate cancer stem cell procedure that can restore
Laser therapy could eradicate the prostate cancer movement after a stroke
tumours of thousands of men Technique could Tens of thousands of people each year are left
spare many patients the trauma... paralysed to some degree by a stroke. Billy Elder,
63, from Renfrew, Glasgow,...
Apple cider vinegar can prevent heart Measuring levels of a chemical in the
attacks and dandruff brain could spot onset of dementia
Available in supermarkets, the trendy product is full High levels of autotaxin are found in the brains of
of a range of compounds It contains high levels of obese adults, a study found However, large
potassium ... quantities are also present...
Large portions of beef and pork can do Why kids MUST exercise within 7 days
wonders for blood pressure, new study of concussion
insists Many parents keep their children rested for a week
Health officials recommend cutting our intake of after concussion But a new Canadian study shows
red meat for our heart health But a new study has physical activity improves...
found unprocessed beef...
Coca Cola-funded study claims sweets 3 Weight-Loss Struggles from the Show
are NOT as bad as feds claim This Is Us That All Dieting Couples Can
A reputable journal, the Annals of Internal Medicine, Relate To
agreed to publish the study The study claims We spoke to weight-loss experts to find out what to
government advice is... do if youre struggling with the same issues as
Toby and Kate. Heres...
14 Things Men Think Turn Us OnEven Selena Gomezs New Haircut Will Make
Though They Definitely Dont You Want to Book an Appointment with
1. Sending Elaborate Sexts My husband is the Your Stylist ASAP
worst at sexting. When I travel for work, he does his The performers fresh new do to is the perfect way
best to keep... to celebrate her healthy refresh. Back in August, the
Quints born at Phoenix hospital for 1st Now a Schedule 1 drug: CBD hemp oil
time in its history A cannabidiol hemp oil that Leafly says is used by
Quintuplets have been born at a Phoenix hospital hundreds of thousands of patients in the US for a
for the first time in its 121-year history. variety...
Dignity Health St. Josephs...
FDA bans its 2nd medical device ever New laser therapy for low-risk prostate
The Food and Drug Administration has banned cancer shows promise
only the second medical device ever, and its sort of Tuesday December 20 2016 The new technique
an unlikely one:... spares healthy prostate tissue A drug activated by
Pets can help owners manage mental 4 steps to take when your baby has a
illness fever
converted by W
Pets could play an active role in the treatment of After I deliver a baby and the parents take their little
their owners long-term mental health problems, bundle of joy home, they become used to taking
according to authors... care of their newborn...
Quints born at Phoenix hospital for 1st A positive announcement for DePuy
time in its history Synthes ATTUNE Knee System
Quintuplets have been born at a Phoenix hospital DePuy Synthes, part of the Johnson Johnson
for the first time in its 121-year history. Family of Companies, today announced that
Dignity Health St. Josephs... implant survivorship data from the...
Given time, most women with anorexia Commonly used drugs lead to more
or bulimia will recover doctors office, hospital and emergency
A study from Massachusetts General Hospital department visits
(MGH) investigators finds that, contrary to what is Anticholinergic medications, a class of drugs very
often believed, around two... commonly used by older adults, are linked to an
increased rate of emergency...
Got to remember them all, Pokemon NIH launches first large trial of a long-
A new study by UC Riversides Weiwei Zhang, acting injectable drug for HIV
found a strong link between prior familiarity... prevention
The first large-scale clinical trial of a long-acting
injectable drug for HIV prevention began today. The
study, sponsored...
Self Magazine Ends Its Print Run On A Theres A Simple Way To Help Kids
Body-Positive High Note Learn More: Start School Later
2016 was a big year for Lawrence. She became an In recent years, American teens have earned less
Aerie Role Model and landed an exclusive swim than stellar scores on a national exam
and lingerie deal with... administered by the U.S. Department...
16 Stories That Prove 2016 Wasnt The The 50 Most Hilarious Tweets From
converted by W
Absolute Worst Parents This Year
Natalie Woods, of Denton, Texas, was dining at Every week, we round up the most hilarious tweets
Snuffers Restaurant and Bar in Addison, Texas, in from moms and dads. As 2016 draws to a close,
November when she overheard... its time to laugh at...
Baby crib ads, store displays show Fentanyl overdose deaths have
dangerous mistakes skyrocketed
Baby crib advertisements and store displays often Deaths involving the opioid painkiller fentanyl more
demonstrate unsafe sleep environments that than doubled in a single year in the United States,
increase an infants risk... according to a new...
Pets can help owners manage mental Factbox: Former officials charged over
illness Flint, Michigan, water crisis
By Carolyn Crist Pets could play an active role in (Reuters) Michigan prosecutors on Tuesday
the treatment of their owners long-term mental charged four former government officials, including
health problems, according... two city emergency...
converted by W
Keep Pets Safe During the Holidays Listerine Mouthwash Cures Gonorrhea
Pets are members of our families, and holidays In the 19th century, before the advent of antibiotics,
wouldnt be the same without them. However, the Listerine mouthwash was marketed as a cure for
season can bring added... gonorrhea. More than...
The way you move: Tumor cells move Good news and bad news about forest
differently than normal ones fragmentation
What makes cancer so deadly is its ability to move . Over the past centuries, as we humans have
The better that doctors can keep tumors contained cleared fields for farms, built roads and highways,
and protect unaffected... and expanded cities ever outward,...
Ancient Chinese malaria remedy fights Snoozeal gadget could help you stop
TB snoring
In a promising study led by Robert Abramovitch, a By MailOnline Reporter Published: 20:36 EST, 19
Michigan State University microbiologist and TB December 2016 | Updated: 20:45 EST, 19
expert, the ancient remedy... December 2016 ...
Albury mother diagnosed with cancer No one would listen to me: Mother
while pregnant starts chemotherapy reveals how her intuition led to her
after giving birth baby girl rare Rhabdomyosarcoma
For Elenor Tedenborg, giving birth to her newborn cancer diagnosis despite doctors
son, Eli, was bittersweet. While the 45-year-old, insisting she only had reflux
from Albury in New... Baby Penelope was born with a bruised lump on
her back, which grew bigger Doctors told her
worried mother Emily it was...
A faster way to diagnose dementia? Eating more red meat does NOT hurt
Measuring levels of a chemical in the your heart: New study insists large
brain could spot onset of the disease portions of beef and pork can do
High levels of autotaxin are found in the brains of wonders for blood pressure
obese adults, a study found However, large Health officials recommend cutting our intake of
quantities are also present... red meat for our heart health But a new study has
found unprocessed beef...
So we CAN eat more sugar? Is a pricey turkey really any better for
Controversy as top journal publishes you? From a budget bird to a 70
Coca Cola-funded study claiming we stonker, the results of our unique
sweets are NOT as bad as feds claim experiment may surprise you
A reputable journal, the Annals of Internal Medicine, You get what you pay for or so the saying goes
agreed to publish the study The study claims but when it comes to buying a turkey that might
government advice is... not necessarily be...
Lead poisons children in more than Dear Piers Morgan: Yes, Sexual Assault
converted by W
3,000 neighborhoods across the US Victims Can Suffer from PTSD
Lead-infected water has poisoned children in With that track record, we shouldnt have
3,000 neighborhoods across the United States, a been surprised that you felt it necessary to school
new report reveals. The findings... Lady Gaga on the appropriate...
How to DIY Your Own Lip Kit Can High-Fructose Corn Syrup Really
Kylie Jenners name is synonymous with great lips; Make You Gain Weight?
her full pout has gone far beyond signature-look Do we blame carbs? Dietary fat? Inactivity? Or is it
status, seeing... that nutrition villain that weve heard wreaks havoc
on our waistline:...
A Rare Bird Flu Infects Cats In New York Federal and provincial ministers play
City Shelter the percentages in health-care talks
The New York City Animal Care Center is home to On her way into what would prove to be another
an unwelcome and unexpected creature this inconclusive meeting about Canadian medicare,
winter. Its... Jane Philpott felt it necessary...
U.S. extends review of Roche MS drug GSK launches big study to test new
Ocrevus by three months injection for HIV prevention
ZURICH The U.S. Food and Drug Administration LONDON GlaxoSmithKline said on Tuesday its HIV
(FDA) has extended its review of Roches multiple unit ViiV Healthcare had started a large study to test
sclerosis (MS) drug... an experimental...
Most youth fare poorly after detention FDA warns on repeated or lengthy use
for juvenile offenses of general anesthesia in children
NEW YORK Most delinquent youth achieve few Some pediatricians are concerned that parents
positive milestones in the years after their may delay important surgeries for their children
detention, especially if... after the FDA last week warned...
Testing stem cells in tiniest hearts to Study provides clues to improving fecal
fight birth defect microbiota transplantation
BALTIMORE The 4-month-old on the operating Results from a placebo-controlled trial provide a
table has a shocking birth defect, nearly half his strategy for improving fecal microbiota
heart too small or even... transplantation (FMT) for patients...
Guam governor supports legalizing pot Study finds some councils in London let
for recreational use down homeless veterans
When states move to legalize marijuana, local The number of veterans served by community
governments are faced with enactingor in some health centers has increased dramatically from
cases restrictingthe policy... 214,000 to more than 305,000, a...
converted by W
quality patient care while reducing costs... Credit: Photo by Chris Meyer, Indiana University In
Denmark, having a child with a major...
Pop-outs: How the brain extracts Study Tied to Food Industry Tries to
meaning from noise Discredit Sugar Guidelines
Credit: Human Brain Project When youre suddenly Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
able to understand someone despite...
Aging Care Is A Big Business That This Is What It Feels Like When A
Fails The Patient Disease Suddenly Takes Over Your
I was thrust into the role of being a family caregiver Mind
for my husband about six months ago and if there This article is part of The Huffington Posts Project
is one thing Ive... Zero campaign, a yearlong series on neglected
tropical diseases...
Theres Finally Scientific Evidence That Michelle Obama To Young Girls: Whats
People Who Enjoy Life Live Longer In Your Brain Is Really Useful. Do Not
People who enjoy life dont just live better ? they Hide It.
may also live longer, new research suggests. First lady Michelle Obama has learned many
While its been well-established... different things during her time in the White House,
not just about politics but...
Why some language was removed from Healthy foods may not be as pricey as
new EPA report on fracking you think
An EPA report about fracking is reigniting fears over Picture two identical foods, equally tasty looking. If
the extraction of oil and gas from rock below the one is pricier, people often assume its healthier,
earth. The agency... say the authors...
Discovering the origin of mouth and Golden jackals might be settling in the
anus Czech Republic, hint multiple
Animals often form either the mouth or the anus observations
from an opening that appears in the early embryo, The first living golden jackal in the Czech Republic
which is called the blastopore. For... was reported by researchers from Charles
University, Prague. The scientists...
converted by W
nanovortices simplified diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis
Magnetic nanovortices, so-called skyrmions, Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago
count among the most promising candidates for were able to reduce uncertainty in diagnosing
the future of information... cardiac sarcoidosis by...
U.N. sees steep Gaza population growth Allergan to buy Acelitys tissue unit
in 30 years, with economic problems LifeCell for $2.9 billion
ahead (Reuters) Drugmaker Allergan Plc said on
By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) Gazas Tuesday it would buy LifeCell, a regenerative
population will more than double in about 30 years, medicine unit owned by privately...
signaling even...
Rite Aid to sell 865 stores to Freds UN boosting Aleppo monitoring after
(Reuters) Rite Aid Corp said it would sell 865 Security Council vote
stores to Freds Inc for $950 million to satisfy By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) The
antitrust concerns... Syrian government has authorized the United
Nations to send an additional...
Testing stem cells in tiniest hearts to Former Flint officials criminally charged
fight birth defect in water crisis
BALTIMORE (AP) The 4-month-old on the By Steve Friess FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) Michigan
operating table has a shocking birth defect, nearly prosecutors on Tuesday charged four former
half his heart too small or... government officials with...
Ovarian Cancer Drug Wins Accelerated Common Painkillers May Cause Hearing
Approval Loss in Women
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Long-term use of over-the-counter pain relievers
accelerated approval to Clovis Oncology Incs may be associated with increased risk of hearing
ovarian cancer drug in... loss in some women, a new...
Laser Therapy Combined With Deep- Does publication bias affect the
Sea Drug Kills Prostate Cancer canonization of facts in science?
A non-surgical treatment for low-risk prostate Researchers model how publication bias does
cancer in which doctors inject a light-sensitive drug and doesnt affect the canonization...
derived from deep-sea...
converted by W
Consolidator Grant from the European who suffer from preeclampsia found in
Research Council a vitamin
The European Research Council (ERC) has Up to 8% of pregnant women suffer from
awarded new John Innes Centre (JIC) Project preeclampsia, a deadly disease characterized by
Leader Professor Daniel Zilberman a... high blood pressure, blood vessel...
UNC study: Yoga treatment shows NCIs new tool could help accurately
promise for improving trauma and predict breast cancer risk in Hispanic
related mental health problems patients
Overall, the researchers found that yoga holds A new breast cancer model, published today in the
potential promise for helping improve anxiety, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, will help
depression, PTSD and/or... health care providers...
New ASRM embryo transfer simulator New ASRM embryo transfer simulator
garners positive response from garners positive response from
reproductive health professionals reproductive health professionals
Introduced in October 2015 at the American Society Introduced in October 2015 at the American Society
for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Annual Scientific for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Annual Scientific
Congress, the ASRM... Congress, the ASRM...
converted by W
Nice guys in the friend zone arent so Listerine can help to curb the spread of
nice after all the STI
Nice guys is usually made fun of for People can carry gonorrhoea in their throats for
being unattractive, shy and clingy They dont voice months without showing signs This can be passed
their feelings,... on through oral sex ...
Listerine can help to curb the spread of Folic acid in flour would potentially
the STI save HUNDREDS of babies from spina
People can carry gonorrhoea in their throats for bifida
months without showing signs This can be passed During 50 years in medical research, Ive had the
on through oral sex ... heartbreaking experience of meeting children with
spina bifida and seeing...
My hot flushes and night sweats have Want to fight off infections? Then you
lasted for 22 YEARS should get more sunlight
I am 72 and have had hot flushes and night sweats Sunlight allows the body to produce vitamin D,
for more than 22 years. At first I went on HRT for which wards off many illnesses But new research
eight years. Since... has found it also benefits...
Essex mother has a hysterectomy while Essex mother has a hysterectomy while
giving birth during cervical cancer giving birth during cervical cancer
operation operation
A mother-of-two underwent a hysterectomy at the A mother-of-two underwent a hysterectomy at the
same time as giving birth to her son after she same time as giving birth to her son after she
developed cervical cancer. Selina... developed cervical cancer. Selina...
The 10 baby products you DONT need The surprising two-ingredient snacks
including a cotmobile and door bouncer that are ALL under 200 calories
Which? asked parents what they deemed to be the As hard as we might try to stick to just three meals
least useful Cotmobiles, door baby bouncers and a day, inevitably most of us will reach for the
baby washing bowls topped... snacks to beat the mid...
Brittle bone breakthrough as cells from The ONE Stretch You Need to Do,
pregnant women can be used to treat Based on Your Favorite Workout
osteoporosis We dont blame you for being single-mindedly
Amniotic fluid contains stem cells which can focused on busting out reps, miles, or RPMs mid-
transform into various tissues When injected into workout. But what happens...
mice with weak bones,...
The ONE Stretch You Need to Do, I Was Diagnosed With Parkinsons
Based on Your Favorite Workout Disease at 34
We dont blame you for being single-mindedly In February 2006, Walker, now 43, visited her
focused on busting out reps, miles, or RPMs mid- primary care physician who thought she had
workout. But what happens... multiple sclerosis because of her...
Exactly How to Squeeze a Butt Workout NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to
into Every Sweat Sesh close Integrative Care beds
This year was all about the butt. We had more Scotlands largest health board has voted to close
people asking about itand we created more inpatient beds at a Glasgow site which previously
workouts for itthan we even... operated as the...
converted by W
operated as the... bones, say UK scientists. The discovery...
Pregnancy fluid reverses ageing 6 tips to get you through your office
bones holiday party (without ruining your diet)
Cells in the amniotic fluid that surrounds a For better or worse, office holiday parties are
developing baby can revive ageing and weak known for overly intimate co-worker chats, Secret
bones, say UK scientists. The discovery... Santa gifts with a person...
6 tips to get you through your office Seven healthy foods that arent
holiday party (without ruining your diet) actually that healthy
For better or worse, office holiday parties are Misinformation regarding healthy food options is
known for overly intimate co-worker chats, Secret viral; spreading to every nook and cranny. Our
Santa gifts with a person... kitchens and cupboards...
Seven healthy foods that arent Is your Fitbit making you fat?
actually that healthy In 2013, when David Stewart tipped the scales at
Misinformation regarding healthy food options is 200 pounds, he slapped on a Fitbit, thinking itd be
viral; spreading to every nook and cranny. Our a quick way to shed...
kitchens and cupboards...
Demand surges for clinicians serving FDA warns on repeated or lengthy use
transgender youth and for earlier of general anesthesia in children
treatment Some pediatricians are concerned that parents
LOS ANGELES Pediatrician Dr. Johanna Olson- may delay important surgeries for their children
Kennedy uses a stethoscope and otoscope, of after the FDA last week warned...
course. But running a clinic for...
Is your Fitbit making you fat? 6-year-old boy in a coma after sledding
In 2013, when David Stewart tipped the scales at accident
200 pounds, he slapped on a Fitbit, thinking itd be A 6-year-old boy has been in an induced coma
a quick way to shed... since Thursday after crashing into a pole while
sledding with his sister,
Laser therapy with deep-sea drug kills GSKs two-drug HIV therapy shines in
prostate cancer in trial two big studies
LONDON A non-surgical treatment for low-risk LONDON GlaxoSmithKlines already fast-
prostate cancer in which doctors inject a light- growing HIV drug business has received an
sensitive drug derived... important boost with the success...
Modern life, bad habits: Africa faces Researchers catalog dozens of new
deadly new illnesses neuronal subtypes in the hypothalamus
When Rose Kariuki first felt a lump on her left Credit: Wikimedia Commons The human brain is
breast, the spectre of cancera disease she had made up of billions of cells. Scientists do...
only heard of on televisionwas...
converted by W
Losing body fat could be facilitated by New EPA report finds fracking "can
light evening exercise and fasting impact drinking water resources"
High-resolution model of six insulin molecules An EPA report about fracking is reigniting fears over
assembled in a hexamer. Credit:... the extraction of oil and gas from rock below the
earth. The agency...
Weight loss surgery linked to Efforts are needed to optimize the use
gastrointestinal complaints of biologics for treating patients with
Laparoscopic gastric bypass is an effective rheumatoid arthritis
treatment for obesity, but a new study finds that The use of biologics, which are generally made
patients who undergo the surgery... from human and/or animal materials, has
significantly changed the management...
Laser pulses help scientists tease apart New model more accurately predicts
complex electron interactions breast cancer risk in Hispanic women
UPTON, NY-Scientists studying high temperature A new breast cancer model, published today in the
superconductors-materials that carry electric Journal of the National Cancer Institute, will help
current with no energy loss... health care providers...
South Africas Life Healthcare aims for Laser therapy with deep-sea drug kills
$757 mln rights offer prostate cancer in trial
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) South African private By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) A non-
hospital firm Life Healthcare is planning a rights surgical treatment for low-risk prostate cancer in
issue of up to 10.7... which doctors inject a...
Smog engulfs cities in northern China City in Chinas Shandong limits coal-
for fourth day fired power to cut smog: notice
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) A plane carrying BEIJING (Reuters) A major city in Chinas
the chief executive of the worlds biggest oil Shandong province has ordered seven coal-fired
exporter was prevented... power plants, including...
Africa battles rise in deadly lifestyle China publishes supervisory list for
illnesses foreign NGOs
Nairobi (AFP) When Rose Kariuki first felt a lump BEIJING (Reuters) Chinas Ministry of Public
on her left breast, the spectre of cancer a Security published on Tuesday a list of government
disease she... bodies that...
How to get a waist like Hollywood star Distressed patients left on doorsteps in
Amy Adams the early hours to free-up hospital beds
<! By MailOnline Reporter Published: 18:41 EST, During the final months of her life, there were
19 December 2016 | Updated: ... several occasions when Pam Waller was carried
into her bungalow by ambulance...
How to enjoy your Christmas meal The NHS staff who helped Britains
converted by W
leftovers oldest cancer patient survive major
We may stuff ourselves silly at Christmas, but a surgery
shocking amount of festive food still ends up in the As Victor Marston, a sprightly 99-year-old, clutched
bin. On Christmas... his stomach in pain one Saturday night last May, he
had no idea how...
Could this 5 blood test predict a heart My hot flushes and night sweats have
attack 15 years early? lasted for 22 YEARS
A simple blood test could identify patients at risk of I am 72 and have had hot flushes and night sweats
having a heart attack 15 years in advance, British for more than 22 years. At first I went on HRT for
scientists have... eight years. Since...
Overseas patients are continuing to Brexit could help us make the NHS
rack up debts dfor the NHS safer say leading surgeons
Overseas patients are racking up debts of 5m Watchdogs will be able to tighten control, the Royal
annually at worst-affected trusts Amount owed in College of Surgeons say Junior doctors training
2015/16 is almost double... may improve...
Japan to step up drug price reviews in Chinese farmers bolster bird flu
bid to curb healthcare costs defenses as Asia outbreaks, and jitters,
TOKYO Japan said on Tuesday it will step up the spread
pace and expand the scope of drug price reviews, BEIJING/SEOUL Chinese chickens are being fed
one of the most aggressive... more vitamins and vaccines as jittery farmers ramp
up hen-house sterilization...
Landmark clinical trial to test third Regular NSAID use linked to increased
investigational drug for Alzheimers risk of endometrial cancer mortality
disease Regular use of over-the-counter non-steroidal
An international team led by Washington University inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and
School of Medicine in St. Louis has selected a third ibuprofen is associated with...
investigational drug...
New SWOG review shows vitamin E and Research provides insights into how
selenium do not prevent colorectal exposure to certain stimuli facilitates
adenomas occurrence of epileptic seizures
Eight years ago, results from a landmark cancer Why does exposure to rhythmic stimulation at
prevention trial run by SWOG showed that a daily certain frequencies facilitate the occurrence of
dose of vitamin E and selenium... epileptic seizures? In 1997,...
converted by W
A new study by researchers at Columbia Investigators from Whitehead Institute, the Ragon
Universitys Mailman School of Public Health found Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard and the Broad
that the prevalence of past-month... Institute of MIT and Harvard...
Giuliana Rancic Just Hit a Major What You Can Learn About a Man from
Milestone in Her Cancer Battle His Zodiac Sign (That He Probably
Giuliana wrote on Instagram that the mantra was Wouldnt Tell You Himself)
especially meaningful for her this week because Forget stalking a guys Instagram feed for clues
shes now officially been... about his personality. Youre better off perusing his
converted by W
Public Labs, Corporate Gains: Undocumented migrants may suffer
Harnessing the U.S. Taxpayer to Fight from severe psychological distress
Cancer and Make Profits Undocumented migrants are an especially
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here vulnerable group with regard to their health status,
living conditions, and barriers...
Amazonias best and worst areas for Cycling-Mystery package was flu
carbon recovery revealed treatment, says Team Sky boss
The first mapping of carbon recovery in Amazonian Brailsford
forests following emissions released by LONDON, Dec 19 (Reuters) The mystery
commercial logging activities... package at the centre of a UK Anti-Doping
investigation into British Cycling...
Japan to step up drug price reviews in Smog engulfs north China for fourth
effort to curb healthcare costs day; flights diverted
By Ritsuko Shimizu TOKYO (Reuters) Japan said SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) A plane carrying
on Tuesday it will step up the pace and expand the the head of the worlds biggest oil exporter was
scope of drug price... prevented from...
Bird flu is found in turkeys at a farm in DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: We need
Lincolnshire more school nurses to fight teenage
More than 5,000 caged animals are known to have anxiety epidemic
been affected by the virus It is believed most of the More school nurses are needed to fight the
birds have already... teenage anxiety epidemic (pictured: stock photo)
Every now and then,...
Huge gap between mental health Agency records reportedly show West
needs and funding, expert says after Virginia flooded with painkillers
health deal fails CHARLESTON, W.Va. Drug wholesalers
A failure to reach a deal on health-care funding has shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone
sparked a renewed call by some experts and pills to West Virginia in just six...
advocates to boost funding...
Hong Kong confirms first case of bird A new Illinois law will teach hairstylists
flu this season to look for signs of domestic violence
HONG KONG Hong Kong authorities have and sexual assault
confirmed the first human bird flu infection for this A new Illinois law going into effect at the new year
season after an elderly man... is taking an innovative approach to combating
domestic violence: It...
converted by W
Agency records reportedly show West FDA clears ovarian cancer drug for
Virginia flooded with painkillers hard-to-treat disease
CHARLESTON, W.Va. Drug wholesalers U.S. health officials have approved a new option for
shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone some women battling ovarian cancer: a drug that
pills to West Virginia in just six... targets a genetic mutation...
Used safely, donor breast milk can help Nicotine in E-cigs can trigger lifelong
preemie babies addiction in kids: docs
(HealthDay)Tiny preemies can benefit from (HealthDay)The earlier youngsters start using
donated breast milkif its given in the hospital... nicotineeven in the form of e-cigarettesthe
Adjuvant chemo plus CRT best in Diabetes ups risk of HCC, death in
nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with hepatitis C
(HealthDay)For nonmetastatic nasopharyngeal (HealthDay)Insulin, a life-saving medication
carcinoma, the addition of adjuvant chemotherapy used to treat diabetes, was discovered nearly 100
(AC)... years ago, yet the price...
Study suggests that daily sugar intake Insurance expansion under the ACA
guidelines are based on low quality provides patients with greater hospital
evidence choice
Nutritional guidelines restricting sugar intake are In a study appearing in the October 11 issue of
not based on high quality... JAMA, Fredric Blavin, Ph.D., of The Urban Institute,
Washington, D.C., estimated...
Gina Quattrochi, Who Helped Provide Pregnancy Changes the Brain in Ways
Housing for AIDS Patients, Dies at 63 That May Help Mothering
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Researchers model the way into a Mayo Clinic researchers identify how
nuclear future liver fat stores provide energy source
Physicists from MIPT and the Joint Institute for High during fasting
Temperatures of the Russian Academy of ROCHESTER, Minn. In a recent Science
Sciences described the mobility... Advances article, Mayo Clinic researchers show
how hungry human liver cells...
Arctic lakes thawing earlier each year Irish surgeon identifies emerging area
Scientists from the University of Southampton have of medical science
found Arctic lakes, covered with ice during the A University of Limerick (Ireland) professor has
winter months, are melting... identified an emerging area of science having
reclassified part of the digestive...
converted by W
Pregnancy changes a womans brain: Smog chokes China cities, grounding
study flights, closing roads
Paris (AFP) Pregnancy causes long-lasting BEIJING (AP) Thick, gray smog fell over Beijing
physical changes to a womans brain, with on Tuesday, choking Chinas capital in a haze that
significant,... spurred authorities...
Smog engulfs northern China for fourth Report: DEA records show W. Va.
consecutive day flooded with painkillers
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) Heavy smog CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) Drug wholesalers
engulfed large parts of northern China for a fourth shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone
straight day on Tuesday,... pills to West Virginia in just...
Fat patients are to blame for the failure Breakthrough in the war on skin cancer
of a free gym scheme costing the NHS New blood test for melanoma could save
100million a year because more than thousands of lives, doctors say The form of skin
half quit within three months cancer thought to kill 2,500 people...
More than half of NHS patients referred to the
scheme quit within three months Sessions for the
severely obese, or people...
Men suffering from a common prostate Woman credits her bendy spine for
condition are set to benefit from a saving her life in a horrific car accident
pioneering new implant Laura Wellington was told she had joint
Men suffering from a common prostate condition hypermobility when she was a teenager After being
are set to benefit from a pioneering new implant in an accident 2 years ago, doctors...
that relieves symptoms without...
Women GPs save far more lives by Baby brain IS real: Motherhood
following the rules and connecting with changes structure of female brain to
their patients help bond with the baby
A Harvard study has found female doctors save far Brain scans of mothers showed they lit up when
more lives than men It is the first study to compare seeing their own childs face The same response
how men and women... wasnt seen when...
Heres Why Rethinking Your Cheat Day Immune reconstitution 20 years after
Could Help You Shed More Pounds treatment with alemtuzumab in a
When you say Im cheating, that makes it sound rheumatoid arthritis cohort:
like its some kind of indiscretion that shouldnt be implications for lymphocyte depleting
forgiven... therapies
Vaccine responses Subjects were offered
vaccination with: 0.5 ml influenza vaccine (Pfizer
Ltd, Sandwich, UK), a split,...
Efficacy and safety of adult human bone osFP: a web server for predicting the
marrow-derived, cultured, pooled, oligomeric states of fluorescent
allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells proteins
(Stempeucel): preclinical and clinical Predicting FP oligomeric states Figure 1 illustrates
trial in osteoarthritis of the knee joint the flowchart of the workflow used to predict and...
The propensity of MSCs to differentiate into
converted by W
chondrocytes in vitro [29] and their ability to repair
articular cartilage has...
The reliability of spinal motion palpation If its a broad spectrum, it can shoot
determination of the location of the better: inappropriate antibiotic
stiffest spinal site is influenced by prescribing in Cambodia
confidence ratings: a secondary Received: 13 September 2016 Accepted:
analysis of three studies 1 December 2016 Published: 20 December 2016
Among four dozen MP studies included in an
annotated review of MP reliability studies [1], Potter
et al. [26] were the only...
Blood test for hidden heart disease Prostate cancer laser treatment truly
A cheap blood test can predict which apparently transformative
healthy patients are at high risk of a heart attack. Surgeons have described a new treatment for early
Experts say it could... stage prostate cancer as truly transformative. The
Why all human eyes are brown This Christmas Song Brought To You By
Frank Sinatra crooned about blue skies, but it turns The Worlds Tiniest Radio Receiver
out Ol Blue Eyes was really Ol Brown Eyes. It turns A tiny radio receiver built from components the size
out... of two atoms. It emits a signal as red light,...
How Much Is Too Much? New Study Health care funding talks turn hostile
Casts Doubts On Sugar Guidelines amid walkout threats
By now, youve very likely heard the case for limiting The gloves have come off as provincial and federal
sugar. Over the past two years the World Health... ministers square off in Ottawa for another round of
what has deteriorated into...
More than 1 million young Canadians Drug overdose deaths in B.C. reach all-
victims of cyberbullying, cyberstalking: time high in November
StatsCan New figures released by the BC Coroners Service
A report from Statistics Canada says almost one in paint an increasingly bleak and deadly picture of
every five young Canadians about 1.1 million the overdose crisis in...
people has been a...
Crib ads often show babies sleeping See the doctor & go shopping all under
unsafely one roof
The impact of these advertisements is one factor Youre in the local big box retail store buying
that continues to result in the use of bumper pads groceries and some holiday gifts, and a sore back
and stuffed animals... from too much snow...
Up to 8,400 heart attacks and strokes Harnessing the U.S. Taxpayer to Fight
prevented through NHS Health Checks Cancer and Make Profits
converted by W
The NHS Health Check programme in England Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
may have prevented an estimated 4,600 to 8,400
heart attacks, strokes, or death...
Here Are The Travel Destinations Is Mary Jane Bad for Your Health?
Everyone Was Searching For In 2016 This study followed more than a thousand people
A new year means new opportunities to hit the from Dundin, New Zealand born in 1972 or 1973
road. If you need some inspiration for how to use through age 38. They assessed...
your new vacation days come...
Turn Your Breastfeeding Pictures Into These NICU Babies Couldnt Visit Santa,
Masterpieces With This New Trend So He Came To Them
I decided to do a #TreeOfLife image because this Speer told The Huffington Post that a placental
picture represents what breastfeeding means to abruption forced her to have an emergency C-
me: beauty, nourishment,... section on Oct. 27. Her twin...
Nightmare Superbug May Have Spread Why Girls So Often Assume The Role Of
Outside Hospitals Bearing Witness To War
Six people in Colorado recently became infected For one, young women may be more likely to
with a nightmare superbug that until now, has record these events. Keeping a diary has long
mostly been limited to... been a predominantly adolescent,...
Lab adapts toys for children with Medicare outpatients billed more for
disabilities some procedures
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Because of her cerebral WASHINGTON You pay less for outpatient
palsy, 4-year-old Scarlett Wilgis has trouble treatment than for a hospital admission, right? Not
opening her hands and cant... necessarily in the topsy-turvy...
With eyes or noses? How young Ring-tailed lemurs: Going, going, gone?
children use sensory cues to make The ring-tailed lemur, an iconic primate that is
social decisions emblematic of the wild and wonderful creatures
PHILADELPHIA (Dec. 19, 2016) New research inhabiting the tropical island...
from the Monell Center reveals that children begin
using olfactory information...
Nutrition data review shows red meat The deepwater horizon aftermath
has neutral effect on cardiovascular The oil discharged into the Gulf of Mexico following
disease risk factors the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. Consuming red meat in Horizon (DWH) rig in 2010...
amounts above what is typically recommended
does not affect short-term...
Radiologists positioned to detect elder The man who mistook his wife for an
abuse but additional training and imposter
research needed BOSTON Neuroscientists at Beth Israel
Leesburg, VA, Dec. 19, 2016 Radiologists may Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have mapped
be uniquely positioned to identify elder abuse, but the brain injuries or...
they dont...
49 dead in Siberia after drinking toxic Study funded by food makers disputes
bath essence advice to cut sugar intake
Moscow (AFP) A Russian city declared a state of By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) A study
emergency Monday after 49 people seeking cheap funded by food companies on Monday challenged
alcohol died after... recommendations by public...
Conatus to receive $50 million in liver Chinese Herbs May Aid Bone Marrow
drug deal with Novartis A Chinese herbal remedy may boost bone marrow
(Reuters) Swiss drugmaker Novartis on Monday and also may help reduce cancer risk, a new study
said it signed a licensing deal to co-develop a fatty shows. UCLA researchers have...
liver disease...
converted by W
UTMB researchers develop first Keck Medicine of USC Receives $2.5
chikungunya vaccine from virus that Million for translational osteoarthritis
does not affect people research
GALVESTON, Texas Researchers from The LOS ANGELES Keck Medicine of University of
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Southern California (USC) is one of four institutions
have developed the first vaccine... to receive a multi-million...
UTMB develops an oral vaccine against White matter structure in the brain
Salmonella predicts cognitive function at ages 1
GALVESTON, Texas Researchers from The and 2
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston CHAPEL HILL, NC A new study led by UNC
have developed a vaccine against... School of Medicine researchers concluded that
patterns of white matter microstructure...
New study reveals how nurse staffing Causal links between cannabis,
levels link to patient outcomes schizophrenia: New evidence
Academics from Birmingham City Universitys The study from the University of Bristol comes on
Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences the back of public health warnings issued earlier
have collaborated on the... this year by scientists...
Number of pregnant women smoking Children with dystonia can walk again
cannabis went up 62% since 2002 with the help of a brain implant
Despite broad acceptance of cannabis, doctors still A group of disabled children can now walk again
warn it harms unborn babies But new figures show thanks to electrical stimulation of their brains. The
more and more pregnant... children could not...
Myth of the pricier option revealed with Could this 5 blood test predict a heart
pricier food usually not healthier attack 15 years early? Scientists say it
A study has debunked the myth that foods could help doctors spot high-risk
championed by lifestyle gurus like Gwyneth Paltrow patients
arent always... A simple blood test could identify patients at risk of
having a heart attack 15 years in advance, British
scientists have...
Why youre more likely to eat fatty foods The real reason it is SO important to
if youre at the bottom of the pecking exercise every day during winter
order at work Yes, of course we all know we should exercise
Poorer people are known to be more likely to suffer every day during the holiday season to help counter
from obesity and diabetes But new research the onslaught of excess...
suggests this is because...
Experts say Marijuana highs in space How to know when holiday drinking is
may be ruined by radiation damaging your brain
Researchers investigated effects of space-level For many, the holidays are indeed the most
irradiation on neurotransmission They found high- wonderful time of the year. Families and friends
energy protons could mess... come together and enjoy food,...
Boston non-profit offers free yoga A new Illinois law will teach hairstylists
classes for homeless women to look for signs of domestic violence
Two years ago, Carmen Bones, 39, moved with her and sexual assault
two sons to an apartment provided at an affordable A new Illinois law going into effect at the new year
rate by Boston non-profit,... is taking an innovative approach to combating
domestic violence: It...
Parents may overlook child safety Most youth fare poorly after detention
converted by W
during holiday travels for juvenile offenses
Traveling during the holidays is stressful enough NEW YORK Most delinquent youth achieve few
without adding kids to the mix, and a new survey positive milestones in the years after their
suggests that when... detention, especially...
Biogen names top executive Vounatsos Study suggests saunas may cut risk of
as CEO dementia
Biogen Inc, the U.S. drug maker focused on Heres one good reason to sweat it out in the
neurological, autoimmune and rare diseases, said sauna on your next visit to the gym: It could reduce
on Monday it had appointed... your risk of dementia....
Boston non-profit offers free yoga Crib ads often show babies in unsafe
classes for homeless women sleep settings
Two years ago, Carmen Bones, 39, moved with her Ads for cribs often show infants asleep on their
two sons to an apartment provided at an affordable stomachs or surrounded by suffocation hazards
rate by Boston non-profit,... like soft toys and blankets...
HCI receives $8.8 million NIH grant to Young girls with poorer fundamental
lead colon cancer study movement skills more likely to be
Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University obese than boys
of Utah will head an international study to find out Coventry University
how lifestyle and...
Replacing missing gut bacteria could Ancient Chinese medicine for malaria
help treat children with rare could potentially aid in treatment of
autoimmune disease tuberculosis
Defects in the bodys regulatory T cells (T reg cells) A centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by
cause inflammation and autoimmune disease by Chinese scientists and used to effectively treat
altering the type... malaria, has been found to...
Landmark Alzheimers prevention trial Women fare better than men one year
to evaluate third drug after valve replacement
Washington University School of Medicines Women with significant aortic valve disease who
Randall J. Bateman, MD, (above) draws spinal... undergo transcatheter aortic valve replacement
(TAVR) are considered higher...
converted by W
measures that are intended to help stakeholders The common cold season is here, and if you have
including health systems,... children, you will likely feel their suffering from
these annoying upper...
Low-carb diet alleviates inherited form Children with higher genetic risk for
of intellectual disability in mice obesity respond more strongly to fast
Newborn neurons (green) in the brains dentate food ads
gyrus of a normal mouse on a regular diet... Scientists from the UGR and the University
Hospital San Rafael (Granada) conclude that
Spanish children are overexposed to...
Global Health: The Baby Is Getting Fed Trump Administration Puts the U.S. at a
but What? Crossroad for Global Health Aid
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Pregnancy Changes the Brain in Ways Mumps Cases Are The Highest Theyve
that May Help Mothering Been In 10 Years
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here According to new government data, the U.S. is
experiencing more mumps cases this year than
the country has seen annually...
Children Are Smart. So Why Do They Alan Thickes Death: How Do Heart
Believe In Santa Claus? Attacks Kill So Fast?
The holiday season is upon us, and so are its Actor Alan Thicke died after a heart attack on
attendant myths, most prominent of which is the Tuesday, TMZ reported. But why do some people
Santa Claus story. This is... survive heart attacks, while...
12 Stunning Photos That Prove Theres You Can Still Sign Up For Health
No Such Thing As Mens Work Insurance Today
Commercial photographer Chris Crisman was very The government extended the deadline to sign up
interested when he heard a friend of a friend had for January 1 health insurance coverage through
left her job as a web designer... the Affordable Care Act....
Victorias Secret Angel Perfectly Sums Nicotine in e-cigs can trigger lifelong
Up Breastfeeding Double Standard addiction in kids
Model Candice Swanepoel just made an important The earlier youngsters start using nicotine even
point about the double standard breastfeeding in the form of e-cigarettes the harder it is for
moms face. On Sunday, the... them to quit a...
Flu season is here, say health officials Pregnancy brain changes may prep
Flu season is starting to take hold across the women for motherhood
country, and U.S. health officials are urging Pregnancy affects not only a womans body: It
everyone who hasnt gotten... changes parts of her brain too, a new study says.
When researchers compared...
More U.S. women using pot during Why some teens skip treatment for
pregnancy sexual health issues
CHICAGO U.S. women are increasingly using Young people may abstain from seeking sexual
marijuana during pregnancy, sometimes to treat and reproductive health care because they fear
morning sickness, new reports... their parents will find out,...
converted by W
tangles of extension... Health found...
RIT researchers estimate 10,000 metric First use of graphene to detect cancer
tons of plastic enter Great Lakes every cells
year What cant graphene do? You can scratch detect
A new study by Rochester Institute of Technology cancer off of that list. By interfacing brain cells...
that inventories and tracks high concentrations of
plastic in the Great...
Peru ex-leader Fujimori hospitalized for British royals join Christmas party for
second time in two weeks mental health charitys volunteers
LIMA (Reuters) Former Peruvian President LONDON (Reuters) Britains Prince William, his
Alberto Fujimori was hospitalized late on Sunday wife Kate and his brother Harry joined in with a
after experiencing sharp... mental health...
Study says Pregnancy changes a Crib ads often show babies in unsafe
womans brain sleep settings
Paris (AFP) Pregnancy causes long-lasting By Lisa Rapaport Ads for cribs often show infants
physical changes to a womans brain, with asleep on their stomachs or surrounded by
significant,... suffocation hazards like soft...
Lebanese lawmakers set to scrap law Probes help surgeons detect cancer
forgiving rapists who marry victim cells
By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Paris (AFP) Nanoscale fluorescent probes that
Foundation) Womens rights campaigners in switch on in the presence of cancer cells helped
Lebanon said they were... surgeons remove tumours...
Report: DEA records show West Virginia Does a doctors gender affect your
flooded with drugs chance of survival?
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) Drug wholesalers CHICAGO (AP) What if your doctors gender
shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone could influence your chance of surviving a visit to
pills to West Virginia in just... the hospital? A...
converted by W
such as aspirin and ibuprofen...
DNA markers distinguish between New trial hopes to increase survival for
harmless, deadly bacteria kids with cancer, reduce risk of long
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Dec. 19, 2016 The virulent term cardiac damage
pathogen that causes the disease tularemia, or You go through terrible chemotherapy, achieve
rabbit fever,... remission, have a new lease on life and then your
heart fails,...
Eating broccoli, spinach and egg yolks Why youre LESS likely to die if you see
can preserve your memory in old age a female doctor: Women GPs save far
Adults with high levels of lutein were found to be more lives by following the rules and
able to recall things better The compound is connecting with their patients
believed to have a protective... A Harvard study has found female doctors save far
more lives than men It is the first study to compare
how men and women...
The Dating Guru James Preece reveals Great Barrier Reef death rates have
how to become more attractive in doubled this year because of bucket
MINUTES list goals
James Preece, aka The Dating Guru, has shared Some 10 people have died while diving in the Great
his incredibly simple tips Says these dating hacks Barrier Reef this year Most of these are down to
will make you appear much... people trying to tick...
Fraser Health targets South Asian diet Death, extortion and hope: 1 mans fight
to improve heart health, diabetes for a new liver
Fraser Health is wrapping up its first year of In Ontario, someone dies every three days while
working with the South Asian community to cut fat waiting for an organ transplant. About 220 people
and sugar as part of an... are...
BC Coroner says illicit drug overdose 3.5m wi-fi boost for hospitals run by
deaths at an all-time high Abertawe Bro Morgannwg
B.C. Coroner Lisa Lapointe says 128 people died Almost 3.5m will be spent on improving wi-fi
of illicit drug overdose in November an average networks for patients at hospitals run by Abertawe
converted by W
of four people per... Bro Morgannwg University...
Rose Polge inquest: Junior doctor had Tweet with flashing images sent to
doubts over profession epileptic writer
A junior doctor who killed herself at the time of a Vanity Fair and Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald
strike by colleagues had doubts over continuing in has claimed he suffered an epileptic seizure after
the profession, an... receiving a malicious...
Send heavy drinkers for liver scan, GPs Pregnancy alters womans brain for at
told least two years
Women who regularly drink more than three-and-a- Pregnancy reduces grey matter in specific parts of
half bottles of wine a week should get their livers a womans brain, helping her bond with her baby
checked, says new draft... and prepare for...
Why all human eyes are brown How researchers tapped into brain
Frank Sinatra crooned about blue skies, but it turns activity to boost peoples confidence
out Ol Blue Eyes was really Ol Brown Eyes. It turns There may be a way to tap into peoples brain
out... activity to boost their confidence, a new study
suggests. In the study,...
Study suggests saunas may cut risk of Brain changes seen in pregnancy, may
dementia help preparing for baby
Heres one good reason to sweat it out in the NEW YORK Pregnancy affects not only a
sauna on your next visit to the gym: It could reduce womans body: It changes parts of her brain too, a
your risk of dementia.... new study says. When...
Gum disease bug linked to rheumatoid Marijuana for morning sickness can
arthritis harm your unborn child
Monday December 19 2016 Brush with fluoride (Reuters Health) Pregnant women who use
toothpaste twice a day for about two minutes Want marijuana to treat their nausea may be harming
to avoid... their unborn children, according...
GSK boosts board-level science as new Fewer deaths and complications with
CEO prepares to take over female physicians?
LONDON Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline is (Reuters Health) Elderly hospital patients may be
bolstering scientific expertise on its board by less likely to die prematurely or be readmitted for
establishing a new science committee,... serious...
Ducks culled in Bulgaria after bird flu Cloviss ovarian cancer drug wins
found on three farms accelerated FDA approval
SOFIA More than 4,000 ducks were culled in The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on
Bulgaria over the past few days after bird flu was Monday it granted accelerated approval to Clovis
found on three farms, the... Oncology Incs ovarian...
converted by W
Fewer deaths and complications with Brain changes seen in pregnancy, may
female physicians? help preparing for baby
Elderly hospital patients may be less likely to die NEW YORK Pregnancy affects not only a
prematurely or be readmitted for serious womans body: It changes parts of her brain too, a
complications when theyre... new study says. When...
The New Health Care: Price The Checkup: The Cough That Doesnt
Transparency Is Nice. Just Dont Expect Go Away
It to Cut Health Costs. Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Its Time Mr. President-Elect, Please The Hidden Dangers Of Nut Allergies At
Listen To These Americans The Holidays
Never forget that the faces of addiction are real My nose caught a whiff of it before I saw anything.
people. They are beloved family members, close My toddler and I were playing at a local indoor play
friends and colleagues.... place when I sensed...
This App Wants To Sell You Restaurant Dozens Die In Siberia After Drinking
Leftovers For A Huge Discount Bath Oil To Get Drunk
Food waste is a serious problem in the United MOSCOW, Dec 19 (Reuters) At least 41 residents
States, with up to 40 percent of food going uneaten. of the Siberian city of Irkutsk have died after
Meanwhile, 1 family in... drinking scented bath...
Talk To Kids About The Dangers Of E- Why You Cant Deny The Unexplained
cigarettes; Lets Help Them Quit Or Sadness During The Holidays
Never Start Max DuBowy is a best-selling author, an executive
Nicotine is highly addictive. So, as Dr. Murthy wrote, mindfulness coach and the founder of Your
using e-cigarettes can lead to use of other Success Launch. His writing regularly...
addictive substances,...
Are male or female doctors better for Important element of immune defense
patients? against fungal infections discovered
Do women or men make better doctors? Scientists Fungal infections are a serious health risk. They
are beginning to delve into the question, with some can be harmful especially to patients whose
intriguing results. A... immune system is compromised...
converted by W
predict mountain rock falls Transparent conductors are one of the key
The risk of mountain rock falls in regions with sub- elements of todays electronic and optoelectronic
zero temperatures, such as the Swiss Alps and devices such as displays,...
parts of Canada, could...
Studies of one of the worlds rarest Special Report: Thousands of U.S. areas
birds, the Rufous-headed Robin afflicted with lead poisoning beyond
Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flints
in Beijing and Uppsala University, Uppsala, Reuters found 2,606 census tracts, and another
Sweden have put together all known... 278 zip code areas, with a prevalence of lead
poisoning at least twice Flints...
41 dead in Siberia after drinking toxic Duterte defends China, says unfair to
bath essence blame Beijing for Philippines drug
Moscow (AFP) A Russian city declared a state of problem
emergency Monday after 49 people seeking cheap By John Chalmers (Reuters) Philippine President
alcohol died after... Rodrigo Dutertes office, responding to a Reuters
report, came...
Japan to review drug prices annually Forty-one die in Siberia after drinking
rather than every two years: sources bath oil for alcoholic kicks
By Takashi Umekawa TOKYO (Reuters) The By Andrew Osborn and Peter Hobson MOSCOW
Japanese government plans to start reviewing drug (Reuters) At least 41 residents of the Siberian city
prices every year, instead... of Irkutsk have died...
North China cities choked by smog shut Cycling: Mystery package was flu
factories, stop cars treatment, says Team Sky boss
BEIJING (AP) Engulfed in choking smog, some Brailsford
northern Chinese cities limited the number of cars LONDON (Reuters) The mystery package at the
on roads and temporarily... center of a UK Anti-Doping investigation into British
Cycling contained...
Melanoma Survivors Friends Can Help Optimistic People May Live Longer after
Spot New Moles a Heart Attack
People who survive melanoma, the deadliest form People who expect good things to happen in the
of skin cancer, may want to enlist partners to help future are more likely than less-optimistic peers to
search their bodies for... survive the decades following...
Down the Road: Better Seatbelts for Experts panel created to identify
Seniors emerging technologies of greatest help
Ohio researchers say todays seat belts werent to Africa
designed to protect the smaller, frailer seniors who Harvard Universitys Calestous Juma will co-chair
account... a new High Level African Panel on Emerging
Technologies, created...
Gut bacteria may hold key to treating Huntsman Cancer Institute leads
autoimmune disease international colorectal study
Defects in the bodys regulatory T cells (T reg cells) SALT LAKE CITY Huntsman Cancer Institute
cause inflammation and autoimmune disease by (HCI) at the University of Utah will head an
altering the type... international study to find...
converted by W
To bloom or not to bloom: That is the New carbenoid species yields
question unexpected reactivity
When spring is approaching, how do plants decide To day, chemists synthesize cyclopropanes using
that it is time to flower? A team of plant scientists pure E or Z alkenes as starting materials and
led by KWAK June... usually, dangerous, unstable...
An ancient mechanism helps a cell to Girls with poorer motor skills more
resist stress likely than boys to be obese
Biologists from the Lomonosov Moscow State Young girls who exhibit a poor mastery of
University in collaboration with colleagues from the fundamental movement skills (FMS) are more likely
Engelhardt Institute of... to be obese than boys who have...
How bacteria survive antibiotic Heart attack risk doubled for people
treatment with less education
Multiresistant bacteria Scientists around the world Researchers investigated the links between
are working hard to win the battle against multi- education and cardiovascular disease events
resistant bacteria.... (such as a heart attack or stroke)...
Highly sensitive liquid particle counter How to stay safe in the sun
released by Beckman Coulter Dr. Bav ShergillTHOUGHT LEADERS SERIES
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences is introducing the insight from the worlds leading experts An
HIAC PODS+ Liquid Particle Counter, with interview with Dr Bav Shergill,...
advanced features for the early...
The ten reasons you feel bloated The Mail on Sundays fitness guru MATT
By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 17:24 EST, ROBERTS on why his dad didnt treat
17 December 2016 | Updated: 06:13 EST, 18 his cancer
December 2016 ... This time last year, my family was in the middle of
the sort of experience that only ever happens to
other people. We have...
Simple exercise you can do at home to How one pregnant woman fought
get your heart racing through antenatal depression and an
To get your heart racing and boost your overall eating disorder to become a mum
fitness, try skipping The benefits of even a few When Brittany Noonan found out she was
minutes a day are huge It... pregnant, she was scared. Scared about the
changes to her body, scared she wouldnt...
converted by W
aluminium and Alzheimers...
Hard times for Puerto Rico family of Malaysia confirms its 8th Zika virus
child with Zika defect case
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Michelle Flandez had KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia confirmed an eighth
just given birth to her first son, but doctors in this Zika virus case on Sunday, involving a 67-year-old
U.S. territory whisked... man who first showed symptoms...
Poultry culled in Germany after bird flu AstraZeneca oncology head jumps ship
found on 2 farms to become Innate CEO
About 30,000 turkeys and ducks were culled in LONDON AstraZeneca is losing its head of
Germany over the weekend after bird flu was found oncology, Mondher Mahjoubi, who is departing to
on two farms, authorities... lead French biotech company Innate...
Hard times for Puerto Rico family of Homeless across country fall victim to
child with Zika defect synthetic marijuana
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Michelle Flandez had ST. LOUIS The nations homeless are proving to
just given birth to her first son, but doctors in this be especially susceptible to a new, dirt-cheap
U.S. territory whisked... version of synthetic...
Malaysia confirms its 8th Zika virus Melanoma survivors friends can help
case spot new moles
KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia confirmed an eighth Melanoma survivors may want to enlist partners to
Zika virus case on Sunday, involving a 67-year-old help search their bodies for suspicious looking
man who first showed symptoms... moles, according to new...
Poultry culled in Germany after bird flu Provinces take aim at health care
found on 2 farms ultimatum
About 30,000 turkeys and ducks were culled in Provincial ministers are criticizing what they
Germany over the weekend after bird flu was found describe as a lacklustre take-it-or-leave-it offer
on two farms, authorities... delivered by the Trudeau...
New emergency brain procedure Some parents forgo car seats, other
saving stroke patients safety measures while traveling, poll
Every eight minutes someone in Canada has a finds
stroke. But the odds of survival are getting better Some parents may overlook safety risks to kids
because of a new emergency... during travel. Credit: C.S. Mott Childrens...
Further evidence found for causal links Another reason to exercise every day
between cannabis and schizophrenia during the holidays
A persons character, more so than their actions, Exercising in a winter wonderland. Credit:
determines whether we find immoral acts to be Yes, of course we all
disgusting,... know...
Study looks at power tool injuries Initiative designed to bring health and
The UK soft drinks industry levy, due to be social care professionals and patients
introduced in April 2018, is estimated to have and public together
significant health benefits, especially... Credit: University of Plymouth From lay input in
research to how a clinic runs, from medical...
converted by W
The strange effects of thinking healthy Medicare outpatients risk higher bills
food is costlier for some procedures
COLUMBUS, Ohio Consumers believe healthy WASHINGTON (AP) You pay less for outpatient
food must be more expensive than cheap eats and treatment than for a hospital admission, right? Not
that higher-priced food... necessarily in the topsy-turvy...
South Korea very concerned over bird 33 dead in Siberia after drinking bath
flu outbreak, aftermath: vice finance essence
minister Moscow (AFP) Thirty-three people have died in
SEOUL (Reuters) South Korea is very concerned Siberia after drinking bath essence containing
about a bird flu outbreak that has seen the biggest- methanol, a toxic substance...
ever cull of chickens...
Artist Liu Bolin live streams Beijing 47 children leave Aleppo orphanage,
smog to raise awareness some in critical shape: U.N.
BEIJING (Reuters) Chinese artist Liu Bolin, GENEVA (Reuters) Nearly 50 children who were
known as the invisible man for using painted-on trapped in an orphanage in the rebel-held Syrian
camouflage... enclave of east Aleppo...
Sirt1 regulates proliferation and Research team sets new mark for deep
regeneration of glial progenitor cells learning
after injury In tests, the groups deep rendering mixture
WASHINGTON Developing brains in newborns model largely taught itself how to distinguish
have a sizable pool of a certain type of immature handwritten...
progenitor cell that can...
Link found between HIV treatment, Woman who got a bad cold during
neuronal degeneration pregnancy is shocked to discover she
Mounting evidence has implicated these drugs in passed common but little-known virus
contributing to HIV-associated neurocognitive to her unborn baby which left him
disorders, or HAND, which can... profoundly deaf
When Rebekka Murray went for her routine 20-
week ultrasound, she received news no expectant
mother wants to hear. Doctors...
Can daily saunas reduce the risk of Families affected by rare genetic
dementia and Alzheimers? Finnish condition that causes Alzheimers in
study finds elderly men are 66% less childhood are given new hope by what
likely to be diagnosed if they take hot could be the first treatment
treatments frequently Niemann-Pick Type C is a progressive and fatal
Men taking a sauna 4-7 times a week were 66% disorder that affects children So rare that only
less likely to be diagnosed Study is the first to link about 50 children in...
sauna bathing to dementia...
Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimers: Woman, 24, credits her bendy spine
Expert says new findings confirm the for saving her life in a horrific car
metal is behind the devastating brain accident
disease Laura Wellington was told she had joint
Chris Exley is a professor in bioinorganic chemistry hypermobility when she was a teenager After being
based at Keele University A link between between in an accident 2 years ago, doctors...
aluminium and Alzheimers...
converted by W
out best in bosom Luke Waddon is ahead of his years. He looks like a
21-year-old as we clumsily kick a football about, but
Apparently, we Brits are blessed with the most
he spends his time...
impressive breasts in Europe. The average size in
the UK is between 36C and...
Child abuse affects health decades Mesh implants still used in Scotland
later despite suspension call
People who were maltreated as children are more Hundreds of mesh implant operations have been
likely to have poor health and living standards performed in Scotland despite ministers
decades later, a study suggests. The... recommending their suspension. Figures...
The crazy number of insects that could Japan to review drug prices annually vs
be hiding in your Christmas tree every two years previously: sources
Last December, one of my best friends sent out a TOKYO The Japanese government plans to start
desperate group text calling for moral support reviewing drug prices every year, instead of every
when her freshly decorated... two years, in a bid to...
Medigene eyeing more immunotherapy South Korea, Japan step up poultry cull
deals after Bluebird pact to contain bird flu
FRANKFURT German biotech firm Medigene said it SEOUL South Korea and Japan have ordered fresh
is drawing more interest from prospective alliance culls of poultry stocks to contain outbreaks of avian
partners for its technology... flu, authorities...
Study on minerals status of dairy cows Study on minerals status of dairy cows
and their supplementation through area and their supplementation through area
specific mineral mixture in the state of specific mineral mixture in the state of
Jharkhand Jharkhand
Sampling procedures Two villages from each Sampling procedures Two villages from each
taluka were selected at random for taking taluka were selected at random for taking
representative samples of feeds, forage... representative samples of feeds, forage...
converted by W
Rapid detection of carbapenem Rapid detection of carbapenem
resistance: targeting a zero level of resistance: targeting a zero level of
inadequate empiric antibiotic inadequate empiric antibiotic
exposure? exposure?
Resistance to carbapenems is an increasingly Resistance to carbapenems is an increasingly
encountered phenomenon in the ICU, complicating encountered phenomenon in the ICU, complicating
empiric and targeted antimicrobial... empiric and targeted antimicrobial...
Genetic biomarker IDs patients with Genetic biomarker IDs patients with
increased risk for heart damage by increased risk for heart damage by
anthracycline chemo anthracycline chemo
Bottom Line: Among women with breast cancer Bottom Line: Among women with breast cancer
who received a type of chemotherapy called an who received a type of chemotherapy called an
anthracycline, those who had a... anthracycline, those who had a...
