II 2015 8
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II 2015 8
Men who buy sex have much in Spinal manipulation works for back Search
common with sexually coercive men painin some people
A 19-year-old woman forced into prostitution and Lead researcher Greg Kawchuk is a professor at
rescued by the Spanish National Police in Madrid the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the RECENT POSTS
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ORNL cell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver
NASA looks at deadly weather over the US
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Gene-editing technique heals mice with muscular
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Worlds first soft-robotic surgery on a human body
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First state raises smoking age to 21
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New genes born by accident lead to evolutionary
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Areas of increased poverty associated with higher rates of
Study reveals human body has gone What is a complete breakfast? Ebola transmission
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BINGHAMTON, NY Research into 430,000- IMAGE: Its the most important meal of the CRISPR treats genetic disorder in adult mammal
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IMAGE: On Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean in poverty than single fathers, study Room in 2016
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Five die, six injured in explosion at Arizona woman held on $2 million bail
Spanish fireworks factory for drowning twin sons
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By Luis Correas ZARAGOZA, Spain (Reuters) By David Schwartz PHOENIX (Reuters) An
Five people died and six were injured in an Arizona mother who police say admitted to
explosion... drowning her twin sons...
Women are not getting treated for People who lack sleep are more likely
menopausal symptoms to catch colds
By Roxanne Nelson (Reuters Health) Many People who do not get enough sleep are four times
women with severe menopausal symptoms are more likely than their well-rested counterparts to
not being... catch a cold,...
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Going Viral For The Best Reason Aging is a unique experience. For some, the effects
Talk about making a statement. After being will present themselves sooner rather than later,
diagnosed with depression last year, 20-year-old and for some...
student Bekah Miles decided...
How Small Changes Can Radically 14 Women Get Real About Sex On The
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The language you use when you talk to yourself Malek Chamoun via Getty Images As people stay in
has a tremendous effect on your self-esteem. As the dating pool longer than ever before, women are
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Dogs with cleft palates get help from Temple Lung Center study shows
human surgery benefits for COPD patients using digital
Last Updated Aug 31, 2015 9:51 AM EDT When Dr. health application
Bryden Stanley, a veterinarian, saw Mr. Moo, a 9- (Philadelphia, PA) Early intervention facilitated
month-old dog with a cleft... by a digital health application for reporting
symptoms of Chronic...
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untapped energy savings potential storms could pose big hazards
IMAGE: Berkeley Lab scientist Evan Mills found IMAGE: Toward the end of this century (project
that gaming computers offer a potential estimated here for the years 2068 to 2098) the possibility of
savings of $18 billion... storm surges of...
France to build Calais camp for 1,500 How To Get The Most Out Of 30 Minutes
migrants At The Gym
By Pierre Savary CALAIS, France (Reuters) By: Jeremy Glass Credit: iStock/Alina Solovyova-
France plans to build a camp this winter for as... Vincent As a working professional who
spends way too...
Study identifies the 1 way to prevent a Midday nap beneficial for blood
hangover pressure
Having water with your beer wont keep the Always envied the Spanish tradition of a midday
hangover at bay. (Matthew Apgar/Northwest nap? Turns out, the siesta may help your heart.
Herald via AP) Bad news for... New research presented at...
Google, Sanofi team up to improve NY mom wins right to not vaccinate son
diabetes care over religious belief
A person receives a test for diabetes during Care A New York Russian Orthodox mom has won the
Harbor LA free medical clinic in Los Angeles, right to exempt her autistic son from getting the
California September 11,... school-mandated measles/mumps/rubella...
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Gene ZSCAN4 may help treat Down Study shows AED usage has increased
syndrome in public locations, but not at homes
Elixirgen, LLC Efforts to improve automated external defibrillator
(AED) usage increase bystander defibrillation in
public places but not...
How Shows Like Will & Grace 5 Yoga Moves For Better Sex
And Black-ish Can Change Your Hero Images via Getty Images These simple
Brain poses tone your bod while also offering a bedroom
i Janet Hubert (left), James Avery, Tatyana Ali and benefit.By...
Will Smith in the first season of Fresh Prince of
Why The Term AIDS Needs To Go! 3 Things To Do For An Awesome First
I really hate the term AIDS. If I had my way, Impression (Says Science)
itd be done away with like the dinosaurs.... Eleonora Grasso Photography via Getty Images By
Christine Schoenwald First impressions can be
How to Get the Most Out of 30 Minutes Afghan police investigate gas
at the Gym poisoning at girls school
By: Jeremy Glass Credit: iStock/Alina Solovyova- HERAT, Afghanistan (Reuters) More than 100
Vincent As a working professional who girls were taken to hospital from their school in
spends way too... western Afghanistan...
7 Unexpected Signs Youre Totally Blue Bell resumes selling ice cream
Stressed after listeria recall
Cultura RM/Ian Spanier/Getty Images Why it could (AP) Blue Bell ice cream is back. Blue Bell
be stress: Its rare, and would only happen Creameries has resumed selling its products in
under extreme... select locations Monday, four...
Tiny, wireless pacemaker could be Parents: Talk About Alcohol When Kids
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surgery-free option, study finds Are 9
In this undated image provided on Saturday Aug. Credit: Katseyephoto | Dreamstime Parents should
29, 2015 by Mount Sinai Hospital in New York start talking...
shows Dr Vivek Reddy as he checks...
Does exercise benefit the mildly Chemo drug works by tricking cells into
depressed? thinking theyre infected
Study will examine if exercise has neurological A type of chemotherapy drug appears to work by
effect on the brain of mildly depressed people tricking cells into thinking theyre infected with
Scientists hope... viruses, according...
Study: EMS-initiated CPR for out-of- Bystander CPR can prevent brain
hospital cardiac arrest should be damage, nursing home admission
performed for 35 minutes following cardiac arrest
/ no comments European Society of Cardiology Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
has been linked to a 30% lower risk of nursing
home admission and brain damage...
Close and supportive friendships in Phase III trial results show cariprazine
adolescence linked to better health in effective in treating negative symptoms
early adulthood associated with schizophrenia
Teens are often warned to beware the undue Results of a clinical trial seem to show the first
influence of peer pressure, but new research effective treatment for the negative symptoms
suggests that following the pack... withdrawal, lack...
How Are U.N. Climate Talks Like A Dog with cleft palate gets help from
Middle School? Cliques Rule human surgery
i Delegates took their seats during the plenary When Dr. Bryden Stanley, a veterinarian, saw Mr.
session at the Bonn climate change conference on Moo, a 9-month-old dog with a cleft palate, for the
March 10, 2014.... first time, she wasnt...
Bayer heart failure drug cuts deaths in Insurers say private Medicare plans are
mid-stage trial better, but we really dont know
By Ben Hirschler and Ludwig Burger (Reuters) Health insurers have been telling us for years that
Bayer will move a heart failure drug into final- their Medicare Advantage plans, which are federally
stage... funded but...
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Credit: Peter Hger/Public Domain An without heart failure
international group of researchers have found that Heart attack patients without heart failure derive no
food craving activates... benefit from the addition of mineralocortoid
receptor antagonists (MRA),...
Cyclosporine drug does not improve Particulate matter, NO2 air pollution
outcomes in STEMI patients receiving associated with increased risk of heart
PCI attacks
The immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine did not Particulate matter and NO2 air pollution are
improve clinical outcomes compared to placebo in associated with increased risk of severe heart
patients receiving percutaneous... attacks despite being within...
Study finds no significant impact of ATP A single dose of cocaine can impair
on reducing late recurrence of AF ability to recognise negative emotions
Late recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) is not A single dose of cocaine can interfere with the
reduced in patients whose pulmonary vein ability to recognise negative emotions, according to
isolation (PVI) treatment incorporates... new research presented...
Knee and hip replacements may be bad Food price gap shows need for
for the heart subsidies and promo deals for remote
Australian researchers reveal that sudden, acute areas
episodes of low back pain are not linked to weather Following his visit to Australias Northern
conditions such as temperature,... Peninsular Area, Prime Minister Tony Abbott told
the ABCs AM program...
Keep Calm and Accomplish Your Goals Better daily sea ice forecasts for the
In this video, Eckhart Tolle explains how enjoying or Arctic following CU-Boulder-led
accepting the present moment is more important innovation
than the expectations... IMAGE: In this image, showing sea ice cover on a
single summer day in 2012, pink areas represent
sea ice not captured...
Gene regulating severity of tissue Study shows that food may be addictive
damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis An international group of researchers have found
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
identified that food craving activates different brain networks
Scientists have identified a new protein (C5orf30) between obese and normal...
which regulates the severity of tissue damage
caused by rheumatoid arthritis...
Study shows that food may be addictive Texas teen dies of rare brain-eating
An international group of researchers have found amoeba infection
that food craving activates different brain networks (Reuters) A Texas teenager who contracted a
between obese and normal... rare brain-eating disease after swimming in a lake
about 70...
Texas teen dies of rare brain-eating Five more California inmates diagnosed
amoeba infection with Legionnaires disease
(Reuters) A Texas teenager who contracted a (Reuters) Five more California inmates have
rare brain-eating disease after swimming in a lake been diagnosed with Legionnaires disease at
about 70... San Quentin...
Dead woman tests positive for Ebola in Tiny, wireless pacemaker could be
Sierra Leone surgery-free option, study shows
FREETOWN (Reuters) The body of a woman In this undated image provided on Saturday Aug.
who died in Sierra Leone has tested positive for the 29, 2015 by Mount Sinai Hospital in New York
Ebola virus,... shows Dr Vivek Reddy...
Houston boy, 14, dies after battle with Parents arent protecting their
brain amoeba children enough against the dangers of
HOUSTON A 14-year-old boy has passed away e-cigs: report
after coming into contact with a rare amoeba while A recent study by researchers at Washington
swimming in a lake... University in St. Louis reveals that many parents
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who use electronic...
This Sleep Habit Could Hurt Your First-Born Women At Higher Risk Of
Chances Of Getting Pregnant Overweight And Obesity
Tetra Images via Getty Images Using your phone Rostislav_Sedlacek via Getty Images By: Sara G.
as a nightlight or your TV to soothe you to sleep? Miller, Live Science Contributor Published:
You should stop... 08/27/2015 10:32 AM EDT...
Neurologist, author Oliver Sacks dies at Surprise cardiac finding predicts future
age 82 risk
By Bill Trott (Reuters) Oliver Sacks, the LONDON, UK In patients with chronic ischemic
neurologist who studied the intricacies of the... heart disease, a small left ventricle with thick walls,
is the strongest...
Oliver Sacks, Neurologist And Author, CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Dies At 82 should be conducted for at least 35
Nancy R. Schiff via Getty Images Famed British minutes
neurologist and author Oliver Sacks died on London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Cardiopulmonary
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Sunday at the age... resuscitation (CPR) for out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest should be conducted...
Cold weather associated with higher Young adults living in polluted city
risk of severe heart attack show early signs of cardiovascular risk
London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Cold weather is London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Young adults living in
associated with a higher risk of severe heart attack, a polluted city show early signs of cardiovascular
according to research... risk, according...
Air pollution associated with increased Study: Tiny, wireless pacemaker could
heart attack risk despite safe be surgery-free option
levels LONDON (AP) A tiny, wireless pacemaker
London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Particulate matter could offer some heart patients a surgery-free
and NO2 air pollution are associated with alternative to the...
increased risk of severe heart...
Bystander CPR linked to lower nursing Efforts to improve AED usage increase
home admission and brain damage after bystander defibrillation in public but
cardiac arrest not at home
London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Bystander London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Efforts to improve
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been automated external defibrillator (AED) usage
linked to a 30% lower risk of nursing... increase bystander defibrillation...
Neurologist, author Oliver Sacks dies at Ghana strike ends but election
age 82: New York Times campaign to test IMF deal further
NEW YORK (Reuters) Dr. Oliver Sacks, the By Matthew Mpoke Bigg ACCRA (Reuters)
neurologist who studied the intricacies of the brain Ghana faced down the first major challenge to an
and wrote... IMF...
Surprise cardiac finding predicts future Surprise cardiac finding predicts future
risk risk
LONDON, UK In patients with chronic ischemic LONDON, UK In patients with chronic ischemic
heart disease, a small left ventricle with thick walls, heart disease, a small left ventricle with thick walls,
is the strongest... is the strongest...
Peri-infarct pacing does not improve Peri-infarct pacing does not improve
outcomes in patients with large outcomes in patients with large
myocardial infarction myocardial infarction
LONDON, UK In patients with a large LONDON, UK In patients with a large
myocardical infarction (MI), pacing, with the left myocardical infarction (MI), pacing, with the left
ventricular (LV) lead placed... ventricular (LV) lead placed...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
in heart attack patients without heart in heart attack patients without heart
failure failure
LONDON, UK 30 August, 2015: Heart attack LONDON, UK 30 August, 2015: Heart attack
patients without heart failure derive no benefit from patients without heart failure derive no benefit from
the addition of mineralocortoid... the addition of mineralocortoid...
Rapid, more sensitive test speeds up Rapid, more sensitive test speeds up
chest pain triage chest pain triage
LONDON, England 30 August, 2015: Patients LONDON, England 30 August, 2015: Patients
arriving at the emergency department with chest arriving at the emergency department with chest
pain suggestive of acute... pain suggestive of acute...
Multiple risk factors cancel impact of Multiple risk factors cancel impact of
atrial fibrillation on ischemic stroke risk atrial fibrillation on ischemic stroke risk
London, UK 30 Aug 2015: The impact of atrial London, UK 30 Aug 2015: The impact of atrial
fibrillation on ischaemic stroke risk in elderly fibrillation on ischaemic stroke risk in elderly
patients is eliminated... patients is eliminated...
Patient education does not impact Patient education does not impact
apixaban adherence apixaban adherence
LONDON, UK Adherence to the oral LONDON, UK Adherence to the oral
anticoagulant apixaban among patients with atrial anticoagulant apixaban among patients with atrial
fibrillation (AF) was no better... fibrillation (AF) was no better...
Treating left atrial appendage could Treating left atrial appendage could
dampen long standing persistent AF dampen long standing persistent AF
LONDON, UK In patients with long-standing LONDON, UK In patients with long-standing
persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) despite standard persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) despite standard
treatment, additional... treatment, additional...
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Cold weather linked to increased Cold weather linked to increased
stroke risk in atrial fibrillation patients stroke risk in atrial fibrillation patients
London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Cold weather is London, UK 30 Aug 2015: Cold weather is
associated with increased risk of ischaemic stroke associated with increased risk of ischaemic stroke
in patients with atrial... in patients with atrial...
Scientists show how magnetic pulses How can we prevent suicide? Major
change the brain in treatment for study shows risk factors associated
depressed patients with depression
When a large combat unit, widely dispersed in A major multi-national study of suicides has
dense jungle, goes to battle, no single soldier identified the behaviour patterns which precede
knows precisely how his actions... many suicide attempts. This...
Why Bernie Sanders Is Best on Sperm harpoon the egg to fertilize, new
Womens Issues research suggests
Womens issues are taking center stage in the A sperm cell latches on to its target with spiky
lead-up to 2016. As they should: The conservative filaments that emerge from its head, say scientists
war on womens... at the University...
ICYMI: New Orleans Coroner And ICYMI: New Orleans Coroner And
The Pros And Cons Of Egg Freezing The Pros And Cons Of Egg Freezing
ICYMI Health features what were reading this ICYMI Health features what were reading this
week. This week, on the tenth anniversary of week. This week, on the tenth anniversary of
Hurricane Katrina hitting... Hurricane Katrina hitting...
8 Ways to Deal With Difficult People 8 Ways to Deal With Difficult People
Teacher Ram Dass once said: If you think you Teacher Ram Dass once said: If you think you
are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your
parents. Its... parents. Its...
India Eliminates Disease, Will Spare India Eliminates Disease, Will Spare
Thousands Of Mothers And Newborns Thousands Of Mothers And Newborns
Hindustan Times via Getty Images Normal 0 false Hindustan Times via Getty Images Normal 0 false
false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style... false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style...
Kenny Gilbert brings southern cuisine Kenny Gilbert brings southern cuisine
to The Dish to The Dish
August 29, 2015, 9:44 AM|Kenny Gilberts August 29, 2015, 9:44 AM|Kenny Gilberts
curiosity in the kitchen started early, as he learned curiosity in the kitchen started early, as he learned
from both his mother... from both his mother...
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fatal pulmonary embolism, a condition associated Depressive symptoms and extremes of blood
with long haul flights,... pressure predict the highest rates of harmful
vascular events in patients with...
Patients with refractory cardiac arrest Weather and pollution affect outcomes
brought to hospital with ongoing CPR after heart attack
can survive Pollution and weather influence outcomes after a
/ no comments European Society of Cardiology heart attack, according to research presented at
ESC Congress today by Ms...
Appropriate traffic signs could help PCR London Valves 2015 to focus on
improve road safety for bicyclists and innovative transcatheter therapies for
motorists valvular heart disease
A simple change in the wording of a traffic sign For the first time in its 6-year history, PCR London
from Share the Road to Bicycles May Valves, the worlds largest Course solely
Use Full... devoted to addressing...
Scientists Find A Way To Combat Racial Proposed food labels could encourage
Bias Among Little Kids overeating
Credit: 4774344sean via Getty Images First, they The page may have been removed, had its name
found that infants as young as 3 months changed, or is just temporarily unavailable. !
old show racial bias.... The server...
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After Katrina, Heres How New Refractory cardiac arrest patients
Orleans Improved Education, Low- brought to hospital with ongoing CPR
Income Housing, Health Care can recover
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images A decade ago, London, UK 29 Aug 2015: Refractory cardiac
Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, arrest patients brought to hospital with ongoing
claiming 1,800 lives and causing... cardiopulmonary resuscitation...
Midday naps associated with reduced 8 ways to fake being a morning person
blood pressure and fewer medications Its no wonder we cant get out of bed in
London, UK 29 Aug 2015: Midday naps are the morning: about 60 percent of Americans wake
associated with reduced blood pressure levels and up feeling groggy...
prescription of fewer...
Four UC San Diego researchers Fish oil diet modifies gut bacteria to
selected to receive newly established boost health
NCI Outstanding Investigator Award Diets rich in fish oil versus diets rich in lard
Four University of California, San Diego School of produce very different bacteria in the guts of mice,
Medicine researchers have been selected to reports a study from...
receive the newly established...
Biocompatible scaffold enables beating Study: CPR usually saves lives on TV,
heart cells to snap together like Velcro but not in real life
Engineers at the University of Toronto just made If you think that performing CPR on a person
assembling functional heart tissue as easy as whose heart has stopped is a surefire way to save
fastening your shoes. The... their life, you may be watching...
Novel chemical virus can cross double Children with special health care needs
lipid layer surrounding cells to release in Appalachian region face similar
drugs health challenges as metropolitan
Viruses are able to redirect the functioning of cells counterparts
in order to infect them. Inspired by their mode of / no comments Nationwide Childrens Hospital
action, scientists... health No Related Posts
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New ESC guidelines on pericardial ESC infective endocarditis guidelines
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now there was insufficient... role of imaging in diagnosis...
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Everything You Know About Porn Is a Screw Sugar, Spice, and Everything
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MensHealth. To the typical civilian watching porn, Of
the stars can come across... Celebrating who you are is a big part of who we
are, which is why we love the new hashtag from
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Screw Sugar, Spice, and Everything Wear the Pants Out of Life
Nice: Heres How Women Are Sit Down and Stay a While What drives you? What
Showing What Theyre Really Made makes you tick? What inspires you? Engages you?
Of Is worth fighting...
Celebrating who you are is a big part of who we
are, which is why we love the new hashtag from
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How Not to Sit on Sitting India Eliminates Disease That Will Spare
By now, you may have heard of the saying Thousands Of Mothers And Newborns
sitting is the new smoking. Of course, this Hindustan Times via Getty Images Normal 0 false
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India Eliminates Disease That Will Spare Pedro Martinez Doubles Down: Tanaka
Thousands Of Mothers And Newborns Still Not The Tanaka I Saw
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Is This Life Really a School? Darth Vader kid from Super Bowl ad has
Have you ever heard an elderly person ask, heart surgery
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Bowne compares... Super Bowl between the Green Bay Packers and
the Pittsburgh Steelers, but...
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The Emotional Toll of a Cutthroat Work The Emotional Toll of a Cutthroat Work
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Many white English and Irish Many white English and Irish
pensioners drinking to excess pensioners drinking to excess
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people over... people over...
Inmate left to inhale own feces can sue Kids blood sugar improves with
NY prison officials short walks: study
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federal appeals court revived a lawsuit accusing minutes during TV commercial breaks or between
New York prison... classes can...
Youth with solid educational goals may Vitamin D may play key role in
steer clear of violence preventing macular degeneration
Young African-American men who have well- Vitamin D has been studied extensively in relation
established educational aspirations by the time to bone health as well as cancer. Now, a team led
they are in 9th grade are less... by a researcher at...
Hugh Jackman Surprises Fan With CDC supplies drug to treat teens
Cystic Fibrosis. Cue The Aww brain-eating amoeba
This is basically all the proof you need that A drug that has been successful in treating a rare,
Wolverine is the best of the X-Men. A 9-year-old deadly parasitic infection has been made available
boy named Domenic,... to a Houston teen...
Beyond royal jelly: Study identifies plant Impact origin of archean cratons:
chemical that determines a honey Learning from Venus
bees caste IMAGE: Figure 5 from Hansen is a cross-sectional
IMAGE: Nurse bees feed larvae destined to be illustrations of Venus and Earth showing
workers not only royal jelly, which queen-destined endogenic and exogenic geodynamic...
larvae are fed, but...
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young workers Dignity
By Janice Neumann (Reuters Health) On Monday August 24, 2015, a historic moment
Workplaces that encourage healthy lifestyle happened in Washington when people living with
practices... mental health conditions...
Caffeine may chip a couple strokes off Artificial leaf harnesses sunlight for
golf score efficient fuel production
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) A moderate Generating and storing renewable energy, such as
dose of caffeine may help combat fatigue and... solar or wind power, is a key barrier to a clean-
energy economy. When the...
Suomi NPP satellite sees rapidly NASA sees comma shaped Tropical
intensifying Hurricane Jimena Storm Kilo
NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP satellite flew over IMAGE: NASA AIRS infrared data showed the
Hurricane Jimena in the Eastern Pacific and saw strongest thunderstorms (purple) around the
the strongest thunderstorms... center and in a band of thunderstorms...
NASAs GPM sees heavy rain in CPR: Its not always a lifesaver, but
Hurricane Ignacio it plays one on TV
IMAGE: Rainfall associated with hurricane Ignacio If you think that performing CPR on a person
was measured by the GPM core observatory whose heart has stopped is a surefire way to save
satellites Microwave... their life, you may be watching...
New synthetic tumor environments FDA warns of severe joint pain risk with
make cancer research more realistic DPP-4 diabetes drugs
IMAGE: University of Illinois chemistry professor (Reuters) A class of diabetes drugs that
Jeffrey Moore, graduate student Joshua Grolman include Merck Co Incs Januvia have been
and materials science... linked with severe...
What Your Genetic Blueprint Says 2 sons, 1 kidney: Mother donates organ
About You: The Rise of Epigenetics to friends son suffering from same
Health care and medicine is living through a major disease as her own
transformation. Were entering into a new era From left to right: Joey Jordan and Bailey
of medicine... DeDio (Photo courtesy Jessica DeDio) From left
to right: Jessica DeDio,...
The real reason people go crazy for Lurking in mans stool for 28 years:
ginseng the polio virus
This Dec. 15, 2009 file photo shows ginseng roots This 2014 file photo shows a Yemeni health worker
at a ginseng-cleaning plant in Wausau, Wis. giving a boy a polio vaccine during a house-to-
Wisconsin produces 90 percent... house polio immunization...
Ebola survivor who lost 21 family 2 sons, 1 kidney: Mother donates organ
members to virus gives birth to baby to friends son suffering from same
In this photo taken Sunday, Aug. 16, 2015, Ebola From left to right: Joey Jordan and Bailey
survivor Victoria Yillia feeds her newborn son DeDio (Photo courtesy Jessica DeDio) From left
Barnabas outsider her home... to right: Jessica DeDio,...
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shuttle CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool developing a blood test to catch
into cells pancreatic cancer early
IMAGE: When the nanoclew comes into contact TAMPA, Fla. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth
with a cell, the cell absorbs the nanoclew most common cause of cancer-related death in the
completely swallowing... United States and has...
Wellington boots from Glastonbury U.N. plans new Libya talks next week in
donated to Calais migrants Geneva
By Joseph DUrso LONDON (Thomson SKHIRAT, Morocco (Reuters) The United
Reuters Foundation) Several hundred pairs of Nations plans a new round of talks between
wellington... Libyas warring...
Unicorn woman appeals for help Sleep-deprived kids are more tempted
as rare condition causes horn-like by food
growth (iStock) Children who dont get enough sleep
An elderly villager has become known as the might be more tempted by food, a new study
unicorn woman after an abnormal growth suggests. Five-year-olds...
on her head appeared to...
6 Life Lessons Ive Learned From Yelp Adds Hospital Wait Times And
Preschool Children Nursing Home Ratings Using ProPublica
They might be little, but there is so much that we Data
can learn from preschool children. They are Yelp People have been using Yelp to find hotels
positive, enthusiastic... and restaurants for years. Now, they can make
more informed decisions...
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Are Generic Drugs As Good As The Real Some Parts Of The U.S. Still Have
Thing? Unacceptably Low Vaccination Rates
Peter Dazeley via Getty Images Its one of Summer Yukata via Getty Images By: Rachael
healthcares greatest bargains: Nearly 88 Rettner Published: 08/27/2015 04:55 PM EDT on
percent of prescriptions... LiveScience Most infants...
Future climate models greatly affected The alien within: Fetal cells influence
by fungi and bacteria maternal health during pregnancy (and
When a plant dies, its leaves and branches fall to long after)
the ground. Decomposition of soil organic matter is Parents go to great lengths to ensure the health
then mainly carried... and well-being of their developing offspring. The
favor, however, may not...
Behind bright facade, Mississippi coast UN plans new Libya talks next week in
still battles Katrina demons Geneva: official
By Edward McAllister PASS CHRISTIAN, Miss. SKHIRAT, Morocco (Reuters) The United
(Reuters) The columned facade of Pass Nations plans a new round of talks between
Christians city... Libyas warring...
Japan partly lifts US, Canada poultry Placenta switch that kickstarts
ban after bird flu labor may solve long-standing mystery
(AP) Japans Farm Ministry on Friday partiality As any 40-weeks-pregnant woman can attest,
lifted a ban on imports of live poultry and poultry predicting when labor might start is a dark art
meat from... which is...
Birth order peril: Firstborn women more Study aims to reproduce 100 published
likely to be obese journal papers
Second-born siblings may argue that firstborns get This news release is available in Japanese.
all the glory, but there may be a health benefit to Following one of the largest-scale scientific
coming in second:... reproducibility investigations...
Not in the mood? Why you shouldnt I had a stroke at 38 years old: One
feel guilty about skipping sex womans story
It boosts our health, helps us feel connected to the (image courtesy subject) I wasnt supposed to
one we love, and triggers a cascade of feel-good, have a stroke. I was 38 years old, a mom in
happy-making hormones.... perfect health....
British people are living longer but Is lack of guidance on the Sunshine Act
have more ailments, study reveals hampering publication of clinical trial
People in the UK are living longer but are coping results?
with more medical ailments causing illness or The Health Information Technology for Economic
disability in their older... and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was signed into
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
law Feb. 17, 2009, to promote...
Nasal spray device for mental illness Overthinking could be driving creativity
The illustration shows that oxytocin can reach the in people with neurotic disorders
brain in two ways: either indirectly, through the Constantly lost in thought? You may want to make
blood, or... the most of it. Credit: Radharani, Shutterstock
People who suffer...
LLS, Light The Night National Corporate Nations first ever Hacking Medicaid
Partner Teams make positive impact on Event to be held in Colorado Springs
patients lives Hackathon: Hacking Medicaid Friday,
The Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) is working October 23Saturday, October 24 Hotel Elegante,
with thousands of national partners, sponsors and 2886 S. Circle Drive,...
corporate teams to fund...
Scientific Findings Often Fail To Be What Real People Think About When
Replicated, Researchers Say They Run
/ no comments A massive effort to test the validity of When elite runners were tasked with thinking aloud
100 psychology experiments finds that more than during an eight-mile run, 32 percent of them
50 percent of... thought about how painful...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
CHICAGO The vast majority of U.S. Damaged tissue, such as pancreas, heart, and
kindergarten-age children are vaccinated against neuronal tissue, which is regenerated to treat
preventable diseases but... cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,...
Children exposed to toxic air pollutants Discovery could open up door for
at home more likely to have lower GPAs cancer research and treatment
A University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) study on Florida State University researchers have taken a
childrens health has found that fourth and fifth big step forward in the fight against cancer with a
graders who are... discovery that could...
Sexualised girls are seen as less Researchers use brain scans to predict
intelligent and less worthy of help than response to antipsychotic medications
their peers MANHASSET, NY Investigators at The Feinstein
Over the past decade, the sexualisation of children Institute for Medical Research have discovered that
has become a fiercely debated topic around the brain scans can...
globe, with national inquiries...
Humus depletion induced by climate Cell mechanics are more complex than
change? previously thought
This news release is available in German. The IMAGE: Confocal microscopy images of fibroblast
yields of many important crops in Europe have cells of connective tissue. Cells were grown under
been stagnating since the... controlled conditions...
UAB sleep medicine physician offers True Results completes first True
tips on insomnia Balloon procedure in Texas with
Have trouble sleeping or waking up? You are not ORBERA Intragastric Balloon System
alone. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine True Results, a leading provider of bariatric weight
estimates 30-35 percent of... loss solutions, announced it has completed the
first non-surgical True...
The DNA damage response goes viral: A Surprised? Cholinergic neurons send
way in for new cancer treatments broadcasts enabling us to learn from
LA JOLLAEvery organismfrom a seedling to the unexpected
a presidentmust protect its DNA at all costs, but Cold Spring Harbor, NY When a large combat
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
precisely... unit, widely dispersed in dense jungle, goes to
battle, no single soldier...
Georgia church limits entry for Jimmy South Sudan rebels, army again accuse
Carters Sunday school each other of attacks after pact
By Mike Cooper ATLANTA (Reuters) The By Denis Dumo JUBA (Reuters) South
Georgia church where Jimmy Carter teaches Sudanese rebels and the army have accused each
Sunday school... other for...
Japan partly lifts U.S., Canada poultry Q&A: Questions, answers in Planned
ban after bird flu Parenthood controversy
TOKYO (Reuters) Japans Farm Ministry on LOS ANGELES (AP) Planned Parenthood
Friday partiality lifted a ban on imports of live Federation of America is defending its abortion
poultry... practices and its donation...
Fears grow for Nepals pregnant Does Race Impact IVF Success Rates?
women after quake Co-authored by Jake Anderson-Bialis, co-founder
As labour pains gripped Junu Shrestha around of FertilityIQ We know that age plays a major factor
midnight one day in early July, the heavily pregnant in in vitro...
villager set off...
Does Race Impact IVF Success Rates? Research identifies a protein that helps
Co-authored by Jake Anderson-Bialis, co-founder determine the fate of RNA
of FertilityIQ We know that age plays a major factor IMAGE: The newly identified protein, HNRNPA2B1
in in vitro... (green), which recognizes the m6A tag, is found
within the nuclei (blue)...
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New research published in Acta Obstetricia et Consumers arent embracing electric cars and
Gynecologica Scandinavica, a journal of the Nordic trucks, partly due to the dearth of charging stations
Federation of Societies... required to keep...
CWRU researchers efficiently charge a Check Your Health Before You Check In
lithium-ion battery with solar cell For Your Next Flight
Consumers arent embracing electric cars and Ricardobtg / Flickr Have you ever flown with a sinus
trucks, partly due to the dearth of charging stations infection or a toothache? If so, its likely an
required to keep... experience...
Check Your Health Before You Check In Pup That Used to Hop Like a
For Your Next Flight Kangaroo Gets Prosthetic Paws
Ricardobtg / Flickr Have you ever flown with a sinus An adorable pup named Journey is now able to run
infection or a toothache? If so, its likely an like other dogs after being fitted with special
experience... prosthetic legs. The...
Pup That Used to Hop Like a Real On-Air Violence Can Traumatize
Kangaroo Gets Prosthetic Paws Viewers
An adorable pup named Journey is now able to run The shooting on live television in Virginia
like other dogs after being fitted with special Wednesday could have a psychological effect on
prosthetic legs. The... the thousands of viewers who...
5 Things That Happen to Your Body Watch This Runner Lose Her Bronze
When You Stop Wearing Heels Medal Because She Starts Celebrating
There comes a time in every womans life Too Early
when wearing heels just isnt worth it anymore. One of the most highly anticipated track events in
The peep toes,... the world was also the most devastating for Molly
Huddle, who just...
Watch This Runner Lose Her Bronze Single People Can Be Just As Happy As
Medal Because She Starts Celebrating Couples, Suggests Unsurprising Study
Too Early Tim Robberts via Getty Images Academic studies
One of the most highly anticipated track events in can be fascinating and totally confusing. So we
the world was also the most devastating for Molly decided to strip...
Huddle, who just...
A new virus in liver cancer New fossil skulls reveal insights about
More than a cause of a simple infection, viruses penguin brain evolution
are often involved in the development of serious When theyre not being the stars of various
diseases. Such is the case... animated movies, penguins are playing an
important role in evolutionary...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
When theyre not being the stars of various Physicists at the University of Basel succeed in
animated movies, penguins are playing an synthesizing boron-doped graphene nanoribbons
important role in evolutionary... and characterizing their structural,...
Exploding the drug deadlock: How the mind sharpens the senses
Repurposing nitroglycerin for anti- A study conducted with experienced scholars of
cancer treatments Zen-Meditation shows that mental focussing can
For over a century, nitroglycerin has been used induce learning mechanisms,...
medically particularly in the treatment of angina,
or chest pain....
How the mind sharpens the senses Health workers wasting expensive
A study conducted with experienced scholars of malaria drugs in Nigeria
Zen-Meditation shows that mental focussing can This news release is available in French and
induce learning mechanisms,... Portuguese. Health providers trained to perform
malaria rapid diagnostic...
Health official: States should post local Pregnant women with hypertension and
vaccination info their siblings face increased risk of
Most parents agree that all children in daycare heart disease
centers should be vaccinated, and that daycare Scientists at Oregon Health Science University,
providers should be checking... Stanford University, University of Valencia and
IGENOMIX have discovered...
What It Means If You Hate-Follow Your Got No Time for Contouring? Try
Ex on Social Media Tontouring for Cheek-Bone
Weve all been there: You go through a Perfection
breakup and somehow you just never got around to There are a ton of different methods for
unfollowing or unfriending... contouringand it seems like a new one makes
its way across the Internet...
Study Cant Confirm Results Of Stop Looking For A Single Reason Men
Many Psychology Experiments Commit Public Shootings
A large group of researchers set out to repeat 100 Amy DeVoogd via Getty Images Shock.
experiments published by leading psychology Horror. Debate. Exasperation. Ignore. Repeat.
journals to see how often... This is the cycle we go through...
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What You Want Wants You Too! Taking antibiotics linked to type 2
You know the old saying when one door diabetes risk
closes, another door opens. What might seem at Taking antibiotics might increase the risk of
first glance to be... developing type 2 diabetes, new research
suggests. Danish researchers found...
Soaking up carbon dioxide and turning Four-day school week can improve
it into valuable products academic performance, study finds
A molecular system that holds great promise for IMAGE: Mary Beth Walker is Dean of the Andrew
the capture and storage of carbon dioxide has Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State
been modified so that it now... University. view...
A new technique to make drugs more Contact lens makers take fight over
soluble price law to court
Before Ibuprofen can relieve your headache, it has DENVER (AP) Contact lens makers struggled
to dissolve in your bloodstream. The problem is Thursday to defend their pricing policies in a
Ibuprofen, in its native... federal appeals...
Amgen wins approval for second Houston police officer shoots hospital
biotech cholesterol drug patient during struggle
WASHINGTON (AP) Amgen Inc. has won AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) A Houston police
federal approval for the second medicine in a new officer working a second job as a hospital security
class of pricey biotech... guard shot...
Obama lauds New Orleans 5 Healthy Habits for the Next Digital
progress since Katrina, says more to be Generation
done The Internet is a mere 25 years old. Think for a
By Jeff Mason NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) minute on how far weve come as a society in
President Barack Obama on Thursday heralded such a short...
the progress...
FDA approves Repatha to treat certain 5 Healthy Habits for the Next Digital
patients with high cholesterol Generation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today The Internet is a mere 25 years old. Think for a
approved Repatha (evolocumab) injection for some minute on how far weve come as a society in
patients who are unable to get... such a short...
The Touching Thing This 5-Year-Old Did The Touching Thing This 5-Year-Old Did
After Losing Her Dad To Cancer After Losing Her Dad To Cancer
Yvonne Marie Photography A Wisconsin Yvonne Marie Photography A Wisconsin
preschooler celebrated her fifth birthday with a preschooler celebrated her fifth birthday with a
special tribute to her father,... special tribute to her father,...
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Childhood Obesity Crisis? Childhood Obesity Crisis?
Back in 2001, writing in the Los Angeles Times, Back in 2001, writing in the Los Angeles Times,
Brian Doherty ridiculed former surgeon general Brian Doherty ridiculed former surgeon general
David Satchers... David Satchers...
Caltech chemists solve major piece of Life expectancy climbs, but so do years
cellular mystery of illness
Not just anything is allowed to enter the nucleus, Average life expectancy among people worldwide
the heart of eukaryotic cells where, among other has risen by more than six years since 1990, and
things, genetic information... healthy life expectancy has...
See a Pair of Twins Hear Their Mom for See a Pair of Twins Hear Their Mom for
the First Time the First Time
A pair of twin girls were able to hear their mother A pair of twin girls were able to hear their mother
clearly for the first time this week after they were clearly for the first time this week after they were
both fitted with... both fitted with...
U.S. prosecutors join probe into New U.S. prosecutors join probe into New
York inmates death York inmates death
By Joseph Ax and Nate Raymond NEW YORK By Joseph Ax and Nate Raymond NEW YORK
(Reuters) Federal prosecutors have joined an (Reuters) Federal prosecutors have joined an
investigation into... investigation into...
We Were Lucky This Time: How We Were Lucky This Time: How
Experts are Battling the Next Ebola Experts are Battling the Next Ebola
Were over 20 months into the Ebola epidemic, Were over 20 months into the Ebola epidemic,
and while it has slowed over the last few months, and while it has slowed over the last few months,
new cases... new cases...
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Blues Blues
End of summer blues is a common affliction. I see End of summer blues is a common affliction. I see
it in my office, I hear about it from friends and in the it in my office, I hear about it from friends and in the
spirit... spirit...
Check Your Health Before You Check in Check Your Health Before You Check in
for Your Next Flight for Your Next Flight
Ricardobtg / Flickr Have you ever flown with a sinus Ricardobtg / Flickr Have you ever flown with a sinus
infection or a toothache? If so, its likely an infection or a toothache? If so, its likely an
experience... experience...
Elderly Utah resident dies from plague: Elderly Utah resident dies from plague:
health officials health officials
(Reuters) An elderly Utah resident died from (Reuters) An elderly Utah resident died from
the plague earlier this month, state health officials the plague earlier this month, state health officials
said... said...
U.S. vaccination rates high, but pockets U.S. vaccination rates high, but pockets
of unvaccinated pose risk of unvaccinated pose risk
CHICAGO The vast majority of U.S. kindergarten- CHICAGO The vast majority of U.S. kindergarten-
age children are vaccinated against preventable age children are vaccinated against preventable
diseases but sizable pockets... diseases but sizable pockets...
Glial cells use lipids to direct neuron A patient shedding poliovirus for 28
organization in the spinal cord years: Possible challenges for polio
Nociceptive (pain-sensing) neurons are repelled by eradication
explanted dorsomedial spinal cord (left), but are A molecular surface diagram of the three-
not repelled... dimensional structure of type 2 wild poliovirus
strain Lansing viewed...
You Have To Watch This British Boy Does Being Neurotic Really Make You
Find Out His Mom Is Pregnant More Creative?
When U.K. mom Sarah Bromby told her 5-year-old Alma Haser via Getty Images Neuroticism may not
son Ethan that shes having another baby, the be so bad after all. Neurotic people tend to
little boy had the kind... overthink things...
Put Down the Q-Tips: Youve Been Mom gives update on conjoined twin
Cleaning Your Ears All Wrong girls
Earwax is one of those annoying facts of life, and AURORA, Colo. A woman who gave birth to
for many of us, Q-tips are a satisfying way to get the conjoined twins at a Denver-area hospital says one
gunk out. But... of the babies has survived. Amber...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
important role improving psychology eating amoeba
research There was an emotional show of support
KINGSTON Queens University Wednesday for the Houston teenager who is
developmental psychology professor Stanka hospitalized with a rare brain-eating amoeba,...
Fitneva has co-authored a study in...
In diabetic eye disease, peripheral Utah man dies from plague in 4th fatal
lesions in the retina point to risks of case in US this year
progression SALT LAKE CITY (AP) A Utah man in his 70s
IMAGE: Paolo Silva, M.D., is a Staff has died after contracting the plague, bringing to
Ophthalmologist and Assistant Chief of four the number...
Telemedicine at Joslins Beetham...
Long working hours tied to stroke risk Scientists solve mystery of polar bear
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) People who Knuts death
work at least 55 hours a week are significantly... BERLIN (Reuters) Knut, the star polar bear who
was hand-reared at Berlin zoo after his mother
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into where American... feels like...
Utah resident dies of plague as number Two satellites see newborn Tropical
of cases grows Storm Jimena consolidating
SALT LAKE CITY Health officials say an elderly NASAs Aqua satellite and NOAAs GOES-
Utah resident has died after contracting the plague West satellite provided temperature and cloud data
earlier this... on newborn Tropical...
FDA warns three tobacco product The Best Workouts for Losing the Last
makers over labeling 10 Pounds
(Reuters) The U.S. Food and Drug So, youve come a long way on your weight
Administration said it had issued warning letters to loss journey, but now, whether its five or 10
three tobacco product... pounds youre...
FDA issues warning letters to What the dust in your home reveals
natural tobacco makers about you
The Food and Drug Administration issued warning An electron microscope image of Group A
letters to the makers of Winston, Natural Spirit and Streptococcus (orange) during phagocytic
Nat Sherman cigarettes... interaction with a human neutrophil
(blue). (National...
Two in five military women endure Among young blacks, higher student
sexual trauma during service loan debt tied to less sleep
(Reuters Health) In the U.S. military, women (Reuters Health) Black young adults may be
may be nearly 10 times more likely than men to more likely to lose sleep over student loan debt
experience sexual... than people of other...
Woman gives birth to conjoined twins FDA lays out proposal for naming lower-
in Colorado; 1 survives cost biotech drugs
(GoFundMe) A woman who gave birth to conjoined (Reuters) The Food and Drug Administration has
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
twins in Colorado has told a TV station that one of released its proposal for naming lower-cost
her daughters has survived. KARE-TV... biotech drugs, a critical...
Kids are prescribed, abusing controlled Koalas may be good model for
drugs earlier in life understanding human STI
In 2012, Allen Frances, MD, professor emeritus Koala studies may provide important new insights
and former chair of the department of psychiatry at into how chlamydial infections compromise human
Duke University, cautioned... male infertility, according...
Research finds similar neural reactions When cancer makes its way to the brain
among drinkers, abstainers Credit: Penn State Only half of brain cancers
College students who are light alcohol drinkers or actually start in the brain. The restas in the case
abstainers react the same when they see alcohol of former...
as those who drink regularly...
NTNU researchers find link between People who eat high protein foods
aggression and gene variant in have lower blood pressure and arterial
children stiffness
Some children react more strongly to negative Eating foods rich in amino acids could be as good
experiences than others. Researchers from the for your heart as stopping smoking or getting more
Norwegian University of Science... exercise according...
Birth order may affect womens Historic 2013 Colorado Front Range
weight storm accomplished up to 1,000 years
What difference does birth order make? It has long of erosion
been the source of debate in many families, and IMAGE: This image shows a landslide in
now new research suggests... Colorados Front Range. view more Credit:
Suzanne Anderson /...
Link between gene variant and Covert and overt forms of sexism are
aggression in children equally damaging to working women
Some children react more strongly to negative IMAGE: This table show the relation between
experiences than others. Researchers from the harmful workplace experiences, proximal and
Norwegian University of Science... distal occupational well-being...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Paralysis: Primates recover better than Obama to herald New Orleans
rodents progress ahead of Katrina anniversary
Monkeys and humans exhibit greater motor WASHINGTON (Reuters) President Barack
recovery than rats after similar spinal cord injury, Obama on Thursday will highlight the
according to a study conducted... structural inequality...
