Chinese CNE Bikes E Bike DIY User Manual PDF

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Getting started ... ..... .................................. Page 2,3

Tool List ........................................ ........... Page 4

Preparing and installing the Back Wheel ...... Page 5,6

Preparing and installing the Front Wheei ...... Page7 ,8

Installing the Handle bar Components ......... Page9, 10

Installing LED or LCD meter ..................... Page11 ,12

PAS Installation ...................................... Page13

Connection of Controller. .......... ................ Page14, 15

Wire building ....................................... Page16

Installing tube lithium battery ..................... Page17,18

Getting started:
First, open up the box and lay out the contents inside.
Check that you have:
l)A motorized big motor wheel or 2) A mini motor wheel

3) A controller set 4)A pair of power brake

5)Twist throttle or Thumb Throttle 6)PAS system

Optional items:
1)Lithium battery 2) controller's bag
(Example: water-bottle li-ion battery)

a ~.
3)LED meter 4) Multifunction LCD meter

Different types' lithium batteries

battery without house waterbott l e lift rack

Basic Tools:
P)At least 6 Zip Ties
(For holding wires firmly to your bicycle frame)
Q)3 Alien Wrench with diameters 2.Smm, 3.0mm, S.Omm
R)Adjustable wrench
S)Philip Screwdriver

Preparing and installing the Back Wheel (Includes Gear and
Disc Brake)
l)Installing the gear on the back wheel

2)Installing the Disc Brake

Install your Disc Brake onto the Wheel.

Note: Please confirm your Disc Brake diameter.

(140mm or 160mm) In most cases, 140mm Disc
Brake are for the back wheel while 160mm are for
the front wheel.

3) Installing the Tires
First confirm
the direction
of the thread
pattern of
your tires.

Turn the wheel around and fit the inner tubing's gas valve
into the opening of the wheel's rim.

Stuff the rest of the inner tubing in between the rim and
the outer tubing and you're done assembling the wheel!

Important Note: Please choose an inner tube with a

longer valve as CNEBIKES rims are double walled. The
rims are double walled to be able to with stand the
powerful torque from the motor.
4) Install the wheel into the bike's axle:
Place the wheel axles into the mount in your bike frame.
Push down on the bike frame to make sure that the wheel
axle is locked tightly into the frame. Tighten the bolts;
make sure it is very tight. This is for safety reasons and
this is a very crucial step to build a good Electric Bike. The
torque of the motor is very powerful, which is why you
must make sure the bolts are tight enough to handle it.

Preparing and installing the Front Wheel
Please make sure the wire of motor is on the right side of
bike when you riding. And please see the below picture
before you installing.

l)Take down your front wheel and note the two sides
screws and nuts

Install brake levers
Slot your hand brakes into both sides of the steerling bar.
Place your hand on the bar and find the position you fell
motors comfortable with pressing the brake and then use
S.Omm Alien Wrench and secure it into place.

Installing the Thumb Throttle/twist throttle

A- Thumb throttle
Slot the thumb throttle into either side of the steering bar
that you f eel comfortable with.

Place your hand on the bar and find the position where
your thumb feels most comfortable pressing down on the

8 - Twist throttle
Slot the Twist throttle into the right side of the bar and
get a feel of twisting the throttle.

When you feel comfortable with the position, use the

3.0mm Alien Wrench and secure it into place.

Installing LED Meter
Slot the LED display into either side of the steering bar
that you feel comfortable

Installing Multifunction LCD meter

Slot the LCD display screen into either side of the
steering bar that you feel comfortable with.

PAS Installation
PAS (Pedal Assistance System), also known as pedal
system, is a compulsory component of an electric vehicle
in European countries. The system controls the amount of
electricity supplied to the motor proportional to the
angular velocity of the pedal. (i.e. the faster you pedal,
the faster the motor turns.)

Installation Method for Vehicle Speed Sensor

When the LCD instrument matches the high-speed motor
without signal for speed output (with built-in clutch), it
requires an external vehicle speed sensor.The installation
method of the external vehicle speed sensor refers to the
below picture.

After removing the the pedal crank arm.
Place the receiver ring into the axle and secure it in
position using washers or superglue.

the outer
magnetic ring next to
the inner ring. Make
sure they do not have
any contact in
using washers.

Screw back the pedal

into place, connect
the PAS wire with the
controller and you
are ready to ride legally in

There are three intelligent controllers for our
normai(A), LED (B)and LCD(C) kits. So please
connect your kits with different controller according
to below connection graph.
Note: please, check which controller do you use
before testing.

A: Normal controller:

Normal controller
ABCS : motor
D: postive terminal of battery
E: negative terminal of battery
F: headlight .
M: brake levers
~s-;:;~111.. K: throttle
J : speed limited


C: The controller of LED:
LED meter: note the "S", there are two wires for connecting LED
meter. A LED controller
BCDE: motor
F :postive terminal of battery
H:negative terminal of battery
K:brake levers
S :LED meter
N:speed limited

B: The controller of LCD:

LCD meter: it has two parts, one is the LCD display, the other is LCD
sensor. LCD controller
A :throttle
BCDE: motor
F:LCD sensor
H:LCD display
M:postive terminal of battery
N:negative terminal of battery
S:brake levers

Wire binding

Bind the wires using Zip Ties in a way such that it does not
restrict the movement of the steering bar. Find ways to
lock all the wires onto your bicycle frame such that they
are not very visible. Also secure the brake threads to your
front and back brakes accordingly.

Note: As a suggestion, after you build your wires,

rotate your bike handles to see if the movement is

Water-bottle/tube battery installing
Screw Off the screw of

Install the case of

the tube battery.

Put the battery

into the case. And
connect the
battery's contactor
with the controller.

Put the controller into the
Cushion bag

controller's bag installing Parts: one bag with two kits,

one tool, two screws and nuts.

Finishing the fight
Checklist: (Turn off the battery)

1) Wheel is secured in place. .

2) Back wheel is vertically aligned with front
3) Wheel has no loose parts. ,
4) All components on the handle bar have been
secured tightly.
5) You are comfortable with the throttle, brakes,
6) The handle bar is able to rotate freely.
7) The mechanical brakes work properly.
8) The battery cannot slide off without
unlocking it.
9) - Check that the battery poles are connected

The simplest e-bike conversion kit


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