Tumor DNA in blood may serve as Tumor DNA in blood may serve as
prognostic marker of pancreatic cancer prognostic marker of pancreatic cancer
Bottom Line: The presence of circulating tumor Bottom Line: The presence of circulating tumor
DNA (ctDNA) isolated from blood samples of DNA (ctDNA) isolated from blood samples of
patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma... patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma...
Neglect and abuse in childhood could Neglect and abuse in childhood could
have long-term economic have long-term economic
consequences consequences
People who suffer neglect and abuse in childhood People who suffer neglect and abuse in childhood
are much more likely to have time off work due to are much more likely to have time off work due to
long-term sickness and... long-term sickness and...
Poll: Some parents forgo car seats, Poll: Some parents forgo car seats,
other safety measures while traveling other safety measures while traveling
ANN ARBOR, Mich. Parents to-do lists before ANN ARBOR, Mich. Parents to-do lists before
traveling with toddlers this holiday season may traveling with toddlers this holiday season may
include packing... include packing...
Filipinos fear extrajudicial killings, but Filipinos fear extrajudicial killings, but
converted by W
approve of drugs war: survey approve of drugs war: survey
MANILA (Reuters) Eight out of 10 Filipinos worry MANILA (Reuters) Eight out of 10 Filipinos worry
they or someone they know might become a victim they or someone they know might become a victim
of extrajudicial... of extrajudicial...
Plants closed, cars stopped as China Plants closed, cars stopped as China
faces smog red alert faces smog red alert
BEIJING (AP) Engulfed in choking smog, some BEIJING (AP) Engulfed in choking smog, some
northern Chinese cities limited the number of cars northern Chinese cities limited the number of cars
on roads and temporarily... on roads and temporarily...
Poultry culled in Germany after bird flu Poultry culled in Germany after bird flu
found on two farms found on two farms
HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) About 30,000 HAMBURG, Germany (Reuters) About 30,000
turkeys and ducks were culled in Germany over the turkeys and ducks were culled in Germany over the
weekend after bird flu... weekend after bird flu...
STEM Enrichment activities have no Bad bosses come in two forms: Dark or
impact on exam results dysfunctional
Data shows children who didnt take part in the In a new chapter from Research in Occupational
activities, run and funded by various governments, Stress and Well-Being titled, Stress, Well-Being,
private companies... And the Dark Side...
Indias Laurus Labs jumps over 16 12/18: Zsa Zsa Gabor dies; Cookie
percent on market debut orders roll in at business owned by
Indian generic drugmaker Laurus Labs Ltds woman with Down syndrome
shares rose as much as 16.36 percent on their December 18, 2016, 6:30 PM| Hungarian-born
market debut on Monday... actress Zsa Zsa Gabor died Sunday, according to
New food labels released to prevent College study discovers happy people
food waste live longer
December 18, 2016, 6:48 PM| An advocacy group December 18, 2016, 6:52 PM| A team at University
says nine out of 10 Americans find food expiration... College London followed nearly 10,000 men and...
New USDA food label guidelines aim to Characterization of heavy users of skin
prevent food waste care products among Norwegian
This past week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture women from 2003 to 2011
released food labeling guidelines aimed at The use of personal care products (PCPs), such
reducing the amount of good... as skin care products, deodorant and tooth paste
are currently a part of many...
Scale of suicide unacceptable, say MPs East Aleppo evacuation under way: U.N.
The number of people taking their own lives in official
England is unacceptably high, according to a report GENEVA (Reuters) The evacuation of the rebel-
by the Health Select Committee. The... held enclave of east Aleppo resumed late on
Sunday night after three...
Gunmen burn buses, Aleppo convoy 12 Herbal Holiday Gifts: For the Person
goes through Who has Everything, Except Health
By Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi Trying to find the right holiday gift for that friend,
BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) Armed men burned family member, or special someone, but worried
five buses that were supposed... that time is running...
converted by W
with you, I cried happy tears. I wrote your Daddy a with you, I cried happy tears. I wrote your Daddy a
card to tell him the news,... card to tell him the news,...
What Trumps Cabinet Picks Tell Us What Trumps Cabinet Picks Tell Us
Donald Trump feuded with the Republican Donald Trump feuded with the Republican
establishment during his presidential campaign, establishment during his presidential campaign,
but as president-elect he is mending... but as president-elect he is mending...
Under threat in Washington, first ladys Under threat in Washington, first ladys
food legacy may live on elsewhere food legacy may live on elsewhere
By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) Michelle By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) Michelle
Obama will be ceding the title of first lady to Obama will be ceding the title of first lady to
Melania Trump next... Melania Trump next...
Texas city lifts tap water ban after Texas city lifts tap water ban after
chemical spill fear chemical spill fear
By Laila Kearney (Reuters) Tap water in Corpus By Laila Kearney (Reuters) Tap water in Corpus
Christi is safe to drink, the mayor of the Texas city Christi is safe to drink, the mayor of the Texas city
said on Sunday,... said on Sunday,...
Gunmen burn buses, stalling Aleppo Gunmen burn buses, stalling Aleppo
evacuation deal evacuation deal
By Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi By Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi
BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) Armed men burned BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) Armed men burned
five buses that were supposed... five buses that were supposed...
Dolls With Disabilities Escape The Toy NPR Staff: We Pry Into The Why Behind
Hospital, Go Mainstream Our Own Anxiety Dreams
Dominika Tamley and her doll Isebelle ride the We asked our coworkers to tell us their deepest,
train together in Chicago. Like Dominika,... darkest, most stressful dreams. And boy did they
deliver. Then we asked...
Is air pollution really a public health Aleppo evacuation resumes after Syrian
crisis? rebels, pro-government forces reach
It could lead to a ban on diesel cars, prevent the deal
building of a third runway at Heathrow and will By Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi
certainly make it more... BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) A number of buses
containing fighters from east...
Aleppo evacuation resumes after Syrian New clinical study for children with AML
rebels, pro-government forces reach aims to kill leukemia cells and minimize
deal cardiac damage
By Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi Imagine conquering childhood cancer, only to find
BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) A number of buses out that years down the road your heart may fail.
containing fighters from east... Unfortunately, many children...
converted by W
Cancer has a major impact on mental and physical When your kids talk back, forget to use their
wellbeing, researchers report at the ESMO Asia manners, refuse to listen, dont pitch in, act out and
2016 Congress in Singapore. Results... act disrespectful...
Holiday toy safety tips Drinking 3 cups of coffee daily can help
As kids eagerly anticipate receiving the latest prevent Alzheimers
holiday toys for Christmas, some parents may be Do you find yourself making multiple trips to
concerned about the safety... Starbucks daily? Well, those caffeine headaches
and jitters may be worth it...
Drinking 3 cups of coffee daily can help 10 strategies to avoid raising a spoiled
prevent Alzheimers brat
Do you find yourself making multiple trips to When your kids talk back, forget to use their
Starbucks daily? Well, those caffeine headaches manners, refuse to listen, dont pitch in, act out and
and jitters may be worth it... act disrespectful...
Hidden Figures, The Glass Universe, Chinese city cancels flights in 2nd day
And Why Science Needs History of smog alert
The Glass Universe How the Ladies of the Harvard BEIJING (AP) A smog-shrouded Chinese city
Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars by Dava canceled airline flights Sunday due to poor visibility
Sobel Hardcover,... and parents took children...
Combined endocrine and targeted Routine blood test can predict survival
therapy could be effective in treating of cancer patients in palliative care
Asian breast cancer patients A routine blood test can predict how long cancer
Ribociclib significantly improves progression-free patients in palliative care will survive, researchers
survival in Asian women with advanced breast report at the ESMO...
cancer, according to a sub-analysis...
Research finds link between p53 ESMO Asia 2016: Three studies present
pathway and ribosome biogenesis, first data on rare sarcomas in Asian
nucleotide metabolism in DBA patients
Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA) is a condition that The first data on rare sarcomas in Asian patients is
is characterized by a failure of the bone marrow to presented in three studies today at the ESMO Asia
produce red blood cells,... 2016 Congress in Singapore....
Stem cell living bandage for knee AMA, Other Leading Medical
injuries trialed in humans Organizations Urge Insurance for Non-
converted by W
Meniscal tears are suffered by over one million Pharma/Integrative Pain Care
people a year in the US and Europe alone and are Among those echoing the AMA in calling for this
particularly common in contact... reform of insurance practices are the American
Society of Anesthesiologists...
Economy pays tab for Japan Incs free Heralding social, financial change,
lunch on overtime China aims blow at iron rice bowl
By Stanley White and Izumi Nakagawa TOKYO By David Stanway PINGDINGSHAN, China
(Reuters) Japanese workers put up with long (Reuters) China has ordered state firms to
hours and unpaid overtime under... smash the decades-old system of providing...
Henry Heimlich, Developer Of Anti- Charleston gunman will not use mental
Choking Maneuver, Dead At 96 health to avoid death penalty
ONLY METHOD It took more than a decade for the (Reuters) Convicted murderer Dylann Roof will
medical establishment to adopt the Heimlich not ask jurors to take his mental health into
Maneuver, partly because... consideration next month...
Lithium side effects and toxicity: Homeless across country fall victim to
prevalence and management strategies synthetic marijuana
Lithium intoxication As has been well known since In this photo made Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016,
the early days of its use in bipolar disorder, lithium medics check on the condition of man found in a
has a narrow therapeutic... catatonic...
This One Move Will Tighten Your Core Tectonic Shifts In Climate Politics:
and Sculpt Your Shoulders Like Crazy Researchers Confused On Trump Era
converted by W
Dumbbell bent-over row: Some moves you dont Consequences
feel until the next daythis isnt one of them. With Trump has sent mixed signals about how he
each row,... regards climate science. Researchers are divided
over whether to appeal him, or...
Morning Rounds: 21st Century Cures Routine blood test predicts how long
Act, mumps and more cancer patients will survive
December 17, 2016, 7:36 AM| President Obama LUGANO-SINGAPORE, 17 December, 2016 A
signed a $6 billion into law this week that will... routine blood test can predict how long cancer
patients in palliative care...
Cancer costs leaving patients in debt Red Cross asks for quick agreement on
LUGANO-SINGAPORE, 18 December, 2016 Aleppo evacuation plan
Cancer patients are ending up in debt because BEIRUT (Reuters) The International Committee
they have to cover the costs of... of the Red Cross (ICRC) asked Syrias warring
parties to quickly...
converted by W
genes associated with the development... Environments Craig Rowlands, PhD,...
Khloe Kardashian Just Shut Down the The hectic holiday guide to keeping
People Who Are STILL Body Shaming your health goals through the silly
Her season
ICYMI, Khloe Kardashian has become a major Fitting fitness in is difficult at any time of the year.
health and fitness icon in the last year. After doing Im a personal trainer, I teach group fitness
some serious toning and... classes, and I love...
How long does it take to freeze to Boxing-WBC title fight called off after
death? Povetkin fails drug test
When Lee Norman heads to the Kansas City EKATERINBURG, Russia, Dec 17 (Reuters) A
Chiefs game against the Tennessee Titans this super heavyweight title fight between Russian
weekend, he plans to bundle up well.... boxer Alexander Povetkin and...
WBC title fight called off after Povetkin Two major groups of rabies virus
fails drug test display distinct evolutionary trends
EKATERINBURG, Russia (Reuters) A super Diseases that jump from other vertebrate hosts to
heavyweight title fight between Russian boxer humans are a major public health threat, but the
Alexander Povetkin and Haitian-born... evolutionary mechanisms...
The Best Running Shoes for Every 4 Signs of Breast Cancer That Youve
Single Type of Runner Never Heard of Before
Type: Road ShoeAward: Best Update, Summer Many women diagnosed with breast cancer share
2016Price: $140Summary: For the Adios 3, Adidas a common experience: They feel a lump that wasnt
tweaked the outsole, wrapping... there before, which...
Whats Really Happening When Your Drug overdose deaths increased by 33-
Hands and Feet Fall Asleep percent in past 5 years
When Its Just Temporary The medical world CONCORD, N.H. Drug overdose deaths have
further breaks down paresthesia into more specific increased by 33 percent in the past five years
categories. Saturday... across the country, with some...
First-in-human study of cell bandage for Study provides new insights into
common sporting knee injury shows fundamental characteristics of dendritic
promising results cells
A living bandage made from stem cells, which Dendritic cells represent an important component
could revolutionise the treatment and prognosis of of the immune system: they recognize and engulf
a common sporting... invaders, which subsequently...
converted by W
Childrens HeartLink Listeriosis affected about 2,200 people in 2015,
causing 270 deaths the highest number ever
reported in the EU. The...
Vancouver had as many as 9 drug Study finds link between HIV treatment
overdose deaths in 1 night, officials and neuronal degeneration
suspect fentanyl to blame Antiretroviral drugs have been life-changing
Vancouvers police chief says the fentanyl crisis hit therapies for HIV patients, but they can have
a brutal low point Thursday with the overdose significant side effects. ...
deaths of as...
What Every Woman Should Know Listen To What This Guy Says In His
Before Getting Genetic Testing for Sleep And Just Try Not To Laugh
Cancer Pip pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup pup
Undergoing genetic testing for breast cancer is like pup pup pup pup pup pup pup psssssssss,
consulting a foggy crystal ball: You can walk away Rosenberg says about a minute and...
with a vague idea...
5 Ways Your Body Changes After 39 Black And White Americans View
That No One Talks About Historical Events Very Differently
What you know: You might feel a little foggy and White and black Americans perceive history
notice that youre having trouble remembering differently, according to a new survey of the most
everything on your to-do... significant historic events...
6 Signs You Yes, You Are The OU, BU and Smithsonian researchers
Enabler In A Toxic Relationship investigate ancient species in Gulf of
In a healthy relationship, partners support one Alaska
another but are perfectly capable of leading their Invasive species have shaped island ecosystems
own lives. In a codependent... and landscapes in the Gulf of Alaska, but their
histories are unknown. In...
Heart attack risk doubled for people First data on rare sarcomas in Asian
converted by W
with less education according to new patients presented at ESMO Asia in
Australian research Singapore
People who leave school without a school LUGANO-SINGAPORE, 17 December, 2016 The
certificate are more than twice as likely to have a first data on rare sarcomas in Asian patients is
heart attack as those with a... presented in three studies...
Turkey to set up camp for Aleppo After harsh light, a cheaper version of
evacuees in Syria EpiPen from Mylan
By Umit Ozdal CILVEGOZU, Turkey (Reuters) Mylan is releasing a generic version of its
Turkey plans to set up a camp inside Syria to host emergency allergy treatment EpiPen at half the
people evacuated from... price of the branded option, the...
Study examines health care costs Scientists discover how COPD patients
linked to lumpectomy patients requiring lungs lose ability to repair damages
reoperations In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
The number of breast cancer patients that have to the patients lungs lose their ability to repair
be reoperated on in Canada is too high and damages on their...
impacts patient wellbeing and...
Monday is the day: Liberals send Academic thievery and a labelling win
ultimatum to provinces on health talks for Big Food
Finance Minister Bill Morneau says his government In this weeks edition of Second Opinion, scenes
is willing to give the provinces more money for from a science crime, a food label win for industry,
home care and mental health... and the curious...
First data on rare sarcomas in Asian Privacy concerns keep some young
patients presented Americans from sexual health services
The first data on rare sarcomas in Asian patients is (HealthDay)Young people may abstain from
converted by W
presented in three studies today at the ESMO Asia seeking sexual and reproductive health care
2016 Congress in... because they...
The New Old Age: Youre Prediabetic? 4 Breakfast Recipes From Sqirls
Join the Club Jessica Koslow
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here The Morning Email helps you start your workday
with everything you need to know: breaking news,
entertainment and a dash...
Should We Always Look For Silver An Intuitive Eating Trick That Requires
Linings? Zero Restriction
For this study, researchers recruited 74 young Of course, I usually give myself a bit of a pep talk:
adults and asked them to complete questionnaires Oh, Katie, I know that you really want to finish this
measuring their well-being,... bag of lime-infused...
How to Reduce Food Anxiety Over the What Can Americans Dream Now?
Holidays In The New Better Off: Reinventing the American
The categorisation of foods as good or bad sets up Dream, Courtney Martin explores the changing
a phenomenon known as forbidden foods. If landscape of aspiration and...
something is bad,...
Scientists boost catalytic activity for key Worlds smallest radio receiver has
chemical reaction in fuel cells building blocks the size of 2 atoms
UPTON, NYFuel cells are a promising technology Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson
for clean and efficient electrical power generation, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have
but their cost,... made the worlds smallest...
Home visits uncover fuller picture of NASA sees some strength in Tropical
challenges among low-income adults Cyclone Vardahs remnants
converted by W
with asthma After moving into the very warm waters of the
Nationally, the highest rates of asthma-related southeastern Arabian Sea the remnants of Tropical
deaths and hospitalizations are among low- Cyclone Vardah seemed to...
income minority adults, but most...
U.S. lawmakers press Heritage Pharma Transgender Ohio child may continue to
on high prices for antibiotic use girls restroom: appeals court
By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) Two By Sharon Bernstein (Reuters) An 11-year-old
U.S. lawmakers are questioning whether Heritage transgender Ohio child must be allowed to
Pharmaceuticals misled... continue to use the girls...
Carew has successful heart transplant Dont Let Alcohol Spoil Your Holiday
surgery: Twins Celebrations
(Reuters) Hall of Famer Rod Carew had The winter holiday season is in full swing, and that
successful heart transplant surgery on Friday, 15 means parties and celebrations and alcoholic
months after a massive heart... beverages. But for...
FDA Approves Use of Patients Tissue The Pill Does Not Kill Sexual Desire
for Knee Repair A new study busts the myth that contraceptives curb
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has desire, finding other factors like age and length of
approved a product that uses a patients own relationship are...
tissue to repair their knee. This...
HSE researchers uncover why morning Internet data could boost conservation
people should not work at night Businesses routinely use internet data to learn
It has been known for a long time that early risers about customers and increase profits and similar
work less efficiently at night than night owls do. But techniques could...
researchers from...
Night-owl preschoolers may have New data show spike in severe black
more sleep problems lung disease
Preschoolers whose natural preference is for MORGANTOWN, W.Va. New data show many
going to bed and waking up on the late side are more coal miners across Appalachia suffering
more likely than their early-bird... from the most serious form of black...
Drug overdose deaths rise significantly Study ties pubic hair grooming to
in past 5 years sexually transmitted infections
CONCORD, N.H. Drug overdose deaths have Before scheduling a bikini wax, or shaving down
increased by 33 percent in the past five years there, consider the results of a new study. Men and
across the country, with some... women who trimmed...
converted by W
11 routine screening tests that can Optimistic people may live longer after
save a mans life a heart attack
Without regular routine health screenings, many People who expect good things to happen in the
men may be missing out on catching problems future are more likely than less-optimistic peers to
before they become major health... survive the decades following...
Down the road: better seatbelts for Night-owl preschoolers may have
seniors more sleep problems
Ohio researchers say todays seat belts werent Preschoolers whose natural preference is for
designed to protect the smaller, frailer seniors who going to bed and waking up on the late side are
account... more likely than their early-bird...
FDA drops black box warning on New data show spike in severe black
Pfizers anti-smoking drug lung disease
U.S. health regulators on Friday allowed Pfizer Inc MORGANTOWN, W.Va. New data show many
to remove a serious warning from the label of its more coal miners across Appalachia suffering
smoking cessation treatment,... from the most serious form of black...
Drug overdose deaths rise significantly DuPont research project aims to enable
in past 5 years global access for protein-based
CONCORD, N.H. Drug overdose deaths have biologic medications
increased by 33 percent in the past five years
across the country, with some...
Mayo Clinic creates genetic test to help New erectile dysfunction treatment
guide diagnosis, treatment of lymphoma uses high-frequency acoustical waves
patients Statistically speaking, 50% of all men, have
Mayo Clinic has created a genetic test to help guide experienced erectile dysfunction (ED) at some time
diagnosis and treatment of patients with diffuse or another, and the chance...
large B-cell lymphoma,...
Minority women less likely to get breast SIOP scale best for detecting
cancer screening ototoxicity with cisplatin Tx
(HealthDay)For white, black, and Hispanic (HealthDay)In germ cell tumors (GCTs), TP53
women, receipt of a prescription subsidy is and MDM2 alterations correlate with cisplatin
associated with improved persistence... resistance and are associated...
Microsurgical head and neck MRI has a role to play after negative
reconstruction is cost-effective prostate biopsy
(HealthDay)For patients with clinically node- HIV, SARS, Ebola, H1N1, Zika, the list of
negative oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, the communicable global health threats seems ever
addition of elective neck... growing. And all too often, the limited...
New diagnostic test kit offers easy Guards of the human immune system
identification of virulent pathogens in unraveled
remote locations Dendritic cells in lymphatic tissues are mainly
A team of researchers has developed a portable influenced by their genetic identity, while in...
detection system that can rapidly identify some of
converted by W
the most virulent, often...
The New Old Age: Youre Prediabetic? Famed Aussie TV Host Explains What It
Join the Club. Was Really Like To Grow Up In The
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Outback
Before Jamie Durie became a renowned
international landscape designer, an Australian TV
host or an HGTV personality, he was...
Anxiety Sensitivity Is Real. Heres How Heres How To Make That Adorable
To Know If Youre Caught In This Spiral. Starry Tent From The Holiday
Do you get anxious about being anxious? If a Once the tree is decorated, the cookies are baked,
nervous-sounding yes just popped into your and the stockings are hung (with care, of course),
head, then this ones for... its time to settle...
The Milk And Cookies Recipe Thatll The Genius Way To Get Your Home
Surprise Even Santa Holiday-Ready In A Pinch
Celebrate the holidays with a simply decadent Celebrate the holidays with a simply decadent
twist. Curate Snacks believes in combining twist. Curate Snacks believes in combining
surprising flavors and simple, nutrient-dense... surprising flavors and simple, nutrient-dense...
Nurses Believe Access to Health Care Mom Of Preemie Triplets Shares Her
is a Basic Human Right Powerful NICU Experience On
Yet there is more work to be done. At the end of Instagram
2015, more than 28 million people were still The mom also credits the hospitals team of
uninsured in the United States.... doctors and nurses for her babies incredible
progress. The girls...
Toward energy solutions for northern Hookah tobacco labels are misleading,
regions Roswell Park, UB researchers find
Emphasis should be on the energy needs of BUFFALO, N.Y. Label information on many
companies and communities rather than locally hookah tobacco products is misleading and may
available resources. Furthermore,... be misinterpreted by consumers,...
Britain confirms bird flu outbreak at Down the road: better seatbelts for
turkey farm in eastern England seniors
LONDON (Reuters) The H5N8 bird flu strain has By Randi Belisomo Ohio researchers say todays
been found at a turkey farm in Lincolnshire, eastern seat belts werent designed to protect the smaller,
England, Britains... frailer seniors who...
Night-owl preschoolers may have France reports another bird flu strain in
more sleep problems southwest
By Shereen Lehman Preschoolers whose natural PARIS (Reuters) France has detected H5N9
converted by W
preference is for going to bed and waking up on the avian influenza among poultry in the southwest of
late side are more likely... the country, an official...
FDA drops black box warning on Bird flu hits British turkey farm
Pfizers anti-smoking drug London (AFP) Britain on Friday announced the
By Natalie Grover (Reuters) U.S. health discovery of a highly contagious strain of bird flu at
regulators on Friday allowed Pfizer Inc to remove a a turkey farm,...
serious warning from...
Trudeau warns eager beavers not to Pfizer says US drops bold warning from
light up pot yet anti-smoking pill
Montreal (AFP) Canadian Prime Minister Justin WASHINGTON (AP) Pfizer says U.S. regulators
Trudeau warned citizens Friday not to light up just have removed a bold-letter warning from its anti-
yet as the government... smoking drug Chantix...
Top-Rated Health Apps Not Always Best Even Teethers Labeled BPA-Free May
for Managing Health Contain Hormone-Disrupters
Some of the top-rated health apps aimed at people Some baby teething toys marketed as non-toxic
with chronic medical problems dont do a very good might contain chemicals that could interfere with
job of actually... hormones involved in normal...
What makes influential science? Telling Early action key to reducing sea lion
a good story impacts on salmon, new study finds
It turns out that even in the world of scientific A new study used the same kind of models that
writing, your eighth-grade teacher was right: how scientists use to track disease to instead examine
you write can matter... how some California sea...
Revealed, the foods you should be Hospitals ordered to cancel the most
converted by W
eating this winter non-urgent operations until next year
Its easy to get side-tracked over the Christmas over winter fears
period and overindulge in chocolate. But this time All trusts have been instructed to postpone many
of year is perfect... operations until January 16 This includes hip and
knee replacements, some...
Canadian doctors update options to In a win for food industry, Canada food
treat morning sickness in pregnancy labels wont list added sugar
Morning sickness can really put a damper on the There are 152 ways to say sugar on a food label.
experience of being pregnant, but the Society of It can be called isomaltulose, agave, barley malt,
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists... sorghum...
The habit that could make or break your Mumps cases soared in 2016, CDC says
relationship Mumps cases in 2016 have reached a decade-
There are a lot of things that can determine the long high, according to data released by the
success of your relationship. Money. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Communication. Even the quality of...
Small NC school district shuts down Barn dances bring joy and relief to
over flu outbreak veterans with PTSD
ROBBINSVILLE, N.C. A small western North LOUISVILLE, Ky. Nothing puts a smile on
Carolina school district is closing all three of its Roosevelt Smiths face quite like dancing. It helps
schools to let a flu... him forget, for a...
Alan Thickes death: How do heart Real, fake or natural? Why sweetener
attacks kill so fast? type may not matter for diet
Actor Alan Thicke died after a heart attack on Sweetening your beverage with real sugar, fake
Tuesday, TMZ reported. But why do some people sugar or a natural no-calorie sweetener makes...
survive heart attacks, while...
Sugar tax would cut childhood obesity Optimistic people may live longer after
Friday December 16 2016 Sugary drinks can cause a heart attack
weight gain and tooth decay Sugary drinks tax (Reuters Health) People who expect good things
will... to happen in the future are more likely than less-
optimistic peers...
Mylan launches EpiPen generic at $300 Woman with Down syndrome starts The
per two-pack Amazing cookie business
Mylan NV, which has come under fire for its drug A 26-year-old cookie entrepreneur who was tired of
pricing, said on Friday it would start selling a being rejected by prospective employers has
generic version of its... turned her love of baking...
Small NC school district shuts down Mumps cases soared in 2016, CDC says
over flu outbreak Mumps cases in 2016 have reached a decade-
ROBBINSVILLE, N.C. A small western North long high, according to data released by the
Carolina school district is closing all three of its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
schools to let a flu...
Barn dances bring joy and relief to Mylan launches cheaper version of
veterans with PTSD EpiPen allergy treatment
LOUISVILLE, Ky. Nothing puts a smile on Drugmaker Mylan has started selling a generic
Roosevelt Smiths face quite like dancing. It helps version of its emergency allergy treatment EpiPen
him forget, for a... at half the price of the...
converted by W
Just because youre facing a cold snap, doesnt Truth #3: Roe vs. Wade made abortions legal in the
mean you have to forego your sweat sessions. In U.S. 43 years ago. All of the above are, in fact,
fact, these amazing... facts. But under...
Researchers uncover why morning This GI test could help patients avoid a
people should not work at night hospital stay
Credit: National Research University Higher School In what is believed to be the first proof-of-concept
of Economics It has been known for a long... study of its kind, Johns Hopkins researchers have
determined that large...
Children dying preventable deaths from Medical and Health News That Stuck
congenital heart disease With Us in 2016
Each year, 40,000 children born in the United Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
States have a heart defect, and about a quarter of
them will require surgery....
Russia bans import of all raw Gratitude And Other Tips For Longevity
vegetables from EU in wake of E.coli And Happiness
scare I watched couples celebrate their 50th and 60th
Yelena Skrynnik, the countrys agriculture minister, Wedding Anniversaries and wondered why the
insisted that Russia produced enough vegetables divorce rate for my generations...
of its own to...
What this Rat Study can Teach Us About Gratitude for what we dont have
Stress Eating (HUH?)
What would your life look like if you didnt obsess So what about those times when we feel life is
about food, eating, dieting, or weight? lacking? When life feels like death, or when we, or
loved ones, are in significant...
Seven Christmas Gift Ideas That Great News: Nikes Expanding Its Plus-
Millennials Might Appreciate More Size Offerings
If the recipient of your gift falls into this category Far too often weve seen brands sacrifice style for
then this article is written for you. Millennials are the size, further perpetuating the stereotype that
most diverse... women over a certain...
Ultrafast lasers reveal light-harvesting COPD what causes the lungs to lose
secrets of photosynthetic algae their ability to heal?
converted by W
Photosynthetic algae have been refining their In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
technique for capturing light for millions of years. the patients lungs lose their ability to repair
As a result, these algae... damages on their...
Method enables machine learning from NIST device for detecting subatomic-
unwieldy data sets scale motion may aid robotics,
When data sets get too big, sometimes the only homeland security
way to do anything useful with them is to extract Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and
much smaller subsets and... Technology (NIST) have developed a new device
that measures the motion...
Penn study finds link between HIV Rice, Baylor team sets new mark for
treatment and neuronal degeneration deep learning
Antiretroviral drugs have been life-changing HOUSTON (Dec. 16, 2016) Neuroscience and
therapies for HIV patients, but they can have artificial intelligence experts from Rice University
significant side effects. Mounting... and Baylor...
Yemen edging nearer famine as war, Pre-cooked beans could turn down
shredded economy take toll: U.N. heat on Africas dwindling forests
official By Pius Sawa KAMPALA (Thomson Reuters
By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) Yemens Foundation) At a factory in Ugandas capital,
humanitarian catastrophe is set to worsen as the Kampala, workers steam-cook...
war has ruined the economy...
British man calls off attempt to swim Special Report: Meth gangs of China
Atlantic star in Philippines drug crisis
DAKAR (Reuters) A British man aiming to That may change. Saying it was deeply concerned
become the first person to swim across the Atlantic by reports of extrajudicial killings in Dutertes
said on Friday that he... crackdown,...
Research in worms provides a model to USDA awards $3.4 million for research
study how the human microbiome to increase wheat yields
influences disease WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2016 The U.S.
December 13, 2016/Novato, California: The billions Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute
of microorganisms living within the human of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)...
digestive tract appear to play...
converted by W
abnormalities that occur in human fetuses are graphene, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon, to
more extensive and severe... function like the film...
Rutgers expert shares tips for Mayo Clinic first to offer genetic test to
Alzheimers and dementia caregiving help guide diagnosis, treatment of
during the holidays lymphoma patients
The holidays can be an especially challenging time Mayo Clinic has created a genetic test to help guide
for family caregivers of people with dementia or diagnosis and treatment of patients with diffuse
Alzheimers disease.... large B-cell lymphoma,...
Sarah Holt with VHL syndrome makes a Brushing your teeth could prevent
bucket list arthritis, experts say
A mother with a rare genetic condition has drawn An infection can create proteins that cause the
up a heartbreaking bucket list to help her make the immune system to malfunction In patients with
most of the time she... rheumatoid arthritis, this...
NHS hospital bed shortage leaves Girl left paralysed in 3 limbs and in
patients at a real threat of deadly hospital after having HPV vaccine,
infections parents claim
Managers are having to roll out an extra 3,500 A 16-year-old girl has been left paralysed in three
contingency beds every day This is the equivalent limbs and is in hospital on a drip after having the
to opening an additional... controversial HPV...
What works for whom in pharmacist-led CD34 and CD38 are prognostic
smoking cessation support: realist biomarkers for acute B lymphoblastic
review leukemia
Summary of findings and comparison with Received: 29 October 2016 Accepted:
previous findings This qualitative review, which 2 December 2016 Published: 16 December 2016
links to the findings of a parallel...
converted by W
IMP: a pipeline for reproducible The impact of dietary risk factors on the
reference-independent integrated burden of non-communicable diseases
metagenomic and metatranscriptomic in Ethiopia: findings from the Global
analyses Burden of Disease study 2013
Microbial communities are ubiquitous in nature This study systematically assessed the diet-related
and govern important processes related to human national burden of disease in Ethiopia using the
health and biotechnology [1,... GBD 2013 data. In 2013,...
Trampolines dangerous, says top bone Burn victim covered with fish skin in
surgeon pioneering new treatment
Trampolines should be used only under Brazilian doctors are using the skin of a tropical
professional supervision, according to a senior fish to treat burn victims in a pioneering new
bone surgeon. Amir Ali Qureshi, from... therapy that is significantly...
How the opioid crisis is impacting DNA vaccines: Next defense against
American children Zika, other invaders
Te police officer who entered Mikaya Feuchts Ohio PHILADELPHIA Dr. Keith Hamilton took his turn
apartment found it littered with trash, dirty dishes in the patient chair and braced for the sting of an
and plastic milk... experimental Zika...
The surprising ways a babys brain Mans family gives him the ultimate
develops obituary
We humans are born in a feeble state, very much Chris Connors never played by the rules and his
needing our parents to help us survive. They also family was determined that his obituary wouldnt
play a role in shaping... either. From the first...
Heres what caused the New York City Woman with Down syndrome starts The
Zombie outbreak Amazing cookie business
An uncommon drug caused a zombie outbreak in A 26-year-old cookie entrepreneur who was tired of
a New York City neighborhood this past summer, being rejected by prospective employers has
and now a new... turned her love of baking...
2016 healthy holiday gift guide Burn victim covered with fish skin in
Instead of buying your loved one another hat and pioneering new treatment
scarf set this year, why not pick up something that Brazilian doctors are using the skin of a tropical
will nudge them towards... fish to treat burn victims in a pioneering new
therapy that is significantly...
How the opioid crisis is impacting Study finds UK sugar tax could save
American children thousands from obesity, diabetes
Te police officer who entered Mikaya Feuchts Ohio LONDON A planned levy on sugary drinks due to
apartment found it littered with trash, dirty dishes be introduced in Britain in April 2018 could
and plastic milk... significantly reduce the...
The surprising ways a babys brain DNA vaccines: Next defense against
develops Zika, other invaders
We humans are born in a feeble state, very much PHILADELPHIA Dr. Keith Hamilton took his turn
needing our parents to help us survive. They also in the patient chair and braced for the sting of an
play a role in shaping... experimental Zika...
Heres what caused the New York City This Super-Common Ingredient Might
Zombie outbreak Make You Gain Weight
An uncommon drug caused a zombie outbreak in But as it turns out, overdoing the salt can also
a New York City neighborhood this past summer, make it easier for you to put on weight. In an
and now a new... Australian study, people...
converted by W
5 Things You Should Always Do After Exactly How Much Magnesium You
Sex Need Per Day to Get Glow-y Skin
At this point, if you had a dollar for every time But thats not all magnesium helps with. Heres
someone told you to pee after sex, youd have why the nutrient should play an important part of
enough to buy a truckload... your daily...
Frequent sauna bathing protects men For children with autism, the holidays
against dementia take planning and communication
If you had heart disease risk factors, such as high The holidays can be challenging for families of
blood pressure, before your first stroke, your risk of children with autism spectrum disorder. Keys to
suffering subsequent... success during the season...
CRISPR study reveals unexpected roles Twenty-second test could identify frailty
of non-coding RNAs in hospitalized older adults
Credit: NIH UC San Francisco researchers have The UK soft drinks industry levy, due to be
taken a major step toward... introduced in April 2018, is estimated to have
significant health benefits, especially...
Stem cell living bandage for knee Researchers create exact 3-D models
injuries trialled in humans of patients heart valves to assist
Credit: University of Bristol A living bandage made cardiologists
from... Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology Tens of
thousands of patients each year are diagnosed...
Well: Is Hot Yoga Good for You? New findings about stem cells in the
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here brain of patients with epilepsy
Neural stem cells have been found in epileptic
brain tissueoutside the regions of the brain where
they normally...
MIT Energy Initiative report provides Gene editing takes on new roles
guidance for evolving electric power What combinations of mutations help cancer cells
sector survive? Which cells in the brain are involved in the
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Distributed energy onset of Alzheimers?...
resources relatively small-scale power
technologies such as solar,...
converted by W
Aleppo evacuation halted without Turkey to set up camp for Aleppo
explanation: WHO evacuees in Syria: officials
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) The ANKARA/CILVEGOZU, Turkey (Reuters) Turkish
evacuation of civilians, including children, and officials said on Friday they planned to set up a
wounded people from eastern... camp in Syria to host...
Actavis UK raised drug prices 12,000 Placenta shots and fake names: South
percent, watchdog finds Korean presidents treatments raise
(Reuters) Drug maker Actavis UK broke eyebrows
competition law by raising prices of hydrocortisone By Jack Kim and Nataly Pak SEOUL (Reuters) At
tablets by more than 12,000... the start of President Park Geun-hyes term,
physician Kim Sang-man...
Red Cross urges all sides in Aleppo to Is a TEABAG the secret to perfect nails?
resume evacuation Blogger demonstrates mind blowing
GENEVA (Reuters) The International Comimttee trick to mend broken talons
of the Red Cross (ICRC), a leading agency in the A blogger shared a video in which she mends a
evacuation of the wounded... broken nail in an unusual way Using a dry teabag
and clear nail polish, she...
You STILL cant see your GP out of Sugar levy is set to slash child obesity
hours: After all those promises to rates by 10%
patients fewer than a fifth of surgeries Cases of obesity among primary school children
offer appointments at the weekend will be reduced by a tenth when the Governments
Fewer than a fifth of surgeries offer evening and sugar tax is imposed,...
weekend appointments When patients do get out-
of-hours slots they are...
Woman who suffered burns when Surrey man proves you can get a six-
boyfriend doused her in gasoline pack at 40
speaks out Hetan Petal, 40, from Surrey, wanted to get rid of
Having been denied the opportunity to testify at the his flabby stomach Hetan weighed 13 stone and
trial of her ex-boyfriend about the night he doused dropped to 10 stone in...
her with gasoline...
Indias Aurobindo shares hit nine- Scientists discover new class of host
month low on US price-fixing lawsuit molecules to transport steroids in the
MUMBAI Indian drugmaker Aurobindo Pharma body
Ltds shares hit their lowest in more than nine Synthetic hosts are to transport medical
months on Friday after... substances and hormones into the body and to
release them at specific points. They...
converted by W
Study provides new insight into brain Small, simple-to-use microfluidic device
circuitry that regulates water and food could speed up adoption of new anti-
intake cancer treatments
Using leading-edge technology, neuroscientists at University of Huddersfield
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)
gained new insight into the...
More exact, ethical method to tell the Ume epidemiologist joins UN expert
sex of baby chickens mission to confront Rift Valley fever
Thanks to an imaging technique called optical outbreak
spectroscopy, it is possible for hatcheries to A Rift Valley fever outbreak was recently reported at
accurately determine the sex... the border between Niger and Mali in West Africa.
So far, 64 human...
Actor Ryan Reynolds makes Hollywood Novartis says buys Ziarco Group to
star ceremony a family affair expand skin care portfolio
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) Deadpool star Ryan ZURICH (Reuters) Novartis is buying privately
Reynolds made the unveiling of his star on the held drugmaker Ziarco Group for an undisclosed
Hollywood Walk... sum to gain access to...
Hawaii claims the top spot in annual This Elderly Couples Nude Photoshoot
health report AGAIN Is #RelationshipGoals
Hawaii has held onto its title as the healthiest state Photographer Jade Beall specializes in showing off
in America, continuing a five-year reign. With low the human body. And her recent photos of a couple
obesity rates,... in their seventiestotally...
How to Make Whipped Cream, Because 3 Weight-Loss Struggles from the Show
a Shortage Is Coming This Is Us That We Can ALL Relate To
The Tribune reports that an accidental explosion at We spoke to weight-loss experts to find out what to
a major nitrous oxide plant in Florida is behind the do if youre struggling with the same issues as
shortage, and chains... Toby and Kate. Heres...
converted by W
shortage of beds is putting patients at an cull of chickens and other poultry to fight a bird flu
increased risk of infection, according... outbreak that is...
Cultural distinctiveness can influence Technique shrinks data sets for easier
consumer preferences for certain analysis
products One way to handle big data is to shrink it. If you can
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Would a Minnesota Vikings fan, identify a small subset of your data set that
during a business trip to Mumbai, be more likely to preserves its salient...
root for the...
NASA finds a lifetime of heavy rainfall Lower cost of LEDs reduce profitability
from Tropical Cyclone Vardah for manufacturing landscape
NASA gathered rainfall data on Tropical Cyclone WASHINGTON Although residential and
Vardah from its birth in the Bay of Bengal through commercial industries are widely adopting energy-
its mNASA gathered rainfall... efficient light emitting diodes...
U.S. judge halts Texas rules on fetal Obamacare repeal could take months;
converted by W
tissue disposal replacement, years: Republican aides
By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) A By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters)
U.S. judge on Thursday temporarily halted until Repealing Obamacare could take months and
Jan. 6 a Texas regulation... developing replacement health insurance...
WPI researchers build liquid biopsy New Mekong River initiative will
chip that detects metastatic cancer highlight values of biodiversity,
cells in blood ecosystems
Worcester, Mass. A chip developed by With 60 million people depending on its aquatic
mechanical engineers at Worcester Polytechnic resources for food and livelihoods, the lower
Institute (WPI) can trap and identify... Mekong River Basin is threatened...
New approach for cancer prevention in VAs final rule leads to underutilization
BRCA1 mutation-positive women from of CRNAs in VHA facilities
Josef Penninger Despite documented evidence confirming that
Women with inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or veterans are experiencing delays for essential
BRCA2 genes are at substantially higher risk of healthcare services due to lack...
breast cancer. For these women,...
How healthy is YOUR state? Hawaii Low-carb diet is only safe for 6 months,
claims the top spot in annual report medics warn (but they admit it IS the
AGAIN most effective way to lose weight)
Hawaii has held onto its title as the healthiest state Cutting out carbs is the most effective diet for
in America, continuing a five-year reign. With low weight loss, a new study confirms. But the same
obesity rates,... report warns it is only...
Sugary drinks tax will benefit children Canada plans to ban asbestos use by
most 2018
Childrens health will benefit most from the sugar TORONTO Canada has set a 2018 target to ban
tax on the UK soft drinks industry, according to a asbestos and products containing the fire-resistant
study. It predicted... material, which is...
A Gang Killed A Guy With Ebola. Will U.K. Fertility Clinics Can Now Apply For
They Agree To Be Quarantined? Licenses To Create 3-Parent Babies
An Ebola burial team dons protective clothing The United Kingdoms fertility regulator has put its
converted by W
before collecting the body of a woman whod died... seal of approval on the cautious use...
Big Diamonds Bring Scientists A Poor weather across Canada puts strain
Message From Superdeep Earth on national blood supply
Geologists studied these scraps of diamond Canadian Blood Services says poor weather
leftover from the shaping of big jewels. ... across the country is putting a strain on its
inventory at a time when it needs...
New approach for cancer prevention in Patient prostate tissue used to create
BRCA1 mutation-positive women unique model of prostate cancer
In a paper published today in Cancer Research, biology
researchers: 1) identify a biomarker enzyme Micrograph showing prostatic acinar
associated with aggressive glioma... adenocarcinoma (the most common form of
prostate cancer) Credit:...
Silencing fat protein improves obesity Connecticut leads 20-state lawsuit over
and blood sugar drug pricing
Ananthi Rajamoorthi, M.D./Ph.D. student, Noem Six generic drug-makers artificially inflated and
Arias, Ph.D., postdoc, and Angel Baldan, Ph.D.,... manipulated prices to reduce competition for an
antibiotic and oral diabetes...
Americans Hearing Loss Decreases The Civil War Raging Inside My Body
Even With Ubiquitous Headphones The two seemed inextricably linked. I can
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here remember plopping in my bed around midnight,
still buzzed and feeling alive, before...
Unfiltered Photo Series Shows What Rural Opioid Use Is Driving A Spike In
Progressive Parenting Looks Like Babies Born With Drug Addiction
Long before I became a parent, I already knew The number of babies born with symptoms of
what I liked and what I thought would work for me, opioid withdrawal spiked between 2004 and 2013,
she explained. I... driven by opioid use in rural...
Why hearing loss may be on the decline UT Southwestern scientists invent new
Americans younger than 70 may be hearing better way to see proteins in motion
now compared with 15 years ago, a new DALLAS, Dec. 15, 2016 UT Southwestern Medical
government study suggests. Researchers... Center researchers developed a new imaging
technique that makes X-ray...
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Beyond the Standard Model through Theres a science to gift giving
mini spirals experiences are better than material
They resemble a spiral galaxy like ours, only ten items
thousand times smaller: the mini-spiral galaxies If its better to give than to receive, U of T
studied by Professor Paolo... Scarborough research shows that its better to give
an experience...
The secret to raising a smart shopper: Corpus Christi halts tap water use due
Pick the right parenting style to suspected chemical leak
Have you ever wondered how to raise children who By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) The
will become wise consumers once they are Texas city of Corpus Christi told its nearly 320,000
adults? It turns out that parents... residents on Thursday...
Texas Fetal Burial Rule: Costs and Some EU states wanted longer Russia
Implementation Remain Murky Weeks sanctions ahead of Trump
From Possible Start Date BRUSSELS (Reuters) Some EU leaders sought
A new rule in Texas could have far-reaching effects to roll over economic sanctions against Russia for
on women who have abortions or miscarriages 12 months before a summit...
while at a hospital or clinic...
Merck wins $2.54 billion in hepatitis C Pokemon GO got people to get up and
drug trial against Gilead go, but not for long
By Brendan Pierson (Reuters) Merck Co on By Andrew M. Seaman People who downloaded
Thursday was awarded $2.54 billion in royalties by and played the mobile game Pokemon GO ended
a federal jury in a... up walking more, a study found. But...
Mexicos overweight population inches U.S. judge halts Texas rules on fetal
up tissue disposal: plaintiff
Mexico City (AFP) Nearly three-quarters of AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) A U.S. judge on
Mexican adults are overweight or obese and their Thursday temporarily halted until Jan. 6 a Texas
numbers have slightly... regulation due to take effect...
Study finds UK sugar tax could save Cancer breakthrough miniature device
thousands from obesity, diabetes shows which drugs perform best
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) A planned against tumors
levy on sugary drinks due to be introduced in Britain the device allows early assessment of the
in April 2018 could... effects of drugs, speeding up the adoption of those
that are shown...
USF researcher awarded $1 million Physical activity good for your health,
grant for new study on oil spill impacts but whats happening below the
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Dec. 15, 2016) A surface?
converted by W
research team led by University of South Florida ANN ARBOR, Mich. The University of Michigan
College of Marine Science... was recently awarded $8.2 million from the
National Institutes of Health...
SLU research: Silencing fat protein Diabetic pensioner left lying in garden
improves obesity and blood sugar for FOUR HOURS as he waited for
ST. LOUIS In a study published in the Journal of ambulance
Lipid Research, Saint Louis University scientist Ken Marwood, 82, fell and hit his head on the
Angel Baldan,... ground while visiting a friend His wife Barbara
phoned the ambulance while...
Hope for cancer fight as study shows Top-rated health apps not always best
FDA-approved diabetes drug controls for managing health
tumor growth in breast and prostate Some of the top-rated health apps aimed at people
Metformin is an FDA-approved drug to control blood with chronic medical problems dont do a very good
glucose in type 2 diabetics But a study by job of actually...
Massachusetts General Hospital...
Lilly eases investors jitters with strong Gilead sciences to pay Merck $2.54
2017 forecast billion in hepatitis c royalties: court
Eli Lilly and Co, in a move that appeared to ease verdict
investor concerns after the failure of its high-profile A federal jury in Delaware on Thursday awarded
Alzheimers... Merck Co $2.54 billion in royalties in a patent
lawsuit against Gilead...
Only some shoe inserts tied to lower Does your kid need a multivitamin?
risk of injuries Many young kids are picky eaters, but that doesnt
Contoured orthotics designed to alter the gait while mean that they arent getting the nutrients they
walking and running might help lower the risk of need to grow. I recently...
stress fractures, but...
PureCN: copy number calling and SNV A bedr way of genomic interval
classification using targeted short read processing
sequencing b,c 0 1 1 a 1 0 0 ...
SNV likelihood model The next step in our
approach is to determine somatic status of SNVs.
We fit the allelic fractions...
Asian head and neck cancer patients Neurons anticipate bodys response to
live longer with immunotherapy than food and water
mixed race group Our brain cells, called neurons, work together to
Asian head and neck cancer patients live longer produce every memory, thought,...
with the immunotherapy pembrolizumab than the
overall population, according...
converted by W
A study of three genes associated with the Fruit fly central nervous system. Credit: University of
development of prostate cancer found that men Alabama at Birmingham In a paper...
with inherited mutations in these...
Americans Hearing Loss Decreases 4 Things To Stop Doing Once You Turn
Even as Headphone Use Rises 35
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Ranella Hirsch, a board-certified dermatologist in
Boston Her skin issue: Dryness. I have really
sensitive skin, and...
Dear Mr. Trump, This Is How Women Theres No Need To Delay Pregnancy
Feel About Your Sexism After A Miscarriage, Study Suggests
One woman is painting powerful feminist A new study suggests that becoming pregnant
sentiments on naked womens bodies in response again soon after a miscarriage is no more risky for
to President-elect Donald Trumps... the mom or the fetus than...
What Ohios 20-Week Abortion Ban Law Feeding People, And Democracy, To
Will Really Mean For Women Death
From initial diagnosis to the termination, Sarah As a physician, and a specialist in disease
waited just three days as she met with specialists prevention and health promotion, I have long been
and planned for the procedure,... nothing less than sickened...
"Historic" decision approves 3-parent Holiday health hazards: How to stay safe
DNA technique this season
LONDON Britains fertility regulator has Holiday traditions are supposed to make you feel
approved controversial techniques allowing all warm and cozy and happy inside, but
doctors to create babies using... sometimes they can take an ugly...
Repurposed drugs may offer improved Does good-tasting food cause weight
treatments for fatal genetic disorders gain?
University of Rochester Medical Center PHILADELPHIA (Dec. 15, 2016) Does eating
researchers believe they have identified a potential good-tasting food make you gain weight? Despite
new means of treating some of... the common perception...
converted by W
Researchers from the University of Waterloo have automated diagnostic test reader for antimicrobial
developed a method that will detect roughly 10 resistance using a smartphone....
black holes per year, doubling...
Bad people are disgusting, bad actions Starting school later in the day has
are angering health benefits for teens
A persons character, more so than their actions, A new review of recent research has found that
determines whether we find immoral acts to be starting school later has a positive impact on
disgusting,... teenagers, including longer...
Aid trucks with medical supplies leave Even teethers labeled BPA-free may
Paris for northern Syria contain hormone-disruptors
PARIS (Reuters) Two trucks filled with 20 tonnes By Lisa Rapaport Some baby teething toys
of first aid supplies and construction materials left marketed as non-toxic might contain chemicals
Paris for... that could interfere with hormones...
Lonza to buy U.S. drug capsule maker Red Cross evacuates 3,000 civilians
Capsugel from KKR for $5.5 billion from Aleppo
By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi and Ludwig Burger By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) Some
(Reuters) Swiss pharmaceutical supplier Lonza 3,000 civilians and more than 40 wounded people,
Group AG on Thursday announced... including children, were...
UK agrees to licence three-parent IVF Study: Repealing Obama health law cuts
babies to prevent disease taxes for wealthy
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Britain on WASHINGTON (AP) A new study says
Thursday became the first country to formally Republicans may be handing wealthy Americans a
licence an in-vitro fertilisation... big tax cut by repealing President Barack...
Pot stores open in Canada ahead of Alan Thickes Heart Attack: Could a
legalization Simple Screening Have Saved Him?
Montreal (AFP) Eight storefronts selling Acclaimed actor Alan Thickes sudden death from a
recreational marijuana opened in Montreal fatal heart attack at the age of 69 is prompting
Thursday, flouting the law in... some cardiovascular...
Cream to Treat Skin Condition is State Attorneys Sue Drug Makers Over
Approved Pricing
A Pfizer Inc ointment to treat mild to moderate Connecticut and 19 other states filed a lawsuit on
cases of the itchy skin condition eczema, or atopic Thursday against Mylan NV (MYL.O), Teva
dermatitis, won U.S.... Pharmaceuticals (TEVA.TA) and...
Celebrity Chefs Have Poor Food Safety New gene fusions and mutations linked
Habits to gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Celebrity television shows may teach you how to In recent years, researchers have identified specific
make tasty meals, but they set bad examples in gene mutations linked to gastrointestinal stromal
showing you how to keep food... tumors (GIST), which...
New report calls for forward-looking Genetic variants are associated with
analysis and a review of restoration susceptibility to mouth and throat
goals for the Everglades cancer
WASHINGTON To ensure the Comprehensive A number of genetic variants associated with
Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) is responsive susceptibility to oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer
to changing environmental... have been described in an...
converted by W
Winners of the 2017 EurekAlert! Fellowships for distinguished professor of chemistry at the
International Science Reporters say the opportunity University of California, Riverside,...
to attend the worlds...
Children born with herpes more likely University of Arizona reveals running
to develop most common form of stimulates your brain and improves
childhood cancer memory
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is the most Part of the brain responsible for alertness is
common form of cancer in children Young sufferers activated during a run, a study found New research
were found to be nearly 4 times... also found it helped to...
Why sex DOES get better with age: Brookings Institution finds richer
Three medical experts explain people are less stressed and live
Aging is generally associated with improvements longer
in our quality of life: We become more proficient in They say money cant buy you love, happiness, or
our work, learn how... fortune. But a new study has found what most of us
suspected to be...
Edinburgh teen sympathy pains while Once-conjoined twins seen for the first
his twin battled bone cancer time without their bandages as they
Pat Dawson, 14, thought his discomfort were just head to rehab 9 weeks after separation
growing pains in his right knee While at the same Formerly conjoined twins Jadon and Anias
time, Al was also suffering... McDonald have transferred to a new hospital to
begin rehabilitation nine weeks after...
Taking the Pill doesnt damage your sex To Stop Ebola, An Epidemic Of Fear Had
drive To Be Stopped
US researchers tested 3 types of contraceptives on In 2015, health workers in Liberia faced a
some 450 straight couples All forms of the challenge. They had to figure out how to stop a
contraceptives were found... street gang that could be spreading...
Britain OKs making babies from DNA of Zika outbreak: Texas city warning
3 people in some cases issued for pregnant women
Britains fertility regulator has approved Pregnant women should consider postponing
controversial techniques allowing doctors to create travel to Brownsville, Texas, because of concerns
babies using DNA from... about mosquitoes there spreading...
No need to delay getting pregnant after New test could improve diagnosis of
miscarriage, study suggests rare, fatal brain disorder
A new study suggests that becoming pregnant A rare and fatal brain disorder called sporadic
again soon after a miscarriage is no more risky for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease can be challenging to
the mom or the fetus than... identify, with patients needing...
converted by W
dispensing dangerous...
Woman donates $5G worth of toys to Illinois woman to adopt dying friends 3
sick hospital patients children
An Illinois woman whose work involves tending to Missy Armstrong met her best friend, Sara, as a
sick children every day has put her personal high school student in 1999, and the pair have
finances toward helping make... been inseparable ever since....
Miracle baby born using ovary frozen Long-term painkiller use linked to
from childhood hearing loss in women
A woman who had her ovary removed and frozen at Thursday December 15 2016 Long-term painkiller
just 9 years old always dreamed of being able to use could damage the inner ear Women who take
have a family someday. On... paracetamol...
Strong muscles tied to lower risk of Only some shoe inserts tied to lower
incontinence in older women risk of injuries
(Reuters Health) Women who have more lean (Reuters Health) Contoured orthotics designed to
muscle mass or better grip strength may be less alter the gait while walking and running might help
likely to experience... lower the...
U.S. states sue Mylan, Teva, others for U.S. says Allergans Forest units to pay
fixing drug prices $38 million to settle kickback
Twenty states filed a lawsuit Thursday against allegations
Mylan NV (MYL.O), Teva Pharmaceuticals WASHINGTON Allergan PLCs Forest Laboratories
(TEVA.TA) and four other generic... and Forest Pharmaceuticals units will pay $38
million to settle U.S....
Woman donates $5G worth of toys to Illinois woman to adopt dying friends 3
sick hospital patients children
An Illinois woman whose work involves tending to Missy Armstrong met her best friend, Sara, as a
sick children every day has put her personal high school student in 1999, and the pair have
finances toward helping make... been inseparable ever since....
Miracle baby born using ovary frozen Once-conjoined twins going to rehab 9
from childhood weeks after separation
A woman who had her ovary removed and frozen at New York Formerly conjoined twins Jadon and
just 9 years old always dreamed of being able to Anias McDonald have transferred to a new hospital
have a family someday. On... to begin rehabilitation...
converted by W
male-to-female transformation, a stepwise A new study published by The Ohio State University
approach to facial feminization surgery... Comprehensive Cancer Center Arthur...
Hearing loss prevalence declining in Tumor gene test results can differ in
US adults aged 20 to 69 years same patients
Hearing loss among U.S. adults aged 20 to 69 has Research underway at the University of
declined over the last decade, even as the number Washington School of Medicine to improve genetic
of older Americans continues... testing...
50 Healthy Resolutions That Arent Why Santa Is The Coolest Yogi EVER
Losing Weight Through caring and giving, a la Santa, we move
31. Read one book a month. Research shows from selfishness to selflessness, from self-
reading can boost empathy and emotional centeredness to other-centeredness....
intelligence. If youre committed to...
Hilarious Video Shows How To Sneak Intimate Photos Take You Inside The
Food Without Your Kids Noticing Bedrooms Of NYCs Ballerinas
Parenting requires a certain amount of sneakiness ELISE KING, Performer with Jennifer Muller/The
? especially when it comes to snacking. Esther Works and Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance
Andersons latest video,... Company Elise King grew up in South...
Lung-in-the-lab reveals no DNA damage Cooking with cast iron: Fact versus
on exposure to e-cig vapor fiction (video)
E-cigarette vapour does not damage DNA, even at WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2016 Cooks around the
doses 28 times that of equivalent smoke exposure. world prize their cast-iron cookware, which has
Scientists at British American... many advantages over its...
converted by W
World Bank said on Thursday that 48 governments Germany on Thursday to grant broader access for
have ratcheted up the fight... other Europeans to its fund...
U.S. state AGs sue six cos, including Britain first country to approve three-
Mylan, Teva, over drug pricing parent babies
By Diane Bartz and Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON London (AFP) Britain is set to become the first
(Reuters) Connecticut and 19 other states filed a country in the world to legally offer three-parent
lawsuit on Thursday... baby...
When horses are in trouble they ask Specific ways in the body: New host for
humans for help steroids
Research Fellow Monamie RINGHOFER and Synthetic hosts are to transport medical
Associate Professor Shinya YAMAMOTO (Kobe substances and hormones into the body and to
University Graduate School of Intercultural... release them at specific points. They...
Endurance runners brains have Later high school start times linked to
greater functional connectivity, positive outcomes among teens
research shows A review of the scientific literature by a workgroup
If youre thinking about taking up running as your composed of representatives from the American
New Years resolution and still need some Academy of Sleep Medicine,...
convincing, consider...
Micronic Univo Screw Cap Recapper Western diet during pregnancy may
could effectively seal valuable DNA increase obesity risk in offspring
samples Diet composition around the time of pregnancy may influence whether offspring become obese,
according to a new study using...
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disabilities person
Brain-computer interface allows people to control It doesnt matter if you consider yourself an early
a robotic arm with their mind Uses signal bird or a night owl, some days we just wake up
processing, machine... feeling out of sorts. But...
