Current 1
Current 1
Current 1
The following seniors will be recognized at the Honor and Scholarship Banquet: Riley Akervik, Mitchell Beilke, Hannah Berg, Ann
Bertram, Haley Blank, Kelly Blonigen, Cassandra Bohnsack, Taylor Borgerding, Sarah Bushard, Cole Deters, Adam Fiedler, Joshua
Fischer, Emily Frericks, Kyle Froseth, Katelyn Gierke, Breann Gritz, Aaliyah Kampsen, Kallie Kampsen, Allison Kerfeld, Jill Kla-
phake, Alexander Kluver, Alyssa Kohorst, Morgan Kranz, Gwendalyn Lamusga, Alexis Lawinger, Chase Lawinger, Noah Lezer,
Alexis Marthaler, Morgan Marthaler, Emily Mensen, Kayla Messer, Kendra Middendorf, Austin Millard, Anthony Moritz, Gavin Nel-
son, Stephanie Nelson, Mikayla Olson, Kristopher Pettit, Noah Polipnick, Kalindi Rachey, Aliya Ranta, Tanner Rieland, Maria Rivers,
Isaac Schreiner, Tyler Sogge, Patrick Trebus, Luke VanBeck, Ashley Weber, Simon Weller, Isaiah Westby, Avery Wiese, Shayne
Winter, Julaine Wold.
Students in the third quarter Creative Cooking Class participate in two projects that
require careful planning, problem solving, creativity, good food preparation tech-
niques, and friendly competition.
The gingerbread house project starts with drawing the template for cutting out the
house parts from the dough they prepare to putting the finishing decorating touches
on the house. When finished the houses go to the cafeteria for all students to vote
for their favorite. This years winners were: first place Beth Middendorf and Mack-
enzie Meyer, second place Jacob Gamradt and Kailyn Seidel, and third place Emily
Frericks and Shayne Winter. Continued on page 10
Dear Families and Community
Members by Patrick J. Westby
As the school year is quickly coming to an end, it Certainly, we also need to say a huge thank you to
is truly a great time to stop and reflect on this past our students! Their work and growth in so many
school year. As I reflect, the first thing that comes to areas over this past year has been extremely reward-
my mind is how incredibly fast this year has come ing to see. I believe our students have worked hard
and gone! Wow, what a year!! and have put their best foot forward! Being a student
today is not an easy job. I marvel at their persistence
On July 1, I began the year as your new Superinten- and dedication and thank them for their efforts. In
dent with the belief that parents are a childs first a couple of weeks, we will say congratulations to a
and most important teacher. While there are so class of seniors that will sincerely be missed! They
many people who are important in a childs educa- are all just fantastic young men and women that have
tion, it really all begins with parents and families. In showed tremendous leadership all year long. There is
my opinion, this continues to be so very true! Par- no doubt in my mind that these young people are des-
ents, thank you for sharing your children with us and tined for great things! Congratulations class of 2017,
working with us as a partner in your childs educa- Sauk Centre is proud of you! Thank you students for
tion. Without you and your support, we would not all you do!!
see the growth that has occurred throughout this year.
What a privilege we have to live and work in a com- As the summer months approach, please continue
munity where education and family are cornerstones to read to and with your children on a daily basis!
for our children! Thank you parents and families for Please take advantage of all that Central Minnesota
all you do!! has to offer throughout the summer. Have an enjoy-
able, safe summer and everyone here at Sauk Centre
Secondly, I am truly grateful for all our staff mem- Schools is looking forward to working with you dur-
bers! These wonderful people include teachers, ing the 2017-18 school year!
custodians, paraprofessionals, cooks, secretaries and
principals! They are an incredibly skilled group of
people who work tremendously hard every single
day. The caring and genuine concern they show for
Last 743 InTouch District Newsletter
all our students on a daily basis is truly remarkable.
