Confessions Versus Resolutions: January 2017

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January 2017

Confessions Versus Resolutions

said, Confession is good for the God and enjoy Him forever. This is
soul and does make us feel better. the true meaning of a Christian. And
So, why is confessing to others good so, that is the reason we confess
for us? Those of us who believe our confusion, our weaknesses, our
in God Almighty as Creator of the pain, our guilt and our pulling away
universe, believe in the Bible as His from our loving Father.
everlasting word to His children.
The mission of the Womens
Isaiah 43: 7, along with other Refuge is to tell wounded people
scriptures, reveals the reason how significant and important
why we were created by God: they are. God loves them, and by
confessing to Him, they will find
Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord! everyone who is called by My
forgiveness for the wrongs and
The Lord has come. Our Christmas name, whom I created for My
sins against Him and thereby
was blessed beyond measure and glory, whom I formed and made.
Therefore, we are to do all for receive Gods peace and joy.
now we move into the new year.
the glory of God. However, we I confess that one of my
What happened to last years are incapable of glorifying Him resolutions was to lose weight.
resolutions? If yours are like mine, and receiving joy, without His I didnt, but God loves me
theyre still in my journal with redemption and doing it within us. anyway. Im going to persevere,
my good intentions. Confessing regardless
this makes me feel better for the He made a way. For God so loved
of my weak-
moment, but getting to the root of the world that He gave His only
ness to carbs.
just why Im confessing would help Son (Jesus), that whoever believes
me with the decision about this in Him should not perish but have Have a
years resolutions and life in general. everlasting life (John 3:16). blessed
At the Refuge we find that most God our Father wants to give
people come for counseling to us everlasting life and pure joy!
In Him,
confess variations of either their Our significance and purpose for
anger, fear, grief or guilt. Its been being here on the earth is to glorify Donna Robart, Founder
& Executive Director

Womens Refuge of Vero Beach P.O. Box 1484 Vero Beach, FL 32961
(772) 770-4424 Fax: (772) 770-2779 Email: [email protected] Web:
Christian Support Groups
for Women 2017 Monthly Luncheons
Interested in learning more about our
MONDAY ministry and history?
OVERCOMERS - Ongoing Class
Join us for a free lunch as staff and
7-8:30 pm residents share the mission of the Refuge
WEDNESDAY and personal stories of triumph.
11 wk Class / Book: $50 We encourage you to bring a friend!
1/18 to 3/29; 7/12 to 9/20 3-5 pm
_________________ Call (772)770-4424 to be added to our guest list!
12 wk class on Sexual Abuse / Book: $50
4/5 to 6/21; 9/27 to 12/13 3-5 pm
FRIDAY Wish List
BIBLE STUDY ~ Ongoing 8:30 am 10 am
_________________ A commercial size refrigerator
ANGER MANAGEMENT ~ 6 wk class / Book: $30 approximately 38 width;
32 1/8 depth; 60 3/8 height
2/17 to 3/24; 4/28 to 6/2;
8/4 to 9/8; 10/27 to 12/8 3-5 pm French door bottom freezer refrigerator
FELLOWSHIP NIGHT ~ Ongoing 7-8:30 pm 16 bath towels (8 blue & 8 yellow)
To sign up - call the office (772) 770-4424
PA system

New paving in our driveway

Resale Store
Come see our newly expanded Resale store
featuring new and gently used items at great bar-
gain prices. From clothingto accesories, house-
hold items, books, furniture, art, home decor,and
much more. Come browse through our wide col-
lection of items - were sure you will walk away
with some amazing finds.

We welcome donations. Please call or come by if
you would like to be a part of our ministry.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization.

If you you would like volunteer your time at the
Resale Store, pleasecall the store.