Girl smiles after operation removed University of Sheffield say MRI scans
tumour the size of KIWI from her face should be used on pregnant women to
Doctors diagnosed Brianna Brewer, three, of Ohio, spot brain defects
with a hemangioma at two weeks old A three-year- Ultrasounds are already used to look inside the
old girl... womb to check babys growth But when they detect
problems, an MRI...
South Korea raises bird flu alert to Women denied abortions face higher
highest level for first time risk for mental health problems
SEOUL South Koreas agriculture ministry raised Women who are denied abortions have a higher
converted by W
the countrys bird flu alert status to the highest risk for mental health problems soon afterward
level... compared to women who are allowed...
Drugmakers set to gain as taxpayers CDC issues South Texas warning for
foot new opioid costs pregnant women over Zika concerns
The latest installment in a joint investigation by The DALLAS Pregnant women should consider
Associated Press and the Center for Public Integrity postponing travel to Brownsville, Texas, because of
into the political... concerns about mosquitoes...
This Might Be the Craziest Baby Name The Workout Thatll Blast Fat and Work
Weve Ever Seen That Booty
RELATED: A Judge Just Prevented a Woman from By integrating unilateral movements like the stepup
Naming Her Twins Something Truly Awful The and hip thrust, you can help spot and correct any
name that elicited such a claim... muscular imbalances...
Why sex gets better in older age New research finds brain activation in
A different kind of senior moment. Credit: children viewing large portions of food Aging is generally Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to
associated... examine childrens brains, researchers in the...
Optical tractor beam traps bacteria Raw foodies: Europes earliest humans
Up to now, if scientists wanted to study blood cells, did not use fire
algae, or bacteria under the microscope, they had Studying dental plaque from a 1.2 million year old
converted by W
to mount these... hominin (early human species), recovered by the
Atapuerca Research Team...
Newly formed stars shoot out powerful Manipulating brain activity to boost
whirlwinds confidence
Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have Self-confidence is an essential quality to succeed
used the ALMA telescopes to observe the early in the world, such as in business environments,
stages in the formation of... politics or many other...
Drugmakers push profitable, but Warsaw public transport free for a day
unproven, opioid solution due to air pollution
The current industry campaign draws on the same WARSAW, Poland (AP) The city of Warsaw mas
50-state strategy that painkiller manufacturers made public transportation free for a day due to
successfully deployed to... heightened air pollution,...
Massachusetts tiptoes into pot Lonza to buy U.S. drug capsules maker
legalization; OK to smoke, not to sell Capsugel from KKR for $5.5 billion
By Scott Malone BOSTON (Reuters) By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi and Ludwig Burger
Massachusetts on Thursday became the first state (Reuters) Lonza Group AG announced its biggest
in the densely populated U.S. Northeast... ever acquisition on Thursday...
Taking stock of the worlds lakes Dietitian Helen Bond shares her
The total shoreline of the worlds lakes is more secrets to a bloat-free Christmas
than four times longer than the global ocean At this time of year, it can feel like weve always got
coastline. And if all... a drink in hand or a canap to nibble on. But
consuming so...
Children who use gestures tap into Anti-ageing stickers are beautys latest
more unique ideas new study finds fad and in fact some actually WORK
Asking kids to move their hands as they think can Does your beauty routine consist of rubbing on a
help them tap into novel ideas This process can moisturising cream and slicking on some lip
trigger ideas for creative... balm? Oh dear, how very 2015. Today,...
New Sepsis awareness campaign will NHS will distribute a million leaflets in
be a crucial step in saving lives, casualty departments on sepsis
writes JEREMY HUNT Every new mother will be warned to look for signs
New campaign will involve leaflets flyers and a of sepsis in their baby in an all-out war on the
video of grieving families Hunt says Sepsis is a illness. From today, the...
devastating condition...
One in six under 15s have tried booze Dr Katherine reveals key to long-term
and just 4% have smoked health is to DITCH New Years
Latest NHS figures reveal that only one in six aged resolutions
eight to 15 have tried alcohol This is the lowest Body confidence expert Dr Katherine is urging
recorded figure and... Australians to ditch fad diets She says the need
women feel to be beach-ready...
converted by W
Controversial weightloss supplement HCG was wind and even a broken spine...
popular in the 1970s Derived from a
hormone found in the placenta and urine...
The woman with Downs and a cookie The 5 biggest food recalls of 2016
business Voluntary food recalls are a shockingly common
Collette Divitto was fed up of being told she wasnt occurrence within the American food system. For
the right fit for jobs, so she started her own... example, in just the first...
Can you have high blood pressure with 6 surprising health benefits of sex you
a normal reading? probably dont know
Health experts often assume that blood pressure Though we often talk about the health benefits of
measured in a medical office or hospital may be sex, you know theres a long way to go toward a
higher than usual, thanks... sex-positive society...
South Korea raises bird flu alert to Initial rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
highest level for first time often invisible to others, survey
SEOUL South Koreas agriculture ministry raised reveals
the countrys bird flu alert status to the highest level Rheumatoid Arthritis In America 2016, a national
for... survey by Health Union of more than 3,100
individuals who identified as...
Celebrity chefs practice poor food Anti-platelet drug may slow spread of
safety habits, study finds colon and pancreatic cancer cells
Celebrity chefs are cooking up poor food safety American Physiological Society (APS)
habits, according to a Kansas State University
study. Kansas State University...
Woman has baby in UK from ovary Marital history linked to stroke survival
frozen in childhood Micrograph showing cortical pseudolaminar
A woman in London has become the first to give necrosis, a finding seen in strokes on medical
birth after having her fertility restored using imaging...
Protein in urine linked to increased risk Lab vaccine shields mice against Zika
of memory problems, dementia virus
People with blood type AB may be more likely to Overall view of antibody Z23 bound to the Zika virus
develop memory loss in later years than people particle. Credit: Gao et al., Science Translational...
with other blood types, according...
converted by W
FDA issues anesthesia warning for Prices skyrocket on drugs widely used
pregnant women, kids under three by seniors: report
Children who require both dental and non-dental (HealthDay)The prices of brand-name drugs
medical procedures should have them completed used by many older Americans rose nearly 130
under one general anesthesia... times faster...
Electronic hairy skin could give robots New parent home visiting program
a more human sense of touch (video) reduces infants need for medical care
Electronic-skin prototypes are stretchy, thin films Infants in families who participated in an intensive
that can sense temperature, pressure and even new parent home visiting program involving both
monitor blood oxygen or... nurses and lay educators...
Life after the caliphate: Boko Harams Lonza to buy U.S. capsule maker
Nigerian former stronghold now a safe Capsugel for $5.5 billion
haven (Reuters) Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer
By Henry Wilkins BAMA, Nigeria (Thomson Reuters Lonza Group AG said on Thursday it is buying
Foundation) In the northern Nigerian town of Capsugel, a U.S. maker of...
Bama the streets are...
U.N., Malawi to explore use of drones to This 15-Minute Workout Is Way More
deliver faster aid in crises Effective Than What Youre Doing Right
By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters Now
Foundation) The U.N. childrens agency and Hand up if youve ever held a plank until your body
Malawis government... starts shaking like a bowl full of jelly. Okay, now put
your hand...
Dorset E. coli: Investigation fails to find Wrong baby security fears at Royal
source London Hospital
An investigation has failed to find the source of an A maternity unit has been ordered to improve
outbreak of a rare strain of E. coli that left some security due to fears parents could leave with the
children with lifelong... wrong baby. The...
Extra baby scan spots brain problems Social care: Ministers to set out funding
Detailed MRI scans should be offered to some plans
women in pregnancy to help spot brain defects in Details of how councils in England will be able to
converted by W
the developing baby, say researchers.... raise hundreds of millions of pounds to spend on
social care in the next...
Sliding scale insulin order sheet cuts Type of treatment impacts recurrence
medication errors in laryngeal SCC
(HealthDay)For patients with type 1 diabetes, the Even before tumors develop, breast cancer cells
incidence of hospitalization for hypoglycemia (HH) with a few defined molecular alterations can
decreased over time... spread to organs, remain quiet...
What Everyday Life Is Like When Your CDC Issues Travel Warning For
Boyfriend Is Also Your Best Friend Brownsville, Texas After Five Local Zika
Love is all about the little things: back rubs on the Cases Emerge
couch after a long day at work, or a big bear hug CHICAGO (Reuters) The U.S. Centers for
when life is tough.... Disease Control and Prevention issued a travel
advisory on Wednesday warning...
Celebrity chefs have poor food safety A population of neutron stars can
practices, a Kansas State University generate gravitational waves
study finds continuously
MANHATTAN, KANSAS Celebrity chefs are Professor Sudip Bhattacharyya of the Tata Institute
cooking up poor food safety habits, according to a of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India,
Kansas State University... and Professor Deepto...
converted by W
shows people can control a robotic arm emissions during spring thaw in the
with only their minds Arctic
Researchers at the University of Minnesota have When the frozen Arctic tundra starts to thaw around
made a major breakthrough that allows people to June of each year, the snow melting and the
control a robotic arm using... ground softening, the soil...
U.N. rights expert calls for troops, court The tale of two slums in South Africa as
to stop South Sudan genocide residents seek to upgrade lives
By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) World powers By Nicky Milne CAPE TOWN, South Africa
can stop a Rwanda-like genocide in South Sudan (Thomson Reuters Foundation) In Cape Town,
if they immediately... the slums of Flamingo Crescent...
New research appears to point to link Actelion talking to Sanofi after J&J exit
between vitamin D and autism By Oliver Hirt and Pamela Barbaglia
New research has found that a vitamin D deficiency ZURICH/LONDON (Reuters) Switzerlands
in pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of Actelion Ltd is in talks with French...
autism traits in children. Carried...
Japans pudgy pop stars take aim at Separated conjoined twins meet for
obesity prejudice first time since surgery
By Kwiyeon Ha TOKYO (Reuters) Competition is PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) The conjoined California
cutthroat among Japans thousands of pop idol twins that were separated last week following a 17-
wannabes, but a... hour marathon surgery...
Unmarried adults are 70% more likely to Breast cancer cells spread to other
die from a stroke parts of the body long before a
A quarter of stroke sufferers die within a year, tumours detected
according to scientific research Half are left with a Scientists previously thought that cancer cells
lasting disability,... spread only in the late stages But tumours head
off to infiltrate other...
Those with high levels of a protein One in eight airline pilots may be
have a 35% increased risk of memory clinically depressed
loss (Reuters Health) Hundreds of commercial airline
Dutch researchers analysed more than 27,000 pilots worldwide may be flying with untreated
people from 22 previous studies They found there depression because...
may be an effect on the brain...
Marijuana is now more popular among People Are Freaking Out About This
teens than tobacco or e-cigarettes Picture of Hilary Duff and Her Son
Teen drug use is largely on the decline, with one The photo is cute, and clearly Luca loves being with
notable exception marijuana. Nearly 23 percent his mom. But some people are freaked out about it.
of high school seniors... While the pic has...
7 Things No One Tells You About 6 Women Share the Easy Meal-Prep
Hooking Up with Another Woman for the Tricks That Helped Them Lose Weight
First Time Its no coincidence that tons of women whove lost
More discussion on the key concerns and issues weight will tell you that meal prepping is clutch for
for women in this category isnt only appropriate, dropping...
converted by W
Scientists Race To Preserve Climate Obama Administration Moves To
Change Data Before Trump Takes Office Protect Planned Parenthoods Federal
NPRs Audie Cornish talks with meteorologist Eric Funding
Holthaus about the race to preserve U.S. climate Planned Parenthoods president, Cecile Richards,
data before the... addresses the Democratic National Convention...
Changes on way for nutrition labels on Team identifies new genes responsible
packaged foods for ALS using IMB Watson Health
The overhaul of nutrition labels on packaged foods Barrow Neurological Institute and IBM Watson
in Canada aims to make the information easier to Health announced on Dec. 14 new genes tied to
understand for consumers.... ALS....
Study dispels myth that Santa only visits The Angelina Jolie effect on breast
children who are nice cancer genetic testing
A study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ dispels Mammograms showing a normal breast (left) and
the myth that Santa Claus rewards... a breast with cancer (right)....
CDC issues Texas city warning for Saliva test could offer new way to
pregnant women after Zika check immunity
The Zika virus remains a mystery. Isolated from Insects transmit diseases when, probing for blood
macaque monkeys in the Ziika Forest in Uganda in vessels, they inject saliva together with viral,
1947, the virus was shown... bacterial, or parasitic...
This GIF Sums Up The Impact Of Happiness and a longer life may go
converted by W
Addiction And Mental Illness On hand in hand
America December 14, 2016, 4:36 PM| A new study finds
A wealth of data shows that deaths related to older people who feel happier about their lives...
drugs, alcohol and suicide are on the rise. But new
research also shows that...
Obama administration bars states from Abortion not harmful to womens mental
defunding Planned Parenthood health, study shows
WASHINGTON, D.C. With just weeks left in The assumption that having an abortion brings on
office, the Obama administration is barring states negative emotional and mental health effects for
from denying federal... women has been used as...
Runners brains may be more Study models Tsunami Risk for Florida
connected, research shows and Cuba
If youre thinking about taking up running as your MIAMI While the Caribbean is not thought to be
New Years resolution and still need some at risk for tsunamis, a new study by researchers at
convincing, consider... the University...
U.S. senators seek to protect banking Babies Exposed to Zika Virus in First
for pot business vendors Trimester More Likely to Have Birth
By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON (Reuters) The Defects, Study Says
U.S. government should keep banks from cutting A first of its kind study of U.S.-born babies exposed
off the accounts of vendors... to the Zika virus shows higher rates of birth defects
for those exposed...
GE sticks to $2 EPS target for 2018, Women denied abortions face higher
sells more assets risk for mental health problems
By Alwyn Scott and Anya George Tharakan By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) Women
(Reuters) General Electric Co GE.N on who are denied abortions have a higher risk for
Wednesday renewed its forecast for... mental health problems...
San Diego police investigate death of CDC issues travel advisory for
CorePower yoga founder Brownsville, Texas, over Zika
SAN DIEGO (AP) Authorities were investigating By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) The
the death of Trevor Tice, founder of the growing U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CorePower Yoga franchise,... issued a travel advisory...
converted by W
New book explores Echinacea, a Colorado State University, Future Earth
medicinal plant with roots in Kansas team land sustainability science grant
LAWRENCE In February 1805, during their A team led by Josh Tewksbury, director of the
Corps of Discovery Expedition, Meriwether Lewis Colorado Global Hub of Future Earth, and W. Chris
and William Clark encountered... Funk, director of the Global...
Vaccination increases family wealth, NYU Dentistry awarded 5-year $1.9m NIH
girls education grant calcium control in dental
PULLMAN, Wash. A Washington State University- enamel
led research team found households in rural Africa Dr. Rodrigo S. Lacruz, assistant professor of basic
that vaccinate their... science and craniofacial biology at NYU College of
Dentistry, has been...
Warwick University experts say sleep 90% of women with overweight children
disorder drug also reduces hunger dont think they are too fat
cravings A new survey suggests parents may be unwittingly
New study finds that giving obese people Modafinil fueling the obesity epidemic It found 4 in 10
helps to reduce impulses Food addicts often have parents whose children...
trouble controlling...
London woman gives birth after having Girls with body image concerns more
an ovary frozen when she was younger likely to try alcohol first claims new
Moaza Al Matrooshi, from London, was born with an study
aggressive blood disorder She required Two thirds of girls aged 14-18 tried alcohol or
chemotherapy and so had some of... drunk heavily, federal data shows The majority of
those girls have body...
Women who take paracetamol and Breast cancer cells start spreading to
ibuprofen risk going deaf other parts of the body long before a
Taking two pills a week for more than six years has tumour is even detected
been linked with hearing loss The drugs are Scientists previously thought that cancer cells
thought to cut blood supply... spread only in the late stages But tumours head
off to infiltrate other...
Birth defects seen in 6 percent of Zika New York zombie outbreak shows
pregnancies, US study finds value of predicting future designer
CHICAGO Roughly six percent of women in the drugs
United States who were infected with the Zika virus (Reuters Health) Researchers in California say
during pregnancy had... they have found a faster method for identifying
designer drugs...
converted by W
Wear a mouthguard, spare a tooth Marital status, history linked to survival
(Reuters Health) The best way to avoid athletic after stroke
dental injuries is to wear a properly fitted (Reuters Health) A persons current marital
mouthguard, according... status and past marital losses may be related to
their survival...
FDA denies bid to drop some warnings Birth defects seen in 6 percent of Zika
from tobacco pouches pregnancies, US study finds
WASHINGTON U.S. health officials have CHICAGO Roughly six percent of women in the
rejected an attempt by a Swedish company to United States who were infected with the Zika virus
remove several health warnings... during pregnancy had...
The draft genome of whitefly Bemisia Partners play critical role in melanoma
tabaci MEAM1, a global crop pest, exams
provides novel insights into virus Partners in the study examined hard-to-see areas
transmission, host adaptation, and such as the top of the head and behind the knees...
insecticide resistance
Genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation
Genomic DNA was isolated from approximately
6500 haploid male individuals from...
Researchers reveal how cancer can Pharma execs charged in US for fixing
spread even before a tumor develops prices on generics
Electron microscopic image of a single human Generic drug company Mylan rejected for the
lymphocyte. Credit: Dr. Triche National Cancer second time Monday a $40.1 billion takeover offer
Institute ... from Israeli pharmaceutical...
Nike Just Made So Much Fun Of Your Telemedicine No Less Effective Than
Internet Habits, Youll Actually Work Out In-Person Therapy For Vets With PTSD
converted by W
This commercial is just one minute of the 10 (Reuters Health) Veterans with post-traumatic
hours a day you spend glued to your screens, a stress disorder (PTSD) who have difficulties
Siri-esque voice says in... making it to in-person...
9 Christmas Tips Your Mom Would Be Here Are 4 Myths About Diversity In
Proud Of Science
This article is part of HuffPosts Reclaim campaign, Theres been a lot of talk about diversity in science
an ongoing project spotlighting the worlds waste lately: Minority scientists have written op-eds about
crisis and how... their struggles;...
How Personality Traits Tip Over Into Tainted peanut butter case ends in $11
Mental Illness million penalty
While psychologists have previously identified the A decade after hundreds of Americans got sick
link between neuroticism and depression and from eating Peter Pan peanut butter contaminated
anxiety disorders, a genetic... with salmonella, the company...
How hearing twist my arm engages the Psychologists analyze links between
brain provider burnout, quality of care,
Listening to metaphors involving arms or legs patient safety
loops in a region of the brain responsible for visual INDIANAPOLIS Health care provider burnout is
perception of those... known to have a relationship with both quality of
care and patient...
How soil moisture can help predict True lies: People who lie via telling
power outages caused by hurricanes truth viewed harshly, study finds
SAN FRANCISCO In the days before Hurricane The ability to deceive someone by telling the truth is
Matthew, researchers used satellite maps of soil not only possible, it has a name paltering
moisture to help forecast... its...
Computers can take social media data Russia blocks U.N. council bid to thank
and make marketing personas Ban Ki-moon for gay rights work
Computers may be able to group consumers into By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters)
marketing segments in real time just by observing Russia prevented the United Nations Security
how they respond to online... Council on Wednesday from...
New York firefighters put out blaze at Birth defects seen in 6 percent of Zika
NYU hospital pregnancies: U.S. study
NEW YORK (Reuters) Firefighters on Wednesday By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters)
extinguished a fire at a New York City hospital Roughly six percent of women in the United States
complex that sent up... who were infected with the...
FDA approves Pfizer ointment for itchy U.S. files first charges in generic drug
skin condition price-fixing probe
By Bill Berkrot (Reuters) The U.S. Food and Drug (Reuters) The U.S. Department of Justice on
Administration on Wednesday said it approved Wednesday said it accused two former generic
Pfizer Incs... pharmaceutical executives...
converted by W
By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) The (Reuters) General Electric Co GE.N said on
Obama administration has issued a final rule Wednesday that it expected 2017 operating
designed to block states... earnings between $1.60 and $1.70...
Hopeful Sign in Obesity Fight? Chubby Telemedicine for PTSD Good as In-
Babies on the Decline Person Therapy
A decline in chubby babies and toddlers is Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
providing a glimmer of good news in the fight (PTSD) who have difficulties making it to in-person
against childhood obesity. The trend... therapy sessions may be able...
Zika Virus Can Keep Growing in Infant Polar Vortex: Protect Yourself Against
Brains After Birth: CDC Frost Bite and Hypothermia
U.S. researchers have found evidence of the Zika A polar vortex is expected to bring extreme cold and
virus replicating in fetal brains for up to seven winds to the central and eastern United States this
months after the mother... week, and millions...
Alan Thickes Death: Were Warning Joslin researcher will work in MoTrPAC
Signs Missed? to map molecular changes from
Alan Thickes death from a massive heart attack is physical activity
an all-too-common scenario, with cardiovascular Laurie J. Goodyear Ph.D., Senior Investigator and
disease the nations... co-Head of the Section on Integrative Physiology
and Metabolism at the...
Doctors are using FISH SKIN to treat Leah Boxall suffers from Ehlers-Danlos
burn victims in a pioneering new Syndrome and needs money for life-
treatment to heal wounds saving surgery
Maria Ines Candido da Silva, 36, suffered severe Leah Boxall, 34, has been left partially paralysed
burns from an explosion She has been given from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome It weakens the
Tilapia fish skin in a new treatment... collagen in the body and...
converted by W
Italian doctors achieve world first by Maps show the typical cause of death in
transplanting kidney in place of the each region of America
spleen Where you live determines how you die. That is the
The child had been on dialysis since she was born conclusion of a new study that lays bare the most
due to a rare kidney problem It had caused her to common causes of death...
suffer from many problems...
FDA Statement from Dr. Janet Blood infections rare but dangerous,
Woodcock, director of FDAs Center for say doctors in wake of healthy 11-year-
Drug Evaluation and Research, on new old girls death
safety information on anesthesia use in Infectious disease specialists say the type of
young children and pregnant women condition linked to the death of an 11-year-old
Media Sarah Peddicord 301-796-2805 Yellowknife girl is rare,...
Consumers 888-INFO-FDA
Alberta hopes new post-mortem test for Canadas top doctor Gregory Taylor
carfentanil will reveal scale of opioid retiring
crisis Dr. Gregory Taylor is retiring as Canadas chief
This past summer, Wendy Fleming grew fearful public health officer after a little more than two
when she kept hearing about people, most of them years on the job. Taylor,...
young, overdosing on opioids. She...
Illnesses from New York eaterys New weight-loss aid: sweet potato
Thanksgiving meals top 260 wastewater?
GREECE, N.Y. Public health officials say the Tired of Thanksgiving weight gain? Next year you
number of people who became ill after eating a might want to pass on the sweet potato pie and
Thanksgiving meal at a... drink a tall glass of sweet...
FDA denies bid to drop some warnings Pokmon no-go: games exercise
from tobacco pouches effects short-lived in most players
WASHINGTON U.S. health officials have Wednesday December 14 2016 Pokmon GO has
rejected an attempt by a Swedish company to been downloaded over half a billion times
remove several health warnings... Pokmon GO doesnt...
FDA opens door to reduced risk claim U.S. files first charges in generic drug
for Swedish Match snus tobacco price-fixing probe: Bbg
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration left open The U.S. Department of Justice accused two
the door on Wednesday for Swedish Match AB to executives of Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc of
claim its snus smokeless... colluding with other generic...
Man who ate potatoes for a year Photo of boys helping man in
reports dramatic weight loss wheelchair shovel snow goes viral
converted by W
A man who set out to eat nothing but potatoes for Two Wisconsin boys good deed for a disabled
an entire year has said that in addition to shaving neighbor is going viral after their father shared a
off more than 100 pounds,... photo of them on Facebook. Daniel...
168 cases of Monkey bread mix recalled Fracking can taint drinking water, EPA
due to salmonella risk report finds
Brand Castle LLC has voluntarily recalled some WASHINGTON Fracking can affect drinking water
packages of its In The Mix Monkey Bread Mix supplies in certain circumstances, the Obama
because the products buttermilk... administration said in a...
Switching to daylight saving time may Celebrity chefs have poor food safety
lead to harsher legal sentences practices, study finds
Credit: Association for Psychological Science Kansas State University food safety expert Edgar
Judges in the United States tend to give Chambers, professor and director of the Sensory...
Review finds high attrition rate among Women denied abortion initially report
residents in general surgery programs more negative psychological outcomes
Almost one in five residents in general surgery Infants less than a year old, who have yet to learn
programs leave before finishing, according to... language, appear to notice differences when
looking at adult women of...
Cuisinart Recalls 8 Million Food Lady Gaga Shuts Down Piers Morgans
Processors Sold Since 1996 Faulty Assumptions About PTSD And
Kitchen appliance company Cuisinart is recalling 8 Rape
million food processors after some home chefs In one tweet, Morgan responds directly to a Twitter
reported pieces of the metal... user who said he was ignoring the fact Gaga has
PTSD because she...
The meQ Guide to Meditation Optimize Your Lunch Break With This
Why meditate? Neuroscience has shown that Muscle-Toning Workout
converted by W
regular meditation changes the brain in a variety of If youre looking for a full-body, midday workout,
positive ways in a relatively... weve got a present for you. In the video
above, Barrys Bootcamp...
Cigar warnings: Do teens believe AGU Fall Meeting: Atacama Desert may
them? have harbored lakes, wetlands
CHAPEL HILL, NC A majority of adolescents in SAN FRANCISCO The arid Atacama Desert,
the United States report current cigar warning thought to be a barrier to early South American
labels to be very believable,... settlers, may have held lakes...
Making (sound) waves in the fight Genome sequence reveals why the
against cancer whitefly is such a formidable threat to
Each year, thousands of Canadian men with food security
prostate cancer undergo biopsies to help their ITHACA, NYResearchers have sequenced the
doctors better understand the progression... genome of the whitefly (Bemisia tabici), an invasive
insect responsible for...
Italy swaps spleen for kidney in world Mugabe rounds on party officials for
first shameless ambition over succession
Rome (AFP) A hospital in northern Italy said HARARE (Reuters) Zimbabwean President
Wednesday it had achieved a world first by Robert Mugabe, Africas oldest leader, criticised
successfully transplanting... some ruling party officials...
Bird flu found on farm in big German FDA denies Swedish Match request to
poultry area remove warnings
HAMBURG (Reuters) A case of bird flu has been (Reuters) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
found on a small turkey farm in Lower Saxony in said on Wednesday it denied Swedish Match ABs
northern Germany, one... request to remove...
Troops and court needed fast to avert Factbox: Trump to meet tech leaders
South Sudan genocide: U.N. from Google, Apple, others: sources
By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) World powers (Reuters) U.S. President-elect Donald Trump
can stop a Rwanda-like genocide in South Sudan convenes a gathering of leaders of some of the
if they immediately... largest technology companies...
Gene transfer on the fungal highway DFG to fund 7 new Research Units
For bacteria, soil is difficult terrain, with dry areas The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG,
and air spaces presenting insurmountable German Research Foundation) is establishing
obstacles. In order to... seven new Research Units, following...
Efforts needed to stop the spread of DFG announces winners of 2017 Leibniz
carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter prizes
converted by W
baumannii The latest recipients of Germanys most
Acinetobacter baumannii is the cause of difficult-to- prestigious research funding prize have been
treat infections in healthcare settings in Europe announced. In Bonn today, the...
due to its increasing...
Red cabbage microgreens lower bad Natural kill cell technology to stop
cholesterol in animal study cancer gets licensed
Microgreens are sprouting up everywhere from Our bodies contain Natural Killer (NK) cells an
upscale restaurants to home gardens. They help army that stops cancers and viruses before they
spruce up old recipes with... can make us sick....
Karolinska Institutet researchers find WHO launches new data portal to track
solutions for nerve stimulation progress towards universal health coverage worldwide
To mark Universal Health Coverage Day, the World
Health Organization today launched a new data
portal to track progress towards...
Antipsychotic drug use linked to 60% New study may shed light on diseases
increased risk of mortality among associated with mutations in aminoacyl
people with Alzheimers disease tRNA synthetases New research led by scientists at The Scripps
Research Institute (TSRI) reveals that a human
enzyme has changed little from...
converted by W
FDA takes action on applications Dental implant bioactive surface
seeking to market modified risk modifications and their effects on
tobacco products osseointegration: a review
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today took Modification of dental implant surfaces with ECM
action on the first applications reviewed through the (Table 4) Morra et al. [45] investigated whether
modified risk tobacco... biochemical...
Dog saliva almost killed me PMQs: Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May
A former soldier has said he is going to keep his social care crisis clash
dogs despite almost dying from an infection Elderly people are being left isolated because of a
caused by dog saliva. David... crisis made in Downing Street over social care
Tainted peanut butter leads to $11.2M E-cigarette use falls among teens
penalty a decade later E-cigarette use among teens dropped in 2016,
ALBANY, Ga. Food giant ConAgra is paying for a reversing an upward trend that had prompted the
salmonella outbreak that sickened hundreds of U.S. Surgeon General to recommend...
Americans 10 years ago. The...
Why New Yorkers are rushing to Fracking can taint drinking water, EPA
divorce before New Years Day report finds
Santa baby, slip a divorce judgment under the tree, WASHINGTON Fracking can affect drinking water
for me. While January is known as Divorce Month supplies in certain circumstances, the Obama
across the U.S.... administration said in a...
Bikini competitor uses Instagram to Man who ate potatoes for a year
inspire others during ovarian cancer reports dramatic weight loss
battle A man who set out to eat nothing but potatoes for
Cheyann Shaw spent years perfecting her body for an entire year has said that in addition to shaving
bikini competitions, but shes now in the difficult off more than 100 pounds,...
position of watching...
168 cases of Monkey bread mix recalled Photo of boys helping man in
due to salmonella risk wheelchair shovel snow goes viral
Brand Castle LLC has voluntarily recalled some Two Wisconsin boys good deed for a disabled
packages of its In The Mix Monkey Bread Mix neighbor is going viral after their father shared a
because the products buttermilk... photo of them on Facebook. Daniel...
Many people dont know what makes E-cigarette use falls among teens
smoking dangerous E-cigarette use among teens dropped in 2016,
Most Americans dont grasp that the chemicals reversing an upward trend that had prompted the
produced by burning a cigarette are more harmful U.S. Surgeon General to recommend...
than the manufacturers...
converted by W
two-time All-American... study in which animals...
Software alerts doctors to crisis before Study provides new insight in the fight
a Code Blue is called against Sjogrens syndrome
Ten years ago, critical care doctor Alison Fox- For years, researchers believed IgM, a protective
Robichaud would hear Code Blue on the public type of antibody, played an insignificant role in
speakers in... Sjgrens syndrome.
Phys Ed: Running as the Thinking Can you bounce water balloons off a
Persons Sport bed of nails? Yes, says new study
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here A group of first year students at Roskilde University,
supervised by Dr Tina Hecksher, have shown that
water-filled balloons...
Swedish and Greek archaeologists The harmful effects of the aging Asian
discover unknown city in Greece population on the economy
An international research team at the Department Many Asian economies are currently faced with the
of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, is challenge of rapidly ageing population, which can
exploring the remains... be harmful to the economy...
Yoga can have social benefits for Insulin resistance and polycystic ovary
children in care, says a new study syndrome
A new study from The University of Nottingham has Insulin resistance represents a major issue for
found that a certain type of yoga could potentially people with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an
help to improve the... endocrine disorder which...
A skillful rescue robot with remote- Topical skin cream for treatment of
control function basal cell carcinoma shows promise as
A group of Japanese researchers developed a an alternative to surgery
prototype construction robot for disaster relief Philadelphia, PA, December 13, 2016 Basal cell
situations. This prototype... carcinoma (BCC), a type of skin cancer, is the most
common form...
Sleep helps process traumatic Actelion talking to Sanofi after J&J exit:
experiences sources
Does sleep help process stress and trauma? Or By Greg Roumeliotis and Oliver Hirt NEW
converted by W
does it actually intensify emotional reactions and YORK/ZURICH (Reuters) Switzerlands Actelion
memories of the event? This... Ltd is in talks with French...
Lost lives: the battle of Chinas Forsyth study provides new insight in
invisible children to recover missed the fight against Sjgrens syndrome
years CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec.14 Sjgrens syndrome
By Coco Liu and Shanshan Chen HONG is the second most common autoimmune disease
KONG/BEIJING (Thomson Reuters Foundation) affecting four million...
Living in Beijing for 23 years, Li Xue...
Alzheimers will be as manageable as Fun can cut risk of dying in next seven
HIV within ten years, says the head of years by quarter
new Dementia Research Institute Study from University College London asked
250million new Dementia Research Institute will participants about life enjoyment Changes in mood
open in London next year Belgian neuroscientist alter levels of harmful and...
Professor Bart de Strooper...
Nepal man has 2 stone tumour removed Mothers who potty-train babies from
from his face after successful surgery BIRTH: Believe it or not, its the new
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Krishna Prasad parenting fad. Experts say its risky, but
Bhattarai, 60, developed neurofibromatosis as a these proud mums insist its good for
child The rare condition caused... baby
Jill has been potty-training Ryker since birth You
can understand friends of Jill Williamson being a
Wellcome Trust paid boss Danny Truell 1 in 10 women spy on their husbands,
more than 3m last year survey says
Danny Truell is the chief investment officer of the She might not trust you as much as you think: 1 in
Wellcome Trust Its report revealed a member of 10 women admit to spying on their husbands
the investment team... emails and text messages,...
converted by W
Loss of key protein unleashes cascade NCAA honors man who inspired ALS ice
that culminates in rhabdoid tumor bucket challenge
formation Former Boston College baseball captain Pete
Rhabdoid tumors are among the most recalcitrant Frates, center left, and his brother Andrew, center...
childhood cancers, and scientists have long
sought ways to understand what...
Mexico Senate passes medical pot bill; Johnson & Johnson ends talks to buy
sent to lower house Actelion
More than 2,000 US counties witnessed increases Surging second-quarter sales of Johnson
of 200% or more in deaths related to substance Johnsons prescription drugs, its healthiest
abuse and mental disorders... business, were more than offset...
Cherokee Nation Legalizes Same-Sex U.N. Ends Wonder Woman Campaign for
Marriage Gender Equality
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) The Cherokee Nations The United Nations has ended its campaign with
attorney general legalized gay marriage for the Wonder Woman to promote gender equality after
countrys second-largest... less than two months, DC Entertainment...
Are death row cases plagued with racial Study highlights need for improved,
bias? stable eye screening for premature
Defendants charged with murder in North Carolina babies
from 1990 to 2009 were more than twice as likely to ANN ARBOR, Mich. Among the challenges faced
receive the death penalty... in caring for premature babies is protecting their
eye sight, and concerns...
Philippines Duterte says he may not be Peruvian activists fight for forcibly
around till end of term sterilized women
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) Philippine President By Sophie Davies LIMA (Thomson Reuters
Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday that he might not Foundation) Feminist activists in Peru are fighting
be around... a government decision...
Britons in Spain fret over health care, Actelion talks to new party, reported to
may come home after Brexit be Sanofi, as J&J drops bid
By Sonya Dowsett MIJAS, Spain (Reuters) British By Greg Roumeliotis and John Miller NEW
pensioner Judy Swatridges spine is held together YORK/ZURICH (Reuters) Switzerlands Actelion
converted by W
by titanium... Ltd confirmed it was in...
South Korea clinics bank on unlikely Medical care of child with Down
celebrity: President Park syndrome probably not a financial
By Ju-min Park SEOUL (Reuters) Plastic surgery burden for most families
and dermatology clinics in South Korea are looking The first study to analyze the out-of-pocket costs to
to cash in on President... families for the medical care of children and
adolescents with Down...
Skin cells crawl together to heal Given a jolt by the pacemaker with a
wounds treated with unique hydrogel heart: Ground-breaking device is able
layer to detect emotions
Time may not heal all wounds, but a proprietary mix Conventional devices use electrical pulses to
of peptides and gel developed by U of T ensure heart beats at healthy rate They respond
Engineering researchers heals... with additional beats to pump...
HEALTH NOTES: The film role that left How chemotherapy-busting cooling cap
Denise feeling blue that chills the users scalp can spare
Denise Welch has revealed how she suffered a cancer sufferers hair
setback in her battle with depression A silicone cooling cap that chills the scalp Millions
Actress Denise Welch has... of British cancer sufferers could be spared hair...
From Beyonces workout gear to a Customer wins 90k from hair salon
stove that cooks food and charges your after shampoo and rinse gives him a
phone, the Christmas gifts that are stroke
gorgeous AND good for you Dave Tyler collapsed two days after visiting
By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 17:00 EST, Headmasters in Brighton in 2011 He was asked at
10 December 2016 | Updated: 20:36 EST, 10 the National Hospital for...
December 2016 ...
Diets rich in butter, cream and cheese Southampton man dies after ambulance
may actually protect you from heart took 90 minutes to get him to hospital
disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes Martin Hale suffered a heart attack at his home in
Eating fatty foods may also protect you from cancer Southampton After his family put in the first call,
and heart disease A small amount of fat is an they say it took...
essential part of a...
Nip and tuck with Dr Tracy Mountford: I 5 Women Share the One Thing That
have been thinking about having Helped Them Keep the Weight Off for
dermal fillers to enhance my face but I Good
am so scared of looking too done I have lost 180 pounds and have kept it off for four
Woman seeking advice about having dermal fillers years now by strength training. Building muscle
to enhance her face She is scared of looking too has made keeping...
done and...
Could Having a Type A Personality Put Hair Tweaks Thatll Get You Carded
You at Risk for Eye Disease? Trying a new hairstyle can be scary, especially if
RELATED: COULD YOU BE AT RISK FOR ONE OF youve had the same one since, oh, high school.
THESE 5 SERIOUS EYE DISEASES? After the But there can be...
video went viral, Britt said (via her...
converted by W
Study shows how Zika attacks infant Methylation of PITX2 DNA feasible in
brain prostate biopsies
(HealthDay)New research paints a chilling Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a type of skin cancer,
portrait of how Zika ravages the infant brain. ... is the most common form of human cancer. With a
growing aging population,...
Extensive Brain Defects Seen in Babies Joe Biden Enlists Jon Stewart And 9/11
of Mothers With Zika Heroes For His Cancer Moonshot
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here WASHINGTON ? Vice President Joe Biden turned
to Jon Stewart and 9/11 responders Tuesday,
enlisting the aid of the people...
Workplace fun is fundamental for Magnetic mirror could shed new light
learning on the job on gravitational waves and the early
All work and no play may dull on-the-job learning at universe
workplaces, according to a team of researchers. In WASHINGTON Researchers have created a new
a study, having... magnetic mirror-based device that could one day
help cosmologists discover...
Scientists see new Arctic is more Pessimists you arent alone in feeling
prone to melting and storms down
SAN FRANCISCOScientists in a rare and RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( Waiting for
sometimes dangerous study of the Arctic have those tests results? Waiting to hear who won the
found that the regions thinning... election? And...
converted by W
in an attempt to get the... Obama will make his case directly to...
Asia confidence slips as firms fret Actelion says it continues deal talks as
about sluggish demand, political J&J drops out
uncertainty: Thomson Reuters/INSEAD By Greg Roumeliotis (Reuters) Switzerlands
poll Actelion Ltd said on Tuesday that it was in talks
By Liz Lee KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) with an undisclosed...
Confidence in Asia toward business conditions
over the coming six months dropped...
Switchgrass may be a good option for Are we running out of vanilla? (video)
farmers who have lost fertile topsoil WASHINGTON, Dec. 13, 2016 Vanilla is more
COLUMBIA, Mo. The loss of fertile topsoil from than a standby ice cream flavor. Its used to flavor
agricultural fields is an economic problem for approximately...
modern farmers. When...
Can YOU smell asparagus in your Flu viruses want to kill men more than
urine? Its all down to your genes, women finds study
scientists discover Viruses such as HPV and TB are more likely to kill
A distinct smell is produced in the urine when the men than women, study shows Researchers at
vegetable is broken down One compound in the Royal Holloway University...
odour is also found in rotten...
Pokemon GO DOESNT help people to Pregnant women who eat American diet
stay fit and healthy are FAR more likely to have obese
Pokemon GO was known to get actually got people babies
off the sofa and out about During the first week of Pregnant women who eat a typical American diet
playing the game, average... are more likely to have an obese child, a study
warns. A growing swell of...
How Americas diet has changed since Ex Marine shows his incredible
1970 according to Pew Research progress just 4 months after double
There was a time when milk, red meat, and sugar arm transplant
were staples of the American diet. But things have It is just four months since former Marine sergeant
changed since 1970 ... John Peck received a double arm transplant. But
he is already showing...
Gender-biased infections may exist Dr. Manny: Are e-cigarettes safe during
Viruses can evolve to become more aggressive in pregnancy?
men than in women at least in theory, a study Are e-cigarettes safe during pregnancy? As an OB-
suggests. The report,... GYN, I get this question constantly. Especially from
converted by W
women who want to quit...
Beautiful Huntresses: Scientists Explain Trump Taps Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke
Why Mantises Evolved To Resemble To Lead Interior Department
Orchids Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., spoke at the Republican
Researchers find that female orchid mantises National Convention in Cleveland in July. ...
evolved to increase their predatory abilities. ...
Saskatoon comes out on top in healthy First Nations adult cancer survival
cities ranking shows major gap
Saskatoon gets top marks when it comes to the First Nation adults in Canada have much poorer
health performance of the city and its citizens, five-year survival from cancer than non-Aboriginals,
according to a new ranking... according to what researchers...
converted by W
The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down a law effective, Hensley told HuffPost, adding, Santa is
Tuesday that required doctors who perform the single greatest...
abortions in the state to have admitting...
Ryan Gosling Has Figured Out Why Hes Teen drug use drops to all-time low
Your Imaginary Boyfriend Drug use among U.S. teens is at an all-time low.
We could go on. But if you were to ask Gosling Thats the heartening finding from a new survey by
himself, hed tell you hes prime boyfriend material the U.S. National Institute...
for one reason: My...
John Kasich signs 20-week abortion Where you live may determine how you
ban, vetoes stricter provisions die
COLUMBUS, Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich People along the southern stretch of the
signed a bill Tuesday imposing a 20-week abortion Mississippi River are more likely to die from heart
ban while vetoing stricter... problems than anywhere else...
President Obama signs 21st Century Battery research reaching out to higher
Cures Act voltages
President Obama urged those in attendance to get For years, small rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
close as he signed bipartisan legislation that have reliably supplied billions of portable devices
includes provisions... with energy. But...
Image of typical welfare recipient A look at the US cold snap from NASA
linked with racial stereotypes infrared imagery
When thinking about a welfare recipient, people Imagery and an animation of infrared imagery from
tend to imagine someone who is African American the AIRS instrument aboard NASAs Aqua satellite
and who is lazier and less... showed the movement...
Oklahoma court strikes down abortion Obama signs bill boosting spending on
restriction as unconstitutional cancer research
By Jon Herskovitz (Reuters) The Oklahoma WASHINGTON (AP) On a bittersweet day that
Supreme Court struck down on Tuesday a state brought back memories of loved ones lost,
law requiring doctors who perform... President Barack...
ConAgra to pay $11.2M to settle tainted Ohio governor OKs 20-week abortion
peanut butter case ban, nixes heartbeat bill
ALBANY, Ga. (AP) A ConAgra subsidiary pleaded COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Republican Gov. John
guilty Tuesday and agreed to pay $11.2 million Kasich signed a bill Tuesday imposing a 20-week
including the largest... abortion ban while vetoing stricter...
Ohio governor vetoes heartbeat Mike Pence look-alike raises money for
abortion ban, signs 20-week legislation LGBT charities in Times Square
converted by W
By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters
Republican Governor John Kasich signed a 20- Foundation) New York Citys Times Square has
week abortion ban into law on Tuesday... long been famous for...
Diabetes Drug May Hike Bladder Cancer Where You Live May Determine How
Risk: FDA You Die
A diabetes drug taken by patients to control blood Where you live may, in part, determine how you die.
sugar levels may increase the risk of bladder Thats the upshot of a new death-records analysis
cancer, federal regulators... that finds what kills...
Quest Diagnostics: 34,000 Accounts UCI team to play key role in national
Hacked study on how physical activity benefits
Medical laboratory operator Quest Diagnostics Inc. health
says a hack of an internet application on its Irvine, Calif., Dec. 13, 2016 With the support of a
network has exposed the... major National Institutes of Health initiative,
Complex, interrelated global problems Get fit in just FIFTEEN minutes: Try this
require broader connect-the-dots muscle-toning exercise to ease back
science approach: UNESCO pain and increase mobility
The business as usual approach to scientific Lie on your front with your forehead resting on the
problem-solving characterized too often by floor Lift your left arm and right leg up, then as you
narrow, disconnected,... lower those...
Grandmother who went to hospital with The chemists running out of lifesaving
broken arm died from pneumonia and drugs because they have all been sold
sepsis abroad
Patricia Fowler, 75, died after she was not seen by You rush to the chemist in your lunch hour, only to
a hospital consultant for three days A grandmother be told the medicine your GP has prescribed isnt
who was... available. The...
Woman, 23, is accused of being DRUNK Biohacker Amal Graafstra has implanted
by strangers after a deadly mass on her wireless chips under skin
brain left her slurring her words Humans will become cyborgs is the next step of
Zoe Roscoe, 23, of Bolton, was diagnosed with a human evolution. At least thats according to Amal
converted by W
brain AVM while at university in 2013 A woman who Graafstra,...
had a deadly...
Florida mother who lost her husband to Cool!: Former Marine exclaims with joy
cancer welcomes a baby girl through in video showing his incredible
IVF progress just 4 months after receiving
A widow, who became pregnant through in vitro double arm transplant
fertilization after she lost her husband to cancer, It is just four months since former Marine sergeant
has given birth to a baby... John Peck received a double arm transplant. But
he is already showing...
American deaths from drugs, alcohol Study first to show role of Parkin gene
and mental disorders triple since 1980 in eye lens free radical formation, cell
Deaths from alcohol, drugs and mental disorders survival
have almost tripled in the United States since Eye lens cells making the normal Parkin protein
1980, a new federal study... form yellow mitochondrial puncta (yellow circles)...
U.S. death rates vary drastically by Many people dont know what makes
county smoking dangerous
Death rates and causes of death vary widely Most Americans dont grasp that the chemicals
across the U.S., according to a new study that produced by burning a cigarette are more harmful
looked at thousands... than the manufacturers...
Telemedicine for PTSD no less effective Medical drones could be the next wave
than in-person therapy of emergency response
Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder Site Index Sections Home Video Politics U.S.
(PTSD) who have difficulties making it to in-person Opinion Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel
therapy sessions may be able... Lifestyle World Sports Weather On...
Zika virus can keep growing in infant Innovation in stroke aftercare across
brains even after birth, CDC reports Europe: an interview with Professor Urs
U.S. researchers have found evidence of the Zika Fischer
virus replicating in fetal brains for up to seven Professor Urs FischerTHOUGHT LEADERS
months after the mother... SERIESinsight from the worlds leading experts
Interview conducted by April...
Low-carb diets safe in short term, more Unexpected activity of two enzymes
effective for weight loss than low-fat helps explain why liver cancer drugs
diets, study says fail
Credit: CC0 Public Domain People deciding Left to right: 1) healthy mouse liver, 2) liver deficient
between low-carb and low-fat diets should know... for Shp2, 3) liver deficient for Pten,...
Researchers find bacterial protein that The good and bad of MRI evaluation of
boosts insulin-producing cells in the urothelial tract
zebrafish When performed properly, MR urography (MRU)
At left, the beta cell mass, in green, in the pancreas can be an alternative to CT urography (CTU) for
of a germ-free fish. At right, the germ-free... imaging of the entire urinary...
converted by W
negative breast cancer and cancer cancers
immunotherapy Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a type of skin cancer,
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a type of skin cancer, is the most common form of human cancer. With a
is the most common form of human cancer. With a growing aging population,...
growing aging population,...
Heres What Happens When Moms Tell Reminder: Suicides Dont Actually
Daughters How They Were Conceived Increase Around The Holidays
In a new Cosmpolitan video posted to Facebook, Suicide rates are usually at their lowest during the
moms tell their daughters about how they were month of December. But you wouldnt know it
conceived. Unsurprisingly, the... based on stories in the...
Pets Can Be Life-Changing For People Hilary Duff Fires Back After Being Mom-
Living With Severe Mental Illness Shamed For Kissing Her Son
Most people reported either having difficult Hilary Duff has zero patience for mom-shaming.
relationships with friends and family, or having a After receiving criticism for kissing her 4-year-old
limited social network outside... son on the lips, the...
More parts of tough Florida abortion Could statins help cut Alzheimers risk?
law challenged Could cholesterol-fighting statins fend off
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. A federal judge is being Alzheimers disease? A new, large study suggests
asked to block additional parts of a contentious that if they do have that...
Florida abortion law. The...
Fewer chubby babies a hopeful sign in Okla. Supreme court tosses law
obesity fight requiring abortion doctors to have
CHICAGO Chubby babies and toddlers at risk for hospital privileges
later obesity are on the decline in a government OKLAHOMA CITY The Oklahoma Supreme Court
food program serving... on Tuesday threw out a law requiring abortion
clinics to have doctors who...
Mexicos energy reform calls for new Studies of vulnerable populations get a
water policy bootstrapped boost from statisticians
HOUSTON (Dec. 13, 2016) As the Mexican A hallmark of good government is policies which lift
government oversees the implementation of the up vulnerable or neglected populations. But crafting
countrys energy... effective policy...
Water: Finding the normal within the First detection of boron on the surface
weird of Mars
RICHLAND, Wash. Water has many unusual Los Alamos, N.M., Dec. 13, 2016 Boron has been
properties, such as its solid form, ice, being able to identified for the first time on the surface of Mars,
float in liquid water,... indicating...
converted by W
Sneaky virus goes easy on women to Ohio governor gets 20-week abortion
infect kids ban, heartbeat bills
Paris (AFP) At least one kind of virus has become COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Two differing abortion
less lethal when targeting a woman to ensure she bans have arrived at Ohio Gov. John Kasichs
does not die before... (KAY-sikz) desk,...
Zika virus can keep growing in infant The Latest: ConAgra pleads guilty in
brains even after birth: U.S. CDC salmonella case
(Reuters) U.S. researchers have found evidence ALBANY, Ga. (AP) The Latest on ConAgras
of the Zika virus replicating in fetal brains for up to plead deal to settle a criminal case stemming from
seven months... a 2006 salmonella...
Teen Drinking, Drug Use Down Tot Test Spots Future Crooks,
The use of alcohol, marijuana, prescription Druggies: Study
medications and illicit substances declined among Testing for intelligence, motor skills and troubled
U.S. teens again in 2016, continuing... behavior at age three showed which tots were likely
to wind up behind...
Most Teen Smokers Turn to Alcohol, Statins Linked to Lower Dementia Risk:
Drugs Study
Many U.S. teen smokers even those who only Some cholesterol-lowering drugs, known as
light up occasionally also use other drugs, a statins, appear to be linked to a lower risk of
new study suggests. Of... Alzheimers disease in certain...
Low-carb diets safe in short term, more UC Davis joins national effort on links
effective for weight loss than low-fat between health and exercise
diets We know that exercise is good for you. But why, and
CHICAGODecember 13, 2016People deciding how? The National Institutes of Health today (Dec.
between low-carb and low-fat diets should know 13) announced a six-year,...
the research shows...
converted by W
YouTubes Simon Whistler reveals why Americas chubby babies on the
getting kicked in testicles make men decline: Figures show first drop in
feel sick overweight infants since 2000
Simon Whistler, a popular YouTube vlogger, Rate of children at risk of obesity fell from 15% to
reveals why in a new video There are many 12% between 2010 and 2014 Babies are now the
consequences for men who take a hit... least likely of youngsters...
Wheelchair-bound man who broke neck Teen drinking, smoking and drug use
regains use of hands through drops: Figures reveal American high
revolutionary device schoolers are shunning all substances
Brian Gomez has been paralysed since being EXCEPT marijuana
involved in an accident 5 years ago He became Drinking and drug use have dropped again among
one of the worlds first... US teenagers, government figures show. In 2016,
just over a third of American...
older entries
converted by W
Health A-Z Conditions-Procedures Drugs & Suplements Interactive Tools
Mother who lost her husband to cancer Texas scientists suggest starving your ?This Woman Just Achieved a Major Milestone on
American Ninja Warrior
welcomes a baby girl through IVF a year children may cure them of cancer Why Are Women Putting Wasp Nests in Their Vaginas??
after his death Fasting can halt the progression of a common This Is Whats In Store For Your Sex Life This Month,
A widow, who became pregnant through in vitro strain of childhood leukaemia Acute lymphoblastic According To Your Zodiac Sign
leukaemia is known to affect... New York boy born with severe genetic mutation is
fertilization after she lost her husband to cancer,
has given birth to a baby... Injections of young blood may protect against
Fishermen Team Up With Scientists To Meet The Spleen, The Strange Little Boy diagnosed with childhood Alzheimers on Mothers
Make A More Selective Net Organ That Can Multiply Day
Nevada patients offered suicide pills instead of treament
Portlands Gulf of Maine Research Institute has The spleen, shown in the 19th-century French US officials OK option for men with HIV to father children
designed a trawl net that aims to target species... anatomy atlas, Traite Complet de LAnatomie de Trendy workout gear does NOT improve your
LHomme.... performance
Babies exposed to lead in womb have high risk of autism
Saskatoon comes out on top in new Pot task force recommends legal Breastfeeding lowers endometrial cancer risk, study says
President Trump Decides To Pull U.S. Out Of Paris
healthy cities ranking cannabis sales be limited to users 18
Climate Agreement
Saskatoon gets top marks when it comes to the and over China Steps Forward As Unlikely Leader In Fight Against
health performance of the city and its citizens, A task force appointed by the Canadian Climate Change
according to a new ranking... government to study the legalization of marijuana California State Senator Doubles Down On Efforts To
Fight Climate Change
determined Tuesday that sales should...
President Trump Decides To Remove U.S. From Paris
Climate Accord
Meet Canadas 1st female Indigenous Tourettes tics U.S. Intelligence Warns Against Security Implications Of
surgeon 13 December 2016 Last updated at 02:15 GMT Leaving Paris Accord
Performer Jess Thoms view on why theatres Montana Town Exemplifies Coal Countrys Uncertain
Dr. Nadine Carons introduction to medicine was
something of a eureka moment. A star on the should relax about noise.
Using Music And Rhythm To Help Kids With Grammar
basketball team of Simon... And Language
Mars Incorporated Criticizes Trumps Decision To Leave
Reality Check: Is social care getting NHS must be more open on Paris Climate Accord
more money? preventable patient deaths New evidence challenges popular hypothesis for how
anesthesia works
The Claim: Spending on adult social care is facing NHS trusts will start revealing details of Why antibiotics failbiologists correct a flaw in the way
its biggest crisis despite governments claim that preventable deaths as part of shake-up in the way bacterial susceptibility to these drugs is tested
there will be... they investigate cases. Health... Neuroscientists rewire brain of one species to have
connectivity of another
How to take better food pictures Post-partum doulas are the latest must- Heavy-drinking Lithuania bans alcohol ads, raises
minimum age
If you take a picture and dont use a filter on have accessory for new moms Some vaginal bacteria may weaken anti-HIV gel: study
Instagram, is it even really a picture? On the flip Two months ago, when new mom Mara Glick Wild death cap mushroom seriously sickens 14 in
side, if you eat a... should have been happily celebrating her son California
Jacksons bris, she was marooned upstairs... Quadriceps exercise relieves pain in knee osteoarthritis
Certain breast CA patients benefit from adjuvant
Lane Bryant ad featuring plus-sized Model paralyzed in zipline accident New Electrical Brain Stimulation Technique Shows
model goes viral shares rehab progress Promise in Mice
Outrage Of The Month: House Passage Of Trumpcare
A new Lane Bryant bikini ad is going viral, with After falling from a zipline, model Bernardita Santa
All Scientific Hands On Deck To End The Opioid Crisis
commenters noting how similar the models body Cruz was left paralyzed. Now, shes become an Trump Wants To Roll Back Birth Control Access. Women
is to their own. Plus-sized... online celebrity after... Arent Having It.
This Father-Son Selfie Is Going Viral For The Sweetest
Fungal infection causes swirling, maze- Survey: Nearly 70 percent of U.S. Reason
like rash Hispanics agree with physician-assisted Mom Takes Joy-Filled Photos Of Son Who Likes To Wear
Fungal infections can show up in some pretty death An Open Letter To Gwyneth Paltrow About GOOP
unusual ways, and a neat, maze-like pattern of According to a new online survey by Nashville- When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay
concentric rings... based LifeWay Research, a company that offers The Price
tools to measure how churches... MS-related brain changes may affect social skills
Addiction risk high at elite schools, study finds
Patient records stolen from plastic surgery clinic
ESPNs Britt McHenry: Post-outburst 1 in 6 Americans takes a psychiatric
converted by W
stress caused eye damage drug Poor understanding of ratios leads to bad shopping
decisions, says University of Miami study
ESPN reporter Britt McHenry says stress over a One in six U.S. adults reported taking a psychiatric Rover findings indicate stratified lake on ancient Mars
viral video that showed her hurling personal insults drug, such as an antidepressant or a sedative, in Georgia State neuroscientists rewire brain of 1 species to
toward a towing company... 2013, a new study... have connectivity of another
Whats powering your devices?