Why you talk in your sleep Global life expectancy rises, but people
Sleep talking can be embarrassing and even live sicker for longer
disrupt other sleepers, but most people dont (Copyright Reuters 2015) LONDON People
even realize theyre... around the world are living longer, but many are
also living sicker...
New study reveals effect of light How To Age Gracefully, By People Aged
exposure at night on the biology of 7 To 93
teen sleep Dear 7-year-old, no matter what anyone says
/ no comments Brown University stay weird. Those were the words of wisdom
provided by...
Earths extremes point the way to Where bread began: Ancient tools used
extraterrestrial life to reconstruct and taste
IMAGE: This is the landing site on Mars of Viking prehistoric cuisine
Lander 2, which operated on the planet surface for A group of intrepid Israeli researchers recently went
1,316 days and... back to the dawn of the Stone Age to make lunch.
Using 12,500-year-old...
Cant count sheep? You could have Botanists conduct first large-scale
aphantasia genetic study of marijuana, hemp
IMAGE: Tom Ebeyer is unable to conjure any type IMAGE: A study by Canadian researchers is
of imagery. view more Credit: Tom Ebeyer If providing a clearer picture of the evolutionary
counting sheep... history and genetic organization...
Study finds peak months for college Study finds peak months for college
students 1st drug use students first drug use
CHICAGO (AP) Parents worried that their Parents worried that their college-bound children
college-bound children might succumb to the might succumb to the temptations of campus life
temptations of campus... may want to take note...
New NCCN Guidelines for Patients and Single dose of oral cholera vaccine
NCCN Quick Guide for Kidney Cancer could save more lives in crisis
published situations
Kidney Cancer is among the 10 most diagnosed An oral cholera vaccine that is in short supply could
cancers in both men and women in the United treat more people and save more lives in crisis
States, and it is estimated that... situations, if one...
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Cosmetic and cleaning products Yale study identifies new barrier to
contain millions of plastic particles caring for chronic hepatitis C patients
Everyday cosmetic and cleaning products contain Nearly one in four patients with chronic hepatitis C
huge quantities of plastic particles, which are (HCV) are denied initial approval for a drug therapy
released to the environment... that treats the...
South Africas Tutu expected home Woman to give birth to conjoined twins
from hospital next week in Colorado
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) Veteran South African AURORA, Colo. (AP) An expectant mother of
anti-apartheid activist, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, conjoined twins in Colorado has been told by
was responding... doctors one of her...
How to make the perfect post-workout 11 sex tips that are better than
cocktail female Viagra
(Photo credit Getty Images via Details.com) As the buzz continues over the FDAs approval
Youve just ripped through a workout and of a libido drug for women, let us not forget this old-
youre thirsty. Not... school truth:...
New strategy improves detection of Symic receives $1.5M NIH Phase II SBIR
genetic mutations in hereditary grant to develop AVF therapeutic
colorectal cancer candidate
Cancer Histopathologic image of colonic Platform therapeutic company Symic Biomedical,
carcinoid. Credit: Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 3.0 About Inc. (Symic) announced today that it has
3% of colorectal... received a $1.5M Phase...
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researchers to receive a total of...
Scientists reveal how a common gene The baby and the bathwater: lets
mutation in ALS and FTD disrupts keep the NDIS but slow down its roll-out
normal cell function Former Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson has
Researchers have determined how the most expressed doubts about the financial viability of the
common gene mutation in amyotrophic lateral National Disability...
sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia...
This Foolproof Guide Will Help You Get Political polarization on Twitter
Out Of Things You Dont Want To Go depends on the issue
To Twitter offers a public platform for people to post
It begins innocently enough. Your neighbor and share all sorts of content, from the serious to
casually mentions an upcoming BBQ and you the ridiculous. While...
respond that it sounds like...
Cannabis use may influence cortical Cannabis use may influence cortical
maturation in adolescent males maturation in adolescent males
Male teens who experiment with cannabis before Male teens who experiment with cannabis before
age 16, and have a high genetic risk for age 16, and have a high genetic risk for
schizophrenia, show a different... schizophrenia, show a different...
How I Overcame Working Mom Guilt How I Overcame Working Mom Guilt
By Anne Devereux-Mills, Chief Strategy Officer of By Anne Devereux-Mills, Chief Strategy Officer of
Lantern I was in the peak of the career race to the Lantern I was in the peak of the career race to the
top within... top within...
What Does a Post-HIV Gay Culture Look Can Connection Save Us?
Like? Were not imagining it: We really are losing our
I have recently been confronting my personal connections to each other. Its a huge
issues with Truvada and in the process learning a problem....
lot about myself....
What Does a Post-HIV Gay Culture Look Bread recalled over glass fragments
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Like? The maker of Sara Lee, Natures Harvest and
I have recently been confronting my personal other brands is recalling bread sold in 11 states
issues with Truvada and in the process learning a because it may contain...
lot about myself....
Self-healing material could plug life- One in four hepatitis C patients denied
threatening holes in spacecraft (video) initial approval for drug treatment
For astronauts living in space with objects zooming New Haven, Conn. Nearly one in four patients
around them at 22,000 miles per hour like rogue with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) are denied initial
super-bullets, its... approval for a drug...
5 Ways Technology Can Benefit Your Whos the Mentally Ill, Homeless
Grandparents Man Down the Street?
Although millennials are largest users technology, Think of a man, maybe one you recently saw, who
it can be easy to overlook the opportunities has mental illness and lacks a home. Picture him
computer and mobile... walking down the...
Whos the Mentally Ill, Homeless For Kenyan Girls, Its More Than
Man Down the Street? Pens, Pencils & Backpacks
Think of a man, maybe one you recently saw, who My 9-year-old daughter goes back to school this
has mental illness and lacks a home. Picture him week as a brand new fourth grader. In preparation,
walking down the... we were mailed...
For Kenyan Girls, Its More Than The Woman in This Iconic 9/11 Photo
Pens, Pencils & Backpacks Just Died of Cancer
My 9-year-old daughter goes back to school this A woman who was featured in an iconic photo
week as a brand new fourth grader. In preparation, taken after the September 11 attacks has died of
we were mailed... stomach cancer, her family...
The Woman in This Iconic 9/11 Photo 25 Ways to Beat Morning Sickness That
Just Died of Cancer Actually Work
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
A woman who was featured in an iconic photo This article was written by Anne-Marie Cook and
taken after the September 11 attacks has died of provided by our partners at Womens Health
stomach cancer, her family... Australia. Some women...
5 Things You Should Know About 5 Things You Should Know About
Oncofertility Oncofertility
Here are five things you may not know about Here are five things you may not know about
Oncofertility: 1. The word Oncofertility was Oncofertility: 1. The word Oncofertility was
coined by... coined by...
What Is Marshmallow Root, And Will It What Is Marshmallow Root, And Will It
Give You Better Skin And Hair? Give You Better Skin And Hair?
Beauty Glossary is a HuffPost series that Beauty Glossary is a HuffPost series that
breaks down beauty product techniques, breaks down beauty product techniques,
treatments and ingredients... treatments and ingredients...
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For Kenyan Girls, Its More Than Blood test could predict breast
Pens, Pencils & Backpacks cancers return: study
My 9-year-old daughter goes back to school this An experimental blood test may be able to predict
week as a brand new fourth grader. In preparation, whether a woman with breast cancer will suffer a
we were mailed... relapse months...
White House says Virginia TV shooting Colorful potatoes may pack powerful
points to need for gun control cancer prevention punch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) The White House Compounds found in purple potatoes may help kill
said on Wednesday that the shooting of two colon cancer stem cells and limit the spread of the
television journalists... cancer, according to...
Family farm managers earn less, but Pilates linked to better balance in older
gain emotional wealth women with back pain
ITHACA, N.Y. After hours harvesting forage, By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Older
managing livestock and milking cows, new Cornell women with lower back pain who add pilates to
University agricultural... their...
Treating stage 0? breast cancer Man Dies Of Injuries From 1965 Car
doesnt always save womens Crash: Coroner
lives so should we screen for it? ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) Authorities say a man
Were told that prevention is better than died this week of injuries he sustained when he
cure; that finding symptoms of disease early will was hit by a vehicle in...
21 Men Reveal How Porn Shaped Their Reward to Fast-Forward: One Mans
Views Of Sex Courage to Explore Past Abuse
VICTOR DE SCHWANBERG/SCIENCE PHOTO By Edie Weinstein, with Sasha Joseph Neulinger
LIBRARY via Getty Images In an age of Taking a deep breath before putting fingers to
unprecedented access to pornography, there... keyboard to write...
The Feeling of Justice: The 2015 Dignity This Teachers Harry Potter-Themed
March for Mental Health Classroom Is Truly Magical
Returning from the inaugural Destination Dignity An Oklahoma teacher hopes her new Harry Potter-
March for Mental Health and Change, I sat on the themed classroom will inspire her students
flight from Washington... to immerse themselves in...
Vigorous flossing caused womans Blood test could predict breast cancer
knee infection relapse risk
A woman in Wisconsin got a nasty bacterial Weeks or even months before there is evidence of
infection in her knee, but the infections source a tumor in scans or biopsies, a simple blood test
was an unexpected culprit:... could detect the risk...
Common heart attack blood test NASA sees former Typhoon Atsanis
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
may predict future hypertension remnants affecting Alaska
Analysis of blood samples from more than 5,000 IMAGE: On Aug. 26 at 13:47 UTC, the AIRS
people suggests that a more sensitive version of a instrument aboard NASAs Aqua satellite saw
blood test long used to... cloud tops in the remnants...
Few gay, bisexual teen males being Maine governor convenes police
tested for HIV summit on heroin crisis
(Reuters Health) Only about one in five teenage AUGUSTA, Maine Maine Governor Paul LePage
gay and bisexual males in a new study said said on Wednesday the state would boost police
theyd ever... efforts to fight its burgeoning...
U.S. business groups call for probe of Tackling goes high-tech at Dartmouth
medical funding industry with new dummies
Two business lobbying groups this week called on Victor Williams 16 tackles the Mobile Virtual
the Consumer Financial Protection Board to Player, which he and his teammates will use at
investigate the medical funding... practice. Quinn Connell...
For marijuana and the brain, questions Nepals top court orders
remain suspension of surrogacy services
Two new studies out today in JAMA Psychiatry Nepals top court has ordered a halt to
highlight the persistent questions about how commercial surrogacy services in the Himalayan
cannabis might affect brain development. In... nation until it rules...
Use of statins rising among very elderly CDC: Rates of childhood obesity higher
A carer helps her elderly patient. Between 1999 in US than Canada
and 2012, the use of cholesterol-lowering statin The research, conducted at Queen Mary University
drugs increased among people... of London (QMUL), found that a slight regulation in
the length of primary...
3-D model of solid tumors explains Lower RASDS complications for higher
cancer evolution hospital, surgeon volume
A three-dimensional model of a tumor showing cell (HealthDay)For patients with esophageal
types in varying colors. Credit: Bartek Waclaw and cancer undergoing resection, surgeon volume, but
Martin Nowak Theyre... not hospital volume, is...
Needles, Not Knives, to Treat Sports If Mental Illnesses Were Monsters, This
Injuries and Degeneration Is What Theyd Look Like
My first pair of running shoes were mens Mental illness is an intangible thing that can be all
shoes because they didnt make them for but impenetrable to those who dont
women in 1974.... experience it. Thats...
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By meQuilibrum The ultimate exercise killer is the Paper Boat Creative via Getty Images By Laura
word should. You know this, right? I should Lifshitz As a creative person, Ive had a
go... slightly...
Daily Meditation: Peace And Joy Will FDA food labels change the way
Olivia Bell Photography via Getty Images We all you eat?
need help maintaining our personal spiritual The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected
practice. We hope that... to roll out updated nutrition labels on food
packages next year in the...
Hypoallergenic parks: Coming soon? Cells cling and spiral like vines
IMAGE: These are cypresses in the historical in first 3-D tissue scaffold for plants
neighborhood Albayzin, in Granada. You can see IMAGE: These are plant cells stretching within the
how symbolic (and common)... artificial scaffold. view more Credit:
Smoukov/Wightman Miniscule...
How To Choose The Best Hair Removal Why Making Art Is The New Meditation
Method For You Many of us have heard about the benefits of
Bernard Radvaner/Fuse/Getty Images Maskot/Getty meditation, but sometimes find it hard to do.
Images Biddiboo/Getty Images ... Fewer of us know about the...
Three Generations Of This Family Are 8 Ways to Stop Feeling Miserable and
Linked To One Womb Start Being Happy
ASSOCIATED PRESS Vincent, the first baby born to We all have our bouts with the blues. You know,
a woman who had a womb transplant, is cradled those times you just want to sit in bed all day,
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
by his mother at an undisclosed... covers overhead,...
Microbiomes and why living too cleanly Could proposed new food labels
could harm your health encourage overeating?
August 26, 2015, 8:31 AM|One of the hottest topics August 26, 2015, 8:13 AM|New food labels may
in medicine is how a squeaky-clean lifestyle can change the way you eat. The FDA is moving closer
mess with your health.... to the first overhaul of labels...
PM hikes Romanian doctors wages Salif Keita says Africa albino attacks
by 25 percent unacceptable
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) Romanias Nairobi (AFP) African music legend Salif Keita
prime minister has hiked doctors and has called for people with albinism to be protected,
nurses wages,... as...
Good fat implants could reduce Kraft Heinz Foods Company recalls
weight gain turkey bacon products due to possible
Energy-burning good brown fat can be adulteration
created in the laboratory and implanted in the body Oscar Mayers Selects Uncured Turkey
to help... Bacon, one of the items affected by the
recall. (USDA) Kraft...
Study questions benefits of fish oil Army Reserves captain pregnant with
supplements conjoined twins but only 1 can survive
If your daily routine involves taking a fish oil pill for (GoFundMe) A Minnesota mother is due to give
your brain health, you may want to rethink that. In birth to conjoined twins Wednesday, but only one of
the largest... her daughters will survive,...
Sister donates bone marrow to girl New research provides hope that
battling rare disease women undergoing fertility treatment
Hayden, left, was found to be a perfect match to can avoid unpleasant hormonal gel
donate bone marrow to her sister Sydney, Since the early days of fertility treatment, women
right. (MyFoxBoston.com) A 7-year-old... undergoing IVF treatment have had to place a
hormonal gel in their vagina...
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IMAGE: This is an illustration of Gueragama are tossing mandated fruits and
sulamerica, by Julius Csotonyi. view more Credit: veggies in trash
Julius Csotonyi University...
Less than a month before Congress votes on
whether to reauthorize a controversial program
mandating healthier school lunches,...
Research identifies protein that Only one in five gay and bisexual teen
regulates body clock boys tested for HIV
New research into circadian rhythms by Young men who have sex with men have the
researchers at the University of Toronto highest risk for HIV infection, but only one in five
Mississauga shows that the GRK2 protein... has ever been tested for HIV,...
New study examines link between New studies evaluate viral suppression
playing adaptive sports and higher rate of HIV-infected pregnant women at
employment delivery
Wheelchair rugby and basketball players are Pregnancy could be a turning point for HIV-infected
aggressive, conditioned and determined, just like women, when they have the opportunity to manage
people without disabilities.... their infection, prevent...
Paramedic care improves survival for Before You Go Upside Down In Yoga,
paediatric patients who suffer cardiac Practice This One Move
arrest outside of hospital Experienced yogis love inversions: Being able to
Less than 10 per cent of paediatric patients who support yourself upside down is badass, to say the
suffer a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital least. While a headstand...
survive. There are many...
How This 55-Year-Old Is Finally This Is What Happens When Dogs Run A
Conquering Her Weight Struggles Kissing Booth
This is one story from Huff/Post50s new Kissing booths can be iffy. Sometimes you feel a
series This Will Be Our Year: 15 Women Over little bashful, not wanting others to witness the
50 Shaking Things Up... intimate transaction youre...
10 Healthy Foods That Will Help You This Is The Best Way To Avoid
Sleep Like A Baby Tonight Developing A Peanut Allergy
Go ahead and give in to that pre-bedtime snack Adam Gault CHICAGO (AP) A pediatricians
craving. Science has shown that proper diet and group is recommending that infants at high risk of
sleep quality go hand in hand,... peanut...
Relapse, poor survival in leukemia Genetic mutations may help predict risk
linked to genetic mutations that persist of relapse, survival for leukemia
in remission patients
For patients with an often-deadly form of leukemia, In preliminary research, the detection of persistent
new research suggests that lingering cancer- leukemia-associated genetic mutations in at least
related mutations ... 5 percent of bone...
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homeless IMAGE: NIH study raises doubt about any benefits
Among U.S. veterans who returned from omega-3 and dietary supplements like these may
Afghanistan and Iraq, being separated from the have for cognitive...
military for misconduct was associated...
Quitting smoking after heart attack App puts nutrition expert in your pocket
reduces chest pain, improves quality of for your personal health needs
life Its not always easy to figure out the healthiest
DALLAS, Aug. 25, 2015 Smokers who quit after foods to buy at the supermarket. Now, theres a
having a heart attack have similar levels of chest way to...
pain and mental...
Chocolate physics: How modeling could New Yorker cartoons reveal attitudes
improve mouthfeel toward parenting
Lecithin is an ingredient that youve probably Jaclyn Tabor and Jessica Calarco tap a novel data
never heard of, but one that plays a vital role in the source to track changing attitudes toward parenting
production of... during the 20th and...
Adcock to sell Indian unit, focus on The rise of superbugs: How antibiotic
South Africa resistance develops and how you can
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) South African help stop it
pharmaceutical firm Adcock Ingram will dispose of Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, shown here,
its loss-making... spreads easily and symptoms are often missed.
(CDC) Even the man who discovered...
Few gay teenage boys get tested for Tocagens Toca 511 & Toca FC
HIV receives FDA orphan drug designation
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has for treatment of glioblastoma
helped millions survive the human / no comments Tocagen Inc.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Unfortunately,...
U.S. Renal Care, DSI Renal sign Balancing the health budget: chronic
definitive merger agreement disease investment pays big dividends
U.S. Renal Care, Inc. (USRC) and DSI Renal (DSI) Australians may be living longer but lifestyle-related
announced Monday they have entered into a chronic diseases are now the leading cause of
definitive merger agreement. USRC... illness, death and disability....
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nanoparticles that enable them to be self- A team from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
propelled, chemically powered... Champaign and Indiana University combined two
techniques to determine the...
How plant sensors detect pathogens Is too much fresh water used to water
IMAGE: This image shows a rice plant. view more Florida lawns?
Credit: Maqbool et al In the mid-20th century, an Tampa, Fla. (Aug. 25, 2015) Wasting fresh
American... water is a real concern. A recent study conducted
with homeowners in central...
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South Africas Adcock Ingram to sell And the Next Bachelor Is
loss-making Indian unit Who would love to eat lunch with Nelson Mandela,
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) South African thinks going for a hike is the perfect date, and
pharmaceutical firm Adcock Ingram will dispose of envies Batmans...
its loss-making...
The Road Typically Travelled: Course How People Successfully Lose Weight
Corrections In my 20 years of writing, discussing, and
The two most important days in your life are the day counseling people on weight loss, I have
you are born and the day you find out why. Mark pondered, why are some people...
Twain The...
How People Successfully Lose Weight EPSRC funding boost to aid discovery
In my 20 years of writing, discussing, and of new advanced materials
counseling people on weight loss, I have A new 6.65 million grant for research aimed at
pondered, why are some people... accelerating the discovery and application of new
advanced materials for...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
suspected By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters)
IMAGE: This is a chimpanzee studied by James Red Duke, a celebrated Texas
McCarthy. view more Credit: Maureen surgeon who...
McCarthy/USC Two years spent...
Project in West Africa sees dramatic Study validates monkey model of visual
drop in TB death rates perception
Starting anti-HIV treatment within two weeks of the Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have
diagnosis of tuberculosis, or TB, improved survival found how even brief exposure to sudden sounds
among patients with... or mild trauma can form permanent,...
Quitting smoking after heart attack Spain detects first case of mosquito-
gives quick boost to mental health, borne chikungunya virus
quality of life A novel synthetic DNA vaccine can, for the first time,
Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain A new study induce protective immunity against the Middle East
shows that quitting smoking after a heart attack Respiratory Syndrome...
has immediate...
What the Military Willand Still Hollywood Takes Care of Its Own,
WontLet Women Do Unless You Are Trans, Part 2
This past Friday, two female Army rangers Recently I blogged about some of the challenges
graduated from Ranger School, making them the that trans people who live out here in Hollywood,
first women ever to achieve the... a.k.a. Americas...
Fake Doctors Mutilate Mans Penis This Is One Of The Best Things You Can
With Botched Enlargement, Cops Say Do For Your Health Today
Credit: Miami-Dade Corrections Mark Schreiber, This week, Ive been learning about play. It all
left, and Nery Carvajal-Gonzalez, right, are accused started when I read a book called, well, Play. Or
of botching a mans... rather,...
Sadness: The Heroic Emotion (Inspired How Can You Be Authentic? A Fun and
by the Movie Inside Out) Easy Test!
Although often used interchangeably, an emotion Are you authentic? The same person wherever you
differs from a feeling. The movie Inside Out are with your closest friends, at work and then
inspired... with strangers? Maybe...
New advice for parents on peanut Playing adaptive sports linked to higher
allergies employment, economic impact
The number of children in the U.S. with peanut IMAGE: The University of Houston study examined
allergies has been growing for years, and now a link between playing adaptive sports and higher
pediatricians are offering parents... employment. His...
Mimic woodpecker fools competing Lazy eye may bully the brain into
birds, but genetics expose its true altering its wiring
identity MADISON Colorful and expressive, the eyes are
LAWRENCE To look tougher, a weakling might central to the way people interact with each other,
shave their head and don a black leather jacket, as well as take...
combat boots and a scowl...
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Smart phone not a smart choice when U.S. regulator sued for withholding
facing depression information on GMO crops
Depressed people who turn to their smart phones By Carey Gillam (Reuters) A food safety
for relief may only be making things worse. A team advocacy group sued an arm of the U.S.
of researchers, that included... Department...
Illinois man denies cancer drug U.S. ends limits on Canada poultry
smuggling conspiracy charge imports imposed after bird flu
HELENA, Mont. (AP) An Illinois man pleaded CHICAGO (Reuters) The U.S. Agriculture
not guilty Tuesday to conspiring with an online Department on Tuesday lifted restrictions on
Canadian pharmacy... imports of poultry...
This Is Why Youre Breaking Out The Shared DNA of Health and Justice
While there are many factors that can sprout Co-authored with Dr. H. Jack Geiger, Arthur C.
pimples far and wide across your beautiful skin, Logan Professor of Community Medicine Emeritus,
luckily all is not lost. There... City University of...
Victims want no comforts for Colorado Study finds major lack of resources for
movie gunman rehab patients in Malawi
By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) Malawi has a population of 16 million, yet, only one
One survivor of the Colorado movie massacre inpatient rehabilitation center for individuals with
demanded the gunman... stroke, spinal...
24 Women Bare Their Scars To Reveal Bottling Up Your Feelings Might Make
The Beauty In Imperfections You Less Likable
I was only 6 years old when doctors sliced me Johner Images via Getty Images Afraid of showing
open and removed my left kidney. At the time, I your true feelings? You may be doing yourself a
didnt really... disservice,...
How Former NFL Running Back Tim Do fish oil and exercise boost brain
Worley Found His Most Impactful Game power?
Its not every day I get to meet football stars. As Neither exercise nor supplements such as fish oil
a matter of fact, I am one of those people... seem to do much to help keep older folks mentally
sharp, two new studies...
Brain-eating amoeba attacks Texas teen IRIS and Hinode: A Stellar research
August 25, 2015, 3:35 PM|A 14-year-old Houston team
boy was fighting for his life after contracting the IMAGE: This is a simulation of a cross-section of
often deadly brain-eating... a thread of solar material, called a filament,
hovering in the suns...
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limiting city warming effects In the biochemical game of genetics, it was thought
Cities are well known hot spots literally. The that the proteins controlling gene regulation in
urban heat island effect has long been observed to animals were either...
raise the temperature...
Friends online influence increases Fate of 1,404 bottles of rare wine rests
ecommerce purchases 60 percent with Pennsylvania judge
INFORMS Management Science By David DeKok HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters)
IMAGE: This is Ravi Bapna, U of MN. view more The fate of 1,404 bottles of rare wine seized from...
Credit: University of Minnesota A study on peer
If You Have Passion, You Dont Just Mayo maker warned by FDA that
Need Plastic Surgery mayonnaise needs eggs
Eyecandy Images via Getty Images Turning sixty NEW YORK The maker of eggless spread
last summer was a huge deal, touted with a big Just Mayo has gotten a warning from regulators:
party, lots... Mayonnaise needs eggs. The...
Dental device promises pain-free tooth Dental device promises pain-free tooth
repair repair
A filling is one of the most common procedures A filling is one of the most common procedures
carried out by dentists. But just the thought of carried out by dentists. But just the thought of
anesthetic injections followed... anesthetic injections followed...
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Eilers If a... and former chair of the department of psychiatry at
Duke University, cautioned...
Opioid receptor gene variations Study shows how palliative care can
associated with neonatal abstinence improve life for heart failure patients
syndrome severity (HealthDay)Early palliative care (PC) clinic
In 2012, Allen Frances, MD, professor emeritus visits, integrated with standard oncologic care for
and former chair of the department of psychiatry at patients with metastatic...
Duke University, cautioned...
Study shows how palliative care can 9 Hot Sex Scenes You Should Recreate
improve life for heart failure patients ASAP
(HealthDay)Early palliative care (PC) clinic Some movies are so erotic that they play over and
visits, integrated with standard oncologic care for over again in your mind long after the credits have
patients with metastatic... rolled. Why should...
9 Hot Sex Scenes You Should Recreate See What Emma Roberts Looks Like
ASAP Without Photoshop
Some movies are so erotic that they play over and We love that Aerie, a line of super cute
over again in your mind long after the credits have undergarments, has a strict no-supermodel and
rolled. Why should... no-retouching policy for its #AerieREAL...
See What Emma Roberts Looks Like These Three Tricks Are the Secret to a
Without Photoshop Sexy Smize
We love that Aerie, a line of super cute This article was written by Helen Clemson and
undergarments, has a strict no-supermodel and provided by our partners at Womens Health
no-retouching policy for its #AerieREAL... South Africa. We grilled...
These Three Tricks Are the Secret to a What Its Like Having a Baby in the
Sexy Smize NICU
This article was written by Helen Clemson and I had imagined leaving the hospital with my first
provided by our partners at Womens Health baby the way every new mom seems to pushed
South Africa. We grilled... to my car,...
What Its Like Having a Baby in the Yoga for First Responders
NICU This is an interview with Dr. Robert Scott, a
I had imagined leaving the hospital with my first licensed psychologist as well as a nationally
baby the way every new mom seems to pushed recognized teacher,...
to my car,...
Yoga for First Responders Blind People See Race Differently, And
This is an interview with Dr. Robert Scott, a Perhaps More Wisely
licensed psychologist as well as a nationally Credit: Novastock via Getty Images Most of us take
recognized teacher,... note of another persons race. We check it off
almost automatically,...
Blind People See Race Differently, And New Documentary Makes The Case For
Perhaps More Wisely Supervised Heroin Injection Sites In
Credit: Novastock via Getty Images Most of us take New York
note of another persons race. We check it off A new documentary is shedding light on the
almost automatically,... thousands of residents of New York state who
inject heroin in public or semi-public...
Failure Lab: Weight Loss Surgery Was Failure Lab: Weight Loss Surgery Was
Never the Plan Never the Plan
When I started my journey to health I only knew one When I started my journey to health I only knew one
thing for sure. That I would lose weight and get thing for sure. That I would lose weight and get
healthy by... healthy by...
School lunch fruits and veggies often School lunch fruits and veggies often
tossed in trash tossed in trash
New federal guidelines requiring healthier school New federal guidelines requiring healthier school
lunches have made headlines in recent years, but lunches have made headlines in recent years, but
that doesnt mean... that doesnt mean...
How to spot a childs vision problem How to spot a childs vision problem
The end of summer is a good time to look out for The end of summer is a good time to look out for
your childs eyesight. About 40 percent of your childs eyesight. About 40 percent of
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Americans are nearsighted,... Americans are nearsighted,...
Study in bats and rodents offers Study in bats and rodents offers
insights on how viruses spread across insights on how viruses spread across
species species
Bats are natural reservoirs of several important Bats are natural reservoirs of several important
emerging viruses, and because cross-species emerging viruses, and because cross-species
transmission appears to be quite... transmission appears to be quite...
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Atsani bow NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Atsani bow
out out
Tropical Cyclone Atsani appeared to look more like Tropical Cyclone Atsani appeared to look more like
a frontal system in infrared imagery from a frontal system in infrared imagery from
NASAs Aqua satellite.Early... NASAs Aqua satellite.Early...
Allina Health study shows how palliative Allina Health study shows how palliative
care can improve life for heart failure care can improve life for heart failure
patients patients
A recent randomized trial conducted by researchers A recent randomized trial conducted by researchers
at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, part of Allina at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, part of Allina
Health, found that inpatient... Health, found that inpatient...
The catch of the day: Fishing for Gene study confirms low Vitamin D,
research data at the Museum of multiple sclerosis link
Science Miami (AFP) A major genetic study Tuesday
People of all ages recently lined up to do some confirmed a link between low vitamin D and a
fishing at the Museum of Science in Boston. And higher risk of multiple...
oddly, the fish they hoped...
Gene study confirms low Vitamin D, NJ judge approves Exxon $225 million
multiple sclerosis link cleanup settlement
Miami (AFP) A major genetic study Tuesday By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) Exxon Mobil
confirmed a link between low vitamin D and a Corps controversial $225 million settlement...
higher risk of multiple...
NJ judge approves Exxon $225 million Skipping blood pressure pills may raise
cleanup settlement heart failure risk
By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) Exxon Mobil Patients who frequently fail to take prescribed
Corps controversial $225 million settlement... blood pressure-lowering medications may be
more likely to wind up hospitalized...
Skipping blood pressure pills may raise Study suggests method for predicting
heart failure risk men who may kill their spouses
Patients who frequently fail to take prescribed The psychological and forensic profile of men who
blood pressure-lowering medications may be murder their intimate partners varies from
more likely to wind up hospitalized... murderers who kill people they...
Study suggests method for predicting Pitt, Drexel, and NIH team up to study
men who may kill their spouses persistence of Ebola virus in
The psychological and forensic profile of men who wastewater
murder their intimate partners varies from The historic outbreak of Ebola virus disease in
murderers who kill people they... West Africa that began in March 2014 and has
killed more than 11,000 people...
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cognition role in health outcomes
Credit: Peter Griffin/Public Domain Two studies in / no comments Taylor Francis
the August 25 issue of JAMA examine the effect of
Study reveals potential health risks Shire enters into agreement with
associated with burning of incense in Sanquin for CINRYZE
indoor environments News-Medical.net An AZoNetwork Site ...
Comparison between indoor use of cigarettes and
incense provides surprising results The burning of
incense might need to...
6 Tips for Buying the Right Running The Magical Moment When A Toddler
Shoe First Feels The Rain
By Samuel Blackstone for DETAILS. (photo: Getty Dad Don Swift shared a special moment with his
Images) Ask any experienced runners and toddler daughter Harper when he took her outside
theyll tell you,... to feel the summer rain for...
3 Secrets to Your Slight Edge: How to Houston teen stricken with brain-eating
Be in the Top Five Percent amoeba
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it A 14-year-old boy is in critical condition at Texas
complicated. Confucius Take a moment to... Childrens Hospital battling a rare brain-eating
amoeba, CBS Houston...
Molten glass 3-D printer produces Technology wont replace the back-
optically transparent glass to-school ritual
IMAGE: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing is IMAGE: A Concordia University student uses
the only peer-reviewed journal focused on the technology in the classroom. view more Credit:
rapidly moving field... Concordia University ...
Osram Sylvania recalls LED lamps amid Men, individuals aged 65+ sleep better
reports of overheating if they have access to nature
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Osram Sylvania Inc is According to the results of a new study from
recalling about 55,000 T8 LED lamps after researchers at the University of Illinois in the United
receiving 34 reports... States, men...
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infected Alabama student FILE -Carlos Maisonet, 73, reacts as Dr. Eva
State health officials plan to test about 250 people Berrios-Colon, a professor at Touro College of
for tuberculosis because of a former University of Pharmacy, injects him with flu...
Alabama student...
Jopari, One Call partner to accelerate Jopari, One Call partner to accelerate
workers compensation workflows workers compensation workflows
for medical practices for medical practices
Jopari Solutions, Inc. Jopari Solutions, Inc.
MNX Global Logistics new Life MNX Global Logistics new Life
Sciences Logistics Centre opens in Sciences Logistics Centre opens in
Amsterdam Amsterdam
/ no comments MNX Global Logistics / no comments MNX Global Logistics
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invaders by limiting access to iron invaders by limiting access to iron
S. aureus bacteria and human white blood cells. S. aureus bacteria and human white blood cells.
Credit: National Institutes of Health Invading Credit: National Institutes of Health Invading
microbial pathogens... microbial pathogens...
5 Myths About IUDs You Need To Stop 5 Myths About IUDs You Need To Stop
Believing Believing
Spike Mafford Intrauterine devices are one of most Spike Mafford Intrauterine devices are one of most
effective methods of birth control on the market, effective methods of birth control on the market,
especially when... especially when...
Broccotots Are The Genius Way To Get Katrinas unclaimed dead conjure
Your Kids To Eat Broccoli memories of her ravages
In general, kids have a thing against broccoli. (At By Letitia Stein NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) A
least American kids do in Japan, not so decade after one of the most deadly storms in
much.) Despite the... U.S...
Your Backyard Burgers Are Bursting Report: Nearly 47 million people now
With Gross Bacteria have dementia
Shutterstock / val lawless Word to the wise: If LONDON (AP) Health researchers say there
youre planning on hosting an end-of-summer are now nearly 47 million people living with
barbecue, dont... dementia globally,...
Report: Nearly 47 million people now 5 foods that fight summer colds
have dementia Summer cold season is in full swing! Here are
LONDON (AP) Health researchers say there some foods that can help you ward off a nasty cold
are now nearly 47 million people living with or flu: Broccoli is...
dementia globally,...
5 foods that fight summer colds New ways for patients to get a second
Summer cold season is in full swing! Here are opinion
some foods that can help you ward off a nasty cold For many patients, it has become a routine part of
or flu: Broccoli is... the medical process: Get a diagnosis or treatment
plan and then seek...
New ways for patients to get a second A little light interaction leaves quantum
opinion physicists beaming
For many patients, it has become a routine part of TORONTO, ON A team of physicists at the
the medical process: Get a diagnosis or treatment University of Toronto (U of T) have taken a step
plan and then seek... toward making the essential...
Reaction to the death of IndyCar driver Reaction to the death of IndyCar driver
Justin Wilson Justin Wilson
Aug 24 (Reuters) Reaction to the death of Aug 24 (Reuters) Reaction to the death of
IndyCar driver Justin Wilson, who died on Monday IndyCar driver Justin Wilson, who died on Monday
after being... after being...
Dementia cases to nearly triple by 2050, Dementia cases to nearly triple by 2050,
report says report says
A new study by researchers at the University of Bari A new study by researchers at the University of Bari
Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, Geriatric Unit Laboratory of Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, Geriatric Unit Laboratory of
Gerontology and... Gerontology and...
Karolinska Institutet study may lead to Karolinska Institutet study may lead to
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
development of better immune-based development of better immune-based
cancer therapies cancer therapies
A study by researchers at Swedens Karolinska A study by researchers at Swedens Karolinska
Institutet is the first to suggest that cells in the Institutet is the first to suggest that cells in the
tumour blood vessels... tumour blood vessels...
New study affirms value of influenza Louisiana Tech team discovers new
vaccination among older people nanocomposite that could be used in
A new study of the records of millions of nursing targeted drug delivery for fighting
home residents affirms the value of influenza cancer
vaccination among the elderly.... Faculty at Louisiana Tech University have
discovered, for the first time, a new nanocomposite
formed by the self-assembly...
Louisiana Tech team discovers new Researchers awarded $6.4 million grant
nanocomposite that could be used in to identify causes of
targeted drug delivery for fighting neurodevelopmental disorders in
cancer children with CHDs
Faculty at Louisiana Tech University have As advances in medicine are giving rise to growing
discovered, for the first time, a new nanocomposite numbers of children who are surviving severe heart
formed by the self-assembly... defects, a phenomenon...
WHO provides emergency health Mayo Clinic researchers find new code
access to internally displaced persons, that makes reprogramming of cancer
host communities in Taiz and Hodeida cells possible
governorates JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Cancer researchers
In response to the growing humanitarian crisis in dream of the day they can force tumor cells to
Tiaz and Hodeida governorates, and the rising morph back to the normal cells...
number of civilian injuries...
Mayo Clinic researchers find new code Research may solve lunar fire fountain
that makes reprogramming of cancer mystery
cells possible IMAGE: Melt inclusions are tiny dots of magma
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Cancer researchers frozen within olivine crystals. The crystals lock in
dream of the day they can force tumor cells to volatile elements...
morph back to the normal cells...
Research may solve lunar fire fountain New research sheds light on end of
mystery Snowball Earth period
IMAGE: Melt inclusions are tiny dots of magma The second ice age during the Cryogenian period
frozen within olivine crystals. The crystals lock in was not followed by the sudden and chaotic
volatile elements... melting-back of the ice as previously...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
This news release is available in German. A profound changes in the global distribution...
chimpanzee population in Uganda has been found
to be three times larger...
Video: How to stay awake without This Superhero Nurse Set Her Own
caffeine Broken Legs After a Car Accident
New research reveals a distinct association Most of us would be S.O.L. if we became stranded
between male intelligence in early adulthood and with broken legs. But most of us arent Stacie
their subsequent midlife physical... Reis. The Canadian...
Just One Drink Per Day Can Open Door Louisiana Tech University researchers
to Alcohol-Caused Cancer, Says New discover synthesis of a new
Study nanomaterial
If you think that just one drink cant hurt, an IMAGE: This is Dr. Mark DeCoster at Louisiana
emerging study disagrees with this logic, Tech University. view more Credit: Louisiana Tech
purporting that... University RUSTON,...
Patient born with insensitivity to pain Bacterial infection makes farmers out of
acquires neuropathic pain following amoebae
childbirth IMAGE: In a twist on an already surprising
The report, published on F1000Research and titled symbiosis, scientists at Washington University in
Neuropathic pain in a patient with congenital St. Louis have discovered...
insensitivity to pain has...
Voter ID law effects hard to pinpoint Veterans have poor oral, throat cancer
Indianas strict voter identification law may outcomes
have prevented some elderly citizens from voting in Scientists from the University of Sheffield have
the last two presidential... discovered MRI scanners, normally used to
produce images, can steer cell-based,...
Veterans have poor oral, throat cancer Weekly leflunomide effective for early
outcomes rheumatoid arthritis
Scientists from the University of Sheffield have Australian researchers reveal that sudden, acute
discovered MRI scanners, normally used to episodes of low back pain are not linked to weather
produce images, can steer cell-based,... conditions such as temperature,...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
rheumatoid arthritis with rare blood disorder
Australian researchers reveal that sudden, acute Immune thrombocytopenia, or ITP, is an
episodes of low back pain are not linked to weather autoimmune disease whereby the immune system
conditions such as temperature,... sends antibodies to attack and destroy...
When Have People Been Caring? When Have People Been Caring?
When Have People Been Caring? The When Have People Been Caring? The
Practice:Feel cared about. Why? Everyone knows Practice:Feel cared about. Why? Everyone knows
what its like to care... what its like to care...
How to stay awake without caffeine How to stay awake without caffeine
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 2015 Youre tired WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 2015 Youre tired
and you need an energy boost, but you dont and you need an energy boost, but you dont
want the jitters... want the jitters...
NASA sees Tropical Storm Loke NASA sees Tropical Storm Loke
strengthening strengthening
IMAGE: Terra passed over Loke on August 24 at IMAGE: Terra passed over Loke on August 24 at
09:50 UTC (5:50 a.m. EDT). The data showed that 09:50 UTC (5:50 a.m. EDT). The data showed that
the strongest storms,... the strongest storms,...
GPM sees rainfall in Tropical TSRI & Janssen study makes major
Depression Kilo nearing Johnston advance toward more effective, long-
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Island lasting flu vaccine
The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM IMAGE: The team from The Scripps Research
mission core satellite gathered rainfall data on Institute and Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies
Tropical Depression Kilo as... designed a molecule that mimicked...
TSRI & Janssen study makes major Study backs flu vaccinations for elderly
advance toward more effective, long- PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] A new
lasting flu vaccine study of the records of millions of nursing home
IMAGE: The team from The Scripps Research residents affirms the...
Institute and Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies
designed a molecule that mimicked...
Men who feel they fall short of Weight loss benefits NASH, no matter
masculine gender norms may be how its done
prone to violence Among overweight and obese patients with type 2
Men whose image of themselves falls short of the diabetes, daily injection of the diabetes drug
traditional masculine gender norms, and who feel liraglutide with a modified...
that others think this...
Resveratrol causes conflicting changes Pulsed dye laser feasible for steroid-
in dogs immune systems induced atrophic scars
A recent study by a University of Missouri (HealthDay) For patients with telangiectatic leg
researcher shows that resveratrol, a compound veins, treatment with indocyanine green (ICG)-
found in grape skins and red wine,... augmented diode laser...
Genius Food Hacks Thatll Help You How to Not Be THAT Person at the Gym
Lose Weight Emily Post wasnt exactly a gym rat, but that
This article was written by Lizzie Fuhr and doesnt mean theres no such thing
repurposed with permission from POPSUGAR as fitness etiquette....
Fitness. If youre serious...
What Every Successful Person Knows, What Mindfulness App Is Right for You?
But Never Says How do you choose from the hundreds of
Ira Glass is the host and executive producer of the mindfulness apps out there? There are over 500
popular National Public Radio show, This mindfulness apps available,...
American Life. Each...
Steep decline in heart disease deaths, Men, people over 65 sleep better when
but not for all they have access to nature
If youre young and active, heart disease may URBANA, Ill. Men and persons age 65 and
be the furthest thing from your mind. But a new older who have access to natural surroundings,
study finds that while... whether its the green...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
devastating hurricanes IMAGE: The trip leaders created tactile versions of
IMAGE: This map of ocean surface temperatures the regional geologic maps used on the trip with
shows how warm waters in the North Atlantic materials such...
fueled Hurricane Katrina....
Future ScienceOA explores nitric oxide MouthLab: Patients vital signs are
in medicine: Where are we, and where just a breath away
are we headed? IMAGE: This is Gene Fridman, Ph.D., with
IMAGE: This is the journal cover image. view more MouthLab. view more Credit: Yuankui Zhu: Johns
Credit: Future Science Group Future Science Group Hopkins Medicine Fast...
Record high pressure squeezes Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass loses
secrets out of osmium challenges to pharma patents
This news release is available in German. An By Andrew Chung NEW YORK (Reuters)
international team of scientists led by the University Prominent hedge fund manager Kyle Basss
of Bayreuth and... campaign...
For some colon cancer patients, travel The Preventative Double Mastectomy:
distance limits access to chemo Not an Easy Yes
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) People who Its late June, a golden-blue day wrapped in
have been treated for colon cancer are less... soft, honeyed rustles hinting at untold promises
and glories...
Rhode Island move to mandate HPV 5 Slang Phrases That Perfectly Sum Up
vaccine in schools faces criticism Why Hawaii Is So Damn Happy
By John Larrabee PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) Hawaii is often defined by its awe-inspiring beauty,
When Rhode Island seventh graders start school... but for those lucky enough to live there, the Aloha
State is much more...
Dr. Manny: When is a woman too old to Book clubs play a big role for women in
have a baby? dating
Celebrities do it all the time, and more and more A sociologists research into women and book
these days were seeing women becoming clubs will no doubt be interesting for the women
pregnant in their 40s and... themselves, but it...
ADHD risk rises for each week a Fertility concerns impact breast cancer
preemie is born early treatment decisions
Being underweight or overweight at birth also Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by
linked to higher odds, study says. ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the
(HealthDay)The more premature... tumour beyond the lymph...
Breast milk is best for new babies but Why Postpartum Depression In Dads
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
its not the pure food we Goes Unrecognized And Ignored
thought Blend Images KidStock via Getty Images Six
A Harvard University researcher last week years ago, Craig Mullins was working toward his
suggested western women stop breastfeeding masters...
after a couple of months to reduce the...
