Updated Cadet Guide
Updated Cadet Guide
Updated Cadet Guide
Cadet Guide
Revised May 2017: All Previous Editions Obsolete
Lakeside High School
Air Force Junior ROTC
Cadet Guide
On behalf of the Principal,Lakeside High School and Director, Air Force JROTC
Headquarters Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC), we welcome you to
AFJROTC. You will experience a unique course of instruction that will be educating,
motivating and rewarding. Many of you will get to do things that others can only
imagine. Your experiences in AFJROTC are the foundation for lifelong memories and
close friendships. We sincerely believe you will benefit from the teamwork,
self-discipline and leadership experiences you encounter.
We are sure most students and parents have questions about AFJROTC. First, let us
assure you it is neither boot camp, nor combat training. It is a class that will help you
develop decision-making and communication skills while building self-confidence as a
leader. If you have never been in charge or responsible for anything, get ready -- the
opportunities are here! While our program will be challenging and demanding, we
believe you will experience a sense of accomplishment and pride hard to put into words.
The Cadet Handbook is your guiding light in AFJROTC. All cadets must have a
complete and clear understanding of the requirements, standards and policies prescribed
for them. While the handbook is directive in nature, the final word on any issue rest with
the principal and instructors. We urge your parents to read this handbook in order to gain
valuable insight into AFJROTC. This handbook covers information that will answer a lot
of their questions.
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor Aerospace Science Instructor
Lakeside High School Lakeside High School
Core values are the foundation upon which a truly quality Air Force
Junior ROTC Program is built. Core values are also a fundamental set of
guidelines that can serve you throughout your life. These are:
Integrity means devotion to honesty, truthfulness, doing ones duty, and
doing what is right. This means that your word can always be counted
upon and that you can be trusted to accomplish your job.
Excellence means doing the very best you can in each job you perform
regardless of how large, small, difficult, or easy it is to accomplish.
A1 AFJROTC Grade Insignia 37
1.8. Cadet Corps Organization. The GA-951 Cadet Corps is organized as a Cadet Group.
The cadet leaders will run the Corp organization to the maximum extent with
and supervision of the SASI and ASI. The cadet leaders will hold regular staff
meetings to disseminate information, receive progress reports, discuss Cadet Corps
activities and present recommendations and suggestions. These meetings will be
conducted in a formal atmosphere and led by the Group Commander. Attendance for
all Cadet Staff Officers is mandatory unless prior arrangements for excuse have been
made with the SASI/ASI.
1.9. Job Descriptions. Job descriptions for cadet corps staff positions are contained in
Figure 1.2. Like the Air Force, job responsibilities and duties increase with each
promotion. Cadets earn their job assignments and are entrusted to carry out their job
Comptroller will:
1) Manage and supervising the finances of the Group and keeping the Group
Commander informed on all financial matters.
2) Prepare a budget estimate/projection of the Group financial needs.
3) Ensure cadet funds are properly accounted for by cross/double checking
accounting records.
4) Administrate all fundraising activities. Coordinating with flight representatives
to collect money and summarize reporting information for the Group
Commander and the SASI/ASI.
5) Perform other duties as outlined by the Group Commander.
Director, AFJROTC
4.8. Awards and Recognition Programs are designed to acknowledge individual and
group superior performance. The Appendix in the back of the guide identifies the awards
that the cadets can compete for and the type recognition earned.
4.8.1. Cadet of the Quarter Award. This quarterly award program promotes personal
excellence and teamwork within each of the AFJROTC course. The SASI and ASI will
designate the outstanding cadets in each active course. The award is based on the
whole person concept, as described in paragraph 4.5 above.
4.8.2 Outstanding Flight Award. Recognizes the flight that works as a team to excel in
AFJROTC ideals, academics, uniform wear and personal appearance, and drill
competition. The overall conduct, academics, uniform wear and personal appearance,
and participation in fundraising, co-curricular and extracurricular activities will be
averaged for all flight members. The SASI and ASI will select the honor flight at the
end of each semester. Note: Each member of the flight who is in good standing in that
class will receive the outstanding flight ribbon.