Instantly rechargeable battery could change the future of
Brain tests may predict children at risk Gun laws, mental health spending tied
electric and hybrid automobiles
of becoming social burdens to fewer school shootings New consensus document for appropriate use of drug
Tuesday December 13 2016 Parental neglect can (Reuters Health) As school shootings become testing in clinical addiction medicine
have long-term implications Brain tests predict more common in the U.S., theyre happening less Ethnicity and breastfeeding influence infant gut bacteria
Uncovering why playing a musical instrument can protect
childrens... often in states...
brain health
Meet the most nimble-fingered robot ever built
Telemedicine for PTSD no less effective Atlanta groom-to-be paralyzed during New model deepens understanding of the dynamics of
than in-person therapy bachelor party quark-gluon plasmas
10 Meditation Apps That Will Help You Totally Zen Out
(Reuters Health) Veterans with posttraumatic A joint bachelor/bachelorette party went from
24 Ways to Fight Without Destroying Your Relationship
stress disorder (PTSD) who have difficulties celebratory to tragic when the groom became Does the Time of the Month Affect Your Workout Results?
making it to in-person... paralyzed after going swimming. Brett... Catch of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet
Metals and nutrients in baby teeth tied to autism risk
Post-partum doulas are the latest must- Lane Bryant ad featuring plus-sized Tiny blood vessel damage tied to depression among
have accessory for new moms model goes viral older adults
Strict bedtime rules can help kids get enough sleep
Two months ago, when new mom Mara Glick A new Lane Bryant bikini ad is going viral, with Breastfeeding linked to lower endometrial cancer risk
should have been happily celebrating her son commenters noting how similar the models body L.A. health officials misstated some cases of childhood
Jacksons bris, she was marooned upstairs... is to their own. Plus-sized... lead exposure
Catch of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet
Model paralyzed in zipline accident Survey: Nearly 70 percent of US First mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus in Illinois
Zinc May Be Key to Fighting Liver Disease
shares rehab progress Hispanics agree with physician-assisted Gluten-Free: Pros, Cons, and Hidden Risks
After falling from a zipline, model Bernardita Santa death Short, high-intensity exercise sessions improve insulin
Cruz was left paralyzed. Now, shes become an According to a new online survey by Nashville- production in type 2 diabetes
online celebrity after... Exposure to specific toxins and nutrients during late
based LifeWay Research, a company that offers
pregnancy and early life correlate with autism risk
tools to measure how churches... Immunology: How ancestry shapes our immune cells
Why antibiotics fail
ESPNs Britt McHenry: Post-outburst Dutch destroy 63000 hens in response Video shows invasive lionfish feasting on new Caribbean
stress caused eye damage to bird flu outbreak fish species
How the Nazis invented nerve agents like sarin (video)
ESPN reporter Britt McHenry says stress over a AMSTERDAM Dutch authorities ordered the Omega-3 fatty acid stops lupus trigger, but how?
viral video that showed her hurling personal insults destruction of 63,000 broiler hens on Tuesday after Wayne State awarded over $460K from the Michigan
toward a towing company... bird flu was identified... Health Endowment Fund
A better dye job for roots in plants
Gun laws, mental health spending tied 10 Ways to Make Winter Running Way Smithsonian scientists release frogs wearing mini radio
transmitters in Panama
to fewer school shootings Less Painful Beyond broke bones, CTs also detect frailty and predict
As school shootings become more common in the Its hard to run in darkness, foul weather, and cold survival
U.S., theyre happening less often in states with temperatures, but as the saying goes, when the Phagocytes in the brain: Good or bad?
mandatory background... going gets tough,... Specific neurons distinguish between reality and
Social laughter releases endorphins in the brain
Brain shrinkage in multiple sclerosis Sugar and sweetenershow do they How to attack Africas neonatal mortality problem
associated with leaked protein in blood affect our appetite? Gut microbiota plays a key role in treatment with classic
Demyelination by MS. The CD68 colored tissue What should healthy young men who want to watch diabetes medication
Vibrating, cold device enables quick IV insertion while
shows several macrophages in the area of the their weight and manage their blood sugar levels
reducing kids pain in emergency room
lesion.... drink? Can they risk something... Puberty hormones trigger changes in youthful learning
Common class of chemicals cause cancer by breaking
Frances Sanofi faces class action suit How our brains are biologically tuned to down DNA repair mechanisms
over epilepsy drug be influenced by confident people
A common drug used to treat epilepsy has caused Credit: public domain Scientists have uncovered
congenital defects in around 450 babies in France that the added influence...
who were exposed to the...
FDA Health News psychology
Television volume can be festive Research reveals autonomous social
flashpoint for Christmas viewers individuals dislike gratitude and
By using products such as soap, shampoo, body explores connection to interpersonal
lotion, toothpaste and makeup, the average relationships
consumer may be exposed to dozens... What we see in the periphery, just outside the
direct focus of the eye, may sometimes be a visual
illusion, according to...
Brain structure best explains our American death rate from drugs,
dwindling tolerance of risk alcohol, and mental disorders nearly
Left hemisphere of J. Pi?sudskis brain, lateral triples since 1980
view. Credit: public domain Our brains... An animated GIF visualizing mortality from mental
and substance use disorders from 1980 to 2014...
converted by W
Skin Deep: You Are Not Getting Hungry How Disease Detectives Unearthed A
: Using Hypnosis to Avoid Holiday Forgotten Drug To Fight A Lethal Illness
Weight Gain The approach Torreeles team used to find
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here fexinidazole could work for other diseases as well,
she said. Torreele, who now...
In Times of Uncertainty, Keep Calm and 25 Cheeky Photos That Celebrate The
Get Covered Wonders Of Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
There has been a lot of talk about the importance of Sadly, these unique foodstuffs are often discarded
protections relating to pre-existing conditions. at various points along the supply chain solely due
Before the ACA, heart... to their appearance. Some...
Studies probe value and impact of Study links nutrition to brain health and
direct-to-consumer genetic testing intelligence in older adults
Despite being on the market for nearly a decade, CHAMPAIGN, Ill. A study of older adults links
direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing continues consumption of a pigment found in leafy greens to
to be controversial among... the preservation...
Evangelicals are more skeptical of AGU Fall Meeting: Syrian refugees face
evolution than of climate change new obstacle: Turkish earthquakes
Evangelicals are more skeptical of evolution than of SAN FRANCISCO Syrian refugees seeking
climate change, according to new research from reprieve from civil war may have traded a violent
Rice University. Examining... home for a different danger:...
Drug for narcolepsy could help food Young, thin and hyperactive: Thats
addicts lose weight what outlier galaxies look like
Overweight people could be given help with the If we put the galaxies for which we have the relevant
discovery that a drug used for sleep disorder could data into a graph relating the mass of stars in each
also reduce the impulse... galaxy with the...
Broken shoulder leads to carpal tunnel Rural nursing homes are falling behind
syndrome surgery study in health information technology
Patients who undergo surgery for carpal tunnel COLUMBIA, Mo. According to the Centers for
syndrome can regain their typing ability within two Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1
or three weeks after the... million older Americans...
South Korea lawmakers to quiz doctors, Yemens toxic trash mountain adds to
nurses about Parks missing seven war woes
hours DUBAI (Reuters) Many disasters loom over one
By James Pearson and Yun Hwan Chae SEOUL of the poorest countries in the Middle East as it
(Reuters) Seven hours may have sealed the fate suffers through nearly...
of South Koreas beleaguered...
Famine may have killed 2,000 people in French candidate Fillon attacked over
parts of Nigeria cut off from aid by Boko fuzzy healthcare plan
Haram: analysts By Richard Balmforth PARIS (Reuters) Francois
DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) More Fillon, tipped to win Frances presidential election
than 2,000 people may have died of famine this next year,...
year in parts of northeast...
converted by W
Finland to ease rules on hunting wild Canada should regulate recreational
boar to fight a swine fever pot production: panel
HELSINKI (Reuters) Finland is planning to OTTAWA (Reuters) The Canadian government
loosen rules on hunting wild boar and impose should regulate the production of cannabis when it
restrictions on keeping domestic... is legalized for recreational...
Sugar and sweeteners how do they Forming a second line of plant defense
affect our appetite? capturing disease-resistant DNA
What should healthy young men who want to watch RenSeq (1) is the method to sequence Resistance
their weight and manage their blood sugar levels (R) genes that confer disease resistance in plants.
drink? Can they risk something... Each plant typically...
Drugs from nature: Big effects of Using herpes drugs to slow down
multiple compounds in small amounts Alzheimers disease could become
FRANKFURT. Nature often produces a whole reality
weaponry of active ingredients to ensure it is well The first clinical study to investigate if herpes virus
prepared for any scenario that... drugs can have an effect on fundamental
Alzheimers disease...
Scientists redefine horned dinosaur Salmon, blue mussel, eider, and eel die
relationships by naming 2 new from the same vitamin deficiency
ceratopsian tribes Deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in wildlife is
Cleveland, Ohio . . . Scientists have named two previously known as a problem among certain
new clades, or tribes, of horned dinosaurs species within relatively...
(ceratopsians) based on fossils...
Tia Llewellyn sent home from school Victoria Miller claims crippling
with sick bug dies after given 5% headaches have been cured by Botox
chance of survival injections
Tia Llewellyn, from Wales, was sick one morning A woman claims her crippling headaches have
while she had been at school Blood tests revealed been cured by having Botox injections. Victoria
she was suffering from... Miller, 30, from Rochdale, Lancashire,...
Jennie Yoo discovers she has tumour New Zealand nail artist Jessie Mills
the size of a GRAPEFRUIT after visiting creates edible nails out of chocolate
dentist New Zealand nail artist Jessie Mills has created
Jennie Yoo suffered from discomfort in her 2 front edible nails out of chocolate Video of her making
teeth at the end of last year The 27-year-old, from them has been watched...
Bangkok, Thailand,...
Couple claim son started suffering from Dr Pimple Popper bursts cyst from
14 seizures a day after having mans eye in her most repulsive video
meningitis jab yet
A furious couple claim their son began suffering up For those with the strongest stomachs, Dr Pimple
to 14 violent fits a day after having a new meningitis Popper is back in action. This time she can be
jab and have... seen squeezing out a huge...
converted by W
Its pretty common to hear that a new dieting trend nutritional overhaul
is apparently backed by a favourite celebrity and Meals in prisons are often substandard and need a
as people... nutritional overhaul, says the writer and
campaigner Lucy Vincent. In...
Does marijuana use affect a persons Dutch destroy 63,000 hens in response
vision? to bird flu outbreak
Regular marijuana use may affect how well certain AMSTERDAM Dutch authorities ordered the
cells in the eyes retina function, a small new study destruction of 63,000 broiler hens on Tuesday after
finds. But... bird flu was identified at...
As drug approvals dive in 2016, returns Chubby babies on the decline in aid
on R&D deteriorate program serving millions
LONDON The global pharmaceuticals industry is Chubby babies and toddlers at risk for later obesity
set to win the lowest annual number of new drug are on the decline in a government food program
approvals this year since... serving millions of...
NCAA honoring man who inspired ALS Drinking, drug use largely down among
ice bucket challenge US teens in 2016
BEVERLY, Mass. The NCAA is honoring the LOS ANGELES The use of alcohol, marijuana,
former Boston College baseball captain who prescription medications and illicit substances
inspired the ice bucket challenge... declined among U.S. teens...
Whats the Difference Between Butter 4 Times You Should Avoid the Scale at
and Ghee? All Costs
OM ghee: Butter eaters arent necessarily more Beyond that, here are the worst times to go near
prone to heart disease, says a new study. But your scale: 1. The Day After a Hard Workout
whats up with... Strenuous exercise causes small...
4 Times You Should Avoid the Scale at Trumps Election Leaves Scientists In A
All Costs Climate Of Uncertainty
Beyond that, here are the worst times to go near The U.S. government is a major contributor to
converted by W
your scale: 1. The Day After a Hard Workout climate research. It funds missions like NASAs...
Strenuous exercise causes small...
Canada falls short in treating First 2.2 million Yemen children acutely
Nations patients, says countrys 1st malnourished: UN
female Indigenous surgeon By using products such as soap, shampoo, body
Dr. Nadine Carons introduction to medicine was lotion, toothpaste and makeup, the average
something of a eureka moment. A star on the consumer may be exposed to dozens...
basketball team of Simon...
2.2 million Yemen children acutely Expert offers tips on coping with
malnourished: UN divorce during the holidays
By using products such as soap, shampoo, body What we see in the periphery, just outside the
lotion, toothpaste and makeup, the average direct focus of the eye, may sometimes be a visual
consumer may be exposed to dozens... illusion, according to...
Expert offers tips on coping with Administered C3a peptide creates new
divorce during the holidays synapses, could benefit stroke
What we see in the periphery, just outside the recovery
direct focus of the eye, may sometimes be a visual A blood clot forming in the carotid artery. Credit:
illusion, according to... copyright American Heart Association Faster...
Administered C3a peptide creates new Researchers find beta blockers reduce
synapses, could benefit stroke death risk but impair function after
recovery heart attack
A blood clot forming in the carotid artery. Credit: Human heart. Credit: copyright American Heart
copyright American Heart Association Faster... Association Beta blockers...
Promising approach for prognosis and Support for taxing sugary drinks by
treatment in mastocytosis sugar content
Primary cutaneous lymphomas, cancers of the By using products such as soap, shampoo, body
lymphatic system, occur in the skin and originate lotion, toothpaste and makeup, the average
either from T-lymphocytes (T-cell... consumer may be exposed to dozens...
Support for taxing sugary drinks by These New Coffee Pods Contain More
sugar content Protein Than An Egg
By using products such as soap, shampoo, body If you love coffee and crave protein, this could be
converted by W
lotion, toothpaste and makeup, the average the brew youve been waiting for. LonoLife, the
consumer may be exposed to dozens... company that brought...
These New Coffee Pods Contain More Cuisinart food processors recalled due
Protein Than An Egg to laceration hazard
If you love coffee and crave protein, this could be CFP-9, CFP-11, DFP-7, DFP-11, DFP-14, DLC-5,
the brew youve been waiting for. LonoLife, the DLC-7, DLC-8, DLC-10, DLC-XP, DLC-2007, DLC-
company that brought... 2009, DLC-2011, DLC-2014, DLC-3011,...
The worlds wet regions are getting New laser scanning test to assess fire-
wetter and the dry regions are getting damaged concrete
drier Engineering research at The University of
Research from the University of Southampton has Nottingham, UK and Ningbo, China (UNNC) has
provided robust evidence that wet regions of the found laser scanning is a new and viable...
earth are getting wetter...
New laser scanning test to assess fire- Bacterial sabotage handicaps ability to
damaged concrete resolve devastating lung inflammation
Engineering research at The University of PITTSBURGH, Dec. 12, 2016 The chronic lung
Nottingham, UK and Ningbo, China (UNNC) has inflammation that is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis,
found laser scanning is a new and viable... has, for the first...
converted by W
Republican looks to overhaul Social Thousands in North Korea at risk
Security months after devastating floods: IFRC
WASHINGTON (AP) A key Republican lawmaker SEOUL (Reuters) Thousands of survivors of
wants to overhaul Social Security, the decades-old floods that hit a remote corner of North Korea in
program that provides... August are in need of...
Thousands in North Korea at risk Drug gives lung cancer patients four
months after devastating floods: IFRC extra months
SEOUL (Reuters) Thousands of survivors of Most lung cancer patients survived four months
floods that hit a remote corner of North Korea in longer on an immunotherapy drug than those
August are in need of... treated with chemotherapy, according...
Drug gives lung cancer patients four Philippines Duterte says he suffers
extra months from back pains, migraine
Most lung cancer patients survived four months MANILA (Reuters) Philippine President Rodrigo
longer on an immunotherapy drug than those Duterte suffers from back pains and migraine
treated with chemotherapy, according... headaches, he has said...
New cancer treatment nivolumab New lung cancer test requires half a
turned merchant seamans life around teaspoon of blood
Simon Lamont-Brown was preparing his final Lung cancer is one of the most common and
goodbyes. Having tried chemotherapy and serious types of cancer Stanford University School
radiotherapy to fight off his lung cancer,... of Medicine instructor developed...
Daily Vitamin C fizzy tablets that come Woman, 27, discovers she has a tumour
loaded with salt after visiting the dentist
Tablets contain sodium bicarbonate, which makes Jennie Yoo suffered from discomfort in her 2 front
them fizz and then dissolve The sodium is teeth at the end of last year The 27-year-old, from
considered a potential health... Bangkok, Thailand,...
Contact lenses cost paramedic his job ?-Amyloid triggers aberrant over-
and his eye scaling of homeostatic synaptic
Andrew Carthew, a 59-year-old paramedic in plasticity
Britain, woke up one day in June 2015 with a Alzheimers Disease (AD) is characterized by
weepy eye, the Bristol... deficits in learning and memory with an eventual
loss of higher cognitive...
converted by W
Exploratory analysis of CD63 and Safety and efficacy of vinorelbine in
CD203c expression in basophils from combination with pertuzumab and
hazelnut sensitized and allergic trastuzumab for first-line treatment of
individuals patients with HER2-positive locally
Our results show that the BAT is a useful tool to advanced or metastatic breast cancer:
determine biological activity against a food allergen VELVET Cohort 1 final results
such as HN. The correlation... The combination of pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and
docetaxel is standard of care for first-line treatment
of HER2-positive metastatic...
NCAA honoring man who inspired ALS Cheap, fun ways kids can learn through
ice bucket challenge play this holiday break
Its pretty hard to find a novel way to do the ALS Ice Playing with blocks may help preschoolers develop
Bucket Challenge by now, but two-time Grammy- the kinds of skills that support later learning in
winning rapper... science, technology,...
New research reveals extent of human Versatile optical laser will enable
threat to lion populations innovative experiments at atomic-scale
Two new studies led by scientists at Oxford measurements
University have highlighted the threat posed to WASHINGTON The European X-ray Free-
lions by human activity ... Electron Laser (XFEL) facility, near Hamburg,
Germany, was built with one objective...
converted by W
Canada just under $2.1 billion...
Focused global strategy needed to end FDA finds quality control problems at
child slavery by 2025: Jeffrey Sachs Sun Pharmas Halol plant
By Nita Bhalla NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters By Zeba Siddiqui MUMBAI (Reuters) The U.S.
Foundation) Countries can end child slavery Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has again
within the next decade if there... raised concerns about the...
Broadcaster and former pop star How YOU can get Salma Hayeks toned
reverend Richard Coles takes our back muscles
health quiz Appearing at the British Fasion Awards, Salma
CAN YOU RUN UP THE STAIRS? No, I am Hayek showed off her toned back The 50-year-old
lamentably unfit. I stopped smoking when I was 45 claims to put her muscles...
and since then have put on about 1...
Hi-tech plaster could stop fatal blood Canadian study reveals why a womans
clots that cause strokes and heart heart beats faster than a mans
attacks You may not realise it to look at them, but the latest
Millions are already taking tablets containing research suggests that men and womens bodies
heparin to reduce the risk of clots The new patch tick according...
automatically injects the...
New technique replaces joints while ONS study reveals the top 20 places in
causing minimal damage teh UK for life expectancy
Thousands of Britons have hip replacements each Only 1 of the areas at the top of the life expectancy
year, but now theres a new technique where joints table is far from London Harrogate placed sixth for
can be replaced... longevity with...
The 13 Best Weight Loss Tips Women Liberals to make safe injection sites
Shared With Us in 2016 easier to open and fentanyl harder to
I got a gym membership at the constant nagging smuggle into Canada
of my older sisters and best friend. On my first day, Health Minister Jane Philpott and Public Safety
I did 60 minutes... Minister Ralph Goodale announced a series of
converted by W
legislative changes today that...
Drinking, drug use largely down among Baby boomers on a bender: Emerging
U.S. teens in 2016 trends in alcohol binge and use
LOS ANGELES The use of alcohol, marijuana, disorders among older adults
prescription medications and illicit substances Credit: New York University Alcohol is the most
declined among U.S. teens again... commonly used psychoactive substance among...
Study identifies druggable brain gene Would you take a free predictive test
network implicated in epilepsy for Alzheimers disease?
Network-biology reveals how multiple A research team, led by Cardiff University, has
interconnected genes in the brain can be made a significant step towards the development
simultaneously... of a simple blood test to...
Deep River recalls some potato chips More are positive about HPV vaccine
for possible salmonella contamination on Twitter than not, Drexel study finds
DEEP RIVER, Conn. A Connecticut snack maker Like it or not, social media has become a driving
is recalling some of its potato chips for possible force in the way many people get information on
salmonella contamination.... health topics. And Philip...
Researchers develop new approach for New robot has a human touch
better big data prediction ITHACA, N.Y. Most robots achieve grasping and
Researchers at Columbia University, Princeton and tactile sensing through motorized means, which
Harvard University have developed a new approach can be excessively bulky...
for analyzing big data...
converted by W
progress: WHO dementia risk
London (AFP) Global progress on controlling Miami (AFP) Some cholesterol-lowering drugs,
malaria risks stalling due to an urgent need for known as statins, appear to be linked to a lower
more funding,... risk of Alzheimers...
Child malnutrition at all time high in Montana will not appeal 60-day
Yemen: U.N. agency imprisonment for man who raped
ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Hunger daughter
among Yemens children has reached an all time By Sharon Bernstein (Reuters) Prosecutors in
high,... Montana will not appeal a controversial 60-day jail
sentence for a man...
Scientists devise new approaches to Does medical marijuana work for pets?
personalized medicines Medical marijuana research is at an all-time high
Scientists on the Florida campus of The Scripps these days and more states are moving toward
Research Institute (TSRI) have developed broad legalizing the drug...
methods to design precision...
Students gain 10 pounds when they get Our expert gives his advice on tests
to college by boozing and cutting and treatments for prostate cancer
exercise I was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Students started school year in 2011 weighing (BPH) 12 years ago. I am 61 and would appreciate
average of 147 pounds By the end of their four-year advice on how often...
course, they weighed an...
Londoner Tom Wilson was killed in a Patients left blind through brain injuries
tragic hockey accident at the age of 22 can see again after undergoing eye
This time last year, Tom Wilson was having the surgery
time of his life. At 22, he had a job he loved as a Researchers studied patients with haemorrhaging
trainee surveyor with... from motor vehicle accidents Before surgery, some
could barely detect a...
This Bikini Competitor Is Documenting Emma Stone Just Called Out Instagram
Her Battle with Ovarian Cancer on B.S. In a Totally Real Way
Instagram RELATED: I Was Writing a Book About Body
A year ago, 23-year-old Cheyann was a strong PositivityBut Felt Self-Conscious About My Weight
bikini competitor with a love for social media. Then, Not everything comes together...
in August 2016, she was...
How Will the Trump Presidency Actually Supreme Court Rejects Challenges To
Affect Your Access to Birth Control? NFL Concussion Settlement
It cannot be overstated how significant this Minnesota Vikings players bring down Washington
provision of the ACA has been for women, says wide receiver Art Monk during an NFL game in
Janel George, director of federal... 1992....
converted by W
carrageenan. ...
Spoonful of sugar alone may not ease Winnipeg lab to boost precautions for
babies vaccination pain workers after Ebola virus incident
The best way to ease babies pain during The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says its
vaccinations may be to give them a sip of sugar increasing safety measures after a lab employee
and rub anesthetic cream on... was potentially exposed...
Hertfordshire mum spends second Customer wins 90k after shampoo and
Christmas waiting for a new liver rinse causes stroke
A mother who has waited for a year and a half for a A man has told BBC Radio 5 live that he has
liver transplant said she hopes a donor comes received 90,000 in compensation from a hair
forward this Christmas. Sarah... salon after doctors said his shampoo...
5 Things That Are Utterly Ridiculous For McConnell Makes Magical Promise To
Medicare Not To Cover Insure More People Than Obamacare
Hearing loss is among the single most-isolating WASHINGTON ? In his final Senate press
things that can happen to a person. And it is conference of 2016, Majority Leader Mitch
absolutely age-related.... McConnell (R-Ky.) renewed his pledge to...
Changes Coming For Stores That Dear Press, Stop Calling Them
Accept Food Stamps Heartbeat Bills And Call Them Fetal
WASHINGTON ? Stores that accept food stamps Pole Cardiac Activity Bills
will have to sell fresh produce and whole grains The fetal pole is between the two markers and is a
under a new U.S. Department... thickening at the end of the yolk sac (the yolk sac is
the circular blob)...
converted by W
F.I., 31, is in her final year at the University of Mumps cases are on the rise in the U.S., and a
California, San Diego School of Medicine. Shes growing number of schools and college campuses
studying to be an emergency... are reporting outbreaks. A...
Was football safer back in the day? NASA sees tropical Cyclone Vardah
In a finding that suggests football used to be a less make landfall
dangerous sport, a small study shows that men Tropical Cyclone Vardah made landfall in eastern
who played in high school... India as the NASA-NOAA Suomi NPP satellite
passed over it from space....
Research unlocks clues to language- Spoonful of sugar alone may not ease
based learning in children babies vaccination pain
COLUMBIA, Mo. According to the National Center By Lisa Rapaport The best way to ease babies
for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), one in five pain during vaccinations may be to give them a sip
individuals are impacted... of sugar and rub anesthetic...
Trump considering Dr. Scott Gottlieb to Lawsuit challenges new Texas rules
head FDA over fetal remains
By Toni Clarke (Reuters) Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Advocacy groups filed a
partner at one of the worlds largest venture capital lawsuit Monday seeking to prevent Texas from
funds... requiring hospitals and abortion...
Fight against malaria hampered by Common Scents That Give Your Health
flatlining funds: WHO a Boost
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Funding Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine
shortfalls and fragile health systems are thats been used for centuries to heal the mind and
undermining progress against malaria... body. Aromatherapy...
What is the most effective treatment for Enzyme that regulates DNA repair may
endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia? offer new precision treatments for
New Rochelle, NY, December 12, 2016A new breast and ovarian cancer
study comparing the effectiveness of oral ROCHESTER, Minn. Researchers at Mayo Clinic
progestogens versus a levonorgestrel-releasing... have identified an enzyme called UCHL3 that
regulates the BRCA2 pathway,...
UVA, Virginia Tech Carilion partner to Bed bug education program promotes
converted by W
fund cross-university neuroscience awareness, prevention in schools
research Annapolis, MD; Dec. 12, 2016 In communities
The University of Virginia-Virginia Tech Carilion where bed bugs are present, educating teachers
Neuroscience Research Collaboration today and children about them...
announced more than a half-million...
Faster (cheaper) method for making big An informatics approach helps better
bioactive ring molecules identify chemical combinations in
Ring molecules called cyclic depsipeptides play an consumer products
important role in living organisms. Microbes make CHAMPAIGN, Ill. By using products such as
them as part of their... soap, shampoo, body lotion, toothpaste and
makeup, the average consumer...
Deep River recalls potato chips for Social support tied to better breast
possible salmonella risk cancer outcomes
DEEP RIVER, Conn. A Connecticut snack maker Breast cancer survivors with good social support
is recalling some of its potato chips for possible networks seem to live longer and to have a lower
salmonella contamination. More... risk of their cancer...
Police: Fake Florida dentist pulled 10 Deep River recalls potato chips for
teeth, made dentures possible salmonella risk
BRADENTON, Fla. Authorities say a 53-year- DEEP RIVER, Conn. A Connecticut snack maker
old Florida man faces charges after he is recalling some of its potato chips for possible
extracted 10 teeth without anesthetic... salmonella contamination. More...
Breast cancer patients living alone are Terminally-ill patients being taken to
less likely to beat the disease special places of their choice under
Patients who live on their own have a 60 per cent NHS initiative
higher chance of dying The study made the Scheme gives patients the option to be taken by
findings for sufferers who... ambulance to place to die They are transported by
a specially-trained...
Having children doesnt make you Khloe Kardashian reveals her natural
happy according to Paris study hangover guide
Researchers analysed data from 4 countries: UK, The reality star has treated fans to a natural guide
US, Germany and Australia They found the positive to ditching hangovers Khlo extols the virtues of...
glow of parenthood only...
Soaring rates of babies born with Taking statins for 6 months reduces
addiction to opioids risk of Alzheimers by up to 15%
converted by W
Rural areas have seen 80% rise in newborns Taking statins may ward off the development of
addicted to mothers opioids That is almost double Alzheimers disease, a major study suggests.
the increase among city-based... People who consistently...
More are positive about HPV vaccine Study shows fasting kills cancer cells of
on Twitter than not, study finds common childhood leukemia
Credit: Drexel University Like it or not, social media Dr. Jingjing Xie, Dr. Chengcheng Alec Zhang, and
has become a driving force in the... Dr. Zhigang Lu. Credit: UT Southwestern...
White blood cell treatment could Mutations in lifes essential genes tied
prevent leading cause of fetal death to autism
Treating a type of white blood cell using hormones This stylistic diagram shows a gene in relation to
could improve the development... the double helix structure of DNA and to a...
Your Brain May Register More Than WHO Urges Trump To Expand, Not
You Think You See Repeal, Obamacare
Your brain is capable of retaining information about The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday
things you think you havent noticed, according to a urged U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to
team of... expand Obamacare and ensure all...
This Quick Workout Will Get Your Heart Why Doctors Need To Show More
Pumping Before Breakfast Empathy To Their Patients
If becoming a morning workout person is a fantasy Instead of being urged to simply be more
of yours, we have found a loophole. Check out the compassionate, doctors should learn specific
SELF video above for... empathy skills during their training...
Stress Can Even Make The Dog Go 7 Tips For Not Losing Your S#%T Over
Prematurely Gray These Stressful Holidays
Is there a hair coloring market for covering up the Instead of trying to take on everything, identify
gray in Fidos muzzle? Lets hope not. But just like whats most important to you to get done and make
humans, lifes... a plan to accomplish...
converted by W
it would beboth for... course of a year. The...
When buying a Christmas tree, think Florida is Zika-free, but dont get too
safety first comfortable
Choosing the perfect Christmas tree is a fun Florida is now Zika-free, U.S. health officials
tradition for many families, but its important to reported Friday. One area in south Miami Beach
consider fire safety when... had remained an active zone...
How does water melt? Layer by layer! Mystery molecule is a key to inhibiting
Mainz, Dec. 12, 2016 we all know that water melts colon cancer
at 0C. However, already 150 years ago the famous Immunologists at St. Jude Childrens Research
physicist... Hospital have discovered that a protein called
NLRC3 plays a central...
New nonsurgical repair of common What satellites can tell us about how
heart defect in premature babies is animals will fare in a changing climate
shown to be effective From the Arctic to the Mojave Desert, terrestrial and
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 12, 2016) A new minimally marine habitats are rapidly changing. These
invasive technique for repairing the most common changes impact animals...
cardiac birth defect...
Researchers explain why feather shafts Canada to name replacement panel for
change shape when under stress Energy East pipeline
Researchers at the University of California San OTTAWA (Reuters) The Canadian government on
Diego for the first time have revealed why the Monday named three replacement members for a
shape of the feather shaft... National Energy Board panel...
Abortion providers sue Texas over new Deepwater says commercial operations
rules for fetal tissue disposal start at Block Island Wind Farm
By Jim Forsyth SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) (Reuters) Privately held power developer
Several abortion providers sued Texas in federal Deepwater Wind said on Monday that commercial
court on Monday to halt... operations had begun at its...
Trump attack on Lockheed Martin France finds mild bird flu strain in
foreshadows war on defense industry southwest
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Donald Trump on PARIS (Reuters) France has found a case of mild
Monday widened his attack on defense contractors, H5N1 bird flu in the southwest of the country, an
slamming Lockheed Martins... official report...
Supreme Court leaves $1B NFL Rural U.S. babies hardest hit by opiate
concussion settlement in place addiction at birth
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected the final By Lisa Rapaport As a growing number of U.S.
two challenges to the estimated $1 billion babies are being born suffering withdrawal
settlement between the NFL and... syndrome after exposure to prescription...
High School Football Players, 1956- Scientists work to improve the diet and
1970, Didnt Have Increase in energy of failing hearts
Neurodegenerative Diseases AUGUSTA, Ga. (Dec. 12, 2016) Our hearts use fat
A study from Mayo Clinic found that high school for fuel but as with the rest of our bodies, its all
converted by W
football players from 1956 to 1970 didnt have an about...
increased risk of...
EMBO Installation Grants to support 10 New study doubles the estimate of bird
researchers in establishing species in the world
laboratories New research led by the American Museum of
Through the Installation Grants we encourage Natural History suggests that there are about
some of the best early-career researchers to share 18,000 bird species in the worldnearly...
their expertise...
$1.125 million NCI grant funds TGen-led Public willing to pay to reduce toxic
boot camp for cancer doctors algae but maybe not enough
PHOENIX, Ariz. Dec. 12, 2016 The National SAN FRANCISCOScientists have found good
Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded a 5-year, strategies for curbing the toxic algae blooms that
$1.125 million grant... have threatened some of...
Why we walk on our heels instead of Sawdust reinvented into super sponge
our toes for oil spills
James Webber took up barefoot running 12 years SEQUIM, Wash. Lowly sawdust, the sawmill
ago. He needed to find a new passion after waste thats sometimes tossed onto home garage
deciding his planned career in... floors to soak up...
Its basic: Alternative fuel cell Nova Scotians urged to test for cancer-
technology reduces cost causing radon
The pathway to zero-emission vehicles has taken A simple test can determine whether a cancer-
two forks, one toward battery electric cars like the causing gas is in your home, but many Nova
Tesla and the other... Scotians still arent aware...
Its about to get easier to set up I had tears in my eyes holding her:
supervised drug injection sites in Skin-to-skin care for preemies pays off
Canada decades on
As the number of Canadians dying from opioid Simply keeping tiny, preterm babies warm and
overdoses continues to grow, the federal nourished through skin-to-skin contact and
government is preparing to make it... breastfeeding offered considerable...
Terminally ill child dies in Santas arms Ivory Coast is latest to crack down on
A 60-year-old Tennessee man who spends time alcohol satchets
volunteering as Santa Claus at a local hospital ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast Each morning at dawn, taxi
granted a 5-year-old terminally... driver Rene Kouame stops by his neighborhood
bar in Abidjan for a...
Doctor determined to help a 1,100- Contact lenses cost paramedic his job
pound woman, likely worlds heaviest and his eye
Eman Ahmed Abd El Atys family says the 36-year- Andrew Carthew, a 59-year-old paramedic in
old Egyptian woman hasnt left her home in 25 Britain, woke up one day in June 2015 with a
years, the BBC... weepy eye, the Bristol...
Skin-to-skin kangaroo baby care tied Supreme Court ends fight over $1
to better health years later billion NFL concussion deal
(Reuters Health) Premature and underweight WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday
newborns may be healthier as children and young cleared the way for the National Football Leagues
adults if they pass... estimated $1 billion...
converted by W
SEOUL South Koreas agriculture ministry said ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast Each morning at dawn, taxi
on Monday it will issue a temporary nationwide ban driver Rene Kouame stops by his neighborhood
on the transportation... bar in Abidjan for a...
Top 5 weight loss tips of 2016 Video of dogs final farewell to owner in
Have you ever been a victim of bad dietary advice? hospital goes viral
Youre not alone. Weight loss tips change as The sister of a 33-year-old man who died from a
frequently as the seasons;... brain hemorrhage on Nov. 30 recorded her brother
and his dogs final moments...
Terminally ill child dies in Santas arms Psychiatrys list of disorders needs
A 60-year-old Tennessee man who spends time real-time updates
volunteering as Santa Claus at a local hospital The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
granted a 5-year-old terminally... Disorders also known as the DSM and
sometimes erroneously called the...
Lloyd Everitts dyslexic means he has to Cardiff Sports Nutrition and Fitness
replace his Casualty scripts with First create Christmas workout plans
pictures Cardiff Sports Nutrition and Fitness First have
Jez Andrews in Casualty, nominated for Best created Christmas workout plans Youll need to
Newcomer at National TV Awards Wasnt walk or run for five...
diagnosed with dyslexia...
Do licence plate schemes cut air The families living in unsafe rented
pollution? flats
For a second consecutive day, Paris is restricting The number of people living in privately rented
vehicle traffic using a system of odd or even accommodation in the UK has increased
number plates. The move... significantly over the past 10 years...
Brain tests predict childrens futures Scientists discover how to reverse pain
Brain tests at the age of three appear to predict a caused by diabetes-related nerve
childs future chance of success in life, say damage
researchers. Low... Credit: CC0 Public Domain One person in Australia
develops diabetes every five minutes, with...
Loss of ARID1A protein drives onset The first-in-man clinical trial targeting
and progress of colon cancer Alzheimers Tau protein
Mutations in ARID1a, which are common in many The major challenge facing physicians treating
cancer types, disrupt DNA damage repair in cancer Alzheimers is the ability to detect markers of the
cells, allowing the cancer... disease as early...
converted by W
Dual loss of TET proteins prompts lethal Lesions found within pancreatic islets
upsurge in inflammatory T cells in a provide clue for diabetes research
mouse model ? cells in pancreatic islets are responsible for
Members of the TET protein family protect against producing insulin, which is essential to regulate
cancer. Left: Normal liver in mice with fully... blood glucose homeostasis....
How physical exercise aids in stroke How hearing loss can change the way
recovery nerve cells are wired
Micrograph showing cortical pseudolaminar A microscope image shows nerve cells that relay
necrosis, a finding seen in strokes on medical information from the ear to the brain in mice....
Men should avoid rock music when The New Health Care: The Power of
playing board games, say scientists Simple Life Changes to Prevent Heart
The game used in the experiments, modified to Disease
monitor time and number of mistakes. Credit: Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
The Checkup: Why Doctors Still Worry One in 6 American Adults Say They Have
About Measles Taken Psychiatric Drugs, Report Says
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Personal Health: When Bathroom Runs Rise in Infant Drug Dependence in U.S.
Rule the Day (and Night) Is Felt Most in Rural Areas
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
One Weight-Loss Approach Fits All? No, 13 Cognitive Biases That Really Screw
Not Even Close Things Up For You
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here 1. The decoy effect. This occurs when someone
believes they have two options, but you present a
third option to make the...
Bill Murray And President Obama Play AAOS Board approves treatment
Golf In Oval Office To Promote criteria for carpal tunnel syndrome and
Obamacare knee osteoarthritis
Bill Murray may have gotten his best golfing gig Rosemont, Ill. The American Academy of
since Caddyshack. In a video posted Sunday by Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Board of Directors
the White House, the... has approved new Appropriate...
New stem cell delivery approach New heart imaging test identifies
regenerates dental pulp-like tissue in a improved outcomes in patients with
rodent model amyloidosis
BOSTON (December 12, 2016)When a tooth is (Boston) Researchers at Boston Medical Center
damaged, either by severe decay or trauma, the (BMC) have reported that a new heart imaging test
living tissues that comprise... can determine whether...
converted by W
Availability of community-based fitness Top U.S. court declines to hear
classes leads to increased activity challenge to NFL concussion deal
levels By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters)
COLUMBIA, Mo. (Dec. 12, 2016) Physical The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to
inactivity is a global health problem that leads to hear a challenge to the National...
approximately 3.2 million...
British man gets 90,000 for stroke Supreme Court declines to hear
caused by haircut biologic drug patent fight
A British man who suffered a stroke because an By Brendan Pierson WASHINGTON (Reuters)
artery was damaged during a routine haircut has The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to
reportedly received 90,000... hear a case over whether companies...
Achaogens lead antibiotic succeeds McConnell will not give timeline for
two key studies; shares soar Obamacare replacement
(Reuters) Achaogen Incs lead antibiotic was WASHINGTON (Reuters) U.S. Senate Majority
successful in two key studies, spurring the Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday the
company to proceed... Senate will move to repeal President...
Trump targets Lockheed Martins F-35 4 More Zika Cases, Likely Homegrown,
fighter jet costs Found in Texas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Donald Trump on Four more cases of Zika that were likely
Monday criticized Lockheed Martins F-35 fighter jet transmitted by mosquito bites in Texas have been
program as too expensive,... found in the same neighborhood...
Generic Version of Flu Pill Tamiflu Hits Japan Tags Dementia Sufferers with
Market Barcodes
The first generic copy of Roches top-selling flu pill A Japanese city has introduced a novel way to keep
Tamiflu hit the U.S. market on Monday, marking a track of senior citizens with dementia who are
further step... prone to getting lost ...
Cold Caps May Prevent Hair Loss in Sleep Loss Changes Gut Bacteria
Breast Cancer Patients Getting too little sleep alters the balance of bacteria
Cooling the scalp with a specialized cap during in the gut, a change thats linked to certain
chemotherapy sessions could help breast cancer metabolic conditions,...
patients avoid treatment-related...
Fully automated live cell imaging and Good social networks improve breast
analysis from BioTeks BioSpa cancer prognosis
BioTeks BioSpa Live Cell Imaging System fully An AZoNetwork Site ...
automates live cell imaging workflows for robust,
real-time results without...
converted by W
involve making a diagnosis and satisfying oneself
that the patient is in...
FDA warns 4 companies for labeling Can chemotherapy drug turn back the
flavored cigarettes as cigars clock in womens ovaries?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued Its generally thought that women are born with a
warning letters to four tobacco manufacturers for finite number of egg cells, and cannot grow new
selling flavored cigarettes... ones. But in a new...
Brain gain: Aerobic exercise pumps up Spain: Suspects in ill child charity scam
gray matter spent $633G
Looking to increase your brain size? You may want BARCELONA, Spain A Spanish couple arrested
to try aerobic exercise, a new study suggests. for allegedly exploiting the rare illness of their
Researchers found that participants... daughter in a charity...
The worst kind of insomnia: How to A surprising way to feel less time-
manage early-morning awakening stressed
There are simple, and sometimes surprising, ways Heres a novel suggestion for those who feel they
to beat that awful feeling of waking up at 4 in the are in a constant race against the clock to get
morning and not being... things done: Make some...
Bayer, Versant invest $225 million in FDA warns 4 companies for labeling
biotech venture flavored cigarettes as cigars
TORONTO German chemicals and healthcare The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued
group Bayer (BAYGn.DE) said it had set up a joint warning letters to four tobacco manufacturers for
venture with U.S. life sciences... selling flavored cigarettes...
Spain: Suspects in ill child charity scam New CDC data understate accidental
spent $633G shooting deaths of kids
BARCELONA, Spain A Spanish couple arrested IOWA CITY, Iowa Government statistics released
for allegedly exploiting the rare illness of their this week claiming that 77 minors in the U.S. were
daughter in a charity... killed by unintentional...
Schoolboy has jaw built using his LEG David Blount Jr has to keep arm above
BONES after tumour ravaged his face head for 16 HOURS a day after shooting
A teenage boy battling an orange-sized tumour in himself
his face has had his jaw rebuilt using his leg David Blount Jr, 28, (pictured with his 20-month-old
bones. Adam McCalmont, 16,... daughter, Jordynn) accidentally shot himself in his
converted by W
The bacterium is helping scientists understand 800m is being cut from councils public health
where resistance comes from It shows that budgets over six years Some contraception
bacteria dont need exposure... methods are no longer being...
NHS sending English eating disorder Nutritionist Rob Hobson reveals the
patients to Scotland due to bed meals to minimise a hangover
shortages We all know the cardinal rule when it comes to
Patients are mostly young adults transferred to alcohol dont drink on an empty stomach. But with
Glasgow and Edinburgh Campaigners say this party season now in...
adds pressure to patients in...
One mans story of becoming a father at Mental health and relationships key to
60 happiness
Older dad Paul, who had his daughter Isabella Good mental health and having a partner make
when he was 60, tells the BBCs World Have Your people happier than doubling their income, a new
Say what it is like... study has found. The research...
I Read 52 Books This Year. Heres What After health-care repeal vote, some in
I Learned. GOP fear a cliff
Like many educated men and women of my WASHINGTON (AP) Republicans are eagerly
generation, I went to college and promptly forgot planning initial votes next month on dismantling
how to read. Of course, I was handling... President Barack Obamas...
Novartis eye drug franchise hit by failed Just half an hour a day with mum makes
Fovista studies a child smarter: Effects of reading or
ZURICH Novartiss bid to bolster its eye drug helping with homework can last into
portfolio suffered a setback on Monday when it adulthood
announced combining... Children read to by their mothers tend to have more
advanced cognitive abilities Mothers who spend
converted by W
time with children...
Woman who took ibuprofen for common How those cream-topped, syrup-
cold ended up in hospital with flavoured drinks can contain up to 13
Christine Smith, 45, told The Mirror that she took Last week we learnt that cakes at High Street
ibuprofen for a common cold Days later, her coffee shops can contain astonishing amounts of
symptoms got worse and she... sugar. Now, as Christmas draws...
More than a third of workers admit Infants given skin-to-skin contact with
inventing a minor illness to escape mothers develop better than those
social events placed in incubators
One-in-three Brits are terrified of looking The technique, known as kangaroo care, involves
ridiculous onto the dance floor 37 per cent say a mother nestling her child Baby is exclusively
dancing... breastfed and mother...
Breast cancer patients living alone are Patients face a four-minute assessment
less likely to beat the disease: Women by doctors and nurses to see if they
who do not have strong support have a really are seriously ill
60% higher chance at dying within ten Nurses and GPs carrying out quick assessments
years to ease pressure on the NHS Those deemed to
Patients who live on their own have a 60 per cent have mild illness sent home or...
higher chance of dying The study made the
findings for sufferers who...
Contraceptive cuts: Warning over rise Ministers consider council tax rise to
in abortions cover social care funding
converted by W
Many GPs in England have stopped providing The prime minister is understood to be
some forms of contraception because of funding considering plans to allow councils in England and
cuts, the Victoria Derbyshire programme... Wales to increase council tax to...
Kangaroo Mother Care helps premature Massage gives infants breath of life in
babies thrive 20 years later, study Ivory Coast
shows A mother from a working-class district of Abidjan
Twin infants are receiving skin-to-skin Kangaroo watches fearfully while the physiotherapist presses
Mother Care contact at Gabriel Tour Hospital... down on the thorax...
Kangaroo mother care helps premature Socially isolated breast cancer patients
babies thrive 20 years later study face higher recurrence and mortality
Toronto, Canada Two decades after a group of rates
Colombian parents were shown how to keep their A new study found that more socially isolated
perilously tiny babies... breast cancer survivors had higher rates of
recurrence and mortality, while...
TCORS study shows effectiveness of Generic copy of Roche flu pill Tamiflu
testimonial warning labels on tobacco hits U.S. market
products (Reuters) The first generic copy of Roches top-
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of selling flu pill Tamiflu hit the U.S. market on
preventable disease and death in the United Monday, marking...
States. Cigarette packaging has required...
Novartis eye drug franchise takes hit Exclusive: Lonza says in talks to buy
with failed Fovista studies Capsugel; deal could top $5 billion
ZURICH (Reuters) Swiss drugmaker Novartiss By Greg Roumeliotis (Reuters) Swiss
bid to bolster its eye drug portfolio suffered a pharmaceutical manufacturer Lonza Group AG on
setback on Monday... Monday confirmed it is in advanced...
New study finds arginine deprivation What else comes with a college
may be a useful strategy for treating degree? An extra 10 pounds, says new
bladder cancers study
Philadelphia, PA, December 12, 2016 With few College students are carrying more than a diploma
treatment options available to patients with across the stage at graduation. Theyre lugging an
advanced bladder cancer,... extra 10 pounds...
converted by W
Retro Report: Lives and Profits in the New Mothers Derailed by Drugs Find
Balance: The High Stakes of Medical Support in New Hampshire Home
Patents Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Surge in methane emissions threatens Wind farms play key role in cutting
efforts to slow climate change carbon emissions, study finds
Global concentrations of methane, a powerful Wind farms have made a significant impact in
greenhouse gas and cause of climate change, are limiting carbon emissions from other sources of
now growing faster in the atmosphere... power generation in Great Britain,...
Why People Believe Conspiracy Indias better off children march with
Theories world leaders to help those left out
After a man took a gun to a pizzeria to investigate a By Nita Bhalla NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters
fake conspiracy theory, psychology professor Viren Foundation) Thousands of children gathered at
Swami of Anglia... Indias Presidential...
Johnson & Johnson shares could rally New pathways to treat non-alcoholic
about 20 percent: Barrons fatty-liver disease discovered
NEW YORK (Reuters) Johnson Johnson JNJ.N The study was published in Free Radical Biology
shares could rally about 20 percent to the mid- Medicine, one of the leading scientific journals in
$130s as operating improvements... the field of oxidative...
Yoga nidra: what it is and why to Global leaders and laureates vow to
incorporate it into your life and practice take action to end child exploitation
With yoga more popular than ever and with By Nita Bhalla NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters
mindfulness a focus for many, it makes sense that Foundation) Over 200 global leaders and
yoga nidra, a practice in which... laureates on Sunday pledged to...
Texas to launch massive youth-athlete Iran seals $17 billion Boeing deal, close
concussion study to Airbus order
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) This week, Texas will By Tim Hepher and Sami Aboudi PARIS/DUBAI
launch what state officials say is the nations (Reuters) Iran signed a $16.6 billion deal for 80
largest effort to track... Boeing passenger jets...
Beer: Best Alcoholic Beverage for Your Does prostate cancer screening
Heart Health? matter? Prostate cancer patients more
Beer drinkers, rejoice. Scientific evidence likely to die of other diseases
continues to mount in favor of moderate beer What we can see from these results is that most
drinking for heart health, most... men diagnosed with prostate cancer will not die
from their disease....
converted by W
Behold A Robot Hand With A Soft Touch Ivory Coast is latest to crack down on
Researchers at Cornell University have developed alcohol sachets
a soft robotic hand with a touch delicate enough In this photo taken on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2016, a
to... man bites on a plastic sachets containing alcohol...
Ivory Coast is latest to crack down on Smartwatch can help detect signs of
alcohol sachets heart attack for at-risk patients
In this photo taken on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2016, a Fitness trackers typically monitor users sleep,
man bites on a plastic sachets containing alcohol... activity and exercise patterns. But the iBeat, a new
wearable technology,...
Smartwatch can help detect signs of AA Gill: Final article describes cancer
heart attack for at-risk patients treatment
Fitness trackers typically monitor users sleep, Sunday Times restaurant critic AA Gill described
activity and exercise patterns. But the iBeat, a new how the NHS could not give him a potentially life-
wearable technology,... extending cancer treatment...
Compulsory drug detention centers Brain neurons help keep track of time
have no role in treatment of opioid Organisms ability to accurately estimate periods of
addiction, according to study time is variable and depends on circumstances,
Approximately 600,000 people are detained in including motivation,...
compulsory drug detention centres without due
process in East and South East...
Surgeon general issues warning about Can you sneeze with your eyes open?
e-cigarettes and teenagers David Huston, MD, associate dean of the Texas AM
December 10, 2016, 7:21 PM| The surgeon College of Medicine Houston campus and an
generals warning first appeared on cigarette allergist at Houston Methodist...
Can you unconsciously forget an Asking this question can help prevent
experience? unplanned pregnancies among teens
How does your memory work? As Emily Dickinson Would you like to become pregnant in the next
once said, the mind is wider than the sky, and this year? Asking teenage girls that question is one
is very true... simple way to prevent...
How this years tech releases will help New evidence shows how bacterium in
you to have a more restful holiday undercooked chicken causes Guillain-
season Barre Syndrome
As we head to the end of the year, the strains of The federally funded research, now published in
work and modern life could be taking a toll on your the Journal of Autoimmunity, not only demonstrates
sleep schedule. With... how this food-borne bacterium,...
Spain: Suspects in ill child charity scam First gorilla born in captivity, age 59,
converted by W
spent $633,000 returns to Ohio zoo after surgery
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) A Spanish couple By Gina Cherelus (Reuters) The first gorilla born
arrested for allegedly exploiting the rare illness of in captivity has returned to her enclosure at the
their daughter in a charity... Columbus Zoo...
Giving science away for free and a Gay Blood Donors Would Save Lives
primer on health-care negotiations But Trump Appointee Could Block Them
Finders keepers is the usual rule when it comes Imagine if you had the power to help save over a
to deciding who owns scientific discoveries. But million lives a year, but the government was like,
some Canadian... nah, better not. Too...
Some doctors protest after AMA backs Morning Rounds: U.S. life expectancy
Trump nominee rate, diabetes and more
An increasingly vocal group of physicians are December 10, 2016, 7:36 AM| According to the
unhappy about President-elect Donald Trumps National Center for Health Statistics, life
choice to head up the U.S.... expectancy...
Dental problems in cleft lip and palate This Is the Move You Should Try When
linked to abnormal salivary glands Youre Sick of Squats
Dr. Timothy Cox, a craniofacial researcher at Check out Womens Healths FitGIF Friday every
Seattle Childrens Research Institute and lead week for fun and challenging new moves to make
author, found that mice... your sweat sesh...
Doctors call for ban on diesel engines Collaboration between media, medical
in London journals often leads to misinformation,
A new campaign led by medical professionals is hysteria
calling for all diesel cars to be banned from In a review article in the journal EMBO Reports, the
London. Doctors Against Diesel... authors question how controversial and weak
studies are publicized by...
And the Most Fertile Day of the Year Blake Lively Is Using a Gluten-Free,
Is Low-FODMAPs Delivery Service to Lose
However, whether you want to blame it on holiday Weight
fever or proposal season, it looks like not all of But while we know that going low-FODMAP (a.k.a.
those pregnancies were... cutting out foods with certain carbs and sugars
found in many starches,...
Depression drug can alleviate joint pain Pioneering 90-minute operation that
in postmenopausal women treated for could be a British cure for DVT
breast cancer 60,000 Britons a year develop DVT a blood clot
A drug typically used to treat depression and causing dangerous swelling Clot can break apart
anxiety can significantly reduce joint pain in and travel to lung, triggering...
postmenopausal women being treated...
converted by W
Colombia Reports Major Rise in Birth Heart damage caused by chemotherapy
Defect Amid Zika Crisis is worse in patients with diabetes
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Leipzig, Germany 10 December 2016: Heart
damage caused by chemotherapy is worse in
cancer patients who also have...
Gigi Hadid Has Hashimotos Disease 8 Thoughts Every Guy Has During
Heres What You Need to Know Missionary Position
Her disease played a role in how she prepared for Because its so basic, some might claim that its
the Victorias Secret Fashion Show, which just took boring, but as an outspoken proponent of the
place in Paris.... classic move,...
Research offers clues about the timing Naturally occurring symptoms may be
of Jupiters formation mistaken for tamoxifen side-effects
PROVIDENCE, RI, (Brown University) A peculiar Women taking tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer
class of meteorites has offered scientists new were less likely to continue taking the drug if they
clues about when the... suffered nausea and...
New study finds yoga beneficial in Womens rights in danger in U.S. states
lowering blood pressure and by Trump, activist Gloria Steinem
(Photo: Getty Images) Yoga could be beneficial to warns
patients suffering from prehypertension (slightly By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters
elevated blood pressure),... Foundation) Womens rights advocates must pay
attention to threats...
converted by W
with eight of the 10 provinces... Virginia protect and restore...
Babies first words can be predicted Working out the genetic risk for ADHD
based on visual attention Evidence for ADGRL3 in ADHD risk had already
The findings also suggest new possibilities for the been stacked against it common variants of the
treatment of children with language deficits and gene predispose people...
autism. Drawing on theories...
Symptoms from other causes may be UNMC seeking patients with lymphoma
mistaken for side effects of breast to evaluate two-drug oral therapy
cancer drug The University of Nebraska Medical Center is
Women taking tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer seeking 24 patients to enroll in a Phase 2a study to
were less likely to continue taking the drug if they evaluate the safety and...
suffered nausea and...
Why women are most vulnerable to Only 55% of cannabis dispensary staff
cigarette-related cancer receive formal training, report finds
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is the 3rd Only 55 percent of staff at cannabis dispensaries
top cause of death in the US 7% African American receive formal training, according to a new report.
women who never smoked... However, 94 percent...
Say, What? Monkey Mouths And Throats Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Vow
Are Equipped For Speech To Fight Through Fierce Winter
Monkeys vocal equipment can produce the sounds The teeth of winter are closing on the makeshift
of human speech, research shows, but they lack camp in North Dakota where demonstrators are
the connections... trying to stop the Dakota Access...
Encore: Astronaut John Glenn Recalls Japan Sends Long Electric Whip Into
converted by W
Historic Orbit Of Earth Orbit, To Tame Space Junk
Astronaut John Glenn who was one of NASAs A rendering in a video by the Japan Aerospace
original Mercury Seven was the first American to Exploration Agency (JAXA) shows an
orbit Earth. He... electrodynamic tether...
The patent trap? Open science Midwife units see one in four mums
advocates want CRISPR technology to transferred to consultants
be free Media captionCatherine Buckley had to wait half an
They lined up early Monday morning for ringside hour for an ambulance while she was giving birth
seats at the most sensational scientific showdown One in four women are...
in the modern era. The...
Study reveals drug interactions that Four more Zika cases, likely
may reduce mortality in breast cancer homegrown, found in Texas
patients Transmission electron microscope image of
Mammograms showing a normal breast (left) and negative-stained, Fortaleza-strain Zika virus (red),...
a breast with cancer (right)....
Study begins to shed light on racial Breast cancer mortality rates decline in
disparities of cancer-causing genetic many countries
mutations Breast cancer mortality rates continue to decline in
Starting in 1993 and ending in 2001, ten academic many nations, but a review of mortality trends in 47
medical centers in the United States screened countries around...
76,685 men and 78,216 women...
Think Like a Doctor: Think Like a Doctor: 10 Steps To Plan Your Best Year Yet
The Builders Blisters Solved! Write down what you would love your life to look like
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here in key life areas, like love and relationships, career
and contribution,...
Contact lens infection ends in man Half of people "remember" events that
losing his eye never happened
A British man was forced to have his eye removed Ever find yourself caught up in a vivid memory of an
after a contact lens infection spiraled out of control, event that, you later realize with confusion, didnt
and now hes sharing... really happen...
Doctors create new group after AMA Study examines how CEO power affects
converted by W
backs Trump nominee companies in times of crisis
An increasingly vocal number of physicians are A new study from UT Dallas finds that bestowing
unhappy about President-elect Donald Trumps considerable power in the CEO does not create
choice to head up the U.S.... value for the firm during...
Study finds new pathways to treat non- Sexual harassment common among
alcoholic fatty-liver disease middle school children, study finds
Researchers from the University of South Carolina, CHAMPAIGN, Ill. The recent suicide of Brandy
Duke University, University of Alabama at Vela, a teen in Texas City, Texas, was a potent
Birmingham, and Metabolon Inc.... reminder of the sometimes...
Older women with breast cancer report Cow gene study shows why most
better cosmetic satisfaction with less clones fail
radiation, less surgery It has been 20 years since Dolly the sheep was
In the first study evaluating patient-reported successfully cloned in Scotland, but cloning
cosmetic outcomes in a population-based cohort mammals remains a challenge....
of older women with breast...
Hydrogen from sunlight but as a dark Kanye West, newly blond, resurfaces in
reaction LA after mystery hospital stay
The storage of photogenerated electric energy and (Reuters) Kanye West, sporting a new blond look,
its release on demand are still among the main has surfaced for the first time since spending more
obstacles in artificial... than a week...
Canada tries to negotiate carbon price, Officials: South Beach halts Zikas
two provinces unhappy spread, but risks remain
By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) The MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) Florida declared its
Canadian government on Friday tried to negotiate a crisis with local transmission of Zika over for the
first-ever national carbon... season Friday in a welcome...
STI apps may have inaccurate, harmful Texas reports four more cases of Zika
information spread by local mosquitoes
By Carolyn Crist (Reuters Health) Of nearly 90 (Reuters) Texas health officials said they had
mobile phone apps focusing on sexually identified four additional cases of Zika likely spread
transmitted infections (STIs),... by local mosquitoes,...
California county settles with family of Flu Vaccine Rate Low: CDC
killed inmate for $3.6 million Although its early in the flu season, federal health
By Curtis Skinner SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) A officials are concerned that not enough people are
county in the San Francisco Bay area has reached getting vaccinated. As...
a $3.6 million settlement...
converted by W
The enzyme known as ALOX15 plays a crucial role the U at AGU
in the production of anti-inflammatory and pro- University of Utah researchers will be among the
resolving lipid mediators.... approximately 24,000 scientists convening in San
Francisco for the annual...
New book on The Cytoskeleton from Study finds capuchin monkeys produce
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press sharp stone flakes similar to tools
The cytoskeleton is the intracellular filament In addition to using rocks for various purposes,
system that controls the morphology of a cell, such as cracking open a seed or fruit to extract the
allows it to move, and provides... edible part, the Bearded...
17th Century strain of smallpox Scientists reveal safety catch within all
retrieved from partial mummified dividing cells
remains of Lithuanian child Their study has revealed a safety catch within
The findings, published in the journal Current cells that prevents them from dividing until DNA is
Biology, raise new questions about the role allocated...
smallpox may have played in human...
The main reason people avoid the Staying well: A guide to flu season
dentist isnt fear when youre pregnant
The biggest reason people skip out on going to the During pregnancy, coming down with the flu is
dentist isnt fear or inconvenience; its cost, KIDY riskier than usual. During the 2009 outbreak of
reports.... H1N1 influenza , for example,...
