Rules For Pharmwar The Game
Rules For Pharmwar The Game
Rules For Pharmwar The Game
Each player starts with 30 vitality points.
A player wins the match if he/she succeeds in setting
to zero the adversarys vitality points.
A player wins the match if a card decrees his/her own
victory or the adversarys defeat.
A player wins the match if in a stalemate he/she owns
more vitality points than the adversarys
There are three typologies of cards: drug cards, patology
cards and factor cards. Each one of them is subject to
limitations and has its own rules about the game.
Each player can carve out out his/her own pack with no less
than 40 cards.
Each pack cannot contain more than 17 pathology cards.
Each pack must contain at least 17 drug cards.
Each pack mustnt contain more than 17 factory cards.
A pack can contain up to three copies of the same card
unless it is a gold card. In that case the pack can contain a
single copy of gold card.
A Pharmwar game takes place on a gaming table with a
space reserved to our own pack (pack), a space
reserved to the cards which are playing (playing field),
a space where to keep the cards to be played (hand),
and a space reserved to the discarded cards (discarded
cards area) which is located near our own pack.
Before starting, each player shuffles the pack of cards
and draws 6 cards from the top of it. Should a player
not be satisfied with the initial hand, he can keep one
of the drawn cards, reshuffle the other 5 and draw as
many from the top of the pack. The first to start will be
drawn lots for (playing odds and evens, tossing a coin,
playing Chinese morra, etc.).
The game alternates the players turn with the
adversarys. Each turn is composed of 5 phases.
1) Phase of the elimination of the time points: this is
the turn first phase and provides the elimination of a
time point from each card which is in our own playing
field. The time points can be represented by bits of
paper or any other object and must accompany the
card in the playing field. Some cards stay in the
playing field permanently and havent got any time
points on them (they are marked with a C).
2) Drawing Phase: in this phase a card is drawn from
the top of our pack.
3) Playing Phase: in this phase all typologies of cards
from our own hand can be played. In the playing phase
of a player, the adversay instead can play only cards of
the factor and drug kind. Only in this phase cards can
be played.
4) Phase of the vitality points loss: in this phase the
adversary looses a total of vitality points which is the
sum of the red colour value of every pathology which is
in your playing field.
5) Phase of the elimination of the zero time points
cards: in this phase the player eliminates
all the zero time points cards which are in the playing
field. They go in the discarded cards area. Afterwards
is the adversarys turn . He/she will start from the
phase 1. The cards marked with a C are not discarded
and stay permanently in the playing field.
non-proprietary Molecular formula
IUPAC name
Half life
Time points
category and
indication 11
The number of drug cards in a pack mustnt be less
than 17.
The ability entitled to the drug cards is to destroy all
the adversarys patology cards/ those susceptible to the
drug card itself. With the consequent passage of the
pathology cards from the playing field to the
adversaries discarded cards area.
The drug cards are blue (or yellow in the case of a gold
card) and can be played either during our own turn
playing phase or the adversarys.
The drug card stays in the playing field a number of
turns even to the number of time points it owns unless
a C is represented. In this case the card stays
permanently in the playing field. At the end of each
turn if a card has zero time points is destroyed and
therefore it moves from the playing field to the
discarded cards area.
The drug cards have also a weakness: they are destroyed by
some factor cards. This susceptibility is expressed by the
part of the drug card which gives indications about the
metabolism. Therefore the drug card will move from the
playing field to the discarded cards area.
l Furthermore any information about the drug card can be
the object and the ability target by factor cards which can
increase or weaken their effects or generally apply on them
countless abilities at anything to do with the game. The
only information that cannot be object of ability by other
cards are those written between parenthesis which give
information about the action mechanism.
The part of the drug card which gives information about
metabolism presents different abilities about the game.
1) Substrate: The drug card is destroyed by the respective
factor card.
