7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers
7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers
7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers
Copyright Notice
Published By:
Alain Gonzalez
Legal Disclaimer
All the information presented in "7 Hardcore Leg Workout
Finishers" is for educational and resource purposes only. It is not a
substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your
physician or health care provider.
Consult your physician before making any changes to your
lifestyle, diet, or exercise habits. You are solely responsible
for the way information in "7 Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers" is
perceived and utilized and so, you do so at your own risk.
In no way will Alain Gonzalez or any persons associated with "7
Hardcore Leg Workout Finishers" be held responsible for any
injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this book or
the advice contained within.
Start off on the leg extension machine and use one leg to perform 5
reps with a relatively light weight. Immediately following your 5 reps,
switch legs and perform another 5. With no rest in between, switch legs
again and perform another 5 reps. Continue to alternate between left
and right leg until you have reached 50 total reps. Perform this
exercises for 1-2 sets.