One of the greatest treasures I get to experience is for the School Year
watching these people do what they do! Thank you
Sauk Centre staff for all you do!! The next issue of the
743 InTouch will be
Within our staff team, a group of people who often mailed in mid August,
times go unrecognized for their work is our bus driv- before the 2017-2018
ers. I would like to shout out a huge Thank you to all school year starts. We
our dedicated drivers! Through all kinds of weather hope you have an enjoy-
and road conditions, our drivers do an incredible able and safe summer and we look forward to the fall
job each and every day of transporting our students activities. School will start back on September 5.
safely! Thank you drivers for all you do!!
Elementary News and took their Reading MCA tests the week of April
The sun is shining, the weather is warming up, the base- 24. Fifth graders will also be taking the Science MCA
ball fields are busyit must be May! It is hard to believe on May 10. I am so proud of the efforts I have seen
another school year is coming to an end. I am not sure if amongst the students. Many students have set goals
it is because I have a son graduating high school in May and are working hard to achieve their goal on the
or because May is a busy month and there seems to be MCA. Congrats to all students for your hard work on
a lot left to do before the end of the yearbut I feel the the MCAs!
need to put on the brakes this May! I am so proud of the
efforts from students this year. One of my favorite parts Soles4Souls WOW! Recently, Sauk Centre El-
of working in education is reflecting on the past year and ementary paired with the Sauk Centre Lions to collect
celebrating the growth and shoes for Soles4Souls. Since Soles4Souls began in
progress that was made! 2006, they have distributed over 30 million pairs of
Thank you for your con- shoes in 127 countries and all 50 US states. The grade
tinued partnership as we level that collected the most shoes won a pizza party
work to develop life-long sponsored by the Sauk Centre Lions. I am AMAZED
learners in our students. at the amount of shoes collected! Sauk Centre El-
Please feel free to stop in, ementary collected a total of 3,849 pairs of shoes!
e-mail, or call if you ever Fourth grade was the winning grade level with a total
want to visit I would of 1,623 pairs of shoes! Thank you to everyone who
love to hear from you. contributed to this great cause I am so proud of the
Happy Spring! effort the elementary put forward to help Soles4Souls.
End of the Year News / Reminders: Summer Bounce Back is a summer school program
Spring is here! I am so grateful for the sunshine and for elementary students. Students who need extra
warmer temps. Your child will be playing outside help in reading and/or math are recommended for
each day at recess. Please remember the weather this program
fluctuates this time of year and it is best to dress your by their cur-
child in layers. Also, the playground tends to be rent classroom
muddy and wet at times. Making sure your child has teacher. This
an extra pair of socks or pants in their locker is help- program will
ful as well. provide students
with a great
6th Grade Graduation will take place on May 24 jump start on
at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. This is a time to the 2017-2018
celebrate our 6th graders and their accomplishments school year.
as well as wish them well as they journey on to 7th During Bounce
grade next year. Families of 6th graders, please mark Back, students will work on specific reading and math
your calendars for this special event. skills through a variety of fun activities taught by staff
from Sauk Centre Elementary School. If your child
Testing Season is well underway. Students in grades is recommended for this program, you will receive
3-6 took their Math MCA tests the week of April 17 information regarding Bounce Back prior to the end
Continued on page 11
Happy Spring! While we certainly enjoy the warmer weather April 29 was the JuniorSenior Prom. This years
and promise of summer, spring also means we are working theme was Fascinating Rhythm, based on the 1920s.
hard to wrap up the current school year while also planning for Our junior class has been actively involved in selecting
the next one. State testing, registration and scheduling, and a the theme and making preparations for this very special
variety of special events ensure that spring is the busiest season event.
of the school year! May 1 was our final session of Parent-Teacher Con-
ferences. We thank everyone who was able to attend
Beginning in March and ending in early May, staff and students conferences this school year. Parent involvement is key
are focused on completing the MCA-III tests in mathematics, to student success and we truly appreciate your support.
reading, and science. All of these tests are administered online. Please know that while these dates are a great time to
This allows us to quickly obtain results, but also means we rely connect with teachers, we encourage parents to contact
heavily on our computer labs during this part of the school year. teachers at any time during the school year.
