SUMMARY WrathofKings v2

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The Esoteric Order of Gamers

High quality materials for the dedicated devotee of immersive, thematic tabletop games.
Game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles, interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, forums and lots more.

@EOGamers EsotericOrderGamers

Sep 2016


Publisher: Cool Mini or Not (2014)

Page 1: Rules summary front

Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Motivations summary front & back
Page 4: Play reference x2

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Leaders All selected models must share at least 1 matching trait (a Attack Actions
leader can confer a combined activation to models he does not
Leaders have a Leadership value and a sphere of influence (SOI) There are 4 types of attacks: ranged, melee, will, and magic.
share a trait with, as long as all models being activated share a
extending 6" out from their base. Not all models can perform all types of attacks.
trait amongst themselves). The selected models do not need to
If the models in a combined activation have the same trait as the be able to see one another. Specialists do not have traits and To make an attack:
leader whose SOI they are activating from, they may benefit from therefore cannot be activated with a combined activation. 1. Select an attack action available to the active model.
that leaders Inspire ability. Leaders may benefit from their own
A leader may issue a combined activation any number of times 2. Select enemy target model(s) in range and LoS.
Inspire ability and that of other leaders they are activating from.
per round, even if he has already activated.
An Inspire with a trigger may only be triggered once by each 3. One target at a time, roll the dice involved in the attack. If an
model during that activation. The active player then chooses which stage they will perform attack targets multiple enemies, roll dice separately for each.
first, maneuver or act. All models in a combined activation must
Commanders have an enhanced SOI of 8". All models in your resolve each stage in the same order. 4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls.
army gain the leaders Training ability. This ability is permanent
BASICS and remains on all models even if the commander is killed. When acting, each model will perform its action one by one, 5. Apply damage, and check for death.
resolving 1 models action fully before moving onto the next. The
Distances (in inches) may be measured at any time. Actions with Even though the dice for each attack are rolled and resolved
a range stat may affect elements that have any part of their base Line of Sight exception to this is a combined attack.
individually, any attacks made from the same attack action
within range. When checking distance between elements, always Elements have a 360 viewpoint and facing is not relevant. happen simultaneously.
measure from the closest points on their bases.
To determine LoS, select the viewer and the target. Draw a line Ranged Attacks
Elements are in contact if their bases are touching or a model's connecting the left side of the viewers base to the left side of the There are 2 types of movement: forced (denoted by the word
Ranged attacks cannot be made against a target in contact with
base is overlapping another element. A model in contact with targets base, and then do the same for the right side. This area is force) and free (all non-forced movement).
the attacker, and all dice from a ranged attack must be allocated
one or more enemy models is engaged. the LoS window. The viewer can see the target if you can draw a Models cannot move through other models. When moving a to one target. Convert any on the targets Defense chart to .
straight line that does not cross any blocking element inside the model, always move it in straight lines. When performing free
Read each D10 individually; never add die results together. LoS window from the viewers base to the targets base. Melee Attacks
When you reroll a die, only count the results of the second roll movement and non-direct forced movement, you can change the
direction of movement at any time. Melee attacks may target multiple elements. The attacker may
and ignore any previous result. If an element in the LoS window has a size greater than either assign dice among any number of legal targets.
the attacker or defender, the element is blocking. Forced Movement
A single player may not reroll a die more than once (including Willpower Attacks
any combination of forced or optional rerolls). The resolution Any element other than the viewer or target with its base in the When moving the affected model or models, the owner of the
effect or ability causing the forced movement controls the Willpower attacks do not use the Defense chart: instead, each
order of re-rolls is: required attacker, required defender, optional LoS window is between the viewer and target.
movement, as dictated by the effect or ability. die result that equals or exceeds the targets Willpower is a
attacker, optional defender. success. The effects is based on the number of successes.