Big price hikes seen in drug that New diabetes guidelines imminent,
prevents overdose deaths Jardiance sales may surge
(Reuters Health) Two of the largest suppliers of Two leading U.S. medical societies are poised in
the life-saving drug naloxone have dramatically the coming weeks to issue new diabetes treatment
increased their... guidelines reflecting...
Running can reduce joint inflammation, Focusing on Bella Hadids favorite food
study finds group protein can have benefits
We all know that running causes a bit of Bella Hadid who attracted widespread admiration
inflammation and soreness, and thats just the with her sculpted physique as she made her
price you pay for cardiovascular... Victorias Secret...
Date nights really ARE more fun when How much can you REALLY change your
they are spontaneous body shape with exercise? You cant
Scheduling leisure time too strictly can turn them For most of us, heading into a gym can lead to
into chores Groups who plan activities are more confusion about what exercises to do. If you want
likely to rate the activity as... to change the shape of...
Former soldier, 51, left fighting for his Danish researchers find vegetarian
life in a coma and needing a kidney fiber-filled meals help you lose weight
transplant after catching a deadly Protein-heavy meals are touted as filling and
infection from his DOG licking him healthy options for weight loss But Danish
David Money spent 6 weeks in a coma as his body researchers have found people who...
broke out in painful blisters Doctors battled to keep
him alive for 5 months...
Americas overdose epidemic shown in Whats the Best Haircut for Curly Hair?
chilling interactive map Is it just us, or did curls recently hire a new PR
Prescription opioids and illicit drugs have become team? Theyre suddenly everywhere, from red
incredibly pervasive throughout the U.S., and things carpets to social media...
are only getting...
converted by W
FDA takes action against four tobacco Lucy Pasha-Robinson was given an
manufacturers for illegal sales of induced menopause at 25
flavored cigarettes labeled as little Journalist Lucy Pasha-Robinson suffered with
cigars or cigars endometriosis, a disease where cells like those in
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today the womb appear elsewhere...
issued warning letters to four tobacco
manufacturers Swisher International...
Healthy diet may mean longer life for Teething tips from dental specialists
kidney patients Dental surface restorations composed of dental
People who ate a diet high in nuts and legumes, amalgam, a mixture of mercury, silver, tin and other
low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables metals, significantly...
and low in red and processed...
Cold caps may halt hair loss in breast Strength training may prevent side
cancer patients: study effect of breast cancer surgery
Woman wearing cold cap Photo: Baylor College of Starting in 1993 and ending in 2001, ten academic
Medicine (HealthDay)Cooling... medical centers in the United States screened
76,685 men and 78,216 women...
Retiring: Telling Their Life Stories, People With Traumatic Brain Injuries
Older Adults Find Peace in Looking More Likely To Go To Prison
Back (Reuters Health) Men and women who suffered
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here traumatic brain injuries had more than twice the
risk of winding up in...
Virtual Reality Games Could Reduce Florida No Longer Has Any Active Zika
Phantom Pain From Amputations Virus Transmission Zones
(Reuters Health) Virtual reality games designed (Reuters) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
for amputees to experience movement in missing and Prevention and the Florida Department of
limbs might help reduce... Health said on Friday...
Women Can Read Maps Just As Well As Gigi Hadid And Lena Dunham Make The
Men, Thank You Very Much Perfect Mental Health Pair
Ladies, listen up: Should you find yourself Gigi Hadid isnt just at the top of her professional
wandering an unknown city with a dude who is game ? shes also a role model when it comes to
questioning your directional abilities,... handling overwhelming...
Why Runners Hit The Wall, And What Heroin Deaths Topped Gun Homicides
To Do About It Last Year, Depressing CDC Data Shows
The athletes described a number of common Heroin deaths surpassed gun homicide deaths
experiences. They reported struggling with the last year for the first time in more than 15 years,
amount of time they invested in... according to data released...
You Can Now Order Plan B On Drug overdoses now kill more
Seamless Americans than guns
Need some Plan B, but dont want to leave your More than 50,000 Americans died from drug
apartment? Seamless it. According to Reddit user overdoses last year the most ever. The
Geneverve, Seamless users... disastrous tally has been pushed to...
Mummified child could rewrite history Rock layers preserve record of ancient
of smallpox sea tides near Blythe, California
When did humans first suffer from smallpox? EUGENE, Ore. Dec. 9, 2016 Five million years
Historical anecdotes, and possible physical ago, the Colorado River met the Gulf of California
evidence such as pockmarks, suggest... near the...
converted by W
Cloud formation: How feldspar acts as Researchers watch biomolecules at
ice nucleus work
About 90 percent of precipitation over land depends Scientists at the University of Bonn have
on the formation of ice crystals in clouds, which fall succeeded in observing an important cell protein at
down due to... work. To do this, they used...
NASA spots Tropical Cyclone Vardahs Scientists reveal how fish adapt to toxic
off-center strength levels of pollution
NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP satellite captured an A new report identifies the genetic mechanism
image of Tropical Cyclone Vardah that showed responsible for evolutionary adaptation to toxic
strongest storms expanding... pollution observed in wild...
Image-guided biopsy identifies patients FDA warns four companies for labeling
who achieve pathologic complete flavored cigarettes as cigars
response after neoadjuvant therapy (Reuters) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
n a pilot study conducted at The University of Texas said on Friday it had issued warning letters to four
MD Anderson Cancer Center, image-guided tobacco manufacturers...
biopsies identified select...
Contenders for senior jobs in Trumps Health Agencies Say Miami Beach No
administration Longer Zika Transmission Zone
(Reuters) The following are people mentioned as The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Prevention and the Florida Department of Health
Donald Trump... said on Friday that the Miami Beach...
Monkey speak: Macaques have the ASHG announces results of 2016 Teen
anatomy, not the brain, for human Genes Video Challenge
speech BETHESDA, MD The American Society of Human
Monkeys known as macaques possess the vocal Genetics (ASHG) is pleased to announce Beryl
anatomy to produce clearly intelligible human Zhou and Cindy Xu, students...
speech but lack...
People willing to pay more for new Better diabetes treatment? Artificial
converted by W
biofuels, study finds beta cells from human kidney cells
We were surprised the premium was that The artificial beta cells can do everything that
significant, said Jill McCluskey, WSU professor in natural ones do: they measure the glucose
the School of Economic... concentration in the blood and...
New imaging technique may allow Adding A Funny Form Of Carbon To Silly
scientists to better understand how Putty Creates A Heart Monitor
proteins work Jonathan Coleman and his son compare
In an algae-eat-algae world, its the single-celled graphene-infused Silly Putty (left) with the
photosynthetic organisms at the top (layer of the unadulterated kids...
ocean) that absorb...
Florida lifts Zika infection zone in Miami Go to your room! 3 common timeout
Beach mistakes by parents and how to do it
Floridas governor says South Beach is no longer better
an active infection zone for the Zika virus. Gov. The timeout is a much-used disciplinary tool,
Rick Scott was... designed to take the tempest out of a temper
tantrum. But most moms and dads...
Publix recalls some waffle, pancake Daily glass of white wine associated
mixes due to salmonella risk with increased skin cancer risk
Publix Super Markets is recalling some of its waffle Sipping vino has been linked to everything from a
and pancake mixes because its supplier reduced risk of heart disease to more weight loss
announced a milk powder in the... success. But a new study...
Better aerobic fitness may reduce Dr. Manny: 5 steps Trump can take to
mens risk of cancer death help curb the opioid epidemic in
The better a mans cardiorespiratory fitness, the America
less likely he is to die from cancer, suggests a Before Donald Trump became president-elect of
long-term study from... the United States, I declared my support for his
proposed efforts to help curb...
Report looks at the health of the baby Scalp cooling device helps prevent hair
boomer generation loss from chemo
Friday December 9 2016 Baby boomers enjoy (Reuters Health) A scalp-cooling system helped
much better health than their predecessors Baby prevent hair loss in women with breast cancer
boomers should... undergoing chemotherapy,...
French add to U.S. concerns about Health agencies say Miami Beach no
Bayer contraceptive implant longer Zika transmission zone
PARIS Women in France who have used Bayers The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
contraceptive implant Essure have launched a Prevention and the Florida Department of Health
legal complaint about side-effects... said on Friday that the Miami...
Better aerobic fitness may reduce Scalp cooling device helps prevent hair
mens risk of cancer death loss from chemo
The better a mans cardiorespiratory fitness, the A scalp-cooling system helped prevent hair loss in
less likely he is to die from cancer, suggests a women with breast cancer undergoing
long-term study from... chemotherapy, researchers said today...
converted by W
Synergy Pharmas irritable bowel drug Astra, Lilly stick with Alzheimers
succeeds in key study approach despite setback
Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc said its experimental FRANKFURT AstraZeneca will expand its
once-daily tablet, plecanatide, met the main goal of collaboration with Eli Lilly to develop an
a late-stage study... experimental Alzheimers drug,...
Health agencies say Miami Beach no Dr. Manny: 5 steps Trump can take to
longer Zika transmission zone help curb the opioid epidemic in
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and America
Prevention and the Florida Department of Health Before Donald Trump became president-elect of
said on Friday that the Miami Beach... the United States, I declared my support for his
proposed efforts to help curb...
Women wrongly stop taking breast 12 foods which will improve your skin
cancer drug Tamoxifen because of and get rid of spots
side effects We are what we eat, so the saying goes and
Tamoxifen helps to stop cancer from returning if its according to experts, its absolutely true. Femail
taken over a long period But it is known to cause has revealed...
side effects...
Why IRON is an important part of your Expert reveals the best herbal
diet and being deficient could be remedies to battle the cold this winter
deadly Its that time of year when bugs are rife and were
Iron deficiency is a global health problem of more sociable than ever making a stinking cold
epidemic proportions, according to the World almost...
Health Organization. Not...
The role of randomised trials in surgery Paternal aging and its possible link to
The rise of wearable activity trackers, such as Fitbit, neurodevelopmental disorders
Fuelband, and Jawbone, has generated a lot of Fathers who exercise regularly before their children
public excitement as... are conceived may program their offsprings genes
with an increased...
Depression drug reduces joint pain for Researchers show how online
women with early stage breast cancer communities bridge the rural-urban
A drug typically used to treat depression and healthcare divide
anxiety can significantly reduce joint pain in Online communities are helping patients find and
postmenopausal women being... share information and connect with each other at
unprecedented levels....
Well: Do Men and Women Need Ties: Reel Love: How Films Helped Me
Separate Multivitamins? Through Postpartum Depression
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
19 Gifts You Wont Buy For Yourself Pink Expertly Shames Mom Shamers
That Should Go On Your Wish List The comments section of Pinks post was quickly
With the holidays fast approaching, everyone is in overrun with unsolicited advice and criticism. Dont
shopping mode. But while youre out and about use microwaves!...
converted by W
buying gifts for your...
6 Tips For Tackling Holiday Parties Home for the Holidays: a Patients Wish
When You Have Social Anxiety At the Hospital for Special Surgery, also in New
Social anxiety is more than just being York City, the nurses are advocates for letting the
shy. Someone can be so uncomfortable in a staff know which patients,...
situation he or she becomes panicked or...
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This A surprising clue to babys first words
Week A childs first words mark a big milestone in life,
Kids may say the darndest things, but parents and a topic of great curiosity for science. Now
tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each researchers have determined...
week, we round up the most hilarious...
New evidence shows how bacterium in UMD researchers show how online
undercooked chicken causes GBS communities bridge the rural-urban
A Michigan State University research team is the healthcare divide
first to show how a common bacterium found in COLLEGE PARK, Md. Online communities are
improperly cooked chicken... helping patients find and share information and
connect with each other...
Hubble catches a transformation in the Diet, the gut microbiome, and colorectal
Virgo constellation cancer: are they linked?
The constellation of Virgo (The Virgin) is especially New Rochelle, NY, December 9, 2016Recent
rich in galaxies, due in part to the presence of a evidence from animal models suggests a role for
massive and gravitationally-bound... specific types of intestinal...
Special Report: Puerto Ricos disabled French doctors urge action over
fend for themselves amid U.S. neglect pollution levels
In Puerto Rico, fewer than 37,500 islanders receive Paris (AFP) French doctors on Friday seized on a
the limited allotment. If Congress extended SSI to winter pollution alert in Paris to draw attention to
Puerto Rico, eligibility... year-round...
Diplomats call on Myanmar to let aid More pilot mental health checks,
into Rakhine State alcohol testing on cards under EU
YANGON (Reuters) Several Western countries proposals
urged Myanmar on Friday to expand humanitarian BERLIN (Reuters) The European Commission
aid access to its troubled... will propose legislation next year requiring airlines
to run mental health...
Florida Gov. Scott lifts Zika infection Better aerobic fitness may reduce
zone in Miami Beach mens risk of cancer death
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) Floridas governor says By Shereen Lehman (Reuters Health) The better
South Beach is no longer an active infection zone a mans cardiorespiratory fitness, the less likely he
for the Zika virus. Gov.... is to die from...
converted by W
astronaut to orbit the Earth made him an all- production of a toxic protein thats blamed for the
American hero and propelled... development of Alzheimers...
Smoking Pot May Harm Vision Overdose Deaths Soar to More than
Smoking pot regularly may be linked to a limited 50,000
degree of vision impairment, a new French study More than 50,000 Americans died from drug
suggests. The finding stems... overdoses last year, the most ever. The disastrous
tally has been pushed to new...
Finger swipe-powered phone? Were 1 How to mix the perfect (drug) cocktail
step closer Drug cocktails both antibiotic and anti-cancer
EAST LANSING, Mich. The day of charging are increasingly used because, among other
cellphones with finger swipes and powering things, simultaneously...
Bluetooth headsets simply by...
EUCAST experts say that genetic Moderate exercise may help treat
testing methods cannot be used to memory impairment in patients with
determine antimicrobial susceptibility type 2 diabetes University of Tsukuba
New brain scan could act as diagnostic New IDT webinar to highlight benefits of
tool in Parkinsons using RNP complexes for efficient genome modifications
New research centre aims to study Jets of plasma used in arc welding may
integration of Traditional Chinese help kill cancer cells and heal wounds
Medicine with western medicine JETS of plasma traditionally used in arc welding
A NEW research centre to study how Traditional could soon be used to kill cancer cells and heal
Chinese Medicine (TCM) could be used to treat wounds. Researchers at...
some of the worlds deadliest...
converted by W
toxins, pigments, potentiators...
Extracellular matrix components and A grim tally soars: More than 50K
culture regimen selectively regulate overdose deaths in US
cartilage formation by self-assembling NEW YORK More than 50,000 Americans died
human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro from drug overdoses last year, the most ever. The
and in vivo disastrous tally has been...
The requirements for cartilage disc formation by
self-assembling MSCs are not well understood
(Table 1). We showed that...
Astra, Lilly stick with Alzheimers 12 things that could be messing with
approach despite setback your guys sperm
FRANKFURT AstraZeneca will expand its If your quest to get pregnant isnt going so well,
collaboration with Eli Lilly to develop an dont automatically assume that youre the culprit....
experimental Alzheimers drug,...
Further promising data seen with A grim tally soars: More than 50K
Biogen Alzheimers drug: study overdose deaths in US
Gradually increasing the dose of Biogen Incs NEW YORK More than 50,000 Americans died
experimental Alzheimers disease drug appeared from drug overdoses last year, the most ever. The
to cause less risk... disastrous tally has been...
Cancerous tumor found in the mouth of Baby boomers at risk of heart disease
ferocious giant Gorgon 255 m years and diabetes as 9 in 10 women have too
ago much fat
A ferocious giant beast that roamed Earth 255 Dame Sally Davies released a report regarding the
million years ago would have had terrible health of baby boomers Some 80% of men and
toothache thank to a cancerous... 92% of women in their 50s...
The Conversations interactive body Why wine REALLY gives you headaches
map reveals the true risk of being lazy and how you can avoid them
Two Australian researchers have collated data Tannins, sugar and histamines are the cause of
from a range of previous studies They show a lack wine headaches, say experts Try drinking two cups
of exercise increases the... of coffee before you start...
converted by W
Woman born without a WOMB Lung cancer test may show signs of
fundraises to help pay for a surrogate disease years before scan
A woman born without a womb is fundraising to Antibodies are produced by the immune system
help pay for a surrogate so she can finally have the during the early stages The best hope for
family shes always... successful lung cancer treatment...
Man persuaded to get cancer test at Vomiting bug at high level this winter
MoT The number of people falling ill with the vomiting
Errol McKellar campaigns for awareness for bug norovirus in England this winter is at higher
prostate cancer from his garage in east London. than average levels,...
After he was diagnosed with...
High altitudes hamper hummingbirds New study shows contact lens therapy
ability to manoeuvre: UBC research effective in slowing myopia
Hummingbirds ability to accelerate and turn progression in children
diminishes at high altitudes, but it isnt a lack of Myopia (nearsightedness) prevalence continues to
oxygen to the... grow and affect children worldwide CooperVision
reports interim two-year...
converted by W
Under Trump, Congress likely to pull Democrats plot uphill fight against
plug on medical device tax some Trump nominations
By Nick Carey and Susan Cornwell WARSAW, By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) U.S.
Indiana/WASHINGTON (Reuters) When Donald Senate Democrats plan to fight some of President-
Trump takes over as president on... elect Donald Trumps...
6 Women Share the Weirdest Ways Got 10 Pounds or Less to Lose? Make
Theyve Been Asked Out These 4 Tweaks to Your Workouts
These six women were propositioned in strange Thats where tweaking your workout comes into
places and under wild circumstances. While some play, says Matt Tannenberg, C.S.C.S., doctor of
were utter disasters, the... chiropractic. By...
12 things that could be messing with With 21st Century Cures Act, the future
your guys sperm of regenerative medicine is inject and
If your quest to get pregnant isnt going so well, see
dont automatically assume that youre the culprit.... If Sammy Jo Wilkinson had a spirit animal, it would
be Marty McFly. For the past four years, the 51-year-
old California resident...
Whats going on when your limbs fall Optimistic women may live longer
asleep When asked about their secret to aging, the worlds
The sensation of a foot, leg, or arm falling asleep oldest people often bring up not sweating the small
is a familiar one. Weve all ended up at some point stuff. In fact,...
with a slightly...
Can virtual reality games help with ABIVAX reports preclinical data on first-
phantom limb pain? in-class drug candidate for functional
Virtual reality games designed for amputees to cure of HIV/AIDS patients
experience movement in missing limbs might help ABIVAX (Euronext Paris: FR0012333284 ABVX),
reduce painful sensations... an innovative biotechnology company targeting the
immune system to eliminate...
converted by W
tumor cells in breast cancer using supporting people in their last year of
single-cell sequencing life? A pragmatic randomised wait-list
Bone marrow provides a reservoir for DTCs that trial in palliative care (ELSA)
may evade therapy, remain dormant, and can Received: 16 August 2016 Accepted:
cause overt metastases over time... 10 November 2016 Published: 9 December 2016
Mental Health Advocates Cheer IBM to Begin Beta Testing for Watson-
Passage of 21st Century Cures Act Led Cybercrime Fight
A makeshift memorial with crosses for the victims Just seven months after International Business
of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting Machines Corp. announced it would begin teaching
massacre stands outside... its Watson computer system...
converted by W
Excellence in Computational... Suggesting Strong Anti-Inflammatory Effect,
Broadening Therapeutic Potential Announcing...
Ohio passes second, less restrictive, Tainted homemade rice wine kills 15 at
abortion bill funerals in Cambodia
By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) Ohio PHNOM PENH (Reuters) Fifteen people have
lawmakers passed a second piece of legislation in died and at least 78 have been hospitalized in
two days on Thursday restricting... recent weeks after drinking...
Tasting garlic with your feet!? Weird 3 Women Explain What Its Really Like to
food chemistry tricks (video) Live With Psoriasis
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2016 Did you know you I Had to Quit My Job After Summer Scirocco, 29,
can taste garlic with your feet? Or that chocolate had her daughter in 2011, she thought the patches
can instantly... appearing on...
How Are You Actually Supposed to Use 6 Questions About the Flu You Need
a Diffuser to Blow-Dry Curly Hair? Answered Right Now
Is it just us, or did curls recently hire a new PR Thats why we asked Philip Tierno, M.D., a
team? Theyre suddenly everywhere, from red professor of microbiology pathology at the NYU
carpets to social media... Langone Medical Center...
Tracking breast cancer cell genetics Pets offer valuable support for owners
reveals longer potential treatment with mental health problems
window Pets can help people manage their long-term
Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by mental health conditions, according to research
ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the published in the open access...
Congressional Memo: Cures Act Gains The Case For Incorporating Spiritual
Bipartisan Support That Eluded Obama Care In Medicine
Health Law Dr. Christina Puchalski is familiar with death. The
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here palliative care doctor and founder of the George
Washington Institute...
Further improvement of qubit lifetime Survey: Wait times for voters in 2016
for quantum computers election improved in several key states
converted by W
Jlich, 8 December 2016. An international team of While many voters reported long lines at polling
scientists has succeeded in making further locations around the country during the 2012
improvements to the lifetime... presidential election, this...
No mistrial for Dylann Roof after church Ex-Insys executives arrested for
shooting survivor calls him evil bribing U.S. doctors to prescribe
By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) painkiller
A federal judge on Thursday denied a mistrial for By Nate Raymond (Reuters) Six former Insys
accused white South... Therapeutics Inc executives and managers were
arrested on Thursday on...
converted by W
than 200 primary care providers and specialists, Genetics, the University of Texas Health Science
singled out opioid abuse... Center at Houston and Texas...
Factors that impact fertility in men Exposure to violence may lead to PTSD
Starting a family can be a stressful process, and symptoms in underserved women
there are things that can affect your plans that you The violence that women in disadvantaged
may not have considered.... neighborhoods experience and witness can result
in post-traumatic stress disorder...
Dr. Manny: Why John Glenns widow is a Dr. Manny: Why John Glenns widow is a
hero in her own right hero in her own right
While most would consider John Glenns orbit While most would consider John Glenns orbit
around Earth to be an act of heroism, the astronaut around Earth to be an act of heroism, the astronaut
himself considered his... himself considered his...
Experts reveal which pout men deem STDs have soared 38% in baby boomer
most attractive according to new study
Shes one of the globes most talented stars, has Latest figures show there were 15,726 reported
millions in the bank and copious social media STIs in the 50 to 70 age group This was found to
follows ... be an increase on the...
Warning over stand-alone midwife One strong inhale through the nose
units: 1 in 4 women end up being strengthens your brain and sharpens
rushed to hospital memories
Women often go to midwife-led clinics when they Researchers at Northwestern got 60 people to
are deemed to be low risk However, complications make rapid decisions in a test Recording their
during pregnancy can still... breaths, they found reactions...
California mother of conjoined twins Expert reveals the 10 signs that prove
says its a dream come true its finally time to call it quits
It was one of the riskiest separation surgeries ever Theres ten signs that prove youre subconsciously
performed. But the 50-surgeon team that divided unhappy with your partner Rachel Maclynn, a
two-year-olds Eva... psychologist...
Hopes low that dinner with PM will lead Canadians with traumatic brain injuries
converted by W
to health deal more likely to go to prison
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the premiers That doesnt surprise Dr. Geoffrey Manley, a
will discuss the broad outline of a new health neurosurgeon who runs a trauma centre. He
accord at a working dinner... knows all too well the long-term struggles...
U.S. Life Expectancy Declines, and Bait And Switch: No One Voted To
Researchers Are Puzzled Destroy Medicare
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Under the Ryan scheme, seniors and people with
disabilities would be forced to fend for themselves
against private insurance...
Heres Whats At Stake For Women If John Krasinski Wishes More Parents
Trump Repeals Obamacare Were Honest About How Hard It Is
Repealing critical sections of the Affordable Care John Krasinski knows you cant totally prepare for
Act, which President-elect Donald Trump parenthood. In an interview with Today, the actor
threatened to various degrees... opened up about what...
End The Ban On Marijuana In Sports Jamie-Lynn Sigler on life with multiple
Earlier this year, NBA veteran Al Harrington came sclerosis
out in strong support of Californias Prop. 64 to December 8, 2016, 6:00 AM| Actress Jamie-Lynn
legalize marijuana... Sigler talks candidly on how her life changed after...
U.S. life expectancy drops for the first Drug combo may help fight some
time in decades advanced breast cancers
The final numbers are in for 2015 deaths in the In women with a certain form of tough-to-treat
U.S. and the news is not good. For the first time in breast cancer, treatment with a combination of two
more than two decades,... drugs appeared to keep...
Rising price of opioid OD antidote could Prostate cancer patients more likely to
cost lives die of other diseases, say 15-year PLCO
Escalating prices of the drug naloxone may results
threaten efforts to reduce opioid-related deaths Starting in 1993 and ending in 2001, ten academic
across America, a team from Yale... medical centers in the United States screened
76,685 men and 78,216 women...
converted by W
climate influences soil chemistry and, in Battery researchers seeking improved electrode
particular, soil pH, a measure... materials have focused on tunneled structures
that make it...
Study: Mobile money lifts Kenyan Investigating link btwn bedside nursing
households out of poverty & avoidable readmissions for older
Since 2008, MIT economist Tavneet Suri has black patients
studied the financial and social impacts of Kenyan (PHILADELPHIA) Dec.8, 2016 As many as a
mobile-money services, which... quarter of all older adults discharged from an acute
hospitalization will...
Actress Sofia Vergara faces lawsuit Teach new asylum seekers to UK about
from her own frozen embryos dangers of female genital mutilation,
(Reuters) Modern Family star Sofia Vergara is activists say
being sued by her two frozen embryos in an By Umberto Bacchi LONDON (Thomson Reuters
unusual lawsuit... Foundation) Asylum seekers from countries that
practise female genital...
Kids characters to vanish from South Carolina jury views grim crime
unhealthy Dutch foods scene photos from 2015 church attack
The Hague (AFP) Famous childrens characters By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters)
such as Dora the Explorer may soon disappear A federal judge on Thursday denied a mistrial for
from some commercial... accused white South...
Factbox: Contenders for senior jobs in Washington state sues Monsanto over
Trumps administration PCB damages, cleanup costs
(Reuters) Below are people mentioned as (Reuters) Washington state filed an
contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect environmental lawsuit on Thursday against
Donald Trump works to... agricultural company Monsanto Co seeking...
Brain Changes May Cause Lasting Greg Lake Dies: Progressive Rock
Whiplash Symptoms Musician Loses Cancer Battle at 69
Whiplash symptoms that last years after a car Longtime singer and bass player Greg Lake died
accident but cannot be seen in tests have long Wednesday at age 69 after a long and stubborn
baffled both doctors but new... battle with cancer,...
5 Ways to Tell if GMOs Are in Your Food Rice scientists study of human
GMOS are still relatively new to grocery shoppers, migration could help understand
with labeling guidelines just making their way to cancer metastasis
the market. Until recently... What could cancer cells and drug-resistant
bacteria possibly have in common with Stone Age
settlers of the Americas? Theyre...
converted by W
UMMS scientists co-discover first off- UTA researchers win three federal
switches for CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing transportation grants
CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is quickly The University of Texas at Arlington has won three
revolutionizing biomedical research, but the new national U.S. Department of Transportation grants
technology is not yet exact. The... that could be worth...
Why cryptophyte algae are really good Australias plain cigarette packs get
at harvesting light more support than expected
Walk through any woods, branches swaying (Reuters Health) Young Australians say theyre
overhead, and youre surrounded by billions of the less likely to try smoking and more likely to quit
worlds most efficient... since the countrys...
People with traumatic brain injuries Can virtual reality games help with
more likely to go to prison phantom limb pain?
(Reuters Health) Men and women who suffered (Reuters Health) Virtual reality games designed
traumatic brain injuries had more than twice the for amputees to experience movement in missing
risk of winding up... limbs might help...
Conjoined twins who faced each other Further promising data seen with
separated in California surgery Biogen Alzheimers drug: study
LOS ANGELES Doctors separated conjoined twins Gradually increasing the dose of Biogen Incs
at a California hospital, where the pair of 2-year-old experimental Alzheimers disease drug appeared
girls who faced each... to cause less...
Athletes may need to work more than People with traumatic brain injuries
the rest of us to avoid the flu more likely to go to prison
Athletes who cram in extra workouts over the Men and women who suffered traumatic brain
holidays to avoid packing on extra pounds also injuries had more than twice the risk of winding up
need to take extra precautions... in a federal prison in Canada...
High adolescent BMI could impact New review provides insights on rates,
cognitive function in midlife predictors of relapse after surgery in
Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Crohns disease patients
have found that higher Body Mass Index (BMI), if it An AZoNetwork Site ...
begins in adolescence,...
New stem cell research project to Womans history of drug use can help
replicate brains neural networks using predict risk of postpartum stress and
3D nanoprinting anxiety
Aston University has launched MESO-BRAIN, a New research from North Carolina State University
major stem cell research project which it hopes will and the University of British Columbia finds that a
develop three-dimensional... womans lifetime...
Heavy alcohol use during adolescence Far out: Psychedelic images reveal the
could change teenagers brains mesmerising patterns of drugs and
Teens who drink heavily are more likely than their vitamins inside your body
peers to have less gray matter, an important brain New psychedelic images of the many vitamins and
structure that aids... drugs that fly around the human body have been
converted by W
revealed. The series of trippy...
Rising price of opioid OD antidote could With Trump in charge, whats the
cost lives: study prognosis for Obamacare?
(HealthDay)Escalating prices of the drug (HealthDay)President-elect Donald Trumps oft-
naloxone may threaten efforts to reduce opioid- stated pledge to repeal and replace the
related deaths... Affordable...
As Obamas term winds down, More pregnant women getting flu shot,
resistance to Obamacare diminishes but improvement needed
(HealthDay)Public support for full repeal of In a study to be presented on Feb. 5 in an oral
Obamacare is softening, with most Americans concurrent session at the Society for Maternal-Fetal
saying theyd... Medicines annual...
Study Uncovers Surge In Marijuana Use This Number Can Say A Lot About Your
Among One Particular Age Group Health. Do You Know What It Is?
Given the unprecedented aging of the U.S. First thingfigure out what your resting heart rate
population, we are facing a never before seen (RHR) is today: Pick a time when you feel relaxed
cohort of older adults who use... (so not right after...
This Moving Ad For Rogue One Has Disappointed By The AMA, Doctors Start
People In Tears A New Organization To Fight Trumps
A new ad from a telecommunications company and Health Care Policies
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is touching President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on
converted by W
peoples hearts, even those... repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, so
its not a huge shock that...
U.S. Life Expectancy Falls As More 10 holiday tips for families with special-
People Die From Illnesses needs kids
Rising mortality from a variety of illnesses caused Its the most wonderful time of the year warble the
life expectancy for Americans to drop in 2015 for the lyrics heard everywhere through the holiday
first in more than... season. But for kids...
Illusion reveals that the brain fills in Personality traits and psychiatric
peripheral vision disorders linked to specific genomic
What we see in the periphery, just outside the locations
direct focus of the eye, may sometimes be a visual A meta-analysis of genome-wide association
illusion, according to... studies (GWAS) has identified six loci or regions of
the human genome that are...
Scientists determine how much damage EU takes legal action against Germany,
memory devices can take in mass UK over VW scandal
transit accidents By Alissa de Carbonnel BRUSSELS (Reuters)
BINGHAMTON, NY While investigating mass The European Union began legal action on
transit accidents, especially in air travel, National Thursday against Germany, Britain...
Transportation Safety...
Athletes may need to work more than Ohio House committee votes to pass
the rest of us to avoid the flu 20-week abortion ban
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Athletes who COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Abortions would be
cram in extra workouts over the holidays to avoid banned after 20 weeks under a bill that Republican
packing on extra... lawmakers hoped to pass Thursday...
Brazilian squatters offer shelter from U.S. surgeon general e-cigarette report
anti-gay violence sparks controversy
By Nacho Doce BOSTON (Reuters) A multi- By Toni Clarke WASHINGTON (Reuters) The U.S.
colored gay pride flag hangs in a corner of a bare surgeon general in a report released on Thursday
room in an abandoned Sao... called for action to...
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in fentanyl bribe case Yoga may help reduce blood pressure in people
(Reuters) Six former Insys Therapeutics Inc who are at risk for developing hypertension, a new
executives and managers were arrested on study finds. Patients...
Thursday on charges that they...
High-Resolution Brain Scans Could Heart Disease Death Rate Rising, Killing
Spot More Concussions More Americans: CDC
High-resolution brain scans combined with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
advanced computer capabilities could detect has published the stats for 2015 and they are grim:
concussions that conventional scans... The death rate from heart...
A Mummys DNA May Help Solve The What would make life easier for the
Mystery Of The Origins Of Smallpox trans community? Give them IDs, to
Samples from this 17th century Lithuanian mummy start
were found to house samples of Variola, the virus Last month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
that... announced Edmonton Centre MP
Randy Boissonnault as his special advisor
on lesbian,...
Youth vaping a public health threat: Nova Scotia pushing more opioid
U.S. Surgeon General addicts to methadone, away from detox
converted by W
The U.S. surgeon general is calling e-cigarettes an Nova Scotia is shifting away from publicly funded
emerging public health threat to youth. In a report detox programs for opioid addicts looking to get
being released Thursday,... clean in favour of a...
Marijuana extract may help treat severe Some football positions linked to high
epilepsy, new studies show blood pressure
A drug made from marijuana that does not produce It might not be obvious to those who spend
a high may help reduce seizures in people with Saturdays cheering on their alma mater on the
certain types... gridiron, but playing college football...
Colorado woman claims court-ordered Lawsuit claims elderly man died after
drug test left her with bald spot Walgreens employees made him mop
A woman who said she was complying with a court bathroom
order to take a hair follicle drug test claims the The widow of a 69-year-old man is suing an
experience has left her... Orlando Walgreens store for allegedly forcing him
to mop the bathroom they claimed...
ER visits for severe sunburn rack up Lawsuit claims elderly man died after
millions in costs Walgreens employees made him mop
Although sunburns are highly preventable, they are bathroom
still responsible for tens of thousands of expensive The widow of a 69-year-old man is suing an
visits to U.S. emergency... Orlando Walgreens store for allegedly forcing him
to mop the bathroom they claimed...
The types of hairs you should and Refusing to give IVF to couples who are
should NOT be plucking struggling to conceive is
One in ten women suffers from excess facial and unacceptable
body hair Experts say theres a very precise guide Thousands of childless couples are being denied
to plucking different... NHS fertility treatment Just 1 in 6 CCGs offer
couples adhere to...
Sue Stephens daughter Lucie Clinical tests fail to detect high blood
campaigns for asbestos removal after pressure in 16% of people
mother died People with masked hypertension have normal
Lucie Stephens is calling for the removal of blood pressure during tests but it is high the rest of
asbestos from schools Her mother Sue, 68, died of the time The...
cancer linked to exposure...
converted by W
Are you subconsciously unhappy in Harmless bacteria in uterus could
your relationship? Expert reveals the scupper chances of becoming pregnant
10 signs that prove its finally time to For the first time, research has found non-
call it quits Lactobacillus in the uterine cavity For years
Theres ten signs that prove youre subconsciously scientists believed...
unhappy with your partner Rachel Maclynn, a
Top 5 WORST celebrity diet trends to Video shows twin brothers once
avoid in 2017 as advised by BDA conjoined speaking weeks after
Always manicured, in top shape, with glowing skin separation surgery
perfect celebrities seem to be bombarding us Doctors feared they wouldnt make it to Christmas.
left, right and center. So... But Jadon and Anias McDonald, twin brothers who
were conjoined...
UK bans online ads for junk food Study examines potential effect of
targeting children regular marijuana use on vision
Children describe junk food advertising as A dried flower bud of the Cannabis plant. Credit:
tempting and addictive, and say they could lick... Public Domain A small, preliminary study...
10 Fitness Hacks For When You Dont Affordably Fabulous: 4 Makeup Brands
Have Time To Work Out for the Budget Savvy
1. Do some bed pushups. A workout where you This is one of the newer brands Ive tried and
dont have to leave the comfort of your comforter? recommend the Lippy Stixs ($5 each), Ultra Matte
Sign us up. Cardiello recommends... Lip ($6 each), and...
How I Make Our House A Home Heres why not buying health insurance
Im sure most people dont contemplate how they before December 15th is a huge gamble
will transform their houses into homes. For me, According to a 2013 study, uninsured people have
this is a must... a 5% chance of incurring healthcare bills
exceeding $47,300. Think about...
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How To Find What To Say When Youre Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Heading
at a Loss for Words into New Years Resolution Diet Season
The death of a loved one, the loss of ones home or Every year we say the same thing, Im going to
job, or a health setback can happen to anyone, and lose weight, Im swearing off carbs,...
the holidays...
Review examines rates and predictors Drug use strong predictor for
of recurrence following surgery for postpartum mental health problems
Crohns disease New research from North Carolina State University
Some patients with Crohns disease, a chronic and the University of British Columbia finds that a
inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the womans lifetime...
digestive tract,...
Anxiety measure for children with Keeping electric car design on the right
autism proven reliable road
A new method devised by a Drexel University Does it really help to drive an electric car if the
professor to diagnose children on the spectrum for electricity you use to charge the batteries come
anxiety symptoms which... from a coal mine in...
Horizon Pharma aborts key Actimmune Merkels Bavarian allies praise tougher
trial; shares plunge migrant stance but say its not enough
(Reuters) Horizon Pharma Plcs shares tumbled BERLIN (Reuters) The Bavarian party allied to
18 percent after the company ended a late-stage German Chancellor Angela Merkels Christian
trial that was... Democrat Union (CDU)...
Demand from French hospitals ensures EU takes legal action against Germany,
healthy trade in leeches UK over Volkswagen scandal
By Claude Canellas AUDENGE, France (Reuters) By Alissa de Carbonnel BRUSSELS (Reuters)
French hospitals have long been using leeches to The European Union started legal action on
prevent blood clots... Thursday against seven countries...
U.N. calls for Aleppo evacuation plan; UK says will respond in the strongest
politician warns of extermination terms to EU action over Volkswagen
By Tom Miles and Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA scandal
(Reuters) The United States and Russia must LONDON (Reuters) Britain said on Thursday it
broker an evacuation from east... would respond strongly to the European Unions
decision to initiate...
Surgeon General Calls Youth Vaping a Heart Problems Tied to Increased Risk
Public Health Threat of Suicide
The U.S. surgeon general is calling e-cigarettes an People with acute coronary syndrome caused by
emerging public health threat to the nations youth. poor blood flow to the heart may be at an increased
In a report... risk of suicide ...
What Causes Cancer to Spread? Study Rising Price of Opioid Antidote Could
Points to Fat Cost Lives
converted by W
Spanish scientists announced Wednesday they Escalating prices of the drug naloxone may
may have identified a way to stop cancer from threaten efforts to reduce opioid-related deaths
spreading, at least in mice, and... across America, a team from Yale...
Researchers find the incident Scientists shed new light on how the
commander in the brains defence brain processes, maintains what we
system dont see
Imagine seeing a building on fire. You grab the Our results indicate that what is invisible to the
phone and call the fire service. What happens next naked eye can, in fact, be encoded and briefly
can be compared to the... stored...
Knowing ones place in a social Euro Heart Index 2016: France ranks 1st
hierarchy in heart care
In order to determine how we learn about social
hierarchies, the authors asked 30 healthy college
students to perform a task...
converted by W
insulin prices Actually Worked
Endocrine Society Even though the paper towel trick failed above, it is
said to absorb excess moisture from greens and
keep it from getting...
Nations death rate rises as progress Deep brain stimulation fails to improve
against heart disease stalls memory in new study
Americans are dying from heart disease at a faster New findings temper the hope that deep brain
rate, stalling four decades of gains against the stimulation, which has shown success in treating
nations leading killer... Parkinsons disease and some...
Golden years: Americans get happier in Eating a handful of nuts could reduce
old age your cancer risk
There is an upside to aging: Older Americans tend Just a handful of cashews could cut your risk for
to be happier, according to a new poll. In the poll, heart disease, cancer and premature death. A new
from Gallup-Healthways,... study by Imperial College...
Woman battling breast cancer stunned Dont drowse and drive: Sleepiness as
after stranger helps pay for her family risky as DUI
meal Even with holiday travel approaching, its important
Talk about the kindness of strangers. The world to get enough sleep before getting behind the
can seem incredibly selfish at times, but for one wheel: Missing 1...
woman, who is battling...
Santa Claus fat shames 9-year-old boy Child more likely to use drugs if mum
Santa Claus isnt exactly known for his trim figure, smoked when pregnant
but that didnt stop him from fat-shaming a nine- Thursday December 8 2016 Smoking in pregnancy
year-old. While... can cause both short and long-term complications
Horizon Pharma drug fails key study in Heart problems tied to increased risk of
rare neuromuscular disease suicide
Horizon Pharma Plc said its drug, Actimmune, People with acute coronary syndrome caused by
failed the main goal in a late-stage study involving poor blood flow to the heart may be at an increased
patients with Friedreichs... risk of suicide ...
Brain activity may help predict fall risk Deep brain stimulation fails to improve
in older adults memory in new study
People whose brains work the hardest when they New findings temper the hope that deep brain
try to walk and talk at the same time may have a stimulation, which has shown success in treating
higher risk of falling in... Parkinsons disease and some...
Woman battling breast cancer stunned More than half of older Americans skip
after stranger helps pay for her family dental checkups
meal Only about one in nine U.S. adults with Medicare
Talk about the kindness of strangers. The world coverage have dental insurance, and many of them
can seem incredibly selfish at times, but for one may be putting off oral...
woman, who is battling...
Eating a handful of nuts could reduce Nations death rate rises as progress
your cancer risk against heart disease stalls
Just a handful of cashews could cut your risk for Americans are dying from heart disease at a faster
heart disease, cancer and premature death. A new rate, stalling four decades of gains against the
study by Imperial College... nations leading killer...
Santa Claus fat shames 9-year-old boy Anita Bean on why carbs WONT make
Santa Claus isnt exactly known for his trim figure, you put on weight
but that didnt stop him from fat-shaming a nine- We hear it time and time again: dont eat carbs
year-old. While... after 9pm, bread makes you bloat, and quit
carbohydrates entirely...
converted by W
Patients waiting week longer to see Southampton mother finds out
consultant than four years ago experts backache she blamed on birth is blood
warn poisoning
Patients had to wait 5.5 weeks on average before A mother-of-two who thought her backache was
starting treatment in April 2012 However, this due to giving birth discovered she actually had
increased to 6.6 weeks in... sepsis. Victoria Walker, 28,...
Cancer patient who lost most of his E-cigarettes are a public health threat
penis takes legal action against to teenagers
Southend Hospital US surgeon general Vivek Murthy is set to release
Andrew Lane caught necrotising fasciitis after his a report about e-cigarettes He will urge officials to
prostate gland was removed It is claimed that take action to...
surgeons punctured his...
Optimism may reduce risk of early death Optimism may reduce risk of early death
in women in women
There may be something to the old bromide about There may be something to the old bromide about
the power of positive thinking. A new study has the power of positive thinking. A new study has
found women... found women...
Flu outbreak closes Stockport high Flu outbreak closes Stockport high
school for five days school for five days
A flu outbreak has closed a school for five days A flu outbreak has closed a school for five days
after almost a third of pupils and members of staff after almost a third of pupils and members of staff
were struck by the virus. About... were struck by the virus. About...
Flashing light therapy for Alzheimers Flashing light therapy for Alzheimers
A flashing light therapy might help ward off A flashing light therapy might help ward off
Alzheimers, say US scientists after promising Alzheimers, say US scientists after promising
trials in mice. The Massachusetts... trials in mice. The Massachusetts...
US life expectancy declines for first US life expectancy declines for first
time in 20 years time in 20 years
Life expectancy in the United States has declined Life expectancy in the United States has declined
for the first time in more than two decades. Data for the first time in more than two decades. Data
from the National Center... from the National Center...
Optimistic women cut risk of deadly Optimistic women cut risk of deadly
diseases diseases
Women who look on the bright side of life cut their Women who look on the bright side of life cut their
risk of many deadly diseases, according to risk of many deadly diseases, according to
researchers. In a study of... researchers. In a study of...
Midwife units see one in four mums Midwife units see one in four mums
transferred by ambulance to hospital transferred by ambulance to hospital
Media captionCatherine Buckley had to wait half an Media captionCatherine Buckley had to wait half an
hour for an ambulance while she was giving birth hour for an ambulance while she was giving birth
One in four women are... One in four women are...
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Childrens online junk food ads banned Childrens online junk food ads banned
by industry by industry
Online ads for food and drinks high in fat, salt or Online ads for food and drinks high in fat, salt or
sugar aimed at children are to be banned under sugar aimed at children are to be banned under
new rules from advertisers. The... new rules from advertisers. The...
Baby boomers should stay in work to Baby boomers should stay in work to
keep healthy keep healthy
Englands chief medical officer has called on Englands chief medical officer has called on
people aged between 50 and 70 to keep working to people aged between 50 and 70 to keep working to
stay healthy. In a... stay healthy. In a...
Scientists can now better diagnose Scientists can now better diagnose
diseases with multiple genetic causes diseases with multiple genetic causes
Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor
Genetics, the University of Texas Health Science Genetics, the University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston and... Center at Houston and...
Higher BMI in adolescence may affect Higher BMI in adolescence may affect
cognitive function in midlife cognitive function in midlife
This is an image of a weight scale. Credit: This is an image of a weight scale. Credit:
CDC/Debora Cartagena Overweight and obesity CDC/Debora Cartagena Overweight and obesity
in... in...
Study highlights heart disease risk for Study highlights heart disease risk for
pregnant women pregnant women
Study highlights heart disease risk for pregnant Study highlights heart disease risk for pregnant
women. Credit: Shutterstock Pregnant women... women. Credit: Shutterstock Pregnant women...
Its safe for pregnant women to go to Its safe for pregnant women to go to
the dentist the dentist
Its safe. Credit: According Its safe. Credit: According
to research from the Massachusetts Department... to research from the Massachusetts Department...
Running With Sherman: What Donkeys Running With Sherman: What Donkeys
Know About Autism Know About Autism
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
converted by W
Novel test enables earlier detection of Novel test enables earlier detection of
Merkel cell carcinoma, Fred Hutch Merkel cell carcinoma, Fred Hutch
scientists say scientists say
Scientists have found a way to detect earlier if a Scientists have found a way to detect earlier if a
deadly cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), is deadly cancer, Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), is
recurring in patients,... recurring in patients,...
Scientists track chemical and structural Scientists track chemical and structural
evolution of catalytic nanoparticles in 3- evolution of catalytic nanoparticles in 3-
UPTON, NY- Catalysts are at the heart of fuel cells- UPTON, NY- Catalysts are at the heart of fuel cells-
devices that convert hydrogen and oxygen to water devices that convert hydrogen and oxygen to water
and enough electricity... and enough electricity...
Will Earth still exist 5 billion years from Will Earth still exist 5 billion years from
now? now?
What will happen to Earth when, in a few billion What will happen to Earth when, in a few billion
years time, the Sun is a hundred times bigger than years time, the Sun is a hundred times bigger than
it is today?... it is today?...
US life expectancy drops for first time US life expectancy drops for first time
since AIDS crisis peak since AIDS crisis peak
Life expectancy in the United States dropped last Life expectancy in the United States dropped last
year for the first time since the peak of the HIV/AIDS year for the first time since the peak of the HIV/AIDS
crisis more than... crisis more than...
Surgeon General calls youth vaping a Surgeon General calls youth vaping a
public health threat public health threat
converted by W
WASHINGTON (AP) The U.S. surgeon general is WASHINGTON (AP) The U.S. surgeon general is
calling e-cigarettes an emerging public health calling e-cigarettes an emerging public health
threat to the nations... threat to the nations...
Lost and found: Japan tags dementia Lost and found: Japan tags dementia
sufferers with barcodes sufferers with barcodes
A Japanese city has introduced a novel way to keep A Japanese city has introduced a novel way to keep
track of senior citizens with dementia who are track of senior citizens with dementia who are
prone to getting lost ... prone to getting lost ...
Nearly 150 patients evacuated from Nearly 150 patients evacuated from
east Aleppo: ICRC east Aleppo: ICRC
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) Nearly By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) Nearly
150 civilians, most disabled or in need of urgent 150 civilians, most disabled or in need of urgent
care, were evacuated... care, were evacuated...
Sweden joins dash to host EU drugs Sweden joins dash to host EU drugs
agency instead of London after Brexit agency instead of London after Brexit
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) The Swedish STOCKHOLM (Reuters) The Swedish
government on Thursday launched a campaign to government on Thursday launched a campaign to
become the new host of the London-based... become the new host of the London-based...
Oxygen can wake up dormant bacteria New study finds mammals during age of
for antibiotic attacks dinosaurs packed a powerful bite
Bacterial resistance does not come just through Seattle Move over, hyenas and saber-toothed
adaptation to antibiotics, sometimes the bacteria cats; theres a mammal with an even stronger bite.
simply go to sleep. An... A new study...
This type of exercise may guard against 4 foods and drinks to avoid if youre
dementia pregnant
Working out is good for you in more ways than we Pregnant women are literally eating for two, and
can count, but a new study may have uncovered a research shows that their diets impact the food
new perk for people with... preferences of their...
converted by W
blood Sex is quite wonderful when the goal is to have
Blood poisoning is still fatal in more than 50% of children. But sex can also serve as a glue in a
cases, but can be cured if treated at an early stage. committed relationship. Most...
The highest priority...
Scientists are calling for the 14-day limit Divorce and family breakdown is
to experiment on human embryos to be leaving nine million Britons lonely
doubled One in three who admit to being lonely have gone
Some scientists suggest human embryos should through a separation Loneliness can be just as
be kept alive in the lab for 28 days, instead of the bad for health as smoking...
current legal limit of...
Local authorities in England spend less After TV ban, now ALL junk food adverts
than 1% of public health budget on that use childrens mascots are to be
mental health banned
The charity Mind obtained data on how much Junk food giants banned from advertising to
councils spent on promoting and preventing the children to tackle childhood obesity Manufacturers
mental well-being of its residents Figures... cannot use Disney films,...
Dame Sally Davies, chief medical Dietary magnesium intake and the risk
officer, advises over-60s to keep of cardiovascular disease, type 2
working to stay healthy diabetes, and all-cause mortality: a
Dame Sally Davies says people should work at doseresponse meta-analysis of
least until their late 60s For those who leave work prospective cohort studies
earlier, Dame Sally recommends... This systemic meta-analysis was based on 40
prospective cohort studies, with more than 1
million participants and 67,261...
converted by W
able to rapidly calculate the phases required to In this nationwide, population based study, we
correct for aberrations.... demonstrated that in patients under maintenance
hemodialysis, different patterns...
Use of E-Cigarettes by Young People Is Atlas of the RNA universe takes shape
Major Concern, Surgeon General As the floor plan of the living world, DNA guides the
Declares composition of animals ranging from unicellular
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here organisms to humans....
WSU study finds people willing to pay HIV alert for male-to-male sex in
more for new biofuels Philippines
PULLMAN, Wash. When it comes to second Manila (AFP) HIV infections among men having
generation biofuels, Washington State University sex with men in the Philippines have surged 10-
research shows that consumers... fold in five years, with...
Blood products unaffected by drone Exactly How to Get a Killer Workout with
trips, study shows Just One Move
In a report about the findings, published ahead of CrossFit. Insanity. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.
print in the journal Transfusion in November, the Three hugely successful franchises, one proven
investigators say the... formula: They all fuse...
7 Things Your Ob-Gyn Wont Tell You You Have to See How Bella Hadid Looks
But Really Wants To with Blonde Hair
1. We Really Dont Give A Sh*t About Your RELATED: Could This Really Be the Reason
Grooming Its the telltale predicament you always Jennifer Lopez Looks So Young? She posted a few
seem to find yourself in:... pics and a video from the shoot...
converted by W
Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First U.S. surgeon general raises concerns
Time In Decades, Report Finds over e-cigarette use among youth
One of the fundamental ways scientists measure WASHINGTON The U.S. surgeon general on
the well-being of a nation is tracking the rate at Thursday called for action to reduce the use of e-
which its... cigarettes among young people,...
Some breast cancer patients on Eleven Super Simple Life Hacks That
neoadjuvant chemo may avoid axillary You Can Start Today
lymph node dissection Answer by Skyler Irvine, Entrepreneur/Investor, on
A sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) during Quora:
surgery that showed no signs of cancer was
associated with a low risk for breast...
Donald Trump Vows To Reduce Drug Public urged to be more body vigilant in
Prices, Doesnt Say How fight against cancer, new study finds
NEW YORK President-elect Donald Trump took New study urges people to be more body vigilant to
aim at drugmakers on Wednesday by promising in improve early cancer diagnosis rates. Over a
a magazine interview that... quarter of patients...
Could a seawater battery help end our Shaping pharma: The industrys top
dependence on lithium? stories from 2016
With the ubiquity of lithium-ion batteries in As the year comes to an end, Chemical
smartphones and other rechargeable devices, its Engineering News (CEN), the weekly
hard to imagine replacing... newsmagazine of the American Chemical
Disruption of the bodys internal clock Rebel rockets scar west Aleppo
causes disruption of metabolic residents
processes Aleppo (Syria) (AFP) Syrian teenager Diaa al-Din
Chronobiologists from Charit Hassan lay in a hospital bed in western Aleppo, his
Universittsmedizin Berlin have shown that the eyes alive but...
bodys carbon monoxide metabolism...
House GOP eyes food stamp overhaul, EU takes action against UK, Germany
possible requirements over VW emissions scandal
WASHINGTON (AP) House Republicans are By Alissa de Carbonnel BRUSSELS (Reuters)
laying the groundwork for a fresh effort to overhaul The European Union will take action on Thursday
the food stamp program during... against seven nations including...
converted by W
Two toddlers killed in New York Ohio House committee approves 20-
homeless shelter explosion week abortion ban
By Laila Kearney NEW YORK (Reuters) Two COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Abortions would be
toddlers were killed on Wednesday when a boiler banned after 20 weeks under a bill that Republican
exploded in a New York City... lawmakers hope to pass Thursday...
Rights group, worried about HIV, urges Tumor cells are dependent on fat to
Philippines action start metastasis
MANILA, Philippines (AP) A human rights A study headed by Salvador Aznar Benitah, ICREA
watchdog says the Philippines is facing one of the researcher at the Institute for Research in
fastest growing epidemics... Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona),...
TET proteins drive early neurogenesis Story tips from the Department of
LA JOLLA, CAThe fate of stem cells is determined Energys Oak Ridge National
by series of choices that sequentially narrow their Laboratory, December 2016
available options... To arrange for an interview with a researcher,
please contact the Communications staff member
identified at the end of each...
Baby teethers soothe, but many contain Pathogenic variants in certain genes
low levels of BPA increase womans likelihood of
Studies have shown that in animals, endocrine- developing breast cancer
disrupting compounds (EDCs) which include Mayo Clinic
BPA, parabens and antimicrobials...
Scientists report a promising new Toward opioid vaccines that can help
transporter for active substances prevent overdose fatalities
Molecules of the class of cucurbiturils assume the Naloxone is an opioid antagonist, used as an
shape of a hollowed-out pumpkin and, thus,... antidote for opioid overdose which includes
heroin, and opioid...
converted by W
HONG KONG (Thomson Reuters Foundation) A key ingredient found in palm oil stimulates a
The Philippines is not doing enough to tackle protein called CD36 in humans Experts believe this
soaring HIV prevalence among... plays a vital role in...
Conjoined California twins survive More than half older Americans NEVER
separation surgery after 18 hours get their teeth checked
A set of conjoined twins have survived one of the Only about one in nine U.S. adults with Medicare
riskiest separations surgeries ever performed. coverage have dental insurance, and many of them
Two-year-olds Eva and Erika... may be putting off oral...
Flickering LED lights could be cure for Dr Pimple Popper demonstrates her
Alzheimers disease most nauseating techniques on The
Flashing lights in the eyes of Alzheimers sufferers Doctors
could be a new treatment for the disease, a study Dr Pimple Popper, aka Dr Sandra Lee, has gained
suggests. In... fame posting pimple-popping videos online She
guest co-hosts The Doctors,...
12 Women on What They Wish Theyd WTF: Some Designers Refused to Loan
Done Differently in Their Marriages Clothes to Ashley Graham for Her
from Day 1 Vogue Shoot
1. I would wait to have kids. Ill be honest. I had RELATED: The Truth About Whether Plus-Size
this concept that if I got married and had... Women Are Actually Unhealthy Brands refused to
send larger sizes...
Pfizer fined for hiking epilepsy drug Toronto heroin found to be cut with the
price 2,600% in UK deadly elephant tranquilizer carfentanil
Pfizer rejected the ruling, saying its epilepsy drug The highly toxic opioid carfentanil has appeared in
Epanutin was a loss-making product. (Mark Toronto, with police announcing Wednesday they
Lennihan/The Associated... have seized heroin laced...
New study shows targeted therapy Optimism may reduce risk of dying
needed for breast cancer with brain prematurely among women
metastases Credit: George Hodan/public domain Having an
A study headed by Salvador Aznar Benitah, ICREA optimistic outlook on lifea general expectation...
converted by W
researcher at the Institute for Research in
Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona),...
Research helps refine role of gene Brain activity may predict risk of falls in
variants in breast cancer risk older people
While advances in technology have made Measuring the brain activity of healthy, older adults
multigene testing, or panel testing, for genetic while they walk and talk at the same time may help
mutations that increase... predict their risk...
1 Patient, 7 Tumors and 100 Billion Cells The Best Remedies For Acne
Equal 1 Striking Recovery First I will explain what pesky Blackheads are:
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Blackheads are clogged pores that clogged with
excess sebum (excess oil created...
15 Genius Shark Tank Products You These Gifts Are Scientifically Proven To
Should Buy For Gifts Bring Real Happiness
Theres no denying that some of the products on Its both a cliche and a scientific fact
Shark Tank are pure genius. Now its time for you that experiences bring greater happiness than
to actually test... material possessions. But new research...
Kesha Opens Up About Her Mental Can optimism help you live longer?
Health So Others Dont Feel Alone December 7, 2016, 4:07 PM| According to a new
Kesha is shedding light on her own mental health Harvard study, women with more optimistic
in order to comfort others who may be having the outlooks...
same experiences. The singer...
Mercury poisoning victims demand How optimism may help you live longer
tests decades later Having an optimistic outlook on life may do more
Six decades after Minamata disease mercury than just boost your mood. It may actually help you
poisoning was first identified in an area of Japan, live longer, according...
victims and their advocates...
converted by W
Sleep apnea can contribute to Study proposes new protocol for
recurring pulmonary embolism treatment of thalassemia
GLENVIEW, IL, Dec. 7, 2016 Pulmonary Iron accumulation in myocardial cells, potentially
embolism (PE) is a major risk for patients suffering resulting in heart failure or fatal arrhythmia, is one
from venous thromboembolism... of the complications...
Double test cuts odds of getting John Glenn, former U.S. astronaut,
parasite from blood transfusion hospitalized
By Gene Emery An experimental test for the By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) John
parasite that causes babesiosis was able to Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth and a
prevent the disease from infecting... former U.S. senator and...
Twins Joined at the Chest Successfully Japan Inc warns of global trade
Separated in 18-Hour Surgery contraction under Trump presidency:
Twin girls born conjoined at the chest and Reuters poll
abdomen were successfully separated after an 18- By Tetsushi Kajimoto TOKYO (Reuters)
hour surgery that involved 50... Corporate Japan is bracing for a rocky ride under
incoming U.S. President Donald...