2) Inhibitor: The drug card nullifies the respective factor
card ability until the drug card is in the playing field (if a
drug card is at the same time either substrate or inhibitor
of the same factor card, the drug card is destroyed but as
for the current turn it nullifies the respective factor card
3) Inductor: The drug card allows you to take a respective
factor card from the pack to put it into the playing field.
time of the
Medicine cards
indicated to destroy
- Pharmaceutical
Number of vitality -Single Drug cards
point loss (lowercase)
A pack cannot contain more than 17 pathology cards.
The pathology cards can be played only during our own
turn playing phase.
The pathology cards have the ability to make the adversary
loose vitality points. The total of vitality-points a single
pathology-card wll make the adversary loose is expressed
by a red number.
A pathology card doesnt cause the loss of vitality points in
the same turn it enters the playing field unless the letter A
appears. In this case the pathology card will cause the loss
of the adversarys vitality points in the turn he/she enters
the playing field.
Pathology cards can be destroyed by the respective
drug cards entitled to destroy them. The list of the
drug cards entitled to destroy them is written on the
pathology card itself. Once destroyed, the pathology
card will move fram the playing field to the discarded
cards area.
A drug card can destroy a pathology card even if it isnt
present in the pathology card text. Its sufficient that
the pathology card name is written on it as an
The text of a pathology card contains the list of the
drug cards entitled to destroy that card. Should only
the pharmaceutical category be written (in capital
letters) each drug card of that category can destroy the
pathology card. Should the single drug cards be listed
besides the pharmaceutical category, the necessary
and sufficient condition for a drug card to destroy a
pathology card will be that of appearing in the list of
the pathology card text.
There are 4 kinds of pathology cards distinct by the
card colour: purple, red, grey and gold. All the
pathology cards except the purple ones need a cost
which will allow them to be played. The cost is
represented by the destruction of one or more
pathology cards in our own playing field. No pathology
cards can be destroyed in order to pay for a cost in the
same turn they enter the playing field (unless there is
an A).
A red pathology card needs the destruction of a
purple card. Furthermore we can destroy a red card in
order to play another of the same colour.
A grey card can be played destroying 2 purplecards or a red
one. We can also desdtroy a grey card in order to play
another one of the the same colour.
A gold card can be played destroying either 3 purple cards
or 2 red cards or a grey one or a combination of 2 purple
cards and a red one.
The letter C, black in colour in the hexagon on the right
indicates that the pathology card is chronic and stays
permanently in the field until its destruction .
The letter R, black in colour in the hexagon on the right
indicates that the pathology card is recurrent. Which means
that the pathology card enters the playing field with 3 time
points. It can also be played from our own area of discarded cards
only if in our playing field arent any pathology cards of the same
colour and always respecting the playing cost of the pathology
The letter A, black in colour in the hexagon on the right
indicates that the pathology card is acute and therefore it will
make the adversary loose vitality points in the same turn in
which he/she enters the playing field. Furthermore it can be
destroyed during the same turn in which it enters the playing
field as a cost for other pathologies. At the end of the turn in
which it entered the playing field, it is automatically destroyed.
Time points
Ability of the
A pack cannot contain more than 17 cards.
l Factor cards are green in colour (or yellow in the case
of the gold cards) and can be played during the playing
phase either of our turn or the adversarys. The factor
cards stay in the playing field a number of turns even
to the number of time points with which they enter
the playing field (unless a C is represented in them; in
this case they stay permanently in the playing field). If
neither a number nor a C is represented, the card
moves from the discarded cards area as soon as the
card ability realizes itself.
The factor cards ability varies according to the text written
on the card itself (the part written in italic is not an ability
of the card, nor it can be the object of an ability by other
cards). Factor cards have countless abilities about the game
and can have as object of their abilities either other cards or
game rules.
l A peculiarity of the factor cards is the ability called
anticipation. It consists in playing a factor card as an
anticipated answer to any kind of card played by the
adversary. Even though the factor card is played last, it
realizes its own ability before the card played by the
The adversary cannot play any factor cards in anticipation
to our own card.
The acceleration is a technique each player can carry
out once in a turn during his/her playing phase. It
consists in choosing 3 cards of the drug kind from
his/her hand and destroy them (that is moving them
from the hand to the discarded cards area).
Afterwards 3 cards are drawn from the top of our own