Science Program is a voluntary four year elective course. Upon completion of two or
more years of the program there are several benefits to any cadet who may be
interested in military service or college ROTC. The SASI certifies to the armed
services that the cadet has earned and deserves training credit. Certificate of Completion (AFJROTC Form 310). Presented to a cadet in good
standing who has successfully completed at least three years of AFJROTC. A cadet
must have this certificate in their possession when enrolling in college ROTC or when
enlisting in the armed services to receive the following training credit:
5.1. Cadet Uniforms. The AFJROTC cadet uniform is, with certain exceptions, the same
one that is worn by active duty Air Force members. Proper wear and maintenance of the
uniform by cadet is closely scrutinized. Wear it proudly and correctly! Cadets must keep
the uniform clean, neat and in good condition at all times, with badges, ribbons, insignia,
and other metallic devices properly maintained. The AFJROTC instructors will designate
one day a week as a required uniform wear day. Only the SASI or ASI may grant
exceptions to this policy. All cadets will wear the uniform the entire school day, from
when the first bell rings until the final bell rings dismissing students. Students involved in
Gym, Culinary Arts, or Art class may request a one period exemption to the uniform
wear policy from the SASI or wear the uniform as required.
5.2. Receipt for Uniforms, Books and Other Equipment. When a cadet is issued a
uniform, they will sign a Uniform Receipt Form. Cadets will also sign for books and
course materials that are issued to them on a textbook issue form or other receipt form
showing quantity and control number. Each item then becomes the temporary property of
the cadet, who is responsible for its care. If an item is lost or willfully or negligently
destroyed beyond normal wear and tear, the cadet must pay for it at current replacement
cost. The ASI will publish a price listing for all accountable items. The ASI must
authorize any item substitution.
5.3. Uniform Issue and Maintenance. Cadets will be issued one complete, clean uniform
with all accessories, insignia, and one blue and one silver Air Force nametag. The
nametags are a one-time issue item that must last the entire time a student is in
AFJROTC. If lost the student must pay for a replacement. Cadets are required to keep
uniforms clean. Payment must be made to AFJROTC for any uniform item lost or
damaged, according to replacement prices charged by the Air Force Clothing Sales Store.
This includes coats, shirts, or blouses with stains, including ring-around-the-collar
which cannot be removed.
5.4. Turn-in of Uniform and Other Issued Items. Cadets will return all items issued
(except for name tags, t-shirts, shoes, socks, belt, belt buckle, and the PT (exercise)
uniforms) or pay for them at the end of the term, school year, before transferring to
another school or upon disenrollment or dropping out from the class. Service dress coat,
skirts, pants, ties, tabs, flight caps, lightweight jackets are DRY CLEAN ONLY. Books
must be returned in the same condition that they were issued, minus normal wear and
5.5. Recommendations for taking care of Uniforms/Other Issued Items. To prevent
paying for lost/damaged uniforms, books, and equipment, we encourage cadets to:
5.5.1. Follow all care and cleaning instructions for uniforms and do not alter any uniform
item without permission from the SASI/ASI.
5.5.2. Secure all uniform items at all times. Do not leave uniform items unattended.
5.5.3. Do not lend items to other cadets or anyone else.
5.5.4. Not allow others to turn in accountable items for them.
NOTE: When required, the Flight Commander will march backward to prevent turning
his/her back to the flight.