When 2 events need to resolve at the same time, attackers
GAME PLAY Forced movement ignores the disengage penalty and other
abilities that prevent disengaging. Any forced movement that Magic Attacks
effects go first, then defenders. In any other case the player Each game consists of rounds, during which each player takes
moves a model into another model or impassable terrain ends as Dice from a magic attack must all be allocated to 1 target.
whose turn it is decides the order. alternating turns using activations. The active player is the player
soon as the moving model contacts the element. A model forced Convert any on the targets Defense chart to . Magic
whose turn it is. attacks can also generate a backlash.
The Defense Chart into an element with a movement penalty must pay the penalty.
Each player rolls a D10 initiative roll at the beginning of each If it cannot, then the movement stops. Backlash
When a model is attacked, the attacker compares their attack
round to determine the first player for that round.
roll results to the targets defense chart. Disengaging For each result generated by a magic attack, the attacker
The player with the lowest current morale gets a bonus equal For a model in contact with an enemy model to break contact, it must make a Willpower attack (1) against themselves. The
Overpower: The attack massively overcomes the targets
defenses. Each result causes 2 hits. to the difference between their morale and the highest players must disengage. The model must spend a disengage cost of 3" of attacker suffers 1 damage for each success.
morale (if 2 or more armies have an equal value for the lowest, its movement before it can begin moving. It cannot subsequently Combined Attacks
Strike: The attack penetrates the targets defenses. no one gains the bonus). The player with the highest total is the engage an enemy model again during this movement. A model in
Each result causes 1 hit. first player for the round. On a tie, reroll until one player wins. Combined attacks can only be performed by 2 or more models in
contact with more than one enemy only has to pay the cost once. a combined activation. They function as an individual ranged or
Magic: The defender mystically defeats the attack. Players then take turns in clockwise order. The active player Even if a model ignores these penalties (eg, by being forced) melee attack, however the models are pooling their attacks.
This result can potentially cause a magical backlash. chooses whether to perform an individual or a combined they are still disengaging. To make a combined attack:
activation and which model or models to activate. Once the
Parry: The defender parries the attack. Other Definitions
activation is finished, play passes to the next player who begins 1. All participating models select an available attack action
Block: The defender blocks the attack with their shield their turn. Once all players have activated all their models, or a When an element must move toward another element, it cannot of the same type.
or weapon. player has been forced to pass, the round ends. end that movement further away from the element than it began.
2. Select 1 enemy target model in range and LoS.
When an element must move away from another element, it
Armor: The defenders armor takes the brunt of the attack, All attack dice must be assigned to that target.
leaving the target unharmed. ACTIVATIONS cannot end that movement closer to the element than it began.
3. Roll all the dice involved in the attack.
There are 2 types of activations: individual (a single model When a model moves up to some number of inches, it can move
Dodge: The defender dodges the attack, avoiding injury. 4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls.
activating during your turn) and combined (multiple models from 0 to that number in inches. If a rule does not say up to,
When a special ability or effect modifies or replaces a specific performing their actions together through the orders of a leader). then the model must move the distance directed unless stopped. 5. Apply damage, and check for death.
result on a targets defense chart, it always modifies the highest If a model must move directly toward or away from an element, it
When activated, each model completes 2 stages in any order, If any of the attacks selected for the combined attack had
specified result(s) on the chart. If the defender does not have a must move along a line drawn from the center of its base to the
but cannot interrupt one to do the other: maneuver and action. special abilities associated with them, then these effects are
matching entry, the ability has no effect. center of the element; it cannot deviate from that path. applied to the combined attack as well.
When a model maneuvers, it may move up to its mobility in
Special Abilities inches. When a model acts, it may perform 1 action. ACTIONS If multiple models share the same ability, always apply the
Aura highest (x) value to the combined attack.