Four Back-to-School Habits That Are Hospice Dog Comforts Dying Woman In
Bad for Your Childs Body Emotional Video
Its that time again children are returning to Due to privacy concerns, hospice nurse Tracy
school. New clothes, new classes, new friends Calhoun doesnt get to share a lot of behind-
and... the-scenes looks at how...
Drinking a problem for many older Heart disease deaths decline, but not
adults, study finds equally
When it comes to the problem of drinking to August 24, 2015, 4:20 PM|Deaths from heart
excess, the senior citizen population may not disease have declined dramatically in recent
immediately come to mind. But a... decades, but a new study shows some...
Victims sob at Colorado movie If You Want To Lose Weight, Eat Sitting
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
gunmans sentencing Down
By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) Tetra Images via Getty Images ???Eating on the go
Sobbing victims told how the Colorado movie could be the enemy of weight loss, according to a
massacre gunman... small new study. The...
Sierra Leone releases last known Ebola Move Your Pelvis Like Elvis!
patient from hospital Three easy ways to move your pelvis and open
FREETOWN (Reuters) Sierra Leone released your hamstrings! By Yanoula Athanassakis and
its last confirmed Ebola patient from hospital on Lara Heimann...
Monday and began...
Major step toward universal flu New Yorks Rikers health intern
vaccine: studies sues after inmate attack
Scientists have taken a major step towards NEW YORK (Reuters) A former mental health
creating a vaccine that works against multiple intern at New Yorks Rikers Island jail system
strains of influenza,... is suing...
Some people are truly happier single, Study finds parents who do this have
study says better sex lives
(iStock) Generally speaking, sociologists find that Couples who manage to evenly divide child care
people in relationships tend to be happier and duties tend to have higher-quality relationships, as
more satisfied than... well as sex lives. This...
Oddly, women are more likely to end a Texas couple marries in hospital while
marriage bride is in labor
Study shows the same thing doesnt hold for (Allen S. Kramer/Texas Childrens Hospital)
dating relationships. (AP Photo/The Salvation (Allen S. Kramer/Texas Childrens Hospital)
Army, Salvation Army... (Allen...
FDA extends use of Promacta in young Study finds one secret to better sex
children with rare blood disorder lives for parents
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today Couples who share the responsibilities of child
approved Promacta (eltrombopag) to treat low care end up feeling more satisfied with both their
blood platelet count in pediatric... sex lives and their overall...
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Optimizing effectiveness of CAR T cell NASA SDO: Images of a mid-level solar
therapy in lymphoma highlighted in flare
special nordic issue IMAGE: NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory
IMAGE: Human Gene Therapy, the official journal captured this image of a mid-level solar flare on the
of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, sun ...
British Society for...
Army tests hearing drug at the rifle Video of therapy dog caring for hospice
range patient goes viral
Sept. 18, 2012: Female soldiers train on a firing (Facebook) A video of a 4-year-old golden retriever
range while wearing new body armor. (AP) Staff therapy dog caring for a hospice patient in Oregon
Sgt. Tyler Durden and... has gone viral, King...
California wildfires: Can burning Heart drug linked to extra years for
marijuana fields get you high? cancer patients
Aug. 20, 2015: Smoke rises from fires burning on a A common heart drug called a beta blocker was
hill in Livermore, Calif. (AP) Recent wildfires in associated with a striking increase in survival for
Northern California... women with ovarian cancer...
Young adults believe hookah, e-cigs New studies further show risk of
are safer than cigarettes, study shows chemicals to coffee roasters
The increase in electronic cigarette use, coupled Workers who roast and grind coffee in factories
with a decrease in smoking, could be a positive and cafes across the United States have more
sign for the prevention... reason for concern about exposure...
High blood sugar may reduce positive Young adults under 25 more likely to
effects of exercise on bone health in rate hookah, e-cigarettes as safer than
diabetic patients cigarettes
Diabetes, which now affects almost 30 million / no comments SAGE Publications
Americans, can cause serious health
complications, including heart disease,...
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Same-sex couples encounter more Repetitive sacral root magnetic
obstacles to infertility treatment stimulation can reduce frequency of
compared to opposite-sex couples nighttime bedwetting
Same-sex couples encounter more obstacles to Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis, causes distress
treatment for infertility than opposite-sex couples, in children and young adults, as well as for their
suggests a new study that... parents or caregivers....
Sierra Leone releases its last known Jimmy Carter gets new melanoma
Ebola patient treatment: Heres how it works
MAKENI, Sierra Leone (AP) Health authorities Sept. 14: Former President Jimmy Carter speaks at
in Sierra Leone have released the countrys The Carter Center during a conversation in
last known... Atlanta. (AP) To treat Jimmy...
Sierra Leone releases last known Ebola More Legionnaires bacteria found
patient at Philadelphia-area university
In this photo taken Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015, a This undated image made available by the Centers
billboard advises people how to keep free of Ebola, for Disease Control and Prevention shows a large
in a shanty town on the... grouping of Legionella...
Hinode, IRIS, and ATERUI cooperate on Second cancers are on the rise; One in
70 year old solar mystery five US cases is a repeat
{FEATUREDTYPE}: {FEATUREDCAPTION} view Judith Bernstein meets with Dr. Henry Fung at the
more Credit: {FEATUREDCREDIT} Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia on
{FEATUREDCREDITMORE} This news release... Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015....
New study shows partial genetic basis High cardiorespiratory fitness levels
underlying racial differences in slow- reduce risk of arrhythmia recurrence in
wave sleep obese atrial fibrillation patients
/ no comments American Academy of Sleep Obese atrial fibrillation patients have a lower
Medicine chance of arrhythmia recurrence if they have high
levels of cardiorespiratory...
MIPT scientists reveal that weak gamma Normal coagulation tests used to check
radiation doses prolong life of female for side effect of internal bleeding may
fruit flies not be reliable
Scientists at MIPT have revealed that weak doses A recently-published study found that while internal
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
of gamma radiation prolong the life of drosophila bleeding may be uncommon as a result of taking
flies (fruit flies), and... blood thinners such as...
New data shows liver cancer has Primary care physicians starring
significantly increased in Queensland role key to weight loss, find Johns
since the mid-90s Hopkins researchers
Incidence rates of the most common type of liver A review of survey data from more than 300 obese
cancer have significantly increased in Queensland people who participated in a federally funded
since the mid-90s, new... weight loss clinical trial...
Health Check: five reasons to put the China capital to move more polluting
kettle on and have a cup of tea industry to heavily polluted Hebei
Growing up, tea drinking was reserved for my BEIJING (Reuters) Chinas capital Beijing
grandmothers visits. Making it followed a strict will relocate more of its polluting industries into
and fascinating ritual.... the...
Snooze Alert: A Sleep Disorder May Be Second cancer cases becoming more
Harming Your Body And Brain common
Its time for consumers to wake up to the risks Second cancers are on the rise. Nearly 1 in 5 new
of sleep disorders, scientists say. More than 50 cases in the U.S. now involves someone who has
million adults in... had the disease before. When...
The scary truth about the human waste Number of men over 40 seeking
thats on your food cosmetic treatments on the rise,
Cilantro is one of the most divisive herbs out experts say
there. (iStock) Guac lovers everywhere were More men than ever before are booking spa
struck with grievous news a... appointments, buying skin care products and
manscaping. Now, experts...
Second cancers are on the rise; 1 in 5 One in five over-65s who drink alcohol
US cases is a repeat do so at unsafe levels
Second cancers are on the rise. Nearly 1 in 5 new Credit: Kevin Casper/public domain One in five
cases in the U.S. now involves someone who has older people who drink alcohol are consuming it at
had the disease... unsafe levels...
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Health and Medical Research...
The correct way to stop a nosebleed 5 Ways To Stay Healthy While Working
Its probably your natural instinct to tilt your From Home
head back when you have a nosebleed. But not Tara Moore via Getty Images How will work
only is that method... and workplaces evolve in the future? was the
question that...
5 Scientific Hacks to Maximize Your ICYMI: Toy Labeling And What Really
Vacation Happiness Happens Under General Anesthesia
Ah, summer. To some, it means long days, an ICYMI Health features what were reading this
annual family trip or idling away long lazy week. This week, were reading stories about
afternoons at home. To others,... being judged. One...
ICYMI: Toy Labeling And What Really Medication review at ICU to ward
Happens Under General Anesthesia transfer cuts drug problems
ICYMI Health features what were reading this (HealthDay)There are gender differences in
week. This week, were reading stories about receipt of end-of-life (EoL) care among terminally ill
being judged. One... cancer patients,...
Case report: Hidradenoma papilliferum Patient, family advisors can play key
in pregnancy role in practices
Scientists at Oregon Health Science University, The American Journal of Nursing has selected the
Stanford University, University of Valencia and book, Inspired to Change: Improving Patient
IGENOMIX have discovered... Care One Story at a Time,...
Bulimia nervosa tied to increased risk Significant rise in organic food recalls
of type 2 diabetes in the United States
Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, Understanding what terms such as natural,
have developed a novel way to engineer the growth organic and local on food labels
and expansion of... really...
Jimmy Carter Faithfully Teaches Sunday Detailed medical history best screening
School Before Cancer Treatment for preeclampsia
PLAINS, Ga. (AP) A bigger-than-usual crowd is In a study to be presented today at the Society for
gathering at a church in Plains, Georgia, where Maternal-Fetal Medicines annual meeting, The
former President Jimmy... Pregnancy Meeting,...
Researchers develop two simple tools HPPI commences enrollment for Phase
to assess dehydration severity in II(b) SCORING clinical trial for cancer
children treatment
Dehydration from diarrhea, either from viral HedgePath Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCQB: HPPI),
infection or cholera, accounts for 10 percent of all a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company that
child deaths worldwide.... discovers, develops and plans...
Berg and University of Miami extend NW Bios DCVax-L Phase III trial
partnership to battle cardiac ongoing for treatment of patients with
dysfunction, heart failure newly diagnosed GBM
Berg, a Boston-based biopharmaceutical / no comments Northwest Biotherapeutics
company, and the University of Miami Leonard M.
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Miller School of Medicine are extending...
Trust is the most tragic casualty of the How postpartum doulas care for babies
Ashley Madison hacking scandal and moms
A range of implications associated with the Ashley A birth doula teaches and supports expectant
Madison hacking scandal have emerged over the women during pregnancy and childbirth, but have
weekend after hackers released... you heard of a postpartum doula? When...
Foot blisters: to pop or not to pop? Demand for coffee can create
We all get blisters, but theyre particularly ecological, economic rift with poorer
common in the summer months because of the nations
heat. Whether you get them... CHICAGO The explosion in worldwide coffee
consumption in the past two decades has
generally not benefitted farmers...
Polygamy and alcohol linked to physical Want a better relationship and a better
abuse in African marriages sex life?
CHICAGO African women in polygamous CHICAGO-If men take up more of the child-care
marriages or with alcoholic husbands have a duties, splitting them equally with their female
significantly higher risk of being... partners, heterosexual couples...
Demand for coffee can create Demand for coffee can create
ecological, economic rift with poorer ecological, economic rift with poorer
nations nations
CHICAGO The explosion in worldwide coffee CHICAGO The explosion in worldwide coffee
consumption in the past two decades has consumption in the past two decades has
generally not benefitted farmers... generally not benefitted farmers...
Study suggests same-sex couples face Study suggests same-sex couples face
more obstacles to infertility treatment more obstacles to infertility treatment
CHICAGO Same-sex couples encounter more CHICAGO Same-sex couples encounter more
obstacles to treatment for infertility than opposite- obstacles to treatment for infertility than opposite-
sex couples, suggests... sex couples, suggests...
Couples that split childcare duties have Couples that split childcare duties have
higher quality relationships and sex higher quality relationships and sex
lives lives
CHICAGO Heterosexual couples that split CHICAGO Heterosexual couples that split
childcare duties have higher quality relationships childcare duties have higher quality relationships
and sex lives than those... and sex lives than those...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Study finds peoples spiritual Study finds peoples spiritual
awareness varies throughout the day awareness varies throughout the day
CHICAGO People who report having spiritual CHICAGO People who report having spiritual
awareness have it vary throughout the day, rather awareness have it vary throughout the day, rather
than being constant,... than being constant,...
Ghana doctors union to suspend three- UN calls for end to impunity for crimes
week strike in Darfur, Sudan
ACCRA (Reuters) Doctors in Ghana will By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters)
suspend a three-week strike they called to press Sudanese police and security forces have shot,
for better conditions... killed...
When You Get Dissed, Your Dog Knows The 8 Best Produce Picks For Late
And Acts Accordingly Summer
Damon Dahlen, AOL By: Laura Geggel Published: Kelly Cline via Getty Images Despite the fact that
08/21/2015 12:07 PM EDT on LiveScience Dogs some kids are back in school and its getting
may play catch, obey commands... dark earlier,...
FDA makes history after by approving Car bomb outside hospital in Afghan
sex drug for women capital kills three
August 22, 2015, 8:10 AM|The newly approved KABUL (Reuters) A car bomb exploded outside
libido pill is the first pill to boost a hospital in Kabul on Saturday, killing three people
womens sex drives.... and injuring...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
themselves pregnancy and birth
CHICAGO More Americans than ever before are CHICAGO In an era where popular culture is
supporting their local food markets, and its not increasingly recognized for its impact on lay
just because... understanding of health...
Both sides framed Keystone XL Pipeline American women use book club
debate in Nebraska memberships in dating field
CHICAGO As supporters and opponents of the CHICAGO For American women, a book club
proposed Keystone XL (KXL) Pipeline testified at membership means more than having status as a
public hearings in Nebraska... reader, as it might pay dividends...
Unmarried women: Politically cohesive, Women more likely than men to initiate
more concerned about womens divorces, but not non-marital breakups
status CHICAGO Women are more likely than men to
CHICAGO Why do unmarried women tend to be initiate divorces, but women and men are just as
more liberal and Democratic than their married likely to end non-marital...
counterparts? A key reason...
7 bad habits that could be wrecking Teaching vocab to kids early may lead
your diet to better academics, behavior
istockphoto As a child, your parents probably told Two-year-old children with larger oral vocabularies
you to always clean your plate, but experts say this enter U.S. kindergarten classrooms better at
isnt... reading and mathematics...
NASA sees new tropical depression GVSU professor finds social surveys no
form near International Date Line longer accurately measure sex and
IMAGE: On Aug. 21 at 9:40 a.m. EDT NASAs gender in US
Aqua satellite captured the development of Tropical ALLENDALE, Mich. New research released by
Depression 4C... professors from Grand Valley State University and
Stanford University...
NASA sees diminutive Hurricane Danny Weak doses of radiation prolong life of
from space female flies, scientists find
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station IMAGE: Drosophilaflies (fruit flies) are at the
captured an image of Hurricane Danny moving laboratory. view more Credit: Svetlana
through the Central Atlantic... Zhikrivetskaya Scientists...
U.S. appeals court stays ruling on nuns LGBT Health Centers Receive Historic
challenge to contraception mandate Recognition and Support
DENVER (Reuters) A federal appeals court on We are in an historic moment for LGBTQ health.
Friday put on hold its ruling that an order of Roman Among the many policy wins our communities have
Catholic... seen over the past...
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9 People You Shouldnt Feel Bad This Is How Women Feel About Saying
About Ghosting the Word Vagina: Watch the Video
Anyone whos been ghosted on knows that Vaginas. All women have onebut how
suddenly disappearing on someone is generally a comfortable do we really feel about throwing the
pretty lame and inconsiderate... word around in everyday conversation?...
Are You Guilty of Any of These Fitness Being Calm and Mindful for Your Child
Instructor Pet Peeves? The school year is just starting all over the country;
Ever wonder if your trainer secretly hates you? children will be encountering new teachers, higher
Odds are they are fully committed to helping you expectations,...
achieve your fitness...
Key protein in cilia assembly identified PTSD patients sue Colorado over
IMAGE: The bristle is a mechano-sensory organ marijuana decision
that houses the cilium projected by a neuron. Two DENVER (AP) Colorados decision not to
structures found at... allow marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress
disorder has...
What You Dont Want School, or I Was Shamed By My Doctor for Being
Anyone, to Teach Your Kid Black
My 6-year-old son went to camp this summer. The We live in an age of shaming shamed for how
camp was held at his school and was run by some we look, what we say, who we are. Its so
of the schools... relentless,...
Success: Are You Chasing the Right How Keeping a Today I Failed At
Version of It? Notebook Can Bring You Success
Success is something thats wanted, pursued, The first time I ever sang in public was two years
and sometimes needed for someone to feel ago in one of Greeces most prestigious
accomplished, good... Theatre-arts audition...
Autistic traits linked to creative Steal the Creative Tricks This Woman
problem-solving Used to Lose More Than 100 Pounds
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) People with Before: 270 lbsAfter: 133 lbs In high school, Katie
autism may be more likely to think outside... Hug, 33, was trim, despite typical (read: awful)
teenage snack...
Dad And Daughter Team Up For Dance Why Incarceration Is Not the Solution to
Lessons In Heartwarming Ad the Opioid-Addiction Epidemic
A sweet ad from Quaker Canada highlights the By Aaron Fox, M.D., M.S. Finally, Democrats and
importance of spending time with your children. Republicans have agreed that reducing prison
The ad, titled The... sentences should be...
Why One Of The Best Athletes In The What you need to know about the brain-
World Refuses To Compete eating amoeba
lairdhamilton.com Laird Hamilton surfing Naegleria fowleri, the so-called brain eating
Teahupoo in 2000. In 2000, Laird Hamilton amoeba, has been blamed for three deaths so far
infamously surfed the most dangerous... this year in the United States....
How to stay safe from the brain-eating Scientists warn of the risk from air
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
amoeba pollution over the megacities of West
August 21, 2015, 5:12 PM|The parasite called Africa
Naegleria fowleri is blamed for 3 deaths in the U.S. New research by European and African scientists,
this year. Chelsea Edwards... including a team from the University of York, warns
of the risks posed by...
Water pollution in alluvial rivers is Intractable pain may find relief in tiny
studied by an innovative and efficient gold rods
approach IMAGE: Scientists have developed a technique
Water pollution has been a historical and stubborn that could lead to therapies for pain relief in people
problem in the water resource management. with intractable...
Several water pollution accidents...
Vital Therapies crashes after liver Nevada Burning Man Festival Bugging
therapy fails trial Out Over Insect Swarms
(Reuters) Vital Therapies Inc lost three- Looks like fans might not be the only revelers
quarters of its market value after the company said attending the upcoming Burning Man festival in the
its liver... Nevada desert....
St. Louis police shooting raises fresh Warnings of a dementia epidemic may
calls for body cameras be unfounded
By Carey Gillam (Reuters) Questions Friday August 21 2015 Dementia levels remain
surrounding police accounts of the shooting of a static, despite an ageing population Dementia
black teenager in... may not be the...
Single and happy? Your view on Alanis Morissette Opens Up About Life
relationships may be key After an Eating Disorder
Credit: George Hodan/public domain Reported by Tracy Middleton Aromatherapy. Yoga.
(HealthDay)Single people can be just as happy Meditation. In 1995, no one would have thought
as those in romantic... Alanis Morissette would...
Heres How Music Influences Your Jimmy Carter Wants To See The Last
Workout, According To Science Guinea Worm Die Before He Does
Westend61 via Getty Images Youll have a When former President Jimmy Carter announced
better workout if you listen to music while Thursday that his cancer had spread to his brain,
exercising, scientists say.... he also revealed he had some...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Teen Girls Disturbing Murder Are You Alone, Stuck in a Pattern, and
Highlights Ebola Aftershocks In Sierra Cant Get Out? 12 Ways Out
Leone Are you and anyone you know caught up in cycles
Credit: Michael Duff/ASSOCIATED PRESS People of abandonment? Why do people keep repeating
stand in line for food to be distributed to them as a the same patterns over...
health worker makes...
Basic energy rights for low-income Correct glove use may save
populations proposed in Environmental hairdressers skin
Justice journal By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health)
IMAGE: Environmental Justice is an authoritative Hairdressers who reuse gloves while dyeing hair
peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly online risk...
with Open Access...
Daughter honors former West Point Daughter honors former West Point
chaplain father with weekly races after chaplain father with weekly races after
Parkinsons diagnosis
Kathy Camp and her father, Reverend Richard P. Kathy Camp and her father, Reverend Richard P.
Camp (image courtesy subject) Kathy at the 2014 Camp (image courtesy subject) Kathy at the 2014
Marines Corps Marathon... Marines Corps Marathon...
Nine factors you can control may be key Start of school year calls for vaccine
to Alzheimers risk check
Healthy lifestyle important but no guarantee against Experts outline which ones are recommended at
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
most common form of dementia, researchers find. what ages. (HealthDay)With the start of a new
(HealthDay)Up... school year,...
How to See the Beauty in Taking Care of Are All Appearances What They Seem?
Your Health New Insights Into DCIS
By Mimi O Connor Julie Kent, prima ballerina We tend to forget that science does not always
of the American Ballet Theater, recently reflected on represent the truth but is instead our best
the... guess based...
What vaccines does my child need to Green light of hope to overcome Striga-
start school? triggered food insecurity in Africa
With the start of a new school year, many parents IMAGE: Striga seeds are treated with
are searching for vaccination records and hoping Yoshimulactone, which show similar bioactivity to
theyre current,... strigolactone. view more...
U.N. calls for end to impunity for crimes Factbox: Top 10 makers of prescription
in Darfur, Sudan cancer drugs
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) (Reuters) A leading group of U.S. cancer
Sudanese police and security forces have shot, specialists will soon offer doctors a tool comparing
killed... the relative...
New tool will compare costs and Exclusive: Northwest Bio suspends
benefits of cancer treatments screening of patients in brain cancer
By Deena Beasley LOS ANGELES (Reuters) As trial
options for cancer patients become increasingly... By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) The chief
executive officer of biotechnology company
Leah Still Gets Own Wheaties Box Cases of fatal brain disease showing up
Cover decades after infection
Its usually world-famous athletes on the cover A few hundred people around the world caught a
of a box of Wheaties, but the company that makes rare and fatal brain disease from contaminated
the cereal made... growth hormone treatments...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Mental health problems like anxiety and static, despite an ageing population Dementia
depression may partly explain why people with may not be the...
rheumatoid arthritis have an increased...
Womens libido pill faces skepticism Mental health problems may explain
after approval link between rheumatoid arthritis and
In this June 22, 2015, photo, a tablet of flibanserin
sits on a brochure for Sprout Pharmaceuticals in Mental health problems like anxiety and
the companys... depression may partly explain why people with
rheumatoid arthritis have an increased...
Some single people are happy on their New diagnostic tools for dehydration
own, research finds severity in children
Credit: George Hodan/public domain People who Nurse Ilishabeth Samadder sees many young
fear relationship conflicts are just as happy when children at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal
they are single... Disease Research...
Test new hearing aids in virtual Low rate of mortality from breast cancer
sound room after DCIS diagnosis
Holly Smith recently tested new hearing aids at a By Kate Bass BSc Research published this week
cocktail party, a noisy restaurant and a concert estimates that the risk of dying from early stage
venueall without... breast cancer within 20 years...
NYC Names Historic Hotel The Source How To Give Guests A Great First
Of Deadly Legionnaires Outbreak Impression Of Your Home
Andrew Burton via Getty Images NEW YORK (AP) When a guest walks through your front door,
A historic hotels rooftop air-conditioning whats the first thing they see? If its a pile
unit is the... of shoes, a stack...
10 Foods That May Reduce Your Risk Of Tired Of City-Life Stresses, Many
Alzheimers Chinese Return To Farming
Photo by monticello/iStock/Thinkstock The MIND For many rural Chinese, the dream is to live in a
diet includes ten brain-healthy food groups, but you big city. But some people are now rejecting urban
dont... life and moving back...
Can You Achieve More by Doing Less? Can best-selling bedtime book help
In todays world, its easier than ever to be children get more sleep?
distracted. Our phones ring, our emails demand August 21, 2015, 8:11 AM|Can a story about a
instant... bunny bring relief for parents with sleepless kids?
A Swedish psychologists...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
A team of Swiss geneticists from the University of The problem has been that the vast majority of
Geneva (UNIGE), the cole Polytechnique these atomically thin 2D crystals are unstable in
Fdrale de Lausanne... air, so react and decompose...
Teens killing highlights crime wave British health workers unsure how to
in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone spot, help trafficked patients
FREETOWN (Reuters) Senior ministers and By Joseph DUrso LONDON (Thomson
U.N. officials joined hundreds of women in a Reuters Foundation) Workers in Britains
beachfront, candlelit... health...
Bad habits put many contact-lens Study identifies nine risk factors of
wearers at risk of eye infection Alzheimers disease
(iStock) Most Americans who wear contacts have New research in the Journal of Neurology
bad hygiene habits with their lenses that could Neurosurgery Psychiatry found that nine risk factors
increase their risk of... may be the cause of two-thirds...
The biological origins of sexual Millions of people die every year from
orientation and gender identity using smokeless tobacco
Credit: Jean Manuel Duvivier Male? Female? The More than a quarter of a million people die each
distinction is not always clear. Exploring the year from using smokeless tobacco, researchers
scientific evidence... at the University of York...
Maltreated children experience more The Conversation I Almost Missed & the
intense emotions than their peers Future It Couldve Cost
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Children who have been abused or exposed to Image Source via Getty Images Most people are
other types of trauma typically experience more familiar with some of the more common phobias,
intense emotions than their peers,... like flying, public speaking,...
The Conversation I Almost Missed & the Daily Meditation: Wade In The Water
Future It Couldve Cost Mike_Pellinni via Getty Images We all need help
Image Source via Getty Images Most people are maintaining our personal spiritual practice. We
familiar with some of the more common phobias, hope that theseDaily...
like flying, public speaking,...
Daily Meditation: Wade In The Water 5 Tricks To Stop The Dreaded Middle-
Mike_Pellinni via Getty Images We all need help Age Decline
maintaining our personal spiritual practice. We In the words of Bette Davis, Aging aint for
hope that theseDaily... sissies. And anyone whos lived long
enough to experience...
5 Tricks To Stop The Dreaded Middle- Why Those With Alzheimers And
Age Decline Mental Illness Need Community
In the words of Bette Davis, Aging aint for My dads voice drifted gently through the cell
sissies. And anyone whos lived long phone, quieting the zip-zapping of my mind, He
enough to experience... was...
Why Those With Alzheimers And Eating on the go could lead to weight
Mental Illness Need Community gain
My dads voice drifted gently through the cell These days, it seems like its the American
phone, quieting the zip-zapping of my mind, He way to be constantly in a rush and eating on the
was... way. Whether...
Eating on the go could lead to weight New method of closing the incision
gain during scoliosis surgery nearly
These days, it seems like its the American eliminates infections
way to be constantly in a rush and eating on the NEW YORK, NY Patients with scoliosis who
way. Whether... undergo surgery may be less likely to develop an
infection or other complications...
New method of closing the incision Brief postnatal blindness triggers long-
during scoliosis surgery nearly lasting reorganization in the brain
eliminates infections IMAGE: A brief period of postnatal visual
NEW YORK, NY Patients with scoliosis who deprivation, when early in life, drives a rewiring of
undergo surgery may be less likely to develop an the brain areas involved...
infection or other complications...
Brief postnatal blindness triggers long- Lighting up cancer cells to identify low
lasting reorganization in the brain concentrations of diseased cells
IMAGE: A brief period of postnatal visual Oxford, August 20, 2015 Researchers in China
deprivation, when early in life, drives a rewiring of have developed tiny nanocrystals that could be
the brain areas involved... used in the next generation...
Lighting up cancer cells to identify low Study finds association between people
concentrations of diseased cells who have had a traumatic brain injury
Oxford, August 20, 2015 Researchers in China and ADHD
have developed tiny nanocrystals that could be TORONTO, Aug. 20, 2015A new study has
used in the next generation... found a significant association between
adults who have suffered...
Study finds association between people Home births save money, are safe, UBC
who have had a traumatic brain injury study finds
and ADHD Having a baby at home can save thousands of
TORONTO, Aug. 20, 2015A new study has dollars over a hospital birth and is just as safe for
found a significant association between low-risk births, according...
adults who have suffered...
Home births save money, are safe, UBC Small, inexpensive, and incredibly
study finds resilient: A new femtosecond laser for
Having a baby at home can save thousands of industry
dollars over a hospital birth and is just as safe for A team at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of
low-risk births, according... Physics has created a laser capable of generating
ultrashort pulses of light...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Small, inexpensive, and incredibly 5 Amazing Seniors Busting Every Aging
resilient: A new femtosecond laser for Stereotype
industry National Senior Citizens Day has been celebrated
A team at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of in America since 1988, but often flies under the
Physics has created a laser capable of generating countrys...
ultrashort pulses of light...
Working long hours increases Earliest breast cancer risky for some
stroke risk women, study suggests
Friday August 21 2015 Long hours can impact both FILE In this Tuesday, July 31, 2012, file photo, a
mental and physical health People working radiologist compares an image from earlier, 2-D
long hours are... technology mammogram...
Earliest breast cancer risky for some Health concerns loom in Rio ahead of
women, study suggests 2016 Olympics
FILE In this Tuesday, July 31, 2012, file photo, a Feb. 26, 2015: Tourists visit the Christ the
radiologist compares an image from earlier, 2-D Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. (Reuters)
technology mammogram... Aug. 19, 2012: The Olympic...
Health concerns loom in Rio ahead of IQWiG dossier assessment finds added
2016 Olympics benefit of afatinib in patients with
Feb. 26, 2015: Tourists visit the Christ the certain mutations
Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. (Reuters) / no comments Institute for Quality and Efficiency in
Aug. 19, 2012: The Olympic... Health Care
UC Davis researchers reveal how four Study sheds light on helper cells and
proteins come together to help killer cells
assemble tubulin / no comments University of Bonn
When they think about how cells put together the
molecules that make life work, biologists have
tended to think of assembly...
Few U.S. hospitals comply with CDC Researchers evaluate use of human
infection prevention guidelines for fetal progenitor tenocyte to repair
arterial catheter insertions tendon injuries
According to a survey conducted by Rhode Island Tendon injuries, especially those acquired while
Hospital researchers, there is significant variability engaging in sports, are not easily healed due to the
regarding how clinicians... fibrous nature of tendon...
Regenstrief to highlight open source As Ice Age ended, greenhouse gas rise
options for health information was lead factor in melting of Earths
exchange, data analysis at MedInfo glaciers
2015 Chestnut Hill, MA (Aug. 21, 2015) A fresh look at
Regenstrief Institute investigators experienced in some old rocks has solved a crucial mystery of the
the use of data to improve health care and its last Ice Age,...
delivery in resource constrained...
Greenhouse gases caused glacial Persist and shout: Male bluebirds alter
retreat during last Ice Age songs to be heard over increased
IMAGE: Alpine moraines such as this one in acoustic noise
Montana have boulders that can be uncovered by Birds shout to be heard over the noise
melting glaciers, providing... produced by man-made activity, new research has
shown. The innovative...
Swiss researchers evaluate fetal Without humans, the whole world could
progenitor tenocytes for repairing look like Serengeti
tendon injuries The fact that the greatest diversity of large
Putnam Valley, NY. (Aug. 20, 2015) Tendon mammals is found in Africa reflects past human
injuries, especially those acquired while engaging activities and not...
in sports, are not...
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IMAGE: Preference-based decisions were less scale back on work
stable if the information flow between the two brain ATLANTA (AP) Former President Jimmy Carter
regions was disrupted. ... says he will step back from his humanitarian work
and surround...
7 things your saliva says about your The surprising habit thats causing
health you to overeat
Every day, your body produces roughly 50 ounces Youve even been eating healthier this summer
of saliva. (Ewww.) But you probably dont give and are probably in the middle of getting a
your spit much thought,... rockin bod with...
6 genius tips for reducing your wait Study finds genes associated with
time at the doctors office improved survival for pancreatic
Imagine walking into your doctors office at your cancer patients
appointment time and being promptly ushered into Scientists from the University of Sheffield have
the exam room,... discovered MRI scanners, normally used to
produce images, can steer cell-based,...
PSMA PET imaging more precise than Wyss Institute scientists develop
MR imaging for detection of high-grade improved blood-cleansing therapeutic
prostate cancer lesions device to treat sepsis
A molecular imaging biomarker is able to detect Last year, a Wyss Institute team of scientists
fast-growing primary prostate cancer and described the development of a new device to treat
distinguish it from benign prostate... sepsis that works by mimicking...
Study uses 311 complaints to track Study uses 311 complaints to track
where and when neighborhood conflict when and where neighborhood conflict
emerges emerges
CHICAGO Each year, 311 New York IMAGE: This map illustrates how edge-detection
Citys main hub for government information algorithms were used to determine the intensity of
and non-emergency services... boundaries between...
Experts claim number of people with Two proteins that help cells eliminate
dementia in some Western European trash may contribute to development of
countries could be stabilizing Parkinsons disease
A new study by researchers at the University of Bari Two proteins that share the ability to help cells deal
Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, Geriatric Unit Laboratory of with their trash appear to need each other to do
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Gerontology and... their jobs and when...
FIC proteins send bacteria into Report shows uninsured Texans are
hibernation twice as likely to delay seeking primary
IMAGE: FIC toxins modify the spatial structure of care, mental health care
the DNA (blue) of bacteria (red: cell membrane). HOUSTON (Aug. 20, 2015) Texans without
view more... health insurance are twice as likely to skip seeking
primary and...
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer For trout fishermen, climate change will
Center researchers publish landmark mean more driving time, less angling
basket study IMAGE: This is an eastern brook trout. view more
Researchers from Memorial Sloan Kettering Credit: Penn State When trying to explain the
Cancer Center (MSK) have announced results from potential...
the first published basket study,...
Toxic Chemicals Taint The Best Ice bucket challenge helps spur ALS
Possible Food For Babies discovery
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto Breast milk may August 20, 2015, 6:57 PM|Last years ALS ice
contain harmful industrial chemicals, new research bucket challenge helped raise $115 million in just
says. Nature created... two months. Researchers...
The real-world impact of the ice bucket Carnegie Mellon-led team identifies
challenge structure of tumor-suppressing protein
NEW YORK Last summer, the ice bucket An international group of researchers led by
challenge became an international sensation Carnegie Mellon University physicists Mathias
raising money for the... Lsche and Frank Heinrich have...
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NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP Satellite Virginia Tech researchers discover
sees Typhoon Goni brush northeastern potential biomarker for pre-diabetes
Philippines Virginia Tech researchers have identified a
IMAGE: On Aug. 20 at 1:21 a.m. EDT, the VIIRS biomarker in pre-diabetic individuals that could
instrument aboard NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP help prevent them from developing...
satellite saw the southwestern...
The Way to Apply Mascara That Really Shannen Doherty Reveals She Has
(Truly) Prevents Clumps Breast Cancer
This article was written by Helen Clemson and Actress Shannen Doherty revealed yesterday
provided by our partners at Womens Health afternoon that shes currently undergoing
South Africa. We grilled... treatment for breast cancer....
FactCheck: is ice more dangerous and Dying at Our Desks: Long Hours and
addictive than any other illegal drug? Health
Ice is the worst drug scourge Australia has faced. It Some things may seem self evident in terms of
is far more potent, far more dangerous, and far health and wellness, but until studied scientifically,
more addictive than... they may not...
5 Simple Yoga Poses to Help You Feel Its Not About You, and Thats
Less Bloated Exactly Why Its About You
Yoga is a great way to get in touch with your mind, Service-oriented and purpose-driven entrepreneurs
body, and spirit. It is great for releasing anxiety and often run into the issue of being in the public
tension,... eye....
How Do You Handle Criticism? Woman dances through her labor pains
Ive received some criticism in the past couple August 20, 2015, 9:27 PM|A mother in labor danced
of weeks in a few different situations. This has to distract herself from the pain of her natural birth.
caused... Reporter David...
U.S. court blocks California citys Dr. Besser: Three Takeaways from
bid to stop pot dispensary suit President Carters Melanoma
By Curtis Skinner OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) A Diagnosis
federal appeals court on Thursday blocked efforts... Coming up in the next {{countdown}}
{{countdownlbl}} Coming up next: {{nextVideo.title}}
{{nextVideo.description}} Skip to...
A Science-Backed Reason For Leaving Extra virgin olive oil linked to lower
Work Early Today blood sugar and cholesterol
WIN-Initiative via Getty Images Burning the Compared to other kinds of fat, extra virgin olive oil
midnight oil? You could put yourself at risk for a may have healthier effects on levels of blood sugar
stroke. Workers who... and bad cholesterol...
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Heaviest smokers may face biggest Psoriasis linked to higher risk of
weight gain after quitting depression
(Getty) Smokers who keep smoking, and those Embarrassment, discomfort and concerns about
who quit, will all gain weight over time, but those drug side effects may play a role, experts say.
who smoke the most may... (HealthDay)People...
The Only Guide Youll Ever Need to Food Waste And Beef Fat Will Be
Finally Score Some Abs Making Airplanes Soar
As a personal trainer, the question I get asked i United has purchased 15 million gallons of
more than any other is: Whats the best renewable jet fuel made from beef tallow, or fat, by
exercise to get... Alt Air...
Health Officials Confirm Second Case The Link Between Vision and
Of Plague From Yosemite Productivity
A Georgia woman has tested positive for the You might have missed what appeared to be an
bubonic plague following a visit to Yosemite insignificant economic statistic in late spring when
National Park, the states... it was released....
Moderate Alcohol Use Linked With Diabetes drug may protect against
Breast Cancer In Women heart attack, stroke
Hero Images via Getty Images Light to moderate For the first time, theres evidence that a
drinking or about one drink per day was diabetes medication, Jardiance, reduces risk of the
associated... complications that...
Scientists turn oily soil into fertile Anxiety in the workplace can lead to
ground lower job performance
IMAGE: Rice University pyrolyzed oil-contaminated IMAGE: John Trougakos is an Associate
soil to reduce total petroleum hydrocarbons below Professor of Organizational Behavior and HR
federal standards,... Management in the Department of Management...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
pandemic have found that the inconsistent regional
timing of pandemic waves...
Former President Carter gets powerful Ranger school success reflects U.S.
immune-system boosting drug militarys opening to women
By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) By David Alexander WASHINGTON (Reuters)
News that a patients cancer has spread to... Two pioneering women who completed the
daunting U.S. Army Ranger...
EPA downplays dangers of mine spill, Historic hotel named source of deadly
but concerns linger Legionnaires outbreak
More than two weeks after a mine spill fouled NEW YORK (AP) A historic hotels rooftop
waterways in several Western states, officials air-conditioning unit is the source of a
expressed concern Thursday... Legionnaires...
Birth control pills may offer lasting Is hospice use alone a good indicator
endometrial cancer protection of quality of end-of-life care?
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Women Credit: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers Hospice
who use oral contraceptives during their use is commonly accepted as an indicator of
reproductive... quality of end-of-life...
Diabetes drug shows first protection How long have primates been infected
from heart complications with viruses related to HIV?
Day in and day out, for years on end, millions of Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has
people with diabetes prick their fingers to test their helped millions survive the human
blood sugar level.... immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Unfortunately,...
4 Delicious Pork Dishes That Are 10 True Locker Room Horror Stories
Actually Healthy Youre So Glad Didnt Happen to
The protein formerly known as the other white YOU
meat has finally stepped up to the plate. No Think youve witnessed some out-of-control
greasy, fatty strips... locker room behavior? We asked readers to share
the worst things theyve...
You Will Explode with Feelings While Self-Love Is the Key to Getting Anything
Watching This Little Boy Cry on His First and Everything You Want
Day of School If Ive heard it once, Ive heard it a thousand
Mothers give birth to us, feed us, dress us, drive us times: Sam, self-love is a hard sell. No one walks...
around, teach us so many important things, and
are just constantly...
Im A Man With Body Image Issues, 14 Photos That Show The Special Bond
And Now I Know Im Not Alone Between Moms And Daughters
Credit: Jutta Klee via Getty Images For the better Irish photographer Samantha Conlon explores
part of 27 years, Ive had insecurities about my the close-knit relationship between girls and their
body and... moms in an intimate series...
New treatments offer hope for Jimmy CDC: Contact lens wearers are putting
Carters cancer eyes at risk
Former President Jimmy Carter announced on If youre one of the nearly 41 million Americans
Thursday that the cancer spreading through his who wear contact lenses, the process of rinsing
body is melanoma and has been found... them off and popping...
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Making hydrogen fuel from water and TGen study finds genes associated with
visible light highly efficient improved survival for pancreatic
IMAGE: Michigan Tech Researcher Yun Hang Hu cancer patients
developed a more efficient method to produce PHOENIX, Ariz. Aug. 20, 2015 A study by the
hydrogen fuels using water... Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen)
and other...
What You Need to Know About Jimmy NY Battles Legionnaires: Poverty Wins
Carters Cancer Diagnosis War
Former President Jimmy Carter announced this Nearly 400 New York City and State health
morning that he is battling metastatic melanoma, inspectors, private water cooling tower cleaning
making him one of an estimated... crews, and even Fire...
Heres how 10 happy friends can NYC names hotel as source of deadly
alter your depression Legionnaires outbreak
Maybe Grumpy Cat just needs more happy feline A technician holds a culture dish with colonies of
friends. (AP Photo/Nestle Purina PetCare) legionella in a laboratory. (Reuters) NEW YORK
Happiness is contagious, but depression... A historic...
The breast cancer side effect few Another Beauty Myth About Flawless
patients talk about Skin, Busted
There is a lot you have to adjust to when you are In the quest for flawless skin, some people are
living with metastatic cancer because it will be with willing to try just about anything that doesnt
you the rest of... involve a heap of...
Jimmy Carter provides details about Precision treatment holds promise for
cancer diagnosis cancer patients
August 20, 2015, 10:59 AM|Former President August 20, 2015, 11:04 AM|Doctors and patients
Jimmy Carter announced new details about his are hopeful about a new approach to cancer
cancer diagnosis. CBS News medical... treatment that targets a tumors...
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Daycare doesnt lead to aggressive AGA proposes alternate pathway to
behavior in toddlers recertification
Working parents often worry about sending their Bethesda, MD (Aug. 19, 2015) Frustrated by a
toddlers to daycare. But the results of a new study maintenance of certification process that
that tracked almost 1,000... doesnt improve patient...
With Kenyas Youth, The Future Is Lilly, Boehringer diabetes drug cuts
Here: Invest to Reap Demographic heart attack, stroke risk in trial
Benefits By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) A new diabetes
Photo Credit: Adapted from Promulgation, pill from Eli Lilly and Co and Boehringer
courtesy of flickr user ActionPixs (Maruko) Co- Ingelheim...
What You Should Eat Before a Long Tanzania suspends quarter of job
Run agencies in crackdown on sex, labor
By Samuel Blackstone for DETAILS. (photo: Getty trafficking
Images) Running on an empty stomach can be By Kizito Makoye DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson
good for burning fat,... Reuters Foundation) Tanzania has suspended
10 things you dont know about The skin cancer youre not looking
melanoma for
You may have heard of melanoma, but chances Anyone can get skin cancer; it doesnt matter
are also good that you dont know everything what color your skin is. But, typically, the fairer the
you need to stay safeits... skin, more...
Autism organization helps piano Jimmy Carter says cancer has spread to
prodigy meet Taylor Swift brain, will begin radiation treatment
(Youtube) Taylor Swift sent a sweet message to a Former President Jimmy Carter announced
7-year-old fan on Wednesday after watching a Thursday that his cancer is on four small spots on
video of him playing a piano... his brain and he will immediately...
What Being Left-Handed Says About What Being Left-Handed Says About
Your Personality Your Personality
9 moodboard via Getty Images Boo! If youre a 9 moodboard via Getty Images Boo! If youre a
left-hander, that probably made you cringe. left-hander, that probably made you cringe.
Thats... Thats...
What Being Left-Handed Says About Working longer hours linked with
Your Personality stroke risk, study finds
9 moodboard via Getty Images Boo! If youre a August 20, 2015, 8:12 AM|New research finds a 33
left-hander, that probably made you cringe. percent higher risk if you work 55 hours a week or
Thats... more. Dr. Tara Narula,...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Working longer hours linked with Working longer hours linked with
stroke risk, study finds stroke risk, study finds
August 20, 2015, 8:12 AM|New research finds a 33 August 20, 2015, 8:12 AM|New research finds a 33
percent higher risk if you work 55 hours a week or percent higher risk if you work 55 hours a week or
more. Dr. Tara Narula,... more. Dr. Tara Narula,...
Poll: Americans want govt to bring Study shows what business leaders can
down drug prices learn from Formula One racing
WASHINGTON Regardless of political COLUMBUS, Ohio Formula One racing teams
affiliation, Americans strongly support government may have a lesson to teach business leaders:
action to control prescription... Innovation can be overrated. Thats...