Earlier in the year, students spent time in advisory setting goals On May 8 we recognize 52 senior students who have
related to their MCA performance. We have been pleased with achieved honor status and/or are receiving scholarships
our initial results and as soon as we are able, we will be sharing at the annual Honor and Scholarship Banquet. We are
score reports with parents and students. thrilled to celebrate the hard work and success of these
students. Congratulations!
We continue to develop 2017-18 student schedules. Students On May 19 we will be recognizing our senior student
were able to see next years master schedule when they regis- extracurricular participants during the Senior Activ-
tered in March. We spend April and May balancing out class ity Awards Night. Students who have participated in
sizes and meeting with individual students as needed. Final activities during their senior year will be recognized.
schedules will be available for all students at Open House in May 19 is our Spring Fling celebration for students who
August. have demonstrated respectful and responsible behaviors
throughout the 3rd and 4th quarters of the school year.
During the remaining weeks of school, we have the following On May 24 we will be recognizing our 9th grade
events: students who have achieved Honor Roll status through-
On April 26, we had three students recognized as out 7th, 8th, and 9th grades at the annual Presidential
Students of Excellence at a banquet hosted by Resource Academic and Achievement Awards ceremony.
Training and Solutions. Pictured below is Emily Frer- Graduation is June 2 at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium.
icks, Simon Weller, and Alexis Lawinger who attended Afterwards, we will be hosting the Graduation Chem-
the banquet along with their parents. At the end of the ical-Free Party from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. We look
3rd quarter, each of these students had maintained a 4.0 forward to celebrating this very special event with
GPA throughout their high school career. students and their families!
Unite Group Meets with Elementary Students eligible to win over 50 prizes as part of our Streeter Slip
The Unite Committee spent several sessions meeting with program. Grand prize winners will be identified in our
the 4th, 5th and 6th grade students in the public school next newsletter.
and at HFS. They watched a video from The Harbor en-
titled Finding your Greatness and held discussions with New Odyssey Performs for Students
students in small group formats discussing the highlights On April 6, the Chicago based group New Odyssey
of the video. Also, these students discussed the impor- performed for the secondary students. This group was
tance of citizenship with the elementary students and the a talented trio of gentlemen that utilized 60 different
importance of respect and positive treatment of all. This instruments during their performance. They mixed con-
effort was an extension of the program offered to our 7-12 temporary music with old time rock n roll to entertain
students in an effort to collaborate and connect with our both faculty and students. This group was brought to our
districts younger kids. The Unite Committee members school through the efforts of Rich Betlach and the Com-
facilitated these small group discussions and heard feed- munity Concerts Association. A grant was applied for and
back from them on what positive school culture means received bringing this wonderfully talented musical group
to them as they grow and develop as students in our halls to Sauk Centre for all to hear. Thank you to Rich and his
and classrooms. The committee members shared some committee for their efforts in providing our secondary
of the events and activities that they take part in as part of school with a group that entertained all.
this student group and encouraged membership as these
elementary students transition into high school. A spe-
cial thank you to the elementary teachers from the public
school and Holy Family School for allowing this group of Gearing Up For
high school students to reach out and spread the word to the Grad Party
their kids in their respective classrooms. For more than 30 years, the grad
party has been successful in providing
May 19 Spring Fling a fun and chemical free environment
As part of our Renaissance Program, the 7-12 students for our senior class to celebrate one
will take part in our annual Spring Fling. Once again, of the most memorable nights of their lives with
KCLD will be providing entertainment for the afternoon their classmates. On Friday, June 2, the senior class
as the student body partakes in a variety of activities. will have an opportunity to participate in the An-
Also, we will have our Streeter Pride drawings in the nual Grad Party Lock-In. Music, unlimited food
morning with four grand prize winners. Prizes include and beverages, entertainment, games and prizes are
a flat screen television donated by Minnesota National some of the things that the senior class will partici-
Bank, Dr. Dre Beats (headphones) donated by 1st State pate in.
