7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

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7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

Copyright Notice
Published By:
Alain Gonzalez

Copyright 2014 All material in this guide is, unless

otherwise stated, the property of Alain Gonzalez. Copyright and
other intellectual property laws protect these materials.
Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in
part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the
copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

Legal Disclaimer
All the information presented in "7 Hardcore Leg Workout
Finishers" is for educational and resource purposes only. It is not a
substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your
physician or health care provider.
Consult your physician before making any changes to your
lifestyle, diet, or exercise habits. You are solely responsible
for the way information in "7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers" is
perceived and utilized and so, you do so at your own risk.
In no way will Alain Gonzalez or any persons associated with "7
Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers" be held responsible for any
injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this book or
the advice contained within.

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

Rest-Pause Hamstring Curls

Start off on the lying hamstring curl machine with a load that you can
perform for about 10 reps at the most. Perform 10 reps and rest for 5
seconds. Immediately following that 5 second rest, begin the lift again
and go to failure. Once youve hit failure, rest another 5 seconds and
repeat. Perform this exercise for 1-2 sets at the end of your leg training

Rest-Pause Hamstring Curls

90 lbs x 10
Rest 5 seconds
90 lbs x to Failure
Rest 5 Seconds
90 lbs x to Failure

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

SuperPump Hamstring Curls

Start off on the seated hamstring curl machine and perform 5 reps with
a relatively light weight (something you can do for 15-20 reps). Rest 15
seconds and immediately perform another 5 reps. Repeat this 15 times.

SuperPump Hamstring Curls

Set 1: 75 lbs x 5
Rest 15 seconds
Set 2: 75 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 3: 75 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 4: 75 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 5: 75 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Perform 15 Total Sets

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

Hamstring Curls Negatives Partner Needed

Start off on the lying hamstring curl machine using a load that you
cannot perform for more than 3 reps. Your partner will assist in
bringing the weight up and then you will slowly (on your own) bring the
weight down in a slow controlled fashion (4 seconds). Once youve
reached the bottom, your partner will again assist in bringing the
weight up and you will repeat a slow controlled negative. Perform this
for 8 reps.

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

LEG Dominator Finish Partner Needed

Load the leg press machine with moderate weight. You'll need a
training partner/spotter to help you strip plates for this one.
Start with your feet high and close together. Once your feet are set, rep
to failure.
Rack the weight and reset your feet wide and low on the platform, bang
out as many reps as you can.
Once you hit failure, take a plate off each side of the machine and place
your feet back in the high/close position. Repeat the pattern you
started out with, going to failure and then changing your foot position.
As you hit failure each time, strip another plate. Keep going until you're
down to a single plate on each side and have reached failure with that
Leg Dominator Finish
Heaviest weight: Feet high and close, rack; feet low and wide, rack:
1 set to failure
Strip a plate per side: Feet high and close, rack; feet low and wide,
rack: 1 set to failure
Strip another plate per side: Feet high and close, rack; feet low and
wide, rack: 1 set to failure
Continue till you have only one plate per side left and you reach
failure with feet low and wide: 1 set to failure

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

SuperPump Leg Extensions

Start off on the leg extension machine and perform 5 reps with a
relatively light weight (something you can do for 15-20 reps). Rest 15
seconds and immediately perform another 5 reps. Repeat this 15 times.

SuperPump Leg Extensions

Set 1: 110 lbs x 5
Rest 15 seconds
Set 2: 110 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 3: 110 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 4: 110 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Set 5: 110 lbs x 5
Rest 15 Seconds
Perform 15 Total Sets

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

Alternating Leg Extensions

Start off on the leg extension machine and use one leg to perform 5
reps with a relatively light weight. Immediately following your 5 reps,
switch legs and perform another 5. With no rest in between, switch legs
again and perform another 5 reps. Continue to alternate between left
and right leg until you have reached 50 total reps. Perform this
exercises for 1-2 sets.

Alternating Leg Extensions

RL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
LL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
RL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
LL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
RL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
LL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
RL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
LL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
RL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps
LL: 80 lbs x 5 Reps

7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers

2 Minute Tension Leg Press

This finisher is the most effective and challenging when thrown in at

the end of a leg day.
Remember, finishers are (and really should not be) complicated.
Set up a leg press machine with 70% of the weight you would use for 10
reps. So if you normally bang out 400lbs for 10reps, load up the leg
press with 280lbs.
Set a timer for two minutes and try to bang out as many reps as
possible in that amount of time. Try to rest as little time as possible.
Do not rest in a completely locked out position.
Try to beat your record every time you perform this finisher.

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