Poll: Americans want govt to bring Study shows what business leaders can
down drug prices learn from Formula One racing
WASHINGTON Regardless of political COLUMBUS, Ohio Formula One racing teams
affiliation, Americans strongly support government may have a lesson to teach business leaders:
action to control prescription... Innovation can be overrated. Thats...
Molecular machine, not assembly line, Molecular machine, not assembly line,
assembles microtubules assembles microtubules
IMAGE: UC Davis researchers show how four IMAGE: UC Davis researchers show how four
proteins come together to make the machine that proteins come together to make the machine that
assembles tubulin, the building... assembles tubulin, the building...
Molecular machine, not assembly line, World should heed lessons from
assembles microtubules Hurricane Katrina, economist says
IMAGE: UC Davis researchers show how four IMAGE: Environmental economist Edward Barbier
proteins come together to make the machine that says the response to Hurricane Katrina offers
assembles tubulin, the building... lessons for the worlds...
World should heed lessons from World should heed lessons from
Hurricane Katrina, economist says Hurricane Katrina, economist says
IMAGE: Environmental economist Edward Barbier IMAGE: Environmental economist Edward Barbier
says the response to Hurricane Katrina offers says the response to Hurricane Katrina offers
lessons for the worlds... lessons for the worlds...
Aquatic hunger games: Archerfish spit Aquatic hunger games: Archerfish spit
the distance for food the distance for food
Move over, Katniss Everdeen. For archerfish, the Move over, Katniss Everdeen. For archerfish, the
odds are ever in their favor, according to new odds are ever in their favor, according to new
research from Wake Forest... research from Wake Forest...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
BERLIN (AP) Doctors in Germany say the NEW YORK (Reuters) Valeant Pharmaceuticals
quadruplets born prematurely to a 65-year-old International VRX.TO Chief Executive J. Michael
woman three months... Pearson said...
Valeant CEO says was in talks with Valeant CEO says was in talks with
Sprout for three weeks Sprout for three weeks
NEW YORK (Reuters) Valeant Pharmaceuticals NEW YORK (Reuters) Valeant Pharmaceuticals
International VRX.TO Chief Executive J. Michael International VRX.TO Chief Executive J. Michael
Pearson said... Pearson said...
Digital health startup Grand Rounds Digital health startup Grand Rounds
raises $55 million in funding raises $55 million in funding
By Ankur Banerjee and Abhirup Roy (Reuters) By Ankur Banerjee and Abhirup Roy (Reuters)
U.S. digital health startup Grand Rounds, which... U.S. digital health startup Grand Rounds, which...
Erik Kramer, former NFL quarterback, Erik Kramer, former NFL quarterback,
survives suicide attempt survives suicide attempt
A former NFL quarterback survived an apparent A former NFL quarterback survived an apparent
suicide attempt Tuesday, when he shot himself at suicide attempt Tuesday, when he shot himself at
a California motel. Erik Kramer,... a California motel. Erik Kramer,...
Shorter women more likely to have Shorter women more likely to have
shorter pregnancies, study finds shorter pregnancies, study finds
(Bozeman Deaconess Hospital via AP) The (Bozeman Deaconess Hospital via AP) The
height and weight of a newborn baby is largely height and weight of a newborn baby is largely
governed by his or her own genes,... governed by his or her own genes,...
Shorter women more likely to have Just one drink a day may raise
shorter pregnancies, study finds breast cancer risk
(Bozeman Deaconess Hospital via AP) The Thursday August 20 2015 Alcohol contains toxic
height and weight of a newborn baby is largely elements Just one drink a day raises
governed by his or her own genes,... breast cancer...
Just one drink a day may raise Just one drink a day may raise
breast cancer risk breast cancer risk
Thursday August 20 2015 Alcohol contains toxic Thursday August 20 2015 Alcohol contains toxic
elements Just one drink a day raises elements Just one drink a day raises
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
breast cancer... breast cancer...
Lilly, Boehringer diabetes drug reduces Lilly, Boehringer diabetes drug reduces
cardiovascular risk in trial cardiovascular risk in trial
FRANKFURT A clinical trial showed that diabetes FRANKFURT A clinical trial showed that diabetes
drug Jardiance, co-promoted by Eli Lilly and drug Jardiance, co-promoted by Eli Lilly and
Boehringer Ingelheim, reduces... Boehringer Ingelheim, reduces...
Lilly, Boehringer diabetes drug reduces Scientists call for new review of
cardiovascular risk in trial herbicide, cite flawed US
FRANKFURT A clinical trial showed that diabetes regulations
drug Jardiance, co-promoted by Eli Lilly and (REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom) U.S. regulators
Boehringer Ingelheim, reduces... have relied on flawed and outdated research to
allow expanded use of an herbicide...
Scientists call for new review of Scientists call for new review of
herbicide, cite flawed US herbicide, cite flawed US
regulations regulations
(REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom) U.S. regulators (REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom) U.S. regulators
have relied on flawed and outdated research to have relied on flawed and outdated research to
allow expanded use of an herbicide... allow expanded use of an herbicide...
New theory: If we want to detect dark Detection of gamma rays from a newly
matter we might need a different discovered dwarf galaxy may point to
approach dark matter
Physicists suggest a new way to look for dark IMAGE: A newly discovered dwarf galaxy orbiting
matter: They beleive that dark matter particles our own Milky Way has offered up a surprise it
annihilate into so-called dark... appears to...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Tool boosts accuracy in assessing How to fix the EPAs broken civil-
breast cancer risk rights office
A national risk model that gauges a womans The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was described by
chance of developing breast cancer has been President Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed it into
refined to give a more accurate... law, as an effort...
4 tips for making your run more fun Health-care cost diabetics more than
Everybody enjoys running after theyve finished double that of those without the
running. The endorphins, the runners high, the disease, study finds
feeling of... Each person living with diabetes requires care that
costs the Canadian health-care system an average
of $16,000 over eight...
New iPS cell model provides clear drug Scientists develop technique to
target for treatment of DMD rejuvenate cells from older
/ no comments Center for iPS Cell Research and osteoarthritis people
Application Kyoto University A research team at York has adapted the
astonishing capacity of animals such as newts to
regenerate lost tissues and organs...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
breakfast might have an impact on how much you University of California, Irvine
eat for lunch. Newly published...
Educational expansion created more The Lancet: Working long hours linked
marriages by same educational level, to higher risk of stroke
race Working 55 hours or more per week is linked to a
LAWRENCE Compulsory schooling laws 33% greater risk of stroke and a more modest
instituted in the late 1800s and early 1900s caused (13%) increased risk of developing...
more people in Northern states...
New estimates show Chinas carbon Engineered hot fat implants reduce
emissions were less than previously weight gain in mice
thought A thermograph of brown-like fat implanted in
Chinas carbon emissions have been anesthetized animal at room temperature. Implant,
substantially over estimated by international in area A, is significantly...
agencies for more than 10 years,...
Experimental MERS-CoV vaccine shows So you think you have IBS, coeliac
promise in monkeys and camels disease or Crohns? Heres
/ no comments NIH/National Institute of Allergy and what it might mean for you
Infectious Diseases Conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract are
common in modern humans and many are on the
rise. The gastrointestinal...
Bats wake up and smell the coffee Exercise to prevent, manage diabetes
A team from the University of Leeds, UK, National is more effective for college graduates
Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore and CHICAGO Key prescriptions to prevent and
Nature Conservation Foundation,... manage diabetes physical activity and a healthy
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
diet ...
Work on barren soil may bear fruit New research backs belief that
Australian and Chinese scientists have made tomatoes can be a gout trigger
significant progress in determining what causes People who maintain that eating tomatoes can
soil acidification a... cause their gout to flare up are likely to welcome
new research from New Zealands...
Valeant nears deal for female Saliva test for stress hormone levels
Viagra maker Sprout: WSJ may identify healthy older people with
(Reuters) Canadas Valeant thinking problems
Pharmaceuticals International Inc is nearing a deal Older people who have apathy but not depression
to pay $1 billion... may have smaller brain volumes than those
without apathy, according to a...
New program teaches medical students Black women less likely to survive
about healthy eating uterine cancer, study finds
(HealthDay)Medical students report wanting to Among nearly 375,000 U.S. women diagnosed with
learn more about topics that are not currently being invasive breast cancer, the likelihood of diagnosis
taught, including... at an early stage, and...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Case report of uterine artery Mom Writes Viral Note To Boy Who Saw
pseudoaneurysm after C-section Her Son With Disability Like Any Other
Scientists at Oregon Health Science University, Kid
Stanford University, University of Valencia and One mother was deeply moved when she
IGENOMIX have discovered... witnessed a boys interaction with her young
son. When Katie Myers...
More Ab Exercises Do Not Mean Better This week from AGU: California tsunami,
Ab Definition! air pollution, Indian Ocean & 4 papers
I repeat, more ab exercises do not mean better ab GeoSpace New study shows significant tsunami
definition. I would estimate that at least 90 percent strength for parts of Southern California A new
of the... simulation of tsunamis...
Debate: Would judicial consent for Most patients undergo follow-up after
assisted dying protect vulnerable pediatric pyeloplasty
people? Lofty living may make babies vulnerable to sudden
In The BMJ this week, two experts discuss whether infant death syndrome, according to a Colorado
the Assisted Dying Bill, to be debated at the House study that found higher...
of Commons next month,...
Nasty Thought Buzzing Around? Trap It, Obesity Gene Discovery Could Forever
Map It and Zap It Now Change Weight Loss
Tie your shoes. Drive a car. File taxes. Cook a Deborah Pendell Scientists have finally figured out
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
chicken. Floss. Some skills are so fundamental to how the key gene tied to obesity makes people fat,
being an adult... a major discovery...
Getting Lost and Getting Found A Shocking Lack of Support for Early
Weve all gotten lost. Most of us first have the Autism Screening
experience as children. It may have been in the By Lisa Shulman, M.D. Dr. Shulman is a
woods or... neurodevelopmental pediatrician and associate
professor of pediatrics at...
Shannen Doherty Diagnosed With Working long hours could be bad for
Breast Cancer, Insists It Could Have your heart
Been Avoided Putting in extended days at the office may do more
ASSOCIATED PRESS Shannen Doherty revealed in than just stress you out and cramp your social life.
Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday that New research shows...
she was diagnosed with breast...
Obesity gene discovery could lead to Activity trackers not as accurate for
new treatments some activities, ISU study finds
Scientists have finally figured out how the key gene IMAGE: Researchers had study participants wear
tied to obesity makes people fat, a major discovery the bands during a series of activities, including
that could open... exercise, to test...
Fresh racial unrest in St. Louis after Colorado widow sues after police kill
police shoot black suspect mentally ill husband
By Carey Gillam (Reuters) Police fatally shot a By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) The
black man they say pointed a gun at them... widow of a mentally ill Colorado man who was
fatally shot by police...
First trial targeting mutation, not cancer Researchers identify brain region that
type, gives mixed results deciphers between new and old
(Reuters Health) A powerful skin cancer drug memories
may also be effective against lung cancer and other (iStock) Have you ever walked down the street
types of malignancies,... and seen someone you werent sure if you
knew or if they just looked...
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A metabolic master switch underlying Favorable effect of exercise on BMD
human obesity continues as women age
This is an image of a weight scale. Credit: (HealthDay)For early-postmenopausal
CDC/Debora Cartagena Obesity is one of the osteopenic women, exercise is consistently
biggest public health challenges... favorable for bone mineral density...
Second human plague case probed at Stem cells derived from amniotic
Yosemite Park membrane can benefit retinal diseases
Six visitors to Californias famous Yosemite when transplanted
National Park have now been infected with a rare A team of researchers in South Korea has
rodent-born virus,... successfully transplanted mesenchymal stromal
cells (MSCs) derived from human amniotic...
25 Candid Photos That Show Behold: A Tampon You Can Share With
Breastfeeding Is Beautiful, Wherever Your Bestie
You Nurse Declarations of best friendship have reached a
After photos from her Public Breastfeeding whole new level. Now not only can you share
Awareness Project (PABP) spread widely across secrets, dreams and a tub of ice...
the Internet last August, photographer...
Albino Children Whose Limbs Were Cut ?Shannen Doherty has breast cancer
Off For Witch Doctors Get Prosthetics Shannen Doherty is battling breast cancer that
ASSOCIATED PRESS Normal 0 false false false worsened during a lapse in her health insurance
EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ caused by her former business...
table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:Table...
What the ice bucket challenge has Just one or two drinks a day may affect
done for ALS research cancer risk
This time last year, Facebook feeds everywhere Just one or two drinks a day can increase the risk
were inundated with videos of family, friends and of certain cancers, researchers report. A new study
former acquaintances of... of 136,000 adults...
The Sumatran rhino is extinct in the NASAs Aqua satellite takes Tropical
wild in Malaysia Storm Dannys temperature
IMAGE: This is a Sumatran rhino. view more IMAGE: On Aug. 18 at 1:47 p.m. EDT the AIRS
Credit: Rasmus Gren Havmller Leading instrument aboard NASAs Aqua satellite
scientists and experts... showed strongest storms...
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How clean is your spinach? Rand Paul: a humanitarian in Haiti, a pit
IMAGE: Madeline Luth, left, and Nichola Kinsinger, bull in 2016
conduct research related to baby spinach and food CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti (AP) Even while fighting
safety. ... blindness in the poorest nation in the Western
Hemisphere this...
Scientists find how obesity gene works, Endometrial cancer on the rise in U.S.,
a clue to treatment black women most at risk
Scientists have finally figured out how the key gene By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Endometrial
tied to obesity makes people fat, a major discovery cancer is becoming more common in the U.S....
that could...
Endometrial cancer on the rise in US, AbbVie buys special review voucher for
black women most at risk $350 million
Cancer cells. (iStock) Endometrial cancer is (Reuters) AbbVie Inc has bought a priority
becoming more common in the U.S. and black review voucher from United Therapeutics Corp for
women appear more likely to get... $350 million...
Nearly complete human brain grown in Israel sets new terms for release of
US lab: scientist Palestinian hunger-striker
Washington (AFP) An almost complete version By Jeffrey Heller JERUSALEM (Reuters) Israel
of a tiny human brain has been grown in a US lab set new terms on Wednesday that might hasten...
in a move...
Cutting-edge robotic kidney transplant Robotic hand helps girl with birth
a first: surgeons defect throw first pitch at Orioles game
Paris (AFP) A sister-to-sister kidney transplant Hailey meets her favorite player, Manny Machado,
in France reported on Wednesday is the first to whom she threw the first pitch to. (Photo courtesy
combine... the Orioles / Instagram) A...
Why The New Sex Drive Pill For Women Is Oral Allergy Syndrome to Blame for
Is Not The Female Viagra Those Tingly Lips?
PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou via Getty Images When people think of food allergies, they typically
The Food and Drug Administration has imagine The Big Eight. But the truth is, in
approved the first prescription... adults,...
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15 Things You Should Always Do In How I Conquer Insomnia (Even if I
Front Of Your Significant Other Dont Get Any Sleep)
The Internet is really concerned about your But [Pooh] couldnt sleep. The more he tried
relationship. Specifically, Good Housekeeping to sleep the more he couldnt. He tried
writer Asher Fogle is... counting...
Study shows certain moods are Teens may not drink or smoke if friends
contagious are counseled not to
Having friends is good for your soul, and may also By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Teens may
be good for your health. New research shows that be less likely to drink and smoke if their friends...
a healthy mood spreads...
Israel sets new terms for release of Americans back federal funds for
Palestinian hunger: striker Planned Parenthood health services:
By Jeffrey Heller JERUSALEM (Reuters) Israel poll
set new terms on Wednesday that might hasten... By Emily Stephenson WASHINGTON (Reuters)
Americans broadly support providing federal
funding for free womens...
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August 19, 2015, 8:10 AM|The FDA is giving the When you look in the mirror, do you like what you
green light to flibanserin, the first prescription see? Plenty of us dont. Studies have found 89
medication for womens... percent of American...
New lice infestation now resistant to FDA makes history by approving Addyi,
treatment sex drug for women
August 19, 2015, 7:34 AM|With students heading August 19, 2015, 7:14 AM|The first prescription
back to school, theres a health warning for drug to boost womens sex drives is set to
parents. Head lice are... launch this fall. The FDA...
Study finds racial disparity between Instant oatmeal for breakfast may help
what black and white borrowers pay for curb your appetite at lunch
home mortgages CHICAGO, IL, August 19, 2015 A new study
Racial disparity in mortgage rates is widespread revealed that your cereal choice at breakfast might
between black and white borrowers, according to a have an impact on how...
newly published study...
WHO: Pakistan, Afghanistan must step People with ALS may consume more
up fight against polio calories but weigh less
Syrian health workers administer polio vaccination (Andrey Popov) People with amyotrophic lateral
to a girl at a school in Damascus. sclerosis (ALS) are known to experience changes
(REUTERS/SANA/Handout via Reuters) GENEVA... in their metabolism after...
E-cigarettes 95% less harmful than Female libido pill took long, winding
smoking says report route to market
Dont miss out Exercise your right to choice Federal health officials on Tuesday approved the
in the NHS Learn about patient choice now first prescription drug intended to treat women
suffering from a lack of...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
pregnancy? in the elderly
If youre pregnant or planning to be, you could One morning five years ago in the parking lot of
easily be confused about which medications are Rhode Island Hospital, Dr. Michael Ehrlich, chair of
safe to take during... orthopaedics in the...
Research backs belief that tomatoes Data mining DNA for polycystic ovary
can be a gout trigger syndrome genes
People who maintain that eating tomatoes can Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been
cause their gout to flare up are likely to welcome passed down in many families for
new University of Otago... generationscausing reproductive and
Data mining DNA for polycystic ovary Diabetes prevention model is less
syndrome genes effective for non-college graduates,
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been study finds
passed down in many families for Key prescriptions to prevent and manage
generationscausing reproductive and diabetesphysical activity and a healthy
metabolic... dietdont appear...
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Oncolytic virotherapy lends benefits to JRC foresight report on global food
melanoma patients security
/ no comments International Virotherapy Center / no comments European Commission Joint
Research Centre
This Body-Burning Yoga Sequence Is Quiz: How Good Are Your Snacking
Like A Boot Camp Class Habits, Really?
Crunches will tone your abs and squats will With all the delicious things to eat in this world,
strengthen your quads, but the windmill will work eating healthy can be a struggle. But its
your shoulders, abs and legs.... entirely possible ...
Quiz: How Good Are Your Snacking Better treatments needed for female
Habits, Really? sexual dysfunction
With all the delicious things to eat in this world, Controversy over a drug to boost womens
eating healthy can be a struggle. But its libido has brought to light the overwhelming need
entirely possible ... for new ways to treat sexual...
Floods cause acute water shortage in Floods cause acute water shortage in
hundreds of Myanmar villages hundreds of Myanmar villages
By Htet Khaung Linn NYAUNGDON, Myanmar By Htet Khaung Linn NYAUNGDON, Myanmar
(Thomson Reuters Foundation) Authorities are (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Authorities are
racing... racing...
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Saudi closes emergency ward after Saudi closes emergency ward after
spike in MERS virus cases spike in MERS virus cases
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) Saudi authorities RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) Saudi authorities
closed an emergency ward in one of the closed an emergency ward in one of the
kingdoms largest... kingdoms largest...
Q&A: First pill approved to boost sex Cholera, climate change fuel Haitis
drive in women humanitarian crisis: UN
Federal health officials on Tuesday approved the Climate change, cholera and the return of
first-ever prescription drug intended to treat women thousands of emigrants from the neighboring
suffering from a lack... Dominican Republican are fueling a...
Cave snail from South Korea suggests Key genetic event underlying fin-to-
ancient subterranean diversity across limb evolution
Eurasia A study of catsharks reveals how alterations in the
IMAGE: This image shows inside and outside expression and function of certain genes in limb
views of Koreozospeum nodongense holotype. buds underlie the evolution...
view more Credit: Credit:...
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Scientist: Most complete human brain The global cost of unsafe abortion
model to date is a brain changer Seven million women a year in the developing
COLUMBUS, Ohio Scientists at The Ohio State world are treated in healthcare facilities for
University have developed a nearly complete complications following unsafe...
human brain in a dish that...
Bacteria in gut may be the cause of Hot chilli may be the key to lose weight,
uveitis in the eye say Adelaide University researchers
The inflammatory eye disorder autoimmune uveitis / no comments University of Adelaide
occurs when a persons immune system goes
awry, attacking proteins...
NIH grants Clinical and Translational How a new test is revolutionising what
Science Award to UC San Diego we know about viruses in our midst
The Clinical and Translational Research Institute Mosquitoes role in the spread of disease
(CTRI) at University of California, San Diego has make them perhaps one of the most reviled
received a five-year... insects in the world. But it also...
4 Ways To Make Your Run More Fun What Its Like to Have ADHD As a
By Samuel Blackstone for DETAILS. Everybody Grown Woman
enjoys running after theyve finished running. (Photo: Dave Moore/Getty Images) By Rae
The endorphins,... Jacobson Years ago, with the start date of a new
job closing in, I made...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
E-cigarettes are 95 percent less Guidelines set to tackle over-
harmful than tobacco: UK study prescribing of antibiotics
By Angus Berwick LONDON (Reuters) Tuesday August 18 2015 Antibiotics shouldnt
Electronic cigarettes are around 95 percent less be used to treat minor conditions GPs face axe
harmful... for handing...
Astellas Farma Brasil named one of Top The FDA Officially Approves Viagra
20 places to work in Brazil for Women
/ no comments Astellas Farma Brasil Its official: the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) supports every womans right to pursue
her best orgasm...
The Appropriate Level of Revenge for 6 This Woman Got Naked in Public for a
Different Cheating Scenarios Really Good Reason
Today in What-The-Internet-Is-Flipping-Out-Over Forget empowering ad campaigns and emotional
headline news: Theres a video thats viral videos. The best way to promote body
gone viral of a woman... acceptance is to stand naked in...
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Says Cancer What To Do When Your Baby Falls
Is 95 Percent Gone bigjom via Getty Images Each year in the United
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) told The States, 2.8 million children head to the emergency
Washington Post on Tuesday that 95 percent of room for injuries...
his cancer was gone a result...
I Need a Hero: Reducing Viral Loads 12 Pills that changed the world
Without Superpowers When aspirin hit the market in 1899, it was
I didnt read comic books as a child. It seemed revolutionary because it was the first drug to offer a
all they had to offer was a lot of aggression, which solution for simple pain....
Chengjiang biota: Bringing fossils into NASAs GPM sees Typhoon Atsani
focus intensifying
Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians- IMAGE: NASA-JAXAs GPM satellite saw
Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have used computed rainfall south of the storms center of
microtomography (micro-CT) to identify... circulation was falling...
Solar System formation dont mean Satellite sees the end of Tropical
a thing without that spin Depression 11E
IMAGE: These images show the central plane of a Tropical Depression 11E came to an end early
rotating disk orbiting a newly formed protostar (dark today, Tuesday, August 18 when the National
dot) formed in... Hurricane Center noted that the...
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Second Yosemite National Park visitor U.S. doctors Washington state
diagnosed with plague license suspended over troop training
By Curtis Skinner SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) A (Reuters) A Washington state board has
second person to visit Californias Yosemite suspended the medical license of a former U.S.
National... Army doctor who earned...
Two men fall during attempted suicide Wal-Marts drug problem: pharmacy
at University of Hawaii, one dies business drags on profit
(Reuters) A 24-year-old man died trying to save By Nathan Layne CHICAGO (Reuters) The
another man who attempted to kill himself by worlds largest retailer has a drug problem. ...
jumping from...
7 Important Lessons Real Women Have What Your Pee Color Says About Your
Learned from Failed Weight-Loss Health
Attempts When was the last time you actually took a peek in
Losing weight can be an exercise in trial and error: the toilet before you flushed? The fact is, the color
Try a diet, and see if it works. And as any weight- of your stream...
loss warrior...
What Your Pee Color Says About Your Heres How Its Possible To
Health Have a Maggot Stuck in Your Lip
When was the last time you actually took a peek in You know those things in life that you know you
the toilet before you flushed? The fact is, the color shouldnt watch (but do anyway)? Weve
of your stream... got another one for...
FDA Approves First Drug To Boost FDA Approves Female Sex Pill Addyi
Womens Sexual Desire With Safety Restrictions
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
i A daily pill called Addyi is the first medicine to be ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP)
approved for the purpose of boosting Federal health officials have approved the first
womens... prescription drug to boost...
FDA approves first treatment for sexual How to Stay Optimistic During Tough
desire disorder Times
Espaol The U.S. Food and Drug Administration There are 1 billion search results for the phrase,
today approved Addyi (flibanserin) to treat acquired, How to be positive on Google. It makes me
generalized hypoactive... wonder:...
FDA Approves Female Sex Pill Addyi How to Stay Optimistic During Tough
With Safety Restrictions Times
ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) There are 1 billion search results for the phrase,
Federal health officials have approved the first How to be positive on Google. It makes me
prescription drug to boost... wonder:...
THE FIGHT: Stigma vs. Shame THE FIGHT: Stigma vs. Shame
Health Disorders Introduction of Opponents: In the Health Disorders Introduction of Opponents: In the
right corner we... right corner we...
4 Daily Actions That May Keep Cancer 4 Daily Actions That May Keep Cancer
Away Away
Not all cancers are the same. Most people Not all cancers are the same. Most people
dont realize that there are at least 14 types of dont realize that there are at least 14 types of
breast cancer... breast cancer...
Mom Helps Kids Embrace Being Mom Helps Kids Embrace Being
Different With Dolls You Wont Find Different With Dolls You Wont Find
In A Store In A Store
A mom in Australia is trying to help kids embrace A mom in Australia is trying to help kids embrace
their differences, one doll at a time. Maria Kentley their differences, one doll at a time. Maria Kentley
from Melbourne... from Melbourne...
FDA approves first drug to boost FDA approves first drug to boost
womens libido womens libido
Last Updated Aug 18, 2015 7:06 PM EDT The U.S. Last Updated Aug 18, 2015 7:06 PM EDT The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration has approved the Food and Drug Administration has approved the
first prescription drug treatment... first prescription drug treatment...
Cell phones help track of flu on campus Cell phones help track of flu on campus
DURHAM, N.C. New methods for analyzing DURHAM, N.C. New methods for analyzing
personal health and lifestyle data captured through personal health and lifestyle data captured through
wearable devices or smartphone... wearable devices or smartphone...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
IMAGE: This map shows how states shares IMAGE: This map shows how states shares
of Mexican immigrants changed from 1994 to 2011. of Mexican immigrants changed from 1994 to 2011.
New research has found... New research has found...
Long-term brain changes persist years Long-term brain changes persist years
after drug abuse and recovery after drug abuse and recovery
Its known that brain changes are present in Its known that brain changes are present in
drug addicts even when they have been abstinent drug addicts even when they have been abstinent
for a short period of... for a short period of...
New York police investigate prisoner New York police investigate prisoner
death after fight with guards death after fight with guards
NEW YORK (Reuters) New York state law NEW YORK (Reuters) New York state law
enforcement officials on Tuesday said there is an enforcement officials on Tuesday said there is an
active investigation... active investigation...
Toddlers with bigger vocabs are better Toddlers with bigger vocabs are better
prepared for kindergarten later prepared for kindergarten later
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Two-year- By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Two-year-
olds who can say more phrases tend to have olds who can say more phrases tend to have
better... better...
Lack of experience with kids may lead Lack of experience with kids may lead
to EMS errors to EMS errors
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) The main By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) The main
challenge in providing safe care to children in... challenge in providing safe care to children in...
Top California lawmakers vow to push Top California lawmakers vow to push
aid-in-dying bill aid-in-dying bill
By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif.
(Reuters) California lawmakers on Tuesday (Reuters) California lawmakers on Tuesday
reintroduced... reintroduced...
USDA moves to build poultry vaccine USDA moves to build poultry vaccine
stockpile for bird flu return stockpile for bird flu return
By P.J. Huffstutter CHICAGO (Reuters) The U.S. By P.J. Huffstutter CHICAGO (Reuters) The U.S.
Department of Agriculture on Tuesday said... Department of Agriculture on Tuesday said...
FDA approves female sex pill, but with FDA approves female sex pill, but with
safety restrictions safety restrictions
June 22, 2015: A tablet of flibanserin sits on a June 22, 2015: A tablet of flibanserin sits on a
brochure for Sprout Pharmaceuticals in the brochure for Sprout Pharmaceuticals in the
companys Raleigh, N.C.,... companys Raleigh, N.C.,...
5 Unique Ways To Keep Your Brain Girl almost drowns, then doctors find a
Young tumor
While our brains do lose volume over time, the Cancer cells. (iStock) In June 2014, Emily
good news is that your brain is a machine Thomas dipped under the water one more time as
capable of regrowth... her family finished swimming,...
If your kid gets lice, hope that you live Choose seafood for heart-healthy
in this state benefits
Head lice might be a bit harder to nit, er, nip in the As temperatures rise, many of us are turning to
bud this year: A study out of Southern Illinois fresh, light foods to keep us fit and trim in our
University-Edwardsvillle... swimsuits in the upcoming...
Topical kunzea oil no help for psoriasis Physician score cards cut resource use
(HealthDay)A cream formula containing 4 in pediatric ER
percent hydroquinone, 10 percent glycolic acid, and Lofty living may make babies vulnerable to sudden
0.01 percent hyaluronic... infant death syndrome, according to a Colorado
study that found higher...
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Early menarche may add to risk of ER- Scientists Develop App To Turn
breast CA in black women Smartphones Into Cosmic Ray
Poorer outcomes for African-American women with Detectors
estrogen-receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer, If scientists can convince people to use the app,
compared with European-American... they hope it will help them solve a cosmic mystery.
This story originally...
Easy Eggs For Breakfast In Under Two Mom Enlists Live Band To Wake
Minutes Daughter Up For School
Mondays with Marlo We all love hot scrambled After struggling day after day to wake up her
eggs in the morning, but lets face it who... daughter for school, one Georgia mom resorted to
drastic measures. Shelly...
Following maternal transmission, group Plant doctors get to the root of plant
B strep mutates to sicken infants stress in rice
Washington, DC August 18, 2015 Group B IMAGE: In a rice root pruning study, researchers at
streptococcus, a mostly benign inhabitant of the Texas AM AgriLife Research and Extension
healthy adults, is... Center in Beaumont...
NYC mayor signs law to combat future NYC mayor signs cooling tower rules
Legionnaires outbreaks into law after deadly outbreak
NEW YORK (AP) New York City Mayor Bill de By Katie Reilly NEW YORK (Reuters) New York
Blasio has signed legislation aimed at preventing City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an
further outbreaks... unprecedented...
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Patients with immediate medical needs Researchers at Forsyth Institute
tend to perceive doctors as enhance pipetting efficiency using
emotionless, study finds VIAFLO Assist
(PhysOrg.com) The act of making a INTEGRA reports on how researchers at the
recommendation appears to change the way renowned Forsyth Institute (Cambridge, MA) are
physicians think regarding medical choices,... using a VIAFLO Assist to enhance...
Will focus on one sport make your child FDA: Scope linked to superbug
a star athlete? outbreak hid problems
The U.S. Tennis Association, NCAA and NFL along WASHINGTON Federal regulators have
with a number of other sports organizations have uncovered new violations by the manufacturer of
teamed together in a new... medical scopes recently linked...
Five reasons why sugar is added to UCI, NASA researchers find link
food between Amazon fire risk, devastating
CHICAGOFrom a food science and technology hurricanes
perspective, sugar (sucrose) plays several roles Irvine, Calif., Aug. 18, 2015 Researchers from
when it comes to the functional... the University of California, Irvine and NASA have
uncovered a remarkably...
Suomi NPP satellite sees Typhoon NASAs Terra satellite sees birth of
Gonis strongest sides Atlantic Tropical Depression 4
NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP satellite passed The fourth tropical depression of the Atlantic Ocean
over Typhoon Goni and gathered infrared data that hurricane season formed today, August 18, 2015
helped identify the strongest... as NASAs Terra...
Special Report: Investors profit by 70: The Decade for Giving Back
funding surgery for desperate women I am facing down one of those consequential
patients Decade Birthdays The Big 70! I like to think
By Alison Frankel and Jessica Dye NEW YORK Im entering,...
(Reuters) In July 2013, California
Republican Walker proposes health tax How This South Dakota Nurse
credits by age, not income Convinced A Religious Community To
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Republican Vaccinate
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
presidential contender Scott Walker on Tuesday ASSOCIATED PRESS Nurse Kerri Lutjens looks
unveiled his healthcare... over Rylan Hofer, an eight-month-old Hutterite,
during a home visit at the...
If You Sit at a Computer All Day This New bedtime book makes kids conk
Mobility Exercise Will Change Your Life out
in 30 Seconds A new childrens book isnt just written for
If youre like me, you probably spend a lot of kidsits written to make them fall asleep,
time in front of a computer screen. In fact, you and...
Teens who try e-cigarettes more likely Teens e-cigarette use linked with
to start smoking: study later smoking
U.S. teens who try electronic cigarettes may be A study at 10 Los Angeles high schools links e-
more than twice as likely to move on to smoking cigarettes with later tobacco use. University of
conventional cigarettes... Southern California researchers...
Rhode Island health officials say they For Africas hunted albino children,
wont change HPV vaccine mandate new limbs and new hope
State health officials say there are no plans to Monica Watson, right, with the Global Medical
change a new requirement that middle school Relief Fund, plays with Mwigulu Magesa, 12, left,
students in Rhode Island get... and Emmanuel Rutema, 13,...
Side effects may lead breast cancer FSU study reveals a new method for
patients to skip drugs treating diabetes
Breast cancer patients who report more side A new Florida State University study is changing
effects of their hormone therapy drugs and less how researchers look at diabetes research and the
confidence communicating with... drugs used to treat the...
VA study examines use of medicinal Medicare Says Doctors Should Get Paid
maggots to heal diabetic foot ulcers To Discuss End-Of-Life Issues
These arent your grandfathers maggots. i Jo Ann Farwell, a retired social worker, has a
Maggot, or larval, therapy has been around since brain tumor; she wanted to make sure her sons
ancient times as... were clear...
Medicare Says Doctors Should Get Paid Molecular tweezer targets HIV
To Discuss End-Of-Life Issues and prevents semen from promoting
i Jo Ann Farwell, a retired social worker, has a infection
brain tumor; she wanted to make sure her sons An unprecedented potential molecular
were clear... tweezer called CLR01, reported in the journal
eLife, not only blocks HIV...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
infection risk of suicide
An unprecedented potential molecular INDIANAPOLIS People being treated for bipolar
tweezer called CLR01, reported in the journal disorder and other psychiatric illnesses are at
eLife, not only blocks HIV... greater risk of attempting...
1,800 years of global ocean cooling Study examines Floridas pill mill
halted by global warming law, prescription drug monitoring
Prior to the advent of human-caused global program
warming in the 19th century, the surface layer of Legislative efforts by the state of Florida to reduce
Earths oceans had undergone... prescription drug abuse and diversion appear to be
associated with...
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Two-year-olds with larger oral Penn experts find that health insurance
vocabularies enter kindergarten better websites assist patients in choosing
prepared health insurance plans
A small child in Mumbai, with a shaved head, Websites for national and state health insurance
eating bread with her hand. Credit: Wen-Yan marketplaces show evidence of improved efforts to
King/Wikipedia Children... assist patients in choosing...
Death toll in Indonesia air crash rises to Seattle police pull over speeding car,
53: official help deliver baby
JAKARTA (Reuters) Indonesian search teams By Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) Seattle
have found the bodies of 53 of the 54 people on police witnessed the miracle of childbirth...
board a Trigana...
FDA could approve first female libido EMR care pathway aids treatment of
pill soon cellulitis
But flibanserins safety and effectiveness still (HealthDay)Over five years, a computerized
being debated. (HealthDay)The U.S. Food and physician order entry (CPOE) system can reduce
Drug... medical errors (MEs), with...
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Trying to Lose Weight? 3 Foods That Protective eyewear reduces field
Help You Stay Full Longer hockey eye injuries without increased
By Laurel Leicht , Glamour When youre out to concussion risk
eat, ordering a vegetable soup is a way healthier PROVIDENCE, R.I. A study conducted by
move than... researchers at Hasbro Childrens Hospital,
Boston Childrens...
5 Signs Your Life Is a Mess And How to Why Teaching Kids to Be Racially
Fix It Fast Colorblind Is a Big Mistake
Have you ever had one of those moments when If youre white, youve done it. Youve
you realize your life is way out of balance? With so hesitated before using the word black. Or...
many aspects of...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
for You FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Planned Parenthood
Food struggles and body image issues often go in Florida asked a judge Monday for an emergency
hand in hand You diet because you hate what ruling to allow them to...
you see in the...
Book uses psychological tricks to get Meningitis cases linked to World Scout
kids to sleep Jamboree
For many parents, getting kids to fall asleep can be Last Updated Aug 17, 2015 4:48 PM EDT Health
a nightmare. But a childrens bedtime story officials are investigating several cases of
currently topping... meningitis that may be linked to...
Troubled Texas ice cream maker says A Powerful Weapon Against Cancer May
products to return this month Be In Your Medicine Cabinet
By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) Texas- Ztzs-gur Karlsson/iStock/Getty Images A new
based Blue Bell Creameries will put its products study in Laboratory Investigation adds to a growing
back on store... body of research...
Why More Employers Are Giving Their Why More Employers Are Giving Their
Employees Fitness Trackers Employees Fitness Trackers
svanhorn via Getty Images In 2013, 2,000 firms svanhorn via Getty Images In 2013, 2,000 firms
gave employees fitness trackers, according to gave employees fitness trackers, according to
BBC. In 2014, that number... BBC. In 2014, that number...
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Soldiers journey to heal spotlights Soldiers journey to heal spotlights
soul wounds of war soul wounds of war
In this March 16, 2015 photo, retired U.S. Army Sgt. In this March 16, 2015 photo, retired U.S. Army Sgt.
1st Class Marshall Powell sits at the dining room 1st Class Marshall Powell sits at the dining room
table and pauses while... table and pauses while...
Researchers make vest that gives Researchers make vest that gives
service dogs a voice service dogs a voice
(Photo courtesy MyFoxAtlanta.com) Georgia (Photo courtesy MyFoxAtlanta.com) Georgia
resident Barbara Currier is hypoglycemic, a resident Barbara Currier is hypoglycemic, a
condition that is marked by a deficiency... condition that is marked by a deficiency...
Protective gear cuts eye injuries in Protective gear cuts eye injuries in
high school field hockey high school field hockey
(Matjaz Slanic) A 2011 mandate requiring high (Matjaz Slanic) A 2011 mandate requiring high
school field hockey players to wear protective school field hockey players to wear protective
eyewear reduced eye injuries... eyewear reduced eye injuries...
Military kids may be more apt to smoke, Military kids may be more apt to smoke,
drink and carry guns drink and carry guns
Teens with parents or caregivers in the military may Teens with parents or caregivers in the military may
be more likely to drink, smoke, and carry weapons be more likely to drink, smoke, and carry weapons
than other kids,... than other kids,...
DNA vaccines encoding the envelope The FDA and Homeopathy: Can the
protein of West Nile virus lineages 1 or Agency Bring Medicine Out of the
2 administered intramuscularly, via 1700s?
electroporation and with recombinant Lets say you have a bad cold. You look for
virus protein induce partial protection something to help you with the symptoms,
in large falcons (Falco spp.) stopping by your local...
The efficacy of two different WNV DNA vaccines in
falcons was determined by a) assessing their
tolerance, safety...
The FDA and Homeopathy: Can the The Secret That Allowed Jane Fonda To
Agency Bring Medicine Out of the Forgive Herself For Her Mothers
1700s? Death
Lets say you have a bad cold. You look for As the daughter of a famous actor and a beautiful
something to help you with the symptoms, socialite, Jane Fonda grew up accustomed to all
stopping by your local... that came along with celebrity...
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spend the day... spend the day...
4 Things In Your Garage You Should 4 Things In Your Garage You Should
Throw Out Today Throw Out Today
Broken tools, ancient sporting equipment, creaky Broken tools, ancient sporting equipment, creaky
old furniture the garage is the ultimate magnet old furniture the garage is the ultimate magnet
for clutter. Who... for clutter. Who...
Stress Could Be Making You Callous, Stress Could Be Making You Callous,
But You Can Change That But You Can Change That
One afternoon in Dublin, I found myself running One afternoon in Dublin, I found myself running
through the airport, convinced I was about to miss through the airport, convinced I was about to miss
a flight for the first... a flight for the first...
The Day I Heard The Words You The Day I Heard The Words You
Have Cancer Have Cancer
No one ever thinks they will be the one to hear No one ever thinks they will be the one to hear
those words. I can assure you I did not. And as those words. I can assure you I did not. And as
with most... with most...
2016 hopefuls hit the gym, try to skip 2016 hopefuls hit the gym, try to skip
pie on campaign trail pie on campaign trail
In this July 31, 2015, file photo, Republican In this July 31, 2015, file photo, Republican
presidential candidate Wisconsin Gov. Scott presidential candidate Wisconsin Gov. Scott
Walker walks from his campaign... Walker walks from his campaign...
Addict amnesty: Police give heroin Addict amnesty: Police give heroin
addicts support, rehab addicts support, rehab
In this July 10, 2015, photo, a woman speaks to In this July 10, 2015, photo, a woman speaks to
The Associated Press inside the police station in The Associated Press inside the police station in
Gloucester, Mass. The woman... Gloucester, Mass. The woman...
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humans. Two recent studies...
My 17-Year Quest For The Correct How This Couple Fought Through
Medical Diagnosis Illness To Find A New Destiny
How many times can you begin again? Thats I am a caregiver for my partner who has become
what I asked myself as I entered the Hospital for housebound and bedridden due to an incurable
Special Surgery,... invisible...
The Very Best And Worst U.S. Voices Of Strength: Your Stories Of
States For Older People Survival
Study looked for biggest jumps in satisfaction Earlier this summer, I asked to hear stories of
between young and older. It looks like our longing survival from Huffington Post readers. I wanted to
for restorative... know about the...
A thin ribbon of flexible electronics can Urban grime releases air pollutant
monitor health, infrastructure when exposed to sunlight
IMAGE: Stretchy, bendable electronics could have BOSTON, Aug.17, 2015 In a first-of-its-kind
many uses, such as monitoring patients study, researchers have determined that natural
health and keeping... sunlight triggers the...
How to preserve fleeting digital States find their own path on medical
information with DNA for future marijuana policy
generations This project was produced by News21, a
BOSTON, Aug. 17, 2015 Hand-written letters national investigative reporting project involving top
and printed photos seem quaint in todays college journalism...
digital age. But theres...
Health insurers working the system to Guide to the healthiest cooking oils
pad their profits olive oil being poured from glass bottle Confused
One of the reasons the health insurance industry about which cooking oil is the healthiest? Join the
worked behind the scenes in 2009 and 2010 to club. Figuring out...
derail Obamacare was...
Estrogens role in breast cancer Health Check: heres what you need
and how to reduce your disease risk to know about protein supplements
According to new government predictions, the The protein and amino acid supplement market is
number of women diagnosed with breast cancer big business. Bars, shakes, giant tubs of powder
will rise by as much as 50 percent... and specialist amino acid...
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Monday will announce... awareness campaigns to reverse...
Play This Video Game And Call Me In Study: Breastfeeding could reduce
The Morning commons infections among Indigenous
i Can playing the Project Evo game really improve infants
the brains ability to deal with distractions?... IMAGE: Promoting breastfeeding could lead to a
substantial reduction in common infections and
even deaths that are...
24 Ways To Have The Best 24 Hours New Internet technology could aid
Ever police, courts and prisons
From Manic Monday to Twisted Tuesday to Wacky New Internet-based technology may aid criminal
Wednesday, it seems like theres no escaping justice agencies through tools such as better
the chaos of a... criminal databases, remotely...
New Internet technology could aid Poverty drives Myanmar girls into
police, courts and prisons underage sex work
New Internet-based technology may aid criminal By Htet Khaung Lin YANGON (Thomson Reuters
justice agencies through tools such as better Foundation) Teenager Wut Yee was devastated
criminal databases, remotely... when...
Poverty drives Myanmar girls into The End of the high seas, or we
underage sex work watch the seas die
By Htet Khaung Lin YANGON (Thomson Reuters IMAGE: The left side of this photo shows a healthy
Foundation) Teenager Wut Yee was devastated reef at Heron Island. The right side shows an
when... example of a degraded...