Bank and Agency, an iPod mini donated by Central MN
Credit Union, and a Kindle donated by Felling Trailers. I If you would like to make a monetary donation,
would like to thank these businesses for their continued merchandise, service donation, gift cards, or a
support of our Streeter Pride program which promotes combination to this event, please contact either
excellence in the classroom and positive school behav- Annie Sorenson at 320-352-2856, ext. 3014 or e-
iors. A special thank you goes to Coborns for providing mail [email protected] or contact Hayley
the lunch for our student body. This program has been Endersbe 320-352-2258, ext. 2332 or e-mail hayley.
very well received through the years, and our students are [email protected]
Front row: Sara Bushard, Noah Polipnick, Morgan Marthaler, Emily Frer-
icks, Cassie Bohnsack. Middle row: Riley Akervik, Tony Moritz, Avery Wi-
ese, Katelyn Gierke, Kali Rachey, Taysha Miller. Back row: Patrick Trebus,
Shayne Winters, Austin Millard, Alex Kluver.
Ensembles: Belle Voci: Patrick Trebus, Cassie Bohnsack, 1. Your child will attend an informational demonstration
Shayne Winters, Azara Boschee, Alissa Christen, Maria of band instruments sponsored by the senior high band
Jennissen, Nathan Masog, Lexie Marthaler, Morgan Mar- during school. On the same day students will complete
thaler, Emily Primus, Abbey Olson, Noah Polipnick, Riley a short aptitude test and those who are interested in more
Akervik and Ayden Berg information will be provided with a beginners handbook
which outlines important dates, various costs and answers
Girls Ensemble: Alex Christen, Azara Boschee, Alissa to questions.
Christen, Maria Jennissen, Sharena Wiese, Lexie Marthal-
er, Cassie Bohnsack, Emily Johnson, Abbey Olson, Emily 2. Students (with parent permission) will then try differ-
Primus, Morgan Marthaler ent instruments to find the best choice for them. This will
happen during school.
Bring Him Home: Maria Jennissen, Jenna Kill, Lexie
Marthaler, Morgan Marthaler, Riley Akervik, Noah Po- 3. An open house will be held in the band room from
lipnick, Ayden Berg 4:00-6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 25, to arrange instru-
ment rentals or purchases, evaluate used instruments for
Duet: Jenna Kill and Ayden Berg repair needs, and register for Beginners Band Camp to be
Duet: Riley Akervik and Abbey Olson held August 21-25 in the high school band room.
Duet: Mariah Ahrens and Kaity Mynczywor
Duet: Azara Boschee and Alex Christen Current band students wishing to learn a second instru-
ment are welcome to join us for band camp!
Dustin Ahrens Ashley Evans Morgan Kranz Stephanie Nelson Tyler Sogge
Riley Akervik Adam Fiedler Gwendalynn Lamusga Collin Olson Joseph Stadther
Hennessey Austin Joshua Fischer Alexis Lawinger Mikayla Olson Grant Struss
Mitchell Beilke Noah Fletcher Chase Lawinger Brianna Pagel Anthony Thorpe
Hannah Berg Emily Frericks Noah Lezer Amanda Petermeier Curtis Tollin
Ann Bertram Kyle Froseth Bryanna Lillie Kristopher Pettit Patrick Trebus
Haley Blank Josh Gapinski Alexis Marthaler Noah Polipnick Luke VanBeck
Kelly Blonigen Mackenzie Gerads Morgan Marthaler Cory Quade Jake VonWahlde
Cassandra Bohnsack Katelyn Gierke Emily Mensen Kalindi Rachey Ashley Weber
Taylor Borgerding Breann Gritz Kayla Messer Aliya Ranta Paige Weber
Tiffany Bueckers Tyler Hagl Austin Middendorf Therin Rehm Simon Weller
Kevin Burgess Aaliyah Kampsen Kendra Middendorf Savanah Ridenour Isaiah Westby
Sarah Bushard Kallie Kampsen Austin Millard Tanner Rieland Avery Wiese
Morgan Crider Allison Kerfeld Taysha Miller Tori Schaffer Shayne Winter
Cole Deters Jill Klaphake Anthony Moritz Isaac Schreiner Julaine Wold
Hunter Devens Alexander Kluver Gavin Nelson Austin Shoutz
Nelson Engle Alyssa Kohorst Paige Nelson
It is hard to believe This will be a good time to verify any bus and route infor-
that we have only days mation. Changes during this time cannot be guaranteed,
left of another school which is why it is very important to get any change of
year. It went by so fast address information to me as soon as possible in the early
and seems like only yesterday that we started the 2016- part of summer.