Each model can only be activated once per round. A player must There are 2 categories of actions: attack and special. An action's
Each aura has an (x)" value. (x) is the number of inches you activate a model if able; if they cannot then they must pass. If rating is the number of dice rolled, if applicable, and its range Damaging a Model
measure from the sources base to determine the affected area. both players have completed all of their activations the round is the maximum distance, in inches, that the target can be from Anytime a model is dealt a number of hits equal to its ,
Abilities with Variables is over. If one player begins their turn and has no models left to the acting model. An action with a range of 00 can only target it suffers 1 damage. Once the model has damage equal to its ,
If an ability has an associated variable (x), the ability's special activate, their turn immediately ends. Their opponent then takes an element in contact with the acting model. it is removed from the table as a casualty.
rules denote how to use this variable and what affect it has. 1 additional turn, and then the round ends.
Individual Activations The active player chooses 1 model to
Special abilities or powers that require a model to perform an Generic Actions
Cumulative action for the power to become active are called toggle actions.
activate. Once a model has completed both its maneuver and Assist During a combined activation, select a friendly model this
Rules without a (+) are not cumulative. Variables with a (+) are Most do not require a roll to activate. Once the toggle action has
action the individual activation ends. A model may choose to model is in contact with that is performing a melee attack. Give
cumulative, and are added to any existing version of the rule to been performed, the ability becomes active and remains in play
move 0" and/or perform no action during its activation. that attack (+1) rate.
determine the final total variable. If the ability with the (+) is not until the beginning of that models next activation.
on the model, it gains the ability at the stated value. Combined Activations The active player chooses 2 or more Sprint Move this model up to 4". Models can only sprint once per
A model performing a Willpower check must roll a number of
models within a single leaders SOI. You may only select a round and cannot sprint if they are engaged.
If multiple sources confer a (+), all instances of the (+) apply. If dice equal to the rate listed under that action. Each result equal
number of models up to the leaders Leadership value.
more than one ability is on a model without a (+), use the largest to or less than the models Willpower stat is a success. The Interact Use an Interact action to interact with terrain and
variable present. The leader is not activated unless selected as one of the models. effect is based on the number of successes. objectives. A model must be usually in contact with the element.
The game is played on a 4'x4' battlefield. Set up the battlefield The base of a terrain piece is the space it occupies on the table. Bolster: May make an Assist action on a model up to 2" away.
as follows: Anytime an element contacts or overlaps the edge of that base in
any way, the element is on that terrain piece. Bounce (x): When the dice for this attack are assigned, this
1. Place Terrain Players should select and place 1-3 pieces of model may assign 1 additional die to up to (x) additional
terrain per player (more or less if desired). The keywords of a terrain piece describe the ways that the terrain enemies within 3" of a target, ignoring LoS.
interacts with the other elements on the table.
2. Establish Deployment Zones Players roll off; the player who
Before play begins, players must agree on the keywords assigned Critical Blow (x): Replace (x) on the defenders chart with .
rolled highest is the first to select their tableside for deployment.
to each terrain piece. Additional keywords may be assigned by
Each deployment zone is 5" deep, extends the width of the Defensive Expertise (x): When this model is the defender of an
scenarios or other special rules.
battlefield, and is designated by a letter, moving inwards attack, before results are generated, it may force the attacker to
SETUP beginning with each player's tableside: A, B, C and D. All terrain pieces follow a few basic rules unless otherwise re-roll up to (x) dice.
1. SELECT GAME SIZE In between each opponents zone D is an 8" zone called No Deflection: May parry ranged and magic attacks.
No terrain piece may be placed in contact with another
Players decide what size of game they would like to play. Mans Land, largely used for deploying objectives.
terrain piece before play begins. Evasion (x): When attacked, after any rerolls are made, you may
Characters: each army may only select a particular character 3. Declare Motivations Both players simultaneously declare A terrain piece must have a size or the Does Not Block Line adjust the results of up to (x) dice up or down by 1, keeping the
once. their chosen motivation. of Sight keyword. adjusted result.