Determining the dynein-dynactin Fallow deer are all about the bass when
complex structure: an interview with Dr sizing up rivals
Gabriel C. Lander During the deers breeding season, or rut, the
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA researchers from Queen Mary University of London
Hons (Cantab) Dr. Gabriel LanderTHOUGHT (QMUL) and ETH Zrich,...
LEADERS SERIESinsight from...
Fallow deer are all about the bass when China blasts death toll rises to 112, with
sizing up rivals 95 missing: Xinhua
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
During the deers breeding season, or rut, the TIANJIN, China (Reuters) The death toll from
researchers from Queen Mary University of London massive explosions in Chinas port city of
(QMUL) and ETH Zrich,... Tianjin...
Tributes for Pakistans former spy China blasts death toll 112 and likely to
chief bound to anger neighbors rise as scores of fire fighters missing
By Katharine Houreld KARACHI (Reuters) By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters)
Tributes for Pakistans late former military... The death toll from massive explosions in
Color-changing polymer may signal Glass paint could keep metal roofs and
traumatic brain injuries in soldiers, other structures cool even on sunny
athletes (video) days (video)
IMAGE: Microscopy images of the photonic BOSTON, Aug. 16, 2015 Sunlight can be brutal.
crystals after nano-indentation at 30 mN (left), 60 It wears down even the strongest structures,
mN (middle) and 90 mN... including rooftops and...
7 Ways to Overcome Fear and Live 7 Yoga Poses to Help You Wake Up
Your Dreams Unless youre a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed
Anais Nin once wrote, Life shrinks or expands morning person who hops out of bed with the
in proportion to ones courage. If sunrise, getting up...
The Best Protein You Can Eat, Rescuers work to clear China blast site
According To Nutritionists of chemicals before rain falls
ASSOCIATED PRESS Protein is the key to keeping By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters)
cravings at bay, building lean muscle and dropping Chinese soldiers and rescue workers in gas...
those last few pounds....
6 guys with ripped abs tell you why A surprising way to volunteer in the
its not worth it fight against Alzheimers disease
An electro-shocker belt hawked on a late-night Remember candy stripers? Those sweet hospital
infomercial wont give you six-pack abs. At volunteers in the red and white striped pinafores,
least not unless you can... who delivered flowers...
9 chemicals to avoid feeding your kids The Right Dose of Exercise For The
Your children might love sandwiches, hot dogs, Aging Brain
and the occasional sweet treat, but many of the Zena Holloway via Getty Images A small amount of
foods theyre eating... exercise may improve our ability to think as we age,
but more may not...
The Smart, Scary Thing About Dummies Glass paint could keep metal roofs and
My wife and I were watching Americas Got other structures cool even on sunny
Talent the other night, and I must concede: America days (video)
has, indeed,... BOSTON, Aug. 16, 2015 Sunlight can be brutal.
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
It wears down even the strongest structures,
including rooftops and...
Camper deaths, presence of plague Sierra Leone ends Ebola quarantine for
darken summer at Yosemite 500 villagers
feedback to editors ... Sierra Leone has ended an Ebola lockdown in the
northern village of Massessbe that had kept more
than 500 residents in quarantine,...
An electronic warning system helps to Brain death and changes in solid organ
reduce the time to diagnosis of sepsis characteristics due to acute lack of
For all author emails, please log on. female sex hormones
For all author emails, please log on.
Impact of obesity on critical care adult Death toll from China blasts rises to
patients 104, Xi urges changes
For all author emails, please log on. By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters)
The death toll from two massive explosions...
Death toll from China blasts rises to The 5 Best Cardio Workouts That
104, Xi urges changes Dont Involve Running
By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters) Photo: Pond5 By Laurel Leicht for Life by DailyBurn
The death toll from two massive explosions... Sure, running is a great workout to have as a part of
your cardio...
ICYMI: Inside The Brains Of Happy How Sleep Position May Affect the Brain
Couples And Coca-Colas Bad By Neha Kashyap, dailyRx News Reporter Are you
Science a back or a stomach sleeper? The way you sleep
ICYMI Health features what were reading this may be linked to the...
week. This week, we read pieces that ran against
the conventional...
5 Ways the Fear of Rejection Holds You Music can help calm anxiety and ease
Back pain
Everyone fears rejection at one time or another. August 15, 2015, 8:30 AM|A surprising report from
Maybe you decided not to ask someone out on a Britain scientists say music can help reduce pain
date because you... and anxiety when having...
Wind change at China blast site Wind change at China blast site
prompts orderly evacuation prompts orderly evacuation
By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters) By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters)
China on Saturday evacuated residents who China on Saturday evacuated residents who
had... had...
The hidden dangers of taking common The hidden dangers of taking common
painkillers painkillers
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly
referred to as NSAIDs, are used to alleviate fever referred to as NSAIDs, are used to alleviate fever
symptoms and reduce pain.... symptoms and reduce pain....
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7 ways you lie to yourself about your 7 ways you lie to yourself about your
weight weight
Your bathroom scale doesnt lie about your Your bathroom scale doesnt lie about your
weightbut you might be fibbing to yourself. weightbut you might be fibbing to yourself.
People tend to subtract... People tend to subtract...
Wind change at China blast site raises Ghanas doctors extend strike in
fears of toxic spread challenge to government
By Megha Rajagopalan TIANJIN, China (Reuters) By Kwasi Kpodo ACCRA (Reuters) Doctors in
China warned residents near the site of two... Ghana decided on Friday to strike for two more...
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Nearly 1,100 suicides happen on college So here I am enjoying my thirteenth Global
campuses each year, indicating that many Corporate Challenge (GCC) and, as always,
students who portray themselves as... Ive discovered something...
Morning Routines for Productive New study examines how race and
People gender relate to Medicare Part Ds
What do Benjamin Franklin and Anna Wintour have coverage gap
in common? No, its not their personal style; Medicare Part D provides help to beneficiaries
theyre... struggling with the cost of prescriptions drugs, but
the plans coverage...
Medicare patients in rural settings PTSD not associated with increased risk
have lower rates of post-discharge for cancer, find BUSM researchers
follow-up care / no comments Boston University Medical Center
Medicare patients in rural areas have lower rates of
follow-up care after leaving the hospitalwhich
may place them...
Engineers Make Narcotics With Yeast. The Reality Of Reiki (All Togther
Is Home-Brewed Heroin Next? Podcast)
i An orange pigment (right) signals to scientists One day I was asking around in the HuffPost
that the yeast are producing an enzyme needed to newsroom about if anyone had ever played around
synthesize... with a Ouija board. One of...
School And Community Gardens Teach 19 Men Go Shirtless And Share Their
Urban Students To Thrive Body Image Struggles
Lydia Thompson/NPR NPR: Healthy Eaters, Strong The fruitless quest for a perfect body
Minds: What School Gardens Teach Kids People isnt unique to women, though based on the
who live in low-income urban... body image conversations...
7 Tips for Traveling With a Parent on Tick-ing Time Bomb: Lyme Disease
Dialysis Conquers New Territory
Today, kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of In the summer of 1975 a group of children who
death in the United States. About 23 million often played together developed an unusual flu-like
Americans currently... illness with...
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Revealed Helicobacter pyloris Theres little evidence to help avoid
secret weapon stress fractures
Discovered in 1982, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) By Roxanne Nelson (Reuters Health) Although
is a disease-causing bacterium that survives in our there are plenty of opinions about what causes...
stomachs despite...
Syrian planes strike hospitals in rebel PAHO Venezuela worries about cancer
northwest, killing 11: MSF medicine shortage
BEIRUT (Reuters) Syrian warplanes have killed By Alexandra Ulmer CARACAS (Reuters)
11 people in strikes against hospitals in rebel-held Reports of shortages of cancer medicines in
Idlib... Venezuela...
New HIV cases on the rise in Florida Yosemite campground closing after
MIAMI Health officials in Florida are seeing a squirrels found with plague
resurgence in HIV cases, especially among By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) A
adolescents and young adults.... second Yosemite National Park campground will
River fouled by mine waste in Colorado PAHO Venezuela worries about cancer
reopens for recreation medicine shortage
By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) By Alexandra Ulmer CARACAS (Reuters)
Authorities in southwestern Colorado said on Reports of shortages of cancer medicines in
Friday it... Venezuela...
CML survey reveals patient TKI CML survey reveals patient TKI
adherence, disease anxiety adherence, disease anxiety
By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Survey results suggest that chronic myeloid Survey results suggest that chronic myeloid
leukaemia (CML) patients using... leukaemia (CML) patients using...
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TKI outcomes unfavourable in TKI outcomes unfavourable in
young CML patients young CML patients
By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with Adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with
chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)... chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)...
6 Not-Awkward Ways For New Moms to 6 Not-Awkward Ways For New Moms to
Make Mommy Friends Make Mommy Friends
You know there are tons of women out there who You know there are tons of women out there who
just had kidsbut being a new mom can feel just had kidsbut being a new mom can feel
surprisingly isolating.... surprisingly isolating....
I Started Asking My Husband for What I I Started Asking My Husband for What I
Wantedand It Backfired Wantedand It Backfired
Im terrible at telling my husband, Chris, what I Im terrible at telling my husband, Chris, what I
want. Like, mortifyingly bad. The second I need to want. Like, mortifyingly bad. The second I need to
ask for something,... ask for something,...
Going the Distance? Hydration and Going the Distance? Hydration and
Exercise Exercise
I could write all day long touting the various benefits I could write all day long touting the various benefits
of exercise. Its important to establish an of exercise. Its important to establish an
exercise... exercise...
Two Reasons You Dont Want Man Two Reasons You Dont Want Man
Boobs and Seven Ways to Eliminate the Boobs and Seven Ways to Eliminate the
Dad Bod Dad Bod
Dad bods are the new fitness standard for a Dad bods are the new fitness standard for a
growing bunch of men across the United States. growing bunch of men across the United States.
Whats... Whats...
How Mantras Calm Your Mind How Mantras Calm Your Mind
Have you ever wanted to get rid of frustrating or Have you ever wanted to get rid of frustrating or
distracting thoughts? After a hectic week, do you distracting thoughts? After a hectic week, do you
feel more relaxed... feel more relaxed...
9 Crushes Every Girl Has At the Gym 9 Crushes Every Girl Has At the Gym
People watching isnt exactly the reason we hit People watching isnt exactly the reason we hit
the gym but it is a nice perk. Theres the gym but it is a nice perk. Theres
always... always...
Park officials close Yosemite campsite Park officials close Yosemite campsite
over plague-infected squirrels over plague-infected squirrels
Yosemite National Park said Friday they will Yosemite National Park said Friday they will
temporarily close a popular... temporarily close a popular...
Heartbroken? Gender may play role in Heartbroken? Gender may play role in
recovering from breakups recovering from breakups
Men and women have a long history of differences Men and women have a long history of differences
when it comes to handling relationships. And after when it comes to handling relationships. And after
a relationship ends,... a relationship ends,...
More evidence supports that kids More evidence supports that kids
headaches increase at back-to-school headaches increase at back-to-school
time time
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Findings from Nationwide Childrens Hospital Findings from Nationwide Childrens Hospital
physicians demonstrate that headaches increase physicians demonstrate that headaches increase
in fall in children, a... in fall in children, a...
Meat food waste has greater negative Meat food waste has greater negative
environmental impact than vegetable environmental impact than vegetable
waste waste
COLUMBIA, Mo. Approximately 31 percent of COLUMBIA, Mo. Approximately 31 percent of
food produced in the U.S., or 133 billion pounds of food produced in the U.S., or 133 billion pounds of
food worth $162 billion,... food worth $162 billion,...
Arkansas governor cuts state contracts Arkansas governor cuts state contracts
with Planned Parenthood with Planned Parenthood
By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters)
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Friday Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson on Friday
canceled... canceled...
Sierra Leone lifts last major Ebola Sierra Leone lifts last major Ebola
quarantine as cases recede quarantine as cases recede
By Umaru Fofana MASSESSEBEH, Sierra Leone By Umaru Fofana MASSESSEBEH, Sierra Leone
(Reuters) Sierra Leone lifted its last major (Reuters) Sierra Leone lifted its last major
Ebola... Ebola...
Bird flu spreads to third location in Bird flu spreads to third location in
Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
ABIDJAN (Reuters) Ivory Coast said on Friday ABIDJAN (Reuters) Ivory Coast said on Friday
that H5N1 bird flu had spread to a third location in that H5N1 bird flu had spread to a third location in
the country,... the country,...
Women who work or lift a lot may Women who work or lift a lot may
struggle to get pregnant struggle to get pregnant
(Reuters Health) Women who work more than (Reuters Health) Women who work more than
40 hours a week or routinely lift heavy loads may 40 hours a week or routinely lift heavy loads may
take longer to get... take longer to get...
Esophageal cancer in the ICU: a clinical- How to Eat (and Enjoy) Food in
epidemiological retrospective study Recovery
For all author emails, please log on. The content of this article may be sensitive to some
readers. I am not a world renowned food critic, nor
am I what...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
hurt, or threatened,... dropping some real talk about what its like
to live in the spotlight...
Recipe book for colloids The protein that keeps cells static is
IMAGE: Using neutron scattering, researchers found to play a key role in cell
were able to study the structure of their samples. movement
The size of the rings... IMAGE: In a developing Drosophila embryo,
(above) E-Cadherin keep cells together to facilitate
coordinated migration;...
Seriously ill patients can get spiritual Mobile health tech looks promising, but
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
counseling via Skype does it work?
By Randi Belisomo (Reuters Health) Newly Smartphone apps, health-monitoring devices and
diagnosed and seriously ill patients who need wearable sensors that collect real-time data have
spiritual... the potential to help Americans...
Brainy mice raise hope of better Risk for endophthalmitis no higher with
treatments for cognitive disorders Avastin, finds study
Credit: Martha Sexton/public domain It sheds light Eye injections of the drug Avastin, used to treat
on the molecular underpinnings of learning and retinal diseases, bring no greater risk of
memory and could... endophthalmitis, a potentially...
New system accurately and reliably Medical foods for patients with
captures patient experience with rare IEMs may cause harm when not
cancer drug side effects carefully managed
In cancer clinical trials, symptom side effects Many medical foods are designed to help
patients experience, like nausea, are typically manage patients with rare inborn errors of
reported by doctors, and... metabolism (IEMs), and can...
Two new studies on eosinophilic The Move That Will Bring Sexy
granulomatosis with polyangiitis Backto Your Back
selected by Vasculitis Foundation Join the Womens Health Weekend Challenge
The Vasculitis Foundation is pleased to announce to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make
it has selected two new research studies on your weekend workouts...
eosinophilic granulomatosis...
This Is How Ebola is Being Kept Out Of What A Producer Learned From One Of
Classrooms In West Africa LAs Most Polarizing Police Chiefs
As the global health community works toward a Brian Grazer may be an Oscar-winning Hollywood
game-changing Ebola vaccine, advocates producer, but first and foremost, he is a man
are pushing the most basic... devoted to exploring his curiosity....
Theres Something Worse Than Study Finds Link Between Autism And
Germs Spreading Around Your Office Creative Thinking
Just like one sniffling coworker can lead to many Justin Lewis via Getty Images Autism research
sniffling coworkers, a rude colleague can trigger a tends to focus on the negative traits associated
wave of impoliteness... with the disorder, such...
Low-fat diet slightly better than low- Tdap booster vaccine rates triple at
carb for losing body fat family care clinics using automated
August 14, 2015, 8:13 AM|A new study pits the two reminders
diets head-to-head, as more than a third of ANN ARBOR, Mich. Vaccination rates for a
American adults are battling... critical booster shot tripled after clinics began
using electronic prompts...
Barry Callebaut, VIB and KU Leuven Ancient British shores teemed with life
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
optimize cocoa fermentation process shows study by Bristol
Wieze/Belgium, Zurich/Switzerland March 12, undergraduate
2015 The Barry Callebaut Group, VIB (Flanders IMAGE: This is the marine shell-crushing reptile
Institute for... Psephoderma alpinum, one of the last placodonts
on Earth, just reported...
Young minds think alike and older The potential in your pond
people are more distractible IMAGE: Scientists at the John Innes Centre have
Bang! Youre Dead, a 1961 episode of discovered that Euglena gracilis, the single cell
Alfred Hitchcock Presents, continues to surprise algae which inhabits...
Higher intelligence score means better MSF accuses Syrian forces of targeting
physical performance rebel-held hospitals
New research reveals a distinct association BEIRUT (Reuters) The international charity
between male intelligence in early adulthood and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) accused the
their subsequent midlife physical... Syrian government...
Opera singer sings during brain tumor Congregant: No hard feelings over
surgery botulism at church potluck
(Youtube) A Slovenian opera singer undergoing One of the 30 congregants sickened with botulism
surgery for a brain tumor remained awake so after an Ohio church potluck in April says no one
doctors could ensure he would maintain... there has any animosity...
Adding milk to tea can prevent stained Keeping runners safe in summer heat
teeth A woman soon to run in the Falmouth Road Race,
People who drink herbal tea, even as little as once right, is tested at the Korey Stringer Institute by
a week, may have a reduced risk of distal colon researchers...
cancer, according to...
Keeping runners safe in summer heat Cellular factors that shape the 3-D
A woman soon to run in the Falmouth Road Race, landscape of the genome identified
right, is tested at the Korey Stringer Institute by This image shows the coding region in a segment
researchers... of eukaryotic DNA. Credit: National Human
Genome Research Institute Researchers,...
Cellular factors that shape the 3-D Researchers develop new genomic
landscape of the genome identified data set on Lassa virus
This image shows the coding region in a segment An international team of researchers has
of eukaryotic DNA. Credit: National Human developed the largest genomic data set in the
Genome Research Institute Researchers,... world on Lassa virus (LASV). The new...
WuXi PharmaTech signs definitive and Duke specialist offers infection control
merger agreements measures to maintain health of pro
WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. (WuXi or football players
the Company) (NYSE: WX), a leading open- Keeping any team healthy is an important and
access RD capability... daunting challenge, but the task is amplified in the
National Football League...
Duke specialist offers infection control Maximum weight gain seen in obese
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
measures to maintain health of pro smokers, heavy smokers after smoking
football players cessation
Keeping any team healthy is an important and For smokers, the number of cigarettes smoked per
daunting challenge, but the task is amplified in the day and current body mass index are predictive of
National Football League... changes in weight after...
Air Pollution Causes 4,400 Deaths In Hidden drowning risks to kids at home
China Every Single Day: Study Drowning can happen in unlikely places, even
In this May 29, 2015 photo, a man walks past a when no swimming pool or natural body of water is
coal-powered steel plant in Tianjin, China. nearby. For small children,...
According to a new study, about...
How do ants identify different members How do ants identify different members
of their society? of their society?
IMAGE: Photo shows Florida carpenter ants IMAGE: Photo shows Florida carpenter ants
castes, major workers and minor workers, taking castes, major workers and minor workers, taking
care of the brood. These... care of the brood. These...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
and BRCA2 found some of them harbored other EAST LIVERPOOL, Ohio When President Bill
harmful genetic mutations, most... Clinton deemed environmental justice an
administration priority...
5 surprising signs a woman may have The crunchless ab move that flattens
low testosterone your stomach
When you type testosterone into Google Planks are tough. Walking while holding a
images, just about every picture that pops up is of plank is even harderbut it delivers results.
menbeefed-up... Thats...
Researchers develop new way to Playing Tetris for few minutes a day can
personalize treatments for aggressive weaken cravings
bladder cancer Playing Tetris for as little as three minutes at a time
Researchers at UC Davis, in collaboration with can weaken cravings for drugs, food and activities
colleagues at Jackson Laboratory, have developed such as sex and...
a new way to personalize...
New study reveals Tetris can block The role of B cells in the enhancement
cravings of pollen allergy
IMAGE: This image shows playing Tetris on a The team of Prof. Carsten Schmidt-Weber and Prof.
smartphone. view more Credit: Plymouth Jan Gutermuth of the Center of Allergy Environment
University/Lloyd Russell Playing... (ZAUM) at Helmholtz...
New study focuses on dental PHIV children may lack immunity against
screenings for drug misuse measles, mumps, and rubella despite
A visit to the dentist has the potential to be more vaccination
than a checkup of our teeth as patients are Between one-third and one-half of individuals in the
increasingly screened for... United States who were infected with HIV around
the time of birth may...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
UCLA wins $2.5 million grant to enhance Psychological disorders in COPD
geriatric care in Riverside County patients predict early hospital
The UCLA division of geriatrics has received a readmission
three-year, $2.5 million grant from the Health Researchers from The University of Texas Medical
Resources and Services Administration... Branch at Galveston found that people with a
psychological condition such...
Grammar: Eventually the brain opts for Microbial companions of humans and
the easy route animals are highly specialized
IMAGE: If the first noun in a sentence without a IMAGE: Microorganisms like these bacteria on the
clear case marker (Bertram) does not refer to the skin of a small crustacean are the constant
agent, the brain... companions of humans and...
FIFA say managers cannot dictate to Goats, chickens, books can prevent
doctors over injuries African child marriage
By Mike Collett LONDON (Reuters) FIFA By Joseph DUrso LONDON (Thomson
delivered what amounted to a rebuke to Chelsea Reuters Foundation) Child marriage can be
manager... prevented...
Going for gold: why tenpin bowling Want To Have Better Orgasms?
should become an Olympic sport Heres What You Need To Know
Its the sport of choice for Homer Simpson and Imagine being sexually active for your entire adult
the Big Lebowski, and its enjoyed periodically life and never having an orgasm. For Loly, a
by millions... woman in her mid-twenties...
Depression: The Menopausal Journey AA Saved My Life (And I Get Why You
From Hopeless to Hopeful Hate It)
So many women (more than I can mention) have The absolute last place I wanted to end up was in
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
told me that while they themselves didnt Alcoholics Anonymous. It was, I knew, a place for
understand the connection... the dregs of...
Biochemist studies oilseed plants for Birth factors may predict schizophrenia
biofuel, industrial development in genetic subtype of schizophrenia
MANHATTAN, Kansas A Kansas State TORONTO, (Aug. 13, 2015) Low birth weight
University biochemistry professor has reached a and preterm birth appear to increase the risk of
milestone in building a better... schizophrenia among individuals...
Heat release from stagnant deep sea NIH study finds cutting dietary fat
helped end last Ice Age reduces body fat more than cutting
IMAGE: This is a schematic of the changes in the carbs
Arctic Mediterranean at the end of the last Ice Age. In a recent study, restricting dietary fat led to body
view more... fat loss at a rate 68 percent higher than cutting the
same number...
New optical chip lights up the race for New research reveals unintended
quantum computer consequences of using incorrect
IMAGE: This is the silicon based quantum optics medical foods in managing patients
lab-on-a-chip. view more Credit: University of IMAGE: Medical foods can play a variety of roles,
Bristol The... including in the dietary management of disease.
New research indicates...
Neither too much, neither too little! Feds Now Pushing States Toward
Positive fluid balance and ICU outcome Medical Treatment For Heroin Addicts
For all author emails, please log on. Drug czar Michael Botticelli has described the use
of medication-assisted treatment, combined with
behavioral supports,...
After Much Objection, Toddler Decides Half Marathon Training for Beginners
Hes Excited To Be A Big Brother Believe it or not, if your long runs are up to three
This hilarious pregnancy announcement shows miles, youre ready to train for a half-marathon.
big siblings that they cant always get what they Running...
want. Excited announcers: Ryan...
Can science predict gang killings? Georgia Tech finds 11 security flaws in
IMAGE: A study led by Michigan State University popular internet browsers
public health researcher April Zeoli found that gang IMAGE: Georgia Techs winning team at the
killings move... 24th USENIX Security Symposium are: (from left to
right): Wenke Lee,...
NASAs RapidScat sees diminishing Heavy smokers and smokers who are
winds in Tropical Storm Hilda obese gain more weight after quitting
IMAGE: On August 12 at 7 a.m. EDT RapidScat For smokers, the number of cigarettes smoked per
observed tropical-storm-force winds day and current body mass index are predictive of
(yellow/orange) on Hildas northwestern... changes in weight after...
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Glaxo: Meds from plant with Severe food shocks more likely
Legionnaires bacteria are safe due to extreme weather, experts warn
ZEBULON, N.C. (AP) The medications By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Extreme
produced at a GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical weather such as intense storms, droughts and
plant are safe despite... heatwaves...
EPA head meets with Navajo president Low-fat diet results in more fat loss
over Colorado mine spill than low-carb diet in humans
By Alison Uralli FARMINGTON, N.M. (Reuters) Artistic depiction of a study investigating whether
The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection... low-fat or low-carb diets lead to more fat burning
and fat...
UK death rate of pre-school kids almost Transplant donors and recipients want
double that of Sweden more information about each
The death rate among pre-school children in the others health
UK is almost double that of Sweden, with New research published in Liver Transplantation, a
prematurity, congenital abnormalities,... journal of the American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases and...
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Having a Demon Baby: See The This article was written by Kit Fox and provided by
Terrifying Sonogram our partners at Runners World. You just went
for a run. How...
When it comes to the world of medicine (and
especially prenatal care), the more advanced
technology, the betterright?...
Actual Sexts 8 Regular Guys Have Sent Titanium Rings Tough To Crack In
Im not much of a sexter. I dont trust most Emergencies
people with screen-grabbable pictures of my penis i Titanium wedding bands are becoming popular,
or evidence... jewelers say, as lightweight, less expensive
Eat food, not nutrients: why healthy Evaluation of the adverse events on
diets need a broad approach applying a functional protocol in
There seems to be a shortening gap between patients in an ICU
studies about diet, nutrition and health. And each For all author emails, please log on.
starts another conversation...
3 Foods Your Dentist Will Love Ebola In West Africa Can Be Defeated
I have always been a bit of a baby when it comes to By End Of 2015: UN
the dentist. I dont know if its the weird ZOOM DOSSO via Getty Images UNITED NATIONS
thing... (AP) The Ebola epidemic in West Africa can be
defeated by the end...
Steve Martin: Wild and Crazy Introvert 3 Spiritual Practices Youre Already
Steve Martin has had a wide-ranging and wildly Doing
successful career, spanning over half a century. If you identify as an introvert, its likely that
Hes been... youve personally experienced the
A Time to Cure: The Growing Case for Facebook photo ban sparks
New Hepatitis C Treatments #SclerodermaSelfies movement
One out of every 100 Americans is living with a An Illinois woman living with a rare autoimmune
deadly and communicable virus, yet most cant disease is lighting up social media thanks to her
access the... campaign, #sclerodermaselfies,...
Goldman Sachs to buy GE Capitals Avalanche drops eye drug trial, takes it
U.S. online deposits back to lab
By Olivia Oran and Neha Dimri (Reuters) (Reuters) Drug developer Avalanche
Goldman Sachs Group Inc GS.N is buying GE Biotechnologies Inc said it would not start a
Capital Banks... second mid-stage study...
Mentally ill killer of five gets life without Regrets and What to Do With Them
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
parole in Georgia Regret for what we have or have not done can be
By David Beasley ATLANTA (Reuters) A tormenting. Everyone has regrets of one kind or
Georgia man who killed five people earlier this another resulting...
year, including members...
4 Telltale Signs That Youre His I Was Shamed by My Doctor for Being
Sidepiece Transgender
Youve always been told to have a backup plan. We live in an age of shamingshamed for how
Thats why you applied to a second-choice we look, what we say, who we are. Its so
college, copied... relentless, especially...
Reduce and optimize critical care unit This Is How A 300 Pound Vegan NFL
noise Player Maintains His Huge Size
For all author emails, please log on. Instagram Back in 2014, David Carter weighed 285
pounds and was working his way back up to 300.
He had just signed with...
What too much screen time does to Helping Siri hear through a cocktail
your eyes party
As people of all ages are spending more hours IMAGE: This prototype sensor can separate
focused on digital screens, their eyes are getting simultaneous sounds coming from different
an exhausting endurance... directions using a unique distortion...
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how planets formed around... insurance under...
Birth certificates latest battleground in U.S. court revives $45 million patent
Floridas gay marriage fight verdict against Limelight
By David Adams MIAMI (Reuters) Eight months By Andrew Chung NEW YORK (Reuters)
after Floridas gay marriage ban was declared Limelight Networks is responsible for
unconstitutional,... infringing...
Which Company Will Change the Future Music can help ease pain and anxiety
of Healthcare? Here are 10 Contenders after surgery
I have yet to hear of an industry that hasnt Thursday August 13 2015 Music may help distract
been massively disrupted by technology. people from feeling pain Listening to music
Healthcare is no stranger... before, during...
GSK hopes big clinical trial can breathe Team finds a better way to engineer
new life into lung drug therapeutic proteins into antibodies
(REUTERS/Toby Melville) GlaxoSmithKline is Some proteins exist so fleetingly in the
banking on a major clinical trial to revive its flagging bloodstream that they cant be given effectively
respiratory medicine... as therapies. However,...
Drones Increase Heart Rates Of Wild In the ICU and post ICU, platelets have
Bears. Too Much Stress? more impact as a prognosis marker
i A brown bear in its natural habitat. Wildlife than leukocytes!
ecologists in Minnesota outfitted black bears with For all author emails, please log on.
That Time Donald Trump Tried Doing Many factors may affect Jimmy
Various Jobs At His Own Hotel Carters cancer treatment
As Donald Trump likes to remind people, he is Last Updated Aug 13, 2015 11:11 AM EDT Former
quite a wealthy man. The real estate mogul has President Jimmy Carter and his physicians must
long been at the top of the... weigh a number of factors to...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Black-footed ferrets, a critically endangered view more Credit: Sigrid Knemeyer, Kristian
species native to North America, have renewed Andersen, Pardis...
hope for future survival thanks...
New information is easier to learn when New technology could reduce wind
composed of familiar elements energy costs
IMAGE: People have more difficulty recalling the Engineers from the University of Sheffield have
string of letters BIC, IAJ, FKI, RSU and SAF than developed a novel technique to predict when
FBI, CIA, JFK, IRS... bearings inside wind turbines...
Mayo Clinic-led study validates tool for Satellite sees a fan-shaped Tropical
pt. reporting side effects in cancer Storm Molave
clinical trials IMAGE: The VIIRS instrument aboard NASA-
PHOENIX A multicenter study involving Mayo NOAAs Suomi satellite captured this visible
Clinic researchers has found that the National picture of a fan-shaped...
Cancer Institutes...
Mentally ill killer of five gets life without Oklahoma man dies from brain-eating
parole in Florida amoeba infection
By David Beasley ATLANTA (Reuters) A By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters)
Georgia man who killed five people earlier this An Oklahoma man has died after contracting a rare
year, including members... brain-eating...
GSK hopes big clinical trial can breath Scientists finally figure out the mystery
new life into lung drug of contractions in labor
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) In this July 25, 2010, photo, a traditional birth
GlaxoSmithKline is banking on a major clinical trial attendant assists a woman as she goes through
to... labor in Nairobi, Kenya. (AP...
Trial starts for man suing ex-girlfriend A key to good mental health: religion
who used his sperm to become (AP Photo/Observer-Dispatch, Mark DiOrio)
pregnant Attending a church, synagogue, or mosque may be
In this photo taken Aug. 14, 2013, an embryologist better for ones mental...
works on a petri dish at a fertility clinic in south
London. (AP Photo/Sang...
Humans may face malnutrition if birds Man dies from brain-eating amoeba in
and bees disappear Oklahoma lake
(Reuters Health) If all the birds, bugs, bees and Naegleria fowleri, also referred to as the brain-
other creatures that pollinate our food crops were eating amoeba or brain-eating ameba,
to disappear... thrives...
For fat loss, calories may matter more Combination of chemotherapy and
than fat or carbs immune-blocking drug could prevent
Want to lose body fat? At least initially, a diet low in cancer recurrence
fat may be better than one that limits Giving patients a drug that blocks part of the
carbohydrates, a U.S. study... immune system from going into overdrive might
help prevent cancer coming back...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
outcome of mild therapeutic complementary measure to identify risk
hypothermia after cardiac arrest in a of excess body mass in children
community hospital in So Paulo, younger than 2 years old
Brazil For all author emails, please log on.
Critical Care 2015, 19(Suppl
2):P55 doi:10.1186/cc14695 Published: 28
September 2015
So Thats Why Our Eyes Dart Around 3 Unexpected Ways to Get More Out of
As We Sleep Your Vacation
The new research suggests that during dreams, By Jan Bruce I found out recently that some
our eyes and brains respond similarly to how they researchers have nailed down the ideal vacation
react to images when were... length: eight days....
How to avoid strained eyes from staring Cancer doctor explains Jimmy
at digital screens Carters fight ahead
August 13, 2015, 8:13 AM|Nearly a third of adults August 13, 2015, 7:08 AM|Former President Jimmy
spend more than half their waking hours using a Carter revealed Wednesday that he has cancer,
digital device. Cornell... and it has spread through his...
Study: As days warm, RI emergency Large percentage of youth with HIV may
visits, deaths could rise lack immunity to measles, mumps,
IMAGE: If the warmer temperatures expected by rubella
the end of the century were already afoot in Rhode Between one-third and one-half of individuals in the
Island today, the... United States who were infected with HIV around
the time of birth may...
Exercise may be associated with Making the 9-1-1 call for stroke differs
reduced disease activity in children by race, sex
with MS DALLAS, August 12, 2015 During a stroke,
MINNEAPOLIS A new study suggests children slightly more than half of patients use emergency
with multiple sclerosis (MS) who exercise regularly medical services (EMS)...
may have a less active...
2 hours of standing at work may boost 3 more Bronx sites test positive for
your health Legionnaires bacteria
(AP) Youve probably heard that sitting all day A technician holds a culture dish with colonies of
is bad for you, but just how long do you need to legionella in a laboratory. (Reuters) Three more
spend standing... sites in the Bronx...
Various factors figure into Carter Illinois parents refusing vaccines for
cancer treatment, doctors say kids need doctors signature
In this Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014 photo, former U.S. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Parents in Illinois
President Jimmy Carter speaks during a forum in citing religious objections in refusing to have their
Boston. On Wednesday,... children immunized...
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Babies make predictions, too African-Americans most likely to stop
In The Adventure of Silver Blaze, about a taking meds in Medicare Part Ds
valuable racehorse that mysteriously disappears, coverage gap
Sherlock Holmes... Medicare Part D provides help to beneficiaries
struggling with the cost of prescriptions drugs, but
the plans coverage...
Asthma cells scramble like New study examines the link between
theres a fire drill hospital care for self-harm and risk of
The images show human bronchial epithelial cells death
obtained from a normal donor (left) and an Older people who self-harm are at much greater
asthmatic donor. The... risk of suicide than both the general population and
younger adults who self-harm,...
ESC Congress to highlight results from Children who consume higher ratio of
global trials in six press conferences PUFAs have more lean mass, less body
Posted in: Drug Trial News | Device / Technology fat
News | Medical Condition News Tags: Aldosterone, The results of a recent study show that children
Anti-Inflammatory, Atrial... who report eating more polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs), found in tree...
New study explains why statins are Increasing vaccination coverage in the
more beneficial than others in some US protects against chickenpox
cases Since the chickenpox vaccine became available in
Statins success in reducing atherosclerosis- the U.S. in 1995, there has been a large reduction
related events has elevated the medications to in chickenpox cases....
wonder-drug status, with...
Basic life support training for lay Want to reduce post-surgery pain? Get
students from a public university into the groove
For all author emails, please log on. Music may be a prescription for pain relief. A new
study published in the journal The Lancet finds that
listening to music...
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Hamilton, ON (August 12, 2015) How people WASHINGTON (August 12, 2015) Men who
can develop limb gangrene and lose fingers and participated in moderate amounts of physical
feet has baffled doctors... activity, particularly walking...
India court scraps Nestle noodle recall Doctors: Various factors figure into
order, but demands tests Carter cancer treatment
By Nivedita Bhattacharjee MUMBAI (Reuters) An ATLANTA (AP) Determining what treatment to
Indian court on Thursday ruled in favor of... pursue for former President Jimmy Carters
cancer will...
Is butter back? The truth about this How to combat athletes foot
favorite fat As student athletes take the field this fall they may
Read enough health studies and you come to be facing more than a rival team they may have
realize darn near every theory has one study to deal with...
proving one thing and another study...
Adrenals run amok: Discovery could aid New study finds GeneSight CPGx
precision medicine for high blood precision medicine test provides
pressure significant health care cost savings
IMAGE: This slice of a human adrenal gland has Mason, Ohio August 12, 2015 A new study
been stained with special dyes that highlight published in Current Medical Research and
genetically abnormal clusters... Opinion demonstrated...
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Toxoplasma parasites greedy Indian court rules in favor of Nestle in
appetite may be its downfall noodle ban case: TV
IMAGE: This is the Toxoplasma gondii parasite up MUMBAI (Reuters) An Indian court has ruled in
close. view more Credit: University of Melbourne favor of Nestle in its appeal challenging Indian food
Toxoplasma... safety...
Hold it! San Francisco uses paint to Age associated with amyloid-beta
fight public urination kinetics
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Public urination has A new study by researchers at the University of Bari
gotten so bad in San Francisco that the city has Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, Geriatric Unit Laboratory of
painted nine walls... Gerontology and...
What Its Like to Hunt Down Does Our Fitness Director Have What It
Cheaters: Private Eyes Tell Their Takes to Be a Ballperson at the U.S.
Stories Open?
Almost everyone has been in a situation where they Every year, more than 400 tennis junkies vie
think their partner might have his or her hand in for the sweet gig that will get them up close and
someone elses... personal with legends...
14 NSFW Nude Selfies We Can Totally Dont panic, the internet wont
Get Behind rot childrens brains
Ah, Kim Kardashian. If theres one thing we You know the deal: a social phenomenon rises
know we can count on from this beautiful mogul, from obscurity to international familiarity within the
its the occasional... blink of an eye. Pitchforks...
Ohio Voters Will Get To Decide On This Simple Technique Can Instantly
Legalizing Marijuana Reverse Negative Thoughts
ROBYN BECK via Getty Images CLEVELAND, Aug Gary Waters via Getty Images Depression is often
12 (Reuters) Ohio voters will decide in described as feeling like being stuck in a fog of
November whether to legalize... negative thoughts...
The Vast Majority Of Us Drink Too Many Practical Ways to Deal With the Anxiety
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages of Death
Sugar-sweetened beverages are hurting At some point or the other in our lives, we and our
everyone, and just about everyone is drinking too loved ones, are all bound to go through the anxiety
much of them. But the largest... of death...
You Are Not the Facebook User; You IOC will not run viral tests of polluted
Are the Product Rio waters
The first thing you probably do when you wake up in RIO DE JANEIRO The International Olympic
the morning is check your social media. You most Committee ruled out conducting viral tests of Rio
likely sleep... de Janeiros sewage-laden...
UTHealth research: Older breast cancer A new CSI tool could pinpoint when
patients less likely to benefit from fingerprints were left behind (video)
chemo The crime scene investigators on TVs popular
IMAGE: This is Xianglin Du, M.D., Ph.D., lead CSI: Crime Scene Investigation series seem able
author and professor in the Department of to solve any mystery...
Epidemiology, Human Genetics...
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Depression, stress, anxiety and anger Index stratifies risk for advanced
compound CVD risk in RA patients colorectal neoplasia
New research reveals that depressive symptoms, (HealthDay)Fecal hemoglobin concentration,
stress, anxiety, and anger and lack of social sex, and age can be used to classify the risk of
support in patients with rheumatoid... advanced colorectal neoplasia...
Exercise may help kids with multiple Hispanics in US least likely to dial 911
sclerosis for stroke
But researchers cant say if exercisers have Calling ambulance speeds up critical time to
less severe disease or if activity eases symptoms. treatment, experts say. (HealthDay)Fewer than
(HealthDay)Children... two-thirds of...
Neurons broken machinery piles up This week from AGU: Natural arches,
in ALS Italian earthquake, Canadian rivers &
IMAGE: A genetic mutation linked to ALS prevents research papers
motor neurons (pictured above) from getting rid of GeoSpace Natural arches hum their health and
defective parts. ... scientists are listening For the first time, scientists
have found a way...
This week from AGU: Natural arches, Study links cardiorespiratory fitness,
Italian earthquake, Canadian rivers & thinner gray matter and better math
research papers skills in kids
GeoSpace Natural arches hum their health and IMAGE: Postdoctoral researcher Laura Chaddock-
scientists are listening For the first time, scientists Heyman, University of Illinois kinesiology and
have found a way... community health professor...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Heyman, University of Illinois kinesiology and data technique that could have a significant impact
community health professor... on health care. The Rice...
Health care innovation isnt about Antidepressant drug trials criteria not
smart phone apps, Penn Medicine generalizable
researchers say PROVIDENCE, R.I. Mark Zimmerman, M.D., a
PHILADELPHIA Health care has much to learn clinical researcher at Rhode Island Hospital, and
from innovative high-tech companies, but not in the his team analyzed the...
way most people think,...
Antidepressant drug trials criteria not Music eases pain after surgery: study
generalizable Paris (AFP) Listening to music before, after and
PROVIDENCE, R.I. Mark Zimmerman, M.D., a even during surgery reduces anxiety and the need
clinical researcher at Rhode Island Hospital, and for painkillers,...
his team analyzed the...
Music eases pain after surgery: study Arkansas buys lethal injection drugs,
Paris (AFP) Listening to music before, after and aims to end execution hiatus
even during surgery reduces anxiety and the need By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters)
for painkillers,... Arkansas has bought drugs it plans to use for...
Arkansas buys lethal injection drugs, Music boosts recovery from surgery,
aims to end execution hiatus reduces pain
By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Listening
Arkansas has bought drugs it plans to use for... to music before, during and after surgery reduces...
Music boosts recovery from surgery, EPA chief: Colorado river hit by mine
reduces pain waste back to pre-spill quality
By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Listening By Lauren Hammond DURANGO, Colo. (Reuters)
to music before, during and after surgery reduces... The water quality of a southwestern Colorado
EPA chief: Colorado river hit by mine U.S. warns states against defunding
waste back to pre-spill quality Planned Parenthood
By Lauren Hammond DURANGO, Colo. (Reuters) By Megan Cassella WASHINGTON (Reuters)
The water quality of a southwestern Colorado The U.S. government has warned states moving to
river... defund...
U.S. warns states against defunding Watch Strangers on the Street Discuss
Planned Parenthood the Benefits of Keeping Backup
By Megan Cassella WASHINGTON (Reuters) Boyfriends and Girlfriends
The U.S. government has warned states moving to Raise your hand if youve ever been in a
defund... relationship but kept texting or G-chatting with
someone else in a flirty...
Dont Worry, Honey, The Other Bees Research Biologist Coins Term Kilo-
Have Your Back Author For Scientific Journal
i Penn State grad student Carley Miller holds up a Articles
bumblebee she collected from the wildflower patch NPRs Robert Siegel interviews Zen Faulkes of
on... the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley about the
term, which describes...
Perseid Meteor Shower To Reach Its Five things every guilty parent needs
Peak Tonight to know
NPRs Melissa Block talks with Kelly Beatty, Its the guilty secret many parents are reluctant
senior contributing editor for Sky Telescope, about to admit aloud: no matter how much you love your
the annual Perseid... kids, being a parent...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
that youll be willing to get up out of your office... the point of you. Youd be surprised how many
How Your Citys Streets Affect Your The simple habit that can reduce heart
Mental Health failure risk
Do you feel your mood shift when you leave home Nearly every day, 57-year-old Juan Bohorquez can
in the morning? Maybe youre dreading work or be found exercising at his local track. I walk
school, but new research suggests... and I run one lap,...
What men can do to protect their hearts Jimmy Carter says he has cancer
August 12, 2015, 4:47 PM|A new study finds Last Updated Aug 12, 2015 6:21 PM EDT Former
walking or biking just 20 minutes a day is enough President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday that he
to help men ward off the risk... has cancer and will be undergoing...
Do Legos, standardized testing, and Paying off small debts first may get you
Googling hamper creativity? in the black quicker
Legos, the popular toy bricks, may be great for In debt and dont know what to do?
stimulating creativity in little kids. But when it Conventional economic wisdom says to pay off
comes to adults, things... high-interest loans first. Yet according...
Colorado governor says worst of mine Former President Carter says he has
waste spill appears over cancer
By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) (Reuters) Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
Contamination from 3 million gallons (11.3 million said on Wednesday that recent liver surgery
liters)... revealed he had...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
the prefrontal cortex,... (EBOV) vaccine completely...
Modern Family Star Ariel Winter How The Ice Bucket Challenge Has
Opens Up About Breast Reduction Changed ALS Research
Surgery Last summer was full of people dumping buckets
Dimitrios Kambouris via Getty Images Modern of ice on their heads in the name of funding ALS
Family star Ariel Winter has opened up about her research. A year later, it...