2017 school year. Nevertheless, I want to thank everyone;
parents, staff, students, our community, and especially our A few other points to remember as we prepare for next
bus drivers for making this school year a safe and suc- school year:
cessful year of transporting students and staff to and from Plan on only one stop in the morning and after
school and various other places. At the end of this school school. The morning and after school stops can
year, we will have driven over 300,000 miles including be different; however we cannot guarantee any
bus and pre-school routes, extra-curricular sporting and multiple stops on different days.
non sporting events, field trips, special transportation, staff Communicate any health concerns or accommoda-
meetings and training etc. tions to me directly or through the school nurse.
You may contact me directly by calling the trans-
The most important part is that we did this safely without portation office at 320-351-5802 or e-mail: jon_fe-
any incident of injury to students or staff. This is a great [email protected] (use underscore between
indication that the training, preparation and communica- jon_fevig.)
tion by everyone from parents, students, staff, drivers and Please visit /Departments/Trans-
our community continues to pay off as we take the idea portation website for further information about
of Safety First as our priority in School Transportation. transportation, drivers, bus line-ups and it has a
Once again, a big Thank You to everyone for a safe FAQ page for very relevant information.
2016-2017 school year.
I look forward to working with all of you as we embark
Now as summer approaches and we get a little break in on yet another school year of working together for the
the action, I hope that everyone will take this time to rest purpose of helping our kids learn in a safe and enjoyable
and refresh and enjoy a well deserved vacation. Here educational system. Have a GREAT Summer!
in the Transportation Department, Rich Carpenter and I
will also enjoy some time off as we close out the current
school year. Then it is back to work as we utilize our bus Elementary from page 3
down time to do the summer vehicle maintenance, and
plan and prepare our routes and our training objectives for of the school year. If you have any questions regard-
our next 2017-2018 school year. ing Bounce Back, please call the Elementary Office at
In July and August we will be in full swing with summer
school bussing and putting together the route structures May 2-5 Elementary Book Fair
for the school year which starts on September 5, 2017. May 3 6th Grade DARE Graduation (1:45 Auditorium)
As we prepare the routes for next year, it is important to May 3 Lunch with Someone Special
remember to have any address changes and/or daycare May 4 Lunch with Someone Special
information to me as soon as possible during the early May 5 Breakfast with Someone Special
summer months. I hope to have the preliminary routes May 11 Spring Musical (2:00 p.m. / 7:00 p.m.)
established by the first part of August so by mid August May 12 Muffins with Mom
the bus drivers will be preparing and sending the route let- May 15 2 Hour Late Start
ters with bus numbers and stop times. The public schools May 24 6th Grade Graduation (7:00 p.m.)
Open House will be held on August 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. May 29 No School
June 2 Last Student Day
I agree to release District 743 Community Schools, Community Education and its employees of all liability related to accidents or injuries which
myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above mentioned activity.
Signature of participant (or parent of student under 18 years of age.)
Make check payable to ISD #743. Mail to: Activities/CE Office, S.C. Public School, 933 State Road, Sauk Centre, MN 56378-1698.