Flight Commander will salute the evaluator to signify completion and report out stating:
Sir/Ma am. Cadet Rank and Last Name requests permission to use/leave the drill area
Drill Terminology
Element: The basic formation - the smallest drill unit comprised of at least 3 but
usually 8 to 12 cadets, one of whom is designated as the element leader
Flight: At least two but not more than four elements
Interval: The space between cadets placed side by side - a normal interval is an
arms length
Distance: The space between cadets (40 inches) as measured from their chests to the
backs of the cadet to their immediate front while in formation
Dress: Alignment of elements side by side or in line while maintaining proper
Cover: Cadets aligning directly behind the person to their immediate front while
maintaining proper distance
Alignment: Dress and cover
File: A single column of cadets place one behind the other
Rank: A single line of cadets placed side by side
Flank: The extreme right or left (that of the troops) side of a formation
Step: The distance measured from heel to heel (24 inches) between the feet of an
individual marching
Pace: A 24 inch step - this is the length of a full step in quick time
In Column: The arrangement of units side by side with element leaders at the head
In Line: The arrangement of units one behind the other with the element leaders at
the extreme right flank
Quick Time: The rate of marching 100 to 120 steps, 24 inches in length, per minute
Half Time: The rate of marching 100 to 120 steps,12 inches in length, per minute
Mark Time: Marching in place at 100 to 120 steps per minute, raising feet 4 inches
Slow Time: The rate of marching at 60 steps per minute (used in funeral
Double Time: The rate of marching 180 steps, 30 inches in length, per minute
Adjutants Cadence: 140 steps per minute
The junior member initiates the salute in time to allow the senior officer to return it
A superior carrying articles in both hands need not return the salute but should nod
or verbally acknowledge
Salutes are not rendered indoors, with the exception of formal reporting
Cadets will not salute or return a salute in formation unless given the command to
do so - the cadet in charge salutes for the whole formation
In groups not in formation, the first cadet that notices a senior officer approaching
calls the group to attention, and all cadets face the officer and salute
At public gatherings such as sporting events, meetings, or when a salute would be
inappropriate or impractical, salutes between cadets/officers need not be rendered
Cadet workers in detail do not salute - the person in charge salutes for the entire
The salute must be rendered to officers moving in marked military vehicles
Formation of a Flight
A flight forms in at least two but not more than four elements in line formation
A line formation is the only formation used for open ranks inspections
A formation in column of at least two but not more than four elements is the
formation used for marching
The flight marches in line formation only for minor changes in position
To leave ranks in line formation, the command is (Rank/Last Name), (pause), <
Front and Center >
Upon hearing his or her name, the cadet assumes the position of attention
1 Position:
Six paces in front of and centered on the flight
2 Open ranks:
Give the command <Open Ranks March>. Proper distance is 70 inches
between ranks. The flight automatically executes <Dress Right Dress> and
remains so until the flight has been aligned.
3 Align the flight:
This is a formality. Go quickly. Do proper facing movements. After aligning
elements, march three paces past the flight and execute a <Left Face>.
4 Ready front:
Give the command <Ready Front>. Take one pace, execute a <Right Face>,
salute, and report to the inspector as appropriate. For example: (Sir/Maam),
the flight is prepared for inspection. You will then be inspected and then
asked to accompany him/her during the inspection.
5 Prepare the flight:
After you are inspected, execute a <Left Face> and give the command
(Second/Third/Fourth Elements) <Parade Rest>. Now execute a <Half-Left
Face> as in marching and halt one pace to the right and one pace behind the
6 Inspection:
The flight commander and the flight sergeant must follow the inspector through
the ranks. The flight commander must step off with the left foot and execute an
in place halt as the inspector moves from cadet to cadet. The flight sergeant
follows the inspector and records all discrepancies. At the end of each element,
the flight sergeant follows the inspector. Element leaders must call their
elements to <Attention> and give their elements <Parade Rest> at the proper
times. Element leaders must assume the position of <Attention> prior to
calling their respective elements to <Attention>.
7 Post inspection:
After the last element has been inspected, the inspector will march off. The
flight sergeant then marches to a position one pace to the right and three paces
past the flight, executes a <Left Face> and calls the flight to <Attention>. The
flight sergeant then takes one pace forwards and executes a <Right Face>. The
flight sergeant will receive comments from the inspector and salute the
inspector upon departure.
8 Close ranks:
Immediately after the inspector departs, the flight sergeant executes a <Left
Face> and gives the command <Close Ranks March>. The flight sergeant then
marches by the most direct route to a position six paces in front of, centered on,
7.2. Other Events/Activities. There will be many activities for the cadets to participate in
throughout their time in the AFJROTC program. Some will be required while others will
be optional and at the individuals own expense. The following are some being
considered. The final determination will be based on cadet interest and their participation
in planning and organizing of the events/activities.
7.2.1. Military Ball The combined DeKalb County Air Force JROTC
dinner/dance, taking place in the spring.
7.2.2. National Awards Ceremony Will be held every year in the spring.
7.2.3 Color Guard This specialized team presents the flag at school sports
events and other ceremonies.