U.S. Republicans quibble over effective 4 More Infants in NYC Reported to Have
date of Obamacare repeal Zika Virus-Related Birth Defects
By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) U.S. Four more infants have been reported to have birth
Republican senators are leaning towards a plan to defects related to the Zika virus in New York City,
delay the effective... the citys health...
Canada set to agree carbon price, Britains watchdog bans ads for
marking climate split with Trump unhealthy foods on kids media
By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) Canadas By Martinne Geller LONDON (Reuters) Britains
government and 10 provinces are set to agree a advertising regulator announced new rules on
national carbon... Thursday banning...
New studies take a second look at coral Enzyme that digests vitamin A also may
bleaching culprit regulate testosterone levels
Scientists have called superoxide out as the main CHAMPAIGN, Ill. An enzyme that converts the
culprit behind coral bleaching: The idea is that as dietary carotenoid beta carotene into vitamin A in
this toxin build up... the body may also...
Mayo Clinic research helps refine role Researchers combine MERS and rabies
of gene variants in breast cancer risk viruses to create innovative 2-for-1
ROCHESTER, Minn. Inherited pathogenic vaccine
variants in protein coding genes BARD1 and In a new study, researchers have modified a rabies
RAD51D increase a womans... virus, so that it has a protein from the MERS virus;
this altered virus...
New book on Cilia from Cold Spring Two UTHealth researchers elected to
Harbor Laboratory Press prestigious scientific association
Nearly every cell in the human body has one or In recognition of their efforts to develop new
more protrusive structures called cilia or flagella. treatments for fungal infections and stress-related
These power cell movement... chronic illnesses, respectively,...
converted by W
When neurons are born impacts How a string of flickering light bulbs
olfactory behavior in mice could (maybe) treat Alzheimers
Troy Ghashghaei, associate professor of Over the past decade, more than 100 pills and
neurobiology at NC State, studies the ways injections have all failed to stop the brain-
neurons develop and integrate into the... destroying effects of Alzheimers...
Doctor under fire for letter allegedly 5 babies born in New York City with
asking patients to fund retirement Zika-related birth defect since July
A Canadian doctor who allegedly sent a letter to In New York City, 14 infants have tested positive for
patients asking them to sponsor his retirement has Zika virus, five of which have shown evidence of
come under fire from... whats being called...
Most people want to learn about their Brain activity may help predict fall risk
skin biopsy results online in older adults
(Reuters Health) Most people want to learn about People whose brains work the hardest when they
their skin biopsy results over the internet try to walk and talk at the same time may have a
especially... higher risk of falling...
More than half of older Americans skip Heart problems tied to increased risk of
dental checkups suicide
(Reuters Health) Only about one in nine U.S. People with acute coronary syndrome caused by
adults with Medicare coverage have dental poor blood flow to the heart may be at an increased
insurance, and many of... risk of suicide ...
Trump vows to bring down drug prices, Ohio lawmakers pass "heartbeat"
doesnt say how abortion legislation
NEW YORK President-elect Donald Trump took CLEVELAND Ohio lawmakers approved a bill that
aim at drugmakers on Wednesday by promising in bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be
a magazine interview that Im... detected, as early as six weeks...
Doctor under fire for letter allegedly 5 babies born in New York City with
asking patients to fund retirement Zika-related birth defect since July
A Canadian doctor who allegedly sent a letter to In New York City, 14 infants have tested positive for
patients asking them to sponsor his retirement has Zika virus, five of which have shown evidence of
come under fire from... whats being called...
Why Ben Carsons medical experience Texas eyes immunizations as more kids
matters at HUD file exemptions
Ben Carsons nomination as secretary of the Texas could be the epicenter for the nations next
Department of Housing and Urban Development major fight over stricter requirements for
raised some eyebrows, and not just... immunizations as rates...
How a string of flickering light bulbs Queens University expert to lead new
could (maybe) treat Alzheimers 4m initiative for assessing impact of
Over the past decade, more than 100 pills and chemicals on health
injections have all failed to stop the brain- A Queens University Belfast expert is leading a
destroying effects of Alzheimers... 4m international initiative to investigate whether
natural toxins...
New discovery paves way New virtual reality technology may find
to development of biochemical test for potential use in diagnostics and
diagnosing Parkinsons disease surgical planning
Misfolded proteins associated with Parkinsons Before an operation, surgeons have to obtain the
disease were detected in cerebrospinal fluid by most precise image possible of the anatomical
scientists at McGovern... structures of the part of...
converted by W
study of its kind, Johns Hopkins researchers have announced important steps to better support
determined that large... consumer access to hearing aids....
Researchers create 2-for-1 vaccine that New research reveals role of two
protects mice from MERS and rabies genetic mutations in subset of acute
In a new study, researchers have modified a rabies myeloid leukemia
virus, so that it has a protein from the MERS virus; Two genetic mutations known to play a role in
this altered virus... many solid cancers might also help explain why a
subset of acute myeloid leukemia...
Daily peanut consumption could be The mind-reading robotic hand that lets
effective in reducing heart disease and quadriplegic people grasp everyday
all-cause mortality risk objects
If youre looking for one simple way to gain major Scientists have developed a robotic interface which
health benefits, peanuts may be the answer. New could help to restore fine hand movements in
research from Imperial... paraplegics. By combining...
How Prince Williams thinning hairline Why cancer patients should avoid
makes him look almost a decade older CHOCOLATE: Ingredient found to make
Hair surgeons reveal that a thinning thatch can tumours spread around the body
add around eight years in age Prince William is A key ingredient found in palm oil stimulates a
only 34 but actually... protein called CD36 in humans Experts believe this
plays a vital role in...
3 possible explanations for feeling Could THIS be the cure for Alzheimers
bloated after eating disease? Flickering LED lights found to
Its a mystery that has puzzled gastroenterologists reduce toxic clumps in the brain
for years. But just why do so many people complain Flashing lights in the eyes of Alzheimers sufferers
of bloating... could be a new treatment for the disease, a study
suggests. In...
Unique visual stimulation may be new Stem cell-based test predicts leukemia
treatment for Alzheimers patients response to therapy to tailor
Professor Li-Huei Tsai, director of MITs Picower treatment
Institute for Learning and Memory, and... A Wrights stained bone marrow aspirate smear
from a patient with precursor B-cell acute...
Even a Cigarette a Day Is Bad for Your Sweeping Health Measure, Backed by
Health Obama, Passes Senate
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
converted by W
23 Unique Gifts That Make You Look Break The Dry Spell: 5 Moisturizing
More Thoughtful Than You Are Skincare Products To Buy Now For
Its time to get started on that holiday shopping for Winter
your friends and loved ones, and we think you As soon as November hits, every part of me gets
should make this year... parched. Here is my arsenal of hydrating helpers.
1. Alcohol can be drying...
Why Diet Soda Could Actually Prevent Glennon Doyle Melton Describes The
You From Losing Weight Beautiful Payoff Of Hitting Rock Bottom
Reaching for a diet soda may actually hinder Momastery writer and best-selling author Glennon
weight loss efforts, a new study done in mice Doyle Melton has experienced more than a few
suggests. In experiments, researchers... rock bottom moments, from the...
Democrats See Medicare Fight As The Power of Nice in the Age of Mean
Donald Trumps Achilles Heel Regardless of the current you must eat your young
Wednesdays press conference was only partly an in order to survive political environment we have
attempt to scare Republicans away from touching been mercilessly...
Medicare, however. It...
Doctor In Hot Water For Asking Patients 13 Gifts That Make Learning Spanish
To Fund His Retirement Fun For Kids
Dr. Myron MacDonald a West Vancouver, Raising bilingual kids can be an arduous task, but
Canada, general practitioner who, after 48 years in the long-term benefits knowing a second language
practice, sent his patients... can have on a childs...
Mother sues Minneapolis hospital after Baby teether study finds potentially
newborn mixup harmful chemicals
A Minnesota woman is suing Minneapolis-based Lots of parents make it a point to buy baby teethers
Allina Health after her newborn baby was labeled non-toxic or BPA-free, but a new study
mistakenly given to another mother... suggests...
Saturns bulging core implies moons New discovery may lead to the
younger than thought development of super premium
ITHACA, N.Y. Freshly harvested data from NASAs gasoline
Cassini mission reveals that the ringed planets In contradicting a theory thats been the standard
moons... for over eighty years, researchers at the University
of Illinois...
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone 05B form East Greenland ice sheet has
NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP satellite captured an responded to climate change over the
image of newly formed Tropical Cyclone 05B in the last 7.5 million
Bay of Bengal, Northern... Using marine sediment cores containing isotopes
of aluminum and beryllium, a group of international
researchers has discovered...
Dont bet big on health law changes Ohio GOP wants to add 20-week
when mulling coverage abortion ban to heartbeat bill
Why worry about buying health insurance when COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Abortions would be
President-elect Donald Trump plans to dump the banned after 20 weeks under a bill Republican
requirement that most Americans... lawmakers hoped to pass Wednesday...
Preventing cancer spread: mouse study Could flickering light treat Alzheimers?
points to fat Paris (AFP) Scientists have used flickering LED
Paris (AFP) Spanish scientists announced lights to shrink, in mouse brains, the beta amyloid
Wednesday they may have identified a way to stop plaques associated...
cancer from spreading,...
converted by W
Texas eyes immunizations as more kids EpiPen maker Mylan to restructure, cut
file exemptions workforce
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Texas could be the By Ransdell Pierson and Natalie Grover (Reuters)
epicenter for the nations next major fight over Generic drugmaker Mylan NV MYL.O, which has
stricter requirements for... been under fire for...
U.S. Senate joins House to pass GNC settles dietary supplements case
sweeping new health bill with U.S. government
By Toni Clarke (Reuters) The U.S. Senate on By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) GNC
Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to support Holdings Inc, the largest global dietary supplement
sweeping legislation that will... retailer, has agreed...
Govt Goals Against Obesity, Food Missing One Hour of Sleep Doubles
Poisoning Missed Crash Risk
Progress in the U.S. against obesity, food Missing just an hour or two of sleep at night nearly
poisoning, and infections spread in hospitals has doubles your chances of a car crash the next day, a
been uneven and disappointing,... new report suggests. And...
Evolution Letters A new open access Why keep the raw data?
journal set to launch in 2017 The increasingly popular subject of raw diffraction
Hoboken, NJ December 7, 2016 John Wiley data deposition is examined in a Topical Review in
and Sons, Inc. (NYSE: JWa and JWb), the IUCrJ [Kroon-Batenburg,...
European Society of Evolutionary...
How our immune system targets TB Half of people believe fake facts,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of remember events that never
TB, has infected over one-third of the entire human happened
population with an... In a study on false memories, Dr Kimberley Wade
in the Department of Psychology demonstrates that
if we are told about a...
FDA takes steps to improve hearing aid JetBlue treats dozens of sick children
accessibility to Dream Flight
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today Dozens of children and their families took to the
converted by W
announced important steps to better support skies Tuesday in a special flight over Vermont to
consumer access to hearing aids.... help them kick off the...
Baby teethers may contain low levels of Background checks may lower school
BPA, study finds shootings, study finds
Next time you hand your baby a teething ring to States that require background checks before
soothe her aching gums, you may be unwittingly people buyguns or ammunition may have a lower
exposing her to endocrine-disrupting... chance of having a school shooting,...
Trump takes aim at drugmakers and J&J questions fairness of hip implant
pharma, biotech stocks fall trial, $1B verdict
NEW YORK President-elect Donald Trump on Johnson Johnson will challenge the fairness of a
Wednesday took aim at drugmakers, promising in trial that produced a verdict of $1 billion in
a magazine interview that Im... damages against the company...
Dr. Manny: Trumps power of Cancer patients waiting longer than two
negotiation will save lives in the future months for life-saving treatment has
I believe that President-elect Donald Trump will DOUBLED
succeed in bringing down health care costs, and The number of cancer patients waiting longer than
tackling soaring drug prices... two months for life saving treatment has almost
doubled in the last five...
Alice Clarke from Montreal overcomes Is there an age limit on having SEX?
anorexia to become a doctor Pensioners intimate issues are often
A young woman who weighed just four stone has ignored by doctors as they are too old
beaten the eating disorder and is now training to Both men and women over the age of 50 claim
be a doctor. Alice Clarke,... their issues arent taken seriously Researchers
believe its because...
Bristol teenager told she may NEVER Regular doses of ibuprofen lowers
recover from mystery illness smokers risk of lung cancer by 48%
A 15-year-old girl suffering from a mystery condition Ohio State University consulted data since 1988 on
that has left her with a string of health problems smokers and painkillers They found those who
has been told she... took regular small doses...
converted by W
Girl, 12, sent home from Welsh school Numbers game
with sick bug has 5% chance of For a second consecutive day, Paris is restricting
survival vehicle traffic using a system of odd or even
Tia Llewellyn, from Wales, was sick one morning number plates. The move...
while she had been at school Teachers sent her
home with what they thought...
Woman gives birth to grandson for her Cambridge neonatal nurse retires after
daughter 50 years of service
A woman has given birth to her own grandchild by A neonatal nurse who has dedicated 50 years to
having a surrogate baby for her daughter. Julie caring for thousands of newborn babies has
Bradford, 45, had baby Jack... retired. Maylin Gosling, from...
Scientists discover way of developing New moms moving toward the bottle
test for Parkinsons disease diagnosis New moms are increasingly using expressed
Claudio Soto, Ph.D. Credit: University of Texas breast milk (either pumped or expressed by hand)
Health Science Center at Houston Misfolded... instead of directly breastfeeding...
MRI scans detect brain rust in Gut feelings: How the microbiome may
schizophrenia affect mental illness and interact with
If a partners past transgression feels like it treatment
happened yesterday, even if it didnt, you are more If a partners past transgression feels like it
likely to... happened yesterday, even if it didnt, you are more
likely to...
Check Out The Incredibly Shrinking Removing Your Pubic Hair Is Linked To
Pablo Sandoval A Heightened Risk Of STIs
Sandoval had received criticism for reporting to The Question: Does waxing, plucking or shaving
spring training with a bulging stomach, and his your pubic hair lead to added risk for sexually
season turned into a bust.... transmitted infections? Yes,...
How to Nail a Job Interview with Ways the Color Red Helps
Meditation At this time of year, we see a lot of the color red, but
Meditation is taking the corporate world by storm, do you know what that color might mean, and how
with most successful companies, including the it may influence...
likes of Google and Apple,...
Walking Dead Star Josh McDermitt How Fasting Allows The Brain To
Goes Off On Co-Stars Body-Shamers Recharge Itself
She just had a kid. Thats why she hasnt been in We know that fasting can be great for the body
the first six episodes because she was recovering and metabolic health in particular, but were still
from pregnancy... figuring out what...
Does Diet Soda Cause Weight Gain? Tina Fey Is Worried About What The
Another recent study, led by Eran Elinav, fed mice Internet Is Doing To Society
several commercially available sweeteners It feels like we were on the precipice of things
(saccharin Sweet-n... getting pretty good, and now were in a bit of a
throwback moment....
Patient safety may drop during doctor Helping children achieve more in
rotations school
converted by W
Hospitalized patients who are handed off by their Not all children do well in school, despite being
original medical team to a new set of caregivers intellectually capable. Whilst parental relationships,
may ultimately face a... motivation and...
Beware: Children can passively smoke Supportive care for cancer patients
marijuana, too remains inadequate
Relaxing with a joint around children is not very LUGANO-SINGAPORE, 7th December, 2016 Pain
wise. Not only do youngsters inhale harmful relief and other forms of supportive care for cancer
secondary smoke in the process,... patients are insufficient,...
Uncovering the secrets of water and Pope warns media over sin of
ice as materials spreading fake news, smearing
WASHINGTON, D.C., December 7, 2016 Water politicians
is vital to life on Earth and its importance simply By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) Media
cant be overstated... that focus on scandals and spread fake news to
smear politicians...
EpiPen maker Mylan to restructure and Irish court releases assets worth $100
cut its workforce million to Russias Khodorkovsky
(Reuters) Generic drugmaker Mylan NV MYL.O, DUBLIN (Reuters) An Irish court on Wednesday
which has been under fire for its price hikes on the released assets worth $100 million to Mikhail
life-saving EpiPen... Khodorkovsky, part of...
Springer offers flexible purchasing Major urinary proteins do not allow kin
option for Springer Book Archives recognition in male mice
Springer now offers its Springer Book Archives The urine of house mice, unlike humans, contains
(SBA) in smaller year set packages. The new SBA large amounts of proteins, which are mainly major
packages are divided up... urinary proteins or...
Queens University expert leading ?4m Fighting contaminated land with help
bid to reduce impact of chemicals on from the humble fruit
long-term health Scientists have discovered that a gene found in the
A Queens University Belfast expert is leading a common fruit fly can be successfully expressed in
4m international initiative to investigate whether a plant and used to...
natural toxins...
converted by W
Pulling bacteria out of blood Overwhelming evidence of malarias
Blood poisoning is still fatal in more than 50% of existence 2,000 years ago
cases, but can be cured if treated at an early stage. The answer is in mitochondrial genomic evidence
The highest priority... of malaria, coaxed from the teeth of bodies buried
in three Italian cemeteries,...
NHLs new concussion spotters have Pfizer fined for hiking epilepsy drug
had spotty results so far price 2,600 percent in UK
Connor McDavid hit the ice, chin first, and a British regulators fined U.S. drugmaker Pfizer and
concussion spotter at least played a part in pulling distributor Flynn Pharma a record 89.4 million
him from the game. The... pounds ($112.7 million)...
Arkansas police officers help hang J&J questions fairness of hip implant
Christmas lights on disabled persons trial, $1B verdict
home Johnson Johnson will challenge the fairness of a
Residents in an Arkansas town are applauding trial that produced a verdict of $1 billion in
local police officers for a generous act that helped damages against the company...
a fellow citizen enjoy...
converted by W
Scientists develop robotic hand for Researchers show off medical drones
people with quadriplegia for disasters, shootings
Scientists have developed a mind-controlled RAYMOND, Miss. Researchers say they hope
robotic hand that allows people with certain types small helicopter drones can bring medical care to
of spinal injuries to perform... areas after severe weather...
Researchers fret as info lags on pot Arkansas police officers help hang
effects on older adults Christmas lights on disabled persons
Surveys show a small but growing number of older home
adults are using marijuana a trend that worries Residents in an Arkansas town are applauding
researchers who say... local police officers for a generous act that helped
a fellow citizen enjoy...
Skin-to-skin contact after birth good for NHLs new concussion spotters have
mom and baby had spotty results so far
Skin-to-skin contact between mothers and Connor McDavid hit the ice, chin first, and a
newborns immediately after birth can be used to concussion spotter at least played a part in pulling
promote breastfeeding and may give... him from the game. The...
Russian researchers reveal new tool to Girl, 2, has melon-sized tumour after
find life-extending drugs family dismissed symptoms as stomach
Scientists have revealed a new plan to find the key bug
to eternal youth and artificial intelligence will be A two-year-old girl who was believed to be suffering
leading the... from a stomach bug actually had a melon-sized
tumour. Lottie Woods-John,...
Footage shows man getting blackhead Number of patients forced to wait for
squeezed from neck thats been there hospital bed rockets in five years
for 20 YEARS 473,453 patients had to wait for 4 hours between
The clip went viral after it was shared online has October 2015 and September They had to sit in
since racked up a million views It shows a middle- side rooms and empty cubicles...
aged man in discomfort...
Pfizer fined 84MILLION for ripping off Older mothers are TWICE as likely to
NHS by hiking price of anti-epilepsy reach a ripe old age
drug US researchers found women who had their last
Pfizer has been fined 84million for ripping off the child after 33 lived the longest They had around
NHS by hiking cost of a drug Drug giant increased double the chance of being...
cost of an anti-epilepsy...
Singer, 34, makes a full recovery after Singer, 34, makes a full recovery after
suffering a horrific reaction to 90% of suffering a horrific reaction to 90% of
her body from antibiotics her body from antibiotics
developed toxic epidermal necrolysis from sinus developed toxic epidermal necrolysis from sinus
medication Just 10 days after being... medication Just 10 days after being...
Ottawa open to long-term health accord Ottawa open to long-term health accord
with provinces: source with provinces: source
The federal government is signaling a willingness The federal government is signaling a willingness
to sign a longer-term health accord with the to sign a longer-term health accord with the
provinces in a shift that... provinces in a shift that...
Pfizer fined record 84.2m for Pfizer fined record 84.2m for
overcharging NHS overcharging NHS
Drugs giant Pfizer has been fined a record 84.2m Drugs giant Pfizer has been fined a record 84.2m
by the UKs competition watchdog for overcharging by the UKs competition watchdog for overcharging
the NHS for an... the NHS for an...
Patients wait four months before Patients wait four months before
seeking cancer diagnosis seeking cancer diagnosis
converted by W
Patients wait an average of four months before Patients wait an average of four months before
seeking a cancer diagnosis, researchers report at seeking a cancer diagnosis, researchers report at
the ESMO ASIA 2016 Congress... the ESMO ASIA 2016 Congress...
British watchdog fines Pfizer 84m over Study: Obamacare repeal-only would
drug pricing make 30M uninsured
(AP)Pfizer said Monday it will buy NextWave In this Oct. 24, 2016, file photo, the
Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company that makes a 2017 web site home page as seen in
liquid attention deficit hyperactivity... Washington....
Why do some states have more school Study examines victim cooperation in
shootings? cases of intimate partner sexual assault
School shootings like the one that occurred at Sexual assault incidents that involve intimate
Sandy Hook elementary school four years ago this partners feature unique factors that affect a victims
month leave the public grappling... willingness to...
The secret slimming effect of sweet Dark matter may be smoother than
potato waste expected
The sweet potato pie you eat during the holidays Hendrik Hildebrandt from the Argelander-Institut fr
might not be good for your waistline, but according Astronomie in Bonn, Germany and Massimo Viola
to a new study published... from the Leiden Observatory...
Patients wait 4 months before seeking Images of faraway galaxies shed new
cancer diagnosis light on dark matter
LUGANO-SINGAPORE, 07 December, 2016 Scientists have gained fresh insight into the nature
Patients wait an average of four months before of dark matter, the elusive material that accounts
seeking a cancer diagnosis, researchers... for much of the mass...
Nearly one in five young Ontario adults From smart toothbrushes to cancer,
shows problematic use of electronic Philips bets big on software
devices By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) These days
TORONTO, Dec. 7, 2016 As many as 19 per cent the average researcher at Philips is more likely to
of Ontario adults aged 18 to 29 experience be a software developer...
moderate to severe problematic...
Youve Got to See This Womans Epic 5 Ways to Burn More Fat During Your
Defense of Her $130 Engagement Ring Walking Workouts
When she said that I watched my now husbands Walk your way to a healthier weight with these
face fall, McRae wrote. He already felt like a expert-approved tips: 1. Walk Fast Enough to Make
failure, asking... Talking Hard Since so...
6 Ways Baking Cookies Might Legit Be 5 reasons your gums bleed when you
Good for You brush
Any way you bake it, mixing up Grandmas oatmeal The night before a teeth cleaning, most of us like to
converted by W
bars provides great brain benefits. Stringently get in there deep. We floss and brush the pants off
following a recipe... our chompers,...
Indias Sun Pharma says U.S. finds more Britain fines Pfizer record $107 million
concerns at Halol plant for huge drug price hike
MUMBAI Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Indias LONDON Britains competition watchdog has fined
largest drugmaker, said on Wednesday the U.S. Pfizer (PFE.N) a record 84.2 million pounds ($107
health regulator... million) for its...
Age restriction on indoor tanning could Sedentary lifestyle may increase risk of
save thousands from melanoma environmentally induced lung disease
An age restriction on indoor tanning could save American Physiological Society (APS)
thousands of lives and millions of dollars,
according to new research published...
converted by W
events (e.g., disasters, violence,...
Benin clinic battles mother-to-child HIV New system developed that can switch
transmission on immune cells to attack cancer cells
HIV infecting a human cell. Credit: NIH Pregnant A newly discovered population of immune cells in
with her fourth child in a clinic in Benin,... tumors is associated with less severe cancer
outcomes in humans, and may...
Reason why farm kids develop fewer New York City Has 5 Babies Born With
allergies explained Zika-Related Brain Issue
Scientists have discovered why growing up on a Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
farm might protect children from developing
allergies. Using studies in both...
Speed data for the brains navigation Can bird feeders do more harm than
system good?
Similar neural pathways exist in humans. They are Many bird lovers put out feeders full of seed for their
known to be damaged by Alzheimers disease a feathered friendsbut those feeders may also
possible explanation... attract predators...
Foraging differences let closely related Migrating birds pile up along Great
seabirds coexist Lakes shores
How do seabirds share habitat when food is Birds prefer to migrate at nightso much so that if
limited? In the case of frigatebirds, size differences day breaks while theyre over water, theyll turn
drive them to seek different... back...
Heart disease protein linked to brain Imaging links structural brain changes
damage and cognitive decline in Parkinsons
OAK BROOK, Ill. Levels of a protein in the blood OAK BROOK, Ill. People with Parkinsons
associated with heart disease are also linked to disease and cognitive impairment have disruptions
early-stage brain... in their brain...
Perceived long-term job insecurity puts New study identifies possible predictor
converted by W
pressure on older workers for womens longevity
ANN ARBOR The long-term threat of getting a pink CLEVELAND, Ohio (December 7, 2016)Death and
slip is giving some older workers the blues. taxes have long been said to be the only two things
Employees believing... guaranteed in life....
This Is ALL the Gear You Need to Considering Plastic Surgery? Ask
Survive Winter Sports Season Yourself These 7 Questions Before
1. The Snow Pants Water-resistant nylon on the Going Under the Knife
outside. Body-warming fleece on the inside. Happy 1. When was your last growth spurt? It doesnt
bods all around. Buy it: Adidas... make sense to perform elective surgery on a body
thats still growing...
Exactly How Much Protein You Should Solving a liver receptor puzzle
Eat if Youre Trying to Lose Weight A mechanism by which stress hormones inhibit the
The USDA will tell you that the average woman immune system, which appeared to be relatively
should get at least 46 grams a day. But thats a new in evolution, may actually...
minimum (as in, enough...
Moderate exercise can curb oxidative Heart-broken mother has a life-like doll
stress that damages sperm to resemble her dead son
One in seven couples in Britain have trouble When Betty Badings son Greg was diagnosed with
conceiving Exercise can be a cheaper alternative cancer, she was heartbroken. Greg, 39, had
to IVF cycles Moderate... hodgkins lymphoma,...
Health experts say alcohol-fuelled Hospital trolley waits show sharp rise
events should be replaced with other More than one in 10 patients in England faces long
activities delays for a bed when they are rushed to hospital
Experts say alcohol in the workplace can cause in an emergency, after...
lost productivity Up to 200,000 Britons turn up to
work with a hangover...
Resistance band exercise aids nursing Potentially unsafe med scripts up for
home residents dual users with dementia
Recently, researchers compared the effects of tai As the U.S. races to legalize marijuana for
chi to leg strengthening exercises (a physical medicinal and recreational use, a new, large scale
therapy called lower... brain imaging study gives...
Study: Elders who use tech tools feel Colonic diverticular disease may
less lonely, more physically fit increase dementia risk
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Forget bingo and As the U.S. races to legalize marijuana for
shuffleboard. Use of computers and cellphones... medicinal and recreational use, a new, large scale
brain imaging study gives...
converted by W
GOP Vows Obamacare Repeal To Start Game theory can help protect against
2017. Dems Dare Them. terrorist attacks
Republican leaders say they can craft and enact a A new article explains how game theory and
coverage scheme superior to Obamacare, but algorithms are being used to optimize security and
theyve yet to agree on a... patrol schedules to prevent...
Body composition may affect older Work-life laws privilege brothel and
womens risk of urinary incontinence community interests
In a study of older women, the prevalence of London, UK (December 07, 2016). Work-life laws
stress- and urgency urinary incontinence (SUI and and policies are put in place primarily to protect
UUI) was at least two-fold... workers. However, for legal...
Scientists learn more about how motors Assassins on the rise: A new species
maneuver our cells roadways and a new tribe of endemic South
AUGUSTA, Ga. (Dec. 6, 2016) Much like motors African robber flies
power our cars, they also ensure that proteins get Discovery of a new species of assassin flies led to
to the right place... the redescription of its genus. This group of
curious predatory flies...
Ban on triclosan shows need for new Iowa State scientist uses clam shells to
chemicals to demonstrate efficacy and help build 1,000-year record of ocean
safety climate
BOSTON (Dec, 6, 2016)A new commentary from AMES, Iowa Alan Wanamaker, working as a
Patrick McNamara and Stuart Levy cautions that the postdoctoral researcher from 2007 to 2009, was
Food and Drug Administrations... charged with beginning to...
Leukaemia patients could safely reduce Church and spirituality could help in
side effects of drug by cutting dose in treating mothers of color with PPD
half, study shows symptoms
Patients with a chronic type of leukaemia could Churches and other faith-based communities are
safely reduce the side effects of life-long treatment an untapped resource that health-care providers
by cutting their dose... should consider when suggesting...
converted by W
Emory Health Sciences Endometrial microbiota (bacteria in the uterine
cavity) play an important role in determining
whether women are able to get...
New UTMB study sheds light on how Study shows how speed information
Ebola effectively disables immune reaches the brains navigation center
system DZNE German Center for Neurodegenerative
A new study at The University of Texas Medical Diseases
Branch in Galveston sheds light on how Ebola so
effectively disables the human...
Study suggests you should leave your IUDS, implants may be best birth control
pubic hair alone for women with diabetes
People who groom their public hair regularly are The two most effective hormonal birth control
more likely to have a sexually transmitted infection, methods for women in general are also excellent
say researchers in... options for women with diabetes,...
Sleeping for less than five hours Are depression pills driving patients to
creates similar chance of accident as commit suicide?
drink-driving The voice on the phone is shaking with emotion as
Report from the American Automobile Association the woman tells me that her 64-year-old mother
Foundation Findings from research into 4,571 has been missing for over...
serious crashes involving 7,234...
MPs could review 24-hour drinking laws Do YOU suffer from night sweats? Dont
after A&E staff forced to hire security blame the menopause just yet
guards The GP told Wendy Leigh that the cause of her
Police officers and nurses groped, doctor kicked in constant heavy night sweats was obvious. As a
the face, an inquiry heard Round-the-clock drinking woman in her mid-40s, she was...
put intolerable...
Axsis robot uses flexible arms just Life-saving facts all women should
1.8mm wide to perform surgery on your know about estrogens (but probably
EYE dont)
A robot equipped with tiny, tentacle-like instruments One of every eight women in the United States will
could soon be used to perform surgery on human develop invasive breast cancer over her lifetime.
eyes. It may sound like... Eighty percent of...
Tacoma mother shares agonizing grief Conjoined twins Eva and Erika
to urge other families to get vaccinated Sandoval start surgery with 30% risk of
Tragic: Scarlett Anne Taylor, of Tacoma, WA, was death
five years old when she died two days after A set of conjoined twins are undergoing one of the
contracting the... riskiest separations surgeries ever performed.
Two-year-olds Eva and...
Protesters Fear Trump Could Reverse To Help The Poorest Of The Poor, First
Dakota Access Pipeline Decision You Have To Find Them
A decision by the Army Corps of Engineers on A nighttime satellite image offers some information
Sunday put a halt on the construction of the oil about pockets of poverty thats where...
pipeline at the Standing Rock...
Superbug gene spotted on U.S. pig Yukon govt routinely demands to see
farm patients private medical records,
Scientists have identified a troubling new type of doctors say
antibiotic resistance among U.S. farm animals. A Whitehorse psychiatrist is raising concerns about
The drugs at issue are... patient confidentiality in Yukon, saying the territorial
converted by W
of spinal injuries to perform... potent than fentanyl, is now linked to 15 deaths in
Alberta and is...
Key drugs should be free for all Reluctantly casting doubt on life-
Canadians who need them, says saving stoves
citizens panel A huge clinical trial in Malawi was expected to show
Canada needs a comprehensive system of that children are healthier if they live in a home
universal drug coverage to eliminate variations where food is cooked...
between the provinces and territories,...
School shootings less likely in states Two-year study finds no evidence that
with background checks on gun cleaner cookstoves reduces
purchases pneumonia in children
School shootings are less likely in US states with Inexpensive, locally-produced ceramic cookstoves
mandatory background checks on gun and may produce less smoke than traditional indoor 3-
ammunition purchases, and with... stone firepits, but they...
US public largely unaware that cigarette Study finds new treatment for spinal
smoke much more harmful than muscular atrophy safe for infants
additives Infants as young as five weeks old with the most
Cigarette smoke damages DNA within minutes severe form of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) a
after inhalation. Credit: iStock The US public... leading genetic...
A Handful of Nuts Is Good for Your The Amazing Way This NFL Team Just
Health Stepped Up For Mental Health
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here He hopes the shoes free our world from the
stigma that handcuffs us from helping those
suffering, he wrote on Instagram. An...
The FDA Wants To Know How Much This Black Friday REI Gave Their
Nutella YOU Eat Employees The Day Off To Spend The
Interestingly, research on consumer perceptions of Day Outdoors. Heres Why I Did The
larger federal serving sizes is mixed. On the one Same.
hand, if consumers see... Rather than packing its stores full of bargain
hunters, REI said no to its staff working on Black
Friday; no to them missing...
Why Ill Keep Paying Employees To Take 17 Stress-Relief Gifts For Busy Moms
Vacation Not aromatherapy, aCHRomathery. I guess thats
Back in 2013, I learned that only 19 percent of my where you stare at a color and it helps improve your
staff had taken all their earned vacation that year. mood? Seriously, though,...
Ironically, at the...
The One Thing Trump Cant Possibly Even When Youre Awake, Parts Of
Make Any Worse For Those Over 50 Your Brain Fall In And Out Of Sleep
While most mid-lifers hands have been wringing Being awake doesnt mean that your brain is fully
about what menacing changes President-elect woken up. Small clusters of neurons constantly
Donald Trump has in store for... cycle between being...
Sorry, Weed Probably Wont Help You C-sections may give rise to
Sleep evolutionary changes
converted by W
If you thought weed was helping you chill out, you Why is it so difficult and painful for human females
might want to listen up. New research suggests it to give birth? Researchers have developed a new
might actually have... theory: Evolution favored...
New material could lead to erasable and Three rule-of-law issues threaten
rewriteable optical chips Mexicos energy reform
A military drone flying on a reconnaissance HOUSTON (Dec. 6, 2016) Three major issues
mission is captured behind enemy lines, setting with Mexicos weak rule of law threaten to foil the
into motion a team of engineers... successful...
Illinois researchers discover hot California EPA says settled with Apple
hydrogen atoms in Earths upper on hazardous waste claims
atmosphere By Stephen Nellis (Reuters) The California
A team of University of Illinois researchers has Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday said
discovered the existence of hot atomic hydrogen Apple Inc agreed to pay...
(H) atoms in an upper...
Skin-to-skin contact after birth good for Environment group takes De Beers
mom and baby Canada to court over mercury
By Andrew M. Seaman Skin-to-skin contact By Nicole Mordant (Reuters) An environmental
between mothers and newborns immediately after group said on Tuesday it filed a lawsuit against De
birth can be used to promote breastfeeding... Beers Canada, accusing...
U.S. insurer lobby group seeks delay in Lack of access to medicine in Latin
2018 Obamacare deadline America taken to rights body
By Caroline Humer NEW YORK (Reuters) The Panama City (AFP) Complaints over lack of
largest lobbying group for health insurers has access to medicine in Latin America were brought
asked U.S. lawmakers weighing... before the Inter-American...
UTMB researchers find how Ebola Researchers find new biomarker for
converted by W
disables the immune system brain cancer prognosis
GALVESTON, Texas A new study at The DALLAS Dec. 6, 2016 Researchers at UT
University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston Southwestern Medical Center have found a new
sheds light on how Ebola so... biomarker for glioma,...
Study reveals more individuals may New survey shows only half of people
have masked hypertension than plan to get flu shots this year
thought People across the country grapple with the
The reverse of white coat hypertension (higher decision of whether to get a flu shot every year, with
blood pressure readings at the doctors office than many opting not to vaccinate...
Menopause tied to faster decline in Dr. Manny: Little boys death can teach
womens lung function us a lot about food allergies
Age-related decline in womens lung function may When I read about 11-year-old Oakley Debbs
speed up during and after menopause, a recent tragic peanut allergy death, and the horror that his
study suggests. Past... family has had to endure...
Costs vary for moisturizers used to Boys death after unknowingly eating
ease eczema in babies nut in cake leads family to start
Without good information on how well different foundation
nonprescription skin creams work for infant A Florida family is raising awareness of the
eczema, parents may want to... potentially life-threatening symptoms of food
allergies following the sudden...
Historians seek reparations for One drink a day may not always keep
Californians forcibly sterilized the doctor away
Hundreds of Californians who were forcibly Its called holiday heart because it happens to
sterilized based on eugenics laws in the last binge drinkers who feel a flutter or irregular
century might still be alive and... heartbeat...
Dr. Manny: Little boys death can teach Philip Morris seeks US approval to
us a lot about food allergies market alternative cigarette
When I read about 11-year-old Oakley Debbs Philip Morris International Inc filed a much-awaited
tragic peanut allergy death, and the horror that his U.S. application to market a new type of cigarette
family has had to endure... that heats rather...
converted by W
Metabolic pathway that shows potential Knauer RID can efficiently detect
to slow aging may drive brain cancer weakly absorbed compounds
While a particular metabolic pathway shows An AZoNetwork Site ...
potential to slow down the aging process, new
research indicates a downside: That...
Steroid jabs in the ear could reduce Patients who wouldnt be here for
dizziness but without side-effects Christmas without the DONORS that
Steroid jabs in the ear could help reduce severe saved them
dizziness, but without the side-effects of existing The decision to donate a loved ones organs in the
treatments. The jabs,... midst of mourning their loss may not be easy. But
Dr Martin Scurr says dieting is essential Bringing back the 1930s method of
for overweight patients for health inducing childbirth could cut labour
I have type 2 diabetes, weigh 20st and have an time by 4 HOURS
infected leg. As well as exercising, I want to go on The Foley catheter was invented nearly 8 decades
a semi fast diet... ago by an American surgeon Research has found
using it with misoprostol...
Are you brave enough to try VAMPIRE Mumps outbreaks hit 10-year high with
therapy? more than triple the cases recorded in
Whether its dealing with acne scars, sorting out 2015
dodgy knees or improving results in dentistry, Mumps outbreaks have hit a 10-year high in the
theres now... United States, data show. This year has seen
significant outbreaks of the...
Children more likely to use cannabis if Professor Lesley Regan says women
their mother smoked while pregnant should be encouraged to lose weight
Children are more likely to use cannabis if their before pregnancy
mother smoked while pregnant Tobacco causes Professor Lesley Regan said women think a layer
epigenetic changes in the... of fat will protect their baby She is the Royal
College of Obstetricians...
Lady Gaga Says She Suffers from PTSD I Walked Up the Stairs Every Single Day
After Being Raped for a MonthHeres What Happened
RELATED: 9 Celebrities Whove Spoken Openly The short answer is, Kind of, and the long one is
About Being Sexually Assaulted She elaborated on this: While being in a city with reliable-ish public
her comments on Today.... transit...
converted by W
coronary artery disease the BBCs World Have Your Say he thinks the
Received: 2 September 2016 Accepted: doctors strike...
29 November 2016 Published: 6 December 2016
How should patients be monitored for Hispanic adults with diabetes could
prostate cancer after a negative benefit from peer support
biopsy? interventions
If, when, and how men with negative biopsies for Diabetes is a global health problem that
prostate cancer should continue to be monitored disproportionally affects individuals of ethnic and
are questions facing patients... racial minorities. Minorities...
Risk for misuse of opioids and Uterine microbiota play a key role in
stimulants: What does employment implantation and pregnancy success in
status have to do with it? in vitro fertilization
Researchers at Columbia Universitys Mailman Endometrial microbiota (bacteria in the uterine
School of Public Health found that employment cavity) play an important role in determining
status is a factor in nonmedical... whether women are able to...
Scientists discover a molecular trigger Want to give a good gift? Think past the
of fat-cell browning program big reveal
Adipose tissue, with fat droplets in green and blood If a partners past transgression feels like it
vessels in red. Credit: The laboratory of... happened yesterday, even if it didnt, you are more
likely to...
Childrens Headphones May Carry Risk Many Doctors Are As Confused As You
of Hearing Loss Are About Food Allergies
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Food allergies are a serious matter that typically
require a physicians diagnosis. But a new report is
now pointing to...
How Can Wearable Technology Improve Health apps often miss real medical
Cancer Treatment? emergencies
Current cancer treatment is based on episodic Dont count on smartphone health apps to help
encounters. Even during chemotherapy, patients when youre having a serious medical emergency,
generally see their physician... warn the authors of a new...
Bikini waxing linked to higher STD rates Normal blood pressure test may be
Brazilian bikini waxing and similar forms of misleading
personal grooming may heighten the risk of Its commonly believed that anxiety in the doctors
acquiring a sexually transmitted... office causes patients blood pressure to rise. But
for some people,...
converted by W
U.S. doctors still overprescribing drugs Predicting unpredictability: Information
Despite evidence that certain drugs arent always theory offers new way to read ice cores
necessary, doctors are still prescribing these At two miles long and five inches in diameter, the
treatments, a new survey... West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS) ice core is a
tangible record of...
Senate leader pushes for extension of Philip Morris seeks U.S. approval to
coal miner healthcare market alternative cigarette
WASHINGTON (Reuters) U.S. Senate Majority (Reuters) Philip Morris International Inc PM.N
Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said he is filed a much-awaited U.S. application to market a
pushing to extend expiring... new type of cigarette...
Twin Girls Joined at the Chest to Be Cuba, U.S. to discuss detente in wake
Separated in 18-Hour Surgery Today of Trump election
A pair of twin girls conjoined at the chest and HAVANA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) Cuba and the
abdomen will undergo a lengthy surgery to finally United States will draw up a roadmap for
be separated. Erika... deepening their detente, the Cuban...
In Dementia, Care from Multiple Health Lady Gaga Admits Struggle with PTSD
Systems Poses Drug Safety Risks Lady Gaga has revealed that she suffers from post-
Dementia patients who get prescriptions from traumatic stress disorder stemming from her rape
multiple health systems may face a higher risk of at the age of 19. The...
drug mix-ups or unsafe interactions...
converted by W
Study Overeat
AstraZenecas pill Tagrisso cut the risk of lung Holiday gatherings may prompt you to overeat,
cancer progressing by 70 percent compared to especially if youre a man. A study from Cornell
standard chemotherapy... Food and Brand Lab found...
Global habitat loss still rampant across What makes a neuron a neuron?
much of the Earth RIVERSIDE, Calif. It remains unclear to scientists
NEW YORK (December 6, 2016) As 196 why almost every RNA-binding protein has a
signatory nations of the Convention of Biological sibling or...
Diversity (CBD) meet this week...
Fentanyl fear drives police to push for Slain Toronto doctor called a shining
greater power to search mail star by hospital director
With a deadly punch packed in a dose the size of a Slain Toronto physician Elana Fric-Shamji was a
grain of sand, fentanyl is both lethal for its users shining star on track for a leadership role in the
and irresistible... medical...
Yukons health billing dept demands to Herbal tea error leads to ER visit
see patients medical records, doctors A woman in England was rushed to an emergency
say room with life-threatening symptoms after she
A Whitehorse psychiatrist is raising concerns about mistakenly used the leaves of...
patient confidentiality in Yukon, saying the territorial
Here are the states with the lowest and Lack of sun in teen years linked to
highest diabetes rates nearsightedness later on
Diabetes is on the rise in the United States, and a Teens and young adults who spend more time
new poll looks at where the disease is most and outdoors may be less likely to become nearsighted
least common. In the... later in life than those who...
Danish doctors: If hes under 18, dont Boys death after unknowingly eating
circumcise nuts in cake leads family to start
To be circumcised should be an informed, foundation
personal choice, or so thinks the Danish Medical A Florida family is raising awareness of the
Association, which... potentially life-threatening symptoms of food
converted by W
allergies following the sudden...
Study suggests you should leave your Mother sues over baby mix-up at
pubic hair alone Minneapolis hospital
People who groom their public hair regularly are A Minnesota woman filed a lawsuit against a health
more likely to have a sexually transmitted infection, care provider after her newborn was mistakenly
say researchers in... given to another mother at...
IUDS, implants may be best birth control One drink a day may not always keep
for women with diabetes the doctor away
(Reuters Health) The two most effective (Reuters Health) Its called holiday heart
hormonal birth control methods for women in because it happens to binge drinkers who feel a
general are also excellent... flutter or...
Dad fundraises for cancer drug to keep Man fulfills promise to hike all 50 US
wife alive for Christmas states with disabled daughter before
Nina Cusick was diagnosed with bowel cancer in age 18
February 2015. At the time, she was pregnant and The Friday before Thanksgiving, Chris Kain and his
gave birth to her son six... family watched the sun set on a beach in Oahu,
Hawaii, and 12 hours later,...
Boys death after unknowingly eating Mother sues over baby mix-up at
nuts in cake leads family to start Minneapolis hospital
foundation A Minnesota woman filed a lawsuit against a health
A Florida family is raising awareness of the care provider after her newborn was mistakenly
potentially life-threatening symptoms of food given to another mother at...
allergies following the sudden...
Make sure that funny turn does not Women prefer a BIGGER penis for a
become a STROKE one-night-stand than for a long-term
Dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms many relationship
people might shrug off as a funny turn but they Dr Nicole Prause and her team devised 100
can also... possible erect penis dimensions They then 3D-
printed 33 options in blue rubber,...
converted by W
Natural vs Caesarean Bucket list student Matt Greenwood
The number of babies born by Caesarean section overwhelmed by support
has affected human evolution, a study has A 21-year-old bone cancer patient says hes been
suggested. The study suggests C-sections... overwhelmed by the support of friends whove
raised more than...
Scottish primary schools should weigh Rochdale woman, 102, has life-saving
pupils cancer surgery
Scotland should follow Englands lead and A great-grandmother has had life-saving cancer
routinely weigh pupils while they are at primary surgery at the age of 102, and without a general
school, a cancer charity... anaesthetic. Adelaide...
First multicenter trial; CAR T-cell Higher death rates associated with
immunotherapy effective for lymphoma routine handoffs of hospital patients
A late-breaking abstract being presented today Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz
during the 58th American Society of Hematology Medical Campus have found higher mortality rates
(ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition... among hospitalized patients...
Study finds high rate of depression, South African court rules against right-
suicidal ideation among medical to-die
students South Africas Supreme Court of Appeal on
A review and analysis of nearly 200 studies Tuesday overturned a ruling that granted a man the
involving 129,000 medical students in 47 countries right to medically-assisted...
found that the prevalence...
The Brain Difference That Allows Are Fresh Or Frozen Vegetables Best
People With Autism To Pick Up Tiny For Winter Stew?
Details The Question: Now that its getting cold, Im making
Many children with autism have an incredible ability more soups and stews for dinner. Is it healthier to
to pick up on minute details within their use fresh or...
converted by W
environment, such as being...
Few hours less sleep could increase Missing just a couple of hours of sleep
drivers crash risk doubles car crash risk
December 6, 2016, 7:44 AM| New research shows You may think you can get by OK in a busy week on
how deadly it can be to drive when youre... just a few hours of sleep and big cups of coffee, but
a new report sheds...
Unique strain of lactic acid bacteria in Direct link between REM sleep loss and
Buryat milk is found the desire for sugary and fatty foods
Scientists from the Microbiology Department of the discovered
Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow State It is not well understood what role sleep loss plays
University have discovered... in affecting areas of the brain that control the desire
to consume...
Lady Gaga reveals battle with post- Millions of West Africans to benefit
traumatic stress disorder from ban on toxic fuel imports
Pop icon Lady Gaga has revealed an ongoing DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Five
battle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), West African countries have agreed to stop
part of the emotional fallout... importing toxic fuels from Europe...
By royal command, British waxworks get Emaciated Yemeni woman now smiles
Christmas makeover but recovery patchy
LONDON (Reuters) The waxwork figures of The By Mohammed Ghobari SANAA (Reuters) Images
Queen and her family were festively decorated with of 18-year-old Saida Ahmad Baghilis emaciated
kitsch Christmas jumpers... body shocked the...
converted by W
East Asian dust deposition impacts on What happens in the cell nucleus after
marine biological productivity fertilization
Dust storms have important climatic and A team of scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum
environmental effect. Particularly, dust containing Mnchen shows changes in the immediate
nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus,... environment of DNA after the ovum...
Protein that promotes cell-suicide The balancing act: An enzyme that links
could revolutionize eye cancer endocytosis to membrane recycling
treatment All cells have surface membranes, and this
New research from the University of Liverpool has membrane is especially important in the light-
identified the role of a specific protein in the human sensitive cells of the eyes in your...
body that can help...
Postnova AF2000 system to assist UCL Global experts meet at IASLC 17th
in developing novel nanoscale World Conference on Lung Cancer in
vehicles for drug delivery Vienna World Experts Convene in Vienna, Austria at the
International Association for the Study of Lung
Cancer 17th World Conference...
New study links urbanization, DDTs Researchers find strong link between
slow decay to increase in mosquito angiotensin receptor autoantibodies
populations and increased risk of frailty
Mosquito populations have increased as much as Results of a new study led by Johns Hopkins
ten-fold over the past five decades in New York, researchers offer new evidence for a strong link
New Jersey, and California,... between angiotensin receptor...
converted by W
This paper reports the cross-cultural adaptation
and validation of the French version of the EPIC
HRQoL questionnaire specific...
How drinking too much water put 1 France raises risk level on bird flu to
womans life in danger high
For women who have heard that drinking plenty of PARIS France raised to high the risk level
water can help prevent or treat a urinary tract across the country after the detection of several
infection , you may want... cases of...
Texas Lowes hires disabled veteran Global prescription drug spend seen at
and his service dog $1.5T in 2021: report
A Lowes in Texas is warming hearts across the Global spending on prescription medicines will
nation with its decision to hire its latest two reach nearly $1.5 trillion by 2021, although the
employees: a disabled veteran... annual rate of growth will...
Dad fundraises for cancer drug to keep EU bans Ukraine poultry imports due to
wife alive for Christmas avian flu outbreak
Nina Cusick was diagnosed with bowel cancer in KIEV The European Union (EU) has banned poultry
February 2015. At the time, she was pregnant and imports from Ukraine due to concerns over avian
gave birth to her son six... flu, Ukraines food...
Egypt busts organ trading racket, Serbia confirms first case of H5N8 bird
arrests 45 people flu
CAIRO Egypt has uncovered a network accused of BELGRADE Serbia reported its first case of bird flu
illicit international trafficking in human organs, on Tuesday, saying that six swans found dead in
arresting 45 people... northern Serbia were...
AstraZeneca pill slashes lung cancer France raises risk level on bird flu to
progression in study high
LONDON AstraZenecas pill Tagrisso cut the risk PARIS France raised to high the risk level
of lung cancer progressing by 70 percent across the country after the detection of several
compared to standard... cases of...
converted by W
Global prescription drug spend seen at Texas Lowes hires disabled veteran
$1.5T in 2021: report and his service dog
Global spending on prescription medicines will A Lowes in Texas is warming hearts across the
reach nearly $1.5 trillion by 2021, although the nation with its decision to hire its latest two
annual rate of growth will... employees: a disabled veteran...
Michael Oko gives their verdict on The unusual implant procedure that
modern sleeping aids lowers the risk of paralysis after
Cant sleep? Join the unhappy club: according to surgery
the NHS, one in three people in the UK has trouble For patients with back pain linked to damaged
sleeping and... discs, there may be a new surgical option. Jamil
Hussain, 40, an IT consultant...
Girl who has never been able to walk Girl is the only person in the world with
due to mystery illness takes her first defect that sees her grow
steps uncontrollably
Savannah West has baffled doctors as they are Jessica Ruston spent the first 8 months of her life
unsure what she suffers from She has been having medical appointments A test finally
diagnosed with epilepsy but it doesnt... confirmed that she had the...
Real Parents, Real Talk About Kids And Neuroimaging categorizes four
Screens depression subtypes
We live in a world of screens. And in this digital age Credit: CC0 Public Domain Patients with
with so many devices and distraction its... depression can be categorized into four unique
How Loud Are Your Headphones? Feature: Life in Obamacares Dead Zone
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Visual biases near the hands help us Genetic memory of starvation may
converted by W
perform specific actions curtail lifespan of men
Using your hands to perform tasks in specific ways New Tel Aviv University research suggests that
can change the way you see things near your periods of fasting or starvation may significantly
hands, according to new research... shorten the lifespans of...
Age of worlds worshipers could shape Ultrathin protective layer brings quite a
global issues bit more stability to perovskite solar
NEW YORK (December 5, 2016)The relative cell
portion of older adherents to the worlds religions The addition of a few nanometers of a thin layer of
will shift in the... aluminum oxide protects a perovskite solar cell
against humidity ...
Researchers stress the need for TSA could save money by waiving
research on Ebola virus disease in PreCheck fees for frequent travelers,
great apes study finds
Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a threat to human CHAMPAIGN, Ill. There is an easy way to reduce
health, but it also threatens the survival of African lines at the airport, increase security and save the
great apes. A new review... Transportation...
Moffitt Cancer Center study shows New application of existing drug offers
promising clinical activity personalized therapy for lung cancer
TAMPA, Fla. (Dec. 5, 2016) Immune cellular A subset of lung tumours is exquisitely sensitive to
therapy is a promising new area of cancer a class of recently approved anti-cancer drugs.
treatment. Anti-cancer therapeutics,... Researchers at the...
Brain blocks new memory formation on Do You Need to Eat MORE to Lose
waking to safeguard consolidation of Weight?
existing memories Sound familiar? It should. Its exactly why The
Throughout our waking lives we are exposed to a Biggest Loser study, which assessed the weights
continuous stream of stimuli and experiences. of 14 people...
Some of these experiences trigger...
7 Dudes Share What It Feels Like to Could This One Habit Quadruple Your
Perform Oral Sex on a Woman Risk for Getting an STD?
Ever wonder (or worry) what other feels guys have After the results rolled in, scientists placed people
when they take a trip down south? I asked several into four categories: extreme groomers, who
men for their input: Its... removed all of their...
The real health benefits of apple cider This is the dirtiest thing in your kitchen
vinegar The dirtiest item in your house isnt the trash can or
Apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all the toilet seat or the floor its the sponge in your
for decades. Ive seen claims that it can do kitchen...
everything from halt hiccups...
AstraZeneca pill slashes lung cancer All of France placed on high risk
progression in study restrictions over bird flu
LONDON AstraZenecas pill Tagrisso cut the risk of PARIS France widened high risk restrictions to
lung cancer progressing by 70 percent compared the entire country after the detection of several
to standard chemotherapy... cases of...
converted by W
afterwards, research has...
Diet pills that claim to trigger natural DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Faith can
weight loss have alarming side-effects help when medicine fails
There are still times when religion fills the gap
NHS says only Orlistat, has been proven to help where medicine has failed While we like to think
people lose weight No evidence that the many medicine...
other ingredients in diet pills...
Why just 1 glass of wine a day could Christmas dinner contains the same
KILL you number of calories as 12 Big Macs
Data from more than 900,000 people suggests Average Brit will eat 5,906 calories just on
regular drinking is deadly This was defined as Christmas Day, says new research Its the
about 340ml of 5% strength beer... equivalent of 22 6 turkey...
Immunoglobulin free light chains in Global priorities for research and the
adult atopic dermatitis patients do not relative importance of different
correlate with disease severity research outcomes: an international
This study shows that there are no differences Delphi survey of malaria research
between kappa Ig-FLC levels in adult AD patients experts
and non-atopic controls.... Methods On the basis of the response rate and
comments, the Delphi method and the online
survey approach were generally...
converted by W
Can You Get Too Much Protein? Separation Anxiety: Why It Happens And
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here How To Support Your Child
For many children separation anxiety comes out
with back to school because the experience of
heading into a classroom is...
Missing 1-2 hours of sleep doubles New link discovered between class of
crash risk rogue autoantibodies and poor health
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 6, 2016)- Drivers who outcomes
miss between one to two hours of the Results of a new study led by Johns Hopkins
recommended seven hours of sleep in a 24-hour... researchers offer new evidence for a strong link
between angiotensin receptor...
Senior British minister seeks to calm South Korea expands poultry cull to
China concerns on Brexit fight bird flu
SHANGHAI (Reuters) A senior British cabinet SEOUL (Reuters) South Korea plans to cull more
minister sought on Tuesday to assuage concerns chickens and ducks as it tries to contain an
in China about market... outbreak of bird flu,...
Watch the Total-Body Convulsions This Drivers Beware: Crash Rate Spikes With
Woman Suffers from as a Result of Her Every Hour Of Lost Sleep
Lyme Disease If you havent had at least seven hours of sleep in
According to Niket Sonpal, M.D., assistant clinical the last 24, you probably shouldnt...
professor at Touro School of Osteopathic Medicine
in New York City,...
converted by W
urges Global spending on prescription medicines will
Canada needs a comprehensive system of reach nearly $1.5 trillion by 2021, although the
universal drug coverage to eliminate variations annual rate of growth...
between the provinces and territories,...
Food made with love really is more Experts draw up list of 37 viruses most
delicious claims Birds Eye likely to trigger major epidemics
Two groups of people were given an identical By Press Association Published: 12:53 EST, 5
Christmas dinner to eat One group was told their December 2016 | Updated: 16:06 EST, 5
meal had been lovingly made... December 2016 ...
Are you brave enough to try VAMPIRE New York man severely burned when
therapy? We reveal the latest ways to his e-cigarette exploded in his pocket
treat everything from arthritis to scars A New York man who suffered third-degree burns
and hair loss using your own blood after an e-cigarette exploded several times in his
Whether its dealing with acne scars, sorting out pocket has now been released...
dodgy knees or improving results in dentistry,
theres now...
Pubic hair grooming STI risk linked to Caesarean sections affect human
skin tears evolution
Women and men who regularly trim or remove all The regular use of Caesarean sections is having
their pubic hair run a greater risk of sexually an impact on human evolution, say scientists. More
transmitted infections (STIs)... mothers now need surgery...
Few older Americans have dental New study to investigate role of sleep
insurance in chronic pain
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Only 12 percent of older Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain Washington
Americans have some form of dental insurance... State University will lead a study to...
The Fight Against The Tampon Tax Gets Watch Joe Bidens Emotional Return To
New Life In California The Senate
A California lawmaker is attempting again to repeal As president of the Senate, Biden presided over the
the states sales tax on menstrual products after vote on the 21st Century Cures Act, a massive bill
Gov. Jerry Brown... that will increase...
Put a Little Love in Your Heart Simple steps lengthen lives of high-risk
Less Cancer has been at the forefront of informing AML patients
people on everything from lifestyle to the PORTLAND, OR New research shows that
converted by W
environmental risks associated... quickly identifying patients with high-risk acute
myeloid leukemia (AML), and...
Frank Wilczek hosts first workshop on Safer, less vulnerable software is the
axions as professor at Stockholm goal of new NIST computer publication
University We can create software with 100 times fewer
Stockholm University and NORDITA host this week vulnerabilities than we do today, according to
an international workshop on axions and dark computer scientists at the National...
matter. Axions are hypothetical...