Collins Center, (behind the K-mart plaza)

1615 10th Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960
(772) 567-3598 The Womens Refuge Resale store features new and
gently used items at great bargain prices.
Open: Monday thruFriday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and
Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Miracles among us Our Prayer for 2017
Dear Heavenly Father,
Here at the Refuge we see miracles we lower our heads before
happen everyday. You and we confess that we
have too often forgotten
Delena, a former program resident and now that we are Yours. Some-
current tenant, has been walking to and from times we carry on with our
work since August 2015 with hopes that one day lives as if there was no God,
and we fall short of being a
she can save enough money to get transporta- credible witness to You. For
tion. But God had other plans in mind. Jeremiah these things we ask Your
29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, forgiveness, and we also
declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not ask for Your strength.
to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Give us clear minds and open hearts so we
may witness to You in our world. Remind us to
Delena explains the real miracle as it un- be who You would have us to be, regardless of
folded, As God provided employment within what we are doing or who we are with. Hold us
to You and build our relationship with You and
walking distance from the Refuge, the real with those You have given us on earth.
challenge became evident when I registered
for college classes starting in January - some In Jesus name. Amen
classes were offered online but this particular
one I needed to take was on campus. I trusted
God with my decision and knew He would pro-
vide the means for me to get to school.

An anonymous donation of a brand new

battery operated bicycle became Delenas
miracle! The donor had Alans Bicycle Shop
deliver the gift last month.

For almost two years Ive witnessed the Lord

perform miracle after miracle. I know who I am
in Christ and the journey continues on...

You too can make a difference. Become Delena receiving her new battery operated bicycle
a Refuge supporter today - we need you!

New Beginnings By Sharon, former two-week resident

I was lonely and full of despair. I God has blessed these wonderful women Christ and also admire the support the
felt dejected and rejected, unloved and with selflessness and loving hearts. husbands give to the ministry. As I start
disrespected, worthless and under- I learned that God loves me uncondi- the new chapter in my life, I know that
valued. I had failed my family. I was tionally. That only He alone can meet I will be a blessing to my family and
angry because I tried so hard to solve the my needs. Using scriptures, I was taught friends. For I
problems but had failed. that I was crucified with Christ and had can do all things
risen with Him. I am righteous and that through Christ
I arrived at Womens Refuge, a bro- I am a new creature. who strengthens
ken woman. My loved ones were no lon- me. (Phil 4:13).
ger meeting my needs. I did not know Therefore if any man is in in Christ
who I was anymore. I felt lost. The tears he is a new creature. The old things have Because here
were many, and the smiles were few. I passed away and behold new things at the Womens
did not trust anyone. But I had faith. I have come. (2 Cor. 5:17) Refuge we are
knew that the Lord had directed my not only taught
footsteps to this wonderful ministry. I have learned that unforgiveness the Word, we live
I felt blessed to be a part of it. is a cancer. I have since forgiven the Word. To God
others because God has forgiven me. I be the glory and may He continue to
Bit by bit I was put back together. am no longer angry. I am now able to bless the founder, Donna. I look forward
The teachings of self-worth and my appreciate the outpouring of love. I to coming back to continue this journey
identity in Christ was an eye opener. liked breaking bread with my family in in Christ with your ministry. ~Sharon

Mark your calendars Going the extra mile

When it comes to outreach, the Kiwanis Youth in
Action are always willing to go the extra mile. Its no secret,
members of the club are passionate about giving back,
collaborating, and working together for the greater
good. Recently, more than 20 volunteers came out to the
Womens Refuge of Vero Beach to help paint the office
building and landscape shed
as well as pressure wash.

Its pretty amazing to

look at the property and see
everyone smiling. The paint-
ers were conscientious of
doing a good job, and they did.
Most people love the new color
because it looks like the
sunshine house, which weve
always called it for years,
said organizations Grounds-
Volunteers help paint the office
keeper Sue Sargent.

The volunteers come through a parnership with the

Kiwanis Club Youth in Action, Richard Schlitt of Schlitt
Brothers Inc., Key Clubs from the Vero Beach High School and
Charter High School; local church teen groups from Commu-
nity Church, Saint Helens, Holy Cross, and Christ by the Sea.

We do this type of service work a few times a year,

including a beach and island clean up. On any given workday,
we usually have more than 70 teenagers spread out throughout
the county. For some of these kids, it is their first time volun-
teering. It truly opens their eyes to the real need in our commu-
4 nity, said Kiwanis Club Board Member Al Sammartino.

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