Searching the Internet inflates Can stem cells cause and cure cancer?
estimates of internal knowledge Simply put, cancer is caused by mutations to
Working in groups is advantageous because genes within a cell that lead to abnormal cell
different individuals can be responsible for different growth. Finding out what causes...
information, allowing each...
Race, sex may influence who calls an Soccer-Medics back Chelsea doctor
ambulance for stroke symptoms and criticise Mourinho
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Only about (Recasts with quotes, reaction) LONDON, Aug 12
half of stroke patients use emergency medical... (Reuters) Jose Mourinho, manager of
Lifestyle changes help prevent Hormone therapy for a superior sex life
pregnancy-related diabetes post-menopause
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Diet, Despite a dubious reputation, hormone therapy
exercise and weight control counseling in early could be the answer for post-menopausal women
pregnancy... who experience vaginal...
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bimaculoides). Michael LaBarbera/Nature hide...
Dining Like Darwin: When Scientists What This 94-Year-Old Can Teach The
Swallow Their Subjects World About Bucket Lists
i Scientists who eat the plants and animals they Shirley Bachelder, 94. | Shirley
study are following in the tradition of Charles Bachelder/Facebook Shirley Bachelders five
Darwin.... seconds of television ad space earned...
Man says tooth whitening kit left hole in Report: Americas uninsured rate
his throat falls below 10%
A young man from England suffered a severe Americas uninsured rate fell below 10 percent
allergic reaction that left a gaping hole in his throat for the first time in decades, according to a new
after using a tooth whitening... report by the Centers...
Study: Birth of first child likely to make New questions over IVF with frozen
parents unhappy eggs
A new study contends having a child can mar Infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)
parents happiness more than divorce, may be less likely to give birth if they use frozen
unemployment and even the death... eggs from donors...
Estimating the Affordable Care Acts Dengue rife, malaria spreading in filthy
Impact on Health streets of Yemen: charity
Coauthored by David Squires With the Supreme By Monica MacSwan LONDON (Thomson Reuters
Court ruling in favor of the government in King v. Foundation) Rubbish piling up on the streets
Burwell, opinion... of...
California wildfire grows as crews work Heatwave in Egypt kills at least 61:
to protect communities health ministry
By Curtis Skinner SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) A CAIRO (Reuters) A heatwave killed at least 61
wildfire running rampant through drought- people across Egypt from Sunday to Tuesday and
parched... caused nearly...
Goats and herbs: Germans get back to Scientists solve a REM-sleep mystery
basics in deserted Bulgarian village Man comfortably sleeping in his bed (iStock)
By Matthias Williams and Tsvetelia Tsolova Exactly what your flickering eyes are doing during
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ODRINTSI, Bulgaria (Reuters) A self- the rapid-eye-movement...
The study found no link between Checking emails out of work can
saturated fats and heart disease reduce wellbeing
Wednesday August 12 2015 The study found no Wednesday August 12 2015 Is your work following
link between saturated fats and heart disease you home? Checking your emails outside of
Butter unlikely... work really IS bad...
High mental illness rates, little help for Target healthy cells to stop brain
youth in detention cancer hijack
(iStock Photo) Many youth caught up in the Normal brain area on the left (blue and green) is
juvenile justice system are hospitalized for mental encountering invading cancer cells (glioma; red).
illness because they arent... Credit: Wun...
Recording the entire nervous system in The biggest infectious disease threat
real time will unlock secrets of the we face isnt Ebola its our
brain short attention span
Artist impression of neurons firing in the brain. A year ago, I received a phone call: an American
Credit: StudioSmart/shutterstock.com There are citizen had been infected with Ebola virus disease
around 100 billion... while serving as a medical...
How to Stop Getting Split Ends Once Researchers construct atomic model of
and for All an immature retrovirus
To keep your locks looking their best, avoiding split A team of computational and experimental
ends is a mustbut between shampooing, researchers at the University of Illinois have
brushing, and blowouts,... provided an atomic structure...
This New Fitness Trend On The Streets To Exceed Your Expectations, Increase
Of Palestine Defies Gravity Them
First there was Parkour, the French-based urban In 1995, six months after the birth of my first son
movement that used city landscapes to accomplish and less than three weeks after I had turned 30, I
impressive acrobatic feats. Now,... found myself...
What Ive Said About Breastfeeding Will birth of your first child make you
and What Im Saying Now unhappy?
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
I said Ill give it my best shot. I cant August 12, 2015, 8:35 AM|A German study claims
believe he knows what to do. I cant believe... that parenting can have significant negative impact
on your happiness. Some...
A 77-year-old transforms her life FDA takes action after Kim Kardashian
through CrossFit raves about morning sickness pill
August 12, 2015, 8:35 AM|Theres proof that August 12, 2015, 8:14 AM|Kim Kardashian is facing
its never too late to push yourself in the gym. A scrutiny from an unlikely source: the FDA. The
recent study... reality star, a paid spokeswoman...
Wild boars are gaining ground Brain plasticity after vision loss has an
IMAGE: Wild boars produce a very large number of on-off switch
offspring compared to other ungulates. view more KU Leuven biologists have discovered a molecular
Credit: (Photo:... on-off switch that controls how a mouse brain
responds to vision loss. When...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
12 Ancient Giants: An Ode To The Whistleblower Says Medicare
Enormous And Extinct Advantage Plans Padded Charges In
In the history of life on Earth, evolutionary forces Home Visits
have pushed some species to become incredibly i A Texas law suit filed against 30 insurance plans
large. After most dinosaurs... in 15 states alleges that the companies
Indirect calorimetry in the pediatric ICU Heart rate variability in HIV-infected and
For all author emails, please log on. AIDS
For all author emails, please log on.
Bringing the Tasmanian devil back to India hits Nestle with $99 million lawsuit
mainland Australia would restore after noodle scare
ecosystem health MUMBAI/ NEW DELHI (Reuters) The Indian
Sydney, Australia Reintroducing Tasmanian government has filed a lawsuit against Swiss food
devils to the mainland could improve biodiversity by firm Nestles...
limiting the spread...
Early egg retrieval could boost odds of Hackers stole secrets for up to $100
IVF success million insider-trading profit: U.S.
Women aged 43 and above could improve their By Noeleen Walder, Jonathan Stempel and Joseph
chances of getting pregnant by means of in vitro Ax NEW YORK (Reuters) A group of mainly
fertilization (IVF)... U.S.-based...
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Unravelling the mysteries of sleep: how Infrasound phobia spreads to solar
the brain sees dreams energy cells! Whats next?
Weve known for some time that our eyes move Internoise is the worlds premier research
around during the dreaming phase of sleep, much conference for acousticians. The 2015 meeting is
like when were... being held right now in...
Chickenpox vaccination does increase Controlling feral animals & plants will
shingles cases, but mainly in young save unique species & $billions
adults Controlling feral pigs is the most cost-effective
IMAGE: Re-exposure to chickenpox as adult, strategy to help save 148 endangered plant and
having experienced it as a child, boosts immunity animal species in the Lake...
to shingles for only two...
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Testing testosterone: Trial finds no link UK bottom of European avoidable food
to hardening of the arteries waste league
Testosterone sales have grown rapidly over the IMAGE: The UK produces the highest amount of
last decade, but few studies have examined the avoidable food waste in Europe equivalent to a
long-term effects of taking... tin of beans per...
How do fire emissions from industrial Device may detect urinary tract
plantations affect air quality in infections faster
Equatorial SEA? IMAGE: This image shows the workflow of the
Researchers have combined satellite observations Lab-on-a-Disc device. view more Credit: Ute
with atmospheric modelling to calculate how fires Neugebauer/ Jena University...
associated with industrial...
India seeks $99 million in damages from GSK shuts U.S. plant due to bacteria, no
Nestle after food scare supply disruption seen
MUMBAI (Reuters) The Indian government has By Karen Brooks and Ben Hirschler (Reuters)
filed a class action suit for 6.4 billion rupees ($99 Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline temporarily closed...
Forcing ice users into rehab wont Strong founder effect of p.P240L in
solve the problem heres what CDH23 in Koreans and its significant
we need instead contribution to severe-to-profound
Tasmanian Independent Senator Jackie Lambie nonsyndromic hearing loss in a Korean
this week revealed her 21-year-old sons pediatric population
problem with ice. She plans to... The prevalence of recessive CDH23 mutations in
our pediatric cohort with severe-to-profound
nonsyndromic arSNHL was ...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
patients... Generation of recombinant DEV attenuated strain
harboring mini-F plasmid sequences The mini-F
sequences were inserted into...
Color changing sand fleas flummox Pelvic pain may be common among
predatory birds reproductive-age women, NIH study
IMAGE: The researchers studied a species of finds
sand flea (or mole crab) (Hippa testudinaria), IMAGE: Women were asked to indicate on a
which lives on the beaches... diagram the areas where they felt pain. The color-
coded blocks show...
Insulin pump reduces mortality from Mass extinction survival is more than
cardiovascular disease by almost 50 just a numbers game
percent Widespread species are at just as high risk of
IMAGE: This is Isabelle Steineck, physician and being wiped out as rare ones after global mass
lead author, University of Gothenburg. view more extinction events, says new...
Credit: The...
GSK closes North Carolina plant after Trans fats, but not saturated fats, linked
Legionnaires bacteria found to risk of death
By Karen Brooks (Reuters) Drugmaker By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) A large new
GlaxoSmithKline closed its North Carolina factory review of existing research suggests that for...
One California wildfire grows as Scientists say fetal tissue essential for
firefighters contain another medical research
By Curtis Skinner SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) A BOSTON (AP) The furor on Capitol Hill over
wildfire burning in northern California grew... Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about
the use of tissue...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
tissue for sampling were identified... YFP, which stably expressed ...
People Worry More About Kids Sexting If Dancing Queen Were About
Than Smoking, Survey Suggests Breastfeeding
ponsulak via Getty Images Studies can be The latest parody video from YouTubes
fascinating and totally confusing. So we decided Laughing Moms channel shows what ABBA
to strip away all of... mightve sounded like if they...
NYU study examines top high school Researchers develop fast test for
students stress and coping invasive carp
mechanisms A Case Western Reserve University graduate
Over time selective high schools have oriented student turned a research paper into a field test
themselves to address a context of increasingly that quickly determines whether...
competitive college admissions ...
Chitin of insects and crustaceans found Paving the way for a faster quantum
to be active against pathogenic computer
microorganisms IMAGE: Quantum mechanics does not only allow
The study specifically concentrated on chitosan superposition of quantum states but also
extracted from chitin in the carapaces of insects superposition of quantum gates....
and crustaceans. The biopolymer...
China coal mine accident in southwest BRIEF-Fastnet Oil & Gas to seek
China kills 10: Xinhua approval for healthcare-focused
SHANGHAI (Reuters) Ten people have been investment
killed in a coal mine accident in Chinas Aug 11 (Reuters) Fastnet Oil Gas Plc : * Board
southwestern province... believes that economic conditions have created...
These Women Said Theyd Never Watch Our Next Fitness Star
Get Marriedand Then They Changed Contestants Whip Natalie Morales into
Their Minds Shape
Lots of women fantasize about their weddings, with After the makeovers, photo shoots, and weeks of
tufts of white taffeta and mounds of buttercream- voting came to a close, our kick-ass contestants
frosted cake filling... got the opportunity to meet...
Colorado Businesses Struggle As Toxic Protein Goes Green: Can Algae Become
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Waste Flows Through Animas River The Next Soy?
NPRs Melissa Block speaks to Roger i This microalgae powder is designed for use in
Zalneraitis, executive director of the La Plata County cooking, baking and smoothies. Marketed under
Economic Development... the name AlgaVia,...
FDA Slams Kim Ks Endorsement Of Its Been 1 Year Since Africa Has
Morning Sickness Drug Had Any New Polio Cases
Evan Agostini/Invision/AP The FDA is smacking Tuesday marks one year since Africa has had any
down on the drug company Duchesnay Inc. for its new polio cases, a monumental step toward the
use of Kim Kardashian... continent being completely...
More women than ever are surviving Penn study details rotten egg
ovarian cancer gas role in autoimmune disease
Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a disease The immune system not only responds to
that has long been associated with a very high infections and other potentially problematic
death rate, are much more likely... abnormalities in the body, it also contains...
Fashion-able World Games at UCLA How to Get the Most Out of Back-To-
Did you think the Olympics was the most School Shopping
spectacular event you could ever witness ? Then If it feels like youre spending money on the
you obviously missed out... same back-to-school gear every August, youre
not alone....
San Antonios Sheriff Personal Fight Kim Kardashian in hot water with FDA
to Fix Broken System over drug promotion
My brother was bipolar. This was in the 1960s and Kim Kardashian West signs copies of her book
1970s before we knew what lithium was or how to Selfish at Barnes Noble in New York May 5,
control chemical... 2015. (REUTERS/Shannon...
Does red meat affect male fertility? India set to seek $99 million in damages
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Tuesday August 11 2015 Chicken consumption from Nestle after food scare:
was linked to improved sperm motility Want to government source
be a dad? Cut out...
MUMBAI India will seek damages of 6.39 billion
rupees ($99.3 million) from Swiss group Nestle
after a food scare involving...
Music may help people with epilepsy High-risk medical devices backed by
When listening to music, brainwave patterns of few studies
people with epilepsy are different from those who Many high-risk therapeutic devices get Food and
do not have the disorder,... Drug Administration (FDA) approval with only one
study proving their safety...
New clues found to vision loss in App helps patients with depression,
macular degeneration? psychiatrists manage mood, activity
In this image of the retina, normal blood vessels levels
(green) surround a clump of new, abnormal Recognizing that patients often forget how their
vessels that has formed... moods vary between visits, a team from the
University of Missouri,...
4 Things That Affect Weight That Have Why Every College Student Needs
Little to Do With Food Exercise
By Nirvana Abou-Gabal Many people seem to think The beginning of college is a time of excitement
of weight management as an equation of calories and anxiety. Theres so much to do, so many
in minus calories... people to meet,...
After listeria outbreak, Blue Bell ice Study: Math-anxious parents can hinder
cream is back childrens math achievement
BRENHAM, Texas Blue Bell Creameries has If math makes you anxious, you may now be able to
resumed ice cream shipments four months after blame your parents. New research published in the
listeria contamination halted... Psychological Science,...
Study shifts understanding of how bone NASAs Terra satellite sees Molave
fractures heal regain tropical storm status
IMAGE: Micro-CT imaging techniques developed IMAGE: On Aug. 11 at 8:05 a.m. EDT the MODIS
by Jonathan Schoenecker and colleagues enable instrument aboard NASAs Terra satellite
visualization of blood vessels... captured this infrared...
Hepatitis C infection may fuel heart risk New biomarkers show exercise helps
People infected with the hepatitis C virus are at risk reduce daytime sleep disorder,
for liver damage, but the results of a new Johns researchers find
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Hopkins study now... IMAGE: Dr. Madhukar Trivedi is pictured. view
more Credit: UT Southwestern DALLAS August
11, 2015...
Hetlioz pill may ease sleep disorder for GE to sell healthcare lending business
some blind people to Capital One
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Hetlioz, a (Reuters) General Electric Co said it would sell
prescription pill designed to help blind people... its U.S. healthcare finance unit and $8.5 billion of...
Hackers stole secrets for up to $100 Blue Bell begins 1st ice cream
million insider-trading profit: U.S shipments after listeria
By Noeleen Walder and Jonathan Stempel NEW BRENHAM, Texas (AP) Blue Bell Creameries
YORK (Reuters) An alliance of mainly U.S.- has resumed ice cream shipments four months
based... after listeria contamination...
U.S. charges nine in hacking, insider Scientists say your butt alone
trading scheme doesnt make you attractive
By Noeleen Walder NEW YORK (Reuters) U.S. Your shapely derriere alone isnt what makes
prosecutors have charged nine people over their you attractive, or so suggests a new study.
alleged roles... Most previous work...
Man posts photo of self in coma as High risk medical devices backed by
drugs warning few studies
(Facebook) Several people fell seriously ill at the Many high-risk therapeutic devices get Food and
Kendal Calling music festival in the UK late last Drug Administration (FDA) approval with only one
month, and one of them... study proving their safety...
High fat diet triggers dangerous activity Bid to cut childbirth mortality with game
in common gene for African midwives
In the race to find a safe and effective weight loss The Royal College of Midwives State of Maternity
drug, much attention has focused on the chemical Services Report 2013, out this week, shows an
processes that store... increase in the number of...
Are vitamin D tests testing the health Fresh hope for leukaemia cure
budget? Professor Fabienne Mackay heads up the BAFF
Persistent public interest in vitamin D, plus research group in the Department of Immunology
widespread testing of vitamin D status and at the Alfred Medical...
prescribing by doctors, has led...
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and durable following...
Griffith research aims to combat tooth leBIBI QBPP : a set of databases and a
decay problems in Australian children webtool for automatic phylogenetic
Tooth decay in children is a major problem across analysis of prokaryotic sequences
Australia, especially so in rural, remote and The use of leBIBIQBPP is straightforward because
Indigenous communities. Children... it only requires to paste a sequence (or a set of
sequences) ...
Scientists measure slow death of the Clearing habitat surrounding farm fields
Universe fails to reduce pathogens
An international team of astronomers studying Berkeley The effort to improve food safety by
200,000 galaxies has measured the energy clearing wild vegetation surrounding crops is not
generated within a large portion of... helping, and in...
More precise colon cancer screening? Drug candidate kills cancer cells
1. Clinical scoring system suggests possibility of through overstimulation
more precise colon cancer screening Free A drug candidate that overstimulates proteins
abstract: http://www.annals.org/article.aspx? crucial for tumor growth shows promise as a new
doi=10.7326/M14-1720 Editorial:... strategy to treat a wide range...
Big data maps worlds ocean floor NYC mayor wants new laws to stem
IMAGE: This is a still shot of the worlds first Legionnaires as death toll hits 12
digital map of the seafloors geology. view By Katie Reilly NEW YORK (Reuters) New York
more... City Mayor Bill de Blasio, reacting to a deadly
outbreak of...
Prosecutors bring criminal case over Can Beauty Actually Improve Your
hacking, insider trading Health?
By Noeleen Walder NEW YORK (Reuters) U.S. Its better to look good than to feel
prosecutors will announce the indictment of nine... good went the SNL line made famous by Billy
Kids with cancer get futuristic chance Total knee replacements can effectively
at saving fertility treat degeneration caused by bone
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In this June 11, 2015 photo,Talia Pisano stands in deformity
her bed at Lurie Childrens Hospital in A first-of-its kind study has found that total knee
Chicago. Talia is getting... replacements can effectively treat degeneration
caused by a bone deformity...
Total knee replacements can effectively Primary care and mental health
treat degeneration caused by bone providers can improve outcomes in
deformity children with mental, behavioral
A first-of-its kind study has found that total knee disorders
replacements can effectively treat degeneration For the past decade, cutting-edge health care
caused by a bone deformity... providers and researchers have increasingly
pushed to integrate care for mental...
Primary care and mental health Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute,
providers can improve outcomes in Wayne State University participate in
children with mental, behavioral NCI MATCH Trial
disorders The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, in
For the past decade, cutting-edge health care partnership with Wayne State University School of
providers and researchers have increasingly Medicine, is one of the lead...
pushed to integrate care for mental...
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Health of the corporate worker: health
Wayne State University participate in risk assessment among staff of a
NCI MATCH Trial corporate organization in Ghana
The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, in Health promotion at the workplace and for workers
partnership with Wayne State University School of is important. It includes promoting healthy
Medicine, is one of the lead... lifestyles, the maintenance...
Health of the corporate worker: health A fresh look at zebrafish from the
risk assessment among staff of a perspective of cancer research
corporate organization in Ghana Danio rerio, better known as zebrafish, have
Health promotion at the workplace and for workers emerged as a popular model for studying
is important. It includes promoting healthy developmental processes and...
lifestyles, the maintenance...
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CrossFit guru Dave Driskell is apologizing after Using an innovative method, EPFL scientists show
doing a handstand on a Holocaust memorial in that the brain is not as compact as we have thought
Berlin and posting an image... all along. To study...
Study examines how and why states Work, pedal, and be healthy
adopt drunk driving laws IMAGE: By providing workers with a portable
How do states decide what laws to adopt to prevent pedaling device, Lucas Carr, an assistant
alcohol-impaired driving and keep their roads professor in the Department of...
safe? A new study by public...
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Scientists have found that a newly identified and designation
highly infectious tadpole disease is found in a The American Society for Radiation Oncology
diverse range of frog populations... (ASTRO) has selected 17 distinguished members
to receive the ASTRO Fellows designation....
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Leads To Advancing Health With Information
Scientific Breakthroughs Technology in the 21st Century
PaulMalyugin via Getty Images VICE: A Big New By Susan Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.A. and Greeshma
ALS Report Shows Your Ice Bucket Challenge Somashekar In the Information Age, technology is
Dollars At Work It turns... revolutionizing...
Volcanic vents preview future ocean New hydrogel stretches and contracts
habitats like a heat-driven muscle
IMAGE: This is a healthy kelp forest in the present- In research published in Nature Materials, a team
day CO2 levels. view more Credit: Ivan led by scientists from the RIKEN Center for
Nagalkerken, University... Emergent Matter Science in...
New mathematics advances the frontier Poor survival among colorectal cancer
of macromolecular imaging patients tied to biomarker CSN6
IMAGE: Structures to the left are models of the IMAGE: This is Mong-Hong Lee, Ph.D. view more
pentameric ligand-gated ion channel, which Credit: MD Anderson Cancer Center A protein
mediate fast synaptic communication... called CSN6 has...
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pushed to integrate care for mental...
Japan anxious at lull, U.S. giving Medical researchers say fetal tissue
up, in pan-Pacific trade talks remains essential
TOKYO (Reuters) Japan has expressed BOSTON (AP) The furor on Capitol Hill over
concern about a loss of momentum in talks on a Planned Parenthood has stoked a debate about
pan-Pacific trade pact... the use of tissue...
U.S. prosecutors bring criminal case Southern diet could raise your risk of
over hacking, insider trading: source heart attack
By Noeleen Walder NEW YORK (Reuters) U.S. Myocardial Infarction or Heart Attack. Credit:
prosecutors will announce the indictment of nine... Blausen Medical Communications/Wikipedia/CC-A
3.0 If your dinner...
7 Women Talk About the Right 7 Women Talk About the Right
Time to Announce a Pregnancy Time to Announce a Pregnancy
When it comes to announcing happy news, like When it comes to announcing happy news, like
engagments, new jobs, and babies on board, we engagments, new jobs, and babies on board, we
usually want to shout it from... usually want to shout it from...
You Can Now Microwave Your You Can Now Microwave Your
Underarms for Smooth, Sweat-Free Pits Underarms for Smooth, Sweat-Free Pits
Shaving, waxing, blasting it with a Shaving, waxing, blasting it with a
lasertheres no shortage of ways to get rid lasertheres no shortage of ways to get rid
of unwanted armpit hair.... of unwanted armpit hair....
Popping a Squat in the Shower Could Popping a Squat in the Shower Could
Improve Your Sex Life Improve Your Sex Life
This article was written by Christine Schoenwald This article was written by Christine Schoenwald
and repurposed with permission from YourTango. and repurposed with permission from YourTango.
Generally, we, as humans,... Generally, we, as humans,...
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Rapamycin and its analogues (rapalogs) Rapamycin and its analogues (rapalogs)
for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex- for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex-
associated tumors: a systematic review associated tumors: a systematic review
on non-randomized studies using meta- on non-randomized studies using meta-
analysis analysis
44] reported four patients with SEGA altogether. 44] reported four patients with SEGA altogether.
However, only three patients (1 male 2 females, However, only three patients (1 male 2 females,
aged 14.5 ... aged 14.5 ...
The Most Important Thing To Do When The Most Important Thing To Do When
Changing Your Diet Changing Your Diet
Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we
eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing... eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing...
Depth-sensing camera gleans 3-D Brushing off the dust: New snail
information in bright sunlight as well as species found lying in a museum since
darkness the 19th century
IMAGE: A new depth-sensing camera technology IMAGE: This is a Plekocheilus cecepeus snail.
developed by Carnegie Mellon University and the view more Credit: Dr. Abraham S. H. Breure Having
University of Toronto... been collected...
Brushing off the dust: New snail Why does coffee make
species found lying in a museum since yougo? (video)
the 19th century IMAGE: Its Monday, and most of us need to
IMAGE: This is a Plekocheilus cecepeus snail. reach for a cup of joe to get through the day. But
view more Credit: Dr. Abraham S. H. Breure Having with that dose...
been collected...
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Why does coffee make NASA stares Hurricane Hilda in the eye
yougo? (video) IMAGE: The MODIS instrument aboard
IMAGE: Its Monday, and most of us need to NASAs Terra satellite captured this image of
reach for a cup of joe to get through the day. But Hurricane Hilda on Aug. 8,...
with that dose...
NASA stares Hurricane Hilda in the eye More evidence that fried food raises
IMAGE: The MODIS instrument aboard heart attack risk
NASAs Terra satellite captured this image of Miami (AFP) People who eat lots of fried food
Hurricane Hilda on Aug. 8,... and sugary drinks have a 56 percent higher risk of
More evidence that fried food raises No proof dirty water made Rio rowers
heart attack risk ill: officials
Miami (AFP) People who eat lots of fried food RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) There is no
and sugary drinks have a 56 percent higher risk of evidence that abnormal levels of viruses or bacteria
heart... in the water...
No proof dirty water made Rio rowers Olympics-No proof dirty water made Rio
ill: officials rowers ill: officials
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) There is no (Adds Canadian official quotes) RIO DE JANEIRO,
evidence that abnormal levels of viruses or bacteria Aug 10 (Reuters) There is no evidence that...
in the water...
Olympics-No proof dirty water made Rio U.S. Coast Guard unloads $1 billion in
rowers ill: officials seized narcotics in San Diego
(Adds Canadian official quotes) RIO DE JANEIRO, By Marty Graham SAN DIEGO (Reuters) A U.S.
Aug 10 (Reuters) There is no evidence that... Coast Guard cutter carrying $1 billion worth of
cocaine and...
U.S. Coast Guard unloads $1 billion in AAFP spells out conditions for retail
seized narcotics in San Diego clinics
By Marty Graham SAN DIEGO (Reuters) A U.S. (HealthDay)U.S. adults prefer physicians to
Coast Guard cutter carrying $1 billion worth of non-physicians for health care and would choose a
cocaine and... physician to lead their...
AAFP spells out conditions for retail Expert offers school bus safety tips
clinics Many injuries occur getting on and off the bus.
(HealthDay)U.S. adults prefer physicians to (HealthDay)School bus safety is one of the
non-physicians for health care and would choose a many things...
physician to lead their...
Expert offers school bus safety tips Two cases of SCC described after
Many injuries occur getting on and off the bus. ingenol mebutate gel application
(HealthDay)School bus safety is one of the A review of clinical studies that used terpenoids to
many things... treat a variety of dermatological diseases
demonstrated that this diverse...
Exercise boosts obese kids heart New Research Explores Why The
health Universe Is Dying
Review finds fitness levels, blood vessel function i A new study shows energy output from 200,000
improved quickly, even if no weight was lost. galaxies is half what it was billions of years ago.
(HealthDay)When... Its...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
i A new study shows energy output from 200,000 An international team of astronomers has
galaxies is half what it was billions of years ago. measured the energy produced within a large
Its... portion of space more precisely...
Are Diet Sodas And Unsweetened What Is High Fructose Corn Syrup, And
Drinks Good For Us? Why Is It Bad For Us?
Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we
eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing... eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing...
What Is High Fructose Corn Syrup, And Carly Fiorina Backs Maternity Leave
Why Is It Bad For Us? Policy Worse Than Afghanistans
Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we Carly Fiorina doesnt want to force businesses
eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing... to provide paid parental leave. | Credit: Bloomberg
via Getty...
Carly Fiorina Backs Maternity Leave What Kinds Of Diseases Can You Get
Policy Worse Than Afghanistans From Eating A Lot Of Sugar?
Carly Fiorina doesnt want to force businesses Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we
to provide paid parental leave. | Credit: Bloomberg eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing...
via Getty...
What Kinds Of Diseases Can You Get Why Is Sugar Bad For Us, And Why Is It
From Eating A Lot Of Sugar? Everywhere?
Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we
eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing... eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing...
Why Is Sugar Bad For Us, And Why Is It Gravely-injured skydiver saved by
Everywhere? ripcord in surgery
Mondays with Marlo Sugar: its in everything we SACRAMENTO, Calif. Iwan van der Schoor is a
eat, we love it, and its absolutely killing... skydiving photographer who often has several
cameras strapped to his...
Sexting and internet safety climb top 10 Researcher uses vibrations to identify
list of child health concerns materials composition
(Broadcast-quality video and infographics available IMAGE: This is researcher Laurene Tetard, Ph.D.,
with this story) ANN ARBOR, Mich. With more of the University of Central Florida. view more
kids online... Credit: Mark...
Astronomers discover new planet Big data analysis of state of the union
orbiting two stars remarks changes view of American
IMAGE: This is an artists impression of the History
Kepler-453 system showing the newly discovered IMAGE: Researchers used computational
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
planet on the right... techniques to map recurring words and their
relation to each other across 224-years...
Big data analysis of state of the union A small, modular, efficient fusion plant
remarks changes view of American CAMBRIDGE, Mass.Its an old joke that
History many fusion scientists have grown tired of hearing:
IMAGE: Researchers used computational Practical nuclear...
techniques to map recurring words and their
relation to each other across 224-years...
A small, modular, efficient fusion plant Oklahoma judge strikes down law
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.Its an old joke that limiting use of abortion-inducing pills
many fusion scientists have grown tired of hearing: By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters)
Practical nuclear... An Oklahoma judge struck down on Monday a law
aimed at limiting...
Oklahoma judge strikes down law My Journey Out of Cancer and the TKO
limiting use of abortion-inducing pills (Technical Knockout) of Big Nasty
By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) Preface: This is a follow-up to the piece I wrote on
An Oklahoma judge struck down on Monday a law Huffington Post March 12, 2015. My preface still
aimed at limiting... holds: My...
My Journey Out of Cancer and the TKO Low GLSRV heralds adverse outcomes
(Technical Knockout) of Big Nasty in PAH patients
Preface: This is a follow-up to the piece I wrote on By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Huffington Post March 12, 2015. My preface still Impaired global longitudinal strain of the right
holds: My... ventricle (GLSRV) predicts adverse...
Nip Slip-Proof Swimsuits for Active Girls Why Some Guys Semen Tastes
Theres still time to work in a few beach Funky
workouts before summer ends! But string bikinis Our collective gag reflex kicks in just thinking about
and surfing dont... it: Youre going down on a guy, everythings
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
kasinv via Getty Images Coca-Cola is working hard use travel as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted.
to blame obesity on anything but a poor diet. After all, here...
According to The New...
Can You Be Healthy at Every Size? Amoeba did not kill Minnesota teen, lab
Linda Bacon, Ph.D., who brought the concept to the report says
mainstream, says you can be (with some caveats). ST. PAUL, Minn. Health officials say lab tests
I first read... have determined that a Minnesota teenager did not
die from a water...
New ORNL hybrid microscope offers New research sheds light on the
unparalleled capabilities molecular origins of Parkinsons
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Aug. 10, 2015 A disease
microscope being developed at the Department of IMAGE: Parkinsons disease is caused by the
Energys Oak Ridge National... loss of dopamine-producing neurons in a midbrain
region called the...
Bernie Sanders picks up first major Health officials say amoeba did not kill
labor endorsement Minnesota youth
WASHINGTON (AP) Bernie Sanders picked up ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) Health officials say lab
his first major labor endorsement from the tests have determined that a Minnesota teenager
nations largest... did not die...
1st restocked Iowa turkey farmer talks Food insecurity and high healthcare
lessons from bird flu costs go hand in hand
MANSON, Iowa (AP) Thousands of small young By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) People with
turkeys ran around the barns on the Moline family severe food insecurity, who struggle the most...
farm Monday...
This Viral Couple Miscarried. Heres FAA hid study showing chronic air
What We Can Learn From Them controller fatigue
This week, the Internet celebrated along with Sam WASHINGTON Air traffic controllers work
and Nia, as he peed on a stick by proxy and schedules often lead to chronic fatigue, making
announced to his wife... them less alert...
This Viral Couple Miscarried. Heres Diet Pepsi debuts without aspartame
What We Can Learn From Them sweetener
This week, the Internet celebrated along with Sam A revamped Diet Pepsi without aspartame is
and Nia, as he peed on a stick by proxy and popping up on store shelves. So will people start
announced to his wife... flocking back to the soda? PepsiCo...
FAA hid study showing chronic air Diet Pepsi debuts without aspartame
controller fatigue sweetener
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
WASHINGTON Air traffic controllers work A revamped Diet Pepsi without aspartame is
schedules often lead to chronic fatigue, making popping up on store shelves. So will people start
them less alert... flocking back to the soda? PepsiCo...
More deaths reported in NYC Charting the slow death of the Universe
Legionnaires outbreak IMAGE: This composite picture shows how a
New York City officials say 12 people have now typical galaxy appears at different wavelengths in
died from the citys worst Legionnaires the GAMA survey. This...
disease outbreak in...
Charting the slow death of the Universe Scripps Florida scientists determine
IMAGE: This composite picture shows how a how antibiotic gains cancer-killing
typical galaxy appears at different wavelengths in sulfur atoms
the GAMA survey. This... IMAGE: Ben Shen is a professor at the Florida
campus of The Scripps Research Institute. view
more Credit: Photo...
JDR articles discuss diet, dental caries JDR articles discuss diet, dental caries
and health policy and health policy
Alexandria, Va., USA Today, the International Alexandria, Va., USA Today, the International
and American Associations for Dental Research and American Associations for Dental Research
(IADR/AADR) published... (IADR/AADR) published...
Traitors in our midst: Bacteria use Traitors in our midst: Bacteria use
toxins to turn our own bodies against toxins to turn our own bodies against
us us
COLUMBUS, Ohio Researchers who have COLUMBUS, Ohio Researchers who have
revealed a highly efficient way that bacteria use revealed a highly efficient way that bacteria use
toxins to interrupt the immune... toxins to interrupt the immune...
When its time for kindergarten, When its time for kindergarten,
some preemies might not be ready some preemies might not be ready
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Some By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) Some
babies born just a week or two premature may babies born just a week or two premature may
later... later...
Southern U.S. diet tied to heart disease Southern U.S. diet tied to heart disease
By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) People By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) People
who like fried food, sweet tea and other foods... who like fried food, sweet tea and other foods...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
By Natalie Grover (Reuters) A vaccine By Natalie Grover (Reuters) A vaccine
developed by Novavax Inc was shown to prevent a developed by Novavax Inc was shown to prevent a
common... common...
Shire steps up drive to get Baxalta Shire steps up drive to get Baxalta
talking after $30 billion bid talking after $30 billion bid
By Ben Hirschler and Sinead Cruise LONDON By Ben Hirschler and Sinead Cruise LONDON
(Reuters) Shire Chief Executive Flemming (Reuters) Shire Chief Executive Flemming
Ornskov... Ornskov...
Some US rowers fall ill at 2016 Olympics Some US rowers fall ill at 2016 Olympics
test event test event
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Thirteen rowers on the RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Thirteen rowers on the
40-member U.S. team came down with stomach 40-member U.S. team came down with stomach
illness at the World... illness at the World...
Receptor that helps protect brain cells Link between hunger and health care
has important role in support cells for costs
the retina Low-income people who struggle to put food on the
Dr. Sylvia Smith, retinal cell biologist and table also use the health care system more, which
Chairwoman of the Department of Cellular Biology means higher health...
and Anatomy at the...
The Easy Thing You Can Do Each Day to Discordant circulating fetal DNA and
Prevent Spider Veins subsequent cytogenetics reveal false
If theres one thing that can really cramp a negative, placental mosaic, and fetal
womans style, its spider veins. And while mosaic cfDNA genotypes
these spindly... Amniocentesis summary beginning with first
discordant NIPT result One hundred three (103)
amniocentesis samples (Table 2)...
Perceptions, attitude and use of family Determination of toxic (Pb, Cd) and
planning services in post conflict Gulu essential (Zn, Mn) metals in canned
district, northern Uganda tuna fish produced in Iran
Socio-demographic characteristic of respondents During the last few decades there has been a
As shown in Table 1 below, most respondents growing interest in determining the level of toxic
376 (75.2 %) were aged... metals in marine...
5 Steps to Turn Suffering Into Blessing How to Stop Sugar Binges Using
The process of personal growth is a type of Psychiatric Treatments for Drug Addicts
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
alchemy. If engaged with consciously, it is possible Like many people using benzodiazepines, I got
to transform the... addicted to Clonazepam (Klonopin). When I first
realized it I simply...
How Chips, Pasta and Mashed Potatoes How popular is sexting? The numbers
Can Become Free Foods may surprise you
Free foods those you can eat in unlimited While much research has focused on the sexting
quantities to stay lean and healthy are pretty habits of teens, a new study finds that the practice
rare... is extremely common among...
Sexting, internet safety loom large as To the Caring Side of Health Care
childhood health concerns Ive been spending a lot of time in hospitals
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) As more and nursing homes. I cant walk through the
kids use mobile phones and surf the web at facility...
Father of Ohio child found weeks-dead Pharmacy benefit manager CVS urges
pleads not guilty, insanity rewrite for U.S. heart guidelines
By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) An Ohio By Deena Beasley (Reuters) CVS Health Corp,
man charged with leaving the decomposing body the second largest manager of drug benefit plans...
of his 18-month-old...
Sports bra saves woman from bullet One man lost most of his brain and
(2008 Avid Creative, Inc.) When a 41-year- had no idea
old woman and her husband were cycling while on A brain-scanning MRI machine is shown. (AP
vacation outside... Photo/Keith Srakocic) As it turns out maybe the
Scarecrow didnt need...
Mom sues after birth control shot Heres what runners think about
turned out to be flu shot when theyre running
Yesenia Pacheco was not expecting to get a flu Whats he thinking? (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio
shot. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings) A Seattle Chery, File) Non-runners may look at a runner off in
woman has filed a controversial... the distance and...
Heres The Deal With Using Neck 5 Things Your Body Odor Says About
Cream You
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In our anti-aging skincare stash, there is no By Kasandra Brabaw, Prevention.com (Main Photo
shortage of facial moisturizers, eye creams and By: Getty Images) Weve all been there: Its
night serums to help... a sweltering...
5 Celebrities Open Up About The Pain Residents on edge as toxic Colo. spill
Of Hiding Depression larger than first reported
The feelings of sadness, anxiety and DENVER The Environmental Protection Agency
helplessness that come with mental illness are says the mine waste spill into Colorado waters is
challenging enough, but the stigma around... much larger than originally...
China pledges continued support for Myanmar government, military win pre-
Ebola-hit Africa nations vote plaudits for flood response
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) Chinas foreign By Timothy Mclaughlin and Hnin Yadana Zaw
minister has pledged continued support to the YANGON (Reuters) Myanmars government
three West... and...
3 brothers living with same rare, Staring Down Cancer: Noreen travels
debilitating genetic disorder ( 2014 Crown Media United States, LLC | Alexx
Duchenne muscular dystrophy occurs in about one Henry Studios, LLC / jeremy jee) My wife, Noreen,
in 3,500 live male births worldwide, but one is visiting one of...
Australian family has three...
Can Sexting Have Benefits for Study explores social needs of youth
Couples? with cancer
Credit: LDprod/Shutterstock.com Sexting is A Massey University researcher is exploring social
common among U.S.... interactions and comments that can help or hinder
adolescents and young...
Stem cells help researchers study the The Angelina effect and the mixed
effects of pollution on human health blessing of celebrities and risk
Eye stem cells. Credit: University of Southampton A awareness
recent study published in the Journal of I hope that other women can benefit from my
Environmental Sciences... experience, wrote Angelina Jolie of her double
mastectomy. She...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
during admission to psychiatric autism?
hospitals Writing out a cure? Credit: gopixa/shutterstock.com
New research on the perception of coercion during We live in an age of genetics. Major genetic
admission to Irish psychiatric hospitals has found success stories...
that there is a significant...
older entries
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Health A-Z Conditions-Procedures Drugs & Suplements Interactive Tools
Impax sells U.S. rights to Daraprim Mylan announces launch of Lidocaine Search
brand for $55 million to Turing Patch 5% in the U.S.
Pharmaceuticals News-Medical.net An AZoNetwork Site ...
Impax Laboratories, Inc. RECENT POSTS
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brain, according...
Why does plague still occur in the Can sexting have benefits for couples?
western US? Sexting is common among U.S. adults, and
(Janice Haney Carr / CDC) Three cases of although the practice is often portrayed as risky or
plague have occurred in the United States in recent just bad behavior, it may...
months, and although the...
5 things your body odor says about you Study: Out-of-home activities increase
Weve all been there: Its a sweltering hot level of physical activity among older
day; youve walked several blocks to work, feel people
like youre... / no comments Academy of Finland
How much protein should you really be Sheffield researchers win national
eating? awards for pioneering work on coeliac
Protein is one of the hottest nutrition trends with disease, IBS
popular low-carb, high-protein diets like Paleo, / no comments http://www.sth.nhs.uk/
brands calling attention...
Sheffield researchers win national Health Check: how do you catch and
awards for pioneering work on coeliac get rid of head lice?
disease, IBS We humans think we sit on top of the food chain,
/ no comments http://www.sth.nhs.uk/ but the pediculosis capitis mite the head louse
Health Check: how do you catch and Physical activity, sedentary behavior
get rid of head lice? time and lipid levels in the Observation
We humans think we sit on top of the food chain, of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in
but the pediculosis capitis mite the head louse Luxembourg study
sits... Participants Data was obtained from the
Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in
Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX),...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
savings by crosslinking bottlebrush polymers contains only
Sometimes, listening in on a conversation can tell crosslinks (red...
you a lot. For Mark Huising, an assistant professor
in the Department...
AstraZeneca bags another cancer drug How spiritual beliefs relate to cancer
deal, this time with Inovio patients physical, mental, and
LONDON (Reuters) AstraZeneca has clinched social well-being
its third deal in less than a week to bolster its Research reveals that most individuals with cancer
strategically... have religious and spiritual beliefs, or derive
comfort from religious...
Patients at risk for blood clots are not Driving and diabetes: problems,
receiving recommended treatment licensing restrictions and
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), encompassing recommendations for safe driving
deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clots in leg Diabetes driving performance How can diabetes
veins, and pulmonary embolism... affect driving performance? The considerable
impact of hypoglycemia on driving...
CVS: all bets are off for new Common medications could delay brain
cholesterol drug contracts injury recovery
By Deena Beasley (Reuters) CVS Health Corp, Using data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on
the No 2 manager of drug benefit plans for U.S.... Ageing (TILDA), scientists from Trinity College
Dublin, St Jamess...
Robin Williams, One Year Later: What Promising drug for Parkinsons
Will Your Verse Be? disease: Study supports fast track to
(Photo: Jodie Wilson) I spent the afternoon hours of clinical trials
August 11, 2014 on a plane six and a half miles off Marked rescue effect of the drug UDCA on cell
the ground,... batteries (mitochondria) in Parkinsons
disease patient tissue ...
Study indicates first steps towards The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology:
preventing suicide attempts by Universal iodine supplementation
offenders during pregnancy could offer huge cost
While the risk of suicide by offenders in prison has savings
been identified as a priority for action, Giving all pregnant women iodine supplements,
understanding and preventing... even in mildly iodine deficient countries like the UK,
could result in huge...
Laser eye surgery: a glimpse into the Prevalence and factors associated with
future undernutrition and anaemia among
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, MA school children in Durbete Town,
(Cantab) Prof. Dan ReinsteinTHOUGHT LEADERS northwest Ethiopia
SERIESinsight from the... A total of 384 children enrolled in Abchikele and
Ayalew Mekonnen Elementary Schools were
examined and 32.3 %...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
were recruited at...
Clinical attributes, treatment, and Clean Power Plan Protects the Health
control in hypertension (CATCH)a And Pocketbooks Of Latino
French and Italian longitudinal patient Families
database study California, Texas and Florida are currently facing
Prevalence of HTN with other risk factors by the most extreme weather and the devastating
subpopulation and baseline characteristic A total of effects of climate...
147,964 and 140,189 patients...
Why use a 2-D cursor in a 3-D world? Why use a 2-D cursor in a 3-D world?
Computer cursors are going 3-D! Computer cursors are going 3-D!
This news release is available in Spanish and This news release is available in Spanish and
9, 2015 Researchers... 9, 2015 Researchers...
Marco Rubio defends stance against Marco Rubio defends stance against
abortion abortion
By Megan Cassella WASHINGTON (Reuters) By Megan Cassella WASHINGTON (Reuters)
Florida Senator Marco Rubio on Sunday defended Florida Senator Marco Rubio on Sunday defended
his... his...