Rank up: When constructing your force, two rank 1 models may 4. Deploy Army The player who selected their tableside first A terrain piece blocks LoS to other elements of equal or
smaller size. Fast: May Sprint 6" instead of the normal 4".
be traded for a single rank 2 model of the same type deploys all models with a DZ of (A), as listed on their cards.
Options: Each game size lists a number of options choices which Each opponent then deploys all of their models with a DZ of A model controls a terrain element if it is in contact with the Feint (1): Replace (1) on the defenders chart with .
add additional models to your force. Options are selected and (A). Alternate deploying in this manner until all players have element and no enemy models are also in contact with the
element. Flying: During free movement, may move through models and
added to your force before models are chosen, so you can rank deployed all of their (A) models, then (B) models, then (C)
terrain elements as long as that move does not end over a
up choices. Each option may be selected multiple times. models and so forth. When deploying a model, it can be placed Terrain that reduces movement has a terrain cost: an amount of models base or a terrain element it could not normally move on.
with its base anywhere completely in the listed deployment zone movement in inches that must be paid.
Patrol or any zone behind that zone. Follow-Through (x): Replace (x) on the defenders chart
Standard Leadership (3) After all models have been deployed, players make the first TERRAIN KEYWORDS with .
Commander Leadership (5) initiative roll and the game begins. Terrain keywords that have variables that players must agree
Hit and Run: If this model kills an enemy, it may perform a free
Army Organization upon are marked as X.
Sprint action after that attack is resolved.
3. CHOOSE MOTIVATIONS Does Not Block Line of Sight: This element does not block LoS.
Leader (select one as a commander)
Knockback (x): Before results are generated, each model
x2 rank 1 leaders Each player selects 1 motivation for their commander. Players Elevated X: Increase a models size by (x) when checking LoS. targeted by this attack is forced (x)" away. If that models
Infantry may only choose motivations from the categories available to Moving to an increased level of elevation requires the model movement is stopped by another model the model stopping it
x12 rank 1 infantry their house. Motivations may either be selected or chosen at to pay a terrain cost of (x). If a model cannot pay this cost, it suffers a 1D10 melee attack.
random, as decided by the players. cannot enter the element. This elements size is equal to (x).
Goritsi: Intrigue, Treachery Offensive Expertise (1): When this model performs an attack,
x2 rank 1 specialist Impassable: Models cannot move through this element.
before results are generated, it may re-roll up to (1) dice.
Hadross: Greed, Vengeance
Inspiring X [trait/type]: This element carries certain spiritual,
Skirmish Nasier: Duty, Vengeance magical, or emotional inspiration to certain soldiers. If you Offensive Mastery (x): This model may add up to (x) dice to any
Standard Leadership (5) Shael Han: Duty, Intrigue control this element, friendly models within 6" of this element attacks it is participating in. Before results are generated, this
Commander Leadership (7) Teknes: Greed, Treachery that possess the matching trait or type gain (+X). model removes the same number of dice added to those attacks.
Army Organization Objectives Nexus X: This element is a point of intense magical energy. If Precision(x): When this model performs an attack, after rerolls
Leader (select one as a commander) Some motivations require players to place 1 or more objectives you control this element, friendly models within 6" gain [rate] are made, it may adjust the result of (x) dice up or down by 1.
x3 rank 1 leaders (terrain elements) on the battlefield. (+X) to all magic attacks.
[Reaction] Counter Attack (RESULT) (x): Once per attack, when
Infantry The player with the most models within 1" of an objective Objective: Objectives are described in the special rules of a (RESULT) is generated against this model, and this model is
x18 rank 1 infantry controls that objective. scenarios and motivations. not killed, this model may perform 1 of its melee attacks on an
Specialist If both players have the same number of models within 1" of an Rough X: Models beginning their activation or moving into active enemy in range, replacing the attacks rate with (1).
x2 rank 1 specialist objective, neither player controls that objective. the base of this element must pay a terrain cost equal to (X)
to continue moving. If a model cannot spend the movement, Skirmisher: During free movement, this model may pass through
Options (select 2 of the following options) Markers friendly models as long as that movement does not end over a
it cannot enter the element. This can result in a model being
x3 rank 1 infantry or Some motivations require players to place 1 or more markers models base.
unable to move.
x1 rank 1 specialist (tokens/counters) on models or terrain elements on the
Wall: A model cannot take a Sprint action through, or end its Slow: This model cannot Sprint.
battlefield. Markers take up no space on the battlefield.
