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Fifa Manager 13 - Graphics Guide

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This guide is based on the information contained in workbench officially

released by EA. Through him, you will learn how to play include the
graphic elements created by myself. All editing elements work with
version FIFA Manager 10 and higher. Have a good fun with editing.

Important: All information in this document is subject to correction

and is realised at your own risk. We also point out that for certain
areas partly advanced computer skills are necessary and the
modification of files could also lead to a corruption or loss of data on your
computer. If FIFA MANAGER should not start any more, a reinstallation of the game might help.

3D-Loading Screen .................................................................................................................................. 3

Desktop Backgrounds ............................................................................................................................. 3

Desktop Objects ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Family Pictures ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Hall of Fame ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Background Picture for the Editor.......................................................................................................... 4

Manager Pictures (other Managers) ...................................................................................................... 4

Manager Pictures (own picture) ............................................................................................................ 4

Staff Pictures ........................................................................................................................................... 4

President Pictures ................................................................................................................................... 4

Personal Life (Furnishing) ....................................................................................................................... 5

Personal Life (Car) ................................................................................................................................... 5

Personal Life (Houses) ............................................................................................................................ 5

Personal Life (Luxury) ............................................................................................................................. 5

Referee Pictures ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Player Pictures ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Player Pictures XXL ................................................................................................................................. 6

Stadiums (created in FIFA MANAGER) ................................................................................................... 6

Stadiums (from FIFA) .............................................................................................................................. 6

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Stadium Pictures ..................................................................................................................................... 7

City Pictures ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Sponsors: Adboard Sponsors ................................................................................................................. 7

Sponsors: Primary Sponsors ................................................................................................................... 7

Sponsors: Secondary Sponsors............................................................................................................... 7

Tickets ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Training Camps ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Kits ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

Trophies .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Badges (Clubs) ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Badges (Generic) ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Badges (Leagues) .................................................................................................................................. 10

Website (Header) .................................................................................................................................. 10

List of competitions and their respective codes .................................................................................. 11

Overview (Graphics)

In most cases, to edit the items you will need ID, which identifies such a game e.g. clubs, players,
countries etc. You can activate this option selected in the game menu Options -> Game Options
and select Show Unique IDs.

In the widnow "Player Info you can see his unique identifier (ID).

If tutorials are available, you can directly get there by clicking on YES.

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
3D-Loading Screen
Width: 1920px Height: 1200px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\3DMatch\LoadingScreen\1920x1200
Additional info: None

Desktop Backgrounds
Width: 1920px Height: 1200px Format: TGA with Alpha channel /
64px 64px BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga, Your choice_ico.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Desktop\Backgrounds\1920x1200
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Desktop\Backgrounds\64x64
Additional info: Two files are needed. Thereby, the large 1920x1200 graphic is the actual object, the smaller
64x64 graphic is the preview picture (icon).

Desktop Objects
Width: 512px Height: 512px Format: TGA with Alpha channel /
64px 64px BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga, Your choice_ico.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Desktop\Objects\512x512
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Desktop\Objects\64x64
Additional info: Two files are needed. Thereby, the large 1920x1200 graphic is the actual object, the smaller
64x64 graphic is the preview picture.

Family Pictures
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: Yes
File name: SexContinentAgegroup_XX.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Family\160x160
Additional info: The complete list of all replaceable pictures can be found further below in this guide.

Hall of Fame
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: UNIQUE TEAM ID.tga_NazwiskoIm_KNO_DDMMYYYY.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\PictureHallOfFame\160x160
Additional info: Fn = First name; DDMMYYYY = Date of Birth (e.g. 25121979 for 25.12.1979); KNO = kit
number, without filling zeros (1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10, 11, 12, ...)
In the case of player Pawel Brozek it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: 00250009_ BrozekPa_23_21041983.tga

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Background Picture for the Editor
Width: 1024px Height: 768px Format: BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: Yes (only editor)
File name: EdManager.bmp
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Skins\Editor\1024x768
Additional info: None

Manager Pictures (other Managers)

Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFnDDMMYYYY.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Staff\160x160
Additional info: Fn = First name; DDMMYYYY = Date of Birth (e.g. 25121979 for 25.12.1979) , , , , , etc.
must be replaced by the respective standard letters. If the last name consists of more than one word, it must
be written completely in lower case. In the case of manager Lea Sang-Yoon it will look like on the following
Example file name: Sang-YoonLe01011980.tga

Manager Pictures (own picture)

Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Manager\160x160
Additional info: For the picture selection at game start.