We need to move beyond the medical We need to move beyond the medical
model to address Indigenous suicide model to address Indigenous suicide
Despite efforts to prevent suicide among Despite efforts to prevent suicide among
Indigenous Australians, especially the young, the Indigenous Australians, especially the young, the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander... Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...
Gaza infant mortality rises for first time China to build highway for Liberia as
in 53 years: UN part of Ebola recovery aid
Jerusalem (AFP) The infant mortality rate in MONROVIA (Reuters) China will build a new
Gaza has risen for the first time in more than half a coastal highway for Liberia as part of its aid to the
century,... country...
Pre-referral workup for GI, liver Pre-referral workup for GI, liver
conditions can be optimized conditions can be optimized
(HealthDay)An algorithm has been developed to (HealthDay)An algorithm has been developed to
facilitate the surveillance and screening of children facilitate the surveillance and screening of children
for motor delays,... for motor delays,...
Scans show brainwaves of those with Scans show brainwaves of those with
epilepsy appear to synchronize with epilepsy appear to synchronize with
music music
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Generalized 3 Hz spike and wave discharges in a Generalized 3 Hz spike and wave discharges in a
child with childhood absence epilepsy. Credit: child with childhood absence epilepsy. Credit:
Wikipedia. The brains... Wikipedia. The brains...
Facing rising dental costs, seniors Facing rising dental costs, seniors
head to Mexico head to Mexico
LOS ALGODONES, Mexico (AP) Mark Bolzern LOS ALGODONES, Mexico (AP) Mark Bolzern
traveled 3,700 miles to go to the dentist. The 56- traveled 3,700 miles to go to the dentist. The 56-
year-old Anchorage,... year-old Anchorage,...
Quiet victims at peace with Colorado Quiet victims at peace with Colorado
gunmans life sentence gunmans life sentence
By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters)
When the Colorado gunmans defense When the Colorado gunmans defense
lawyer rose to make... lawyer rose to make...
Statistical technique helps cancer Can music help people with epilepsy?
researchers understand tumor makeup, TORONTO The brains of people with epilepsy
personalize care appear to react to music differently from the brains
SEATTLE, WA, AUGUST 9, 2015 A new of those who do...
statistical method for analyzing next-generation
sequencing (NGS) data that helps...
Why you have bad breath and how 9 tips to gaining pregnancy weight the
to get rid of it healthy way
Bad breath stinks, but what can you actually do For many moms, gaining enough but not too
about it? Chew some gum? Suck on a mint? much weight during pregnancy is often a source
These strategies offer some benefit,... of confusion and...
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Health officials investigate How 16th Century observations paved
Legionnaires outbreak in New York the way for Darwins landmark study
City IMAGE: Documents dating back to the 16th
August 8, 2015, 6:39 PM|Health teams from the Century provide a unique insight into one of
Centers for Disease Control and New York state Darwins landmark studies...
descended on New York City to...
Frances Kelsey, FDA Officer Who Frances Kelsey, FDA Officer Who
Blocked Thalidomide, Dies At 101 Blocked Thalidomide, Dies At 101
i Dr. Frances O. Kelsey of the U.S. FDA, who is i Dr. Frances O. Kelsey of the U.S. FDA, who is
credited with keeping the birth-deforming drug, credited with keeping the birth-deforming drug,
Thalidomide,... Thalidomide,...
Accessing care especially difficult for Accessing care especially difficult for
Latinos on Medi-Cal Latinos on Medi-Cal
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) Miriam Uribe SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) Miriam Uribe
enrolled in Californias low-income health enrolled in Californias low-income health
insurance program... insurance program...
State deploys teams in NYC to test for State deploys teams in NYC to test for
Legionella bacteria Legionella bacteria
The death toll in New Yorks outbreak of The death toll in New Yorks outbreak of
Legionnaires disease has risen to eight, out Legionnaires disease has risen to eight, out
of a total of 97 cases... of a total of 97 cases...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
backbone (Stratagene, USA) and ... Hospital, Imam Ali Hospital ...
ICYMI: The Stigma Against Egg Donors What to Do With Your Mind During
And How Parents Misjudge Their Kids Meditation
ICYMI Health features what were reading this By Lodro Rinzler I have been teaching peaceful-
week. This week, we took in stories of pregnancy, abiding meditation for 14 years now, and over that
miscarriage, adoption... time I have realized...
How Americans Are Sleeping (So Far) In The Top 10 Workout Songs for August
2015 2015
Bad news for those of you who included sleep Flickr: kohlmann.sascha The summer may be
more on your list of resolutions for this year. The winding down, but youd never guess it from
team behind... this months...
10 Essential Facts About Lyme Disease Victims speak out after Colorado
By Allison Pohle for Everyday Health Every year, massacre trial ends in life
U.S. state health departments report about 30,000 By Keith Coffman and Daniel Wallis CENTENNIAL,
cases of Lyme... Colo. (Reuters) Over whisky, wine and
sandwiches, families...
Koumine enhances spinal cord 3?- John Mellencamp pays back lifesaving
hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase hospital
expression and activity in a rat model of August 8, 2015, 8:47 AM|Proceeds from the
neuropathic pain singers show went to the Riley Hospital for
Chemicals and reagents Koumine (99% purity) Children. It was a way for...
was isolated from G. elegans Benth. by pH-
zonerefining counter-current...
Spicy foods may help you live longer Over 80 percent of survey respondents
August 8, 2015, 8:07 AM|People who eat spicy report sexting within the past year
foods regularly have a lower risk of heart disease, Credit: Peter Griffin/Public Domain The practice of
cancer and even diabetes.... sexting may be more common than generally
thought among adults....
Could Sexting Help Your Relationship? Heres How The HPV Vaccine Can
i Its not just teens who engage in sexy texting. Help Cut The Risk Of Cancer In Gay Men
About 82 percent of adults recently surveyed say... Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership
with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and
researcher Susana Fajardo, brings...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
mainstream among adults. A new survey out this Dalis Cox of Washington, DC died in emergency
week that suggests more... surgery, of a gunshot...
Meet Our 2015 Next Fitness Star! Age, atherosclerosis and type 2
If youve been following this years Next diabetes reduce human mesenchymal
Fitness Star competition, then you know all of the stromal cell-mediated T-cell
finalists are... suppression
MSCs from older donors are less efficient at
suppressing T-cell proliferation The
immunomodulatory capacity of adult MSCs...
Teens Arent Getting Enough Sleep Mindful-Mastery: Rules of the Road for
And Schools Are Partly To Blame Adaptive Responding
Most kids are severely sleep deprived, and early One of the basic premises of Mindfulness based
school starting times arent helping. But a New teachings is that humans, naturally and
Jersey bill is attempting... automatically, cling to pleasure...
How to Worry Less and Sleep Better The 12 Funniest Donald Trump Memes
By Maya Borgueta, Psy.D and Senior Coach at on the Internet Right Now
Lantern For anyone who has ever spent a long Last nights GOP debate gave Americans the
night wide awake with... opportunity to get to know the top 10 Republican
candidates a little better....
Sponsored Content: The Ins and Outs 5 Easy Ways to Feel Your Best (Even
of NYC Architecture When Youre Busy)
New York Citys skyline is home to thousands Dealing with a crazy-busy schedule (and who
of buildings big and small, young and old. doesnt have one?) can seem impossible. But
From glass and... heres the thing:...
Spatial video geonarratives and health: Colorado gunman gets life sentence for
case studies in post-disaster recovery, killing 12 in movie rampage
crime, mosquito control and By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters)
tuberculosis in the homeless A Colorado jury sentenced movie rampage
SVG is an advance on other geonarrative gunman...
approaches as it adds a visual component, the
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
spatial video, which can be...
U.S. jury clears Eli Lilly in first Cymbalta Nlrp6 promotes recovery after
withdrawal trial peripheral nerve injury independently
(Reuters) Eli Lilly on Friday was cleared of of inflammasomes
liability in the first trial involving claims that its Basal expression of inflammasome components
antidepressant... in the peripheral nervous system While recent data
reported on the expression...
What Is Karma? An All Together Podcast Satellite data shows wind shear socking
With Sharon Salzberg Guillermo near Hawaii
Weve all been there. Someone we dont IMAGE: NOAAs GOES-West satellite captured
like gets dinged at work, splashed at the curb or an infrared image of Tropical Depression
dumped by their love... Guillermo on Aug. 7, 2015,...
UGA researcher calls for more natural Candidate voice pitch influences
baseline data collection in worlds voters
oceans Coral Gables, FL (August 7, 2015)Two new
IMAGE: Samantha Joye, the Athletic Association studies show that the tone of a candidates
Professor in Arts and Sciences at the University of voice can influence whether...
Georgia, studies...
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California child diagnosed with plague Researchers developing soft robotic
after Yosemite trip glove for post-stroke hand
By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. rehabilitation
(Reuters) A child who camped in Muthu Wijesundara, left, and Mahdi Haghshenas-
Californias... Jaryani, both from UTARI, work on the robotic glove
that would help...
Stress and the Celiac: How to Fuel Daily Meditation: Losing A Loved One
Research and Solve Challenges Andy Ryan via Getty Images We all need help
We all know about stress. If we have a pulse, we maintaining our personal spiritual practice. We
have it. Scientific research supports the theory that hope that these Daily Meditations,...
it shortens...
Most American teens start the school Scientists move a step closer to
day too early understanding species distributions in
Most American middle and high school students the face of climate change
start the day too early, government health experts Researchers shed light on why some plants thrive
warn, leaving millions of... in different environments while others become
extinct Plants with...
How yeast doubled its genome by Switching mouse neural stem cells to a
mating between species primate-like behavior
The common bakers yeast (Saccharomyces When the right gene is expressed in the right
cerevisiae) is used to make bread, wine and beer, manner in the right population of stem cells, the
and is the laboratory workhorse... developing mouse brain can...
Science journal letter highlights salmon Colorado movie gunman gets life
vulnerability sentence, jurors not unanimous
Simon Fraser University scientist Jonathan Moore CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) A Colorado jury
has authored new research suggesting that a sentenced movie rampage gunman James
proposed controversial terminal... Holmes to life in prison...
U.S. Congress inquiry into Planned Family Searches for Good Samaritans
Parenthood widens Who Saved Grandfather
By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) The family of an Oregon man is hoping to meet and
Several Planned Parenthood officials and three thank the two good Samaritans who helped save
private... his life. Heinz Arndt,...
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Scientists scan the brain to see how How do we optimize time with patients
stress undermines your diet in primary care?
If youre trying to lose weight, kick off your diet (HealthDay)For patients with sinusitis or urinary
by relaxing. Stress tinkers with your brain chemistry tract infection (UTI), follow-up is similar following
in ways... office visits...
Many hospitals being penalized for 30- One-third of people believe alcohol is
day readmissions heart-healthy
Last week, the federal government revealed that it Following a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining
will fine more than 2,600 hospitals in the coming a healthy weight and diet, exercise, not smoking
year, because too many... and moderating alcohol...
Is Constantly Pleasing Others Making Fairy Tales Can Come True: It Can
You Depressed? Happen to You
If you are the kind of person who is always nice, Life can kick our butts and knock us to the ground.
regardless of your experiences with others, it is Childhood experiences color how we move through
possible that... life and relationships....
New endoscopic, non-surgical bariatric Familiar drugs may block Ebola virus
options show promise for treating infection
obesity IMAGE: This is Lijun Rong, UIC professor of
DOWNERS GROVE, Ill, August 7, 2015 -The FDA microbiology and immunology. view more Credit:
recently approved two new endoscopic bariatric Jenny Fontaine A...
therapies (EBT) for the treatment...
Court sides against FDA in off-label Russian citizen held inside Mali hotel
drug promotion case captured by militants: IFX cites embassy
WASHINGTON (AP) The maker of a MOSCOW (Reuters) A Russian citizen is being
prescription fish-oil pill won an early victory Friday held inside a hotel captured by suspected Islamist
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
against the Food... militants...
Eating oily fish may help kids avoid UKs first cross sector International
nasal allergies Dementia Conference to take place in
Children who eat certain types of fish may be less November 2015
likely to develop nasal allergies, according to a Further presentations from specialist architects,
study from Sweden. Researchers... nurses and occupational therapists as well as
dementia experts from housing,...
UKs first cross sector International UKs first cross sector International
Dementia Conference to take place in Dementia Conference to take place in
November 2015 November 2015
Further presentations from specialist architects, Further presentations from specialist architects,
nurses and occupational therapists as well as nurses and occupational therapists as well as
dementia experts from housing,... dementia experts from housing,...
Protein may trigger cancer cells Protein may trigger cancer cells
metabolism metabolism
A core concern for any structural material is A core concern for any structural material is
maintaining a prolonged, effective service life. maintaining a prolonged, effective service life.
Notably, critical metal alloy... Notably, critical metal alloy...
In vitro effects of zinc on the cytokine In vitro effects of zinc on the cytokine
production from peripheral blood production from peripheral blood
mononuclear cells in patients with zinc mononuclear cells in patients with zinc
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allergy allergy
Materials The following materials were obtained Materials The following materials were obtained
from commercial sources: FicollPaque Plus from commercial sources: FicollPaque Plus
from GE Healthcare... from GE Healthcare...
The Yellow You See In Summer Isnt The Yellow You See In Summer Isnt
The Same Yellow In Winter The Same Yellow In Winter
As the seasons change from summer to As the seasons change from summer to
winter, and spring to fall so does our winter, and spring to fall so does our
perception of color. At least,... perception of color. At least,...
The Yellow You See In Summer Isnt 7 Tips to Actually Succeed at Your
The Same Yellow In Winter Digital Detox During Vacation
As the seasons change from summer to Photo: Pond5 By Jessica Migala for Life by
winter, and spring to fall so does our DailyBurn If your summer is packed with
perception of color. At least,... Instagram-worthy barbecues,...
Paying For That Missed Workout Class Paying For That Missed Workout Class
Hurts More Than Just Your Wallet Hurts More Than Just Your Wallet
Workout classes are fickle friends. They approach Workout classes are fickle friends. They approach
you with open arms (after you shell out the cash you with open arms (after you shell out the cash
and arrive in... and arrive in...
College Football Coaches Can Reduce College Football Coaches Can Reduce
Injuries By Simply Thinking About Their Injuries By Simply Thinking About Their
Student-Athletes As Students Student-Athletes As Students
ASSOCIATED PRESS When a rash of injuries ASSOCIATED PRESS When a rash of injuries
overwhelmed the University of Missouri football overwhelmed the University of Missouri football
team a few years back, J. Bryan... team a few years back, J. Bryan...
College Football Coaches Can Reduce Scientists adopt new strategy to find
Injuries By Simply Thinking About Their Huntingtons disease therapies
Student-Athletes As Students Scientists searched the chromosomes of more
ASSOCIATED PRESS When a rash of injuries than 4,000 Huntingtons disease patients and
overwhelmed the University of Missouri football found that DNA repair genes...
team a few years back, J. Bryan...
Scientists adopt new strategy to find Scientists adopt new strategy to find
Huntingtons disease therapies Huntingtons disease therapies
Scientists searched the chromosomes of more Scientists searched the chromosomes of more
than 4,000 Huntingtons disease patients and than 4,000 Huntingtons disease patients and
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
found that DNA repair genes... found that DNA repair genes...
Pouring fire on fuels at the nanoscale Pouring fire on fuels at the nanoscale
This news release is available in Japanese. There This news release is available in Japanese. There
are no magic bullets for global energy needs. But are no magic bullets for global energy needs. But
fuel cells in which... fuel cells in which...
Salt flat indicates some of the last Salt flat indicates some of the last
vestiges of Martian surface water vestiges of Martian surface water
Mars turned cold and dry long ago, but researchers Mars turned cold and dry long ago, but researchers
at the University of Colorado Boulder have at the University of Colorado Boulder have
discovered evidence of an ancient... discovered evidence of an ancient...
Salt flat indicates some of the last Crime-scene compound may be newest
vestiges of Martian surface water tool in fight against malaria
Mars turned cold and dry long ago, but researchers IMAGE: This human red blood cell is infected with
at the University of Colorado Boulder have a malaria parasite. Scientists have identified a new
discovered evidence of an ancient... and unusual...
How To Actually Succeed At Your Digital How To Actually Succeed At Your Digital
Detox During Vacation Detox During Vacation
Photo: Pond5 By Jessica Migala for Life by Photo: Pond5 By Jessica Migala for Life by
DailyBurn If your summer is packed with DailyBurn If your summer is packed with
Instagram-worthy barbecues,... Instagram-worthy barbecues,...
Doctors remove 8 nails from stomach of Doctors remove 8 nails from stomach of
woman with mental illness woman with mental illness
(CEN) Chinese doctors have removed eight nails (CEN) Chinese doctors have removed eight nails
from the stomach of a woman suffering from a rare from the stomach of a woman suffering from a rare
condition that causes... condition that causes...
Woman with cerebral palsy types novel Woman with cerebral palsy types novel
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
with 1 finger with 1 finger
At 21 years old, a Chinese woman has already At 21 years old, a Chinese woman has already
become a published author for the become a published author for the
autobiography she typed with one... autobiography she typed with one...
Woman with cerebral palsy types novel Michigan children start lemonade stand
with 1 finger for mother battling stage 4 cancer
At 21 years old, a Chinese woman has already (Photo courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) (Photo
become a published author for the courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) A Michigan family
autobiography she typed with one... plagued by a skin cancer...
Michigan children start lemonade stand Michigan children start lemonade stand
for mother battling stage 4 cancer for mother battling stage 4 cancer
(Photo courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) (Photo (Photo courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) (Photo
courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) A Michigan family courtesy Fox2Detroit.com) A Michigan family
plagued by a skin cancer... plagued by a skin cancer...
This 1-armed toddlers best friend is This 1-armed toddlers best friend is
a 3-legged dog a 3-legged dog
(Facebook) Some people may view being born (Facebook) Some people may view being born
without a limb as a disadvantage, but having only a without a limb as a disadvantage, but having only a
right arm led an Australian... right arm led an Australian...
How to set high goals without burning How to set high goals without burning
out, according to science out, according to science
Gebre Gebrmariam, of Ethiopa, throws out his Gebre Gebrmariam, of Ethiopa, throws out his
arms before breaking the tape to win the arms before breaking the tape to win the
professional mens division... professional mens division...
How to set high goals without burning Simple chemical stops prion disease
out, according to science Mad cow, scrapie and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
Gebre Gebrmariam, of Ethiopa, throws out his are all diseases of the brain that debilitate before
arms before breaking the tape to win the they kill, and have no...
professional mens division...
Simple chemical stops prion disease Simple chemical stops prion disease
Mad cow, scrapie and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease Mad cow, scrapie and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
are all diseases of the brain that debilitate before are all diseases of the brain that debilitate before
they kill, and have no... they kill, and have no...
Animal-eye view of the world revealed Bacteria that prevent type 1 diabetes
with new visual software IMAGE: A pancreatic islet of Langerhans is
New camera technology that reveals the world expressing the immunoregulator antimicrobial
through the eyes of animals has been developed peptide CRAM (in red). The...
by University of Exeter researchers....
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New technology that tracks Researcher reveals link between
patients eye movements may inflammatory response of neutrophils
accurately measure brain injury and spread of oral cancer
New technology that tracks the eye movements of An abnormal immune response or feedback
patients may be a more accurate measure of brain loop could very well be the underlying cause of
injury than any other diagnostic... metastases in oral...
Dark and marked: Strikingly colored Chemists find new way to do light-
new fleshbelly frog from the Andean driven reactions in solar energy quest
cloud forest IMAGE: This is a transmission electron
Carrying itself around with a dark brown mask on micrograph image of cadmium selenide nanorods
its face and a broad shapeless white mark on its with gold tips. Inset shows a...
chest and belly, a frog...
Vaccine protects against Ebola when Gene deletions and duplications reveal
administered 7 days ahead our genetic storyline
This news release is available in Japanese. In the IMAGE: Counterclockwise from the top: The
face of the recent Ebola outbreak, some good geographic coordinates of populations sampled
news emerges: a preclinical... are indicated on a world map...
EU lifts 4 year fresh ostrich meat ban Pfizer, Bristol revive cancer drugs that
from S.Africa rev up immune system
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) The European Union By Bill Berkrot NEW YORK (Reuters) Some of
has lifted a four-year ban on the import of fresh the most heralded new cancer drugs fight the
ostrich meat from... disease...
Thailand bans commercial surrogacy for Thirteen years and counting: anatomy
foreigners, singles of an EPA civil rights investigation
BANGKOK (AP) Thailand, once a top choice for SANTA FE, New Mexico On June 26, 2014,
would-be parents around the world who were Deborah Reade got a certified letter from the
seeking a surrogate,... Environmental Protection...
US teens start school too early, need The scary thing your hiccups could
more sleep: study mean
Most teenagers in the United States start the So you gulped down your beer a little too fast.
school day too early each morning, robbing them of Those hiccups are pretty annoying, maybe a little
the sleep they... embarrassing, but hey,...
4 secrets your man might be keeping US teens start school too early, need
from you more sleep, study says
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How many times have you had an inkling that your Julie Boergers, Ph.D., a psychologist and sleep
guy is keeping something bottled up? A lot of expert from the Bradley Hasbro Childrens
men arent accustomed... Research Center, recently...
USC researchers develop yeast model Abusive and controlling men more
to study gene mutation that disrupts likely to put female partners at sexual
DNA duplication risk
Researchers at USC have developed a yeast Abusive men put female partners at greater sexual
model to study a gene mutation that disrupts the risk, study finds Abusive and controlling men are
duplication of DNA, causing massive... more likely to put their...
Abusive and controlling men more New fly model developed to study
likely to put female partners at sexual motor neuron degeneration
risk / no comments Babraham Institute
Abusive men put female partners at greater sexual
risk, study finds Abusive and controlling men are
more likely to put their...
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storage fat in upper and lower limbs of stem cells
young healthy adults Infertility is a prevalent problem in our society today.
Subjects Twenty-two young sedentary subjects The WHO estimates its worldwide diffusion near to
volunteered, and their physical characteristics and 80 millions...
The Lancet: Internet program to New research tool tracks real-time DNA-
encourage handwashing reduces protein binding in cells
spread of cold and flu viruses CINCINNATI Researchers have developed a
A web-based programme to encourage more new technology that precisely marks where groups
frequent handwashing reduces the risk of catching of regulatory proteins...
and passing on respiratory tract...
New research tool tracks real-time DNA- Sanofi links with Evotec to tap stem
protein binding in cells cells for diabetes care
CINCINNATI Researchers have developed a (Reuters) French drugmaker Sanofi is linking
new technology that precisely marks where groups with Evotec to develop stem cell-based treatments
of regulatory proteins... for diabetes,...
Sanofi links with Evotec to tap stem Ciao, Lizzy! Airline gives 5-year-old with
cells for diabetes care visual bucket list a free trip to
(Reuters) French drugmaker Sanofi is linking Rome
with Evotec to develop stem cell-based treatments July 28, 2015: Elizabeth Lizzy Myers, 5,
for diabetes,... gazes through a telescope at the Warren Rupp
Observatory in Bellville,...
Ciao, Lizzy! Airline gives 5-year-old with Ciao, Lizzy! Airline gives 5-year-old with
visual bucket list a free trip to visual bucket list a free trip to
July 28, 2015: Elizabeth Lizzy Myers, 5, July 28, 2015: Elizabeth Lizzy Myers, 5,
gazes through a telescope at the Warren Rupp gazes through a telescope at the Warren Rupp
Observatory in Bellville,... Observatory in Bellville,...
Ciao, Lizzy! Airline gives 5-year-old with Flexible dielectric polymer can stand
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
visual bucket list a free trip to the heat
Easily manufactured, low cost, lightweight, flexible
July 28, 2015: Elizabeth Lizzy Myers, 5, dielectric polymers that can operate at high
gazes through a telescope at the Warren Rupp temperatures may be the...
Observatory in Bellville,...
Study of the snail intermediate hosts of Study of the snail intermediate hosts of
urogenital schistosomiasis in Niakhar, urogenital schistosomiasis in Niakhar,
region of Fatick, West central Senegal region of Fatick, West central Senegal
This study is the first malacological survey This study is the first malacological survey
conducted in the Niakhar study area.B. umbilicatus conducted in the Niakhar study area.B. umbilicatus
and B. senegalensis were... and B. senegalensis were...
Women: How To Take Charge In The Women: How To Take Charge In The
Bedroom Bedroom
Mondays with Marlo I thought I knew a lot about Mondays with Marlo I thought I knew a lot about
female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily
Nagoski... Nagoski...
Lice Invade ESPN Makeup And Hair Lice Invade ESPN Makeup And Hair
Studios, Deadspin Reports Studios, Deadspin Reports
HuffPost Noticed your favorite ESPN hosts looking HuffPost Noticed your favorite ESPN hosts looking
a little itchy recently? We may know why. a little itchy recently? We may know why.
Deadspin published a... Deadspin published a...
Working Parents: How Do You Get Out Working Parents: How Do You Get Out
Of A Sex Rut? Of A Sex Rut?
Mondays with Marlo I thought I knew a lot about Mondays with Marlo I thought I knew a lot about
female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily
Nagoski... Nagoski...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
York City officials say 10 people have died in the York City officials say 10 people have died in the
outbreak of Legionnaires... outbreak of Legionnaires...
Paleo diet: Big brains needed carbs Paleo diet: Big brains needed carbs
Understanding how and why we evolved such large Understanding how and why we evolved such large
brains is one of the most puzzling issues in the brains is one of the most puzzling issues in the
study of human evolution.... study of human evolution....
The secret to the sucess of insects The secret to the sucess of insects
IMAGE: This is Dr. Roderick Nigel Finn. view more IMAGE: This is Dr. Roderick Nigel Finn. view more
Credit: UiB A new family of glycerol transporters Credit: UiB A new family of glycerol transporters
may... may...
Predator from a tank: New water mite Predator from a tank: New water mite
genus from bromeliad phytotelmata genus from bromeliad phytotelmata
IMAGE: This is the new water mite species IMAGE: This is the new water mite species
Bromeliacarus cardoso. view more Credit: Dr. Bromeliacarus cardoso. view more Credit: Dr.
Vladimir Pei? An... Vladimir Pei? An...
Psychologists develop first adult self- Adding price tag to medicine packs just
assessment for repetitive behaviors in headline grabbing gimmick
autism Adding the price tag to prescription medicines
As early as 1943, when autism was first described worth more than 20 in England is just a
by psychiatrist Leo Kanner, reports were made that headline grabbing gimmick,...
some, but not all, children...
Very little evidence for cutting out Domestic violence coalitions can
certain carbs to ease irritable bowel reduce intimate partner violence
There is very little evidence to recommend avoiding Intimate partner violence in women (sometimes
certain types of dietary carbohydrate, known as the referred to as domestic violence) is linked to
FODMAP diet, to... termination of pregnancy, according...
Ask the Experts: 10 Simple Ways to Take Do You Have to Be Unhappy Now If You
Action Today to Create the Life You Want to Be Successful Later?
Want to Live Most of us, at some point or another, think that we
During the past few weeks, as part of my virtual will be happy once we achieve a particular goal.
2015 Art of Mindful Wealth Summit, Ive had an Ill...
amazing opportunity....
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
into comparison... there...
Forget Diets, Weight Loss Is About Lawyers argue for last time over life of
Hormones: An Interview With Jon Colorado movie gunman
Gabriel By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters)
Jon Gabriel tipped the scales at more than 400 Prosecutors said execution is the only
pounds before a life-changing event motivated him appropriate sentence...
to make different...
10 Things You Didnt Know About Mylan CEO says still wants Perrigo but
Cucumbers has other options
Well, we know who has replaced Panacea, Greek By Bill Berkrot NEW YORK (Reuters) Generic
goddess of universal remedy: the cucumber. drugmaker Mylan Incs MYL.O chief executive
Theyre delicious,... said on Thursday...
Urban ERs see high rates of hepatitis C Five ways to improve health
infection information exchange in ERs
National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists report Yale researchers find a critical mass of patients
that a single dose of an experimental Ebola virus who see emergency physicians use new media,
(EBOV) vaccine completely... including cell phones, smart...
One size does not fit all when it comes Researchers identify new vitamin B3
to marrow fat, scientists say pathway
The researchers found that both human (left) and Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
rodent (right) leg bones called tibia appear to have Center (BIDMC) have identified a new vitamin B3
two kinds... pathway that regulates liver...
Early cognitive changes linked to white Are Couples Who Get Mushy on
matter damage in Parkinsons Facebook Actually More in Love?
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Everyone has those Facebook friends whose
Reporter Subtle changes in white matter (WM) entire digital lives consist of gushing about their
integrity are detectable in patients... significant others. Whenever...
The Type of Underwear Men Find Most Khlo Kardashian: No, I Didnt Get
Attractive on Women Lipo
It goes without saying that if a guy sees you in your Khlo Kardashian looks fit as hell on
skivvies, he probably cares absolutely zip what they Womens Healths September coverbut
look like;... theres one thing...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
therapy Mondays with Marlo I thought I knew a lot about
Scripps Research Institute Professor Kim Janda female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily
(center), Graduate Student Song Xue (left) and Nagoski...
Research Associate...
Every Introvert Must Read This Why Is It So Easy For Men To Have An
Youve been invited to an event (it could be Orgasm?
work-related, a networking opportunity, or even a Mondays With Marlo I thought I knew a lot about
friends party),... female sexuality, but after having sex expert Emily
New York police criticized for Vanderbilt football team apologizes for
weaponized marijuana videos dont need your permission
NEW YORK (Reuters) The New York Police tweet
Department faced criticism on Thursday after it (Reuters) Vanderbilt Universitys football
emerged that video... team apologized for tweeting on Thursday we
Giving babies healthy foods early may Medtronic recalls loading system for
shape childhood tastes heart device
By Janice Neumann (Reuters Health) Young (Reuters) Medtronic Plc has recalled 6,912
toddlers who eat a range of fruits and vegetables... units of loading system of a recently approved heart
Allergan gets DoJ subpoena over 10 celebs who went on extreme diets
generic drug pricing for movie roles
Allergan Plc said on Thursday it received a 3.nbspLily James Nutritionists have time and time
subpoena from the U.S. Department of Justice again debunked the supposed health benefits of
seeking information on marketing... going on a liquid diet...
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Conjoined twin girls separated in An Effective Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Afghan first: doctors Now ExistsSo Why Arent
For more than 100 years, exposing students to Doctors Using It?
basic and clinical research has been an essential Ovarian cancer is one of the most common
component of a medical school... cancers women get (and more than 14,000 women
are expected to die from it in...
Tattooing may be ancient, but safety Medtronic to recall loading system for
questions remain heart device: FDA
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) Tattoo (Reuters) Medtronic Plc will recall 6,912 units of
health and safety regulations tend to focus... the loading system of a recently approved heart
Shire bid for Baxalta highlights orphan Mylan CEO says does not have
drugs appeal to buy Perrigo, has other options
New York (AFP) Faced with expiring patents By Bill Berkrot NEW YORK (Reuters) Generic
and growing competition from generics, drugmaker Mylan Incs MYL.O chief executive
pharmaceutical companies... said on Thursday...
These carbs can up your risk of New brain diet slows mental
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depression, study says decline
Time for a change? (Photo: Business Wire) Thursday August 6 2015 Researchers have
Feeling depressed? Dont turn to PBJ on white developed a diet specifically for the brain
bread in an attempt to... Eating food rich in...
This Pep Talk Generator Is Here To Fix What Are Circadian Rhythms and What
Your Bad Day Happens When Theyre Out of
PSA: Youre really, really awesome. But on the Whack?
days you dont feel so great, this pep talk Simply put, your circadian rhythm is your bodys
generator is here... internal clock. Operating on a roughly 24-hour
cycle, it...
The 5 Worst Ingredients in Kids These White Bean Fritters Are A Crispy,
Body Care Products Creamy Delight
By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child So much has been written about the wonders of
Healthy WorldReproduced with the permission of the Mediterranean diet, one of the primary
the Environmental... elements of which is beans....
Should You Work Out In The Morning The science behind stress eating
Or At Night? August 6, 2015, 8:13 AM|A new study explores why
Do you head to spin class at the crack of dawn or we reach for chocolate instead of an apple when
do you prefer to get your sweat on after work? were under pressure....
Decide which is...
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variables impacting projections... facing rangelands worldwide, but it consistently...
Making a better nitrate test kit Natural selection, key to evolution, also
The dull black plastic of the device on Joshua can impede formation of new species
Pearces desk belies its usefulness. Pearce IMAGE: A new study involving CU-Boulder looks at
picks up the box, which... the role of natural selection on three types of stick
insect belonging...
Tumor turns out to be 60-year-old fetus Dying 5-year-old gets birthday ball fit for
Doctors preparing to operate on a 91-year-old a princess
Chilean woman discovered the tumor they were Lila May (in blue) dancing at her party with her
targeting was actually a calcified... sister (GiveForward) (Facebook) An Oregon girl
celebrated her fifth...
Lightpoint Medical receives R01 grant Lightpoint Medical receives R01 grant
from US National Cancer Institute from US National Cancer Institute
/ no comments Lightpoint Medical / no comments Lightpoint Medical
5 Things You Should Never Do Before 5 Things You Should Never Do Before
Sex Sex
A recent study proved what many post 50s already A recent study proved what many post 50s already
know older people are having sex. A lot of sex. know older people are having sex. A lot of sex.
Clearly, they... Clearly, they...
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Sleeping On It Really Does Help Sleeping On It Really Does Help
You Solve Your Problems You Solve Your Problems
Getty Images If youre struggling to solve a Getty Images If youre struggling to solve a
particularly difficult problem in your waking hours, it particularly difficult problem in your waking hours, it
might be... might be...
7 Life Lessons From Pop Cultures 7 Life Lessons From Pop Cultures
Most Popular Pessimists Most Popular Pessimists
Perhaps life isnt so bad through a glass half Perhaps life isnt so bad through a glass half
empty. Despite what weve been told about empty. Despite what weve been told about
looking on the bright... looking on the bright...
7 Life Lessons From Pop Cultures Veterans returned home with higher
Most Popular Pessimists skin cancer risk
Perhaps life isnt so bad through a glass half American military personnel who served in the
empty. Despite what weve been told about blazing deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan returned
looking on the bright... home with an increased risk...
Veterans returned home with higher Veterans returned home with higher
skin cancer risk skin cancer risk
American military personnel who served in the American military personnel who served in the
blazing deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan returned blazing deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan returned
home with an increased risk... home with an increased risk...
It takes a lot of nerve: Scientists make It takes a lot of nerve: Scientists make
cells to aid peripheral nerve repair cells to aid peripheral nerve repair
Scientists at the University of Newcastle, UK, have Scientists at the University of Newcastle, UK, have
used a combination of small molecules to turn used a combination of small molecules to turn
cells isolated from human... cells isolated from human...
Allergan revenue more than doubles on Allergan revenue more than doubles on
Botox, eye drop sales Botox, eye drop sales
(Reuters) Botox-maker Allergan Plc posted a (Reuters) Botox-maker Allergan Plc posted a
better-than-expected quarterly adjusted profit as better-than-expected quarterly adjusted profit as
sales of... sales of...
Allergan revenue more than doubles on China gets tougher for Western
Botox, eye drop sales drugmakers
(Reuters) Botox-maker Allergan Plc posted a By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) The
better-than-expected quarterly adjusted profit as Chinese market is getting tougher for Western
sales of... pharmaceutical...
China gets tougher for Western Britain raps Pfizer over huge jump in
drugmakers epilepsy drug price
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) The By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters)
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Chinese market is getting tougher for Western Britains competition watchdog has accused
pharmaceutical... Pfizer and Flynn Pharma...
Britain raps Pfizer over huge jump in Britain raps Pfizer over huge jump in
epilepsy drug price epilepsy drug price
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters)
Britains competition watchdog has accused Britains competition watchdog has accused
Pfizer and Flynn Pharma... Pfizer and Flynn Pharma...
Miscarriage: Facts, myths and mysteries Miscarriage: Facts, myths and mysteries
When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg shared When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg shared
on his social-networking site that he and his wife, on his social-networking site that he and his wife,
Priscilla Chan, are expecting... Priscilla Chan, are expecting...
Miscarriage: Facts, myths and mysteries Brain chemicals explain the power of
When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg shared placebos
on his social-networking site that he and his wife, We all know the basics of the placebo effect:
Priscilla Chan, are expecting... Someone takes a sugar capsule that a trusted
doctor has extolled as a breakthrough...
Brain chemicals explain the power of Brain chemicals explain the power of
placebos placebos
We all know the basics of the placebo effect: We all know the basics of the placebo effect:
Someone takes a sugar capsule that a trusted Someone takes a sugar capsule that a trusted
doctor has extolled as a breakthrough... doctor has extolled as a breakthrough...
Low scores on thinking-skills tests may Low scores on thinking-skills tests may
signal heart attack risk signal heart attack risk
For older people without dementia, fuzzy thinking For older people without dementia, fuzzy thinking
and lack of self control may be signs of higher risk and lack of self control may be signs of higher risk
for heart attack... for heart attack...
Gay, bisexual men more likely to use Gay, bisexual men more likely to use
indoor tanning than straight men indoor tanning than straight men
This Dec. 9, 2011 file photo shows an open This Dec. 9, 2011 file photo shows an open
tanning booth at Amazing Tans in Sacramento, tanning booth at Amazing Tans in Sacramento,
Calif. Gay and bisexual men are more... Calif. Gay and bisexual men are more...
Gay, bisexual men more likely to use Experimental gel partially protects
indoor tanning than straight men against genital herpes
This Dec. 9, 2011 file photo shows an open An experimental vaginal gel containing a drug used
tanning booth at Amazing Tans in Sacramento, to treat the AIDS virus could prevent half of cases of
Calif. Gay and bisexual men are more... genital herpes,...
Experimental gel partially protects High salt intake could be a risk factor
against genital herpes for multiple sclerosis
An experimental vaginal gel containing a drug used Heres another reason to put the salt shaker
to treat the AIDS virus could prevent half of cases of down: New research in mice shows that diets high
genital herpes,... in sodium may be a novel...
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womens alcohol tolerance offspring survive climate change
IMAGE: A small study at Washington University A new study from scientists at the University of
School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that gastric Hawaii M?noas (UHM) Hawaii
bypass surgery changes... Institute of...
Sewage flow becomes Willistons oil Republicans tangle over next steps on
bust indicator Planned Parenthood
By Ernest Scheyder WILLISTON, N.D. (Reuters) By Susan Cornwell and Megan Cassella
The population of a U.S. oil boomtown that WASHINGTON (Reuters) Conservative
became... Republicans in the...
Molecular trick alters rules of attraction Why the long face? Horses and humans
for non-magnetic metals share facial expressions
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time how IMAGE: Horses use similar facial muscles to
to generate magnetism in metals that arent humans, suggesting an evolutionary parallel in
naturally magnetic,... how horses and humans use...
Stroke therapy put to the test in Britain raps Pfizer over inflated
preclinical randomized controlled trial epilepsy drug prices
In the midst of what some call a crisis in the By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters)
ability to replicate results of laboratory studies, a Britains competition watchdog alleged on
European... Thursday that U.S. drugmaker...
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Wasp masters manipulate web-building Brazil probes contagious horse disease
zombie slave spiders near Olympic site
Some wasps have unpleasant habits. Hijacking an Rio de Janeiro (AFP) Brazilian officials said
unsuspecting insect or spider, parasitic wasps Wednesday they are investigating an outbreak of
incapacitate their hapless... the highly...
AstraZeneca widens cancer push with Etoposide induces cell death via
up to $500 million Heptares deal mitochondrial-dependent actions of p53
LONDON (Reuters) AstraZeneca expanded its Etoposide increased the numbers of cells with
push into cancer immunotherapy on Thursday by sub-G1 DNA content in a concentration-dependent
striking a deal... manner In our previous...
The Diet That Could Slow Brain Aging by The Secret Life of a Dietitian
7.5 Years I had a patient the other day tell me that I
One of the biggest fears we have as we age is couldnt possibly understand the challenge of
losing our cognitive abilities. We want to be able to getting seven...
Weight-loss clothing line wows crowd- 2nd Colorado resident dies of plague
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
funders PUEBLO, Colo. A person from southern
Everyones talking about an upcoming clothing Colorado has died of the plague, the second
line called Thin Ice that claims to promote diet-free person to die of the disease...
Source of liver stem cells identified People with type 2 diabetes do benefit
In the image, stem cells are labeled in red and from blood sugar checks
green around the central vein of the liver, and they Sometimes, listening in on a conversation can tell
give rise... you a lot. For Mark Huising, an assistant professor
in the Department...
How to Pull Off the Visible Bra Look The Pill May Help Lower Your Cancer
Not since Flashdance has it been such a hell to the Risk for DECADES After You Stop Taking
yes to show off your bra. Stars like Beyonc have It
been known to... Clearer skin, more regular periods, avoiding
unwanted pregnancythere are a lot of perks to
taking the Pill. But...
4 Reasons Why You Might See Blood in An artificial neural network for
Your Poop membrane-bound catechol-O-
If theres one thing were embarrassed to methyltransferase biosynthesis with
talk about, its what goes down in the Pichia pastoris methanol-induced
bathroom. If we... cultures
The structural and functional characterization of a
MP depends on the production of a sufficient
amount of active...
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Disney Research leverages redundancy Data-driven method provides simple
in casually shot videos to enable means of calculating aerodynamics of
scene-space effects light, 3-D objects
The same sort of video processing effects that Obtaining the aerodynamic properties necessary to
usually require video to be shot in controlled simulate falling leaves or a tumbling box caught by
environments where 3-D positions... the wind can be as...
Disney Research rendering method Music in the operating theatre may not
preserves detail in film quality be safe: study
production graphics Paris (AFP) A surgeon on the job is five times
Disney Research has developed a new method of more likely to repeat a request when music is
rendering high-quality graphics for animated playing in...
features that efficiently corrects...
L.A. County vows to improve jail for Boston mayor aims to ban chewing
mentally ill, limit force tobacco in baseball, other sports
By Alex Dobuzinskis LOS ANGELES (Reuters) By Jacqueline Tempera BOSTON (Reuters)
Los Angeles County authorities will improve Boston Mayor Marty Walsh on Wednesday took on
conditions in jails... one...
Team gets the beat, develops method Effects of different interchain linkers
of quantifying ciliary movement on biological activity of an anti-prostate
By now, the old saw, You are what you eat, cancer single-chain bispecific antibody
has been well-used in describing the microbiome. Materials The pUC18 and pSectag2B plasmids,
However axiomatic... restriction endonucleases, and DNA ligase were
all purchased from TaKaRa...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Guaranteed to Do For You When we are children, we believe that we can be
Everyone knows that exercise is good for your anything we want to be. That our lives will be
heart. Thats not one of the two things I was perfect, like a Disney...
talking about,...
Study suggests health benefits from VA criticized for not covering IVF
spicy food procedure
August 5, 2015, 6:57 PM|Capsaicin, the key August 5, 2015, 6:43 PM|Many whove served in
ingredient in chili peppers, is shown to reduce the military rely on the Department of Veterans
inflammation that can lead to... Affairs for medical...
Processed meats may affect male Brain scans show how everyday stress
fertility affects your diet
Attention, men: Your favorite meats might be As anyone whos ever downed a pint of ice
affecting your fertility, a new study suggests. While cream after a bad day at the office knows, the
the research cant... stresses of everyday life...
Doping tests for athletes evolve but Troubled Texas ice cream maker gets
gaps remain OK to start up in Alabama
By Toni Clarke (Reuters) Tests to detect By Jim Forsyth SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) State
performance-enhancing drugs in athletes are officials gave the thumbs up on Wednesday for...
8th person dies in New York Having A Baby Is Not A Disability. Netflix
Legionnaires disease outbreak Apparently Gets That.
Aug. 4, 2015: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Netflix got lots of kudos on Tuesday after
holds up a chart documenting the cases of announcing it would offer new parents up to 12
Legionnaires disease while... months of leave to be taken...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
Having A Baby Is Not A Disability. Netflix The Dark Side Of Travel Nobodys
Apparently Gets That. Talking About
Netflix got lots of kudos on Tuesday after olaser via Getty Images The fabulous life of a
announcing it would offer new parents up to 12 frequent traveler is a lie, researchers say but
months of leave to be taken... its...