Snow data from satellites improves Audi extends job guarantees for
temperature predictions, UT German staff to 2020
researchers show BERLIN (Reuters) Audi has ruled out forced
Researchers with The University of Texas at Austin redundancies in Germany before 2020, its labor
have found that incorporating snow data collected boss said on Monday, extending...
from space into computer...
Chilean start-up that uses AI to reinvent U.S. patent agency to weigh rival claims
food eyes U.S. deals on gene-editing technology
By Rosalba OBrien SANTIAGO (Reuters) A By Brendan Pierson (Reuters) The U.S. patent
Chilean start-up that has built artificial intelligence agency on Tuesday will hear arguments in a
software to... heated dispute over who was...
Texas releases abortion booklet citing UN says dairy a potential ally in Asia
refuted cancer links nutrition challenges
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) A Texas state agency has BANGKOK (AP) An apple a day kept the doctor
released a new edition of a booklet for women away but now in Asia, a cup of milk might do the
considering an abortion that... trick. Milk and other...
converted by W
new eggs, study suggests world-first dental vaccine
Women treated with a common chemotherapy drug University of Melbourne
combination have more young eggs in their ovaries
afterwards, research has...
Cost effective moisturizers could help Parenting education benefits all, mainly
prevent eczema in high-risk newborns families from underserved populations
What if it was possible to prevent your child from Parenting education can improve the skills of every
getting eczema a costly, inflammatory skin mom and dad and the behavior of all children, and
disorder just... it particularly benefits...
Brains of people with autism share Should You Get Back Together with
similar pattern of abnormal gene Your Ex? Ask Yourself These 5
activity, UCLA study shows Questions to Find Out
Autism spectrum disorder is caused by a variety of Thinking of getting back with an ex? Here are some
factors, both genetic and environmental. But a new questions to ask yourself (as well as to discuss
study led by UCLA scientists... with your ex boo) before...
We are losing the battle against Can a steroid jab in the ear banish your
childhood obesity, CDC data show dizzy spells for good? New treatment
CDC chief Dr Tom Frieden admitted the US failed reduces symptoms without the risk of
to control childhood obesity Campaigns to control severe hearing loss
food poisoning and hospital... Steroid jabs in the ear could help reduce severe
dizziness, but without the side-effects of existing
treatments. The jabs,...
Women prefer a BIGGER penis for a Do YOU trim your pubic hair? Then
one-night-stand than for a long-term youre 80% more likely to have an STD
relationship, study reveals (but both US researchers polled 14,409 adults about their
a bigger than average) pubic hair grooming habits They found those who
Dr Nicole Prause and her team devised 100 have a Brazilian...
possible erect penis dimensions They then 3D-
printed 33 options in blue rubber,...
Make sure that funny turn does not Can the fasting diet reduce my weight
become a STROKE: Thousands who and ease my diabetes? Our expert
suffer dizziness and blurred vision are explains why dieting is essential for
denied the preventative treatment that overweight patients to protect their
converted by W
could save their lives future health
Dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms many I have type 2 diabetes, weigh 20st and have an
people might shrug off as a funny turn but they infected leg. As well as exercising, I want to go on
can also... a semi fast diet...
Scientists Battle In Court Over Standing Rock Leader Asks Those Who
Lucrative Patents For Gene-Editing Are Not Sioux To Leave Pipeline Protest
Tool Area
Emmanuelle Charpentier (left) and Jennifer On Sunday, protesters gather at their camp as
Doudna have a case for being the inventors of news breaks that the Army Corps of Engineers will
CRISPR-cas9,... not...
Opponents Celebrate Decision To Halt B.C. front line workers struggling with
Construction Of Dakota Access Pipeline emotional toll of the fentanyl crisis
Pipeline opponents are celebrating Sundays Harm reduction workers in the B.C. Interior say the
decision by the Army Corps of Engineers to not fentanyl crisis is taking a huge emotional toll on
approve a key part of the... them as they lose...
Researchers uncover the existence of A Canadian urgent clinic just for cancer
malaria 2,000 years ago during the patients
Roman Empire This year, more than 200,000 Canadians will be
A team of researchers at McMaster University diagnosed with cancer. Many end up at a hospital
has uncovered the existence of malaria 2,000 ER to deal with the side...
years ago at the height of the...
Trudeau agrees to talk health care with Clinicians should address needs of
premiers after Fridays climate meeting family caregivers of persons with
Canadas premiers will be invited to talk health dementia
care at a working dinner hosted by Prime Minister As the U.S. races to legalize marijuana for
Justin Trudeau Friday... medicinal and recreational use, a new, large scale
brain imaging study gives...
GOPs Health Reform Strategy Amounts GOP Leader Makes Dubious Claim That
To Repeal Without Replacement More People Will Have Health
The rather sketchy Republican plans put forth to Insurance Without Obamacare
date would not provide enough financial It would be unprecedented in health policy and in
converted by W
assistance to make coverage affordable,... health care markets to somehow cover more
people than the current system...
Why This Mom Is Certain Her C-Section Mom Gets Real About Ooey Gooey
Scar Makes Her A Badass Mama Mess Of Her Postpartum Body
Renteria wrote that many moms told her that I am beyond proud of what my body has endured
despite her fears she would be OK with her and accomplished in the last 10 years! Craig
decision, and they were right. On... wrote in the caption, noting...
Even occasional cigarette smoking can Superbug gene spotted on U.S. pig
be deadly farm
A new report offers bad news for social, or Scientists have identified a troubling new type of
occasional smokers: It doesnt take much smoking antibiotic resistance among U.S. farm animals.
to put you at a significantly... The drugs at issue are...
When permafrost melts, what happens Simple processing technique could cut
to all that stored carbon? cost of organic PV and wearable
The Arctics frozen ground contains large stores of electronics
organic carbon that have been locked in the A simple solution-based electrical doping
permafrost for thousands... technique could help reduce the cost of polymer
solar cells and organic electronic...
New LED display lights help improve Researchers study sea spray to
taste of milk, Virginia Tech researchers improve hurricane intensity forecasting
find MIAMI A University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel
New LED lights that are being installed in milk School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
display cases across the country do more than just research team is studying...
reduce energy bills...
New printone tool allows users to Patients who choose doctors with low
create 3-D printed wind instruments in office visit prices save hundreds of
any shape or form dollars per year
A research team from Autodesk and Dartmouth Patients who choose primary care doctors with low
College has developed a new interactive design office visit prices can rack up considerable savings
tool called Printone,... on overall health...
In dementia, care from multiple health Many smartphone health apps dont
converted by W
systems poses drug safety risks flag danger, says review
By Lisa Rapaport Dementia patients who get NEW YORK (AP) Dont count on smartphone
prescriptions from multiple health systems may health apps in an emergency: A review shows
face a higher risk of drug mix-ups... many dont warn when...
Ex-coup leader, DEA fugitive wins Sex, lice and pubic shaving: study
Haitian Senate seat highlights risks
By Makini Brice PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) A Paris (AFP) People who shave, wax, or trim their
former Haitian coup leader wanted by the U.S. Drug pubic hair are at higher risk of sexually-transmitted
Enforcement Administration... infections...
Indian man has nearly 12K stones Alerts remind people to stock up on
removed from gallbladder medications before storms
A 46-year-old Indian man who was suffering from Calls or texts from pharmacies before major
severe stomach pain for over two years had nearly storms help prompt people to stock up on their
12,000 stones removed from... medications, according to a...
Even with one cigarette a day, odds of Indian man has nearly 12K stones
early death are higher removed from gallbladder
Smokers who go through much less than a pack of A 46-year-old Indian man who was suffering from
cigarettes a day still have a higher risk of an early severe stomach pain for over two years had nearly
death than non-smokers,... 12,000 stones removed from...
Alerts remind people to stock up on Even with one cigarette a day, odds of
medications before storms early death are higher
Calls or texts from pharmacies before major Smokers who go through much less than a pack of
storms help prompt people to stock up on their cigarettes a day still have a higher risk of an early
medications, according to a new... death than non-smokers,...
converted by W
The Integra Mediajet provides perfect Pittcon announce speaker for Wallace H
preparation of petri dishes Coulter lecture An AZoNetwork Site ... An AZoNetwork Site ...
Project to help those living with HIV BUSM researchers discover role of
launched by Beckman Coulter hippocampus in future thinking
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences is launching an Boston University Medical Center
international HIV/AIDS award at the 2016
conference for the African Society...
A Christmas dinner contains the same Nutritionist reveals the cocktails with
number of calories as 12 Big Macs more calories than a doughnut
Average Brit will eat 5,906 calories just on Krispy Kreme doughnut contains 200 kcals three
Christmas Day, says new research Its the cocktails contain more Pina coladas, white
equivalent of 22 6 turkey... russians and Sex on...
Hacks to fight off a cold in MINUTES Soaring drug prices are making sex
include sipping black tea and nibbling impossible for older couples, doctors
Brazil nuts warn
Many people get struck with a cold as we head into Imagine not being able to afford one of lifes great
December Experts have shared cheap and simple pleasures sex. Thats true for many older
homemade recipes for fighting... couples, doctors...
Bringing back the 1930s method of Why just 1 glass of wine a day could
inducing childbirth could cut labour KILL you: Heart flutter risk greater for
time by 4 HOURS, study finds people for frequent drinkers
The Foley catheter was invented nearly 8 decades Data from more than 900,000 people suggests
ago by an American surgeon Research has found regular drinking is deadly This was defined as
using it with misoprostol... about 340ml of 5% strength beer...
Occasional smokers have 64% higher Stars from Selena Gomez to Adele on
risk of early death their battle with anxiety
Less than one cigarette a day still drives up risk of Anxiety is common among popstars too, proving
early death by 64% Heavy smokers risk of early they are not exempt from mental health problems.
death is not... Here are six speaking up about...
This Simple 4-Move Workout Will Get 3 Healthy Pasta Hacks Every Carb Lover
You Serious Results Should Know
You dont have to get fancy to get results. This four- Its not called Mediterranean cuisine just cause:
move workoutcomprised of lunges, pushups, Fresh seafood is as key to Italian pasta dishes...
squats, and planksis...
converted by W
The results reported here demonstrate that the Although in the last few years, the number of
synthesis of the poly(ethylene glycol) studies regarding the effectiveness of MIS in HV
bisphosphonate NPs is repeatable and... correction has increased [3537],...
New drug might reduce sickle cell pain Strategies IDd for integration of nurse
crises practitioners into ICUs
(HealthDay)An experimental drug may help Dr Jane OConnell, Australias first endorsed nurse
reduce episodes of pain associated with sickle cell practitioner specialising in emergency care, is
disease,... leading the...
New, more effective strategy for Take a Number: A New Low for Cigarette
producing flu vaccines Smoking
An influenza virus. Credit: Centers for Disease Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Control and Prevention A team of researchers...
Q&A: Achoo! Whats That About? The Checkup: Why Parents and Doctors
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Should Think About A.D.H.D. in
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Watch These Latinos Freak Out Over Natural Arthritis Remedies for Dogs
Whats In Colombian Hot Chocolate To treat arthritis-related inflammation, the first
If you thought there was only one way to make a formula contained curcumin, devils claw,
cup of hot cocoa, Colombian hot chocolate will blackcurrant, Indian...
blow your mind. A group of...
The Difference Between House Cats The Anti-Aging Treatments Pain Scale
and Wild Cats You Need To Know About
They also compared the cat genome with the Discomfort and beauty are always in tension, so
genome of other mammals, including a tiger, cow, we teach ourselves the algorithm of: Is it worth it?
dog, and human, to learn more... We learn the calculations...
converted by W
A Coalition Of Organizations Is Making It The 7 Best Sex Positions For Women,
Easier Than Ever To Get PrEP As Illustrated In Latte Art
A network of 51 different organizations across New If youre tired of the same old vanilla sex positions,
York launched a new initiative on World AIDS Day the latte art in the video above is sure to be a treat.
that aims to make it... In a genius...
Cant buy love? Sex drugs cost too Protecting babies from eczema with
much for some low-cost Vaseline
The Beatles hit Cant Buy Me Love had teens What if it was possible to prevent your child from
rocking out in the 1960s. Ironically, some of those getting eczema a costly, inflammatory skin
teens, now in their... disorder just...
Parenting classes benefit all, especially During last warming period, Antarctica
lower-income families heated up 2 to 3 times more than planet
CORVALLIS, Ore. Parenting education can average
improve the skills of every mom and dad and the Following Earths last ice age, which peaked
behavior of all children,... 20,000 years ago, the Antarctic warmed between
two and three times the...
Lack of appropriate clothing can hinder UMMS scientist designs lamp light
people with disabilities operative photodynamic molecules for
COLUMBIA, Mo. There are many important events tumor therapy
in a persons life, including weddings, graduations, WORCESTER: UMass Medical School scientist
school... Gang Han, PhD, and his team have designed a
new class of molecules used in photodynamic...
Game changer for organic solar cells Trust issues: Users more gullible when
With a new technique for manufacturing single- they customize their technology
layer organic polymer solar cells, scientists at UC Technology may have helped turn users into their
Santa Barbara and three... own information gatekeepers, but they may not
necessarily make better, more...
How one minute could prevent Over 100 psychiatric patients escape as
unnecessary hospitalization, tests for Kenya doctors strike
patients with low-risk chest pai Nairobi (AFP) More than 100 patients escaped
ROCHESTER, Minn. Using a shared decision- from Kenyas only psychiatric hospital on Monday
making aid to involve patients more in their own as doctors and...
care decisions can prevent...
Supreme Court rejects TV pitchmans Red Cross says survey shows alarming
appeal on weight loss book rise in acceptance of torture in war
(Reuters) The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday By Lin Taylor LONDON (Thomson Reuters
rejected former TV pitchman Kevin Trudeaus bid to Foundation) There has been an alarming rise in
overturn his... the acceptance of torture and...
Nigeria says aid groups exaggerating Appeals court agrees to delay GOP
hunger crisis lawsuit over health law
Abuja (AFP) Nigerias presidency on Monday WASHINGTON (AP) A federal appeals court has
accused aid groups of exaggerating the food crisis agreed to delay consideration of a lawsuit from
sparked by the... Republican lawmakers over...
Venezuelan women flock to Colombia GE Power sees little sales impact if U.S.
border town to sell hair quits climate deals
By Anggy Polanco LA PARADA, Colombia (Reuters) By Alwyn Scott NEW YORK (Reuters) General
Women from crisis-hit Venezuela are crossing Electrics sales of power plant upgrades would not
the border in droves... suffer much if...
converted by W
Stem Cells Improve Motor Function in Type 1 Diabetes: Molecule Identified to
Stroke Victims Regenerate Insulin-Producing Cells
Biotechnology company ReNeuron Group Plc said A neurotransmitter by the name of GABA, known to
its experimental stem cell therapy helped some reduce brain activity, could induce the regeneration
patients improve motor functions... of insulin-producing...
Drug Hikes Put Sex Out of Reach Daily Handful of Nuts Cuts Risk of Many
Imagine not being able to afford one of lifes great Diseases
pleasures sex. Thats true for many older Eating just a handful of nuts a day can cut your risk
couples,... of many diseases, including heart disease and
cancer, says a study...
The Goldilocks effect in aging research Small but mighty: Tiny proteins with big
LA JOLLA(December 5, 2016) Ever since roles in biology
researchers connected the shortening of LA JOLLA(December 5, 2016) We all know how
telomeresthe protective structures... hard it is to find something small like a dropped
contact lens that blends...
Cell Atlas launched at ASCB 2016 PNNL supports White House efforts on
Meeting soil
San Francisco, Dec. 4, 2016: After the completion RICHLAND, Wash. The Earths soil is a very
of the human genome in 2001, another major active but poorly understood ecosystem right
milestone was reached with the... beneath our feet....
Glowing molecules could reveal skin Cant buy love? Drug price hikes put
cancer, without a biopsy sex beyond reach
If you want to get a mole checked to see if its Imagine not being able to afford one of lifes great
cancerous, it usually involves getting a bit of your pleasures sex. Thats true for many older
converted by W
skin sliced off... couples,...
Goals missed on obesity, food Handful of nuts cuts heart disease and
poisoning, despite govt push cancer risk
Progress in the U.S. against obesity, food Monday December 5 2016 Nuts are rich in vitamins
poisoning, and infections spread in hospitals has and minerals People consuming at least 20
been uneven and disappointing,... grams of...
U.S. attorneys argue Aetna-Humana U.S. court puts Obamacare case on hold
deal violates antitrust law: Trial until Trump takes office
WASHINGTON Attorneys for the Justice WASHINGTON A federal appeals court on Monday
Department argued to a judge on Monday that agreed to put on hold until after U.S. President-
health insurer Aetna Incs planned... elect Donald Trump takes...
Cant buy love? Drug price hikes put Goals missed on obesity, food
sex beyond reach poisoning, despite govt push
Imagine not being able to afford one of lifes great Progress in the U.S. against obesity, food
pleasures sex. Thats true for many older poisoning, and infections spread in hospitals has
couples,... been uneven and disappointing,...
University of Hertfordshire finds robot NHS doctors trial magic wand for
companions would help autistic pancreatic cancer that kills disease in
children 90 seconds
Research team is making robots a part of family A wand that zaps fluid-filled pancreatic cysts is
life for those with autism So far, 300 autistic being trialled by the NHS The procedure which
children in Britain have... kills suspicious...
High Wycombe man loses 10 STONE to Welsh teacher ordered to give up job
stop cruel strangers calling him the by doctors as working with kids may kill
pirate her
A man who weighed in at 24 stone said he finally Hannah Harry suffers from Postural Orthostatic
decided to lose weight after people nicknamed him Tacychardic Syndrome She spent nine weeks in
The Pirate... intensive care after a measles...
Welsh boy shown wiped out after Eat nuts every day to cut heart and
converted by W
having chemotherapy to help battle his cancer risk
rare form of cancer Eating 20 grams of nuts every day could reduce the
Logan Sellers has rhabdomyosarcoma after a chances of dying early Particularly walnuts,
lump grew behind his eye It causes him severe sunflower seeds and pecans,...
nausea and he wakes up in the...
Women suffering worse dementia care Meet the woman who could break a rib
than men simply by SNEEZING
Vulnerable women with dementia are being For Julie Stonestreet, from Sydney, something as
abandoned in their old age Female dementia simple as a sneeze doesnt just mean a couple of
patients are seen less frequently by... days at home sick...
May Simpkin reveals 5 ways to get your May Simpkin reveals 5 ways to get your
days diet back on track days diet back on track
Youve managed to stay on track with your new Youve managed to stay on track with your new
healthy eating regime and suddenly, disaster healthy eating regime and suddenly, disaster
strikes. The smell of... strikes. The smell of...
Map of drugs reveals uncharted waters Map of drugs reveals uncharted waters
in search for new treatments in search for new treatments
A network diagram showing protein interactions A network diagram showing protein interactions
inside a cell carousel. Red and yellow are drug... inside a cell carousel. Red and yellow are drug...
For the first time, researchers reveal a For the first time, researchers reveal a
causal link between RNA splicing and causal link between RNA splicing and
aging aging
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Aging is a key risk Credit: CC0 Public Domain Aging is a key risk
factor for a variety of devastating, chronic... factor for a variety of devastating, chronic...
No safe level of smoking: Even low- No safe level of smoking: Even low-
intensity smokers are at increased risk intensity smokers are at increased risk
converted by W
of earlier death of earlier death
Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain People who Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain People who
consistently smoked an average of less than... consistently smoked an average of less than...
Americans Just As Polarized On Food This Spin Class Makes You Feel Like
As They Are On Politics Youre Soaring Through Space
Eating Habits Dont Seem To Correlate With IMAX Shift CEO Bryan Marcovici said the images
Political Beliefs Interestingly, these widely varying help shift cyclers attention away from the
opinions on GMOs and organic... exercises intensity. The...
Why cancer rates are rising worldwide Why cancer rates are rising worldwide
Cancer cases rose 33 percent worldwide in the Cancer cases rose 33 percent worldwide in the
past 10 years, a new study shows. In 2015, there past 10 years, a new study shows. In 2015, there
were 17.5 million diagnoses... were 17.5 million diagnoses...
Another step closer to artificial blood Another step closer to artificial blood
Artificial blood stored as a powder could one day Artificial blood stored as a powder could one day
revolutionize emergency medicine and provide revolutionize emergency medicine and provide
trauma victims a better chance... trauma victims a better chance...
Test used to diagnose asthma may not Test used to diagnose asthma may not
be accurate be accurate
A new study urges caution in the use of the A new study urges caution in the use of the
mannitol challenge test for asthma in non-clinical mannitol challenge test for asthma in non-clinical
settings. The test is considered... settings. The test is considered...
Genetically altered goats may produce Genetically altered goats may produce
milk that causes fewer allergic milk that causes fewer allergic
reactions reactions
The presence of the allergen ?-Lactoglobulin (BLG) The presence of the allergen ?-Lactoglobulin (BLG)
in the milk of goats and other ungulates restricts in the milk of goats and other ungulates restricts
the consumption of... the consumption of...
Study examines the impact of climate Study examines the impact of climate
change on freshwater species change on freshwater species
How might climate change affect the distribution of How might climate change affect the distribution of
freshwater species living in rivers, ponds, and freshwater species living in rivers, ponds, and
lakes? Investigators... lakes? Investigators...
Availability of human food shortens and Availability of human food shortens and
disrupts bears hibernation disrupts bears hibernation
With winter approaching, bears all over the world With winter approaching, bears all over the world
are getting ready to hibernate. New research are getting ready to hibernate. New research
suggests that not all bears... suggests that not all bears...
Baby robots help humans understand Baby robots help humans understand
infant development infant development
To understand the world, human beings fabricate To understand the world, human beings fabricate
and experiment. To understand ourselves and how and experiment. To understand ourselves and how
we come to be the way we... we come to be the way we...
converted by W
coparenting and coercive parenting in predicting coparenting and coercive parenting in predicting
childrens disruptive... childrens disruptive...
Exploring the past, present and future Exploring the past, present and future
of regenerative medicine of regenerative medicine
Future Science Group (FSG) is excited to announce Future Science Group (FSG) is excited to announce
the release of the 10-Year Anniversary Special the release of the 10-Year Anniversary Special
Focus Issue of Regenerative... Focus Issue of Regenerative...
Aixtron could revive takeover despite Aixtron could revive takeover despite
U.S. block: analysts U.S. block: analysts
By Ben Blanchard and Harro Ten Wolde By Ben Blanchard and Harro Ten Wolde
BEIJING/FRANKFURT (Reuters) The sale of BEIJING/FRANKFURT (Reuters) The sale of
Aixtron AIXGn.DE to Chinese investors... Aixtron AIXGn.DE to Chinese investors...
Novo Nordisk seeks EU and U.S. Pfizer blood cancer drug tops standard
approval for new diabetes treatment therapy for untreated patients
OSLO (Reuters) Danish Novo Nordisk said on (Reuters) Pfizer Inc said on Monday its cancer
Monday it has filed for the European Union and the drug, Bosulif, was found superior to Novartis AGs
U.S. approval of semaglutide... Gleevec in...
Pfizer blood cancer drug tops standard Israels Bonus says lab-grown bones
therapy for untreated patients successfully transplanted
(Reuters) Pfizer Inc said on Monday its cancer HAIFA, Israel (Reuters) Israeli biotech company
drug, Bosulif, was found superior to Novartis AGs Bonus Biogroups lab-grown, semi-liquid bone
Gleevec in... graft was successfully...
Experts Warn of Mental Health Woes as Heavy Teen Drinking Tied to Abnormal
Wildfires Ravage South Brain Development
When U.S. Forest Ranger Jody Bandy confronted Teens who drink heavily are more likely than their
the man in the Pisgah National Forest, he said peers to have less gray matter, an important brain
hed been at the nearby... structure that aids...
Heavy Teen Drinking Tied to Abnormal Triggerfish needed to grow reefs, new
Brain Development research finds
Teens who drink heavily are more likely than their NEW YORK (November 30, 2016) A study of
peers to have less gray matter, an important brain complex coral reef ecosystems in the western
converted by W
structure that aids... Indian Ocean found that one species...
Triggerfish needed to grow reefs, new Researchers may have found first
research finds polluted river from before Bronze Age
NEW YORK (November 30, 2016) A study of Industrial pollution may seem like a modern
complex coral reef ecosystems in the western phenomenon, but in fact, an international team of
Indian Ocean found that one species... researchers may have discovered...
NYU researchers identify stress- Exploring how rice could survive salt
hormone differences among gay men stress
Cortisol is a life sustaining adrenal hormone Rice is a staple for more than half of the worlds
essential to maintaining the natural balance of the population, yet it is also the most salt-sensitive
body. It is often referred... cereal crop....
Exploring how rice could survive salt Geneticist Stephen J. Elledge wins
stress Breakthrough Prize
Rice is a staple for more than half of the worlds Stephen J. Elledge, the Gregor Mendel Professor of
population, yet it is also the most salt-sensitive Genetics at Brigham and Womens Hospital and
cereal crop.... Harvard Medical School,...
Bactericidal activity of usnic acid- New study describes 200 million years
loaded electrospun fibers of geological evolution
The development of antibiotics generated a Tectonic plates, big sections of Earths crust and
revolution in the way we look and treat bacterial blocks underneath them, are constantly moving.
infections. In spite of the... The areas where these...
New study describes 200 million years Bedfont Scientific appoints Jason Smith
of geological evolution as new Managing Director
Tectonic plates, big sections of Earths crust and Bedfont Scientific
blocks underneath them, are constantly moving.
The areas where these...
Bedfont Scientific signs OEM deal with Bedfont Scientific clears FDA follow-up
Laborie for Gastrolyzer range of breath audit
monitors Bedfont Scientific
?Bedfont Scientific
New report estimates global burden of Milk from genetically-altered goats may
cancer cases and deaths in 2015 trigger less severe allergic reactions,
The JAMA Network Journals study finds An AZoNetwork Site ...
converted by W An AZoNetwork Site ... important biopharmaceuticals...
Ohio teen turns science project into US health spending in 2015 rose at
published research fastest rate since 2007
TOLEDO, Ohio While most 16-year-olds are U.S. health spending in 2015 rose at its fastest rate
focusing on getting a drivers license or landing since 2007, driven by expanded access to
that first job, Alex... insurance under the Affordable...
Never go to bed angry: Sleep makes it Why Americans cholesterol levels are
harder to forget bad thoughts improving
The age-old advice to never go to bed angry is Americans cholesterol levels are heading in the
getting some support from new research. right direction, a new study finds. In the United
Researchers found that... States, average...
Pfizers blood cancer drug Bosulif Ohio teen turns science project into
effective in untreated patients published research
Pfizer Inc said on Monday its cancer drug, Bosulif, TOLEDO, Ohio While most 16-year-olds are
was found effective in a late-stage study on focusing on getting a drivers license or landing
previously untreated... that first job, Alex...
Higher blood clot risk after starting NY tweaks medical pot law but still no
testosterone treatment talk of legalization
Men may have an increased risk of blood clots after ALBANY, N.Y. New York is loosening restrictions
they start taking testosterone to treat sexual in its nearly year-old medical marijuana law but, to
dysfunction, a recent... the dismay of...
Novartis says 82 percent of leukemia Driving home from night shift may be
patients in remission after CAR-T safer with light therapy
An experimental cancer therapy being developed by Exhausted shift workers may be safer driving home
Novartis AG eliminated an aggressive form of at night when theyre exposed to bright light before
blood cancer in 82 percent... they hit the...
converted by W
US health spending in 2015 rose at NHS spends more than 1 billion on just
fastest rate since 2007 4 common drugs, latest figures show
U.S. health spending in 2015 rose at its fastest rate The NHS now spends 15 per cent of its 116
since 2007, driven by expanded access to billion budget on medications This has increased
insurance under the Affordable... from 13 billion in 2011 to...
Experts reveal the bizarre ways youre Stomach crunches are great for
adding years to your face at night strengthening abs at the top of your
We all know that a poor diet and lack of sleep can stomach
cause wrinkles and acne, but according to skincare Stomach crunches are great for strengthening your
experts, even the... abs This helps with tasks such as getting out of
bed and rising from...
Kendall Jenners 6 dressing room If Youre Looking For Alien Life, How
foods she always orders Will You Know If Youve Found it?
The star has revealed the only six foods she ever A visit to Jupiters moon Europa in the 2020s is
orders Foods she stocks in her dressing room among the upcoming NASA missions that have
includes carrots and crisps Model... real...
To all the Canadian employers out there Platypus venom paves way to possible
just give people with disabilities a diabetes treatment
chance Platypus venom could pave the way for new
It can be very difficult for people with disabilities to treatments for type 2 diabetes, say Australian
find a job. I hear this at the Canadian Down researchers. The males of the extraordinary...
Syndrome Society (CDSS),...
Its lovely to find out about their lives BMA calls for complete ban on smoking
The perception of care homes and what its like in vehicles
to live and work in them is not always positive. The Scottish government should ban smoking in
But... vehicles completely, according to the British
Medical Association (BMA). The...
How human NK cells destroy diseased Did You Just Forget, or Is It Something
cells and minimize damage to More Serious?
bystanders Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
When NK cells encounter cancer or virally infected
cells, they adhere to them and quickly congregate
their destructive granules...
Personal Health: Cold Hands May Signal Breathing into a New Home
Raynauds Phenomenon I made the most recent house move several
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here months ago, and since then Ive been observing
the evolving process of coming...
converted by W
record $22.2 billion to cover humanitarian relief billionaire Naguib Sawiris has resigned as chief
projects next year,... executive officer of Orascom...
Police fire tear gas to disperse striking Hawaii grandmas plea launches
Kenyan doctors womens march in Washington
NAIROBI (Reuters) Police fired tear gas to By Laila Kearney NEW YORK (Reuters) Hawaii
disperse hundreds of striking doctors grandmother Teresa Shook wanted to share her
demonstrating over pay and conditions... outrage with other women...
Photos show dramatic, bloody end of For men with Crohns disease, sex can
NCAA cross country championships be a challenge
The NCAA cross country championships: where Over the course of 32 years, Michael A. Weiss has
500 or so of the nations best collegiate distance been hospitalized more than 250 times and
runners gather to compete... undergone about 30 surgeries,...
7 things your muscles are trying to tell ReNeuron says stem cells improved
you motor function in stroke study
If youve ever spent the day after an intense workout Biotechnology company ReNeuron Group Plc said
soothing your sore legs with a foam roller, you its experimental stem cell therapy helped some
know your muscles... patients improve motor functions...
Handful of nut consumption each day Clonal hematopoiesis may help predict
linked to reduced risk for wide range of cancer patients at risk for fatal form of
diseases leukemia
A large analysis of current research shows that Patients successfully treated for breast, colon and
people who eat at least 20g of nuts a day have a other cancers can go on to develop an often-fatal
lower risk of heart disease,... form of leukemia, sometimes...
CBD oil may reduce frequency and New drug treatment can override
severity of seizures in patients with genetic fault that causes choroideremia
epilepsy, UAB study shows
Cannabidiol oil, also known as CBD oil, reduces
the frequency and severity of seizures in children
and adults with severe,...
The alcoholic drinks that are most likely Why caveman in us makes yo-yo diets
to give you a hangover fail: Changes in our diet convince our
Tis the season to consume more alcohol than brains to store extra fat because food
normal. But the throbbing head and nausea that supplies are unreliable
follows is not so festive. What... By Victoria Allen, Science Correspondent For The
Daily Mail Published: 19:05 EST, 4 December 2016
converted by W
| Updated: ...
Get fit in 15 minutes: Stomach crunches Eat nuts every day to cut heart and
are great for strengthening abs at the cancer risk: Just a handful can reduce
top of your stomach chance of dying early by a fifth
Stomach crunches are great for strengthening your Eating 20 grams of nuts every day could reduce the
abs This helps with tasks such as getting out of chances of dying early Particularly walnuts,
bed and rising from... sunflower seeds and pecans,...
Women suffering worse dementia care Bikini model Cheyann Clark shares
than men: Female patients are being brave photos of her cancer-stricken
seen less frequently by GPs and not body
getting the same checks as males Fitness fanatic Cheyann Clark was diagnosed with
Vulnerable women with dementia are being ovarian cancer at 23 It has stripped her of her hair,
abandoned in their old age Female dementia muscular frame and...
patients are seen less frequently by...
Eggs from free-range hens shown to NHS forks out 10million on trial of
contain 30% more Vitamin D lifestyle pill to prevent HIV
Scientists from Reading University analysed the NHS to spend 10million testing a controversial
contents of 270 eggs on sale in UK supermarkets drug which blocks HIV But 8million screening
They found free range... scheme for bacteria that...
Predictors of mortality in a cohort of Sperm DNA damage and its role in IVF
tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients in and ICSI
Southwest Ethiopia The role of sperm DNA fragmentation in IVF and
The study was conducted in Jimma University ICSI Numerous studies have attempted to assess
Teaching Hospital (JUTH), 357 km southwest of the association between elevated...
Addis Ababa, the Capital City...
In Jordan hospital, mental trauma scars Girls turn poo to clean power in
children blown apart by bombs Cameroon biogas push
By Lin Taylor AMMAN (Thomson Reuters By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame BUEA, Cameroon
Foundation) As soon as the bombs exploded (Thomson Reuters Foundation) An initiative by
outside his house in the Iraqi town... youth organizations in Cameroon...
converted by W
Often referred to as the blue planet, the majority of
the Earth consists of aquatic ecosystems. Human
The Top 10 Workout Songs For UK Winter 2015/2016 floods: One of the
December 2016 centurys most extreme and severe
On the surface, it might appear that the common flood episodes
denominator at work here is a steady dance/pop A new scientific review of the winter floods of
vibe. But, theres a... 2015/2016 confirms that the event was one of the
most extreme and severe...
Women with dementia receive less Poverty, prejudice drive more women
medical attention to join Boko Haram militants
Women with dementia have fewer visits to the GP, By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters
receive less health monitoring and take more Foundation) Failing to improve the lives of girls
potentially harmful medication... and women trapped in...
Nutrient Deficiencies: Are You Getting Yo-yo dieting might cause extra weight
What Your Body Needs? gain
Despite having the largest selection of affordable Repeated dieting may lead to weight gain because
food available in the history of mankind, Americans the brain interprets the diets as short famines and
are woefully undernourished... urges the person to...
Detective work across dingo fence A handful of nuts a day cuts the risk of a
reveals new factor in woody shrub wide range of diseases
invasion A large analysis of current research shows that
Extermination of dingoes and the consequent loss people who eat at least 20g of nuts a day have a
of small mammals not just overgrazing by lower risk of heart disease,...
livestock have...
Scotland bans smoking in cars with Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin to stay in
children New Zealand until lungs clear
The nations health care tab grew at the fastest rate WELLINGTON (Reuters) Former U.S. astronaut
in eight years in 2015, driven by the coverage Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon,
expansion in President... has been advised by doctors...
How do children hear anger? How To Break A Bad Habit For Good
Peter Moriarty, a graduate researcher at Its usually pretty obvious which bad habits are
Pennsylvania State University, will present the causing the most problems in your lifethe ones
results of these studies, conducted... that keep coming...
Torture: Rehabilitation experts from 80 Nestle Says Its Found A Way To Reduce
nations meet in Mexico City Sugar In Chocolate By 40 Percent
Rehabilitating survivors of torture the infliction of Nestles announces a scientific breakthrough that
severe mental or physical pain or suffering for a will allow it to greatly cut the amount of sugar in its
specific... chocolate without...
Reporters Notebook: Muzzled nurses NY tweaks medical pot law but still no
limit coverage of First Nations health talk of legalization
Some federal agencies are cautious about talking New York is loosening restrictions in its nearly
to the media so much so that they make year-old medical marijuana law but, to the dismay
journalists jump through hoops... of some pot advocates,...
converted by W
PTSD: How Does Genetics Affect Your Novartis CEO plays down prospects for
Risk? Actelion bid: Blick
FKBP5 is essentially a regulator of the VIENNA (Reuters) Novartis Chief Executive Joe
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, our central Jimenez has played down suggestions the Swiss
stress response system, which is... drugmaker could bid for...
Online insomnia program can improve Imaging technique can see you think
sleep for many, study finds A critical aim of the Presidents BRAIN Initiative is
Ultimately, approximately 70 percent of the SHUTi to move neuroscience into a new realm where we
users had significant improvements, and more can identify...
than half (56.6 percent) were...
A novel long non-coding RNA lnc- 7 weird things that happen when youre
GNAT1-1 is low expressed in colorectal breast-feeding
cancer and acts as a tumor suppressor Alongside pregnancy and childbirth, breast-feeding
through regulating RKIP-NF-?B-Snail is one of the most normal, natural things your body
circuit is capable of. If...
LncRNAs have attracted immense research
interests from researchers worldwide in recent
years. Based upon our previous lncRNA...
Rev Run and Justine Simmons raise Rev Run and Justine Simmons raise
awareness for diabetes prevention awareness for diabetes prevention
Joseph Reverend Run and Justine Simmons are Joseph Reverend Run and Justine Simmons are
a busy couple. On top of hosting Rev Runs a busy couple. On top of hosting Rev Runs
Sunday Suppers on the... Sunday Suppers on the...
7 weird things that happen when youre After A Sour Decade, Florida Citrus May
breast-feeding Be Near A Comeback
Alongside pregnancy and childbirth, breast-feeding Guy Davies, an inspector of the Florida Division of
is one of the most normal, natural things your body Plant Industry, holds an orange that is showing...
is capable of. If...
What Its Like To Handle The Nastiest Pill could reduce HIV risk by 86%
Pathogens As Your Day Job At least 10,000 people in England will be offered a
Emmie de Wit, who usually works in a Biosafety pill that reduces the risk of becoming infected with
Level 4 Lab, spent time in less secure labs in HIV. The three-year...
converted by W
sedentary behaviour and...
Whitehorse artist turns off dark, winter 600 clinicians report seeing threats,
blues with new light sculpture intimidation in Canadian operating
Emma Barr, a Whitehorse artist, has a bright rooms
personality and a singsong voice. Shes known Around 600 surgeons, nurses and other operating
locally for her vibrant... room clinicians reported witnessing or
experiencing bullying behaviour in...
converted by W
Chelsea apologizes to abused former Players: Kerrs marijuana admission
player could spark dialogue
LONDON (Reuters) English soccer club Chelsea OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) David West has
issued a public apology to former striker Gary undergone four surgeries in his long NBA career:
Johnson on Saturday for... left knee, right elbow and right...
How Zika infects the growing brain Can a jab of stem cells repair damage
The scientists demonstrated that Zika infected caused by a heart attack?
NPCs even when the cells did not produce the AXL A pioneering treatment could help patients after a
surface receptor protein... heart attack or heart failure. Owen Palmer, 54, a
father of four and...
Revalued: Inner Peace in the Palm of Study estimates global cancer cases,
Your Hand, for a Price deaths in 2015
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here In 2015, there were an estimated 17.5 million
cancer cases around the globe and 8.7 million
deaths, according to a new report...
Parkinsons May Start in the Gut: Study After gene therapy, hemophilia B
A new study suggests gut bacteria is linked to patients maintain near-normal levels of
Parkinsons disease. Neurological experts have clotting factor
long believed that the incurable... Researchers are reporting the highest and most
sustained levels to date of the essential blood-
clotting factor IX in patients...
The 13 Best Gifts for Fashion Lovers The 15 Best Hostess Gifts You Can Give
Bestow the ultimate high-tech trifecta: fitness Right Now
tracking, voice-activated Google search, and social Need an idea for a great hostess gift this holiday
media alerts, all wrapped... season? How about gourmet treats, fun kitchen
gadgets, beautfiul (and useful!)...
The 12 Best Gifts for Fitness Lovers Human embryo repair experiment
Log every calorie and bead of sweat, but also what swaps out faulty mitochondrial DNA
youre grateful formorning jog, running buddy, A new therapeutic technology to prevent women
whatevs. Science... from passing on debilitating disorders to their
babies has worked successfully...
Wales top-paid locum doctor paid Meds dont cut trastuzumab-tied left
183,000 in 2015-16 ventricular remodeling
Wales top-earning locum doctor was paid An investigational antibody-drug conjugate called
converted by W
183,000 in 2015-16, according to new figures. MM-302 was safe, tolerable, and showed signs of
Aneurin Bevan University Health... clinical activity in heavily...
Mice may be key to kids asthma attacks Halo effect common after lasik eye
at school surgery
(HealthDay)Research investigating (HealthDay)Nine out of 10 Lasik laser eye
schoolchildrens asthma attacks has pointed to a surgery patients report satisfaction afterwards. But
tiny foe:... a sizable...
Another Miami neighborhood now zika- CSF RT-QuIC has high diagnostic
free specificity, sensitivity for prions
(HealthDay)The Little River section of Miami is no Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and
longer an area where local Zika infection is active,... Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National
Institutes of Health...
Andrew Lansley wrong about knee Five fruit and veg a day does not
operations significantly reduce cancer risk:
Its a question of working out what the criteria are, research
not restricting things that are clinically desirable.... Experts said that although the link between fruit
and vegetables and cancer incidence was weak
there was strong evidence...
The 9 Best Tech Gifts This Holiday The 11 Best Beauty Gifts You Can Buy
Season Right Now
Anything youd Google and more is now available, The soothing cinnamon, clove, and orange extracts
hands-free. Have it play a song, manage your in this bath oil put you in a blissful trance. The
calendar, or translate French.... bottle will upgrade...
Wait, Did Jennifer Aniston Just Say She Understanding sex differences in
Had a Foursome on a Plane? exercise fatigue can help develop
Now, we love Aniston. Our friends at Mens Health better training strategies
even placed her at the top of their list of the 100 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Hottest Women...
Heavy shoes cost more energy leading Enumeration and molecular detection
to changes in running performance of Bacillus cereus in local indigenous
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and imported rice grains
Food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus is
frequently associated with consumption of
contaminated fried rice. The foodborne...
Kerr tells Comcast SportsNet Bay Area "Unprecedented" numbers face severe
he smoked pot for pain hunger in South Sudan
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) Steve Kerr, the reigning ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Some 3.6
NBA Coach of the Year with the Golden State million people in South Sudan face severe food
Warriors, acknowledged he tried... shortages the highest...
Should You Still Exercise Even When 15 Healthy Pita Pizza Recipes That Will
You Really Dont Feel Like It? Satisfy ALL Your Cravings
RELATED: The 3-Minute Abs Workout Kayla Itsines 1. Western Heat oven or toaster oven to 400F. Set
Swears By 2. DURING A LAZY WEEKEND Just a a 6 whole-wheat pita on a baking sheet. Arrange 1
small effort to help shed fat:... slice deli...
converted by W
When Things Got Buggy A little boy jumped into Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
the dental chair and was actually excited to have
his first trip to...
New bird flu outbreak hits French foie Special article outlines recommended
gras exporters strategies to prevent Zika from blood
Paris (AFP) A new outbreak of bird flu hit Frances transfusion
foie gras producers just as a ban on exports As the Zika epidemic spreads to the United States,
outside Europe... the potential for contracting the disease via blood
transfusion has emerged...
ACS approves $1.7 million funding for Study explores fitness training
new research grants to Yale University approach during breast cancer
Yale Cancer Center treatment in multi-sport athlete
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Mayo Clinic study finds overlapping Fast, efficient sperm tails inspire
surgeries to be safe for patients nanobiotechnology
A common way of scheduling surgeries to expand Human sperm stained for semen quality testing in
patient access to care and improve hospital the clinical laboratory. Credit:
efficiency, known as overlapping... Bobjgalindo/Wikipedia ...
New computational method to create Saturated fat is good for you according
drugs more efficiently to University of Bergen study
In a paper published today in Nature Chemical To eat butter or not to eat butter. That, believe it or
Biology, a team of researchers from Uppsala not, has become quite the controversy in research
University, the Broad Institute... circles this year. One...
The Standing Abs Move That Will Light Americans Dont Trust Scientists Take
Your Core on Fire On Food Issues
Check out Womens Healths FitGIF Friday every Non-GMO labels, like this one at Whole Foods,
week for fun and challenging new moves to make may strengthen consumer perceptions that
your sweat sesh... genetically...
The Electric Blue Polar Cloud Season Calgary woman charged in sons death
converted by W
Came Early This Year called herself a failure, trial hears
Source: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM Credit: Joy Ng Tamara Lovett who is accused of failing to
Each year, a glowing mass of clouds forms over... provide the necessaries of life after treating her
sons fatal meningitis...
Health authority proud of Lab West care Costco investigated over allegations
despite recent suicides, CEO says pharmacy directors accepted kickbacks
The Labrador-Grenfell Health Authority stands by for certain brands
the services offered in Labrador West, despite Costco is being investigated by Ontarios Ministry of
comments made by a former... Health for its compliance with the provinces
The New Old Age: Older Adults Are Still Trader Joes Recalls 2 Kinds Of
Skipping Vaccinations Hummus In 30 States
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Trader Joes is recalling two flavors of hummus
that may be contaminated with listeria. The recall
includes packages of white...
Demi Lovato Expertly Slams The Shame 13 Perfect Gifts For Unapologetically
Surrounding Mental Illness Proud Latino Men
Demi Lovato is sending an encouraging message If youre dreading giving the Latino men in your life
to anyone dealing with a mental health a cologne for the fifth year in a row, its time to
condition: Dont give up. The singer... explore more...
Why Finding Time Each Day For Youll Never See The Shocking Twist In
Creativity Makes You Happier This Gun Violence PSA Coming
Kurt Vonnegut once said that practicing any art ? no As we approach the four-year anniversary of the
matter how badly ? makes the soul grow. So do it, mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School,
he wisely advised. Psychologists... a new gun violence PSA is...
Chinas pristine parks get more merit New evidence on the formation of the
Research, published as How Pristine Are Chinas solar system
Parks? in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, found International research involving a Monash
that the numerous... University scientist is using new computer models
and evidence from meteorites...
Egyptian man grows Beard of Bees, Trump moves to quickly fill his top
hopes to promote apian benefits Cabinet ranks
By Amr Abdallah Dalsh SHIBIN EL KOM, Egypt By Emily Stephenson NEW YORK (Reuters) U.S.
(Reuters) Mohamed Hagras stands barechested President-elect Donald Trump said he expected to
as dozens of honeybees congregate... have most members of...
Higher blood clot risk after starting New data on risk vs benefit for potent
testosterone treatment CAR-T cancer drugs
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Men may By Deena Beasley (Reuters) A promising but
have an increased risk of blood clots after they start risky new group of customized cancer drugs will be
taking testosterone... in focus this weekend...
Wal-Mart to settle U.S. lawsuit over U.S. pushes to close lead testing gaps,
converted by W
benefits for same-sex spouses echoing Reuters report
By Daniel Wiessner (Reuters) Wal-Mart Stores By Joshua Schneyer and M.B. Pell NEW YORK
Inc on Friday said it would pay $7.5 million to settle (Reuters) U.S. states must do more to ensure
a U.S. lawsuit... that all children enrolled...
FDA OKs Diabetes Drug to Reduce 2 Trader Joes hummus flavors recalled
Heart Risk due to listeria risk
The U.S Food and Drug Administration said on Bakkavor Foods USA Inc. is recalling two hummus
Friday it would allow Eli Lilly and Co to state that its dips sold at Trader Joes due to potential listeria
diabetes drug Jardiance... contamination, the...
FDA lets Lilly cite Jardiance heart data, Driving home from night shift may be
shares jump safer with light therapy
U.S regulators said on Friday they would allow Eli (Reuters Health) Exhausted shift workers may
Lilly and Co to state that its diabetes drug be safer driving home at night when theyre
Jardiance reduces risk... exposed...
Heavy teenage drinking linked to 2-time cancer survivor Jarrod Lyle nails
abnormal brain development hole-in-one shot
(Reuters Health) Teens who drink heavily are A 35-year-old Aussie golfer who fought his way
more likely than their peers to have less gray back onto the Australian PGA tour after two battles
matter, an important... with leukemia has nailed...
2 Trader Joes hummus flavors recalled WideCells signs LOI with Qigenix to
due to listeria risk undertake research at Manchester
Bakkavor Foods USA Inc. is recalling two hummus stem cell facility
dips sold at Trader Joes due to potential listeria WideCells Group PLC, the healthcare services
contamination, the... company focused on providing stem cell banking
services and ground breaking...
Newcastle scientists develop promising Novel imaging agent can rapidly and
new test to identify patients with rare accurately detect metastasis of
liver disease prostate cancer
Newcastle scientists and medics have developed New research demonstrates that a novel imaging
a promising new test to identify patients with a rare agent can quickly and accurately detect metastasis
liver disease who will... of prostate cancer, even...
converted by W
Antidepressant use in early pregnancy Here are the five surprising skills you
may increase risk of congenital can learn in your SLEEP
anomalies in babies or stillbirths For many people, sneaking in a few hours of shut
Academics at Swansea University have carried out eye is an indulgence best saved for the weekend.
a dose-response analysis which suggests that But rather than feeling...
pregnant women who take a specific...
Omagh father posts heartbreaking Britons are drinking 42% more than they
Facebook message following were 30 years ago
daughters death Women drinkers are driving the countrys booming
Clare McSorley was tragically found dead at her alcohol epidemic, an official report has concluded.
home earlier this week Police in Omagh, Northern Britain is one...
Ireland, have said her...
Watchdog launches probe into care Dorset boy rips off 2 of his fingers after
homes amidst fears the elderly are they were impaled on spikes
being ripped off Tommie Randall lost his little and ring finger on his
The Competition and Markets Authority has left hand when he fell His mother and a member of
launched an investigation Experts suspect families the crowd searched...
are regularly handed expensive...
How to Have an Orgasm That Lasts a Could Your Makeup Be Giving You
Full Minute Long Sties?
But its not typicalthe female orgasm usually Francesca J. Fusco, M.D., an assistant clinical
lasts six to 30 seconds, Nagoski says. However, if professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of
your mood and his... Medicine at Mount Sinai,...
Why more young women are body Drinking plenty of fluids advice
building questioned
Brittany Rhodes used to think she was too skinny Doctors often advise patients to drink plenty of
and it affected her confidence. She says: I was a fluids when unwell, but the case of a 59-year-old
size zero. I wanted... woman shows...
Fast fMRI tracks brain activity during Disrupting daily routine of gut microbes
human thought for first time can be bad news for whole body
fMRI signals in the brains visual cortex as an Micro changes have macro results. Credit: Darryl
individual views the checkerboard... Leja, National Human Genome Research
converted by W
Drug for one hepatitis type may activate Does Gene Testing Spur Healthier
another: watchdog Habits? Maybe Not
Electron micrographs of hepatitis C virus purified Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
from cell culture. Scale bar is 50 nanometers....
Men And Women Literally See Things Religion Can Light Up The Brain Center
Differently Thats Activated By Sex And Drugs
Left-eye preference also occurs in men, but to a People who have had a religious experience often
lesser degree. This is because the right report feelings of joy, peace and warmth, and new
hemisphere of the brain (which... research has found...
Rural Cambodia Uses Guppy Fish To How The Trump Administration Could
Fight Mosquito-Transmitted Dengue Hurt The Pharmaceutical Industry
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) In the By Ransdell Pierson and Bill Berkrot NEW YORK
backyards of rural Cambodia, a tiny weapon is (Reuters) Top executives from large U.S.
being deployed to fight... drugmakers on Thursday discussed...
Doing Just One Creative Task Each Day This Mom Wont Stop Until She Finds
Will Make You Happier, Study Says Help For Son Whose Body Rejects Food
To test their hypothesis, psychologists conducted a While doctors continue to try and help Elliot, Carter,
13-day study of a sample of 658 young adults to who left her career as a pediatric nurse to take care
gauge the effect of... of her son,...
"Very promising" approach helps teens Drug being tested for Lewy body
with depression dementia
For teens, depression can affect more than their December 2, 2016, 2:30 PM| Less well known than
relationships and educational achievement it Alzheimers disease, Lewy body dementia...
can harm their future prospects....
Doctors: Rethink advice to drink plenty 24-hour work shifts can wreak havoc on
of fluids" when sick the heart
Anyone coming down with an illness has probably Sleep deprivation while working 24-hour shifts
heard the advice from a doctor, parent or well- affects heart function, a new German study
meaning friend: Drink plenty... suggests. These findings may...
New gene therapy for pseudarthrosis Where giant galaxies are born
trialed at Kazan University An international team of scientists, with IAC
A team headed by Professor Albert Rizvanov, participation, has discovered that the biggest
director of the Gene and Cell Technologies Open galaxies in the universe develop...
Lab, created a gene therapy drug...
converted by W
and energy use in the... and 37 other Childrens Oncology Group hospitals
in the U.S....
Lillys diabetes drug Jardiance cuts risk US health care tab hits $3.2T; fastest
of cardiovascular death: FDA growth in 8 years
(Reuters) The U.S Food and Drug Administration WASHINGTON (AP) The nations health care tab
said on Friday it had approved Eli Lilly and Co and grew at the fastest rate in eight years in 2015,
Boehringer Ingelheim... driven by the...
Panel Urges Rewrite of Food Allergy Cancer Drugs May Remain Approved
Warning Labels Despite Lack of Benefit
Made in the same factory as peanuts. May In the United States, cancer drugs are sometimes
contain traces of tree nuts. A new report says the approved through sped-up processes and they
hodgepodge... often stay approved...
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Good for High School Students Make $750 Drug
Kids and Adults for $2
Plant-based diets are tied to a lower risk of health A team of Australian high school students
problems like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and recreated the drug Daraprim for just $2 a pill in
certain cancers ... order to prove how cheap it is...
Could Low Vitamin D Levels at Birth Discovery Will Lower Sugar Content in
Increase MS Risk? Chocolate
Newborns with low levels of vitamin D may have A newly-discovered way to structure sugar
higher odds of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) differently means 40 percent less sugar can be
later in life, new research... used in chocolate without affecting...
converted by W
has led to questions about the scientific rigor in Scientists have identified the cluster of genes
animal... responsible for reproductive traits in the Primula
flower, first noted as...
FDA approves Jardiance to reduce Man in Motion Rick Hansen says more
cardiovascular death in adults with type incentives needed to design
2 diabetes accessible buildings
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today Canadas Man in Motion Rick Hansen
approved a new indication for Jardiance says creating a program for celebrating and
(empagliflozin) to reduce the risk of... certifying accessible buildings...
Man in Motion Rick Hansen says more The Santa Claus story: Beloved
incentives needed to design tradition or damaging lie?
accessible buildings If youre reading this, you likely know the truth about
Canadas Man in Motion Rick Hansen Father Christmas. If not, you better stop here. Tis...
says creating a program for celebrating and
certifying accessible buildings...
The Santa Claus story: Beloved How going on your computer could help
tradition or damaging lie? you beat insomnia
If youre reading this, you likely know the truth about A 70-year-old Californian whod suffered from
Father Christmas. If not, you better stop here. Tis... longtime insomnia had tapped into almost every
remedy to no availuntil...
How going on your computer could help Wisconsin VA dentist failed to meet
you beat insomnia proper cleaning standards
A 70-year-old Californian whod suffered from TOMAH, Wis. The health of hundreds of veterans
longtime insomnia had tapped into almost every is in question because a dentist at the Tomah
remedy to no availuntil... Veterans Affairs Medical...
More people sickened by community Johnson & Johnson hit with over $1
Thanksgiving meal surface billion verdict on hip implants
ANTIOCH, Calif. Authorities say two more people A federal jury in Dallas on Thursday ordered
have come forward to report they were sickened Johnson Johnson and its DePuy Orthopaedics unit
after eating a community... to pay more than $1 billion...
Having sex may improve your memory, UN chief sorry for UN role in deadly
study finds Haiti cholera outbreak
Researchers say sex doesnt just make you UNITED NATIONS Outgoing United Nations
skinnier, happier and healthier it also improves Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized to the
memory! Scientists at McGill... people of Haiti on Thursday...
2-time cancer survivor Jarrod Lyle nails Terminally ill boys mom fights to get
hole-in-one shot mean-spirited meme removed
A 35-year-old Aussie golfer who fought his way You may have seen it circulating on the internet: a
back onto the Australian PGA tour after two battles meme featuring a young boy holding a pumpkin,
with leukemia has nailed... overlaid with the words,...
Wisconsin VA dentist failed to meet Having sex may improve your memory,
proper cleaning standards study finds
TOMAH, Wis. The health of hundreds of veterans Researchers say sex doesnt just make you
is in question because a dentist at the Tomah skinnier, happier and healthier it also improves
Veterans Affairs Medical... memory! Scientists at McGill...
converted by W
gut? Thanksgiving meal surface
Friday December 2 2016 Abnormal proteins may ANTIOCH, Calif. Authorities say two more people
first form in the gut Parkinsons disease may... have come forward to report they were sickened
after eating a community...
Medicare recipients with cancer face Medicare recipients with cancer face
financial distress financial distress
(Reuters Health) Older cancer patients in the U.S. Older cancer patients in the U.S. often face high
often face high out-of-pocket costs that are a out-of-pocket costs that are a significant financial
significant... burden, according...
Stanford University study finds your Menopause affects womens lungs the
brain takes power naps when not same way as smoking 20 cigarettes a
paying attention day for 10 YEARS
A study has found patterns of activity change in the Hormonal changes have previously been linked to
waking brain When a cluster of brain cells were not systemic inflammation Researchers have now
in use they were... found it speeds up the decline...
Lincolnshire Mother spends 1,300 on Woman born without a VAGINA has life-
dimpleplasty to get a smile like her changing surgery to allow her to have
sons sex
A mother spent 1,300 on having dimples cut into A young woman who was born without a vagina
her cheeks because she was desperate for a was given life-altering surgery to allow her to have
smile to match her 11-year-old... sex, and now hopes to start...
Cornwall paramedic has his EYE Do YOU have high cholesterol? Here
removed after parasite infects his are 5 foods to eat and avoid
contact lens High fat, low fat, no carb, more carb: when it comes
Andrew Carthew initially thought his weepy eye was to getting information on eating to manage high
due to conjunctivitis But when he started to suffer blood cholesterol, confusion...
from pain he immediately...
Britons are drinking TWICE as much as Boy, 11, rips off 2 of his fingers after
they were 40 years ago they were impaled on spikes at the top
Women drinkers are driving the countrys booming of a 10ft fence he scaled
alcohol epidemic, an official report has concluded. Tommie Randall lost his little and ring finger on his
Britain is one... left hand when he fell His mother and a member of
the crowd searched...
13 Gifts for Your Most Stylish Friend Health advisers call for minimum
Bestow the ultimate high-tech trifecta: fitness alcohol unit pricing
tracking, voice-activated Google search, and social Introducing a minimum price per unit of alcohol in
media alerts, all wrapped... England would improve the health of the heaviest
drinkers, a review by...
converted by W
stopped is delayed beyond five minutes...
Researchers uncover more genetic Low-carb diet may aid your metabolism
links to brain cancer cell growth (HealthDay)Eating low-carbohydrate meals may
Ultrabright red signals reflecting abnormally long lead to healthy changes in a womans
telomeres identified by fluorescence in situ... metabolism...
New mothers preoccupied with their Shape matters when light meets atom
problems can find it more difficult to Have you ever wondered how you see the world?
respond to their babies Vision is about photons of light, which are packets
Mothers who have repetitive and self-focused of energy, interacting...
negative thoughts about their own problems can
have poorer-quality relationships...
Novel anti-PSMA imaging agent quickly NASAs AIM observes early noctilucent
identifies prostate cancer lesions ice clouds over Antarctica
New research demonstrates that a novel imaging Data from NASAs Aeronomy of Ice in the
agent can quickly and accurately detect metastasis Mesosphere, or AIM, spacecraft shows the sky over
of prostate cancer, even... Antarctica is glowing electric...
