Confessions Versus Resolutions: January 2017
Confessions Versus Resolutions: January 2017
Confessions Versus Resolutions: January 2017
Womens Refuge of Vero Beach P.O. Box 1484 Vero Beach, FL 32961
(772) 770-4424 Fax: (772) 770-2779 Email: [email protected] Web:
Christian Support Groups
for Women 2017 Monthly Luncheons
Interested in learning more about our
MONDAY ministry and history?
OVERCOMERS - Ongoing Class
Join us for a free lunch as staff and
7-8:30 pm residents share the mission of the Refuge
WEDNESDAY and personal stories of triumph.
11 wk Class / Book: $50 We encourage you to bring a friend!
1/18 to 3/29; 7/12 to 9/20 3-5 pm
_________________ Call (772)770-4424 to be added to our guest list!
12 wk class on Sexual Abuse / Book: $50
4/5 to 6/21; 9/27 to 12/13 3-5 pm
FRIDAY Wish List
BIBLE STUDY ~ Ongoing 8:30 am 10 am
_________________ A commercial size refrigerator
ANGER MANAGEMENT ~ 6 wk class / Book: $30 approximately 38 width;
32 1/8 depth; 60 3/8 height
2/17 to 3/24; 4/28 to 6/2;
8/4 to 9/8; 10/27 to 12/8 3-5 pm French door bottom freezer refrigerator
FELLOWSHIP NIGHT ~ Ongoing 7-8:30 pm 16 bath towels (8 blue & 8 yellow)
To sign up - call the office (772) 770-4424
PA system
You too can make a difference. Become Delena receiving her new battery operated bicycle
a Refuge supporter today - we need you!
New Beginnings By Sharon, former two-week resident
I was lonely and full of despair. I God has blessed these wonderful women Christ and also admire the support the
felt dejected and rejected, unloved and with selflessness and loving hearts. husbands give to the ministry. As I start
disrespected, worthless and under- I learned that God loves me uncondi- the new chapter in my life, I know that
valued. I had failed my family. I was tionally. That only He alone can meet I will be a blessing to my family and
angry because I tried so hard to solve the my needs. Using scriptures, I was taught friends. For I
problems but had failed. that I was crucified with Christ and had can do all things
risen with Him. I am righteous and that through Christ
I arrived at Womens Refuge, a bro- I am a new creature. who strengthens
ken woman. My loved ones were no lon- me. (Phil 4:13).
ger meeting my needs. I did not know Therefore if any man is in in Christ
who I was anymore. I felt lost. The tears he is a new creature. The old things have Because here
were many, and the smiles were few. I passed away and behold new things at the Womens
did not trust anyone. But I had faith. I have come. (2 Cor. 5:17) Refuge we are
knew that the Lord had directed my not only taught
footsteps to this wonderful ministry. I have learned that unforgiveness the Word, we live
I felt blessed to be a part of it. is a cancer. I have since forgiven the Word. To God
others because God has forgiven me. I be the glory and may He continue to
Bit by bit I was put back together. am no longer angry. I am now able to bless the founder, Donna. I look forward
The teachings of self-worth and my appreciate the outpouring of love. I to coming back to continue this journey
identity in Christ was an eye opener. liked breaking bread with my family in in Christ with your ministry. ~Sharon