CIP Instruction B

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Figure A Figure B Figure C

Figure A Figure B Figure C

This stance is for the low chips with This stance is for a chip shot that This stance is for a chip shot that
the correct amount of spin as to allow has less roll and less spin. has very little roll and a high trajectory.
the ball to check and release.
This is the chip that would be played This is the chip that would be played
In order to play this shot consistently, when a fair amount of green is in play when little green is in play
it is important to not that the feet is aiming
to the left of the target. Any amount between Again the stance is a little bit open The stance is a more square
25 to 40 degrees is acceptable. and aiming left of the target. to the target.
This stance allows you to steer the bal while The ball position is in the middle The ball position is in forward and opposite
retaining a downward trajectory during impact. of the chest and again a low and slow the inside of the lead foots heal.
swing is required.
Ensure the ball is in line with the trailing foot. A shallow swing is required and as with
Swing the club low and slow backwards and Hands remain in the middle of the chest the previous chips, low and slow
retain the same tempo on the down swing. is KEY.
Club face will be neutral and will allow
Hands remain in the middle of the chest for a higher trajectory. Hands remain in the middle of the chest
Club face will be de-lofted and the ball This manner of chipping is required when Club face will be more lofted and
will have a low trajectory. a golfer still tries to hole out when there is therefor the ball ight will be high.
less green to work with.
This manner of chipping is the most used This manner of chipping is required when
on the professional circuit. very little to no green is available.
It is the type of chipping that gives a golfer Due to the high ball ight, very little roll is
the best opportunity of chipping it obtained.
in for either a pas save or birdie or even an eagle

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