AL Mal Newspaper Profile
AL Mal Newspaper Profile
AL Mal Newspaper Profile
About Us: AL MAL is a premier daily business source for board range of
business information, providing a up to date extensive news, to its
readers, representing a wide range of entrepreneurs, decision-makers
& business minded people.
Art & Culuture: Al Mal shows briefly the latest news in the art & cul-
tures and view the ranking of some artistic and cultural activities
within a period of time “books, movies, music albums....etc”.
Fashion: new service provided by Al Mal covering all the new upcom-
ing in this field that attract many businessman and businesswomen.
Marketing & advertising: Al Mal covers all the new of this sector &
shows what is the latest methods used in .
- Market summary:
Almal introduces a summary for the financial and monetary ,domes-
tic and internationally in a table published in the third page on daily
basis ,includes a number of financial markets' indexes ,including the
most active 30 stocks in the Egyptian stock exchange EGX 30 by
Egyptian pound and dollar ,also EGX70 index which measures the
fluctuations for small and medium stocks ,in addition to some major
indexes in Saudi Arabia ,Dubai ,Japan .
For the money market ,the table includes a summary for exchange
rates for number of major currencies in comparison to USD also it in-
cludes interest rates on treasury bonds and bills with different inter-
- Exporting chances:
Almal publish daily some nimber of exporting chances for external
markets in its sixth page ,gathering the data from the commercial
representation authority , also this service allows the Egyptian com-
panies to know the names of interested importing companies in addi-
tion to how to contact to this companies.
- Stocks fluctuations:
Inspired By
Nielsen Research
Almal publishes a series of tables that shows the movement of stocks
Dec.2009 and market indexes which include :
Major stock market indexes :Almal publishes in the weekly edition
Overall, Al Mal
every Sunday a summary for EGX 30 , EGX 70 , EGX 100 indexes
seems to be per-
through the week ,and stating the high ,low points for these indexes
forming well on all
for the last 52 weeks ,and since inception.
parameters when
Almal also publishes in the same edition a summary of number of
compared to its di-
trades, trading value and volume in the stock market through the
rect counterparts.
week ,the highest 5 stocks and the lowest 5 .
Also Almal publishes a table shows stocks fluctuations through the
week , the table includes the sectors in which this stocks are ,number
of shares ,high and low prices through the year ,the percentage
change on daily basis ,number of trades ,market capitalization.
The table also includes the price/equity ratio which is a new service
,Almal made this service since January 2008 ,this ratio is calculated
through the division of share price by stock's share of expected profit
for the year ,the data is obtained from the average of some brokerage
firms expectations on Reuters.
Inspired By
Media used to stay up to date
Nielsen Research
Dec.2009 %
Although newspa-
pers scored highest,
it has to be noted
that this is due to
“newspaper reading” %
being a criterion for
recruitment %
Inspired By
Nielsen Research
Overall awareness
Al Ahram has the %
highest TOM Daily Business Specialized
awareness amongst % Newspapers
all newspaper,
whereas Al Mal has %
the highest total
awareness amongst %
the other economic AIDED
newspapers. %
Overall Readership
Inspired By
Nielsen Research
Dec.2009 Daily Business Specialized
Al Mal has the Newspapers
higher readership
whether on trial or
regularly read
amongst all eco-
nomic newspaper 90
Inspired By
Nielsen Research
Frequency of reading newspapers
Daily Business Specialized
•Al Mal has the % Newspapers
highest frequency
of readership
amongst all eco- %
nomic newspaper
on average 4 %
times per week.
By Gender By Place
Male Female Cairo Alex
By Age
25 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 60
Brand Imagery
Inspired By
Nielsen Research The Market
Al Mal
Dec.2009 Challenger
•Credibility of news
& detailed coverage
are the key factors
taken into consider-
ation for newspaper
selection, yet not a
single brand is as-
sociated with themà
Hence white space
for Al Mal to capital-
ize on
Inspired By
Nielsen Research
Al Mal is the most
newspaper that in-
fluences business
decisions across