Staff Pictures
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFnDDMMYYYY.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Staff\160x160
Additional info: Fn = First name; DDMMYYYY = Date of Birth (e.g. 25121979 for 25.12.1979) , , , , , etc.
must be replaced by the respective standard letters. If the last name consists of more than one word, it must
be written completely in lower case. In the case of coach Mahmoud El Gohary it will look like on the following
Example file name: El-GoharyMa20021938.tga

President Pictures
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFn.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Staff\160x160
Additional info: Fn = First name; no Date of Birth needed here. , , , , , etc. must be replaced by the
respective standard letters. If the last name consists of more than one word, it must be written completely in
lower case. In the case of president Peter Hill-Wood it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: Hill-WoodPe.tga

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Personal Life (Furnishing)
Format: TGA with Alpha channel/
Width: 820px Height: 510px
BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\PersonalItems\820x510
Additional info: After data adjusted you must put this file in the ...\My Documents\ FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\PersonalItems\ Furnishing.txt. The original file can be found in your game folder private_items.

Personal Life (Car)

Format: TGA with Alpha channel/
Width: 820px Height: 510px
BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\PersonalItems\820x510
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file ...\My Documents\ FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\PersonalItems\Car.txt. The original file can be found in your game folder private_items.

Personal Life (Houses)

Format: TGA with Alpha channel/
Width: 820px Height: 510px
BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\PersonalItems\820x510
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file ...\My Documents\ FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\PersonalItems\Houses.txt. The original file can be found in your game folder private_items..

Personal Life (Luxury)

Format: TGA with Alpha channel/
Width: 820px Height: 510px
BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\PersonalItems\820x510
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file ...\My Documents\ FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\PersonalItems\Luxury.txt. The original file can be found in your game folder private_items.

Referee Pictures
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFn.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Referees\160x160
Additional info: Fn = first two letters, no Date of Birth needed here. , , , , , etc. must be replaced by the
respective standard letters. If the last name consists of more than one word, it must be written completely in
lower case. In the case of referee Lee_Evans Si it will look like on the following example.

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Example file name: Lee_EvansSi.tga

Player Pictures
Width: 160px Height: 160px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFnDDMMYYYY.tga or PseudonymDDMMYYYY.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Players\160x160
Additional info: Fn = first two letters, DDMMYYYY = Date of Birth (e.g. 25121979 for 25.12.1979). , , , , ,
etc. must be replaced by the respective standard letters. If the last name/ stage name consists of more than
one word, it must be written completely in lower case. In the case of player Sylvan Ebanks-Blake it will look
like on the following example.
Example file name: Ebanks-BlakeSy29031986.tga

Player Pictures XXL

Width: 418px Height: 336px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: LastnameFnDDMMYYYY.tga or PseudonymDDMMYYYY.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Portraits\Players\418x336
Additional info: Fn = first two letters, DDMMYYYY = Date of Birth (e.g. 25121979 for 25.12.1979). , , , , ,
etc. must be replaced by the respective standard letters. If the last name/ stage name consists of more than
one word, it must be written completely in lower case. In the case of player Sylvan Ebanks-Blake it will look
like on the following example.
Example file name: Ebanks-BlakeSy29031986.tga

Stadiums (created in FIFA MANAGER)

Width: - Height: - Format: STD
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name:
UNIQUE TEAM ID.std -> Stadium of the first team
UNIQUE TEAM ID-2.std -> Stadium of the second team
UNIQUE TEAM ID-3.std -> Youth stadium
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\3DMatch\Stadiums\FM
Additional info: Your stadiums created in FIFA MANAGER 11 will be stored here. You can also save stadiums
from your friends in this folder and then use them in the game.

Stadiums (from FIFA)

Width: - Height: - Format: O/FSH
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name:
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\3DMatch\Stadiums\FIFA\UNIQUE TEAM ID
Additional info: Stadiums created in FIFA consist of three files. Those can be copied in the TEAM ID-folder and
then be assigned to your club.

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Stadium Pictures
1920px 1200px
Width: 800px Height: 600px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
200px 150px
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: UNIQUE TEAM ID.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Stadiums\1920x1200
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Stadiums\800x600
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Stadiums\200x150
Additional info: If the 1920x1200 resolution is not available, the integration will still pay off, since the highest
resolution is only used in the background (Text Mode).

City Pictures
Width: 615px Height: 32px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: UNIQUE TEAM ID.tga, cityname.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Cities\615x461
Additional info: For Create a Club cities, city names can be added via cityname.tga.

Sponsors: Adboard Sponsors

Width: 256px Height: 32px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Sponsors\Adboards\256x32
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Data\Sponsors\
AdboardSponsors.txt . The original file can be found in your game fmdata/eng.

Sponsors: Primary Sponsors

Width: 153px Height: 95px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Sponsors\Primary\153x95
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\Sponsors\PrimarySponsors.txt. The original file can be found in your game fmdata/eng.

Sponsors: Secondary Sponsors

Width: 153px Height: 95px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Sponsors\ Secondary \153x95
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file in ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\Sponsors\SecondarySponsors.txt . The original file can be found in your game fmdata/eng.