Pence: Trump will focus fast on tax, Amgen, Allergan apply for European
healthcare, immigration: WSJ nod for Avastin biosimilar
(Reuters) The Trump administration plans to (Reuters) Amgen Inc and Allergan Plc said they
move quickly on its goals to overhaul taxation, have submitted an application to the European
healthcare and immigration... health regulator seeking...
Lib Dems wins parliament seat in Brexit Pro-EU party wins parliament seat in
shockwave Brexit shockwave
By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON
(Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal (Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal
Democrats won a parliamentary... Democrats won a parliamentary...
Ford recalls 680,000 vehicles including EU health regulator warns some hep C
Fusion, MKZ drugs could reactivate hep B
(Reuters) Ford Motor Co said on Friday it will (Reuters) The European Medicines Agency
recall about 680,000 of its Ford Fusion and Lincoln warned on Friday that some of the most successful
MKZ sedans to... hepatitis C treatments...
converted by W
Faster, noninvasive method to Researchers find link between
determine the severity of a heart failure antidepressant use and congenital
Methods currently employed to determine the anomalies or stillbirths
severity of a heart failure are very limited. Academics at Swansea University have carried out
Researchers at Eindhoven University... a dose-response analysis which suggests that
pregnant women who take a specific...
New test identifies high-risk liver Saturated fat could be good for you
patients A new Norwegian diet intervention study
Newcastle scientists and medics have developed (FATFUNC), performed by researchers at the KG
a promising new test to identify patients with a rare Jebsen center for diabetes research...
liver disease who will...
Stanford study suggests tiny portions Four weeks of prehabilitation may help
of the brain fall asleep and wake up cancer patients to get in shape for
constantly surgery, study suggests
When we are in a deep slumber our brains activity Just four weeks of prehabilitation may be enough
ebbs and flows in big, obvious waves, like to help some cancer patients get in shape for
watching a tide of human... surgery. Thats according...
Virtual reality may help relieve phantom Scientists devise new radiation-free
limb pain probe for imaging molecules in the
By Kate Bass BSc In a recent study, patients brain
experienced reduced phantom limb pain after Scientists hoping to get a glimpse of molecules
playing an augmented reality car... that control brain activity have devised a new probe
that allows them to...
UN chief sorry for UN role in deadly County becomes first in New Jersey to
Haiti cholera outbreak equip school nurses with narcan
UNITED NATIONS Outgoing United Nations TOMS RIVER, N.J. Ocean County has become
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized to the the first county in New Jersey to supply all of its
people of Haiti on Thursday... high school nurses with...
Video shows woman withering in pain London mayor issues air pollution alert
while suffering symptoms of Lyme for 1st time
disease LONDON Londons mayor has issued air quality
In the last month, Rachel Battersby has been taken alerts across the capital for the first time because
to the hospital four times for debilitating body of high pollution...
spasms due to Lyme disease....
converted by W
Russias Krasnodar region restricts More research volunteers are getting
movement of live pigs over swine fever their medical test results. Should we
MOSCOW Russias southern Krasnodar region cheer or worry?
has imposed restrictions on the movement of live Volunteer for a clinical trial and your body will be
pigs, setting up police... poked, prodded, scanned, and analyzed. But youre
unlikely to get...
Medical device maker Teleflex to buy Parents often give kids time-out the
Vascular Solutions for $1 billion wrong way
Medical device maker Teleflex Inc said on Friday it Most parents who use time-outs to discipline their
agreed to buy Vascular Solutions Inc for about $1 kids dont do it in ways that can encourage better
billion. More on this Researchers... behavior, a recent...
Video shows woman withering in pain London mayor issues air pollution alert
while suffering symptoms of Lyme for 1st time
disease LONDON Londons mayor has issued air quality
In the last month, Rachel Battersby has been taken alerts across the capital for the first time because
to the hospital four times for debilitating body of high pollution...
spasms due to Lyme disease....
AIDS experts say new vaccine trial may Vegan diets really ARE safe for young
offer hope for a cure children and the elderly
At the end of 2015, about 36.7 million people had Vegans diets are healthy for newborn babies and
been living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, according to elderly people, a leading group of nutritionists
UNAIDS. But new initiatives,... claim. Those who adopt a...
A drug to slow down Alzheimers Norovirus cases 40% higher than last
disease will be available by 2025, year putting NHS on course for
experts predict vomiting bug epidemic
A drug to slow Alzheimers disease will be There have been 1,495 confirmed cases of
available within a decade and could eventually be norovirus since July this year This was compared
given like statins to... to 1,379 during the same time...
Norovirus cases 40% higher than last Ireland moves towards legalising
year putting NHS on course for marijuana for medicinal use
vomiting bug epidemic The bill was put forward by the People Before Profit
There have been 1,495 confirmed cases of Alliance in Ireland But the Irish government made it
norovirus since July this year This was compared clear it would...
to 1,379 during the same time...
6 Questions That Reveal if Your Exactly What You Need to Know About
Workout Is REALLY Helping You Lose Experimenting with Rough Sex
Weight Yeah, apparently people have been having
That being said, dont underestimate the power of rough sex since the dawn of time. And experts say
a kick-ass exercise routine, he says. Thats there are legit physiological...
because torching...
Exactly What You Need to Know About 8 Body Transformation Photos That
Experimenting with Rough Sex Prove You Dont Have to Crash Diet to
Yeah, apparently people have been having Lose Weight
rough sex since the dawn of time. And experts say Sometimes, it takes a while to lose weight. But that
there are legit physiological... can actually be a really great thing. Slow weight
loss is a...
converted by W
8 Body Transformation Photos That People are dying: Life-saving opioid
Prove You Dont Have to Crash Diet to antidote hard to find
Lose Weight Sherry Isaac is a mother on a mission. Her 26-
Sometimes, it takes a while to lose weight. But that year-old daughter has struggled with drug
can actually be a really great thing. Slow weight addiction for half her life. She...
loss is a...
Parkinsons disease may start in gut Elton John says HIV end in sight in
Scientists in California say they have transformed West
understanding of Parkinsons disease. Their The end of HIV is in sight in Western countries,
animal experiments,... but increased testing is vital, Sir Elton John has
said. The...
After decades of research, why is AIDS Mens pornography use and its impact
still rampant? on intimacy
Today is World AIDS Day. More than three decades The more frequently men use pornography the less
after the virus was first discovered, 5,753 people sexually intimate they are with their partners, latest
will become HIV infected... University of Otago,...
Mens pornography use and its impact New Zealanders need high quality
on intimacy cancer information
The more frequently men use pornography the less A new analysis indicates that many men with
sexually intimate they are with their partners, latest prostate cancer obtain second opinions from
University of Otago,... urologists before starting treatment,...
New Zealanders need high quality Online insomnia program can improve
cancer information sleep for many
A new analysis indicates that many men with SHUTi, an online program that uses cognitive
prostate cancer obtain second opinions from behavioral therapy to help people with insomnia
urologists before starting treatment,... find...
Data scientists find causal relation in Data scientists find causal relation in
converted by W
characteristics of ADHD characteristics of ADHD
Credit: Radboud University Hyperactivity seems to Credit: Radboud University Hyperactivity seems to
be the result of not... be the result of not...
Well: Can You Regain Muscle Mass Well: Can You Regain Muscle Mass
After Age 60? After Age 60?
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Can creativity beat death? New study Can creativity beat death? New study
suggests creatives worry less about suggests creatives worry less about
dying dying
Creative achievement can provide a buffer against Creative achievement can provide a buffer against
being anxious about death, research from being anxious about death, research from
psychologists at the University... psychologists at the University...
How it takes just 6 seconds to hack a How it takes just 6 seconds to hack a
credit card credit card
New research reveals the ease with which New research reveals the ease with which
criminals can hack an account without ANY of the criminals can hack an account without ANY of the
card details Dubbed the Distributed... card details Dubbed the Distributed...
Four weeks to prepare cancer patients Four weeks to prepare cancer patients
for surgery for surgery
Just four weeks of prehabilitation may be enough Just four weeks of prehabilitation may be enough
to help some cancer patients get in shape for to help some cancer patients get in shape for
surgery. Thats according... surgery. Thats according...
Tangled threads weave through cosmic Tangled threads weave through cosmic
oddity oddity
New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble
Space Telescope have revealed the intricate Space Telescope have revealed the intricate
structure of the galaxy NGC 4696... structure of the galaxy NGC 4696...
NASA sees nada strength left in NASA sees nada strength left in
Tropical Cyclone Nada Tropical Cyclone Nada
NASAs Aqua satellite flew over Tropical Cyclone NASAs Aqua satellite flew over Tropical Cyclone
Nada in the Northern Indian Ocean and infrared Nada in the Northern Indian Ocean and infrared
imagery showed that... imagery showed that...
Senate GOP shies from fight over Senate GOP shies from fight over
Medicare Medicare
WASHINGTON (AP) Congressional Democrats WASHINGTON (AP) Congressional Democrats
are warning that Speaker Paul Ryan and President- are warning that Speaker Paul Ryan and President-
elect Donald Trump are gunning... elect Donald Trump are gunning...
Bosnias disabled children swim against Bosnias disabled children swim against
indifference indifference
Sarajevo (AFP) Born without arms, Ismail Zulfic Sarajevo (AFP) Born without arms, Ismail Zulfic
converted by W
happily paddles across an Olympic-sized pool in happily paddles across an Olympic-sized pool in
Sarajevo: the six-year-old... Sarajevo: the six-year-old...
Pro-EU party wins British local election Pro-EU party wins British local election
in Brexit shockwave in Brexit shockwave
By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON
(Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal (Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal
Democrat party won... Democrat party won...
Lib Dems win local election in Brexit Lib Dems win local election in Brexit
shockwave shockwave
By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON By Sarah Young and Kylie MacLellan LONDON
(Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal (Reuters) Britains pro-European Union Liberal
Democrats party won... Democrats party won...
Egypt accepts six bids for oil and gas Egypt accepts six bids for oil and gas
exploration exploration
CAIRO (Reuters) Egypt has accepted six bids for CAIRO (Reuters) Egypt has accepted six bids for
oil and gas exploration worth a total investment of oil and gas exploration worth a total investment of
up to $200 million,... up to $200 million,...
France detects first H5N8 bird flu case Simple exercise program improves
on farm walking performance and quality of life
PARIS France has detected a case of highly in dialysis patients
contagious H5N8 bird flu on a duck farm in the American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
southwest, the first on-farm...
New UGA research finds pathogens Many women dissatisfied with length of
motility activates immune response time for diagnosis of PCOS, survey
Until now, a pathogens ability to move through the finds
body has been overlooked as a possible trigger of A large international survey of women with a
immune response,... common condition called polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS), which is characterized...
converted by W
accelerated decline in lung function, girl bleeding from the mouth
research shows Vicky Archer, 15, has become ill since being bitten
Menopausal women appear to experience an by a mosquito on a family holiday in Menorca Bright
accelerated decline in lung function, according to student has suffered...
new research published online...
Real-time interactive map shows the NICE says 11 million people should be
pollution engulfing Earth HIV tested but itll cost 77m
Nine out of ten people around the world are More than 11 million Britons should be offered an
breathing bad air, a problem responsible for killing HIV test when they go to their family doctor or AE,
seven million people each... health watchdogs said...
Gold Coast Lyme disease sufferer Kings College Hospital say drinking too
writhes in pain in confronting video much water is dangerous after woman
At the age of 19, Rachel Battersby was a bright, fun- overdoses on it
loving and perfectly healthy young woman. But Telling people to drink plenty of fluids when unwell
today, the girl who once... could be dangerous, doctors have warned. Experts
at Kings...
FEMAIL breaks down the guilty treats High mammographic breast density
that can actually be good for you predicts locoregional recurrence after
Foods such as bread, beer and peanut butter are modified radical mastectomy for
assumed to be unhealthy And while it is good to invasive breast cancer: a case-control
eat in moderation, they... study
The present study shows that high MBD is a
significant independent predictor of LRR after MRM
in patients with invasive breast...
Small Delay in School Start Time May NEOMED researchers identify link
Improve Teens Sleep and Focus between brain and bone in Alzheimers
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) Teens in disease
Hong Kong whose high school delayed the start of ROOTSTOWN, OHResearchers at NEOMED have
the day by just 15... just identified a major connection between areas of
the brainstem ...
Experts argue its time to stop using ACS and Surgical Infection Society
bite marks in forensics announce guidelines for prevention,
Researchers are increasingly skeptical about the treatment of SSIs
converted by W
validity of bite-mark identification as trial evidence. CHICAGO (December 1, 2016): Newly released
A new paper in Journal... guidelines for the prevention, detection, and
management of surgical site infections...
Artificial intelligence toolkit spots new Could ambulatory surgical centers help
child sexual abuse media online bend the cost curve in US health care?
Amsterdam, December 1, 2016 New artificial ROSEMONT, Ill. (December 1, 2016)U.S.
intelligence software designed to spot new child healthcare costs have more than tripled since the
sexual abuse media online... 1960s1. Nearly one of every...
Lib Dems wins parliamentary seat in by- The 7 Fittest Couples on Instagram
election Share Their Top Relationship Tips
LONDON (Reuters) A pro-European Union Maybe theyre your actual friends or just some
Liberal Democrat candidate won a parliamentary adorable people you frequently stalk on the
seat previously held by Prime... Instagram, but were...
The Poop Diaries: 3 Women Get Real More Than 20 Million People Have
About Their Gut Struggles Watched This Close-Up Blackhead
Theres no cure for IBS, but experts say the best Extraction
way to manage (or even eradicate) symptoms is to Pimple-popping videos are basically the train
track your day-to-day... wrecks of the social media age: No matter how
much you want to, you just cant...
Smokeless tobacco might be far less Charlie Sheen reveals his HIV has been
common among big league newcomers suppressed by drug in clinical trial
SAN FRANCISCO That visible circle in the back Charlie Sheen has spoken exclusively to Daily Mail
pockets of big leaguers typically a sure sign of Online to reveal his HIV has been fully suppressed
smokeless tobacco... by an experimental...
New test can diagnose 416 viruses from Obese children should be screened for
tropical regions non-alcoholic fatty liver diseasenew
Researchers from the University of So Paulo NASPGHAN guidelines
(USP) at Ribeiro Preto in Brazil have developed a A screening test for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
platform that analyzes... (NAFLD)a serious condition that may have
lifelong health consequencesis...
converted by W
Phantom movements in augmented Concerns over bodybuilders injecting
reality helps patients with intractable natural oils
phantom limb pain Eight million people per year in the UK suffer from
In the augmented reality environment, the patients muscular diseases and injuries including
can see themselves on a screen with a muscular dystrophy, cerebral...
Being part of a community group could Johnson & Johnson Must Pay 6 Implant
protect you from cognitive decline Patients $1 Billion
Social engagement through civic group activities, Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
such as being a member of a political party, an
environmental group, neighborhood...
Texas Again Places Obstacles in Front Donald Trump Keeps Draining Swamp
of Those Seeking Abortions By Replacing Food Lobbyist With
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here Former Food Lobbyist
Further, the revolving door between lobbying and
posts like Leftwichs isnt particularly unusual
and thats true...
How D.C.s Mayor Plans To End The HIV Can magic mushrooms help cancer
Epidemic In The Capitols Backyard patients?
More than 13,000 people are living with HIV in December 1, 2016, 6:46 PM| The hallucinogenic
Washington, D.C. Thats 2 percent of the citys drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in certain...
population, or double...
Prince Harry, Rihanna get HIV tests Narcissistic individuals use social
December 1, 2016, 10:46 PM| Prince Harry and media to self-promote
singer Rihanna were tested for HIV on World A new statistical review of 62 studies with over
AIDS... 13,000 individuals found that narcissism has a
modest but reliable positive...
Breaking the backbone Those funny ads may make you laugh,
Polymerization by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) but maybe not buy
is a simple method for modifying surfaces by which Advertisers often use humor to grab customers
topologically challenging... attention, but they should do so with caution,
according to a recently...
Disabling critical node revs up attack Magnetic brain stimulation can bring
when cancer immunotherapies fall back stowed memories
short MADISON, Wis. Its clear that your working
PHILADELPHIAAn existing drug known as a JAK memory which holds attention on small things of
inhibitor may help patients who dont respond to short-term...
the so-called checkpoint...
FSU professor designs new material to GE, Microsoft Ventures to lead Tel Aviv
better store hydrogen fuel University IoT investments
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. A Florida State University JERUSALEM (Reuters) The Israel Internet of
researcher has designed new materials that could Things (IoT) Innovations and i3 Equity Partners
be used to store hydrogen... consortium established...
Surge in online sex trade of children Rural Cambodia uses guppy fish to fight
challenges anti-slavery campaigners dengue
By Paola Totaro LONDON (Thomson Reuters By Astrid Zweynert LONDON (Thomson Reuters
Foundation) Technology has fueled a surge in Foundation) In the backyards of rural Cambodia,
the buying and selling of children... a tiny weapon is being...
converted by W
York commuter train that... hallucinogen found...
Connecticuts top court to hear Sandy Transgender Saudi man speaks out
Hook gun appeal publicly for first time to help others
By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) The Connecticut By Ellen Wulfhorst LONDON (Thomson Reuters
Supreme Court has agreed to hear a direct appeal Foundation) As a transgender man from Saudi
by families of victims... Arabia, where his identity...
Computer games relieve phantom limb Benefits of Daily Aspirin Outweigh Risks
pain: study Millions of people take low-dose aspirin daily for
Paris (AFP) Amputees who played computer their cardiovascular health but because of the risk
games using a virtual, on-screen arm, experienced of bleeding many...
relief from the phantom...
Test for early diagnosis of life- First structural map of cystic fibrosis
threatening preemie disease advances protein sheds light on how mutations
New Orleans, LA The National Science cause disease
Foundation (NSF) has chosen an LSU Health New Rockefeller scientists have created the first three-
Orleans team that developed a... dimensional map of the protein responsible for
cystic fibrosis, an...
The latest advances in the study of NSF awards grant to advance new
blood diseases presented at annual diagnostic test for fatal gastrointestinal
meeting of ASH disease in pre-term infants
Tuesday (Dec.6), Charles Mullighan, MD, MBBS, of The National Science Foundation (NSF) has
St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, will be chosen an LSU Health New Orleans team that
awarded the 2016 William... developed a test for the early detection...
USP researchers develop new platform OHSU scientists identify potential target
to detect 416 viruses from tropical for preventing and treating Alzheimers
regions disease
Researchers from the University of So Paulo A new scientific discovery may provide a future
(USP) at Ribeiro Preto in Brazil have developed a avenue for treatment and prevention of Alzheimers
platform that analyzes... disease. A study...
Study suggests new approach to treat New study finds genetic link between
white blood cells of sepsis patients Parkinsons disease and cognitive
Federation of American Societies for Experimental decline
Biology Although the hallmark symptoms of Parkinsons
disease (PD) such as involuntary shaking,
slowness of movement...
IUPUI scientists develop new synthetic Not enough over-50s taking aspirin to
method to shorten drug discovery and prevent heart disease
development process Thursday December 1 2016 Aspirin can help
Synthesizing useful new compounds is what prevent blood clots Aspirin a day could
pharmaceutical discovery and development is all dramatically cut...
about. Researchers at the School...
converted by W
Exercising 4 times a week drastically US AIDS chief declares monkey study
cuts your risk of Alzheimers could lead to functional HIV cure
Aerobic exercise sharpened cognitive function Dr Anthony Fauci doesnt get too excited about the
across all areas of the brain The researchers results of animal studies, and he doesnt make
at Wake Forest School of Medicine... house calls. But...
Mums who take time off to raise ORGASMS may raise the chance of
children lose out on wages on their conceiving by 15 per cent
return Researchers recorded orgasms in six women over
Mums who take time off to raise children lose out a two month period The study found women who
on wages on their return Highly qualified and better reached climax retained more...
paid women suffered...
1 in 6 Britons should be tested for HIV Charlie Sheen reveals his HIV has been
as they live in high risk areas fully suppressed by drug in a clinical
NICE and Public Health England issued new trial
guidelines on Thursday They say 3.7 million Charlie Sheen has spoken exclusively to Daily Mail
people living in areas where HIV... Online to reveal his HIV has been fully suppressed
by an experimental...
6 Beauty Brand Founders Share the Walking Dead Star Alana Masterson
Skin-Care Routines That Keep Them Shut Down Her Body Shamers in the
Glowing Best Way Possible
My typical morning always starts with a cleanse. I A photo posted by Alanna Masterson
spray my face with my Nirvana Hydrating Treatment (@lucytwobows) on Nov 29, 2016 at 2:32pm PST
Mist, then use my... Dear Instagram trolls, body shamers,...
Zap! Magnet Study Offers Fresh Russian Supply Rocket Breaks Apart En
Insights Into How Memory Works Route To Space Station
Forget where you just left your car keys? A A Russian resupply rocket launched Thursday
magnetic pulse might help you remember. Some morning from Kazakhstan. The flight initially went
dormant memories can... as planned,...
Prince Harry and Rihanna get HIV tests Vietnam war veteran develops rare
in Barbados cancer after exposure to Agent Orange
Prince Harry and Rihanna have taken HIV tests Vietnam War veterans with prior exposure to the
together in Barbados to raise awareness on World herbicide Agent Orange may be at higher risk for
Aids Day. The prince has... certain types of skin cancer,...
Not much evidence behind advice to Mix-up over homemade herbal tea puts
drink plenty of fluids when unwell woman in life-threatening condition
Doctors often advise patients to drink plenty of In An Account of the Foxglove and Some of its
fluids and keep well hydrated when unwell,... Medical Uses, published in 1785, Sir William
Withering cautioned readers that...
converted by W
This diagram describes how the device Dr. Hood illustrate the relationship between alcohol
helped to develop is implanted into a cancerous... exposure...
Portions of the brain fall asleep and Advanced soft tissue sarcomas
wake back up all the time, study finds respond to new drug GDC-0575
Stanford postdoctoral fellow Tatiana Engel works combined with gemcitabine
with a graduate student in the lab of Kwabena... Munich, Germany: Researchers working to find
effective treatments for soft tissue sarcomas have
discovered that combining...
A drug that inhibits the Notch signalling U.N. Apologizes for Role in Haitis 2010
process is active in a range of Cholera Outbreak
advanced cancers Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
Munich, Germany: A new anti-cancer drug that
inhibits a key cell signalling process involved in
many different cancers has...
Experience a Brand New YOU with a A Mans Sleep Habits Actually Affect His
Birthday Walk Partners Ability To Get Pregnant
My Birthday Walk started on the East Side of Heterosexual couples who are trying to conceive
Manhattan, on 39th Street. I was 39 years old, and I should pay more attention to their sleep, new
was ready to walk slowly... research suggests ? particularly...
Cancer Patients Are Finding Anxiety Do Therapists Think About Their Clients
Relief In Psychedelic Mushrooms Between Sessions?
We spent a lot of time carefully preparing the Before a session, I may have to finish notes, take a
participants for the sessions, Ross told HuffPost. phone call, or handle an emergency and may not
Then on the dosing... have much time to prepare...
What does the future hold for children Climate cycles may explain how running
with HIV? water carved Mars surface features
HIV rates in children have dropped drastically over Dramatic climate cycles on early Mars, triggered by
the last 15 years. But 1.8 million kids around the buildup of greenhouse gases, may be the key to
world still live with... understanding how liquid...
Obese children should be screened for Test created in Brazil can diagnose 416
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease new viruses from tropical regions
NASPGHAN guidelines Researchers from the University of So Paulo
December 1, 2016 A screening test for non- (USP) at Ribeiro Preto in Brazil have developed a
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)a serious platform that analyzes...
condition that may...
converted by W
a major bleeding...
Portions of the brain fall asleep and Helicopter aid reaches 45,000 in Boko
wake back up all the time, Stanford Haram-hit northeast Nigeria: U.N.
researchers find By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters
When we are in a deep slumber our brains activity Foundation) Flying in aid workers by helicopter to
ebbs and flows in big, obvious waves, like remote, hard-to-reach...
watching a tide of...
Fisher & Paykel wins German court Senator warns against simultaneous
case against ResMed overhaul of Medicare and Obamacare
WELLINGTON (Reuters) Fisher Paykel By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) A
Healthcare Corporation Ltd said on Friday a senior U.S. Senate Republican warned his party on
German court has overturned both... Thursday against simultaneously...
Key House chairman: GOP will change Johnson & Johnson hit with over $1
Medicare, to save it billion verdict on hip implants
WASHINGTON (AP) The chairman of a key By Erica Teichert (Reuters) A federal jury in
House committee pledged Thursday that Dallas on Thursday ordered Johnson Johnson
congressional Republicans will change Medicare... JNJ.N and its DePuy Orthopaedics...
Merck wins UK okay for Keytruda in Lack of Sleep Costs US $41 Billion
lung cancer after price cut Yearly
LONDON (Reuters) Britains healthcare cost- Inadequate sleep is more than an inconvenience
effectiveness watchdog NICE has recommended a new report shows it costs the U.S. economy a
use of Mercks... whopping $41 billion each...
UChicago startup turns renewable U.N. chief sorry for U.N. role in deadly
energy into natural gas Haiti cholera outbreak
converted by W
One of the biggest challenges to wider adoption of UNITED NATIONS Outgoing United Nations
wind and solar power is how to store the excess Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized to the
energy they often produce. A... people of Haiti on Thursday for...
Many doctors use wrong test to Cancer drugs may remain approved
diagnose kids food allergies despite lack of benefit
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Primary care (Reuters Health) In the United States, cancer
doctors often use the wrong test to diagnose food drugs are sometimes approved through sped-up
allergies in children,... processes ...
Vegetarian and vegan diets good for Pharma execs weigh in on possible
kids and adults, nutritionists say changes under Trump
(Reuters Health) Plant-based diets are tied to a The top executives at two of the largest U.S.
lower risk of health problems like heart disease, drugmakers weighed in on Thursday for the first
diabetes,... time on possible changes...
Can you lift weights with your vagina to Man cured of prostate cancer after
boost sexual health? being given testosterone to shock
When women want to strengthen their pelvic floor tumors
muscles they usually do Kegels, exercises where A man has been cured of prostate cancer using
you repeatedly contract... an experimental therapy that shocks tumours to
death with the sex hormone...
Ireland moves toward legalizing Search for HIV vaccine resumes with
marijuana for medicinal use test in South Africa
DUBLIN Ireland moved closer to legalizing SOSHANGUVE, South Africa The latest attempt
marijuana for medicinal use when the minority in the long, frustrating search for a vaccine against
government said on Thursday... HIV began in South Africa...
Sunshine is the key to cutting short- PCPs order more food allergen panels
sightedness, study finds than allergists
More time exposed to UVB light reduces ones risk The common cold season is here, and if you have
of developing myopia Scientists in London found... children, you will likely feel their suffering from
these annoying upper...
converted by W
17A monoclonal antibody,...
Magnetic brain stimulation can bring Whats at Stake: The G.O.P. and Health
back stowed memories: study Care Chaos
Its clear that your working memorywhich holds Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
attention on small things of short-term importance
Sunlight May Reduce Risk of This Is Why Your Balance Gets Worse
Nearsightedness After 40
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here The system in your body that helps you keep your
balance goes downhill after age 40, a new study
finds. The study involved...
MDMA May Soon Be Approved For 12 Hilarious And Honest Cards That Sum
Treatment-Resistant PTSD Up Life With Anxiety
A euphoria-inducing drug commonly known as Anyone who has anxiety knows its a real treat. The
ecstasy is one step closer to becoming a clinical mental health condition affects approximately 40
tool in the battle against... million American adults...
25 Spot-On Gifts Any Introvert Will Feds ban smoking in public housing
Appreciate WASHINGTON Smoking will be prohibited in
The holidays are a stressful time for introverts. public housing developments nationwide under a
Between the countless holiday parties, forced final rule announced Wednesday...
merriment and family obligations,...
Can the drug Ecstasy help people with New study affirms the health benefits of
PTSD? daily aspirin
December 1, 2016, 11:38 AM| CBS News medical December 1, 2016, 11:42 AM| CBS News medical
contributor Dr. David Agus explains why scientists... contributor Dr. David Agus led a new study at
Ohio takes action against one of states "Magic mushroom" psychedelic may
last few abortion clinics ease depression, anxiety in cancer
COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio has revoked the patients
operating license of one of the states few NEW YORK The psychedelic drug in magic
remaining abortion clinics on the... mushrooms can quickly and effectively help treat
anxiety and depression...
Dr. David Agus on why aspirin is the 2 easy ways to help control blood sugar
"real health reform" in diabetes
Taking an aspirin a day helps prevent heart For people with type 2 diabetes, better blood sugar
disease, and a new study found it can have greater control may be as easy as getting up off the couch
long-term economic and health... and standing every...
converted by W
Testosterone therapy may be linked to Where the rains come from
serious health risk RICHLAND, Wash. Intense storms have
Testosterone treatment can increase a mans risk become more frequent and longer-lasting in the
of potentially fatal blood clots, a new study Great Plains and Midwest in...
suggests. Researchers found...
For the first time, scientists catch water Nudges an inexpensive, effective way
molecules passing the proton baton to increase completion of health
Water conducts electricity, but the process by which promotion programs
this familiar fluid passes along positive charges CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Keeping messages brief and
has puzzled scientists... simple can produce gains when trying to
encourage patients to complete...
Battle for Iraqs Mosul could take For one Egyptian with HIV, the stigma is
months: ICRC too much to bear
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) The CAIRO (AP) In his bedroom, theres a drawer full
Iraqi governments assault to retake the city of of his medications along with CDs of a popular
Mosul could take... Egyptian Muslim...
Tunisia reports H5 bird flu in wild birds: Parents often give kids time-out the
OIE wrong way
PARIS (Reuters) Tunisia has reported an By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Most
outbreak of the highly contagious H5 bird flu virus parents who use time-outs to discipline their kids
among wild birds in the... dont do...
LPC: U.S. leveraged loan returns hit Allergan CEO expects drug industry to
four-year highs as rate hikes loom face pricing heat from Trump
By Lynn Adler and Jonathan Schwarzberg NEW By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) U.S. President-
YORK (Reuters) Floating-rate leveraged loans elect Donald Trump could be more critical of
issued to highly indebted... drugmakers and their price...
Head injuries climb after Michigan Surprising Monkey Study Could Lead to
repeals helmet law Functional HIV Cure
By Ronnie Cohen (Reuters Health) After Michigan Dr. Anthony Fauci doesnt get too excited about the
repealed its helmet law, motorcycle riders who results of animal studies, and he doesnt make
crashed there were... house calls. But...
Cholesterol Levels Keep Falling Knowing Diabetes Risk May Not Change
Healthier diets may be a factor in the ongoing Lifestyle
decline in levels of unhealthy blood fats for Giving people detailed information about their
Americans, new research suggests. According... personal genetic risk of developing diabetes may
not inspire them to change...
converted by W
Aerobic Exercise Deters Dementia Scripps Florida scientists identify novel
Aerobic exercise may strengthen memory and compound to alleviate pain and itch
thinking skills in older adults with mild cognitive JUPITER, FL- December 1, 2016 In a new study,
impairment (MCI), a small... scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps
Research Institute...
New algorithm could explain human 12 Gifts to Give Your Fittest Friend
face recognition Log every calorie and bead of sweat, but also what
MIT researchers and their colleagues have youre grateful formorning jog, running buddy,
developed a new computational model of the whatevs. Science...
human brains face-recognition...
9 Gifts That Will Impress the Techie in 11 Gifts for Your Beauty-Obsessed
Your Life Bestie
Anything youd Google and more is now available, The soothing cinnamon, clove, and orange extracts
hands-free. Have it play a song, manage your in this bath oil put you in a blissful trance. The
calendar, or translate French.... bottle will upgrade...
Its killing me. Its killing her: A mother- World AIDS Day marked with vigils and
daughter plea for mental health support campaigns
in N.L. From awareness campaigns to candle-lit vigils,
Fresh stitches on self-inflicted wounds stick out of people around the globe are marking World AIDS
19-year-old McKenzie Straits arm as she and her Day on Thursday. Each...
mother, Christine,...
How the family veto creates a grey zone Schoolkids cook up $2 dose of the
around Canadas organ donation policy $750-a-pill Daraprim
Even if someone in Canada consents to donating Remember Martin Shkreli, the hedge-fund
converted by W
their organs, their relatives can override those manager who last year founded Turing
wishes a practice made... Pharmaceuticals, acquired an essential anti-
I didnt get it: oncology nurses note to Spiritual mind: What a religious
patients after own diagnosis experience looks like in the brain
Lindsay Norris has a lot to say to the cancer People who have had a religious experience often
patients shes helped in her role as an oncology report feelings of joy, peace and warmth, and new
nurse, but in a recent... research...
Why your balance gets worse after 40 Small delay in school start time may
The system in your body that helps you keep your improve teens sleep and focus
balance goes downhill after age 40, a new study Teens in Hong Kong whose high school delayed
finds. The study involved... the start of the day by just 15 minutes got to sleep a
little longer, were late...
Ireland moves toward legalizing School under fire after nurse gives
marijuana for medicinal use wrong student Ritalin
DUBLIN Ireland moved closer to legalizing A Massachusetts family is seeking answers after a
marijuana for medicinal use when the minority school nurse gave their daughter Ritalin instead of
government said on Thursday... Motrin in an alleged...
Man cured of prostate cancer after No need to wait to try again after
being given testosterone to shock miscarriage advice
tumors Thursday December 1 2016 Miscarriages are more
A man has been cured of prostate cancer using common than many people realise Women who
an experimental therapy that shocks tumours to suffer a miscarriage...
death with the sex hormone...
Russian watchdog proposes swine Small delay in school start time may
fever quarantine in Krasnodar improve teens sleep and focus
MOSCOW Russias agriculture safety watchdog (Reuters Health) Teens in Hong Kong whose
has proposed quarantining the entire southern high school delayed the start of the day by just 15
region of Krasnodar to... minutes got to sleep...
School under fire after nurse gives Small delay in school start time may
wrong student Ritalin improve teens sleep and focus
A Massachusetts family is seeking answers after a Teens in Hong Kong whose high school delayed
school nurse gave their daughter Ritalin instead of the start of the day by just 15 minutes got to sleep a
Motrin in an alleged... little longer, were late...
Vigils, campaigns mark World AIDS Day NHS gives the green light for 840
From awareness campaigns to candle-lit vigils, asthma jab that could help up to 100,000
people around the globe are marking World AIDS sufferers who have condition that
Day on Thursday. More on this Surprising... cannot be treated by an inhaler
Many sufferers are constantly breathless and
reliant on powerful steroids Patients will have to
travel to specialist clinics...
Just one glass of white a day can raise Glasgow Caledonian University reveal
converted by W
risk of developing skin cancer by 13% why more over 45s are getting STIs
Even a small glass of white wine a day could One consequence of our ageing population is that
increase risk of skin cancer Alcohol is associated people are now sexually active later in life.
with invasive melanoma... Combined with a high rate...
Wages of high-flying women hit hardest Dont let your children stay inside all
when they return to the office after day: Sunshine is the key to cutting
taking time out to raise their children short-sightedness, study finds
Mums who take time off to raise children lose out More time exposed to UVB light reduces ones risk
on wages on their return Highly qualified and better of developing myopia Scientists in London found...
paid women suffered...
Im called a slut for being openly HIV+ Wales organ donations encouraging in
The latest UK HIV stigma index found almost one year after consent law
in five respondents living with HIV in the UK have More organs are being donated and more lives
had suicidal thoughts... saved a year after Wales became the only nation in
the UK to introduce a new...
French MPs debate ban on false anti- With promising results from emerging
abortion websites therapies, research yields hope for
In terms of exercise, swimming, racquet sports, amyloidosis
and aerobics seem to be associated with the best Two new treatments are showing promise and
odds of staving off death... overall survival is on the rise for AL amyloidosis,
according to a series of...
Psychologists Think Your Lies About These Posters Vividly Document The
Santa Will Damage Your Kids History Of The HIV/AIDS Epidemic
While the stakes seem low ? after all, how much World AIDS Day, which has been recognized
harm could really come from a little fairytale? ? annually on Dec. 1 since 1988, is an opportunity
Boyle and McKay make several... for people worldwide to unite...
Most lobbied bill in recent history Pet care costs can top human medical
makes its way to House floor for vote bills
Legislation intended to accelerate the discovery, Pet owners may shell out as much or more
development and delivery of treatments for money for their pets health care as they do for their
patients with unmet medical... own, a new report...
converted by W
The tree of life has its roots in Jena Findings show significant progress
Jena (Germany) How can we depict diversity? against HIV epidemic in Africa; 90-90-90
Biologists of the 19th century faced this question goals in reach
as they became aware not... December 1, 2016 NEW YORK National
surveys in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia reveal
exceptional progress against...
Use your words: Written prisoner A&A special issue: GREGOR first results
interactions predict whether theyll This special issue of Astronomy Astrophysics
clean up their acts contains a series of scientific articles, which are
COLUMBUS, Ohio The evolution of how based on data obtained...
prisoners in substance-abuse programs
communicate is a good indicator of whether...
Can DXA be used to predict fracture With promising results from emerging
risk in people with diabetes? therapies, Penn research yields hope
Increased risk of fracture has been shown to be for amyloidosis
one of the complications arising from longstanding PHILADELPHIA Two new treatments are showing
diabetes. With the worldwide... promise and overall survival is on the rise for AL
amyloidosis, according...
Aradigms inhaled antibiotic fails late- Ohio pulls license of 1 of states last
stage study, shares sink few abortion clinics
(Reuters) Aradigm Corp said on Thursday its COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ohio has revoked the
inhaled antibiotic for a rare, incurable disorder operating license of one of the states few
affecting the lungs... remaining abortion clinics...
Boko Haram attacks destroy farm Sharks and jellyfish slow British mans
communities, bring famine risk attempt to swim Atlantic
By Alexis Akwagyiram MAIDUGURI, Nigeria DAKAR (Reuters) A British man aiming to be the
(Reuters) Fati Adamu has not seen three of her first person to swim across the Atlantic said on
six children nor her husband... Thursday he is grappling...
Vigils, campaigns mark World AIDS Day South Sudanese flee as country edges
(Reuters) From awareness campaigns to closer to genocide
candle-lit vigils, people around the globe are By Aaron Ross KARUKWAT, Democratic Republic
marking World AIDS Day on Thursday. Each... of Congo (Reuters) Charity Mandulu said the
executions began soon after...
Red Cross says in talks with Syria on Ethnic cleansing going on in South
access to those fleeing Aleppo Sudan: U.N. commission
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) The By Tom Miles and Ed Cropley
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) GENEVA/JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) Ethnic
is in talks with the Syrian... cleansing is taking place in some areas of South...
Sniffing like a dog can improve trace US public divided over food science
detection of explosives WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 1, 2016) The way
By mimicking how dogs get their whiffs, a team of Americans eat has become a source of potential
government and university researchers have social, economic and political...
demonstrated that active...
converted by W
spread identified valuable drugs
A metabolite is found to make the colorectal cancer Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) produce more
cells more invasive and increase likelihood of than half of the top selling therapeutic proteins on
more tumors spreading... the market today. These...
New global network to explore link New global network to explore link
between genes and environmental between genes and environmental
factors to tackle health challenges factors to tackle health challenges
A new global network linking leading research A new global network linking leading research
centres across the world has launched today to centres across the world has launched today to
tackle some of the most pressing... tackle some of the most pressing...
New mouse model provides key New mouse model provides key
information for understanding cortical information for understanding cortical
circuit development circuit development
A day by day log of cortical electric activity in the A day by day log of cortical electric activity in the
mouse visual cortex was published in the Journal mouse visual cortex was published in the Journal
of Neuroscience by... of Neuroscience by...
Online program for insomnia can Online program for insomnia can
improve amount and quality of sleep improve amount and quality of sleep
University of Virginia Health System University of Virginia Health System
converted by W
Development of a gene synthesis Development of a gene synthesis
platform for the efficient large scale platform for the efficient large scale
production of small genes encoding production of small genes encoding
animal toxins animal toxins
Synthetic biology, an interdisciplinary branch of Synthetic biology, an interdisciplinary branch of
biology, is quickly becoming one of the most biology, is quickly becoming one of the most
attractive areas of research... attractive areas of research...
Booze increases risk of skin cancer, Booze increases risk of skin cancer,
study claims study claims
Drinking just a glass of white wine each day raises Drinking just a glass of white wine each day raises
the risk of deadliest form of skin cancer, a study the risk of deadliest form of skin cancer, a study
reveals. More on... reveals. More on...
Top US heart doctors want Califf to Top US heart doctors want Califf to
remain FDA Commissioner remain FDA Commissioner
Now that President-elect Donald Trump has Now that President-elect Donald Trump has
named his pick to oversee the nations massive named his pick to oversee the nations massive
healthcare operations, attention... healthcare operations, attention...
Student who died at frat house Student who died at frat house
accidentally overdosed on opioids after accidentally overdosed on opioids after
drinking poppy tea drinking poppy tea
After the death of a Virginia college student in After the death of a Virginia college student in
February, police have now confirmed the cause of February, police have now confirmed the cause of
death was an accidental... death was an accidental...
China could further ease childbirth Laughter is the best medicine to gauge
curbs: government think-tank social ties
BEIJING China might further relax, or even scrap, Humans are a profoundly nosy, voyeuristic
restrictions on childbirth to avoid a low birthrate species, forever trying to figure out the social
trap,... goings-on around us. An entire...
Most patients with depression get poor Carmat shares slump after France halts
care, or none at all, study finds heart implants
LONDON The vast majority of the estimated 350 PARIS Shares in artificial heart maker Carmat
million people worldwide suffering from slumped on Thursday after Frances national drugs
converted by W
depression are not receiving... agency ordered it...
The lung cancer symptoms even non- Russian watchdog proposes ASF-
smokers should know related quarantine in Krasnodar
Ashley Rivas was 26 when she noticed she was MOSCOW Russias agriculture safety watchdog
getting tired earlier than usual on her runs. Over the has proposed that a quarantine be introduced in
next few years, the X-ray... the whole southern region...
Japan orders chicken cull on third bird Bird flu found at small poultry farm in
flu outbreak in less than a week Germany
TOKYO Japan has started culling another HAMBURG A case of high risk H5N8 bird flu has
230,000 chickens after the discovery of a highly been found on a small farm in Mecklenburg-
contagious form of bird flu... Vorpommern in east Germany,...
Aradigm posts mixed late-stage data on Surprising monkey study could lead to
inhaled antibiotic functional HIV cure
Aradigm Corp reported mixed data on its inhaled CHICAGO Dr. Anthony Fauci doesnt get too
antibiotic for an incurable rare disease associated excited about the results of animal studies, and he
with chronic lung... doesnt make...
AstraZeneca in broad drug deal with Young gay men at the frontline of AIDS
Bicycle worth up to $1 billion prevention in China
LONDON AstraZeneca has signed a wide-ranging BEIJING Young gay men are the frontline of
deal with private biotech firm Bicycle Therapeutics Chinas battle to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS,
to develop a novel class... with new cases in...
North Korean Volcano Provides Rare Cost of new drugs could rise under
Chance For Scientific Collaboration CETA, but its hard to predict by how
Mount Paektu, which sits on the border with China, much
is known in North Korea as the sacred mountain... Are the benefits of Canadas free trade agreement
with Europe worth what it costs? New
Democrat Tracey Ramsey is trying...
Life on the frontline for paramedics Five ways services are innovating
Media captionThe BBC followed specialist Ambulance services across the UK are facing
paramedic Georgette on a typical day in her growing pressures. Demand is increasing, and
working life Rising demand has left... they are struggling to hit their...
Ambulances too slow to 999 calls How did World Aids Day come about?
Ambulance services are struggling to reach 1 December 2016 Last updated at 09:03 GMT In
seriously ill and injured patients quickly enough 1988 around 140 countries took part in the first
after rising demand has left... World Aids Day to raise awareness...
Elton John charity to fund HIV testing Councils urged to redesign speed
The Elton John Aids Foundation has offered to bumps to cut pollution
finance HIV testing in Lambeth, the Victoria Local authorities should consider lower speed
Derbyshire programme has learned. The... limits, clean air zones and even redesign speed
bumps in a bid to reduce air...
Reactivation of embryonic genes leads Public Health: A Trump Pick, and Why
to muscle aging Indianas Strict Medicaid Rules Could
In response to a muscle injury in old age, Spread
developmental pathways are re-activated that Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here
converted by W
Poll: Only One-Fourth Of Americans What should parents tell kids about
Actually Want Full Obamacare Repeal Santa?
Support for full repeal actually declines further Each year, parents around the world convince their
when people learn that it could mean allowing children that if they behave, a jolly man in a red suit
insurers to deny coverage... will come down...
Going against the grain nitrogen Benefits of daily aspirin outweigh risk
turns out to be hypersociable! to stomach
Going against the grain nitrogen turns out to be Stomach bleeds caused by aspirin are
hypersociable! Nitrogen is everywhere: even in the considerably less serious than the spontaneous
air there is... bleeds that can occur in people not taking...
Taking time off work to raise children is New process produces hydrogen at
damaging to the careers of highly much lower temperature
skilled women Waseda University researchers have developed a
WASHINGTON, DC, December 1, 2016 Mothers new method for producing hydrogen, which is fast,
who leave work to raise children often sacrifice irreversible, and takes...
more than the pay for their...
Poll: Only about 1 in 4 wants Trump to China could further ease childbirth
repeal health law curbs: government think-tank
WASHINGTON (AP) Only about one in four BEIJING (Reuters) China might further relax, or
Americans wants President-elect Donald Trump to even scrap, restrictions on childbirth to avoid a low
entirely repeal his predecessors... birthrate...
Predation on pollinating insects shaped CRISPR used for first time to correct
the evolution of the orchid mantis clotting in newborn and adult mice
Cleveland A team of scientists at The Cleveland Most single-gene diseases, such as hemophilia,
Museum of Natural History, Australia, and Germany are caused by different mutations scattered in a
discovered that... specific gene rather than...
I Took Squat Breaks At Work Every Day 6 Women Share the Diets Theyll Never
For A Month, And Heres What Try Again
Happened Counting Calories For the longest time, I counted
When I recently came down with my first-ever case calories to try to lose weight. I thought that if I
of runners knee, though, I learned that muscle stayed under...
weaknesses in...
Carmat shares slump after French Internet helps dad find special sippy
drugs agency suspends its heart cup for autistic son
implants Faced with the pending demise of his autistic
PARIS Shares in artificial heart maker Carmat sons beloved sippy cup, Marc Carter turned to the
slumped on Thursday after Frances national drugs internet in hopes...
agency ordered it...
Experts use MRI scans to investigate Type 2 diabetes drug may someday help
heart function of kidney patients during combat breast and ovarian cancers
dialysis treatment A drug used now to treat Type 2 diabetes may
University of Nottingham someday help beat breast and ovarian cancers, but
not until researchers decode...
converted by W
MSBI surgeons perform first Newborns with low levels of vitamin D
endoscopic transoral thyroidectomy in may more likely develop multiple
New York sclerosis in later life
A team of surgeons at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Babies born with low levels of vitamin D may be
(MSBI), led by William B. Inabnet III, MD, the more likely to develop multiple sclerosis (MS) later
Eugene W. Friedman, MD, Professor... in life than babies...
Fewer Americans struggle with medical Having trouble hearing? Maybe its not
bills: report your ears
(HealthDay)Fewer Americans are struggling to (HealthDay)Seniors who struggle to make out
pay medical bills now than five years ago, a new what people are saying around the dinner table or
government... on a...
converted by W
threatening cancer WASHINGTON, DC (December 1, 2016) A new
In a small double-blind study, Johns Hopkins report recommends that the Trump Administration
researchers report that a substantial majority of take action to revise existing...
people suffering cancer-related...
A tip sheet for workers and workplaces Nestle touts new technology to reduce
where pot is legal sugar in chocolate
BOSTON (AP) Changing marijuana laws arent LONDON (Reuters) Nestle, the worlds largest
necessarily making weed more welcome in the packaged food group, said it had made a scientific
workplace. For now, many... breakthrough...
How I Fell in Love at First Sight: 4 Guys See Tons of Celebs Go #MakeUpFree
Explain for the New Pirelli Calendar
To find out exactly what goes down when guys fall RELATED: Whats That on Your Face? While past
head over heels in love at first sight, we reached years have featured women in gorgeous gowns or
out to a bunch of guys... naked, made up Hollywood-style,...
Youngsters born with low levels of Junior doctors training under threat,
vitamin D are more likely to develop MS says GMC
Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium Junior doctors in the UK fear they are missing out
crucial for bone health Danish experts found those on crucial training because of increasing
with the highest... workloads, a report by the General...
converted by W
(SSPs)more... these annoying upper...
Vitamin D status in newborns and risk Most people with depression receive
of MS in later life inadequate treatment or no care at all
It can be hard to tell the difference between Credit: George Hodan/Public Domain The vast
humans and androids in such sci-fi TV shows as majority of people with depression across the...
Westworld. But...
Promising results from new drug How highs and lows in testosterone
combination in patients with advanced levels shock prostate cancer cells to
solid tumors death
Munich, Germany: An experimental drug called Munich, Germany: A strategy of alternately flooding
TAS-114, which has the potential to increase the and starving the body of testosterone is producing
anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy... good results in patients...
Nestl Reformulates Sugar and Says It How to Set Limits and Stick to Them
Will Use Less in Its Candy I try to use research routinely in my daily life, there
Log In Dont have an account? Sign up here are many examples, but I will give you just one of
them. One of the...
Stephen Hawkings PSA About Obesity How Left-Handed People Think And
Should Be Required Viewing Feel Differently
Now this is a commendable cause. Stephen Lefties historically have had a tendency to get left
Hawking, distinguished English scientist, recently behind. Until relatively recently, being left-handed
filmed a public service announcement... was stigmatized,...
Americans lack of sleep harms health, World first MRI study sheds light on
costs economy hundreds of billions heart damage during kidney dialysis
November 30, 2016, 7:26 PM| A new study says 45 Experts in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
percent of American workers get less than 7 kidney disease have carried out the first ever scans
hours... to study the heart function...
College students use of private loans Tai Chi proves feasible and beneficial
drops by half for vets with PTSD
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC A new report (Boston)Veterans with symptoms of posttraumatic
by education researchers at RTI International found stress disorder (PTSD) who participated in in Tai
that the use of private... Chi not only would...
Penn scientists use CRISPR for first Standing up may unmask cognitive
time to correct clotting in newborn and deficits in patients with Parkinsons
adult mice BOSTON In a new study published online today
(PHILADELPHIA) CRISPR/Cas9, a powerful in the journal Neurology, a research team led by
genome editing tool, is showing promise for neurologists at Beth...
efficient correction of disease-causing...
Two tech companies win first Stop Science panel urges rewrite of food
Slavery Award after workforce scrutiny allergy warning labels
converted by W
By Paola Totaro LONDON (Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON (AP) Made in the same factory
Foundation) Two multi-national tech companies as peanuts. May contain traces of tree nuts. A
previously questioned over... new...
Most patients with depression get poor Rapper Kanye West released from
care, or none at all hospital: media reports
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) The vast LOS ANGELES (Reuters) Rapper Kanye West
majority of the estimated 350 million people was released from hospital on Wednesday,
worldwide suffering from depression... according to media outlets citing...
Japan orders chicken cull on third bird Riskiest city for HIV, Miami opens first
flu outbreak in less than a week needle exchange
TOKYO (Reuters) Japan has started culling Miami (AFP) Homeless men curl up on
another 230,000 chickens after the discovery of a mattresses along a broken sidewalk littered with
highly contagious form... trash and syringes in Miami,...
Young gay men at the frontline of AIDS 5 Top Spices for Your Heart
prevention in China Spices are an easy and delicious way to help
BEIJING (Reuters) Young gay men are the boost your heart health, a top cardiologist says.
frontline of Chinas battle to prevent the spread of The use of spices,...
HIV/AIDS, with...
Vital vaccine could reduce burden of World AIDS Day Liverpool leads
dengue disease in hardest-hit regions research project to reduce mother-to-
The first licensed vaccine for the potentially life- child transmission of HIV
threatening dengue virus should only be used in Researchers from the University of Liverpools
moderate-to high impacted... Institute of Translational Medicine have been
awarded a grant of up...
PCSK9 and HMGCR genetic variations Study identifies underlying cause for
that lower bad cholesterol affect risk of overgrowths in lower extremities of
cardiovascular events morbidly obese patients
In a new study published in the December 1, 2016 Morbidly obese individualsthose whose weight is
issue of The New England Journal of Medicine more than double normal weightare prone to
(NEJM), researchers at Brigham... overgrowths in their...
Researchers create new method to IQWiG finds both hint of benefit and
analyze big data for better predictions harm from corneal collagen cross-
Princeton University linking for keratoconus
In patients with keratoconus the cornea of the eye
begins to bulge. So-called corneal collagen cross-
linking aims to halt...
converted by W
Test methods TPs spoke 40 statements of mixed Previous reports suggest that the levels of wtERa
verity as follows. They viewed pictures on a and ERb expression were downregulated in HCC
computer screen placed out of... than in chronic liver disease...
French drugs agency suspends new Another child hospitalized with rare
Carmat artificial heart implants polio-like disease in Washington
PARIS Frances national drugs agency said on Another child has been diagnosed with a rare
Wednesday it had ordered artificial heart maker polio-like disease in Washington. The boy, who is
Carmat to suspend... under 10 years old, is the...
FDA approves large-scale clinical trials Wyoming woman loses 130lbs in 2 years
of ecstasy to treat patients with PTSD after struggling to breathe during
The FDA has approved large-scale clinical trials of pregnancy
ecstasy to treat patients with post-traumatic stress A mother-of-one has told how she was inspired to
disorder. The phase... lose more than 130lbs despite suffering from
extreme pain...
Why more and more over 45s are Aspirin a day could dramatically cut
getting sexually transmitted infections cancer and heart disease risk
One consequence of our ageing population is that Older Americans who take a low dose of aspirin
people are now sexually active later in life. every day with drastically cut their risk of contracting
Combined with a high rate... heart disease or...
Heart attack patch developed that The Oldest Woman Alive Says She Eats
could repair the muscle without the This Food Every Single Day
need for stitches RELATED: The Fittest Woman on Earth Shares
Scientists have developed a stick-on patch that Exactly What She Eats Every Day Needless to say,
could be used in future It helps bridge the electrical her record-breaking...
impulses between...
You Have to See These Womens This 5-Pound Dumbbell Workout Will
Incredible Yoga-Fueled Weight-Loss Give You a Total-Body Burn
Transformations Feather-light dumbbells get a pretty bad rap these
Real talk: Sometimes getting to the gym and days. With heavy weights becoming the norm for
crushing an hour-long workout packed with sprints women everywherewhich,...
on the treadmill, dumbbell...
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longest emergency room...
The chance I take: Dialysis patient Ryan Lovett was a beautiful endurer of
conducts his own treatments in remote abuse, mothers trial hears
First Nation Tamara Lovett, the Calgary woman accused
Steven Chapman admits that conducting his own of failing to properly care for her seven-year-old
hemodialysis treatment hundreds of kilometres son, refused a friends...
from the nearest hospital is...
Researcher develops mouse model for The tax man cometh: California ponders
studying development of visual cortex legal pot, paying up
A day by day log of cortical electric activity in the Californias legal marijuana industry is expected to
mouse visual cortex was published in the Journal involve everything from backyard growers to
of Neuroscience by... sprawling fields...
Interrupting sitting time improves blood HIV patients showing signs of multidrug
sugar control in people with type 2 resistance in Africa
diabetes HIV infecting a human cell. Credit: NIH Significant
A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal numbers of patients whose HIV strains...
of the European Association for the Study of
Diabetes [EASD]) suggests...
Increased risk of blood clots soon after Screening to blame for thyroid cancer
starting testosterone treatment epidemic in South Korea
Starting testosterone treatment is associated with The current epidemic of thyroid cancer in South
an increased risk of serious blood clots (known as Korea is due to an increase in the detection of
venous thromboembolism... small tumours,...
How To Train Your Puppy Mind This Is What Every Introvert Craves In A
Daydreaming can be an equally helpful tool. Its far Relationship
from the here and now of mindfulness, but if the This post was brought to you by Thought Catalog
content of my... and Quote Catalog. By Bianca Sparacino We crave
your time. We crave you in...
On World AIDS Day, Lets Confront The This Barbie Wheelchair Accessory Is
Challenging Problem Of HIV/AIDS In The Normalizing Disability
Black Gay Community With Renewed Lamm believes his version of the accessory is
Honesty And Action much-needed today. If a wheelchair accessory
In the spring of 1986, I found myself in the intensive were as commonplace as a dress...
care unit at Bostons Tufts New England Medical
Center. I was...
Lack of sleep costs Americans billions Younger smokers face 8-times greater
of dollars a year heart risk
Too little shut-eye can have far-reaching effects All smokers face a higher risk of heart attack, but
even financial ones, a new report says. Reduced the threat is particularly high among those under
productivity and an... 50, a new study finds. Compared...
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Healthier diets may be a factor in the ongoing public housing developments nationwide under a
decline in levels of unhealthy blood fats for final rule announced Wednesday...
Americans, new research suggests. According...
This Week from AGU 11/30/2016 Geographers provide new insight into
This Week from AGU: New study shows induced commuter megaregions of the US
earthquakes affect stream discharge ** Access a Geographers from Dartmouth College and the
live feed of new research papers... University of Sheffield provide new insight into the
economic geography of commuter...
GPM sees deadly tornadic storms Mount Sinai surgeons remove thyroid
moving through US Southeast gland through hidden incision
The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or underneath the lip
GPM core satellite gathered rainfall data on the A team of surgeons at Mount Sinai Beth Israel
severe storms that impacted... (MSBI), led by William B. Inabnet III, MD, the
Eugene W. Friedman, MD, Professor...
NYC court hears appeal against salt- Bluebird, Celgene myeloma treatment
warning fines impresses in tiny study
NEW YORK (AP) An appeals court has heard By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) Patients who
arguments on New York Citys first-of-its-kind rule previously were not helped by repeated treatments
that requires chain... for multiple myeloma...
House OKs bill bolstering medical U.S. House passes 21st Century Cures
research, drug approvals health bill
WASHINGTON (AP) The House easily approved WASHINGTON (Reuters) The U.S. House of
a sweeping biomedical bill Wednesday that would Representatives on Wednesday passed a
help drug and medical device... sweeping, $6.3 billion bill that supporters...
Most patients with depression get poor GSK biotech asthma drug wins UK
care, or none at all: study approval after extra price cut
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) The vast LONDON (Reuters) GlaxoSmithKlines new
majority of the estimated 350 million people injectable asthma drug Nucala has been
worldwide suffering from depression... recommended for use in Britains...
Trouble Hearing? It May Not Be Your Drugs Prevent Heart Damage During
Ears Chemo
Seniors who struggle to make out what people are Many breast cancer survivors live only to face life-
saying around the dinner table or on a noisy street threatening heart disease due to treatments that
may have perfectly normal... vanquished their cancer...
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New Rochelle, NY, November 30, 2016A new AUSTIN, Texas Evidence preserved in the
study of U.S. adolescents shows an association internal skeletal structure of the world-famous
between metabolic syndrome... fossil, Lucy, suggests the...
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