7.2.6. Drill Team This team may compete with other teams in local drill
7.2.7. Aero Club This club specializes in the use of flight simulators and our
remote controlled aircraft.
7.2.8. Community Service Events: Empty Stocking Fund, Toys for Tots, Junior
Achievement are just a few examples.
7.2.11. Fund raisers - to raise money for field trips, award banquet, military ball
and other activities.
7.2.12. Kitty Hawk Air Society - Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) is an honor
society exclusively for AFJROTC cadets regardless of year, experience, or rank
with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Cadet members must be active in the corps,
school, and community, and be of good moral standing. Membership is on a
strictly volunteer basis. The purpose of the KHAS is to improve fellow cadets
grade point average through peer tutoring, to promote esprit de corps, and to
improve the school and community through service projects that promote cadet
leadership and unit teamwork. All members are issued a Kitty Hawk Air
Society badge that will be worn on the uniform.
8.2. Policies. The Wellness Officer will outline the Wellness Program for cadets. As in
other parts of the AFJROTC class performance will be recognized. There are four
Individual awards are available including a Most Improved Cadet. In addition, each cadet
who achieves the programs objectives will be awarded the AFJROTC Physical Fitness
Ribbon. Categories of awards based on performance are described below.
8.4. Establishing Cadet Performance This physical fitness training program will include
numerous activities and a personal fitness regimen with obtainable objectives. The
Physical Fitness NCO will input cadet information into WINGS to track wellness
program progress as well as to identify those cadets who are eligible to receive superior
awards for their performance. Individualized training programs are based on national
standards by age and gender. Areas of improvements as well as how to reach program
goals will be identified for each cadet.
8.5. Competitions. During the year, physical fitness and athletic competitions may
become a part of field days, flight, and other corps competitions.
8.6. Physical Fitness Test. Physical Fitness NCO will lead students in the Wellness
activities. The SASI/ASI will review and approve the training program.
All cadets that participated in Presidential Physical Fitness Test should receive the PT
Ribbon. If they receive a percentile score of 80-89 they have earned a Bronze Star to be
worn on their PT Ribbon. If they receive a percentile score of 90-99 they have earned a
Silver Star to be worn on their PT Ribbon. A perfect 100 percent earns the Gold Star to
be worn on the PT Ribbon
1. With the wide end 12 inches longer than the narrow end
2. Make a loop as shown
3. Bring the wide end around and behind the narrow end
4. Turn the wide end up and put it through the loop of the tie
5. Pull the wide end through and shape carefully
A - Alpha N - November
B - Bravo O - Oscar
C - Charlie P - Papa
D - Delta Q - Quebec
E - Echo R - Romeo
F - Foxtrot S - Sierra
G - Golf T - Tango
H - Hotel U - Uniform
I - India V - Victor
J - Juliet W - Whiskey
K - Kilo X - X-ray
L - Lima Y - Yankee
M - Mike Z Zulu
Item_____________________________________ Cost
Flight Cap, Male Shade 1620__________________ $9.51
Coat, Service Dress Male Blue 1620___________ $93.41
Windbreaker, Lightweight Male Blue 1605_______ $99.30
Shirt, Male Light Blue Short Sleeve Shade 1550___ $12.59
Trousers, Male Blue Shade 1620_______________ $33.10
Belt/Blue__________________________________ $ 2.32
Necktie, Blue Male__________________________ $ 5.21
Item_____________________________________ Cost
Flight Cap, Female Airman Shade 1620__________ $7.00
Slacks, Female, Blue Shade 1620_______________ $29.96
Coat, Female Service Dress Blue Shade 1620______ $86.75
Coat, Lightweight Female Blue 1605_____________ $99.30
Blouse, Female Light Blue Short Sleeve Shade 1550_ $14.48
Belt/Blue___________________________________ $ 2.32
Tab, Blue Female_____________________________ $ 5.26
Item_______________________________________ Cost
Ribbons____________________________________ $ 0.75
Ribbon Bars_________________________________ Price varies by size
Devices (Oak leaf clusters, stars, etc.)_____________ $ 0.25
Name Tag, Blue Plastic_________________________ $ 2.50
Uniform Cord/Rope____________________________Varies
Socks ______________________________________ $0.97
Note: All are unit prices, unless otherwise noted, are subject to change.