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
Width: 620px Height: 280px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Skins\Tickets\620x280
File name: [ID]_[TROPHY|LOGO]_[ColorHex].tga
Additional info:
ID = Competition ID (see List of competitions below)
TROPHY|LOGO = Indicator whether the trophy or the competition logo is displayed.
ColorHex = Text colour on the ticket in hexadecimal
In the case of Legia Warsaw team in the first league it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: 00250005 _02_ 157D32.tga

Training Camps
Format: TGA with Alpha channel/
Width: 295px Height: 221px
BMP 24 bit
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: Your choice.tga, TC<ID>_booking.tga, TC<ID>_start.tga, TC<ID>_report.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\TrainingCamps\295x221
Additional info: After data adjustment put the file in \My Documents\FIFA MANAGER
11\Data\Training\Camps\Training Camps.txt. Original files you can find in the game in folder fmdata.

Width: Template Height: Template Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name:
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\3DMatch\Kits
Additional info: _H stands for home kit, _A stands for away kit, _t stands for Third Kit. For national squads,
only one kit can be edited at the moment.
COUNTRY ID = Unique ID of the country in HEX format. We can find them by going to the editor and then
selecting the Polish and next club settings. In the unique identifier we have given the whole ID (0025FFFF) to
be used for the national kits.
The Template is located in \FIFA MANAGER 11\user\kits. Both kit front and kit back have the texture size of
350x256. The aspect ratio however is displayed as 1:1 in the game. This means that before you work on these
parts of the texture, they should be scaled from 350x256 to the size of 350x350 (So the real aspect ratio can
be used), after that the finished front and back kit should be downscaled back to 350x256.
In the case of Legia Warsaw team it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: 00250005_h.tga, 00250005_a.tga, 0025FFFF_h.tga, 0025FFFF_a.tga

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
534px 423px
256px 256px
Width: 128px Height: 128px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
64px 64px
32px 32px
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name:
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Trophies\534x423
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Trophies\256x256
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Trophies\128x128
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Trophies\64x64
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Trophies\32x32
Additional info:
COUNTRY ID:HEX2 = Unique ID of the country in HEX format. We can find them by going to the editor and then
selecting the Polish and next club settings. In the unique identifier we have given the whole ID (0025FFFF) .
We are interested in only two numbers after zero, or 25 in the case of our country (Venezuela 003DFFFF code
is so we are interested in 3D).
COM_TYPE:HEX2 = Competition type in Hex-format. (you can find him on the end this guide)
LEAGUE DEPTH = League depth (00 for the first league, 01 for the second league, 02 for the third league).
In the case of Ekstraklasa (Polish league) it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: 25010000.tga

Badges (Clubs)
256px 256px
Width: 128px Height: 128px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
64px 64px
32px 32px
Tutorial available: Yes Reboot required: No
File name: UNIQUE TEAM ID.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Clubs\256x256
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Clubs\128x128
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Clubs\64x64
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Clubs\32x32
Additional info: Those are badges for real life clubs. There are no sub directories; the badges of all countries
are directly put in the above mentioned directories. In the case of Wisla Krakow team it will look like on the
following example.
Example file name: 00250009.tga

Badges (Generic)
256px 256px
Width: 128px Height: 128px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
64px 64px
32px 32px
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: See list in appendix of this document.
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Generic\256x256
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Generic\128x128
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Generic\64x64

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Generic\32x32

Additional info: Here you can add badges which will be used for generic clubs. The complete list with all
replaceable badges can be found in this place.

Badges (Leagues)
256px 256px
Width: 128px Height: 128px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
64px 64px
32px 32px
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: See list in appendix of this document.
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Leagues\256x256
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Leagues\128x128
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Leagues\64x64
...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Badges\Leagues\32x32
Additional info:
COUNTRY ID:HEX2 = Unique ID of the country in HEX format. We can find them by going to the editor and then
selecting the Polish and next club settings. In the unique identifier we have given the whole ID (0025FFFF) .
We are interested in only two numbers after zero, or 25 in the case of our country (Venezuela 003DFFFF code
is so we are interested in 3D).
COM_TYPE:HEX2 = Competition type in Hex-format. (you can find him on the end this guide)
LEAGUE DEPTH = League depth (00 for the first league, 01 for the second league, 02 for the third league).
In the case of Polish first league it will look like on the following example.
Example file name: 25010001.tga

Website (Header)
Width: 769px Height: 82px Format: TGA with Alpha channel
Tutorial available: No Reboot required: No
File name: Header_Countrycode.tga
Path: ...\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Graphics\Skins\Website\769x82
Additional info: The Country Code system is indicated in the ISO3-Standard (always the one with three
letters). It will only work for countries, who do not have an own website. Therefore excluded are Germany,
England, France, Spain and Italy.
Example file name: Header_POL.tga

Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1
List of competitions and their respective codes:



FA_Cup = 03























Based on Workbench v. 1.1 2009 Electronic Arts GmbH | Editing: Lukasvista | www.FIFAM.info | All Rights Reserved | Guide v. 1.1

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