Battle movement on, this element. This element is impassable to
forced movement. Models cannot move through a wall with a size Stalker: This model ignores disengage costs and may engage
Standard Leadership (7) 4. DETERMINE STARTING MORALE greater than the size of a model. models after disengaging.
Commander Leadership (9)
Each player calculates their starting morale. Divide the total Water: This element is a water feature, which can affect certain Strong Will: When this model makes a Willpower check or is the
Army Organization number of models in your army by 3, rounding down. Then add abilities and actions. target of a Willpower attack, it gains reroll (+1).
Leader (select one as a commander) up all the ranks of leader for every leader model in your army.
x5 rank 1 leaders Sample Terrain Elements Sundering (x): Replace (x) on the defenders chart with .
Add these two values together to get your starting morale.
Hill: Elevated 1, Size 2, can have other terrain pieces stacked
Infantry Apply effects that affect an army's morale as soon as they occur. on it, provided those pieces bases fit completely within the Suppression (x): Replace (x) on the defenders chart with .
x24 rank 1 infantry At the end of any round in which a player has 0 (or less) morale, hills base.
Specialist that player loses the game. If all players are at 0 (or less) morale Swim: This model ignores the rough keyword of terrain elements
Ancient Tree: Cover, Rough 1, Size 5-6 that also have the water keyword.
x4 rank 1 specialist at the end of a round, the player with the lowest negative morale
loses. On a tie, the game ends in a draw. Ruins: Wall, Rough 1-2, Size 3-4.
Options (select 4 of the following options) Unbreakable: Replace the lowest on this models defense
Boulder/Pillar/Tree: Impassible, Size 1-3.
x3 rank 1 infantry or For every 3 models removed as casualties, that army loses 1 chart with .
x1 rank 1 specialist morale. Wall: Size 1-2, Wall.
Broken Ground: Rough 1, Does Not Block LoS. Unrelenting(x): Replace (x) on the defenders chart with .
Each player builds an army of their selected faction. Consult the For every leader model removed as a casualty, that army loses
army organization chart for the game size to find what types of morale equal to the rank of the leader (in addition to the above Fence: Wall, Does Not Block LoS. Unstoppable(x): Replace (x) non- non- on the defenders
models you can choose. loss, if applicable). Pond: Rough 2, Water, Does Not Block LoS. chart with .
When an enemy model is killed with a melee attack, At the end of the round, if the marked model is still
you may have 1 model that killed that enemy gain 1 alive, your opponent loses 1 morale, and then that
marker. A model may only have 1 marker at any time. marker is removed.
At the end of any round, if a friendly marked model If a marked model is killed, its marker is returned to
is unengaged, and in your A, B, or C deployment your marker pool.
zones, your opponent loses 2 morale, and then that
marker is removed. Personal Gain
If a marked model is killed, its marker is returned to During deployment, your opponent marks a number
your marker pool. of their infantry equal to twice your total ranks of
Assassinate Each Infantry may only be marked once.
At the end of any friendly turn, if an enemy leader
While engaged with a marked enemy, friendly leaders
was killed, and no other enemy was attacked this
or specialists may forfeit their maneuver or their
turn, your opponent loses 2 additional morale per
action. If they do, your opponent loses 1 morale, and
MOTIVATIONS rank of that leader.
then the marker is removed.