Four Fitness Foods You Should Avoid The Dark Side Of Travel Nobodys
The Journal Of Marketing Research recently Talking About
released the article The Effect of Fitness olaser via Getty Images The fabulous life of a
Branding on Restrained... frequent traveler is a lie, researchers say but
Long-Term Birth Control Use Could Long-Term Birth Control Use Could
Save Your Life Save Your Life
Dynamic Graphics Group via Getty Images Women Dynamic Graphics Group via Getty Images Women
who take oral contraceptives for 10 to 15 years cut who take oral contraceptives for 10 to 15 years cut
their risk of endometrial... their risk of endometrial...
What your eyes can reveal about your What your eyes can reveal about your
health health
Some 61 million American adults are at risk for Some 61 million American adults are at risk for
losing their eyesight, but only half visited an eye losing their eyesight, but only half visited an eye
doctor in the past year.... doctor in the past year....
How stress can sabotage your diet How stress can sabotage your diet
As anyone whos ever downed a pint of ice As anyone whos ever downed a pint of ice
cream after a bad day at the office knows, the cream after a bad day at the office knows, the
stresses of everyday life... stresses of everyday life...
NSF awards grants for study of Nepal NSF awards grants for study of Nepal
earthquake earthquake
IMAGE: NSF-supported researchers were among IMAGE: NSF-supported researchers were among
the first US scientific teams on the scene after the the first US scientific teams on the scene after the
quake. view... quake. view...
Pitt team gets the beat, develops Pitt team gets the beat, develops
method of quantifying ciliary movement method of quantifying ciliary movement
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 5, 2015 Researchers at the PITTSBURGH, Aug. 5, 2015 Researchers at the
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have
figured out how to... figured out how to...
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asthma-COPD overlap in nonsmokers asthma-COPD overlap in nonsmokers
with chronic asthma with chronic asthma
Glenview, Ill. (August 5, 2015) Researchers may Glenview, Ill. (August 5, 2015) Researchers may
be closer to finding the mechanism responsible for be closer to finding the mechanism responsible for
loss of lung elastic... loss of lung elastic...
16 states ask Obama admin to put 16 states ask Obama admin to put
power plant rules on hold power plant rules on hold
WASHINGTON (AP) Sixteen states are banding WASHINGTON (AP) Sixteen states are banding
together to ask the Obama administration to put its together to ask the Obama administration to put its
greenhouse... greenhouse...
Exactly What to Eat the Day Before Your Exactly What to Eat the Day Before Your
Wedding Wedding
by Elizabeth Mitchell, BRIDES Romulo by Elizabeth Mitchell, BRIDES Romulo
Yanes/Courtesy of CNP Montrose Eating super Yanes/Courtesy of CNP Montrose Eating super
healthy for one day wont... healthy for one day wont...
Are We Prepared For The Next Global Are We Prepared For The Next Global
Epidemic? The Public Doesnt Think Epidemic? The Public Doesnt Think
So So
A nurse checks the temperature of a patient at A nurse checks the temperature of a patient at
Redemption Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. Redemption Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia.
Dominic Chavez/World... Dominic Chavez/World...
Just two Ebola cases reported last Just two Ebola cases reported last
week: WHO week: WHO
Geneva (AFP) Guinea and Sierra Leone only Geneva (AFP) Guinea and Sierra Leone only
registered one new Ebola case each last week, the registered one new Ebola case each last week, the
UNs... UNs...
City Walk : Popular TV Series Explores City Walk : Popular TV Series Explores
the World, Step by Step the World, Step by Step
I love a success story. Just two years ago, the I love a success story. Just two years ago, the
unique TV series City Walk took its first steps, unique TV series City Walk took its first steps,
exploring urban... exploring urban...
Yelp Posting Info on Docs and Yelp Posting Info on Docs and
Hospitals, Alongside Your Favorite Hospitals, Alongside Your Favorite
Restaurant Restaurant
If you are at a loss when picking a new doctor, If you are at a loss when picking a new doctor,
nursing home or even emergency room, you can nursing home or even emergency room, you can
now turn to the Yelp app for... now turn to the Yelp app for...
New laser surgery ends 30 years of Why You Shouldnt Take Your
severe seizures Milks Three-Week Shelf Life For
The seizures caused Nick Pauly to laugh Granted
mirthlessly, clap his hands and shout. At times,... i Even with the three-week shelf life in the U.S.,
plenty of milk goes to waste here. ...
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platelets active and aggregation via liver fibrosis classification system
Toll-like receptor-4, NF-?B and cGMP The method was built based on a data set
dependent mechanisms containing 33 different blood attributes collected
Resting human platelets express cytoplasmic from 290 chronic viral...
HMGB1, activated platelet release of HMGB1 In our
study, we discovered that HMGB1...
Eating These Foods May Slow Brain What Its Really Like To Raise A
Aging By 7.5 Years Child With Diabetes
nav1sk/500px Think of blueberries as a brains For years, I lived in constant fear that I would
best friend. A new study from the Rush University inadvertently kill my own child. It wouldnt have
Medical Center... taken...
This week from AGU: Climate models, SLU research finds hospital physicians
Earths elasticity & five new fail to identify, address weight issues in
research papers children
Dans Wild Wild Science Journal New paper IMAGE: This is Marta King, M.D., M.Ed. view more
shows global climate model errors are significantly Credit: Saint Louis University Physicians and
less than thought Scientists... physician...
World-famous, yet nameless: Hybrid Adidas buys fitness tracking app maker
flowering dogwoods named by Rutgers Runtastic
scientists * Adidas pays 220 mln euros for Runtastic * Nike
IMAGE: Flowers and floral bract of Cornus was ahead in fitness tracking with FuelBand and
elwinortonii Starlight are shown after opening at Nike+ ...
maturity. Unlike...
Stress may sabotage diets by short- India regulator says no change in Maggi
circuiting self-control noodle recall despite Goas OK
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) People are MUMBAI (Reuters) Maggi noodles remained
less likely to resist tasty, unhealthy foods... subject to a recall order in India after the
countrys federal...
Cognizant boosts forecast again after The Best And Worst Booze To Drink If
healthy quarter You Want To Lose Weight
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
By Abhirup Roy (Reuters) IT services provider By K. Aleisha Fetters for DETAILS. (Main photo:
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp reported... Getty Images) Alcohol can either give you a beer
belly or help you...
Extreme stress may convert fat into When men become dads by 22,
calorie-burning machine theyre more likely to die younger,
Severe stress may cause ordinary white fat cells to study says
morph into energy-burning brown fat, new research The younger men are when they become fathers,
suggests. Past studies... the more likely they are to die by their 40s or 50s,
according to a large...
Is the secret to a longer life chili Duck Dynasty star rallies fans to
peppers? pray for child battling brain tumor
This Feb. 11, 2013 photo shows chili Katie Joyce, pictured here, is suffering from an
peppers. (AP Photo/Dean Fosdick) People who inoperable brain tumor. (Photo courtesy Sadie
like a little heat in their meals just... Robertsons Instagram) Sadie...
New Ebola cases in single digits for 2nd CDC: 37000 US infection-related deaths
week, says WHO preventable over 5 years
(CDC/ Cynthia Goldsmith) The World Health Closer coordination between healthcare facilities
Organization says new Ebola cases are in the and public health departments could save 37,000
single digits for a second week in... U.S. lives over five years...
Cardiome Pharma reports net loss of TSRI study shows single injection of
$7.4 million in second quarter 2015 blebbistatin drug prevents
Cardiome Pharma Corp. (NASDAQ: CRME / TSX: methamphetamine relapse in animal
COM) today reported financial results for the models
second quarter and six months ended... Single Injection of Drug Candidate Prevents Meth
Relapse in Animal Models Recovering addicts
often grapple with the ghosts...
How your eyes can reveal potential EPJ Data Science Highlight What 15
health problems years of mobile data can say about us
August 5, 2015, 8:13 AM|Eyes hold visible clues to Large-scale anonymised datasets from mobile
diseases long before other symptoms show up. phones can give a better picture of society than
Some 61 million adults in... ever before available. Mobile...
Scientists solve planetary ring riddle Seeing the sunnier side of life
Study suggests planetary rings have a universal scientists bring a whole new meaning
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
particle distribution Study solves amazing to winter blues
mathematical... Scientists at the University of York have shed new
light on how humans process colour revealing
that we see things...
Drinking guidelines are a poor fit with How to tell the difference between
Britains heavy drinking habits bipolar disorder and depression
People ignore daily alcohol guidelines as they are Many patients with bipolar disorder, a debilitating
deemed irrelevant to occasional drinkers Findings mental condition that can take a person from the
show drinkers... sluggishness of severe...
How stock markets spare Aramark revising menus to cut fat and
tire keeps economy churning boost produce, grains
during banking crises PHILADELPHIA (AP) The food services giant
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEYS Aramark is pledging to create healthier recipes for
HAAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESSStories about the 2 billion...
corrupt CEOs raiding the corporate...
Shire seen having to sweeten $30 USA pushes Congo to allow adoptions
billion offer to win Baxalta despite trafficking fears
By Nishant Kumar and Ben Hirschler LONDON By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters
(Reuters) Shire Chief Executive Flemming Foundation) Legislators in the United States
Ornskov will need to... are...
How To Get Out Of That Running Slump Weight-loss surgery changes gut
It happens to the best of us. One minute, running bacteria
gives us all the great things we could ever hope for: Bariatric surgery may lead to long-term changes in
a sense... peoples gut bacteria that contribute to weight
loss following...
More than 380 in US sickened by Fatherhood in early 20s may raise risk
cilantro-linked infection of midlife death
Cilantro is one of the most divisive herbs out Men who become fathers at a young age may have
there. (iStock) More than 380 people in 26 U.S. an increased risk of dying during middle age in
states have been diagnosed... their late 40s or...
Boston mayor wants ban on chewing New cholesterol lowering drug much
tobacco at ballparks more expensive than statins
BOSTON From iconic Fenway Park to little A new cholesterol lowering drug called Praluent
league fields in Southie, Boston Mayor Martin J. was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Walsh wants to ban... Administration and introduced...
MIND diet may slow cognitive decline CRI commits $29.3 million in new funds
among older adults to accelerate development of cancer
While cognitive abilities naturally diminish as part immunotherapies
of the normal aging process, it may be possible to Posted in: Medical Research News | Medical
take a bite out of... Condition News | Pharmaceutical News Tags:
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adenosine,...
Children exposed to indoor cooking Could eating spicy food help you live
fire at greater risk for severe trachoma longer?
Children who sleep in unventilated rooms with Theres good news for people who like to turn
cooking fires are at greater risk for severe up the heat at mealtime: spicy foods may be linked
trachoma, a leading cause of preventable... to a longer life. A...
Teen marijuana use not linked to later New device converts DC electric field
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
depression, lung cancer, other health to terahertz radiation
problems, study finds WASHINGTON, D.C., August 4, 2015 Terahertz
WASHINGTON Chronic marijuana use by radiation, the no-mans land of the
teenage boys does not appear to be linked to later electromagnetic spectrum,...
physical or mental health...
Thirty miles from Selma, a different kind Contrary to popular myth, the pill
of civil rights struggle prevents womb cancer, study finds
Uniontown, Alabama As Esther Calhoun sees By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) Using an
it, discrimination, rooted in the acts of many, has oral contraceptive, often referred to as the...
turned this...
The shocking truth about the sugars in 6 homemade remedies for common
your health foods illnesses
The average American consumes more than 126 Going to the doctor can be a hassle and an
grams of sugar per day, which is roughly 31 expense that simply doesnt seem worth it
teaspoons, and more than twice... when you have a mild or moderate...
Stop Should-ing on Yourself: 3 Tips to A Tale of Two Sisters: The Introvert and
Peaceful Productivity The Extrovert
I am a recovering perfectionist. I lived 25+ More often than not, I find them together. Sisters.
miserable years striving for the approval and They squabble, as siblings do, but the squabbles
validation of others... are few and...
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Rice University scientists identify Coordinated, two-part approach could
genetic mechanism that allows bacteria help reduce hospital-acquired
to resist antibiotics infections
Rice University scientists are developing strategies By coordinating with state health departments and
to keep germs from evolving resistance to communicating with each other about patients with
antibiotics by heading them... C. difficile and antibiotic-resistant...
New partnership aims to provide high- Study reports significant decline in new
tech healthcare learning opportunities cases of Alzheimer disease, other
for pediatric patients dementias in African-Americans
/ no comments University of Texas at Arlington An Indiana University and Regenstrief Institute
study is the first to report significantly decreased
incidence rates over...
Crop pests outwit climate change New weapon in the fight against
predictions en route to new malnutrition
destinations UBC scientists have opened the doors to new
A paper from the University of Exeter has research into malnutrition by creating an animal
highlighted the dangers of relying on climate- model that replicates the imbalance...
based projections of future crop...
CU-Boulder researchers use Fish that have their own fish finders
wastewater treatment to capture CO2, The more than 200 species in the family
produce energy Mormyridae communicate with one another in a
Cleaning up municipal and industrial wastewater way completely alien to our species:...
can be dirty business, but engineers at the
University of Colorado Boulder...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
granulosus sensu lato in stray dogs in a activities
hyperendemic Middle East focus, Heterologous production of antimicrobial peptides
northwestern Iran has been attempted in several hosts over the last
The prevalence of Echinococcus parasites few years. After...
revealed a relatively high level of infection that
requires an effective ...
Exercise during teen years linked to College football head impact study
lowered risk of cancer death later suggests steps to reduce risk
Women who exercised during their teen years were IMAGE: Jason Druzgal, M.D., Ph.D., of the UVA
less likely to die from cancer and all other causes Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, led
during middle-age and... the study. view...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
collection in December...
5 Rules to Stop Hating the Gym What to Do When Eating What You Want
For you, Id recommend program A. It Isnt Working
includes the meal planning and the private So many experts today talk about letting go of
coaching. Youre... dieting, eating in tune with your body, and learning
to listen to...
Chiles lawmakers take key step New York Citys new drug threat:
toward decriminalizing abortion weaponized marijuana
SANTIAGO (Reuters) Chile took a step toward By Edward McAllister NEW YORK (Reuters) It
easing its strict abortion ban on Tuesday after gives users super human strength, makes them
legislators... impervious to pain...
5 Things You Need To Know About You Cant Run From the Thoughts in
Legionnaires Disease Your Head
ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK (AP) Meditation. Are you now thinking of monks and
Lawmakers are rushing to draft New Yorks incense, white robes and chanting? Welcome to
first regulations for a type... 2015, where meditation...
3 Strategies for Breaking Your Stressful Satellite sees Tropical Storm Guillermo
Commuting Habits nearing Hawaii
By Megan Jones, Psy. D and Chief Science Officer IMAGE: This infrared image of Tropical Storm
of Lantern You probably dread your frustrating Guillermo was taken from NOAAs GOES-West
nightmare of a... satellite on Aug. 4 at...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
EDT) the MODIS instrument aboard NASAs (SALT LAKE CITY)By coordinating with state
Aqua satellite captured... health departments and communicating with each
other about patients with...
Amazon fire risk differs across east- Giving robots a more nimble grasp
west divide in 2015 Most robots on a factory floor are fairly ham-
IMAGE: Fire season severity forecast shown on handed: Equipped with large pincers or claws, they
dials for six states in Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, are designed to perform...
Maranho, Mato Grosso,...
How did the Fantastic Four get their Toxic algae blooming in warm water
powers? (video) from California to Alaska
IMAGE: The Thing, Human Torch, Invisible SEATTLE (AP) One of the largest toxic algae
Woman and Mister Fantastic are back this blooms recorded off the West Coast is denser,
summer! In the new movie reboot,... more widespread...
Girl with Terminal Cancer Gets Birthday NYC targets cooling systems linked to
Party, Prom, Wedding Rolled Into One Legionnaires outbreak
Blowout Event NEW YORK (AP) Lawmakers are rushing to
An Oregon girl who has battled cancer for years draft New Yorks first regulations for a type of
was able to celebrate her fifth birthday in the style of heavy-duty...
a princess with...
ACLU suit says Kentucky school officer A 15-minute daily walk will help you
shackled disabled children live longer says study
By Brendan OBrien (Reuters) The Tuesday August 4 2015 Small amounts of exercise
American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal can lower the risk of various conditions Going for a
lawsuit accusing... 15-minute...
U.S. health regulator issues new Hackers could mess with medical
cleaning guide for superbug-prone devices
device August 4, 2015, 12:04 PM|The government is
Hospitals that can afford it should take steps warning about a medical infusion device with
beyond those recommended by the manufacturer cybersecurity vulnerabilities that...
to clean and disinfect a type...
Opioid use and sexual violence among Can habitat protection save our
drug-using young adults in NYC disappearing bats?
The nonmedical use of prescription opioids (POs) This news release is available in French. In
has become an area of increasing public health summertime, bats are a common feature in the
concern in the United States... night sky, swooping around...
New discovery provides insight into the Dental coverage for patients with
development of complications in type 1 Medicaid may not prevent tooth-related
diabetes ER visits
IMAGE: This is Rohit Kulkarni, M.D., Ph.D., More than 2 percent of all emergency department
Principle Investigator in the Section on Islet Cell visits are now related to nontraumatic dental
and Regenerative Biology... conditions, according to a...
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Aetna CEO says antitrust process 250 Must-Follow Twitter Feeds For
underway in Humana deal Every Food Activist
By Caroline Humer NEW YORK (Reuters) Whether you have found a chef that speaks to your
Aetna Inc AET.N Chief Executive Mark Bertolini said soul or want to learn more about organic
on Tuesday the... agriculture, Twitter...
The Jungle migrants of Calais: a day Japan lab to handle deadliest viruses
in the life for first time
By Matthias Blamont CALAIS, France (Reuters) A research lab in a Tokyo suburb will start handling
For most of the 3,000 inhabitants of the some of the worlds deadliest viruses for the
Jungle,... first...
Abandoned baby rescued from toilet Healthy 75-year-old ends life to avoid
drain awful old age
Police are searching for the parents of a newborn The sun set a final time for Gill Pharaoh in
baby found abandoned in a Chinese toilet on July. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki) A British woman with
Sunday. Passersby heard cries... no serious health issues...
Only two Ebola cases reported in past Drugstore chain operator CVS forecasts
week, but risks remain: WHO profit below estimates
GENEVA Guinea and Sierra Leone each recorded U.S. drugstore chain operator CVS Health Corp
a single cases of Ebola in the past week, putting a estimated current-quarter profit below analysts
year-end goal of ending... expectations, hurt...
TeamHealth to buy IPC Healthcare to Young fathers face raised health risks
expand to post-acute care in middle age, study suggests
TeamHealth Holdings Inc (TMH.N) agreed to buy (iStock) First-time dads in their early 20s may
IPC Healthcare Inc (IPCM.O) for $1.4 billion to gain have the energy and agility to keep up with their
exposure to the Medicare... young children, but...
EORTC study: Irradiation of regional In The Fight Against Tsetse Flies, Blue
nodes in breast cancer patients has Is The New Black
marginal effect on overall survival i If you were a tsetse fly, you would be irresistibly
At a median follow-up of 10.9 years, an EORTC attracted to these blue flags. ...
study has shown that irradiation of regional nodes
in patients with stage I,...
Automated prostate cancer detection The Science and Tragedy Behind The
via comprehensive multi-parametric New York Times Screen
magnetic resonance imaging texture Addiction Is Taking a Toll on
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
feature models Children
We propose MP-MRI texture feature models for Jane Brodys recent New York Times
prostate cancer detection which take advantage of article, Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on
abundance of data... Children,...
Why Meditation Does Not Work Daily Meditation: May You Be Peaceful
Everyone knows meditation is not supposed to NYCstocker via Getty Images We all need help
work. This is exactly the point. Meditation is maintaining our personal spiritual practice. We
not one... hope that these Daily Meditations,...
How Important Is Perfect Form in Young fathers face raised health risks
Fitness, Really? in middle age: study
By Brian Sabin Just about every gym in the world is By Patricia Reaney NEW YORK (Reuters) First-
lying to you. The lies are told subtly. They arent time dads in their early 20s may have the energy...
Kellogg to stop using artificial products Pfizer wins EU approval for $15 billion
in cereals and snacks Hospira buy
Kellogg Cos Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies BRUSSELS U.S. drugmaker Pfizer (PFE.N) gained
are set to turn all-natural soon. The 109-year old European Union antitrust approval on Tuesday for
company, whose... its proposed $15 billion...
Regeneron raises Eylea sales forecast, Fitness experts warn of the pitfalls of
shares at record going to exercise extremes
Regeneron Incs blockbuster eye drug, Eylea, NEW YORK With challenging workouts from ultra-
showed no signs of a slowdown as the drugmaker marathons to endurance events on obstacle
raised the full-year... courses all the rage, fitness experts...
Two Ebola cases reported in past week Beware plant that can cause blindness,
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but risks remain: WHO Michigan health officials say
GENEVA Guinea and Sierra Leone each recorded Health officials in Michigan have identified a
a single cases of Ebola in the past week, putting a dangerous plant that can cause painful bruises,
year-end goal of ending... burns and blindness, WWMT.com...
Powerful Photos Of People With How To Make Banana Ice Cream, The
Alopecia Prove Bald Is Beautiful Healthiest And Easiest Dessert Ever
Hair loss is a deeply personal and sensitive If youre a living, breathing human and
subject, and one London-based photographer has youve ever laid eyes on Instagram, you
focused his camera lens on... probably already know...
Engineering a better do: Purdue 4 Everyday Foods That Can Help You
researchers are learning how Live Longer
IMAGE: Tahira Reid, at left, and Amy Marconnet, Ask people who know me, and theyll
both assistant professors of mechanical agree that when it comes to diet, Im always
engineering at Purdue University,... singing the praises...
Shire proposes $30 bln all-share tie-up The Jungle migrants of Calais: a
with Baxalta day in the life
LONDON (Reuters) London-listed By Matthias Blamont CALAIS, France (Reuters)
pharmaceutical group Shire SHP.L said it was For most of the 3,000 inhabitants of the
seeking to buy U.S. firm Baxalta... Jungle,...
South Africas Tutu discharged from South Korea to replace health minister
hospital after recurring infection after MERS outbreak
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) Prominent anti- June 7, 2015: Tourists wear masks as a
apartheid cleric and veteran South African leader, precaution against MERS, Middle East Respiratory
Archbishop Desmond... Syndrome, virus as they visit Gyeongbok...
Trauma may cause long-lasting effects Marriage can cause dramatic drinking
even in people without PTSD reductions among people with severe
Trauma may cause distinct and long-lasting effects drinking problems
even in people who do not develop PTSD (post- / no comments University of Missouri-Columbia
traumatic stress disorder),...
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
People with chronic insomnia may be See What Its Really Like to
able to get relief from half of standard Compete for the Title of Next Fitness
sleeping pills Star
The roughly nine million Americans who rely on In the fourth episode of our Road to Next
prescription sleeping pills to treat chronic insomnia Fitness Star series, the finalists have wrapped
may be able to get relief... up their makeovers...
Further evidence of genetic key to Septic tanks arent keeping poo out
deadliest form of skin cancer of rivers and lakes
Scientists from the University of Leeds have The notion that septic tanks prevent fecal bacteria
uncovered further evidence that the protective from seeping into rivers and lakes simply
buffers at the ends of chromosomes... doesnt hold water,...
Indian rapper goes viral with toxic Can the rules of comedy save your
waste gibes at Unilever marriage?
MUMBAI (Reuters) An Indian rapper has gone Laughter it makes you feel good, puts you in a
viral with a music video calling on consumer better mood and can even boost your health. In fact
products giant... some studies...
5 tips for dieters when dining out Which aphrodisiacs actually work?
(iStock) These simple tips prove that dining out For as long as humans have been mating and
doesnt have to put a dent in your diet: Spoil reproducing, theyve been searching for ways
your appetite: Skipping... to boost desire, Dr. Michael...
Hospital patients are more likely to die Head impacts and collegiate football
at weekends but seven-day rosters are practice and games
no panacea CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (AUGUST 4, 2015).
If you are admitted to a hospital on the weekend, Researchers at the University of Virginia (UVa)
you have a higher chance of dying than if you are examined the number and severity of...
admitted during the week....
NYSCF Global Stem Cell ArrayTM brings Ocean changes are affecting salmon
precision medicine one step closer to biodiversity and survival
the clinic The biodiversity of two Northern Pacific salmon
NEW YORK, NY (August 3, 2015) Scientists at species may be at risk due to changes in ocean
The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) conditions at the equator,...
Research Institute successfully...
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who are worried... Right: EDNRB...
CO2 removal cannot save the oceans New analysis underscores improving
if we pursue business as usual pharma R&D productivity
Greenhouse-gas emissions from human activities By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) Drug
do not only cause rapid warming of the seas, but industry productivity is continuing to improve, with...
also ocean acidification...
Japan A-bomb survivors speak out Can we save the strawberries? (video)
against nuclear power, decry Abes WASHINGTON, Aug. 3, 2015 Strawberries are
view of war sweet, juicy and delightful. Unfortunately, an
By Linda Sieg FUKUSHIMA CITY, Japan (Reuters) expiring federal pesticide...
When Atsushi Hoshino set out to revive a
Seattle aims to clamp down on indoor Arizona man says he beheaded wife
smoking lounges after violence to get the evil out: police
By Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) Seattle By David Schwartz PHOENIX (Reuters) An
wants to close about a dozen water pipe smoking Arizona man who admitted to decapitating his
lounges linked... wife...
Task force urges more research into Libya warns against diseases in
child autism screening Benghazi as meat rots in closed port
WASHINGTON (AP) A government task force By Ayman al-Warfalli BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters)
says more research is needed to determine if Libyan authorities warned on Monday that
toddlers should be... diseases...
Jury keeps death penalty as option for FDA approves new rosacea treatment
Colorado movie gunman Holmes When applied to skin, foam helps heal pimples,
By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) bumps of common skin condition. (HealthDay)A
James Holmes, the Colorado movie massacre new prescription...
gunman, could face...
Surprising results casts new light on Calls To Cut Off Planned Parenthood
the free radical theory of aging Are Nothing New
When scientists in the Campisi lab at the Buck i Protesters rally on the steps of the Texas state
Institute bred mice that produced excess free capitol on July 28 to condemn the use of fetal
radicals that damaged the mitochondria... tissue...
Is it better to use your head or heart How to Get Passionate About the F-
when faced with a decision? Word
Decisions . . . they can be liberating or paralyzing. There are few things in this world that can make
They are liberating if we relish in the freedom we you feel as sexy and fit as the F-word. Of course,
have when... Im speaking...
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3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Brain New Brain Training App Could
Health When the Doctor Doesnt Help People With Schizophrenia
Know Enough Cambridge Advanced Training Programme/Peak
Peters wife came to see me to discuss help LONDON (Reuters) A brain training iPad
regarding ways to best care for him. Jane had game developed...
gotten worn down...
MIPT researchers clear the way for fast When farm to table means crossing
plasmonic chips international borders
Researches from the Laboratory of Nanooptics and With Congress currently debating the repeal of
Plasmonics at the MIPT Center of Nanoscale mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) for
Optoelectronics have developed... meat and poultry ...
FAU student and surgeon collaborate Small tilt in magnets makes them viable
on new, alternative procedure to memory chips
radical mastectomy IMAGE: This image taken from a computer
IMAGE: Hilton Becker, M.D., a plastic and simulation shows nanomagnets tilted at various
reconstructive surgeon, and an affiliate professor in angles, with the white regions...
FAUs Charles...
Tips for Balancing Relationships When Warren Buffett Has Secretly Given
You Join the Celiac Circus Millions To Support Reproductive
If you have celiac disease, you may have friends, Health, Research For IUD Technology
family, or a significant other who is hesitant about Warren Buffett is in the house advocating for
eating gluten-containing... women in a critical but little-talked-about way. A
recent report...
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defunding measure surrenders after manhunt
By Susan Cornwell and Alex Wilts WASHINGTON By Tim Ghianni NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Reuters) A
(Reuters) Republican legislation to cut off man suspected of fatally shooting a police officer...
New treatment for ovarian cancer could New treatment for ovarian cancer could
help more women help more women
Chemotherapy delivered directly into the abdomen Chemotherapy delivered directly into the abdomen
significantly improves survival among women with significantly improves survival among women with
advanced ovarian cancer,... advanced ovarian cancer,...
NASA sees heavy rainfall in Super NASA sees heavy rainfall in Super
Typhoon Soudelor Typhoon Soudelor
IMAGE: On Aug. 3, 2015, the GPM Core IMAGE: On Aug. 3, 2015, the GPM Core
Observatory saw Soudelor had rain falling at a rate Observatory saw Soudelor had rain falling at a rate
of over 58 mm (2.3 inches)... of over 58 mm (2.3 inches)...
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block estrogen, the primary... block estrogen, the primary...
Alps tests to see if altitude can boost Alps tests to see if altitude can boost
athletes performance athletes performance
Chamonix (France) (AFP) Researchers have Chamonix (France) (AFP) Researchers have
taken to the peaks of Frances Mont Blanc this taken to the peaks of Frances Mont Blanc this
summer to... summer to...
Obama power plant rules spark 2016 Obama power plant rules spark 2016
fight over climate change fight over climate change
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack
Obamas sweeping new power plant Obamas sweeping new power plant
regulations are thrusting the... regulations are thrusting the...
Why Being Cool Gives You Cellulite Why Being Cool Gives You Cellulite
Seeing the world anew each day; basking in the Seeing the world anew each day; basking in the
ingenuity of nature; appreciating love kindness; ingenuity of nature; appreciating love kindness;
reveling in the... reveling in the...
U.S. panel: More research needed to U.S. panel: More research needed to
justify universal autism screening justify universal autism screening
By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters) An influential By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters) An influential
U.S. health panel said on Monday it needs more... U.S. health panel said on Monday it needs more...
Extreme picky eating may portend Extreme picky eating may portend
mental health problems in preschoolers mental health problems in preschoolers
(Reuters Health) Preschoolers who are (Reuters Health) Preschoolers who are
extremely picky eaters may also be more prone to extremely picky eaters may also be more prone to
mental health problems,... mental health problems,...
Eli Lilly faces first U.S. trials over Eli Lilly faces first U.S. trials over
Cymbalta withdrawal Cymbalta withdrawal
NEW YORK Eli Lilly Co on Tuesday will confront the NEW YORK Eli Lilly Co on Tuesday will confront the
first U.S. trial over allegations it failed to warn users first U.S. trial over allegations it failed to warn users
of its popular... of its popular...
Why parents should put a toy chicken A teen released balloons at fathers
on their heads grave, and they came home to her
Go ahead, put a toy chicken on you head while ((C) Twisted Pixels Photo Studio, All rights
playing. (AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson) Parents reserved.) This past Fathers Day, not long
who joke and pretend with their... after John Seibold lost...
Sierra Leone concerns grow from new Weed: Good for the bones?
case, as CDC head visits (Getty) Got pot? Marijuana might take a cue from
People walk past a billboard encouraging people the famous advertising slogan for milk. A new study
suffering from symptoms linked to Ebola to present suggests that weed...
themselves at a health...
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bleeding disorder Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers,
Two independent groups of researchers led by and melanoma, which accounts for 2% of skin
Sidney (Wally) Whiteheart, PhD, of the University of cancer cases, is responsible...
Kentucky, and Charles Lowenstein,...
15th Annual Geriatric Health Care Illinois Health and Science acquires IBA
Symposium now open for registration Molecular North America
Registration is now open for the 15th Annual IBA Molecular North America, Inc.
Geriatric Health Care Symposium, Maximizing
Independence for Optimal...
Actress Lucy Hale On The Deadly Illness Stop Exercising to Lose Weight
Everyone Should Know About Exercise has forever been the go-to torture regimen
Lucy Hale is fighting the villainous A on ABC for people trying to lose weight. Its typically an
Familys hit drama Pretty Little Liars,... acrimonious...
Soylent liquid meals reimagine daily Ready-to-drink meal could put food on
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nutrition chopping block
August 3, 2015, 8:19 AM|What if you never need to A company called Soylent has started selling what
worry about food again? Thats the promise of it calls complete meals, ready to drink in a bottle,
company called Soylent.... reports CBS News correspondent...
Look into my pupils: Pupil mimicry may Glaciers melt faster than ever
lead to increased trust The World Glacier Monitoring Service, domiciled at
People often mimic each others facial the University of Zurich, has compiled worldwide
expressions or postures without even knowing it, data on glacier changes...
but new research shows that...
Brain training app could help people Atlanta mom of 2 dies of mysterious
with schizophrenia illness after day at pool
LONDON A brain training iPad game Stephanie Ballard is pictured with her two
developed in Britain may improve the memory of daughters, Riley, 6, and Reese, 4. (Photo courtesy
patients with schizophrenia,... GoFundMe.com / the Ballard...
High levels of specific proteins in urine UCLA skills program improves social
can accurately detect early-stage functioning in young adults with autism
pancreatic cancer Researchers at the Semel Institute for
A combination of three proteins found at high levels Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA have
in urine can accurately detect early-stage found that a social skills program for...
pancreatic cancer, UK researchers...
WABA calls for global action to support New method helps determine titanium
women to combine breastfeeding and nanoparticles in sunscreen products
work Loads of cosmetics like sunscreen lotions contain
News-Medical.net An AZoNetwork Site ... titanium dioxide. These nanoparticles are
contentious. Experts suspect...
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sequenced strains of Klebsiella and 10 males; aged 50 16) and 12 healthy
pneumoniae subjects (4...
Survey of CRISPR/Cas system in K. pneumoniae
genomes Given that only a small number of K.
pneumoniae genomes have been completely...
In vivo imaging of the lung inflammatory Decreased long noncoding RNA SPRY4-
response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa IT1 contributing to gastric cancer cell
and its modulation by azithromycin metastasis partly via affecting
Collection of bacterial cell-free supernatants Two epithelialmesenchymal transition
P. aeruginosa strains, VR1 and VR2, were isolated Tissue collection 61 Paired gastric cancer tissues
from sputum samples... and normal tissues were obtained from patients
who had underwent...
Environmental racism persists, and the Privatizing Medicare would create more
EPA is one reason why problems than it solves
The invasion of sewer flies moved residents of Republicans have long dreamed of finding a way to
University Place subdivision to turn to the U.S. either privatize or get rid of Medicare, a program
Environmental Protection... that has provided...
Planned Parenthood fight hits The common oil that science now
Congress, wider impact unclear shows is worse than sugar
By Richard Cowan and Alex Wilts WASHINGTON, If you think that sugar is the unhealthiest thing you
August 3 (Reuters) Womens health can eat, youre wrong. Apparently, the Worst
group... Food on the Planet...
Planned Parenthood fight hits U.S. Most picky eating harmless but it can
Congress, wider impact unclear signal emotional woes
By Richard Cowan and Alex Wilts WASHINGTON, CHICAGO (AP) Parents of picky eaters take
August 3 (Reuters) Womens health heart: New research suggests the problem is
group... rarely worth fretting...
New cocktails to test limits of cancer Scientists Discover A 6th Taste And
drug pricing Its Quite A Disgusting Mouthful
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) New i Olive oil gets filtered in an oil mill in a Portuguese
cancer drug cocktails set to reach the market in oil farm near Evora. Rick Mattes says that if an...
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diagnosis was made from... the University of Sheffield...
Brain training app may improve BRCA gene mutations and ovarian
memory and daily functioning of people cancer: an interview with Dr Matulonis,
with schizophrenia Harvard Medical School
IMAGE: These are screenshots of the Cambridge Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, MA
Advanced Training Programme, based on the (Cantab) Ursula A. Matulonis, MDTHOUGHT
Wizard game. view more... LEADERS SERIESinsight from...
BRCA gene mutations and ovarian The simulated early learning of cervical
cancer: an interview with Dr Matulonis, spine manipulation technique utilising
Harvard Medical School mannequins
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, MA Questionnaire development We developed an
(Cantab) Ursula A. Matulonis, MDTHOUGHT initial set of questionnaire items in consultation
LEADERS SERIESinsight from... with Murdoch staff ...
Erratum to: The future of genomic Frailty and the risk of cognitive
medicine education in Africa impairment
Genome Medicine 2015, The phenotypic approach to frailty is widely used
7:70 doi:10.1186/s13073-015-0193-8 The online 13]. It holds that frailty is best understood as a
version of the original article can be found under... syndrome. Five features...
Manhunt under way for killer of Manhunt under way for killer of
Memphis police officer Memphis police officer
By Tim Ghianni NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Reuters) A By Tim Ghianni NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Reuters) A
manhunt was under way on Sunday in Tennessee manhunt was under way on Sunday in Tennessee
for a parolee... for a parolee...
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seems to imagine effective... seems to imagine effective...
Zambian villagers to take on mining firm Zambian villagers to take on mining firm
Vedanta in UK court Vedanta in UK court
LONDON (Reuters) British mining company LONDON (Reuters) British mining company
faces legal action in Londons High Court after faces legal action in Londons High Court after
a group... a group...
More moms turn to breast milk sharing, 5 secrets from one mans 30-pound
but is it safe? weight loss success
Nine days after she gave birth, Erica Fleischer (mage courtesy: Mens Health) A year ago,
brought her newborn daughter to the pediatrician Jonathan Montgomery, a 37-year-old firefighter with
for her first well-visit... the Hillsborough County...
Magnesium: the mineral you may be China investigating liquor suppliers for
missing Viagra in alcohol
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is critical BEIJING (Reuters) Chinese police are
to multiple vital functions of the body, yet its investigating if two distillers in the southwestern
one that many... region of Guangxi...
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retrial of... Legionnaires...
NYC health official expects more China to expand medical insurance for
Legionnaires disease cases major illnesses
NEW YORK A New York City health official says BEIJING (Reuters) China will expand medical
it is likely doctors will diagnose more cases of insurance to cover all critical illnesses for all urban
Legionnaires... and...
As Medicare turns 50, what benefits Childhood cancer cells drain immune
does it offer? systems batteries
August 1, 2015, 12:48 PM|Its the 50th Cancer cells in neuroblastoma contain a molecule
anniversary of Medicare, so its a good time to that breaks down a key energy source for the
take a look at your... bodys immune cells,...
NYC Doctor, Who Survived Ebola, Says Your Goals Are Within Reach
Experimental Vaccine Could Be A EAS Sports Nutrition went behind the scenes at
Way Forward this years Next Fitness Star photo shoot to
A New York City doctor, who made headlines after provide the five finalists...
he was diagnosed with Ebola, said he hoped an
experimental vaccine...
Aclidinium bromide and formoterol ICYMI: The Plight Of Veterans And Bad
fumarate as a fixed-dose combination in News About Your Favorite Selfies
COPD: pooled analysis of symptoms and This week, we took in a gorgeously photographed
exacerbations from two six-month, personal account of a 37-year-old veteran, who
multicentre, randomised studies found himself homeless in...
EDB has received grants for studies for his
institution from Actelion, Aeras, Almirall,
AstraZeneca, Boehringer...
7 Ways People With Phenomenal Mental 10 Ways You Can Make Your Mattress
Toughness Combat Stress Last Longer
While stress causes some people to crumble, From cleaning to prevention, a little care and
mentally strong people continue to thrive in the maintenance can go a long way in keeping your
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midst of added tension.... mattress in good shape...
Exercise In Your Teen Years Pays Off, I Did Hot Yoga With 98 Degrees and It
According To New Study Crushed My Teenage Dreams
Aol By: Agata Blaszczak Boxe Published: When an email asking if I wanted to do hot yoga
07/31/2015 10:41 AM EDT on LiveScience Women with 98 Degrees Nick and Drew Lachey
who exercised when they were teens... landed in my inbox...
Study finds link between salt and blood New design brings worlds first
pressure solar battery to performance milestone
August 1, 2015, 8:21 AM|New findings from the COLUMBUS, OhioAfter debuting the worlds
Journal of the American Heart Association highlight first solar air battery last fall, researchers at The
the negative impact salt... Ohio State...
Researchers reveal climbing a tree can High quality draft genome sequence of
improve cognitive skills Bacteroides barnesiae type strain BL2 T
Climbing a tree and balancing on a beam can (DSM 18169 T ) from chicken caecum
dramatically improve cognitive skills, according to a Classification and features A 1301 bp long contig
study recently conducted... contained the most complete 16S rRNA gene copy
in the draft ...
8 Weird Things That Happen When You Winds Of Change? Rhode Island Hopes
Send a Text For First Offshore Wind Farm
By Jordan Davidson, Prevention.com (Main Photo i The first foundation jacket installed by Deepwater
By: Getty Images) The little chime or buzz of an Wind in the nations first offshore wind farm...
incoming text is...
The More and Less Study: a randomized An in vitro method for detecting
controlled trial testing different genetic toxicity based on inhibition of
approaches to treat obesity in RNA synthesis by DNA lesions
preschoolers Previously, we demonstrated that our in vivo
Early treatment Although unprecedented high method for visualizing transcription in mammalian
levels of obesity in children have been observed cells can detect UV- and/or...
and discussed for more...
I just cant eat like I used to: Effective ebola vaccine may be here:
Digestion at all stages of womens health officials
lives Initial trials in Guinea show 100 percent
There comes a point in every womans life effectiveness, larger trials are planned, WHO says.
when your digestion doesnt seem to be (HealthDay)An...
working as well as it did...
Mountain biker survives after neck Many older americans feel prepared for
impaled by tree branch aging
converted by W eb2PDFConvert.com
He traveled 20 miles to hospital with branch in But are concerned about physical, mental
place, doctors say injury missed major blood challenges, survey finds. (HealthDay)Most older
vessels and airway. (HealthDay)A... Americans feel...
Kenya mulls granting refuge to chimps CDC: 20 percent of U.S. adults have a
from Ebola-hit Liberia disability
By Edith Honan NAIROBI (Reuters) Kenyan When Americans go out to eat, either at a fast-food
officials said on Friday they were considering outlet or a full-service restaurant, they consume, on
conservationists... average, about...
Social media can inform patient-doctor AMA wants doctor input on EHRs,
dialogue about LVADs meaningful use
When Americans go out to eat, either at a fast-food When Americans go out to eat, either at a fast-food
outlet or a full-service restaurant, they consume, on outlet or a full-service restaurant, they consume, on
average, about... average, about...
Rio pledges cleaner waters for India court concludes hearing Maggi
Olympics next year noodles case
By Karolos Grohmann KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) MUMBAI (Reuters) An Indian court has
Efforts to improve the water quality for the Rio... concluded hearing a case filed by Nestle India
challenging a local...
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3 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Lego Has A Wheelchair For Its Figures,
You Pop That Pill But Some Parents Are Still Unhappy
I still remember the day as if it were just yesterday. I The promotion of a Lego figure using a wheelchair
was sitting in my office across from a patient who has some parents asking for better representation
came... in toys. Lego has released...
4 Ways to Curb Your Inner Critic Why Phrases Like Dream, Believe,
Mediocre. Procrastinator. Achieve Never Stuck With Me
Wavering. This is how my friend described When navigating the devastation of a degenerative
herself... illness you become familiar with phrases your
loved ones, or even...
Chimps in New York animal rights Injured nurses file lawsuit over
lawsuit to be retired from lab Colorado helicopter crash
By Katie Reilly NEW YORK (Reuters) The By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) Two
chimpanzees at the center of a New York State Colorado flight nurses critically injured in the fiery
Supreme... crash of a...
Boeing team to analyze plane debris Rio Olympics: How Athletes May Cope
found on Reunion Island With Polluted Waterways
(Reuters) Boeing Co said on Friday it will For Olympic athletes, the countdown to the 2016
dispatch a team to assist in analyzing plane debris summer games in Rio de Janeiro have already
found on... begun. Unfortunately, a new...
5 Ways to Look Instantly Taller Without 7 Women Share the Most Effed Up
Wearing Heels Things That Have Happened at Their In-
Want to give the illusion of height, but dont Laws Houses
want to deal with painful high heels? Try one of My husband Chriss parents are really sweet
these... people. But for some reason, embarrassing and
unpleasant things just...
How Eating More Often Helped Me Lose For the Most Lethal Cancer: Find the
133 Pounds Best Science
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Before: 328After: 195 The Lifestyle When I When I tell people that living with pancreatic cancer
graduated high school, I weighed 215 pounds. I has some blessings, my statement typically is met
loved eating fast food and drinking... with a curious...
Heres the Real Reason Youre One Year Later, Emorys Medical
Not Getting Seven Hours of Sleep Staff Looks Back On The Ebola Crisis
Youve done the impossible. Youve shut When Dr. Kent Brantly contracted Ebola during a
your devices, learned how to meditate, stretched medical mission to treat others with the disease in
into downward-dog... Liberia last summer,...
Parenting Experts Explain Why We What Its Like to Have Severe Sleep
Should Focus On Our Babies, Not Our Paralysis
Screens (Photo: SOA) By Melissa Dahl It didnt happen
No matter how many different ways we ask the every night, but every now and then, Blake Smith, a
question, the answer from child development 45-year-old...
experts remains the same: humans...
newer entries
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