At the start of the game, gain a marker pool INTRIGUE
Call To Glory Sever The Head containing a number of markers equal to the total
During deployment, place markers on each of your After deployment, but before the first turn, place a ranks of leaders in your army. Disrupt Supply Line
leaders equal to their rank. number of markers on enemy leaders or specialists Before deployment, place a number of objectives on
When a friendly model attacks an enemy leader
equal to the total ranks of leaders in your army. the battlefield equal to the total ranks of leaders in
Each time a friendly marked leader kills an enemy or specialist with a melee attack, and generates a
Models may be marked a number of times equal to your army.
infantry, and was the only model attacking that hit, they may gain 1 marker. Each enemy leader or
their rank.
enemy, it may make a Willpower Check (1). On 1 or specialist may only grant 1 marker each round. Place these objectives anywhere along the dividing
more successes your opponent loses 2 morale, and If the marked enemy is killed, that opponent loses 1 lines of your opponents deployment zones (with their
morale per marker on that model. At the beginning of a marked models activation,
then 1 marker is removed from that model. bases centered on the line), starting with No Mans
your opponent loses 2 morale, and then that marker
Land / D and proceeding backwards.
Each time a friendly marked leader kills an enemy Burn It Down is removed.
leader or specialist, and was the only model Objectives are 40mm bases with the Does Not Block
Before deployment, beginning with you, you and your If a marked model is killed, its marker is returned to
attacking that enemy, your opponent loses 2 morale, LoS and Impassable keywords.
opponent take turns placing objectives anywhere in your marker pool.
and then 1 marker is removed from that model.
your opponents D deployment zone equal to the total Only 1 objective can be placed on each dividing line.
Escort Civilians ranks of leaders in your army. If there are more than 4 objectives, a second may
GREED be placed along each divide, as long as all divides
During deployment place a number of objectives in These objectives cannot be placed within 4" of each
Land Grab have at least 1.
contact with friendly models equal to the total ranks other or a board edge.
of leaders in your army. Those objectives begin the Before deployment, place a number of objectives Friendly models may spend an Interact action while
Objectives are 50mm bases that are size 4 and have
game linked to those models. anywhere in your opponents C deployment zone in contact with an objective you control. If they do,
the Impassable keyword.
equal to the total ranks of leaders in your army. Gain your opponent loses 2 morale, and then the objective
Objectives are 30mm bases that are size 2 and have A friendly model may spend an Interact action while a marker pool with a number of markers equal to is removed.
the Impassable keyword. in contact with an objective you control. If they twice the total ranks of leaders in your army.
A friendly model in contact with an objective may do, your opponent loses 2 morale, and then that Infiltrate
objective is removed. These objectives cannot be placed within 4" of each
spend an Interact action to link to that objective. Any At the start of the game, gain a marker pool
other or a board edge.
previous links on that objective expires. A model may containing a number of markers equal to twice the
only have 1 objective linked to it at any time. Unstoppable Advance Objectives are 40mm bases with the Does Not Block total ranks of leaders in your army.
At the start of the game, gain a marker pool LoS keyword.
If a linked model is ever moved out of contact with During their activation, friendly infantry may perform
containing a number of markers equal to the total
its objective for any reason, the link expires. At the end of any round, for each objective you an Interact action to gain 1 marker if they are in your
ranks of leaders in your army.
control, remove 1 marker from your marker pool. opponents C deployment zone, or 2 markers if they
If an objective is in your enemys A, B, or C
At the end of any turn in which a friendly leader was Your opponent loses 1 morale. are in your opponents A or B deployment zones.
deployment zones at the end of any round, and you
attacked by an enemy, but not killed, it may make a
control that objective, your opponent loses 2 morale, Loot and Plunder At the beginning a marked models activation, your
Will Check (1).
and then that objective is removed. opponent loses 1 morale per marker, and then those
On a success, remove 1 marker from your marker Before deployment, beginning with you, you and your markers are removed.
Stand Your Ground pool. Your opponent loses 2 morale. opponent take turns placing 5 objectives anywhere in
No Mans Land. If a marked model is killed, its markers are returned
At the start of the game, gain a marker pool At the end of any round, each friendly leader in an to your marker pool.
containing a number of markers equal to twice the enemy deployment zone may make a Will Check (1). Gain a marker pool with a number of markers equal
total ranks of leaders in your army. On a success, remove 1 marker from your marker to twice the total ranks of leaders in your army. No Confidence
Friendly infantry may spend an Interact action while pool. Your opponent loses 2 morale. These objectives cannot be placed within 4" of each At the start of the game, each enemy leader gains a
in an enemy leaders SOI to gain 1 marker. other or a board edge. number of markers equal to twice their total rank.
At the beginning of a marked models activation,
TREACHERY Objectives are 50mm bases that are size 4 and have Each time a friendly leader or specialist kills an
your opponent loses 1 morale, and then that marker Capture Prisoners the Rough keyword. Infantry that is inside a marked leaders SOI, that
is removed. enemy leader must make a Will Check (1).
At the start of the game, gain a marker pool While in contact with an objective you control, a
If a marked model is killed, its marker is returned to containing a number of markers equal to the total friendly infantry may perform an Interact action to On a failure, remove 1 marker from it, and your
your marker pool. ranks of leaders in your army. gain 1 marker. opponent loses 1 morale.
There are attack and special actions. Abilities that There are attack and special actions. Abilities that
require a model to perform an action are toggle require a model to perform an action are toggle
actions: once active they remain in play until the actions: once active they remain in play until the
beginning of that models next activation. beginning of that models next activation.
Willpower check Roll dice equal to the rate. Each Willpower check Roll dice equal to the rate. Each
result equal to or less than the models Willpower is result equal to or less than the models Willpower is

Overpower: 2 hits. Attack Actions Overpower: 2 hits. Attack Actions

To perform an attack: To perform an attack:
Strike: 1 hit. Strike: 1 hit.
1. Select an attack action available to the model. 1. Select an attack action available to the model.
Magic: Attack defeated; possible backlash. 2. Select enemy target model(s) in range and LoS. Magic: Attack defeated; possible backlash. 2. Select enemy target model(s) in range and LoS.

3. One target at a time, roll the attack dice. 3. One target at a time, roll the attack dice.
Parry: Attack parried. Parry: Attack parried.
4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls. 4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls.
Block: Attack blocked. 5. Apply damage, and check for death. Block: Attack blocked. 5. Apply damage, and check for death.

Armor: Armor absorbs attack. Even though the dice for each attack are rolled and Armor: Armor absorbs attack. Even though the dice for each attack are rolled and
resolved individually, any attacks made from the resolved individually, any attacks made from the
Dodge: Attack dodged. same attack action happen simultaneously. Dodge: Attack dodged. same attack action happen simultaneously.

An effect that modifies or replaces a specific result Ranged attacks cannot be made against a target in An effect that modifies or replaces a specific result Ranged attacks cannot be made against a target in
always modifies the highest specified result(s). contact with the attacker, and all dice from a ranged always modifies the highest specified result(s). contact with the attacker, and all dice from a ranged
attack must be allocated to one target. Convert any attack must be allocated to one target. Convert any
LEADERS on the targets Defense chart to . LEADERS on the targets Defense chart to .
Leaders have a 6" SOI. If the models in a combined Melee attacks may target multiple elements, and Leaders have a 6" SOI. If the models in a combined Melee attacks may target multiple elements, and
activation have the same trait as the leader whose dice may be assigned among any legal targets. activation have the same trait as the leader whose dice may be assigned among any legal targets.
SOI they are activating from, they may benefit from Willpower attacks Instead of using the Defense chart, SOI they are activating from, they may benefit from Willpower attacks Instead of using the Defense chart,
that leaders Inspire ability. each die result that equals or exceeds the targets that leaders Inspire ability. each die result that equals or exceeds the targets
Commanders have a 8" SOI, and all models in your Willpower is a success. Effects are based on the Commanders have a 8" SOI, and all models in your Willpower is a success. Effects are based on the
army permanently gain their Training ability. number of successes. army permanently gain their Training ability. number of successes.
Magic attacks The dice must all be allocated to 1 Magic attacks The dice must all be allocated to 1
GAME PLAY target. Convert any on the targets Defense chart GAME PLAY target. Convert any on the targets Defense chart
Each player rolls a D10 initiative roll at the to . For each result, the attacker must make a Each player rolls a D10 initiative roll at the to . For each result, the attacker must make a
beginning of each round to determine the first player. Willpower attack (1) against themselves, suffering 1 beginning of each round to determine the first player. Willpower attack (1) against themselves, suffering 1
damage for each success. damage for each success.
The player with the lowest current morale gets a The player with the lowest current morale gets a
bonus equal to the difference between their morale Combined attacks can only be performed by 2 or bonus equal to the difference between their morale Combined attacks can only be performed by 2 or
and the highest players morale. more models in a combined activation. and the highest players morale. more models in a combined activation.
To make a combined attack: To make a combined attack:
ACTIVATIONS 1. All participating models select an available attack ACTIVATIONS 1. All participating models select an available attack
When activated, each model completes 2 stages in action of the same type. When activated, each model completes 2 stages in action of the same type.
any order: maneuver and action. 2. Select 1 enemy target model in range and LoS. any order: maneuver and action. 2. Select 1 enemy target model in range and LoS.
When a model maneuvers, it may move up to its 3. Roll all the dice involved in the attack. When a model maneuvers, it may move up to its 3. Roll all the dice involved in the attack.
mobility in inches. When a model acts, it may 4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls. mobility in inches. When a model acts, it may 4. Generate and apply the results of the rolls.
perform 1 action. 5. Apply damage, and check for death. perform 1 action. 5. Apply damage, and check for death.
Individual Activations Choose 1 model to activate. If multiple models share the same ability, always Individual Activations Choose 1 model to activate. If multiple models share the same ability, always
Combined Activations Choose 2 or more models apply the highest (x) value to the combined attack. Combined Activations Choose 2 or more models apply the highest (x) value to the combined attack.
within a single leaders SOI. You may only select a within a single leaders SOI. You may only select a
Damaging a Model When a model is dealt hits equal Damaging a Model When a model is dealt hits equal
number of models up to his Leadership value. number of models up to his Leadership value.
to its , it suffers 1 damage. Once it has damage to its , it suffers 1 damage. Once it has damage
The leader is not activated unless selected as one of equal to its , it is removed as a casualty. The leader is not activated unless selected as one of equal to its , it is removed as a casualty.
the models. All selected models must share at least the models. All selected models must share at least
1 trait but do not need to be able to see one another. Generic Actions 1 trait but do not need to be able to see one another. Generic Actions
Assist During a combined activation, a friendly Assist During a combined activation, a friendly
MOVEMENT attacking model this model is in contact with gets MOVEMENT attacking model this model is in contact with gets
attack (+1) rate. attack (+1) rate.
Forced Movement ignores the disengage penalty and Forced Movement ignores the disengage penalty and
other abilities that prevent disengaging. Sprint Move this model up to 4". Models can only other abilities that prevent disengaging. Sprint Move this model up to 4". Models can only
sprint once per round and not if they are engaged. sprint once per round and not if they are engaged.
Disengaging models must spend 3" of movement Disengaging models must spend 3" of movement
before they can begin moving, and cannot engage an Interact Interact with terrain and objectives. A model before they can begin moving, and cannot engage an Interact Interact with terrain and objectives. A model
enemy model again during this movement. must usually be in contact with the element. enemy model again during this movement. must usually be in contact with the element.

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